#but olivia the last update was ch 6
suitsusboth · 1 year
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where the love light gleams✨
chapter eight now available
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The Aftermath - Ch. 18
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SUMMARY: Drake gets a chance to talk with Riley, while Olivia and Hana begin their journey to Ramsford
Word Count: ~2.6k 
Warnings: Mention of character death
*All characters belong to Pixelberry, except those that are unique to my story (I’ve also used some characters and fictional instances from Donna Tartt’s “The Goldfinch”)*
A/N, 9/6/20: you don’t have to read this, but just as a heads up, i’ll probably be updating a bit less since school’s starting. i know i should have posted this notice last week.. but oops. anyways just wanna say thank you all for the likes, reblogs, and comments, it means the world to me. also my bad for not having replied to people recently
Catch up here
Tags: @captain-kingliamsqueen @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @gkittylove99 @lovablegranny @loudbluebirdlover @mom2000aggie @kingliam2019 @queenrileyrose @shanzay44 @cordonianroyalty @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @cinnamonspongecake @queenjilian @kuladekiwi @twinkle-320 @iaminlovewithtrr @charlotteg234 @amandablink @texaskitten30 @tinkie1973 @louiseingram1208 @queencatherynerhys @pens-girl-87 @missevabean @ladyangel70 @sanchita012 @cordonianprincess @liamandneca @cordonia-gothqueen​
I’m so sorry, the tags are being really weird and I don’t know if they’re working or not... but I hope I got everyone down. If I missed someone, or anyone wants to be added/removed, let me know!
- Drake - 
After everyone had breakfast, the rest of the morning revolved around teaching Gabriel and Eleanor about Cordonian history, diplomacy, and courtly etiquette. Drake, Maxwell, Savannah, and Bartie helped the children in their lessons, while Rowan tagged along.
Liam had told Drake that him and Bertrand would be planning out announcements and a press conference, but also changing Gabriel’s name from Blaise to Rys. Liam was unsure whether it would be alright with Riley if he changed Eleanor’s last name, too, but he told Drake that he would rather leave Riley to herself for the time being.
Gabriel and Eleanor were fast learners. Near lunch, out of the eleven topics that were covered, they mastered almost all of them — except Gabriel fell a little behind on learning the Cordonian Waltz, and Eleanor was having a difficult time remembering her fork placement. 
When Maxwell announced their achievements to Bertrand, he said not to get too enthusiastic, considering that it was easy to forget everything they learned. Liam on the other hand, was beaming, and during lunch quizzed Eleanor until she could put down forks and figure them out with her eyes closed (Liam didn’t let her practice that though). 
After their plates were removed, Liam retreated into the ballroom with the children, focused on helping Gabriel master the waltz, and teaching them some other dances.
Eleanor picked up each dance quickly, and when she noticed her brother was falling behind, stopped following Liam and helped Gabriel. 
“Wait wait wait!” she would occasionally exclaim when they were in the middle of a dance. They were each other’s partners, while Liam and Maxwell would guide them from the sidelines. Both children stared at their feet, and when Eleanor noticed that her brother’s foot placement was off, she would halt. 
“You have to put your foot like this,” she would say while repositioning her brother’s feet. “If you do it the other way you’re going to fall!” 
“No, I won’t!” Gabe defended himself. 
Eleanor stood up straight, squinting at her brother with a partly mischievous, partly evil look in her eyes. “Fine.” she whispered suspiciously. “Then do it the way you were doing.” 
They reposition themselves and go through the dance again, Gabriel half a beat behind. When they get to the part where Eleanor corrected him, Gabriel falls sideways. 
“Told you so,” Eleanor says, giggling. 
Liam helps Gabriel back onto his feet, then Maxwell demonstrates the dance again while both children watch. 
Drake’s phone vibrates in his pocket. He leaves the ballroom to check it, wondering who would text him, when he sees that it’s a message from Jessica:
i miss you
Drake thinks, I don’t miss you, and is suddenly shocked with himself. Almost a month ago he was ready to marry this woman, but he hadn’t even thought about her this past week. He suddenly feels guilty, but then a little confused when he tries to remember the last time they talked. If she really missed him, shouldn’t she have contacted him sooner? 
Drake turns back to the ballroom to see Liam and Maxwell applauding Gabriel and Eleanor. Sensing that there was nothing they needed his help with, Drake begins to make his way to his room, deciding that it was best to call Jessica. 
On his way down the hall, he passes by an open door and suddenly hears someone call out his name. He slowly backs up to peer into the room, and finds Riley sitting on her bed. “What are you up to, Drake?” she asks.
“Oh, I was...” Drake trails off, looking down at his phone, wondering if he should go call Jessica, or take a seat with Riley.
He begins walking towards her. Motioning towards her cast he asks, “Does it still hurt?” 
She looks down at it inquisitively and states, “Not really. Liam told me that a doctor would come to check in before dinner. Hopefully they’ll let me know when I can take it off.” 
Noticing a chair in front of the vanity table, he pulls it next to her bed and takes a seat. Before either of them can say anything else, Drake’s phone vibrates again with another text from Jessica: 
babe? call me when you get the chance
“Who is that?” Riley asks, leaning towards the phone. 
“It’s, uh...” For a moment, Drake doesn’t know whether to announce to Riley that he had a girlfriend. He didn’t expect that having Riley back in his life would bring back the feelings he had for her as well. Because of those confusing emotions, Drake was unsure what to do with Jessica.  
Of course he wanted to be honest with Riley, but telling her that he was already in a relationship would close any opportunity that they had. 
What am I thinking? She’s got a kid with Liam. That door is already closed. There’s no point in keeping it from her. 
“It’s just Jessica,” Drake finally tells her. He scratches the back of his neck before continuing, “We have... a history.” 
“Really?” Riley smiles, playfully smacking his shoulder. “And here I was thinking that Drake Walker could never let anybody into his heart!” 
Drake chuckles, but thinks to himself, Is there a chance she doesn’t remember when I told her I cared about her? It was ten years ago... maybe she remembers it differently.
After a few moments of silence, during which Riley stares at Drake, waiting for him to say something else, Drake cocks his head towards the door and says, “Eleanor’s doing great learning the Cordonian Waltz. Liam’s walking them through the Viennese Waltz right now.”
“Ella’s always loved music and dancing,” Riley states. She looks straight ahead, lost in thought. “When she was a baby and would get really fussy, we’d just put on some music and she’d calm down. She would always sway like she was dancing.” She turns back to Drake and continues, “Theo was the one who decided to sign her up for ballet. She was only five when he said we could put her on Broadway, but I didn’t want to put her in the spotlight.” 
Well, with Liam back in your life, they’re not going to be kept away from the spotlight for much longer, Drake thinks to himself.
He clears his throat and says, “So what’s up with this Theo guy? How’d you end up married to him?” 
Riley’s face falls, and she stares down into her lap. “We thought it would be temporary. I wanted to come back before it was time to have Gabe, but Theo said that it wasn’t safe in Cordonia.” 
“What happened after you had Gabe?” 
“It’s all just... a blur.” Her eyebrows furrow, and Drake notices a confusion in her eyes. He thinks it could also be a sort of sadness, but he doesn’t want to assume. “I couldn’t just bring a baby to another country and go up to Liam and say, ‘Hey, this is your son!’ I cut ties with everyone, so there was no way to get in contact. I couldn’t go and announce it publically, either. I just got out of a scandal. I didn’t want to jump right into another one. And I was just... so tired. And mad at Liam. I can’t even remember why I was mad at him, but the feeling is still there.” 
Drake expects her to keep talking, but she doesn’t lift her head, and there’s a dark shadow over her face. She finally notices him staring at her, and Riley picks up her head with a smile.
“So,” she starts again. “Tell me about Jessica!” 
Drake laughs, running a hand along the back of his neck. “A while after you left... I started going to this bar in the capital, just to have some time to myself. I just wanted to get away from the court permanently... but I couldn’t. Y’know, because of Liam. I couldn’t leave him alone.” 
Drake takes a moment to look up at Riley. She’s no longer smiling. 
“Anyway. I met a couple of guys, we became friends, they invited me to this party. Jessica was there and we hit it off. We actually were just friends in the beginning, bumping into each other at the bar sometimes. Then it was sort of like a friends with benefits thing, but when Savannah started asking me about it, she commented that we were practically dating. After a while I decided to officially ask her to—” he takes a moment to scan Riley’s expression. “—To, uh, be my girlfriend. We’ve been together since.” 
Riley nods her head, trying to keep back a wide smile. “That is... a very simple and uncomplicated love life, Drake Walker. I’m happy you’ve found someone.”
Drake wanted to say something, but decided that there was a better time to talk to her about everything. He knew that she was in a weird position with Liam, and didn’t want to stress her.
“Exactly how long have you been with Jessica?” Riley continues to ask, her eyebrows raised. 
“About... six years,” Drake answers.
“And...” Riley shakes her head, a curious look on her face. “You haven’t put a ring on it yet?” 
Drake lets out a laugh and leans back in his seat. “Y’know, Liam said the same thing.” 
She nods, but then a shadow falls over her face. 
“Are things any better between you guys?” Drake asks. He knew that they were both having a difficult time, and it wasn’t really his business, but if there was anything he could do to help them, he would.
“We talked last night,” she states.
“We decided that we have to talk more.” Riley chuckles, but the melancholy look on her face doesn’t lift.
Drake leans forward to put a hand on her knee. He was slightly confused at the reserve in her voice. “Do you want to talk to him?” 
