#but one of those core classes is psych so thats kinda cool
Officially applied for college again today…
Now I have a reason to go out in public dressed like an utter loon
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camilaelisalvarez · 5 years
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accessing file . . . CAMILA ELIS ÁLVAREZ 
UNREDACTED CASE FILE NO. 479002-BXQ. records show that agent terra, given name CAMILA ELIS ÁLVAREZ, was last seen in madrid on december 18 2018. psych eval describes them as adaptable and vengeful but otherwise fit for service at the firebird agency. at twenty-three, they have been recruited as a junior agent for the past three years. associations include: bruised and bloody knuckles bandaged for secrecy , the misleading facade of amusement in neon lights and how the skies begin to turn grey at the edge of an impending storm. end of file.   -   ananju dorigo, cisfemale, she/her
camila was born on an ordinary spring day in which the sun glared ay everything and everyone but the breeze provided enough cool air to stop anyone from going into complete panic mode from the heat
she was born to ricardo and paloma alvarez, her father was this successful businessman for a company in new york city and her mother was just his assistant
camila was conceived from an affair, her father was already married and as soon as her mother found out that she was pregnant, her father threatened her and forced her to quit her job and so she moved back to Brazil
she was raised by her mother and her grandmother in a small house in a the small town of Santa Cruz de Minas, as a kid she was always seemed level-headed and always strong-minded, she wouldn’t let anyone talk her down or bully her physically or mentally (but really she just put on a brave face, she was just as affected as the next person)
she constantly asked about her father but received no answers from her mother and her grandmother, this only fuelled her curiosity and she made a vow to her younger self that she would find her father and find some answers
camila never really excelled in academics, she was more street-smart than book-smart, her teachers always said that she had a lot of potential in the academic sector but she always concentrated on sport and art, she was more in touch and in harmony with her emotions and that was obvious in her art
she wanted to be an artist for the longest time, at night she would sneak out with some friends and graffiti some of the town walls with a profound message or a sentimental illustration
she was also really good at running, long-distance particularly, she won a lot of marathons, received lots of trophies and medals and it was something that came to her naturally but she kept working at it so she got better, her teachers even suggested it as a career but camila was set on becoming an artist
socially she was adored by her peers to some extent because she was a bit of a rebel, she always spoke out in class and interrupted lessons with a sarcastic yet rudimentary and only slightly offensive comment
as soon as she turned eighteen she moved to new york, partly because she wanted to kickstart her career as an artist and she thought there would be more opportunities there but also because she really wanted to find her father and get to the bottom of her history
she finally found her father by the time she was 20, rocked up to his house, the door was opened by his wife, her father got super angry and completely brushed her off and also since her father is this crazy person who’s so obsessed with keeping up appearances and maintaining his reputation (for his business etc.) he sent out someone to ‘deal’ with camila and her family
she learnt the news of her mother’s death a week after the visit to her father’s home, she was told she died from influenza and a week after that, she got news that her grandmother had died from a heart attack
she moved back to Brazil for the funeral but then discovered that her mother and grandmother were actually poisoned, camila’s always been quite vengeful and her emotion always tends to get the better of her
so she trained really hard and got all the intel on her father, waiting and training till the right opportunity, before she could do anything though, an agent on another mission took notice of her and she was recruited
which brings us to the present day !! mila is 23 years old and she’s been a junior agent for three years and is working her butt off to be a field agent asap
she’s very ambitious, she really wants to be a field agent and is always complaining about how she’s ready etc. etc. and always trains super hard so she has like no social life, she’s always in the training room and she’s always focused on her missions which tends to cause in some relationships (both platonic and romantic) to be sacrificed
she’s loyal right down to her core, once she’s established that you are her best friend then she’ll right about give her own life for you BUT it takes a long time for her to reach the best friend stage with someone, she doesn’t open up easily and she often just has a facade of sarcasm and quick-witted comebacks but it doesn’t actually tell you anything about who she really is
she would probably be known to be seem super cold-hearted and distant from everyone but once you get to know her, she’s really thoughtful and a real nerd but she is quite guarded and doesn’t trust anyone easily
she tends to spend her free time training (duuhhhh!) but besides that she loves her movies so she’s probably out in the cinema (by herself) or in her house with a thousand blankets and netflix on the tv
sometimes, she takes the mission personally and it affects her performance, there’s always some bits of the mission that will remind her of her history and its just something that she won’t be able to forget so sometimes she gets too heated during missions and thats when she fails
constantly have bandaged hands
always have bruised knees
can’t do anything with computers or technology
water bottle is always in her hands
speaks Portuguese when she’s angry
lowkey has nightmares but quite rare
she can speak : Portuguese, Spanish and English  
*note* all of these are just really brief, kinda default ideas, we definitely can hash out something much more specific !!
junior agent buddy  / best friend: both started at the firebird agency at the same time and built a friendship through their trainings and missions and tasks etc.
senior agent mentor : someone that has taken her under their wing *note* she probably would have been very stubborn at the start and tried to do everything her way , this is also the agent who she would have to accompany during any missions
training partner : they have lots of friendly banter and get it out through faux-fighting each other in the training room
little sibling : someone who she sees as her little sibling and absolutely adores them
confidant : her rock, someone who she tells all her insecurities too and its one of those friendships where they just call each other up or meet at a 24/7 diner when they can’t sleep and its like they just pour their hearts out but then they pretend that nothing happened the next day
frenemies : someone she has lots of FRIENDLY banter with and is very competitive with this person
roommate : someone that she had to share a house with and they could hate each other and are only civil towards each other
hook up buddies : someone that she probably spends the night at his place to relieve some stress but they don’t know each other, its strictly friends with benefits but this could definitely develop into something more
drinking buddy : someone who convinces her to go out and try to have a social life through parties and stuff
study buddy : someone who helps her with more of the smart stuff, like intel and stuff cuz she’s kinda dumb
unrequited crush
hey guys it’s N again, you know the drill !! like this to get something going between our characters !!! 
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