#but realized she was influenced by the shadow druids and felt bad for her
bright-cloud · 4 months
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Miscellaneous screenshots of my little cleric: Basil ✨
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djzatitagain · 6 years
Rising Up-Chapter 1
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 In the world of Aria, there are six kingdoms that rule the world; Aquarine, Kingdom of Mermaids; EverWinter, Kingdom of Elves; GreenFlower, Kingdom of Fairies; Grimsby, Kingdom of Druids and Winged Folk; IronForge, Kingdom of Humans; and Aynor, Kingdom of Darkness. Each kingdom had their own domains and their own rules. But they all had one rule that was the same; At the age of twelve years, a child must visit The Fates, three old women that have lived since the beginning, to find their destiny. The Fates do not choose sides in war or anything else, they are not evil yet they are not good they do what it takes to keep the world in balance.
 They lived peacefully until one day Aynor became corrupted and waged war on the other kingdoms. After long bloody battles Aynor lost the war and retreated to the mountains to the west of Grimsby. Then they lived in peace once again. There was over fifty years of peace, but darkness is rising again. The Fates know that the future of this world depends on twenty tweens and their destinies.
* * *
Zoe pulled the string of her bow, aiming at the plump rabbit on the forest floor. She had to be silent otherwise it would scare the prey away. Zoe looked down for a split second, it was a ten foot drop. One misstep and a broken leg would be in Zoe's destiny.
  A rustling noise came from behind Zoe, in one swift motion Zoe pointed her bow and arrow at a messy blonde haired guy her age's forehead. His eyes widen in fear and surprise. Zoe sighs and shoots the rabbit through the head as it leapt away, pinning it to a tree, without looking behind her. The guy let out a small "Woah." at this action.
 "What is it, Garroth?" Zoe asked, putting her bow onto her back and her remaining arrows back in her quiver.
 "I was told to get you to get ready to go to The Fates' Mountain." Garroth said, starting to climbing back down the tree.
 "That's today!" Zoe yelped, climbing after him. She had forgotten that today was that day.
 "Yep. Come on." Garroth yells as he starts running back to town. Zoe grabs the rabbit and follows him. They reach the small town of Amtu in a nick of time. As they walk in they see a small family sitting in a small messy home without a door, Zoe could count the parents' ribs. Garroth stopped and saw the family, he and Zoe look at each other and the plump rabbit in Zoe's hand and nodded to each other.
 Zoe goes up the mother and hands her the rabbit. The woman is stunned, "T-Thank you kind miss!" She stuttered out.
 "No problem, I love to help!" Zoe replies. She turns around to get back to Garroth but she feels a hand on her shoulder so she turns back around to face the woman.
 "Take this" The woman held out a necklace with a small purple rock traced with a green metal, "As a token of my gratitude." The woman puts it around Zoe's neck. "This will guide you on the right path but be careful, there are thieves that would kill for it." She warned.
 "Thank you, I will be careful." Zoe says breathlessly, she was stunned at the beauty of the necklace. She joined Garroth again. He noticed the necklace immediately.
 "Woah." He muttered, a calm amazed expression was plastered onto his face. "Did she give that to you?" He asked.
 Zoe lifted it up, responding, "Yes. Isn't it-"
 "Beautiful, Mystical, Breathtaking." Garroth interrupted her staring at the necklace.
 "Yes." Zoe replied. As they started to walk to their houses, Zoe could feel something behind her, but when she turned around to face the person she felt behind her she saw no one.
* * *
 Thorin swooped down through the air at an asleep tween elf below, screeching "WAKE UP, IANITE! IT'S THE DAY!" in her ear. Ianite jumped away and looked at Thorin.
 "Dude. What the hay." She yawned.
 "Come on it's time for the Fatessssssssssssssssssssssssss." Thorin wined.
 "I get that you’re excited but we are leaving in an hour." Ianite grumped.
 "I bet I could reach the other side of town before you can." Thorin challenged her as he flew off to the other side of town.
 Ianite sighs, "Why do I even hang out with him?" she asks herself as she flies after him. Ianite honestly loved flying, the view of the land from above was amazing, the rush of adrenaline was better than misery, it's a great way to travel, it's easier to attack from above, and the wind hitting your wings was an amazing feeling.
