#but since i've been rewatching season 1 i figure i might as well finally post it
“Then honor her.”
I wanna talk about SHIELD Agent Hope Van Dyne
...who joined to honor her mother (the same reason she took Janet’s name), even though her father begged her not to and to work at Pym Tech instead.
...who bonded with Sharon over the weight of legacies and all the whispers behind their backs from those who doubted that their places were rightfully earned. 
...who attended the SHIELD Academy alongside Maria, becoming fast friends (and soon, more than friends) and remaining each other’s favorite sparring partner long after. 
...who took a long time to trust Natasha (both because of Nat’s past and her own generally standoffish nature), but with time, they became a formidable team on the field and off were known for their dry verbal sparring.
...whose faith in SHIELD was shaken upon meeting Ava Starr and worked in secret to help her, only for their plans to be cut off by what turned out to be Hope’s final mission.
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acromandus · 8 months
Finally getting around to doing this! Thank you @thelifeinmyshadesofgrey for tagging me ♥♥♥♥♥ I haven't done these in ages so it was fun to feel like we were back in the 'golden era' of tumblr xD
Tag someone you want to know AND/OR some of your besties: I don't wanna pressure anyone to have to do this, so consider this a warm suggestion rather than a I-will-judge-you-if-you-don't kind of situation @heyitszev :) (and if anyone else reading this feels like it, go ahead, the more the merrier lmao)
Favourite colour: This is a tough one because it all just depends on context so much. I'd say typically I veer more towards darker tones in general: really like a nice dark green, or a dark red or crimson. Purple is lovely too :D
Last song: Two Knights and Maidens by Crash Test Dummies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NS2EcHzdYY
Say what you want about the lyrics, but the chord progression in this song is *chefs kiss*
Last movie: 9. A bit of a strange one perhaps, but an interesting take on a post-apocalyptic world brought to life in a style that reminds me of Tim Burton a little bit. Basically, the world has been destroyed in a war between humans and machines, and we're introduced to a group of sentient dolls, each with a number on their backs from 1 to 9, who have had to survive in this strange new world while figuring out why they were made in the first place. I don't wanna spoil this for anyone who hasn't seen it, so I'll leave it at that :)
Currently watching: I'm in-between series atm haha. Waiting for season 4 of the Boys, and just finished watching season 2 of 30 Coins. Might just do a rewatch of Andor or the Punisher to fill this void.
Other stuff I watched this year: Err… from what I remember (and yes, since we're only in January, I'm counting 2023 into this as well) I'd say Moon Knight, Andor, 30 coins, a rewatch of Supernatural (up to season 12), and the One Piece live action series. Out of all these Andor was perhaps my favourite, but I enjoyed all of them, and was pleasantly surprised at how well the One Piece adaptation remained loyal to the original works :D they obviously had to adjust some things but it still felt true to form. With Andor, I was hesitant to watch it at first because the last SW series I had watched had been declining in quality (weird writing, etc), however… Andor completely blew me away. The way it builds up to the climax was just so well done, the writing is superb, music fantastic, and it's one of those series I wish I could forget about completely so I could experience it for the first time again.
Shows I dropped this year/didn’t finish: I haven't watched many series I've not finished since I usually watch them to the end anyway, but looks like that new Percy Jackson series may unfortunately fall into this category?
Currently reading: I've been powering through the Harry Potter books. Started during the Christams holidays and I'm now on book 6. So far so good, though I've had to slow down with holidays being over. Might need to reread the Robert Langdon series as well after this as it's still one of my personal favourites.
Currently listening to: This changes daily but I do find myself drifting back to Riot music very often. So, that's music made for League of Legends, Valorant, etc. Not the soundtracks, but songs like Worlds anthems like "GODS" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3GouGa0noM) and 2021's "Burn It All Down" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z6CHioIn3s). I also absolutely love "Breathe" from the official launch video for Legends of Runeterra (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNhKAJwlj04). I also like this vid for it heavily featuring Darius, the only champ I ever played when I attempted to get into LoL before the toxicity got to me and I decided it's not for me :3 (didn't take long, but left me with a bit of a soft spot for him lmao)
I absolutely do not play any of these games but man… the music is on point imo. Something again about chord progression, don't ask what my obsession with that is lmao.
If I'm not listening to these and songs like them, I'm listening to heavy metal (industrial or symphonic), movie or game soundtacks, or oldies belonging to various genres from the 70s and 80s, occasionally 90s as well. Here's a couple examples:
Once You've Tasted Love by Take That
Take the Long Way Home by Supertramp
Evil Woman by Electric Light Orchestra
Misplaced by Sonata Arctica
And I will leave it at that as I've already included too many songs lmao
Currently working on: I'm currently making a backend for a gym app I'm working on. I somehow got the GraphQL elements working, now I need to get it saving to a database of somekind. I could do this locally or learn to save data to the cloud but I haven't yet decided which approach to take lmao. Overall, I'm just upskilling in the hopes of eventually landing a job as a full-stack developer. NO LUCK SO FAR aside a couple freelance frontend opportunities :/
Current obsession: Hmm….. good question. I'd say, despite me not playing it as much as I used to, I am slowly getting back to Elder Scrolls Online? Fire Emblem Fates is another, as well as Bleach.
