#but ravenpaw's eyes?
cicadagaze · 1 year
there are not many design discourse things I feel very strongly about. the color of Ravenpaw's eyes is one of the only ones that I am willing to fight to the death for
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warriorcatslooks · 5 months
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Some more designs for the au !! Cinderpelt who is living with Barley and Ravenpaw, a posessed Bluestar, Runningnose who has just been told by Starclan that his clan is doomed and a scared Smudge.
More of the 'Blue eye's au'
The plot takes place during the 'Rising storm' book, Thunderclan has taken Brokenstar as prisoner after the battle in Shadowclan. Yellowfang poisons Brokenstar with the deathberries and Bluestar is made aware of it but does nothing to stop it.
Bluestar, still shocked by Tigerstar's betrayal starts to refuse her leader duties. She ignores signs from Starclan and doesn't take her clan to join the gatherings. This angers starclan and leads to them taking over Thunderclan. They intend to punish the clan by making them battle Shadowclan once again. Since Nightstar attempted to get nine lives while Brokenstar was still alive the angerd Starclan feel this is a fitting punishment for both Thunder and Shadowclan.
Then Princess steps in and saves the day aka tries to help her brother escape the cult now posessed by dead cats
(Ill work out all the details later lol I don't know if I want to expand the au to involve Shadowclan as well (mostly an excuse to include Runningnose lol) or if I wanna keep it witnin Thunderclan.
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notwarriorswiki · 10 months
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simbasomba · 4 months
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Congrats on escaping the narrative and getting a boyfriend
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saffronscales · 1 year
nonbinary ravenpaw.. my beloved
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frogcroak · 8 months
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Icons from Graystripe’s Adventure: Warrior's Refuge, art by James L. Barry
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Yet another evil dark brown tabby tom because the Erins are very original <3
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talonslockau · 6 months
Fire and Ice - Chapter 12
Chapter 11 || Index || Chapter 13
With their bellies full, the two apprentices found their way over to the elders' den, where the elders were enjoying the afternoon sun on their fur. Though Graypaw strode forward confidently, Firepaw lagged behind, trying to keep his paws light as though the silence would keep them from noticing him. It didn't.
"So we finally get to meet the new apprentice." He looked over to see the brown tabby Halftail talking, one eye open as he observed the two approach. “Here I was thinking we’d finally get to meet you when you joined us yourself.”
Firepaw dipped his head respectfully to the elder, hoping that such displays of courtesy would get on the tom’s good side. “Tinyfrost has been keeping me busy.” He mewed.
“The past few days have been quite eventful. We can hardly blame them.” A white molly spoke up from a sunny spot nearby. Her only eye was soft as she regarded the two. “It’s good to meet you at last, Firepaw. And how is my only grandson doing?”
Graypaw shifted nervously beside him. “I’m doing good, One-eye.” He mumbled, barely audible even to Firepaw. “I’m just here to help Firepaw out, since it’s his first time on elder duty.”
“I should have guessed you two weren’t here out of the goodness of your hearts.” One-eye rolled her eye as she glanced at a small tom beside her. “What did you do to get assigned to take care of us ancient sods, hmm?”
Firepaw’s tail lowered further as he remembered his thorough humiliation at the paws of Patchpelt. “I talked back to Patchpelt.” He grumbled, not daring to look directly at any of them.
“That bitter old crow probably deserved it.” He blinked up in surprise as the tom next to One-eye spoke. “He likes to act all big and mighty, as if he wasn’t quite the little hothead back when he was an apprentice.”
“Remember when he tried to kill every adder in Snakerocks? He was in the healer’s den for a moon!” One-eye chortled as she remembered the distant memory. “His warrior ceremony was delayed for a season because of it.”
Firepaw allowed himself a small smile at the thought. “He acted like he’d never heard such a disrespectful apprentice.” He admitted out loud.
“Oh, nonsense. If talking back is the worst thing you do as an apprentice, you’ll be the best apprentice Thunderclan has ever had.” One-eye purred at the thought. “Remember the trouble Bluestar got into, Smallear? She once brought a fox back to camp!”
The tom next to her snorted. “Oh, I remember. Goosefeather thought she was either going to be the death of the Clan or its greatest warrior.” He glanced over to where she was talking with Quickflash. “I’m glad she ended up being the latter.”
