#but people kept asking them stuff like ''when's brock gonna kill again? i wanna see him piss on more mummies''
theorderofthetriad · 2 years
as a venture bros fan in this current media landscape, i feel myself often suppressing the urge to be like "venture bros did that first" "venture bros walked so [X] could run" about a lot of things that are comparatively recently trending in media, especially in regards to using geek genre satire as a jumping off into a bigger concept. like i could bring up a lot of examples on this
but i'm writing this post because i can't help but think of the thing venture bros did first that they didn't mean to, which is create a character that's a critique of hyper-masculinity that a certain subset of fans completely missed the point on and uncritically treat as a idol to look up to and emulate.
walter white who? rick sanwhat? the crown of uncritically idolized paragons of toxic masculinity belongs to Brock Samson.
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babybatscreationsv2 · 3 years
A King on a Leash ch13
Marvel | Starker
Tony Stark is a powerful man with a beautiful husband and a loyal crime family, but it looks like he didn’t keep his husband on a short enough leash. After turning Peter lose on a Cuban gang leader, Peter’s life is  in danger. The real trouble is that Tony now realizes that Peter is the  only thing in this world that he cares about and he never meant for that  to happen.
Sequel to A Doll on a String
Rating: Explicit
Full Fic
A Doll on a String
Warnings under the cut*
warnings: violence, blood
Happy pulled the car up to the curb. Peter could see Harry through the window, waiting inside the cafe. There was a camera on the table beside him and across from him were MJ and Amy. He checked his coat to make sure his gun was hidden. He ran his fingers over the engraving and his heart gave a little flutter. How could he still be so damn in love?
"Thanks, Hap." Peter smiled at the man, his fingers curling around the door handle.
"No problem, kid. I'll be out here if you have a problem."
"I'm sure you will." He rolled his eyes. "I'm to assume there's someone already inside scouting the place."
"Oh yeah. Those two clowns aren't exactly on a date as much as they're trying to look it."
Peter looked again through the window and shorted. Sitting at a table by the window was a couple in their early thirties sharing a coffee cake. Only, they were dressed in black from head to toe and their coats were long enough to conceal a weapon in every flavor. They were so obviously mafia soldiers that the table across from them had shifted as far to the opposite sides of their chairs as they could and kept looking at them sideways. They were probably waiting for a shoot out. Peter hoped Chili wasn't feeling brave today. There was no way every crime lord in New York didn't know where Peter Parker was at exactly this moment.
"You sure I should go in?"
Happy turned around to look at him. "Now, you're being cautious?"
Peter chewed his lip. "I worry about Tony."
"How about you worry about having the correct number of holes in your head," he huffed, then he took a breath. "Sorry, I just wish you didn't insist on going out right now. It'll never be safe for you. Not with things how they are."
"I can't take being cooped up. Besides, I'm doing good work with Harry. We can't talk business with MJ here, but I need him to trust me."
"Try to not think of your friends like that, Pete. Harry is good to you. You be good to him to and not just for Tony's sake."
"What would you do for Pepper?"
Happy snorted. "If she told me to shoot a friend I'd shoot a friend, but do you know why?"
"Because Pepper wouldn't say a thing like that for fun. She would have a real reason."
"You're sounding pretty judgmental for a glorified babysitter," Peter snapped. He ripped open the door and climbed out. It slammed shut behind him and a few passersby looked up before walking a bit quicker. He crossed the sidewalk but he didn't make it to the door before an unfriendly sneer caught his eye.
Adrian Toomes stood puffing a cigarette, leaning against the brick of the cafe. Peter rolled his eyes. Great, another old man waiting to tell him why he's an idiot.
"You know it's rude to smoke in a doorway like that. Some people have asthma."
Toomes laughed. "Some people have no respect for family."
"Really? You wanna do this now?"
He shrugged. "I'm not here to do anything, Parker-"
"It's Parker-Stark now."
"Of course I know that you little harlot. How many powerful beds did you try out before you found one that would keep you?"
Peter's fists clenched. "You better watch your mouth-"
"Or what? Your daddy gonna gut me? I'm sure Fisk would like that." Peter heard a car door behind him. Toomes's eyes flicked up, probably looking at Happy, but Peter didn't turn his head.
"There's no Boss of Bosses anymore. Fisk doesn't get to tell anyone what to do."
Toomes smirked. "I bet you think he likes you because you remind him of Vanessa, but here's the thing, kid. Fisk woulda put her down like a dog if she ever did what you did. And you're just another bitch." He flicked his cigarette to the ground.
"If it's your goal to annoy me to death it's not working. You're just another ant on the sidewalk."
"Cute." He glanced into the cafe. "I see what you're up to with little Osborn."
"And what exactly is that?"
"You're playing him. Setting him up to owe your man, but it's not gonna work."
Peter smirked. "How much of Octavius's old territory did Harry take back from you? You must be really feeling the hurt if you came all this way to chat me up."
Toomes narrowed his eyes. He stepped into Peter's face. Happy was at his back in a flash.
"I think you'd better take a step back, Mr. Toomes," he warned.
Toomes's eyes flicked between their faces. "Couple of dogs aren't you? The guard dog and the house bitch."
"Sticks and stones, Toomes, but words are all you have because we both know you don't have the balls to lay a hand on me."
He stepped forward and Happy got between them, looking down his nose at the man like he was a rat. Peter laughed. "See you around, Mr. Toomes. I have a lunch date." He gave a little wave and stepped inside the building. He walked to the table where the obvious non-couple sat.
"Back Happy up and find somewhere else to stake out."
They both nodded. "Yes, sir," they mumbled. Peter watched them go, making sure Toomes backed off of Happy and no one came to his aid. The fact that he didn't have anyone else with him seemed odd. Tony and Wilson always had men with them. Did Toomes not have anyone he trusted to watch his back? Peter wished he could exploit that enough to stick a knife in it.
He caught his friends all stared at him from across the cafe. Peter plastered a pleasant smile on his face and strode over to them like nothing was wrong. He sat down next to Harry.
"Who was that?" Amy asked. Her hair was dyed pastel pink now and it brought out the permanent blotchy red of her cheeks. It was cute, though, like she was always blushing.
Peter waved his hand like it was nothing. "I've seen them around the city before and I thought I saw their car being towed."
"Really?" She turned and looked out the window. MJ put a hand on her shoulder and Amy shot her a questioning look as she turned back to the table.
"We've got big news!" MJ said, tactfully changing the subject.
Amy smiled practically bouncing in her seat. "Okay, it's not really news and it's not exactly big, but it is super cute!"
Peter laughed. "What is it?"
"Amy's cat has found the perfect sun spot in the new apartment," MJ said. Peter knew the look of 'I'm pretending to be excited for her sake'.
Amy giggled. "He's so cute! Every morning he lays down on the rug and stretches his little legs and curls up in the sun spot and he's so cute!" she babbled. MJ smiled at her, totally smitten.
"That sounds so cute," Peter agreed.
"When is Muffin getting a brother?" Harry said.
"We did talk about visiting the shelter some time this week." MJ shrugged. "Our apartment said we could have two so we thought why not?"
"We're getting a kitten!" Amy squealed.
"How about a grumpy old street cat who has seen some things," MJ suggested.
"Either way sounds nice," Peter said. He looked past them out the window. Happy caught his eye and gave him an OK with his hand before getting back into the car. He saw the man from before leaning against a mailbox, pretending to check his phone. He didn't know where the woman went. Probably across the street. He wondered what it was Toomes had wanted. Had he planned to scare him away from Harry? A couple of threats that he might tattle to Fisk were hardly concerning, but it wasn't like Toomes had a lot of cards to play. If he hurt Peter it would kind of make him a hypocrite and Peter wasn't technically breaking any rules by forming an alliance with Harry. The Bosses were supposed to be brothers so convincing Tony and Harry to help each other should be encouraged. Toomes was just pissed that he couldn't take advantage of Harry's lack of experience so long as he had Tony to call.
The girls left early to get back to couple stuff. Peter hugged them both goodbye and shook his head as they hurried off. MJ had her arm around Amy's shoulders while the pink-haired girl babbled excitedly. Then they were gone and it was just him and Harry.
"I gotta thank you for hooking me up with Brock," he said.
Peter shrugged. "That was all Tony. He always knows what to do."
"Yeah well, he's pretty solid. Who was he?"
"He was one of Tony's own soldiers. Don't know what gig he was running, but Tony was confident he would be able to help you out. He says the best Consigliere is an experienced enforcer with a little bit of morality. Like Happy."
Harry cringed. "Enforcer?"
"You'll get there." Peter patted his shoulder. "The first time someone points a gun at you, you'll be glad your men are experienced. I would strongly recommend you get your first kill under your belt sooner rather than later."
"You sound like Tony."
"He is a wise boss."
"You really admire him. It's sweet."
Peter shrugged. "For a couple of bloodthirsty killers, I guess."
"Does there have to be so much killing?"
"Eddie will help you out. Help you see the good in the ugly."
"You mean the money."
"That money is gonna change hands one way or another. Might as well put it in your own hands." Peter phone buzzed against the table top. He glanced down to see Tony's face along with "Daddy" on the screen.
"Sorry, Har." He picked up the phone.
"No problem."
He answered the call and put the phone to his ear. Tony spoke before he could say anything. He was breathing heavy.
"It's time, angel. I sent Happy the location."
"Nat found him?"
"Don't be late, angel, or I'll start without you," he purred. Peter felt that down in his groin. Time to do what they did best.
"I'll talk to you later, Harry," he told his friend. He stood and stuffed his phone in his pocket.
"Business?" he asked. "You need some help?"
"Yes and no," Peter smiled. "I appreciate the offer, but you're not ready for this one."
"Some other time, then."
"Call me." Peter slapped his shoulder as he passed, then he was out the door. Happy climbed into the driver's seat as he came outside. Peter got into the back. The man and woman joined them in the car with the man up front.
"You ready for this, kid?" Happy asked, cruising at ten over the speed limit.
"More than ready." He pulled his gun from his coat and held it in his lap.
"Put one in him for me. I haven't gotten any sleep in weeks," Happy grumbled. It hadn't occurred to him how much this had affected the rest of the family and he felt a little guilty.
"Sorry to put you through this."
"Not your fault, kid. Well, no it is, but Tony should do a better job of intimidating people if he's going to let you loose like that."
"I'm not a wild animal."
