#but realistically my maximum might be a thread a day
gemkun · 4 months
i just wanted to say to people that i have written with , have yet to and have still not interacted with ( i’m so sorry ) that if i am not meeting your expectations , i will take no offence if you unfollow. i have an awful tendency to not reach out because of shyness and on top of that i am . . . a terrible replier. and i am so sorry for that. since this is a critical year for me and it’s the first time i’ve faced full time employment , my speed has absolutely fallen but i have always been relatively slow. i also get so easily overwhelmed and forgetful so if i ever miss your messages or anything please don’t hesitate to prod me again i won’t find it as pestering as long as it’s a gentle reminder. thank you for understanding i love you all.
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grrlinthefireplace · 5 years
Hey so I’ve been seeing you post a lot about La Casa de Papel recently. What exactly is it? It looks kinda interesting.
Thank you so much for asking!
I am delighted beyond reason to have the opportunity to tell you - and by extension the entire world - why this show has cleared my skin, watered my crops, and legitimately healed my soul after this particularly soul-crushing season of Grimdark White Man Television almost broke me as a human being.
I will attempt to keep this as spoiler-free as I possibly can, because this is a show that should be experienced in the moment, but in a nutshell, La Casa de Papel is a heist show set in present-day Madrid which follows both a found family of thieves who rob the Royal Mint of Spain, and the law enforcement officials on the outside who are chasing them.
If that is enough for you, go right to your TV or computer, fire up the ol’ Netflix, and don’t waste any more time.
If, however, you need a little more, here are the top five things I flail about to every single person in my life to convince them they need to start watching this show like immediately and then come back and tell me all about it.
For visual flair, we’ll intersperse them with some gifs of ladies, because I know my audience.
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5. character driving plot > plot driving character.
You know that infuriating thing lazy TV writers do where, in order to to hurry up and get to the big explosion or battle scene or dragon attack or whatever, which is the only bit they really care about, they handwave away the whole concept of motivation and make some character do something that any halfway-attentive viewer will immediately clock that they would never actually do?
There is none of that bullshit here.
In its simplest form, the plot of La Casa de Papel is as follows: a brilliant criminal mastermind devises a heist which cannot possibly go wrong, and then we proceed to watch all the ways in which it goes wrong.
This is a fantastic setup for an action story, made even more breathlessly exciting by strategic use of my favorite heist movie plot device (as perfected by Ocean’s Eleven): namely, “scene where it looks like our crime heroes have been outsmarted and are now threatened by a completely unforeseen disaster” immediately followed by “flashback to the team prepping for the heist where we learn that of course they prepared for this exact scenario.”
But from time to time, things do actually go wrong (as they must, or else there would be no story); and, when they do, it is never because you can tell a writer just wanted to write a scene where bullets go flying, and didn’t care how he got there. These characters are so clear, their behavior so consistent, that when gasp-worthy plot twists happen, they happen because of course that character, in this exact scenario, would do that exact thing.
I’m telling you, I came to this show for a ship (more on that in a minute) and I stayed for a swooning, heart-eyes writer crush on the impeccably-designed plot structure and characterization.
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4. High stakes, low gore.
Tone-wise, on a sliding scale of Heist Film Intensity where a really fluffy episode of Leverage is a 1, Reservoir Dogs is a 10, and the Ocean’s franchise is somewhere in the 3-4 range, I would place La Casa at a 5 or a 6, which is perfect for me. I love action, suspense, drama and adventure, but I hate gratuitous violence (especially when it’s pointless and masturbatory and doesn’t contribute anything to the plot) and have a very low tolerance for blood and gore. So I kept waiting for the story to eventually take a hard left turn into Tarantino Land, until eventually it was all just one huge pile of dead bodies, and was genuinely surprised when it didn’t.
This is how I learned just how badly my brain has been fucked up by lazy showrunners who think shock deaths are the only way to raise stakes. During the first season of this show, before I had figured out that it was a Flawless Gem of Television Which So Far Has Not Once Disappointed Me, there were probably a dozen moments where I was absolutely convinced that some character was about to be gruesomely killed for shock value … and I was wrong every single time.
Reader, it was fucking wild.
Every single time I was convinced that person A was going to shoot person B in the head because blah blah maximum angst over here in this part of the story and then it will motivate person C to do this other thing, the show did the hard work of finding a smarter, more unexpected direction to take that character’s story. That means that when deaths do come along - and there are a couple - they feel genuinely earned, and they matter deeply to the story and to us.
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3. I would die for these women.
This show loves women. Like it truly, authentically, uncompromisingly loves women in all our fucked-up messy glorious complexity. There are no “types” or cliches here; no one is forced to be only one thing. Fuck your one-dimensional Strong Female Characters, lazy writers.
For one thing, on many shows you might be lucky if you get maybe one mom who is given a personality and a story outside of motherhood. Often, on shows written by men, the fact of her motherhood diminishes her strength or her agency. On this show, nearly every one of the central female characters is both a mom and an action hero simultaneously. Seriously. By season 3 there are four different battle moms. They’re all different, they’re not all on the same side, they have different perspectives, and their role as mother impacts the story differently, but that’s the joy of having a whole lot of different kinds of women - no one has to be everything to everyone.
These women are complicated. They laugh, they cry, they crack dirty jokes, they get laid, they have babies, they fight, they make mistakes, they fall in love, they grow. Men pull sexist shit and they shut it the fuck down. Some of them have love stories, some of them don’t, but they are never defined by or triangulated around relationships with men. They get to have relationships with each other. All of them are excellent at their jobs.
Tokyo is the kind of hot mess antihero protagonist we’ve been watching middle-aged white men play for decades.
Allison is such a realistic teenage girl it’s genuinely painful to watch.
Monica has one of the best arcs I’ve ever seen on television, this is not a drill.
Alicia is terrifying. (A pregnant black ops interrogator! ON WHAT OTHER FUCKING SHOW!?!??)
Nairobi is unlike any other character you’ve seen on TV before; she’s got a little bit of Parker from Leverage, a little bit of Raven Reyes from The 100, but she’s entirely her own creature and you will fall in love with her instantly.
And Raquel. Oh, my love, my angel, my hero, Inspector Raquel Murillo. Love of my goddamn life. A fierce, kickass hostage negotiator swimming upstream against a tide of workplace misogyny who sometimes has to make the frustrating little male-appeasing compromises we all have to make to get through the workday. A beautiful, sexy, powerful heroine over 40 whose femininity isn’t diminished based on some bullshit notion that, for example, pairing your tough-bitch suit and gun holster with red toenails and a lacy blouse detracts from your strength. A loving mom and daughter who has to juggle raising a small child and caring for an aging parent with the stress of, you know, trying to stop the biggest robbery in the history of Spain. A domestic violence survivor (TW for those who need it; nothing is ever shown onscreen, but it’s discussed several times) who is given the space to discuss the things that have happened to her and how she has worked through them with such dignity, accuracy and respect that you can tell the writers did their homework.
This is a show where you can tell there are women in the writers’ room.
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2. The Professor and Raquel. I don’t want to spoil a single thing for you here except to say that I myself was lured into this show by the promise of electric sexual chemistry between a criminal mastermind and the police inspector hunting him down, and my God I was not disappointed.
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1. Love.
This show came into my life at a period where I was so weary of cynicism on television - so fucking furious at showrunners who dangle hope in front of us and then crush it, who only care about building anything if they can tear it down later, who treat love and fun and joy and hope and family and happiness like they’re intellectually lesser than grimdark nihilism with no soul - that I was honestly kind of broken by it. I was just so. fucking. tired. Tired of “the way we show this heroine is strong is to kill off her love interest.” Tired of “sorry but all this rape and murder is NECESSARY because of REALISM” (particularly rich when coming from shows featuring evil A.I.’s or dragons and ice zombies). Tired of getting invested in relationships - whether ships or friends or found families - only to realize that the show I was watching was always going to sacrifice character to force plot mechanics into place, and those relationships were never going to get the kind of care and focus I wanted them to get.
But that is not this show.
The single most revolutionary thing, to me, about La Casa de Papel - the thing that sets it apart from every other rollercoaster action thrill ride on television - is that every single thread of the plot is tied to love.
Love of all different shapes and sizes - parents and children, friendships, doomed crushes (straight and queer), toxic exes, blossoming romances, siblings - and over it all, a deep, deep love for humanity.
The thing I said before, about how when things go wrong they go wrong in character-driven ways? It’s this. Love is why everything on this show happens. Love is what makes children want to live up to their parents and what makes parents fight to leave a better world for their children. Love is why deaths have stakes. Love is why we spend so much screentime lingering on small moments another show might ignore, like all the thieves at heist camp sitting down every night to have dinner together and argue about paella techniques. Love is what causes chaos in the middle of the heist; when there’s one person in the room you care about more than the others, you can get distracted and take your eye off the ball. Love is how your enemies can get to you, by leveraging or blackmailing the people who matter most, knowing that you’ll crack if they’re in danger. Love, gone wrong, causes toxic men to develop possessive and controlling behavior towards women. Love is how the Professor gets the idea for the heist in the first place. The plan is flawless on paper, but it doesn’t account for the human variable, and over and over again we see that relationships and connection and sex and family and love cause people to behave in unpredictable ways and throw the whole plan into chaos, which is what makes for a dynamic and compelling story.
How refreshing to see a show simply refuse to grant the oft-repeated premise that a show cannot have both high-octane thrills, and a big soft squishy heart, at the same time.
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cindylouwho-2 · 4 years
Etsy’s New Message Response Time Calculations Are Inaccurate, And That Is Hurting Some Sellers
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Etsy has recently made changes to the notices it displays under the "Message [Shop Owner]" button on listings - they are now showing more specific response times to some visitors ("within 2 hours"), and even the words "Speedy responder!" for some shops.  [UPDATE: as of the evening of January 28th, the shorter time frames & “speedy responder!” seem to have disappeared, but the other inaccuracies remain.]
Problem is, the displayed response time is completely wrong for some sellers. I have talked to a few shops that are experiencing this, and I am also one of them. My jewellery shop has displayed "within a few hours" (see screenshot above) since they introduced this notice a few years back, but within the past two weeks that version has vanished entirely, and when you click to message me, you see the notice that I usually reply "within a few days". 
