#but now in song form is making me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am going to spontaneously combust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
akkivee · 2 years
seeing first reactions about the stage and what has me kinda like 👀👀👀
the ameyume is strong in this play (my time has come)
mtc has a much weaker presence in this play compared to fp but their scenes come with impact
like we get a new juto solo that compares to his track 4 number that i only think about a normal amount hahaha
yasui-san’s ramuda portrayal absolutely blows it out of the park
nemu’s presence was Felt in the play and yet we still do not have a stage nemu 😔✊
the audience screaming when certain numbers hit 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
please write something about soft micah and how he secretly shows affection in camp? btw love your work!!
i've returned from my holiday ya'll 😌😌and so i thought i'd start it off with some soft micah. this ask was so fun and for reference i rewatched one of my favourite films 'Sabrina' (1954) and the soundtrack to that kinda gave me some inspo for this fic so i hope you can enjoy it! it's gender neutral and i just wanted to do something light hearted and fun to return to writing. thank u anon for this ask <3333
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It was celebration in camp, not unlike Sean’s return party however this time the gang was celebrating the success of a large train job which took almost the entire gang to successfully pull off.
Sean was dancing on the table, trying to teach Lenny (YnneL?) how to Irish dance while Uncle was proclaiming to a small crowd how he knew the secrets of being an amazing lover.
Everyone was singing and dancing to either Javier’s playing or Hosea’s old folk songs. There was boxes of liquor in every nook and cranny and it was being drunk faster than it was being poured. It seems that there wasn’t a soul having fun…
There was one exception to that matter however, and that was the broody Micah Bell who saw no intentions in getting involved and instead chose to sharpen his already sharp knife. From where you stood, you could see him mumbling under his breath and having known him for long enough you knew he mumbled when he was moody.
You stood from the crate you were sitting on, dodging a very drunk Bill to make you way over to him. Your hand came to hold his chin, tilting his gaze from the knife to your soft smile.
“Hey there…”
Micah perks up slightly, but you still notice his tired eyes and the slight sheet of sweat over his temple. Behind Micah you see Molly and Dutch as well as (and very surprisingly) John and Abigail slow dancing to the gramophone in Dutch’s tent.
“Common, come and dance with me.”
Your other hand that’s not holding his chin takes his hand in yours but Micah’s always been a stubborn one.
“Now sweetheart, ya know I ain’t one for dancing. Why don’t you go ask a charmer like Arthur to dance with ya.”
You sigh and playfully roll your eyes as Micah puffs his chest out, thinking he’s too tough for dancing.
“Well for one, Arthur ain’t my sweetheart, you are dummy and secondly I don’t want dance with anyone but you.”
Micah flipped the knife between his fingers before holstering it, mumbling about dancing being a pain in his ass but you both knew how much he secretly loved it. He stood, shuffling with his gun belt and begrudgingly took your hand as you lead him to stand between the two couples already dancing.
A soft kiss was placed on your hand before Micah placed a hand around your waist and walk in slow circles with you. Pretty much everyone had stopped to stare at the two of you but you didn’t have a care in the world as Micah clumsily twirled you in his arms. You couldn’t help the giggle that left you and it certainly caused a large blush to form high on his cheeks.
“Darlin’ it seems some folks are staring”
By now your extravagant dancing had slowed to a soft and slow swaying as you just took in each other, although you could tell Micah was still nervous about making a mistake while so many people were staring by the way his eyes were glued to his feet. Your cheek came to press along side his own, feeling his prickly facial hair as you closed your eyes and hummed close to his ear. The hand that was draped over his shoulder came to tangle in his hair and rub slow circles on the base of his neck.
“Hmm… let them stare—“
You drew back from Micah, giving his hand a squeeze as you looked at him with all the love and adoration in the world.
“—Micah I wouldn’t care if the whole world was watching, as long as your eyes are on me I am the happiest person in the world.”
You knew everyone could hear you and you certainly knew everyone was watching but you leaned in and gave a soft but extravagant kiss to Micah’s cheek and then his lips as both your arms came to sit around his neck.
His hands moved to your waist, holding you against him tightly as if you’d ever let him go.
“Ain’t gonna be looking at anyone else beside ya sweetheart— love ya too much.”
“Oh Micah, I love you too”
You spent the better half of an hour dancing slowly with each other and giggling like children at some of the sights around you. John had gotten frustrated at one point, making Abigail storm off but Molly and Dutch were still in their own little world much like you were.