"You act like one. I heard about the other night, you know. You get off on this shit, the both of you. But I don't. I'm just doing what I'm good at, making a living. I'm not judging. I'm just asking you to think of the family before you go dancing on graves that didn't need to be there."
"Ya know, if I had just stolen the diamonds, they would have come after me anyway."
Happy shrugged. "Maybe the whole gig was doomed from the start. Or maybe nobody would have put as much work into finding you if it were just some stones they were mad about."
"Nah. They would have come after me."
Happy didn't say anything to that. Peter knew that he didn't approve. He never did. As much as Happy tried to be the voice of reason, he was in just as deep as they were. He didn't have to like killing, but he did have to jump when Tony told him to. Daddy says 'shoot', everyone fires. No questions asked.
They pulled into the back of a store boasting 'rare oriental rugs'. There were way too many cars in the rear parking lot for it to not be a front. Either cops in this neighborhood were dirty or they were blind. The man and woman went in first. Then Happy got out and scouted the lot. Peter sighed to himself while he waited. Then Happy finally came to open to his door.
They walked up to the building. Happy opened the door. The smell of fresh death wafted out. Peter went inside and nearly ran back out. There were bodies everywhere, blood on every surface, and through a door on the other side of the room Peter could hear more screaming. There had been a massacre.
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jeawrites · 4 years
3, jj, and g for Nogla and Delirious? or Nogla and Cartoonz?
((We love!! Pairs that aren’t seen enough!!!))
(this gets violent in the middle so read with care!)
3. Taking care of injuries
g. “I hate you.” “No you don’t.”
jj. “I know I can get bad, but you’re down right crazy sometimes.”
Luke hadn’t been in the gang long. Comparative to Jon, who had been in the gang for a couple of years, Luke was just nearing the end of his first year- just a few more weeks and it’ll be the day his second year starts.
Not to say he regrets joining the team, of course he doesn’t, but he does hate the fact that no one there is easy to judge. Not even fucking Nogla. The clumsy fucker who seemed like a kind soul and had such weird stories about his time back in Ireland, the man who seemed to wear his life on his sleeve and seemed so easy to judge. Even that fucker kept some shit hidden!
He wouldn’t have learned this if it wasn’t for Brock, who just mentioned it while he was treating Luke’s wound. 
“He doesn’t look like he’d hurt a fly- plus he’d probably miss if he tried.”
“Don’t judge a book by its cover, Luke. There’s a reason he’s on the team, and its not just cause we like him.”
What did that even mean? He didn’t know and he didn’t really know how to ask- he still barely understood how a man like that could contain something hidden. 
He huffed lightly, shaking his head as his thoughts left him and glanced around the main room of the base. He noticed the door had opened, and he looked towards the back of the room, shifting on the couch to look. 
He made eye contact with the Irishman, a donut sticking out of his mouth an armful of drinks tight against his chest that he must’ve stolen from the vending machine as it was open. 
Nogla glanced from the machine and back to Luke, before he made an attempt to talk, his voice muffled due to the... donut. 
Brock had to have been kidding.
“Do... you need some help?” Luke asked, already standing up. 
Nogla had nodded regardless, and he seemed relieved as Luke took a few of the drinks from him, enough so Nogla had a free arm. Which, he used to first close the vending machine and lock it, and then take the donut out of his mouth. 
“Thank ye!” he beamed, licking some icing off his lips and then gesturing with his head towards the door. “Everyone’s gonna be headin to the meeting room so I figured I’d get them all drinks, as gracious as I am,” he chuckled and began to walk.
Luke didn’t really ask for the explanation, he would have enjoyed the situation much more without context. But, he did find it oddly sweet that Nogla would do that. So, he followed after him. “I forgot we had a meetin’,” he mentioned.
Nogla nodded. “I nearly did too til Brian came to me complainin’ bout it!” he huffed, “I’m thankful but he didn’t have t’do that. Sorta annoying- and I know annoying.” 
“At least your self-aware,” Luke said smoothly.
David laughed loudly at that. “Fuck ye! That was a good one but ye still shouldn’t say stuff like that- ye’ll start soundin’ like Tyler!”
They shared a laugh and entered the meeting room together.
A few days later was the mission, Luke wasn’t aware just what they were after other than complete destruction of some enemy territory. Which, whatever he guessed. He was down with some arson and a bit of violence- if he had to shoot someone he’d shoot. 
The issue is the building was a few stories and you’ve got a be crazy to do anything damaging on the upper levels- it was six floors high- and he knew that because he was on the sixth floor- along with Jon, Nogla, and Marcel. 
But, he was basing stuff off of nothing and Jon was much more reckless than Luke had realized. He found himself smiling as he shot some people. He was glad Jon was having fun. Distracted, however, Luke failed to notice someone call for back up.
He ran off towards the main hallway where the stairs and elevator sat, and he contemplated heading down when the elevator doors opened and out came a good chunk of guys who were piled inside. 
Great. Honestly, he should have expected as much- he never quite went without seeing something stupid while he was on these missions. 
“Fuck me,” he grumbled, taking aim as he got ready to shoot while he also tapped his com. “Guys- got trouble by the stairs!” 
He shot a few times but he wasn’t going to win without something drastic.
“Toonz!” a voice broke through, but they were a bit late as noted when Luke’s leg got shot twice. “Fuck!” he fell, gripping the wounds in pain. Then, he heard shots and a few guys fell pretty fast. 
He watched in pain and surprise as Nogla came running into the group then, gun firing and very little restraint as he smacked a few guys down with the gun, shot a few, and straight up kicked a few to the ground. He even got shot a few times and yet Nogla wouldn’t fall. He was brutal about it, nor mercy and no hesitance as he took out the other guys. 
But, then he looked at Luke once they were all down and he smiled a bit. “Sorry it took me a minute t’ get here- I told Vanoss and Del to drop to the lower levels,” he grinned, walking over and helping Luke up before just letting the guy hold on as he lifted him up on his back. 
Luke swore he saw Nogla pull something out of his pocket, and he seemed to be right as he held up a remote once they reached the stairs and pressed a button. Then, he began to hurry down as fast as he could. Though, they didn’t quite manage to get to the fourth floor when the building shook as the top blew up. 
“Fuck me! I though Marcel timed those focking bombs better!” David complained, picking up the pace as another shake hit the building and the fifth floor collapsed just as they hit the third.
David held little hesitance to shove through people who tried to stop him and Luke on the stairs, he was beyond determined and Luke was just in awe over the situation. The got outside soon enough and David made sure to set Luke down in the van before he backed off a bit. “I’ll be right back- tell the others that too!” he exclaimed before running back to the building.
“What... what the hell...”
“I told you not to judge him,” Brock said, making Luke jump and turn to look at the driver. “David’s not one to hold back when someone gets hurt,” he added, glancing back towards Luke with a smile.
In the time span of the guys getting back and David still being gone, three bodies had been thrown through windows, the building continued to slowly break down, and there were a lot more gun shots. Finally, however, it went silent. 
And, then out the front came David, holding something in his hands as a boom shook the building- an explosion from somewhere on the first floor. 
David got closer and everyone noticed he was covered in blood and holding a water bottle. “I was feelin dehydrated,” he chuckled as he slowed his steps to the van. “I uh... I think ‘m also a little dizzy, hah.” He leaned and nearly fell over if Brian hadn’t caught him. 
David woke up in the medbay, his eyes squinting as they adjusted to the light. He felt something touching his arm and he slowly glanced over, smiling a tad as he saw Luke.
Luke didn’t bother looking, just sighed out some in relief as he noticed the arm tense. “I hate you,” he said, immediately. 
David felt too tired to laugh so he spoke soflty; “No ye don’t- yer clearly patchin me up. If ye hated me ye’d let me die.”
Luke smiled a bit and he glanced towards David. “David-”
“David?” he cut him off. “Yer callin’ me that now? Bout time, I had a feelin’ ye didn’t know my name,” he breathily forced out a laugh, though it hurt a bit and just made him feel even more exhausted. 
Luke shrugged. “Well, of course I’d know ya. You did save my life the other night,” he commented. “And... you were fucking nuts,” he chuckled. “like- You destroyed the whole building! Apparently you also killed most of the people in there and you did cause you wanted a water? You were covered in bullet holes!” he sighed a bit, running his hand through his hair. “I know I can get bad, but you’re down right crazy sometimes.”
David nodded. “I’d do it again. I’ve a mind to kill anyone who hurt someone I care for! Plus, they had the fancy water!”
Luke felt flattered at that honestly. “Well, regardless I owe ya one. Do you wanna get some dinner once you’re healed?” he offered.
David thought it over and nodded. “It better be at the fanciest place in town- treat me like a prince charmin’!” 
“Suddenly I feel like you aren’t the one who saved me-” Luke laughed he gained a complaint from David.
Maybe this was the start of something good. Regardless, Luke knew now not to assume things about anyone in his gang. Ever.
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bestfrownsforever · 5 years
Frown of Doom: Chapter 3
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(Cover art by @usf2020​)
The fortress doors opened and Master Frown flew in as fast as his body could carry him.  He yelled as he slammed his fist into his desk, almost crashing into it.
“Well technically they’re not idiots,” Brock said, walking in from behind, “Hawkodile’s been fighting since like, forever, and Dr. Fox is really really smart.  Plus she’s got hundreds of inventions, so…”
“Brock, what are you doing?” Master Frown asked as he turned around, “I thought I told you to watch Unikitty!”  “Oh,” Brock nervously said, “you did, buuut I heard you come in, so I-“
“And what’s with that key in your hand?” Master Frown raised his voice as he walked closer to Brock until they were inches apart and Brock started to sweat.
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(Arty by @friffinx​)
“Oh I…uhh…”
“Brock, this doesn’t have to do with Unikitty, does it?”
“No, it uhh…I just, uh…” Brock stammered, sweating even more.
“TELL ME OR I’LL MAKE YOU SAY IT!” the Doom Lord commanded as his eyes burned brighter and he held his hand to the side of his head.
“OK OK FINE,” Brock confessed, “it’s the key to Unikitty’s cage!  We came up with a plan to bring you back to the kingdom so we could…you know, help you.”
“Of course you did,” Master Frown groaned, his eyes getting dimmer with disappointment until they glowed brighter again with his wide grin, “But now I’ve got an even better idea!”  “Oh no,” Brock whispered as Master Frown giggled.  “Oh yes,” Master Frown said, raising an arm out in front of Brock, “If Unikitty still thinks that talking and some dumb science magic will fix everything, then I’ll just have to give her a reality check!”  Brock shut his eyes tightly with pain, struggling to keep himself together.  “And you’re gonna help me whether you like it or not.”
