#but part of me does still wish that he kept it a play😔
stephenrea · 1 year
I wanna talk about 'The Banshees of Inisherin' cause I really enjoyed it but I'd like provide ye a bit of context for the production of the story that might alter some of the analysis I've seen gettin passed around. A common misconception about MacDonagh is that he's an Irishman- he's not. He's English. His parents are Irish and he's spent many a Summer holiday in Ireland. But he was born and raised an Englishman. Irish stories of the 20th century have a tendency to carry a lot of political tension, far more tension than you'd see in 'The Banshees of Inisherin' because, like all irish stories for the past millennium, they work as fabels. They're all metaphors for recent irish history and the social mores of rural Ireland and understanding that is almost necessary for the enjoyment of the those kinds of works.
MacDonagh, being an Englishman, is less concerned with these politics; but irish influences remain strong in his works all the same. First and foremost, he's a playwright and this is evident in the structure of his screenplays. MacDonagh makes a lot of references to the film adaptation of John B. Keane's play 'The Field' both visually and by use of certain character archetypes in his film. Take 'The Irish Fool' (a trope that deserves its own post tbh) depicting a mentally disabled character whose function in the story is like that of Shakespeare's fool, only these ''''fools'''' are genuine depictions of how mentally disabled adults were (and still are!!!!!) treated/taken care of in rural irish society. Yet in spite of all the parallels between both stories, The Banshees of Inisherin makes one fundamental deviation from all other irish works which is that rather than having the interpersonal conflict between the protagonists be a metaphor for irish history- irish history is instead a metaphor for their conflict. This inversion of traditional Irish storytelling is present in other areas of the story as well, such as the banshee not being a screaming mourner- but a passive aggressive observer. It's MacDonagh's close connection with the Irish that allowed him to subvert tradition in a way that I personally believe to have been done masterfully. Hypothetically; you could tell this story in any location, but it's rural irish identy is what sells it. Between the isolation of island life, the consant threat of emmigration vs homeland violence, the blur between the natural and supernatural, and the total lack of privacy met with a mandatory level of trust; all these factors are what make 20th century Ireland the ideal setting for a a story of this calibre AND I LOVE IT.
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inawickedlittletown · 1 month
You've Got the Love to See Me Through - 7x06 coda
Read on Ao3
Summary: Tommy's pov of 7x06...or just let this man get some rest.
Words: 4,769
“Go home, Kinard. Get some sleep. Remember, you’re on standby tonight.” 
Sleep. Right. Tommy was definitely not going home to get sleep despite how much he might want to. He could have called Evan and made his excuses, but Evan had already texted him twice that week to make sure he was coming to Chimney’s Bachelor party, so Tommy really couldn’t miss it. Not even because his shift had wound up running something like four hours long or because he was on standby. It was part of the job, he’d had longer nights they just usually ended with him passed out on his bed, not driving to a karaoke lounge. Considering it was the night before the wedding, Tommy figured things weren’t going to get out of hand or go too long and he’d get to his bed eventually. 
He headed into the building and had to walk down a long hall until he finally made it to the room Evan had reserved. He saw Eddie first, giving him a high five. Then his eyes landed on Evan. He looked good and seeing Evan took away some of his exhaustion, especially when they hugged and he could smell his cologne. 
Tommy was glad, when he could sit down and get something that resembled rest. He would have preferred it if Evan sat down too, instead they all got to watch him as he paced and glared at anyone that dared to try to go near the sliders. He’d lost count of the number of times that Evan had already tried to call Chimney and kept himself entertained watching Eddie play bartender, when he wasn’t watching Evan. 
Time had ceased to have much meaning for Tommy some three hours back, so he had no idea how much had passed when Hen stood up, her wife following suit. And others started to follow their lead despite how much Evan tried to keep them. 
Of course, that’s when he got the call to go in. So much for getting any sleep.
He could see the disappointment on Evan’s face, and Tommy wished it was different. He wished he could stay behind and maybe convince Evan that they could still have fun, but he was on standby and he wouldn’t be called in without reason. 
“Be safe,” Evan said. 
Tommy held onto that. He felt a little odd, too, because though he’d known it would be different to date a fellow first responder, he still hadn’t really understood, because as disappointed as Evan was at his departure, he also got it. 
He caught up to Hen and Karen, making their way to the exit. 
“You’re leaving too?” Hen asked. 
“Got called in,” Tommy said. 
“Does that mean you’ll miss the wedding?” Karen asked. 
“I’ll try not to. So, Chim really didn’t want this party?” 
Even without looking at her, Tommy could tell that Hen was rolling her eyes. “Buck wore him down. Or, maybe Chimney got tired of saying no and never intended on coming.”
Karen made a noise of agreement. “He’s probably enjoying his hotel room. I don’t blame him.” 
Tommy said his goodbyes and got to his car. In an effort to keep himself awake, he drove to a starbucks on the way to Harbor and downed most of the drink before he arrived. 
Lucy was getting out of her car as he parked and she waited for him. 
“Hey. They called you in too?” She called out to him. 
“Sure did,” Tommy said, and tried to fight a yawn. 
He was in the air within fifteen minutes, flying out solo to drop retardant over the fire. When he landed, he had to wait for the chopper to be filled up again which meant his priority was getting to the coffee maker for more caffeine. He pulled his phone out and took it off airplane mode as he went and watched as several texts landed in his inbox.
Evan: No Chim. How’s work? Stay safe. 
Evan: Partying with people. Still no Chim. 😔
Evan: SHOTS!! 
Evan: Eddi says we gotts toooo song đŸ‘šđŸ»â€đŸŽ€đŸŽ€
Another text came through as he was fixing his coffee. 
Eddie: yo misssss all tge fun adinkamsc 
Tommy couldn’t help but snort. Oh, they were both going to regret their night. 
He had just enough time to drink his coffee before he was back out in the sky. When he got back to the station, he ran into Lucy. 
“We’re gonna fly out there and help from the ground,” she informed him. “The retardant is helping, but they need more bodies. There’s been a few injuries. This thing is huge.” 
Their captain confirmed as Tommy made it inside. 
He checked his phone on the way to the locker room. 
Evan: wHet lik boo y 
Evan: takhujns par tee to cim đŸ„ł
Eddie: UBEr!1!!!1
Evan: No 🔑 đŸ§‘đŸ»â€đŸš’đŸ§‘đŸ»â€đŸš’
Tommy was far too tired and busy to actually decipher what Evan could mean. 
It was rare for him to have to use his turnout gear. He was a pilot, his skills were best used in the sky, but sometimes it was about going where they were needed. He carried the gear out rather than putting it on. Lucy joined him and Tommy flew them back out, this time dropping the water that had been loaded on. Lucy did the work of reporting what they saw from the air and it didn’t look great. The sky was tinted orange and gray and it could have looked beautiful if it wasn’t so destructive. They were directed to reload more water to drop and that was how it went for a while. 
