#but she picked up on robin's lil gift even if not -fully-
rebouks · 3 months
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She knew-.. Robin was sure of it.
Despite her warmth, he’d always been slightly unnerved by aunt Alma’s presence; there was something odd about her that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Some people were harder to read than others, like Alex, but it was still possible.
Alma’s mind was like an impenetrable vault in comparison. Any attempts to feel or hear anything she did were met with a metaphorical brick wall, leaving him reeling as though he’d collided with it head first-.. but not tonight. Tonight, Alma was like an open book, and Robin was convinced she was doing it on purpose.
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She’d told him all about her struggles as a child; how she didn’t fit in, how people teased her for being too sensitive, how hard it was to figure out who she was amongst the clamour of everyone else’s inner most image of themselves-.. all the while allowing him unlimited access to those very memories, like a handpicked blooper reel, just for him. Of course, that wasn’t the case though.. was it?
Alma had stopped talking now, but Robin still wasn’t sure how to react. He sat in silence instead, staring at nothing in particular for far longer than what could be considered normal.
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“Can you hear me?” he thought, deciding to try a little experiment.
Nothing. Okay, so she couldn’t read his mind-.. then what the heck was she getting at? How had she so succinctly summed up his entire existence in less than fifteen minutes?
“I would’ve liked somewhere as quiet as this when I was young, it’s a shame we didn’t have an attic…” Alma offered, clearly trying to relate to Robin’s situation in any way she could. He still wasn’t entirely sure why, but she clearly wanted to help, and Robin didn’t know anyone else who understood him as well as she did, so perhaps he ought to let her try. He finally abandoned his switch and cautiously joined her atop his favourite, motheaten couch.
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“What’re you getting at?” he said bluntly, curiosity getting the better of his manners. Alma chuckled softly, “You’re just like your father.” “It’s genetics, apparently…” Robin let loose a brief grin, glad to be compared to Oscar.
“I don’t know how exactly, but you’re different, Robin-.. and I thought it high time you knew you weren’t alone, and that we can’t let these things get the best of us.” Alma smiled softly as she spoke, but Robin was still too wary to be completely transparent. “We?” he asked, dubiously. “We’re few and far between, but you’re certainly not the only one who’s a little.. special, shall we say? That’s better than different, maybe?” Alma suggested.
Robin hummed thoughtfully, shaking his head, “Special is just another word for different, or weird.” Alma scoffed playfully, “And what’s wrong with being weird? I’m weird-.. we’re all a bit weird!”
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“How’re you weird?” Robin asked, squinting at Alma accusingly. “Well, I can sense things I certainly shouldn’t be able to.” Alma started, excited to be getting somewhere. “Emotions radiate from people like a space heater-.. they’re not always pleasant, of course, but I can soak them up if I want to.”
Robin blinked, “Only if you want to..?” “Uh-huh.” Alma nodded. “You can block it out?!” Robin spluttered, suddenly and completely forgetting to maintain his ignorance before swiftly correcting himself. “I mean-.. it sounds like you can pick and choose, right?”
Alma nodded once more, “It wasn’t easy, but I spent a lot of years practicing.” “Years?” Robin sounded crestfallen. “I didn’t have a mentor…” Alma winked.
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Robin allowed himself to smirk, figuring he might as well drop at least part of the act at this point. He was still a little nervous about being approached about such things so brazenly, but at least he knew why Alma perturbed him so much now, she was blocking him out on purpose-.. and she couldn’t read his mind either, which was always a plus.
The last thing he wanted was for anyone to know that he possessed that particular ability. Who’d want to hang out with someone who could access their inner most thoughts, the one’s they’d never dream of saying out loud? He shuddered involuntarily, hoping he’d never meet anyone that could read his.
Clementine finally nudged Robin, dragging him back to the present with her ghostly touch. “She looked right at me just then-.. she smiled! Did you see?” Robin spun around, realising that Alma had almost begun her descent. He must’ve missed her goodbye. “Wait!”
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Alma paused expectantly, causing Robin to second guess himself and retreat into silence. “I won’t be far, sweetheart-.. whenever you’re ready.” Robin shivered as Clementine poked him again, “She can definitely see me…” “Can you, uh-…”
“See the ghost poking you?” Alma giggled, sounding far younger than she was. The vault doors had snapped shut again by now, but Robin got the impression that aunt Alma was just as excited as he was to find someone else who was weird. “Can you hear her?”
“Maybe-.. though I’m quite sure she hasn’t said anything yet.” Alma peered at Clementine expectantly. “Hey!” Clementine exclaimed as Robin tried to shove her into action, his hand ending up halfway through her waist instead.
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“What? It’s not like you can feel it.” Robin snorted. Alma laughed heartily, thoroughly amused. “Well, I heard that-.. you two are good friends, huh?”
Robin nodded slightly, releasing a breath he hadn’t realised he was holding. “I thought I was the only one who could see her-.. that maybe I was going insane…” “Far from it, honey! You hit me up whenever you feel like it, okay?”
