#but so many complaints were things that were in the game but he didnt look or know how to do or try to do
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Word count: 1.9k
Content: fluff, idiots in love, some?jealousy, confessions.
A/N: I figured I have been writing too much angst so..fun fact: Buckley is an actual dog that can be found in the TLOU games so there you go.
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    “Can I ask you a question?” Joel was rubbing his neck, his eyes wandering the small diner that Jackson has managed to set up. “Spit it out already.” You answered, taking another bite of the pancakes on your plate. Joel covered his mouth with his hand, his eyes gauging you for a reaction that he himself didn’t know for what reason. He inhaled, forcing himself to blurt out the words before he just loses the courage to bring it up again. 
    “How do you know if you like someone?” You spluttered upon hearing his words. He instinctively pushed the latte you had ordered towards you. You glanced up at him as you took sips of your latte, wondering if Joel was serious. There was no hint of a smile or any form of humour that would have made his previous question seem like a joke. “Uh.. umm.” Your mind was blank, having absolutely zero answers. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, “You’re the one who was married.” You pointed out to him. Joel let out a breath that he didn't realize he was holding. “I just want an opinion.” You gave him a judgemental look, absent-mindedly cutting your pancakes into bite-sized portions. “Uh… I-” There were so many words but yet nothing seemed to make sense. It was embarrassing to admit that you practically had zero experiences when it comes to anything romantic. “I really don’t know what to say.” You admitted. “People tend to say things like you would just know. But I don’t think I ever experienced it.” You shrugged. How would you know something you never experienced, how would you meet someone and just think that they are a good fit for you? This concept never made sense to the logical part of you. 
   Joel’s shoulders deflated ever so slightly as he weighed your answer in his mind. A silence fell as Joel occupied himself with his thoughts while you focused on the food before you, giving yourself some time to ponder his question.  
   “I guess when you think of someone all the time. You search for them in crowds and subconsciously remember every detail about them.” You broke the silence. Joel looked at you, still mindlessly taking bites of your pancake. “Huh.” He merely grunted. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at him. It was one of your greatest complaints about him, Joel wasn’t one for words, preferring to answer with random sounds instead of actual words. When you first met him through patrol you had thought he hated you because of that. Thought that he didn’t want anything to do with you until you brought up the issue with Tommy who reassured you that his stoic brother has always been like this. 
   “You’re so boring, Joel.” You sighed exasperatedly when he answered another one of your remarks with a hum. Those words finally seemed to snap him out of his daze. He merely blinked at you, an ignorant look on his face. He let out a small “What?”, taken aback at your sudden comment. “It’s a conversation, Joel! You’re supposed to engage in it not reply to me with sounds. I thought you hated me when we first met because of that.” You admitted it was probably his first time hearing about this. If Tommy didn’t tell him first. He let out a chuckle, “I am not boring.” He defended, he knows you well enough to know when you truly mean your insults. “I can literally predict your responses.” You challenged. He raised his eyebrows, “O-“ “Ok.” You finished his word for him. It was your turn to look smug, you looked at him and how he slowly realised that he had just proven your point. 
   “I guess I am boring. Sorry for that.” Joel admitted with a guilty smile. “I’ll- I’ll try not to.” He promised. You merely shook your head at him. “What brought about the sudden question? You have someone in mind?” Joel smirked, “if I do?” You shrugged at him, “You can spill it. Or you can just keep it to yourself. I don’t really care.” 
   A lie. Of course you cared. 
   Joel drummed his fingers against the surface of the table. He contemplated ordering another cup of coffee but he doubted it would help his nerves. “Well I can’t stop thinking of her. I search for her in crowds. I leave my house at 10am everyday when I don’t have patrol hoping i would catch a glance of her when she passes by my porch when she takes her morning walks.” You let out a sigh, “Joel, you were once married. I haven’t even caught feelings for anyone since I was 16 and even I can tell just based of your words that you’re head over heels.” You cut him off, maybe deep down you didn’t want to hear it. Joel laughed, “Since you were 16? That’s decades ago. Even before the world turned to shit.” “I didn’t have a life ok? Everyone just seemed so childish.. and well I had better things to do then pursue a relationship.” You kicked him under the table. He simply chuckled, “You're right. Those boys didn’t deserve you anyways.” You turned your gaze away from him as you felt your cheeks heat up. Joel may be laughing, but your words made his body tense ever so slightly. Reading between the lines, what if it really meant that you didn’t have romantic feelings for anyone up till now? Then was he a fool for wanting to put this friendship on the line because he got greedy? 
