#to be working. like. brain is calm and clear. im not hopping from thing to thing or sitting staring at my computer waiting for dopamine
coloursofaparadox · 1 year
brain is doing...a thing? meds are.....good?
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keefwho · 5 months
May 09 - 2024 Thursday
Im questioning if it's really a good idea to sit here every night and write for about 30 minutes, thats a lot of time. But I do like being able to go back and see what I was up to years ago. Also if I do this right, it should be a good way to process the things I choose to do.
Last night I had a dream that a european girl met me at a diner and she was WAY into me which was weird but I was enjoying it while it lasted. When I woke up, I wiped down my mirror, sink, and microwave area. I made leftover stew for breakfast.
For work I warmed up with some more torso sketches since the last time didn't go so well. I feel like I made a small breakthrough using circles/ovals to represent every plane of the box I usually use to represent the pelvis and parts of the ribcage. It was a very swift and clear way to show angles and left it loose enough for the box to not show through in the final product. Then I worked on GB's commission for 2 hours. TK offered to call me while she cooked and I agreed, no one was even in chat aside from the lurking commissioner. She was high and made butter noodles with shrimp and garlic. We talked a bit about human connection and how language can actually get in the way of it. We also talked about me travelling because she thinks I'd get along well with people from other cultures but I had to explain my travel trauma. After she left to finish eating, I talked to myself until I was done working. The guy actually did speak up a little bit though.
After work I did my dishes like usual and hopped on to play Minecraft with TK and NJ for about 45 minutes. We just gathered some resources and picked our house locations. I left to go make lunch and I saw that they played for a good while afterwards. Their goal was to beat Minecraft and I imagine they will be way ahead of me if I join next time.
For lunch I made a tuna quesadilla with some mixed vegetables. Halfway through cooking though, my hotplate gave out. Now it won't heat anymore. I was able to finish my quesadilla in the oven but going forward I need to get creative with how I cook since now all I have is a toaster oven and microwave. I think it'll be kinda fun though. I called my dad while cooking since I've forgotten to call him in awhile. I didn't have much to say though, I didn't really want to talk but I didn't want to keep putting this off. I at least had to thank him for getting me my birth certificate and give my condolences for uncle Darrel.
In the afternoon I did today's request and tried to be a little looser with it. I had a lot of trouble with the sketch and coloring took a little bit longer than I wanted. I'm trying to come up with a method that is quick and looks at least kinda good. That means figuring out the nuances that make sketches good which I think takes a lot of skill to be proficient at. I also worked on an idea request of a sonic character. At first I was questioning the feasibility of these requests, it seems I can barely get any done. Then I realized I could favor quantity over quality and use them to experiment too. I think my goal is to finish 1 per week with the 90 minutes I schedule just for this. It'll be practice for drawing fast again.
When I was done for the day I didn't know what to do with myself. I started feeling stressed at how much there was to think about and how I didn't know what to do. I had to go lay down with some noise and stop thinking for just a little bit. After I calmed my brain down, I remembered I can do stuff even with very little energy or mental bandwidth. I went back to my computer and started pondering my social organization a bit. I figured out I can't think of a better system of friend time management than what I have now and I also haven't given the current system a respectable try. I popped into a call with AE and others to play on their Minecraft server, but none of them were playing. I was trying to design a house style out of logs and snow so I can make a bunch to form a snowman village. I came up with something but I might try again another time. Then DS was ready to chill while she sewed her fursuit neck upstairs. I was still playing Minecraft and then switched to KSP to try and design a medium altitude plane without air intake engines. We watched volume 3 of the Monster High webisodes on the side.
While she went to bed, I popped dinner in the oven. We did our puzzles together and I attempted to beat KH2. I got pretty far, up to the very last boss fight I think. But I didn't have time to beat it tonight so I made a save state for it for later.
Today's topic was "presence" and my Costar said to play into my urges. I definitely did that at least once which actually felt nice considering I was following a recommendation to do so. As for the presence part, I forgot to set a real goal for it so I didn't do much other than keep it in mind. I regret not figuring something out. Tomorrow is Values and I've been meaning to do values writing so my goal tomorrow will be that. I should be able to remember.
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saturnsstufff · 4 years
If your requests are open, could you maybe do a C!Techno x Reader? Like, the Butcher Army is there for Techno and Phil wasn't able to give him a\such an early head's up so he's not really prepared, and Quackity has the reader hostage when they show, cause maybe they were outside doing something... You don't have to, of course! -Sugar Anon (may I claim this Anon?)
Ooh! Most definitely! And of course you can claim it your my first anon!🖤
Warnings: Blood, swearing
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Techno was a pretty well known man, lets face it. Maybe not in the way you hoped, and in this instance you mean he was wanted.
But you were not awhere of that because you lived with him out in the chilly Tundra. Phil would usally bring you two the new updates and anything you should be aware of. So when he didnt show for his morning tea you were a but skeptical to say the least. But techno had casually shrugged his shoulders, waving it off that he had gotten busy. This was true. Phil was a awfully busy man, he never seemed to stop moving, building, or exploring. So you joined techno on his assumption.
Techno was casually brewing potions that afternoon. Not a uncommon occurance to say the least. You had grown accustomed to seeing the towering man working over his bottles. His large but gentle hands gracefully, and carefully manuvering the glasses to where he pleased.
"Techno love? Im going to go trade these books nearby ok?" You mentioned as you took your cloak. Slipping it on so you could contain your warm. Techno hummed in agreement. Since you were so far from L'amanburg he didn't really mind you walking freely to the nearby village. He actually viewed your common trips as a large help.
"I have seven emeralds in that chest over there, could you see if any of them are willing to trade for a mending book?" He asked well he looked up to you. His reading glasses resting on his nose. You smiled brightly and nodded.
"Of course!" Anything you could do to help you were down to do. L'amanburg wasn't aware Techno had a lover, mostly because Techno didn't want you getting pulled into his rather volient affairs. He viewed them as his battles. Not battles that you had to fight.
Well collecting the gems into your basket he spoke up again, his hand coming to the small of your back. "Take Carl ok? I can't have my princess walking like the peasants do" he said bemused. Pressing a gentle but loving kiss to your forhead.
You leaned into him, enjoying the physical affection he gave you. Techno wasn't one to voice his love Rather, instead he would gift you, or make physical actions twords showing you how much he cared.
You walked out and hopped onto Carl the sturdy, and loyal steed waiting for the new adventure he would be taking. Edging your heels into him you began to head for the forest.
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After a while of riding through the woods you began to grow weary. You felt like you were being watched. You were not a Hybrid like Techno so you couldnt smell or hear any abnormalities. But you just knew somthing was off. It was a harsh mental debate on whether to turn around or continue. Ultimately you decided it was best to just turn around. For how on edge you were you figured that telling Techno, and him laughing at you was better than lingering outside anymore.
You pulled the reigins, signaling for Carl to turn, however when you did, someone had jumped onto Carl behind you. Grabbing you tightly to prevent your flailing. You couldnt help the blood curdling scream you let out before your mouth was covered by a hand. You were panicking. You couldnt see your attacker but very well felt them behind you.
"Im gonna make you a deal. Your going to take us back to that nice cottage of yours, or I'll paint your blood all over the snow" the voice sneered next to your ear. "Im going to remove my hand. If you so as utter a word I wont hesatate to get rid of you. Am I clear?" The voice was slow, but threatening. They meant what they said. You could only nod slowly as he removed his hand from your mouth. "In case you get a wild burst of courage... I'll just leave this here" he had taken his sword out. Lingering it by your neck. You didn't know what else to do, so you just took the reigins and slwoly started back home.
When you got to Technoblade's Cottage you were forced off of Carl, the snow did little in softening your fall. You looked up praying thag techno herd some commotion.
"Technoblade get your ass out here!" The man Yelled, you looked up to him. He had black hair poking out from his beanie. Underneath his armor was a bloody a apron. All, in all, not someone you wanted to be around.
When the door opened you called out for Techno. Trying to make a run for him. But instead you were only grabbed by your ankle and dragged back to the raven haired man. The sword he held finding it's way to your neck.
"Let her go Quackity." Techno's eyes were narrowed and calculated. He wasn't pleased by any means for how Quackity was manhandling you.
"You think I'm going to listen to you? Your fucking delusional. Heres whats going to happen Techno. Your going to come with us. Or I'll kill her and give your front lawn a nice new red decoration." You whimpered. All you wanted was Techno. You wanted to be in his arms, you didn't like how This 'Quackity' man was talking or handling you.
"Your going to let her go first." Techno stepped closer. His hand drawing his blade. You could see Techno's breathing. He was angry, and so were the voices.
"I wouldn't step any closer." The blade pressed in more. Your hand coming up to try and push the blade away. "Your going to drop your blade and walk up to fundy to get handcuffed. Then I'll let her go." You watched as Techno weighed his options. In the end he did drop his blade. He valued your life above everything. Once his hands were tied securely, you were let free. The first thing you did was run to techno. Hugging onto him for dear life.
"(Y/n) listen to me. Your going to go into the house and wait for Philza. Ok?" You looked up at him with pain in your eyes, shaking your head.
"No! Im not letting you go alone!" You started to tear. You didnt know where they were taking him. But you knew it wasn't good.
"(Y/n) I said go in the house. I will be fine.." He manuvered his head to wrap around yours since his arms couldn't. "I don't want you involved ok?..." his tone was gentle, trying to ease your haywire nerves.
"Techno please let me come.." Your eyes begged, but he didnt budge. Quackity only took and shoved Techno further.
"Wait in the House!" Was the final thing he said as he was forced over the Hill.
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Waiting for his return had you beyond restless. You could only look from the clock back to the fire. The raging 'What if's running through your brain. It was extremely late before techno had returned back home.
When he opened the door you rushed over to him. Almost tripping over your own feet. To feel him in your arms was the one thing you needed to calm your nerves. You gripped onto him for dear life. His arms gently wrapped around you. Rubbing a ligjt circle into your back.
"Thank god your home" you said. Your face buried into his chest. The lingering sent of dynamite and the iron smell of blood on his clothes. "I was so worried about you..." you felt his hand move to the underside of your thighs. Lifting you up into his arms so he could move inside.
"Come now princess... You didnt really think I would let anything happen to myself, now would you?" He mused. His eyes soft as he looked up into yours.
"I.. I mean" You looked down at him, the bit of worry still remaining. He sat down on his sofa. Leaning back into it as he looked up at you.
"Baby girl, you know Technoblade never dies" He said cocking a eyebrow up as his face went smug. You only smiled a little at that. Moving to rest your head in his neck.
"I still worried..." you said gently. Relaxing into his chest. Glad to see him home safely.
"I know princess... I know" He knew he would have to tell you about the execution. But for now he knew you were distraught. He may have been poor at comforting, but he knew right now the best thing was for you to just lay in his arms at peace. Let you try and forget what Quackity had probably etched into your memory for months to come. Because Quackity was only the start now. Now everyone knew, Techno had someone he truly loved.
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jawllines · 3 years
miss jaws !!!! pretty pls could you soon give us that witchrry catch up you promised us ???? 💟☹️
“I do not like this form, human! Change me back at once!”
When Y/N said she wanted to try the spell that could give a familiar a human body for a little while, she really had not expected it to go over like this.
How she did imagine it was something cute and simple. She and Harry having nothing to do on a Saturday night bored out of their whits and looking for some mild entertainment. Y/N would remember that she’d seen this spell flipping through one of the books that her Nan sent her in the mail, she’d tell him they should try it, and Harry would agree, of course, because who didn’t want to see an animal as a human? It would be fun, they would get to see what Thumper and Oat would be like as something other than furry little mammals, and then they would change them back and that would be that.
However, when you’re a witch, things rarely go as planned or even think about being as easy. Maybe it was Y/N’s fault (it definitely was), but she had sort of jumped the gun on waiting for a Saturday night that she and Harry were both bored. Instead, on a Thursday night when Harry is supposed to come over after doing some business at one of the bars here, Y/N thought she should just go ahead and make the concoction now. That’s all it was -- some special herbs and mixes that the familiar would consume. She thought it would be easy to just make it, set up somewhere high that Thumper and Oat (who she watched while Harry was working) wouldn’t be able to reach it, and then surprise Harry with the fact that she had made it once he got back.
But of course, just as soon as she’s turned her back to get the lid for the bowl she’d made it in, she turns around to see Thumper with his face buried in the mix, “Hey!” She cried out, but it was already much too late; Thumper’s little nose twitched as it was covered in the pink substance, and there is a flash of light so blinding that Y/N has to close her eyes. When she opens them. . .well, she made the potion correctly. In the place of her grumpy little bunny there is a grumpy looking guy with his arms crossed and his brows furrowed. He had hair as white as Thumper’s fur, very dark colored eyes, and stark naked.
Y/N squealed, covering her eyes but before she could she saw him cover his ears, “Loud! Stop that!”
“I’m sorry,” she rushed to say, a little quieter, “Cover your -- cover your bits!”
“My what?” He sounded irritated, Y/N could only huff -- even if she hadn’t witnessed it happening, there would be no doubt in her mind that this attitude was coming from her bunny.
“The dangly thing between your legs,” she urges, “Cover it!”
There is a disgruntled sigh, “You are so rude! Why am I human? I want to be a bunny again!”
Y/N peeked her eyes open a little to make sure he had something over him, and she sees he’d settled with his hand, “Well if you would have just waited instead of sticking your nose in something that wasn’t yours, I could have explained what it was before you went and eat it! You’re such a naughty bunny.”
“I am not! You are a naughty witch. Who wants to be human anyway?” He plucked Oat up when had come around to sniff the bowl, “Don’t eat this Oat, it tastes like oranges, limes, and lemons all wrapped into one.”
Squinting, Y/N is about to scold him for being mean when the sound of a throat clearing drags their attention away from glaring at each other. He looks confused, his head tilted and his mouth had fallen open just slightly, “Who is the naked guy?” He inquired casually and said naked guy, turns his nose up at him.
“I am Thumper, can’t you see?” He sneered.
“Thumper, be nice!”
Harry hums low, “I could have sworn Thumper was about 60 centimeters tall and also a rabbit.”
“I made that -- the potion thingy, to give the familiar a human form, remember? And I was going to cover it and wait until you got home so that we could try it but someone immediately went over and started eating it!” Y/N looked back over to Thumper who is still scowling, and this is around the time he would usually stomp his foot then hop away to a different room. Seeing as he can’t hop, he stomps his foot and storms out of the room instead, still clutching Oat to his chest.
When they were out of the room, Y/N turned to face Harry with a deep pout on her mouth. He chuckled warmly, opening his arms for her, and she crosses the room to him quickly. She buries her face in his neck (he smelled like cold air and pine needles) and melts into the hug, “You’re silly, d’ya know that?” He rubbed up and down her back in large circles, “You know Thumper never minds his business when you make something that looks edible. And can I be honest? I really didn’t expect him to look. . .”
“Cute?” Y/N fills in for him, and Harry hums in agreement, “Yeah, I always imagined him as a grumpy old sod in his 70s, so you can say I’m also a little shocked.”
He laughs again, only this time he slipped away from her, looping his fingers around her wrist, “C’mon,” he murmured, “Let’s go see what they’re up to before he burns the flat down out of spite.”
. . .
As always, for some reason or another, Thumper takes better to Harry despite literally being Y/N’s familiar. He eventually calms down but only because Harry offered him the whole bag of carrot chips in the fridge, and asks him what he would like to watch on TV. When he choose animal planet, both Y/N and Harry hold back a snicker so they wouldn’t piss him off all over again. And despite not being happy about it, he does put on the boxers Harry gives him.
And like always, while Y/N and Harry are snuggled together on the couch watching the telly and waiting out for Thumper to relax enough to stop grumbling and grousing about how much this form stinks. He was always grumpy for a time but then relaxed after a while and usually crawled his way into Y/N or Harry’s lap to sleep. They figured he would alter it some since now he was about 160lbs at 6ft, but Thumper was not one to conform to anything with others in mind. If he wanted in a lap, he was getting in a lap, which is how Harry and Y/N both ended up with him stretched out across their thighs with his head resting on the couch pillow.
It was odd, but objectively, weirder things had happened.
He told them Oat didn’t want to be a human and kept her cuddled against him so he could “protect her from you rotten humans” and they both allowed it to happen, so she was snuggled up too. It was just a big cuddle pile, much how they usually are only with more human legs and arms than usual. Ultimately, he did calm down enough that they could pick his brain a little bit, and learn more about him than what was usually permitted between he and Y/N’s thought transference. Even then, at his calmest, it was like pulling teeth to get much of anything out of him.
“How long have you been around?”
“A very long time.”
“Well, yeah, but in years --”
“Many years.”
Y/N sighed, and Harry would squeeze her shoulder, chewing hard on his lip to stop himself from giggling, “Alright,” she continued, “Where were you born?”
“Thumper,” Harry plucked Oat up from where she’d been sitting on his shoulder, “Oat wants to know too, she said! You wouldn’t keep her from knowing, would you?”
Thumper, whose eyes had been closed (they were completely black, which was a little startling to say the least, but nobody brings it up), blinks one of them open and peeks over at Oat who is looking at him with her head tilted. With a small huff, he readjusted himself, closing his eyes once more, “I have been around for 980 years,” he answered, and a small smile twitches at his mouth when they both gasp, “I was born in the Netherlands, and my first owner called me Finn. I hate this name, but she was not a witch and often fed me many good plants from her garden, so I suffered through it.”
Under the guise of Oat wanting to know, Thumper tells them plenty about himself, and it becomes quite clear why he was such a grumpy guy. He’d been around for years upon years and constantly switched owners, more often than not because they did something to upset him. Sometimes they would forget about him, sometimes they would step on his paw, other times they would call him mean names, and the worst of it -- they would punish him for nibbling on things. “I always wait for you to do something to upset me, but you have done nothing yet.”
“Shouldn’t you give me the benefit of the doubt at this point?” She patted at his full belly and he swatted her hand, “You did come to my doorstep didn’t you? S’not even like I stole you from the woods.”
“I smelled fresh fruit and plants, how was I to know I’d find a gardening witch? The imprinting was unintentional!”
Y/N pouted, Harry tugged her closer to him though and traced looping patterns into her arm, “You know he loves you,” Harry tells her, then takes a turn to poke at Thumper’s belly -- he swats him away too which makes Y/N feel a little better, “Oat tells me all the time how much nice stuff he says about you. He even comforts you when you’re sad! I think this grumpy stuff is all an act.”