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That is completely incorrect; I respond rapidly throughout the day, and never take more than 12 hours overnight. Hilariously, my second shop shows that I respond with in 2 hours or a few hours, which is more accurate - but I never respond in that shop until after I finish with the jewellery messages.  So, a shop with a slightly slower response time can show a much faster response time. It makes no sense. 
I've complained to Etsy about how this is wildly inaccurate, and they basically said they aren't going to fix it before the next set of updates.. 
So for the moment, Etsy makes some shop owners look like they are lazy and slow to respond to customer questions and problems, and that is no doubt affecting shop sales.
How It Is Supposed To Work
Etsy Support assured me this notice:
counts how quickly a seller replies to the first message sent in a thread; you don’t have to keep replying quickly after the first message
doesn’t count messages marked spam
doesn’t count messages that do not need a reply
Now, if that were true, my notice should obviously say I respond within 12 hours at the very worst, so it is clear that what they told me isn’t what is actually happening to me and to other sellers. So what gives?
It’s likely that it is counting times when a buyer sends duplicate messages (I’ve had 3 or 4 at a time), duplicate requests to cancel a sale, or sends multiple short messages as separate threads. Logically those should fall under “messages that do not need a reply” but Etsy seems to have a different definition of that than the rest of us do. I remember a few times in the past two months when I have received duplicate requests to cancel an order, likely sent by a panicked buyer who thought the first request didn’t go through, or perhaps caused by an Etsy glitch. Most experienced sellers also noticed an increased rate of duplicate messages and short messages in separate threads when Etsy introduced the new message function in 2019. So, poor Etsy UX is likely part of the reason that some of us have inaccurate response times posted in our shops. Unless Etsy gives us more info, though, we can’t be certain. 
Why Should I Care?
It’s perfectly fine to not be worried about this for your own shop, but be aware that Etsy’s own stats show that when sellers respond quickly, they are more likely to close the sale. 
On January 26th, a banner appeared on my Messages page; it states:
"You could get more sales if you respond within 24 hours*
When it comes to providing great customer service, quick response time is key! *Based on data from Jan–Dec 2020, messages sellers responded to within 24 hours led to more sales than messages with a longer response time."
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Obviously we can question that, especially since the evidence is that they are not counting the first response times correctly! But it does make sense. The longer a potential customer has to wait, the more likely it is that they will change their mind or find another place to buy.
Also, if a shopper is in a hurry, they are unlikely to send a message at all when they see that a shop (supposedly) usually does not reply for over 48 hours. This is especially true for Etsy’s core buyers who shop the site many times a year. They will get used to seeing quick response times posted on shops and will wonder why some are slow, and wonder if that is a reflection of all of the seller’s customer service skills. 
By placing this notice on shops, Etsy is definitely driving traffic away from shops with slower response times. 
But there is an even bigger concern for some shops: Etsy uses message response time as a customer service metric. 
“As a seller on Etsy, you’re expected to:
Prepare and ship orders within your chosen processing times and “ship by” dates
Set realistic expectations with accurate listing descriptions and images
Respond to shoppers’ Messages promptly with resolution-focused customer service
Treat shoppers and fellow sellers with respect and courtesy“ [emphasis added]
Etsy looks at these factors when reviewing a shop for closure. So if a shop has a string of bad luck with cases opened or bad feedback, Etsy will also look at their message response time as one of the factors - and that message response time could be wrong, since Etsy is somehow calculating it incorrectly. Shops could potentially be closed because Etsy thinks they don't reply to messages promptly, when they in fact reply pretty quickly.
Note that Etsy also uses their customer service expectations in the Seller Protection Policy. That’s right, a seller could be ineligible for seller protection if they aren’t meeting Etsy’s preferred message response times. (Note they don’t define “promptly”, so I have no clue whether 24 hours or 48 hours is too long for seller protection.)
There’s also the flip side to be worried about: what happens if your displayed response time is much faster than your real response time? Surprisingly, I am hearing from sellers who tell me that Etsy says their usual response time is just 1 hour, which they say is completely inaccurate, and they worry this will set unrealistic buyer expectations. 
Lastly, even when accurate, this notice disadvantages sellers who work fulltime  jobs where they cannot spend time on Etsy, as well as sellers who live in time zones where they will be asleep when the vast majority of Etsy buyers - Americans - are sending them messages. Shop owners without employees who spend long hours actually making their items are also at a disadvantage; replying to messages immediately throughout the day is a lot less efficient than handling them twice a day all at once. On a site with so many sole proprietors, and where you can’t have an employee handle shop messages without giving them access to all of your banking and credit card data, does it make sense to be pushing response times so hard? This is not what many would call “keeping commerce human.”
Needless to say, Etsy needs to fix the errors immediately. The potential harm to affected shops is serious. 
What Can We Do About This?
Unless we know why these response times are sometimes wrong, we can’t guarantee we won’t have a slow response time displayed. Etsy refuses to tell me which messages it took me “a few days” to reply to, so we’re wandering in the dark here. There is no one approach that is guaranteed to work. 
One seller on Reddit suggested using the auto-reply feature all of the time, so buyers always get a response immediately. Bizarrely, this seems like a good suggestion. The notice displayed on your shop does not change when you set the auto-reply, so the buyer has no warning they might not get a real response quickly, and you can compose the auto-reply to say anything you want. However, I suspect that Etsy would frown upon this solution, so it would likely hurt you if your shop goes under review for any other reason. Also, they may have some way of monitoring shops that always have auto-reply on, which could eventually garner your shop a warning. Then there is the fact that the auto-reply can only be set for 5 days maximum, so anyone trying this needs to make sure they reset it each time it runs out. 
Another seller in my Reddit thread said they may start marking every message that doesn’t need a reply as spam. That’s obviously going to annoy Etsy, and could potentially hurt a buyer if they get their messages muted from too many spam reports. We also can’t be sure the spam filter does remove all messages from this notice process, even though Etsy said it does, because we know there is an error somewhere. Definitely always mark actual spam as spam, though; there is no downside to that. 
If you have an incorrect response time displayed, you must contact Etsy to complain. Use this link to contact them, and ask why they are showing this when it is not true. Ask if they are counting duplicate messages from the same person as separate threads needing replies. Ask why they won’t turn this off until it works correctly. Don’t give up. 
It’s also necessary to get the word out on this one. Etsy falsely claiming a seller has slow customer service - something that is guaranteed to drive away some buyers - is coming darn close to outright defamation. 
If your response time notice is inaccurate, please contact me here or on my website; we need to strategize how we are going to force Etsy to fix this inaccuracy. 
This post will be updated as required. 
Last updated: January 28th at 4:40 pm MT. 
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irregularwebcomic · 4 years
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[Irregular Webcomic! #4292](https://ift.tt/2Z3M2mz)
A felucca is the traditional wooden sailing boat used along the Nile River as well as in nearby areas in the eastern Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea. Feluccas use a distinctive triangular lateen rigged sail (also sometimes used by the dhows of the Indian Ocean). After coming up with the idea for this comic, I had to[1] check that it is in fact feasible to sail from Al Balyana to Alexandria in under six days. It simply wouldn't do to make this joke and then have someone point out that it's impossible to sail to Alexandria faster than just waiting for the next train. Firstly, how far is it from Al Balyana to Alexandria? Unfortunately, Google Maps doesn't give travel times or distances for travel by river, but it does offer this driving route, which comes to a distance of 749 km. (As well as this walking route, which clocks in at a relatively leisurely 691 km.) The road route doesn't follow the river, but has some deviations which to my eye very roughly match the meanderings of the Nile, so let's assume a rough distance of 750 km from Al Balyana to Alexandria by river. Secondly, how fast does a felucca typically sail? Good question! Unfortunately I couldn't find any completely straightforward answers to this online. The most informative was this reddit thread, asking essentially the same question (albeit with an amusing typo), but failing to give a definitive answer. One important reference that came up is the hull speed of a water vessel. This is a speed defined as being that at which the length of the vessel's bow wave is equal to the length of the vessel's waterline (the length of the vessel measured at the horizontal line defined by the surface of still water as the vessel floats). The bow wave of a boat is generated by the prow of the vessel pushing through the water, and because it is forced by the boat it necessarily has a wave speed equal to the speed of the boat. Fluid dynamics tells us that the wavelength of a water surface wave is proportional to the square of its velocity:
wavelength = K × (velocity)2
bow wave velocity = √(wavelength / K)
Setting the wavelength equal to the vessel's waterline length gives:
hull speed (by definition) = bow wave velocity (when wavelength = waterline length) = √(waterline length / K)
hull speed = k √(waterline length)
where k = 1/√K is just another constant. This constant k is typically given as 1.34 when the waterline is measured in feet and the vessel speed in knots. This corresponds to 1.25 if the waterline length is in metres and the speed in metres per second. Now, all we've done so far is define what the hull speed of a water vessel is. The actual speed of a boat also depends critically on how much power is being applied to propel it forwards, whether that be by means of an engine, a sail, or rowing (or indeed quanting, or being towed by draft animals). Simply put, the more power, the faster the vessel goes. Where the hull speed comes in is in figuring out how much resistance to motion the water offers. At low speeds, when the bow wave length is very short compared to the vessel's waterline length, the water resistance is fairly constant. To figure out the relationship between motive power and water vessel speed, I tried a quick Google search, but didn't turn up an explicit equation, so I turned to one of the best resources available for calculating this sort of thing. Yes, you guessed it: GURPS Vehicles.[2] Page 131 of this roleplaying game sourcebook has this formula:
top water speed = 6 × ∛[(aquatic motive thrust) / (hydrodynamic drag)] miles per hour
hydrodynamic drag = ∛(loaded weight - contragravity lift)2 / (hydrodynamic lines)