Firepaw looked back and forth as the two bantered. “Who is Goosefeather?” He asked quickly, glancing at Graypaw in the hopes he would explain. The other apprentice just shrugged, clearly as clueless as he was.
“Goosefeather was Spottedleaf’s mentor. He was a crazy old tom, even by healer standards. He used to constantly claim Starclan was going to destroy us all.” Halftail rolled his eyes. “When One-eye lost her eye, he said it meant the Clan was doomed to blindly stumble into danger. When I lost my tail, it was a sign that the first cat to climb a tree would die on the spot!”
Firepaw shivered at the thought. “At least Spottedleaf doesn’t seem that…odd.”
Halftail purred at the mention of the Clan’s healer. “On the contrary! I dare say Spottedleaf is the best healer this Clan has ever had. No thanks to her mentor.” He sighed as a distant look came into his eyes. “She was always so level-headed, even as an apprentice. Between that and her beauty, she had all the young toms in the Clan wrapped around her paw. She broke many hearts the day she chose to become a healer instead.”
One-eye snorted. “Those days are long past. Besides, I doubt these apprentices want to hear about your old crush. I certainly don’t.” She grumbled, tail flicking languidly. “Why don’t you two start by taking out our old moss? Just be careful not to disturb Rosetail in there. She had a bad vole, and I’m certain she doesn’t want to be woken up by two noisy apprentices.”
Graypaw nodded. “Of course, One-eye. C’mon, Firepaw. We’ve got to take their old bedding out to the dirtplace, so we can replace it with fresh bedding. Just follow my lead.” With that, he dipped into the hollow of the elders' den, the other tom quickly padding after him, careful not to make any sound.
It was dark inside, and it took his eyes a moment to adjust. When they did, he could see several well-made nests, sturdy woven branches containing an almost excessive amount of moss. There were many more of them than there were elders outside, but he could tell through scent which ones were vacant and which ones were occupied.
Close to the back of the hollow, he could see a dark shape moving faintly; Rosetail, if he had to guess. He carefully avoided it as he came up beside Graypaw, who was busily scraping together One-eye’s nest. He did his best to copy him, bundling together the mossy padding that reeked of Smallear with his paws until it was as compact as he could make it.
He then watched as Graypaw collected the moss under his chin, and carefully did the same, tucking it as close as he could to his chest to prevent any from falling to the ground as they made their way outside. The three elders, now dozing in the sunlight, didn’t pay them any mind as they trundled past and through the entrance of camp.
He was thankful that his fellow apprentice knew the way without even needing to look up, a feat he was yet to accomplish. They made their way up the ravine, away from camp, until they reached a sandy clearing covered in tall, bright yellow flowers. The sweet fragrance of the flowers was the first thing he scented, doing its best to cover up the smell of the dirt beneath it.
Copying the gray tom, he dropped the moss ball at his feet, taking a moment to spit out stray hairs and bits of moss before raking his former burden open and doing his best to scatter it under the flowers.
“The elders seemed quite charmed by you.” Graypaw finally spoke, glancing back at him. “Guess you didn’t need to worry, huh?”
Firepaw shrugged. “I think they were mostly being nice because One-eye was.” He felt a pang as he thought of the love with which she had spoken to her grandson. “She seems to really care for you.”
Graypaw flicked an ear dismissively at that. “I’m her only grandson. It’s not that weird.” He glanced over to the ruddy tom. “I mean, surely your grandparents were like that, right?”
He felt a pang at the mention of his family. “I never met them.” At the surprise in Graypaw’s eyes, he sighed. “Kittypets don’t really have families. I was only with my mother until I was two moons old.” He glanced down at his paws, scuffling them in the dirt. “I barely remember her or my littermates. I don’t even know who my father was.”
“That’s horrible!” The other apprentice gasped, outright horror in his voice. “Two moons old? That’s barely old enough to eat prey!”
“Yeah. They usually take us away as soon as we don’t need milk.” He shrugged. “It was just normal, though. I didn’t really think anything of it until…” He glanced back to camp, unsure how to explain how deeply Clan life had shocked him.
“I see.” There was silence for a few moments. “Well, I know my mom would adopt you in a heartbeat if she knew! Dad too, probably.” He was surprised as Graypaw gently rubbed against him. “And I know I’ve always wanted a brother.”
