#but really im not mad at any people who have used blue deku it just annoys me in general
everytimeiread · 3 years
Izuku and Iruma Comparisons...
And why they aren't my thing.
Fair warning, this is no hating on either character but I do express my frustration on people calling the characters basically the same. Also there probably will be spoilers for Mairimashita! Iruma-kun. If you do it for fun and don't mean anything by it keep doing it! This is just to express my own frustration since I love both characters so much.
I really don't like it when people call Iruma 'blue deku' since it really disregards both characters. But mostly Iruma. Iruma has progressed a lot from where he started and reducing him to 'blue deku' really gets under my skin. Sure there are parallels on the personal arc they are going through/gone through but their own journeys are different on a personal level.
Especially in the beginning, Iruma and Izuku have different motives. Izuku has a dream that he wants to achieve as people look down on him, while Iruma is literally just surviving. Both have valid trauma in their own ways- but have very different goals. Bnha is about Izuku becoming the hero he's always wanted to be and while m!ik is technically about Iruma becoming the demon king- it's more about Iruma becoming a person. Sure, they both suddenly get an important parental figure in their life but they give the main characters different things. All Might gives Izuku a quirk and a mentor who believes in him. Sullivan gives Iruma the unconditional love of family that Iruma never had before. Sullivan literally bought Iruma from his parents for Iruma to become his grandson. That was the only requirement. Not 'help me do this' or 'pay for that' or any other extra step to gain love Iruma has had to do his entire life. The mentors are helping different parts of Iruma and Izuku's personal growth. They both care about their wards but one is much more family only oriented (love you Sullivan).
One of the many things I love so much about m!ik is how it deals with many things people see as 'bad'. The main concept being greed. All demon's have greed and thus have their own ambition. It's seen as normal and basically necessary for all demon's. Iruma was the definition of a doormat when he first came into the demon world. However the mentality of the demon's made him ask a question he was never able to ask himself until then 'what do I want to do?'. Greed was helping Iruma become more than just a tool to help others- it was helping him start to get dreams for himself.
I think the main reason it annoys me that Izuku and Iruma are seen as basically the same is that just because they have a positive attitude and like helping others all their other character growth/ personality traits are tossed out the window. Izuku can be really fierce when emotional while even when Iruma is extremely upset he doesn't get nearly as agitated. Feral Izuku exists while feral Iruma does not. Izuku openly shows the desperation on his face. Iruma doesn't (definitely a trauma thing but still). Iruma has privately acknowledged his trauma has hurt him because he now has people he relies on. Izuku has not (yes I'm mentioning Bakugou none of their arcs have been dealt with healthily), though that is probably because he still needs to have more people to properly rely on *points to my bnha teacher abuse post*.
My point is that both Iruma's and Izuku's character arcs are going different places. It feels insulting to compare Izuku working hard to overcome many dangerous situations to become the best hero and save everyone to Iruma slowly learning what family means and learning how to be a person. I was so proud when he pouted about being called ugly after being called cute so much he never would have done that in the beginning of the manga.
Sorry for the long rant- I love both of them so much but Welcome to demon school Iruma-kun has become my favorite manga as of now so I wanted to get it all off my chest. Read the manga it's great!!! I highly recommend it to people who like found family, fun fantasy, and great character growth/relationships.