Tommy had no idea what time it was when they were told to just bring down the chopper and join on the ground. It was night, but that was hard to tell with the orange and yellow flames and the clouds of smoke that flew into the air. They landed pretty far from the fire itself, and would have to walk past all the trucks and cars. They put on their gear, Tommy taking his flight suit off to replace it with the heavy pants and coat, and then they were on their way. 
“You look beat, Kinard,” Lucy said. 
“I already worked OT on my last shift. Now this.” 
“Ouch,” she said. 
“And I’m supposed to be going to a wedding tomorrow.” 
She winced. “That’s tomorrow? I don’t think you’re gonna make it.” 
He just laughed. He’d sort of given up on that prospect. The suit he’d left hanging off his closet door would just need to be put back in the back of his closet unless he got out of there in time to join everyone at the reception. Sometimes the job just wasn’t fair, but the closest to having the day off that Tommy had managed was staying on standby. It was also why he’d taken the shift he’d just got off of. 
“I know you were looking forward to it, Tommy,” Lucy said, patting his shoulder. 
Tommy shrugged. There would be other dates with Evan, but this had felt special. Not just how Evan had wanted to include him in something so important, but because it was Evan showing everyone who he really was. 
“One good thing is he’ll understand why you aren’t making it,” Lucy added. 
That just reminded Tommy of the disappointed look on Evan’s face when he left the karaoke lounge.
They got their orders from the battalion chief and Tommy found himself falling into the rhythm. Anytime he had to get down on the ground, it reminded Tommy why he loved the sky, not that he really minded the change in pace. He did gain his second wind as he worked which helped keep him going. 
Tommy didn’t get a chance to check his phone again until he was on a break. Grabbing a protein bar to snack on and drinking water for his very parched and dry throat. 
He had a voicemail from Eddie as well as a few missed calls and several texts. 
Evan: đŸ›ïž đŸ€”đŸ»â€â™‚ïž
Evan: 🚁
Eddie: đŸŸđŸŸbavcnjklo’s!!
Evan: i mus u
com e bcksjm pldne
Eddie: yo boyfrienddd owens 👚
Tommy just smiled. He was going to have so much fun when he saw Evan again. He didn’t bother with the voicemail, because he had to save something to amuse himself with later and then returned to the job. 
As the night wore on, he was sent back to Harbor to fuel up, and fill up with retardant. It was apparently the type of fire that just kept fueling itself up. They were doing some work fighting it and keeping it from spreading, but he could tell it would still be hours before they were close to getting it put out. 
The next time he checked his phone there wasn’t anything new and he hoped that meant that Evan had gone to bed. At least one of them was getting some sleep. 
A few hours later found him clutching at the tiny paper cup of coffee he’d been handed by a stressed looking boy. It wasn’t gonna do much, but anything to stay attentive. He pulled his phone out and it was getting really close to wedding time. He might be lucky if he made it to the reception. 
Evan: Chim is missing 
Evan: Sorry for all the drunken texts.
Evan: Last night was insane. We thought Chim was sleeping
he wasn’t here all night. 
Evan: He wouldn’t leave Maddie at the altar. Something has to be wrong. 
Evan: Found Chim’s phone
Evan: No Chim 
Evan: Maddie is going to dispatch to look for him. Sending people home from wedding. Guess you won’t be missing it after all. Be safe out there. I’ll keep updating. 
Tommy suddenly wondered why none of them had actually bothered to check in on Chim the night before. How long had he been missing? 
“Hey, what’s up?” Lucy asked. 
“Looks like Chim is missing,” Tommy said.
A text came through just then. 
Evan: He got on a bus going downtown. 
“They find him?” 
“Not yet,” Tommy said. 
“Keep me updated, alright?” 
Due to his lack of rest, Tommy was kept working on the ground. The fire just didn’t seem to want to die down. He’d lost count of how many companies had been brought out. After his second wind, he did gain a third, and it kept him going. When he could, he checked his phone, looking for the good news that Chim had been found safe and sound. 
Evan: Pretty sure Chim has viral encephalitis
Evan: Out on the street looking for him. He helped triage a bunch of people. We think he doesn’t remember what year it is. 
Evan: He went to the Lees. They’re taking him to the hospital. 
Evan: Drs pretty confident he’ll be fine.
He felt relieved and yet he also knew that Evan was probably hung over, worried, and dealing with his sister’s emotions and worries as well. He wished, more than anything, to be there for him and give Evan a shoulder to lean on. 
On his next break, while he tried to stomach a granola bar, he got a good look at his phone again. The fire was more than 80% contained. A lot of the companies already making to depart. 
Evan: He’s awake and he wants to get married anyway. Have to do it before visiting hours are over. Ceremony starts in like an hour. 
He’d attached a location pin. 
“Hey, did they find him?” 
Tommy looked up. “Yeah. They’re having the wedding at the hospital.” 
Lucy made a face. “Seriously? I guess that’s fitting for them.” 
“Is Kinard texting his boyfriend again?” someone else asked. 
Tommy turned and found James, who wiggled his eyebrows. Lucy laughed. 
“Yes, actually. He’s sad he’s not gonna make it to the wedding.” 
“Oh, shit, that’s today?” 
but, you know, fire. And now it’s happening at the hospital, so
So he wasn’t going to make it there and Evan would probably make that pouty disappointed face and Tommy was the one that had put it there. Not on purpose, and maybe Evan would understand, but he would still be responsible for it. 
“So he’s gonna be moody all the way back to Harbor,” Lucy said. 
They were given the okay to go when they got back from their break and Tommy couldn’t have been happier. He still wouldn’t make it. He and Lucy were gonna have to catch ride back to Harbor and then even if he didn’t stop to get changed, he’d still have to drive to the hospital. 
Lucy solved the problem for him, getting him a lift on the ambulance taking a couple of firefighters with minor burn injuries. He didn’t care that he was a mess and that he still had all his gear on.  
Tommy: Heading over to hospital. Not sure I’ll make the ceremony, but I’m coming. 
Evan texted when they were around the corner from the hospital. 
Evan: They just got married. 
Evan: Tell me when you get here.
Tommy: Emergency entrance in a few minutes. 
Evan: I’m coming. 
“Go get your boy,” the firefighter with a nasty burn down his left arm said when the ambulance parked. 
The paramedic and the firefighter both made kissy noises at him. It was the result of a long night, they were all tired and loopy. Tommy didn’t even bother to respond. The driver just grinned at him when Tommy threw him a thank you. 
Tommy felt weary down to his bones. He was sore and a headache was brewing right behind his eyes. The time he’d been sitting for the drive had only tired him out more. He walked quickly, regardless, past the doors that slid open and then he saw him. Evan was in a soft looking blue hoodie. 
“Sorry I’m late. That fire was a beast,” Tommy began, ready to offer more explanations. 