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ebonysolcum-two · 4 years
Ranking the Doctors:
This is my personal opinion. I don't hate any of them, but I do have my favourites.
1. Twelve
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2. Three
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3. Four
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Those are my three favourites. After that, I'm not so sure of the order but here's what I think it is.
4. Eleven
5. One
6. Ten
7. Thirteen
8. Eight
9. War
10. Nine
11. Two
12. Seven
13. Five
14. Six
1. Twelve is my favourite. He wasn't for a while, but then I rewatched his episodes and I decided I loved him. He may be a bit grumpy, but he has a great sense of humour and is really very caring. He's also so sarcastic and I love that. I personally like him best in Series 10 because he's finally figured out who he is and is much more relaxed and able to joke with others. The way he teases Nardole always makes my day.
2. Three quickly became my favourite Classic Doctor, even before I watched any of the ones after him. He and Twelve are very similar in many aspects (velvet coats, Venusian Akido, white hair that gets longer each season . . .) but that's not the only reason I love him. I love the way he's like a father to his companions and always has an arm around their shoulders or a hand on their arm. I also love how little patience he has with the Brigadier, and yet they're still friends. I could keep going but let's move on.
3. Four is great. I love his scarf, his huge grin, and his dumb sense if humour. I love his habit of telling people to hurry up and do what they already were going to do, such as arrest him. However, the real reason he made it into my top three is his relationship with Sarah Jane. They work so well together since they share the same sense of humour and make the same dumb jokes. Also, "Would you like a jelly baby?"
4. After Four, I'm not really sure anymore. I've put Eleven next because I've seen his episodes more than any other. (That's River's fault.) I actually didn't like him at first because I really liked Ten and I was kinda impatient to see what Thirteen was like, but he's really grown on me a lot. I love how he's usually such a child but can become so dark and serious so quickly. He has some of my favourite stories and I love his relationship with River.
5. I really like how One started out as a grumpy old man who was extremely insensitive and then became a much more caring person. I love how much he cares for him companions, even when he acts like he doesn't. He's also very sarcastic which is always great and he has the best laugh of any Doctor.
6. When I started watch Doctor Who, Ten was my Doctor. He was the one I recognised as the Doctor and he was my favourite at first. I don't like him less now, I just like the others more. Him and Donna are my favourite New Who TARDIS team because the level of sass is just great. He also has a great sense of humour.
7. I know a lot of people don't like Thirteen, but I do. She was one of my favourites for a while. However, I prefer her in Series 11. She was a lot more cheerful and I'm not really liking her dark side. I don't like he way she didn't tell her companions what was going on. While that might be in character for some Doctors, it doesn't seem to be in character for her. However, she's adorable and she's an idiot so I can't help but like her.
8. I've found that Eight is the most underrated Doctor since he's only got one movie . . . which a lot of people didn't like. Most of his content is audio adventures which (other than one story) I haven't been able to listen to, but I really liked him in the movie. He's got such a child-like wonder and his way of solving problems is rather unique, like when he threatened to shoot himself if the policeman didn't do what he said.
9. Like Eight, I don't really no much about War. However, I have a lot of respect for him. He did what he thought he had to, even though he didn't like it. I love how he was willing to make the biggest sacrifice ever, even though he had seen how it would weigh on his conscious, because he knew that, in the long run, his actions would save hundreds of others. Also, despite everything he had gone through, he was still such a sweet, caring man.
10. Nine is another very underrated character, even by me. I hardly ever watch his episodes, but when I do I really enjoy them. I love his sass and how little patience he has with certain things. I also love his enthusiasm and his sense of humour.
11. I really, really like Two, even though it doesn't seem like it considering how low he is on the list. It's only because there's so many of them. I love how dramatic he is. Also, it's great when he meets other versions of himself because he's always picking a fight, especially with Three.
12. Seven was adorable, but there was something about him that kept me from liking him more. I also didn't really like Ace. I think it was mainly that I didn't really like his stories.
13. I like Five, but not nearly as much as some of the others. I'd like to say more about him but I don't really remember much. I've still only seen his episodes once so far. Like Seven, I think it's his stories I didn't like, and some of his companions annoyed me.
14. Six is the only one I can say I don't really like, but even then, there are things I do like. Besides the whole nearly strangling Peri incident which can be explained by post-regeneration trauma, I don't like how arrogant and vain he is. It's really annoying. Especially paired with that outrageous coat. I do like the coat though, and the fact that he always has a cat pin on his lapel, including one that looks like Marie from The Aristocats. I also like the way he's always quoting things incorrectly.
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