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kwonhoshi0 · 3 years
𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐤𝐢 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 | h.c
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navigation | requests : open | 25th march 2021
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pairing : denki x gn!reader
genre : angst to fluff
themes : established relationship
request : angst to fluff hcs idea! denki hearing his S/O talk about their day and Denki being a little mad about something else that day he explodes his anger to her and he says "will you shut the fuck up? damn im so fucking tired of you". His S/O avoid him the following week even at work. Denki, feeling alone he asked his S/O what he did wrong. And then his S/O, almost crying, tells him what he did. He felt so guilty and bad and was finfing the way how to make it up to the. Thanks :)
note : i’m changing it slightly so they’re still in UA :p
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[ denki ]
> you literally don’t argue
> in your 2 years of being together you’ve argued probably only twice and that was about safety it wasn’t out of spite it was out of concern
> obviously no one likes fighting but you both despise not being able to talk to each other as normal
> you’re the couple who do tiktok dances and play stupid pranks on eachother even if it takes hours of denki bribing you
> you have date nights every other day
> so when the bakusquad don’t see you together for a week they get a little concerned
-> scenario
> today had been a particularly tiring day training, everyone was tired but denki seemed to be going hard on himself
> he was mad at himself for not being able to withstand a certain amount of electricity before short circuiting
> since you were also busy training you couldn’t reassure him or make him feel better
> as soon as training ended denki headed to his dorm room laying face in his pillow
> you had arrived a little after him with mina and since he wasn’t playing video games downstairs you figured he’d probably be showering or something
> “hey denks” he just made a grunting noise as you sat on the bed
> “it was kinda fun seeing how far everyone could go with their quirks, oh and at one point i went against mina and her new moves are so cool, i wish i could’ve used that move you helped me make but there weren’t many chances to use it”
> you looked back down at the blonde his head was still in his pillow, you nudged him a little “how was your day love” you laughed a little at hid position
> “oh i think i saw you fighting against kiri you were doing so-”
> “do you ever shut the fuck up, i’m so damn tired of you y/n” he turned over slightly staring at his ceiling
> “what-” you were confused he’d never snapped like that
> “god you’re so annoying” he interjected you scoffed not wanting him to see you upset
> “right, you won’t be saying the same thing when you’re begging for my attention”
> he hadn’t really caught your words, he didn’t even realise what he had said
> when you got back to your room you overthought it a lot how long has he thought that about me, did we just break up
> you knew you were overthinking but that didn’t stop you from crying about it fuck has he really thought that shit about me from the beginning, that he’s tired of me, that i’m annoying
> you avoided him like the plague that night, you didn’t go downstairs much and usually you kept your door unlocked so he can sneak in but you locked it
> it hurt a lot knowing he thought that about you
> you went downstairs to grab a drink kirishima bakugou and sero were sat playing video games
> “hey y/n are you gonna play tonight?” you shook your head and walking over to him to see what theyre playing
> “you okay? you look tired” well i am tiring apparently
> “yeah sorry, just tired” you lied
> “oh in that case you should rest!” you smiled at the redhead nodding at his words
> “oh and y/n kaminari seemed worked up when we sparred earlier is he okay” you winced a little before pretending to have not heard them
> you opened the door of your room and struggled holding your water phone and books
> “hi sunshine” a sleepy voice that usually made your heart race except it made your heart rate speed up for a different reason
> you quickly closed the door and locked it sighing
> “y/n? what happened? is this one of your pranks you’re not getting me back by locking me out”
> the next day you woke up slightly earlier than usual, denki usually woke up late anyway so you took your time
> you walked to your class with bakugou and kirishima and sat in your usual seat
> when denki arrived he was a little confused since you hadn’t stumbled into his room at 6:30am and cuddled him until your alarm went off
> you didn’t have breakfast with him or walk to class with him
> you hadn’t even looked at him this morning and it scared him
> he wanted to talk to you but aizawa walked in making everyone sit in their seats
> for sparring partners you paired with bakugou since your quirks are pretty compatible
> during your sparring session you had pinned his arm behind his back which meant he fell on you since you were both so unbalanced, he had his arms on the ground caging you beneath him
> the electric type stared in jealousy wait is this why they’re acting weird? because they want to leave me for him