Brock’s eyes opened with red light back shining in them again.
“My apologies,” Possessed Brock calmly said, “I’m ready when you are.”  “Good,” Master Frown said, “now come on!”  He began excitedly making his way to the conference room with Possessed Brock following him.
                                                     : ~~~ :
Hawkodile had been sitting on the same foyer room couch for hours.  More than anything, he wanted to get off his numb tail end and stretch his legs beyond kicking them up and flexing them.  But though he hated admitting it, Rick was right: he had to stay seated until he was in a better condition.  But by nightfall, Hawkodile was feeling a little better; though his arm still hurt, Richard cleaned, disinfected, bandaged, and even sewn it up surprisingly well.  Still, as Hawkodile held his arm and waited for his blocky friend to return again, he kept worrying about Dr. Fox.  He thought about her the most since she ran off, and she still hadn’t come back from the lab.
“I’m back,” Richard announced from afar, carrying casting tape and more bandages to wrap around Hawkodile’s injured arm.
“This should keep you from trying to use your arm while it recovers,” he said, busily making the cast, “I know it won’t help you recover any faster but this is the best I can do until Dr. Fox comes back.”
“Look, Rick,” Hawkodile said, “you’ve already helped out a lot.  If you think about I should be-“
“No,” Richard nearly yelled, “you won’t be fine, so stop saying that you are or you will be!  How many times do I need to tell you that you can’t jump back into a fight with an arm ready to fall apart!?  You still need time to recover!”
“Well yeah,” Hawkodile almost laughed, “I was gonna say that I should be ok enough to see Dr. Fox.  After, you know, everything that happened, I just hope she’s doing ok down there.”
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(Art by @arekusatheamazingx​)
“I can understand where you’re coming from,” Richard said, “but really?  I’m sure that if she’s working on anything at the moment, it’ll take a lot of time considering how the fight affected her.  She’s undoubtedly struggling and under a lot of pressure.”
“Yeah, me too!”
Richard floated back an inch as Hawkodile continued.
“That’s why I want to talk to her!  And hey, since plan A didn’t work, maybe we can try something different to save Unikitty.”
Hawkodile’s nervous, wide smile and shrugging shoulders seemed like enough to not convince Richard, but Rick knew that they were running out of options that’d work fast enough to at least see Unikitty again.
“Well possibly,” Richard admitted and helped Hawkodile stand up.
“Alright,” he said as he led Hawkodile to the lab, “let’s just hope it’s good enough.”
                                                               : ~~~ :
Unikitty kept her restless eyes on the conference room doors, and when they opened she gasped with joy, ready to cheerfully ask Brock about the key.  But when she saw that Brock’s eyes were red and Master Frown came in after him with eyes just as red and spinning the keys around his hand with his magic, she gasped far less excited.
“Awww,” Master Frown mocked her, “you thought you could make your way out of this easy-peasy, huh?  Well not this time, you sushiney little slob!  And you know why?  Because you’re in my NEW world now, and you’re never leaving it!”
Master Frown unlocked the cage and Unikitty prepared to zip out, but he grabbed her tail; first with his red aura and then his hands.
“A-a-aah,” he teased Unikitty as he dragged her midair to the closet, “nope!  You’re staying right here, ‘Princess’!”  He threw her into the conference room closet, slamming the door shut and locking her inside.
Unikitty looked around the dark, damp closet.  She started thinking that when Master Frown said he became bigger and stronger, he meant it, but still tried to stay positive.  What could really be worse than killing the other Doom Lords anyway?
The first thing that caught her eyes was a projector.  She stepped closer, noticing that there was film inside.  She wasn’t sure if she should play it but asked about it anyway, to which Master Frown yelled “YES”.  So she started up the projector and watched the film begin.  It was a piece of found footage.
“Who does Master Frown think he is?” the person filming said, “Master Doom didn’t deserve it!  No one did!”
Master Papercuts was hiding in an alleyway.
“What's he doing,” the hollow-eyed Doom Lord said, “going around all proud of killing people for doing our jobs better than him?  Ok, sure, when I first walked in I freaked out seeing them all dead and ran out before he could catch me.  Does that mean I’m gonna run away some more and let them die in vain?  Nope nope nope nope nope nope NOPE!  Because I’m better than him!  I’ll avenge them and become the real best Doom Lord ever!  A new wave of really really bad papercuts is beginning, and there’s nothing, I repeat NOTHING that can stop me from-“
“No witnesses,” Master Frown said, suddenly sliding in behind his co-worker with the same axe he killed the others with.
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(Art by @x-master-brock-x​)
The screen turned to static and Unikitty gulped in fear, trying to distract herself from the fact that Master Frown would take down any opposition for sure.  But then she found Master Papercuts’s hat hanging from the ceiling on a string right in front of her, screamed, and as she backed away, tripped over a gun on the floor.  Though hesitant, she picked it up along with the flashlight next to it.  It was a blaster roughly the size of her arm with a small note taped across the grip.  Unikitty turned the flashlight on with one paw to read the small writing:
“I’ve been on the run for two days now.  Reporting a murder should’ve been easier, but every police station in this dreaded town is the same.  Turns out I ‘don’t have evidence’ or a ‘good enough alibis’.  What part of ‘My brother got killed by a maniac and now the guy’s after me because I was a witness and want to keep our home safe’ don’t you understand???  But I can’t keep this up anymore.  I’m too tired, weak, and hungry, so unless I can find an officer that gets stuff done “
The delicate writing stopped, and Master Frown’s sloppy handwriting invaded the rest of the note.
Unikitty got goosebumps.  “This is fake, right?” she insecurely asked.
“Flip it over,” Master Frown yelled from outside.
Unikitty sorrowfully gasped as she did.  Snippets of two “Missing" posters were also taped to the grip.  Both victims’ posters were cut in half, one half each taped together to make what looked like an amateur craft project with the face and names sloppily scribbled out in black and red.
“YEESH, WHAT ELSE IS IN THE CLOSET!?” Unikitty cried, stomping on the ground out of fear.  Se heard something small and metallic fall off a shelf from behind her as a result and turned around.  Lying in the shadows was a pen, and as she picked it up, she paid attention to the buttons on the side: play, pause, rewind, fast fowrd, and a red recording button.  Though more terrified and wondering why someone would make a pen that could record things, she gulped and pressed the play button.
“Hey, you wanna see something cool?”  It was Master Frown’s voice.
“Uhh…sure, what is it?” She assumed the other voice was a Frowntown citizen’s.
“See this pen right here?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
There was an unfinished scream, and the recording ended.
Unikitty moved her paw closer to the tip of the pen to put it away, but felt something icky and gagged.  She moved the pen closer to her face to see what it was, and found the victim from the recording’s eye and brain bits still there rotting away on the pen.
She screamed, one so loud and blood-curdling as the pen flew out of her paws, that turned into ugly sobbing.  Master Frown held his head closer to the closet door, enjoying every second of her pain.
“You hear that!?” he excitedly asked a softly grinning Possessed Brock, “OhHOHOHOHOOOOOH, YES, YES!  I LOVE IT!!!”
“OK OK, I GIVE UP!!!” Unikitty bawled, banging on the closet door, “PLEASE, MASTER FROWN, PLEASE LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!”
“See!?” Master Frown yelled triumphantly, “Now you know what you’re dealing with!  And if you try to find a way out again, YOU’RE NEXT, you hear me!?”
“Good,” Master Frown growled happily.  He unlocked the closet, to greet a traumatized Unikitty, her body white as snow and shaking so much that she could hardly stand, and her eyes ready to pour more buckets of tears.  “Now BACK IN THE CAGE WITH YOU!”  He tossed her into her tiny prison, and as she crash-landed inside, he slammed the cage shut and locked it.
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(Art by @usf2020​, again)
“No…” Unikitty whimpered as she struggled to move until she could stand and yell “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?”
Master Frown and Possessed Brock left the room without a word.
“What have you done?” Unikitty whispered again before breaking down.
                                                          : ~~~ :
Hawkodile and Richard entered the lab in shock.  It became a mess of broken objects and stained walls and floors, one so messy that they couldn’t even see Dr. Fox herself until they spotted her in a curled up, shaking, panicking mess on the floor.  Tear marks stained her furry face and her glasses were cracked.
The two looked at each other, unsure of how well talking to Dr. Fox would go.  But they knew she’d get worse if nothing was done, so they walked slowly towards her.  Richard stopped a few yards away to give Hawkodile more space, and the bodyguard stopped once he felt close enough to Dr. Fox.  He knelt down and softly asked for her by name, to which she turned around, screamed, and turned back, hyperventilating louder and faster than before and trying to cover herself up with bent and crumpled up papers.
“No D-Dr. Fox, it’s ok,” Hawkodile hopefully tried calming her down, “It’s just us.”
“NO!” Dr. Fox yelled, “Please go away!  It’s best for all of us if just you leave me alone…”
“No, it’s really not,” Hawkodile tried to explain, “Because without you we have no chance at stopping Master Frown and saving Unikitty!  Now look, I know that today’s battle was…not that great for us, but it’s all just one little slip up if you think about it-”
Hawkodile thought about how he likely still wasn’t helping but felt that he had to keep trying.
“No, I know!  Believe me, I know.  You’re right, this did happen to me.  But look, it was an accident.  So even if I’m still in a lot of pain, I can’t really get mad at you because this is something none of us have ever prepared for.  So right now the best thing we can do is get up and try again.  And better!  Think about it: this is Unikitty we’re fighting for.  She’d wouldn’t give up on us if her life depended on it, and right now her life depends on us.  So I don’t know but if I were you, I’d get myself together and back on the team, and find her before it’s too late.”
“I-I know,” Dr. Fox sniffled, “I want to as much as you do, Hawk…but what if I mess up again?  You could  all die, Master Frown would win, and it’d be my fault!”
“Listen Doc,” Hawkodile gently put his arm on her shoulder, “you’re putting too much pressure on yourself.  There’s no way we’d let you do all the big stuff alone.  I can still fight!…” He looked back at his other arm.  “Well I’m gonna need some help first, but that still kinda proves my point.  If we’re gonna fight Master Frown again, we need to stick together.  And it’ll be different this time, I promise.”
Hawkodile held Dr. Fox’s hands and looked deep into her eyes.  “I’ll give you all the help you need.”