The two of you couldn’t help but laugh as Bill tried to sweet talk Karen in front of Sean after Uncle had encouraged him and how Swanson was pestering Strauss who tried to turn in for a relatively early night.
Eventually, your head came to rest on his chest— not in a way that showed you were tired, but completely content and happy with just slowly moving in circles. His heart was beating at a steady rhythm, although it was still a lot faster than you own but it still soothed you nonetheless as it matched the beat of the song.
You stayed like that for a lot longer than you’d thought. Long after Dutch had turned off the gramophone to sleep and the embers of the fire began to burn out until finally Micah led you back to your tent where the two of you fell asleep.
The next morning you woke with you head tucked under his arm and couldn’t stop the smile that came to your face as you caught a now very embarrassed Micah staring at you.
The peaceful moment didn’t last however as you had to help Ms Grimshaw start on the chores since you were one of the few members who weren’t hungover and still sleeping it off. With that you made you way to Pearson’s wagon but not before you stole a kiss from Micah who was complaining about you leaving.
A few hours past and you were working away at vegetables and meats for the stew. The early morning sun was starting to show along with some of the other gang members including Micah who walked over to you with a cup of coffee in his hand.
“I uhhh… thought you’d want this since ya been working for a while now.”
Smiling and dusting your hands off, you traded a kiss for the coffee— a deal Micah was happy to give.
When you sipped at your coffee and went back to work you noticed how Micah stayed to lean on the table beside you. His mouth opened you say something every five seconds but closed it again, shuffling awkwardly as he stared at you in hopes that you understood what he wanted without him having to say it.
While chopping at carrots and potatoes you held your elbows up and created space for Micah’s arms to fit. He didn’t hesitate to either as he shuffled forward and wrapped his arms around your waist, hands resting over your stomach as his chin rested over your shoulder to watch you work.
“You feeling any better this morning?”
Micah scoffed like he didn’t know what you were talking about, instead choosing to litter kisses along your neck and shoulder.
“I don’t know whatya talking about sweetheart.”
You turned your head to look at him, that fake innocence he tries to play up to avoid emotional topics.
“Oh common now Micah— I know what goes on in that head of yours, I can only hope that dancing cheered you up.”
His forehead came to rest against yours as you noticed his arms instinctively get a little tighter around you.
“Don’t think it was the dancing that made me happy sweetheart— that’s all you.”
His accent was thick with that southern drawl that he has, not in the way that he was being sly, but in a way that you knew he was being raw and open with you no matter how many pet names he threw in there to cover how soft he is with you.
You turned in his arms, wrapping your own around his shoulders as you gave him a large and genuine smile with a hint of your cheekiness.
“Aw you flatter me Mr.Bell and to think you were gonna let Arthur have that dance!”
You make a dramatic gesture with your hand over you mouth to emphasise how sarcastic the statement was. Micah brought you in for a kiss that the two of you couldn’t stop laughing through but it bubbled away as the kiss depended and your tongue met his.
“Arthur ain’t ever getting his hands on ya darling— I’m the only one that’s gonna take ya dancing.”
Micah gave you a playful wink as you pulled him back in for another heated kiss by the collar of his unbuttoned shirt.
“Mr.Bell if you have nothing better than to do than distract those hard at work I suggest you go and make yourself useful!”
Both you and Micah pulled away, both of you shocked as Ms Grimshaw stood in front of you with crossed arms and a very angry look on her face. Behind her was Pearson who was rubbing his neck awkwardly, obviously running off to find Susan who could handle the two of you.
You had to muffle a laugh as Micah mumbled under his breath all too loud about Grimshaw being an ‘old hag who’s just jealous’ before he got up from leaning against the bench to face you properly.
“Don’t you be working too hard now sweetheart—“
Micah pulled you back in by the waist for another kiss which you happily returned. Out of the corner of your eye you see Grimshaw roll her eyes and poor Pearson who looks like he’d rather spontaneously combust then stand there for another moment.
When Micah pulled back he slowly backed way from the wagon, holding his hands up in fake surrender to Ms. Grimshaw.
“Alright alright, I’ll get out of your hair— got a coach coming in anyway, real work.”
You saw Micah saddle up Baylock and ride his way out of town, giving you one final wink and a smirk. You knew he didn’t really have a robbery planned, he always told you about it first and most of the time you went with him. This time he was merely getting out of camp chores and you rolled your eyes at the image of him waiting around at the saloon for hours until Grimshaw finally forgot about it.
