#but once again. killed me that she yearned for love so greatly when i was standing silently by catching her every time she fell.
once again, i wish i had told her. it killed me hearing her complain endlessly about how unloved she felt..... i figured she could tell, somewhat. is it not a show of love to be her shoulder to cry upon? that felt like enough and it killed me that she didn't see me that way.... she deserved love when i knew her. when i couldn't tell.... do not blame me for still loving her. i am not angry anymore... i just have to live with these unfinished feelings. i am reminiscing against my better judgement. do i think i could've changed her?
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teawithnosugar · 1 year
Terrified Her
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! Pairings ,' Toxic!Ellie x Chronically ill!Reader ! CW ,' angst, Ellie is kind of toxic???, anxiety??? not the best depiction of a heart disease, open ending ! words ,' 1.4k ! synopsis ,' Ellie is constantly pushing you away and your already weak heart can't take it anymore ! song ,' You're Losing Me - Taylor Swift
"I gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy"
! AN ,' not happy with how this turned out, still practicing after years of writer's block so feedback is appreciated <3
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“My god- just fuck off for once!”
The words echoed in your ears like a piercing scream, shaking the fragile peace of your farmhouse. Barely a week had passed since your return from Santa Barbara, yet the tension between you and Ellie had grown unbearable. Each time those harsh words spilled from her lips, they struck your heart with the force of a jagged stone.
“We can’t keep going on like this Els, we need to talk about this, I can help you.”
Your pleas fell on deaf ears, and Ellie stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind her. She never strayed too far, merely pacing around the farm, choosing to sleep beneath the stars instead of finding solace by your side. So you retreated to the bedroom, sleeping alone once again. Silently, tears streamed down your face, just as they had during the treacherous journey to Santa Barbara and back. You had mastered the art of stifling your sobs and sniffles, not wanting to further upset Ellie. That was a mistake on your part, creating a barrier that held her back from comprehending the agony that her relentless quest for vengeance caused you.
The morning arrived, Ellie's absence was noticeable until you found yourself in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. With puffy eyes, you cast a pointed glare at her as she walked into your home. You needed to let her know that this was wrong. But when she gave you a chaste kiss on the cheek and ever so casually asked what you were making, you almost crumbled then and there beneath the weight of her indifference or feigned ignorance of the profound anguish you bore down deep.
You held it together though, as always, and gave her a soft answer, afraid to use too much energy in speaking as it was already taking everything in you to keep it together.
“Some pancakes…it’s all I could make with what we have right now.”
She hummed in response, wrapping her arms around your waist from behind as you cooked. Resting her head on your shoulder, she seemed lost in thought, oblivious to how tightly she held onto you. Her embrace that used to comfort you greatly now suffocated you, literally. She was clearly still grappling with the events in Santa Barbara. Ellie had been frustrated for years, always yearning to seek revenge. Now that she was back home, she felt so alone, and that killed you because you were right there, begging for her to see you.
But now, you were softly begging for her to let go, wincing a little because her grip had opened a few stitches of wounds earned during your trip.
"Shit, sorry," she quickly let go, hurrying to retrieve the first-aid kit from the bathroom when she noticed blood seeping through your shirt. You turned off the stove and perched on the counter, patiently waiting for her to return.
You slipped your shirt off, to make it easier for you both. Once you got a look at the wound, only a few stitches had come undone but you took blood thinners due to the heart condition you had and it caused an excessive flow of crimson.
Ellie wordlessly positioned herself between your legs, tending to the wound with delicate hands and having to do very minor stitches. Her brows furrowed in worry and lips pursed in concentration, guilt filled her eyes as she adamantly avoided meeting your gaze.
In moments like these, you caught a glimpse of the Ellie you fell in love with all those years ago in Jackson—the one hidden beneath the walls you now saw, your Ellie.
Your Ellie, once so tender and serene, always playing your favorite songs and filling her notebook with drawings of you. Now her guitar sits silently in the corner, its strings wounded by her injury. And she had grown weary, devoid of the energy to birth new art. Whenever she opens her notebook, it's only to revisit old memories. Once, she left it out on the table, and it was hard not to notice the prominent tear stains that marked its pages, like a sad reminder of lost joy.
Even when she finished patching you up, she lingered before you, her presence marked by silence, her hands trembling ever so slightly. You couldn’t help but ask a soft “you okay Els?”