> fucking dumbass no just don’t hurt my feelings🌝
> you sat with the dekusquad since you’re friends with all of them
> it wasn’t too weird to others since you and the deku squad are pretty good friends
> you successfully ignored him for another school day but there was still the dorms
> “oi dumbass we’re doing movie night you comin” you smiled at the blondes softness towards his friends “sorry i’ve got uh homework”
> “uh homework?” you glared at him “you know what i mean”
> he rolled his eyes before going back to your friends
> denki watched from afar he wanted to make you smile, he wanted to do that so why weren’t you letting him
> “y/n” you froze a little hearing his voice so pleading but you shook it off and went to your room
> the next couple days were hard you didn’t know where you stood with the boy and you were honestly afraid to find out
> denki had tried to talk to you but everytime he did have the chance he chickened out afraid you’d say you don’t want him anymore and that terrified him so much he couldn’t think about it without tearing up
> it had been about a week since what happened and everyone noticed the atmosphere
> you both looked miserable and you wouldn’t be caught in the same room together
> “oi y/n open up, Now dumbass” you groaned letting the blonde in
> “what the fuck is going on with you and dunce face?!” you sighed
> “i’m not exactly sure” that wasnt a lie, you don’t really know where you stand with him
> “explain”
> “i went to his dorm as normal and he told me i was tiring and annoying and asked if i ever shut up.. it may not seem like much since you say that all the time but it’s the way he said it, he said it with so much hate, just didn’t feel great i guess”
> “just suck it up and talk to him, you don’t know what he’s thinking so find out”
> “and what if he wants to leave me”
> “then fuckin let him if things are meant to work out they will, besides i’m not doing this out of kindness, you’re uh not at your strongest during training so”
> you smiled a little hearing the blondes excuses for caring about his friends
> just as you let bakugou out denki watched and looked at the ground feeling tears in his eyes
> your eyes widened a little as he pushed open the door letting himself in
> “i don’t know what i did but you could’ve broken up with me before dating him you know!”
> you furrowed your eyebrows holding back tears
> “is that some sort of fucking joke denki?, you can’t tell me i’m tiring and annoying asking me if i ever shut up and then accuse me of cheating when that was very clearly your way of telling me to fuck off”
> just as he was about to ask what you meant he remembered what had happened that day, he was so tired and caught up in his own anger that he had forgotten
> “what the fuck, y/n i’m sorry i’m so sorry i didn’t mean to say any of that.. i shouldn’t have accused you of anything or taken it out on you” he let a tear slip out staring at the ground
> you thought about it and scolded yourself for overthinking so much
> “can we be okay y/n.. i love you even if i don’t deserve to”
> you sniffled a little at his words before smiling “do that again and i’ll fucking gut you”
> he jumped towards you with a grin on his face engulfing you in a hug
> “i missed this, i missed you so much baby”
> you nodded into his neck “me too”
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A/N : pain only pain, i barely see any denki angst to fluffs so i’m here feeding my people😫
taglist : @todoroki-shoto-is-life @blazedbakugou @luluwiie @blue-gold-demigod-clouds @gazelle-des-pres @gaysimpsstuff
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the-mic-drop · 4 years
Class 1-A Cypher by Rustage
Lyrics below the cut
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Izuku Midoriya - Deku (Performed by Rustage)
Call me Deku, I’m starting out on this cypher
I was quirkless, but by working I’m deserving something higher
It’s my purpose, I’m versing my present, future, and my past
So I’m gonna rock the mic with a Detroit Smash
Taking a second, I’m breaking my limit
Hitting with everything, pain I can feel it
I’m straining my muscles, I tussle with enemies
Better be ready, I’m more than a critic
I spit it, exhibit it all night
I’m killing it, chilling with All-Might
A villain inhibited by my ability
in minutes you’re watching my school fight
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Fumikage Tokoyami - Tsukuyomi (Performed by Shwabadi)
When you cross this bird, you might get to see me wield the talons
So absurd how I’m applying subverse talents
Yes I’m cursed, carry a demon, I’m full of malice
Even worse for you when striking a bitter balance
Dark claws harming the vermin that are below me
Start wars, armed with determination and Oni
Get back, I’ve been endangering those who know me
Jet Black Hero, they’re calling me Tsukuyomi
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Ochaco Uraraka - Uravity (Performed by DaisyBanaisy)
I’ll make you float as I’m messing with zero gravity
Don’t mean to gloat when I’m calculating these strategies
Rapidly climbing casually, my quirk “lacks in lethality”
but actually your apathy will lead straight to your casualty
I’ll happily fight for justice, with all of my capacity
My motive’s money, thankfully that don’t define morality
Reality is I’m just helping others for my family
I’m saving all humanity, don’t you mess with Uravity!