Thumper’s brows furrow but he does not deny it, instead, he crosses his arms and turns his face away.
She smiles.
He eventually changes back after five hours and it was while they all had fallen asleep. One moment there was a very heavy presence with their arms circled around Y/N’s waist, with their head on her belly -- the next there’s a furry little body sat in her lap. He curled up in a tighter ball and snuggled nearer -- he didn’t even nip her when she pulled him up to sleep in her arms. Y/N maneuvers them both, and in doing so stirs Harry, who accommodates her. Her back to his chest, his arm flopped over her body, Thumper in her arms, and Oat sleeping at the top of Harry’s head.
Y/N wonders how she ever got to sleep without being like this.
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midnightsnyx · 4 years
Forever After All - Mat Barzal: part 2
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summary: three years after a devastating break up, you wake up one morning in an unfamiliar apartment next to the man you thought was the love of your life: Mat Barzal. Is it a dream or a second chance? 
a/n: here is part 2! i have no idea how many parts this will be cause i have many plans and ideas for it. so i kinda want to explain something about the fic so it makes sense. the reader remembers the past, her breakup with Mat and what happened but when she woke up in the first part of this story, she obviously thinks she’s dreaming because Mat is there and she can’t remember what everybody is talking about regarding the previous days. im going to write some flashbacks (there’s one in this part) to give some backstory on what exactly happened. not sure if my explanation makes sense lol but yeah i wanted to try to explain it before you guys read this part!  anyway, i hope you guys like this!
word count: 2.2k warnings: none
forever after all masterpost
Part 2
You’re late for lunch because you spent nearly three hours picking through every inch of the apartment trying to get some answers because seriously, what the hell is going on? Everything you found was foreign and you couldn’t remember anything. Pictures, clothes, jewelry that you figured were from Mat that you had zero recollection of owning were neatly placed in the apartment you and Mat must be sharing.
So you’re not surprised when Hayden gives you her look. It could turn someone to stone but you’ve become immune to it through the years of your friendship. “You’re late.”
You pointedly look around the diner and raise a brow. “So is Jasper.”
She wrinkles her nose and shrugs. “Good point, I suppose.” Then she grins and looks at you expectantly. “So, how was last night?”
“Uh… last night?” You question because of course you have no idea what could’ve happened the previous night. You’re hoping she will fill in some of the blanks without being suspicious.
“Yours and Mat’s anniversary dinner?” She squints her eyes at you and then looks down at your hands that are neatly folded on the table. “And why aren’t you wearing it?”
You feel your entire body go cold and you know without seeing yourself that you look like a deer in headlights. “Wearing what?”
“The ring?” She says slowly and then her face drains of colour. “oh god, you guys didn’t break up did you? You two are like…” she waves her hands wildly. “The couple. This could break-”
You cut her off before she can stress herself out too much even through you’re still trying to process the current information. “We didn’t break up. I just…” you scramble your brain to come up with an excuse. “forgot to put it back on. After my shower.”
How the hell did you miss an engagement ring when you were going through your apartment?
“Okay, so how was last night? I want all the details. You know he’s been planning it for weeks.”
“Planning what?” Another voice says before you can answer. You look to your left to see Jasper sliding in the chair next to Hayden.
“Mat and Y/N’s anniversary dinner.” She explains and he grins.
“Oh, do tell. We need all the details.”
Great. They want all the details from a night you don’t remember.
You take a moment to figure out what to say. You don’t know if Hayden knew any of what Mat’s plans were so you can’t make something up completely.
“It was nice. You know what Mat’s like, he went all out.” You say because thinking back, when the two of you were together he had a tendency to go overboard. You knew it was his way of making up for being gone so often.
Hayden raises an eyebrow. “Awfully skimpy on the specifics.” you think she’s going to pry more but she just shrugs and smiles. “I’m sure it was lovely though.”
“It was.”
Jasper grins. “Good, ‘cause I don’t know if I could beat him in a fight.”
The smile you send back is forced because there’s so much information being thrown at you and you don’t know how to handle it. You just want whatever this is to be over.
Whatever it is, is messing with you and you’re not sure how much more you can take because it’s just reminding you of what you lost all those years ago.
. . .
After lunch you drive aimlessly through some of the neighborhoods on the island in attempt to clear your mind. There are aspects to what you’ve learned from Jasper and Hayden about your relationship with Mat that make sense. The ring caught you off guard but something that you knew after the two of you broke up was that he was planning on proposing.
It was a conversation you and Jasper had while you were grieving over your breakup. Your friends had been the rock you needed and listened when you needed to vent and were the shoulder to cry on. He showed up at your apartment at three in the morning when you’d called him crying with some chocolate and takeout in hand and the two of you had a heart to heart.
“Sam’s not mad I dragged you out of bed three in the morning is he?”
“Nah,” Jasper said. “He gets it.”
“Yeah,” you whispered. You knew the history Jasper had with dating and how understanding Sam was when they got together. He was the first guy who had the patience to deal with Jasper’s baggage and you were so grateful your best friend had found a guy who was deserving of him.
The two of you were quiet for a while, eating in silence and watching whatever movie he had put on.
“Can I tell you something?” He asked quietly and you nodded without looking up.
“He had a ring.”
It was in that moment that it felt like the entire world stopped. It felt like you couldn’t breathe, like you were drowning.
“He kind of asked for my permission? I don’t know. It was weird. I guess because he couldn’t ask a father figure in your life.”
When you felt like you could speak, you asked, “what did you tell him?”
“I told him that if he was going to give you that ring, he’d better be one hundred percent certain because I knew that if he proposed and then the two of you broke up, it was something you wouldn’t be able to get over. I told him not to hurt you.” He looked at you sadly and you’d realized there were thick tears making your cheeks wet. “I’m sorry.”
You just nodded and looked down at your left hand where there may have been a ring if things were different.
But they weren’t and there was no way you could have changed it.
. . .
You pull into the parking lot of yours and Mat’s apartment and slowly make your way in to the building. You didn’t notice his car so it’s probable that he isn’t home yet. You are glad because you want to find that engagement ring Hayden told you about.
You thought you searched everywhere but it was conveniently sitting on the bathroom counter. It’s beautiful and exactly the kind of ring you had always dreamed about which makes sense because this is a dream.
Sliding it on your ring finger, you examine it in the bright bathroom lighting. It somehow feels like it’s meant to be there while simultaneously feeling like it weighs a ton. Standing there for what feels like hours, staring at it, you nearly jump when you hear the front door open and close loudly. Mat calls out your name and you try to collect yourself because you can’t act as weird as you were this morning. You need to act normal until you figure out what exactly is going on.
“Babe?” He calls again and you hear his footsteps approaching the bathroom you’re in.
You ignore the way your voice cracks when you answer. “Yeah?”
He stops in the doorway and the smile he gives you takes your breath away. It’s painful how easy this feels - standing here with him in the apartment.
“How was lunch?” He asks, walking towards you and taking your left hand in his. His thumb runs across the engagement ring and the way he’s looking at you distracts you long enough that he raises an eyebrow, pulling you out of your thoughts.
Clearing your throat, you smile. “It was nice. They asked about last night.” You say, hoping he might give away some details.
“It wasn’t too much was it? I know how you feel about making a big deal over occasions but I couldn’t help myself.”
Helpful. You want to say but he’s looking at you expectantly so you wrap your arms around him and hide your face in his chest to hide the disappointment on your face. “No, it was perfect.”
You feel him press a kiss to the top of your head when he slides his arms around your waist. It’s so familiar, being held in his arms that it makes you want to cry because as much as you tried to move on after your breakup, you missed this. You missed him.
“Still coming to the game tonight?” He mumbles in to your hair and you just nod, knowing your voice will probably give away how close you are to tears. You step back and turn towards the shower.
“I’m gonna take a shower.” You tell him even though you’d showered this morning. You need to distance yourself from him to clear your head.
“Cool. I’m going to make some food, are you hungry or still full from lunch?”
“I can eat.” You say, reaching out to turn the shower on. When you’re satisfied with the temperature, you turn to look at him. Despite the affection you’ve shown him, you’re not ready to undress in front of him even though he’s seen you without clothes a million times when you were dating.
But this is different.
“You okay with some eggs and bacon? I know it’s a little late but that’s what I’m feeling.”
“I think it’s actually ‘cause you don’t know how to cook anything else.” You tease, laughing when he pouts.
“I’m wounded, Y/N.” He says, placing a hand over his heart and you can tell he’s holding back a smile. You walk towards his and give him a small push.
“Go make food.”
“Yes ma’am,” he grins, leaning down to kiss you before leaving the bathroom.You close and lock the door behind him, quickly stripping and hopping in to the shower. Knowing Mat will take quite a bit of time cooking, you let yourself stand under the hot water longer than normal and try to calm your mind.
It works pretty well because you are fairly clear minded when you finally go out to the kitchen. He’s just finishing cooking and you sit at the table while he dishes up the food. He sits across from you and you listen as he rambles on about how practice was and you try not to zone out but you can’t help it.
Sitting here with him with your feet resting on top of his and him insisting on holding one of your hands while you eat makes your heart ache.
Part of you still wants whatever is going on to end so you can go back to your old life but the selfish part of you wants to stay forever because you have Mat back and everything feels so perfect with him and you almost think you can forget about the past and the horrible break up between the two of you. This past day alone feels like one of the best days you’ve had in forever and it’s not even over. You’re almost afraid to go to bed tonight not knowing what you will wake up to.
If this is a dream, it’s going to break your heart to wake up and you don’t know how much more pain your heart can handle.
So for now, you let yourself savor this moment and try to forget everything about the past. You let yourself be excited for the Islanders game you’re going to tonight and you let yourself lay down with Mat after you eat and watch him after he falls asleep for his pregame nap. You stare at his features, running your fingers softly over his face trying to commit everything to memory, scared for if you fall asleep, he’ll be gone when you wake.
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an-emovision · 3 years
Someone to you - Izuku Midoriya
--------------------------------------------------------- A/N: Highkey cringed a little when i was editing this but like its fine i guess, hope you enjoy!  Trigger warning(s): self esteem issues, low self worth(?)(if you’re feeling these things please know you are wonderful and beautiful just the way you are and someone out there loves you and if no one does then i will >:)) --------------------------------------------------------- "Hey! Good morning Y/N!" You looked up from your phone to find Izuku Midoriyas bright smile. as he made his way towards your figure on the couch you returned his smile with your own tired one. "Good morning Izu" You replied, letting out a yawn and stretching your arms out above you. His brilliant green eyes seemed to follow your every movement as he made note of your current appearance. Given that you were still in what seemed to be your pajamas which consisted of an over-sized white shirt and black shorts, not only that but your hair was all askew. He came to the conclusion that you had just woken up which was correct, so his smile softened as he sat next to you, the couch dipping from his sudden weight on the cream colored cushions.  You crossed your legs as you watched him take a seat next to you in the common room of the UA dorms. A sweeter smile gracing your heavenly features as he sat, well at least Izuku thought they were heavenly as he watched your face contort into the smile. His favorite thing about you had always been your smile.  The day ahead seemed easy, It was a beautiful Saturday morning. The sky was clear, not a cloud to be seen. Mina even offered you to come shopping with her, Uraraka, and Tsu which you gladly accepted. So why did you feel so...Sad? Nothing necessarily bad had happened that day, nothing more then the usual. It was the weekend which meant no class, but that didn't mean most of your classmates weren't working to better themselves still. Bakugo was picking fights with Todoroki and Midoriya while Ida tried to break it up as usual. Kirishima having to drag Bakugo away so he could cool off. No one really knew what set him off, no one usually does. So the class simply assumed it was Midoriyas existence (which was correct)  and went about their day. So why did your figure feel especially heavy today? Why did you feel so upset?  "...y/n?....Helloooo Y/N? You okay?" you were snapped out of your thoughts by Mina who had placed a hand on your shoulder and was looking at you with slight worry in her features. Your eyes darted to her golden orbs and gave her a quick nod and a half-assed smile "Yeah! yeah im good!" you let out an embarrassed chuckle as your eyes left Minas and settled on Uraraka and Tsu who were also look at you with slight concern etched into their features. The girls looked at each other for a moment before Mina nodded and continued about her rant about some clothing brand that sold a jacket she really really wanted. The group continued to walk about the mall checking out shops and buying some snacks for your roommates along the way. You still didn't know what was wrong with you, still curious as to why your social stamina wasn't quite up to par today. You were having fun, at least that's what you were telling yourself but in actuality all you wanted was to go home, change into some pajamas and lay in bed for a while. Maybe get lost in your own thoughts while mindlessly scrolling through your social medias.  A soft sigh and relief left you as Tsu suggested that they go back home as it was getting pretty late. You, Uraraka, and Mina nodded in agreement then headed for the UA dorms. On the way there you yet again got lost in your own thoughts as the three girls stopped bothering to try and include you into the conversation. Not in a rude way, they could just tell after a while you weren't really up to the task of participating in any conversation. That didn't stop them from asking if you where okay every once in a while. After stepping into the dorms you all went your separate ways. You headed straight for your bedroom after passing out the snacks you had gotten for your friends, these friends being Midoriya, yaomomo, and Kaminari. Your eyes took in the details your familiar dorm room as you closed the door behind you and set your shopping bags by the door. As promised by yourself you collected your pajamas of choice and changed into them before hopping into bed and cuddling into your warm blankets with a gentle content sigh. You sat up and took your phone from your bedside table, then laid back down and continued to scroll through Instagram. Seeing model after model made you feel a little uneasy, almost self conscious. Well 'almost' it did make you feel self conscious, then seeing all of your beautiful friends pictures. Even Bakugos looked awesome. You felt inferior, like maybe you didnt deserve to be friends with such beautiful and talented people. Each and every one of them had something it didnt matter if it was brains or strength but they all had something. and what did you have? You didnt know. In your eyes everything that's happened to you so far was pure luck.  You felt tears begin to well up in your eyes as you questioned your own self worth. This wasn't the first time you would lay in your bed and sob, questioning what you did to deserve all of the things that you've been blessed with. There were people out there with no homes, no family, no food and here you where living in a fancy dorm, trying to become a hero and graduate from UA. What did you do to deserve anything you had? why not someone who really really needed it. You didn't see how hard you worked to get where you are, you didn't acknowledge that you worked just as hard as anyone else in Class 1-A. It was easy for someone like Midoriya to recognize, he worked his ass off to control his quirk and get into UA. He always admired your problem solving ability and your quirk. Oh man did he love your quirk, hes made multiple pages of notes on your quirk alone, not even counting your hero suits awesomeness. However, he hated that you brushed off all of your accomplishments as someone else's doing, or gave the credit to luck. Some days all he wanted to do was hug you and tell you every amazing detail about yourself. He wishes he could be as cool as you, really he does. It took him a long time to realize that he didn't just admire you, he had fallen in love with you. He was constantly trying to up his game to impress you and cherished the moments where you praised him no matter how often it was. he truly just wanted to be somebody to you. Midoriya had informed Ida of his feelings for you then proceeded to ask for advice, like Ida knew anything about relationships. Midoriya didn't know about your self esteem issues and you'd rather he didn't as not to worry him, but as you laid on your bed, sobbing and hating yourself for being so weak and crying you couldn't think of anyone better to consult. So you picked your phone up again and scrolled through your contacts, rubbing your now puffy and red eyes as you clicked the call button under his name "Broccoli🥦💚" "Hello?" the corner of your lips tugged into a small smile as you heard his sweet voice. then you cleared your throat before speaking. your voice was a bit hoarse from crying. "U-Uh, hi Izu" You could hear his smile as he greeted you. "Hey Y/N!" he greeted, almost as if he hadn’t read the contact name before picking up the phone "Whats up?" "Are you in your room right now?" It felt a bit awkward to ask and to him it seemed like a slightly odd question to ask but nevertheless he answered. "Uh Yeah, why whats up?" You silently thanked whatever god was out there that he didn't notice your voice sounded as messed up as it did. "uh nothing, I just- Uh can i come over?" He nodded even though you couldn't see him then gave you the okay to come over. You hung up after telling him you'll be over in 5 and slid off your bed, slipping on your slippers before making your way towards your bedroom door. Izuku was panicking a little. Had he done something wrong? you two hadn't really spoken that day so he didn't think that was the case necessarily. Maybe Ida told you about him liking you. Multiple scenes of him telling you of Dekus crush and you looking disgusted after played in his head. Dammit Ida he cursed mentally, not really knowing if Ida had told you or not. He practically jumped out of his own skin when he heard a knock at his door, already knowing it was you he strode over and opened it. Expecting to find you smiling as always however, his "Hey!" got cut short and his grin fell when his brilliant green orbs landed on your damp cheeks and your red and puffy eyes. All fear of you knowing about his crush on you left him, it was replaced with worry and it was clear as day on his face. Upon seeing him, the one that picked you up when you fell down, your first friend at UA, the one that made your cheeks heat up and your stomach to do back flips tears began to stream down your cheeks again. You fell into his arms and without hesitation he embraced you tightly, gently shushing you and running his fingers through your hair in an attempt to calm you down. You let out a gentle hiccup as he hooked his arm under the back of your knees and carried you further into his room after gently closing the door with his foot. Placing you on the edge of his bed and sitting next to you his hand rubbed your back up and down as he gently took you into his embrace again. You loved this man, you really really loved him and it wan't until you were burying your face into his shoulder that you realized it. After your sobs died down and your breathing became normal he gingerly pulled away from you before giving you a soft smile and gently brushing a few strands of hair from your face, still rubbing your back at a gentle pace before eventually stopping and resting on your lower back. "Do you wanna tell me whats wrong now?" He let out in a whisper his eyes never leaving yours. "I-I just-" you where cut off by your own sniffle "I don't know what i did to deserve any of this. I don't deserve to be at UA, hell i don't even deserve my quirk." your voice was small, barely a mumble but he was still able to hear it. That doesn't mean he wanted to hear you talk down on yourself, he couldn't believe what he was hearing really. your eyes left his and landed on your lap as you let out your feelings "I dont-...I dont deserve you" "I can't believe you" Midoriya sounded genuinely upset, your eyes found his again only to be met with a disappointed expression. It wasn't at all what you where expecting but...maybe you deserved it.   "How could you say you don't deserve being here when you're one of the most hard working people i've ever met?" Your eyes widened a little, you where going to say how even Mineta works harder then you do but he cut you off before you could "You're absolutely amazing Y/N, having you as a classmate hell even having you as a friend is inspiring. The advice you give to others is amazing, your quirk is awesome, your hero suit is the best one i've ever seen, you could get us out of any situation and-" He was cut off by a pair of soft lips against his. His eyes were saucers and he was stunned, looking at you like a deer in the headlights when you pulled away. Worry settled in your stomach upon seeing his reaction. "I-Im sorry, I shouldn't have done that i just couldn't stop mys-mmph" Now it was his turn to cut you off, with his lips of course. Your eyes where wide for a moment before they gently fluttered closed and you kissed him back. He let out a pleased hum before pulling away to your dismay. The two of you stared at each other for a moment, admiring each others features. His freckle dotted cheeks where now dusted with crimson and so where yours. "I-I didnt know you..." he let out, trailing off at the end of his sentence, you nodded shyly "Y-Yeah I just didnt realize it until a little bit ago." you gave him a sheepish grin as he let out a soft chuckle and nodded. "Yeah i didnt realize it either." then his features became serious and you noticed it, waiting for him to say whatever he was going to say "Seriously, you're amazing. I hate seeing you like this, it breaks my heart" his words left his lips in a mumble as he brought his hand up to caress your cheek. "I know i can't just tell you to stop feeling this way because that's not how feelings work but...I will do my absolute best to help you" he didn't say it out loud, but he was promising this to you. You smiled and nodded, moving to bury your face into his shoulder. He hugged you as he placed his chin on your shoulder, taking in your sweet sent before smiling at the words you let out. "Thank you Izu” 
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hunflowers · 5 years
hiii are your requests open? I just wanted to request a imagine where harry is jealous y/n was hanging out with some of her male friends and he call her and pick her up from the club she is and they fight in the car, a little angst and then it end up smutty 🥴
because i managed to delete my first response im sorry if this is shitty sigh...............
so the way i’m imagining this is ...