“Of course I do, Drake,” she states. When she turns to look at him, her eyes are moist. “I’ve wanted to talk to him for the past ten years! But now, I...”
“I don’t know if I can.” Silence stretches between them. Drake respectfully doesn’t ask her to continue; he wasn’t going to force her to talk about it until she was ready.
Finally, she speaks up again. “Sometimes I had wished that he would forget about me. So I wouldn’t have to confront him. So I wouldn’t have to tell Gabe the truth.” Riley pauses for another few moments. “I talked to Theo about changing Gabe’s name to Rys a couple of years ago. I thought it would be a way for me to tell him everything, and it would be a way for both of us to get back to Liam. That never happened, though.” 
“Why not?” Drake questions.
“Because even though I knew that there were so many things Gabe deserved through birthright... I... still hoped that Liam would have forgotten about me. I didn’t want to go back to all the pain... and I believed that if he forgot, there was no chance at him ever being angry at me for keeping Gabriel from him.” Her voice falters, and she stops talking. 
“Brooks, you know Liam could never forget about you, right?” 
She squints, and Drake thinks that she’s about to say something about his statement, but instead she just breathes, “Yeah.”
Minutes drag by, and neither of them speak again. Drake notices Riley thoroughly zoned out. He didn’t want to interrupt her thoughts, but he also didn’t want to leave her alone. 
Drake forces himself to stand, than gives Riley a pat on the shoulder. “I’ll let you rest,” he says. They smile at one another, and he leaves the room.
- Olivia - 
“‘His Majesty, King Liam, announces the return of his ten-year-old son to Cordonia,’” Olivia reads out loud to Hana. They were in a limo again, on their way to Ramsford after Liam’s request a few hours ago. He had also told them to keep a lookout in the news. Just a few moments before, Jacob had sent Olivia a link to an article titled Cordonia’s Heir Will Be Anointed — Ten Years Late?
Olivia continues reading, “‘Mothered by the infamous Riley Brooks, who made an appearance in Cordonia before King Liam’s Coronation, Gabriel Liam Rys has spent the first ten years of his life with his mother and recently deceased step-father, Theodore Blaise.
“‘Gabriel, along with his half-sister, Eleanor, lived in New York City while Cordonia and her king recovered from the treachery of foreign and domestic forces.
“‘A press conference is scheduled for a day before the Masquerade Ball, which will kick off the beginning of this year’s Social Season.
“‘Now, only one question remains: will recently widowed Lady Riley Brooks vie for King Liam’s hand again, or will the mother and daughter be swept aside in the boy’s royal rise?’”
“They are no less cruel, are they?” Hana wonders aloud.
Olivia sits back in her seat. “They can be as kind or as harsh as they want. At least Cordonians are aware.”
“There’s a possibility that some of them have lost trust in Liam,” Hana mentions.
“Of course the fools would. They don’t know that their king was as oblivious as them. And if Liam decides to tell them that he didn’t know he was a father, then all they’ll do is put the blame on Riley.”
The women scroll through their phones for a few more moments, before Hana speaks up and asks, “Did Liam tell you anything else? About Gabriel?”
Olivia puts down her phone and tries to remember her conversation with Liam. “No. But he said that he’s walking the children through a lesson plan of things that are important for them to know before the season starts.”
Hana nods. Both of them look out the window, watching the freezing mountains and icy roads shift into a floral, bright, and warm landscape.
“I told Neville that I decided to stay for the Social Season,” Hana states. For the past four hours, the two of them had sat in silence. Olivia would occasionally close her eyes to rest, and when she would open them again, saw Hana doing the same thing.
“Really?” Olivia exclaims, trying to hide the disgust in her voice. “And what did he say?” 
Hana’s hands are tightly clasped together. She looks down at them and says, “He says that he doesn’t think he’ll make it to the Masquerade, Derby, or even the picnic, but says that he will be able to join the court at Lythikos.” 
“What a doting husband,” Olivia jokes. She said that hoping to make Hana realize that her spouse was incompetent, but Hana’s head hangs low. “At least you’ll be able to enjoy the first few events without his abhorring presence.” 
“Yes.” Hana looks up slightly. “And I hope Lady Riley will participate in the festivities.” 
“I’m sure she will. I don’t believe she’ll allow her children to go through the season by themselves. Liam will of course be there, but it never hurts to have a motherly presence.” 
They both glance off again, but Olivia turns back as her phone vibrates. 
There’s a text message from Jacob. It’s a link to an article titled Breaking News!
Olivia opens the link and reads: “Queen Mother Regina has been pronounced dead of a suspected heart attack after being rushed to the hospital hours ago. Her quarters were searched and it was reported that some of her goblets from her famous antique collection have been stolen. Other artworks around the palace are missing as well. Are Cordonia’s enemies back? And if so, what’s with the artistic inclinations?”
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agent-breakdance · 4 years
(Icarus Ch. 4) - Dear John
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Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F! MC (Olivia Anika Cohen)
Word count: 1.4k words
A/N 1: Hey guys, this is the final chapter of Icarus! I just, from the bottom of my heart, want to thank every single person who stuck with me through it all. I also want to thank my incredible beta @deliciouslydeafeningstarlight​ for putting up with me. The sequel to Icarus is already in the works! Stay tuned for updates.
Warning: ANGST
Disclaimer: PB owns characters. There’s lots of Grey’s Anatomy and Friends references.
Tag list:  @deliciouslydeafeningstarlight​​ @drethanramslay​​ @ohramsey​​ @theeccentricbibliophile​​ @justanotherrookie​​ @kaavyaethanramsey​​ @batgirlassociationofgothamcity​​ @tyrilstarfury​​ @lilypills​​ @juneiswriting​​ @fleur-de-jasmin-fdj​​ @mvalentine​​ @sanchita012​​ @choicesstan1​​ @junggoku​​ @aylamreads​​ @whatsamottowithyou​​ @utterlyinevitable​​ @openheart12​
Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed.
Song: Dear John by Taylor Swift.
“Liv, can we talk?” 
His serious expression threw her for a loop. Before she let her mind wander too far, he added “Privately.” 
Her confusion showed plainly on her face but she nodded. They moved a slight distance away from Ethan but were still in earshot.
She tried to focus her mind as he started to talk but all she could think about was if he knew of her relationship with Ethan. 
“So, what I guess I’m saying is I like you. A lot. And I’d really like to take you out.” 
The thoughts swirling in her mind stopped abruptly as he uttered that sentence. 
“I’m sorry, what?” Olivia said, a little louder than she intended to. Ethan looked towards them curiously. 
“I was saying that I like you and if the flirting, the looks in class and most importantly, the kiss are any indication, you like me too.” Tobias smirked.
This captured the entirety of Ethan’s attention. His jealousy flared up again but this time, he was absolutely sure who it was directed towards. 
“I’m sorry, Tobias. You’re one of my best friends and I think I’d like us to remain that way. I hope you understand.” Olivia said calmly.
His smirk fell upon hearing her words. Confusion and anger took its place. 
“How can you say that after everything?
The flirting...
The looks...
The kiss?!"
With each word, he took a menacing step forward and Olivia flinched away, not recognizing her friend anymore.
This drew the attention of their friends and they made their way over. Ethan, being the closest arrived promptly at Olivia’s side.
“You led me on!” His voice was tight with anger. 
With a deep breath, Olivia took a resolute step forward. “Tobias, listen to me. I was not flirting with you. We were just making fun of ridiculous pick up lines. Also, I only let you kiss me because we were playing a game. It didn’t mean anything.”
“Finally, I wasn’t looking at you in class.” 
She took another deep breath and steeled herself for what was coming. She looked at Ethan for permission and he gave her a firm nod.
“I was looking at Ethan. We're dating."
Tobias recoiled at the shock. He looked into Ethan’s eyes and that was all the proof he needed. His face hardened in anger before it melted  into a dark smile.  
“So, this is who you were leaving me for? You bailed on our plans for this bit-” 
Ethan’s fist connected with his face, driving him to the ground.  
“Don’t even think about finishing that thought.” Ethan glared at him.
Before it could get any worse, Bryce and Jackie pulled apart Ethan and Tobias.
“Walk away, Tobias.” Bryce warned him.
“Seems like this was one thing you could have mentioned when I told you how I felt about Liv.” Tobias said as he stalked off.
Olivia whirled on Ethan. “What did he mean by that?”
She took in the pained expression on Ethan’s face.
Realization dawned upon her. “You knew...”
“How could you not tell me, Ethan?”
“Rookie, he was very drunk and I didn’t think he meant much by it. I’ve known him for a long time and I’ve never seen him like this. I would have told you but it seemed like nothing at the time. I’m sorry.”
“You should have still told me, Ethan. We could have avoided all of this.”
Taking a cue, Sienna led the others back to the dorms, leaving behind only Olivia and Ethan.
“This is all too much to handle, Ethan. We’ve had enough trauma to last us a lifetime and I’m… I'm done. With all of this. 
Nothing between us is ever easy. I just want to have a normal uncomplicated life." Olivia stared at the ground.  
I think we flew too fast, too far…  
“What are you saying, Rookie?”
She looked up, her eyes glistening with tears. “I think we need to take a break.” 
“You’re right. Let’s go get some ice cream, we’ll cool off and study later.” 
“No, Ethan. A break from us.” Her voice broke and tears streamed down her face.
“I’m sorry.” She clasped his hands before walking away, leaving him standing alone.
“Don’t leave me, Rookie.” He whispered as he watched her retreating form. 