where (hydrodynamic lines) is a constant ranging from 1 for unstreamlined (e.g. a log) to 10 for average boat lines to 20 for very fine streamlining, plus 10% for a trimaran or 20% for a catamaran.[3] So, I'm willing to believe that—essentially—the top speed of a surface water vessel is proportional to the cube root of the thrust. But I still wanted to check if such a relationship can be found elsewhere. The best I could find was this (public domain) graph of power versus speed for a displacement hull from Wikipedia's page on Wave-making resistance: A quick and dirty measurement of points on the curve, plugged into a spreadsheet, then taking logarithms and plotting to find the slope, gives a value of around 2.7-2.9 for the power law exponent. This is of course a bit rough, but is within spitting distance of a cubic relationship, which gives me more confidence that GURPS Vehicles is correct to at least a first order approximation. Good. Now, the hull speed comes about as a concept because when the boat is going fast enough to create a bow wave whose wavelength begins to approach the length of the waterline, you start to get some additional drag effects. Importantly, if the bow wave wavelength grows to 2/3 the waterline length, then the bow is sitting on the crest of the bow wave, while the stern of the boat is 1.5 wavelengths behind, in the next following trough. This adds turbulence because the stern of the boat also produces a wave system, and being in the bow wave trough causes constructive interference, increasing the energy lost into the water. If the boat powers through this up to the hull speed, the bow wave wavelength now equals the waterline length, and the bw and stern both sit on a wave crest. This is actually the least efficient mode for propelling a simple displacement hull (as opposed to a hydrofoil), and the amount of power required to go any now faster climbs steeply. But if you simply apply MOAR POWER, you can continue to make your boat go faster. Eventually the bow wave wavelength approaches 1.5 times the waterline length. Now the bow is sitting on the bow wave crest, while the stern is sitting down in the immediately following trough, which means that your boat is now essentially moving uphill along the water surface. As you might imagine, this makes it even more difficult to propel the boat, compared to along a nice flat water surface. MOAR POWER!!! will break you through this regime, into the zone where the bow wave wavelength is significantly greater than the vessel's waterline length. Now the boat is what is known as planing across the water, and in this zone efficiency increases again. This (public domain) image from the US Naval Academy Engineering 400 Class, Chapter 7. RESISTANCE AND POWERING OF SHIPS (P. 7-17), as available in Wikimedia Commons, illustrates the principle: So, in short, the hull speed is not a maximum theoretical speed for a boat, but rather a speed around which it becomes very inefficient in terms of its power to speed ratio. Well above the hull speed, that efficiency returns. But for a standard displacement hulled sailing vessel, gaining enough power to break through the hull speed regime is always going to be difficult at best. Modern racing yachts and sailing dinghies can be designed to facilitate planing, but traditional sail-powered vessels such as feluccas are essentially limited to their hull speed as a maximum speed. So what is the hull speed of a felucca? This first hand account says Nile feluccas range from about 15 to 30 feet in length. That gives them a hull speed of from 5.2 to 7.3 knots, or 9.6 to 13.5 km/h. If we assume that the winds are good and our felucca can make top speed, that gives us a total sailing time of 55-78 hours to cover the distance from Al Balyana to Alexandria, depending on the length of the felucca. So if we sail 10-13 hours a day, you can indeed make the trip in 6 days! If the owner only pulls to shore to sleep for 8 hours and sails for a full 16 each day, you can make the distance in 6 days at the relatively leisurely speed of just 7.8 km/h (or 4.2 knots), which should be doable. Moreover, these are the theoretical speeds of a felucca relative to the water. The Nile flows downstream, from Al Balyana towards Alexandria. Even just holding onto a log, you would drift downstream and travel all the way eventually. So you can also add the speed of the water flow to the speed of the boat relative to the land. So a bit more research is required for our full answer. Again, I didn't find any really good references for how fast the Nile flows. But I did find some stuff mentioning that the speed of rivers is highly variable, of course, depending on the terrain they are flowing over. But a reasonable speed for a large river is somewhere from 0-3 m/s, which adds anywhere from 0 to 10.8 km/h to our felucca speed. If we say the average speed over the length of the Nile between Al Balyana and Alexandria is 5 km/h, this makes our felucca speed anything up to 18.5 km/h, which can cover the distance in just 40.5 hours.[4] I really don't think a felucca would average a speed that high in practice, but even our previous high estimate of 78 hours sailing time makes it not unreasonable for our felucca owner here to state that he can get the Joneses to Alexandria in 5, maybe 6, days. And so, the joke in this comic is valid. [1] For some definition of "had to". [2] For those not in the know, GURPS is a roleplaying game system, in the next tier of popularity down from the one occupied solely by the genre-defining behemoth that is Dungeons & Dragons. In contrast to the relatively high level of abstraction in Dungeons & Dragons, GURPS is known for being much more simulationist and realistic. Its sourcebooks are often cited for the depth and accuracy of their real world research, backed up by extensive bibliographies.[2a] GURPS Vehicles is without a doubt the pinnacle of this approach to gaming. It includes very detailed rules for designing almost any sort of vehicle you can imagine, from dugout canoe to faster-than-light spaceship, and then deriving all of the important statistics of the finished vehicle from the previous construction steps.[2b] It is uncannily accurate. You can design a horse-drawn cart, a steam locomotive, a modern motor car, a helicopter, or a space shuttle using the known real world parameters for vehicle mass, engine power, and so on, and the included formulae within GURPS Vehicles will tell you the maximum speed, acceleration, cost, fuel consumption, etc, etc, of the vehicle, accurate to within maybe 10% of the real world values. [2a] Also, I wrote a couple of them. And if you buy the PDFs I get royalties. [2b] Obviously the performance of a faster-than-light engine has to be somewhat fictionalised. But you get the point. [3] Yes, those formulae have cube roots in them. And you thought Dungeons & Dragons players were nerds. [4] In fact, just drifting with your log 24 hours a day, you could make it to Alexandria in 6 and a quarter days, which is almost as fast as walking. In fact, in fact, the Joneses could have beaten the next train to Alexandria by walking.
0 notes
fandomflail · 7 years
title: Recognition (3/8)
rating: T/M
summary: Soulmate trope AU. Set in a world where humans and elves coexist.
a/n: If you haven’t, don’t forget to the CS Fanfic Survey (updated link, please use this) which is a 2 minute survey about how this fandom consumes media. Analytics will be published for everyone’s curiosity.
Past Chapters: (1)  (2) or AO3
It felt like everyone was staring at her. Emma couldn’t tell if she was being paranoid or if the itching and heat all over her body was the culprit. The moisture soaking through her matching lace underwear was uncomfortable and made her too aware of the sensations he’d awoken in her. They needed to leave. Now.
No man she had ever been with had ever, ever garnered such an intense reaction from her body. Not even that artiste who had spent hours mapping her body by the pristine beaches of Thranduilia.
She reached Henry, grabbing on to his arm like he was her anchor.
“Mom, what—“ he sputtered, falling silent.
It was at that moment that she realized she must have looked quite a fright.
“I knew it,” Jefferson hissed, eyes widening in alarm.
Even Gracie, who was usually so poised, took one look at Emma, and gasped.
“Papa,” she whispered, “papa, she’s….”
“Hush now, time to go.”
“What’s going on?” Henry asked, looking at the three of them, and Emma wanted to cry. An elven couple were looking at her funny, and she didn’t know what was wrong.
“Come now, before anyone really sees anything amiss,” Jefferson said quietly, putting an arm around Emma, ushering them through the back of the room. She couldn’t help but shake him off, the feeling so wrong that it made her want to heave.
They exited the main hall, all the way down the corridor, when two tall elves stepped forward. They were dressed in the tunics of the Sukrasa, the guardians.
“His Highness has forbidden you to leave. If you follow us, you may find reprieve in —“
“Tell Killian to shove it,” she snarled, rage spiking her blood and distracting her from the other sensations and tugging under her skin. “I told him not to tell me what to do.”
The two Sukrasa’s were not cowed by her anger; merely stared her down. Beside her, Jefferson fidgeted with his sleeve, arm cradled protectively around Gracie.
“You cannot forbid us from leaving when we come at our own leisure,” Jefferson said, speaking to the older Sukrasa.
“Then we shall not,” the older man replied, stepping aside.
“What the? That’s it?” she asked incredulously.
“Not now,” Gracie said, reminding Emma that there was a lot of things about this world she didn’t know.
Henry was quiet and tense beside her, and none of them spoke until they were far away from the hall. Jefferson had insisted they adjourn to the park near his house, sitting on one side of the picnic table while she and Henry sat at the other.
“Okay, what just happened?” Henry asked, breaking the silence.
“Your mother, it appears, is in fact elvish,” Jefferson said, with a trace of smugness Emma wanted to punch off. Henry’s jaw dropped, but he said nothing. No one did.
“Half,” Emma clarified, after a beat of silence.
“Excuse me? What do you mean, half?”
“Apparently, I’m half.”
“That’s impossible,” he told her, as if she didn’t know that.
“He called me an impossibility,” she conceded, not really knowing how elven genetics worked.
“He? The prince?” Gracie asked.
“Have you never been to a Healer before? A hospital?”
“No, never been sick enough for them to take blood.”
“Okay,” Henry said, “but that doesn’t explain why…”
“They Recognized, Henry,” Gracie said, sounding far wiser and older than Emma thought she ought to be.
“What? You have a soulmate?!” Henry said, whipping to pin Emma with his stare. “Your soulmate is the prince?!”
“Well, no one can know for sure,” she began, only to be cut off by Jefferson’s sarcastic laugh.
“Are you kidding? Have you seen yourself? Gracie, you have a mirror, don’t you?”
The girl pulled out her mirror, handing it to Emma, who flipped it open.
She gasped.
Her eyes, usually a dark forest green, were bright and wide, the gold flecks in them more pronounced, making her seem…elf-like. Her hair felt lighter, but it was brighter too, and as she ran her fingers through it, realized it seemed finer, the strands like thread. Her pale complexion seemed ethereal, and she knew it was because she was different inside. It was like meeting her soulmate had awakened her dormant genes, bringing forth the elvish part of her to the front.
Her ears, however, remained their disappointing rounded shape.
“And that itching you feel? That hollowness? That need?”
Her eyes snapped to Jefferson, who was looking at Gracie instead of her, “That feeling won’t leave. Not until you… you don’t die if you don’t, unconsummated Recognition is never fatal, but you’ll always feel like your body is in the wrong skin. And if you do, and then you lose them, that feeling never goes away.”
It clicked, suddenly, as she watched him watch his daughter. Gracie had been born of Recognition. It was said children who were the product of a Recognition, had greater physical, mental and magical gifts than those who were not. The whole point of the phenomenon was to  produce healthy offspring that had the maximum beneficial inherited characteristics of both parents, after all.
And if after all these years, he still felt that physical lost of his mate, no wonder the man acted weird. She suddenly felt sick, imagining living her life knowing she could cure that feeling but doing nothing about it, pretending like Killian didn’t exist.