Evan didn’t look upset. 
“So are you,” Evan said which Tommy didn’t even understand.  
The next thing Tommy knew was Evan’s hand on his shoulder, climbing to his neck and his lips pressing insistently on his. Tommy fell into it, he kissed back, unable to keep a moan from getting buried between their lips as he pulled Evan closer by the waist, losing himself entirely to Evan and not quite believing that this had been his welcome. The first kiss, the one that Tommy had replayed in his mind too many times to count, it had been soft and sweet and lovely, but this was
it was mind-melting. It was wet and messy and hot
so so hot. 
It was only when the doors opened behind them again, that they both realized where they were. The blush on Evan’s face was partially hidden by the soot that had got on him and Tommy cracked up into a laugh. 
“What?” Evan asked, smiling still. 
“You’re covered in soot.” 
Evan touched his face and brought his fingers down, rubbing them together. “I’m used to it,” he said and then, narrowed his eyes on Tommy. “Wait, why are you covered in soot?” 
“Wound up helping on the ground.”
He was glad that Evan didn’t question it or ask for an explanation like someone else might. Tommy was exhausted and he was feeling it more and more, but he let Evan lead him further into the hospital. 
“You’re not gonna clean up first?” he asked, conscious of what it would look like. 
Evan just shot him a grin. If anything, it made the soot even more obvious. “Nah. There’s cake. Come on.” 
Tommy was too tired to do anything to stop Evan. Then again it was his face even if it was Tommy’s soot. 
Chimney’s room was full of people. Too many for him to take in at once, so he focused on the newly weds. Chimney was propped up in the hospital bed with his new wife. Their very adorable daughter — Evan’s niece — at the foot of the bed. 
Evan cleared his throat. “Hey,” he said, “look who almost made it.” 
“Congratulations you two,” Tommy said. “I’m sorry I missed the ceremony.” 
He could see it on Chimney’s face, the toll of the day and yet the happiness that managed to still shine through. He did look between him and Buck a few times. Tommy caught Eddie’s gaze too and saw that Eddie was fighting to hold in laughter probably at some attempt at being supportive. Evan was never going to live this down. 
“Looks like you were
busy,” Chim said. 
“Cake?” Evan asked. He was simply amazing. 
Tommy was by his own admonition, confident. He hadn’t always been, and there were still certainly things that made him unsure and nervous. When he first realized that Evan was completely new to liking men, he’d assumed that it would take time for Evan to come to terms with it and to come out and to be ready for acting on it. He’d wanted to fully remove himself from the equation so that Evan wasn’t pressured into more than he was ready for. Maybe Evan just processed things at a speed Tommy wasn’t used to, or he was actually far more prepared than Tommy had expected. 
Evan brought two plates with cake over and their fingers brushed as Tommy grabbed his. He saw Hen and Karen looking at them and Hen gave him a nod that looked more proud than anything else. Another couple was staring, they were older and if Tommy hadn’t been so tired, he would have noticed the resemblance and put it together at once. It took him until he saw them interacting with Evan’s niece. Her grandparents — Evan’s parents. 
He focused on eating cake, too tired for anything else. It was sweet and far tastier than anything he’d had to eat all day. Evan kept close to his side, only leaving for a few minutes to speak to Christopher before he was back, taking his empty plate and getting rid of it before returning, this time stepping even closer to him. 
Tommy was aware that he was covered in soot and ash and sweat and that he probably smelled like smoke and burning trees. As much as he wanted a shower, he wanted a bed more. 
“We can leave after pictures,” Evan whispered to him as Karen started taking pictures of Maddie and Chim. 
Tommy leaned his shoulder on the doorway watching the different combinations. It didn’t take very long and then he saw Evan hugging his sister and then Chim before heading his way. He didn’t go to his parents, but he saw him share a smile with Hen and Bobby gave his shoulder a squeeze. It was clear who Evan’s family was. 
“Thank you for coming, Tommy,” Maddie said, loud enough for him to hear it at the door. 
Tommy gave her a nod and he waved at the room as he walked out with Evan. Tommy didn’t know if he was the one to reach out or if it was Evan, but at some point, Evan’s hand found its way into his. 
“Did you drive here?” Evan asked. 
“Caught a ride on an ambulance.” 
“Okay. Good. So we won’t have to come back and get your car.”
Evan got him to his car and Tommy was surprised when Evan actually opened the passenger door for him and then closed it after Tommy got in before rounding the car and getting in. 
“Your place?” Evan asked.
Evan chuckled. “I’m going to need your address.” 
Tommy just pulled out his phone and opened google maps and hit home before handing his phone over. He put his seatbelt on and then leaned against the door, trying to fight off the sleep that threatened to take him. 
“Rest,” he heard Evan say and then felt the touch of a hand in his hair and cheek. 
When the car started moving, he sighed and let his eyes close fully. The next thing Tommy knew, he felt hands cupping his chin and thumbs brushing his cheeks. 
“Tommy. Tommy. We’re here, Tommy.” 
He blinked awake and felt all of it hit him again. The headache that was starting earlier was full blown. He was sore and tired and his eyes literally stung, too dry and eyelids too heavy to keep open. It took everything in him to get out of the car and he stumbled once his feet hit the ground. 
“Seriously, how long have you gone without sleep?”
Tommy heard the question, but he didn’t process it. 
“That long,” Evan said and there was something unreadable on his face. “Keys?” Evan asked. 
Back at Harbor, he realized and groaned until he remembered the flower pot. After two instances of having to break into his own house and having to replace a lock in the one instance and a door in the other, Tommy had figured out he needed a hidden spare key. He had a fake rock in the flower pot. He pointed it out to Evan who dealt with taking it out without damaging the flowers and then opening the door. 
For some reason, he didn’t know why he’d expected Evan to just leave him there once he’d made it inside. He wasn’t exactly fit to be company, not when all he really needed was to crawl into bed, the ash and soot and sweat to be dealt with when he woke. 
Evan walked inside with him, though, and stopped him when he tried to walk further in. 
“First you’re getting all this gear off,” Evan said. 
Tommy grunted. He tried to fight his jacket off, but it didn’t want to budge. Evan’s hands were deft as they helped to pull the whole thing off, dropping it right in the entryway. Tommy fumbled with the pants, but Evan pulled each suspender off his shoulders, his hands soft and careful and then the pants were pooling at his feet. Evan knelt and helped with his shoes and then his pants. He was down to just his base layer and Tommy could have just crawled into bed just like that. Evan had other ideas. 
Tommy found himself in his bathroom. Evan seemed to have no problems undressing him and Tommy was too tired, even when he was down to just underwear. All of it was a bit of a blur, but later he would remember how nice it felt to have someone else wash his hair, or how he’d had more than cold tile to lean on while soap washed away everything. 