Tears spilled from his eyes as he looked down and saw a white piece of cloth she’d left in his hands. He stood there staring at his bold initials. This one thing had managed to comfort him through every low point in his life but it gave him no comfort now. 
In the wake of last night’s events, Olivia doubted her decisions. Her mind was being rational and practical and it said that she made the right decision. Her heart, however, made her want to go back in time and take everything back. 
She opened her eyes to the blaring of her alarm clock. She had set it so she wouldn’t miss the very important test that was scheduled. Not that it mattered anyway; she hadn’t slept a wink. A rushed breakfast later, she found herself walking down the hallways. The weight on her mind dragged her down, making it near impossible to move. 
A loud screech from the PA system jolted her awake. The speakers crackled to life as students directed their attention to the deep voice that boomed over their heads. 
“Students of Johns Hopkins, I would like to wish you the very best of luck as you take your first test of the year. Before you leave, I would like to inform everyone of an important announcement that will be taking place in the auditorium at noon. All first year med students are expected to be there after the test...” 
Deliberations and chattering ensued among the students as the Dean continued his address.
Olivia, like every other student, had the same question on her mind.
“What could that announcement possibly be about?”
“Just a stab in the dark…could be about Dr. Banerji putting us through a series of competitive examinations resulting in him giving away his money as a scholarship.” 
She looked around for the source of the voice and came face to face with a dark-haired figure with a smirk on his face. Something about him told her that he was not in the habit of being wrong.
“And how would you know that?” Olivia asked, eyebrows raised. 
“I have my ways.” He said with a wink.
Before Olivia could respond, they noticed that the crowd in the hallway had started to thin out. As she turned to leave, she heard him call out. 
“I didn’t quite catch your name.”
“That’s right, you didn’t.” She smirked as she walked away.
Seated in the exam hall, Olivia tried her best to focus on the test. But amidst the scratching of pens and shuffling of papers, she could hardly seem to hear herself think. And in those rare instances when she could, her mind kept bringing back memories of the previous night. Her thoughts were running a mile a minute.
The night flashed in her eyes and she was left with only one thought.
How could everything go so wrong so fast? 
She looked down at her papers and found drops of her tears, staining the paper. Only then did she realize that she had been crying. She hastily wiped at her eyes and fixed them on the clock.
She decided to shelve her feelings for at least another hour and turned her focus towards her papers. Time seemed to pass excruciatingly slowly, the hour seeming like five.
As soon as the examiner collected their papers, she made her way out of the door. She saw Ethan standing outside the other exam hall and stopped in her tracks.  
Their eyes met for a second, or twenty; they weren’t sure. All that stood between them was 6 feet of space. 
She ran through the infinite possibilities in her mind. 
How different would it have been if they had never studied together? 
If Tobias hadn’t asked her out? If they all hadn’t been friends? If her and Ethan hadn’t been in a relationship? If she had never come to Johns Hopkins?
If she had died instead of Mia? 
Her mind pounded with each answer. 
But they did.
But he did.
But they were.
But she did.
But she didn’t.
When she looked back up into his eyes, she could tell he was doing the same.
He gave her a sad, apologetic smile which she returned with one of her own. They gazed at each other for what seemed like an eternity until they turned and walked away in opposite directions.
A/N 2: Dear John- A letter from a woman informing her boyfriend or fiancé that she is ending their relationship or informing her husband that she wants a divorce:
Nothing is worse for a soldier's morale than getting a Dear John.
I am so sorry for everything I put you through these 4 weeks. And if you’ve gotten this far, thank you so much for reading!
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
Thank you for following...
Thank you for following, reading, liking, commenting ect. Currently I am working on a Roman Godfrey AU x reader called Castle in the desert. Most of my stories are continuation like subtitles like AU Bill skarsgard, Roman Godfrey, Mark from Assignation nation, and Mickey from Villains. There are a few with multiple actors like Tom Holland, Cody fern and other Skarsgards that start with The Charity & the Island. lots of fluff, smut and a bloody good time...18+ for content
Story teller — List of stories updated April 16, 2020
List of stories updated April 16, 2020
Thanks for following. Thanks for reading, thanks for creating. Thanks for sharing.
Warnings 18+ lots of smut, angst, fluff. X-reader, mostly AU Bill Skarsgard & his characters but a few stories include other Skarsgard brothers, Deadpool, Tom Holland and other actors. Feel free to send requests/ideas & reblog. I will try to keep this updated.
Rock star Axel
You Will Remember Things That We Never Said: In this Alternate Universe fiction Axel meets Stephani while he is singing in the local band Zeitgeist. Its set up when he is in college. ch 1 ch 2    ch 3    ch 4  ch 5    ch 6​   ch 7 ch 8
starring Bill Skarsgard: My own stories with original character(s) he could play
The Stay starring Bill Skarsgard as Chris Ryan creepy slight horror genre. All I will say is this character is right in the wheel house of what Bill could play.      ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch4
THE CLUB starring Bill Skarsgard as William Casik - Alice is a prim and proper elementary school teacher. Her Husband William owns a company that does business around the world. But he has a secret. When Alice find out about his alter ego, The Sir, her life will never be the same. ch 1 ch 2  ch 4  ch5 ch 6 ch 7  ch 8 ch 9 ch 10
Bill Skarsgard (AU) & X-reader/Princess
The Charity- various fandoms & x-reader This a AU mystery piece that includes most Avengers actors and skarsgards plus a few others I love. Some chapters are  very smutty. used suggestions from readers.  ch 1, ch 2, ch3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch7, ch 8
The Island: various fandoms, Its a continuation of The Charity. ch1 ch 2 ch3 ch4 ch5
The Dress: Just because I like writing the continuing story of Bill & Princess. This is her first time at an awards show. Also includes Alex Skarsgard, Scarlett Johansson and a few others. ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5
Bill& X Reader: Jealousy,  You are dating Bill Skarsgard & get invited to a ex’s party.
Early home coming:  Bill & X-reader warnings: angst, slight smut, fluffy. Bill comes home early after an annoying work issue forces him to leave a project. You attempt to help him get over it all before he has to go promote another project.
Bill and Princess/x-reader: long distance Valentine? Bill has to leave the night before Valentine Day for a meeting the next morning.
Bill & Ex-Reader: EVERYONE IS WATCHING sometimes the bedroom isn’t as private as you think.
The Bake off: Bill and x-reader/Princess are quarantined together. A month into their time together they come up with the Bake-off idea. Lots of smut, some baking lol. Ch 1   ch 2
Villains fan fiction
Borrowed time: Mickey & X-Reader . This is a continuation of Villains in a AU. Something like this should happen. ch 1 ch2 ch3 ch 4
Prequel Villains: Mickey and Jules Celebrate Christmas
Mickey’s Valentine’s Day surprises This is only 2 chapters. AU Mickey, Sweetie Pie and Jules several months after the event that brought them back together after the movie Villains. If you want to know how they got to this point read Borrowed time: Mickey & X-Reader. But you don’ t have to. Ch1 Ch2
Mark: Assassination Nation
Assassination Nation Mark and X-reader AU Mark survived his town going nuts and is now in college where he meets you.  ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 ch7 ch8
Assassination Nation Mark and X-reader: Merry Christmas ch 1 ch 2
Mark and x-reader: You’re mine, Valentine. The first in my Valentine’s  themed stories. This is more of the reader and Mark at college several months after what happened in the last story. ( Assassination Nation: Mark and X-reader) Mark is pretty much just horny & wants sex but he will put together some Valentine’s day surprises to get it.
Mark & X-Reader:Party At Greenwald’s A virus is sweeping the county. The University closes. You might make it home but Mark insists you stay with him in Salem. Memories haunt him from this place.ch 1 CH 2   ch 3  ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 ch 7
Castlerock fanfic
Joy and The Angel This is a Castlerock fanfiction
A Castlerock New Year’s Eve party: The Kid & X-Reader This plays off some talk of who the Kid really is in the Steven King Universe. ch 1 ch 2 ch 3
Hemlock Grove Fan Fiction: Roman Godfrey
CLUB VEE This is the first thing I posted on Tumbler. It is a vampire-type romance that I connected to Roman and Princess starting with their Valentine’ s Day plans. So its an origin story for Club Vee. Ch 1Ch 2 Ch3 Ch 4 Ch 5  Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 12 Ch 13 Ch 14 Ch 15 Ch 16 Ch 17 Ch 18 Ch 19 Ch 20 Ch 21
It is all in the eyes :Roman & X Reader , A crazy Hemlock Grove alt reality fanfic part 1  part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
Roman & his Princess Valentine’s Day This story continues the relationship from It is all in the eyes :Roman & X Reader. It will also include characters from VEE. But you really don’t have to read either to follow this story if you don’t want to. ch1 ch2 ch3 ch 4 ch5
A story of friendship: Roman Godfrey & X-reader AU Hemlock Grove. I was in a Roman mood so this is what came out  ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4 ch 5
Roman & his Princess: blood wolf moon eclipse Princess is having a hard time with her hunger. Is Olivia the only one that can really help her?
Roman & his Princess: Life is Just a Fantasy A little role play night out with these characters where Roman is the Dominant more than usual and Princess plays  the submissive role. ch1 ch 2 ch3 ch4
Roman & Princess: Let’s up the game Roman wants to make a sex tape. ch1 ch2 ch3
Roman & Princess: The agreement Princess plays with her dominant personality. Roman decides maybe he could handle the threesome she wants if he looks at it as a business agreement. ch 1  ch 2 ch 3 ch4
Stuck in the Madness with You A virus has found its way to Hemlock Grove driving people to self quarantine. How will this effect Roman and those he cares about? ch 1 ch 2 ch 3
The Dinner Party Roman invites Peter and Letha to a dinner party so Letha can get out a little more since they have all quarantined her to Peter’s trailer.