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(Art by @its-a-me-lava​)
Just when he thought all his words meant nothing, Dr. Fox hugged him.
“You’re right!  It was dumb to think I’d be the kingdom’s big hero anyway.  We gotta give each other the help we need.  In fact, I think I can fix your arm and find a way to successfully raid Frowntown!”  She got up and walked out from under her desk.
“Of course, we have no idea how successful it’ll be, but hey, we still gotta try, right?”  Dr. Fox turned back to Hawkodile and winked at him.  He blushed and giggled.
“Yeah…we do.”
Richard leaned over gave a small smile, proud of his friends.
“So what do you say, guys?” Dr. Fox asked her friends, already regaining some confidence, “Let’s head back out there!”  She held a fist up in the air.  “For Unikitty!”
“For Unikitty!” Hawkodile joined her.  The fist bump turned into them holding their hands…and Hawkodile blushing harder.
The three walked upstairs to discuss potential rescue plans when Puppycorn suddenly greeted them.
“There you guys are!”  the prince said, relieved, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!  Why are you still not telling me what’s going on?  I miss Unikitty just as much as you do, you know!”
Dr. Fox, Hawkodile, and Richard looked at each other, trying to decide who had the best answer to give him.  But Richard got the most stares, so he sighed and floated closer to Puppycorn.
“Well, Hawkodile and Dr. Fox just agreed to go to Frowntown and rescue Unikitty.”
“Aww yeah!” Puppycorn shouted as he wagged his tail, “Can I come?”
“For the last time,” Richard sighed as Hawkodile and Dr. Fox cringed behind him, “no.”
“AGAIN!?” Puppycorn angrily protested, “But why!?  And you better tell me this time!”
“Ok slugger,” Hawkodile explained, “we know how much you love your sister, and trust us, we’d like to have more on the team.  But Master Frown’s become really dangerous as of late, and you’re uh…”
“Too inexperienced,” Dr. Fox continued for him, “Let’s put it that way.  We’re doing this to keep you safe, Puppycorn!  Hawkodile and I know a bit more when it comes to actually fighting and can’t afford to lose anyone else like we did Unikitty.  You see what he did to Hawkodile, right?  Just imagine what he could do if he got his hands on you.”
“Yeah it’d hurt,” Hawkodile tried putting it lightly.
“Indeed,” Richard agreed.
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(Art by Michelle, who’s not on Tumblr)
“Well you know what else hurts?” Puppycorn pouted, “Being left out of something huge because you think I’m not smart enough to understand it!  And it’s not fair!  If you’re so scared of losing me, what about  Hawk and Dr. Fox!?  You can still lose them out there when they’re fighting!  Unikitty’s my big sister!  And I don’t know if I’ll ever see her again!  So if you can’t save her, then I want to.”  He looked away and hung his head to the side.
Everything was quiet until Dr. Fox gasped and shouted “THAT’S IT!  Puppycorn, you’re right!”
“He is?” Hawkodile and Richard asked.
“I am?” Puppycorn happily asked after them.
“Yes,” Dr. Fox joyfully explained, “Hawkodile and I can do the fighting, but you can do the rescuing!  Why didn’t I think of it before?”
“Wait, you’re right!” Hawkodile agreed.
“Yeah,” Puppycorn shouted, “let’s do it!”
“Hold up,” Hawkodile held Puppycorn by the head to stop him from running, “we still need to fix my arm.  Plus we’re gonna need more weapons and gadgets and I’ll have to show you some ways to defend yourself if you get in trouble.”
“Ok cool!” Puppycorn said, his tail wagging again.
“Which means we probably won’t leave until tomorrow,” Dr. Fox added.
“Ok,” Puppycorn’s mood didn’t change as Hawkodile let him go and he ran around in circles, “we’re still gonna save my big sis together, woo-hoo!!”
Richard knew he couldn’t stop them from doing something this risky and even a little stupid, but also that it was the best they could do.
“Just be careful out there,” was all he could say.  “Don’t worry, Richard,” Dr. Fox told him, “we’ve got this completely under control, right guys?”
The brick gave her a stare of disbelief as Puppycorn and Hawkodile cheered “Yeah!”
Dr. Fox put her fist in the air again.  “Come on guys, for Unikitty!  Again!”
“Yeah, again!”
“Aww yeah!”
                                                         : ~~~ :
As the sun rose over Unikingdom the next morning, the castle residents prepared to for the day’s big fight.
“Ok,” Hawkodile instructed everyone, eyeing Puppycorn specifically, “so one more time this way no one forgets: Dr. Fox, Puppycorn, and I are heading to Frowntown together and Rick will stay here to take care of the kingdom until at least one of us gets back.”
“Yes,” Richard said as he wearily looked at his friends, hoping it wouldn’t be the last, “just remember to please be careful out there.”
“We gotcha, Rick,” Puppycorn gave him a salute, “we promise, we’ll have Unikitty with us when we get back!”  He ran off giggling.
“Yeah,” Dr. Fox stepped closer to her floating gray friend, “if we’re successful, we’ll be right back.”
“We got this,” Hawkodile reassured Richard, putting his hand on Dr. Fox’s shoulder.  Then he pointed and yelled “Now let’s move out!”
The mission had begun.
That same morning, Master Frown watched the dull excuse for sunlight drift over Frowntown from the Doom Lord fortress rooftop.
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(Art by me)
“Today’s going to be special…I can feel it.”
His evil giggle echoed through the town.
Well…happy St. Patrick’s Day!  :D
(Sorry if the wait for this one was a bit longer than expected.)
But wow oh wow, we’re roughly halfway through the AU’s story already!  Feels like just yesterday I was still working on the asks and still thinking about how the story would end.
A few more co-artists joined since last time as well, so not all of them got to work on art this time.  But the ones that did are, again, credited above.  I also promise that you’ll get to see more of them and their art in the upcoming chapters, so keep your eyes peeled!
(Even if chapter 4 is about as long as chapter 1 was and may take a while.)
See you soon!  ;)
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thepaperpanda · 5 years
Forever Hungry || Eddie Brock x Reader
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Summary: Venom interrupted something really important, causing a commotion.
Warnings: A bit of smut
Words: 1879
Author: Cass & Rouge
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Day was busy and you had a lot of work at your agency. You kept on going only because you knew at evening you were about to meet with your boyfriend, Eddie. However, he was not only your boyfriend. He was first and foremost your boss. Working at press agency wasn't too easy but you managed and you had a great results.
"No, I don't have time for a snack break now, V." Eddie muttered reading some random paper. "Besides, I am not really hungry like now and I AM busy." He said.
"I don't care, we're hungry and we want that nice chocolate bar from machine like yesterday. If you won't provide it, we'll eat your kidney or liver," symbiote said forming itselt next to Eddie.
Its sight fell on the large window in Eddie's office when you were passing it by.
"She's nice," Venom added.
"First of all! Hide yourself. Second, you can't demage me because where you will find as great host as me. And the last thing…," Eddie looked at the window to catch a small glimpse of you. "Yes... Yes she is," he sighed. "A bit," Eddie added suddenly, shrugging.
Venom formed a hand and blew a hit into back og man's head.
"You're really a loser, Eddie, trust us, we'd love to eat ya, so we'd be able to seek for another host, maybe this time we'd be lucky enough to not get onto someone...," symbiote looked for a proper words, his huge eyes looked right in Eddie's. "Some macho, not a piece of turd."
Symbiote hid into Eddie's body again but he spoke into his mind.
"Don't be a dumbshit, we good know what you think of her. We can help you with getting to her panties, loser."
"I wanna remind you that I already did that! By myslef," Eddie growled. "I can't believe that some…," he looked for a right word. "Cosmic parasite is calling me names."
After another hour of working Eddie let out a loud sigh.
"Okay... Let's go to machine and get something to eat. Are you happy, V?," Eddie asked, getting up from his seat.
"No. Now we'll stick that bar up your ass," symbiote snorted in man's thoughts.
When Brock got on the corridor and to the snack machine, you happened to fall on him while walking with pile of documents you were needing at one of your cases.
"Oh, shit! Sorry, Eddie! I didn't see you! What a mess!," you mumbled crouching and starting to gather files.
"Move your stupid ass, turd," Venom said to Eddie.
"Shut up you parasite," Eddie muttered quietly and his attention immediately went to you. "Don't worry, Y/N. Let me help you."
Eddie started to help you pick up the files.
"So... Why you have that much stuff on you? I don't recall giving you that much work," he said with a worried and confiused tone, looking trough papers and files.
You tilted head with carefree smile on your lips.
"I think I found a nice case, apparently some people stated they've seen an alien. Reports come from all the city, different places. And, well, they even started to call this thing a hero, it chases some criminals, y'know?," you explained and frowned. "Hey, Ed, you look pale, everything's alright?"
"C'mon, cowboy, say something or we'll eat her head," Venom grunted.
Eddie complitly ignored Venom's word.
"An alien? This isn't a New York, sweetheart," he  gave you a fake laugh and pointed on one of the papers, he read it at loud. "'I saw a big black thing chasing a car thief' - Really? This sounds more like some kind of urban legend," Eddie said trying his best to pull your attention away from Venom subject.
"Maybe, who knows. I think I'll investigate a bit. Maybe lurk around my district and try to catch something?," you said more to yourself. "Just imagine those headlines: ALIEN IN SAN FRANCISCO or ALIEN FOR THE RESCUE. We'd sell more than our standard print-run!," you seemed to be very excited. "But enough about work," you said putting files onto nearest desk to wrap arms around Eddie.
Eddie rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around you.
"Yes, enough about work. I am done with work for today. Wanna come to my place, order some food and watch a movie?"
"Sounds like a plan, pal," you said happily. "Just give me 15 minutes, I'll finish my work and clean my desk, we can meet on the parking lot," you proposed.
"Sounds like a plan," he repeat happily after you nodding, then he ran to his office to grab his leather jacket and two helmets. He quickly went to the parking lot.
"You see, V? I don't need your help," Eddie said being proud of himself. "Kiss my ass, parasite. I will fuck her so hard tonight that she will scream my name," he said zipping up his jacket, looking around.
Venom formed his head in front of Eddie's face and looked at man with pity.
"With that small piece of sausage in your pants? For sure, Eddie. Live in a dream."
"At last I have a dick," Eddie commented and smiled as he saw you. "Heeey there, gorgeous! Ready for a ride?," he asked and pat his motorcycle.
"With such a bad boy like you, Eddie? Always!," you ran to him and eagerly put the helmet on.