“So what happens now?” Henry asked, looking between the two adults as he attempted to figure it out. Emma wasn’t sure she wanted him to - not until she figured it out first, at least.
“What happens now,” Jefferson said, standing and looking at his watch, “is that the two of you youngsters go to bed, while we discuss some important matters.”
“We should be a part of it,” Gracie said firmly, “after all, it’s something I should know for when my time comes, and what affects Emma affects Henry too.”
Jefferson looked like the idea of Gracie going through Recognition was the last possible thing in all the planets he could possibly want, face souring dramatically as he swallowed his words. If anything, that universal parental feeling of thinking of your adolescent child as a sexual anything made her take pity on Jefferson.
“Nice try, but it’s bed for you two.”
Gracie pouted, while Henry just looked at her worriedly. “Come on, let’s go.”
“Are we staying at the Swan’s, papa?”
Before Emma could open her mouth and agree to that, Jefferson shook his head.
“No. We’re going to stay at a quaint little place I know, under the name Hatter.”
“That seems rather excessive, don’t you think?”
“Better safe than sorry,” he said, getting up and steering the children down the path.
She didn’t ask exactly what wasn’t safe. Killian wouldn’t hurt her, she knew that, even if she didn’t know him. But he had seemed unstable… like the burn was harder for him. Paranoid though he may be, Jefferson had a point. At least until they figured… something out.
After the children were tucked in, Jefferson led her to the kitchen of the Bed & Breakfast. They were its only inhabitants, so it was quiet where they sat at the breakfast bar.
“What are you going to do?” he asked her, after pouring a generous amount of wine into her glass, claiming alcohol would help dull the edge.
“I don’t know. There’s two huge things. One, I’m half-elf, which means, I am, literally, a freak of nature.”
“Plus, I guaranteed you weren’t abandoned. The humans may have instigated the war, and the elves may have pushed back, but all said and done, they would never harm an elven child, half or not. You were probably sent away from protection, if anything.”
“Maybe,” she conceded. “In any case, I’m a long, long way from home. Nysno. If my parents are still alive, well, they’re really far away.”
A pause, then, “Will they run weird experiments on me?”
“Of course,” Jefferson said blankly, “you’re a miracle, Emma.” His lips turned down as he said, “But you’ll also become a political piece, whether you like it or not. Those who fight against Integration will call you an abomination, and those who fight for it will use you as proof that we can inhabit this planet together. The hardiness of the human genetics and the longevity of the elves, among other things.”
“Realistically, who will know?”
“The Sukrasa serve the Ruling Noble Family exclusively. They live, breathe and die by their code.”
“They let us pass.”
“It’s in the code.”
Emma rolled her eyes, moving on to more important things. “So, as long as Killian keeps his mouth shut, they keep their mouth shut?”
“Yes. Announcing something like this would cause disturbances in both worlds, until there is proof, and until they figure out how this benefits their agenda, you’re safe,” he said, “you best be prepared for what if the prince doesn’t, though.” he warned, the way he said prince sounding like an insult to her ears.
“Yeah,” she sighed, taking a large gulp of the wine. Her skin was burning up. She wanted to run a few miles to burn energy, but settled for bouncing her leg up and down instead.
“So, are you going to ignore your soulmate?”
“I don’t know. I know, logically, that I shouldn’t.”
“You do realize, that this itch, this need will abate almost immediately after sex, right?”
“Surely, you can’t be ignorant to…” he trailed off.
“I’ve never needed to know the details, it’s never concerned me,” she defended.
He sighed. “I suppose, one day, hate as I do, I will have to speak to Gracie about this. Well, might as well start with you.”
He sighed again, taking a sip of his own wine, and squared his shoulders.
“You see, when two elves Recognize,” he said, ignoring her muttered half-elf comment, “their soul meets when their eyes do. You, I, everything in this universe is created from the stars. The ether, the cosmic dust. The energy from where you are created has its own musical energy, a vibration.”
She nodded, paying attention despite the buzz in her brain willing her to move. To consume.
“Most of this energy isn’t sentient, so of course, there is no pull, but sometimes, two beings are created from the same space of energy. You match, on every particle of your being. That is your soulmate. Does it happen to everyone? No. Do their personalities always match yours? No. Does it always end happily? No.”
“I’ve read about that,” she said, remembering reading a magazine about how nasty a soulmate break could be.
“But when it does, it consumes you. Every part of you is screaming to be reunited with its mate. So all you need to do, to satiate that, is, well, mate. His seed must flow uninhibited to you,” he said.
Emma made a face of disgust, letting out a long string of ewwww’s.
“Hmm, I should reword that when I tell Gracie, yes?”
“Yes, dear sweet lord almighty, never use that sentence again.”
“Alright then, what do you suggest?”
“What I get is that… he has to cum in you to fix the edge?”
“How is that less crass?!”
“It wasn’t, I was just clarifying!”
“Right. Well, he has to…” Jefferson trailed off, taking a deep breath. “He must ejaculate without any protection, and you must not in any way alter your chemical composition either. No emergency contraceptions, or anything.”
“Is that why it usually ends up in a kid?”
“Essentially, yes. There’s plenty of literature about how the mixing of the basic seeds of life is what harmonizes the body.”
“Yeah, there’s no way to reword this section without being 100% gross.”
He sighed again. “That’s essentially it. But the feeling is so good, the person feels so right, that most of the time, they become your mate for life.”
“Is that how you had Gracie?” she asked, after a moment of silence.
He sent her a sharp look, never one for sharing personal information.
“Yes, and her mother died in childbirth, as they often do. Gracie barely made it, but she’s a strong girl.” The finality in his tone let her know that was all he was going to say on the matter.
“Soooo…. I just need to find the prince, fuck him, and I can go back to my regularly scheduled life?”
“In theory, I suppose.”
“Okay, that sounds like a plan.”
“It really doesn’t.”
“It’s a solid, 10 out of 10 plan.”
Jefferson sighed again, draining his wine.
* * *
Emma could not sleep.
There was no other word to describe what she was experiencing; the dull throbbing between her thighs pulsing through to where her womb would be. Recognition triggered ovulation, the book Jefferson had left for her had said. But it wasn’t quite time for her yet, so she wasn’t sure how that worked. Still, it felt like everything below the waist throbbed, and her chest felt hollow.
In the quiet of the small private guest room, Emma let a whimper escape her lips as she lay curled on her side, the book open. The words were blurry and out of her focus as she gripped a pillow between her thighs, walking herself through the sensations.
‘Fucking it out of her system’ seemed like she was letting herself down. She could take a challenge. She could override fate and the universe. She was stronger than this bullshit.
Emma wasn't weak. She would obey her brain over her body.
“It’s just Day 1, Emma. You just need to learn how to deal,” she told herself soothingly.
She didn’t dare close her eyes again, as Killian’s lips had flashed clearly through her memory, the bright blue of his gaze searing her. Her imagination outdid itself as it imagined the lithe elf above her, his body merging with hers. She was so wet and lush down there that it was easy to imagine the essence that coated her was his.
What sort of lover would he be like?
She’d had a few elves, both male and female, some with grace, but some encounters, with strength. She wondered, lying there, even as she told herself to stop thinking about it, if Killian was the kind of lover to give pleasure first. Many elves were like that - the longer they had lived, the more patience they had, the more they understood that true pleasure was in giving first, before receiving.
But there were a few others, the younger ones, who loved their displays of strength, like the she-elf who had fingered Emma so hard she’d bruised her to the point of blood. Killian fingers would fit well in her, she thought suddenly, remembering the way he’d curled them around her neck.
She wondered if he’d also curl them around her neck in passion - did he have the need to just possess? Was he lying wherever it was he lived, his large fingers wrapped around his swollen manhood, attempting to alleviate the need?
She’d given it a go herself, had rubbed the ridiculously swollen flesh of her sex, tweaked the tight little nubs her nipples had become, had flicked and flicked herself until her back had arched off the bed, only to realize that it wasn’t quite what her body needed.
“It always seems like the worst ever when you first get hit, but then you adjust,” she whispered, rubbing her belly in gentle circles.
“All you have to do, Emma, Emma my girl, my buddy, my pal, is stay the fuck away from that really hot, how the fuck is he so hot, elf. Recognition is for making cute little elf babies that for reasons I can’t figure out tends to lead to their mother’s death, what the fuck is that about, how can they have not figured out how to make that not happen, and anyway, you don’t need an elf baby, or a human baby, or whatever, so just stay the fuck away, ride out this wave of lust and sex crazy bitch in heat thing you have going on, give it a few days and treat this like a period but inverse and then it’ll go away and you’ll learn to deal and you can stay away from this mess and you’re good. Whoo,” she rambled under her breath.
It may not have been the most motivational or inspirational self-talks, but she believed herself, and that was what truly mattered.
Go to Chapter 4
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mediafocus-blog1 · 7 years
Apps that help you get to sleep
New Post has been published on https://mediafocus.biz/apps-that-help-you-get-to-sleep/
Apps that help you get to sleep
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Cosy up in a mattress, get exceptional and comfortable and when you’ve geared up close your eyes…”
So start the dulcet tones of Tamara Levitt, one of the maximum famous readers on Calm’s Sleep Stories, where her soothing voice facilitates the various 9m folks who’ve already downloaded the Calm app fall to sleep every night time. Including me.
A chat sometime in the past with a colleague led me to analyse whether or not sleep testimonies for grown-united states of America had been some thing that first, wasn’t laughable, and second, would possibly just work for me. Could that acquainted sense of consolation a lot of us realize from early life, that of memories lulling us to sleep, enhance my ability to fall right into a greater restful sleep and extra speedy in addition? I downloaded the app, just the trial version to start, which has three or four stories (which include one geared toward kids) to be had totally free.
I’m the form of man or woman who lies in bed at night time mulling matters over in my head. Not even disturbing problems, however, the whole lot from making plans what colour I’d like to paint the living room to which appointments or interviews want to be lined up that week. I may want to see that lack of sleep or the lack of ability to fall asleep early enough became beginning to impact on my well-being all through my waking hours. Instead of lying awake considering stuff, should the testimonies no longer most effective be soothing enough to make me loosen up, but could the very act of taking note of a narrative take my thoughts off the worries of the day?
The Calm app becomes launched through two entrepreneurs, one in all whom, Michael Acton Smith, is likewise the inventor of Moshi Monsters, with all their eye-popping, actually-now not-sleep-inducing colourings and individual. From shiny and playful to restful and considerate, the Calm app became a new move for Acton Smith.