Firepaw looked up to meet him in the eye, managing a small smile. “I don’t know about all that…” He trailed off, before leaning back into Graypaw. “But I’m glad to have a good friend in you.”
The fluffy gray tom nodded firmly. “Always. Best friends.” He finally pulled away, flicking his tail towards the forest edge. “C’mon, let’s go fetch some moss for the new nests.”
Firepaw followed Graypaw as he made his way up the ravine slope, carefully leaping from boulder to boulder until they reached a cluster of sturdy maple trees. "Now, the trick to collecting moss is to collect it as high up as possible. The lower stuff is always wet, and the elders despise wet moss more than anything else."
"More than Shadowclan?" Firepaw asked jokingly.
The other apprentice nodded grimly. "Even more than Shadowclan. At least Shadowclan doesn't disturb their dozing!" Reaching up a moss-covered trunk, Graypaw hooked his claws in and pulled away a layer of moss with a satisfying ripping sound. "Plus, the dry stuff tears away easier than the wet moss. Once you start feeling a lot of resistance, that's when you should stop and try another spot."
It seemed simple enough with how he had described it, so Firepaw looked around for his own spot. "How much do we need?" He questioned, hopeful that they would be done with their work swiftly.
"As much as you can carry." Graypaw's words quickly dispelled any illusions that this would be quick. "The more layers, the happier they are. If it were up to them, they'd get Starclan themselves to pull the clouds out of the sky for them to sleep on!"
The ginger tom snorted at the thought. "Too bad we can't possibly live up to those standards." He responded, stretching as far as he could up another tree and ripping away the soft plants covering it. He was surprised how easily it folded under his claws, gently falling onto his fur.
"They sure try to make us." Graypaw's voice was weary, evidently speaking from experience. "When we were kits, Smallear was always getting upset that we couldn't collect dry moss in two shakes of his tail. Luckily One-eye talked him down most of the time." He huffed angrily at the memories of past scoldings.
He glanced over to the gray tom curiously. "Is it normal for kits to do apprentice duties?" He wondered aloud as he scraped down another layer of moss.
The other apprentice grumbled. "No, it's not. But when Dustleap and Sandstorm became warriors, only Ravenpaw was left to do apprentice duties, and he couldn't wait on the elders all the time. He had training to do, after all." He sighed as he half-heartedly gathered more bedding. "And since we were old enough to go out of camp, Mom thought it would keep us out of trouble if we did some apprentice duties instead."
He nodded sympathetically at the explanation. "That must have been terrible."
"I hated it, but Pepperpaw and Dewpaw loved listening to the elders' stories. And anyways, all that practice means I can help you out now!" He glanced over the moss they'd gathered. "This should be enough for Smallear and One-eye's nests. Let's head back." Gathering up what he'd collected into a tight ball, Graypaw flicked his tail for Firepaw to follow him.
He quickly copied the other with his own pile of moss, careful to tuck it under his chin before following his friend’s fluffy tail through the forest. After a few moments, it was with a flicker of surprise that he realized he recognized where they were; already, the path out of camp and up the ravine was becoming familiar to him, his paws slipping easily into the well-grooved pawprints of those that came before him.
Soundlessly, the two made their way through the entrance and filed into the dark hollow of the elders’ den, where Rosetail was still sleeping. Firepaw watched as Graypaw dropped his moss ball into the now-empty nest, then expertly raked it open to scatter the moss within. He carefully began to cut into his own, still focused on Graypaw as he began to knead the moss with his claws, pulling it apart and fluffing it so that it filled the woven nest to the brim.
It was surprisingly more difficult than he expected, carefully massaging the clumps out to give the nest a light, fluffy feeling. It seemed nest-making was a skill just as much as hunting or fighting was, one he was certain he would get a lot of practice in before he became a warrior.
It wasn’t long before he had finished, by which point Graypaw had already gathered up Halftail’s dirty moss and begun carrying it out. Firepaw didn’t hesitate to follow him, trotting quickly towards the entrance to catch up with the other tom.