"Well than, hop on, girl," Eddie said and gave you ass a smack.
Ride with Eddy was fast and prabobly dangerous but he got both of you home saftly.
The evening went nice and slow.
Eddie ordered your favourite meal and you two watched a movie together.
"You aren't asleep, sweetheart?," Eddie muttered kissing side of your head. "The movie is over."
As you were leaning over his chest, you smiled lazily.
"It's so comfy here that I don't want to get back home, babe," you told him.
"C'mon, you turd, get her to bedroom, we want to see her boobs," Venom formed itself and peeked into your decoultage from above.
"Shut up and get the fuck up! You distract me," Eddie growled quietly at Venom and laughed at your words. "Well, I have few ideas how we can extend this fun time," he said as his hand moved over your stomach.
You turned head to him in such a moment that Venom already vanished.
"Oh, do you?"
"I think you do, too."
Smiling, Eddie pulled you on his laps.
"You look so tasty today, you know?," he purred before kissing your jawline and moving down to your neck and cleavage.
"Yes, she does and her skin smells do good that we'd like to eat her alive now," Venom said in man's mind.
You rolled head, caressing Eddie's stomach through his shirt, slowly slipping hands under his shirt.
"I love your tattoos though," you said.
Eddie rolled his eyes at Venom's words.
"I know. I love them too," he said proudly and removed his shirt so you can have a better look.
"And I love your body," Eddie said and moved your shirt up your stomach to place few kisses there.
"Stop!," you giggled and messed his bangs. "You're so quick today, Eddie."
"I am always quick. Besides, I missed you so much, Y/N," man looked up at you.
You smiled at him and got off his lap, grabbing his palm.
"I hope you won't fuck me on that old couch, huh?"
Eddie followed you.
"I can fuck you anywhere you want," he said and quicily picked you up to take you to his bedroom.
Eddie kissed your neck walking with you to the bed. He laid you down and looked at you.
"How is this possible? You look even sexier now," man growled and moved down, placing kisses wherever he only could.
You smiled at him and easily get off unnecessary clothes, exposing your body to him.
It wasn't first time when he saw you naked so you were sure of yourself.
"Get her, tiger," Venom joked. "We can help ya with licking."
Eddie smiled and followed you doing the same thing.
"I love you, Y/N," he purred before kissing you, his hand moved down your body to your soaked pussy. Eddie circled your clit before slipping two of his fingers inside you.
You wrapped arm around his neck to pull him into a kiss. After moment you rolled on top of him and straddled him, simply slipping his already erected cock into your pussy.
"Easy, easy, Eddie, or you'll cum and it's gonna be end of play!," Venom laughed.
Eddie let out an annoying sigh and grabbed your hips.
"You don't like to wait, don't you?," he smiled at you and gave you one hard thrust.
"No, I don't, and you as well," you whispered leaning down to kiss his jaw while rocking your hips in steady pace. You rode him for a longer time, letting him play with every part of your naked body.
"Eddie, you dumbshit, we're hungry," said Venom to man.
"Shut you!," Eddie growled and started to move his hips faster, holding your waist tightly. "Fuck, sweetheart. You're gonna make me cum."
You also were nearing your peak when Venom formed itself right next to Eddie, glaring angrily at man's face.
"HUNGRY, YOU DUMBSHIT, WE'RE DYING FROM HUNGER!," then symbiote turned its head toward you. "Hi, Y/N. You look tasty."
You screamed loudly and fell back off Eddie, landing on the floor and hitting your head at night table that stand next to bed.
"Eddie! Don't move!," you yelled pulling on the sheets to cover yourself. "I'll grab the knife, don't move! Fuck!"
"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, VENOM!," Eddie yelled and sat up. "For fuck's sake can't you see we were in the middle of something!" He looked at you. "No, no sweetheart... Don't. It's okay, this is the worst moment but… This is Venom. He lives inside me, he is a parasite, and apparently the alien you wanted to look for," Eddie explained as quickly as he could.
You laughed nervously, pulling sheets tighter around you and moving slowly to door of the room. "Parasite... I told you to not eat that kebab last time," you said.
"Kebab parasite? You're out of mind, woman? We're Venom, not a fucking parasite, dumbshit, don't call us that next to that lady, she'll think bad things of us!," Venom said to Eddie.
"It talks... Eddie, it talks... I go... I know. I'll call a vet. Maybe it's kind of... I...," and it was when you fainted, right in a threshold.
Eddie looked at you and than at Venom.
"Thank you so fucking much, V! You ruined my orgasm and you killed the only woman that want me! And yes, you are a parasite! You threaten to eat my insides every day," Eddie growled as he got up to quickly put some pants on. He walked to you. "Y/N... Sweetheart. Come on. Wake up," Eddie said patting your cheek.
You opened eyes slowly only to see Venom's head right next to Eddie's.
"Oh God," you whispered and fainted again.
Venom sighed.
"We fuck your orgasm, Eddie. Now, move your ass to the fridge. We bet there still is that piece of fried chicken from last dinner."
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Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @purepearls @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika​ @hidden-secrets69​ @a-happy-wolf​ @creative-seahorse​
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golbrocklovely · 5 years
the chosen daughter // colby brock - chapter four
A/N: hey yall! life update: i have a job now! it’s part time, thank god, and so far i don’t completely hate it, which is good. hopefully it won’t get too hectic, but we shall see. anyway, i hope you are liking this series so far. let me know what you think about it. also lmk if you want to be added to the taglist. hope you enjoy this chapter. alrighty, i’ll see yall later :)
story description
taglist: @far-to-many-bands , @idfk-tbh-oops , @muted-mayham , @ughwhyislifesohard , @justtanerd , @ashyoungxblood ,  @cmburgos
trigger warning: cursing, being hunted??, mentions of killing/murder
word count: 1693
My apartment had been trashed, everything torn up and thrown all over the place. Sam stayed with me for two hours, scoping it out and making sure everything was back in its place.
Nothing of mines was taken. It just looked like someone broke in to make a mess and leave.
Sam believed it was vamp. I wasn’t sure what to think.
After barely getting any sleep, I wasn’t too excited to go to work. But at least I would be surrounded by people and not by myself, left alone to think of what could have broken in.
I filled Ronnie in on some of my crazy adventures from the past two-ish days.
“How is it you have all the fun on your days off?” Ronnie whined, cleaning a glass.
I scoffed. “I highly doubt getting almost killed by a vampire, and then having one break into my place ‘fun’, Ronnie.”
“At least it’s more interesting than me laying around and watching Real Housewives.” She joked. “So, all of these guys work at Trapp Haus and that’s how you met them?”
I nodded. “Yeah. Got my own connection which is how I was able to skip the line that usually wraps around the whole block.”
“I swear I’ve never heard of any of them before. Are they all bartenders or something?” She asked, starting a new order.
“Um, I think some of them are.” I lied. “One or two might work in the business side of the place, since they’re vamps.”
“I’ll have to go there next human night. Colby sounds pretty hot.” Ronnie smirked.
“I mean he is, but he’s kinda a dick.” I huffed.
“Well, all the hot ones are. Besides, he does have a soft side: he did save you.”
“I guess so…”
The night moved slowly, not too many patrons on a Sunday-Monday evening. I was so happy to finally have my break, being able to step outside and get some fresh air.
I took a deep breath as I looked up into the night sky.
What the fuck had my life turn into?
I shook my head, leaning my back against the brick wall of the bar. I stared into the parking lot, my eyes fixating on the dark. Through the trees that surrounded the lot, I saw the outline of a man.
I squinted my eyes, trying to see if I was seeing things. The figured disappeared as I blinked. I relaxed a little, annoyed at my own paranoia.
Maybe I am going crazy…
I stood up and went to walk back in. As I went to open the door, I heard a low growl come from behind me.
The hair on the back of my neck shot up. I could feel a presence behind me. I didn’t want to turn around, but I knew I had to. I twisted around slowly, my heartbeat speeding up faster and faster.
Nothing was behind me.
I looked around, my anxiety still at its peak. I knew I heard something; but nothing, no one, was there.
I spun back around. A man stood in front of the door. All I could see of him was his glowing red eyes and shiny fangs. He jumped forward with his hands reaching for my neck. A scream ripped from my throat.
I fell to the ground with a loud thump. He was no longer around me, I was alone once again. I scrambled back onto my feet, glancing hastily at the parking lot. I heard a dark chuckle come from the darkness. My eyes widen as I yanked the door opened and slammed it shut, locking it tight. I leaned my back against the door, trying to catch my breath.
He reminded me of someone, but I couldn’t think of who.
I ran to Roger’s office, needing an answer. There was a drawer in his desk, where all the receipts were kept from every night. Roger was very meticulous about it. I grabbed the folder from the previous night I worked. I flipped through all of them until I landed on the one I knew it had to be.
Cyrus Gladstone.
He was Blondie’s… Jasper’s… friend. He knew.
Jasper was dead. And he knew I was the one that got him killed.
I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket, dialing the only number I knew could help me.
“Sam… I need you again.”
~ \/ \/ ~
"How many tips did you make tonight?" I asked, counting out mine again.
Ronnie sighed. "About $20. You?"
"$35." I muttered.
"Ugh, that's not fair. I swear, your blood must smell like a fucking bakery with how many tips you get." She laughed.
"Ain't I lucky." I hissed jokingly.
The door to the bar rang open. Both Ronnie and I sighed. "Sorry, we're closed."
"I'm not here for a drink." A deep voice replied, stepping around the corner.
I turned to face the voice and realized who it was. "Colby..."
"That's Colby?" Ronnie exclaimed quietly. She leaned closer to my ear. "Holy shit he's hot."
"Shhh." I elbowed her lightly, turning back to Colby. "Uh, hey. Are you here to escort me home?"
"Actually, I'm taking you back to our place.” He informed, his hands sliding into his pockets.
I raised my eyebrows at him. "Oh? Okay."
"I'll see you later, Jade. Have fun." Ronnie mumbled, smirking at me and walking to the back to grab her stuff.
"Uh, let's head out." I nodded my head at Colby, slinging my bag over me.
As we walked into the parking lot, Colby stopped me. "Are we really gonna take your car to the club? It's only a couple blocks down."
I scoffed. "I'm sorry... what do you expect me to do? I can't leave my car here."
"Running would be faster." He stated.
"If I was also a vampire." I fumed.
Colby growled, his fangs prominent. "I could turn you into one."
"Shut up and just get in my car." I retorted.