He remembered the feel of a towel on his skin and the light touch of a hand on his bare back and then how it felt to get into his bed, the sheets clean and nice and cool. He remembered a kiss on his forehead and a hand that he grabbed onto and a warm body that contrasted nicely to the cool sheets. 
Tommy woke up slowly, aware that he was in his bed, but that he wasn’t alone and that there was too much light coming from the windows where the shades hadn’t been drawn. His mind supplied very little in explanation for why he would have forgotten his shades and even less about why he wasn’t alone. His eyelids were too heavy to open, and he felt stiff and more than a little sore.
“Sleep,” Evan said. “It’s early, still.” 
Evan. Evan was in his bed. His back to Tommy’s front, and his hand on the arm Tommy had around him, fingers gently running over his forearm to his hand. 
He drifted, not fully asleep, but certainly not awake. Fell back asleep. 
A while later, he woke alone. He’d been on his side, but he dropped onto his back, blinking at the ceiling. It felt like a dream. A kiss at the entrance to a hospital and Chim getting married in a hospital room. Evan in his shower. 
Evan in his shower?
The hospital? 
He heard footsteps and as he started to sit up, Evan walked in. He brought a bottle of water and a plate with toast and eggs and potatoes. Tommy’s stomach growled. Evan chuckled and wait, was Evan wearing one of his shirts? 
“Hungry?” Evan asked. “You slept for almost ten hours.” 
He’d probably needed it. Didn’t keep him from being quite a bit groggy. Tommy watched Evan as he set the plate down on Tommy’s bedside table. He handed him the water, though, and Tommy hadn’t realized how thirsty he was. 
As he was drinking, one thing came to him. 
“Evan, did you kiss me in the middle of a hospital?” 
Evan’s face went pink. “It wasn’t the middle. More like by the entrance.” 
“Eat up,” Evan said. “It’s gonna get cold.” 
Tommy took the plate when Evan handed it to him. His first bite of toast made him groan. When he wiped crumbs off his chin, he stopped. Chin. Soot. 
“Soot,” he said.
Evan just laughed. “There’s pictures, don’t worry. Just eat. And then I’ll explain and we can be lazy for the rest of the day. I wasn’t sure if you’d want coffee? I still don’t know how you take it.” 
Tommy chuckled. “No. No coffee.” 
“Okay. But I’ll get you more water, then. Fruit?” 
“Sure, Evan.” 
Tommy didn’t know what to expect. He ate his breakfast with gusto, was glad when Evan reappeared with what appeared to be a bowl of cut up fruit that Tommy wasn’t entirely sure had been in his kitchen and a few bottles of water. And yes, it was definitely Tommy’s shirt.
“Last night—”
“We were both very tired, and you were very sooty and I know from experience you don’t want to go to bed like that. I’m sorry if I overstepped, but I don’t know that you wouldn’t have fallen asleep in your shower. How are you feeling today?” 
“I’m fine. Thank you, Evan. You didn’t overstep.” 
“Good. We’re both off today so unless you want to be alone
how about a movie?” 
It wasn’t that he hadn’t ever had other partners that cared about him — it was just that Evan did it differently. Like he was trying to find Tommy’s boundaries and electing to respect them despite how much he’d already done the night before and despite staying with Tommy and sleeping in his bed. 
“A movie sounds great,” Tommy said. 
It was much later, after they watched a few movies and Evan ordered them a pizza that he had the thought to check his phone. A lot had come back to him, including the litany of texts he’d received from a drunk Evan and Eddie. He found the voicemail he’d put off listening to and put it on speaker before hitting play while Evan was in the bathroom. 
Music came through first. Eddie’s voice yelling something and then Evan. 
“I like you so so so so much, Tommy. Soooo much.”
“Calling your boyfriend, Buck? Buck? Everyone, Buck has a boyfriend!” The sound of something breaking and then, Eddie again. “His name is Tommy! Say hi to Tommy!” 
A chorus of “hi, Tommy!” shouted by what could only be some kind of drunk crowd. 
you’re like a guy
a guy’s guy. Strong. Want to kiss you again and hold your hand. Eddie
Eddie, did you know he has really nice hair? And a cleft chin?”
“Shhhh, Buck’s on phone with boyfriend,” Eddie’s voice came through. 
“Miss you,” Evan said. “Eddie, I’m gonna kiss him.” 
Eddie laughing. “Kiss him!” 
“Like kiss him kiss him with tongue and
More shouts and then the voicemail cut off. 
Tommy found Evan, face buried in his hands, standing in the doorway.  
“Hey, you did say you were going to kiss me,” Tommy said. “And for the record, I like you so so so so much too.” 
Evan rushed back to Tommy’s bed, crawling from the foot to where Tommy lay. Earlier they’d gotten up to make it up, but they’d been lounging atop the covers in a way that Tommy very rarely did. Evan was on his knees and he leaned over and reached for his face, thumb ending right over the cleft on Tommy’s chin and though he took a moment to stare down at Tommy, it didn’t take long before he was leaning down and they were kissing. Tommy pulled him closer, bringing him down so Buck’s weight rested half on Tommy. Evan hummed into it and when the kiss broke, Evan dropped his head to Tommy’s shoulder. 
“I really do,” Evan said, turning his face so he wasn’t speaking into Tommy’s shirt. 
“Like you.” 
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rockitmans · 1 year
Blaine Anderson Vs Valentine's Day (5/14)
Summary: Blaine drunk posts on his Instagram asking for a date for Valentine's Day. He gets one.
Notes: Written for the @klaineccfanficlibrary Valentine Challenge. Today's song is You're The Best Thing by The Style Council
This one's for @cerriddwenluna who has not only been a wonderful cheerleader for this fic but also inspired this chapter with our mutual Elliott love
Read on AO3 or below
Blaine wakes up with his phone pressed against his cheek. He'd stayed up so late talking to Kurt that he'd fallen asleep in the middle of typing out a sentence. He can barely believe how long they spent chatting. They just clicked so instantly that everything felt easy. The conversation meandered with the joyful flow of close friends, helped along by the huge amount they seem to have in common. 
Blaine is slightly suspicious he really did manage to manifest Kurt into being through pure wish power. He's that perfect. Or maybe he has some glaring flaw that has yet to reveal itself. Maybe he thinks that Katy Perry is overrated. 
Blaine flips open his DMs, not really expecting much, but is delighted to see a new message from Kurt. 
Kurt: Good morning, sunshine ☀
It's a simple enough message but it tells Blaine two things. That Kurt isn't interested in playing games with him, which is nice after the mental gymnastics he occasionally went through with his exes. And that Kurt woke up thinking about him. Which means Blaine isn't alone.
Blaine: Good morning. I have to go to my real person job today 😔
Kurt: Same here. Catch you later though?
Blaine: Absolutely 
Blaine's Real Person Job is at his local record store but he barely considers it work. He just gets to talk to people about music all day. He also gets to hang out with his favourite colleague, Elliott, who always buys him a morning coffee without fail. Angels exist in the form of Elliott Gilbert. 