“Don’t think you’re getting out of work either! The two of you cause enough trouble without you getting all lovely around camp!”
There Ms.Grimshaw goes with another lecture, you have no doubts that she was watching the two of you last night and couldn’t help the smile that came to your face at the new cherish memory you now have with the man you love. In reality, you couldn’t care who didn’t like the public affection or your entire relationship with Micah.
All you knew is that it made the two of you happy and seeing Micah smile was worth every single lecture and glaring gaze from your fellow members.
And with that you turned back to the vegetables, picking up the knife and getting on with the rest of the day.
“Yes Ms.Grimshaw”
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
full masterlist
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x female!reader 
Word count: 1,721
Warning: FLUFF!!!! just two people being in love!!! but a little angst on bucky’s part though. (dont worry it’s got a happy ending) 
Summary: bucky has his own unhealthy ways to deal with his demons but your love heals and changes him. 
a/n: this one was inspired by @promptlywritingideas‘s prompts and i just immediately thought of bucky because i’m a soft ass bitch when it comes to bucky barnes. also! yes, i did use a lyric from daylight by taylor swift bc this song is literally everything alright, please listen to it if you haven’t. it’s the most reviving song ever. also, credit to @seedaylight​ for this lovely picture! 
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The bead of sweats rolled off Bucky’s forehead to his neck, his shirt and the floor, constructing small ponds of indignation that was left masked, unspoken and obliterated. At least that was what he had been aiming for as long as he could remember. The battered punching bag stayed robust and resilient despite the vigour of Bucky’s punches. The bleeding on his knuckles cracked through the split skin due to the brutal strikes.
But he couldn’t stop. The pain from the wounds still couldn’t compare to the demons haunting his mind. The ghosts in his dreams that refused to let him have his peaceful rest at night are the reasons why he was in the empty gym room at 3 am in the morning instead of being curled up in the warm sheets with the divine figure snoring next to him.
The silence of the solitude eased his mind, feeling like he was given the space and seclusion that he always yearned for. He was certainly grateful for what he had been given now; a lavish compound with excellent amenities and exceptional technologies, a ragtag group of people that had welcomed him with open arms and accepted him as part of their cluttered makeshift family, a much higher and noble purpose that allowed him to utilize his cursed, undesired superpowers for good and lastly, the foremost one out of all; you.
You, a blessing in his life that he never once imagined he’d ever get have in his long, agonizing life after all the wickedness he had committed. You, who loved him and believed in him anyway, even when he had lost faith in himself centuries ago. You, who permitted him to touch you in the most intimate manners and you, who were willing to be devoted to him even when he felt absolutely undeserving of your goodness and loyalty.
Bucky was a grateful man. He should’ve been. He was, it’s just- there was still a part of him that didn’t return and died in the ages of his Winter Soldier days. The days where he was merely a damaged soldier, a fractured puppet doll on a string, just waiting to be torn apart and stitched back together again just for the sake of more murders and more crimes.
He was slowly recovering though, each day, when he got a taste of your lips, when he watched you slowly wake up in the morning light, when your limbs were tangled within each other, that you couldn’t figure out where he began and you ended. But just because he was happy and he was grateful, doesn’t mean that all the sins of his past catching up to him would spontaneously combust in the blink of an eye.
He had his own baggage and he was going to deal with them. Most days, especially when he was surrounded by the love of his life and his makeshift family, he would pretend that all is well and healing was all there was. But at night, he’d slowly lift her arm that was circled around his waist off of him and quietly snuck out to his favourite place to be at midnight.
So that’s how he ended up in this sweaty state in the middle of the night. His mind recalled the fragments of memories during his Winter Soldier days that he fought to forget but they were stronger. It was faint and distant but, it still lingered in his mind like it was just yesterday.
The faces of his victims before he shot a bullet right through their skulls loomed. Their begs for mercy echoed in his ears. And the guilt consciously devoured his heart alive, like a cobra swallowing its feeble prey.
“Bucky…?” The delicate voice alerted him out of his tumultuous daze.
Bucky halted and turned his body around to the entrance, where you were standing in a plain white tank top and your bottom shorts with a wool cardigan hugging your form daintily. You looked so endearing in your half drowsy state, as you rubbed your eye, whilst trying to adjust to the brightness of the room. You always preferred being in the dark, after all. Beaming lights always hurt your sight.