In an instant, her expression changed dramatically. She emitted a small, exasperated groan before abruptly leaving the room, a bitter remark escaping her lips, “I’m fine, stop fucking asking.”
You just closed your eyes, trying to steady the resounding heartbeat that you could hear in your ears. You swallowed thickly once you composed yourself, ignoring the pins and needles you felt on your forehead and fingertips.
You quickly abandoned the half-prepared meal and walked in front of her where she sat on the couch. You slipped on a shirt from a pile of clean laundry next to her. Silently, you stood before her, though she made it abundantly clear that she would ignore you, rolling her eyes and meticulously cleaning her already gleaming firearm.
“Ellie…please…we need to talk about this…I’ve been so understanding…let me into the pretty little head of yours.” You whispered softly, voice a gentle plea as you put a gentle hand on her hair, which she quickly swatted away as she rose from the couch.
“How many times do I have to tell you I’m fucking fine”
“You’re not fine!” You shouted, causing her to freeze because you never raised your voice at her before.
“Just…leave me alone Y/N…” she sighed, running a hand through her hair.
“Are you sure you want me to do that? Cause if you want me to leave you alone, I’m going to fucking leave.” Your voice resonated with firmness, but your eyes begged her for any kind of communication, to tell you she wanted you there.
Her eyes widened slightly and her mouth opened and closed a few times as she struggled to find the words she sought but all that left her mouth was a soft and pathetic “I don’t understand.”
“Clearly,” you muttered under your breath before shaking your head softly and sighing. “I’m getting tired Els, I’m here to help you. I’ve done nothing but fight by your side…so stop ignoring me…” You took a few steps closer to the brunette. Every step you took, a warmth blossomed within Ellie's chest, a familiarity she hadn't felt since Joel’s death. It absolutely terrified her, bringing back memories from when she had everything, reminding her of everything she had lost yet again, so she snapped.
You had no idea what she was shouting at you, and neither did she. She screamed at you words that she hadn’t even processed before they left her lips. You didn’t know when it happened but you were now standing, back against the wall as she pinned you, her arms enclosing you in as she spewed words she didn’t even mean.
Her glare alone caused you to instinctively shrink, your heart pounding so forcefully that all you could hear was the ringing in your ears. You wanted to tell her to stop, that you felt like you were going to faint, but you felt frozen on the spot.
You had a heart condition, a condition that demanded caution, and yet you followed Ellie across the country despite the dangers. But it was not the infected or violent people that quickened your heartbeat in an unhealthy manner; it was Ellie, right within the safety of your home. Ellie just had that effect on you
It’s only when you let out a strained cough, doubling over against her, did she finally realize the extent of her rampage and fell silent.
She immediately lowers both of you to the floor, cradling you in her arms.
You desperately tried to breathe and she did everything she could to help, holding your hand and whispering sweet words. She kept you close to her chest, trying to calm you down. As your breathing gradually steadied, absolutely drained, you closed your eyes, falling asleep in her arms.
Ellie fought back tears as she held you because she realized that while she mourned the losses she had endured, you had been silently mourning your relationship which wasn’t even over yet and that was all her fault. Her thoughts spun wildly, attempting to etch the feeling of your weight on her and your scent into her memory, unsure if you’d grant her such intimacy like this again when you wake up. That terrified her.
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kairiscorner · 11 months
time to fuck you all up 🫶🫶🫶
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
he keeps remembering.
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"papa?" rang the young girl's echo of a voice, her cheerful, gleeful echo of a voice. "stop it." he told himself as he held his head in his hands, lightly tugging at his dark brown, tousled locks as he shut his eyes tight--ignoring that voice he longed to hear every day he came home.
or rather, intruded her home.
"papa! did you miss me?" she'd ask with that... horrifyingly darling voice, a voice that undoubtedly held so much love and affection for the man who loved her the most in her life, and probably had ever.
because he was never meant to have her.
he hated how vivid those memories were, how he could remember every detail of every moment of their lives together--how he remembered telling her not to run in the halls as a toddler, then suddenly telling her not to leave the house without giving her papa a kiss. from giving her piggyback rides, to her rushing up to hug him herself. and he can still remember all the ways her voice sounded when she told him she adored him, she loved him, her papa.
but he wasn't him. he could never be.
all her "i love you's", embraces, squeals and giggles from him loving her unconditionally... was never meant for him to begin with.
yet she had to pay for what he wanted.
now, she's...