   “So are you going to tell me who it is… or are we just going to move on.” You pursued but still gave him enough space to back out. Joel hummed, intertwining his hands as he casually cracked his knuckles and stretched. Trying his best to act as nonchalant as possible.
   “Joel!” Both your eyes turned to the person who had just interrupted the most crucial point of the conversation. “Oh, Esther. Hey.” Joel greeted while you nodded at her in acknowledgment. Her hands immediately fell into his shoulders casually. You shuffled in your seat uncomfortably, searching the crowd in the diner for a reason to slip away. 
  “Thanks for last night. It’s been a while since-“ It was childish but you had forced yourself to stop eavesdropping by forcing an annoying tune into your head. It wasn’t your place to know what happened between them last night. Although you felt idiotic for not catching on earlier. Esther always carried a torch for Joel, you had only realised when you overhead people gossiping about them. You just never expected Joel to reciprocate her feelings. 
   You cleared your throat, “Here take a seat. I was just leaving anyways.” You quickly stood up and gestured to the seat and left before anyone else could say anything. You had to get out, had to give yourself time to process the information as you maneuver your way through the morning crowd. 
   “Sorry, another time alright?” Joel quickly excused himself from the table. Not caring how bad it looked from an outsider’s perspective. Joel ran out of the diner, running his hands through his hair as his eyes searched for you. When Joel spotted you again, he heaved a sigh of relief. You were sitting by Buckley’s side while leaning against a tree. Buckley is Jackson’s supposed guard dog but being the friendly cheerful dog he is, he never seemed quite suitable for that job. So instead, Buckley roams the streets of Jackson, entertaining the children and accompanying most of the residents. In return, he gets treats and pats. 
      “I wasn’t supposed to feel that way.. I was supposed to be happy for him and tease him after.” You ranted softly to Buckley who was laying his head in your lap. Buckley merely whimpered in response as you continued to slowly massage the spot behind his ears. “You plannin’ on replacing me with Buckley?” The sound of Joel’s voice made your face turn red ever so slightly, wondering if he heard your sorry rant to Buckley. “Aren’t you-um... With Esther?” You questioned. “I’m with you.” Joel’s gaze punctured right through you. “Why did you leave?” His gaze softened, his eyebrows furrowing into a frown. Buckley looked up at Joel, an exasperated look on his face. As though even he thought that Joel was an idiot. 
   “I just thought that you would rather..spend your time with her.” Joel scoffed. He stared at you his brown eyes carried a hint of disappointment at your response. He unfolded his arms from his chest. 
   “I don't know what I have to do for you to understand that…” Joel moved closer to you, his eyes never leaving yours. “I will choose you every time. It will always be you.” Your breath hitched in your throat. Joel and your relationship had always been complicated. Close friends were what you told most people, yet you turned up as his date on multiple occasions. You lived in the same house as him, in his spare room. The spare room he wanted to turn into his workshop but put off that idea because he hoped that you would continue staying with him. The both of you were practically partners in everything except when it comes to partners in a relationship. 
   Your eyes searched desperately for a hint of his emotions. Unsure if he meant what he’s saying to you in that specific way or was it just a passing comment. Joel sighed at your wandering eyes, he knew that you were trying to decipher if he meant it. He scratched the back of his neck, “Close friends?” He scoffed again at himself. 
   “I can never see you as just a friend because I see my future with you.” Joel cringed every so slightly at his own words. Did his words even make sense? Hell, he really should have taken the time to improve his literature if he knew he was going to pull some abstract philosophical sentence when he is confessing to you. You stared at him blankly, unsure of how to react despite knowing exactly how you felt for him. “I- I just mean- I want to be with you forever, I want to be with you till the end of time, till our hair turns white, and when I finally can laugh at your white hair as retribution for how you always tease me for mine.” Joel rambled, he knew he was. His heart lightened when he heard the sound of your chuckle at his last comment. 
    “I would like to too.” You admitted, a blush tinting your cheeks. 
    Joel doubted he had ever pulled someone into his arms in such record timing before. In a split second, before your mind could even comprehend it, his arms were on your hips and his lips were on yours.     It felt like the beginning of a new chapter. 
    “Goddamn boy..” Tommy stood from a distance, watching everything unfold. His hands ruffled through the fur on Buckley’s head. Buckley had run into the stables that Tommy was in and dragged him here. Just in time for him to witness Joel finally making his move on you. “This really is some treasure you brought me.” He whistled, laughing a little as he rewarded Buckley with some oranges he had just picked up from the greenhouse.
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princesssmars · 1 year
in the darkened forest, i see you.
