#i considered throwing peggy in this
“Then honor her.”
I wanna talk about SHIELD Agent Hope Van Dyne
...who joined to honor her mother (the same reason she took Janet’s name), even though her father begged her not to and to work at Pym Tech instead.
...who bonded with Sharon over the weight of legacies and all the whispers behind their backs from those who doubted that their places were rightfully earned. 
...who attended the SHIELD Academy alongside Maria, becoming fast friends (and soon, more than friends) and remaining each other’s favorite sparring partner long after. 
...who took a long time to trust Natasha (both because of Nat’s past and her own generally standoffish nature), but with time, they became a formidable team on the field and off were known for their dry verbal sparring.
...whose faith in SHIELD was shaken upon meeting Ava Starr and worked in secret to help her, only for their plans to be cut off by what turned out to be Hope’s final mission.
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shanastoryteller · 2 months
Happy pride!!!! Dealers choice, but something gender?
a continuation of 1
Steve meets Iron Man and immediately wants to punch him in the face. It probably wouldn’t do much, considering he’s made out of solid metal. But it might make him feel better. And hey, he’s punched though solid metal before.
He’s sarcastic and rude and makes derisive, pithy comments and doesn’t take anything seriously. Plus he immediately starts hitting on Natasha, who’s obviously more than capable of taking care of herself, but it makes him think of all the people who used to underestimate and denigrate Peggy and he has to grit his teeth.
The worst part is it’s clear no one else feels the same way.
Everyone greets him cheerfully, rolling their eyes and laughing at his jokes. Even Natasha likes him, not flirting back but also not shutting it down, easy around him in a way that so far she’s only been around Coulson. Fury and Hill seem to be the only people that share his irritation.
Tony Stark walks onto the hellicarrier, hair short and jeans tight with an MIT sweatshirt several sizes too big, and the first thing she says to Steve is, “Heard you met my better half.”
“What,” he says.
But she’s already moved on, talking excitedly to Bruce Banner who for the first time doesn’t look like he’s contemplating throwing himself off the edge. Everyone else is ignoring her, but Steve can’t look away. She sits at the table and taps her fingers against it, finally getting fed up and interrupting Fury to call him an idiot, arguing about the cube and scepter, and for someone who hadn’t been on the ground she seems to know an awful lot. But Howard had been like that too, never involved with the actual fighting.
Then there’s a couple comments about the armor and repairs and what reinforcements she’ll have to add before Iron Man is sent out again. Her earlier comment clicks into place and he blurts, “You’re married to Iron Man?”
How could an ass like that get a girl like this?
That causes the entire table to go silent.
“Wow,” Natasha says. “Does Rhodes know you’re cheating on him? That would explain why you look like you just rolled off the couch.”
“Shut up, fuck you’re annoying,” Tony says. “No, Rogers, that was a joke. He’s my highly compensated employee and bodyguard who I have strictly professional relations with otherwise Pepper will scratch my eyes out. She’s one more PR disaster away from taking an extended vacation in Bora Bora.”
“And she occasionally releases him from his services to help us fight crime,” Coulson says with a straight face.
She points a finger at him. “I’m going to start billing you for that.”
“You already bill us for texts you send comprising entirely of emojis,” Fury says, deadpan. “Don’t push your luck.”
“Those emojis were instructions on how to diffuse a bomb, and also the tech team understood it, so,” she shrugs. “Perfectly logical. If you have an issue with my billing, take it up with Pepper.”
Steve doesn’t know who Pepper is, but Fury frowns and changes the subject, so she must be pretty intimidating.
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seat-safety-switch · 2 months
Have you considered purchasing an "investment property?" A lot of folks are doing it these days, buying a second or third building that they then rent out to other people. Problem is, being a landlord is unethical and may even be a crime against humanity! Don't worry, we have a solution.
One of the fastest-growing businesses in America today is the humble storage locker. We got too many fucking things, it seems, and we don't want to throw any of them out, so we will instead pay someone else a couple hundred bucks a month to keep them on their property. Until our credit card expires, that is, and then they sell all of our shit to some television bargain hunters.
Here's my proposal. Instead of giving those people money (and eventually the salvage rights to your aunt Edna's leg lamp,) just give the bank money instead. Buy distressed commercial properties. It's extremely cheap if you shop at the right foreclosure auction, and you'll be bailing out our most important citizens: overleveraged wannabe real-estate moguls. Hey, they're four payments behind on their own Mercedes, so you're really helping the whole economy by keeping that thing out of the repo lot.
Now, you might be doubtful. What am I going to do with this disused office in the middle of nowhere that nobody wants to buy or even rent? Easy. Commercial districts often have extremely permissive rules about what you can do with "your" property. That means that Peggy Bylaw and Eric Zoning-Laws can't come by and hassle you for keeping, oh, forty cars lying around the place. Look, dude, I don't know what to tell you. It's an investment property that is currently whatever business it has to be in order for you to fuck off. Some eccentric rich dude is paying me to keep his shitty cars here. Yeah, I think he golfs with The Mayor. Surely there's someone with a loud exhaust or the wrong colour of dog that you could be bothering instead.
The best part is saved for last. When you forget to pay the property tax, the city gives you at least a year of increasingly-angry letters before they start seizing your stuff and selling it off. Much nicer terms than the storage locker fascists, and the folks who shop at those auctions are only looking for old cop cars to buy, so you can probably buy back your own stuff and get excited about it all over again.
