#but she was willing to violate the laws of grammar if it meant respecting another person's identity
cluescorner · 1 year
There is nothing more wholesome than my catholic grandmother trying to understand LGBTQ+ stuff. Like, she has me remind her about all of my friends pronouns, asks me questions about how I learned I was gay, and treats me and Clover the same way she treats my brothers and their girlfriends. The absolute cutest and funniest thing she ever did involved Elliot Page’s coming out. So she read that Elliot Page uses he/they pronouns and, being an old lady where this was her first experience with somebody using multiple pronouns, she fucked it up in the most wholesome way possible. I am guessing that she googled what it meant when somebody used two sets of pronouns, read that it was important to use both of those pronouns for a person, and stopped there. So, rather than using one pronoun when discussing Elliot, she used BOTH AT THE SAME TIME. 
“Oh, have you seen his/their post? I am very happy for Elle-ELLIOT (yes she screams to remind herself of peoples ‘new names’)! Do you think he/they is going to keep playing his/their role in umbrella academy?” 
Funniest shit that has ever happened. I corrected her about how to actually address somebody with two sets of pronouns and she was like ‘oh thank God that makes much more sense’. 
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