The app firstly started out lifestyles as a meditation aid but the team of builders began to note that a lot of their customers had been doing meditations in the evening time and so, ultimate December, the business enterprise brought sleep testimonies to it.
There are presently around 30 tales to concentrate to, which range from fictional testimonies to nature essays and nonfiction essays read by means of narrators inclusive of (my favourite) Tamara Levitt and Ben Stein, who performed the droning economics teacher in cult conventional Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. The complete model of the app prices around €10 in step with the month to get entry to and you may do a loose trial.
Acton Smith tells me that the fulfilment of his sleep stories app has surpassed even his expectancies with very fantastic critiques and over two million listens according to month and it looks set to grow as humans grow to be greater informed approximately the advantages of an awesome night time’s sleep.
If our parents always stated that “Sleep is the first-class medicinal drug” it seems the advantages of sleep have become an area of multiplied interest with satisfactory-promoting books through the likes of Arianna Huffington espouses the advantages of a good night’s sleep.
“We spend a 3rd of our lifestyles asleep but most of us realize little or no approximately it,” says Acton Smith. “It has a large impact on our health and health that’s why greater people are taking an energetic hobby in a way to improve the first-rate of our sleep… It’s extraordinarily critical and we are able to do extreme damage to our quick-term and long-time period health via failing to treat our sleep with the honour it merits.”
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Acton Smith’s organisation has learned that it’s now not a case of one length suits all — a few users love the fictitious testimonies while some pick the nature essays; some decide upon the voices of the male narrators even as others select woman voices. For me, the commonplace thread is the tempo of the speech in addition to the tone — my favourites generally tend to characterize a low tone and a slow tempo which is a function of the transport of most of the narrators.
Acton Smith didn’t invent the sleep story and there are different human beings doing it. There’s Sleep with Me: The Podcast that Puts you to Sleep — a series of bedtime stories that “helps you to forget your issues and progressively gets duller until you fall to sleep”. It’s a unfastened podcast to be had on iTunes, where the tales are downloaded over a million times each month. Topics encompass the distinction among a venture and a quest, the science behind mood earrings, and different wacky, weird, humorous, and yet interestingly uninteresting tales introduced within the trademark low-check in the drawl of the narrator, Drew Ackerman, who goes by using the name of Scooter.
There appears to be a pattern in sleep inducing stories — some of them entail a journey to a stunning location and regularly it’s far the journey itself and the setting that is soothing.
In the case of Ackerman’s tales on Sleep with Me, it’s his voice and the rambling, nonlinear story strains which can be sleep-inducing and he has tens of millions of lovers who’ve found his voice and bedtime ramblings, which he spends many hours high-quality-tuning, a slave to the racing mind and an aid to sleep.
Acton Smith says that the sleep tales on the Calm app remaining around 20 mins for youngsters, with the minimum required for adults being 20 minutes long and the “candy spot” is 35 mins.
On Sleep with Me, the stories average around an hour in the period but enthusiasts say that they never get to the end of the memories earlier than drifting off to sleep.
Statistics from World Sleep Survey by way of Big Health, creators of the sleep app Sleepio (which fits by way of supporting human beings to control their sleep time table and by using cognitive behavioural remedy strategies and realistic advice to help users enhance their sleep) reveal that the common UK employee loses eight.Five days of labour a year because of bad sleep.
Presumably, it’s a similar situation in Ireland.
Professor Colin Espie, co-founder of Big Health and professor of sleep medication at the University of Oxford, says: “The consequences of a terrible night’s rest affect us now not handiest physically however also mentally and emotionally, significantly impacting our overall performance at paintings.
“Physically we can experience torpid, mentally we come to be slowed down with poorer concentration and reminiscence, and emotionally we might also turn out to be irritable and alternatively down, with bursts of hyperactivity. In phrases of everyday existence, no aspect of everyday functioning is unaffected through sleep — least of all our jobs.”
I won’t be afflicted by insomnia but stress and my natural disposition to fear were inflicting me sleepless nights. Now, thanks to sleep testimonies, I’m drifting off more effortlessly to the Land of Nod. I’m no longer announcing it’s a treatment-all however if soothing, winding and sure, probably dull, narratives laboured for me they could simply be well worth attempting in case you’re having problem nodding off at night.
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beingmad2017-blog · 7 years
Existence Extension: Anti-older Movement - Are We at the threshold of Immortality
New Post has been published on https://beingmad.org/existence-extension-anti-ageing-movement-are-we-at-the-threshold-of-immortality/
Existence Extension: Anti-older Movement - Are We at the threshold of Immortality
An extended Manner From a Drop of Lanoline
Why are pores and skin care the point of interest of sturdiness research? I bet a mobile is a mobile, and if you may crack the code for one human mobile, it’s miles first-rate a depend on an entire life to solving the puzzle with one-of-a-kind styles of mobile – and skin is, in reality, the maximum seen cells each people has. And it is our faces especially we often decide ourselves and others through, and we are in flip rapid scrutinized, and frequently critiques reached in a fraction of a second. Our faces frequently know-how the maximum visible signs and symptoms of Developing vintage, and for lots in Gift-day society age is the resource of nature “horrific” and younger or looking younger is right. That is why billions and billions of greenbacks each yr are poured by using clients into all varieties of remedies to minimize wrinkles, to keep off the effects of gravity, and information decrease back the hands of an entire life. And with that heaps money to be spent by Manner of consumers, there are various manufacturers eager to discover the following step in arresting Father Time – and as a minimum detaining him until the following stagecoach arrives, wherein with a bit of luck he may be endorsed to move on in advance than too much damage can be achieved.
The Complete Problem Described – In Multiple Shoelaces
, a lifetime in the past a chum gave me a easy analogy that places this Whole Issue in attitude. The generation won’t win a Nobel Prize, understanding but it gave me the vital ah-ha 2d.
The double helix of the DNA strand – our most primary foundation for Lifestyles – is held collectively at every give up by using matters that act inside the identical Way as the difficult plastic bits on the stop of shoelaces do – preventing the DNA from unraveling, and the character chromosomes scattering for the duration of the floor like losing a string of pearls down a marble staircase. These items are referred to as telomeres.
Somewhere programmed into those tiny telomeres is the Whole basis to knowledge lengthy the DNA stays intact – and by way of using inference the ones are the keys to the length of Life of the organism. Somewhere written into the telomere is a top-notch musical score know-how like every musical ratings it has a double bar Someplace to signify the surrender; know-how is it to be a minute or a Wagnerian epic? information wonderful sufficient, whilst the an entire life comes, and the telomeres blow the overall a lifetime whistle, the DNA strand will resolve and die – and the circle of Existence starts of evolved a lifetime. Telomeres govern understanding frequently our skin cells are changed; why a domestic dog and a infant born on the equal date can also age exactly the same chronologically, expertise home dog has come to be a geriatric earlier than the kid reaches puberty.
Telomeres, my friend Described, a lifetime entire life go on the fritz (that must have a completely unique scientific that means). One of the ways this occurs is they’ll overlook their programming to release and solve, and that they honestly grasp on, permitting the cells therefore affected to multiply a lifetime without lack of existence. In reality, while an entire life this happens regularly they become very hard to kill and to all intents and features as quickly as the telomeres act in this Manner, the cell – and those it propagates – are successfully immortal.
This condition has a name which each person understand. most cancers.
understandingeverknowledge, what if we were able in a few Manner to influence the telomeres inside a maximum cancers to behave generally – could that no longer be the “magic bullet” remedy for Cancer? And the alternative side of that equation – if the telomeres in healthy cells might be persuaded to act as they do in a most cancers – then is that this the recipe for a healthful cell that doesn’t die? Does the treatment for Cancer and immortality maintain on truly this one thread?
Anything your views can be, the reality is that some of the arena’s finest research scientists are running on that genuine query and a few may say it’s far most effective a rely on of a decade or earlier than this is neither conjecture nor technology fiction, understanding a truth to face up to. The adjustments that would take location in society despite the fact that Lifestyles expectancy have been to take a soar beforehand with the aid of say 10 or two decades are extensive, understanding but, we need to all be wondering that that could be a terrific possibility.
From the dab of lanolin and generation inside the beyond to what I know keep in my hand as an anti Aging pores and skin care remedy is extra than only a revolution – and that I have not any doubt in some years I may be saying this cream will now not clearly slow the Getting older approach and reduce the visible signs of getting older, making your face seem more youthful – expertise it’s going to virtually be more youthful.
knowledge, before that, let’s appearance lower back at expertise this Whole engagement with Lifestyles extension and anti-Getting old started. Mankind has continuously striven for longevity and mused approximately immortality – understanding ever the knowledge beyond 50 years has seen a few dramatic steps in fact toward this goal.
The concept of extending Lifestyles has been in the thoughts of mankind for millennia. References to the search for methods to increase Existence may be decided as methods lower back as the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Gilgamesh changed into seemingly the 5th king of the kingdom of Uruk, the -day Iraq, spherical 2500 BC. Consistent with the Sumerian list of kings, he reigned for 126 years. The Torah or old Testimony information Methuselah as residing over 900 years, with Life spans measured in centuries seemingly common earlier than the lifetime of Noah.
At some stage in the improvement of the scientific idea from the Reformation onwards, students have finished themselves to fixing this riddle and those endeavors preserve these days on the very leading edge of clinical progress.
Unraveling Secrets
as the Secrets and techniques and strategies of our Lifestyles are unraveled in ever greater minute element, we’re starting to apprehend what it’s miles that makes us grow from tiny toddlers into adults. We now apprehend, for instance, that cellular functions progressively down as the frame some a life entire life and that manufacturing of positive materials required with the useful resource of the frame to regen super decrease or quit really.
pores and skin, for instance, dreams two materials to maintain electricity and firmness. The manufacturing of those materials specifically collagen (electricity, tightness) and elastin (flexibility) decreases with age. The decreases in production together with various factors that encompass the hazard of unfastened radicals make the pores and skin age and emerge as wrinkly. unfastened radicals are basically incomplete oxygen molecules causing unfavorable chain reactions within cells.
The identical type of detail takes place in every cell, each tissue, and organ around the human body. as an example, human beings develop frown lines, crow’s ft, and wrinkles. Nutrients are no longer absorbed results easily and vital cell abilities, hormones, and other materials are produced at reduced prices ensuing in the body Aging.