Graypaw glanced at him in surprise as he finally came up alongside the fluffy apprentice, quickly pausing and dropping the moss. “Oh, hey. I don’t think I’ll need help fetching Halftail’s moss or making his nest…” He blinked and glanced over to where the three elders were still sunning themselves. “Maybe you should check and see if they want anything else? Any more prey, maybe, or if they have any ticks that need cracking? The season’s still young, but…” He trailed off as he looked back to Firepaw.
Firepaw flicked an ear uneasily. “Are you sure? I mean, this is my punishment…”
Graypaw waved his friend’s worrying away with a paw. “We’re both on elder duty now. Let’s meet back up at the nursery, alright?” With that, he picked his bundle back up and disappeared through the bramble tunnel.
“Alright…” Firepaw echoed after him, turning to look over the elders. He crept forward, keeping his tail down as he made his way to them. “Uhm, now that we’ve finished with your nests, do you want us to fetch you anything?” He kept his voice low, careful not to let it get loud enough to disturb Rosetail inside.
“Yea, some peace and quiet.” Smallear snapped, opening one eye to glare at the new apprentice. “We’re not mute. If we want something, we’ll tell you.” He flicked his tail lazily as he closed his eyes again. “Now go away.”
None of the other elders spoke, and Firepaw wasn’t about to argue with such an obvious dismissal. Delicately tiptoeing away, he turned to scan the clearing, searching his memory for where the nursery was. After a few moments, he spotted two queens sitting outside a thicket of brambles and bracken, which he belatedly recalled Graypaw mentioning to be the nursery.
He made his way across the clearing, dipping his head in respect as he approached. "Good afternoon. Do you need any help in the nursery?" He asked, glancing between a golden-furred queen and her snow-colored companion.
The white queen was the first to respond. "We don't need any of your help." She snapped, blue eyes narrowed as she fixed him with a steely gaze.
He was taken aback by the cold response, about to walk away when the other queen spoke. "What Frostfur means is that we have everything taken care of. Pepperpaw was already by before sunhigh to make sure we had what we needed." She gently placed her tail over Frostfur's flank as though to calm her. The other queen glanced at her briefly, but didn't dispute her words. "It's good to finally meet you. I'm Goldenflower, and this is my mate, Frostfur." She shot a warm glance towards the other queen, whiskers twitching as she gave a gentle smile.
Firepaw allowed himself to relax slightly at the much kinder words from the second queen. "I'm Firepaw. But, uh, I guess you already knew that, from my ceremony." He added quickly, feeling the warm blush of embarrassment heating his fur.
Goldenflower's only response to his stammering was to purr. "Thank you for coming by, Firepaw. It's good to know that our Clan has such dedicated apprentices in these trying times." A shadow flickered across her face, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. "But we needn't keep you from your other duties. If we need anything, we'll let you know."
He nodded, grateful for the dismissal. "Of course, Goldenflower. Anything you need." With that, he hurried away, eager to get away before he could further embarrass himself in front of the two queens.
To his surprise, Graypaw was coming across the clearing towards him, evidently done with Halftail's nest. "Sorry, Firepaw." The fluffy tom panted, clearly having tried to arrive quickly enough to help him. "I should have warned you."
Firepaw glanced behind him to see the two queens deep in conversation. "About Frostfur?" He guessed, turning back to the other apprentice.
He winced and nodded. "Don't say it to her face, but everyone else calls her 'Frostfury', because of her tongue." Graypaw brushed against him sympathetically. "It's not just you, don't worry. The only cats she spares from her tongue lashings are kits and her mate."
"It wasn't that bad. She just surprised me, that's all." Firepaw shook his head. "I mean, everyone's been so welcoming, except for Dustleap and Sandstorm… I guess I should've expected a few other cats to be mad about it."
Graypaw snorted. "Don't take it to heart. She's mad about everything. Even Starclan, I bet." He gestured to the healer's den. "On the positive side, that just leaves helping Spottedleaf out before we're done for the day!"
He grinned at the thought of getting the rest of the day off. Though the sun was setting, it was still high enough in the sky that they would have some time before needing to return to their nests. "Lead the way." He told Graypaw eagerly.
The two made their way over to the gap in the ravine wall that hid the healer's den. He couldn't wait to see what was inside, though he was glad that it wasn't because he was injured. Peering in, he heard the faint rustling of someone else inside.