“Sweetheart, what are you doing up?”
“I was looking for you. I got cold and I wanted to cuddle.”
He approached you deliberately with his boxing gloves still on, “go back to bed, alright? I’ll be up with you in a minute.”
“No, I’m not going back to bed without you.”
“I can’t, y/n.”
“Why?” It was a futile rhetorical question. You knew better than anyone why he was here.
“Y/N, I-”
“Oh God, Bucky, I love you. But this has to stop.”
“Y/N, it’s not that- I’m sorry but… what?” He was uncertain whether he got the last part right.
The truth is, Bucky knew he loved you since the first moment you courageously approached him like he wasn’t one of the deadliest assassins in history. He loved you the grace of your smile, he loved the way you mindlessly danced to your favourite song and the way you’d make silly jokes that he rarely understood to comfort your dearest teammates.
But within the six months you had been dating, you and Bucky hadn’t said the three special words yet to each other. You were taking it slow, knowing that you could trust and be honest with each other, and that you’d always have each other’s backs, whether it be on missions or in secret moments. So you didn’t feel the need to rush what you had, fearing that one might scare the other and destroy the precious plants that you both watered until they turn into an entire garden together.
“What?” You were just as puzzled as he was. You somnolent state of mind didn’t realize that you had just blatantly declared the most potent three words to him when all you intended was to break him off his deleterious habits.  
But the truth was, you really did love him. You had loved him before you even realized it. It took you a while to fall in love with him, but before you and Bucky finally stopped playing around and acting coy with your real emotions around each other, you had possessed this profound affection for him like a lifelong childhood best friend.
The way his kind baby blue eyes always nudged your soft spot… It always pulled you in like you were walking into a house and you just suddenly knew that you were home. Familiar and warm. That’s what you always felt with Bucky around you. Long before he was even yours.
So when you mindlessly uttered those words, it felt like second nature. Something that just felt so natural to your lips. Bucky walked into your life with such rare sincerity and your heart welcomed it with wide, open arms.
“Those three words… Say it again.”
“…Has to stop?” You shot him a questioning look. It took you a few seconds to realize what you just said. You were starting to panic despite your sluggish state. It’s like Bucky’s question was a wakeup call and it jolted you awake like icy water thrown right onto your face without a warning. You could not believe you were clumsy enough to let the three worlds roll out of your lips.
Oh God, alright, quick, think of something clever, something rational, something that could undo what you just recklessly spurted-
“No no, the words before that.” Bucky quizzically assessed your face.
“Pretty sure I said ‘this has’ before that. I mean, I don’t know,” you scratched your forehead like a kid lying to her teacher about forgetting her homework. “I don’t really remember much, it doesn’t matter anyway, I was half asleep and I was just babbl-”
And then, you felt silky plump lips slamming yours in the most jovial way. He deepened his kiss with his massive hands grabbing your face so delicately as if he was holding a fragile china doll. He caressed your cheek with his thumbs as if he was memorizing every feature on your seraphic face.
He retreated and stared lovingly into your widen eyes. It’s not like it was the first time he surprised you with a kiss, but it’s the unheralded reaction that you thought would’ve been the doom for the two of you. You thought you might’ve frightened him away but it was rather the exact opposite. From the smile on his face, he seemed rather fond. “I love you too.”
Your lips were slightly agape. “You do…?”
“Yes, I do. It took me a while to say that because I thought you weren’t ready to hear it or say it back and I don’t wanna scare you or make you feel guilty so I thought I should wait. But I guess, I don’t have to anymore, now.” His eyes sparkled.
“But we still need to address one thing though, you can’t keep doing this. Every night, you’d sneak into the gym and break your knuckles instead of talking to me. I want you to be honest with me. I want you to trust me. And if we don’t have those then, love is just an illusion.”
His face that was gleaming turned into a frown. There was that sealed off look and hesitation on his face again.
“I’m not asking you to cut yourself open and let me see everything. I just need you to try to let me comfort you instead of hiding in the dark and bleed yourself out every midnight when you should be in bed with me.”
“I’m a work in progress doll, but for you, I’ll try.”
“I promise.”
And you made a vow to your heart as well that you would walk with him in the murk, no matter how excruciating and dull the road to recovery is. And you would hold his hand and guide him every step of the way. Because there’s no one else you’d rather share the torturous nights and the mundane days with than him. You would rather share countless arguments and overflowing tears with him than to spend a single peaceful night with someone else.