A Brief Records of the life Extension Motion
technology has been seeking out techniques to gradual down this system for masses of years. The forming of Life extensions actions, understanding ver knowledge, did now not simply start until spherical 1970.
➢ on this yr, Denham Harman, the originator of the so-known as ‘free radical idea of having antique’, decided that an organisation devoted to the studies and statistics sharing between scientists operating in biogerontology (the field of generation involved with the organic elements worried in the Growing older method) modified into wanted. As a result, the American Growing antique Affiliation became formed.
➢ In 1976, futurists, Philip Gordon and Joel Kurtzman wrote an at the studies into extending the human lifespan. This popular quantity changed into titled ‘No more dying. The Conquest Of Growing older And The extensionsOf Human Existence’.
➢ Kurtzman turned into then invited to talk at Florida’s Residence Pick out Committee (HSC) of getting old, which become chaired through Way of Claude Pepper, an American flesh-presser, and spokesman for the aged. The purpose of this speaks modified into to discuss the effect of Social Protection with the useful resource of Lifestyles extensions.
➢ In 1980, Saul Kent, a outstanding activist within the discipline of Lifestyles extensions, posted the e-book ebook ‘The Life Extension Revolution’ and based the nutraceutical (from ‘nutrition’ and ‘pharmaceutical’, in other words, a Vitamins complement) enterprise referred to as ‘The lifestyles extensions’.
This basis is a non-income making corporation promoting dietary dietary supplements and publishing the periodical ‘Existence extensions Mag’. Kent changed into later concerned in artwork relating to cryogenics. He will become jailed in the path of this work over a dispute at one point, although prices were dropped to a later diploma.
➢ In 1982, American fitness author and Existence extensions advocate Sandy Shaw and her co-writer, Durk Pearson, popularized the term ‘Lifestyles extension’ even similarly with the bestseller ‘life Extension: A realistic clinical Method’.
➢ Roy Walford, a gerontologist, and Life-extensions, posted ‘most Lifespan’, every different well-known e-book on the mission. He and Richard Weindruch, his scholar, observed this up in 1988 with their precis at the studies that that they had done into the capability to prolong the Lifestyles of rodents thru calorie restrict. The title of this ebook is ‘The Retardation of Growing antique and Disease with the aid of dietary limit’.
even though this functionality to increase Lifestyles with calorie restriction were regarded for the purpose that 1930’s, whilst gerontologist, biochemist, and nutritionist Clive McCay did a few research into the problem, it modified into the paintings of Walford and Weinbruch that gave solid medical grounding to the McCay’s findings.
Walford’s scientific paintings became pushed by way of a private hobby in Existence extension. He practiced calorie restrict as a part of his very own life and in the end died at the age of 80. The purpose of his demise changed into amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a present day motor neuron Disorder.
➢ A4M, the ‘American Academy of Anti-Getting old Remedy’ grow to be founded in 1992 to create a scientific study point for anti Getting older that was instead become impartial from geriatrics. This allowed scientists and physicians interested in this specific vicinity of technology to keep meetings and communicate the extremely current trends.
➢ The sci.lifestyles-extensions, a Usenet institution, come to be created thru the California-born creator, fact seeker and translator Brian M. Delaney. This represented a essential improvement in the Movement of life extensions. It made it feasible, as an example, for the CR (Calorie limit) Society to be created.
➢ A extra recent improvement is the concept of Dr. A. De Grey, a biogerontologist at Cambridge University. This proposal advised that harm to cells, macromolecules, organs and tissues can be repaired with the help of superior biotechnology. this is apparent in hair recovery merchandise, as an example.
extra than Books
Although it may seem that maximum of the artwork revolving spherical Life extension has been done completely by means of writing books or founding societies or agencies of some kind or every other, the fact is that those books were written in response to or based totally on very precise, certain scientific studies which have yielded first-class consequences.
They are now not the works of hopeful minds, understanding works of devoted scientists who have spent their lives running on discovering information about Growing old and looking for techniques to slow down, or maybe opposite the method.
Many breakthroughs had been made, and in plenty of ways, we’re already able to extend lives to a sure quantity. The commonplace lifespan of a person is already methods more than it changed into as a result of medical, pharmaceutical and nutritional advances delivered about with the useful resource of studies and development.
The artwork hold and scientists around the sector are usually undertaking research, evaluating outcomes, discussing options and making advances on our behalf.
Using Forces at the back of the improvement of the Life extensions Movement
What elements are Using this Motion into ever more efforts to discover solutions to the extensions of life? The answer to this query simply consists of an entire range of things.
Expectancies Have Risen
due to the fact the ‘infant boomer’ technology (born among 1946-1964) enters retirement age, Expectancies of this employer are dramatically one-of-a-type from those of the previous generations. They have got extra Expectations and desires to enjoy their Life as pensioners to the fullest and for as long as is viable. This expectation covers not simplest period of Lifestyles, expertise exceptional of Existence as properly and this isn’t always a passive request but an active and strident demand in lots of a lifetime.
progress in pharmacology has brought about a large choice of medicine that allow people to live longer and fuller lives being superior over the pasta life-time or so. The paintings are nevertheless very a lousy lot in development and masses of more pills are being developed every day.
One of the conventional examples of a drug raising the of Life for older individuals is erectile sickness treatments – notably Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra. those pills have dramatically decreased the quantity of fatalities or intense harm due to aged guys rolling away from bed, in addition to a number of more qualitative blessings.
Advances in Genetics
some of the current medical research and next advances made in biotechnology and genetics are supplying a few desire that it can be viable to preserve once more a number of the essential motives of Developing older.
As we outlined formerly, chromosomes containing DNA strings are essentially capped with a binding substance called telomeres. In effect, the telomeres are consumed at a few level within the cellular department and a life-time, they turn out to be shorter and shorter.
This have become first placed by using a scientist called Leonard Hayflick, and the process of limited mobile department have become in the end named the Hayflick limit. Advocates of life extensions artwork at the thought that lengthening the telomeres thru drugs or gene therapy may additionally, in the end, enlarge the Hayflick limit and thereby idiot the cells, and as such the frame, into ‘questioning’ it’s far younger than it simply is.
tendencies in Precision Manufacture
Advances made within the fields of nanotechnology, miniaturization, computer chips and robotics additionally offer a desire for potentially Life-extending answers.
within the 1970’s, a popular Television collection starred Lee Majors because the ‘Six Million Dollar Guy’? technological know-how fiction then. a life-time, it is a technological truth. loads of thousands of human beings now walk thru existence with synthetic ankle, knee and hip joints and wholesome ft. A era ago, mass production of this form of generation come to be a dream.
The same applies to many humans with synthetic limbs. artificial legs had been as soon as crude wood gadgets that were without a doubt able to preserve a person balanced. Cutting-edge synthetic limbs are almost actually useful.
The Advantages of clinical progress
Who might have an concept even 50 years ago that it would grow to be feasible to bypass a coronary artery, or perhaps replace a coronary heart truly? understanding there are hundreds of hundreds, if now not Tens of millions of people taking component in their lives after having this form of surgical procedure – few of whom might be alive simply 1/2 of a century inside the beyond.
thousands and thousands of humans no longer want to position on glasses, because of the supply of laser surgery. This, too, changed into technological fiction only a few years ago. these days, it’s far marketed subsequent to shampoo in magazines and on Television.
In one of the kind terms, technology is transferring swiftly toward now not best extending Life, understanding making the of those greater years higher as properly.
Is it science, technology Fiction or Lunacy?
What must the average individual trust? This query is sort of as hard to reply as finding answers to extended Lifestyles. Even amongst scientists, evaluations are divided. some do consider that extending the great of Life is as possible as extending Existence in popular.
Others brush aside the thought as un-medical nonsense. this is regularly truely primarily based mostly on the concern of some aspect ‘new’ stressful the recognition quo of mounted limits. Fortuitously, real scientists do preserve on searching, because of the fact if every single scientist had decided that some of the upgrades already in scientific, pharmaceutical and technological fields could not be feasible, we would all nonetheless be loss of life at 30.
So in which does that leave us?
There is absolute confidence what-so-ever that there are numerous charlatans obtainable trying to make a Quick Dollar out of human beings’ desire to preserve their young human beings. Even a lifetimes entire life, many products being offered of their tens of millions are essentially non-effective – regularly given names and have the most bewildering materials to purpose them to look scientific to clients and justify their price.
know knowledge statistics are at the same an entire life as many improvements are being made and studies elements to the opportunity of in the end locating the important thing to maintaining youth for longer, the clinical network continues to be warning most of the people that lots of the spinoff being offered a lifetime are unreliable, to say the least.
➢ despite the fact that food dietary supplements may additionally help in keeping a body greater healthful – something that could often be completed via the usage of honestly adopting a more wholesome Life fashion and – There can be as Yet no specific and easy evidence that they sluggish down Growing vintage as such.
➢ The identical goes for lots hormone treatments. despite the fact that they may have a quick a lifetime period entire life impact of some type, it is not But scientifically examined that they’ll surely paintings ultimately. the priority that it can now not artwork is primarily based on the fact that taking hormones, an incredible instance is the hormonal zits remedy, will ultimately certainly gradual down the body’s own production of those hormones.
In addition, many treatments can also have ability (and know-how unknown) aspect results in the long run that could be risky to the person’s health. This consists of the fears that such hormone treatments may additionally need to boom the hazard of maximum cancers, diabetes, and different predominant ailments.
➢ other thoughts, much like the calorie restrict technique, are operating for rodents. In fact, research done with rats on 30 to 50 percentage restricted diets have proven to nearly double the Lifespan of rats.
Similar studies conducted on primates have also verified tendency to growth lifestyles to a sure quantity and save you a listing of age-associated ailments. There are as but no research on humans, even though some are sincerely residing on calorie restricted diets. Whether or not this could make bigger their lives, knowledge is a query of getting to wait and see.
The principle is that with the aid of reducing calorie intake, the metabolism of the frame is slowed down, thereby slowing the Growing old Way as well. Nutritionists say There may be a positive amount of energy a frame of a advantageous length and weight desires to ought to maintain health. lowering this quantity via as plenty as 50 regular with cent is rarely an terrific concept inner a lifetime long a lifespan entire life.
