#but if i decide i dont want to the core classes have a lot of overlap with radiology and a few other associates fields im interested in
Officially applied for college again today…
Now I have a reason to go out in public dressed like an utter loon
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loversj0y · 1 year
saving face
pairing: siren x gn!reader (villain wilbur soot from tommyinnits clinic for supervillains)
tws: okay so, im going to be REALLY thorough because there is some dark content throughout so kidnapping, chloroform use, drug use (power enhancers), reader gets called sweetheart at one point, violence, injuries, torture, major head injuries, alcohol, alcohol is poured on reader, mental manipulation (attempts at it), blood, broken nose, siren tells someone to claw their eye out, mentions of a fractured skull and concussion
notes: big major thank u to @medlarwrites for this idea!!!! ive been obsessing over siren since i read clinic and had to write something abt him. im not in love with the start of the fic bc i had a very different direction at first but!!! dont care i like how it ended up!! so :3
medlars original prompt: “anyways lemme leave you a siren!wilbur who finds our his bestfriend from college got kidnapped because they suspect she's associated with siren and so want to get information about his identity from them :)”
word count: 5.5k!
taglist: @l0veb0mb1ng / @core-queen / @zooone
When you were in college, you had a rather… peculiar best friend. Maybe you should’ve cared a bit more about the moral consequences of what he did, but honestly, it was college. Your best friend was one of the most well-known supervillains, Siren.
That wasn’t how you met him, though. You met him as Wilbur Soot, the guy who sat next to you in your Literature class, who often forgot his pens. You had a small crush on him, so you made a habit of always bringing an extra pen for him. You became quick friends after, bonding over mutual hatred for the professor’s teaching style, as well as sharing an onslaught of opinions.
You didn’t mean to find out about his identity, it was a complete accident. You and him had this mutual agreement that if something was going on (life troubles, finals stress, etc.), you have free permission to come over for some company. If the other person wasn’t there, you would just wait until they got home. It was a good system that kept both of you from getting too lonely, especially you. He lived at home, but you lived in a dodgy apartment by yourself. He would always make an effort to show up any time he had anything he wanted to talk about, mostly to keep you from feeling too alone. One night, the loneliness had gotten pretty rough, so you decided to go to Wilbur’s house. You two had given each other spare keys a long while back, and it wasn’t the first time you’d done this, so you were quick to unlock the door and head into his room to wait for him to come home. When the door did finally open, it wasn’t Wilbur who walked through.
You immediately jumped, backing up a bit as you saw Siren walk in. Once he’d processed that you were there, he cursed under his breath, trying to console you while quickly pulling off his blindfold. You watched as he went from Siren to Wilbur in a matter of seconds, your head swirling with confusion. You two had a very long conversation that night, while you helped him clean up a scratch along his arm.
After college, you didn’t see Wilbur as much anymore. You worked a lot, and he worked quite a bit too. You two still saw each other, just not as often.
You saw Siren much more often, though. Since Wilbur knew where your walk home from work was, he would always make an effort to be there and walk you home at night once a week if he could. Sometimes he would only watch you from the rooftops, other times when it was a bit darker and there were fewer people out, he would walk with you, chatting about anything he could think of. Over time, what once had been a small crush blossomed into genuine love for your best friend.
It was nice, a really good system. Kept you and him talking, even when your busy schedules tended to keep you from each other. However, for as good of a system as it is, it also had some apparent downsides.
Like your current situation.
You didn’t know exactly where you were.
The last thing you remembered was leaving work. You locked up the small bookstore you worked at and began your walk home when you felt a hand wrap around you, pressing a cloth against your mouth. Whoever it was ended up being too strong for you to fight against, and it was only a few minutes before the chloroform reached your brain, knocking you out quickly. In terms of kidnappings, it was fairly tame, at the very least.
It took a while to wake up, your consciousness floating in and out a few times, allowing you to get small glimpses of conversations.
“Try and get ‘em to talk. Just being friends with Siren doesn’t mean they’re strong. We can break them, even if it takes some… stepping in.”
A bit of a horrifying thing to hear post-kidnapping, but even if it wasn’t on purpose, it at least got your guard up a bit.
When you woke up, you spent a few minutes looking around and familiarising yourself with your surroundings. You were in some shitty warehouse. Which, honestly, cliche, and how many abandoned warehouses did this city have? Large, brown-stained windows lined the top of the walls, allowing for a bit of light to pour in. There were garage-type doors every few feet, but most of them had large padlocks, except for one the furthest away from you.
Your hands and feet were tied onto the chair, one hand behind handcuffed while the other hand and your legs were attached with zip ties.
Escape was not going to be easy, but you knew a bit of fighting, Wilbur having taught you how to protect yourself. You finally looked over to the middle of the room.
It took you a while to recognize the guy who’d kidnapped you. You did know him, though, only because of the things that Siren had told you. Schlatt, previously known as Gunmetal, an ex-hero. His power was the ability to strengthen his body to a metal-like level, making him incredibly hard to take down. The Syndicate considered approaching him for membership, but he was… unstable. He got discharged by the Hero Committee after his increased strength led to the destruction of an apartment building. There weren’t any villains around to pin it on, either, and there were too many witnesses. It had also been discovered that he’d been utilizing power enhancers, which were supposed to be outlawed, in order to extend his abilities and allow him to strengthen multiple parts of his body at once.
If what Wilbur had told you in his frustrated rants was true, Schlatt wanted to take over the Syndicate. He’d attacked them numerous times, always aiming to kill, and he’d taken a particular interest in finding out Siren’s identity.
You sat up a bit, preparing yourself for whatever bullshit he was about to spew at you.
Wilbur caught onto something being wrong a few hours after you’d been taken. He had gone on a minor heist with Techno, and things ran… suspiciously well. No hero intervention for the majority of the heist, until Flame showed up towards the end. Blade handled most of the fighting for him, while Siren took care of their escape. It was when they finally escaped that he noticed something odd. He and Techno passed by your apartment, and he knew your habits well enough to know that you would not be asleep this early. Despite that, the lights in your apartment were off. A bit of searching later, and he was quick to notice your disappearance. When he arrived back home, he was quick to enlist Tubbo to see if they could get a ping on your last known location. Your phone wasn’t anywhere to be found, so he hoped he could at least figure out where you had been. Normally, he would pace to try and distract himself, but when it came to you, there was no use. He immediately headed out, trying to find any sign of you and waiting for a response from Tubbo.
“Good mornin’ sweetheart,” Schlatt chuckled, standing in front of a table in front of your chair. He had two briefcases set out in front of him, “Don’t worry. I ain’t gonna hurt you.” There was an implied ‘yet’ at the end of that sentence. You got a good look at him. He wore a pressed suit, and an airsoft mask – equipped specially with two ram horns on the sides, his signature look. His knuckles were wrapped with red athletic tape, at least you’d hoped it was originally red.
“Then what the fuck do you want with me? It’s hard to believe you aren’t going to hurt me when you kidnapped me off the street.”
“I just need a bit of information, that’s all.”
You scoffed, “Really? So you just fucking kidnap me?”
“It’s effective, is it not?” He chuckled, leaning forward, “Do you have any powers?”
You rolled your eyes, “Cut the shitty small talk. Why am I here?”
“To answer my fucking questions.”
You looked down at your arm, noting a small cuff wrapped around it, “If I tell you, will you take the stupid power dampener off?”
He snorted, “Don’t act dumb.”
“Oh, good, then I’m not telling you.” You did have a power. It was part of why Wilbur felt comfortable being around you. You were also a mind manipulator, but you couldn’t get people to actually do things for you. You could just easily see through their words and arguments. Which meant that you could get them to believe you were telling the truth as well, which would be a bloody good thing to be able to utilize right about now.
“Fine, be like that.” He held up a photo, “So, if you won’t tell me your power, maybe you’ll tell me why Siren has had such a close eye on you?” You looked at the photo closer, being able to clearly make out Siren walking you home.
“He’s just a nice dude. Wants to walk me home sometimes,” you shrugged, trying to act nonchalantly, “I don’t know much about him if that’s what you’re wondering.”
He snorted, “Yeah, like I’d believe that.” He pulled out a folder, spreading out numerous photos of you and Siren, hanging out and eating together in your apartment.
“Have you been fucking stalking me, you absolute creep?”
“Not you, but Siren. You just happened to be there. And I wanna know why.”
“What? You’re mad that a citizen can show compassion to a villain?” You scoffed, “Boo-hoo, poor Schlatt, must be such a sad life you have.”
He growled, and you grinned at how easy it was to get under his skin, even without your power. “I couldn’t give less of a shit about that. I want to know why he’s trying to recruit new Syndicate members.”
You laughed, “God, you could not have worse of a grasp on the situation. He’s just a nice guy. Came to my bookstore once, offered to walk me home, and we became friends. Is it impossible for villains to have friends?”
“Supervillains don’t have friends. Not without an agenda.”
“What about their healer? He’s a friend, isn’t he?”
“He works for them. He doesn’t count.”
“Well, I clearly don’t work for them. So just leave me alone, why don’t you?”
“Okay, I will let you go. If you tell me one thing.”
Oh, here came the stupid request. “Oh? Let me guess? You want me to tell you Siren’s real name.”
“Do you really think he’s that stupid? To let a random civilian he met know his name?”
“No. But I know you’re not just a random civilian he met. Because these photos date back years.”
You tensed a bit, trying to hide any clear facial reaction, “And?”
“And, no one who doesn’t work with him would stick around that long, unless there was something keeping them there. So, you obviously know who he is.”
“Oh, obviously?” You tried to will down the blush on your cheeks. “Is it really that obvious? You don’t know anything about me, and you clearly don’t know anything about Siren.”
“So tell me what I don’t know.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m not falling for that, dipshit. If you want information on Siren, you’ve got the wrong person.”
“Yeah, except that can’t be true. I know you have a power you’ve been hiding, and we know that Siren has spent a highly significant amount of time with you, longer than he ever did their healer. And, we have photos of you with him and other Syndicate members at your apartment. So we know you know his identity. But we can figure out other ways to make you talk.”
“Wow, so you’re adding misuse of power against a civilian to your list of crimes? That combined with the kidnapping, not to mention the murder and the numerous times you’ve hurt civilians and destroyed their homes, oh and getting discharged as a Hero?”
That got under his skin, “I have no problem adding torture onto that list.”
“So much for being a hero then.”
His fists curled up, and he slammed it down on the table, “ex-hero, for a reason.” He walked closer, crouching down to be eye-level with you. “So then, you’re really trying to tell me that the numerous dates you’ve gone on with Siren just don’t mean anything?”
“We- They weren’t dates!” Your face flushed dark red, “We’re just friends!” You blatantly tried to ignore the fact that you’d been in love with him for years.
“Your face is telling a different story,” he smirked, “Is he hot under the mask? Or maybe you just like a man with power?”
You moved back from his hand, jaw tensing, as he tried to cup your jaw, “Hm, well, if you aren’t saying anything willingly, I can make you talk.”
He stood again, walking over to the second briefcase, opening it to where you couldn’t see the contents. You didn’t know if you wanted to. “Plus, this is all just a distraction.” He lifted your phone, turning it on, “They’ll be here soon enough. I won’t need you then, I can take down the Syndicate myself.”
A shiver went down your spine, and you prayed that Wilbur hadn’t noticed your absence.
Tubbo was able to find you pretty quickly. Just when he’d thought your phone was too far for a proper ping, he got one with an exact location that he quickly relayed to Siren. Siren was on it almost immediately, but he wasn’t going in alone. He didn’t know who took you, so he was going to be prepared. By enlisting most of the Syndicate to join him. He made it to the location first, but he knew better than to jump in early, especially since he was one of the least physical fighters. He did some surveying, though, spotting a few guards in suits. Suits were the tell of Schlatt, and he mentally cursed the team members for not getting there as fast as he’d wished. He knew Schlatt could be violent, unpredictable, and hot-headed.
The rest of the Syndicate arrived, and Nemesis and Thanatos made quick work of taking down the guards. Which meant it was time to take down Schlatt.
You’d lost track of time. Schlatt had some interesting methods for getting you to talk. Most of them involve hitting you, his ability making it easy to hurt you, if the broken nose and cut lip were anything to go by. But a lot of it was mental. Using taunting words to try and get under your skin.
“It’s going to be so funny when you’re little boyfriend comes here,” he snickered, grabbing your jaw to make you look up at him, “It’ll be even better to make you watch him die.”
He almost seemed drunk the more and more he continued, “Or, maybe, I could hurt him more. Make him watch me kill you slowly. Or,” he chuckled, but the laughter quickly turned maniacal, “I’ll let him kill you. I’ll make him use that shitty fucking voice of his to kill you.”
You snorted, and he raised an eyebrow, “Something about that funny to you?”
You looked up at him, spitting blood out of your mouth, “His voice is real nice, actually. Much better than yours.” You were playing with fire, but you needed to buy time to get him hopefully exhausted enough to give you a chance to escape.
He smacked you, a loud crack reverberating and echoing throughout the warehouse.
“You piece of shit,” he rolled his eyes, moving away from you. He grabbed a water bottle, downing half of it easily. You watched cautiously, becoming all too aware of how thirsty you were.
“What? You want some or something?” He chuckled, walking back over to you, “Be my fucking guest,” he poured the water over your head. You tilted your head back and drank some of it down. Once you’d gotten some of it in your mouth, though, you quickly realized that it was not, in fact, water but instead vodka. You coughed once you realized, spitting out as much as you could.
He laughed as you hissed in pain, the alcohol stinging the wounds he’d left. He went to throw another retort at you, but before he could, the door slammed open.
Just as Schlatt predicted, the entire Syndicate was there. You sat up, watching as Schlatt moved back to his briefcase and pull out a syringe.
“Siren, run!” You yelled, thrashing and trying to draw attention to yourself, “All of you! Run! It’s a trap-”
You weren’t able to finish your sentence as Schlatt stormed over, grabbing you by the hair. “Oh, Jesus, just shut up with your whining,” he rolled his eyes, hitting your temple harshly, sending the chair to the ground and you with it. The ground rushed up to meet you, and the darkness of unconsciousness was quick to follow.
Siren was pissed. Blade quickly began to advance on Schlatt, but Wilbur was faster. It was stupid, he knew he was being stupid to rush in like this, but he was angry. He watched as Schlatt quickly injected himself with something, some odd shimmering yellow liquid, and in seconds, his body started glowing the same yellow. Power enhancers, Wilbur’s mind supplied. He cursed, hanging back to allow Blade to hit first. Zephyrus flew overhead, getting behind Schlatt to prevent him from running. As much as Wilbur wanted to fight, he needed to make sure you were okay.
He rushed over, grabbing a knife from the table that he prayed hadn’t been used on you. The first thing he did when he approached you was check your pulse, thanking anything that would listen that your pulse was still coming through. He cut the ties easily, then he moved onto the power dampener, trying to pry the thing off. He had no clue where the key for it was, but he didn’t have time to waste looking for it. He started breaking it off when he was tugged back, Schlatt having grabbed the back of his collar. He slammed Siren against the wall, grinning at him.
“For a world-class supervillain, you’d think you’d be smarter,” he chuckled, leaning his knee against Siren’s back and pinning him there. He pushed all of his power into his knee, strengthening and solidifying the metal against Wilbur’s back. “You know how easy it was for me to track them down? You made them an easy target, Siren. You’re the reason they’re here,” he pushed his knee further into his back.