"Morning, Bee," Elliott greets him, pushing a Starbucks cup into his hand. He peers into Blaine's face. "You okay, skipper? You look tired."
"I was up most of the night," Blaine admits. 
"Lucky you." Elliott waggles his eyebrows and Blaine glares playfully.
"Not for that. Um
 Sebastian and I broke up actually."
"Oh." Elliott frowns. "Is it too early to admit I never liked him? Or are we still in the 'mourning and pretending he was wonderful' stage?" 
Blaine laughs weakly. "Insult away. He cheated on me."
Elliott stiffens. "Where does he live, again?"
"No. You're not killing Sebastian."
"Not even like a little spook? Some casual threats of violence?"
"Fine," Elliott sighs. "But seriously, how are you holding up?"
Blaine thinks about it. Waking up with thoughts of Kurt had kept the grief at bay. And, if he's being really honest with himself, Sebastian was always more fun than Forever. They were never going to be picking out paint samples or arguing over who would pay for the Netflix account. He just wishes Sebastian had told him the expiry was up on their relationship and that they had parted amicably. Not that he had fucked a random from the gym. 
"I'm doing okay," he says honestly. "More pissed off that he cheated than about the relationship being over."
" Blaine hesitates, wondering if it's too early to start talking about Kurt. 
"And?" Elliott echoes curiously. 
 And don't judge me. I kind of started talking to someone else."
"Blaine Anderson, you slut," Elliott gasps, sounding thrilled. "Tell me everything."
"Not like that. Just. A guy messaged me on Instagram."
"Oh my God."
"I know, I know. But honestly it's all been very wholesome. We talked all night. It was kind of wonderful actually."
"That is
 incredibly boring but I'm thrilled for you, truly."
"Sorry you can't vicariously live your sex life through me," Blaine says tartly. "I hate to disappoint."
"That's ok. I'm used to disappointment."
Blaine flips him off and Elliott laughs.
"Just be careful, okay?" Elliott adds more seriously. "Not everyone is who they claim to be on the internet."
"I'm being careful," Blaine lies. "It's not like I'm planning to meet him anytime soon." The dinner reservation at Di Fara set for less than two weeks away  flashes like a beacon in his mind. He could so easily invite Kurt. He ignores the impulse. 
Elliott hums doubtfully. He knows Blaine far too well.
Blaine makes it a grand total of four hours before he messages Kurt again. Which is fine and normal and completely chill, actually. 
Blaine: I'm on lunch if you wish to be bothered
It takes Kurt fifteen minutes to respond and Blaine spends the time bouncing his knee anxiously and reminding himself that Kurt actually does have A Life and it's not all about him. Unfortunately.
Kurt: Bother away 
Kurt: How's real life going?
Blaine: Extremely boring
Kurt: Mine too. No cute, half naked guys in my Insta feed today 😔
Blaine: Listen
"What are you smiling about so much?" Elliott interjects, wandering into the break room and stealing a bite of Blaine's sandwich. He looks at the phone in Blaine's hand. "Oh my God. Are you talking to your Instagram man right now? Your Insta-man?"
"Shut up."
"That's not a no."
"I thought this was a safe space," Blaine complains and Elliott cackles. 
"I'm not judging. You're adorable. "
"You say you're not judging but your tone says otherwise."
"Don't leave him on read," Elliott urges, waving him away and grabbing a magazine. "God forbid I get in the way of 'true love.'"
"I can hear the quotation marks," Blaine mutters but he glances back at his phone. 
Kurt: I'm listening intently 
Blaine: Sorry. My friend interrupted my flow to ask me why I was smiling so much
Kurt: Oh? And why ARE you smiling so much
Blaine: I've made a horrible mistake
Kurt: 😂
Blaine: I'm being bullied from all sides today
Kurt: No. I've been smiling all day too. Because of you, to be clear.
Kurt: It's going to be very awkward if you weren't smiling because of me now 
Blaine laughs, ignoring Elliott's pointed cough. 
Blaine: Don't worry.
Blaine: It was definitely because of you
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canonicallysoulmates · 2 years
I'm glad I re-watched ep 6 cause there are little things I hadn't noticed before also I can process my thoughts a little better, and I do have a lot of thoughts.
It is heartbreaking to see Louis recovery but the moments between him and Claudia, and Claudia taking care of him are so sweet đŸ„ș
I love how snarky Daniel is, he has no fucks to give 😂
Dr. Fareed saying "I'm not here" when someone tries to include him đŸ€Ł
Louis- Louis my boy why does it look like you're smiling when talking about how Lestat showed restraint by hiding the fact that he had the cloud gift from you, what is that about?
Daniel pointing out the abuse and Louis' response being "are we the sum of our worst moments?" He and Lestat might not have said the vows to each other but Louis is sticking to "for better or worse"
I'm sorry but Louis throwing Lestat's coffin at him from the window had me wheezing 💀
I think this is the episode where I said 'Lestat what the fuck?!' most often. Him recording a song for Louis was so sweet and romantic AND THEN IT'S REVEALED HE PUT ANTOINETTE IN IT LESTAT WHAT THE FUCK. I mean his plan worked he got what he wanted but still Lestat what the fuck.
At some point in the future, I need to know the story of this re-recording. I would like it to be a romantic, Loustat moment. Please and thank you.
Louis swimming the Mississippi to get to Lestat is unhinged, and the moment Lestat realizes it he looks like he's gonna melt into a puddle he's looking at Louis with the biggest heart eyes 💗
The vampire bond....suuuuure Louis, nothing to do with the fact that you're as in love with your husband as he is with you
I love Claudia staring Lestat down and letting him know to his face that she's only letting him move back because it's what Louis wants
Even though I am aware that this show is including elements from the whole book series a part of me wasn't expecting Lestat to actually talk about Magnus and how he became a vampire
I like the little moment of Claudia and Lestat telling Louis how they feel about his judgment of their eating habits. I wish we had gotten to see more nice, or "nice", moments between Claudia and Lestat preferably during the happy years but even him teaching her to play piano during this time period I would have liked.
Poor Louis just wants his family back 😔
"We leave the damage, so we never forget the damage" THAT IS SUCH A GREAT QUOTE 👏
Also Antoinette you dumb bitch, this man pursued Louis for six years while being with you, kicked you out of your own house so he and hubby could fuck in your room when they made up, made you fake your death, and cut off your own finger just so he could keep his marriage, and has you stashed away only visiting for a quick fuck and so he can complain about his husband and kid. He's not gonna leave his family for you. Have some self-respect.
Louis, learn from this, next time either kill your husbands mistress yourself or be there to witness it.