Deadpool Presents:
Deadpool Presents: Once upon a Zeitgeist this is in and AU after all the stuff in Deadpool 2. ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4
Deadpool Presents: Axel’s Valentine’s Day special story Axel plans a special Valentine’s romantic over night excursion. With two kids it is difficult to have longer intimate time with his wife.  To read more about how this couple met refer to Deadpool Presents: Once upon a Zeitgeist Axel suggests Deadpool watch the kids which is the last thing his wife really wants ch1 ch2 ch3  ch4  ch5
Fairytales rewritten to include favorite actors/characters
Snow in Hollywood This is a reimagining of Snow White starring all Skarsgards Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Red and the Full Moon This is a reimagining of Little Red Riding Hood incorporating the lyric to the 60s song Little Red Riding Hood. Featuring Bill Skarsgard and Alex Skarsgard.
King Bill and his Queen Genevieve: A fairytale begins original smutty fairytale  where Bill of Skarsgard plans to take a diplomat’s daughter for his own. When he discovers Lady Genevieve is a virgin he still wants to fulfill their destiny in the middle of the forest clearing.
Being part of the film industry in a small way
A  Little Extra for the Extra This is extremely loosely based on my time working as an extra in a Tom Holland and Bill Skarsgard movie. It was great fun. Tom was cool to the extras if you were at the right place at the right time. I only got to see Bill from afar but maybe that was a good thing LOL. In place of Bill & Tom you can easily put in your favorite actor or actress in your mind.
Moroccan Sands: This is Bill Skarsgard and Tom Holland with x-reader. It takes place on a movie set for the most part. Ch1, ch 2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch 6 ch7 ch8
Santa’s fav ELF Bill & X-Reader You are an extra in one of Bill’s movies and you you get a long very well. ch1 ch2 ch 3 ch 4
The Calling in this extras dream job you will be working with Bill Skarsgard, Tom Holland, Sebastian Stan, Robert Pattinson and a few other surprise actors on a movie that moves through decades 50s, 60s, 70s,80s. Sure your scenes don’t seem to fit together but they rarely do when filming and you just enjoy that you get to do this sort of work. Even though this is same caste as Devil All the Time it has nothing to do with that movie. enjoy this only 1% truth about being an extra. I love it but as of now it never got this good. ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5
Take a seat x-reader & Bill mostly. You are a seat filler at the 2021 Oscars. Its such a unique experience. But since you break some of the rules will you ever get to do it again? And is the out come with it anyway? I think, probably.  ch 1,  ch 2 ch 3 ch 4
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cordoniasmost · 5 years
The Best Accident - Ch. 6
Chapter 5
NOTE: This is my first ever fic!  I was terrified to write it but just sat down and let the words flow. This story is in preparation for TRH.  I’m super excited for its release and couldn’t help imagining where it might go.  This is my take on what happens between Maxwell and MC.  Reblog if you like it! :)
Summary: As Riley & Maxwell deal with their new reality, tragedy strikes.
Chapter 6 - Earthquake
It had been 3 days since he ran out on his wife. Three days of missing her like crazy, and he was beginning to feel like he was getting a grip on his feelings about the babies.  God, he couldn't believe it... babies.
He couldn't take his stupidity any longer and his thoughts were constantly on going home and Riley.  He'd be leaving right now if it weren't for the fact his brother had asked him to stop by the Beaumont estate and help him find some paperwork he needed before Bertrand married Savannah.
If it weren't for his brother needing his help, he'd already be on his way home.
As soon as she had gotten herself together from her doctor's appointment a few days ago, Riley had called Olivia to see if she wanted to come stay with her for a few days.  Olivia was her best friend, and she knew she could confide in her and lean on her about what had happened, both with the pregnancy and Maxwell's reaction.
Olivia was happy to visit, stating that it had been too long since they'd gotten together and that she couldn't wait to reminisce about their triumph over Anton.  She also had some news of her own, wanting to update Riley about what had gone on with her marriage to the traitor, Anton.
Olivia arrived later that same day.  She arched her eyebrow at the mess Riley was, as she had been crying all morning, and swept her into a brief but tight hug.
"I can't believe Maxwell Beaumont of all people has you looking like such a mess," she scoffed.
"Yeah, well, believe it," Riley replied sadly. Things hadn't gone at all how she'd always imagined they would.  It's not like this was her fault alone.  She was trying very hard not to be resentful or angry about the way her husband had reacted to this news, news that he should have been happy to receive. Instead, he had hurt her and made her feel alone.
"Let's get inside before someone sees you and you can tell me all about what happened," Olivia said, grabbing Riley's hand and pulling her inside.
They headed for the closest parlor, each sitting on a plush sofa facing each other.  Riley had had tea and mini sandwiches prepared before Olivia arrived so they wouldn't be interrupted while they talked.
"I hope this is okay," Riley told her. "I didn't want to be interrupted but I figured we'd need drinks and snacks."
"Is this Lythikos tea?" Olivia asked.
"Of course.  Only the best for my bestie," Riley teased.
"Ugh, please don't call me that," Olivia rolled her eyes.  "Why don't I pour the tea and you can tell me what happened?"
Riley took a deep breath.  She told Olivia everything, words pouring out of her, from the moment she found out she was pregnant until now.  She detailed it all and Olivia just sat there occasionally sipping her tea and listening intently.
When Riley had finished, Olivia began to speak. "So, Maxwell is actually capable of reproducing.  Interesting. I would have thought his weakness would die out with him."
Riley sat there, open mouthed.  She wasn't even sure what to do with that.
Olivia smirked.  "You know I'm just trying to lighten the mood.  I'm sorry he acted like such a jerk.  This is why we can never rely on men for anything.  They are weak.  Look at you, sitting here pregnant with twins and still the more calm and mature one.  It's not like it's his body that's going through this.  He doesn't have to provide for you.  All he has to do is be here to support you and he can't even do that," she ended, getting more and more angry as she talked.
"I know it looks bad," Riley began, "but I love him and he's the father to these babies whether he's okay with it or not.  I just want him to be in this with me, you know? I want him to be excited with me. I want to be imagining who they'll look more like, him or me; what color eyes they'll have; what their names will be. I feel like I'm already in love and his reaction was to run away.  These babies are him.  I can't help that I feel in love with them the moment I found out they'd be mine.  I guess I just can't understand how he's feeling because I can't relate at all," Riley said sadly.
Olivia looked at her friend with a determined expression.  "Okay, enough wallowing.  He'll come back or he won't.  But how you choose to spend your time doesn't depend on him.  Let's make the most of my visit and enjoy ourselves.  Let's get cleaned up and go out for a nice dinner just the two of us.  What do you say?  Have you been sick?" Olivia asked, suddenly remembering that's one of the things that can happen to pregnant women.
"No, thankfully I've been totally fine on that front.  Mostly I've just been exhausted," Riley sighed.  "Yeah, that sounds nice.  Meet me back here in half an hour?" she asked.
"Sounds great," Olivia replied before getting up and heading to her room.
A couple of days later, Riley was feeling much more like her old self.  She hadn't heard from Maxwell outside of the text he'd sent her that first day he'd left letting her know he was okay, but she knew he'd eventually come around.  She'd been giving him his space to let him work through his fears and insecurities and trusted that he would come back to her ready to face this challenge together.
Olivia had suggested that they spend the day out at an archery range near the manor, throwing knives at targets.  She told Riley she thought it would help them both get out some of their frustrations and also hone their combat skills.
After what they'd been through, Riley could only laugh and agree.  She never turned down a chance to train at self defense anymore, and it did feel like it might be a fun way to relieve some stress.  
The archery range was outdoors at the base of the mountain range that ran through Valtoria.  The car dropped them off right outside a small one story unremarkable building where they had to go and check in to use the facility.  Olivia had packed all the throwing knives she could find in the armory at Riley's estate.
They had called ahead to make sure they'd have the range all to themselves today as they didn't want paparazzi getting word of their fun.  Riley felt like her self defense training was best  kept a secret from her enemies and a stint in the press showing how she trained would do just the opposite.
As she and Olivia walked outside to the back of the building, they quickly came upon a large open field.  At either side of the field were large round targets set up on bales of hay stacked to varying heights.
"Oh, this will do nicely," Olivia smiled.
She walked to a target that stood about six feet off the ground and removed several knives from her handbag.  She divided them into two piles, handing Riley half and keeping the other half for herself. Olivia breathed deeply and closed her eyes for a moment, centering herself. This was her happy place.
There was no one around for at least a mile, outside of the range attendant and their driver.  They could both let their hair down and just have a little fun.
Riley looked at her best friend and felt immensely thankful for Olivia.  She was the strongest woman she knew and Riley was glad to have her in her corner.
"Ready to kill some stuff?" Olivia asked.
"Always," Riley replied, grabbing a knife.
They'd been throwing knives for almost an hour and Riley felt lighter than she had in days.  Olivia had a flush to her cheeks and looked tired but happy, too.
"Let's take a break.  With the babies, I don't have as much energy as I normally do and I need some water," Riley told her.
"Yeah, we don't want to push you too hard.  This has been entertaining," Olivia said with a grin.
They collected the knives and Olivia placed them back in her bag.  Then, they walked into the building for bottles of water.  Once they had paid for the water, neither of them wanted to linger inside so they headed back out to the field.
