#but playing sacred stones solidified this with lyon
silent-partner-412 · 2 years
Seeing people in the Fire Emblem community be like “I’m sick of having interesting and morally grey characters in Fire Emblem, the fanbase can’t handle it. I just want good vs evil again” is concerning cuz this is how we ended up with Corrin and Garon who are both horrible examples of being completely morally black and white.
Heroes and villains are a lot more interesting when they aren’t 100% good or evil, and I don’t think interesting writing should be sacrificed just cuz some people who consume it have a hard time understanding that.
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emblemxeno · 4 years
Hello! I hope you have a good week :) who’s your favorite character from each FE game you’ve played?
Thank you for the well wishes! It’s going better so far than last week did, but I’m still pretty on edge with the family stuff. But I do my best to cope with things by playing games and working out, plus my favorite band comes out with a new album this Friday so I have something to look forward to.
As for favorites, there might be a running theme somewhere lol.
Shadow Dragon: Kind of cliche and expected, but Marth really is my favorite from that game. Not that I don’t like any other characters from that game but he’s a great blend of emotional, wise, awkward and kind that it made me warm up to to him fast. Smash Bros gave me a bias for him already, but FE really helped me love him. Also his relationship with Caeda is amazing.
Blazing Blade: It’s been a hot minute since I played FE7 so it’s hard to remember some things, but Eliwood was always a standout for me. Hector and Lyn are great too, and I love Ninian and Nino as well, but Eliwood is in the same boat as Marth where he just really appeals to me for the same reasons, except Eli’s journey is more personal and tragic imo. 
Sacred Stone: I’ve really, really warmed up to Ephraim but I still think I like Eirika more? She just had a really good arc during the first few chapters and her second arc concerning her friendship with Lyon is really nice as well. FE8 had a lot of good characters in general along with the twins, special mention to Innes, Tana, Joshua and L’arachel.
Awakening: While not my first FE game, Awakening did hit a special place in my heart where I knew the series was gonna be a favorite of mine. And Lucina’s story really helped solidify that. The trauma she went through, the desperation and the hard choices she had to make hit me right in the feels. She’s been my favorite from that game since I first played it.
Fates: It may be surprising, but it’s not Corrin, though they are in top 5. Xander’s my favorite Fates character. His personal arc dealing with learning to let go of his father, coupled with how reality has been screwing him over to the point where he’s sunken into depression and trouble with valuing his own life really just hit me in the gut, and kept getting better the more and more I read into him. Though I’ve gone on about how localization screwed him up, he’s still my favorite regardless. I just hope that his writing gets redeemed in the future, be it through Heroes or a different spinoff, or a hypothetical definitive edition of Fates.
Echoes: It’s probably Celica, tbh. I just think for the context of her status, her childhood and how she was raised, what she does in the story is very real and well done. And while I do have issues with her side of the story, it’s less to do with her and more to do with outside writing issues dragging her down with them. She’s just really good imo, and Erica Lindbeck really shines as her.
Three Houses: Dimitri is plain fantastic. From his cute and awkward moments and hilarious super strength, to how his character is a really well done twist on the ‘pacifist lord’ archetype, to his relationships with other characters, to his route being a very raw and excellent showing of succumbing to his problems before beginning the road to recovery... He’s just really, really great.
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