“Let me go,” Siren ordered but to no avail.
Schlatt started laughing louder, “What, you think I’m an idiot? You thought I wouldn’t prepare my mask for you?”
Siren didn’t have to fret much longer, though. Blade came up behind Schlatt, driving a sword through his shoulder. He’d put too much power into his knee, leaving the rest of him vulnerable.
The rest of the takedown was easy. They were planning on taking Schlatt in, hopefully, to use as a bargaining chip against the Hero Committee since he was wanted by them. Once Zephyrus had him subdued, Nemesis and Thanatos grabbed his things and started heading back. Siren lingered with Zephyrus, Jester, Blade, and Ender (who’d only shown up to help take anyone who needed healing to Apollo). Siren walked over, ripping Schlatt’s mask off.
Schlatt was still spilling curses and threats against them, but he’d quieted for a moment as Wilbur pulled his mask off, eyes adjusting to the light. Wilbur threw the mask behind him, and a sinister grin spread over his face.
“We need him alive, Siren,” Blade reminded him.
He groaned, huffing softly, “Fine.” He hummed, tilting his head.
“Claw your left eye out, then knock yourself out.”
Wilbur didn’t stay to watch the aftermath, but he heard the groans and screams of pain from Schlatt as he walked back over to you. Ender was waiting next to you, double-checking for any serious wounds.
Wilbur got the rest of the power dampener off, throwing it to the side. He carefully lifted you, making sure to be mindful of your head.
Ender gave him a concerned look, "It looks bad, but they should be okay."
“No, not should be.” Siren snapped his head towards Ender, shaking his head, “I need them to be okay. Bring us to Apollo.”
Ender nodded, placing a hand on Siren’s shoulder. In seconds, they disappeared in a flurry of purple particles, appearing now in Apollo’s clinic in the Syndicate building.
Tommy was sitting by the desk, playing on his DS. He perked up quickly when he heard Ender teleport in, looking up and seeing Siren cradling you. Siren moved forward, placing you down on the doctor’s mat in the center of the room.
Tommy quickly walked over, “Jesus, man, what the fuck happened?” He placed his hands near your head, warmth emitting over them as he began healing you.
“Schlatt happened. But he won’t be a problem anymore,” Wilbur huffed, tearing off his blindfold and coat, draping them over a chair. He paced around the room as Tommy worked on healing.
“You’re going to burn a hole in the floor,” Tommy huffed.
“I couldn’t care less, Toms. They weren’t supposed to be involved with any of this, I’ve fucked it up again, I-I put them in danger,” Wilbur ran a hand through his hair.
Tommy straightened, pulling his hands away as he finished healing, “Don’t start with your self-deprecating shit, man. They know you’re Siren. They’ve stuck around, and they always knew this could happen. You’re not to blame.”
“But I-”
“You weren’t the one who kidnapped them. It’s not your fault,” Tommy sighed, grabbing a glass of water.
Wilbur nodded, walking up to you, still unconscious, “They- they’ll be fine, right? They’ll be okay?”
Tommy took a sip of his water, nodding, “Yeah. Head injury was the worst of it, but it should be all healed up now. They might be a bit foggy when they wake up, though.”
“When will they wake up?”
Tommy shrugged, “Should be soon. Probably an hour or two. Can’t give you an exact time. You should get them somewhere more comfortable before they’re up, though.”
Wilbur nodded, carefully picking you back up, “Thanks, Tommy.”
“You don’t have to thank me, man, it’s my job.”
Wilbur rolled his eyes, “I want to thank you, dickhead. Now, go to sleep, child.”
“I am n-” Wilbur cut off Tommy’s response by closing the door to Tommy’s clinic behind him. He called Techno, and within a few minutes, Wilbur was being driven home with you still resting in his arms.
“They’re going to be fine, you know that.”
“I know they will be, but they never should’ve been there in the first place. They never asked for this.” Wilbur sighed.
“Oh, please.” Techno snorted, “You tried to scare them away way back when. You even used your ability to try and convince them to not want to be around you.”
“Yeah, but that’s not the same. They turned down the offer to join the Syndicate, which meant they never should’ve been involved with this stuff.”
“Maybe you should ask again,” Techno shrugged. “Even if they don’t want to fight, we could use someone to help out with questioning people. Their ability would work pretty well for that.”
“Techno, I just said they shouldn’t have been involved with this stuff.” Wilbur sighed.
“All I’m saying is if they do become a member, it would be a lot easier to keep them safe. Less loose ends that we can’t keep our eyes on.”
Wilbur bit his lip, nodding with realization, “True. I- yeah. I’ll ask them.”
“Plus, with how in love with them you are, it won’t be long before something like this happens again.”
“I- What?” Wilbur spluttered, eyes widening, “How-?”
“How do I know that? Wilbur, it’s insanely obvious,” Techno laughed, “I have no clue how they don’t know.”
“They won’t know. And you won’t tell them.” Wilbur hissed out.
“Mmhm, okay, sure. Pretty big wimp move for a supervillain.”
Wilbur groaned but didn’t respond past that.
The rest of the car ride was quiet, Wilbur gently playing with your hair gently. He routinely moved a hand to check your pulse, just as a reminder that you were fine and alive and here with him.
He carried you out of the car once Techno pulled up, heading straight to his room. He laid you down gently, placing your head on his lap.
The world seemed fuzzy when you came to. You were too comfortable to open your eyes at first, shifting slightly and letting out a soft groan. Your joints felt sore and stiff, but your face felt even weirder. Your face felt warm but like all of your muscles were new and had never been used before. You scrunched your nose, slowly opening your eyes and letting them get used to the environment around you.
You recognized the room instantly and relaxed as the memories started flooding back to you. The kidnapping, Schlatt, getting knocked out. You heard humming, looking up to see Wilbur leaning against the wall, humming with his eyes closed. He was fidgeting with his fingers and biting at his lip.
You slowly shifted to look up at him fully, “Hey.” Your voice was groggier than you’d expected.
He looked down quickly, “You’re up,” he smiled, “Hi.”
“Did everything go well? With Schlatt?”
He laughed, shaking his head, “God, you just woke up from getting knocked out and tortured, and the first thing you ask is if the fight went well?” He moved a hand to your hair gently, “Are you okay?”
“Well, yeah,” you shrugged, “I feel fine, just a bit tired, I guess. I feel like I’m supposed to feel worse.”
“Tommy healed you,” he supplied.
You sat up slowly, and he carefully placed a hand on your back, keeping it there until you’d gotten in a better position. “He didn’t have to do that. I would’ve been fine.”
“You would’ve had a concussion and a fracture in your skull.”
“That’s not the worst thing in the world.” You joked and gave him a lopsided grin, and he shook his head, chuckling.
He pulled you into a tight hug, “I’m so fucking glad you’re okay.”
You hugged him back, burying your face against him gently, “I would’ve been fine.”
You were lying. You were not fine, actually. As strong as you acted, you couldn’t deny the slight shake that lay in your hands as you thought about that warehouse and the overwhelming fear the image of that mask in your head put in you.
You could’ve used your ability to make Wilbur believe you. You didn’t honestly have the energy to do so.
“You don’t have to be fine,” he whispered, rubbing your back gently, “I know how terrifying it must’ve been. But it’s okay, you’re safe now.”
Your fists balled up the fabric of his sweater, and the tears started falling soon after. He rubbed your back as you cried, the waves of fear and stress finally coming out. You could only hold it together for so long, and Wilbur would always be there when you finally broke.
By the time you calmed down, you were left with soft gasps of breath and holding Wilbur like a lifeboat. He leaned over to his nightstand, handing you a glass of water. After a moment’s hesitation, he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
You drank slowly, not wanting to overwhelm yourself. Wilbur’s kiss didn’t exactly help, but physical affection wasn’t something new to either of you.
As if he knew exactly what you were thinking, he wrapped his arms around you gently, leaning his face against your shoulder. You leaned into his touch, letting your eyes close for a moment.
“He was stalking me. Well, he was stalking you, but he had photos from years ago of us. Of Siren walking me home. Of Blade at my apartment. Of Zephyrus in my living room.”
Wilbur tensed, keeping you a bit closer. “I’m so sorry.” He whispered, “I-I never should’ve let you get involved with the Syndicate stuff, I was so stupid to think something like this wouldn’t happen.”
“Wilbur, you never let me get involved. In fact, you were the one pushing me from getting involved. I chose this. I knew something like this could happen, and I chose to stick by you.”
“You’re not a member of the Syndicate, though. I know you can protect yourself, but I don’t want to be the reas-”
“Wilbur.” You hissed out. “If you even for a moment insist again that this is your fault, I will use my ability to make you believe that the best way to sleep is by falling out the window.” He bit his tongue from responding, nodding. “I didn’t turn down the Syndicate offer because I thought it would keep me safe.” You reached for his hand, taking it and squeezing it tightly. You didn’t know if it was your foggy mental state that made the idea of confessing your feelings so appealing or if it was just the residual fear in your system, but you didn’t care regardless.
“Why did you turn it down, then?” Wilbur asked softly.
“I turned down the Syndicate offer because I was worried about working with you.” You sighed, “It’s hard to focus around you, Wilbur.”
“Me? I don’t understand, we’ve been best friends for years, why would..?”
“That’s the problem. It’s hard to focus around you because I am constantly wishing that you would love me back.”
You held your breath once the words left your mouth. Wilbur pulled away from you, and you felt your heart drop.
“Do you mean that?” He asked softly, moving to sit in front of you.
You nodded, unable to respond further in fear of the tears resurfacing.
Wilbur reached a hand out, pausing and hesitating for a moment. He continued though, gently cupping your cheek.
“Can I kiss you?”
Your eyes widened. “Only if you mean it.”
He smiled softly, leaning forward and kissing you hard. You wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him close as you kissed him back, putting all the passion behind it that you’d wanted to for years.
When he pulled away, you rested your forehead against his, catching your breath slowly. He smiled, fingers lightly tracing your arms.
“So… about joining the Syndicate then,” you started.
He laughed, pulling away to grin at you, “You don’t have to decide anything tonight. But it would be really nice. You probably wouldn’t be on the front lines, but we’d love to have you. Plus, we’d be able to see each other a lot more.” He grinned.
You smiled, “Well, I’ll give you a formal answer in the morning. But as for an informal one, I’d fucking love it.”
He grinned, holding you close once more. You ran your hands up and down his back gently, and he hissed in pain when you reached the midpoint of his back. You pulled away.
“Will? You alright?”
He gave a thumbs up, and you smirked, “Say it out loud.”
He groaned, “I am alright. I am perfectly fine.” You could feel the pressure of his words in your head, and they almost sounded distorted. A clear lie.
“Let me see your back.” You smiled, and he groaned.
“You know how much I hate that I can’t lie to you?” He huffed, turning and pulling his sweater up.
“I know, I know,” you took a good look at his back, frowning at the dark bruise on his back, “Wilbur, you have a huge bruise. Are your ribs okay? It looks like some might be cracked.”
“They feel fine,” he shrugged. The pressure returned to your head, and this time you could feel a sensation of burning below your hands. A big lie, then.
“...I’m texting Tommy.”
“No, do not!”
You already had your phone out, texting Tommy to ask for him to come as soon as possible, both for Wilbur and so you could thank him for healing you.
“Too late,” you smiled, and Wilbur huffed, pulling his sweater back down.
He wrapped an arm around you again, kissing the top of your head, “You’re lucky I love you, Aletheia.”
“I am,” you smiled softly. There was no pressure or warm sensation. He did love you. He meant it. “Alethia? God of… truth, right?”
He nodded, “It’s Techno’s codename for you. He chose it out months ago.”
You smiled fondly, “Cool. Has a nice ring to it.”
He nodded, “I agree. And for what it’s worth, I’m lucky too.” He smiled, and you gave him a gentle kiss.
“We’re both lucky. Maybe our duo name could be Tyche.”
“Oh, god, I’m going to have to deal with so many more Greek mythology references with you in the Syndicate, aren’t I?”
“Oh, absolutely.”
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hello! im sure you already have a post for this, but im looking for any game that are similar to dnd but not, yknow? versatile and familiar, adaptable to different settings, preferably use polyhedral dice so my players dont get mad at me, etc
additionally and kind of separately, any that have a souls-game esque combat or weapons system, like diverse, upgradable, bonus points for magic.
i really appriciate the work youre doing on this blog, ttrpgs can be kind of daunting to get in to any stuff like this really helps :-)
THEME: Echoes of D&D
Hello friend, thank you very much! I love introducing people to the possibilities of this hobby. I have 3 recommendations for the first half of your request, and 2 for the second half.
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Backwater, by Backwards Tabletop.
Backwater is a tabletop roleplaying game in the genre of southern gothic horror, set in a post-apocalyptic New Orleans. This game explores social issues relating to fear, poverty, religion, and alienation in its southern U.S. setting. Prominent among the genre's themes is a conscious criticism of superficial values and regional or familial history, depicted through the region's decaying structures and aristocratic families. It contains the supernatural, though the true horrors are often humans themselves.
Backwater is set in a post-apocalyptic future with a tenuous social order, and it reimagines the genre as a reflection on issues in not only American history but also our present world. Players take on the role of wardens—roaming peace keepers in the American Lands—protecting order at civilization’s southern reach.
Pieces of Backwater are going to feel familiar if your touchstone is D&D. You’ll have characteristics like Athletics and Charisma, which have number values, similar to Ability Scores. You’ll pick an Archetype, which looks very similar to Character Class. However, parts of your character are bought using a point-buy system, which gives you more flexibility than D&D, and allows players to make choices that make the most sense for their characters, and levelling is pretty consistent, which means that you’ll feel the character growth as you play. Most of the game uses d20’s, but you’ll see d8’s, d6’s, and d4’s in your weapon damage.
Backwater itself is a game for gothic horror, so you’ll see a specific theme going on there, but the system itself has an SRD that you can use for other kinds of genre - such as Backroads, another game published by the same creators. Probably worth checking out!
Seeking Sunlight, by Irus the Nazgul.
A tabletop RPG about diving into the depths of an endless labyrinth in order to find light, and bring hope back to your village to keep it alive for just a few days more. Push back the boundaries of the dark, fight against the odds, and survive in a harsh world without natural lighting.
Seeking Sunlight carries a lot of the themes of souls-like games, and might carry a bit of the diversity you’re looking for when it looks to mechanics. There’s magic to be had in the forms of character classes like the Battle Witch and Pyromancer, and while the book comes with a list of armour and weapons, it also comes with instructions on how to create your own custom weapon, using listed properties in the book. I feel like the make-it-yourself weapon system lends to the kind of diversity you might be looking for.
Apart from dungeon delving, you’re also going to be building and protecting a settlement, the qualities of which are decided by the player group. There’s also mechanics for Dread and Stress - penalties your players will take to represent the horrors of the dungeon below. And even with all these moving pieces, this core rulebook is one-sixth the size of D&D, and is Pay What You Want. Definitely worth checking out.
Cursebrand Chronicles, by Promethium Books.
Ghestal, a world once ruled by beasts and magic unimaginable, now ruled by the most terrifying beast of all: man. In humanity’s greed and ambition, political turmoil turned to atomic fire. Nearly three decades have passed since the bombs fell and the old world with it. Now the remnants of civilization huddle behind massive walls in great super cities living in fear of fiends and horrors that stalk the land.