They had just sat down on a small bench behind the building when they heard the first rumble.  
"What is that?" Riley asked Olivia, eyes wide.
"I have no idea, but it doesn't sound good. Thunder maybe?" she replied, her voice uncertain.
As soon as Olivia finished her sentence, the ground started to tremble.
Maxwell had been digging in the storage closet in the study for what felt like hours.  He had once been responsible for filing away all the duchy's paperwork, the only thing Bertrand felt comfortable trusting him with once upon a time.
He stood up and sighed.  He couldn't believe this was taking so long.  His back was starting to ache and he had boxes and files spread out in a half circle all around him.  "Where could that deed be?" he said aloud to himself in frustration.
He stood back and stretched, yawning.  If he didn't find the deed in the next half hour, we would pack all of this up and just go home.  He didn't want to wait anymore.  Bertrand could get one of the staff to sort through everything.
At that moment, Bertrand walked into the study looking pale, eyes a little wild and his hair disheveled as if he'd run his hands through it over and over again.  Maxwell had never seen his brother look so distraught before, even when he found out he had a baby that Savannah had hidden from him.
Maxwell immediately stopped what he was doing. "What, Bertrand? What happened?" he asked.
Bertrand looked at him with concern in his eyes. "Maxwell, have you seen the news?" he asked cautiously.
"No, I've been stuck in this closet for the last few hours.  Why?" he asked, starting to feel a nervous twinge in his stomach.
"Have you checked your phone?" Bertrand followed up without answering his question.
"No, Bertrand!  I told you, I've been in this mess.  What happened?  You're freaking me out," Maxwell replied impatiently.
"Maxwell, there's been an earthquake.  A bad one," Bertrand began.
"Okay, I know they happen from time to time. We'll call Liam and see what we can do to help disaster relief," Maxwell replied.
"No, Maxwell.  No.  The earthquake... It was in Valtoria," Bertrand said, eyes welling with tears.
Maxwell stared at his brother.  Valtoria?  He had a thousand questions running through his mind but his mouth refused to move to ask any of them.  
His brother began to walk towards him, reaching out to embrace him in a tight hug.  Maxwell knew things must have been really bad for his brother to voluntarily hug him like this.
Finally, he spoke the words he'd been terrified to say, "Riley, is she okay?  Has anyone talked to her?"
Bertrand cast his eyes down to the floor. "No, I haven't been able to reach her.  The phones have been spotty at best and the earthquake struck under the mountain range near the estate.  Your home would have taken a significant brunt of the damage," he said softly.
Maxwell felt like his heart stopped and his stomach fell through the floor.  No, no, no. This couldn't be happening.  He hadn't had a chance to tell her that he was sorry, to wrap her in his arms again and hear her laugh when he kissed her face a thousand times like he loved to do.  He hadn't had a chance to tell her that he had been an idiot and wanted nothing more than to be with her and their babies.
He immediately took out his phone and dialed his wife, but all he heard was a busy tone.
She had to be okay.  He couldn't live without her.  He couldn't live without them.
A few minutes later, Maxwell's phone rang. He looked down and saw it was Liam. "Liam, have you heard anything?" Maxwell shakily answered.
"We know a part of the manor collapsed and there have been casualties.  We don't know how many and we don't know... who... yet.  I'm doing my best to get as much information as I can, but you can imagine it's not easy to communicate with a disaster zone at the moment," he sighed, frustration laced in his voice.
"You don't think-" Maxwell began.
"No, she's been through too much to go out this way, Maxwell.  Riley is a fighter.  You know it as well as any of us.  She'll be okay.  We have to believe that."
Maxwell nodded silently, then realized his friend couldn't hear him.  "Thanks, Liam.  Should I come to the palace?"
"Right now I think it's best if you stay there at the estate.  I'll call as soon as I hear anything.  Please do the same," he finished.
"Right.  I will," Maxwell ended the call feeling only slightly cheered up by his friend's pep talk.
He was packing a bag, getting ready to head into that disaster zone himself.  He had reacted instantly to the news, sprinting to his room and beginning to throw clothes into a duffel bag.  He would dig through every pile of rubble in that mansion if it meant finding Johnson alive.
As soon as he was done packing, he took a quick trip to Liam's study.  Liam looked like he'd been pacing back and forth for hours, running his hands through his hair.  His eyes were red rimmed as if he'd been crying.  Drake knew all of them would be crushed if Riley wasn't somehow okay.
He also knew she was a fighter.  He had to cling to the belief that she was somehow safe during this disaster.  He also knew Liam wouldn't be able to get away to accompany him.  He had to get his blessing, as his king, to go.
"Liam, I'm packed.  I'm going with or without your permission, but I'd really like your permission.  I have to go make sure Johnson's okay.  I can't sit here doing nothing.  I'm going to pick up Maxwell along the way.  Pretty sure he'd get suspicious of me going to hunt through a disaster zone to find his wife," Drake rambled.
Liam considered his friend's words.  If Drake went, he'd have a direct line to know what was going on.  Of course he'd let him go.  "Please go.  Please make sure she's okay," a silent understanding passed between their eyes, Drake giving him a curt nod before spinning on his heels and quickly leaving the room.
"Hold on, Johnson.  We'll be there soon."
Maxwell had been glued to the TV since he talked to Liam an hour ago.  There hadn't been any new news and as the minutes ticked by, the more he felt like crawling out of his skin.  He couldn't take the waiting.  He had to do something, but what?
As he threw the remote control across the room in frustration, Drake walked into the room behind him.  "Drake? What are you doing here?" he asked as a fresh wave of panic washed over him.
"Pack a bag.  We're leaving right now to go dig through every scrap of rubble until we find Johnson and make sure she's okay," he said with a fire in his eyes Maxwell had rarely seen.  Maxwell was curious about his friend's reactions lately when it came to his wife, but at this moment he didn't have time to dwell on it.  He was just happy someone was taking action and he was more than glad to have something to focus on right now.
"Yes, great idea.  Give me five minutes," Maxwell said before running out of the room to pack his bag.
A short time later, Drake and Maxwell were on their way to Valtoria.  The drive felt like it was taking weeks and Maxwell was shaking his knees trying to contain the nervous energy racing around inside of him at this moment.
What would they see when they got to his home? Where would they even start looking? From what the news had said, the damage throughout all of Valtoria had been extensive.  There had been many injuries because of old buildings crumbling and collapsing during the quake.  
It wasn't exactly safe to head there now as they were still reporting numerous aftershocks, but he didn't care.  He looked over at the strained expression on Drake's face and knew he didn't care either.  They had no choice, they had to find her.
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sepiadice · 6 years
Tales of Genius Ch. 2: Follow the Light
And so, for possibly the first time ever, I got a session two in a campaign! New high score! Woo-hoo!
Also, got to redo an adventure I ran for the old High School crew. Updated it slightly, added a puzzle, changed the final encounter, added a pair of magic items.
Don’t think I have any sort of RPG Life updates. Working on various other projects off and on. Started watching a new Netflix original series that redoubles a plot point later in this campaign.
Added a fourth party member. Which I think I’m going to lock down on. The games I’ve been involved with always had a problem of having a large number of players, so I think I want to try for the classic four-person ensemble.
Hope they’re having fun. Doubt plagues me, but they’re not whining to me, so it’s probably fine? It’s still clear I need to continue practicing GMing, and I’ve noticed I’ve been stuttering and having difficulty pronouncing words. That will all need to be improved before we move on to the podcast phase.
Now, for the second part of Tales of Genius![1]
Eli Roberts: (Played by Lyons) Child of Clio. Doctor, travelling to write a medical text akin to Gray’s Anatomy. He’s an Intellect! Olivia Grayson: (Played by Maddie) Child of Thalia. Apprentice to Eli. Believes her Squirrel-raccoon companion is her boyfriend reincarnated. Fromthe: (Played by Jose) Child of Calliope. Military veteran and current mercenary. Also has some mercantile ambitions.
Jean De Ferrero: (Played by Anthony) Child of Terpsichore. Travelling con artist.
Quick exposition:
So, that whole “Child of…” thing is part of my world’s lore. About nineteen hundred years ago, nine sisters travelled the world and founded nine schools of philosophy and nine separate cultures that populate the world. The only solid marker for the tribes is eye color. White/Light grey for Clio. Yellow for Thalia. Orange for Calliope. Green for Terpsichore. Others for the other tribes as they’re introduced.
The sisters are named after the Greek Muses.
And, so, onto our tale.
DATE: Late Winter 1911
PLACE: THE TINES (Mountain border of Astree and Hervar)
We open back up on North Fort. Food supplies are running even lower, especially since a good chunk of it has been poisoned. The mayor has decided to send those clever adventurers to try and find an alternate path out of town,[2] plus this nice Jean fellow who speaks highly of his own conquests.[3]
After some brainstorming while I was busy making curry,[4] the mayor mentioned the town crypts, which are a small network of caves some distance from town. There’s an iron door there which no one has explored past, because there’s a bunch of warning symbols on it, so better just stick the dead in there until claimed. But, well, it’s something?
The party heads to the crypt, as I couldn’t be bothered to force any scene work in the town. Would’ve been nice to establish the mixed critters of the setting, but I’m bad at following even my own notes, and I didn’t really have any cause to delay them.
In the crypts, they discovered a small band of Saber-toothed foxes.
Olivia tried to befriend the foxes using the cheese from the rations North Fort gave her, but the foxes weren’t satisfied, and unhappy with the intrusion. So combat despite Olivia’s protests!