Because that was the love of your life. And you didn’t wanna look at anything else now that you saw him.
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annaktheslightlygay · 7 years
Night Bus
This was so not the plan. Beca couldn’t quite believe that she was here at this very moment- it was an out of body experience if she’d ever had one.
“Next!” A voice called. Beca stepped up to the counter and the bored looking teller that manned it. “Where to?” Beca took up at the moving board just beyond the elderly man’s head. It reminded her of those electronic display boards behind the cashiers at movie theatres that Jesse had always dragged her to. Except this time, it was times and places, not box office hits.
She turned her attention back to the display that was actually in front of her. “Atlanta,” she huffed, obviously entirely done with the task at hand.  
Beca found her seat easily, despite the disorienting late hour. She was determined to be there for her nagging boyfriend, even if it took all night. And day. And sleep? She looked at the cold window beside her, settling her stuff under her seat in front of her. Yeah, that was definitely not happening. She sighed, head back as she glanced to her right, noticing a girl struggle with a singular piece of luggage as she made her way down the aisle.
“For criminies sake,” The girl said, obviously fed up with running her bag into every possible seat as she traveled passed Beca.
Same, was all Beca could think as she watched the girl who was wearing squirrel pajama bottoms as she headed further towards the back of the bus.
Sleep seemed to be an obvious choice of activity at this hour, but for some reason Beca almost had an itch– all of the sudden it was all her hands could do– to write, so she pulled out a napkin, pen in hand. The words came easier to her now than they had in months. I guess if she was forced to stay up this late, she might as well see if she could get something out of it, even with an exhausted brain. She glanced around. A beat began to form in her head. She could almost feel the music beginning to form. If only she could get her hands on her mixing equipment...
The napkin was running out of much needed room. She fumbled around for her notebook that she knew she’d placed in her bag. Even as hurried as she was to get to the bus station, she wouldn’t forget it.
But her fingers didn’t feel the worn leather of her little black book as she became more frantic in her search through her bag. She reached down and placed in on her lap, growing desperate as she tried to peer into the dark bag that she knew had to contain all of her song ideas. But she was wrong. The Beca Mitchell was wrong.
It wasn’t the only thing she was wrong about tonight.
She sighed, head falling back onto her seat. Beca looked around, wondering if she looked as helpless as she felt. Her eyes flickered to her right, where a middle aged man was typing something with one finger with his phone placed on his lap. Her phone. Of course. She scrambled to write down the first few lines she had created in her head already.
I'm on the night bus I'm thinking about us The streetlights go fleeting by
Creative, she thought, with an internal eye roll at herself. Whatever. She’d come up with an amazing instrumental track to back it up later. It was a good start. Better than she’d had in months. It seemed like nothing in her life recently had inspired her to write anything, and then, suddenly, when Jesse fucking started complaining that he didn’t see her enough so she lost her mind and hopped on a night bus at two am to come down and see him, she could miraculously write again. Huh. Figures.
The man next to her let out a hearty laugh, which prompted her to take her attention away from her needy boyfriend and toward the man. She smiled to herself. The next lines of her song.
The man sat next to me Is texting somebody I wonder what that feels like
This was almost too easy. She was surprised she came up with this much so fast. She leaned back, her head colliding with the seat rest as she did so, willing more words to come to her.
One Minute. It’s been two. Definitely going on five minutes now.
Literally nothing.
She thought back to Jesse, about how he begged her to be more attentive, more responsive in their relationship. It just didn’t feel right. None of it really had. Afterall, he was the one who was always in control in their relationship. God knew how many movie nights she’d been dragged to.
She wanted to support his dream, she really did. But she didn’t want to hear the Jaws theme song one more time with the lights off she was going to scream. Or spontaneously combust. Or both. Probably both.
Maybe I'm reckless But I just can't shake this It follows me home at night At night
It's getting clearer every mile we ride
He was attractive, sure. But for lack of better words, she didn’t make her heart sing. She couldn’t see him and her sharing an apartment back in LA or anywhere for that matter; that’s why she declined his offer when she first moved out. Something about wanting to get her bearings before she had a partner. A life partner. Oh god. Was this it? Was this all she got in her life? Just a slightly quirky movie boy and a mid sized apartment where she’d struggle to let him hold her at night. She was too... well, Beca for that. Settling just wasn’t her style. She grit her teeth. The bus slowed to a stop. Her eyes brimmed them with tears. She thought she could smile them away, as the rain went down the window pane, but they fell too, along with the empty feeling she had in her chest. She knew what she had to do. She wiped away a stray tear, clearing her vision to stare at her phone screen once again.
