#but so far? im not anxious or super energetic but i still get the brain feeling that i kinda always thought was how the meds were supposed
coloursofaparadox · 1 year
brain is doing...a thing? meds are.....good?
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Miitopia 15
* Huh, usually it’s Isabelle 
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* Okay see this is more acceptable then an adult man
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* Harland healed Keith when they were both at low health, then Keith returned the favor. 
* Gosh I love how close everyone gets during these battles. It’s truly so cute and worth the extremely random order I have these rotations in
* Keith being the mvp
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* “Anxious nobodies support each other”
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* Colton sicky 
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* I wouldn’t be pleased either if a random dude I didn’t know sent me a plush toy
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* Immy is doing an impression of Justin to Isabelle. She barely knows him XD
* Woooo brothers finally riding together! 
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* Seriously these two are going to be the end of me
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* multi universe twins stick together
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* I’d rather Justin control the horse tbh
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* He wants to make it up to her, but...
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* Nothing like going to visit the seaside while in a active volcano 
* Justin got a hero tank
* Colton refused Isabelle’s healing again because he was already working on a feast
* Imagine how far these kids have to walk to get from the snowy tundra to the fucking beach
* Paxton and Felix were cold and started running around with Jackal mom. They went off screen for a second and then Jackal mom snatched up Paxton
* Diana hid behind Paige and got her hit AGAIN and then she got an ice ball thrown in her face. She deserved it.
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* people helping Immy not die
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* You look gorgeous son
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* I mean... that is something Colton would do. That’s his dream role. He gets to be a nosy bastard and play with animals.
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* It’s best not to question him
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* the two impatient brats adventure together
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* “how dare you hurt my adopted child?!”
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* this is the most immature thing to do. “Nope I can’t see you! We can’t seee yooouu”
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* “I’m only putting up with this because I like your brother”
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* Another blindfold 
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* Bentley does a big protecc
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* ignore the horse looming ominously in the background
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* “Harland in the city: the beginning”
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* Aww poor baby
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* “Clouds are sheep” “Oh really?” 
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* For once the younger one is riding
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* This was an accident
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* This would be so stressful yet insanely fun for them
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* Justin distorts his face to taunt a local five year old
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* See, they don’t always hate each other :D
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* super mom!
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* You all get a heal because of Keith’s sweetness. These two are going to get so close just from battles alone 
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* Don’t worry Keith, he only denied it because he’s embarrassed about how many times he’s needed your help XD
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* She’s still styling though
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* Isabelle... she’s five. 
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* and then he scampers off like a startled kitten
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* “I’ll tickle your brain with my knife if you dare fuck with my already unstable emotions”
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* the snow storm covers up their loud arguments
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* this is why he loves animals
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* Encouraging a violence :D
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* “What the fuck?? Keith said people liked being helped! This is absolute bullshit!”
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* Keith gently offered his lil sister and her multiverse counterpart the horse
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* this one is particularly funny lmao
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* Okay this is like the safest alternative. Justin steering the horse and Immy riding instead of running behind because she’s the youngest
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* they are actually rather close so this is pretty accurate
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* Cursed onions
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* multiverse sibling fights
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* Please don’t look at me that way
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* Bentley will remember that
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* What a horrifying cut away with no context
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* What a cluster fuck
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* that person in the left corner scares me
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* If only this were actually helpful in this hellish fight
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*  And it begins
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* the type of subtle hint he’d throw out, and she’d entirely miss and be like “hey Harland seems like a nice kid”
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* Flowey can’t catch a break
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* very trippy but god them graphics 
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* this is quite possibly the pettiest argument yet
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* It took forever
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* I can excuse it because it’s my ship
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* they know what’s happening, they just don’t care
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* Paxton: I hope my butt doesn’t fall off.
   monster encounter starts, gets thrown off the horse
* Paxton and Jackal mom watched and both fell asleep
* Colton wears horse scented colon 
* Justin: Where are we?
   Keith: Are you okay?
* Diana banished someone into the void 
* Paige tried to fix things with Colton using magic and he refused. 
* He got over it now
* Paxton, why would you be worried? You EXPLODED SEVEN MONSTERS AT ONCE
* Paxton was angry at Keith and didn’t wanna except his healing and now Keith is upsetti 
* smiling through the pain
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* Seriously do you two argue over everybody??
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* I legit can’t tell whose in front lmao if anyone
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* they care for each other
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* Im traveling with a dude who looks like a statelite 
* Keith used last wish to encourage Paige not to fight on for him after he died protecting her and a a a a
* Paige repeatedly getting slapped by Bentley
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* see Paxton, she cares.
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* I put Justin on autobattle and this is what he does
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* Well you aren’t known for being the nicest.. but still
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* they look hilarious while elderly
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* british noises intensify 
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* how oddly generous of you
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* It was inevitable
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* of course the energetic quirk would cause someone to drink a mysterious liquid without a second thought.
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* That’s pretty nice of you honestly
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* I gave him independence and he uses it for this
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* stuffed animals are always appreciated
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* holding him by the tail
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