Only those who bear the Cursebrands, marks of corruption and damnation, are immune to the creeping death of the Miasma. They alone have the power to tread the wastelands and ruins of the old world in search of glory, wealth, ancient secrets, and perhaps the one treasure the world needs the most: Hope.
Cursebrand uses a familiar d20+stat system, which immediately makes me think of D&D, but the polyhedral dice appear to be used differently - you can get bonus dice for rolls that range from feeble (d4) to Mythic (d100). Character creation involves a combination of rolled ability scores and point-buy skills, which give players more control over the characters they want, while magic takes the form of Cursebrands, a mark of your immunity to the Miasma, an in-game threat that has warped and killed much of the world around them. These brands give you access to skill trees, which you will move along as you level up.
I think for many of these reasons Cursebrand might fit what you’re looking for - and if I read the website correctly, this game system is also present in Epic Age, a high fantasy game by the same designers.
The Carnation of Gotos, by mundosinfinitos.
"(…) Every man, animal and plant was petrified, turned into solid rock for eternity. Although, he bestowed the blessing of life in the flesh on every statue in the world. You are a sculpture that has come to life (…)"
For a small, 2-page game, The Carnation of Gotos packs a punch. It has a solid idea with a very specific tone and setting for your characters to play in. It uses d6’s only, but it draws from games like D&D, Castlevania, and games such as Dark Souls and Elden Ring. It’s also made by Benjamin Reyna, a TTRPG designer who loves working in the dark, hopeless tone of the games you might be looking for - I’d also recommend checking out his games Maze of the Spider and his Souls-like archive to see if there’s anything else that fits what you’re looking for.
Cortex Prime.
Cortex Prime is less of a ready-to-go ttrpg and more of an rpg toolkit. It is an in-depth instruction manual on how to make your own game, which can then be used to play out pretty much any genre or setting you’re looking for. The rules use any dice from d4’s to d12’s, usually rolling more than one kind for any given task, and assigning the dice to different results and the overall Effect.
The biggest con for this game is that you have to put in a lot of work before you can start playing, because you need to first learn the system, and then decide how you’re going to make it work for you. One of the pros however, is that the book is apparently very good at teaching you the game. If you want an example set-up for the game, Xine has an example setup that is more ready-to-use, called Cortex Lite, that you might want to check out. There’s also the Dungeon Newb’s Guide to Cortex Prime on Youtube, which is absolutely worth a watch if you want to get a primer on the system.
Games I've Recommended in the Past
In the Time of Monsters, by Possum Creek Games.
Savage Worlds, by Pinnacle Entertainment.
Fabula Ultima, by Need Games.
Tactical Games Post
Crunch and Structure Post
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amalgamate-exe · 1 month
Dye Dye My Darling
IRL's plz dont read ^^
Eli -Hawk- moskowitz x M!reader
This is like my first full fic so enjoy!
Warnings: Unedited, Earlier series hawk, Flirting some and a whole lot of hair dye.
Hawk and you have been dating for about 6 months which would make you the luckiest girl in the entire tri-state area if this was some cheesy rom-com, but alas that's not how life worked out for you two. Unfortunately hard-core Karate kids and of course… kyler wouldn't be so chill with you two together, but that was beside the point. You were sitting with your friends at lunch admiring Hawk from afar Admiring him, the way his liberty spikes stood larger than life, the way his nose crinkled when he was laughing, probably about the Miyagi- do kids, or some new internet video that hasn't become post ironic yet, His cleft lip his-
“Earth to Y/N?” One of your friends ask 
“Hm sorry? Yeah what's up?” you ask still wanting to keep an eye on your boyfriend, you had no reason to stare but he was just… so pretty, like a Greek sculpture with his liberty spikes seeming to tower on forever
“Did you get the answers for number 6 for Math? You’re a nerd and like- Hey are you even listening to me?” Your friend follows your gaze to see “Oh for the love of gods Y/N I understand you want to live out your little romance but how many times do I have to tell you? He’s taken and… no offense, You're not his… his type!” this was almost a weekly conversation at this point, your friends and anyone else just assumed you had a crush on Hawk, but it didn't matter you two had each other and he invited you over to his house to hang out and play Tekken, and maybe… just MAYBE he’d let you dye his hair, his roots were overgrown and his hair was more of a blue-green bleached color rather than the aggressive red or any other color he has had in the past 6 months. 
“Sure thing F/N, anyways here are the answers for the homework,” You say keeping an eye on Hawk. And sliding F/N the answers
The rest of your classes after lunch went by fairly quickly, nothing interesting or notable except that on Friday there would be a huge party at the creek. The final bell rang as you started walking to His house, when you heard the clop-clop of heavy boots on the pavement behind you you turned around and see Hawk 
“Hey! Were you just gonna walk off and leave me back at that hell hole?” He asks giving you a playful nudge in the side
“Oh sorry I figured you wouldn't want to be seen with me, social hierarchy and stuff,” you say with a smirk, understanding the cliques in high school are very important, just like 80’s movies. 
“Not that I don't want to see you! I get like during lunch where you’re playing all stealth, but I love seeing you, I crave you” he says with a smirk as you walk back to his house.
Once you get into his house you both drop your bags and sit on the couch next to each other, you start playing Tekken 7 on his play station, He selects Devil Jin and you select King, as you two start playing and getting into the groove of the game, you decide to pop the question,
“Hey Pigeon~,” You ask in an almost sing-song voice
“yeah, babe?” He asks Lasered focused on the game, some things never change
“I was thinkin’ like your hair is just bleached now all the colors faded out, and I was wondering if I could dye it for you?”
“No way in hell” Responds quick and toneless
“Aww, why not?” You ask attempting to counter His attack and failing miserably 
“Because you're going to mess it up then you made a fool out of both of us! I'll trust you a lot, however my hair dye, my spikes? No one touches those”
“Well, you weren't complaining when I was touching them the other night!” You quickly retort back
“That's– that’s beside the point,” he says slightly flustered “No one touches my hair for upkeep except me!”
“So you're saying that you trust me to give you a PERMANENT tattoo over more or less Temporary hair dye?” You ask with a smirk
“What-? No, that's not what I'm saying at all!” He seems annoyed but that could be because you're beating him at video games rather than you attempting to get permission to dye his hair
“I've been dying my hair since I was like 13 if anyone knows anything I do. Also, would you rather have a little purple on your forehead or the weird half-blond green with roots you have going on now?”
He thinks for a moment as he hits a combo on you, the TV plays a little sound and goes “Player 2 WINS!” 
“Wanna know what, Fine, you can dye my hair ONCE” and if you fuck it up you will have to be the one who goes out to buy black box dye to fix it, AND deal?”
You smile and steal a kiss “Deal” 
You guys go to his bathroom and he changes into his hair-dye shirt, 
“Can't you just be topless?”
“No! You're going to be messing with MY hair. I don't need your eyes somewhere they shouldn't be!” 
“Oh sure! I'm the one ogling you when your shirt is off, I swear if you think i'm bad you should SEE your teammates when you take off your Gi top”
“Well last time I checked, I wasn't taking my teammates to bed with me” he responds with a smirk as he takes the bright Red hair dye bottle from under the sink and hands it over to you, then he kisses you on your cheek, “Ok now don't make me regret letting you do this… ok”|
After you start mixing the dye and put on gloves you start applying the dye to his head,
“Are you sure you didn't forget a step?” he asks with a smirk as you apply the dye to his hair
“Well if I did it's too late now… here my phone is in my pocket. play some music” You shift your weight so he can take your phone out of your pocket and he plays something, the noise of chiptune and 8-bit music fills the room, it is lively in its way 
“Hey this is kinda good what is it?” you ask about halfway done slopping (painting) on the red pigment to his hair
“You're not gonna believe me,” he says with a smirk
“Oh come on, you've seen my taste in music at times, this is good, what is it?” 
“It may or may not be the undertale soundtrack by Toby Fox?” he says almost embarrassed, which causes you to burst out laughing
“God pigeon, no matter how much of a karate badass you are, you're still a nerd at heart… I could kiss you right now” 
“Now now, focus on my hair, need your blood in your brain…’ he looks you up and down “Other places,” he says smirking and giving you that damned look of flirtation 
“You know you’re making dying your hair seem like way more of an in-depth process than it is… also for your hair being bleached so many times it's still soft” You liked the conversation also the silence no matter how long you've been together still felt off-putting, he smiles 
“Thanks the hair dye I use has some conditioner property or something, also I use a shit load of conditioner you know it couldn't damage your hair too much if you wanted to dye your hair too” he was just straight flirting with you now but he seemed genuine with his offer causing you to blush, a lot 
“That doesn't sound like a ‘no’ to me, c’mon we can match,” he says with a smirk that you could never say no to. The way his cheeks moved, the way his-
“Hey space cadet, can I dye your hair while mine is setting?” He asks while he's turning his head making sure every bit of the hair is saturated with the crimson dye’
“Yeah, that would be nice… though you better not fuck it up,” you say playfully.
Once you are done dying your hair and rinsing it out, the bathtub looks like a murder scene, with red dye along the bathtub and partially up the wall
“Holy shit your mom is going to kill me!” You say looking back at the mess you've made, hair dripping in front of your eyes, which causes Eli to scoff
“She's fine with it, who do you think took me to buy the dye in the first place? It just needs some TLC and it’ll all be good, baby” He says in a playful tone of voice while wrapping his arms around your waist. “The red streak looks cute on you too,” he says kissing your cheek, it feels nice his hands around your waist, and you lean more into him 
“Hey since you don't have to get going for a few more hours, wanna watch a movie? Something cheesy like clueless or… 10 things I hate about you?” He shrugs holding you close
“Both sound perfect”
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silurisanguine · 7 months
Backstory of Seren (Coe) Jones - Spacefarer and starborn
I dont think i've ever properly introduced the character of my new on going Starfield Coemancer fic. So here she is with a little bio of her og universe.
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(backstory to her creation. Yes, she is loosely based on my appearance, or rather how i looked when i was her given age in game. She is to me a descendent of the Jones bloodline, probably my brother's side of the family as i aint ever having kids. )
Seren Coe /Jones (Takes the surname Coe after marrying Sam)
Background - Industrialist Traits - Freestar native, Empath, kids stuff.
Bio - 30 years old as of events of Starfield.
Born 12 sept 2300 Akila City. Parents lived in a moderate home in Midtown close to the Core.
Moved in 2305 to new Atlantis when she was 5.
Seren was bullied whilst she was on NA for being Akilan, making her loathe her time there and was glad when her family moved back to Freestar space in 2308 (age 8) settling back in Akila, but in a more modest home in midtown due to the war and losing money having to leave new Atlantis suddenly.
She never fully realised the war was the reason they moved but soon understood when her father had to be almost a full time online professor as all the universities in Freestar closed during the war as many teachers went to fight. Her father didnt fight as he was considered a vital asset. Her mom did lots of jobs to help support them both for the three years the war went on for
She mostly learned online but went to the local school on Akila, where she became almost obsessed with Solomon Coe and the creation of the Freestar Collective, though she was scared of the Coe kid, who to her caused mayhem around town and got away with it. Even if she thought he was kinda cute. His father scared her more, though his mum was always nice to her parents when they met at the school gates. (Yep she knew of the hellion that was the young Sam Coe, but only by reputation.)
High school she was schooled online, with a lot of help from her father. Her mom also taught her the fine art of diplomacy and business sense. in 2316, At 16 her father finally got a new job at New Atlantis University and they moved there again. Seren was older now and could handle any bullying, but decided to stick to online schooling in order to graduate with the people she'd learnt with.
She graduated top of her class and took business studies, piloting and ship design classes as she wanted to help support her family and dreamt of setting up a secure passenger transport business for people who couldn't afford their own ships, but wanted to visit other planets without bothering with tours. A direct shuttle/ transport system. Something very lacking in the systems. But her parents weren't rich and she realised any entrepreneur she'd read about all had a helping hand from wealthy parents, so the debt of her classes started piling up, and she started taking small jobs for courier companies, but refused to take the shadier jobs. Things just cruised along like this for years. Always being passed up for promotion because she refused to play ball.
She felt trapped in her job, hating the fact all her skills were being wasted because she didn't have the money or name to start anything, and that's when she decided enough was enough as she was sick of hiding the underhanded dealings of the company she worked for.
She became a whistleblower to a very dangerous deal going down in UC territory that would have affected FS too, she had to go into protective custody and become a miner, as part of her cover. She was able to let her parents know she'd find them, once the UC could clear her name. Years pass and she moved from mining company to mining company under the alias Dusty (as in Dusty Springfield, one of her father's favourite old Earth singers), eventually setting up with Argos.
The day the UC finally told her, her name was clear. That the company she worked for were dust and everyone was in prison, was the day she was told by Lin to collect that anomaly.
Below some more pics of my girl, inc her wedding day, the new family Coe and a pic of the entire Constellation team together.
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starlostseungmin · 2 months
ATE KEISY 😇✌️ i just binged ur works i missed over my hiatus hihi and i want to say that i loved them all !!! i think i only have empyrean prince cascades left cause its a bit long, so i decided to save it for my bedtime story today or tomorrow
but ate. lie to me.... it was so good 😭😭😭 YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW I MUCH I PHYSICALLY REACTED READING IT???? jaw dropped. its such an interesting read, like i dont think ive been this excited over a story structure in so long AND I LITERALLY HAD WRITING CLASSES FOR TWO SEMESTERS LIKE I WAS SO INVESTED IN READING IT
i dont think ive ever read a fic structured like that before? i mean ive encountered similar stuff but not in fics ... overall im just hyped at it ur so big brain ily and i love your works and i love your writing and its so huhuhuhu i cant stop thinking about it !!!! my other reactions on the story are in my reblog tags but still i think i'll keep that fic in my mind a lot (kinda wanna do smth like it too... ur so my inspiration coded)
OMG!! hi cielle! i'm currently reading your other feedbacks and i'm so happy you love my works. there are only a few since i haven't been so consistent with my writing after graduation hsksksk tbh i'm entertained (hard on that kauyabon core because me too TT) i'll reply to the rest in a bit.
i hope you enjoy empyrean prince cascades tho! it's one of my favorite fics and it took me weeks to write it! i know it's pretty short for a 10k-worth of words to write in weeks, i was so busy when i wrote it and i had to squeeze in during my work days HAHAHA and please take your time reading the story. it's kinda long tho 🥹
AAAH yes lie to me.. i wrote that fic for like a day or two days before the deadline for the collab? i forgot, i was also occupied that time. kdramas influenced me on writing that too and there was a song that was assigned to me to be able to make a story out of it! yung story sana eh masaya na sila sa piling ng iba chuchu but then i realized, cheating will make sense so i had to write it with that. i just finished my thesis that time too so maybe nadala ko yung pagsusulat ng thesis namin sa fic na yan? believe me i don't really have experience to these romance and cheating stuff, i just wrote what i see in other people talaga HAHAHAHA and lie to me felt like a rushed fic that time?? i didn't know it would turn out to be good for the readers since i wasn't confident with the result but thank you for your warm feedback cielle! and lucky you for having writing classes tho, i envy you!
thank you so much for appreciating me and my work even though sometimes my brain is not working properly. i just write whatever the hell my brain tells me and i hope i have a big brain to cater everything that i want to write! maybe soon, more future works to come HEHEHE i have an upcoming seungmin and chan fic this month sooo i just hope it will turn out good.
you flatter me cielle! i can't thank you enough 😭🩷
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dogtierz · 6 months
How would you classpect Omori characters?