Louis knowing Lestat so well that he knows Lestat kept Antoinette alive on purpose and that he's just using her to hurt him and doesn't truly love her but still being hurt by his actions while also accepting that he'll take Lestat as he is hits like a punch to the heart 😭
I don't like Lestat's death in the book or the movie, and I am extremely doubtful that it will be any different with the show but something the show does better at least for me is make me understand why Claudia hates Lestat as much as she does and why he gets killed in such a brutal way. Because to be honest in the book I don't really get it like yes he's controlling and manipulative and wouldn't have let them go but I've always felt like 'damn did his death have to be so cruel?' but here I get it. I'm not gonna like it but I get their motivation and their reason.
At first, I thought Claudia's hatred for Lestat had to do with his coldness towards her, and while that certainly planted some resentment and started things I think her hatred actually has to do with his cruelty towards Louis, his hypocriticalness of having a mistress but wanting Louis to stay at the house and loyal, him physically attacking Louis almost to death, him continuing to hurt Louis by keeping his affair going and lying about it. Louis is the person she loves most, she wants to protect him.
Episode 5 is sad in a way that hits you like a truck, this one is sad in a subtle way. Both made me cry.
I don't know if this will make any sense but I find it interesting how Louis tells Claudia that give them a 100 more years and he can see them turning just like Lestat. Because I- I don't know how to phrase this but I feel it shows Louis starting to gain an understanding of why Lestat is the way he is.
Louis and Claudia's goodbye 😭
Okay, this is an extremely interesting change to me so in the book Daniel asks Louis to turn him at the end after Louis has told him about Paris and his time with Armand, and how he and Lestat had crossed paths again. But here Louis says that this, Claudia trying to leave for the second time, is the point in the story where Daniel asked to be turned which means this is where the interview stopped. I'm curious to see what changes this will bring to the story because so far every change has served a purpose I don't think they would throw this in randomly, in particular, I'm curious to see if this change will have some effect on when it comes to Louis and Lestat crossing paths again.
I find the little moment when Louis tells Daniel that he'd give him the gift now sweet. I really like their friendship.
And Rashid's face when Louis tells Daniel he'd be willing to turn him boy was like "what"
The moment one sees Claudia sitting in that chair is blood-chilling
And once again I ask LESTAT WHAT THE FUCK?! She was so happy and you hunted her down and forced her back home
Lestat using Claudia's trauma against her is so fucked up, I know she did the same to you by bringing up Nicholas and making you remember Magnus but still Lestat what the fuck?!
Sam Reid is such a great actor though! This show has such a talented cast
(the real fucked up thing is that I do understand how him forcing her to stay and remain by Louis side makes sense in his head. the last time she left Louis was devastated.)
Lestat makes the comment to Claudia that when he puts his mind to it he can hear the thoughts of other vampires at a very great distance, so I'm wondering if Lestat thought Louis how to hear other vampire thoughts at a distance the same way he thought him to hear human thoughts or if Louis learned that ability on his own, or through the help of someone else
Hearing Lestat saying "back in your cage sweetheart" when what the camera presents is Claudia crying is heartbreaking but also great use of the visual medium
Louis saying that Claudia and Lestat were more like each other than they cared to admit, that he could see he and Claudia becoming like him, and then this episode ending with Claudia saying that to beat Lestat you have to become him *chef's kiss* I love this show
The final chess game between Lestat and Claudia is so tense but also a great foreshadowing of what's to come
Louis, baby, can we put a pause on your story so Rashid can tell me his cause who is he????
Okay but the song Lestat composed for Louis is actually beautiful đŸ˜­â€ïž
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khaleesiofalicante · 5 months
Dani hellooo! Exam season starts and I'm so not ready, have been in a very "I want to just burry myself under a blanket and do nothing" mood and I hate it when that happens. But I'm starting to get more productive so that's something. How are you? I hope your allergies are under control and you feel better and have time to rest!
Finally in a productive mood means I finally feel energetic enough to comment about the LBAF updates I've read. Be warned, this will come in parts because I have a lott of thoughtsđŸ«ą
You said somewhere that Other Max is the first and we don't know what triggered him. Why was Other Max the first Max triggered first-was he the first Max to witness the prophecy fulfilled or is it something else? (I know you won't answer but I had to ask)
It feels like Mallory was to Other Max what Other Max is to David(like a therapist)
I know sometimes I don't completely get Other Max (I'm still trying to understand him) but I will forever be thankful that he saved Max from Mallory
So if Other Max saves the world let's say from the prophecy and Lucifer, he will be the only one not benefiting from it? Why do you keep doing this to all versions of Max??
The "If Max dies Other Max can take his place" train of thoughts scares me and I don't like them one bit
I'm ashamed to admit that I kind of thought that Other Max put the whole world at risk and fucked Mavid in this timeline (both equally important) just because he can't stay away from David and I too thought it was a little selfish. But of course this amazing complicated person must also have more important reason- if the prophecy was full filed like Lucifer said Other Max is here saving lives. As a reader that loves Max I apologise to him for judging-sorry for doubting you😔
Also, you're telling me Other Max's home, his mundane home was erased when he helped them get the institute-the place where he made so many memories with his David just gone? My babyy
So David didn't ask Max to erase Lance's existence, he asked other Max? Why does this feel something small yet important? Like Other Max hearing this sounds like something that shaped him and Max not experiencing it-unlike Mallory-is something that doesn't benefit him (pushes him and David more far away)?
So Other Max kept saying that Lance will be fine to Other David? But it used to piss Max off when David wanted to hear it/said that? Is it because it was Other Max that started it and if he wasn't around, Max would say it to David?
David promising Vera's mother to protect Nico/never let anything happen to him and take him to see the world in FMF (David failed) and Max promising Vera to take Lance to see the world/keep him safe is a parallel that scares me
Okay maybe Veranica isn't a mundane, maybe? Don't know what else she could be that they wouldn't have noticed, but it's a thought I'm having
Okay didn't they pass a law when the rumors with Rafe and Magnus spread that they're not allowed to gossip about children or something? Why is everyone gossiping about Lance?
What if Nico didn't see the future but had visions about what Lucifer wanted him to see and do??
Max wished Lance would get his sense of humour and Lance's is then times worse-be careful what you wish for buddy😂
Mavid naming their kids was the cutest, Max and David haven't felt like that in a long time, I'm soft
I'm curious about Other David's feelings on Other Max seeing Mallory
Lance roasting the Clave left and right just like Other Max told Rafael that he would Max:poetry
RAFAEL WAS GOING TO BE LANCES GODFATHER? You can't do this to us😭Who is it now?
Antoine and David-we were robbed (although Antoine could theoretically keep contact with Ney York 👀)
The idea of Lance and Regine is kinda laughable now, which hurts because their friendship would have been quite unique:picture Arthur and Regine forcing Lance to play dress up, gold
I have sooo many more thoughts but they will go on a separate ask because this is getting hugeđŸŒŒ
I mean, yes, I can't answer, but I guess we can assume many things. I can also tell you feel find out in LBAF 6.