You and Harry had made plans with your friend group to go out this weekend. It had been a long week for everybody so this was your perfect getaway to let loose and forget the responsibilities of adult hood for just one night.
So that Friday night you were anticipating the night, and you couldn’t wait to feel the familiar burn of alcohol trickle down your throat. When time was ticking down to finally head out, Harry had walked through the door of your shared home, giving you the news that he wasn’t feeling the best and it would be best if he stayed home to get some proper rest.
You wanted to stay home with him because going out without him just didn’t feel right but he insisted you go and have a good time because just like him, you deserved to have a night out. After a lot of convincing, you made your out with your friends, promising to text him throughout the night, keeping him updated on your whereabouts.
It was when you stopped texting periodically that Harry grew worried and frustrated because minutes before, you were posting videos on your Instagram – and most predominantly, the men that attended the night with you – yet you hadn’t responded to his latest message from fifteen minutes ago. He knows he shouldn’t be going crazy because you were allowed to not have to check in with him because you are a grown adult, but he still wishes you wouldn’t ignore him.
Then when thirty minutes passed and it seemed you had no intention on texting him any time soon, he called you. You hadn’t posted on your story either in some time, so really he was just seeing if you were okay at this point. Not for any other reason or anything.
You answered on the last ring, scurrying off to the bathroom to accept the call and so you could hear Harry properly. “Hey!”
“Y/N, why haven’t you been answering my messages?”
You furrowed your eyebrows at his question, quickly scrolling through your phone to see that you accidentally clicked on his message from before but forgot to respond. “I’m sorry! I didn’t see your text, but yes, it’s going great! Wish you could be here, Tom and Nick are heading up next for karaoke. They went before and it was absolutely atrocious, thought they could give it another try.”
Silence loomed over the other end of the phone, making you quickly wonder if you had accidentally hung up the call. You tended to do that sometimes and you needed to learn how to not click away so fast.
“I’m coming to get you,” you finally heard from Harry, and you made a face as if he could see your confused expression.
“What do you mean?”
“You seem drunk, I’m gonna come get you. You’re at Jake’s 58 right?” He questioned and in the distance you could hear the faint shut of a door, and you could tell he was already on his way.
“Harry I had one drink an hour ago–”
“I’ll see you soon, stay there.”
Then he hung up the line and left you in a pit of complete and utter confusion. You looked to your phone as if it held the magical answer as to what crawled up your boyfriend’s ass, because from what you could tell from his monotonous voice, he wasn’t in a chipper mood. If this was all over you missing a simple text from thirty minutes ago, he sure had some explaining to do. He wasn’t your father, he didn’t have the right to rain on your parade like this.
Storming out of the bathroom, you quickly walked over to where the rest of your friends are, ushering a small apology for your early departure, blaming it on not feeling well anymore. No one suspected a thing even though you were sure it was obvious you were angry.
Bidding your goodbye, you marched your way outside and into the cooler night air. Even though you were angry to be outside, you were somewhat grateful because it felt refreshing to feel the chill of the night wash over your skin, contradicting the hot air from inside because of the overcrowded space.
Keeping yourself busy on your phone, you thought of all the ways you were going to put Harry in his place when he arrives. It was just so hard for you to believe that he could act like this without any justification. When you saw the familiar car park against the curb, you rolled your eyes in annoyance at the sight of Harry’s face. Normally, you wanted to see his face every second of every day, but in this moment, he was the last person you wanted to lay your eyes on.
Walking up to the passenger door, you opened it and slammed it behind you as you settled yourself on the cool leather seat. Locking your seatbelt into place, you let out a very obvious huff, letting him know that you weren’t happy with him.
When Harry opened his mouth to speak after a few moments of awkward and tense silence, you were quick to talk over him, just the way he hated.
“Care to explain your hypocracy? You were so insistent that I go out, yet here we are now as you are insistent to get me home.”
“You’re not my fucking father, Harry. I’m allowed to go out and have fun and drink if I so choose to.”
By this point, you turned your body fully towards him, using your hands now as you talked, and whenever your hands came involved, you were deadly serious. Harry knew this, he knew you would be angry, but that didn’t stop him from acting like a fool.
Choosing to ignore your statement, Harry brought up another matter that still tied into you leaving early. “Don’t you have work in the morning anyway? Can’t be out too late, love.”
Your eye twitched.
It legitimately twitched.
“No. I got someone to cover my shift since I thought I would be out late,” you enunciated your last syllables, making it clear that you knew what the fuck you were doing with your life this night.
You weren’t some rebellious and irresponsible teenager, you know how to take care of yourself, and when you should be home if you have fucking work in the morning. He was acting more and more like your miserable father and you were growing more and more impatient with him.
He hummed in response, silence now falling over the two of you. The soft melody of the radio didn’t help to ease the uncomfortable atmosphere in the car and you were sure nothing at this point would. And when he finally pulled into the driveway of your home, you hardly even let him put the car in park before you were hopping out and striding up the steps to your front door. Taking your keys out of your purse, you inserted the small gold object, and hastily pushed the wooden door open. You hear Harry sigh behind you as you made your way into the kitchen, looking to get some water to see if that could calm you down at all.
You just didn’t understand why he was acting this way. It made no sense because he knew what you were doing and he knew where you were going and he knew who you were going with because he was originally involved in these plans! There was nothing he had to worry about, yet here he was, worried about you all because you didn’t answer a small text within two seconds?
You just couldn’t wrap your head around what made him this way, because the last time he was like this, he was–
Oh. My. Gosh.
When you heard him situate himself in the living room, flicking the TV on to some late night show, you rushed over to him, standing in front of the screen with your hands on your hips.
“Are you seriously jealous right now?”
Harry was quick to shake his head, which automatically meant that, yes, he was. His eyes flickered behind you, trying to avoid your stern gaze because he was feeling awfully nervous under this spotlight.
“Harry! How many times do I have to tell you you’re the only one I want?” You chided, tapping your sandal clad foot against the floor.
Harry pursed his lips, furrowing his eyebrows together and crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at you with those familiar pouty eyes.
“Harry,” you whined, knocking your head back in disbelief that he was seriously jealous.
“And how many times do I ‘ave to tell you Jack’s had his eyes on you since the moment you two met! Saw the way he was looking at you on Nick’s story, if he could, he would’ve fucked you right there on that table,” Harry snarled, the corner of his mouth turning up just slightly in irritation.
You let out a laugh at that one, not able to hold this back any longer. It’s true that Harry has told you countless times Jack has some sort of feelings for you, but that in no way meant you reciprocated them. Jack was a know-it-all who liked to think he was funny when in reality, he was just being a misogynistic idiot.
You stepped over to Harry, sitting down in the spot next to him on the couch, draping your one leg over his lap while your other bent at your chest. “Jack is a jerk who would never get the opportunity to touch me like you do. The only person I want fucking my brains out is you. So stop being a li’l bitch and accept that,” you patted his cheek sweetly, earning an eye roll in return from him.
Looking down to his lap briefly, Harry looked back up to your eyes while taking one of your hands and bringing it up to his mouth to place a chaste kiss on your knuckles. “‘M sorry for ruining your night. Just hate seeing him around you when I’m not there. Never know what can happen to you.”
“Just try and talk to me next time, yeah?”
Harry nodded his head in agreement, leaning forward and connecting your lips in a small kiss. A small kiss that led you to now want more. Harry was back in your good graces, and since you didn’t work tomorrow, better make the most of this night.
“Can you fuck my brains out now?”
He looked back to look at your properly, eyebrows shooting up on his forehead as his eyes widened at shock at your crass words. But, then that infamous smirk wormed it’s way on his lips, and his pupils dilated as he responded, “Do you even have to ask, darling?”
Then his lips connected to yours in a feverish manner, sending your mind into a frenzy as he laid your body down on the soft cushions of the couch, his body leaning over yours. There was nothing slow about the kiss as his tongue wasted no time in pushing into your mouth, running over yours. He enjoyed the remnant taste of the fruity drink you consumed earlier on in the night, basking in the sweet flavor.
Your one arm wrapped around his shoulders, pulling his torso closer to yours, your nails scraping over his back through the material of his sweatshirt. Your other hand traveled down his abdomen, quickly ducking under the sweatshirt and grazing his warm skin before you pushed past the waistband of his basketball shorts and cupped his growing erection in your hand. Harry wasted no time in rutting his hips into your hand, softly moaning at the pressure of your palm pressing down on him.
Removing his lips from yours, he trailed hot kisses down your jaw and your throat, leaving wet patches across your skin that felt cool as air continued to flow over them. Soon Harry nestled over your sweet spot, taking his time over the area, enjoying you squirming a bit under him as he bit softly into skin before sucking on it and running his tongue over the damaged skin.
At this point, you officially tucked your hand into his briefs now, wrapping your fingers around his girth, pumping him slowly and grazing your thumb over his leaking tip, earning a hiss from him. But, when he moved to fasten your movements, you removed your hand, very much wanting to be a tease, because when you tease, he really fucks you up, and since you didn’t have work in the morning you didn’t have to worry about hobbling the rest of the day. It would be completely worth it in the end.
Lifting his head from the crook of your neck, his darkened eyes bore into your own, a scowl resting over his sharp features. “Baby. . . you know I don’t like when you’re a tease.”
You loosely smiled at him, running your tongue over your swollen lips in your best seductive manner. Lacing your fingers in his hair, you pulled him closer so the shell of his ear was pressed to your mouth, your breath fanning over his skin, sending a shiver down his spine.
“What’re you gonna do about it. . . Daddy?”
And before you knew it, Harry departed from being on top of you. He all but ripped your jeans off your legs, along with your favorite pair of blue panties, leaving your bottom half completely naked and all bare to him.
All clothes were removed within seconds from both of you, and next Harry was flipping your body over so your chest was pressed to the cushion, and he lifted your hips up so your ass was now in the air. Giggling at his sudden assertiveness, you wiggled your butt at him to which he then smacked down hard on you, and you’re positive your skin was bright red now. You let out a yelp as he delivered another blow to your behind, then wrapping your hair around his fist and tugging your head back.
With his free hand, he dipped his fingers into your slick folds, gathering up your moisture and you could hear him put his digits in his mouth and suck on your juices. He moaned around the taste, bringing his fingers about to your center, slowly trailing from your dripping hole and to your throbbing clit.
“So, so wet for me, baby.”
You wanted to response vocally, but the only sounds that could come out of your mouth at this moment were breathless whimpers as Harry rubbed fast circles on your sensitive bud, but then would stop all of a sudden, taking a break for a few seconds before he would continue again.
Talk about being a tease.
When he didn’t hear words leave your lips, he leaned over your body, his mouth now pressing against your ear as he continued to attack your bundle of nerves. “Isn’t that right, Y/N? All wet and all for me, right?”
When you went to speak, he thrusted his fingers into your cunt, abrupting your train of thought, causing you to let out a guttural groan as his fingers caressed against your walls. He knew what he was doing, because you knew he hated when you didn’t speak up to voice your thoughts with him, and that would only encourage him to put you in your place; but since he was doing all of these things to your body that left you speechless, he knew you wouldn’t be able to respond like he wants.
You’re fully convinced he’s the devil in disguise.
“Words, love, need to hear ‘em. Who’s making you feel this good? Who has you dripping down your thighs, your walls clenching, your clit throbbing? Who, Y/N?” He growled in your ear, pumping his fingers in and out of you at much faster pace now.
Soon enough that familiar knot in your belly was growing tighter, and your legs were growing weaker as they began to shake and convulse at your impending orgasm. But, in order to reach your climax, you had to say something so he wouldn’t stop. So again, you went to talk but then Harry stopped all of his movements completely, pulling his fingers out of you, causing you to whine and push your hips back to get back the attention.
What you didn’t expect though, was Harry to replace his fingers with his cock so soon, thrusting into you quickly, hardly giving you time to adjust to his size before he was snapping his hips against yours in a hasty pace. His balls slapped against your clit at the speed, his tip hitting that special spot inside of you over and over again. You were a mess to say the least as you instinctively pushed yourself back to meet his thrusts, needing him to go rougher.
Placing his hands on your hips to stop your movements, he got the memo and pounded himself harder into your wet pussy, and pretty soon you would be seeing stars.
“C’mon, baby, use your words. Scream it– who’s doing this to you?” He murmured this time in a gentler tone, which was completely contradictory to his current actions.
That pressure in your stomach grew more intense and Harry could feel it too as your walls clenched around him, practically trying to push him out at the tight squeeze. And when you felt him twitch inside of you, you knew he was moments away too.
“Yo–” you started to say, but Harry yanked your body upwards so your back was fully flushed against your chest. He wrapped his large hand around your throat, applying slight pressure because he knew this is what would send you over the edge in due time.
“My name, Y/N, say my name,” he groaned, his thrusts getting sloppier by the second. His one hand that wasn’t wrapped around throat came up to your breasts, squeezing each one under his palm, finger tips tugging on your hard nipples, the sensitive sensation working as a push to let go of that knot.
With one final hit of your g-spot, you were seeing stars and didn’t even hesitate to scream out his name. You screamed his name as best as you could with his hand around your throat, a string of curses following and long drawn out moans. Soon, Harry followed in your steps, his own groans leaving his mouth as he released inside of you, coaxing your walls in load after load of cum.
You were both breathless, and when he let go of your body, you couldn’t help but collapse forward, gulping down as much air as you could, as if you had been suffocating this entire time.
Deciding to get someone to cover you in the morning definitely may have been your best decision as of lately, teasing Harry following close behind. You were at content with your night now, but you had a strong feeling Harry wasn’t planning on giving up any time soon.
You were proven correct when he spoke up, “Need you to clean me, love. Want your lips wrapped around my cock now.”
He wasn’t going to give you any sort of recovery period any time soon, and honestly, you were okay with that.
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The Zone
Peter Parker x bisexual!reader
Peter Parker x fem!reader
Peter Parker x black!reader
Peter Parker x villain!reader 
Warnings: Mentions of violence, bruising, allusions to corrupt government, drug use, underage drinking, knives, mentions of neo-nazis, bad eating and sleeping habits, a mention of sex, mentions of death and the dead. 
Word Count: 3.7k
Songs: Changes- Charles Bradley, 4 Morant- Doja Cat, Prey-  The Neighborhood, Stay Together- Noah Cyrus, Without me- Eminem, Colors- Halsey, Where’s My Juul??-Full Tac, Pork Soda-Glass Animals, Everyday- A$AP Rocky, Facts- Kanye West,  Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?, Immortal- J.Cole, High Enough- K,Flay, Drugs- UPSAHL.
A/N: This is pretty short but it’s also the fasest I’ve released a chapter after the other was released.
Series Masterlist   Previous Part   Next Part
I smashed the keypad multiple times with the handle of a knife before the metal finally fell. I pulled all the wires out before hearing the words ‘System Malfunction’. 
If I hadn’t disarmed the alarm system already. I’d probably be worried right about now. I manually slid open the cell door. 
That’s when she glanced up at me.
“Took you look enough,” She smirked. 
“I could’ve gotten you out sooner if you didn’t get your ass locked up in solitary,” I tossed her the Black Cat suit. 
“You know I still don’t know your name or what you look like,” She stated pulling the suit up “and I don’t think that's fair seeing as you know those things about me,” She cooed. 
I pulled my mask over my face “It’s Y/N. Happy now?” 
“Wow I always knew your voice sounded attractive, matches the face,” 
“Okay, we can kiss my ass later but now we have about 2 minutes to get out before the guards come and get us,” 
Leaving the building the same way I came in through the vent. You’d think they’d have better security. I was thankful they didn’t when we finally reached the car. 
“Who’s car is this?” Felicia asked hopping in the passenger seat. 
“Dunno,” I said, putting the car in the drive. 
“Hold on tight,” I warned before ramming into the fence at full speed successfully knocking it down. 
I was definitely not holding my breath that whole time. And I definitely was not doubting myself. Okay maybe I was, a little.
“I’m surprised that actually worked, none of this was planned at all,” I laughed in relief.
She laughed along with me 
“Plans are for the ‘good guys’, if you’re smart enough you don’t need plans,” 
“If that’s not the truth,” I replied turning onto a deserted road “You owe me again, I’m not counting, but I believe the score’s 3:1,” 
She was right, you never need a plan. Second moral to the story is that even “villains” never work alone. I know I always talk that “every man for themselves” mess but everyone needs a support team. And for people who supposedly have no morals they haven’t betrayed me yet. 
There are the bad guys and then there are the bad guys. The heroes didn’t seem to care which you were, they just wanted you locked up or dead and to get all the glory for it. I think it’s time one of us gets the glory.
“Ow!” I exclaimed, pulling myself out of my thoughts. 