He was surprised to see that the cave inside wasn't dark at all, but lit by a large crack in the ceiling of the cave high above them. Farther in, a small waterfall trickled into a deep, clear pool, providing ample amounts of clean water for the healer and their patients. To his right were the same well-made nests of the elders' den, filled to the brim with soft moss. And to his left…
"Graypaw! How can I help you?" A long-furred tortoiseshell molly pushed away from where she was sorting through a stockpile of several dozen flowers, eyes widening as she noticed him standing there too. "And young Firepaw! It's nice to see you at last. I'm sorry I wasn't able to treat you after your fight with Dustleap, but it seems you've recovered just fine."
Firepaw nodded, taking a furtive lick at his shoulder, where a deep cut from the fight with Dustleap still ached. "He didn't really get me anyways." He lied, hoping she wasn't able to see any scratches from where she was.
Her green eyes glinted at him in the low light. "I see." She responded, her tone flat and unimpressed. "You should let me look you over, just in case. If you're not careful, these sorts of wounds can get infected, and then it'll be a bigger problem for me than it was in the first place."
She approached, close enough that he could see the beginnings of silver fur flecking her muzzle. "No, it's quite alright." He mumbled, shaking his head and backing away. "We actually came here to see if we could help you with anything."
Spottedleaf tilted her head at him, clearly considering whether to push it further. Finally, she shrugged and stepped back. "Well, I don't need any more herbs at the moment. Dewpaw already came in and volunteered to go look for some feverfew just after sunhigh. She should be back soon."
Pausing for a moment, the healer glanced over to one of the nests. "I'm actually going to see Rosetail and make sure it's just a bad vole she ate." She stepped towards both of them, lowering her voice to a whisper. "However, I feel as though Ravenpaw is bothered by more than his injuries, but he won't talk to me about it. Could the two of you talk to him instead? He might be more willing to open up with other apprentices."
Firepaw glanced at Graypaw, who shrugged and nodded. "Sure, if Ravenpaw wouldn't mind some company." The gray apprentice replied amicably.
She nodded and pulled away, turning back to her herbs. "I think he could use some company now that he's stable." Her voice was flat again as she picked out several flowers Firepaw didn't recognize. "You three can talk until I get back from tending to Rosetail. After that, he needs his rest." With that, she collected her herbs and pushed past them to the entrance.
Firepaw turned his attention to the nests, which were all empty, with one exception. "Hey, Ravenpaw. How are you feeling today?" Graypaw padded over softly, nosing the older apprentice gently.
The black tom lifted his head to look at them, his eyes containing a clarity they hadn't the night prior. “I’m doing better.” He admitted, his voice a little raspy. “I’m sorry for spooking you last night. I’d just had a bad dream, and...”
“It’s okay. We understand. It’s been a difficult few days.” Graypaw shushed him with his paw before turning to Firepaw. “Do you remember Firepaw? I told you about him when I got back from my first patrol.”
Ravenpaw’s ears perked as he looked from Graypaw to the flame-colored apprentice. “This is that kittypet?” He asked, tilting his head as he studied the tom from head to toe.
“I was a kittypet.” Firepaw admitted with a dip of his head. “But Bluestar allowed me to join. I’m training under Tinyfrost now.” His fur prickled along his spine as he mentioned his mentor, trying not to think of the fury in the warrior’s gaze during that morning’s training.
Ravenpaw’s expression was unreadable for several moments, before he finally nodded solemnly. “It’s nice to meet you, Firepaw. I’d like to say I’m looking forward to training alongside you, but…” He nosed his shoulder, which was covered in something pale.
“That was quite a nasty wound you got during the battle. Do you think it’ll scar?” Graypaw jumped in, purring as he nosed his friend’s good shoulder.
“That’s what Spottedleaf said. Right before she said I’m not allowed to leave the den for half a moon.” The sleek black tom sighed as he rested his head back on his paws. “Dad’s not…” He swallowed hard, gaze flicking away from the two of them. “He’s not happy.” He mumbled.
“Yeah, he was really upset at Riverclan. But you can’t blame him. They killed Redtail and injured you!” Graypaw huffed. “He worries about you, you know.” He added with a small purr.