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Take A Fucking Hint
Steve Rogers x plus size reader
Steve is incredibly oblivious to the big hints that his girlfriend drops whenever they kiss and it takes his best friends knocking some sense into him for him to get it.
Warnings: implied smut, fluff, Steve is a naive baby, lots of kissing
WC: 1.5k
Minors DNI
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Steve Rogers had his first kiss in 1931. It had been his 13th birthday and for the life of him, he couldn’t remember the girl’s name. But when the fireworks went off, she shyly asked him if he would like a kiss in lieu of a birthday gift. Her lips were chapped and tasted like the cotton candy she had just eaten, it was barely even a peck but Steve thought it was magical.
The next time Steve kissed someone was right above Howard Stark’s lab with an officer who yanked him into a corner, eager to have her way with him. The kiss was tinged with a lust he couldn’t comprehend. He didn’t hate it but he also didn’t like it, it felt wrong to him. A kiss should be an expression of love, he thought, not some desire for someone based only on their body.
Peggy Carter kissed him next. It was in the middle of a battle as they chased down a plane loaded with bombs. It was fuelled with adrenaline and desperation, like they knew they would never see each other again. 
Natasha Romanoff was his next kiss. She teased him relentlessly about it. It was sloppy and unpracticed and very weird considering he thought of the former assassin as a sister. Then, it was Peggy’s great niece Sharon.
But nothing compared to the way you kissed him. You kissed Steve like it was the only thing keeping you alive. You hadn’t been together long, just two months but it was more than enough time for him to fall utterly in love with you. You taught him how to love, how to ask for affection and attention.
But mainly, you taught him how to kiss. Quick pecks when you woke up, both of you still half asleep and with morning breath. Affectionate, have a good day kisses when you left for work. ‘I’m glad you’re alive’ kisses when he returned from missions. And finally, his favourite ones; the ‘I need to feel your body against mine right now’, when your tongues tangled, your breath mingled together as you tried to swallow each other whole, but those always ended as quickly as they started.
You were at the compound with him today, Tony needed your help with engineering a new AI system for the jet. “I don’t know when we’ll finish up tonight so how about you come steal me away for lunch today?” Your hands tugged on the labels of his leather jacket, pulling his body closer to your own. Steve smiled wildly as he looked down at you, so utterly enamoured by your presence.
“Now that is the best idea I’ve heard today.” His hands hovered over your wide hips, not yet touching you. He still struggled with PDA, especially when he was so conflicted as to whether he deserved your touch and wanted to throw you down and have his way with you constantly. Your arms moved up his strong chest to wrap around his neck.
Your eyes were hooded, heavy with desire that sent a shiver through him. “Well then Cap, how about you reward me for having such a good idea.” His lips met your with a practiced ease, a warm feeling filling his gut. Your lips felt like coming home, like a safe place where he could just be. He tilted his head, eager to deepen the kiss.
You moaned into his mouth, your grip on him tightening as the air ignited with a white hot passion. “Hey suckerfish! Break it up! I need my assistant to actually be able to breathe without a geriatric man sucking on her face.” Steve groaned as you pulled away to glare at the billionaire. Tony stood several feet away with his arms crossed over his chest like a disappointed father.
“First off Stark, I am not your assistant. Second, I will kiss my insanely hot boyfriend whenever I want as is my right.” Steve chuckled, pressing one last kiss to your forehead before stepping back and giving you a gentle shove towards the lab doors.
You looked at him clearly offended. “I’ll find you for lunch. Try not to kill Tony.” 
“I’ll kill him if I wanna kill him.” You muttered but walked away anyway, the cutest frown on your face. He chuckled and turned as the doors slid closed behind you, and came face to face with a smug looking Bucky and a disgusted Sam.
“You two are nasty. Why don’t you just fuck at home before work like normal people.” Steve’s face went beat red at Sam’s comment. Bucky guffawed, shoving him with his shoulder.
“Don’t you know they haven’t done the deed yet. Apparently, they’re ‘taking it slow’. Which is just code for Steve has a girlfriend way out of his league and he doesn’t know how to handle it.” 
“Hey!” He objected. “That is our business, not yours. Besides, how do you know we haven’t.” Bucky rolled his eyes at his best friend’s childish retort.
He clapped a hand against Steve’s shoulder. “Oh you poor dumb man, it is incredibly obvious.” Sam joined him on his other side, taking his other shoulder.
“We have so much to teach you.” They guided him away from the lab, intending on educating their lost friend. 
Steve felt like he was in sex ed again, except this was so much worse. They were in one of the many conference rooms on the compound, a white board had been dragged in from a storage room and was now covered in crude drawings that were borderline lewd.
“Now that we have the basics down, you need to understand the nuances of women’s hints.” Sam started but Steve sighed, resting his head in his hands.
“She would have told me if she wanted to have… sex. And she hasn’t so I haven’t gone any further than kissing.” Both men groaned in aggravation. They had been at this for an hour now, trying to get it into Steve’s head that you just wanted to get laid but he wasn’t listening.
“All right, look. What does she do every time you kiss?” The office chair creaked as Steve leaned back in it. His hand scrubbed down his jaw, running over the smooth skin.