I opened my car door and slid into the seat. Colby stood in the parking lot, glaring at me.
"Are you getting in or not?" I huffed.
He didn't respond.
Who pissed in his Cheerios today?
I rolled my eyes, driving away. "Whatever. I'll meet you back at the Trapp Haus."
I glanced at my rear view mirror, seeing Colby was already gone. I drove, the streets being close to empty since it was so late. I finally got to the Trapp Haus, pulling into the parking lot. Colby had his back rested against the entrance, scrolling through his phone.
I alarmed my car and strolled up to him. "Why exactly am I here?"
"Sam wanted to talk with me and you. That's all he's told me." He remarked. I followed him up the apartment. Walking in, Sam sat on one of the couches, looking up at us.
"Oh good, I was wondering when you were getting here." Sam spoke, smiling.
"So... what do you gotta tell us?" Colby asked.
"Well, I think we have all concluded that Cyrus is after you because of Jasper's death.” Sam admitted.
I nodded my head. “Yeah.”
“He's most likely the person that broke into your apartment. He's trying to get inside your head. Make you feel uncomfortable and nervous.” Sam responded, stepping towards us.
“So, he's playing with his food?” Colby smirked.
Sam and I both glared at him. “Colby... really?”
His lips folded into a tight line. “Sorry.”
Sam sighed. “Anyway, because of this, I want you to stay here until we can hunt him down and kill him.”
“What?” Colby questioned, his arms crossing.
“Dude, let's be honest here. She's not safe. And unless you want to stand guard at her place until he comes a-knocking, it would just be better if she was here.” Sam argued, turning to Colby.
“No, it wouldn't.” Colby grabbed Sam’s arm, pulling him away from me. “Don't you think we've done enough?”
“How?” Sam inquired.
“How are we gonna find where he is? Unless he's living in LA, which may not be the case, he could be anywhere. Are you expecting me to run around the whole fucking city looking for him?” Colby ranted, his voice deep.
Sam scoffed. “What else are we supposed to do? Leave Jade for dead?”
“Yes! We've already done enough. We’ve never gone this far for someone unless they're family. And she's not.”
My heart dropped as Colby's eyes landed on me. They were cold. Unfriendly.
“We can't leave her now. I won't leave her now.” Sam objected.
“We don't even know if he's hunting her. He could just be dicking around.” Colby hissed.
“Or he could be hunting her. We don't know Jasper and Cyrus’ relationship. If someone killed me, you would hunt them down.” Sam stated.
Colby paused for a second, rolling his eyes. “Fine. But how long is she gonna be here?”
“Until you find out where he is.” Sam smirked.
Colby groaned. “Do you wanna give me a clue as to where he could be?”
“Mike talked to a couple of his buddies on the south side. Apparently that where he likes to hang out at. So, snoop around, see what comes up.” Sam replied. He then turned to me. “Jade?”
I cleared my throat. “Yeah?”
“You're gonna sleep in my room until this is all sorted out.” He explained.
I stammered. “No. I can sleep-”
Sam cut me off. “I insist. Besides, it won't be the first time I've fallen asleep on the couch. I'm gonna go get you some clothes to change into. Tomorrow I'll head over with you to your place and we'll pick up some of your stuff.”
I smiled lightly. “Okay.”
Sam left to go into his room. I stared at Colby as he sat down on the couch, sighing deeply.
I stepped over to him, staying a few feet away.
He finally glanced up at me. "What?"
"You really hate me that much." I knew it was true.
My eyes never left his. He just looked at me with an almost sad glimmer.
"Jade?" Sam called.
"Coming." I answered, turning my head away from Colby.
<< CHAPTER 3 || CHAPTER 5 >>
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ofstarsandvibranium · 6 years
Truth Set Free: Part 2 (Final)
Fandom: Marvel (Mob Boss AU)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
As requested by @elivanah : Hey i have an idea for a request, if you like. Maybe one of seb’s character is a mob boss who also owns a strip club. He and reader are dating but she doesn’t know what he does. One day she finds out the hard way. Angst ending with a happy ending and maybe smut.
Part 1
Your heart was racing. You didn’t know what to do! Stay here where you’re safe, like Bucky said or Go back to the club and make sure that Bucky and Cheryl are safe? 
“Fuck it,” you run out from the alleyway and pushed past the people that were spilling out from the doors of Winter’s Fair. You kept your eyes on the look out for your red-haired friend. When you stumbled back into the club, you ducked behind the bar counter as bullets ricocheted around you.
“Y/N!” you heard someone whisper your voice. You looked down behind the counter to see Cheryl and the woman she was talking to. 
You hurriedly and quietly crawled over to them, “Are you guys okay?”
“Yeah, but why the hell is your boyfriend involved in a shoot out?!”
“I have no clue!” You let out a few deep breaths to try to calm yourself, “Okay, I’m gonna take a peek, if the coast is clear, you guys get the hell outta here. Got it?” they both nodded.
You crawled back to where you ducked behind the counter. You cautiously peered around it, behind some chairs and saw that everyone was preoccupied with trying to kill each other. You motioned for them to hurry and they did, scrambling to their feet and running as fast as they can out the doors. You didn’t follow them.
“They declined your offer, didn’t they?” you hear Bucky yell from his hiding spot.
“You’re really startin’ to be a pain in my ass, Barnes! My family has been in charge of Brooklyn for decades! You think you can come and sweep in on my business? You messed with the wrong mob family!”
Mob? Was-Was Bucky a mob boss?!
“Y/N!” you felt someone say as they touched you.
You gasped, “Steve!” you hugged him, “Are you okay?” you took note of his busted lip and disarrayed clothes.
The man shrugs, “A little beaten up, but nothin’ I’m used to. I need to get you outta here.” he takes a hold of your arm, but you oppose.
“No! I wanna make sure he’s safe!”
“Buck can handle himself fine. You can’t. If I don’t get you outta here and you get hurt, Buck’ll kill me. Literally kill me. So get up and let’s go!”
He pulls you up and out the door. Behind the club, a car is waiting for the both of you, “Sam?!” you exclaim as you slide into the car.
He looks over his shoulder and waves, “Hey, Y/N!” The car’s tires skirt against the pavement as he pushes on the gas and drives away from the club.
“Okay, seriously, what the fuck is going on?! Are you guys in a mob?! Is Bucky a mob boss?!”
Before anyone can reply, your phone rings and you see that Bucky’s calling you. You immediately answer it, “Bucky?”
You hear him sigh, “Thank God you’re okay. Steve and Sam got ya, right?”
“Yeah. Buck, what-”
“I���ll explain to you later. Right now, the guys are gonna bring you to a safehouse of mine. I’ll be there in an hour or so. They’re gonna watch over you, okay?”
“I’m so confused, Bucky. I’m scared,” you whimper out.
You hear him sigh again, “I know, doll. I know. I promise I’ll tell you everything. I just need to take care of some stuff. Everything will be okay.”
“Okay...I love you.”
There was a beat of silence before Bucky replied, “I love you too, Y/N. I’ll see you soon.” he hung up the phone and you tossed your phone back into your purse.
Bucky let out a long exhale as he watched cops and investigators work around his club, trying to get an understanding of what happened.
“Bucky,” he turned to see a former high school classmate approach him.
“Scott! Hey, man. You’re a cop now? That’s ironic considering how much of a thief you were when we were younger.”
Scott shrugged, “I’ve learned my ways. Anyway, I’m the sucker who has to ask for a statement. You ready?”
Bucky shrugged, “Yeah. I was actually not in the club when the shooting started. I was outside talking to my girlfriend in the alleyway two doors down-”
“Talkin’, huh?” Scott gives him a smirk.
He rolls his eyes, “Yes, Scott, talkin’. Anyway, in the middle of our conversation, we heard the gunshots. I told my girl to stay hidden while I went back inside to see what was going on. I see Brock Rumlow and his goons terrorizing everyone in the club. I pulled out my own gun just in case. 
Rumlow saw me and started firing away along with his men. Me and my security fired back as self-defense. Now because of him, I have to tell these guys’ families they were killed because some asshole was scared of competition.”
Scott nodded and he scribbled everything down, “Alright. Got it. So, as you’re probably aware, this place will be shut down for investigation.”
“Yeah. Well, at least I got the fucker in the shoulder before you guys showed up.” he said with a smirk and Scott snorted. The cop then gave Bucky a pat on the shoulder before walking away. 
Bucky then went to the back of the club and out the door to see his driver waiting for him.
When Steve and Sam escorted you to the safehouse, you assumed it’d be like everything else Bucky possessed: luxurious. But it was just a regular house in the suburbs. 
You walked in to see that the place wasn’t heavily decorated. necessary furniture here and there, occasional paintings and pictures spread around. But overall the place was bare. 
“Master bedroom is up the stairs and second door to the left. Closet is filled. There’s the basic essentials in the bathroom. Do what you need to do. We’ll be down here, Y/N.”
“Thanks, guys.” you went up the stairs and entered the master bedroom. You immediately went to take a shower to clear your thoughts. The warm water soothing your tense, tight body. When you went to wash your hair, you realized that it was the same exact shampoo you used. Did Bucky have a feeling you’d have to come here someday? You continued to wash and rinse your hair. Then soaping up your body with lavender scented body wash. 
You stepped out of the shower minutes later feeling more relaxed and refreshed. You then went to the closet, curious to see if Bucky had actually stored some clothes for you. He did. 
Inside there were some generic clothes: plain tshirts, graphic tshirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, leggings, jeans, etc. He really must’ve thought this through. You decided to go with a graphic tshirt that had a bee saying “You’re the bee’s knees!”,it was so cute and so you, along with some leggings.
“Now here’s the real test: underwear.” you went over to the dresser and looked at the first drawer. One half had men’s underwear and the second half had women’s underwear. You pulled out a lacey number and snorted, “That’s so him,” you threw it back in and went with a pair of floral cotton panties. 
You pulled them on and then the shirt and leggings. As you were drying your hair, there was a knock at the door, “Come in!” you said. 
The door swung open to reveal Bucky and you dropped your towel, running up to him. The speed you went caused him to stagger back a bit, “Woah! Hey, baby.”
You hugged him tight, “I’m so glad you’re safe!” you pulled back and then punched him in the arm, “Now tell me what’s going on!”
“Ah! Okay! Geez!” he rubbed where you hit him and gestured for you to sit down. You did and he began to pace the room, “So I got involved with this when I was twenty-one. I knew my dad was into some sketchy stuff but I never knew it was like this. But after some observing and training and guidance, he handed his position down to me. He was getting old and I was his heir.