Time will tell, as they’re pronouncing, information, know-how will all of us have the potential to inform the distinction? If someone lives to the age of eighty, is that this because they will be on this or may They have lived to this age anyway?
in which Will This Lead?
Many trusts There can be practical desire and expectation of making significant strides in the vicinity of sturdiness in the subsequent a lifetime. This organization generally believes The solution will, ultimately, lie within genetics and biotechnology. it’s far too early to make actual predictions, understanding but the studies up to now suggest knowledge promise and, as mentioned in advance, a number of the results of this research are already being utilized insure treatments to decorate sufferers’ lives.
At gift, ordinary Getting old is hard to gradual down, to say the least. some products indicate they will help in retaining normal health/sturdiness, information, the vicinity we are seeing the number one business products being evolved is within the location of pores and skin care and given the size of this marketplace, it’s far probable that this could live the climate-vane of sturdiness treatments.
Technological or Snake Oil?
It will likely be hard to tell those two apart for many years. Charlatans are possibly to about, because of the fact it’s miles hard to disprove many theories effortlessly. Similarly tough might be powerful evidence from people with an moral perspective at the trail of a real leap forward, as products based totally on valid studies and using technology or components that will, in truth, have an impact rarely promise in a unmarried day outcomes. this is something that actually anyone looking to locate advanced more youthful seems, and so on, will need to undergo in thoughts. None of that products can carry out miracles. Even the brilliant of them will take an entire life and regular use as a way to gain the preferred effect.
The bottom line is that in which we stand now, we may be superb there are a few matters which can be ineffective or even dangerous; there are some that expertise a few promise and there are some which can be beginning to pass the road of having the ability expertise effects – albeit modestly at this thing.
inside the interim, it is sensible to analyze products very cautiously and to refuse to be baffled with the useful resource of weird and sounding factors or first-rate sounding guarantees of immediate children. Regeneration will take a lifetime – let’s face it, it has taken to get so far, turning back the clock can by no means be possible overnight.
skin Care and the Life Extensions Movement
One may also properly ask just what all this, and particularly the Existence extensionsMotion as such, must possibly ought to do with skin care, fitness and splendor products. The reality is, plenty of the studies into Life extension is resulting in new techniques to pores and skin care as a form of
A more know-how of the Way genetics and cellular techniques have an impact at the Getting older and circumstance of skin permits those research and development businesses to analyze exceptional compounds, their compatibility with human cells and genetic makeup.
Many compounds discovered in nature are not honestly compatible with human skin understanding but, in fact, the pores and pores and skin cells surely have natural receptors for those compounds. due to the fact Life extension studies have observed those receptors, pores and pores and skin care developers can now use this records and create the formulae for their products to offer most effect.
any other pores and pores and skin care of Lifestyles extensions studies is the use of nanotechnology. using nanotechnology, or, to be greater precise, nanoparticles, has had a huge impact on the Manner Nutrients and different components of pores and skin care merchandise are being introduced to the pores and pores and skin cells. In a few methods, nanotechnology has already revolutionized pores and skin care. it’s far now viable to apply active elements previously hard to efficaciously supply to the pores and skin, In addition to making Antique, verified materials even more powerful. some materials applied in cosmetics for loads, if no longer hundreds of years via certain cultures can now be even greater correctly used to improve pores and skin condition and maintain a healthful, younger appearance.
Even the moisturizing effect of pores and skin care products may be advanced with nanotechnology. For this effect, so-referred to as nanosomes are used. Nanosomes are small, pocket-like debris that softens or disintegrate on pores and skin contact. via doing this, the moisturizing effect is prolonged, helping the pores and skin quicker and additional effectively.
Nanotechnology performs a key thing now not simplest in slowing the Growing older of pores and skin expertise is believed to actively help in repairing and recovery skin cells and tissue.
some other leap forward in Existence extensions studies That is beginning to make itself felt in pores and skin care products is the research into stem cells. Stem cells are elements of all existence, plant, animal and human. Stem cells have homes special cells do no longer have. those homes are the capability to emerge as any shape of cellular type and the capacity to divide almost indefinitely. using plant stem cell extracts in pores and skin care is possible to come to be One of the next ‘big matters’ in the enterprise. And prepare for the talk even as human stem cells are proposed as part of an anti-Growing older skincare regime, as will unavoidably arise!
One issue we may be advantageous of is that technological know-how will preserve to look for solutions to the question of Existence extensions, and commercial enterprise will energy the commercialization of discoveries. expertise Whether or not the ones lead us to a utopian destiny or probably a minefield of strife as we debate who will use and who will advantage from these new godlike powers. within the intervening time, at A realistic stage of the skin care, fitness and splendor enterprise we live hopeful and expectant we are able to see the emergence of products that not simplest promise results, information produce them.
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soorasaab · 8 years
Something that blew my mind when I first moved to Bombay over a dozen years ago was the fact that alcohol is home-delivered. Everything, in fact, is delivered to the doorstep, at all times of day and night, and you can go months on end without leaving the house - if that's what you want. Man might not be an island, but this particular island city specialises in letting you create your own self-sufficient bubble.Vikramaditya Motwane's ingenuous new film, Trapped, exploits this detachedness the city gets off on, simply by taking the island metaphor further. This claustrophobic little film is the story of a man realistically locked inside a high-rise apartment, and - in form and structure - this is a survivalist film, a genre primarily made up of singular protagonists marooned on deserted islands.
Think of it as Castaway - minus the beach. (Though, thanks to the city it's set in, there may arguably be more humidity). This is a genre that takes an actor and places them front and centre, forcing the audience to be caged in close to them, and thus by definition demands a powerhouse performer. Motwane does well here to give this challenge to the infallible Rajkummar Rao, who breathes realism into the dimly-lit proceedings.
  Trapped Movie Review: Think of it as Castaway - minus the beach
What happens is alarmingly believable: the keys get left on the wrong side of the door. Most of us have been there, scurrying for the numbers of '24 hour key makers' in order to creep back into our own flats, but Shaurya, this film's unassuming but enterprising leading man, finds himself on the inside looking out. And, given that he's high up the rungs in a still-uninhabited building, his task is significantly harder.
It is a gripping, compelling film, and what Motwane does best is show how every struggle - the smallest of struggles - assumes epic proportions when viewed in extreme close-up, and how all those little victories add up toward a big one. It's a top moment to see Rao wielding a slingshot fashioned from the waistband of his briefs to hunt himself one of the city's ubiquitous pigeons, but then arises another hiccup: this man is a vegetarian.
Watch the trailer of Trapped:  
The problems just keep coming. The fact that Shaurya is intrepid enough to reach out to a colleague - Noorie, played by the wonderful Geetanjali Thapa - in the hope of sparking an unlikely romance, shows his determination, but this isn't a man who thinks things through, instead hoping that all will work out. In a last-bid effort to win her over, he recklessly rents a flat at an unbelievable price. But hark, newcomers to maximum city: if it sounds too good to be true, it is.
Siddharth Diwan's cinematography is appropriately cramped, with a series of small cameras hemming in Rao - like a mouse in a cage, or a reality television contestant. He is often too close to the lens, and photographed as unflatteringly as the situation demands. Rao plays the character superbly, making his Shaurya insecure and hesitant. It is clear that he's not a bold person per se, but, thanks to this situation, finds bravery thrust upon him by desperation. And, like it would on most common-man protagonists, heroism is an ill-fitting garment.
I refuse to divulge Shaurya's clever attempts at escape, but what is most impressive is the way Motwane and Rao make us feel the protagonist earns every single triumph. Weighing in at just over a hundred minutes and shown to theatrical audiences without an interval, Trapped is a unique experience for the Hindi filmgoer and a film that captivates.
  Trapped Movie Review: The problem is that the struggle is too linear and predictable
The problem is that the struggle is too linear and predictable, with some of Shaurya's more-elaborate plans falling into place a bit too easily. The film is compelling but it could have been more cleverly plotted, though, having said that, I wonder if that would have gotten in the way of how audiences relate to the everyman aspect of the horror. Also, a film of this genre shouldn't feel the need to tie up every single narrative thread, which weakens the potency of the final punch, making for a sloppy end, but the rawness works for the genre, at any rate.
That unrehearsed feel, I suspect, was what Motwane was going for. He's a filmmaker who made a small, much loved gem in Udaan, and then a giant period drama called Lootera which I adored, but which ended up being watched by too few. Perhaps this, then, is the story of a director - trapped by big-budget pressures - who needed a small win. This one is a breakout.
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pressography-blog1 · 8 years
NCAA Match Open Thread
New Post has been published on https://pressography.org/ncaa-match-open-thread/
NCAA Match Open Thread
The NCAA Tournament formally kicks off these days with a motion from 12 PM to 12 AM for two consecutive days. For a big college basketball fan like me, that is paradise. While I’m a touch jaded about the Deacs, I did get my bracket in and might be geared up to look at the shoot hoops for the subsequent two days.
                                                NCAA Match
NCAA Baseball Scores
I’ll be round to chat from time to time, so I figured this would be the exceptional manner to speak on right here.
My Very last Four choices are rather chalky, but I’m going with: Villanova, Gonzaga, Louisville (largest question mark), and UNC. What do y’all have?
Don’t forget to join our Blogger So Dear Bracket Task if you haven’t already. We’re near 100 contributors, that’s genuinely outstanding.
Printable NCAA Event Bracket – Where to Get Yours today
The NCAA college basketball Tournament is the biggest occasion for the duration of the month of March until April, that is why there’s a so-known as “NCAA university basketball brackets that fans and sports activities-loopy humans bet on their favored teams. This month is also referred to as March Insanity particularly due to sure motives. First, getting into the NCAA college basketball Tournament takes plenty of time and paintings to get into the brackets. 2d, there’s a huge amount of money starting from 1,000,000 to 2.five billion each 12 months from unlawful and prison sports activities bets being performed through basketball lovers from everywhere in the united states of America. The wins and losses of humans affect them greatly seeing that that is a big funding and chance which can be being dealt with this kind of recreation. Consequently, if you as a NCAA basketball fan could want to carry domestic the large prize, then it’s time to search for your own Printable NCAA Event Bracket.
