#but sally is forever. 🫶🫶🫶
bananalovin · 4 months
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happy valentine’s day, gang! have lesbians. :3
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dodgebolts · 1 year
some people on twitter are always clipping snf and karl talking about them possibly moving to nc out of context because they cut out the part where they say it would probably never actually happen and i’m starting to think they are secret drantis or want people to panic about snf leaving dream. like it always leads to people panicking about dteam getting separated when there is no reason to actually worry about it
I saw sally answer this pretty succinctly so I’ll just echo what he said in that there are people who will always clip things for the drama of it all because they like to start shit—it’s the way twitter works, outrage is a miracle worker for engagement over there because that’s baked into the system and algorithm. Tbh anon I wouldn’t worry all that much, dteam forever and ever regardless of what potential shit-stirrers may say! Dooming will get you nowhere prommy been there done that 🫶
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ozimagines · 7 months
Dating Chico Guerra would include…
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Charming, slippery fucker
Takes him a long time to catch feelings
Definitely teases you and makes your life hell to show you he likes you
Won’t commit unless it looks like you have someone else (toxic boi)
Very loyal (for Chico anyway) once smitten
Expects sex; he needs it to survive😭
Will perform oral but will have to be bribed and will complain like a bitch the whole time
“Are you done yet?” “No” “*sigh* okay”
He will take sex anywhere and everywhere. If you ask and he says no, he may literally be dying.
Will pick on Alvarez to peacock in front of you
Big 90s cholo energy😍
Vey into PDA
Puts his hand in your back pocket so everyone can see you’re his
Will leave a hickey in the shape of his initials swear to god
“Just signing my work, baby” 😘
Is very self conscious about his eyes so you compliment them often
Lots of sexy talk about as subtle as jackhammer Miss Sally style
“We should work out. One of my muscles is aching, chula…” 😏
Call him Daddy and he’ll love you forever
Breaks into Spanish in the throes of passion
And every other time
Will not learn the names of anyone in your family but will go to family reunions
Makes him wish he had family of his own
Lap sitting is required, non-negotiable
Never was much of a leader so any partner that treats him like one makes him ‘feel like a man’
Definitely strokes his ego when you flirt with him in public
“That’s my good girl/boy”
Eventually if it got to Love, he’d be a ride or die I think
Like Dino, he takes marriage seriously (kinda anyway)
He’d talk a big game in front of his friends but at the end of the day, he comes back to your bed❤️
Will hold you all night
Soft snorer
Can only make huevos rancheros but will make them for you
Disappears for days at a time but makes it up to you
His anger is strong… so is his love
Jealous Bitch lol
Definitely calls you his husband/wife before you’re married
Thinks fiancée is a stupid word
It’s important to him that you get along with his friends
Carlo is definitely nicest to you
Carlos doesn’t like you but will share his drugs with you
Morales thinks you’re a good influence on him
Hernandez thinks he’s a pussy for liking you so much
I think Chico could stand up to his friends but he really wouldn’t want to
Will take a shank for you
Will shank for you
Please ask him to shank for you😂
When he gets sick, he pretends to be fighting some great illness
“I’m fine babe” -the bitch said, dramatically
Definitely wants to be babied
Kiss him on the nose. He’ll say he hates it but he secretly loves it
Giving him nicknames like “killer” “big guy” and “papi”
Him giving you nicknames like “chulo/a” “baby” or “kid”
Meeting his mom and having her instantly distrust you but then sees you admonish him for being a dumbass and changes her mind😂🫶
“Love you, baby.” *saucy wink*
Yeah, he’s your guy
Bonus: not canon at all but I always thought Chico had a pregnancy kink. Like if he got his woman all swollen up with his baby… plus the pregnancy sex.🤰
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sevencardigans · 10 months
Getting tagged in this by the wonderful Silja @wunderlichkind is literally the highlight of my evening. 🫶🌞
An estimate of how many physical books i own: so these are solely the books I collected over the last 5 years, since that’s all I own at this point: exactly 194 (including the 6 books that I ordered yesterday) so not that many
Favourite author: incredibly difficult answer, so I’m going to give two academic and two not so academic answers. I enjoy a fun and easy TJR read, although there are definitely a lot of things I don’t agree with when it comes to her writing + I’m a Sally Rooney girl through and through. A serious academic answer would be Virginia Woolf and Shirley Jackson. 
A popular book I've never read and never intend to read: anything Colleen Hoover. Need I say more?
A popular book I thought was just meh: totally copying Silja here, but I also did.not.get why people went crazy over Where The Crawdads Sing. I also didn’t vibe with The Song of Achilles as much as I hoped I would. It was alright, but I didn’t feel it – Circe is Madeline Millers superior novel.  
Longest book I own: Just from looking at my bookshelf right now, it’s To Paradise by Hanya Yanaghara (which is also why I still haven’t managed to read it)
Longest series I own all the books to: I’m usually not a book series reader, which is also why I own only half of the Harry Potter books in English (not counting my moms full English collection). I also have the unfinished V.E. Schwab Shades of Magic series if that counts. 😅
Prettiest book I own: I’m literally so guilty of only buying books with pretty book covers. I’d say I'm most proud of my Penguin Orange Book editions of We Have Always Lived In This Castle and Ceremony, though. I mean, just look at those gold details! (not pictured: the deckled edges)
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A book or series I wish more people knew about: one of my favorite books of all time, and a book I read every year at least once, is I’m Thinking Of Ending Things. It’s a psychological “thriller” novella. It’s incredibly subtle and uses its vagueness to evoke uncanniness in its truest form. There IS a Netflix movie about this book, so I guess it has become more popular. Other than that, All My Mothers is another unknown favorite of mine. It’s a study on mother-daughter relationships, family dynamic, illness, family trauma, and chosen families. It’s beautiful, heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time (also, beautiful book cover if you ask me). 
Book I’m reading now: I’ve sadly been in a bit of a reading slump, mainly because I have too many options and somehow still can’t seem to find the book with the right content and pace for this very moment. But I technically am reading Memphis and listening to The Hunger right now.  
Book that’s been on my TBR list for a while but I still haven’t gotten around to it: literally half of my bookshelf? I can’t wait to read The Mercies (I want to wait for winter) though.  
Do you have any books in a language other than English: I got a bunch of German books since that’s my first language, but I despise reading German books because it takes me forever to get through them. My favorite non-English book is the latest Asterix comic in German, signed by the German translator who I worked with for a reading/Q&A that I helped host. 
Paperback, hardcover or ebook?: Paperback all day long. I have a bunch of hardcovers, but I have to have A LOT of faith in a book/author if I buy the hardcover ones. I also love audible! 
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reaperseal-archive · 9 months
1, 7 & 49 🫶
1. who is/are your comfort characters?
OHHH BABEY i have sooo many obvi punchy animal crossing and pompompurin but for human charas right now it’s mr. kankuro naruto and leon s kennedy resident evil always n forever he’s my babygirl. also mr. howl movingcastle, sailor mercury, sal fisher sally face, kofuku noragami, the list goes on and on just assume i’m obsessed with most characters because i am
7. hair ties or scrunchies?
SCRUNCHIES. I am a scrunchie madman i have way too many for any one person and they have to be soft n fluffy or silky as to not rip my hair out. i always have one or two on my wrist
49. can you skip rocks?
haven’t tried in a long time but yeah! not very far tho :/
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