“I really built up business. The past ten years, my dad and his business was laughed at. They always said we’d never make it to the big leagues and now we’re there. I did have to do some bad things to get here, though, but I didn’t like it and there really wasn’t any choice.” he walked over to you, kneeling down at your feet, “And trust me, Y/N, I would never do anything to put you in danger. That’s why I didn’t tell you. I was protecting you. If something were to happen to you ‘cause you got wrapped up in all this...I wouldn’t forgive myself.”
“Yeah, doll?”
“Are you the White Wolf?”
You watched as he gulped then nodded, “Yeah, I am, but I’m not a bad guy! Those things that Stark is tellin’ ya, that’s not me! That’s Rumlow trying to throw me under the bus just ‘cause he’s upset I’m better at this than he is!” He stood back up, slicking his hair back.
“I have another question.”
“Did you have a feeling we’d have to come here eventually?”
He sat down beside you and shrugged, “I hoped we wouldn’t, but I like to be prepared. Do you like the house?”
“I didn’t get to explore much.”
“It’s for us, actually.”
You looked at him in surprise, “What?”
He chuckled, avoiding your gaze, “Yeah. I bought it a little bit after we started dating.”
“How long after?” he mumbled a response but you didn’t quite hear it, “A bit louder, babe.”
“Five months.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, “Fucking Hell! Seriously, Bucky?”
A shy smile made its way to his face as he shrugged once more, “I was ready to buy it after the first month.”
He looked up at you and cupped your cheek with his hand, “’Cause you’re it for me, YN. I know you are. I fell in love with you the moment you told me get my car out of your fucking parking spot.”
You giggled, “I had a long day at work. I just wanted to park my car, get into my apartment, and sleep.”
“I’m glad I was in your parking spot,” he murmured as he leaned in.
You leaning in with him mumbled, “Me too,” and you lips met with a gentle kiss. You cupped his face with your hands, deepening the kiss. When he pulled you onto his lap you squealed, “Bucky!” The only response you received was a chuckle and many more kisses. Everything was going to be okay.
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bestfrownsforever · 5 years
Frown of Doom: Chapter 2
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(Cover art by me)
After hours of drug-induced sleep, Unikitty found herself drowsily waking up in the Doom Lord fortress’ dimly lit conference room.  Her eyes fluttered open and she sat up, her head aching.  The princess kept one front paw on her head and the other on the ground below her, which was made of steel.  It didn’t take long for her to find out that she was locked in a cage, and her eyes searched the room for a potential way out.  But the coffins, open closets of weapons, and maps pinned to the walls with red marker sloppily written and drawn all over them made her scream.
“Ok,” Unikitty said as she trembled, “just stay positive.  It’s really dark and scary in here, but Master Frown and Brock have to be here too.  So when they show up we can talk about all this and it’ll be fine…everything will go right back to normal…with nothing to worry about…”
She heard something from behind her and turned to face the door.  The approaching red light and the sound of someone’s familiar chuckling was getting closer and closer until Master Frown opened the doors.  The same light in his eyes surrounded Master Plague’s beak, which floated inches away from his hand as he spun it around with his mind.  He slowly walked closer to Unikitty’s cage and circled it, his wide grin and eager eyes showing how much he relished every moment she was in front of him so helplessly.
“Oh, Princess Unikitty.  I’ve waited so long for this day!  I’ve asked myself if it’d ever happen, and here you are, finally in my control!  But now that you’re here…what should I do with you?  Should I set up a fancy execution outside?  Should I go back and kidnap your friends so I can kill you all together?  Should I stuff and mount your head on the wall?  Should I mind control you too and make you my kitty servant?  Should I just stab you right now and be done with you forever?  Ah, so many choices…so little time.”
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(Art by @friffinx​)
“But why!?”  Unikitty asked, “Why would you do this!?  You’ve never done anything this bad before!”  “Oh yes I have!” Master Frown bragged, “It’s just been so long since you’ve seen me, so you have no idea what I can do in a split second!  And there’s nothing you or any of your loser friends can do to stop me!”  As Master Frown laughed, Unikitty began to cross her internal border between sad and angry.
“No!  You’re dead wrong, mister!” she shouted, “If anything now that you’ve taken me away, my friends are gonna go out of their way to find me and won’t stop until they do!  We mean everything to each other so you’re the one who’d better watch out or you’re gonna get badly hurt!”  “Come on, that’s…”  Before he could finish, Master Frown stopped to think about what he was saying and the red in his eyes faded away, “…actually true.  Brock!”
“Yeah?” Brock asked as he peeked into the room.  “Stay down here and watch Unikitty,” Master Frown commanded, his eyes glowing again, “There’s a few things, or should I say, people I have to take care of.”
Brock stepped closer to the cage.  He wanted to feel more excited and relieved to finally see Unikitty again, but he knew that judging from what happened before his consciousness came back, it would be hard to reconnect with her after what she went through.  He could tell by looking into her eyes that she was more confused than anything else, and he couldn’t blame her.
“So…you just want me to talk to her?” Brock asked.  “Well duh,” Master Frown groaned, rolling his eyes, “Do anything with her for all I care, just don’t let her out of the cage!”  He took the beak out with his mind again and grinned.  “I’ll be back before you know it.”
Unikitty made sure that the Doom Lord left before grabbing the cage bars, trying to trust what looked like the Brock she always knew.
“Brock?  What happened to you and Master Frown!?  How did all this…you know…?”  “Well,” Brock nervously sighed, “Let’s just say that Master Frown’s the world’s one and only Doom Lord now…the rest are gone.”  “Oh…” Unikitty thought aloud, “When will they get back?”  “He killed them Unikitty,” Brock grimly said.
“REALLY!?” Unikitty gasped at the thought of something so unheard of to her.
“Yeah,” Brock continued, “and since then he’s been spreading sadness and misery all over Frowntown in their place but it’s like, way worse.  He’ll even mind control me sometimes if I don’t give him what he wants in enough time.”
“WHAT!?” Unikitty gasped again, almost in tears before stopping her potential breakdown, “Oooh so that’s why your eyes are red.”
“Yep,” Brock replied before continuing again, “I don’t remember anything that goes on when he mind controls me, though.  It’s like I just…go blank, and someone else takes over.  But if I wanted to know what happens when I’m not totally in there, I’d go in there.”
Brock pointed to the biggest closet in the room.  It had the signature shape of Master Doom’s head like all the other doors but also plenty of scratch marks.  The words “DO NOT OPEN EVER (THAT MEANS YOU BROCK!)” were written on it in red.
“Wow,” Unikitty wondered, “what else could he have done!?  But Poor Master Frown must’ve been pushed around so much until he finally lost it.”  “That’s what I’ve been thinking,” Brock added, “And if anything this is my fault for not helping as much as I should’ve or trying to stop him-“
“No it’s not!” Unikitty insisted, putting her hand over Brock’s mouth through the bars, “Don’t you dare think that way!  You’ve been doing your best for Master Frown, more than anyone would dare to!  So consider that enough.  But you can help me figure this out and maybe even get back to how he was before!”
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(Art by @pastel-gothicorn​)
“Well I guess he kinda is as long as his eyes aren’t red,” Brock said.  Unikitty gasped, stars and lightbulbs popping from her head and glowing in her eyes.  “That’s it!  We gotta find out what makes his eyes red!  We'll just get back to the Unikingdom, find our friends, and get him right where we want him, so then we can hopefully save Master Frown from uh, himself!  And it starts with you getting me out of this cage.”
“Genius plan, Unikitty!” Brock winked and got up, “I like your way of thinking, just lemme just find the key.”  “Ok!” Unikitty called back, watching Brock walk out of the conference room with strong determination in her eyes.
                                                         : ~~~ :
Unikitty’s friends didn’t have any time to regret letting Master Frown get away; only to prepare for another fight and way to save the princess.  As Hawkodile, Richard, and Puppycorn grouped together and talked about what the best course of action would be in the lab, Dr. Fox kept checking the kingdom’s security cameras, quickly switching from one to another at a time.  But then one screen particularly caught her eye; it showed Master Frown peeking up from behind a bush and looking around carefully before running offscreen.
“GUYS,” Dr. Fox warned, “MASTER FROWN’S COMING BACK!!!  Everyone get ready!!!”
“On it!” Hawkodile said as he sprang up and away.
“Yeah, let’s get him!” Puppycorn shouted, about to sprint until Richard floated in front of and stopped him.
"No, Puppycorn," Richard said, "you're staying in the castle with me."
"What!?" Puppycorn complained, "But Rick, I can fight too! Check it!" Puppycorn made jumps and imitated action moves, accompanied by fitting grunts and shouts, to show off what he thought were impressive fighting moves. But from start to finishing pose, Richard wasn't impressed.
"No," the brick said in his ever-monotone voice, "Now come with me."
"Aww man!" Puppycorn reluctantly dashed away with him.
Hawkodile and Dr. Fox went back to the dojo, picking and putting the perfect weapons together. Both were incredibly uneasy at the thought of such a do or die moment happening again, but Hawkodile also worried that he'd have no time to tell Dr. Fox that he loved her. His heart raced as he finished packing for the battle and turned her way.
"Uh...Dr. Fox?" he found the courage to say.
"Yes Hawkodile?" she asked back.
"Well," Hawkodile stammered, "since this could...you know, be our last moment together, with uh...Master Frown getting dangerous and all, there's uh....something I've wanted to say to you. For a really long time.
"Really? " Dr. Fox asked, "What is it?"
All Hawkodile could say was "Uuuhhhhh..."
He grew redder, sweating, stuttering, playing with his hands, and looking down at the ground. Even when he feared for his life, he couldn't admit how he felt about Dr. Fox, who still looked up at him, confused.
"YOU'RE REALLY REALLY SMART AND I RESPECT THAT!" Hawkodile blurted out before dashing off.
"Umm...thank you?" Dr. Fox replied, puzzled.
Richard looked down at the kingdom from the castle balcony, the fear of an old foe being truly dangerous worrying him as much as it did his friends. All was strangely calm until Puppycorn ran up to him, not staying still for a single second.
"Hey Rick! Rick! Richard!" Puppycorn yelled, circling around the brick. "Yes, Puppycorn?" Richard gave in. "Why can't I fight Master Frown too?" Puppycorn asked, "You didn't tell me yet!"