“Sorry,” Olivia muttered, “You need to be still,” She said, dabbing a cloth on my leg. 
“Well it’s hard to be still when your leg is burning,” 
I was expecting some jab or joke like normal but it was silent. She looked up at me and I could see the tears forming in her eyes. 
“Y/N…” Her eyes drifted over my bruised and cut up body, her voice breaking. 
“You don’t have to worry about me, I promise I’m fine,” 
“How am I supposed to believe that when you won’t tell me anything?”
“I don’t tell you anything cause then you’d worry,” 
“Well I’m already worried!” 
The next day of school was very ordinary. Well as ordinary as it got when you were a kid who was wanted in multiple cities. My body wasn’t as sore as it was the day before, the bruises were clearing up, but honestly these new weapons were no joke. I’d seen them burn straight through buildings and a ferry now. Anyways like I was saying before today was ordinary, nothing exciting unfortunately. 
Rich kids in Queens take homecoming a little too seriously. For the most part, I’m not complaining penthouse parties were fun. Rich white kids love their molly. 
Harry Osborn was one of those rich kids. If we’re being honest I feel like he does coke on occasion. I don’t think he actually liked homecoming all that much seeing as he’s pretty new to our school. I just think he likes being able to brag about his parties and get wasted at parties. 
One of those parties would be the one I was getting ready for right now. 
Olivia walked into the bathroom and stood in the doorway. This bathroom was very modern as well as the whole house. Like an art gallery.
“Hey kitten,” I said since she wasn’t going to say anything. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” I asked.
“You know how I feel about Harry’s parties,” 
That I did, her dad and Harry’s dad seemed to have some sort of beef. That I didn’t care enough to get into. But Olivia's family took it pretty seriously. I guess I could say Felicia and Olivia’s family. It’s still weird to see them as siblings. It’s not surprising, just weird. Just a weird family of kleptomaniacs. 
This isn’t something I say often but I looked really hot. Like really fucking hot. I had even winged eyeliner. A nice black tube top. A pastel pink tennis skirt. I had black thong type thing on, you could see the thin straps resting on my waist from above the skirt. It wasn’t like I was trying to get fucked or anything because I was not planning on being the slightest bit of sober. 
I also had thigh high socks on but only because they could conceal a knife and I’d been on high alert lately. Just because I wasn’t going to be sober didn’t mean I couldn’t protect myself. It's a sort of muscle memory when it comes to knives, at least with me 
If I wore this anywhere near the kids at my old school they’d probably call me a wannabe white girl, but those kids aren’t there and they have no part of my life anymore. 
I just wanted to get so fucked up that I couldn’t think at all. 
I couldn’t help but think. That’s all I could do lately. My brain wouldn’t slow down to let me breathe for even one second. I just wanted to breathe and go to bed. I still can’t sleep. At least now I have a valid reason. I don’t like talking about it because it’s not a big deal or anything, but today is the anniversary of-. It’s the day Rose died. No use sugarcoating it. It passes every year, no use being in my feels about it. Couldn’t help it though, every year I’d get sad about it for about 5 minutes until I did so many drugs that I couldn’t blink. 
As soon I stepped into the house. I was hit with the buzz I hadn’t felt in a while. I missed it too. It wasn’t like Liz’s “party” her thing could’ve been fun but the whole headache, Vulture thing and lack of drugs made it suck. 
Anyways who cares about that. I’d been at this school long enough to know who had molly. I’d either have to flirt with them or pay which I was down for either. 
See I knew the chewlery gem rod I had attached to a necklace would come in handy one of these days. Now I wouldn’t bite my mouth. 
Only problem is I could still think.  Which wasn’t good. There was some sort of jungle juice on the table but I just went straight for a bottle of beer sitting on the counter, because I was shaking too much to pour anything. 
Beer has to be the nastiest form of alcohol out there. It looks like pee, tastes like pee, it’s like they didn’t bother trying to mask the taste of yeast in it. 
My body was vibrating in a good way as I started talking to people. By the time I’d made small talk with the third person around me. I’d finished the beer and I went back to the kitchen to fill a cup with some form of alcohol and soda I wasn’t picky. Harry must’ve had the same idea. 
“Hey,” He said. 
“Hey, where’s your groupie,” I said referring to the blonde that’d I seen around him earlier. 
“You mean Gwen?” He said, bringing a solo cup to his lips. 
“Probably,” I moved over grabbing the orange soda next to me. 
“Why’re you wondering, jealous?” He asked being his signature flirtatious self. There was this one time that we… you know. But we were both drunk so it doesn’t count. 
“You wish I was jealous,” I rolled my eyes “We both know you're the one obsessed with me,” I laughed. 
“Yep, dream about you every night,” He joked back. 
I took a sip from my drink squinting as it slightly burned my throat. 
“I’m sure you do,” I headed out of the kitchen. 
I could feel my brain slowing down as I started to calm. That was until Facts by Kanye came on. Then suddenly it felt like my blood was boiling in my veins and I couldn’t breathe and not in the good way. I made my way to the nearest bathroom and hoped no one was making out in there. 
I opened the door and the coast was clear. 
I splashed water on my face. When I looked in the mirror my pupils were dilated and my face was flush. Normally my skin tone masked the effects of blushing but not this time.
 I wasn’t drunk. Maybe I was but I wasn’t enough. I was still laying on the bathroom floor because it was cold and felt good in contrast against my hot skin. I was going through my phone and landed on Peter’s number. I texted him because I was bored and I can text whoever I want. 
you: helo 
About thirty seconds later he responded, guess he was already on his phone. 
P 😜🤚: Hey 
you: do yuo like pengwings
He read the messages and responded rather quickly 
P 😜🤚: ? 
You okay? 
you: yesh im fine d you like penfuins 
P 😜🤚: Are you drunk 
you: no im nt drunk i m jst hPpy 
P 😜🤚: yeah sure, where are you. 
Before I could think, I clicked the option to send location. Even if I did think it wouldn’t have done much help. None of my thoughts were coherent. I was actually happy, like really really happy. 
I was still laying on the ground when I felt the floor vibrate with the knock at the door. 
“Who is it?” I asked. 
“Peter,” The voice called out
“Come in!” I said in a sing-songy voice. 
He opened the door slowly and looked around before looking down at me. 
“Hey, what are you doing on the floor,” 
I shrugged after slowly pushing off the floor so I wouldn’t lose balance.
“How’d you get here?” Since I know he couldn’t drive. 
“I got an Uber,” 
“That’s adorable,” 
“What’s adorable,” 
“You, you spent money on a ride just to come see me,” I pointed out, voice cracking halfway through the sentence as tears started to well in my eyes. 
 “Wait don’t cry, I’m sorry, did I do something? If I did sorry for whatever it was-” 
“No you didn’t do anything, it’s just me,” I moved a hand off the counter I was holding onto for balance before wiping my face. I don’t cry, at least not willingly and definitely not in front of anyone else.
“Well I was going to…” He fiddled with his hands before continuing “I was going to ask if you needed a ride because I didn’t know if you drove here or not and you’re clearly drunk-“
“I’m not drunk!” I said. “I don’t drink how could I be drunk,” 
“Okay, but like I was saying do you need a ride?” 
I was going to say I didn’t want to leave yet but it’s not like I was doing anything but being pathetic and hanging out in the bathroom. 
“Fine, yeah” 
Peter opened his mouth like he was about to say something but a knock on the door interrupted. I immediately opened the door and grabbed Peter’s wrist running, for no reason except I felt like it. I bumped into a couple doorways 
By the time we’d made it out by the pool Peter was hunched over trying to catch his breath. 
I started running toward the water and I could hear a faint 
“Y/N don't!” As I was running but it was too late seeing as I was already in the water. I laughed as I broke the surface as I floated on my back. 
Peter came over to the edge of the water and squatted down. 
“And nothing hurts anymore I feel kinda free!” I sang splashing around in the pool. 
“We're still the kids we used to be,” 
“Y/N!” Peter yelled, snapping my attention back to him. 
“Hmm?” I asked. 
“You need to get out the pool,” 
“I don’t wanna,” I whined. 
“Yeah I know but don’t you wanna go home?” He asked. 
The last place I’d ever want to go is “home” 
“No, get in the pool,” 
“Y/N,” He said sternly. 
“Get out the pool it’s cold you’re gonna get sick,”
“Fine…” I made my way begrudgingly to the steps of the pool. 
Peter gave me the hoodie he was wearing so I was able to take my skirt and socks off. I put the knife I had in the hoodie pocket. 
The last thing I remember is getting in some car. 
Oh shit 
I woke up in a room that I did not recognize. I swear to God if I got kidnapped again. I sat up quickly and hit my head on something. It was dark but there was a nightlight. Thank God if we’re being honest I’m scared of the dark. Long story I don’t wanna get into it.
I was definitely hungover, headache prominent. It only worsened when I stepped out the room and the light from the TV hit my eyes. I glanced over to Peter laying on the couch. 
Oh yeah I forgot about that. 
“Hey…” I whispered. He shifted a bit “You awake?” 
He sat up and looked at me rubbing his eyes before bombarding me with questions. 
“Did you- Are you okay? Does your head hurt? Do you need painkillers? Sorry that I brought you here and didn’t ask. That's really creepy but you were asleep and I didn’t want to wake you because you seemed tired. Again sorry it’s just I didn’t really even know where you lived and I was-“
“Oh my God, shut up!” I interrupted. 
He looked stunned, blinking a few times. 
“Sorry,” I held my hand to my forehead in exasperation. “Sorry, it’s just you- you were making my head hurt.” 
“Oh I’m sorry,”
“No, I promise it’s not you, if it’s okay with you can I go back to sleep? I don’t really feel like going home right now,” 
“Yes of course you can!” He sat up and pushed the blanket off of him before standing. “Wait I’ll be right back,” He said. I nodded before hesitantly sitting down on the couch. 
He came back rather quickly with a glass of water and some painkillers. I mumbled a quick thank you before taking them. 
I yawned, surprised that I was able to actually feel tired. Normally it took at least a few hours before I could sleep if I even got the chance. 
“You can take the bed,” Peter informed. 
“I just wanna stay right here,” I said lazily. 
He tried to scoot over but I already had my arms wrapped around him so I squeezed him tighter. I looked up and his face was tinted red, smiling before I drifted off. 
I felt light hit my face and I heard the squeak of a door. I sat up and slowly unwrapped my arms from around Peter. Walking over towards May. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t know if it was okay for me to stay here I should’ve called and asked,”
“No, no it’s perfectly fine,” 
“He talks about you all the time you know,”
I smiled at her and she smiled back.
“Thanks for not killing me for being in your house,” I joked. “But I should probably get home anyway,” 
I didn’t go home. Mostly because I don’t have an actual home. I didn’t go to any of the almost 13 places I’ve stayed at, at some point either. I went to some shitty hotel. I had enough money to stay for about a week. Which was great I could stay for all of homecoming week then I’d have to find somewhere else to stay before I got more money at least. 
The last step for this day was go to Olivia’s house and get my stuff back. I made my way into the house through the back door, and sure enough she was sitting on the couch like parents in movies when they catch you sneaking out.
She eyed the bag in my hand.
“So you’re leaving?”
“I-“ I didn’t get the chance to speak.
“And you weren’t going to tell me, oh okay,” 
“Where are you gonna stay?”
“I’m going back to my grandma's house,” 
“Yeah, again I’m sorry that I tried to leave without telling you I just-“
“Didn’t want to be interrogated?” 
”It’s okay, I get it, come give me a hug,”
I moved giving her a hug and she mumbled 
“You smell like booze,” 
As soon as I got back to the hotel I turned on the movie Frozen. Which I knew was a bad idea because the movie always made me cry. 
I ended up crying myself to sleep and by the time I woke up I was late for school. I slept for 18 hours straight.  
If I was going to be late might as well have had a reason. So, I got smoothies. 
“I love smoothies a lot, but banana is so so strong. Which like makes it pointless to put anything else in it. People should stop saying strawberry and banana smoothie because in reality it’s a BANANA and strawberry smoothie,” I took another sip of my smoothie.
“Damn bitch, you’re saying a lot and fast what’d they put in that smoothie,” Bri said examining the cup before turning to me again “And can I have some?” I laughed before lighty shoving her shoulder. 
“Noo! Continue talking you were my reference for my excitement portrait,” MJ said flipping her sketchbook towards me “I’ve missed my one and only chance to see you happy,” 
“Now I know you’re not talking, I don’t think anyone has seen you smile ever,”
I slid down the bench of the lunch table 
“Whatcha watching Phineas?” I asked Peter. He quickly swiped out the app. “Was it porn?”
“No! Wha- What?” 
I patted his shoulder “Relax dude, I was just messing with you,” 
That was the last I’d spoken to any of my friends. In all actuality that was the last time I’d spoken to anyone besides the hotel staff. I hadn’t been to school since...what’s today? Wednesday. Well then I hadn’t been to school since 3 days ago. Which also means I haven’t eaten since a week ago? 
Okay I know how bad that sounds but it’s not like I’ve been eating nothing. I just haven’t been hungry lately, I have had snacks though like goldfish and chips. I’ve just been too lazy to cook and don’t have the funds to cook. I’ve also been too lazy to fake a smile or whatever so I just haven’t been going to school. 
However what I have been and haven’t been eating is the issue of concern here. It’s that alien shit from the Avengers a few years ago is so much deeper than anyone could have ever thought. I’d been in research mode for a while now. I call it the zone, anything you say to me will go unheard, I mean business when I’m in the zone. If I want something to happen it will. 
“Okay so, I’ll start with the government flash drive. So the aliens that attacked a while back in 2012 were called Chitauri. So Loki had control of them and was using them as an army. Loki being Thor’s brother and the God of mischief,” I clarified. 
''And Loki was attacking because he wanted to be king but his brother was king instead. I mean I think, I don’t really get that part. So there was this thing called the tesseract and it’s supposedly like super powerful. This branch of government called Shield doesn’t want Loki to have this so they keep, then the invasion ensues. This tesseract however is some space stone and Loki used it to bring in the aliens. It’s some sort of infinity stone whatever that means. Howard Stark found the stone in the ocean, because a Stark is always gonna be the one to fuck the world up when they think they’re helping. Then he and someone else founded Project Pegasus-” 
“What’s project Pegasus?”
“I don’t really know but I know it stands for potential energy group alternate sources,”
“Oh, so it’s Shield that’s over this… Tesseract?”
“Exactly!” I clapped and the papers with all the information I printed from the flash drive rustled underneath me. 
“What are you going on about?” Carmen asked. “Like what’s the bigger picture?” 
“That’s the thing! I don’t know, this is like so covered up and coded that I can’t figure it out with information that I have,” I turned towards her “But I will, and that’s where your help comes in,”
“Y/N, when’s the last time you slept?” She tilted her head like those dogs in Minecraft when you have food. 
“Last night,” I waved her off. 
I looked down at the information I was able to find out about Kingpin since he was mentioned in the video my mom made for me. Apparently she worked for him for a while. So did Felicia but all she’d ever tell me was “He was an ass he did give me a gift I’m grateful for though,”. He had affiliations with everyone. 
From what Black Widow released out unto the world he had connections with a Neo Nazi group called HYDRA which brainwashed people from what’ve heard. 
Before I’d just wanted to take down the Vulture out of pettiness if we’re being honest, but now. Oh now? I knew I’d have to. 
Another paper I’d printed from Kingpin’s affiliations caught my eye. 
“Hey Carmen,”
“Ever been to Vegas?” 
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I Won’t Give Up
*Second part to Thank You, Next*
“I love you too.” 
Waiting for Harry to respond felt like an eternity, but was probably more like 30 seconds. His lips pressed to yours, sending shivers down your spine. Oh how I’ve missed this...What started out as a gentle kiss quickly turned to one of possession. Harry kissed you like he was making a point, the kind of kiss that leaves you breathless and wanting more. His lips moved from your lips to your neck and down to your shoulder and then back up to your ear. God help me you thought as you let out a soft groan. He gently bit down on the soft skin before moving his way back to your lips with a wicked smile. He went to pull your shirt up when Clifford started barking at the door. He looked up slightly alarmed. You whined in response, “Har-” but he set you down gently on your feet, lightly touching and smirking at the dark red spot in the upper corner of your neck and walking to the door. You groaned in response, crossing your arms and sitting back on the couch waiting for his return. “Fine I’ll just be here waiting...” you mumbled picking up your phone and texting Lexi that you were indeed alive and breathing. Harry was taking forever so you wandered over to the door where you found Harry in a deep conversation with Louis. “Lou!” He turned with a smirk looking at you.
“Ah finally manned up did ya now Harry.” He opened his arms and you wandered into his hug. “Ive missed you love. Are you sure you want to be stuck with this one here.”
You laughed and lightly punched his arm. “I think I’m sure.”
“You think?” Harry mocked. “I think your lips were pretty confident.”
“Harry!” you groaned, your cheeks turning a bright pink color as Louis clapped Harry on the back. Changing the subject you looked at Louis. “What are you doing here?”
“Just picking up Clifford before heading back to El’s and talking about how Harry should help me egg Liam’s place for opening his fucking mouth about us working on an anniversary project. I mean don't get me wrong the response was great but we want it to be a surprise, ya know? And if things don't happen the way we want I don't want people getting their hopes up. I would've bet Harry was the one to spill the news but it seems he's been a little preoccupied thanks to you.” You smiled and shook your head at Louis. 
“Alright well thanks for stopping by Louis but we have to get back to our very important conversation.” Harry who had been starring at you the whole time answered.
“Conversation..right. Do all your conversations leave love marks Harry?” Your face flushed red again and Harry laughed his face turning red while he opened the front door.
“It was great seeing you Louis.” 
“You too love. Keep our boy in check will ya?” Louis called out walking through the door to where Clifford was waiting. You nodded laughing.
“I’ll do my best.” Harry closed the door and pushed you lightly against it. “Oh so now you want to continue huh.” you lightly teased, tracing his jaw with your fingers.
“I never wanted to stop but I forgot he was coming..can’t blame me though I mean I was very distracted.” He kissed you, his hands against the door and at the sides of your head. You kissed him back softly, tugging on his bottom lip. You loved the effect you had on Harry. His weight was shifting from one foot to the other and the bulge in his pants was growing, he groaned into the kiss and smiled taking a step back for a minute. “You’re a dangerous one.” he laughed while catching his breath. You smiled and hugged him tightly, grateful to have your curly haired angel back. Your phone started ringing and Harry rolled his eyes, causing you to gently smack his arm and go answer it.