IM SO GLAD I CAN TALK ABOUT THIS!!! okay i’m putting a tldr at the start but warning for long post ahead of my reasoning (this is very much so me rambling) — also apologies for answering this ask so late ive spent the last like . 4 days thinking about this
sunny: mage of void
basil: sylph of life
mari: seer of heart
kel: heir of hope
hero: page of heart
aubrey: maid of rage
explanations under the cut !!!!
starting off with sunny ofc:
im gonna be so real i do Not have an explanation of why i chose mage . it just made sense in my head !!! i think it is a fun little interesting parralel to mari having the passive version of the knowledge class,, as for aspect,, i feel like void is pretty self explanatory. idk! i dont have much to say for this one but trust me it made sense in my head,!! i would like to hear if anyone else has a sunny god tier headcanon cuz yeah this is the one i am least confident in tehe
alright basil i feel like i can answer very easily:
i’d say he is definitely a sylph — and part of this may or may not be me projecting as i am a sylph and i really relate to basil’s character ;D
sylphs at their core are a passive, creation class. i think its a given basil would play a more passive class, i cant explain it but it just objectively makes sense to me. basils whole deal is that he wants to fix things, and feels inclined to heal and go back and fix his past mistakes, making sylph pretty much a given.
i was kinda torn between choosing the life or hope aspect for basil, as both objectively make sense in canon - but i wanted to sort of limit choosing multiple of the same aspects for characters. i think the life aspect makes sense for basil more, especially due to the plant symbolism n stuffs
ANYWAY,, sylph of lives whole deal are to allow for emotional growth in other people. i think the rest of the group very much so see basil as a person to look up to, someone who always tries to see the best in things and allows and encourages others to undergo personal growth.
alright mari time:
okay mari was kind of an obvious choice for me. i think seer very much so makes sense for her character, she’s very emotionally intelligent and being the sort of leader in their group, she has a lot of knowledge and serves as someone the rest of the group looks up to.
seers are very likely to slip into depressive states and have a pessimistic outlook on things, even though mari seems very optimistic to everyone else around her, we know as an objective fact that she is an overworker, overthinker and has the tendency to slip into states of perfectionism - i guess in a sense this can be compared to rose and her tendancy to slip into unhealthy coping mechanisms and behaviours too
seers are pretty much an essential for a successful sburb session - and i think this fits well with the fact that mari is an essential to the friend group.
heart is a given, i feel i dont have to explain why mari has the heart aspect — seers of hearts are a classpect who invites knowledge through heart. and again mari suits this very very much imo!
okay! kel!!
alright. classpecting kel was kinda difficult — the hope aspect was obvious but finding a class for this dude,, man,, was it hard but in the end i decided to settle on
the base definition of a heir of hope is someone who influences and inspires the hope of others - allowing change from hopeless to hopeful, this defintely applies to kel in canon.
kel is very much a hopeful optimist, his reaction to maris death compared to the others was to hide his own emotions and remain hopeful (even though he did react badly, he just repressed it), he always was the one to hold out hope that the group would get back together, be friends again and everything would be fine! he just wanted his friends to be happy and tried to turn them from hopeless and lost to hopeful! — i think this is very well shown in the church scene w aubrey and how so badly kel just ! wanted to help !! ahhhggh i love him
heir of hopes are a motivational rock to their session, which acts like how kel is to the group
also i feel like kel kind of reminds me of john a little bit - i suppose this perhaps maybe a tiny lil bit influenced my descision u_u
for hero:
i chose page of heart,, i liked having hero and mari share an aspect bc they are just . they are both so lovey and heart to me ;3; and man obviously hero would have the heart aspect, i mean, nothing else would suit his character more.
a page of heart is someone who invited exploitation through heart, the passive counterpart to the knight class. pages are a strong and smart class, as is hero. a page of heart is passionate and thinks w their heart, again, as does hero.
pages are STRONG, and i feel like hero as the ability to play a very strong and important class. hearts and pages are both prone to being sensitive people, loving, caring and i suppise charming too (again!!!! as is hero!!! :P) — also if this makes any sense to literally Anyone else,, hero kinda reminds me of jake in a sense i Cannot explain why PSNDHDJ
and lastly, aubrey
like sunny i struggled a lot classpecting her but i got there in the end and - i actually have an explanation !!!
firstly, rage being the parralel counterpart to the hope aspect (which is what i classpected kel) is very funny to me, i think in game they have a very fun relationship and exploring that through them having polar opposite aspects is silly
maids are an active creation class, aubrey creates rage as a way to deal with the grief of losing mari. i think she does this more by self destruction but she very much so also takes her anger out on others and utilising her emotions for her class is something i feel is very interesting. aubrey creates rage through herself and takes it out on those around her
thank u for reading if u read all of this.. i enjoyed v much so writing this (i wanna draw em now too -__-) + i apologise if i got anything classpecty wrong.. pls correct me if so!!
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Luc Surana D&D Character Sheet
this felt like a mistake. but, like, a very fun mistake. a cute mistake. the kind of mistake that might bat its eyelashes at you and give you a VERY disarming smile to convince you that it is, in fact, a REALLY good idea
...so, in that regard, it’s quite like luc himself
@hexblooddruid​ (sorry this is a long one i have a lot to say)
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Some notes:
i decided to go shadar-kai for subrace for Maximum edgy goth elf vibes and free short-range teleport
i adore the lyceum scholar background, it felt much more appropriate than sage with a feature specifically about getting access to libraries & arcane resources, as well as the option to take persuasion proficiency. how else was my boy supposed to get his silver tongue?
speaking of, i also did something i didn’t do for cyrus or dru which is i took a first level feat: skill expert, grabbing proficiency in intimidation and expertise in persuasion. given that backgrounds having feats is all but codified for oned&d i didn’t feel too bad about this.
the really fun stuff tho is in this weird fucking triple class: base wizard, druid for all the rest of his levels (litany against making the level 20 build today), and the worst most pointless blood hunter dip ever.
this was by far the hardest dragon age character to port to d&d by sheer virtue of the fact that the magic systems, especially the part of the magic system that luc specializes in in dragon age, aren’t compatible. spirit magic and blood magic, the core of luc’s builds and things that are DIRECTLY adjacent to each other in dragon age, aren’t even things in base d&d
it was easy enough to pick necromancy wizard as a base, since that checks at least the animate dead box, but i also knew i didn’t want that to JUST be a wizard since... a huge part of his arc is precisely that he doesn’t do circle magic well. (also i hate to say it but thats simply too much modularity im not going thru all those spells)
when i set out, i even thought i was going to make him a charisma caster-- maybe a spirit bard or a wild magic sorcerer or even a fiend warlock. but none of the flavor or abilities felt quite right for where luc draws his power from, which is the interplay between life & death, spirit & matter, the fade & the physical world
...and then i remembered. the unpublished unearthed arcana circle of twilight (aka death) druid.
i dont think luc thinks of himself as particularly wise, but you need some kind of wherewithal to deal with spirits as often as he does, and the additional necromancy flavor is perfect, AND i can get healing spells through the druid spell list (and charm person. have we talked about how weird it is that charm person is on the druid spell list)
that just left the blood magic bit of things.
there are a lot of classes that make for good one-level dips, whether for mechanics or flavor or both. cleric. warlock. sorcerer. fighter. yknow what doesnt make for a good one-level dip??? fucking blood hunter. you dont even get a fighting style at level 1.
but luc can’t not have blood magic. he’s not luc if he doesn’t have a  troubling apathetic streak toward self-destruction, and blood hunters are rather grey warden-esque, aren’t they? a monster to fight a monster, a dangerous joining ritual shrouded in secrecy...
(and you know armor & shield proficiency never hurt for a base wizard...)
coming together, then, the three classes create a really exciting parallel to his narrative arc: beginning with wizard in the circle, joining the grey wardens and taking the blood hunter dip, and finally meeting morrigan and experimenting with other, more intuitive forms of magic from there
popping in vital sacrifice for extra blood magic and tough for extra blood, and then i realized that both necromancer & twilight druid have heal-on-kill abilities. to regenerate the blood. i don’t know how this would actually play in-game, i worry it may be too situational or rely too much on fighting crowds of low level enemies (all the more ironic for luc lacking AoE spells both in d&d and in dragon age) BUT. conceptually. i think it’s fucking delightful.
the other hard thing was picking spells bc. again. spirit spells don’t exist and i tried not to take elemental spells for my damage spells. in addition to the wizard spells featured (which skew more toward entropy than spirit tbh but what can i do at this point), the notable druid spells are charm person, hold person, moonbeam, and wither and bloom, and when he gets to level 5, dispel magic.
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crowingoverthis · 2 years
pkmn scarlet/violet rant!
Now that i finished the main story, got almost all the pkmn (took me 60 hours, cause i just walk around to complete the dex ahsgfdasd) and i just have some postgame left. Here is my huge imhotake on it xD
7/10 Gameplay 4/10 Graphic/Performance 10/10 Pokemon 9/10 Music 11/10 Characters/story
41/50 Thats a pretty high score!
7/10 Gameplay Well its open world pokemon everyone wanted! You can go anywhere and do what you want. And now some ppl complain about not having directions haha When you literary can open the map and see exclamation marks on where to go so ??? Anyway, my problem was the repetitiveness off, everything? As much as liked just roaming and catching pkmn its still the same thing. To be fair most games are like that, based around 1-2 gameplay loops. I just wish these gameplay loops were a bit more interesting. But this is pkmn at its core. But my complaint is - why is the level no scaling? its not that hard to do gamefreak, I dont want to fight an early game trainer/gym i missed that still is lvl 10 after i beat 4 gyms. And some locations are pretty but too empty, just a lot of slapped on flat textures.
5/10 Graphic/Performance Everyone already saw the glitchs and some had multiple crashes. (i didnt experience any of that, just huge fps drops when it rained. Some ppl say the digital version is better and has less issues) Aside from that, you can finish and play the game from start to finish np! So i wont dwell on that any more. All in all, its the same situation as with Cyberpunk! Well almost cause CD Projektred over promised and under delivered massively at release date. Gamefreak pretty much did everything they promised! Just failed with the polish, bugs and graphics (when the grass is just a photoshop brush... its yeah, a bit very rushed (look at BOTW grass). The pkmn themself look great! Not like having some texture on pkmn is that important, but oh well. The character animations and animations OUTSIDE of battle or close to you are not bad. Inside of battle its the same as SWSH but you can rotate the camera, that sometimes cant even show stuff properly if you are on a hill or cave. Almost forgot! the huge down side of this game as well are the loading screens and the slowness of some things (that's especially noticeable in school).
10/10 Pokemon Like i always say - the one (well and music) things Gamefreak never fails is with designs and creating more pkmn! Of course there are mons i don't like (grasswaterstarterevos) but they are true to what they represent and i can respect that. Every pkmn is loved by someone and that's what makes the diversity of creatures so amazing.
9/10 Music Not much to say than that's its great! (Just a minus point from me personalty cause i don't like techno music and some tracks were like that >:C ) The transition between tracks is nice too.
11/10 Characters/Story I can say in general (NO spoilers)... this game has one of the best pkmn stories. Yes at the same level as gen 5 > 7 (which were the best imho so far.) It just like moulds together so well? Just the repetitiveness i talk about brings it down a bit. The characters have great designs and are (mostly, Nemonaplz) well written and its fun to learn about them! I'm glad GF took more time on story (wish they had even more time).
(mild spoilers) - Best character is the director hands down out of discussion. Not even joking xD. The school idea is very cute and i think its pretty good for newer players and kids who want to play and actually learn about pkmn! cause you do learn stuff in this school that is more then grass beats water, well its the first lesson so you do learn that too but after that i promise it gets better! History class is the coolest! (although i do wish we could learn about the region and cool stuff by y know talking to ppl a bit more...) As a person who was bullied in school, i like TEAM STAR’s story, but i wish they would tell the stories differently than the exact same 5 battles. Bonus! 6/10 locations. Decided to put locations here too cause why not. The main town is great! just some wonky spots that are empty, The other towns on the other hand, have a great look on the outside but when you go in, there's not much there. You can’t go inside of ANY buildings (just the sandwich +gyms). The "wilderness" is pretty much flat textures with pkmn randomly spawning on them. Just things GF needed to have more time to work on.
Conclusion-  Imma change the score too 39/50 cause the location bonus and that is a kinda important point too! SO If you can ignore some minor glitches and dont care about fps drops: Its a good game! Plus if you liked Arceus and just want to play a pkmn game its actually probably the best there is now on the switch! But the bad performance and now that even Nintendo is offering refunds, just shows that rushing unfinished games is not worth! and I hope they FINALLY gonna learn something from that.
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lynnthefrenchtoast · 2 years
in the works ⚗️
most of these will honestly never get finished i just have scenes written of core moments dont get ur hopes up (feel free to tell me which ones ur dying to see tho)
aether-centric : a fic in which aether receives a wind glider from amber and realizes, with some envy of paimon, that he cant fly anymore
xiaoaether : selective mute traveller fic set during lantern rite but instead of a shy and solemn hero when aether finally starts speaking hes a sarcastic shithead
kazuscara : i have like 4 different versions of the same fic in which kazuha and scaramouche are starcrossed less than lovers more than friends because i really like the concept of kazuha knowing its stupid to choose a boy over his lifelong ambition to see the world but still not wanting to leave scaramouche
anya-damian : a fic in which their class thinks anya and damian are dating so now theyre sort of just going along with it because neither actually want to deny
yantao : 100% self-servicing fic bc i kin hutao extremely hard. yanfei asks her out and she says no because shes busy with funeral parlor duties and cannot imagine herself in love. its a pity because over the course of the fic you can tell yanfei means a lot to her but she just doesnt have the space on her plate for a girlfriend
"I am the 77th director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor." Hutao's eyes, always flowery and bright, for the first time.. dim. "This legacy will not die with me."
kazuscara : a fic part of my long Genshin Celebrities AU which tells the story of member of world famous boyband 4NEMO and the underground twitch streamer he has a crush on. its very funny to watch the ohsofamous kazuha scramble to earn the attention of scaramouche but the AU is mostly text fics whereas this is a normal fic and it makes me hesitant to finish
xiaoven : also part of the long celebrities AU. co-members of 4NEMO who are also fake dating xiao and venti try to maintain a colleague-ish relationship while having to act lovey dovey on cameras
kaebedo / thomaluc : also part of the AU. in which, much like irl, the fanbase decided despite kaeya being romantically involved with pianist albedo kreideprinz and diluc dating DCKZ's manager thoma that the brothers are secretly in love and kaeluc becomes the biggest meme of the fandom (do i ship kaeluc? no. would this absolutely happen? rule 34.)
chiscara : in which its blatantly obvious scaramouche is down horrendous for colleague harbinger childe and everyone knows it, but for some reason keeps turning childe down.
thomato : ayaka makes her brother solemnly swear not to lay a finger on their new earnest and boyish housekeeper. the problem? the housekeeper tries to lay hands on him.
kazuscara : kazuha keeps incessantly offering scaramouche cute trinkets because he thinks scaramouche doesnt like him. scaramouche likes him. hes avoiding kazuha precisely because he likes him too much.
kazuscara : a spin-off to the Celebrity AU in which kazuha in an interview accidentally leaks hes sort of kind of crushing on someone and everyone including 4NEMO themselves race to find out who
kaebedo : albedo gets rude when hes nervous and the cavalry captain makes him very nervous
xiaoven, slight tw for suicide and gore : fic starts with 'Butterflies who lose their wings never fly again, it's the same for yakshas' and cuts to xiao brutally stabbing his spear through a god over and over. but its no use, it wont bring back his wings. hopelessly, he tries to kill himself but is interrupted by the sharp playing of the dihua flute and an anemo vision
xiaoven : based on the latest Perilous Trail event. listen, if hoyoverse wants to give us a canon Room with your greatest fears scene, THEN IM GOING TO MAKE A ROOM WITH YOUR GREATEST DESIRE FIC
in which venti accompanies xiao to that one place in chasm where itto saw beans, shinobu saw her mom and lumine saw the abyss except its changed to showing you ur greatest desire. ventis being mondstadt. xiao's... being the sound of the dihua flute
kazuscara : MAFIA HUSBANDS. its a whole fic each chapter being a one shot abt the story of this company where scaramouche is the head boss and kazuha is the secret lover with him wrapped around his finger.
my fav scene is kazuha being poisoned and scara needing to negotiate for the antidote... and then scara tries to kiss him and kazuha has to physically push back and remind, "im literally poisoned rn."
thomato / thomaluc : in which thoma and diluc are getting married and ayato watches bittersweet from the sidelines. angsty fics arent my taste exactly but there are exceptions
"It's not everyday you get to marry your childhood crush."
