#but quite rightly
fangirlforeversthings · 7 months
So ya'll think obi wan has them boots polished by the droids?
I mean a busy jedi master, council member and war general has got no time for polishing his gucci boots has he?
But since he is a vain little b*tch and fabulous and since the shiny boots belong to his signature look he can't go out without them nice and shiny
I'm also in full believe that he has a lifesize mirror in his room. At least i would if i was him to always be able to stop by and look at that magnificent beauty whenever theres a chance.
He also probably spends an hour in the bathroom in the morning i mean that glorious hair and beard won't take care of itself.
And you know what? He has every right to
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tofixtheshadows · 3 months
Because I've been thinking about the fandom tendency to paint characters of color as conservative versus their white counterparts, who are usually valorized as progressives, I'm thinking about the way fandom often talks about Kabru (calling him a cop, saying he's Lawful Good/Evil, saying he'd be an econ or business major or tech bro in AUs, I heard through the grapevine they're calling him classist on tiktok) and absolutely refusing to see his actions- of repeatedly sabotaging an imperial force's military operations for the good of oppressed peoples- as radical.
Kabru was raised by a poor single mother in an economically disenfranchised region, then rejected a life of luxury in the imperial sphere. He explicitly aligns himself with the exploited population (short-lived races) he is a part of. He wouldn't be a fucking investment banker, in any AU he's the most likely character to be an activist. I can't scroll for three posts without seeing Chilchuck hailed as a girldad working class hero (and I'm not saying that's not deserved!) but there is barely any thought given to what it means for the brown guy to care so much about fighting against the takeover of a first-world power.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 4 months
i’m sorry but alex’s reaction to being shown a compilation of nude men and half-clothed male athletes on a french talk show is quite simply one of the best things i’ve ever witnessed
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revvethasmythh · 6 months
gotta say, I think the framing of Imogen's childhood as one lacking in all parental love and care because Liliana wasn't there is something that strikes me as both highly unlikely and as a far less interesting way of reading Imogen's early life with her father. If things were always as chilly and distant between them as they were after Imogen's powers developed, then there isn't much change in their relationship at all. But if we acknowledge that in her childhood she had a largely normal, functional, and loving relationship with her father, their estrangement after her powers becomes all the more heart wrenching. Yes, he's emotionally reserved and "was never the master of parental affection," as Matt said, but he's dependable. He cares for her, with actions over words. He's her dad and he's there for her entire childhood, making dinner for her, working to take care of her, teaching her how to ride, bandaging her up when she gets hurt.
Then the powers come. The night terrors that sound familiar to him, this terrifying pain that she's in, the way he doesn't actually know what's wrong with her because Liliana didn't know and she'd barely told him these powers so much as existed before she left him. Being close to Imogen hurts her and it also means she can root around in his head--so he puts distance between them. And that hurts like hell for a kid, to have their father pull away from them like that even though it's more comfortable, physically, that way. A gulf forms. Trust shatters. Their relationship deteriorates and deteriorates. More time passes--eight years of this--and they're further away from each other than they ever have been. Neither of them go into town or talk to people all that much because Imogen doesn't want to hear what people are thinking or deal with the pain of it and Relvin doesn't want to bring home what other townsfolk have said that she might be able to skim off him.
That's shattering for both of them. And so, so, so much more tragic than if there was never care or love between them to begin with. It hurts so much because it used to be so much better than this. There was a comfortable familial love between them before, and now it just feels like empty air
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chippedmoon · 5 months
damn, after a weekend of going through this drama, all i'm thinking is: this fandom is fucked up, like, legitimately scary. I always heard people talking about parasocial relationships, but I never really saw it in action (in a fandom I'm in) until now. Kinda terrified of y'all. Like a lot of the responses don't feel like normal behavior.
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steelycunt · 2 years
if you guys read this fic what you’re going to have to remember is. yes r is behaving badly but it is okay because you have to remember that throughout all of this he is just a tiny slightly damp felt gay mouse trying to make it in this big bad human world. and well i think we would all make some bad decisions if we were a slightly damp felt gay mouse trying to make it in this big bad human world. i know i would
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aprilias · 1 month
The casual racism that Guanyu has had to face from people with a lot of influence on F1-centred social media is disheartening to say the least, especially in posts where he’s talking about the racist abuse that he’s had to deal with since signing for Sauber.