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Tenya Iida - Ingenium (Performed by Dan Bull)
I’ve got many a twitch, that’s the Tenya itch
I’m like my test scores, I got plenty of tics
Academic, educated, but I never skip leg day
Still regretful of the day that I met Stain
Enraged, by what he did to my brother Tensei
I didn’t handle it the best way, I dare say
Left my hand damaged in remembrance of fair play
I’m representing Class 1-A, they’re my best mates
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Tsuyu Asui - Froppy (Performed by Sophia Dere)
Ribbit Ribbit, exhibit a hero’s spirit
I’m in it and so I’ll win it
When I’m swimming, yeah I won’t stop
This frog’s idyllic not a gimmick in a minute
I be launching in to kill it
Like a frog, I’m bringing mad hops
My tongue’s deadly, spitting and I take charge
and then I’m turning invisible with my camoflage
In the water, no villain can dare to stop me
You’re looking sloppy, now you’re facing Froppy
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Hanta Sero - Cellophane (Performed by VideoGameRapBattles)
Lucky 13 of the A-1 team
Kid I spit great mixtapes, stick your team
Wraps so clean,
and I’m sealing all the matches now that Cellophane will bring the pain all wrapped up in a package
Getting shipped with tons of damage, but there’s no send backs
Shut you up with my bind attacks
Get back, ‘cause you know that I’ll be winning
in this sticky situation, so I think you better stick it.
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Mezo Shoji - Tentacole (Performed by Dreaded Yasuke)
You can call me wall that have ears, door that have eyes
Meaning I’m cavalier when it comes to fighting just like a spy
In close combat, my dupli-arms is coming for the harm
and I’m laughing at you if you’re trying disarm
I’ll sacrifice for everybody exhausting my quirk
Even when I’m down for the count, I’m disguising my smirk
You can cut off all of my limbs, I’m still coming in a burst
Class 1-A will always come first
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Kyoka Jiro - Earphone Jack (Performed by Savvy Hyuga)
It’s ya edgy girl, Earphone Jack
Utilizing my quirk in both stealth and combat
I guess I can see how you think I fell flat
but lemme show you how I make up for that
with punk rock attacks
When my earlobes are growing
you know they whippin and probin
an’ now they got you tip-toeing
findin the range that my tone is
It’s not your typical motion n my moves don’t need compression
It’s just another jam session featuring my form of expression
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Denki Kaminari - Chargebolt (Performed by Dizzy Eight)
It’s time to put in work, I got this cypher on lock
I don’t need my quirk when this verse will leave you shocked
Like a battery, I got the juice, so they put me in a box
When my positive means negative, I’m like “so watt?”
You don’t want that static with me homie it’s fatal
I got so much energy, I’m plugged in without the cable
On the low, I’ll leave everybody on the scene disabled
I’m underrated, but in a flash, I’ll leave you endangered
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Shoto Todoroki - Shoto (Performed by None Like Joshua)
It’s Todoroki, I chose to be cold and lonely
Nobody can hold me with the inferno, I’m overloading
From a broken home to known hero I’m going up slowly but surely
and be better than Endeavor whether it’s hot or it’s snowing
Even if I’m behind, I’ll be sure to make Bakugo see
I do it for All of his Might or to stop killer Stain, forget any trophy
So now that you’re immobilized and then frozen in pain, no one can approach me
Put up a wall of my ice or a wall of my flames to build your enclosing
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Rikido Sato - Sugarman (Performed by GameboyJones)
Give me 10 grams of white, then I’m activated (um)
Wait, I’m talking ‘bout the sugar that I took
Got a sweet tooth for taking out these villains ‘cause they’re agitating
Plus the girlies like a guy that can cook
Call me Sato the Macho, I’m saving these streets
Yeah these nachos are not yours, I need me a treat
and this crime fighting’s hard work, it can leave me beat
but like candy and cakes, being me is real sweet
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Mina Ashido - Pinky (Performed by StarGirl)
The corrosive caped crusader, Pinky here to save the day
and end up taking center stage upon these lyrics that I lay up
Easygoing, I’m passionate in battle, I’m not passive