“Hey Lex, what’s up? Oh hey Ash...yeah I’m still with Harry, no I’m okay..” Harry came over with an annoyed look on his face. “Uhh I guess you can come get me. Yeah I’m at his house right now. Okay see you soon.” Harry’s eyes had clouded with anger and his mouth was dropped open.
“You’re leaving?”
“Well yeah I need to go home tonight, l...” “Seriously? After everything you're just going to leave.” You sighed and walked over to him, pulling him into your arms and hugging him tightly. 
“Harry. Nothing about me leaving changes what I said...I do love you. I just think that maybe we should, I don’t know...slow down a little. I don’t think I can just jump back to where we were a few months ago..”
Harry didn’t say anything he just sighed and put his head on yours. “You don’t trust me.” Here we go...
“No-no Harry its not that...it’s just that I want to be sure I’m fully ready for all of this again. I want us to work back up to where we were...”
“Whatever..” he said stepping out of the hug and walking to the couch, where he sat sulking. “Just go with that asshole. I don't even care.”
You were getting annoyed now. He was acting like a child and he wasn’t even trying to understand.. “Ashton is not an asshole Harry.”
“I could’ve driven you home. You could've spent the night. You-”
You stopped him there. “He was already driving past here Harry. If I thought it would be that big of a deal I would’ve asked you.” You crossed your arms and looked at him as Ash honked from the driveway. Harry was looking at the tv, pointedly ignoring you. “So this is it? No goodbye?” He didn’t even look up. You rolled your eyes and walked to the door. “Bye Harry.” 
You made it to the door where Ash was waiting holding open the door. “How ya holding up cutie?”
You rolled your eyes and mumbled fine about to get in when Harry yelled your name from the porch. He sprinted over, grabbed your waist and kissed you hard on the lips making your knees go weak. He ended it with a slow soft kiss on your forehead and a pointed glare at Ash. “Make sure my girl gets home safe.” You rolled your eyes again. Why do men have to be so aggressive. Harry caught your eye roll and sighed whispering in your ear, “We can take things slow. I love you and will talk to you in the morning.” Thats better, you smiled and kissed his cheek before climbing in the back seat. Ash and Lexi looked concerned and irritated but you didn’t care. They didn’t understand...
A few minutes into the drive, Lexi turned around and grabbed your phone from your hands. “Are you going to clue us in or?” You lifted your shoulders. She continued on, “(y/n)...you can’t possibly let him back into your life. I mean he- he’s an absolute ass.” You just stared at her.
“You don't understand-”
“No I don’t. I don't understand why anyone would go back to someone who nearly destroyed them. I mean you were a mess. You barely made it back to functioning like a normal human. He’s nothing special either. He flaunted women around. He’s borderline abusive-”
“Stop. Seriously Lexi, that's enough. I think I can make my own decisions. I don't need anyone else’s opinion either.” Luckily they had pulled into your driveway so you hopped out, not saying goodbye and ran into the house, tears running down your cheek. 
You and Lexi rarely got into fights so when you did, it hurt. You threw your phone on the couch and jumped in the shower, hoping to calm down and think about everything. Of course it didn’t work that well. You fell into bed mentally exhausted from the whole evening and decided you just wanted to go to sleep and forget about it. You tossed and turned trying to drift off but nothing was working. You were frustrated at your argument with Lexi and confused by Harry’s reactions to everything. You didn’t know who to trust or listen too. Your heart wanted Harry but your brain wanted to listen to Lexi. “Ughhhh” you groaned pulling a pillow over your face and screaming. Eventually you drifted off into a restless sleep, rolling around and fighting off dreams. 
“Harry!” you screamed following him through the door. “You can’t just do that- you can’t just leave things this way.” Harry turned and stopped you.
“I hate you. Can’t you see that...I don't want you. I never did. You were just a, a game. Now the game is over and its time for you to move on.” You were sobbing trying to grab a hold of him, trying to make sure he wouldn’t let you go. “I don’t love you (y/n)..I never will.” Your heart stops and you drop to the floor but when you look up Harry has been replaced by Lexi. “You’re a fucking idiot (y/n) and you-”
Your eyes open and you sit up catching your breath between the sobs. You instantly reach over, grab your phone and pull up your contacts. The last few months you dialed Lexi’s number when the dreams happened. She would come over and rock you back to sleep, comforting you that Harry was just an asshole. But now...the two of you were fighting so you picked the other number on speed dial. Please answer...please answer....
“(y/n)?” his tired voice deeply whispered.
“Harry...” you cried into the phone hiccuping between words. “I-I”
“Shh its okay...youre okay...” he calmed, clearing more awake than before. “Im coming over just hang in there okay?” he hung up and you held onto the pillow trying to calm yourself. It seemed like hours before Harry reached you. You had run downstairs, opened the door and flung yourself into his arms. He carefully picked you up, carried you back to bed and snuggled under the covers. You rested your head on his chest as he softly hummed a song and rubbed his hand firmly across your back. After a few minutes of listening to him humming you calmed down and took in the scene you failed to appreciate in the beginning. Your head was laying against Harry’s shirtless torso. You trailed your fingers along his butterfly tattoo, listened to his heartbeat, and breathed in his smell, which by the way was the most amazing smell you could possibly think of smelling. Harry noticed you had calmed down so he shifted so that he could look you in the eye. “Wanna talk about it babe?”
You sniffed and turned so you were laying on him, your arms around his neck and fingers playing with his hair. “I-I had a dream that you said you hated me and didn’t want me and-and”
“Shhh...(y/n)...I love you. I want you more than I can breathe. I’m sorry for hurting you in the past but it won’t happen again..I’m not letting go of you ever again babe. I swear.” 
“And-and Lexi. She hated me too. She-she”
“Babe. Lexi loves you too. You guys could never hate each other.”
“We were fighting though-” “She will get over it...I promise.” You nodded and held on tighter to him. 
“Please don't go...”
“Im not going anywhere...but you need sleep okay?” He burrowed down under the comforter more and pulled you with him, he ran his fingers through your hair until you fell into one of the deepest sleeps you had in months.
You woke up with Harry’s weight half on you and the sun streaming in from the curtains. You observed him carefully. His hair had fallen into his eyes and his mouth was slightly open. He looked like a literal angel. An angel who was crushing you... You tried moving out from under him but he grabbed you and pulled you closer, your face pressed into his chest. You sighed and ran your fingers along his arms. “Harry....” you whispered. “Harry you're squishing me and I need to pee....”
“Shhh” he mumbled with a smile. “I’m sleeping.”
You laughed and sat up. “You dork.” His eyes slowly opened and starred at you. 
“What are you going to do about it?” he mumbled, slowly taunting you, his dimples showing and voice deep.
You grinned and pressed a gentle kiss against his lips before crawling out of bed and heading into the bathroom. “(y/n) I’m so sorry!” Lexi’s voice yelled from the stairs. “I-” Her voice cut off as she stared at Harry in your bed and you in nothing but a t-shirt by the bathroom. 
“Morning Lexi” Harry mumbled getting out of bed. “I’ll give you two a minute...” he said walking over and kissing your forehead before heading downstairs.
“You’re not leaving are you?” you asked concerned.  “No of course not. I’m not going anywhere. Well I’ll be downstairs making breakfast but that it.” you nodded at him with a smile and he left, leaving you and Lexi alone.
You ran over to her and hugged her tightly. “Im so sorry Lex. I never meant to snap at you....I was just confused and tired and not in the mood to deal with it all. I can't loose you....youre my best friend. I love you so much.”
“I love you too. And I’m the sorry one...I never meant to judge you and Harry’s relationship. And I never let you explain what happened. I just didn’t want you to get hurt. I overreacted. I just wanted you to be happy and if that idiot boy makes you happy then I will learn to accept that.” You held tightly onto her and nodded.  “He makes me so happy. And I know you don't trust him...but I do. I don't know how I know but I do. Im in love with him Lexi and I don't think that will ever change.”
“I know.” She let go and smiled. “Can we never fight again? I hated it..” “Never again.” You agreed, pinky promising her as you always have. You both ran downstairs to the smell of food and found Harry with an apron tied around his waist and pancakes on the stove. You ran over and kissed his cheek while holding onto his waist. “Wow Haz, that apron has never looked better,” you giggled.
He stepped back and posed. “I know. I look fabulous.” He laughed. “I assume you two worked it out?” 
“Yep, just like you said.” You kissed him quickly on the lips and turned around to Lexi smiling. 
“I may not like you Styles. But you make (y/n) happy so I guess I can try to like you a little more.”
Harry smiled and nodded, “I promise I won't hurt her again, and if I do...you can personally come after me.”
“Trust me. I will kill you and cut off your dick if you break her heart again.” Harry’s mouth dropped and you laughed. At that moment Ashton walked in with a big smile.
“Did I hear we are cutting off Harry’s dick?”
“Only if he hurts (y/n) again.” Ashton laughed and put an arm around Lexi.
“So I assume all is normal in the world again. We are all friends?”
Harry walked forward with his hand out. “Im sorry for reacting the way I did last night Ashton. It won't happen again.”
“I don't blame you Harry. I respect you going all out for the girl you love. Just don’t let it happen again.” You hugged Ash in response with a smile. Everything had worked out. “You know what this means though?”
“What?” you asked looking unsure.
“Gotta make the official back together post.”
“Ugh do I though...” “Oh yeah. And I have to be in it this time babe.” Harry said walking over, his arms around your shoulder. 
“But what will it say this time? We already quoted a song.” 
“Give me the phone cutie” Ash said mischievously taking the phone from your hand and typing up the caption. Lexi nodded in approval and smiled.
You looked and smiled too, showing Harry who nodded in approval and kissed your cheek with a smile. “I won't give up on us, even when the skies get rough.”
You breathed out.  “Now just to recreate the photo.” Ash, Lexi, you and Harry all cuddled in your bed for the first picture. Your head on Harry’s chest, Ash and Lexi cuddled close and all of you laughing at each other. It was perfect. Lexi also took one of you and Harry kissing with the blankets falling around your shoulders. You hit send with the caption and tossed the phone to the side jumping onto Harry’s back and looking at Lexi and Ashton with a grin. How much better could life get?
Hope you all enjoy Part 2! Let me know if you have imagine requests and thanks for all the love on part 1! xoxo
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toziers · 5 years
can you explain what's going on right now? i keep seeing big IT blogs talking about some discourse or something but i have no idea what they're talking about other than it involves you lol
alright i like. i truly do not like having diScOurSE out in public because i’m not one to air out my dirty laundry 24/7 but seeing as how it was brought into public against my will i feel like the least i can do is clear up the situation for those who’ve been seeing the posts. 
i’m putting this under the cut bc it’s long. tws for some biphobia, brief mention of transphobia and, at the end, a rape mention. 
so if you don’t know: hi, i’m migz, i’m an it fandom blogger. its okay, i know, its really cool. part of my shtick here is that i like to turn normal thirst tags into works of art for the sake of comedy. perhaps you’ve seen some of my highlights from my “fhg” tag - perhaps your brain has been spared. either way, it became kind of “my thing” around the third or fourth week (mid nov) of me having this blog. at first, i tagged just about every ask i got mentioning the thirst tags with “bill hader” - they had to do with him, so why not tag him? it would draw more like minded people! about two days into that i got a message asking me to tag my nsfw. i am a big dumb idiot, and apologize for not initially doing it. i havent had a following bigger than like 10 in several years and completely spaced on basic etiquette. so by the end of november i was tagging everything applicable  with “notsfw” and “bill hader”. 
now you’re caught up.
on december 1st i got this message from user billhaderanti:
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now i want to start by saying i absolutely was in the wrong here. i didn’t even think about how many people were being subjected to the asks i was getting - especially ones who had no idea they were all jokes. i don’t track the bill hader tag, so it just didn’t even occur to me - that’s ignorance on my part, and to anyone who was subjected to the terrors of me before my tagging system: i am genuinely sorry. i relay the same sentiment in my response, though you can tell i’m on edge.
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and they replied:
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clearly they Were offended by it but thats.. not the point. at this point, im feeling Really weird about the whole interaction, but still understanding, because again - i GET it. i know my posts are gross - that’s the point. it doesn’t make it excusable, though, which is why i understand why people are offended. so i responded with the only solution i Knew would keep us both safe and happy posting on our own blogs. 
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so i thought this would be the end of things! i’d been pretty anxious lately already since i’d started to receive anons telling me i was gross and whore-ish for thirst posting in this way (i delete all of those, so if ur thinking about sending one, i guess no one’s stopping you but it won’t be seeing the light of the dashboard). i’m unsure if it was immediately or a few hours later, seeing as how i have a bad concept of time and the post-dates are right on the edge between nov 30 and dec 1, but i went to their blog - because anyone who has been on the internet knows the opportunity to vague post is near irresistible. and...what do ya know
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fair! it’s their blog. however i am an emotionally fragile egg girl and immediately got freaked out. the odds that they were the only one who thought this were low. and, again, i’ve been very open on my blog about how important it is to respect boundaries; my posts are absolutely prone to breaking those boundaries people have created for themselves. 
so i made my own, semi-vague post, letting my following know (and i’m pretty sure i’d answered asks about it before, but this is going to be long enough w/o me searching those up too) that i understood if they wanted to block me or unfollow or whatever - people need to create their own safe spaces. the tension is pretty clear in the tags, i’m not trying to hide that. i felt that the way this woman slid into my dm’s was pretty abrasive (just my opinion/how it made me personally feel) and i let myself be a lil emotional about it in the tags of my post.
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alright! maybe this is the end. maybe we both go our separate ways and post happily on our own blogs... except it’s not the end. later in the day (some of this was happening like 1/2am, so now its Day day, i believe - again, not good w time passage lol)
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clearly, i’m upset. my groupchat double checked that i didn’t get too emotional in my response - did i mention im anxious about discourse lol - and apparently.. it did the trick. she didn’t message me again. great. it was over. 
at this point, i decided i needed to make an even bigger change. so a few days after i’d calmed down i created an entirely new tag for my thirst posts so if people hadn’t already hidden the notsfw posts or just blocked me outright, they’d have a third option to escape the madness. at this point, id had my blog about 6? weeks, but there were still 2k posts for me to sift through - some of them were completely untagged. i also had to do it post by post, because one of xkits features - the mass re-tagger - was getting blogs deleted for some reason, and i wasn’t going to do that. so i spent a few days going through all 2k+ posts, adding the “fhg” tag. 
YEEHAW! a brand new tagging system, no more hopping into the bill hader tag (minus one or two really funny, not super explicit asks, like the bill hader farquaad meme), and, tbf, i’d completely put this woman out of my mind. i don’t seek out drama and do my best to stay in my lane. yesterday, i checked my activity for the first time in awhile since id put out a couple new original posts that had started to get traction and i Love reading tags. i noticed a mutual had @’d me, and realized i havent checked my @’s in...ever, maybe. i see a post from my good pal billhaderanti. 
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since i dont follow them and never check my @’s, i’d completely missed it. however, once i did see it, i was horrified. id gone through all that fucking work to keep my blog My Blog and also respect everyone’s boundaries and it still hadn’t been enough. i’d been awake for almost 24 hours and went. a little crazy. and i didn’t reply immediately because i just had no words. i sent it to my friends because i... i just wasn’t going to be able to figure it out myself. 
there’s a lot to unpack in this post alone, but whatever, i’m gonna put my own grievances with the immaturity of 1. making a callout post to begin with when i’d been nothing but civil 2. making a callout post about something as (in the grand scheme of Life) minor as some tags where i refer to a someone’s genitals as a “whack pack” and 3. making a callout post in such a rude way - aside. at the end, she calls me (and whoever else!) a demonic mlw (man loving woman, we assumed, and then later confirmed with a post further back on her blog). 
which - yeah, we started scrolling. at first we were looking for more vague blogs, and then we just...started finding things. billhaderanti is a self proclaimed lesbian separatist, which... fine. but it’s already pretty clear that this woman hates me on some level simply because i am a bi woman (demonic mlw, remember!) which is just. damn man i can’t believe we are still fighting the biphobic fight lol. so the more we scrolled, the more we uncovered - and not just the biphobic / vaguely mtf transphobic things they posted (or put in tags), but we also found that they had their OWN thirst tags. certainly not as hyperbolically comedic as mine, but they were there, talking about his body and his person the same (and, frankly, a bit creepier for other reasons) as mine. 
there’s one post in particular that snatched my wig in it’s creepiness - and i say creepiness in the sense that it feels personal. like this woman feels like she knows bill to some degree where she can say these things. my tags have always had a sense of distance, as they’re written for humor. and maybe this particular post was written for comedic purposes, but it doesn’t read that way, and if it WAS, then she has no right to call ME out for MY comic tags and posts. 
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i’ll let it speak for itself, mostly because i don’t want to read it again. 
i also won’t be going through her blog again to find the posts with biphobic and other Interesting:tm: tags because there are plenty and i just really! want to be done with the whole ordeal! her blog is public and i’m sure you can all find it and look to your heart’s content. 
feeling a bit feral and a bit pissed off now that we knew the depth of how rotten this woman’s vibes were, a couple of my pals made a post or two similar to what my tag’s are like except turned up to eleven (if possible) - and tagged them with “bill hader” (and notsfw!!). yes, a bit childish, but at this point, the entire situation was childish, and making jokes was truly the only way we were going to get through it. another vague post went up on her blog soon after.
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talking down to us, calling us children, and then for whatever reason calling us virgins... whatever, weird post. around this time most of us (est) went to bed, because it was nearing 3 or 4 in the morning. 
and then today happened. i woke up fresh and ready for the day after a wonderful 4 hours of sleep and found that jane had made an incredibly intelligent post in response to the situation. i won’t ss it, but i’ll LINK in case you missed it. attached there in the reblog is my own response. i think they can speak for themselves. 
after that, things were kind of jumbled, since i wasn’t online a lot and when i was i was Not checking my activity simply because i was afraid of what i’d see. for the most part, it ended up just being support (which i am very grateful to all of you for - it means a lot that you all enjoy my content to any degree). 
there was some more vague posting from both “““““sides”””””” of the “““““argument”””””” - mostly just people restating the fact that this is a public space and we should All be aware of how we effect others. i still hadn’t heard directly from billhaderanti, so i assumed we’d all be dropping and disengaging and moving on. i still wasn’t blocked, though, so who really knew what would happen. 
eventually, it culminated in this last post. tw for mentions of rape
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i’m going to start by saying that 
1. there are nearly no teenagers that were involved in this. im turning 23 in january and most of my friends are 20+. maybe one or two are 19. 