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orangelemonsstuff · 1 year
Okay so-- few months ago me and my friend were talking about what if DOL has an ending, bad one, since me and my friend are bad ending enthusiasts, it gave me an idea i shared to them months ago.
its pretty shit but i enjoyed writing it lmao
Neutral Bad Ending
MC comes home wet by the rain outside, they will come asking around orphans about Bailey's whereabouts, a orphan would approach them and say Bailey is currently occupying the bathroom,
There are two scenarios that might happen with this ending:
1. If PC is in High Trauma or just achieved the Whitney and Robin Park cutscene/event (which i made up in my mind), PC would ask for the orphan's hair dryer saying "needing to dry their hair because of the rain" before heading to the bathroom where Bailey is in and plugging it on the extension cord, a moment later, Bailey would notice PC's presence and would ask "what the fuck do you want brat? can't you see im in here?" PC would just give him a stare and would ask for his birthday
Defiant: "When's your birthday Bailey?"
Neutral: "i just want to know when is your birthday Bailey?"
Submissive: "W-well, i want to ask... w-when is your birthday Bailey?
At this, Bailey would respond "Why the hell would you want to know? i don't want any of your crappy gifts", PC will insist that they should just say when it is and they'll leave, Bailey would give it up and say "June 12, now get the fuck out of here." PC would smile at them saying that they'll remember it before throwing the plugged hair dryer on a extension cord at the bathub with Bailey.
If PC with High Trauma or the Whitney and Robin event (again made up in my head which i didn't write yet) is not acquired but Robin is on the underground brothel or the Orphanage had gained Rebellious trait it would follow this scene:
2. PC would pull some furnishings from around the orphanage towards the bathroom door exclusively trapping Bailey in the bathroom, the orphans would look at them confusedly and they will just assure them that they will end all of this, the orphans will still not get it but they will help PC pushing the furnitures, it has three stages
"You cover the bathroom door with furnitures and large objects, Its barely covered. he/she could come out easy"
"You cover the bathroom door with furnitures and large objects, Most parts were covered. he/she would sturggle to come out"
"You covered the bathroom door with furnitures and large objects. the door is fully covered. he/she cannot come out."
if high skullduggery, Should PC and the orphans move the furnitures quitely through the bathroom door, if not a chair would make a screeching sound alerting Bailey making the Player choose if they should take the risk on continuing or not.
*not continuing would fail this ending even if the door is already covered fully
continuing, would have Bailey rattling the doorknob only to not being able to open it, Bailey would soon bang the door for all of them to remove the blockage at once or else they will taste their wrath, but with PC contiuing and successfully covering the door, they hurry and lead the other orphans outside as they pick up a canister of gasoline and surrounded the whole orphanage with it including the furnitures near the bathroom door, they will pick up a match on Bailey's office and lit the gasoline tracks on fire.
EH? EH? WHATCHA THINK??? tbh this is just a fun lil concept on an ending i made up in my mind since i played a lot of otome games and gained a lot of bad endings... which happened too much to be considered normal cuz normally i just fuck around with characters lmao, but i hope you enjoyed it.
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melted-wax-wings · 7 years
there’s a ton of these so here’s a read more
Is a kiss considered cheating? - Yes
Have you ever faked orgasm? - Nah
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? -Telekinesis
Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? -Probs not
Tell us some funny drunk story. - I just have high stories where i was being a memer.
Why are you no longer together with your ex? -Eh, personal reasons that i don’t feel like sharing tbh
If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? - In my sleep bc i’m a big baby
What are your current goals? - I’d like to get started on a poetry book
Do you like someone? - I mean, I have a bf so
Who was the last person to disappoint you? - honestly myself lmfao
Do you like your body? - NAH SON
Can you keep a diet? - fuck no i love food too much
If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? - “hey can we not be dicks to each other?”
Do you work? - nah but god i wish i was bc i need money
If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? - ngl my basic ass would pick sushi
Would you get a tattoo? - Yeeee
Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? - Pokemon games tbh
Can you drive? - Ye but not very well
When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? - This morning
What was the last thing you cried for? - ngl i’ve been crying over everything the past few days
Do you keep a journal? - Nah, i’m not interesting enough to have one
Is life fun? - If I’m with others, yes
Is farting in front of people irrelevant? - I mean, it’s a bodily function but it’s not a very socially acceptable one. i personally don’t care
What’s your dream car? - VW bug bc i enjoy the thought of people hitting each other when i drive by
Are grades in school important? - it’s very dependent on the situation. i personally feel like grades should only be a very high priority in one’s major field of study/related studies. However, grades shouldn’t take priority over one’s physical, mental, and emotional health.
Describe your crush. - he’s got these gorgeous eyes that change color. he’s tall and gives amazing hugs. he’s a phenomenal writer and is incredibly intelligent about such a variety of topics from music to writing to just about anything. he’s patient, loving, and funny. honestly he’s amazing and i fall more in love with him every day.