Suddenly I know That I'm on my way home To you for the last time
Just writing that, she knew, you know? She saw it on paper (well, phone screen, but close enough) and she knew those words rang true.
It's not what you wanted But I know you got this And you're gonna be fine Oh, I've just been watching The world as it's turning And that's what it feels like Suddenly I know That I'm on my way home To you for the last time
Beca shifted in her seat, attempting to become more comfortable with the realization she’d just revealed. Their relationship was something he was always pushing, and it just seemed like after she’d forgiven him via song the only next logical step had been to give him what he’d really wanted– from the beginning: her. So she did. And god, it was so easy. It was so easy to let this boy care for her, and it was so easy to let him dictate the dates they had (because god, if Beca had to do it– had to do anything really– she might spontaneously combust) and nearly everything else because it all had just seemed like the way to go.
She heard a collective groan from other passengers as the overhead lights flickered on, signaling another stop. Figuring that this time would be as good as any to empty her bladder without worrying about the unseen bags and limbs in the dark, she got up and looked towards the back of the bus, hoping to signal the man to her right that she needed to go. To her relief, the man was still fully awake, actively tapping away at his phone so Beca just had to clear her throat to clear her path to the isle. She did just that; awkwardly leaning over him to get to a place where even she could stand properly. She passed seats, one after another, fingers grasping the edges to keep her in line as the bus began to roll again.
She chuckled as a couple, grimaced as they looked around, the girl frowning as she looked toward the source of the light and Beca, as she passed.  
I'm on the night bus That's crawling with lovers Who hide from the cold white light
Beca had finally reached the back of the bus, the brightest of the lights flickering out as the bus left the nearest station. She’d stopped short of a young man arms crossing as she realized that she was not the only one who’d had the brilliant idea to use the facilities while the lights were at their brightest. Beca gazed out the window, wanting to study the scenery but instead finding herself gazing at her own features instead.
I see my reflection Dazed and complacent She follows me home at night At night It's getting clearer every mile we ride
She took a deep sigh, prompting the guy in front of her to crane his neck around and give her a pointed stare. But it wasn’t the bathroom she was worried about, nor was it Jesse’s reaction to the news; it was what she was going to do with herself when she’d actually arrived in Atlanta. Surely, her dad and/or step monster would let her stay in the house. She looked at the time on her now low battery phone. It was just after 3 am. She still had another 4 hours on this freaking bus. She unlocked her phone, staring at the lyrics for her chorus once again. It was pretty damn good, if she did say so herself. She began tapping an array of possible rhythms on the side of her thigh, muttering the lyrics as she went.
Suddenly I know That I'm on my way home To you for the last time It's not what you wanted But I know you got this And you're gonna be fine Oh, I've just been watching The world as it's turning And that's what it feels like Suddenly I know
Beca exited the enclosed space with the toilet, finally satisfied with the beat she’d come up with on her trip. She smiled to herself then, coming back down the aisle. For once in her life, she’d made a decision. A real, honest to goodness conclusion that she’d reached all on her own.
That I'm on my way home To you for the last time
Red hair blurred in the corner of her vision. Curls were sprawled all over the window pane, the girls face obscured by how she chose to rest– in the crook of her elbow.
“Chloe?” Beca questioned to the girl that was slouched in an oversized dark green sweatshirt,
Oops. She was obviously asleep. Still, Beca peered down at the girl, trying to see her more clearly through the hood that covered nearly half her face. Stop, Beca, the voice inside her told her. Things we’re beginning to look creepy. So she took another tentative step down the aisle towards her seat as she quickly glanced around. No one had noticed. Or, at least if they had, they weren’t looking at her funny.
So her curiosity won out; she sidestepped into the girl that looked like Chloe’s row, as a very determined older woman that was coming at her down the aisle. She glanced down. From the closer proximity she could see that it was definitely Chloe. Her insides began to woke up suddenly, all at once. Her heart began to pound at the excitement as she registered what this meant. She hadn’t seen Chloe in nearly 5 years! A sense of dread washed over her, almost as fast as the excitement did. She was instantaneously overcome with all her memories of the girl, all of them warm and inviting, just like the girl herself.