“She always pulls me closer to her like she doesn’t want me running away and then puts her arms around my neck.” Bucky nodded thoughtfully, a slightly proud glint in his grey eyes.
“Just as I thought.” Sam muttered, taking a seat right in front of the Captain. “When a woman or whoever does that with the person they are kissing, it’s a signal for the other person to touch them.” Steve’s head tilted questioningly.
“But I do touch her.” 
“Yes but how?” Bucky picked up where Sam left off. “Just her hips?” Steve gave a curt nod. “Ok, next time she kisses you, hold her by the small of her back, or even better, one hand at the base of her neck and the other on her ass. Just trust me.” He patted Steve’s back and walked out of the room like he had just told him the meaning of like.
Sam scoffed but followed him out, yelling down the hall about how much of a drama queen he was being. Bucky retorted but Steve was too lost in his thoughts to consciously hear what they were saying to each other. Maybe he should try it.
As usual with your ‘lunch breaks’ with Steve, he had dragged you into an empty office to make out for a while before you both had to get back to work. And as usual, your arms were around his neck, fingers buried in his short blonde hair as he lightly gripped your hips.
You could live in Steve’s lips. They were always so soft, like he was constantly using chapstick. He tasted like coffee and jam pastries. You let him guide your chin upwards so he could kiss along your soft jaw. But then, he did something new.
His hands moved slowly to the base of your spine, his warm touch making goosebumps erupt all over your body. You moaned quietly into the still air of the office, the sound barely covered by the hum of the air conditioner. 
Apparently the noises you were making gave him an ego boost because suddenly he was holding the back of your neck tightly, keeping your head still as he took what he wanted from you. “Steve!” You gasped and felt him smirk against the skin of your throat. His other hand was placed firmly on your plump ass, something he never dared to try.
Your body thrummed with an arousal you had never felt before. This was an entirely new Steve and you were loving it. “What’s gotten into you, Stevie?” You asked breathlessly. His head lifted from where he had been nibbling on your collarbone, his blue eyes black with desire.
“I learned how to take a hint.” Safe to say that lunch went well into the night.
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void-speaks · 7 months
Something that came to mind:
I think Henry would be apathetic to his imprisonment. Not because he's that brutal and cool and uncaring, but rather as a response to stress. Like, his mom died and he got sent to jail on the same day basically? Yeah no, my boy definitely won't be processing those emotions. Just throw that shit under the rug and don't mention it.
And if, somehow, let's assume that he's not gonna get a life time sentence and will eventually get out. I can imagine him coming to Marie's grave every day (Peggy organized the funeral. She, Forrest and maybe Ricky were the only ones who attended), just standing there in silence. He'd even consider putting his Whistling Man mask there, but ultimately decided against it.
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doctorhelena · 3 days
Steggy Fic: Teach My Feet to Fly, Chapter 4/14
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Summary: Peggy Carter, a world class ice hockey player learning to figure skate as part of a Canadian reality show, has an iron-clad rule about never, ever dating a teammate. Which means that she’ll simply have to get over the ridiculous attraction she has to her new figure skating partner, Steve Rogers.
Note: This story is complete, and has 14 chapters in total. New chapters are posted weekly on Fridays.
It’s also a very long-delayed thank you gift fic for the lovely @teaandatale!
Rating: PG
Read Chapter 4
Read from the beginning
Toronto, Canada Battle of the Blades, Week 2 Second Week of Training (Wednesday)
Stepping into a skating rink had always felt a little like coming home to Peggy. The instantly recognizable smell of the ice, the familiar sounds of blades scraping and ice chips flying, the chilled air, the boards and the benches and the timers - it had all given her a sense of connection that had sometimes been difficult to find in a childhood spent moving countries every few years. 
Still, she had to say that she was starting to feel a little too familiar with the surface of the ice in this particular rink. 
Learning to spin, as it turned out, was every bit as frustrating as mastering the toe pick had been - and the worst of it was that although she was attempting the most basic of beginner spins and also not rotating nearly as quickly, nor for as long as any figure skater actually would in competition, she still couldn’t stay on her feet.
“Don’t ballet dancers have a trick for this?” she grumbled as she staggered towards the closest player bench, somehow managing to stay upright until she was able to reach and clutch onto the boards.
“Yep,” Phillips told her. “But unfortunately for you, skaters spin a hell of a lot faster than dancers do, so it doesn't work for us.” He peered at her. “You’re not going to throw up, are you?”
Peggy sighed. “No, just dizzy.” She wasn’t particularly prone to motion sickness, but unfortunately that didn’t help her keep her balance when the world was tilting wildly around her. 
“Good,” said Phillips approvingly, making a note on his clipboard. “Unlikely to hurl,” she imagined him writing, and grinned despite herself.
Steve skated over to lean companionably against the boards next to her. “You have to really try not to focus on anything while you're spinning,” he told her quite unnecessarily, given that she'd already been trying. “It just makes it worse.”
Peggy glared at him - or tried her best to, considering that there currently appeared to be two of him. “I know. But blurring my eyes clearly doesn’t help either, so perhaps you could convince my inner ears to cooperate.” 