2. none of us sent any sexually violent asks - most of us didn’t send asks at all. i believe one or two of my friends admitted to sending asks however they assured me their nature wasn’t bad; as far as i know, everyone remained civil in whatever went on (again, unclear to me as to what was being sent; no one was actively posting or talking about it. if billhaderanti wishes to elaborate, they can, but i don’t have anything to put in). 
3. before i finish this, i would like to apologize to billhaderanti. as a comedian - not just my stupid tags, i mean in real life, too - i know that humor can hurt. it’s not always funny, it’s not just stupid hahas. sometimes things that are supposed to be jokes just hit people differently and cause bad things. i recognize that. i never meant to trigger you (if you’re reading this) or cause you any severe mental/emotional harm. i apologize for my humor bringing up your trauma, and i never meant for that. regardless of my own thoughts and opinions about the nature of my posts/the thirst tags themselves, they hurt you, and i’m sorry. 
anyway, i’m going to wrap this up (i’m bad at endings, what can i say! steven king and i took the same writer’s class!). if you read all this... sorry. i probably won’t be taking any asks about it, because i find the whole “drama” of this to be stupid and rooted in some seriously biphobic issues this fully grown woman has. 
tldr; i attempted to contain my blog so this woman could exist and function safely on her blog, but it wasn’t enough for her, so she called me out, and then some of the fandom called Her out for being biphobic and mean and overall just immature about the situation. as of now, she’s yet to block me, though her and her wife have blocked a few of my friends. her wife continues to clown on my friends. this post was made for clarity’s sake. the end, i’m getting a drink. 
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blazing-nymph · 5 years
The way you whisper. [Mingi - ATEEZ]
❤️Words: 2815
❤️Genre: Kinda spicy 😋, with some fluff & comedy here and there , *coughs* I have a thing for voices *coughs* ~For more scenarios click here!!~
Warnings: +18 NSFW, smut, suggestive
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You were on your third cup of chamomile tea. You let out a tiny growl out of frustration. Nothing worked. You sat up and moved away from the kitchen table, leaving your tea cup half empty. You didn’t know what was wrong at that point. Your day was exhausting to say the least, you run so many errands you couldn’t feel your feet. After you got home that night, you thought that after a relaxing bath, you’d surely fall dead on your comfy bed. It’s true that the bath did help to calm your nerves a little but for the first time in a very long time, your just couldn’t find the right position and spot to sleep. You spent two hours spinning around the bed sheets like a madman till you decided it was futile, abandoning every hope for a good night’s sleep. Irritated, you headed down to the kitchen, hoping that tea would help but unfortunately that was not the case. So there you were, plopped on the couch, staring at the ceiling. Grabbing your phone from your pocket and opening a relaxing song playlist to play in the backround, you started scrolling through stuff nonchalantly, hopping that your brain would actually get tired and finally get that sweet nap you’ve been dreaming about all day.
Thirty-ish minutes later, you’ve pretty much given up on sleep already. Nope. Your brain was just running wild. You had checked everything. Shrugging, you soullessly opened your photo gallery, scrolling through the pictures, hoping you’d find something there to keep you entertained. Seconds of scrolling later, your fingers suddenly stopped. A tiny, tired smile appeared on your lips upon spotting a very ridiculous picture you took of a special someone. I forgot I even had this…
“Idiot…” you chuckled softly. That whole picture album was a mess to be honest. There was not one picture without Mingi’s limbs somewhere. Like his arms and legs were unnecessary long to begging with, plus him being glued to your side and constantly teasing you, did not help the situation at all that day. You weren’t complaining though because deep down you were happy that he liked your company. You loved seeing him smile and laugh. You loved how you could talk about anything. You loved hearing his voice. Oh god, his voice… Your eyes suddenly lit up. He must be awake at this hour. You quickly opened your messages and typed something at lightning speed.
[Hey, you there?] Your phone’s screen lit up within a matter of seconds.
[I’m here, why are you still awake though, it’s late]
[I know, I can’t sleep T^T You’re still at the recording studio?]
[Yeah, Hongjoong hyung finished up first and I’m here checking up some stuff again]
[I thought Hongjoong had finished hours ago!]
[Uhm… Yes, he… did? ^-^”]
[^-^” I just wanted to record a part of the rap lines again y/n! Something is still off, I know it but I can’t seem to find what it is ;3;]
[What is it?]
[I have a proposition :D]
[I’m all ears :D]
[How about I come over with some refreshments? That way we can both clear our minds for a little while!]
[But it’s too late y/n! And it’s probably dangerous for you to go out this late!]
[I’m a big girl, I can protect myself, thank you very much :P]
[Pffffft….”Big” :’D]
[Maybe :P]
[What, now???]
[YES. I’m coming to whoop your sorry ass!]
[Ahahahaha! xD]
[Don’t laugh, I’m serious!! >.>]
[Ok ok xD I’ll sneak you in from the back then :3]
[Good! I’m on my way! :D]
You let your phone fall between the cushions. You stared at the ceiling, a faint coloring on pink having settled on your cheeks. If only I was brave enough to talk to you like that in person… How could you though? You knew you’ve always had a thing for voices, but this was the first time someone had messed you up this badly. It wasn’t like you couldn’t hold a conversation with him or anything but one time you had the privilege to listen to his morning, freshly awakened voice and let’s just say…it made you feel…things. If it wasn’t for Seonghwa who shook you out of your weird trance that day, you’d still be standing there, starring at him, looking like a heating tomato, ready to explode. Uhg! So embarrassing! You shut your eyes, whining, trying to shake the thought away. You jumped out of the couch in an instant and ran to your bedroom.
Thank god you wore your hoodie outside because it was a pretty chilly night, despite the fact that it was summer time. Water bottles and juice boxes in one hand, phone at the other, you were patiently waiting for Mingi to come and pick you up. You were being a little bit…fidgety to say the least. This is stupid, why am I so nervous ugh… Suddenly the door cricked open, a head popping out. Upon seeing you, Mingi’s smile grew wider.
“Hi telephone pole” you joked. Mingi chuckled before gesturing you go inside.
“It’s cold outside, come on” You obediently complied right away, following him inside.
Upon entering the recording studio, the intense smell of coffee took you by surprise. You spotted several finished cups of americano all over the place, some were in the trash can, some sitting on top of some slightly stained paper sheets. You started unpacking the juice boxes to a little clean spot you found by the table in the middle of the room.
“How many cups of coffee did you even have? It reeks in here!”
“Three? Maybe four, I’m not sure” he ruffled his hair in defeat. You glared back at him. Mingi shoot you an apologetic smile.
“What am I going to do with you?” you huffed, grabbing a water bottle, plopping down on the couch. He sat right beside you, already sipping on a juice box.
“So…couldn’t sleep huh?”
“Have you tried tea?”
“Maybe a bath would’ve helped”
“I got a bath as soon as I walked in the house”
“I’ve tried everything! I told you! Nothing worked!” you sighed in defeat, burying your face in your hands. You could feel him looking at you. You knew he was genuinely worried about you.
“Maybe I could sing you to sleep” he snickered.
“Maybe you should shut up” you laughed sarcastically.
“Ahahaha ok, yeah, me singing wouldn’t work so well, I get it!” Oh trust me. It would work. Just not for sleeping…
“So anyway, since I‘m here and all, is there anything I can do to help you out?” you smiled at him. Mingi’s cheeks flushed a bright pink color as he averted his eyes from you, his fingers starting to play with the edges of the juice box. Seconds later, he stood up, walked over to the recording panel, grabbed some sheets of paper and handed them to you without saying a word. You reached over to grab them, slowly reading the lyrics.
“This is really good!” you chirped happily. As soon those words left your mouth, Mingi’s face lit up like a Christmas tree.
“What kind of problems could you possibly have with this?” you questioned him curiously.
“I really don’t know… it just doesn’t sound…right” You kept starring at him as he fell into deep thought.
“Maybe you should listen to it first” he mumbled.
“Huh?!” you panicked.
“Yes! That’s it! If you listen to it as an audience maybe you’ll be able to figure out what the problem is!” he bounced excitedly. You froze in place. Oh god, what did I get myself into?
“A-Are you sure? I mean I don’t know much about this stuff anyway-“
“Oh come on y/n, just this time, please?” he fake cried.
“…Fine” you sighed in defeat. Mingi grabbed his headphones, entering the recording booth in a flash.
“You know how to operate it right?” he yelled from inside.
“Yeah, Hongjoong taught me the basics alright” you replied hastily, trying to remember what each button does.
“Tell me when you’re ready” you smiled anxiously at him. Mingi gave you a thumbs up immediately, so you pressed the recording button.
You would’ve sworn that the floor beneath your feet was missing. Your eyes widened in awe. This rough melody sounded so good in your ears. Your whole body immediately tensed as it went on. You felt your face flushing madly again, just like that day. As it was getting closer to the end, you immediately noticed that something was…off. Something didn’t add up to the overall feeling the lyrics were trying to convey. Mingi was right. There was something that did not fit. But the lyrics were perfect! So how…
“…How was that?” he genuinely asked. You were so overwhelmed that it took a few moments and several silly gestures from Mingi’s part for you to come back.
“Earth to Y/n!”
“Huh? W-What?! What did I miss?” you practically jumped on your sit, completely startled. Mingi’s laugh echoed through the recording booth.
“Welcome back!” he snickered.
“I was here the whole time!” you pouted as he tried to cover his laughs with the back of his hand.
“I’m serious!” you cried.
“Ok ok!”
“So what do you think”
“I don’t know what to tell you, it sounded really good to me..”
“…Ah..I see..” His face got clouded, a hint of disappointment hiding in his sharp features.
“…On second thought…” you whispered. Mingi’s eyes shoot up at you immediately.
“…I think there was a part in the end of the lyrics than did not exactly click with me…”
“I knew it!” he yelled.
“The ‘You’re mine’ part right?”
“So what should I do? Any recommendations? Tips? I’m desperate at this point” he laughed. The only thing he did not know was that you already had the answer he needed all along. You gulped soundly. If you told him, you’d risk exposing your crush on him. Screw that. Your crush would be 100% out there, with no chance of concealing it in any way. But you couldn’t leave him like this. These were the lyrics he wrote and was insecure about. There was no way you’d leave him hanging. You clenched your fists.
“…Maybe you shouldn’t yell at this particular part…”
“It’s a low flow song about a man expressing his aggressive, possessive side, am I right?”
“Yeah, that’s the plan” he chuckled nervously.
“Then maybe yelling isn’t the way to go here…”
“So what should I do?” You felt your throat drying up. Your felt your palms getting sweaty. You closed your eyes and took a big breath.
“…Try whispering it…”
Your eyes never dared to look up at him. Your hands instinctively reached for the headphones, holding them close to your ears. Mingi’s breath was caught in his chest. Not because he hadn’t thought of that himself. No. Seeing your figure trembling at just the thought of him whispering those two words made him feel…strange. Excited.
He knew how his voice affected you. He was not aware of it at first. But he started having his suspicions after a while. And how could he not? You were usually ok with his normal speaking voice but when it came down to him whispering or lowering his voice, you were always in shambles. He finally knew. He knew you liked him back. He felt the need to run out of the booth, grab your arms, look at your embarrassed, wandering eyes. He… wanted to feel your lips. His thoughts were so vivid, his whole body was feeling impatient. His eyes glanced back at you hungrily. This wasn’t enough. A part of him wanted to make you more of a mess that you already were. More in need of his voice. He leaned closer to the mic, breathing heavily. Your eyes widened in surprise. You clinged to the headphone set for dear life.
“…Ready” he spoke in a low, entranced tone. You whole body flinched, as if you were struck by a jolt of static electricity. Your arm nervously reached for the record button. His eyes never left you as he started rapping slowly, yet as aggressive as ever. You knew he was doing it on purpose at this point. Your body started feeling hot. And the lyrics were getting closer and closer until…
“…You’re mine…” Mingi breathed into the mic… You’d swear your body moved on its own when you shoot up from your seat, gasping frantically for air. He watched in awe as your body practically was begging for him. He had ran out of the booth in a matter of seconds. He rushed to you only to stop inches away from you, his large figure easily towering yours. His breathing was as messed up and unsteady as yours. Your hands instinctively tried to cover your face, just as Mingi leaned in closer. He let out a deep chuckle as his hands reached for yours.
“…You did this on purpose…” you managed to cry out, still trying to control your breathing.
“…I couldn’t help it, I’m sorry…” he rubbed his thumb across your fingers softly. As he tried to gently remove your hands away from your face, you stubbornly tried to keep them there.
“N-no! I don’t want you to see me like this!…I-I’m a mess…” you tried to defend yourself.
“…y/n..please…” His voice came out needy. Desperate. You’ve never heard him like this. Removing your hands, you never realized how close his face was. His eyes were glued to yours, full of anticipation. His lips, slightly parted, kept moving closer and closer until he stopped a breath away from your face.
“…Can I kiss you?” he whispered. Averting your eyes away, you nodded shyly, squeezing his hands for reassurance. His lips lingered a few more seconds before he finally closed the distance.
You’d never thought his lips to fit yours so perfectly. They were so soft and plump, just like you have imagined them to be. He kissed you so gently at first, as if he still was checking the waters. But feeling you slowly kissing him back, made him needier each passing second. His kisses became more rough, sloppier. His arm found its way to your waist, pulling you closer to his body. He started kissing you hungrily by the second. It felt so good your mind was starting to go blank. The moan you were trying to suppress this whole time, finally escaped your lips.
“..mmmh..” Mingi’s eyebrows frowned as he exhaled sharply. This is bad… His whole body was twitching. He felt his lips trying to devour you. His arm started crawling up your waist, underneath your shirt. This is really bad…
*Knock Knock*
The sudden knock on the door took the both of you by surprise. Startled, you clinged on Mingi’s body, hiding your face in his chest. He protectively hugged your body, unable to still comprehend what was happening.
“Hey man, have you finished yet? It’s getting really late!” a cheerful voice shouted from outside. You pulled away from Mingi’s embrace.
“Why is Yunho here?! I thought you were the only one left!” you mouthed at him panicked.
“Well you didn’t ask!” Mingi whispered, trying to defend himself.
“Who are you talking to? And why is the door clos-“ A soon as you saw the door opening, you leaped at the couch like an Olympic athlete while Mingi was quick to sit on the chair, grabbing some lyric sheets from the table.
“Oh Y/n!! I didn’t know you were here!!” Yunho chirped happily.
“Y-yeah, I came a while ago.”
“But its really late, why’d you come?”
“I-I knew you’d stay up late so I brought refreshments! Here!” you tossed him a juice box.
“Thanks y/n! Imma call the others!”
“Wait, there are other people besides you and Mingi here?!”
“Well yeah, San and Wooyoung are also here, we were practicing a new choreography. They passed outside the recording room earlier but they said they heard strange noises coming from inside and the got creeped out so they sent me to investigate ahahaha”
You could practically see your soul leaving your body, grabbing a water bottle and taking a few sips in the process. Mingi snickered at your cute reaction.
“So Imma go back and finish up with the boys, we’ll be here in a few minutes!” Yunho bounced out of the room.
“Oh, by the way, did you manage to fix that problem you had with the lyrics?”
Mingi’s eyes wandered back at you. Your cheeks were still flushed. Your breathing had started to calm down. You looked up at him, embarrassed. He ruffled his hair, chuckling.
“Yeah, we did”
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sweetpealover77 · 6 years
Ghost Of You • Part 4
Sweet Pea Fic 🐍
Summary: when Julia left Sweet Pea didn’t know what to do anymore. Would she ever come back to him?
Word count:1404
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Julia's POV
I jumped on my bike and headed towards Toni's house.
As I rode I couldn't stop the tears from falling out of my eyes.
Did Sweet Pea really want to get back at me that bad. I know i hurt him but did i deserve to be treated like that?
I thought to myself,
I pulled my hand up for a second to wipe my eyes clear so  I could see the road better as I did my bike swerved into the other lane.  I tried to control my bike the best i could but another car going the opposite way of me collided right into my bike and I.
Everything went black.
Sweet Pea's POV
"I messed up, i really fucking messed up Fangs." I ran my fingers through my hair pacing back and forth in my trailer.
"Dude you need to calm down, I think you should just go sleep it off. Yeah Julia's pissed at you but you're not in the right mindset to even TRY to go and fix this." he stood up and patted me on my shoulder.
"You're right." I sighed
"Ill sleep on the sofa, just in case you try to do something stupid." Fangs laughed and i walked towards my bedroom laughing with him.
I took my shirt off and threw on a pair of my Riverdale high sweat pants, one of Julia's favorites. I couldn't stop thinking about how i treated her. Yes she hurt me but I love her, I never want anything bad to happen to her. Ever.
I couldnt stop thinking about Julia all night, I tossed and turned but sadly I hardly got any sleep.
"Sweet Pea, come on im hungry and you have no food in your house." I rolled over to see Fangs standing in my doorway. "Ugh, lets go to Pops" I got up throwing on a pair of jeans a flannel and my jacket.
I pulled out my phone before leaving my room sending a message to Julia
To JJ:
please come home soon. I am so sorry about last night.
I walked out of my room and heard a ding come from Julia's room. I ran to her room thinking she was there but sadly she wasn't.
"She literally left all of her things here. ID, Money, phone, Jacket" I walked outside talking to Fangs
"I really made her upset last night." I shook my head
"Hey its okay, she went to see the girls last night she probably just needed space to cool down. Its okay." We hopped on our bikes and headed to Pops
We walked into pops and I saw Toni and Cheryl sitting together
"Hey, where's Julia?" I asked them taking a seat next to Toni
"What do you mean? She went home last night after you made out with Nina, remember?" Toni rolled her eyes at me.
"Yeahhhhh and then we got into a big fight because i brought Nina home and then she left all of her shit including her phone at home and said she was going to spend the night at your house" I said a little mad
Toni looked at me a little worried
"Sweet Pea, she never came to out house." she looked at Cheryl who also looked worried
"Okay, okay guys maybe shes downstairs." Fangs said
We all headed down to the basement of Pop's
"Fp!" Toni yelled and he turned towards us
"whats wrong?"
"Did Julia come here last night or this morning. Have you seen her at all" I asked him getting worried
"No, sorry guys. Why is something wrong?" He put his hand on my shoulder.