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thekingofspin · 3 months
I've got this one friend who actually lacks a brain so bad.
we'll be half way through an important conversation about something like for example we're going on an important trip tomorrow and I'm figuring out bus times because she dosent know how but she knows where the place is and when we have to get there so in this conversation we've been messaging perfectly fine for like 10 minutes straight but then I ask her the important question "when do we need to be there by" and she fucking up and dissappeared FOR 20 MINUTES like girl I'm sitting on this bus app about to put in the times I DONT HAVE THE TIME FOR YOUR HUNTED MANSION GHOST ACT RIGHT NOW WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU. she gets back to me 20 minutes later and says "idk" THEN WHY DID YOU NEED ALL THAT THINKING TIME??? WERE YOU TRYING TO NAVIGATE THE EMPTY VOID THAT IS YOUR MIND??? WATCHING THE FUCKING MONKEY DO FLIPS IN YOUR BRAIN??? WHY DID IT TAKE YOU SO LONG TO BE ABSOLUTELY USLESS. YOU HAVE ONE JOB.
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pinkcadillaccas · 4 months
Blog that I really liked really suddenly got into wincest and that I simply cannot abide by
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glorious-blackout · 2 years
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thundergrace · 2 years
Criminal Minds fans, including myself, really wanted Emily to be queer.
But they made Tara queer instead and I guess representation doesn't matter all that much depending on who it is because fandom is quiet on it pretty much everywhere, as far I've seen.
Very much giving
CM writers: *bisexual Tara*
CM fans: ... wait no, not like that
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crystaldeclear · 2 years
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22 fucking years old, playing in Pogba and Kante’s shoes:
·        Only French player to play every game (623 minutes in total)
·        A goal in the quarter’s v England
·        An average rating of 7.6 across all 7 games
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el pov angle had me stunned but hi hey hello why am i giggling
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ennaih · 9 months
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Not Every Film I Watch In 2024
13. Sajini Shinde Ke Viral Video (2023)
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wild-at-mind · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about the reason I feel so weird about people on tumblr who aren’t living in the UK making jokes about how great it would be if the UK split up and abandoned England (where I live) and made the great Celtic aliance and whatnot....like, I acknowledge I really have no good social justice approved reasons for feeling weird about this. I’m English in England and I do understand the long history of England oppressing and colonising all the other nations. This isn’t in question. I’m sure it would be better for all the other nations if they left England, and if there was a way it could be done very easily and quickly for everyone, then I’d say do it in a heartbeat. It feels really daft of me to be like thinking about actual logistics because of a fucking joke post which no one really needs, but I always do for some reason and it’s just so stressful to think about. The UK is fucking falling apart right now, it can’t manage anything. Our last Prime Minister lasted 49 days. No one has been elected as PM for like a decade, they all just take over from the last failure in this fucking endless conservative government. It feels never ending. I feel like it was also really easy for people outside the UK to judge Brexit as a terrible idea, but from the inside it was never that simple. It was a really bad idea for sure, and it caused this massive influx of xenophobia, but while it was going on it was all so complicated and there was so much shit on both sides. You would think it would be easy to say like ‘I don’t want to be on the side of xenophobia so I’m anti-Brexit’, but then you would get accused of being in an ivory tower and not affected by the employment issues concerned caused by EU workers or w/e. Someone would write a thinkpiece calling you classist or something, using the exact same emotive language people deploy all the time on here for their good causes. It’s not so easy to be like ‘ok this is good emotive language making me think the right thing, and this is bad emotive language making me think the wrong thing’. In reality, of course, it was never a case of just working class people wanting Brexit and just middle class people wanting remain, that was more fucking propaganda and it was sooooo much more complicated than that. I hope this is starting to get across the problem a bit. A few people were even arguing that Brexit was good because more workers of colour could come into the country if we stopped having so many white EU workers so Brexit could actually be anti-racist. (As if the current government would willingly do anything like that...lol.) What I’m trying to say is it split the country in so many ways, it was a really ugly time. I have heard similar things from people living in Scotland about the last push for Scottish Independance. Whether you were pro or anti, it got ugly and caused massive painful rifts. Now, i do think at some point Scotland will gain independance and I will cheer them on. But it won’t be an easy split, because they never are. The other thing I think gets glossed over is that we aren’t a very big country, of course there’s a lot of movement, many people in England have very recent roots in Scotland, Wales and/or NI. When you make it more distant roots, then it’s a vast percentage. And it’s worth noting that identifying as English specifically, if you live in England, has some connotations of racism and xenophobia against immigrants. (England for the English, that kind of fucked up thing.) People who do not want those connotations who live in England will tend to use the term British to self describe. I don’t know what it means to be ‘English’, specifically, without racism coming into the frame pretty quickly. I think that’s why these posts also read a bit as if annexing England will free the other nations from racism, whether or not that was the intention.
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Out of the final 6 that were chosen I like her the most. Which also means shes not gonna win ahah
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