I still am far from getting a handle of combat narrative, but after a few rounds, they’ve killed two foxes and scared off three.[5]
Then Olivia used a magic spell to cave in the entrance. Which… I should probably take a moment to taunt the party over.
And now I have. What nerds.
The party moved towards the iron door. It’s magic proof,[6] locked, and barred. So the group needs to figure out how to get in.
Unbarring it was easy enough, but it’s still locked.
But, hey, the party has a new Scoundrel Character! Maybe he can pick the lock!
The dice say no. This is dire, as the back up plan I had is sitting in North Fort,[7] and that’s not an available path anymore.
Okay, okay. Let’s reason this out. Is the door there to keep people out, or something in? Both, but which is important?
Which is to say: this door opens out, so the door hinges are on our players’ side! Which the fair doctor thinks up, then teases the con artist for not coming up with.
Said scoundrel (Jean) uses skullduggery to get the pins out. (Because it’s heavy iron, hasn’t been moved in a while, and would require finesse. Probably some heat to remove frost). I then have them do another check to get the door open since the lock is still engaged and needs to be worked out of the wall. Which they do.
Momentary inside baseball thing that might ruin the magic: I didn’t have a firm solution. I just placed the door down and waited until I heard a solution I liked. I recommend fellow GMs do this, but also try and prepare an alternate solution if the party can’t get past it for some reason. (See footnote 7 for my release valve).
On to the next room! A massive cavern, with many tunnels shooting off, and crystalline protrusions here and there. Then there’s a wooden lean-to slash shack near the door.
In side is a desk with a chess game mid-progress, and notebook tracking the game next to it, a glass jar of mythril dust, and a mummified corpse sitting in a chair[8] holding a bullseye lantern.
Eli Roberts examines the board, makes a move, notates it in the notebook(!), pockets the mythril dust, then investigates the mummy.
(A spent story point later also says he took the notebook.)
Eli fails to find anything notable on the corpse, so he turns to figure out what path to take.
Olivia, who we are learning this session has no regard for her fellow humans, uses her magic to puppeteer the mummy.
This jostles a rolled up scrap of paper out of its beard.
Time for the puzzle! Also pop quiz for my world building lore, because screw you, at least learn the muses you picked for your character’s heritage![9]
I wrote a poem (not a great poem, because I lack rhythm) that referenced the Muses in a certain order.
Now, this puzzle needs workshopping, because once the party figured out to use the mummy’s lantern[10] to shoot a beam of light into a large crystal to refract it into colored beams, and that they needed to follow the beam that corresponded with each Muse’s assigned eye colors in the order listed on the poem, there wasn’t much else to do until the final twist.
I probably could’ve done something with the crystals. Finding them, getting them in position,[11] just some complexity for the successive rooms.
Needs workshopping. But we also had a time limit, so maybe simple wasn’t bad for this rendition.
Now, this refracted light thing was an expansion on a moment that wowed the last time I did my North Fort session, which I mimicked halfway down the mine: the first obvious crystal sent the light bouncing all over the chamber, hitting other crystals, and illuminating the entire chamber, revealing a mural![12]
The mural told the mine’s story: they were mining it normally, then thought ‘hey, let’s try magic!’. Magic resonated with the mythril they were mining, heating the cave and waking up a giant snake that started gobbling people up. They got some adventurers in to deal with the snake and stopped using magic.
What I wish I added was the snake’s giant skull in this room. Instead, I had it in another room, looming over the exit tunnels. Oops.[13]
So that’s neat.
The party continued the prescribed solution and moved on, seeing the ribs of the snake were repurposed into support beams.
Another element I failed to convey is that the mining shafts were actually expanded from the snake’s tunnels throughout the mountain.
Anyways, the final room was the cool twist. Because the final mentioned Muse is Urania. Who I assigned black/dark grey eyes.
Black light’s not a thing. What could be the…
They killed their light. Eventually, mythril dust started to glow, a thick vein going down the final correct tunnel. (The poem also mentioned Urania using the stars in her line. This fit with the mythril dust but also her role as the Muse of Astronomy.)[14]
And they exit into another large chamber like the one at the top. Including wood office shack and an iron door. Inside the shack is another mummy, chessboard, and a notebook with matching move notations to the one earlier.
Including the move Eli noted and wrote down.[15] Huh.
Eli’s player spent a Genesys Story Point to say he nabbed the first notebook earlier so he wouldn’t have to hike back up.[16]
For those curious, there’s another poem on this end for going the other way. The colors don’t even have to be the same since they’d be approaching the crystals from a different angle, so the first step doesn’t have to be Urania![17]
Anyways, the spent story point ruined how I’d hoped to bring in the boss fight, so instead a Masked Snake slithers in.
Smaller than the one slain long ago, but still pretty big. Also way too young to listen to reason.
Again, three party members work to kill it as Olivia uses nonlethal magic. The snake iced the floor, making footing difficult.
I allowed the fight to drag on a while because, despite putting in my session plans to come back to make stats and having more than a month to, I never did.
Really should sit down and just make a series of notecards for easy, normal, and hard enemies. Get too distracted with narrative.
Anyways, combat rages, half the party gets upset with Olivia’s efforts not to kill the snake, when a mysterious figure in fancy robes and snake skull mask arrives and pulls a gun.
Olivia promptly magically murders this man without a word. Then steals his mask. And returns to nonlethal spells against the snake.
After realizing the snake can’t fit through the door, Eli and Jean attempt to flee, but Olivia refuses to leave, instead standing on the human corpse she created to avoid the disadvantage of the ice floors.
Eli goes in and finishes off the snake.
Grumpy after the encounter, they exit the caves, which leads out to a point on the path below the avalanche. There’s a way to connect North Fort and Soldier’s Rest.
They go to Soldier’s Rest (named such because it’s where the military men went to rest when not on duty at the mountain fort). Turn in a letter of introduction to Soldier’s Rest’s mayor, and step outside.
Where they encounter a Jackalope. They’re giant creatures ridden by the mail carriers of His Majesty’s Courier service![19]  The courier has a letter for Eli Roberts: The Queen and Heir Apparent are ill with a mysterious disease, and Dr. Roberts comes highly recommended by his peers to help.
Whether this is because his peers genuinely believe he can do it, or because not healing the royal family could have dire consequences and they’d rather gamble Eli’s career over their own is a question I intend to play with.
End session two.
Admittedly, it was a railroading session that hinged on two combats that I didn’t prepare properly and a puzzle that need a few more facets, but I set some Campaign Plot up and actually got players to the table, so I say sufficient success! Always a learning experience! And Anthony seemed to prefer the system vastly over GURPS, so I think it’s good.
Just need to cement running combat and the Advantage and Disadvantage system. It’s a new thing that takes getting used to. Plus the question of what to do when you get a nothing roll.
Also need to get firmer control over what magic can and cannot do. And also that GM trumps rulebook everytime.
I have an outline for the next session. Just need to add some meat and work in elements the players enjoy. Maybe try and have it be less of an Eli Roberts focused story.[20]
Until next time, may the dice make things interesting!
[1] Pompous sounding name? Perhaps! But it’s a grab from the Tales JRPG series, and a TED Talk I saw once. [2] Had the party asked, the Mayor was avoiding asking South Fort for help because that crosses a border and could cause a lot of diplomatic tensions. The party didn’t ask, so I’m noting it here for my own gratification. [3] Because we needed to fit a new party member in some how. [4] Which I forgot to put potatoes and apples in. I’m disappointed in myself. [5] Unless it was the other way around. There was confusion! [6] Iron is magic proof in the setting! Because I’m taking inspiration from my vague knowledge of fair folk mythology. [7] Her name is Debra. I didn’t have the exact details (improv!), but if needed, she’d have the key for the door for… reasons? [8] I keep trying a Douglas Addams thing where I save the most glaringly obvious and distressing fact for last. It’s never worked because I keep getting interrupted or the players overlook I mentioned a monster. Might be a sign to stop, but why would I? [9] I casually left a prose-y cheat sheet on the table before we started. So it’s open notes. [10] Always provide the required tools if you can’t be sure the party has the needed supplies. [11] My much coveted block puzzle! I’ll figure it out someday! [12] In the pathfinder version, it instead revealed a sleeping dragon. I should’ve worked in a similar element on top of what I put in the chamber. [13] Maybe if I ask nicely, my players will pretend this is what I did. [14] Why do the muses include two with dominion over Astronomy and History? Who knows! They just do! [15] I was hoping someone would mess with one of the notebooks for this exact reveal. They played right into my hands. [16] I’ll leave it to the players to retcon why they stole the first notebook. [17] Maybe Urania should’ve been the mural room. You light the crystal for the story, then have to darken it to move on.[18] [18] Take three on this dungeon’s going to be epic! [19] A pay off when, long, long ago, when I was very young looking through a borrowed copy of GURPS 3rd Edition, I saw a picture of cowboys riding giant rabbits with saddlebags reading ‘Bunny Express’. Finally did it. [20] He took the reigns on the session one mystery, and the letter plot hook only works with him. I’ll try to do hooks working off the other three before returning to him, if at all.