“Something like that.” Ravenpaw mumbled, still not looking back to them. “I appreciate you guys checking in on me, but I’ll be fine. Really-”
“Graypaw? Firepaw?” A voice interrupted him from behind them, and the two apprentices turned to see Dewpaw had entered the den, carrying a bundle of small white flowers. “What are you two doing in here? Ravenpaw’s supposed to be resting.”
The two looked to each other, as Firepaw debated whether to mention Spottedleaf’s task. “We just wanted to see if Ravenpaw was okay after last night, was all.” He finally said, erring on the side of caution.
She paused, glancing past them to the dark apprentice. “Well… that’s probably okay. But you should get out before Spottedleaf comes back. She looked like she was almost done with Rosetail when I walked by.” She turned away, beginning to sort the flowers into a small stone cubby.
“Uh, yeah, of course.” Graypaw mumbled as the two toms turned back to Spottedleaf’s only patient. “We’ll see you later then, Ravenpaw.”
He sighed and flicked his white-tipped tail to the entrance. “Yea. Later.”
The two hurried out to see Spottedleaf making her way over to them, still holding several herbs. “Firepaw! Graypaw!” She called, setting down her bundle as she stopped in front of them. “How did it go?”
“Well…” Firepaw hesitated as he glanced at his companion. “I think he’s okay, given everything that happened. He’s just upset that he’s not able to train at all for a while.”
The healer sighed at his words. “If his mentor wasn’t Darkstripe, I would let him train sooner. But Darkstripe has always been eager to impress Tigerclaw and Bluestar, and I’m afraid if I gave him the okay, he’d get straight back to battle training… Though...” She trailed off, lost in thought for a moment, before she shook her head wistfully. “But that’s not something you two need to worry about. Thank you for checking up on him for me. I suppose he must just be taking Redtail’s death hard.”
“It was no problem. We’re glad to help.” Graypaw purred, dipping his head respectfully. Firepaw quickly copied him. “Is there anything else you need, Spottedleaf?”
She shook her head. “Not right now. Have a good evening, you two.” With that, the tortoiseshell molly picked up her herbs and trotted past them into her den.
Firepaw glanced around camp. It didn’t seem like the late day patrols had returned yet, and with the exception of a couple of hushed conversations, all seemed quiet. “So what do we do now?”
“Now?” Graypaw let out a huge yawn. “I’m exhausted. The dawn patrol leaves far too early.” He flicked his tail towards the apprentices’ den. “I’m gonna take a nap. You’re welcome to join me if you want.” With that, he made a beeline across camp towards their fern-covered den.
Firepaw paused for a moment, glancing towards the warrior’s den to see if his mentor was watching. He didn’t see him, and after a couple of moments he shrugged and followed Graypaw. He’d done his duty to the Clan, after all; if his friend was so relaxed, he had no reason to worry.
He pushed his way through the ferns to see the fluffy tom had already collapsed on his sleeping spot. “Good dreams, Graypaw.” He purred softly as he circled his own nest, kneading it for several moments before laying down.
“Mmph.” The other apprentice only grunted, clearly already half asleep. With a small smile, Firepaw closed his own eyes, allowing himself to drift into a dreamless slumber as the sun began to fall below the tree line.
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blimbo-buddy · 1 year
"What color do you think DoveWing's eyes are": Boring, uninspired, done to death, not good "What color do you think RavenPaw's eyes are": New, refreshing, nice little topic/discussion
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warrior-cats-rewritten · 11 months
So to avoid an uncomfortable age gap and some incest I have redone a portion of family tree
Squirrelwhisker and Eaglestorm have Windflight
Windflight and Rainfur have Tawnyspots
Tawnyspots' mate was Flypelt, a trans tom who died soon after he gave birth to Thrushpelt and Grayflower from Greencough. Grayflower and Thrushpelt are now young apprentices when Bluestar's Prophecy begins (Also, Sparrowpelt/Halftail and White-eye/One-eye are swapping places to make her truly the oldest cat. Sparrowpelt is Speckletail's brother, White-eye has no really discernable parentage, her parents were just generic Thunderclan warriors, not enough for The Named Zone.
Grayflower is now the mother of Dustpelt, Cherryshine and Ravenpaw. Their father? Well, she never says. She keeps that private. Some cats have their whispers but Grayflower is so loyal to Thunderclan, most cats just assume there was a bad breakup involved.