"We got into a fight last night but never made it to Toni's house and never came home this morning." My voice cracked a little bit
"Okay, ill call Jughead. Maybe she went to him." He walked away pulling his phone to his ear
A few minutes later Fp came back shaking his head
"He hasn't heard from her, Im sorry you guys. Just give her until tonight and if she doesnt show up we will go find her." Fp looked at the four of us and we all nodded
"I don't know guys, Julia seemed to really like being here, do you think she would just leave over a small fight?" Cheryl said as we walked into my trailer
"Not without her jacket. She would never leave without her Jacket." I shook my head holding her jacket in my hands.
"Something just doesn't feel right you guys. I dont know what it is but something is telling me she isnt okay."
Julia's POV
I woke up to loud noises and flashing lights around me. I Stood up.  
"What the hell." I walked over to a group of paramedics surrounding a body
"What happened! Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked them as I approached them
No answer.
"Seriously guys if you nee-" I stopped what I was saying  after i saw who they were working on.
"Jane Doe, Female, approximately 18-20 years. She was hit by a car while riding a motorcycle head on. Unresponsive."
The paramedics said as they wheeled my body into the hospital. I ran behind them trying to keep up.
"What are you talking about im right here! Im fine!!" I waved my hands in front of their faces and still no one could see me or hear me.
"we have to get her up to CT and she had a bleed in her stomach we are going to have to operate." The doctors moved out of the way and  i could finally see my whole face.
I didn't even look like me. My face was swollen and bruised. I turned around and looked in the mirror.
"There i am. I am fine. That girl on the table isn't you." I said feeling my face
I followed them up to CT  and they rushed me right into surgery . I had a bleed in my brain.
I  ran behind them as they ran towards the operating room but i suddenly stopped as soon as i got to the door. I couldn't go in there to make sure i was going to be okay. The doors shut in front of me leaving me to look through a small window as they cut my head and stomach open.
I waited in the waiting room for what seemed like forever.
No one noticed me, i asked the nursed a million questions but she still couldn't see or hear me.
I finally saw the Doctors wheel me into a room
"What do you think Doc? Is she going to make it."  One of the nurses asked the Doctor
"I just hope we find this poor girls family because things arent looking great. With how bad the bleed was and how she cant breath on her own , she may never wake up."
I looked up at the Doctor with tears in my eye and ran out of the room and then out of the hospital.
I ran until I couldnt run anymore.
I looked up and saw Sweet Pea, Cheryl, Toni and Fangs walking into Sweet's trailer.
"I dont know guys, Julia seemed to really like being here, do you think she would just leave over a small fight?" Cheryl asked everyone  and Sweet Pea Shook his head.
"No I wouldnt, I wouldnt leave you Sweet pea, not again. I love you" I placed my hand on his face and he looked down.
"Not without her jacket. She would never leave without her jacket." he was holding my serpent jacket in his hand
"Sweet Pea please listen to me im not okay, im really really hurt in the hospital please. Please come with me please." I tried to grab his hand but i couldnt.
"Something just doesn't feel right you guys. I dont know what it is but something is telling me she isnt okay."  Sweet pea said and I Sighed looking around at all of my friends.
While they were all worrying about me I was laying in a hospital bed...
omg you guys thank you for the love and the likes and i love you all. This is my all time favorite chapters. i cant wait for you guys to read it and give me feed back. SO much love.
Love S
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anonil88 · 6 years
Loyal Lines, Loyal Stunts (wayhaught college au) : Chapter 3
Ch 3
Rated: M
Notes: this chapter may feel a bit shorter if anyone out there is reading I’m gonna try and make the next a little longer or keep them all this length.
The rest of rush week felt like hell week for Waverly. She was drowning in a million tasks and chants rotated in her head all day. Whether it was cheer or a sigma gamma chi song they all muddled together playing over and over. Then on top of that several of her professors decides to have lectures that dragged on for too long. Waverly knew she was pretty smart but, she was failing to grasp important information for two upcoming exams. Somehow she made it to the follwing monday with only lights bags under her eyes. On top of this there was a new unsettling vibe to the campus that Waverly felt in her every bone.
It started when the automated mass text alerts were sent to her and everyone on campus on saturday night. She was at a party with a few sorority sisters when some people started to murmur looking at their phones. Pulling out her own she tapped the message bubble that read:
WHU SECU. ALERT:_ Students have reported a motorcade of individual circling the streets surrounding our campus. These individuals are seen wearing matching insignia and verbally harassing bystanders. We have contacted the authorities  please be aware of your surroundings and stay safe. If you or someone else is in distress contact the security offices or your local authority. OFFICER LUCADO _WHU SECU. 
Waverly had a bad feeling about this but told herself that campus was safe at least. She did notice an uptick in officers patrolling the dorm complexes that night. It didnt dismiss the pit in her stomach, but it made it less unnerving. That monday she knew she xould not study in her room and packed her bag for a long study session in the library. Sh had to be ready for her exam the next day and prepare a new routine for the girls for wednesday practice. The omly way she could do both and remain sane was a change of scenery. Making her way into the library in an oversized niagra falls hoodie and leggings, she found a study room and went into crunch mode.
Phone on silent she worked endlessly on her assignments and studying habits. When she'd finally absorbed all the information she felt she could she checked her phone. It was super late, Waverly was thankful that the library didn't close until 3am. The phone had several missed calls from wynonna, a few text from her friends, and a group chat spilling over with information. Going to the group chat first she scrolled through a plethora of "OMG that is crazy", shock face emojis, and accusations of townspeople being assholes. She didn't fully understand what was going on until she scrolles all the way up. There were images of a few bikers creating burn marks with their bikes on the WHU soccer field. She noticed the symbol on the jacket of one of the men and her eyes went wide. She immediately checked wynonnas voice mail messages. At first they were calm but by the last one wynonna was frantic, "Waverly god damn earp i saw the news and if you dont answer your phone i am going to hurt you." But, before she could redial her older sisters number the library intercom rang out. "The library will be closing in 30 minutes, and the next shuttle will be arriving in 10 minutes." There was a crackle and waverly began to quickly pack her book bag and pull her headphones out.
After darting down the stairs, saying goodbye to a fellow late night studier, and running out of the front doors of the library she saw the shuttle pull up into the parking lot. She was still trying to call wynonna who was not answering when she opened the  door of the cherry and forest green van and instinctively hopped into the front passenger seat. The driver stayed silent and she was sent to voicemail again. "Dammit wynonna," she cursed out loud. 
Finally the driver spoke up as they took the van out of break and pulled out of the lot. "Do you want to talk? And Joie hall right?" 
Nicole looked over at waverly and was met with a look of embarrassment. Waverly breathlessly rambles, "Yea i live in joie, did chrissy tell you? And im sorry for that im trying to call my sister and she isnt picking up. The soccer field thing has everyone going crazy on twitter and im doing too much to really care. Also why are you driving the shuttle tonight?" A dimpled side smirk if sent waverlys way and she feels her body ease from the tension she was holding. Nicole had managed to slow her brain down with just a dimple and that feels nice to waverly.
"I will start backwards, we are having officers rotate some extra shuttle runs to ensure students are getting to where they need to safely, because of those at the soccer field. I drove the shuttle a few times when i was still a student and just remembered that a lot of sigmas live in joie. Is your sister okay do you think....are you okay waverly?" Nicole resonded to everything the brunette had asked while navigating the road to get to the large dormitory. Waverly stayed silent for a minute before breaking out of her thought, "is there a stop after me?" 
Nicole slowed to the stop sign and glanced at the clipboard on the center console. "No you are the last stop before i head back to the station, did you want me to take you somewhere else?" Nicole looked at waverly knowing it would n't be advised normally, but with the way students seemed on edge it wouldnt be frowned upon either. Waverly shook her head no and dipped her head and smiled with sadness in her eyes but opened her mouth to respond.
"Can you walk me to my door Nicole...i mean officer haught," she corrected herself noting the outfit and the setting and the walkie talkie system on nicole and in the van. She was inclined then to tell someone who was essentially a stranger everything. She felt almost as safe in that van with Nicole as she did leaving the town of purgatory. But, Wynonna’s voice and an image echoed in her memories. 
"Don’t ever talk about this or say that name...her name, to anyone ever again waves, promise me." Wynonna was stuffing a long barrel pistol into the glovebox of the red jeep. They had made their way across the border into the unknown future. Waverly was grateful for everything Gus and Wy had sacrificed for the two of them to make a new start, but she was sometimes too loyal.
Nicole parked the van in the parking lot of the dorm and radioed in that she was performing an on foot escort before turning her radio off. She figured no one else needed to hear what waverly might or might not say as she walked her towards and into the building. They walked slow side by side, nicole stealking glances. Their eyes met a few times but it was kept formal. Waverly took the time to ask nicole a few questions about what her plans were, how the security was managing the vandalizers and she managed to slip in an are you single. Nicole could only slide her tongue to her lips instinctively as she sighed yes. Waverly noticed that and her stomach fluttered a little. They were almost at her door when she stilled her movement. Turning to Nicole she bit her lip before fiddling with her phone to add a new contact. 
Nicole handled the phone typing in ger number she did want to look overly enthused so she opted for a joke, "You know I’m not so sure this is allowed, we are like the Capulets and the Montagues y’know." She referenced the Shakespearean families having a hunch that Waverly would already know who they were. She didn’t miss the way Waverly bit her bottom lip when looking at her. Her eyes darted down to her lips but she leveled her vision tapping the cop emoji after her own name.
Waverly chuckled nervously and reached back for her phone. "Actually i just wanted your number in case i need another escort or yaknow someone to," she hesitated, "talk to." She had started to inch them towards the corner that led to her door again. She knew if they dragged this conversation out any longer that Nicole would risk being reprimanded or worse fired. She would never jeopardize that risk for her own selfish comfort.
Nicole nodded, "That makes sense, well i am open ears and arms if you need me." They both turned the corner and were met by the site of a long wavy haired brunette back pressed against the wall her gaze cold covered in a leather jacket. Waverly smiled with relief.
Nicole released a small sigh of relief and nodded at wynonna who was now standing up. She placed a hand on the shoulder of waverly and said her goodbyes, tacking the steps she had taken with the smaller girl at her side.
Waverly launched at wynonna wrapping her arms around her struggling older sister. Wynonna wriggled her arms out of her sisters grasp and pushed waverly towards the door so that she would open the dorm room door. Waverly slightly jumped seeing her roommate Vanessa sitting on her own bed. She was never there, but this time she was there and she wasn’t alone. A taller tan woman was standing and staring at both of them. “Uhh hi waves i am gonna leave and this is my cousin, Valdez,” Vanessa quickly started to throw things into her bag and push her cousin out the door. Valdez and Wynonnas eyes followed each other as they pushed past each other it he narrow entrance.
“Valdez..that’s hot,” Wynonna mumbled before kipping up,” and where the hell were you Waves.” Waverly was clearing space on her bed and on the floor for her sister to sit and to not appear unkept. Wynonna plopped beside her starting at her younger sister with concern.
Waverly started to tell her how she was studying and how Nicole had escorted her back to her room safely. She tripped over the name a few times trying switch between Officer Haught and Nicole. Her cheeks warmed as her mind recalled the number in her phone that she sill had to text. Wynonna grinned at the thought that her baby sister had a crush that was written all over her face. At the same time she grimaced that Waverly was interested in the college feds.
“Are we going to talk about the revenant jackets and bikes circling this city now or do i have to hear you babble about your girlfriend,” Wynonna groaned. Waverly slapped her arm.
“She isn’t my girlfriend and I’m not...she’s not my girlfriend.” Waverly nervously bit her lip and then her face fell seeing her sisters phone screen. It was a photo of their older sister Willa on Instagram lazily wrapped around the giant Welcome to Regina sign, from a city north of where the campus resided. “Fuck,” she whispered when she looked at the time stamp, 4 hours ago.
“This town is fucked is right babygirl,” Wynonna chuckled hopping off the bed to raid Waverly’s room for a drop of alcohol.
Nicole finished her shift by checking in the van, clocking out, and driving her car home aimlessly. By the time she had showered and laid in her bed the sounds of night still lingered. Nicole groaned reaching for her phone on the nightstand and woke the screen. Her eyes widened and a smile krept on her face when she unlocked the message waiting for her.
Unknown Number
Hi, Waverly here, sorry I didn’t get to say goodbye. Thank you.
P.S here is a contact photo.
The photo attached looked like it was from a arty because Waverly’s nose was covered in blue icing and a large smile glimmered through the camera. Nicole smiled so hard her dimples started to hurt and she responded with a photo she’d taken of herself in one of her dads old Stetson cowboy hats last year. All she attached was sleepily typed i enjoyed your company before she passed out phone still in hand and Waverly’s picture still on the screen.
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yourjughead · 7 years
New Plans
Requested:  Sweet pea x reader // reader is sweet peas north side best friend (and they're both secretly in love with each other but oblivious) and then he starts to date Veronica?
a/n: Changed slightly with the same premise. Enjoy
The Southside had arrived, in full gang glory. The hallways of Riverdale High would never be the same again. For the most part you paid no mind to the. Busy working towards college not a reputation and it was the end of the day, you didn't care about them. Ghoulies stood across from you, watching like a cat watches a fish in a tank. You felt their eyes burn into your back as you walked away from them. Your pace quickened as you could feel two following you closely.
“Hey baby, where you going?” One called from the top of the stone steps as you kept your head down at the bottom, they quickly jogged down to meet your side in the almost empty car park.
“Oh a Northsider with no manners, refreshing”
“Leave me alone”
“This isnt the Southside you creep. Newsflash Toto you're not in Kansas anymore”
“Oh she sassy, I like that, come here baby” he caught roughly by the arm before hauling you off behind the school, the other acting as reinforcement as you voiced your unhappiness.
“Let go of me! Leave me alone!”
“You have to give us a few things first baby”
“I think she said leave her alone” a new, clear,  deep voice was added to the equation. The two looked from you to him but still held a smug facade. Quickly you bent his arm backwards, he released yours that he had caught from the sear pain. You hurled him into the tree, Sweet Pea caught the other and did the same, he looked at the two of them on the ground before turning to you but you had already gone.
“Hey! Wait up!” You fixed your eyes to ground as Sweet Pea jogged to catch up with you.
“Are you okay?”
“Mmmhmm” you almost came off coldly, you had had enough attention from strangers for one day.
“Well okay then Ice Princess, maybe next time I'll just leave you?”
“What?! Do you want a medal or something for doing the right thing?” he laughed at you snapping back and you looked at him properly for what honestly felt (and was) the first time. He was tall, jet black haired with piercing, captivating eyes. Then you noticed the Serpent tattoo, proudly adorning his neck. You felt yourself take a step back from him and his smile seemed to fade a little.
“Umm you want me to walk you to your car?” He knew that look in your eyes, fear and curiosity mixed together, he usually didn't mind scaring people but having you a little apprehensive around him felt wrong for some reason.
“Umm no thank you umm”
“Sweet Pea”
“Yn and no thank you Sweet Pea, I walk home”
“Do you want me to give you a ride? My bikes over there?” He gestured toward a shortening string of motorbikes, a few Serpents gathering before taking off.
“Umm no thanks”
“I swear our bark is worse than our bite” he joked and his charm (and his Adonis face) was growing on you quickly.
“No thanks, that's sweet though”
“Don't get any ideas” he winked before heading to walk away from you. At the same time the two Ghoulies rounded the corner and on eyeing you, increased their speed and intent in your direction.
“Um wait Sweet Pea” you hopped a little to catch up with him, grabbing hold of his forearm.
“I change my mind” he smiled down at you before continuing his stroll, you still clutching his arm and the Ghoulies backing off.
“Here's your helmet, been on a bike before?” You took the helmet from his hands and were starting to think you'd rather chance it with the Ghoulies.
“Sweet Pea, Sweet Peas Girl, what's up?” Fangs smiled and his address to you both sent a shiver down your spine.
“im just taking YN home, Ghoulies giving her trouble”
“Ghoulies?” He looked at me and I nodded.
“Okay, no hassle, we'll take care of it SP”  Fangs rolled his neck releasing a crack and Sweet Pea patted his shoulder before swinging his leg over the bike and gestured for you to do the same. At first you just gripped his jacket but the moment the bike started up your arms clung around his waist.
The ride to your house was anything but smooth, it was mostly Sweet Pea wanting you to hang on tighter and so the speed limit didn't exist.
“Now, there you go” he pulled outside the quaint house you directed him to. He looked at the house that belonged on a postcard while you got off.
“That's alright yn”
“Can you I ask you something” Sweet Pea tried to not let his face drop when he nodded, were you going to ask about his family? The usual question of why is he in a gang? Will he ever leave?
“Why'd you help me?”
“Well I mean Ghoulies are terrible people and I saw you in the corridor the first day and I just knew it would be a matter of time before they tried something” he almost seemed embarrassed for caring.
“Okay...but why did that other serpent back there seem like he was going to do something as well”
“Probably cause Fangs was” he laughed and you didn't know if you should do the same
“Yeah but why"
“Why not yn” he laughed at you, adjusting his helmet. He tried to not let his real feelings come to light
“Okay...well thanks again”
“Yeah no problem” you both smiled at each other before you turned for your house, waving at him again before ducking inside. You had left an impression with the serpent and he needed you to be his.
“Hey V what's going on? I'm just heading to English” Veronica threw her back against the locker alongside yours with a sigh, over a week after your encounter with Sweet Pea.
“Nothing Ynn and that's the problem, I'm booorrreeeed”
“Have you tried-”
“-who is that with Jug?” She pointed a long slim finger at your hero and best friend seemingly having an argument. Panic started to rise in you and you had no idea why.
“That's Sweet Pea hes-”
“-gorgeous? You bet, well I better go get acquainted”
“Wait really? Him? He's a Serpent and-”
“-and going to make a great pallet cleanser from Archie” her smirk grew like your annoyance at her constant interrupting. When she saw something she liked she got it and it terrified you.
“Shhh he's coming over” you rolled your eyes at her, finishing up at your locker. You watched Fangs half shove him before he sauntered over, hands in his pockets, eyes on the floor.
“Hey Yn, I was wondering-”
“-who your friend is? Veronica Lodge, nice to meet you” she held out the hand she once had pointed after stepping in front of you. He cautiously took it, it was making your skin crawl and boil all at once.
“Didn't you have Spanish to get to ynn?”