Ayato smiles too, something glazes his eyes. Not fondness, not contempt- acceptance. If he had known Thoma was also into men, maybe he would've shot his shot. If he had, maybe it would be his wedding day today. If it were, maybe he would be gazing at the ground in fondness, saying something like 'It's not everyday a commissioner marries a housekeeper.'
kaebedo / kae..gredo? : in which kaeya likes albedo and nigredo likes kaeya, so they fall into this back and forth where nigredo tries so hard to imitate his brother, if only to get kaeya to look at him a fraction of the way he does albedo.
"Subject Two," I start. "what makes you think I want this?"
He scoffs. "You want Albedo, don't you?"
"It's no use hiding it. You're desperate. You want my brother so bad you'd get on your knees and beg," Nigredo turns to stare me down when he says, "and he doesn't want you back. Not even a little."
"Oh, fuck you."
"Yea, fuck me," Nigredo sits up, if only to take my hand and pull both of us down. "you want Albedo? I'm the closing thing you'll get."
xiaoaether : in which aether loses his patience and kills. xiao shows up to the crime scene and finds the bloody traveller just standing there, waiting to be arrested. and as an adeptus, xiao should arrest him.. but instead he begs him to run, to not get caught.
theres more. theres so much more.
if anyones interested in more of the fic ideas my brain gives me at 2am just ask i have a whole list
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yaomomvs · 3 years
seijoh, aoba johsai x reader | slight oikawa, iwaizumi and kunimi x reader.
a/n: ugh! i just love my seijoh boys so much! and so, i decided to make one more headcanons for them, tysm! hopefully i’ll do inarizaki next or maybe karasuno.
a bit long but i just love them,and i will do a part two mainly focusing on while they do volleyball this is more of random things
other seijoh!manager works: one | two
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the volume in this bus is ASTRONOMICAL
you actually never thought of joining a club, specially a sports one.
but you needed it, so while looking at the board of the school’s options you were unsure.
“i just really need something not that complicated, and that helps me helping others” you muttered to yourself
little did you know the coach of the volleyball team was there, this nice man turned to you and offered you a place in the team.
“but please if you are one of oikawa’s fangirls dont-” “who now?” you genuinely asked. seeing that you didn’t had a clue of who he was talking about he immediately handed the application for to you.
it was first day and you were already late, but you managed to enter the gym half way practice.
you guys remember that tanaka and kiyoko scene in s4? well it was the same
“sorry for being late coach!” your voice sounded all over the place since someone was serving and it was pretty quiet.
the serve even hit yahaba’s face because everyone got distracted by your beauty
“i- did i do something?” “existing omg”
the coach lined up everyone and they greeted you welcoming you to the team.
you were flustered because it was like you never had a lot of guys around you and now you had to take care of all of them and also
aoba johsai’s team had one of the most attractive boys around likeeee
now, a year later, the energy is purely chaotic.
and i mean like
kindaichi and kunimi are lowkey the ones who respect you the most
not only because you, even if it was for only a year, you were their upperclassman but also you had presence
when karasuno came to the practice andy oh catched both of them after talking to kageyama in the bathroom, you pinched their ears and scolded them
“you both do that again and i’m not being compassionate” “SORRY Y/N”
but also lowkey your admirers
kunimi literally only showed strong emotions around you
“i brought you some sweets” he regularly says
“oh you are great! thank you kunimi!”you appreciated this guys little details with you
“so you have a favoritism with our manager huh?”
“y/n permission to hit kindaichi”
“permission conceded”
kindaichi also respected you because you, when he entered seijoh months ago, were one of the ones who made him believe and helped getting over that anger he had with his ex teammates and you even assured that kageyama was the reason he got better, even if he wouldn’t accept it
the second years, your literal followers
like seriously yahaba watori were always around you.
being in the same grade and class as both dod not helped a lot.
they are like puppies with anxiety separation
because you are the reason they feel loved and cared for
they always sit next to you in class, and they make sure you are comfortable with it.
you need help with hw? watori always is there
yahaba lets you paint his nails every time you got bored in class
you were such a powerful trio
they always bring your favorite drink in the mornin
you even developed this sixth sense where if you just look at each other you know exactly who are you making fun of without even speaking
you always make fun of the shit way of yahaba to flirt oml
and you even advice him on what should he do or not when meeting someone new.
istg if it was not bc of you he would have never got his first date with his crush
kyoutani later joined you, but he had trouble on trusting you
but seeing all the team laying on you he actually let himself rely on another person for the first time
he was the one who scared those stupid volleyball boys fan girls (oikawa’s or the other guys ones) away from you
he also thinks that you are not bad physically talking and he actually says it but privately
he also whenever he is mad or just frustrated comes to you and what he likes is that you don’t go in deep of the details but instead you try to distract him with random thing you say.
“guys i told you several times” you laughed “i do have other thing to do! it not like i can attend every night out with you! i have other friends too!”
“so, we are not watching cartoons tonight?”
“i hate you all so much” you surrendered “see you at 8 pm”
you became the second years core four
and also they looked up to you a lot, why? because you are the only people who always deals with the third years shit
god i think your connection with the third years was only a bit more noticeable than the second years
why? you were not afraid to mess up with them
to be real iwaizumi as oikawa caught your eye since moment one, they were naturally attractive and talented but you made a promise to not fall for anyone
omg you were so wrong
if it was iwaizumi, he always made sure you felt comfortable around
you were no vb genius so he took the time to explain you a bunch of things you did not know 🥺
also, he’s the kind of guy to stop everyone spiking because you were crossing through the gym so no ball gets you
he is the one who always search for you in school, asked about your day, and stuff that might seem basic but it was really meaningful
like he is the kind of guy who memorizes all your favorite places, treats, music anything and actually tries to get you to talk about it
oikawa on the other hand was the one who actually made you feel like part of them
he is so sweet!
oikawa only starts practice when you are there
like bold of someone to start hitting a ball without you there, he considered you part of the team, so he always waited for you
he walked you home or nearby every time he could he wanted you safe
his eyes always always instantly light up and screams “y/n-chan!” and immediately runs to you
but also he is the one who search you the most around
if it was lunch time he went to your home room and literally lunches with you no matter what or who
he never lets anyone lend you their hoodie, it always has to be his that you are wearing
he self crowned himself as your favorite
he hugs you out of nowhere istg is the best feeling ever
hanamaki also also also considers you priority
he is kinda more of the lowkey one, he is mainly the one who checks up on you
he once spotted a bruise in your arm and he immediately freaked out
“DO I HAVE TO FIGHT SOMEONE” “god no! i just dropped a huge book there!”
hanamaki is the one who waits for you in the entrance of the gym to walk with you to practice
he also is the first one to notice if something is wrong with you along with iwachan
they both unintentionally pay attention to you a lot and if you do something out of the common they just approach you
and they are always right
“what’s wrong y/n?” hanamaki says
“yeah, is everything okay you need anything?” iwaizumi continues.
“what do you mean guys? i’m okay” you obviously try to lie.
“no you are not, you are acting different”
“yea iwachan is right you always change yous t shirt before practice and the way you are ordering the volleyballs is off”
“why do know me so well” you indeed had a terrible day, so you almost tear up bb of that and be of how amazing your boys were to you sometimes”
“come here little one”
you heard a pout
“i see you oikawa, you can get a hug too. matsu come here”
matsukawa is your hype man
he loves messing with you like in the big brother sister way
like if a guy asked you out he’d be like “sis you can do so much better”
you are always being salty whether it’s between you or other ones
besides if you do have a crush on anyone on the team matsu is the only one to know
and he’d constantly blackmail you with that
“if you don’t buy me anything from the vending machine i will tell oikawa you actually swoon for him” “OKAY FINE”
“tell the coach that we do not need laps or iwaizumi is gonna knowwwww about” “i hate you so much”
but returning to the point you always messed with them specially the four third years
and you were so good at it
one day, you ‘innocently’ mentioned to the boys “i’m just telling you! i’ve never seen two pretty best friends, one of them always gotta be ugly”
your third years never made you feel insecure
like if you think idk listening to btr was weird because someone in the past made you feel like it be sure the next day they WILL PLAY FUCKING BIG TIME RUSH IN PRACTICE ONLY FOR YOU TO VIBE WITH THEM
also they all four have this little thought that they have to be the ones who protect you
in the court you looked out for them, outside of it they were the ones who did that
if you were teased or someone even had the audacity to make fun of you it could go three ways
you stoping kyoutani and yahaba because they were so ready to throw hands
matsukawa, hanamaki and kunimi just taking you out of there and rather say positive thinks about you
or oikawa and iwaizumi behind you giving the saltiest and meanest glares to whoever dared talking you that way and saying “and you still wonder why people don’t like you?, ” then iwaizumi says “you are right oikawa, you piece of crap have your entire life to be a jerk. take a day off your stupidity won’t left anyways”
god you sure loved those guys
as it can be really useful sometimes there were other times were they become so annoying
specially when it’s about someone liking you.
like romantic styles
i live for the idea that the vb team had obviously fangirls, oikawa mostly. but you also did
like yeah the fangirls of oikawa and the boys envied you
but the guys in aoba johsai high envied the volleyball team even more
god bless the poor guy or girl who DARES to ask you out
like please someone stop them 😭
on valentine’s day you came to practice a bit late just because you needed to figure it out how to organize all the fucking love letters and the chocolates and flowers that you got over the day.
oikawa was already worried as he always waited for you to start, and so were the guys so they decided to warm up a bit more to wait.
you crossed the door with thousands of gifts and all of that barely catching the ones which you dropped. because at this point you did not even try to hide it from the boys, you just wanted them to start practice.
he looked at you and knew exactly what that meant. he received this every once in a while, but god what was that feeling in his chest when some other people like you?
iwaizumi felt that too, that weird feeling not wanting anyone to think about you that wayyyyy
the rest of the boys had divided opinions but still you were their manager.
“so did all this came from...”
“yes matsu...”
“okay but for scientific purposes we need the names”
poor boys, they just are all scared that you’ll leave them because of someone
what a dramatic queens they are all
some of them didn’t like it bc they also had a big crush on you
so what they do is that they gatekeep anyone from you
like oml if they ever catched you and a girl or guy and they knew they liked you they constantly beg for your attention.
and it’s not only because they are being dramatic but also because they remember last year when you went out with some random dude and broke your heart like
they almost killed that guy
so they wanted you to feel happy and safe
to them? honestly you are the light of their life.
they dedicate every game to you, they take care of you, they listen to you, they brag about you, they love you
because honestly you did all that for them first
and ever since then they made sure to return that to you.
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backseatloversz · 3 years
hmmmmmmm. it is here
anderson & perry teacher headcanons :)
idk if theyre teachers in the same universe at the same time but i love the idea of either of them teaching, obviously in part having been inspired by mr keating and experiencing firsthand how much a good teacher can impact u and wanting to give other kids that experience
if it IS the same universe they probably work in the same district bc u know, they live together, its probably closest for both
todd would work at an elementary/middle school and neil would work at a high school (or maybe they'd both work at the same k/6-12 school) so a few years later when a kid would say they went to x school neil would ask if they had mr anderson n then would talk abt him a bit :) (regardless of if they said yes or no. he just likes to talk abt him)
in a more modern au both r those lovely teachers that have a pride flag somewhere in their room<33
so ofc a lot of kids would feel safe around them + come talk to them abt anything/bein queer :)
both in an only one of them is a teacher (and both are alive and together) au loves to brag/talk about the other; my friend/roommate/partner/husband (depends) is a poet is an actor guys he is so talented and cool ..,.,. :-)
speaking of! individually ;
mister teacher todd anderson :)
i feel like he'd be fine teaching any grade, moving around schools a lot, and/or being the sub everyone loves
he still does writing on the side/as a hobby ofc
at a middle school level he'd want to teach english, but idk im one to bet he'd be able (or might have to lmao idk how teaching works) to teach any core subject
at a high school level he would love to not only teach core english but also at least one of the lang/lit electives like poetry or uh. what else is there. speech & debate. women in literature
ok maybe not speech & debate. or maybe! maybe he took that type of class in college & gained public speaking skills/confidence or whatever and wants to spread the good word to quiet high school kids that public speaking is a learned skill!
he is the kind of teacher that, as a core teacher, lots of ppl know and lots of ppl love + respect
feel like he'd run a club. not sure which one
aside from the normal amount of rowdy teens/tweens, a lot of teachers r like holy shit mr anderson ur classes are always so ... good. like. everyone in them. and hes like lmao yeah i dont just make them memorize information i teach them in a way so they'll enjoy/appreciate the subject. plus two sided respect and trust and stuff!
in sum good kind teacher todd anderson
alright now mister teacher neil perry :)
he's Smart i'll bet he could teach any of the core subjects
or again maybe at some point he'd have to. idk how teaching works
his core topic of choice'd be english though
i wanna say second would be science bc even though he never cared abt it his parents ensured he exceeded at it so now hes super science smart</3 maybe he'll try to give kids a better experience with it idk! and ofc
thats not whats important whats important is him being a theater teacher
at a high school level btw. for some reason i can only picture him as a high school teacher
he did do acting/was involved in the acting/theater world for at least a few years prior but then decided he wanted to combine that w/ his desire to leave a positive impact on younger ppl who wanted to get into acting!!
(or just kids who needed an art credit whatever everyones welcome)
he'd probably want to stay at the same high school for a while, yk build a community + familiarity with how the program runs there and ofc get to know the kids and then their younger siblings two or five or ten years later
he has ... a very strong voice. he's not mean by any means and, being the theater teacher, he'd never put kids in situations they don't wanna be in, but his voice is very good for (lovingly (sometimes)) shouting at the juniors messing around on the clear opposite end of the theater
freshmen are always scared of him. but not in a bad way simply in an intimidated way. upperclassmen say dont worry hes cool i swear :)
it is very important to me to reiterate this for neil specifically he def would have a lil pride flag in a cupholder in his office in a more modern au
kids come 2 his office to cry. u know. as u do in theater. and he is good at handling crying teenagers
ok i think thats all ive got for now
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hoodharlow · 4 years
I Know Where Tonight is Going
AN: Ya seeee it’s been forever since I written on Cal and Claudia. But hopefully it was worth the wait. Big thank you to @d-oaks​ for beta reading and editing.