She could feel the heat radiating from Steve's arm despite the small gap between them, a pleasant tingle of awareness travelling through her own arm and all the way down her spine despite her best efforts to ignore it. How on earth did he always manage to smell so good even in the middle of a training session? Despite her irritation, she suddenly wanted very badly to bury her face in the solid bulk of his chest until the last of the vertigo had faded - which would be a terrible idea, for very good reasons that she was simply far too dizzy to remember at the moment.
“Uh, Peg,” Rose said from behind her, amused, and Peggy realized with a start that she’d been staring at Steve again - although, to be fair, she told herself reasonably, he was a nearby stationary object. Rose, though, was looking between the two of them with undisguised interest, and Peggy’s face felt suddenly even hotter than it had from all the spinning. What on earth was wrong with her?
Read the rest of the chapter on A03
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anamelessdragon · 4 months
Cold Frame | Chapter 34 | 5.3k
by NamelessDragon (@anamelessdragon)
Rogers and Barnes seemed to have retreated - together - for the evening. 
Loki pretended that he was more unconcerned with that than he actually was as Captain Wilson and Valkyrie continued their conversation around him. His mind, at least, lacked the feverish fervor about the situation as it once would have, even if he was frustrated that he would be unable to satisfy his curiosity until a future time.
He was also glad of the company that remained with him as a distraction from the fact that he was very much awake during a time of night that would have once sent him into a vicious, panicked spiral.
He had more of his magic back than he'd once thought possible. He would have been very disappointed if he were to lose it again so soon in an uncontrolled blast.
"Man," Captain Wilson was saying, as he stared at the wall in appreciation, leaning back against the couch cushions. "I knew Steve was interested in art from the history books. Kind of feels like we never had enough downtime for me to see this side of things."
Valkyrie hummed in agreement as she slowly began to unbraid her hair, her legs folded in front of her as she took in the sight of the wall herself. "I'd half consider commissioning him for a project in New Asgard."
"He's not your personal painter," Loki said, half his attention remaining on the hall as he tried to listen for even the smallest sound that would drift towards him.
A mostly-dead Loki shows up face-planted in Bucky’s garden one day while Steve’s over for lunch. (Throws Infinity War/Endgame deaths and other parts of canon out the window.)
Pairings/Characters: Slow burn Loki/Steve/Bucky, past Steve/Peggy, referenced Sam/Bucky UST, Loki/Sam UST.
Warnings: Chapter 34 - UST, references to past trauma
Read on AO3.
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its-been-rose · 2 months
I just like the idea of George being pissed as fuck throwing things around fucking with the lights and Forrest is just like “hey yknow what George let’s have a conversation just you and me, yknow, man to man. I don’t know if you consider yourself thirty seven years old, or if you still think you’re eighteen, but we can talk this out. Like dudes.”
Or like Teddy calls up and he’s all scared n shit and he’s like “You have to put a stop to this Nash, tell that demon to fuck off!” And Forrest is just like “aw teddy he’s no demon, he’s like any other man. Just dead. And the most surefire way to piss another man off is to mess with his family, which, unfortunately, you did when you made Marie out to be a hysterical liar.“
Ughhhh imagine Marie calling up to talk to him and seemingly from out of nowhere, the sprinkler in the studio starts leaking and the microphone starts falling and the hinge squeaks like a long moaning sound and Forrest is like wtf and Peggy is like “….i think he’s crying, Forrest”
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bloodymarymorstan · 9 months
Ok so I just watched the latest episode of What If where Captain Carter (Peggy if she was Captain America) fights the Hydra Stomper (Steve if he was the Winter Soldier) because I KNEW they were once again gonna do the thing where they give all of Steve and Bucky's interactions to Peggy and Steve and say that this time they are romantic even though they definitely weren't when it was 2 very straight bros (lol) so. Let's get into it (spoilers for s2e5 of What If, obviously):
When Peggy finds out Steve is alive she goes to Nick Fury and he tells her there have been rumors of this for decades; Peggy's angry he and Natasha didn't tell her - this is interesting because in TWS Peggy was part of the organization that was hiding rumors about Bucky from Steve. Peggy is objecting to something she was part of in the actual MCU
Natasha says "the Steve Rogers that you loved died in 1953" - a similar sentiment to what people were saying to Steve about Bucky but more overtly romantic. They throw the word "love" around in the episode quite a few times, like they need to make it extra clear
Bucky (who's old and working for SHIELD) finds out Steve is alive and his reaction is pretty tame, like he's surprised and I guess happy but he doesn't really seem to care that much which is just ridiculous (especially bc in this timeline Steve and Bucky kept working together for several years after the war) - Bucky is also stated to have had a wife and kids and has clearly moved on from Steve in the way Peggy did in the original movies
The Hydra Stomper (Steve) is going to kill Bucky, Bucky stands in front of him to talk him down. He doesn't want to kill Steve which is obviously good and in character. The thing he says to try to get Steve to snap out of it is "let's get a drink" which cracked me up because is that the no homo version of "end of the line" for these writers?? Anyway, Steve does lower his gun but then he raises it again (we don't see if he would have actually killed Bucky because Peggy intervenes at this point)
There's a romantic scene where Peggy and Steve bond over their shared traumas which... shared life experience, anyone? (What If I threw myself off a cliff?) - it does turn out that Steve is secretly still brainwashed at this point and is trying to lure Peggy in so idk how seriously I should take this scene