"get out." he said aloud, not once looking back at the image of that little girl whom he loved dearly, still loves unconditionally--and yearns to hold again... but knows it can never be a reality, not after he...
"get out of my head." he said through gritted teeth as he took in a sharp breath, and slowly breathed out, which soon became shaky. he opened his eyes. tears stained the bottom of his eyes as his eyelashes became doused in tears of sorrow and longing.
he can only hope she can forgive him.
not just for destroying the only home, reality that she could live in and be happy in, for... practically killing her, his own daughter...
but for having the nerve to call her his daughter.
a/n: ah... angst <33
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara
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nation-of-bros · 1 day
I have a friend who was, until recently, involved with an extremely abusive woman. She kept expecting him to pay all the bills and do everything without doing an ounce of work herself. She didn't even have a job of her own. When money was tight (because he was doing absolutely everything and she was doing absolutely nothing), she'd get into arguments with him, try to hit him, and even threaten to kill him on more than one occasion. She also had serious drug problems. They'd break up, then she'd get emotional and manipulate him by pretending to apologize and he couldn't resist getting back with her. To be fair, she was quite attractive and she'd often use this to woo him into coming back.
Anyway, he'd always come to me, another guy he met at work, when he needed to unload and I'd always listen to him. I never forced the issue and was extremely patient and understanding with him. Initially, when I didn't know the full extent of their relationship, I'd tell him it wasn't my place to intervene and even recommend couples' therapy. But when the death threats came, this shifted more towards pushing him to leave her and pursue someone else.
Secretly I badly wanted him for myself, but as far as I knew he was straight and I'm also not a homewrecker. I really just wanted to be a good friend to him during his time of need, and he was greatly stressed out. I was always his emotional support, always there for him. Most importantly, I actually listened. I even lent him some money to help him through a rough spot. Sometimes he'd even let me see him cry.
I spent a lot of time with him, and found things for us to do that would distract him from the absolute misery of living with her. Over time, he started choosing to spend more and more time with me. We'd go fishing and I taught him to play chess. My goal was never to steal him, but he kept coming back to my place to escape from her. Sometimes, when he'd break up with her, I'd reassure him that there are plenty of women out there that would love to have him and wouldn't treat him like she did. But he still was madly in love with her, to an unreasonable extent, mainly because the first two years of their relationship were actually nice and he kept dreaming that that was still there in her somehow, and he could somehow get it all back again, buried under all the abuse.
Every time he got back with her, thinking "THIS time will be different," I'd internally sigh, but ultimately he was an adult and he could make his own decisions. But when the death threats started coming, I started to take a stance that was more firm and actually tell him, "you really need to leave this woman." This all finally came to a head when she locked him out of his own house and cheated on him. He finally had had enough and split up with her for good.
After this happened, he said he wanted to live with me for a while as my roommate. I had only ever lived alone, so only had one bed, but I allowed him to sleep in it while I slept on the couch. He felt bad about that, even though I told him it was no problem, so we'd take turns. I desperately longed to sleep in that bed with him, but swore I wouldn't force things and ruin our friendship. While his experiences with women were toxic and unhealthy, I had no real experiences with anyone at all, and had always lived alone. Both of us were craving intimacy. Lots of yearning. For him, he was trying to reclaim something he had once had. But for me, I was hoping to claim something I had never had.
It soon became apparent that he really enjoyed my company, to the point where I was beginning to think he might see me as more of a friend. We did just about everything together. Talk. Share a morning. We became the most precious and important people in each others' worlds. Very brotherly, but also sort of romantic.
Over time, I began to feel as though he reciprocated my feelings. There were *moments.* Instances where I thought to myself, "this HAS to be more than friendship," but was never 100% sure and I was too afraid to make that final step. Like our texts would be kinda ambiguously flirtatious, but in a way that might just be playful joking or just really close. There would be moments when I think he *knew* I wanted him, but instead of being disgusted, or taken aback, I think it boosted his self esteem and flattered him. My attention to him seemed to please him a LOT. We both reached a point where we were comfortable enough to hang out at my place nearly naked. We had no shame in our bodies. He's exactly the type you like to post on here--bald, hairy, bear-like. I'm hairy too, but thinner and more otter-like, plus I still have a full head of hair.