Requested?: Yesss by my bby @myloverboyash​:  You dont show up on my dash anymore so I didnt see this til now but 44 with Calum! 💜🥰 [”Sorry, did that hurt?” “No, I’m just a little sore from last night.”]
Warnings: shmooooot and a hospital scene
Word Count: 4.6k words
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Claudia refreshed twitter as she made her way up the steps to Calum's house. It's been over a month, yet Twitter is still in a frenzy over pictures of Calum and Claudia leaving Bad Bunny's YHLQMDLG release party. The pictures were similar to the ones from the G'Day USA Gala.
They were caught leaving the hotel where the gala was held. They left right after Calum cut the cake Mitchy ordered because Claudia had an assignment due before midnight and couldn't connect her laptop to the hotel's wifi, and her hotspot was being wonky. They were walking hand in hand to his car. They were being playful in the rain. Claudia hiked up her dress and splashed in a few puddles with her trusty Doc Martens. Calum approached her and pulled her close to him. They kissed briefly before he hoisted her over his shoulder and helped her into his car.
Somehow a paparazzo was able to sneak into the hotel's parking lot and managed to record a video of the whole thing. They were even able to zoom in when they were kissing. Her face was hidden because she wore Calum's hoodie.
A lot of fans were making up theories of who the 'hooded girl' was. Some were able to connect the dots that she was the same girl Calum left with at Taylor Swift's birthday party. Some were investigating all the pictures of the hotel 'party', but they came up empty because Claudia always knew when to get out of frame like when he was on tour while Andy recorded.
When the Miami pictures were released, Calum's fans got annoyed once more because the paps only managed to get Claudia's backside. Claudia and Calum found it funny that they didn’t notice it was Claudia. She had posted a video of herself and Gaby, Bad Bunny's girlfriend, singing along to Becky G on her Instagram story. Then Gaby posted a video of Claudia dancing on her lap, showing off the same backside the paps got. 
She locked her phone and knocked on Calum's door. She heard Calum shush Duke before he opened the door. Claudia was going to greet him, but she saw that he was on the phone. So she leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. When she walked past him, he gave her ass a rough smack. 
“Ashton, Claudia’s here. We’ll see you later.” He said. He hung up without waiting for Ashton to respond. 
Claudia immediately wrapped her arms around him. "I missed you." She said softly. 
For the past two weeks Calum had been in Europe for  promo for the album that was coming out in a few hours. He was so jetlagged that didn't even remember that the album was going to drop in a few hours until Ashton reminded him of the album release party that management planned. He flew in last night, but Claudia was studying for midterms and finishing an important paper for her research methods class. He decided not to pay her a visit. 
"Missed you too." He mumbled on her lips, "How was your midterm?"
"Good, I'm mostly done with the others too. I didn't finish editing my paper last morning— more like this morning," she giggled. "So I'm going to finish it later. What time do we have to be at the venue?"
"Around eight." 
"Oh, that gives me time to nap before finishing my paper." She said to herself. She looked up at him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "Nap with me?"
"Of course." Calum nodded. He leaned forward and kissed her. 
He helped carry her things to his room. 
Calum subconsciously made room for her at his place. In January, he emptied a drawer for her to put some leggings or jeans for when she slept over, so she can change into something there instead of driving to her place to get ready. His argument that she could sleep an extra ten minutes before leaving. 
Now he made room in the closet for her. He cleared a shelf in there for her to store her things like her overnight bag and backpack. He hung the black bag that held her dress next to his suit. He looked back and made sure she was in bed before he tried getting a peek of her dress. All he knew was that Soni had altered the prom dress Claudia wore her senior year. 
"Cal, get in bed. You'll see the dress later." Claudia yelled from his bed.
She was in one of his shirts and a pair of bright red Calvins. He took off his shirt and tossed them to the end of bed. He climbed in and laid next to her on his side.  
Claudia laid her head on his arm,  earning a groan from him.
“Sorry, did that hurt?” She asked, lifting her head off his arm. 
“No, I’m just a little sore from last night.”
"What were you doing?"
"What I always do when I can't see you." He shrugged. It took him a second to realize how that sounded. He quickly added, "I worked out."
"Ah ha," she agreed skeptically. 
She pushed him on his back and attached herself to his side. Her head on his chest while her arm hugged his stomach and one of her legs was wedged between his. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her head, so he could play with her hair until she fell asleep. 
Calum woke up an hour into their nap. Claudia was still fast asleep at his side, so he decided to order lunch for them. Without much movement, because the slightest shift would wake her, he grabbed his phone to order their go-to orders from Sam Miguel's. 
Claudia stirred, adjusting her grip on Calum. Her hips moving ever so slightly against his thigh. She let out a breathless moan. Her face scrunched up, her mouth slightly opened as another moan escaped her lips. Calum felt a wet spot forming where she was rubbing herself against his thigh.
Unsure what she was dreaming about, Calum decided to wake her. 
"Claudia?" he gently shook her shoulder. 
"Hi," she said into his chest. She kissed the tattoo on his stomach before she sat up and stretched. "Why'd you wake me?"
"You pulled a Petunia and dry humped my leg." 
"I did no such thing."
"I'm sure your panties say otherwise." He smirked.
Claudia dropped her shoulders in defeat. "I thought it was just in my dream."
"What do you mean?" Calum asked her. He pulled her over so she straddled him.
"This is so embarrassing," she giggled to herself. She hid her face into his chest.
"Claudia, this is a judgment free place."
"I know," she sat herself back up and met his eyes. She toyed with his necklace before speaking again. "When you were playing with my hair, Ithoughtaboutridingyourfacethatresultedinasexydream."
"What? I didn't hear the last part." He had; he just wasn't sure she said what she said.
"I said I thought about riding your face that resulted in a sexy dream." 
"Since you're sore, I was gonna ask you if I could… you know… ride you. But it got me thinking how much I missed your mouth and stuff." 
"Let's do it." Calum said too enthusiastically.
He nodded eagerly. 
"I'm down to try it, but I wanna wear something sexy. I'm literally in your shirt and some boring panties." 
"As much as I love all your lingerie, nothing gets me more turned on than seeing you in my clothes. You have so many options, and you choose one of my ratty t-shirts. I don't know, it makes me feel special."
"You really want me to ride your face, huh." She giggled. "Fine."
Claudia leaned down and captured his lips. They kissed until Calum got restless. She pulled away and made her way forward.
Claudia settled above his face, holding onto the headboard as he looked up at her from between your legs with the most loving eyes.  He leaned upward, his tongue ghosting over her clothed core as he tapped the growing wet spot. She dipped her hips closer to his face, pressing her dripping core against him.
She didn't notice his fingers moved her panties out of the way, until he dipped his tongue into her.
Claudia moaned loudly, resting her head on her arm as she held onto the headboard. He brought one of his hands to her core and slipped his ring and middle finger in her. His other hand made her way to her breasts to play with her nipples.
Claudia threw her head back and moaned his name. 
“That's my pretty girl,” he groaned lowly. 
“Fuck, don’t stop, right there,” Claudia panted. She wiggled her hips on his face, riding his tongue as she came.  He sucked her clit through her high, something he's never done before, making her a moaning mess.
 “Holy shit, Cal,” she sighed breathlessly. She crab crawled back to straddle his lap.
“Told you Tumblr was right when they said I was the oral king.” He grinned proudly. 
“Don't ruin Tumblr for me."
Calum ignored her comment and pulled her down for another kiss. In a matter of seconds, Claudia wanted him again. 
“Someone’s ready for me,” he smirked as his thumb toyed with her clit.
"Shut up," she murmured against his lips. 
Having enough of his teasing touches, she sat up and slipped off her shirt and panties. Calum pushed down his sweats. Claudia climbed back to his lap and stroked him. She missed having him on her hand, feeling how hard and heavy she was able to get him. 
“Ready?” she asked. 
He nodded eagerly.
She lined herself up and coated him with her arousal. She took a deep breath and slid down his length. 
Calum moaned out, enjoying how tight she felt around him. His fingers digging into her hips. “Fuck,” he breathed, pressing his head back against the pillows as he tried to control his breathing. “You feel so fuckin’ good.”
"I know." Claudia smirked at him, placing her hands on his chest. She slowly rode him, until she found a comfortable pace for them.
“Fuck, Calum,” She moaned, rolling her hips against his as he began to meet her thrustsl. His hands went to her ass as he controlled the pace Claudia rode him.
“Fuck,” he groaned, “You’re beautiful.”
“Fuck, Calum, you feel so good,” she whimpered, resting herself on his chest as she lazily rode him. He pulled her lips in a rough kiss, halting his movements as he pulled away.
"Are you tired?" He asked.
"A little, but I wanna get us off." She said, trying her best not to yawn.
“Claudia, you’re practically falling asleep on my cock.” He said, twisting her soft curls. “We can do this another time.”
“But you didn’t cum.”
“It’s okay, you need your rest.” 
He tried lifting her off him, but Claudia whined. “I wanna stay like this. I like you inside me, makes me feel complete.”
Calum pulled the bed’s duvet over them. He continued playing with Claudia's hair, until she dozed off. Soon after Calum matched her breathing and fell into a deep slumber, forgetting about the lunch he ordered for them. 
They were running late. Mostly because of Claudia. She knew she was going to get it when she decided to wear only her lace teddy as she got ready and casually dropping her makeup brushes where Calum just happened to be looking. Neither were surprised when Claudia ended up on her knees with Calum in her mouth.
"Claudia fuck," Calum sighed, hearing her make choking sounds around his cock. 
She pulled him out of her mouth and laid her tongue flat on the tip. Then she slowly swirled her tongue around it. Her nails dug into his thighs once she slipped him back in her mouth, taking him inch by inch. 
"Claudia!" Calum moaned out as he came. Neither expecting him to cum so soon. Claudia kept going. She bobbed her head, swallowing every last drop of his release. 
Claudia pushed back and smiled at Calum. "Crossing that off the list."
"What?" Calum asked. He was still hazy from getting his soul sucked.
"I always wanted to suck your dick while you're wearing a suit." She shrugged. She got up from where she was kneeling and tossed the pillow she used for her knees back on the bed. 
"And you thought now of all times to do that."
"I felt bad that you didn't cum earlier, so I decided to make it up to you." She said as she touched up her lipstick.
"By first torturing me with lingerie?"
"Your dick got sucked, no?" she giggled. She straddled his lap and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "How was it?"
"Best head I've ever had." He said truthfully.
"Really?" she asked shyly.
Before Calum could answer his phone rang. 
"'Llo?" he answered.
"Where the fuck are you two?" Ashton yelled on the other side. 
"We're on our way." Calum said, laying back in bed. 
"You have fifteen minutes to get here or we're getting a new bass player." 
Calum leaned against the railing of the VIP area and overlooked the main dance floor. Claudia had her arms around her cousin as they danced with Gaby and Claudia Sulewski. He chuckled to himself, remembering how his Claudia and Claudia Sulewski made him and Fineas take a picture of them recreating the meme of the two Spider-Men pointing at each other.
He finished off his drink and drummed the railing before going back to the bar to get a refill. He ordered another beer and a water bottle for Claudia. As he waited for the drinks two men approached the bar.
"Did you see how the dress hugged her ass? You just know she likes it from behind." One of them said to the other.
"Yeah, but the skinny one next to her was hot too. The one you said seems high maintenance."
Calum immediately felt disgusted hearing them talk. He looked over to the bartender that was supposedly fixing his drink; they were leaning against the bar talking with one of the servers  that held an empty tray of food. 
"There she comes," one of them said. 
Calum looked forward to the giant mirror behind the alcohol shelves. The only person making their way to the bar was Claudia. He got up from his seat and went to her. 
"Hey!" She said linking her arm around his elbow. She looked up at him and her smile dropped. "What's wrong?"
"Those fucking shitheads were talking about you." He mumbled. 
"Oh them?" she subtly gestured to men at the bar that ogled her in plain sight. "Yeah they went up to me and la Güera when we were dancing, but we shooed them away. They're so creepy. Before they approached us, they just stared. Like what do they get out of that?"
"I can get security. They don't have the passes from management or the other executives. They're probably just influencers." He suggested. 
"Nah," She waved him off. 
Hand in hand they went back to the VIP area. Claudia went over to her cousin and the other girls. Vanessa, Claudia's cousin la Güera, is a YouTuber. Her and her best friend, Paulina, mostly run a makeup and beauty channel. 
Claudia doesn't watch her channel mainly because of Paulina. Since their freshman year of high school, they have had an underlying rivalry. They were in the same group. Paulina was even there at the baby shower a few weeks ago when Claudia dropped the bomb that Paco cheated on her. Actually she was the one that he hooked up with when he cheated, but that was a topic for another day. 
The pair of cousins weren't expecting to see each other at tonight's party. Vanessa wasn't at the baby shower, so she didn't know that Claudia was dating Calum Hood. When she showed up thanks to one of her sponsors that invited her to the party, she was pleasantly surprised to see her there. 
When Vanessa told Claudia that Paulina wasn't with her, Claudia nearly did a backflip out of excitement. She even asked Calum if she could bring her to the VIP area where they were. 
The evening wore on. Calum was ushered away to greet important people from the band's label. Every so often he would look over to Claudia making sure the creepy men didn’t get near her. As he made way back to the VIP area he got a text from Danny asking if he was with Claudia. He turned on his heel and went to the lobby where the music wasn't too loud to call him. 
"Hey," Danny answered after the second ring.
"What's up?" Calum said. He didn't know how he should talk to Danny since he and Claudia aren't on speaking terms after their fallout at his baby shower. The last thing he wanted to get in the middle of a fight with Danny and Claudia. From what Junior said, it was a place he would rather not be.
"Mede is in labor." He said frantically.
"Wha— how? Claudia said she's not due until late April."
"Her parents came over. Shit happened and now we're at the hospital."
"Fuck." Calum scratched his head. "Which hospital are you at?" 
"UCLA Medical Center."
"We'll be there in a bit."
"No, it's fine. It’s your album party. I just wanted you to tell Claudia.”
“No, we’ll be there." Calum said. By the tone, there was no way for Danny to disagree with him.
Calum hung up and seconds later he spotted Claudia coming from the entrance of the venue. Her ever present smile grew ten times more upon meeting Calum's gaze. She linked her elbow with his and pulled him back to the party.
"Hey, la Güera just left. You won't believe what she told me. Like I kinda expected it, but still I'm surprised. Of all people, she's—"
"Mede is in labor." Calum said, cutting her off. 
Claudia was slipping on her Vans when Calum pulled up to the hospital. She was pretty sure she left them there a few weeks ago when Calum took her to an outdoor movie that resulted in them having sex in the backseat. 
She ran to Danny once they went to the maternity ward. With him still sitting, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
"How are they?" She asked him.
Immediately Danny broke into a sob. He clung to her as he cried into her stomach. 
"I'm so fucking sorry, Claudia." He whispered. "I'm sorry for not protecting you, for being a shitty brother and for everything Paco said.
Claudia gently pushed him away, so she could sit next to him. She held his hands in hers, gently rubbing his knuckles with her thumbs like their mom would when they would cry. "Danny, I don't care about that. It's in the past. Right now we have to focus on Mede and the baby." She said softly. "How are they?"