“Yeah yeah whatever” the two had their eyes locked on each other, Veronica hazily replying to you. You rolled your eyes at both before begrudgingly making your exit with a slam of your locker. Fangs watched with wide eyes before throwing his arms in the air and exhaling till his lungs were empty. If you had known it would lead to a world wind lustful romance you would have stayed and forced them to separate. Within the week Veronica was making a debut on Sweet Peas arm and you found yourself hiding from both of them.
“Well well well, how's it going baby, no protection around this time. Shame” the Ghoulies smile darkened alongside you as you went out the front doors.
“Yn! Walk with me” Fangs hooked an arm around your waist rescuing you. Since arriving he had become an almost friend, Serpents being famous for mixed signals.
“Thanks Fangs”
“Wanna repay me?” You nodded wearily arriving by his motorbike.
“Get Sweet Pea away from Princess Pearls”
“Yeah, she's sucking the life out of him. He won't come to any meetings and he's stopped wearing the jacket. At least when he was crushing on you he didn't have plans to change his skin, he was just about bearable” he handed you a helmet and a worried glance. You took it for the same reason you got on Sweet Peas bike the first day except Sweet Pea watching from the steps with Veronica didn't know that.
“Sorry yn, I shouldn't have said anything…” he gave you a hug at the sight of your sad eyes despite it being out of character, he didn't see anyone else around and so didn't see a problem either. Sweet Pea did. He took it for more than what it was and begrudgingly was hauled off by Veronica as she said how cute you two were together.
Later you were greeted by a raging Serpent on your doorstep. Sweet Pea blew in passed you into the empty house.
“Sweet Pea shouldn't you be with Veronica?!”
“No I shouldn't, I shouldn't be with her and you shouldn't be with Fangs” his temper was growing quickly as he stormed into your kitchen.
“With Fangs? I'm not wi- so what what if I am with Fangs”
“BECAUSE-because you should be with me” if an iron anvil fell on you, you'd be less shocked.
“I came over that day to ask you out! You! Then the next thing I know I'm Veronica Lodges lap dog! Now don't get me wrong, she seems nice but not nice enough for me to want to date her!”
“Okay calm down, you like Veronica you're just freaking out right now! Calm down!”
“No!” He then caught you by the waist and hauled you flush with him before he met you ferociously in a kiss. His grip softened and you both just melted into each other before his brain caught up with his mouth.
“Woah, I just kissed my best friends girlfriend!”
“Nope no not dating fangs” you said hurriedly before pulling him back to kiss you.
“Woah I just kissed my best friends boyfriend”
“Nope no note dating Veronica anymore” he clawed you back to him.
“Wait what happened?!”
“Umm well I kinda maybe...I kinda maybe moaned your name instead of hers and she...she was not impressed and I couldn't have been happier to get a shoe into the head” you couldn't help but burst into laughter, only now noticing the emerging bruise.
“She went on about how she knew it and yadda yadda I'm was just something to make Archie jealous and yadda yadda yadda” while originally he was a little hurt, he couldn't care less about it with you in his arms.
“And if you ever ride on the back of someone's bike that isn't mine, I'll lose it” he bit your bottom lip with a tug driving you a little crazy.
“Well there goes my plans with Fangs tonight”
“You have new plans" he practically growls against you and you loved it.
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7x19: FArewell my lovely
"I'll convince her" ok yea Caleb cause y'all are secret agent friends we all know it just admit it already    
Ezra talking like he knows AD personally or something, like he's been the one getting texts or something. I see u Ezra u can't fool me.
But he was right about everyone in the room making mistakes & the look on everyone's face when he said it HA I loved it
Ooooo looks like AD stole the game back "time for pie"??? Is that not screaming EzrA to anyone??? especially the crows.
Mary really does seem like she's the nice twin but I can't help but think she's still more involved than we think
"It took me so long to finally get here w/ you, I'm not gonna loose it now." MY EMISON HEART UGH EMILY YOU DESERVE THE WORLD ALI BETTER GIVE IT TO YOU
 AD PUT A GAS LEAK (But nothing ended up happening so i’m confused wtf marlene)
Did anyone else notice how when the video of ali kept playing on a loop she wanted emily to quickly turn it off, almost like she didnt want anymore questions raised about ‘That night’
Hanna the only one who ever gives Mona the benefit of the doubt now that's a somewhat real friend lmao
"You two are fighting like a married couple.." AWKWARD we are. Spaleb who??
Lmao Caleb annoys me a lot now but I am not gonna lie dude has BALLS idk if that's a good or bad thing tho.
But like I said before him and Mona are too comfortable around each other. Look how easy she's talking to him and how calm he is with her. They have to be working together they just have to be!! (Not like as AD but idk as investigators to track AD or something, they know each other tea choices THERE AIN’T NO COINCIDENCES IN ROSEWOOD)
"There's always been someone watching, manipulating." Girl yes I been saying this since day one!!! Bethany young, twincer, wren, ezrA you may make your appearance now.
Lol I knew that waiter left a note from AD, like u said Mona, they be watching
 By the looks of Mona running they had to have said meet me in the back or something, Mona READY to see who keeps jacking her games lol
Come on though I knew that body was gone the minute I realized they left it in the car
I'm not mad that they reshot the classroom scene or that it ended up being a dream but I would've much rather the dream be Ali's than Emily's dream the "emma thornwald" name would be a lot more relevant b/c how in the fucking world would emily know that. & why put that scene as the cliffhanger?? That's so anticlimactic! They could've put the liars burying Rollins but not showing who it was, or charlotte clutching the rose, or fuck even the fucking girls sipping mimosas w/ Mona would've been more climatic than that shit. 
"AD doesn't get notes they give them." Finally someone has a clue, go Caleb I get points. 
Btw idk if I really enjoyed that spaleb moment or if I just really love Troian & her amazing acting, her whole part in that scene was just perfect!
Was it a little weird to anyone else that Alison was the one who apologized to aria first?? I think it's because she knows she still has her own secrets/mistakes that haven't come to light. 
Ooooo I bet this tunnel that spaleb is in is going to lead to the church and radley. 
So Mona must have a split personality disorder or something cause the way she's telling on herself to Hanna and how she's dressed just give off a total old school Mona vibe like radley Mona vibe. Hanna really fucked up by letting her fuck with that game she should've just killed charlotte and GOT GONE GIRL. lol Ali 2.0 forreal this time.
I also figured she had some altercation w/ charlotte that was the only person I could see her saying "am I supposed to be scared of you?" Too lol I love ceces sass.
I love how Mona knew everything & I also think it's funny but slightly choosy how charlotte said "you always were the smart one Mona, not spencer."
I think this charlotte flashback is the FUCKING BEST THING EVER
Ceces such a bitch it almost doesn't seem like she's the charles she explained in her story. Like literally she’s not charles.
So I guess Mona does have a personality disorder and she's even convinced one said that the liars are actually her friends wow I'm sad. I love her :(
& I think it's now clear cece was planning to start the game right back up again but this time bigger and better it seems "not only did u lose the game you lost the story, its mine, everything's mine... god I hate this town I guess I'm supposed to do something about that too."
Fuck janels performance is EVERYTHING I am loving this flashback!!!!!
But did anyone else notice how we never actually SAW mona push the body off and fake the suicide. She could’ve ran and someone else came and covered it up. Like mona said to hanna she didnt mean to mess it up but what exactly did she mess up?? she didnt cover up the murder someone else did.
I think Hanna spoke for everyone when she said "not really an answer"
I told y'all Mary was gonna take the fall
Wow andrea Parker did so well at playing both Mary & Jessica
In the end im still confused and my brain hurts
OKAY SO, obvi alot of my predictions were a miss but I did get a few, I knew mary was gonna take the fall, I did see a few ali clues not a ton though maybe ill find more in the rewatch, I was right about mona getting into a fight with charlotte and somehow being involved in her murder & the episode did feel like a lame finale so I guess thats pretty good! This episode was amazing from start to finish they really kicked it into high gear for these last few episodes i’m finally seeing a picture in this crazy ass puzzle we call PLL. I’m trying not to expect alot from the finale but I just really hope it is as satisfying as all the cast say it’s going to be.
After this i’m really starting to hop on board with twincer, ezrA, or even Toby after seeing the finale promo. I’m going out of town for the next week so tomorrow i’ll post my finale PLL theory & then ill be off til the finale! It’s been real guys and although i’m ready for closure i’m also going to miss reading everyones amazing theories and all the possibilities this show could have gone with.
Tell me all you last minute theories!!! I wanna know what everyones thinking before the finale and how we all see this shit tying together!
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absyoung55 · 7 years
It's Not Worth It
Part 2 
Part 1
 A/N: I threw the Scottish accent out the window sorry.
The jeep ride was silent both Stiles and Y/N seething with anger. “Aren’t you supposed to be at a party?” Y/n glared at Stiles “I saw you leave Heathers Birthday party. Why were you there?” Stiles kept his eyes on the road but was gesturing spasticly “I was there to protect You” Y/N mumbled propping her elbow on the window ledge and putting her hand in her face “protect me from who!? My friends?!” Stiles screamed at you “Your friends weren’t the only ones there!” You snapped at him. “Yeah I know YOU were there” Stiles looked at you for just a second his expression one of hatred. His comment boiled your blood your fists heated and glowed red hot you held them up to not burn anything. You had saved that fucking girls life. You had allowed Heather to live you could have let the Darach take her. But she was Stiles friend.
At Heather’s party: Y/N had followed Scott and Stiles trailing behind out of ear shot so Scott couldn’t hear you. Or smell you. You observed a short blonde girl kiss Stiles you nearly burned the front door down peeking through the side window. Then they left Scott and disappeared into the house the girl reaked of lust. You could smell Stiles a mile away his chemo signals off the charts. Y/N rounded the corner of the house to peek through a window and there it was. A hideous human being no lips to cover her teeth nor eyelids to cover her bright blue eyes her face mauled and scared. Power rolled off her, supernatural Power, a power you had felt before a long time ago. She was a Darach. Once a druid but was now on a dark path. She started messing with the girl alone in the cellar. A growl ripped through your chest and the thing turned you couldn’t tell if she was shocked at your presence. She waved her arms about; to use her power on you. Y/N crouched and your own power burned bright your eyes glowing violet locked on the hideous thing. Springing forward on your heals you tackled the disgusting thing, wrestling her to the ground straddling her you gripped her forearms and shoved your knee into her wind pipe and incinerated her. Within minutes the Darach was a pile of ash. The blonde girl was released from its spell. Just then Stiles returned with something, and the girl screamed at him and stomped away. Stiles followed after her trying to understand what happened in the 5 minutes he was gone. You kicked around the pile of ashes to make sure there was no evidence of murder. Then you looked around for witnesses thankfully there were none. That’s when you heard it. An Alphas howl. Loud and strong really strong. Curiosity consumed you, Scott could protect the Stiles right? With that comfort you headed to the source of the Alpha cry.
Back To Now:
 “Stiles pull the fuck over NOW” I was furious. My fists burst into flames as Stiles swerved to the side of the road “ What are you gonna do WALK home?! woah.” Stiles was just as furious until he saw my blazing fists. “A-are you okay whats happening?” my eyes glowed violet and I stared at his heat signature “ I dont have control” what is happening I’ve never lost control. Black stripes zig-zagged across my body. I slammed open the Jeep door and fell into the gravel on the side of the road. My claws dug into the cool rocks charring them upon touch. My tail whipped wildly around my legs. I felt pressure on my back and I looked up, Stiles had gotten out of the Jeep and was in the ditch besides me. “ Y/N look at me” I met his eyes “Calm down” like a well trained dog I obeyed, the glow left my eyes and slowly the black stripes receded. God damn what is this boy doing to me? I collapsed on to the gravel, earning a laugh from Stiles. “I have a way with calming out of control werewolves” Stiles looked at his finger nails and pretended to shine them on his hoodie, I rolled my eyes and rose from the gravel. “Im not a werewolf, I’m part werewolf part werelion with a whole mess of complicated” I put my hand on my hip and z snapped my fingers. It was Stiles turn to roll his eyes, I smirked at him. We both got back into the jeep, “Hey um so whats with the flames I mean Scott doesnt have flames… and Malia definitely doesnt have flames..” I looked down at my lap playing with my fingers, I peeked over at Stiles, He was looking at the road then me then the road then back to me. “well its a long story” we just then pulled into his drive way. I pretty much lived at the Stilinski house the sheriff, even though I was thousands of years older, treated me like a daughter, I loved Stiles, I tried to love him like a son, considering our age but its difficult, so right now I’m settling for friends/ roommates, It wasn’t hard to convince the sheriff and Stiles to let me stay with them, I cleaned, cooked, did laundry fixed things, and worked on the jeep. In return I slept on their couch. Stiles shut off the jeep and turned to look at me “Well we have all night” I looked at him in disbelief that he wanted to know. Stiles hopped out of the Jeep and opened the door for me. “Thank you sir” I sarcastically hopped out of the jeep “M'Lady” Stiles pretended to tip a hat. We walked side by side up the side walk and I shuffled to the side so Stiles could unlock the front door. Once we were inside I felt awkward, “I dont know where to start…” I plopped down onto the couch and Stiles sat quietly next to me. “I guess start at the beginning” Stiles shrugged his shoulders. I let out a long heavy sigh “well my father was a bitten werewolf and my mother was a purebred born Lowenmensch- er werelion. My mom was an alpha but she died giving birth to me so I was actually born an alpha. My mother’s sister; who was not a werelion, but a banshee, raised me because my father hated me for killing my mother and wanted to kill me to become an alpha. Anyway Lowenmensch are different we um this is kinda bad, but most Lowenmensch only live on a diet of pineal glands,” I looked over at Stiles to see his reaction but he had a neutral expression “its a part of the brain Stiles..“ I searched his face for disgust but there was none. “I’ve heard of worse Y/N” Stiles slowly reached over and took my hand in his and began running his thumb over my knuckles. “Don’t worry about what I think it doesn’t matter” Stiles attempted to comfort me “ Stiles what you think means the world to me ….” I couldnt look at him so I looked at the floor memorizing the pattern of the wood. “But why?” Stiles sounded concerned “it’s a part if my story if you want me to continue…” I looked up at Stiles and he raised his eyebrows and nodded his head for me to continue “I lived with my Aunt until she passed away when I was 20 years old, she died from a mysterious disease at the time but now I know it was a vitamin c diffidence. Anyway she wanted me to have her pineal gland be my first and it was, after eating it my senses were heightened, my roar was more powerful, and my eyes glowed purple and I came to learn that I could heal the sick and wounded. After she was gone for a few weeks my father came looking for me. When he found me his intentions were clear, he was going to kill me. He never even laid a finger on me my roar scared him into submission, and I never saw him again. I stopped ageing at about 18 so when I turned 50 and still looked like a teenager I knew I had to leave my village before they lit the torches” Stiles laughed and let go of my hand and relaxed into the couch “I left Scotland and traveled to Europe, my first stop was to help the tribes build Stonehenge. Then I made my way to Rome, I fought in the Colosseum and became an undefeated champion. They moved me to Greece to fight their gladiators and beasts. Thats where I met Plato and Aristotle and started studying to be a philosopher. Eventually I had to leave Greece because of the apples.” Stiles looked confused “apples?” He lifted an eyebrow at me and I laughed a little “at the time to throw an apple at a woman was a propose of marriage, I was young and beautiful then so I was constantly bombarded with apples” Stiles looked like he wanted to say something, he opened and closed his mouth a few times searching for words “you still are young and beautiful” Stiles mashed his lips together and looked at the ground “thank you Stiles” I leaned over so my face was under his as he looked at the floor a huge smirk plastered on my face. He thought I was beautiful. “No problem” Stiles smiled crookedly. “After Greece was the renaissance so that was horrible, I spent weeks painting with artists all over Europe specifically I was an assistant to Michelangelo painting the Cappella Magna - er Sistine Chapel. I was the one who would bring him meals and more paint and other disgusting things I don’t want to talk about.” I shuddered and Stiles gave me a look “Chamber pots” and that’s all I had to say for his eyebrows to shoot up. “Anyway I moved around a lot, I never really connected with anyone until my first visit to Beacon Hills. There was a Phoenix here at one time, phoenix are evil creatures they set anything the touch on fire they look pretty much like burnt crispy zombies, I murdered one of the last ones in front of a little boy it was going to kill, after the phoenix died I took its pineal gland. Since then I’ve had a problem with my temper and my animal transformed into a tiger, and I have an affinity for fire.” Stiles hand had settled on my clothed thigh. “You saved someone? From the phoenix?” I felt a sadness weigh on my heart “I only wish I had been there sooner to stop others from loosing their lives, I only saved one boy” Stiles stood up “One boy can make all the difference that one boy could have grown up to do amazing things” you thought about Elias …. Elias wow I am so stupid Elias was the man from your squad in Vietnam “Elias Stilinski” the name left your lips the same time the front door opened. “Hey dad how was work” Noah entered the house “Boring but I’m not complaining” I stood suddenly startling both of them “Noah, … were you named after anything?” The wheels kept turning in my head pieces clicking into place “My father named me Noah after his sergeant that lead him through Vietnam untouched He said he was the most noble and selfless man he had ever met and hoped I would be like him his name was Noah..” “O'Mally” both boys looked at you “the men always called me Ma'am” both boys faces were shocked and their jaws fell slack “Elias. How is Elias I know he’s not dead” I looked at Noah hopeful “He’s.. He’s… growing old effects everyone different” I nodded my head slowly a tear escaped and rolled down my cheek and I wiped it away and sniffled. “He is a good man I ran into him a few times in life, Stiles he was the boy I saved from the phoenix.” Stiles looked at his dad and his dad stared at Stiles. “My father named me after You?” I laughed really hard so hard I crumpled to the floor clutching my gut. I heard Stiles snicker and I looked up to Noah with a grin plastered on his face. 
 I made spaghetti for supper the whole time I was cooking Stiles and I talked I told him all about little Derek and Vietnam with his grandfather how I left the Hales and came back and they were gone and what I had done after to cope then I got to the part with Lydia “Stiles something happened to me that night,” I let out a heavy sigh “have you ever heard of an imprint” I stirred the noodles “You mean like a baby duckling when it hatches?” I giggled “well sort of, a werewolf imprint works differently, it’s kinda like you’ve found your soul mate you would do anything for them you would die for them, it’s an extreme kind of love.” I looked at Stiles he was looking down lost in thought his bottom lip trapped between his teeth with his eyebrows mashed together. “It’s very rare and only happens every thousands of years… It’s happened to me… I- I imprinted … on you.”
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