At night At night At night It's getting clearer every mile we ride
Beca plopped down in the adjacent seat, careful not to wake the angelic sleeping girl. She bit her lip. The forest green sweatshirt now so obviously displayed “The Barden Bellas” in signature font, and was offset by squirrel themed bottoms. She laughed: that was the most Chloe thing she’d seen in awhile; she couldn’t believe she hadn’t guessed earlier.
God, what were the chances? What were the chances that the Chloe Beale would happen to be here, all alone, after all this time? She was still beaming and she knew it.
But in a flash, it was gone, overrun with anxious thoughts.
Did Chloe hate her?
They hadn’t talked in probably a good eight months, and it was entirely the brunettes doing. Chloe had called her and texted her and even sent her a few funny snapchats playing with her dogs and Beca had seen every last one of them. But somehow, they were all left without responses. She’d opened them at work, or she’d been in the middle of a really good mix, or Jesse would call her and she’d feel more obligated to pick it up; after all, being a good girlfriend had to come before everything else, right?
She’d neglected everything else in his wake, though. Nevermind Chloe, she’d lost touch with nearly every Bella, save for the occasional call from Emily to get her rolling with some lyrics to her latest mix.
Well shit.
Now she felt awful. She turned to go, not wanting to upset the likely very sleep deprived girl with her presence when she awoke.
Beca reached her seat and slid into it, head in her hands. How the hell would anyone, let alone sunshine girl Chloe Beale forgive her? She grabbed her phone, the words on her notes app now dancing in her vision, taunting her.
Suddenly I know That I'm on my way home To you for the last time It's not what you wanted But I know you got this And you're gonna be fine Oh, I've just been watching The world as it's turning And that's what it feels like
She truly had no one left at home that had cared for her. After not seeing everyone everyday for so long, she’d managed to push them all away. She spun her phone around in her hands, her thumb and index finger trapping the device as she rotated it with her other hand. It wasn’t her home, anymore, really. It hadn’t felt that way in a long time. She’d always clung to Jesse like he was her last link to the place she’d grown up in, and due to her neglect, he really was.
And she was about to let him go too. But this, this was a connection she wanted to break. She was sure of it. It was one that wasn’t really even there anymore.
So what did she have left?
Her thoughts went back to her former co-captain, resting soundly in a few rows back. Chloe was the exception– to nearly everything, really. To lingering touches and getting her to sing in showers and to letting Beca keep her up all night talking.  She’d just lost touch with the girl; not forgotten her. Who could forget a girl like Chloe Beale?
She was always the one that had made Barden feel like home, not Jesse.
Suddenly I know That I'm on my way home To you for the last time
Chloe was like a good melody. Sometimes gone, but never forgotten. It always returned; it was just that catchy.
And there she was: just a few seats behind the brunette. Beca abruptly got up, not bothering to give the texting man a warning ahead of time before she climbed over him and towards the girl. She plopped down in the seat next to the singer, smile returning.
Once she was settled, she pulled out her dying phone. It was at 2%. She quickly pulled up her and Jesse’s messages from a week ago with shaking hands. She was worried that if her phone died right there and then that she’d eventually talk herself out of what she was about to do once her phone had charge in it. She clicked the box to pull the keyboard up, her thumbs scrambling to type out her message.
‘Jess– I just don’t think we’re working anymore.’
She tapped the send button repeatedly, re-reading the text as it went through.
The redhead in front of her shifted in her sleep. Jeez, she was beautiful, even in her sleep.
The sound of a text coming through an already open conversation sounded, prompting Beca to tear her eyes away from the girl and back towards the screen.
‘Becs– I feel the same way.’
And then, darkness and a loading symbol that meant a broader conversation would have to wait.
The redhead opened her circulian eyes.
“Morning, sleepyhead.”
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thekihyun · 7 years
Obviously I want to read you gush about Monsta X....
Ahhhh hello love 
And I will! It is supposed to be my favorite thing about them, but I can’t say only one thing to be honest.
I am sorry it took a while reply this, but it put me in lot of thinking here… It will be a long post, but i needed to say all of this in a long time tbh
Shownu: the first Monsta X mv I watched it was “Rush” and I must say he was the one that caught my attention in it, because how well he danced and how different he looked. I love how he can use his body to express himself, and how precise and strong is his dancing moves are. At the same time I love his shyness and his gentleness. As Kihyun stated before, his singing voice is so unique, I love it. I love how he protects the other members and how he faces the responsabily of being the leader and how the members never hesitate on saying “shownu is the leader”.