"I don't know. When Deacon Pepe and Marcela showed up at our place, Mede almost had an anxiety attack." Danny took a deep breath before continuing. "We ordered take out and Marcela made a comment about Mede's eating habits and how spicy food isn't good for the baby. She got mad and then they argued. Mede fainted causing her water to break. Right now they're trying to stabilize her, so they can induce labor."
"Fuck," Calum mumbled. The twins looked up at him, earning a look from Claudia. He leaned over to Claudia. "Sorry. I'm gonna get a hoodie from the car." She nodded and pulled him for a quick peck. 
"Have you called mom and dad?" She asked him. 
"Yeah," he nodded. "They're on their way. Junior and Marlene too."
"¿Y Paco?" 
"What about him?"
"Have you called him?"
"No. We haven't talked in weeks." He confessed. "A few days after the baby shower we got into an argument. He said he didn't cheat."
"He didn't." Claudia said. Danny looked at her like she grew three heads. She dropped her shoulders. "Him y la Güera are talking. I ran into her earlier at the party. Anyways she told me everything. Paulina lied. She said that she tried a few times to get at him, but she never succeeded."
"You believe it?" He asked her quietly.
"Weirdly enough, I do." 
They stayed quiet. Danny curled up on the small couch and rested his head on her lap. She noticed his eyes get heavy when she started to play with his hair. She took off Calum's jacket and draped it over him like a blanket. 
"Daniel Santos?" A doctor announced minutes later.
Danny sat up when he heard his name. "That's me." 
He was shrugging off Calum's jacket as Medelyn's mom went up to the doctor, bombarding them with questions. 
"I'm sorry, I need to speak with the baby's father." the doctor told her.
"That's my daughter!" She yelled at the doctor. 
"Doña Marcela, estamos en un hospital no en un pinche mercado donde puede andar con su gritadera." Claudia snapped at her. 
Medelyn's mom gave her once over and went back to her husband. Medelyn's mom angrily watched Danny talk to the doctor.
"Who's the lady glaring at Danny?" Calum asked, walking to Claudia and handing her a pink tie dye hoodie. 
"Mede's mom, you missed the scene she tried to cause." She said slipping on the hoodie. She pulled up to her nose and smiled at him. "Smells like you."
"I practically doused it in my cologne and slept with it every night while I was in the UK." He said, pulling her close. 
Claudia draped her legs over his thighs and curled up at his chest. She watched Danny talk to Medelyn's parents. She assumed he was just repeating what the doctor told him. Then he made his way to Claudia and Calum.
"What happened?" Claudia asked him.
"They stabilized her and the baby and are getting her ready for a c-section." He told her. He pulled out his phone and checked the time. "I have to go in now. In two hours tops you're going to have another nephew."
"Can't wait. Hopefully the baby isn't ugly like you." Claudia teased. 
"Just wait until you two have kids. I just hope they get Cal's looks." 
"You think I'm attractive?" Calum smiled proudly.
"I mean you're not bad looking." 
Claudia dozed off while her and Calum waited for her parents. Remembering that he had to post something about the album he posted a series of pictures that were taken during the time the album was recorded. In the middle of the pictures he slipped one of him and Claudia FaceTiming while he was in the UK but tagged her podcast account. The last slide of the post was a video of him, Mali and Claudia's brothers taking shots on Thanksgiving. He captioned the post saying that he was very excited for CALM to be out. 
Almost an hour later Danny came out from the delivery room. Calum sat up straighter and nudged Claudia awake. He caught her when she rolled off the seats before face planting on the ground. He turned around and saw Medelyn's mom approach them. 
"They're both okay. The procedure went well. They're just checking Sebastian since he was born three weeks early, but they're good."
"Can we go see Medelyn?" asked Medelyn's mom.
"Yeah, two people at a time." Danny said. He turned to Claudia and Calum. "I'll take them then you two."
"Yeah, we'll wait." Claudia said. 
They went back to their seats. About half an hour later, Calum heard Diego and Soni's voices echo through the hallway. Seconds later they emerged with Junior tailing behind them. 
"¿Ya nació?" Soni asked them. 
"Yeah, Mede's parents are with them." Claudia nodded. 
"Mi'ja, baja los pies." Soni scolded, pushing Claudia's feet off the seats and sitting next to her. She looked over to her. "Es el vestido?"
"Yes." She nodded excitedly. She stood up, slipping off the hoodie she showed off the dress."Mira."
Ever since Claudia was little, Soni always altered her and hemmed her clothes. Mostly her jeans since she was tall for the 'regular' length but shorter than the 'long' length. Occasionally she'd make Claudia a dress for Christmas, but nothing like her prom dress.
When her and Calum went down to San Diego for the baby shower, she was going to dress shopping at some thrift shops in HillCrest for a dress for the album party. She told her mom that she wanted to wear the same color as her prom dress, and Soni convinced her not to because she was going to fix her prom dress. Claudia still didn’t know how she did it, but she loved her dress. It used to be a strapless trumpet dress with a lace cover around the shoulders. Soni added thin straps, managed to remove all the lace and the back part of the dress, therefore making it backless. What really was the cherry on top for Claudia was that Soni added a slit to the down mid thigh.
"Yo supe que se te iba ver bonito." Soni said, admiring how it looked on her daughter.
While Claudia showed her mom pictures of the party, Calum joined Diego and Junior. 
"I'm gonna go check in at the hotel, so Marlene and the kids can rest." Junior told his dad. 
"You guys can stay with me. I have a few guest rooms at my house." Calum offered. "There's enough for everyone."
"Are you sure?" 
"Yeah, there's a room for you and Marlene then one for the kids." Calum nodded. He turned to Diego. "Even one for you and Soni."
"And one room for Claudia, right?"
Calum opened and closed the refrigerator, still not believing it was fully stocked. When he left for Europe it was empty, save for some frozen foods and drinks. He knew it was Claudia's doing. It would explain what she was doing when she came over the day before. Other than sending Calum to an early grave, by sending him pictures of herself in lingerie and videos touching herself on his bed.
He turned on his heel and went back to his room. He found Claudia staring at her phone. Her face was unreadable.
"Everything alright?" He asked when he sat next to her.
"Yeah, I just got an email from UCLA and I'm too scared to see if I got rejected from their graduate program." She handed him her phone. "Read it for me?"
Claudia crawled onto his lap and watched as her phone loaded the email. 
"Your wifi sucks." Claudia mumbled as two minutes went by.
"Shut up." He mumbled.
Then the email loaded. Claudia hid herself into his chest and waited for Calum to read the email. She felt his hand wrap around his waist as he gently rubbed her back. 
He stopped rubbing and pulled her away from his chest. He had the biggest grin on his face. 
"I'm so fucking proud of you." He simply said. 
"I got in? Are you sure? Maybe you—"
"Nope," he cut her off. "You got in."
"Oh my god!" She squealed, wrapping her arms around him. 
After applying three separate times, her senior year, when she transferred and now for grad school, Claudia finally got accepted to her dream school.
Claudia pulled Calum into a kiss. In  a matter of minutes, they got needy for each other. Without breaking their kiss, Calum gently pushed Claudia on the mattress and with his cock, he showed her how proud he was that she got into her dream school, three times over.
Taglist: @another-lonely-heart​​​ @sunshinebabycal​​   @calumscalm​ ​@karajaynetoday​​ @cherryxwildflower​​​ @myloverboyash​​​  @idontneedanyone​​​ @findingliam-o​​​ @5-secondsofcolor​​​ @spicycal​​​ @sexgodashton​​​ @fckingpernico​
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nalgenewhore · 3 years
anything and everything
elide x lorcan, modern au, sick fic/domestic fluff, word count: 1874
The clock at the back of his classroom showed that there was two minutes left until lunch. The history teacher knew he’d lost his students three minutes ago, and tossed his printed copy of the PowerPoint onto his meticulously organised desk. “Alright, guys, I think that’s enough for today. Pack up and get out of here, yeah?” 
The sounds of rustling paper and shuffling bags filled the room. Lorcan unplugged his laptop from the projector and clicked it off, pushing the cart back to its corner. He heard his grade twelves’ easy conversations and jokes as they filed out, bidding him good-bye. 
“Bye, Mr. S,” Evangeline called, waving as she walked out, “thank you!” 
“You’re welcome, Evangeline. Have a good day,” Lorcan replied. No one else was in his classroom, so he pushed in the chairs and picked up the stray pencils that had been left. 
He slid his laptop into his bag and slung the leather strap over his shoulder. Lorcan left the blinds down from when they’d been drawn for the video he’d shown and flicked the lights off before he closed and locked the door. 
His hands were shoved in his pockets as he walked to the teacher’s lounge. Lorcan was the first there and he decided to call home, his phone in his back pocket.
As the phone rang, Lorcan grabbed an apple from the bowl of fruit and rinsed it before he ate it.
His fiancée picked up after two rings and sounded even more congested and hoarse than she’d been in the morning, “Hello, love. How’s your day going?” Elide coughed loudly, the sound deep and from her chest, “I’m feeling so much better, honestly, baby. I think I’ll just pop in and teach my last few class–” 
“Lee, you're sick. You'll collapse before you get to the front gate and you know it,” he said, nodding to Rowan, who walked in with Aelin and Lysandra. Nesryn couldn’t have been that far behind them. 
Elide huffed, knowing he was right and hating it, “I’m not sick, I’m not even barfing! I’m just achy and I have a cough, I’m fine.” 
“You have the flu, Elide. You do not have the energy to teach two classes - stay home.” 
She muttered something and Lorcan could practically hear her eye roll. “Fine. I can do video calls anyway, bye-bye, L, love you!” 
“That is not what I meant, Elide,” he protested, but Elide hung up. Lorcan sighed through his nose and put his phone in his pocket once more. The rest of the apple was gone in two bites. 
From one of the tables, the blonde science teacher looked over at him, a bite of leftover risotto and pink salmon on her fork, “Was that our Ellie dear? How is she?” 
“Stubborn and petty,” Lorcan grumbled in good nature. He tossed his apple core into the compost bin, “I’m done for the day, so I’m going home. Please don’t call me if you need help.” His colleagues laughed mockingly at his inconsiderate remark and Lorcan smirked, saluting them as he walked out. “Bye, guys. Have a good day.” He walked down the hall, waving and nodding to students he recognised. 
Lorcan passed two of his favourites, Luca and Evangeline. They stopped him to talk and they chatted about Luca’s upcoming debate and Evangeline’s English presentation. He wished them both luck and continued on, all but refusing to acknowledge any of his other colleagues. Lorcan didn’t have anything against them, save for a few, but he didn’t want to be dragged into a long conversation with them when his girl was home sick and miserable. 
Outside, it was raining, but light enough that it was more of a mist than any noticeable precipitation. Lorcan got into their old Volkswagen Jetta - the car that Elide had saved for during her last year of high school to buy - and pulled out of the parking lot, going slowly around the meandering students and teachers alike. 
Since he hadn’t eaten lunch yet and he had been dreading his tuna salad sandwich all day, Lorcan stopped by the local Blackbeak restaurant. He bought pierogies, borscht, sausage, and cabbage rolls. Knowing Elide loved them so, he added on an order of sweet, apple-filled piroshkis and sweet tea. 
Luckily, the wait wasn’t long and he tipped them well when they handed him the containers in two plastic bags, including a tray for their tea. Lorcan carried their food back to the car and put it on the passenger seat, carefully fitting the cups of tea in the cup holders. 
Lorcan got back in his seat and drove on, more slowly this time so the food would remain untouched. He’d tossed his phone onto the dash and it rang. He glanced over at it and saw Elide calling him. Since he was driving, Lorcan didn’t pick up and he would be home soon enough. 
He came to a stop at a red light and looked over at the text she sent him. 
princess: r u too busy to answer me cause ur with ur new WHORE. 
princess: dont even come home tn im so over ur disrespectful ass. smh. 🙄. cant believe i ever trusted a MAN. 
princess: bby im so hungry tell me what to get i cant decide 🥺 pls help me ill b so nice to uuuuuu ❤🖤🥰🥰😘 
Lorcan laughed and shook his head, driving on home. He pulled up in front of their townhouse a mere five minutes later. Carefully, Lorcan balanced everything and locked the car. He walked through the front gate and up the stone pathway. 
Somehow, he managed to carry everything and unlocked the front door. When he walked in, he heard someone’s long nails tapping across a laptop keyboard. Lorcan chuckled quietly and put his bags down. He hung up his jacket, put his keys in the silver dish next to Elide’s, and toed off his shoes. 
Lorcan walked down the hallway and passed the staircase, putting their food on the kitchen counter. Then, he rolled up the sleeves of his wool sweater and white shirt. He walked upstairs, “Lee? You in bed?” 
He passed their shared office and leaned against the doorframe, eyes landing on his fiancée. Elide had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, her dark hair pushed up in a messy bun. Her thick glasses were perched on the edge of her nose and when she looked up at him, Elide pushed them back up, “Oh, hi, love.” She looked back at her laptop and colour-coordinated lesson plan, still typing. “I didn’t know you were coming home, you didn’t have to do that.” 
“Evidently I did because my fiancée refuses to rest,” he said, shoving off the door and walking in. She rolled her eyes and frowned. Lorcan walked around to her side and crouched, twisting her chair around, “Elide. You’re sick. Your students are not going to be affected if you take a day or two off, now please. Can you just get back in bed? For me?” 
She clicked her tongue and sighed, “That’s cheating. You can’t say it’s for you when you know I’d do anything for you.” 
Lorcan smirked and cupped her face, his thumb stroking over her cheekbone, “Just doing what I can.” He surveyed her, his eyes not missing a thing. There was a slight sheen of sweat on her brow and her eyes were tired. Her skin was paler and more pallid than usual, the only spot of colour on the tip of her nose. She was restraining herself, but Lorcan could see her shivering. “How are you feeling?” 
“I’m… fine.” 
He arched a brow. Elide sighed through her nose and looked to the side. 
“Fine. I feel like shit. I’m tired and I have a headache and I’m so, so tired,” she whispered, tipping herself forward and leaning into him. “I hated that you left this morning. I wanted to be with you and… and let you take care of me.” 
Lorcan smiled softly and got to his feet, picking her up as well. Her head fell against his shoulder and he held her with one arm banded beneath her thighs. He cut off the camera and sent a bland message before signing out and turning it off. As he carried her out, Lorcan asked, “Are you hungry? Have you eaten anything?” 
Elide shook her head, “No… I was sleeping.” 
“I got food. Blackbeak,” he told her, smiling when she gasped wondrously. 
“O-m-giness.” Elide said softly, dancing her shoulders around. “You’re the best, baby. Did you get piroshki? The- the sweet one. With apple.” 
“Mm-hmm,” he said, pushing her hair back again. “And pierogies, tea, sausage, and cabbage rolls. Everything, even soup.” 
“I love you so fuckin’ much, man,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck. Elide’s face was comfortably hidden in the crook of his neck. She could smell his cedar cologne, the lavender dryer ball on his sweater, and the sweetgrass he’d smudged with. “We should watch When Harry Met Sally.” 
Lorcan huffed a laugh through his nose and kissed the side of her head, “Yeah. Sally’s a spaz.” 
“And Harry’s an inconsiderate asshat,” Elide replied, squeezing her thighs around his hips. 
They crossed through the door of their bedroom and Lorcan set her down on their bed. He left her be, letting her manoeuvre into her little nest of blankets, quilts, and a duvet. 