"Hmm," Richard hesitantly wondered how to put it to innocent, young Puppycorn, "Well, Master Frown is coming back for us as a form of revenge after disappearing to take care of...Doom Lord business, and we have to stay safe or he'll horribly hurt us physically and/or emotionally. Do you understand?"
"I guess so," Puppycorn grumbled, "but can I at least help Hawkodile and Dr. Fox? Please please please?"
"No." Richard still wasn't moved.
"Awww come on!" Puppycorn angrily groaned. Not even begging worked, but he still tried if it meant getting in on some form of action. "Then I just watch, pleeeaase? I wanna see everything!"
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(Art by @samthecookielord​)
“Fine,” Richard signed, “Just go back inside so Master Frown doesn’t see you.”
“Yay!” Puppycorn cheered, “I’m a spectator!”  He ran inside and and looking through the nearest window.
Hawkodile and Dr. Fox walked carefully through the streets, looking in every direction and hardly making a sound.
“WE KNOW YOU’RE OUT HERE, FROWN!” Hawkodile yelled as he pointed ahead, “COME OUT AND FIGHT!”  “YEAH!” Dr. Fox shouted, “This is what you’ll get for taking Unikitty away from us!”
There was a thud as Master Frown jumped down into the street before them, dirt kicking up into the air and slightly concealing his body before it scattered, except for the light of his eyes.
“Awww,” he chuckled, “you honestly still think you can beat me after everything I’ve done, let alone to you and your stupid princess?  How adorable.  But if you insist…”  He drew his “sword.”  “I came prepared.”
“Well so did we!” Dr. Fox tried intimidating him, taking out the Razor Revolver.  Hawkodile posed next to her, ready to charge forward and punch the villainous Doom Lord.  “Just the way I like it,” Master Frown grinned.
Dr. Fox was ready to dash in and begin the fight side by side with Hawkodile, but Hawkodile held her back and started the fight alone in an attempt to protect her.  Master Frown charged back, and the two almost crashed into each other upon impact.
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(Art by @friffinx​, again)
Both fighters moved lightning fast, taking Hawkodile by surprise with how much better at fighting Master Frown became.  He would’ve wondered when or how Frown learned to fight like this, but he couldn’t even think fast enough.  All he could do was pay attention to his enemy’s movements and avoid getting stabbed, just missing the tip of the soft green beak every time.  Neither fighter was winning or losing; it was a seemingly endless game of dodging each other’s attacks.  But Master Frown took it as something working well in his favor and laughed.
“Your punches can’t stop me anymore, bird-brain!”  Master Frown bragged, immediately followed by Hawkodile punching him dozens of yards back.  “Heh,” Hawkodile smugly regained some confidence, “you sure about that?”
When Master Frown landed and started getting up, he found himself right at Dr. Fox’s feet, and the Razor Revolver was pointed right at him.  She pressed the trigger, but he moved aside before the blade could reach him.
The dodging game began again, with Master Frown working his way around every shot and swing, as Dr. Fox did the same, frightfully working her way around the green beak.  Even if it annoyed him how good she was too, Master Frown still saw his equally impressive fighting as a silver lining.
“Not sorry to break it to you,” Master Frown taunted, his beak sword clashing with one of the Razor Revolver’s, “your so-called ‘brilliant inventions’ are pretty much useless.  I mean who even puts a sword and a gun together, pick one or the other!” He cackled in her face (trying to hide his regret for not coming up with that idea first), further enraging Dr. Fox.
“Oh no,” she started, “you want to know what’s useless!?  Doing your best to work on scientific breakthroughs and having everything go wrong almost every time!  But do you see me trying kill my friends or enemies!?  NO!  I keep trying, because I know what I’m capable of, that I can improve and still use my skills to help my friends!”
Her stare grew far more menacing.  “But I’ll gladly show you how I can use my skills to destroy people like you.”
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(Art by @x-master-brock-x​)
Her anger and force all came out as she pressed the Razor Revolver’s trigger and swung the unleashed sword.  But said anger turned to immense regret when she realized that the blade didn’t strike Master Frown.  The Doom Lord dodged her just in time for the sword to stab Hawkodile (who she didn’t see suddenly fly down to try and help) in the arm.  The bodyguard fell to his knees in pain.
“HAWKODILE!!!” Dr. Fox yelled, choking up fast and kneeling down at his side to help him up, “Hawkodile, I-I’m so sorry, I-“
Master Frown saw this as a perfect opportunity to strike, and went for the kill.  But even at her most vulnerable, Dr. Fox could still pull out a flamethrower and aim it right at him fast enough.  She fired it at him, and as he screamed and put out the flames that were burning him, she fled, wrapping her arms tighter around a dizzy, almost unconscious Hawkodile.  She tried her hardest not to look at him out of intense guilt, but she knew she had to if she wanted to guide him home safely.
“Hawkodile,” Dr. Fox instructed, “listen to me, we have to leave now!!”
“…I still have one good arm,” Hawkodile weakly said, lifting his uninjured arm like he was about to punch with it, “If we can-“
“Ohohoh,” Master Frown shouted, “I didn’t say you get out alive!”  He finished putting out the flames (except for a very tiny one on his right horn) that distracted him from his targets.  He ran after them again, this time so fast that Dr. Fox feared he’d catch up to them.  Hawkodile wasn’t conscious enough to have much of an idea of what was happening but even he tried quickly limping along with the doctor, who came up with what she felt was her only truly bright idea the whole time.
“If I use it on myself it might not work,” Dr. Fox explained, “you’re a little too heavy for me to carry.”  “Huh?” Hawkodile faintly asked.  To him it sounded like maybe she said something that’d offend him, but he wasn’t sure.
“Just hold still,” Dr. Fox said softly.  She frantically pulled out her jetpack, strapped it onto Hawkodile, and turned it on, sending them flying back to the castle.
“Oh no you don’t!” Master Frown yelled, still close behind and trying desperately to slay his two opponents.  But he still couldn’t land a hit, and his would-be victims made their way back to the castle.  Master Frown knew he should’ve gone after them, but he was too ashamed of himself.  It was supposed to be such a simple task but he failed miserably and he couldn’t even stand himself anymore.  All he felt that he could do was storm off in a fit of rage.
Puppycorn didn’t understand why Richard didn’t want him to watch the fight after a while, and sitting in the foyer room with his caretaker for what he thought was no good reason felt like the most boring and unfair moment of his life.  He begged, barked, and even tried to distract Richard, but nothing worked.  Then the front doors opened, and both were stunned at the sight of Hawkodile with an open wound in his arm and holding onto a desperate Dr. Fox.
“PLEASE HELP US!” Dr. Fox pleaded.  Richard and Puppycorn ran to her and Hawkodile as fast as they could.
"Goodness, Hawkodile," Richard nearly shrieked, "what happened to your arm?" "Eh..it's a long story," Hawkodile weakly said as Dr. Fox let go of him to let Richard tend to his wound, "But maybe not."
Dr. Fox turned away from the scene, thinking it would save her at least a little from her guilty conscience until Puppycorn ran up to her.
"WHAT HAPPENED!?" the prince asked, "Is this why Rick told me to look away???" Dr. Fox tried to come up with a good answer that a puppy like him would understand, but then she was sweating and stammering; her normally quick-thinking mind at a loss for words until she couldn't stand listening to Hawkodile's painful moaning from behind her.
"CAN'T TALK, GOTTA GET TO THE LAB, BYE!" Dr. Fox yelled, running away. Puppycorn titled his head in confusion before turning back to Richard and Hawkodile.
"Owowowowow," Hawkodile winced as Richard bandaged his arm, "ok, I uh, no, I'll be fine...I'll be fine, I'm fine." He gave a nervous smile, trying to show confidence.
"Umm," Richard doubted, "no, you're not fine. Your arm is almost falling off for goodness sake!" "Yeah," Hawkodile said, "but Dr. Fox and I can-" He turned his head up, realizing that Dr. Fox was gone.
"Uh...Dr. Fox?"
"She just went down to the lab," Puppycorn said, "Maybe she's already working on something to help us!"
"I don't know," Richard said, "She looked like she was about to have a breakdown. I doubt she can come up with something in that mood that fast."
"But then who's gonna fix Hawkodile so he can fight Master Frown again?" Puppycorn asked.
"I can try," Richard sighed, "Hawkodile, hold still, and Puppycorn, get the first aid kit for me." "Ok!" Puppycorn obeyed, running upstairs.
"Ah, the poor little squirt." Hawkodile softly giggled. "Indeed," Richard agreed, "once he comes back we can't let him stay and watch."
"I don't know," Hawkodile wondered, "maybe he can help. Yeah he's just a kid, but-"
"No," Richard bluntly said, "we've already lost Unikitty and we can't risk losing anyone else!" "Yeah," Hawkodile understood, "but we're running out of options here. Master Frown and Brock are actually formidable opponents who know our every move now, what else can we do?"
"Just try our best, I suppose," Richard said, "At least for now. Which includes you getting the proper rest and time to heal that you need."
"Please," Hawkodile tried persuading Richard by weakly standing up and posing, "it'll take a lot more than this to stop these bad boys! And once Dr. Fox and I are good to go, Master Frown's going-OWW!!!" Punching his fists together went horribly wrong and he sat back down in pain.
"See?" Richard raised an eyebrow as his point was proven. "Yeah," Hawkodile quietly accepted defeat and sat still to heal.
Dr. Fox raced around her lab, grabbing whatever paper-filled folders and serums she could.  She was panting from all the hard, fast-paced work but took no time to rest.  The only time she stood still was when she typed on her computer’s keyboard.
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(Art by @drfoxs-lab​, whose main blog I would’ve tagged if I could find it...)
“Ok ok,” she told herself, “keep it together, Dr. Fox.  It’s all gonna be great!….You’re the hero, you’re gonna save everyone, you’ve got this, you can do this, you can DO this!!…Just think, a captured friend is one thing, a broken arm is another, but both…is completely and totally IMPOSSIBLE!!!  WHAT AM I SAYING!?  THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!  I…I-I CAN’T DO THIS, I…”
Her confidence and sanity shattered as she broke down on the floor, regretting everything and losing all hope.
WOO-HOO, I finished another chapter!  :D
Thanks again SO SO much to my co-artists, whose blogs you can all find above.
Again, if you’re not a co-artist but like the art you saw and would like to be a co-artist, too, then just ask or DM me here or on Amino!  I’d be happy to let you join!
Until next time...
(Which should be soon, chapter 3 is the shortest one :P)
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