In terms of dialogue, the final fight scene between Peggy and Steve is very similar to the one with Steve and Bucky in TWS. Eventually, Peggy drops her shield and tells Steve that she doesn't want to fight him, and is going to let him kill her. The line she says that gets him to stop is "I want to be with you. Even if this is the end. I want you." She also says "I can't lose you again." This is basically EXACTLY what "I'm with you til the end of the line means", but a bit less ambiguous (and also less poetic, the original line is obviously much better)
Steve doesn't kill Peggy, he flies off (but he also doesn't save her life like Bucky does for Steve in TWS so. Inferior)
At the end, Peggy is planning to go find Steve, even though nobody thinks she'll be able to save him (again, basically the exact same as TWS)
My concluding thoughts:
It's hard to say what Marvel's exact goal is with the phenomenon of giving so many of Steve and Bucky's interactions to Steve and Peggy in EU content, but it's definitely gotten pretty ridiculous and out of hand. There is an instinct to accuse them of homophobia and wanting to rewrite Steve and Bucky's story to make it straight/less significant, but I also wonder if the bigger factor is that the writers know that Steve and Peggy's canon ending makes no sense considering how underdeveloped their relationship was, and they want to trick viewers into thinking they had a better written romance by giving them more meaningful moments in What If (and also Rogers The Musical but that's for another post). That being said, if the best way to write a better romance you can think of is to use the exact same plotline the supposedly straight protagonist had with his male best friend (but that people have been interpreting as a romance for years and years) then maybe you should be reflecting on why that is. Ultimately though it's just lazy writing (have some originality!) and will never erase the fact that the real movies were gay as hell. I'll definitely be taking this as further proof that TWS was a romance all along.
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hewlettscute · 1 year
Turn Week Day 5: Dinner Party (1/2)
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Which Turn characters would be invited to my dinner party?
This is a two parter bc of the 10 image limit. Second part won't be as long. :)
To be honest, there is more characters I like than dislike. So, I'll just go down the list of characters and talk about why or why not I would have them at my dinner party. I'll even throw in a maybe category.
I'd probably invite a lot more characters than I would not invite
(Hopefully it's nothing like the Thanksgiving dinner at Samuel Townsends.. )
First, who would I not invite?
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Sorry, Simcoe. Unfortunately you didn't make the cut. Not a big fan of having a guest stabbed at dinner.
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Robert Rogers is an instant no. Love the character, but do not want him at my table. He'd probably just start arguing with André (spoiler alert André makes the dinner list) also, he pulled a gun out and threatened everyone at the Townsend Thanksgiving.. so no thanks!
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Another easy one. Benedict, stay far away from my house. Your wife can come though. Don't need his anger issues ruining my vibe.
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Richard was never considered!! Shitty father and was awful towards Anna. Maybe he needs some family therapy with Abe rather than a dinner. Honestly he probably wouldn't believe in therapy. Or mental health.
Who would I MAYBE invite?
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Philomena is a maybe. Might be awkward with Peggy there.. and André who kept trying to make her look like Peggy. Might spare her all of that drama. She probably wouldn't even go.
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Abe is a definite maybe. He's always caught up in some shite. Maybe he'd be ok because Simcoe, Abe's dad, and Rogers aren't invited. He'd probably steal some food to give to Rogers in his cellar.
Now who would I invite?
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Major Hewlett obviously. My tumblr user gives it away but he is obviously my favorite character. He won't have to deal with Simcoe. Good for him. He deserves better.
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To me, André is turns sexy man. (Sorry, Ben fans) and he is my second favorite male character. I don't care that he died. He is not dead for my party. He can be with Peggy :,).
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Peggy Shippen is a girlboss. She is the moment. She is invited. I love her. She can sit next to André if she wants.
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imjssmthig · 27 days
Jefferson’s leg injury bc for a hs AU i always imagine it like this and thank goodness someone recommended this on a diff app so thank you “anonymous”-
The pitcher was getting ready, it was just a practice between the two different teams, no one knows why but there were two baseball teams for one school. it was probably because Considering this was a private school it was abnormal big.
Jefferson was batter. Lauren’s was pitcher, for the other team. their teams were oddly split up.
the opposing team- made up of an odd pairing. Hamilton, Lauren’s (obviously they tried out together), Laff, Reynolds, George III and four other kids in the grades below them that Thomas didn’t care much for.
His team was made up by, thankfully, a mostly his friends, Madison, herc oddly enough but he wasn’t complaining cause they got along, burr, Samuel, and some kid in junior year named lee he knew of, then again four more juniors he didn’t care much for.
Not that he didn’t care for the juniors, he either just intimated them? or found it hard to talk to them.
once the pitcher was ready he got ready, and swung. and the. he ran to second base before 3rd base, hamilton, caught the ball.
damn it.
he didn’t want to run up to third base now, everytime he did hamilton would try to throw him off. given he did do the same exact thing to hamilton so he can’t be complaining but he just hates that kid with his whole heart. Burr hit the ball and ran to first, leaving jefferson to run to third.
damn it.
“hey thomas”
“don’t you even dare hamilton” jefferson yelled running up to the plate.
as he slid to third base, hamilton attempted to throw him off by moving his foot to catch him. Thomas slide was so clean, something hamilton always despised. how good jefferson was at sports. He did several sports, baseball, basketball, and lacrosse. somehow none of the schedules ever really interacted, despite some sports starting earlier than they should. All of a sudden, hamilton moved his leg a little too aggressively, causing a loud scream out of jefferson.