 Ianite reached the other side of town and sat down in a tree as Thorin arrived to the tree she sat it. He looked at Ianite in surprise and anger. "You cheated!" He accused, pointing his pointer finger at her face.
 "No, I didn't." She says calmly, taking step back.
 "You did, too! You know you cheated so just agree with me!" He yelled, stepping closer to her.
 "Hey, if I agree with you, then we will both be wrong" Ianite said slyly, Thorin freezes for a second trying to figure out what she just said, Ianite took this time to fly into the air and away from Thorin.
 As Ianite flew over a small wooded area she heard a shriek, she scanned the area to find the source of the shriek. The source was a woman with a baby being attacked by something that Ianite had only heard of, an imp. She thought that imps stayed in the mountains of fear but she pushed that thought away as she swooped down in front of the woman and her child, pulling her short sword out.
 The imp looked at Ianite growling and hissing as it circled her, the woman, and child. Ianite expanded her wings to make her look bigger than it. The imp squealed and mewled at this and leaped at her left wing. Pain shot through Ianite as the imp bit her wing with great strength.
 Ianite flew up into the air with the imp still on her, she shook it off her wing and stabbed it through the heart. The imp twitched as it fell to the ground. Ianite lowered as she saw it die, took her sword out of it's chest, and turned to the woman but there was no one there.
 The woman had fled, a wise decision. "Hibakuni ty" Ianite muttered the healing spell. A green mist covered Ianite's injured wing, when the mist cleared, Ianite's wing was healed. Ianite flew up into the air and started to fly back to Lagi, her home.
* * *
 Roman carried an armful of wood to his father, nearly bouncing off the walls he was so excited for today. He started to ponder what his destiny was. He could be a king! No maybe a guard for a king! Anything was fine as long as he wasn't evil! He despised villains with everything atom in his body. Roman snaps back to reality right as he walked straight into a tree.
 His father laughed a little and helped him up, saying, "I know you're excited but you need to watch where you're going if you want to be a knight or adventurer."
 "I know!" Roman remarked, picking the wood back up.
 "My Child! My Child is missing!" A distressed Mother shrieked running around in search of her child. Roman throws the wood to his father and ran up to the distressed Mother.
 "Where did you last see them, ma'am!?" Roman questioned her after calming down her down.
 "I last saw my little girl near the forest playing with a squirrel! I turned around for a second and then she was gone!" The distressed Mother answered.
 "I'll go find you daughter, ma'am." Roman calmly told her before he started to run to the forest.
 "Her name is Eliza!" The distressed mother yelled to Roman as he slipped out of sight.
 Leaves and branches of the forest floor's flora rubbed against Roman's legs and arms as he ran through the forest in search of Eliza. After a few minutes of running, Roman realized that he had no clue where Eliza was and he was now lost. The silence around Roman was suffocating but suddenly a young cry slice through the silence.
 Roman dashed in the direction of the cry, after a minute he reached a clearing. In the middle of the clearing there was a giant tree, lightning bugs flew all around it, vines climbed down to the ground from the top of the tree. In one the branches that reached for the sky a little girl with chestnut hair held on to it for dear life, an arrow sticking out of the wood.
 A second arrow hit the branch getting closer to the kid's hands, the kid's right hand slips making their small left hand the only thing keeping them from falling. Roman rushed underneath the girl and told her, "LET GO! I'LL CATCH YOU!"
 The little girl's left hand slipped also. Roman caught her as she plummeted downwards. Roman saw a girl his age with a bow frown and disappear into the shadows of the forest. Roman set the girl onto the ground and started to kindly question her, "Are you Eliza?" The little girl nodded. "What happened?"
 "I was following a squirrel and they lead me here but suddenly a girl about your height shot the squirrel. I climbed into the tree as they pointed their bow on me. And they were shooting at me with the bow." Eliza explained
 "Let's get you back to your mother. She was worried sick for you." Roman pick Eliza up onto his shoulders and started to sprint back to the large village of Cucu.
* * *
 Liberty shot through the crowd dragging her friend, Travis, behind her. They were late for the ceremony that their village had for the kids that were twelve and heading off to The Fates' Mountain and their destinies.
 "Where are Liberty FrostGazer and Travis WildWind?" The man standing in front of about ten other kids announced.