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c-rankin93 · 7 years
A/N: I can confidently say that I have never been that sick in my life. I still have a pretty good cough left on me and Annaleigh is finally getting better. One week later, ugh! My partner only had it for 3 days... The flu absolutely bombs. I'm finally recovering and the updates shall return. Happy vibes guys! Here's a very belated, but welcomed chapter. I hope you like it. And this is the whine down of the story. P.s I will he doing 2 epilogue chapterS to this story! Years after the final chapter:) Likes always not edit. I don't have the time or energy. Maybe I should get a beta. Any volunteers HAHAHA lol:) --- CHAPTER FIFTEEN - AWAKENING LOVE --- FINN POV: Life had been a blur the past few months. Christmas wasn't celebrated, merely just acknowledge as another day. Even the new year was brush off. Everyone seemed to just move between their lives and being at the hospital like it was a regular thing. Wake up, work, hospital, home. It was a stupid mantra that my mind seemed to follow without even realising. Joshua and Ruby barely smiled, only when they would tell Rae's sleeping form about the fun things they did at school. I didn't blame them, I seemed to be more sour as well. I was without a personal assistant at work because of Olivia's very welcoming departure, and that left Archie to pick up my peices. I had refused any other applicant that had applied for the job, but do you blame me? The last bitch fucked up my marriage and it seemed that the males that did apply, didn't have the qualifications I looked for. Archie had taken the lead and downgraded his job title for now, just so he could follow me around cleaning up the messes I seem to create. Heck, even Dad seemed to have come out of retirement. I knew they were waiting for me to crumble under the weight of raising two kids and a company, but that was the last thing I needed to do. I wasn't the one broken laying in a fucking hospital bed, with a machine connected to my airways. So, I had no right to have a complete mental break down, like my body was inching towards. It was now Febuary 3rd and Ruby's birthday was only a week away. I know she wants nothing more then her mother to wake up, I hear her whisper it into Rae's ear everynight when we say our goodbyes. But, I knew that was highly unlikely. The more she stayed in this comatose state, the less likely she will ever wake up again. I was not prepared for that. They had taken her off medical sedation a little over a month ago, and still her she remained the same. Vitals never changed, and bloods always came back normal. Rae just simply wasn't ready to come back to us. I hadn't gone to work today. I woke to chaos, Ruby and Joshua fighting over the amount of time spend in the bathroom, then to who ate who's cereal. By the time I had dropped them off at school, I had sent an email to Archie telling him I was spending the day with Rae. So here I was, white walls surrounded me, the heart monitor beeping steadily and silence. I hadn't spoken since I arrived two hours ago, only too the one nurse who checked her Vitals, and once again everything was 'normal'. Normal? I didn't understand how any of this was 'normal'. Rae only moved her chest to breathe, she hadnt opened her eyes... How the fuck can that be normal? The doctors couldn't even tell me why she was still in a coma, even though she was taken off sedation. But, the only reply I every got was, 'everything seems normal sir'. My hand clutched hers, tight. My lips found hers ever so often, and the light flush on her cheeks never faded. She looked peacefully and perfecf, I was worried she didn't want to come back and I honestly wouldn't blame her. Not after the torment her heart had endured the last few years. Maybe she wasn't strong enough to brave us anymore. God was this fickle man, but I did believe that he had a plan for all of us. I just hope her story hadn't come to an end, when we were only experiencing the next chapter. "Rae" I didn't understand why I was whispering, but I was. "Hey baby, it's me. You need to wake up for me, Joshua and Ruby. You need to come back to us..." A tear streaked down my face. "You have to wake up baby, because Ruby's birthday is next week and she really wants you to be there, I really want you to be there." I breathed a steady breath trying to control my overpowering emotions. "We love you, and we need you back with us. I promise Rae if you wake up, I will be with you every step of the way. I will treat you like the princess you are, I will beg down on my knees until you agree to come back to me. I will do anything, absolutely fucking anything for us to be a family again." My head fell onto her arm. I couldn't stop the tears, I just missed her so damn much. Her body was here with my, but that soul, that charismatic personality I fell in love with was.  I was a grown man, in a Prada suit mourning my loss, whilst holding her warm body. I just felt like a little boy, broken beyond repair - unashamedly. "Do you remember the day I proposed to you?" I smiled, remembering one of the best days of my life. "I was so nervous that you would say no, I nearly didn't follow through with it. Plus, your brothers terrified me even with their blessing. Archie and Chop had practically kicked my ass when I told them about my self doubts." "I planned to wait until after dinner to ask you, but the moment I saw you come through the door of the restaurant in that black dress. Mm, you looked so good. I knew I wouldn't be able to wait. That's why the moment you stopped in front of me, I was down on my knee whipping that ring out. I think I put it on your finger before you even had the chance to say yes.." I laughed, then looked off into the distance. "When you married me 6 months later. It was the happiest I've ever been in my life thus far. Then you gave me Joshua and Ruby, and I thought my life was complete. The worst decision I ever made was hiring Olivia, and I promise I'll never make a stupid decision like that again. I promise from now on that I'll always chase you, no matter how far you run, I'll always be there. I'm not giving up again, but you have to wake up first baby... you have too..." I sobbed. "I can't do this without you..." 'Beep-beep, Beep-beep, Beep-beep' I looked to her heart monitor that was beeping a little faster, then back to her  beautiful face. The pale pigments of her skin glowed a little more brightly, light flush remained on her cheeks but deepened in colour. 'Beep-beep, Beep-beep, Beep-beep' The monitor continued to beep faster, and I was starting to get a little worried. I went to release Rae's hand so I could lean over and press the nurses button, but something stopped me. Rae's fingers twitched under my grip. Her nails lightly scratched my palm and my eyes widened. "Rae?" I kissed her forehead, brushing away the few strands of hair on her face. Her fingers move again. "NURSE!!" I shouted towards the door, then cover Rae's face with my palms. "Rae baby, can you hear me?" Then pulled away from her. "I NEED A NURSE IN HERE!" I yelled again as I watch Rae's eyelids flutter, but not open. I slammed my hand against the emergency button and within seconds nurse after nurse flooded into the room. "She's waking up! Rae, baby wake up!" "Sir, I'm going to need to step out of the room please." I scoffed, "I'm not leaving my wife when she's waking up!" I was irritated that she thought that would be the best decision. "Please sir, her blood pressure is elevated. Shes panicking because of the breathing tube in her throat." I'm panicking. The sound of her gagging was louder then what it sound be. She just wanted to breath properly, but to do that she needed to relax and let the doctors pull the tube out. "Rae!" I turned back to her and grabbed her hand. I know she could hear me. "Its alright baby, you need to relax so they can pull it out. Then you will breath. Relax-" I was forcefully pulled from her grip just as her eyes opened. I tried to pull against whoever had me, but was unsuccessful because of the two burly men that were not letting go. Her gulp of air was heaven to my ears, then her little pants soon after. The doctors had successful pulled the breathing tube from her throat without damage. "I love you!" Her eyes focused on me, but I didn't know if she could actually see me. "Remember, I love you..." "Finn?" Her voice was so soft I barely heard her. The noise from the doctors and nurses drowned out anything else she may have said to me. The door to her room slammed in my face, and there I stood in a crowed hallway just watching. Watching the madness that was happening around the once dull room. I couldn't do anything, but hope for the best. -- RAE POV: "Ms. Earl can you hear me?" A foreign voice spoke. The brightness from the light shone directly in my eyes, making it hard to see without glare. "Rachel, sweetie? My name is Barbra, I'm one of the Nurses here at Bellevue hospital, I've been caring for you for the last few months..." Months? What is she talking about? "You were involved in a car accident back in December..." The flash of a memory played in my head. Albert's crinkled smile morphed into the face of panic as the car was flipped. "Water" I croaked towards the older women, who smiled and poured some into a cup. "Here you go love. Small sips, because you'll find your throat might be sore when you swallow" Nurse Barbara cooed. My body ached, my head felt like someone had played the drums on it, but i didnt care. All I could think of was the moment I opened my eyes to see Finn standing over me. I craved the feel of his hand brushing over my dewy skin. I smiled looking towards the ceiling remembering everything he had told me this past few minutes. I never knew he was nervous to propose, because on that night he acted so confident like he usually did. My heart swelled remembering his words of love, and family. The promises. Just like the ones before that were kept, he was a man of honor. The nurses were still busy fluffing around me, checking that, doing this. I was flustered, all I wanted to do is see my family, my kids... "Finn" I whispered trying to get someone's attention. "Mr. Nelson is just standing outside the room, would you like me to go get him?" I nodded and relaxed back into the bed. A few minutes later he walked back through the door. He didn't acknowledge those around him, but me. His eyes bore into mine, a ghost of a smile kissed his lips. I couldn't think the moment he pulling my face toward his and covered my lips with his own. I savoured the sweet feeling for only a second, but i would never forget it. He smiled brightly as he pulled away and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling my hand into his lap. "You don't know how much you scared me.." he said honestly. "I thought I'd lost you that day" Finn looked at our intertwined finger, "You suffered a seizure not long after you were sedated after surgery. When they told me, I nearly broke. Loosing you... I can't even think about it, Rae." His head fell forward, his lips touched the skin on my hand. I could feel his tears, but I didn't have the energy to wipe them away. His sobs where quiet, but his body shuttered with every breath he took. "I needed you to be Ohkay..." he finally spoke, looking into my eyes. "I love you Rae" he smiled through the tears, and brushed mine away. I hadn't even realised that I was crying as well until this action. "I love you too" I croaked and swallowed hard. I meant every word I said, I truly did still love him. -- @lily-pop-2 @luly310 @tinakegg @arathewallflower @mmfdfanfic @i-dream-of-emus @l88cym @milymargot @milllott @hey1tskat1e @lurkernolonger @eveerez @mallyallyandra Did I get all the tags? Lol