I think The Moment came one day when I told him I was looking a little scraggly and needed a buzzcut and a beard trimming. He offered to do it himself. So I sat down on a chair on the porch with my shirt off so that my hair clippings wouldn't leave a mess in the house and he stood behind me with the buzzer and the scissors, also shirtless. What happened next had to have been the most intimate and erotic haircut and grooming I have ever received. He has these big, warm hands and he kept shifting and turning my head around with them, and holding me steady by pressing up behind me. Lots of caressing on my scalp and face. I swear I felt his erection pressing up against my shoulder blades. We had this full length mirror brought out and leaned up against the porch railing, and every once in a while he'd pause and admire his work.
He did stuff that was completely unnecessary but extraordinarily intimate, like rest his chin on my head and playfully mess up my beard. When he was finished, we were both looking at each others' eyes in the mirror and my hair was cut so short and my beard looked so clean and he said "There you go. You look so much better like that. Look how green your eyes are. They really pop when your hair is short." It was at the moment, I knew for sure he was in love with me. I told him I loved him and he said he felt the same way, that he loved me too.
That night, even though it was his turn to have the bed, he told me he wanted me in there with him, too. And when I got in with him, he wrapped his arms around me and pressed himself up against me, so I could feel his warm furry belly against the small of my back. I also felt his bulge pressing up against my backside and I knew he knew I had an erection, too.
Nowadays he'll *insist* I bed with him and will get distraught if we're apart too long. We do absolutely everything together. We're completely inseparable. He is extremely affectionate and loves to give lots of hugs, but also loves to pin me down and wrestle me because he knows he's bigger than me and I can't escape his grasp. Not that I'd ever want to. But the best part is how much happier and healthier he is after leaving a vile, abusive woman and giving affection to his soul brother instead. We're finally where we belong, which is with each other.
I had interacted with this account two years ago, and I thought about it recently because of current events in my life and thought you might appreciate this true story of male affection. I feel like I could write in more detail and do a better job with it if I had more time, but I think you get the picture. Would love to hear your commentary on this.
A beautiful story that I really like a lot!
If I were him, I would find it difficult not to have murderous thoughts. She really is the type of person you would want to run over with a car several times… lol
If they were married, her behavior would be perfect for exposing that bitch in court. I have no idea what American law is like, but in my country, a marriage without a prenuptial agreement is a financial disaster for men. And despite emancipation, many women are still out to rip men off. I don't envy straight dudes at all and am happy not to have to suffer their fate…
Sexuality is not static, and also heavily dependent on sympathy. It is therefore not uncommon for some people to prefer living with partners of the same sex when they get older. Ultimately, you are born into a society where heterosexuality is the norm, and most people accept it at first, before they realize that it doesn't really make them happy, or they accept that they are attracted to the same sex too. Our personality is built like an onion, and depending on our circumstances, deeper layers can become exposed and start to grow stronger, so that some men lose interest in women completely over time.
The fact that your friend loved this woman so much shows how deceptive love really is! In most cases, it is not true love, but just a stupid feeling caused by silly things that makes you believe that the other person is "special to you" and therefore worth humiliating yourself for. Actually, those things that make you cling to this person are nothing special at all, since they can be found in many other people too. However, you refuse to recognize this and cling to these silly things about the other person because you are afraid of losing something. True love, on the other hand, is mutual and develops over time through shared moments; and cannot be easily destroyed: It is real!
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hiromijudge · 8 days
"To whittle oneself away, to tear your enemies apart — that is the power of a blade."
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.𖥔 ݁ ˗ˏˋ Name - Blade (Current) , Yingxing (Former)
.𖥔 ݁ ˗ˏˋ Alias - Bladie , Bandages , Destiny's Slave
.𖥔 ݁ ˗ˏˋ Age - Unknown
.𖥔 ݁ ˗ˏˋ Element - Wind
.𖥔 ݁ ˗ˏˋ Path - Destruction
.𖥔 ݁ ˗ˏˋ Gender - Cis Male
.𖥔 ݁ ˗ˏˋ Pronouns - He/It
.𖥔 ݁ ˗ˏˋ Sexuality - AroAce , Bisexual
.𖥔 ݁ ˗ˏˋ Occupation - Stellaron Hunter (Current) , High-Cloud Quintet (Former)
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"Of five people, three must pay a price... These words are carved into my every wound..."