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wafiritaque · 9 months
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These are my 21 of my favorite characters from the TPB arc :D
I could go into detail on why I love them all, and I might
If you want my opinions on any warrior cats characters, you can ask :)
I still have a lot of other favorites that I either missed or forgot, some of them being: Ferncloud, Lionheart and Barley :)
Anyway, this is from https://wcpicker.neocities.org/picker
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cicadagaze · 1 year
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otterwhisker · 8 months
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Ravenpaw my sweet boy
I really like him, being an anxious little guy and his relationship with Barley. Idk what to think of the design, probably going to redraw him
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kriscommitscrimes · 1 year
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im not in the warrior cats fandom anymore, but one of my mutual offsite made a MAProject with one of my favourite songs, so I made a thumbnail entry!! This is WAY too high effort for me oml
touch-tone telephone is by lemon demon!! listen to his music!
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rainheartrivercat · 1 year
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cat-alyzing · 2 years
⚡️Thunder Clique Allegiances⚡️
Icestar: light blue gray molly with darker paws, sharp ears and shadowed pale blue eyes. She has a scar across her shoulder and a chipped ear. Aromantic, ace, agender she/her. (Bluestar) Apprentice, Firepaw
Redtail: mostly pale gray tom with dark ginger patches and tail with pale stripes across his pelt. He has deep amber eyes and tufted ears. Rose petals dot his tail. Son of Rosetail, Brother of Spottedleaf, Mate of Kiteflight and father of Sand. Trans gay he/him.
Spottedleaf: silky mostly black and red molly with spots like leaf rot and glowing orange eyes. Various leaves decorate her mane and rose petals dot her dark tail. Daughter of Rosetail and sister of Redtail. AroAce.
Robinwing: a old tufty furred dark brown molly with heavily scarred back legs, a scratches lip, and slice down the right side of her face with her cold olive eyes sharp. Ex mate of Fuzzyflower, Foster parent to Goldenflower and Lionheart. Cishet she/her.
Rosetail: a pretty gray tabby with muscular frame, long strong legs, and a big fluffy red tail that passed down to he son. Mother of Spottedleaf and Redtail. Trans she/her and pan.
Lynxfoot: thick furred white and pale brown cat with a blind left eye and pale yellow right one. They have very wide paws and is a excellent hunter, the tufts on their ears and shorter tail like their namesake. Parent of Speckletail and adopted parent to Frostfur. Non-binary they/them and aromantic. (One-eye)
Dappletail: beautiful brown and yellow dappled molly with short ears, pretty golden eyes, and fluffy legs. She has dandelions decorating her tail after her kits she lost a long time ago. Cishet she/her.
Whitestorm: big fluffy white tom with a sleek tail, large paws, dull yellow eyes, and willow leaves wrapped around his front foot. Mate of Willowpelt and niece of Icestar. Cishet he/him. Apprentice, Sandpaw
Willowpelt: soft round gray and brown molly with sharp blue eyes, a limp scarred ear, and cut across her belly. She has odd white spots that seem to grow as time goes on. Mate of Whitestorm, Sister of Patchshine. Cis bisexual she/her.
Mousebite: short mousy brown molly with round short ears, long fangs that poke out of her mouth, half blue half yellow eyes, and a long tufted tail. Daughter of Smallear, foster sister of Kiteflight and older foster sister of Sparrowtail. Trans she/her and ace. (Mousefur) Apprentice, Graypaw
Tigerclaw: huge deep red tabby with a thick coat, deep red eyes, short pointy ears, and scars across his front leg and a particular one across his chest. His claws are always sticking out from his paws. Mate of Goldenflower, father to Swift and Lynx, brother of Brindleface, Kit of Goosefeather. Cis but questioning and uses he/him.
Kiteflight: pale brown tabby with swirly stripes, light green eyes, and a long sharp tail. He has nicks in his large ears and a cardinal feather on the base of his tail. Mate of Redtail, father of Sand, brother of Sparrowtail. Cis and gay he/him. (Runningwind)
Darkstripe: dark gray and brown cryptid chimera tom with thick dark stripes, a bent spiky tail, scar across his chest, and sharp blue eyes. Son of Willowpelt, half brother of Gray. Trans he/him and pan leaning towards toms.