Wonho: visual, dancer, singer, co-leader, writer, producer….HE CAN DO IT ALL AND MORE. Obviously he really is handsome, sexy (ngl) and a true visual. But also, he is A LOT more than that…. I find his singing voice different from most  vocals, and he is a really great dancer, having his own spot on stuck choreo. I love the fact he co-wrote many of mx songs, and co-arranged one of my favorite songs form the code, From Zero. He doesn’t hide his love for the members, he shows how important is this family to him and protects monsta x with all his heart. He loves Monbebe and shows it every opportunity he has. He worries about the others all the time. I worry a lot that he puts himself in danger by trying to work harder than his body can handle (no mercy)….it is all so important to him he can’t fail. His reaction to MX first win summs up pretty well how he feels about his career and how he loves it…so do I.
MInhuyk: where do i even begin with this one. He owns a special spot in my heart…(I am actually a new minhyuk stan to be honest ajkhdaskd) I feel like he is really underrated (the most underrated member in mx), but he is a really talented guy. His voice is soft and perfect for slow songs, althought he does a great job in fast songs as well. I love how spontaneous, how happy and how sunshine he is. He never fails on make me feel happy when i look at a pic of him smilling. His love for the other members (specially Jooheon) is so cute and soft, but he can be pretty wild sometimes and i love savage minhyuk (hehe). There is a more serious side of him that I got me really moved, he is really scared of failing and disappoiting monbebe. He is indeed the face of the group and *fuck it* he is so damn sexy when he wants to… even really rude sometimes (ajhdkhaks) 
Hyungwon: this one is also pretty underrated. I LOVE his vocals on interestellar and hieut. I LOVE HIS VOICE TBH. He is pretty wise actually, he knows what he is saying. I love his counseling video. He is a great dancer, and the fact he is so tall makes his dance moves look pretty awesome. It is really cute how shy he is sometimes, and how he reacts to cringe moments (screams and put his hand on his face). He attacks and protects, don’t get shit from anyone. He is really cool looking, he can really wear whatever he wants cuz he will look dope anyways. DJ H.One, Bam bam bam… I feel it…. a lot, I wish it was played in some clubs here where i live, I’d certainly go out of my body. ALSO MEMES… I know some of his stans might get mad at me, but I really love his memes with all my heart. (Unpopular opinion maybe? but I love blonde HW)
Jooheon: My soft spot alongside Minhyuk. When I saw this boy in Trespass (I love Jooheon trespass era) and and Hero, I combusted. HE IS SO TALENTED IT IS ABSURD, NO WORDS CAN DESCRIBE HOW TALENTED HE IS, but we all know it since No mercy!!!  He co-writes most of mx songs, also co-produced and arranged some of them. His mixtapes are so great and I feel every line he raps, he also has a cute singing voice, which I adore. His passion for what he does is certainly a +++ on my love for him, he always gives 99999% on his performances. Force of nature, soft heart. (JOOOOOHEEEOOOOONNNNN, HONEEEYY) 
Changkyun: I LOVE HIS VOICE WITH ALL MY HEART! I honestly could listen to him speaking for hours and don’t get tired. Such a talented maknae, he works really hard in every record. I adore the  way he sings, it gets everyone’s attention. His passion for his hyung is so cute. He delt really well with how the other members treated him on No mercy, he is indeed mature for his age (I am older than him jhjahdkas) I love how he speaks english and how sometimes he messes it up. He is a nerd for science and ai love it as well because I am a scientist.
(and i left Kihyun for last… but I can’t actually convey into words how much i love him… help)
Kihyun: TALENT PURE TALENT….My singing angel, extremely beautiful voice tone, makes singing look easy. Can high pitch and turn it in a soft tone in seconds. I love his smelly dances, how he developed his dance skills, how he puts such effort on stage and REALLY LOVES MX SONGS, HE FEELS IT IN EVERY PERFORMANCE. His laugh, his nose scrunch, his little hands and his moles (yes I went that far and i don’t regret it), I love it all. He is confident but also cringes easily…. It is so hard to talk about him ***PINK HAIR***… I will just leave it here I LOVE HIM TO THE MOON AND BACK….
now i am emo and I will rewatch No mercy all over again jsahdjkahskda
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