 "Here!" Travis yapped, raising his hand up. The crowd of adults separated giving them a path to the stage. As they walk down it, Liberty feels the crowd's glares burning the back of her head. The whole village hated her and thought that she was a bad influence on Travis. Honestly she agreed with them, Travis was the most innocent and good hearted person ever and she was 'evil'.
 Sometimes Liberty wished that she could have been like everyone else instead of the 'demon' she is. But it is too late to change.
* * *
 Oliver heaved his bag over his shoulder and stepped into the line to the carts that all of the village's twelve year olds were going to ride in to The Fates' Mountain. He could hear laughter behind him. Before he could turn around he felt a furry paw on his back push him to the ground.
 A couple girls nearby shrieked at the beast on top of Oliver. There a small for its species dire wolf on Oliver. "Vikiba nutakila" Oliver muttered summoning his mage hand. His mage hand picked the wolf up off him and placed him in a tree and picked up his books that spilled out of his bag.
 Oliver stood up and looked at the tree at a guy his age named Zander in there instead of the wolf. His mage hand put Zander down and disappeared. Zander sneered, saying "Magic won't save you next time."
 "You're right." Oliver said, causing Zander to look confused. "Because there won't be a next time." Oliver continued as he stepped into a cart with several of the girls.
 "You know he is going to kill you." One of the girls, Leona, stated in an unimpressed tone of voice.
 "I know but he isn't going to succeed in that mission of his." Oliver replied.
 "That was an interesting spell, Oliver." Another girl, Selene, said.
 "Mage hand is very useful." Oliver responded.
 "True, True." Selene agreed.
* * *
 Thaniel sat down in another cart with his friends: Laurence, Ann, Diana, and Titus. "So what to you want your destiny to be? I want to be a warrior that would be known for eons." Titus started the conversation.
 "I want s-something nice and quiet. Like maybe being a librarian." Ann stuttered.
 "Lame! I want to be a legendary bowmen!" Diana retorted.
 "But you're a girl!" Titus responded jokingly.
 "So! I can still be a bowmen!" Diana countered. "What do you want to be, Thaniel?"
 Thaniel never thought about it until now. What did he want to be? "Friends with all of you still." He answered. "Anyways, Laurence what do you want to be?"
 Laurence sat in the back of the cart, he didn't respond for a minute or two. But when he did he calmly replied, "A farmer."
 "Really? Don't you want to be something that is more exciting than being a farmer!" Diana suggested.
 "No, there is already too much excitement in my lifetime." Laurence replied, tiredness tranced his words. He turned away from the others and started to sleep.
 "We should all rest, today is a big day and it takes an hour to get there." Ann says, falling asleep too. We all stayed up last night because we were too excited to sleep.
 "I agree." Thaniel fell asleep also. But Diana and Titus continued to talk to each other.
* * *
 Ozara swam up to the beach with her fellow mermaids to meet with the fairies to get to The Fates' Mountain. As they reached the shallows of where the land meets the water, their tails turned to legs and their underwater clothes turned to dresses and suits of armor.
 Tiny little lights flew up to them and became people with beautiful yet delicate wings. Ozara walked up to a short fairy with pink hair and orange eyes, saying, "It's nice to see you again, Flori." Flori hugged Ozara, saying, "I see you dyed your hair purple!"
 "Do you like it?" Ozara asked her friend.
 "Yes, it looks amazing!" Flori replied.
 "Let’s get going! We don't want to be late!" Ozara said as she started to run. "I'll race you, Fairy Wing!"
 "You're on, Fish lips!" Flori replied flying into the air after her.
* * *
 Steve and Sage leaped from tree to tree to keep up with their village's group. They were filled with determination, they had been waiting their whole lives for today. Other villages' groups came into sight. They leaped into a cart and sat down.
 "What do you want to be, Sage?" Steve said, looking to his childhood friend.
 "Hm. I don't care as long as we're still friends, you?" Sage replied.
 "An assassin." Steve said.
 "That sounds fun." Sage claimed. "Killing people and being feared sounds amazing."
 "Yep." Steve agreed.
* * *
Finished!! Hope you Enjoyed, Reader! I will make art of the characters and behind the scenes, and funny things for this series!
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