Sparrowtail: young sandy tom with brown and black stripes, bright green eyes, a torn ear, long jagged tail, and scar across his chest. Younger brother of Kiteflight, son of Wrenpelt, uncle of Sand. Questioning but uses he/him. (Longtail)
Thrushheart: soft pale brown and white tom with brown speckles on his chest and back, pale green eyes, and flowers twisted around his head. Cis bisexual he/him. (Thrushpelt)
Lionheart: magnificent golden tom with a fluffy mane of fur, deep brown eyes, buff frame, and a branch in his ear to mark him as a builder. Mate of Frostfur, brother of Goldenflower, foster son of Robinwing and Fuzzyflower. Cishet he/him. Apprentice, Dustpaw
Patchshine: small skinny black and white cat with a knack for balancing and a branch in its ear, and pale blue eyes. Sibling of Willowpelt. Non-binary ace they/it. (Patchpelt) Apprentice, Ravenpaw
Dustpaw: spiky slightly stubby tom with dull brown fur and back markings, white across his chest and round green eyes. Brother of Raven. Cis he/him and unlabeled. Mentor is Lionheart
Ravenpaw: tall lanky black cat with white on his chest and tail tip. He has odd purple eyes and wears starling feathers on his tail. Sibling of Dust. Non-binary he/they and questioning, tom leaning. Mentor is Patchshine
Sandpaw: strong pale brown molly with brown stripes and a few black patches, her eyes green. Daughter of Redtail and Kiteflight, niece of Sparrowfeather. Mentor is Whitestorm
Graypaw: round dull gray fluffy tom with a darker stripe down his back and lighter gray on his muzzle, with yellow eyes and messy fur. Son of Willowpelt, half brother of Darkstripe. Unlabeled he/him. Mentor is Mousebite
Firepaw: soft flame colored tom who was a former kittypet, white on his belly, white paws and brilliant green eyes. Trans he/him and bi, poly. Mentor is Icestar
Speckledlight: pale yellow ticked tabby with a short tail, folded ear tips, golden eyes, and a scratch across her side and belly. Perma carer after she lost her litter when a fox broke into camp. Daughter of Lynxfoot and mother of Cricketkit and Featherkit. Cis and unlabeled she/her. (Speckletail)
Frostfur: tall soft white and gray spotted molly with dark blue eyes, a flowy tail, and various herbs decorating her pelt to help him through her pregnancy. Mate of Lionheart, younger adopted sister of Speckledlight and adopted kit of Lynxfoot. Genderfluid bisexual she/he.
Goldenflower: golden molly with black and brown speckles and white on her belly and tail, she is fluffy and has dark brown almost black eyes. Sister of Lionheart, mate of Tigerclaw, mother of Swiftkit and Lynxkit, ‘daughter’ of Robinwing and Fuzzyflower. Cis she/her and lesbian though she tries to push that down.
Brindleface: banded torbie cat with messy fur, a round face, and one blue one green eye. Herbs decorate their pelt to help with their pregnancy. Kit of Goosefeather, sibling of Tigerclaw, cousin of Icestar. Non-binary she/they and pan.
Swiftkit: small white kit with dark brown tabby patches and dark amber eyes. Kit of Goldenflower and Tigerclaw, brother of Lynxkit.
Lynxkit: incredibly skinny dark golden tabby with white speckles and long ears and dull cloudy eyes. Named in honor of her mother’s mentor and to promote strength. Coughing a lot lately worrying her mother a lot. Kit of Goldenflower and Tigerclaw, sister of Swift.
(Soon Ash, Fern, then Bright, Thorn, and Bracken.)
Wrenpelt: skinny brown Tom with silver hairs and a half torn tail. Father of Sparrowtail and Kiteflight, Grandpa of Sand. Cishet he/him. (Halftail)
Fuzzyflower: very spiky furred cat with black fur and golden eyes, daisies dot his pelt as a show of her love to his adopted kits. Ex mate of Robinwing, Parent of Goldenflower and Lionheart, Grandcat of Swift. Genderfluid he/she and bisexual.
Smallear: tiny round eared tom with gray and brown fur, yellow eyes, faint stripes, and a lighter belly. Silver hairs dot his pelt and he has cloudy vision. “Father” of Mousebite. Cishet he/him.
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