What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? - Alice in Wonderland. i hadn’t seen it prior to last week but just the animation and story-telling was just amazing to me
What was your last lie? - that the reason i didn’t want to go out was because of my stomach hurting
Dumbest lie you ever told? - not sure tbh
Is crying in front of people embarrassing? - not at all
Something you did and you are proud of? - Being recognized as a poet at my college’s poetry festival
What’s your favourite cocktail? - don’t really have one x.x
Something you are good at? - i like to think i’m okie at motivating others
Do you like small kids? - i’m okay with kids as long as they aren’t overly loud
How are you feeling right now? - a lil grumpy bc the ac isn’t on
What would you name your daughter/son? - Jason would be my son, Robin would be my daughter
What do you need to be happy? - Personal growth
Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? - ME TBH
What was the last gift you received? - some books from my bb
What was the last gift you gave? - UHHHH I DUNNO
What was the last concert you went to? - Twenty One Pilots
Favourite place to shop at? - Hot Topic, can’t even lie
Who inspires you? - My bb, mostly because i want to be up at his level when doing things
How old were you when you first got drunk? - Haven’t really gotten drunk-drunk yet
How old were you when you first got high? - 19
How old were you when you first had sex? - 19
When was your first kiss? - Freshman year of highschool
Something you want to do until the end of this year? - i would like to build my confidence
Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? - there is so much omg
Who are you most comfortable around? - @thenerdyshadow and @shining-wonwoo
Name one thing that terrifies you. - BEING ALONE
What kind of books do you read? - mostly dystopian/adventure novels
What would you tell your 12 year old self? - “listen ya lil shit don’t complain about not being in a relationship”
What is your favourite flower? - Lilies
Any bad habits you have? - Cracking my knuckles holy shit
What kind of people are you attracted to? - Highly passionate, emotional people
What was the last thing you cried for? - MY LEAGUE RANKING NGL
Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you? - i don’t think of anything off the bat but i’m very sensitive to the textures/aesthetics of food
Are you in love? - Yeee
Something you find romantic? - I love little gestures that show that someone is thinking about me like mentioning that they saw something that reminded them of me or like a long message in the middle of the night to wake up to
How long was your longest relationship? - 3 years 
What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? - that there’s something inherently wrong with liking stereotypically feminine things, that we are seemingly always in competition over something, that cattiness is almost expected??? like damn why can’t we be nice to each other 
What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex?  - balls on the outside of the body are just not anatomically smart, fragile masculinity, the attack on boys who decide to deviate from the norm
What are you saving money for? - i have no money pls help me
How would you describe your bad side? - i get moody and tend to snap at people when i really don’t mean to. i will sometimes do things just to spite people/escalate a situation tho
Are you actually a good person? Why? - i personally don’t see myself as a good person because i’ve done plenty of shitty things that i knew that i shouldn’t have done
What are you living for? - The hope for a better future
Have you ever done anything illegal? - Yee
Do you like your body? - Not particularly
Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? - I have, mostly because the person was toxic
Ever sent nudes? -Ye
Have you ever cheated on someone? - i prefer not to answer this one
Favourite candy? - i love 3 musketeers
Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! - uhhh mostly my friends blogs but i can’t really tag all atm
Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? - Online games i enjoy are Overwatch and League of Legends. I also enjoy Stardew Valley on PC.
Favourite TV series? - don’t really watch tv
Are you religious? Does God exist? - i’m personally not that religious, but i respect that people do have beliefs in high powers but should not infringe on others rights to not believe
What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? - i can’t even tell you what i read fully bc it’s honestly been that long
What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? - i commend others who are capable of making that lifestyle choice bc i know i could never do so. i’m fine with it so long as it isn’t shoved into my face
How long have you been on Tumblr? - probs 6-7 years? idk
Do you like Chineese food? - i am a slut for chinese food
McDonalds or Subway? Mcdonalds
Vodka or whiskey? Vodka (haven’t tried whiskey)
Alcohol or drugs? drugs (weed bc i haven’t done anything else)
Ever been out of your province/state/country? - I’ve only left my state. i’d love to leave the country one day
Meaning behind your blog name? - shitty Overwatch/Wonderwall pun
What are you scared of? - being abandoned by the people i love and being forced to live alone :^)
Last time you were insulted? - YESTERdAY
Most traumatic experience ? - my mother being a revolving door in my life and giving me severe abandonment issues 
Perfect date idea? - i love the idea of just a nice day together inside but going out at night to dinner and just exploring the world around us
Favourite app on your phone? - tumblr bc i can’t get away from this hellsite
What colour are the walls in your room? - they’re kind of white/brown/gray? it’s hard to explain tbh
Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? - i do! i watch mostly league youtubers though. i’ve been on a hardcore BunnyFuFu kick as of the last few days
Share your favourite quote. “I’m dying squirtle”
What is the meaning of life? - To be happy
Do you like horror movies? - I enjoy them in concept, but i’m bad at watching them ;-;
Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? - NAH FAM SHE MAdE ME CRY
Do you feel lucky or special in a way? - i guess but i don’t think i really deserve to
Can you keep a secret? - ye
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