See it flowing I don’t spit fire, I spit acid
Hypnotic fashion sense, I leave you in a trance
I’m good at fighting, my other skills are in dance
Protect my friends, we’re going in on advance
Mina Ashido, you don’t even stand a chance
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Eijiro Kirishima - Red Riot (Performed by NerdOut)
Kirishima’s here, everybody stand down
I’mma activate a quirk and give your chest a hand pound
With these Red Gun Turrets yeah the target is locked
I’m a boulder with a boner, man I’m hard as a rock
I’m unbreakable, cannot penetrate this armor
and I don’t need a little blue pill to get harder
I’m full of energy, enemies looking dead tired
Blood running in the street, you can call it Red Riot
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Koji Koda - Anima (Performed by Connor Rapper)
I’m the quiet type, lying with the wildlife
When I’m on, you wouldn’t even need subtitle lines
Nervous around others, I’m the last one who would yell loud
But to be a hero, then I need to break the shell now
Yo it’s Koda bringing massive noise, flowing with that Ani-Voice
That timid kid with rabbit toys no longer acting coy
Drinking honey tea, facing my fear of bugs and bees
Get a bull stampeding with the words like I’m Douglby
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Yuga Aoyama - Can’t Stop Twinkling (Performed by Zach Boucher)
Never needed fame or money, I can get it later
Even though it hurts my tummy, when I use my navel laser
I have got finesse, snazzier than all the rest
I’m the best, nothing less
being honest, not a flex, I’m a threat
It’s getting harder to stomach, I’ve got the smarts and I love
I’m certainly perfect, it hurts just like the art of seduction
Heart of a Puma, get ready to lose
I’ll be spreading the truth
and y’all are stupid if you choose to fight against the Yuga
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Momo Yaoyorozu - Creati (Performed by HalaCG)
I’ve got the quirk creation and patience to work it
Balancing equations, don’t even need to research it
Sequencing elements, a testament to intelligence
You’d better watch out ‘cause I’m not feeling very benevolent
If a person’s in trouble, just wait and see what I’ll do
I can literally make anything. Overpowered, who?
Overpowered, who?
I meant I’ll overpower you
It’s true, sincerely Class 1-A’s Momo Yaoyorozu
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Minoru Mineta - Grape Juice (Performed by Nux Taku)
Where the ladies at? (ay)
Where the ladies at? (ay)
Mineta’s here to peek at women that I’m gazing at
People thinking that I’m weak, but you know what I say to that
Leave you in a sticky situation with my grape attacks
Underestimating me? You’re lacking information
Incapacitation, when you’re facing me, frustration
Master of flirtation, pretty much the top dog
You ain’t ever coming close when I pop off
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Ojiro Mashirao - Tailman (Performed by Rockit Gaming)
Ojiro, the Tailman, you get what you train for
Master martial artist, black belt on my waist though
Nobody even really understands me
Got intelligence, can’t predict any hit that I’m landing
Classmate you confide in with dignity
You can wear a costume, all I got on is a gi
Noble attitude, that’s my personality
Accept results that I earn with my own abilities
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Toru Hagakure - Invisible Girl (Performed by Outcast Rae)
Take you by surprise, yeah, I can do it easy
Miss me with your eyes, yeah, you can’t even see me
No matter what you try, yeah, you can never beat me
Feels a little cheesy, like a wish from a genie
When it comes to action, my quirk is in light refraction
so it has the side effect of never being a distraction
Sneak up on my enemies, let me be the best assassin
Toru Hagakure, you can feel my passion
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Katsuki Bakugo - Kacchan (Performed by DaddyPhatSnaps)
I don’t think you other heroes are even listenin’
Maybe I should focus your attention with some ‘glycerin
You don’t even get it, there’s really no competition
I’m lighting these rookies up, boi, I’m slaying on every mission
I’ll show them once and for all, little Deku won’t know what hit ‘im
I will get the recognition, exploding the opposition
I will be the greatest hero that ever took the position
So come at me little bitches, I’ll make you wish that you didn’t
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