“DAMN IT” he said as he stayed on the ground.
“…oh my God”
“damn it hamilton. oh my..”
“what’s wrong?”
“my leg hurts so damn bad”
they heard coach washington call a hold to the game.
thomas shut his eyes, he could hear the sand on the field rustling with his coach coming closer.
“are you ok son?” he said concerned.
thomas didn’t reply.
“my leg hurts so bad. and my head but that’s..” he paused taking a small breath “that’s kind of whatever” he said breathily
“alright im going to have to call your mother to come and-“
“she’s on a work trip”
“so i’ll call your father”
“can you call one of my siblings or something?”
“i’m sorry?”
“i have 9 siblings. im one of the youngest can’t you just call one of them”
hamilton walked up to his friends and started to talk to them.
“i feel horrible” he started
“i can tell” laff said.
no one’s eyes moved from the third base, but they all had backed up to give the two guys space. Eliza, Angelica, Peggy, Mariah, Martha skelton, and dolley were all on the bleachers, though Martha was inching closer to the edge of them by the second.
“he has 9 siblings. damn” lauren’s said
“no wonder he’s so annoying he’s the damn youngest” herc whispered to lauren’s
“he said he was one of the youngest”
“so he’s a middle?”
“can we even call it that? if he’s not literally the middle” laff said.
“whatever.” herc said.
“son im going to have to call your father”
“can you call my brother? or sister. please”
“no. that’s that im sorry. i would if i could but due to legal reasons i have to call your guardian thomas”
“i’m also calling an ambulance”
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emerysaks · 1 year
The Clothes Make the (wo)Man
Dusting off some of the in-progress fics from my files. The Clothes Make the (wo)Man - EmerySaks7 - Agent Carter (TV) [Archive of Our Own] 1/3
Peggy Carter knew she looked superb in a dress. It wasn't vanity. It was a fact, and it was something she'd used to her advantage several times during undercover work throughout her career; however, if you asked Angie Martinelli, she'd be the first to say it was Peggy who wore the pants in their relationship. Although she always said this teasingly, it was true when they got right down to it.
Between her time at the SSR, training exercises, and fieldwork, Peggy did tend to wear pants. It was often easier for her to work that way, she explained. Angie never complained because truth be told, she thought Peggy looked amazing in pants. It was such a turn-on to hook her fingers in the belt loops on Peggy's pants and pull her forward for a kiss as her nimble fingers deftly worked the button and zipper open while Peggy was occupied with other pursuits – namely trying to get Angie out of her own clothes as quickly as possible.
Whenever Angie told Peggy how much she enjoyed seeing her in pants, she chuckled and said she felt the same about a darling actress in a particular blue dress. That always brought a blush to Angie's face and resulted in her peppering several kisses across Peggy's face while Peggy laughed about them being exclusive members of a mutual admiration society.
That conversation frequently repeated in Angie's head when working, brushing her teeth, and lying in bed beside her sleeping lover. Angie wondered: Would Peggy find it a turn-on to see her in trousers? After all, she had a pretty sharp-looking suit hanging in the back of her closet from before she met Peggy when she'd go out to clubs that catered to her selective tastes.
Finally, Angie decided to throw caution to the wind and take a chance on Peggy's admiration. She waited until they sat down for their Saturday morning breakfast. Peggy sipped her coffee, and Angie nibbled on toast.
"You know, Peg, I've been thinking…"
Peggy put down her coffee. "Oh, really? Should I be worried?" she teased.
Angie rolled her eyes. "You're a regular Danny Kaye, aren't you?"
Peggy laughed. "I'm sorry, darling. You were saying?"
"I was trying to be all romantic," Angie huffed dramatically. "But you had to go and spoil it."
"How awful of me." Peggy smiled and covered Angie's hand with her own. "However, if I tell you I'm sorry, could I possibly hear these romantic plans?"
Angie pretended to consider the offer. "How sorry?"
Peggy grinned. "Terribly sorry."
"That sounds very British."
Peggy nodded. "Quite." She ran a thumb over Angie's hand. "You were saying?"
"I was saying," Angie continued, trying to settle the heat that rushed through at that simple gesture, "how about you meet me at the diner tonight when you get off work?"
Confusion flashed across Peggy's features, and Angie almost laughed.
"The diner?" Peggy echoed.
Angie leaned in closer. "The diner."
Peggy gazed at her for a moment before finally nodding. "I'm curious how romance plays into meeting you at the diner, but I'm intrigued."
Angie smirked. "Pick me up at 8?"
Peggy leaned across the table and squeezed her hand. "You have yourself a date, darling."
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inafieldofdaisies · 4 months
4, 6, 7, 8 for Sabrina and Cal ^^
Questions from this post.
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4. What type of weapons do they prefer?
Sabrina's go-to weapon is either a pistol (getting her service weapon back is a big thing for her, esp with John keeping it for sentimental reasons since the failed arrest and having it waved in his face) or (throwing) knives (much to John's delight, eheh). Rifle is a third choice after those, AR-C.
6. Do they like what they do? (Deputy, Cultists, totally non-partial bystander just waiting for the chance to shoot someone, etc.)
She loves being in law enforcement, having followed in her father's footsteps in hopes of helping people.