This is...true. 😳
He's saved Max from a lot of things, but yes specially Mallory.
I suppose he'll benefit from it in some ways. But not in the way he wants.
It's no a fun thought, no.
Apology accepted hehe. But he is a very complicated man and we have many feelings about him so it's valid.
His memories (of that home) are still there though. Idk if that's better or worse.
It's important - but for something completely different. David asking Other Max to erase Lance leads to one of my favorite moments in the story (later on!)
I think Max's problem here is that he isn't the one comforting David. But a part of the reason (as we will see) is that Other Max over does it, resulting in almost a delusional state for David where he thinks 'everything will be fine' just because Other Max said so. Max isn't being reassured or comforted, so he is panicking about Lance. David is not. It's causing, erm, problems.
Vera :(
She's mundane. I can confirm (not that yall trust me at this point)
Very good point. But remember that 'laws' don't apply to Lance. They don't consider him a legal or literal nephilim. So, it's not as if Mavid can fight against it. He's literally viewed by them as an external threat (like the Devlins or Asmodeus or whatever - not like Valentine or Zara etc).
Lance's humour is the best of the lot and I stand by that.
I'm patiently waiting for the rwrb au for the softness to be back oof
I'm guessing it was something very similar to how he felt when Max refused to kill Mallory. He gets it, but he also feels bad for Max because he knows Max is doing it for her and not for himself. MY PRECIOUS BOI.
It's what she (the clave) deserves.
It's still Rafe if I'm not wrong. the whole godfather thing is more symbolic in the shadow world anyway.
I think about this brotp every day ngl
Thank you for the lovely thoughts - and all the questions that make me thing! Also why is exam season starting so early omg. I am ready to fight them!
My jan is currently not as hectic so I really hope my health will get better before I have to dive into work!! Thanks for the love (and the yellow flower!) đŸŒŒ
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bunnywand · 1 year
finished part 2 now, so here’s some thoughts i had abt the ending of the game!! obvs spoilers for everything from when you get to see abby’s pov of her confronting ellie in the theatre, onwards (also this post ended up suuuper long) 😳
i was kind of disappointed that the gameplay section after the cutscene was that sorta, ~you gotta sneak round and take ellie by surprise~ type gameplay 😔 i wasn’t a big fan of it in the ellie vs david part of part 1, and i didn’t like it much here either, mainly bcos i’m not v good at it so i kept dying, which kinda like, disrupts the flow of the story 🙁 it does explain why the layout of the theatre was like that tho, w/ lots of cover, which is s/t i’d wondered abt a couple of time when playing as ellie in there 😅
i was right abt lev being there the whole time, which obvs you didn’t get to see from ellie’s perspective of the cutscene, and also right that it’s him who stops abby killing ellie 😎
side note: i thought i’d seen a picture of jesse w/ a big scar on his face, roughly where abby shoots him, so i was expecting him to survive, but he didn’t?? i only saw the pic v briefly tho, cos i clicked away cos i thought it was a spoiler, so i must have been mistaken abt it being jesse 😅
the time skip to ellie and dina at the farm w/ dina’s baby: rly fucking annoyingly, when i was looking up the end of part 1 to rewatch before i started playing part 2, one of the video recommendations was some fucking youtuber, w/ a video titled like “REACTING TO PART 2 ENDING, NOT CLICKBAIT?! đŸ˜±â€ with their stupid beardy face pogging next to a screenshot of ellie holding the baby.. 😑 so i knew all along ellie and dina were gonna survive the theatre, which was p irritating 🙁 but luckily that didn’t turn out to be The End of the game 😕
i was slightly confused at first by it tho like, this is sweet.. but does the game rly just end happily like this after all that, w/ no resolution?? đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« but then ellie has her panic attack, and then tommy shows up (which was a surprise cos i thought abby had killed him!!) and gives her the intel on abby so i was like ooo okay this isn’t the end
ellie leaving dina and the baby to still hunt down abby is where i kinda stopped sympathising w/ ellie tho like.. abby could have killed you TWICE but she let you live, just leave her be and have your happy ending, there’s been enough killing already.. 😔 like i understand why she couldn’t let it go obvs, but i grew to rly like abby while playing as her and i didn’t wanna have to murder her as ellie 😭
so i assumed ellie leaving dina and going after abby was gonna be a cliffhanger, and that was the last i’d see of ellie.. but that didn’t end up being the case!!
so then cut to abby and lev in santa barbara.. i love them both a lot, and it was V satisfying seeing abby manage to get in touch w/ the fireflies i was like omg they’re gonna make it.. đŸ„č (side note: there’s a bit w/ ellie at the farm where she calls the baby a “goober” and then here, abby calls lev the same thing and i was just like !!! the Parallels between these girls, they are The Same, why can’t they see that!!!! 😭)
but obvs, b4 getting in touch w/ the fireflies, i’d seen the rattler graffiti and read the note warning abt them, so i was expecting s/t to happen, and yup, it did 😬 and i wondered if That was gonna be the end of the game like, cliffhangers for both of them??
but then no, you take over as ellie, now in santa barbara!! 😳 don’t take this as me like, wishing the game was over sooner tho, i think it’s just cos i’d looked up the chapters earlier to see how long the game was, so when i saw “the farm” and “santa barbara” i’d assumed they were gonna be like, the endings for ellie and abby, but i was wrong 😅
so when ellie gets captured by those rattlers my first thought was like omg, are her and abby gonna end up imprisoned together and maybe bond over trying to escape?? đŸ€Ż but then ellie breaks free and gets the info where abby is off one of them, so i was like hm okay..