He changed into sweatshorts and a hoodie with their university’s logo before going downstairs. On his way, he re-did his hair in some tiered, sloppy and loopy bun. 
In the kitchen, he played some random song from his phone and bobbed his head as he served them both food. 
Lorcan carried their plates and bowls back upstairs. Elide got up to help her when he got to their room. On the TV that opposited their bed showed the main menu of When Harry Met Sally. He laughed quietly and shook his head, sitting down beside her and getting comfortable. 
Elide hummed delightedly and pressed play from her phone. She took the tea first and drank it quickly, suddenly ravenous. Lorcan passed her water and medicine. Elide took it and ate her beet soup, sans sour cream. 
The movie played and Lorcan ate his pierogies, gently sipping on his own tea. 
Done first, Elide put her dish to the side and leaned into him. She mouthed the lines, her eyes slowly falling shut. Lorcan grinned and finished the cabbage roll before easing out from under her and taking their things back downstairs. 
He got her more citrus tea and went back upstairs. The flu-ridden woman woke up when he got in bed and resituated herself. 
“I got the vaccine, baby,” Elide muttered, her arms wrapped around his neck, “and I’m still sick. I’m anti-vax now. They’re hoaxes.” 
Lorcan sighed through his nose, still adoring her dramatics. “You can’t say that to your students, Lee. They believe anything.” 
The chemistry teacher smacked his chest, “They arent dumb! They’re just…” 
“Stupid,” Lorcan finished her sentence. “C’mon, I had a student who didn’t know Terrasen’s capital. He was born here, Elide.” 
She snorted and hid her face in his neck. “I love you.” 
“Forever and always, Lee.”
☽ ☼ ☾
an: i luv them. omg. 
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i-did · 3 years
what would make renee angry in your opinion?
I had a really hard time answering this one actually. I thought about it for a while and asked a lot of my friends to see if they had any ideas, and here's what I came up with:
1) A professor or TA who is super shitty to her
Just a really shitty teacher.
as she goes through college, she’s bound to run into some assholes, and I don’t think Renee has perfect grades in the past or present. her not knowing academic terminology and feeling out of place in the college setting would make a lot of sense for a lot of the foxes, and Renee is good on putting on a smile, but she still eventually gets that one professor or TA that scoffs at her questions and “doesn’t have time for the likes of her” and the constant complete dismissal digs painfully under her skin and brings out her anger.
2) People who are intensely rude to her despite her best efforts to be as kind as she can be
Renee is patient, but we all have our limit. similar to the one above, but Renee dealing with someone who is just rude all the time and she struggles to keep reminding herself “we all have bad days, I don’t know what they’re going though.” Renee working in a coffee shop and a woman bumping into Renee and spilling her coffee on herself, only to yell at Renee for an hour, ignoring all of Renee’s pleasant customer service smiles. said customer later on becoming a regular and repeating this behavior, cutting off people in parking lots and flipping them off, Renee being kind and trying to give her a free scone only for the woman to tell her she hates scones, Renee offering something else only for the woman to tell her to shut up. that shit wears you down, and Renee still dumping her kindness onto someone every time only for it to backfire or be dismissed would make her have to take a few deep breaths in the back room before deciding, fuck it, she's cut off from active kindness, now only passible neutrality and not being aggressive is enough. 
3) someone who refuses her help
her knowing she could really make a difference, but some people just don’t want help, and she feels helpless and angry. she's not angry at the person, but the situation of them not being ready to accept help or even able to accept help makes her so frustrated she would start to grind her teeth in her sleep. She understands how it is, how hard it can be to take the first step to change or giving up pride or whatever the hurtle may be, but that doesn’t make it any easier than her thinking in her head “just let me fucking help you!!! or anyone!!! just let anyone in to help you!!!! fuck!!!” inside her head. she knows not everyone needs help or saving, but some people do, and when they shove her back, unwilling and not ready for it over and over while she’s trying to save them, she gets frustrated that she can’t.... do anything. and just has to wait. but Renee can be patient, and she’s willing to wait. 
4) Someone actively trying to wear her down and get under her skin
okay so this isn’t something that happens often, the closest Renee has really come to it is with Andrew when he first was scoping her out. but– if someone was actively trying to aggravate her, laughing at everything she said and making fun of her, pulling at her looser strings and picking at her ticks, watching to see what brought out her reaction, they could eventually do it and get under her skin. i think she wouldn’t let herself blow up at them since thats what they want, but she would silently excuse herself from the situation to take a breather. no one really does this with her, and Andrew only does this to size her up and even still his interrogation isn’t the type of harassment i’m imagining. i mean like old school bullying, not locker shoving, but the middle school girl shit that leaves emotional scars. and them being older, they’re less afraid to show it and be more straight forward mean. people don’t really do this to her tho, its too much effort to get a reaction, and when they do, its never what they would have wanted, like crying, but instead is her smile falling and then finding a way to make them feel like shit. Renee is kind, but she also knows how to play on a similar level as them, not just with fists. i HC Renee as plus size, and fuck it is hard to be different in anyway as a kid. but childhood bullying was the least of her worries and these people dont see how deep her personal self assurance has grown and how she has learned to stand with her head held high and her face serine. her and dan are quite similar in this, but dan is much more active and direct while Renee is passive in her letting it glide over her, dan has even gotten annoyed on Renee’s behalf and then annoyed that Renee was not affected and why she didn’t fight more directly back. 
5) People who are overtly cruel and she struggles to sympathize with
okay so, you ever see someone so mean and rude for zero reason to someone else and you’re just like... what the fuck??? Renee doesn’t let others get to her really, but damn.... someone going after someone else in ways that are just so uncalled for and so harshly.... it gets to her. She once watched an episode of catfish where the catfisher laughed at the girl, uncaring that he crossed so many emotional lines and manipulated people without really any care. and she wanted to throw the remote and punch the tv right where the guys face was on the paused screen. nothing like someone just, kicking someone else while their down with no mercy, or making fun of someone behind their back and them not knowing, making fun of the deaf kids voice behind his back and he doesn’t see them doing it, and she’s like, man, Fuck. You. in her head. I don’t think she was like, always a nice person, in fact, i think Renee used to very much so not be the type to sit with the alone kid at lunch but instead ignore him and think “yea he’s weird, kinda ugly” without thinking much of it. But then she decided to change, and she took everything she thought it meant to be a good person, and became that. she started sitting with the alone kid, she started doing charities, she started to smile instead of punch, and she started going to church. and so when she sees cruelness she was once passive in the face of, maybe even active in, she uses kindness. Renee is she good at using taking the high road in such a graceful way it makes others feel bad. like when she tells Nicky calmly “thats not very nice” after he jokes about Seth dying in a car crash on his way from the airport book 1, and Nicky feels like shit. it feels like shit to get called out sometimes, and while its not her goal, she does know it is an effect of it. (i don’t think she’s mad at Nicky in that scene, but she did say something since she is there to protect hers and she redraws that line in that moment, especially without Allison or Seth there yet to say fuck you themselves.)
6) Injustice and systems of oppression
for these i feel she gets more frustrated, overwhelmed, and sometimes resigned. she knows how dark and shitty the world is, but she stays up at night with her hand on her heart as she breathes deep, thinking about how... utterly fucked everything is. its pretty easy for me to HC that Renee is politically far left and has seen the dark side to lack of resources and systemic issues that are just... so overwhelming she doesn’t even know what she does as just one person. world pollution, corruption, class divide, flint water crisis, the homeless crisis, the prison system, functioning segregation in school systems, just... it all. she’s had nights after volunteering where she thinks “i did something, i did.” and she has days where she realizes “...i’m doing nothing, in the end... its all for nothing, there’s just too much.” just a bad day where she sits there, thinking about how much is wrong and wont be fixed and how ‘doomed’ things are, how broken, and she doesn’t feel at a loss, but rather this deep anger that comes from who she was before. 
7) herself. 
Her being unable to live up to her own standards. she still thinks mean things, she has mean and cruel urges, and when she has them, she remembers that she’s still a bad person trying very hard to be a good one, and she thinks she’s still a bad person at her core. she’s not self loathing with it, but she does think to herself “i’m a hypocrite.” and sits with that thought for a minute. sparring with Andrew has helped her, to balance the two sides of her in a way that feels both self indulgent and honest to her path forward. but sometimes while sitting in that church pew, she thinks of her dead mother, her dead step father, those she turned in without batting an eye, stabbing in the back to save herself, and she thinks “i should feel something.” but she doesn’t, she wasn’t sorry then and she’s not sorry now. and she thinks, “the others call Andrew a monster, and they don’t realize that i’m one too.” and she tries to muster up something deep inside her, but she cant. and it can frustrate her, how after all these actions, all those hours of beach clean up and homeless shelters and building houses in some other country and going around clapping her hands to the songs, but she’s still the person she is deep down. and it gets to her. i think her having a conversation with Neil one day, on what it means to be a real person, is she pretending who she is? is she her thoughts or her actions? which is the real her? and Neil saying, it’s all of it. every facet of the self is still the self, he is Nathaniel and Neil and Abram and every other person he has been and will be. we change but we are also always ourselves, and her actions are just as true as her thoughts. 
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half-a-hetero · 3 years
oK SO I’VE HAD THIS AU IN MY HEAD FOR TWO FKN DAYS AND I HAVE COME TO EVER SO GRACIOUSLY INJECT IT INTO YOUR MIND- THE GAANG PLUS YUE AND THE FIRE NATION GALS IN BANDS. a battle of the bands au. tHINK OF THE aRt. n i’m thinking zukka and yueki, and they meet at battle of the bands but yk...we got 2 sets of pining idiots yk yk. i thought this up five (5) days ago and iM DYING 
(tw: mentions of canon-typical abuse, and past death)
this is basically just the setup but i’ll add little tidbits and worldbuilding and art later
zuko (18): drums + backup vocals
mai (16): bass guitar
ty lee (15): keyboard
azula (15): lead guitar + vocals
suki (17/18): rhythm guitar
they do some group vocals/harmonies but not that often
so like azula has this really strong, really powerful voice, and that means she could do really moving rock ballads/power ballads, and etc etc. she took extensive guitar and voice lessons as a kid because of That Fucker Ozai™ and thats why she has so much control. same with zuko, except he didnt take voice lessons (he just liked singing) and quit guitar after ozai went to jail (it was a painful reminder of The Shit He Went Through) and took up drums to let out his anger and frustrations instead. Azula stuck with guitar because it was something she loved to do, despite her past.
where azula has a bold voice, zuko has a raspy-yet-smooth-at-the-same-time one that matches azula’s really well. while she’s off singing power notes, hes singing the lower, raspier undertones and it sounds really nice.
zuko also took up art classes and is genuinely proud of his work.
he’s secretly (its not that much of a secret) an art nerd
zuko, azula, and suki wrote a few songs together, kinda
for lack of better explanation, ozai was (canon-typically) abusive, and he got drunk one day and got mad at zuko and pushed him. zuko fell into the fireplace, and boom. scar.
azula got mainly mental trauma because zuko would take the blow for her, but she got therapy and theyre both for the most part better (there are still some relapses)
azula’s secretly a DC nerd
zUkO wEaRs riNgs 
the canon-typical atla “ozai pitting them against eachother sibling rivalry” comes into play through guitar (hence why zuko drops it. he wanted to let his sister have something she loved for herself. also, he didnt like it). ozai was a classical guitarist and famous [the money and the “royalty” canon aspects]
should i….mullet zuko?
aro azula and toph >>>>
ty lee is still from the circus, except this time mai was there too, which is where she learned knife-throwing. they both ran away from the circus summer after freshman year and met azula though mai’s bass lessons (alternatively, they met at martial arts classes). theyre 14/15. they moved in with azula, zuko, and iroh around the middle of sophomore year (grade 10) when ozai was arrested. the azula and ty lee were 15, mai was 16, and zuko was 17 at the time, around the ages they were in the show when the war ended (i think??)
azula said it didn't matter cause they had a huge house. she says it was half-empty, anyways, but mai and ty lee know that meant she liked their company.
they get along really well with suki
everyone realizes they can all play instruments, the core parts of a [rock] band. they start playing together, and eventually decide to become a band
their band is called ‘the kyoshi warriors’ (or something idk this is off the top of my head) in honor of the girls’ martial arts instructor, master kyoshi, who passed away
WAIT SJITGHHFSD FAN THE FLAMES IS A GOOD NAME TOO WHAT (although i can see that being more of a song name) credits to boom ( @boomerangsandadora) for that (go check out their ideas on this au)
theyre inseparable
together, mai, ty lee, suki, azula and zuko look fucking menacing. just imagine that. fucking bamfs
mai skateboards. just. this is a kind of important plot device. shh.
suki joins their friend group gradually. first, she’s attended azula’s martial arts class since they were in second grade, and moved up the belts like wildfire (along with azula). she tried to befriend azula a few times, but gave up over the years because azula wasnt interested in friendship (no thanks to ozai pressuring her to always be first. azula saw her as a rival, suki saw azula as a particularly competitive classmate and but equal in skill). She was zuko’s classmate since freshman year (grade 9) but only became his friend in sophomore year through a literature assignment the two were paired up in. she was really his only friend, cause everyone was too busy sizing up his scar. the two became inseparable then on.
she plays rhythm guitar because she loves guitar but agrees that azula is better at being in the (relative) spotlight
on the outside, suki and zuko looked tough, but underneath that, they’re two bumbling, pining gay idiots
suki’s parents both died in a fire, so she grew up with her “cool gay aunt” who was also a feminist and a mixed martial arts instructor.
suki spends her time teaching the beginner classes at the dojo
she met azula + the girls thru martial arts and zuko
overall thingies:
even though zuko is oblivious to sokka’s reciprocate feelings, no one else is. mai, azula, and ty le are just like “zuko wtf you’re more blind than toph”
he thinks the rest of his friends dont know about his crush bu he forgets who his sister is. honestly. all he talks about is sokka, it isnt hard.
unlike a lot of other bands, they actually have more complicated and interesting bass riffs, and a lot of times when writing songs they start with bass and build up from there
azula and toph get along becaus theyre the only sensible ones around. all their friends are pining idiots and they bond over their mutual superiority 🪄🧃🧃
mai skateboards at the same skatepark as sokka and aang. she’s long since past trying to teach zuko (he’s an uncoordinated gay mess) (who can somehow still play drums ??what???)but once she sees him agree to learn to skate from sokka she knows what’s up
suki’s birthday is during th time this fic happens, and she invites yue to the party (she tells zuko he has to invite sokka because even though she loves her bestie, he really is dumb)
“hey yue, we’re having a little get-together for my birthday, and i was wondering if you wanted to come?” compare to zuko’s “uh—hey sokka? i, um. suki’s birthday is pretty soon, and, well. we’re having a get-together to celebrate? and i—she asked me to invite someone? andifyoudontwannagothatstotallyfineimsorryforbotheringyou-” (includes much stammering and heavy blushing)
on the outside suki’s all calm (someone has to be the “i’m a mess but i dont look it” friend🙄🙄. honestly)but on the inside she’s like
“oh my gOD is that dyed hair hOLY FUcK thats so badass and she pLAYS BASS TOo that’s hOt”
“hOLY mOtHEr of kYosHi sHe’s wEAriNG lEsbiAn riNgS sHIT and her voice is so nice too fUCK i think i’m in love-”
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