7. What are their thoughts on the cult?
Initially as a newcomer Sabrina tolerated them more than her fellow Deputies, by default she is one to approach people with kindness and patience, so any interaction with them on the daily basis before the Reaping was guided by that. With the months passing, she ofc learned more of the situation (and John's propaganda went from strange and tad amusing to her to concerning as hell) and saw first hand how trigger happy the Peggies (and locals in turn) can get, so she definitely became worried about what she had gotten herself into (and how to keep her sister safe, if they'd have to move again so soon, etc).
8. What’s their first thought when they took the first step in Joseph’s chapel?
She couldn't shake off the feeling something would go wrong with how much was at stake.
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4. What type of weapons do they prefer?
Molotovs are on top of the list (now picture him showing off his biceps and arguing they're weapons too!) Calahan always carries a knive on him and doesn't shy away from getting close and personal with the Peggies. He's the type to consider (and use) anything as a weapon, saying all you need to do is get creative enough ("Yes, even a spoon, Mary May.", they've had that discussion plenty :D).
6. Do they like what they do? (Deputy, Cultists, totally non-partial bystander just waiting for the chance to shoot someone, etc.)
Being a Deputy wasn't his dream job while growing up, but he has a mission to see through and damn if he doesn't enjoy being 'The Law' while breaking laws.
7. What are their thoughts on the cult?
How long do we have, because boy could do a sermon of his own as to why they should join Hurk's Gate instead? Once upon a time, a part of him felt empathy for Joseph's men (he was still bright-eyed and hopeful Joe would catch some charges), nowadays he finds it hard to (and silences that pesky voice so he can get the job done), especially with how much he has lost to Eden's Gate (and years passing by without justice while they kept bothering people he cares deeply about).
8. What’s their first thought when they took the first step in Joseph’s chapel?
"Seeing Joseph in cuffs almost makes up for having to stare at him preaching all that nonsense shirtless, let me tell you.", Calahan paused, a dark expression flashing across his face, "And I sure as hell wondered if I was dreaming, because I waited for that damn moment for years. To finally see him go down. To be there when it happens."
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 10 months
Spoilers... on the last two episodes. More under the cut.
Ok first I have talk about the whole Turner situation. When she walked up to the whole Russell's clan like she thought she own the place on the arm of Colonel Sanders. I was like oh no she didn't... but well she did. I didn't like watching the color drain from Bertha's face though. Too bad she doesn't have Evil Queen magic, because she could of conjured up a fireball and throw it at her!! 😈
Wtf is Turners issue anyway with Bertha? Was it because she fired her, throw her out on her ear. Or could be revenge because she couldn't seduce George? Which it's like please bitch he has Bertha why oh why would he want your sorry ass. When she showed up in his bed naked I remembered thinking wow pathetic and desperate move there.
I wonder if Bertha going release the information of Turners ture identity out and ruin her? I think she may if Turner keeps messing with her!! Why do people mess with Bertha she will make them sorry, idiots.
Does anyone think that this new woman Oscar interested in could possibly be a lesbian? The reason I think this is Aurora mentioned that she has a female companion that goes everywhere with her. Now why we haven't met this female companion is beyond me. But it made me think, also wouldn't that be the best solution.
I'm really liking Marian with Dashiell Montgomery. I wasn't sure at first but so far I really like him. Now his daughter on the other hand, well she seems creepy and has anger management issues.
I'm so happy Peggy's back working for Aunt Agnes. I really liked her being at the house all the time.
They need to find a really good man for Gladys. Like her perfect dude! I really like her and I don't want to see them do her wrong.
Oh Larry needs to stop fucking Melania Trump!! Omg I thought that was such a slutty move when they bearly know each other she's already going to sleep with him. Especially back then. When Bertha wants it stopped and ask George to talk to Larry. I hate it when George all with the bullshit "boys will be boys" line. I started thinking about that, I can only imagine how different the world might be if men, young men in particular hadn't been allow to get away with shit just because they happen to be men. If they had been held up to the same high standard as women and young women back then. Larry can have sex with as many women as he wants as long it does bring shame to the family name. But Gladys couldn't even sleep with one guy before she's married or she would be considered wholly unworthy of marriage. 🙄 I really think everyone really needs to sleep with the partner you're going to marry!!! Especially then when being married was forever! Bad sex life for decades... no thank you!
But back to Larry and that woman whatever her name is. She gotta go, she's annoying, possessive, I'm sorry gonna say it too old for him (he looks like he's with his mom when they stand next to her. Never a good look). I don't know I just don't like her.
I personally want to watch Bertha crush Mrs. Astor like a bug. Bitch thinks people should just do whatever she said. No, Bertha don't play that way!!
Ok seriously George needs to buy Bertha a huge bouquet of flowers or some super lux piece of jewelry. Because no he didn't do anything wrong but he should of told her sooner so she didn't caught out by that gold diggin bitch. Who wouldn't of been able to make it out to be something it wasn't! Dumb ass doesn't he know anything happy wife, happy life! Because I do not like seeing Bertha upset, crying, sad, feeling like her husband may of betrayed her trust in one of the worst ways!! Just breaks my heart seeing her cry. 💔 Just want to smack George upside the head. Dude you have more money than God, do sometimes super special for your wife!!!