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c-rankin93 · 7 years
A/N: Sorry it's been a while since my last update. But I caught the flu and some days I couldn't even lift myself out of bed, let alone write. Hopefully you like it... especially my little twist. UNEDITED GUYS -- CHAPTER THIRTEEN: COLLISION -- FINN POV: "Soooo..." I looked between the 3 burly men across from me. For the past 6 minutes they hadnt spoken, only warily watched me with narrowed eyes. I had never been one that was intimated by anyone, if anything I was the one who did the intimidating. But right now as we sat in the corner of this small restaurant in down town Manhattan, I no longer felt like the business man I was. More like a little boy being scolded for stealing the last cookie. "Soooo..." Mark mimicked with a small smile playing on his face. "Thanks for agreeing to this meeting Finn. I know that tonight was meant to be your night with Ruby and Josh, but I'm glad that you allowed us to steal you away from them for a few hours" Julian's raspy voice spoke from beside Mark. "They were fine about it. They seem quite happy to stay at your parents place, plus Rae agreed to let me have them tomorrow afternoon as well" I smiled politely taking a large sip of my beer anxiously. Julian nodded, then looked over to the eldest brother Robert who still hadn't spoken a word. I loosened my tie looking towards my former friend. Our friendship dissolved instantaneously when Rae left me. The last time we had been in the same room together was during the divorce hearing, and even then he still didn't say a word directly towards me. It was nerve racking to say the least, having a man only 4 years my senior glare holes into my head as I signed myself a single man again. "Hello Finn." A small smile appeared on my face when Robert spoke. "Robert, how have you been?". "Better then you by the looks of things." "Yeah, well you can't have everything you want in life can you." Mark snorted. "With the money you have I highly doubt that." Julian hissed for him to shut his trap, and Robert just laughed lightly. My once tense body loosened a little. "Rae told us what happened. Well Mark and I, Robert already knew bits and pieces" I could tell Julian's remark about Robert tasted bitter on his tongue. I didn't know that Rae had kept what she thought I had done to herself. "But what we want to know now is what's going to happen next?" "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "I mean your not going to let them get away with this are you?" I scoffed. "Of course not!" "We want in" Mark announced. "Mark's right" Julian seconded. I looked towards the eldest and he nodded, a diabolical smirk plastered across his face. "What could an Actor, Doctor and Lawyer possibly do for me?" I raised an eyebrow. "Anything you want us to do. Nobody, and I mean nobody hurts our little sister and gets away with it!" Mark hissed. Honestly my mind hadn't even thought that far ahead yet. It was still focused on Rae, and the relationship that was still building between us. With Christmas just over the horizon, there was nothing I could do until the new year. I didn't want to spoil what we had built so far, I didn't want to think about all the people who did us wrong.  I was just about to answer when Robert spoke first. "Do you still love her?" I didn't have to think twice before answering. "More then anything." Robert's phone started ringing suddenly, pausing from replying to me he grabbed his phone from his jean pocket to see who was ringing. "Mom?" I could just hear the frantic voice of Linda on the other side of the line, but her words were muffled. Robert's eyes shot to me, then to his brothers who both had curiosity written on their faces. Something was wrong. "Ohkay, Ohkay. We will be there in 20 minutes!" He stood abruptly knocking over some glasses in his haste and ended the phone call. "What's going on Rob?" Mark said standing as well. "There's been an accident" was all he said before he headed towards the exit. We didn't hesitate to follow after throwing a few 20 dollar bills on the table. By the time we gathered outside, Robert was already hailing a taxi. "What accident? Is Ruby and Josh Ohkay?" I asked grabbing his arm and turning him to face me. My heart beating incredibly fast the moment I saw tears in the man's eyes. "Tell me goddammit! Are my children Ohkay?" "Ruby and Joshua are fine!" I breathed a sigh of relief. "But-" he continued. "Its Rae, she was in a collision just outside New Jersey. She's been rushed to hospital." No, no, no! This can't be happening. My body felt numb, my mind was playing tricks on me. Not my Rae. "FINN! GET IN THE TAXI!" Robert yelled and he climbed in the front, but I couldn't move. Not my Rae. -- RAE POV: (Hour before...) I was dressed simple. Black dress, black shoes, even a black clutch. Fuck, if I didn't know better I would think I was off to a damn funeral, not to dinner with my boyfriend. My make up was there, covering up the imperfections but not to the point where it looked like I had a fight with a clown. I blame the nerves that were circulating my body for my Debbie downer style with minimum effort. I just couldn't help the different thoughts that were constantly running through my head, but I had to be honest. With myself and to Gregory. I had arrived early to the Restaurant, my plan was to atleast have a class of something strong at the bar before I had to face Gregory. I was amazed at how full the place was the moment I stepped through the doors, tables look full to the brim with patrons and even the bar looked to be at full capacity. Still there was 30 minutes before our reserved table would be ready, and no doubt Gregory would always be punctual as usual. I was half way through my glass of vodka and tonic when I heard the distinct sound of Gregory's voice. Even over the chatter around me I could tell it was him, even if i couldn't see him. I quickly gulped the rest of my drink and pushed myself away from the bar and towards what I think was Gregory. What I found though was something I wasn't expecting. His hand was pressed firmly against the wall, with his body hunched over another. From the side view I had I could tell he wasn't happy with the conversation he was currently having. The second person in question was obstructed from my view by a large inside tree that was against the wall, but it was a female. Or maybe a man who liked to wear Louboutin shoes. I inched as close as I could without making my presence known. I knew it was a risky move, but I could barely hear what they were arguing about from where I stood before. Curioisly, i wondered why he was even talking so intimately with another women. "You need to leave now!" Gregory's voice made me pause my movements. I was now close enough to listen into their conversation, but still further enough away for them to notice me. "No! You need to leave I'm having dinner with my sister!" The woman's voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't pinpoint where I had heard it before. "Rae will be hear soon and she can't see you. Not after what you did" he hissed. "I don't give a flying fuck Greg" the woman sneered. "She took everything away from me." My heart raced. A sheen of golden blonde hair came into my eye sight and at that moment I knew exactly who Greg was talking to, but question was why? "She didn't fucking do anything to you. We all know that baby of yours isn't Finn's!" His hand smacked against the wall, and I jumped in fright. I had never seen this side of him before, and quite honestly it scared me. "Why Olivia?" "Why what?" She replied. Her voice no longer held venom, it was almost a whisper. "Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant. Unless you fucked someone else, we both know who the father is... That night..." he croaked and the tears started to blind my vision. "I'm the father aren't I?" "Yes." That was all I needed to hear. For the second time in my life my heart was ripped from my body because of that women. Gregory admitted to his cheating, and now I didn't even feel bad for sleeping with Finn months after Gregory's deception. I started to back away slowly. Their conversation was still ongoing, but they talked so softly that even if I did want to continue listening I wouldn't be able to hear. I had moved a meter back before knocking into someone, the sound of plates crashing had me shocked. I turned around and apologised to the waiter, who scowled at me but I didn't care. I needed to get out of this place. I quickly turned to where Olivia and Gregory were standing. Both their eyes locked onto mine, wide with shock to see me standing there. I looked at Greg shaking my head, he had to of known I had heard his confession. He moved towards me leaving a shaking Olivia behind and tried to grab my hand. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yelled ignoring the people around me. I moved my body further away, creating a space still too small between us. "Rachel..." "Don't you fucking Rachel me! You-you asshole! You got her pregnant! Behind my back! I hope you enjoy your little family, because I want nothing more to do with you!" "And you!" I pointed to Olivia, who was crying. Her secret was out, she had lost Finn completely and I was going to make sure he knows. "Never come near us again or I'll make your life a living hell!" "Please Rae let me explain!" Gregory attempted to reach out again, but my hand was already gliding across his smooth cheek. It would be the last time my hands would ever touch him. "There's nothing to explain. Don't ever, and I mean ever talk to me again!" I ran. Out the the front of the restaurant and into a taxi before Gregory could catch me. "Drive please!" I said hastily to the taxi driver who seemed stunned. I must look like a crazy woman right now. I looked back as the taxi took off to see Gregory run through the front entrance of the restaurant before he disappeared from my view. "Where too miss?" The older man spoke with a slight Russian accent. "New Jersey please." Within 20 minutes we were traveling at a steady speed. Our conversation was light, which I was happy about. I needed a distraction. I had learnt many things about the soon to be retiree, 2 of his children were still at College and the eldest 2 had families of there own. Unfortantly his wife had passed from cancer 10 years ago, but he only spoke of the fond memories he shared with her. I couldn't help but smile past my tears, not once had he asked me why I was crying or what was wrong. I appreciated that.  "My Johnny wants to be in finance when he graduates. Smart young man he is. Top of his class and everything out at Pittsburg" Albert grinned. "He will be home soo-" My head flung to the side, crashing straight into the window splintering it into pieces. The car continued to roll as I screamed. By the time the car stopped on its roof, my leg was trapped between the passenger front seat and the door. My body was on fire. Pain unbearable. Albert didn't make a sound, he just hung from his seat with blood pooling beneath him. "ALBERT!" I screamed at the kind stranger. I felt my body become weak with the blood loss I too was suffering from. "Albert" I tried again, unable to reach out to him. I could hear the sirens in the back ground play the melody I had grown a custom too in New York. I knew I couldn't hold on, my eyes began to daze.  Until I faded into the black. I didn't want to die, but I didn't know if I could help it. -- @lily-pop-2 @mmfdfanfic @eveerez @milllott @milymargot @hey1tskat1e @arathewallflower @tinakegg @l88cym @lurkernolonger @luly310 @i-dream-of-emus
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