and my next thought was, maybe ellie like, breaks into the rattler camp still intending to kill abby, but then finds abby like, being friends w/ and helping the other prisoners, and sees how good she is?? and so can’t bring herself to kill her?? đŸ€”
but unfortunately not, abby’s being crucified.. 🙁
so my thought here was like holy shit.... part 1 ended w/ joel killing abby’s dad in cold blood.. is part 2 gonna end w/ ellie saving abby, despite having every reason to kill her?? the Parallels đŸ„č
but no, she frees her, and then challenges her to a fight to the death, even threatening to kill (the also crucifed and still unconcious) lev if she doesn’t.. 🙁
i did not enjoy this part, partly bcos i still didn’t rly have the hang of the melee dodge timing, but mostly bcos i did Not Want To Kill Abby 😞 like pls don’t make me kill her, that’s not how i want to end this.... 😖
but then!!!! just as she’s about to finally kill her, for the first time in the whole game, instead of seeing a flash of joel’s bloody face as he lay bleeding on the floor, ellie sees him peacefully playing guitar on his porch, and stops.. “when you’re lost in the darkness, look for the light” đŸ„č
like a Perfect parallel to how after abby made peace w/ her dad’s death, i think due to her conversations w/ lev and yara abt their beliefs, her trauma dreams abt finding his body turned to just finding him in the room, alive and smiling đŸ€§ a rly fitting end to the message i think the game was going for 😭
so abby and ellie both live, Thank FUCK 😭 ellie makes it back to the farm, where dina’s left.. but you get that rly sweet flashback of the conversation ellie and joel had the night before he died, where they start to make peace đŸ„č unfortunate he died so soon after, but at least they got to have that conversation.. 😅
so yeah.. fuck me, wow 😳 i Loved that game, it was Brutal throughout and took a while, but wow 😳 so.. i wonder what’s next, if anything?? 😧 abby and lev were off to find the fireflies, i assume dina moved back to jackson after ellie left her, and that ellie will head back there too?? altho i can’t imagine what dina and tommy will think of her if she does come back.. 😔 but then again, there were 7 years between parts 1 and 2, so any sequel is probs a While off anyway, if there ever is one 😅
and.. that’s all the thoughts i can think of abt the story for now!! obvs got new game+ to do, but idk when i’ll start that, i might need a lil time to let my first playthrough sink in first?? so i’ll probs make another post abt what i need to do in new game+ nearer to starting it!! cool!! đŸ„°
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amistytown · 2 years
Thank you Noelle đŸ„ș. I’m really happy to have your support and comfort 💕! I’ll gladly accept hugs and food hehe.
I’m on Zhongli’s errand quest and it takes ages to get all the supplies đŸ˜€. I’ll definitely save up primos/fates for Ayato’s next banner. I have very little faith in getting diluc, only cause so many og players have tried for years and still haven’t gotten him. So it makes me a bit apprehensive to waste fates/primos on something unlikely to occur.For now im just keeping busy with trying to ascend all my characters, which takes ages as well lol.
Im sorry to hear that you still have to wait. I hope you’re job is being considerate given that getting covid wasn’t exactly something you chose. Plus, it’s entirely possible that you could have gotten it at work from the customers, other workers, etc. I know working in customer service/at stores can already be stressful, and in a pandemic it’s just more annoying. So they should definitely take that into account in these situations.
Im wishing you luck with getting your art/writing done! I still have to get back to studying writing since i got a bit sidetracked with genshin lol. I loved your genshin levi art!
On another note, Mammon won’t come home in his birthday nightmare event😭. I’ve already used so many vouchers lol. And still nothing💀
Aw, you always do đŸ„ș💕 have you felt any better?
Omg it does!!! I kept thinking why is this taking forever?! Then I understood in the end lol. And there’s always a chance you’ll get Diluc! Some people seem to have more luck with getting him than others; I hope you’re one of those people! So far the only standard 5* I’ve pulled is Keqing (twice) lol!
I’ve been working on ascending and leveling up my characters too! Though I’m not sure if I should pull for Nilou or not. Every time I see her I’m like YES đŸ„° but I also want Yae Miko, Raiden Shogun, and Ayaka, and they may be having reruns soon 😔
Luckily, everything has been fine since I returned! Someone else is actually out with Covid so think I definitely got it at work or on the bus; I don’t go anywhere for the most part and my family didn’t have it xD;; I am afraid of how busy it will get during the holidays though!
Aw, thank you!!! I’m glad you like him! I want to get back to writing and drawing, but want to finish a few things first! Good luck with studying! It’s so hard to focus when there are games to play lol.
Nooo!!! I’m so sorry he didn’t come home 😭 I hope you get him next time! I want Levi’s new UR but no luck so far. I don’t know if I should just wait for his next animated UR or keep trying.
How have you been doing?
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ystk-archive · 3 years
I know it's a hallmark of his music, but have there been any moments you've thought ystk's music to be *too* overly constructed, thought-out, detailed, etc? I gave Mondai Girl a re-listen, my opinion on it hasn't changed (kyary's voice is annoying, pre-chorus is amazing, chorus itself not so much). I do wish he'd show some restraint arrangement wise, kill his darlings more often. Hard when your basal instinct is to add.
My short answer is “yes and no” lmao. I generally agree with what you’ve said about Mondai -- I forgot how much I loved the pre-chorus on this -- but my umbrage with the actual chorus has nothing to do with the arrangement being "busy" and everything to do with the vocal melody just sounding extremely corny/trite to my ears (if I was some kind of music nerd I could probably identify whatever it is about the sequence that gives it that kind of vibe to me, but alas, I speak in æ„Ÿă˜ only 😔) which is a composition issue.
I find it kind of challenging to identify either composition or arrangement as a “problem” in his work because they kind of go hand-in-hand though. For example, I think my issue with Polygon Wave (yeah, yeah, I know) is a bit of both. You've got this, like, fantastic French house-esque groove going, it's simple but completely effective, the melody is very tempered and moody and a little mysterious, there's small flourishes and details and enough punch that it's not too mellow...and then everything suddenly nosedives into that shrill synth whine, it turns into this chaotic jumble of vocal modulations and drama. Like I enjoy this section separately as its own thing, it sounds like a manifestation of how I feel about the rest of the song (if that makes any sense), but I think it's completely out of place in context. It’s an emotional outburst of music irrespective of the setting -- it seems to be trying to hearken to Polyrhythm’s polyloop bridge but that track does something “right” in the lead-up to it that Polygon just doesn’t for me. I’m gonna cut him a lot of slack for it though because when the radio version debuted I kept wondering where else he could possibly take it and my only idea was "whatever just do a crazy synth solo I guess!" and lo and behold, that’s what he thought too apparently. I also can’t imagine he’s done tooling with it, it’s probably the fact that it has to be a pop track that holds it back, it should be like a 7+ minute long house piece... The remix was sort of trying but there are also things about how it alters the vibe that I don't care for (do absolutely love the main motif getting highlighted and expanded on from 1:32~1:50 with that NIGHT FLIGHT sort of synth though, it adds this nice introspective element).
Since I don’t think this answer is long enough I’m also gonna add that one of the reasons I didn't like his material between 2016-2020ish was he was conscientiously trying to temper his arrangements. I can't remember which interview it was I skimmed but he said he would literally try to see what he could take out of a song to render the most base core skeleton. Which since we've all established that a large part of his musical appeal is in his ability to write and perform complex ~impressive melodies and layered synth soundscapes, this obviously goes against all sense, and as of this year it seems he's reneged on that approach... But generally speaking I don't listen to something by him and think "this would be better if it was less busy.” I think where he is lacking artistically is in an absence of subtlety but you can’t render subtlety through just removing ideas and tempering creativity in production. He seems to enjoy making music that's loud, not only in how he mixes and masters it, but in the emphasis or way he literally plays the piano/keyboard. I don't know if I'm still making sense at this point lmao but that's where I see a heavy-handedness that can detract from what he creates, so I guess a different aspect of arrangement rather than in there being a glut of details.
But that’s just all my opinions that I’ve said while not being a piano player or a musician myself!
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