#but oh we stanning eo bestie
luaspersona · 2 years
omg, it made me so 🥺 when i read that you don’t normally get very comprehensive feedback because — that’s literally what you give so many of us?? i have a lot of catching up to do on my tbr tag & reviews, but I’M COMIN’ FOR YA, LUA 🫡
i know i’m not a mouthpiece for every other writer on here, but i feel kind of safe thanking you on our collective behalf for your service. out here doing the lord’s work, uplifting everyone 🥲
my blog is now a lua stan account idc 💁🏻‍♀️
aaa jade 😭
you see, i don't often receive long, extensive reviews, but i understand that i'm fairly new to the community, and i also have only like, two works posted so... it's ok! makes it even more amazing and rewarding whenever i do tho 🥹
and wow, uplifting everyone? it's the least i can do to thank you all for writing such interesting and creative stories. i mean, the fact that i get to read y'all for free? that's the lord's work for me 😭
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