For this year, the NCAA university basketball Tournament may be even higher and greater interesting because there are quite a few properly teams gambling towards one another. For a few NCAA experts, they see Connecticut, Marquette, Duke, and Pittsburgh as a number of the finest groups to be playing in this year’s Tournament. but of course, if you want to win the NCAA college Match brackets the triumphing group has to keep its best performance and group paintings all throughout the competition. that is going to be one of the maximum exciting and adrenalin-speeding tournaments this March to April, so if you’ve decided to location your bets on the teams, you want a Printable Ncaa Match Bracket on the way to manual you at some stage in the complete Match.
There are numerous places to get a copy of a Printable NCAA Match Bracket. Having this will permit you to have a examine some of the high-quality teams which are competing in the Match. in case you are capable of bet on the winning teams, now not only will you be ecstatic that your university basketball team won a high-quality honor but you will additionally be sporting a huge amount of cash on your pocket returned domestic. There are masses of NCAA web sites that may provide you with a Printable NCAA Match Bracket, mainly websites that produce over a dozen brackets in distinctive formats. You may download your reproduction of the NCAA university basketball Tournament bracket in both a PDF document, in JPG report, or maybe in an Excel spreadsheet for easy viewing.
Just remember the fact that you do not need to pay any quantity Just to get your reproduction of the NCAA Match bracket. There are websites that open their copies of the brackets without spending a dime downloading, so do not fall for those who claim they have the most updated NCAA Tournament bracket and which you have to shop for it which will be capable of experience the March Insanity to the fullest. All you want to do is get yourself a copy, root for your preferred NCAA basketball teams, and enjoy the March Insanity season.
Increasing the NCAA Match
There has continually been the huge query strolling across the college global whether the NCAA Event needs to be improved to ninety-six teams in preference to the ordinary 65 teams. There are exact explanations for every facet of the argument. The NCAA strength agents are trying to expand the sector because of one aspect and one issue best, money. They were trying to increase the sphere for years now and why trade something if it’s miles going for walks clean or near enough. the sector of 65 is best the way its miles.
Even though the sphere became extended to 96 the groups with the higher seeds will nevertheless be facing the very tough odds in beating the decrease seed groups. It is now not like the teams that did now not make the NCAA Tournament have become snubbed out of playing inside the subject of 65. There are different tournaments wherein college basketball groups are capable of getting in in the event that they do no longer make it into the NCAA Match. There are such tournaments just like the NIT (Countrywide Invitation Event) and the CIT (college Invitation Tournament). I’d assume that groups might as an alternative have a hazard with triumphing the NIT or the CIT Event that Just get into the NCAA Match and lose within the first spherical.
The NCAA strength agents are seeking out a way to growth the cash sales of the Event which already is bringing in close to 6 billion dollars. The query arises if the Match is 96 whether the NCAA Tournament could be too much for visitors and in all likelihood deliver the revenue need to extend the Tournament. Taking in some of the variables into considerations I suppose that this plan wishes to be idea over even longer through the powers handy and definitely decide if it would be very beneficial for the NCAA Event to be modified from 65 teams to 96.
NCAA Event Tickets For Texas
Texas is one of the best acknowledged states inside and outside the united states of The USA. in case you are seeking out big games and wonderful activities, then few states can prove to be as desirable as Texas. At the identical time, the NCAA basketball Event is likewise one of the most popular basketball tournaments inside the United states of America. While these two matters come collectively, there’s Simply too much heart to watch, every person who would love to get concerned inside the maximum lively scenes need to do himself or herself a prefer and get going with the NCAA Match Tickets.
The primary issue that we want to realize earlier than we get into searching On the specifics of the tickets, is to recognize how many video games might be performed all through the season, and Where they’ll be performed. Consequently, to your information, there could be six video games with the intention to be held in Texas. However, these video games will be held in two of Texas finest cities: Houston, and San Antonio.
NCAA Event Tickets For The Houston video games
The first institution of tickets that we shall look at are the ones a good way to be for the games to be able to be performed in Houston. For these games, it is critical to factor out the truth that each one of them could be held On the equal venue: Reliant Stadium. The first sport might be held on the second of April 2011, This sport will be the All classes strip with a purpose to pass in advance to cowl hassle the finals and the semifinals. The second recreation could be held can also be the semifinals. But, at the 4th of April, at 6:00 pm the finals could be performed in this equal region.
NCAA Match Tickets For San Antonio
After looking At the tournaments as a way to be held inside the metropolis of Houston, it is also crucial that we have a look at the Match so as to be held in San Antonio. For those of this city, you want to recognize the truth that The first sport will be performed on twenty-fifths of March 2011 On the Alamodome. at the same date, you may additionally find that there may also be any other sport at 6:00 PM and this may be the consultation 1 of the Southwest regional Match. The session 2 might be On the Alamodome at the twenty-seventh of March.
All in all, it’s far essential that in case you are leaving in Texas and also you would love to get these tickets, you need to hurry up due to the fact the time is truly strolling out.
French Open
For realistic reasons, it is pretty hard for anyone to put in writing the whole lot approximately this Match in a quick overview. However, in case you would really like to get the NCAA Tournament tickets I would recommend you to go to TicketNetwork for splendid reductions.
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sleepywap · 8 years
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The last glacial maximum occurred approximately 12,000 years ago. There is this common misconception that simply because we are coming off an ice age that this pattern of warming we are seeing is normal. Furthermore, there is an even more widely accepted and half-truth notion that “the climate has always risen/fallen throughout earth’s geologic history and it always will”. (everything I am about to say is to foster a dialogue by the way, I’m not here to arm wave like majority of the people commenting on this thread) I hear people say this all the time, and it becomes quite clear to me at least that they fundamentally don’t understand the difference between climate and temperature. Temperature can rise and fall, climate cannot. Climate is always there, whether it be good or bad. Majority of people know this all intuitively, but if you’re going to make bold statements on paleo-climate and climate change today you should be held to the same standards as the scientists with respect to the word choice you use. To observe paleo-temperature we look at oxygen isotopes. Isotopes are identical elements that have different numbers of neutrons in their nucleus. Sparing you the gritty details, isotopes partition themselves differently in different phases of matter (water, liquid, gas, plasma, etc..)DEPENDING on the TEMPERATURE. So, a geologist will grind up carbonate powders, run them through a mass spectrometer, and the partitioning between oxygen isotopes considered “heavy” (have more neutrons in nucleus) vs oxygen isotopes considered “light” (less neutrons in nucleus) can allow you to interpret temperatures from hundreds of millions of years ago. Additionally, glaciologists look at bubbles in ice cores taken from glaciers that trap atmospheric conditions at the time the ice bubbles were formed. We can literally observe CO2 concentrations of our atmosphere from 10s of thousands of years ago. Bringing this back to the point here, the statement “the climate has always risen/fallen throughout earth’s geologic history and it always will” is only half the story and it undermines specific scientific research that ADDS to this story of climate change. Yes of course this statement is true, earths global surface temperatures have risen and fallen throughout all its 4.6 billion years of existence. We have evidence all throughout the rock record showing us this. There have been times where literally the whole earth was covered in ice for millions of years, and there have been times where global sea ice levels retreated to zero, and that will continue to happen long after our species goes extinct. What people always forget to mention is the RATE of temperature increase or decrease. The rate at which earth’s global temperature increase and the rate of increase of CO2 being put into the atmosphere is larger now than it has been at any other time in the planet’s history. I will provide academic, peer-reviewed articles that corroborate this if need be. That’s not an opinion, that is and empirically derived fact. It is alarming because the greatest mass extinction of all time (killing off about 90% of all species) was caused by rapid global warming due to increased CO2 concentrations from volcanism in Siberia and methane hydrate (4x more powerful at trapping heat energy than CO2 in atmosphere) expulsion from the oceans. Once again, the RATE of CO2 increase AND the rate of temperature increase since the Industrial Revolution (when we began really burning fossil fuels as a primary source of economic growth) is HIGHER than it was during the planets worst mass extinction (that was caused by global warming from increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations) and the planet’s history in total. We already knew what to look for when we started seeing earth’s temperature rise, because we knew what caused global warming throughout the planet’s history. There is not nearly enough volcanism occurring to produce this temperature increase or CO2 concentration increase, nor are there any observations of methane being introduced into the atmosphere at such a rate to cause this type of temperature increase. Fossil fuel burning is then the leading contribution of CO2 in the atmosphere, and the more CO2 we add the warmer the earth is going to get which will inevitably lead to a multitude of environmental problems which are inextricably linked to social justice issues around the world, and environmental history has shown us this repeatedly. The developed countries spew CO2 into the atmosphere, while the undeveloped, poorest countries of the world feel the strongest effects and experience the most population displacement. IF humankind is not contributing to global warming through the burning of fossil fuels (oil, petroleum, gasoline, coal burning, methane burning, etc) then I’d like to see empirical evidence showing me where all the carbon dioxide is coming from that is contributing to these unprecedented rates of increase in temperature and carbon dioxide concentrations? I have looked far and wide for it and have yet to see someone unequivocally demonstrate that fossil fuel burning is not responsible for this most recent RATE of change. The petroleum geologists who worked for Exxon Mobile in the 70’s discovered climate change YEARS before the scientific community did! They have all come out and clearly stated Exxon not only knew about what was happening to the upper atmosphere before the scientific community, but actively fought against legislation countering their agenda in later years. You can argue all you want about how to fix the problem. Obviously this is going to be a hard one to fix considering the lifestyle we have in the post-modern era. What it’s really going to take is a paradigm shift in the way we live our lives, and the help of the scientific community to implement practical, realistic, and efficient policies and technology to combat atmospheric CO2. I am not some environmental nut job that openly refutes any evidence contradicting my worldview, I am a scientist that has studied these issues throughout geologic history and today. If evidence shows me unequivocally that fossil fuel burning isn't the number 1 contributor to the rate of temperature increase then I will change my interpretation, but until that day I have to believe where the evidence leads me: that humankind is directly responsible for the recent and unprecedented rate increase in temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentrations. It is always better to foster a dialogue about these types of issues rather than arm-waving and making bold, unsubstantiated statements about topics you might be unqualified to make bold, unsubstantiated statements about. Being unqualified doesn’t mean you can't talk about the subject, it just means you should read academic PEER REVIEWED literature on the topic instead of non-peer reviewed articles on Facebook written by someone who single handedly swears they’ve exposed the entire scientific community of lying. Scientists just want the best for humanity, that’s why we’re here: to study the world so we can help everyone. When we start mis-communicating science or even worse, censoring publicly funded science (which is currently happening under the Trump administration) we help no one.
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