Headcanons :
⁞ ➤ Blade would also have a habit of asking very "grotesque" and "deep" questions casually, not deeming much wrong with just wanting to know an answer. He would ask Kafka about how a specific weapon would be most painful to a human, how a period works in much detail, what are the ways someone could go insane, questions that would unsettle someone greatly. He doesn't see anything wrong with asking any question, he has a craving for knowledge about anything that catches his attention, and it mostly is psychological or bloody things.
⁞ ➤ He would enjoy the lights of cities and the aura of them, the feeling of a sprawling capital at later hours with people walking around and noise humming around, it would settle him in some ways! He would enjoy going to bars or casinos in Penacony, or any bright city for that matter, and not have a miserable time with the tall buildings and streets pumping with people like a heart with blood!
⁞ ➤ Along with taking interest to things, Blade would have quite the good culinary knowledge! Moreso tasting of food and less of actually making it, but he can still cook quite lovely. Pasteries as well would be something he enjoys, but any food he'd like knowing about its origins, creation process, flavors, presentation, every part he could know. Presentation to him is important, so a finely plated dish of a rich chocolate dessert or a spicey and savory dinner is known to catch his eyes.
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"When will death come for me? My patience is wearing thin."
⨾┆ Blade is a swordsman who left his mortal body behind to become a weapon,
He pledges loyalty to "Destiny's Slave," and holds an ability of cost in his own grip
with that sword woven with cracks, just as his body and his mind. He can't recall who or what he once was, but all he knowd is the monster of the Mara with poison fangs and digging claws still haunts his shadow no matter his position and no matter how hard he tries to suppress it. Blade wants to please his yearning for death, the need being whispered in his ears, but his body continues to leak and not devoid of that crimson, so he kills others to let them savor it for him, let the grim reaper grace their shoulders and embrace their mind.
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"The dead know no fear."
Personality :
⨾┆Positive - Loyal, Resilient, Meticulous, Stoic.
⨾┆Negative - Fierce, Mysterious, Ruthless, Jagged.
⨾┆Blade has the aura as sharp as his ink colored blade: rigged and sharp, quick and strong. He keeps to himself more, having deep yet shadowed care to his fellow Stellaron Hunters, but to others he much prefers to keep distance, a 'feeling' inside him voices to keep others away. He is blunt and quick to the point, smart and technical with his combat and actions, vengance flowing through his every vein under that pale skin. His yearning of achieving death still drags him on, along with following beside Kafka, but he won't let any other beings in his way unless its of his sword.
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"Back again...? The fate of those I remember is never a good one."
Backstory :
♱・In his youth, Yingxing vowed to make weapons for the Cloud Knights in order to achive vengance for his home and family while working under Master Huaiyan of the Artisanship Commission. During his time on the Zhuming, Yingxing met Baiheng, when she requested arms and reinforcements, soon leading to their close bond. Yingxing was moreso a shy boy in his youth, but he became more confident as he grew up, and was described to be an arrogant man by many. Yingxing was shown to be close to the other Quintet members, and would regularly drink and spar with them, but grew resentment for Dan Feng, traling along to Dan Heng.
♱・In the aftermath of the Sedition, Yingxing was banished from the Xianzhou and lost great majority of his memories. During this time, he was discovered by Jingliu, who taught him swordplay, but also killed him countless times to remind him of the karma of his sins. Some time after searching with bloodthirst for Dan Heng, Yingxing was discovered by Elio, who saw a use for his immortality. He was convinced to join the Stellaron Hunters in exchange for a deal, "Being eternal end and final funeral" to his life and everything he had ever hated, now holding the tiltle and body of Blade, the slave to destiny.
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"A blade's edge knows no mercy."
Roleplay Sample :
⁅ 刃 ⁆ - Destiny's Funeral Planner.
┏━━━━━━━━━°⌜ 死の刃 ⌟°━━━━━━━━━┓
> Blades shoulder leaned againts the cold cement wall of a building among the Xianzhou Luofu, his ears keenly open as his lowered eyes scan the surroundings for any mishaps. The eyes of a hawk and one ready to kill travel from person to person, ready to jump at a moments notice if some pesky Cloud Knight would make their appearance and disrupt the script.