Oh Aunt Ada and the Preach man is just too sweet!! 😍 Aunt Agnes better not mess it up. We all know he's not up to Aunt Agnes standards, but I don’t think he needs to be. It's not like with Marian where that need for money is so great. With Aunt Ada, a man that's not rich wouldn't be an issue. I'm pretty sure the Preacher man makes enough for the both of them. Aunt deserves a romantic love in her life. She's so kind, sweet, loving, she just wants happiness for everyone she loves. She'd be friends with everyone if Aunt Agnes would let her. See she'll be the perfect preachers wife. I wish i.had an Aunt Ada in my life!
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doctorhelena · 1 year
Steggy Fic: A Stutter in Time, Chapter 16
I’ve created something for every day of Steggy Week 2022 over at @steggyfanevents! This is for Day 2 (WIPs and Updates). Previous Days: Day 1
Summary: 1945 Peggy Carter appears in Tony Stark’s lab, and immediately throws a wrench into everything.
Rating: PG
Read Chapter 16
Read from the beginning
Thor and Sif both looked somewhat startled by Peggy’s story, occasionally shooting worried glances at each other as she described her experience and what she knew about the time machine. Jane, on the other hand, was unabashedly leaning forward in barely-restrained excitement by the time Peggy had finished. “Have you met your older self since you got here?” she asked, utterly fascinated, and Peggy shook her head.
“Not yet. And I’m not entirely certain that it would be a good idea. She’s - ” she glanced at Steve.
“She’s suffering from Alzheimer’s,” Pepper explained, after a moment, when Steve didn’t jump in. She turned to Thor and Sif. “That’s when - ”
“I understand,” said Thor, unexpectedly. “Her mind is wandering to Valhalla.” Pepper considered, then slowly nodded.
“Crap, that must be - God. I’m so sorry,” Jane blurted, then opened her mouth again and closed it a bit awkwardly.
Peggy looked a little uncomfortable. “No need,” she said briskly.
Pepper wondered, not for the first time, what it must be like for Peggy to know with a fair degree of certainty that - well, no, she told herself firmly. Medical science would have advanced by then. The research fund named after Pepper's own grandmother had been making some very promising discoveries lately, and Peggy was only in her 20s despite her actual date of birth. And quite frankly, at this point Peggy had so many immediate concerns that something that might not even happen decades from now had to be pretty far back in the queue.
Besides, the enhanced healing ability from the serum would probably - wait. Pepper blinked. Director Carter had the same enhancements. So - did their effectiveness fade with age? Did they not cross the blood-brain barrier? She frowned. Well, there was probably a scientific explanation, but she made a mental note to ask Bruce about it once the current excitement was over.
Speaking of science, Jane had recovered enough to ask Tony and Bruce if she could examine their time machine data, reminding Pepper of the foremost of Peggy's immediate concerns: getting the time machine to Asgard before an excited human science genius made things even worse.
Read the rest of the chapter on A03
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What are some of your absolute favorite fics? any fandom.
Hi anon! Ngl you've made my night last night and my whole day.
I was feeling kinda down but once I got thinking of my fav fics or what fics I'd consider my favs atm I kinda went on a bit of a journey to find all the ones i have saved on my backup drive and well that turned into a mission to choose my favs from each of my fandoms. (At least of the ones I managed to get backups)
I should probably make a proper fic rec list or something but for now theres this.
Teen Wolf:
Treading Water (Stiles/Derek/Allison)
 (Full series: Learning To Swim https://archiveofourown.org/series/73750)
Honestly this fic is the ultimate S/D/A fic. Delighfully kinky and has some truely great characterization.
What I Did On My Summer Vacation (Sterek)
Magic Stiles and wolf Derek and Laura being everything I wish the show could have given us. <3
drawn into something (Venom/Eddie/Anne/Dan)
This series has it all in every combination you can think of honestly. Kinky and desperate and lovely. This version of Dan is 10/10 btw
Agent Carter:
put our service to the test (Peggy/Jarvis)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3144659 (podfic by RSCreighton who is my fav podficcer period https://archiveofourown.org/works/3643392)
Just Married (for a week) (FitzSimmons)
Fake dating and enemies to lovers and sharing a bed. One of the best AoS aus imo
Buck’s Big Bisexual Birthday Bash (Bucktommy, BuddieTommy and Buck/Multiple Others)
Listen, it's the hottest smut on the planet afaik and is sweet in the way only Buddietommy really can be.
don't just stand there (BuckTommy -BuddieTommy)
BuckTommy being cockblocked by Eddie until Eddie joins in. Whats not to love?
Tell Me It's Not Too Good To Be True (BuddieTommy)
First BuddieTommy fic I read and it blew me out of the water. Exactly the dynamic I imagine BuddieTommy really settling into
kiss it when you're done(BuckTommy)
Trans Buck & hot hot smut.
Stuck on Fast Forward (Throw Away the Blueprint)(Buddie)
FWB Buddie is honestly my fav go-to trope for them bc it is the most in character nonsense for these two idiots lol and this was one of my top 10 Buddie fics since I got into the fandom
Leave the Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) (Buddie)
Heartbreaking and sweet in equal measures.
Big shout out to Last Outpost of All That Is by: gekizetsu because its my favourite Wincest fic and Supernatural fic all around and its THE fic I always bring up when asked about fav fics.
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