> The sword of ink seeping with golden is held behind his arm with the tip faced up, his breath kept quiet, his aura silenced from any radar. Their mission today was to get info of future plans from the general, and Blade was set on guard, as his common role that he did not attest to.
> "Kafka, Silver Wolf, has the information been obtained?" Blade questions into the small earpiece the three mutually have connected, pressing on it gently to hear the voices of silk and spunk on the other ends, filling in his missing blanks.
> "Good, let us leave just as Kafka advised, there's no need for us here in this moment. . althought I do wish to stay a bit longer, I haven't fought in a day or two, and I wish to see what kind of new recruits the Knights have within their troops." His voice holds a bit of sinister glisten, an itch of swinging his sword scratches along him.
┗━━━━━━━━°⌜ 死のユリ ⌟°━━━━━━━━━┛
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"...Tell me this is the end."
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depressnt · 6 months
Watched Hilda season 3 and Hilda And The Mountain King and I have thoughts for an au that includes the magic of The Incident(s) combining into one thing and affecting Hilda VERY greatly, I'm gonna copy-paste these texts from my convo with my partner (keep in mind, this isn't the first time I watch this movie)
I kinda wanna see troll! Hilda with her normal human mum, just trying to figure things out.
I wanna see Johanna struggling with Hilda who is so obviously *scared* and I wanna see Hilda break something by accident and just *freeze* and I want Johanna to deal with Hilda treating everything like glass and how obviously distressed the bells make Hilda
I wanna see Johanna try to hug Hilda and I wanna see Hilda hesitate and I want it to break Johanna to see what's happened to her daughter
I wanna see Hilda struggling with awakened Fae instincts due to the magics being connected and I want Johanna to see the difference after Hilda turns back and I wanna see Johanna doubt her daughter and then feel guilty for doubting Hilda who flinches at bells, goes in a trance like state when someone tells her their name, Hilda who can no longer say no to anything because everyone knows her name
Maybe i've consumed too much Danny Phantom content, when I see a non-angsty fandom simply existing, I think of all this 😭
Ok but i REALLY wanna see Johanna tell Hilda to do/not to something and Hilda visibly tries to not obey but is trembling and then locks up and kind of mechanically does it and it just makes everyone distressed
Omg I'm at the scene where Hilda is starting to experience the pain every troll experiences when they hear the bells
She's so scared, poor child :(however. I wanna focus on the part where she says "these things are gonna kill me" and I wanna amplify it, I want her to be SO scared of death. She's in a new body seemingly so invulnerable compared to her human one and I want THIS to be the moment she's sure she will die
I want her to get an intense ptsd flashback when she hears bells as a human. I want them to be just a bit louder to her than to anyone else. I want her ears to be left ringing everything she hears so much as a tink on glass.
I want her to yearn for her life as a troll occasionally because now that she's human again she's bound by so many things and the people around her are telling her to do things and her true name isn't pronounceable to trolls, they can't tell her to do things, she can feel in control of her body in ways she never could as a human
I wanna see Hilda breaking down and yelling for the call of the troll mother because it gave her a sense of connection to the land that she's always had, and still has after becoming human again, but that is amplified as a troll. Then I want her to break down bc the best mother she could ask for is already right there >:]
I want to see a visceral breakdown as Johanna takes care of a daughter who isn't hers (which is canonically happening as I type this, but it's filtered through a children's tv show lens and I wanna see the real thing)
The best thing throughout this whole idea is the (made up) language barrier and the fact that hilda stones-over in daylight
Hilda hiding under the bed from the sun and Johanna coaxing her out, only for Hilda to stone over once she's in the light and Johanna crying bc it's visibly painful for Hilda 🤭
Watching Johanna bang on a wall where a bunch of trolls dissappeared yelling "give her back to me!" At the specific troll who took her daughter is great, therapeutic, I love it. 11/10
Hilda still speaks human?! Nooooo the angst potentialllll
Hilda is openly displaying troll strength without accidentally hurting Johanna and running away crying while Johanna calls out for her as she cradles a broken bone or two, where's the angst :(
Hilda is human again
She's also naked as a newborn babe/ref
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