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some stiles stilinski x witch reader headcanons
your whole life you knew you had a destiny to fulfill. its hard to juggle your magical heritage and your nosy best friends, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
wc: 1.328
contains : fluff. reader is a witch. mentions of some of season ones violence.
a/n : very self-indulgent and based on my very. very long and detailed teen wolf script. enjoy.
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the name of your hometown always made you laugh inside your head. beacon hills, a sprawling town in northern california. by the title and looks you'd think the only things gravitating here would be families preparing for the future and seniors looking to settle down.
but there was so much hidden beneath the surface that almost every resident had no idea about.
when you were but seven years old you realized your family wasn't like other childrens.
where heathers dad worked in a home office, yours worked in a dingy but atmospheric antique shop selling various artifacts you've never seen before, ranging from "eye of newt" to "crushed cricket leg powder" to a bundle of weird-looking talismans.
where benjamins mom spoke english as her first language, you found out those funny words your mom would say when reading from her big book was her second language which was called latin. and how sometimes when she spoke it while cooking your food always came out tastier and you'd go to sleep feeling stronger than ever.
its on your 13th birthday when your parents sit you down and tell you the truth, how you've been born into a long line of witches from both your mother and father's side. how they can tell you've been curious as they were as kids, but they see something in you that pushed them to decide to let you in sooner to the lifestyle than other witchlings, who normally started learning before a witches becoming ceremony on their 16th.
"your magic can be a blessing and a curse," they said, sitting with you on the couch while your father showed you the family picturebook holding portraits of ancestors dating back hundreds of years. "but in our family, we've always put the greater good of witch kind before others. we protect our own and they protect us. you'll always have someone in your corner when things seem impossible. "
your parents were kidding, with you being introduced to some of the other witch kids in town. contrary to what you were thinking they were pretty popular, and welcomed you into their circle nearly immediately.
being popular means meeting many types of people though, and that's what led you to meet the one and only stiles stilinski.
he was a bit nerdy, and definitely less popular than you were but that didnt really matter. your first conversation was in english class freshman year, when you asked him for a pencil and he accidentally gave out four at once. you laughed at him and he told you that you had the prettiest smile he'd ever seen, and that since smiling made people live longer he hoped you live to be 110. it was weird but cute.
since that day you'd been friends, hanging out with stiles and scott often. you'd even show up to cheer at their lacrosse games even if they sucked. you tried giving them small luck charms before games which luckily seemed to work.
even if you found yourself growing close to them, you still kept the knowledge of your heritage close to your chest. even if stiles, being the mini detective he was, seemed to nearly figure it out multiple times.
but it's during the latter end of your sophomore year when things take a turn. stiles shows up to your house in the dead of night asking you to come with him to get some snacks and chill. figuring you had nothing else to do, you agreed and decided to walk the short trek with him to scott's house.
what he didnt tell you was that the three of you were going into the woods to find half of a damn dead body, the boys ignoring your complaints from behind them as they searched the forest floor. sure you could've gone home, but it'd be a lie to say you weren't just a bit interested yourself. and scared they'd get themselves killed.
the funs cut short when you and stiles are caught by his dad, who on the drive home awkwardly insinuates that he thought you two had snuck away to fool around in the woods, making the both of you loudly deny it. but after you get dropped off at home you start thinking if it'd be the worst thing in the world to date the stilnksi boy.
the next few weeks are chaos, with you finding out that not only are werewolves back in beacon hills but the newest addition is scott himself. you try to give him as much help as you can without seeming too suspicious.
but it's one afternoon when stiles comes up to you acting the calmest you've ever seen him and tells you he's taking you out for burgers, his treat. you agree because one free burgers and two alone time with your...best friend stiles. win-win situation, right?
wrong, because as soon as you're settled in the passenger seat and ready to eat a burger after the crappy school lunch, stiles turns in his seat and asks "are you supernatural too?"
you looked at him and knew you couldn't lie to his face, the truth spilling from your mouth faster than you could comprehend. he seemed more excited to hear about you being a witch than you did when you found out you were one.
you swear him and scott to secrecy, telling him it's already dangerous enough that they know. your secret is safe with them but god are they annoying about it.
what spells can you do? do you have a cauldron? do you have any family members who died in salem? could you put a curse on jackson? not a super serious one just so he...ok nevermind.
as irritating as it could be, you knew that they meant well.
sometimes when you're in your room studying your grimoire, stiles will ask you to translate the little latin notes on the sides to him. when you start to get annoyed you'll explain one to him and tell him that whatever you just said is a curse and because he asked you to say it its now on him. his face is priceless every time.
the day of your becoming ceremony is pure chaos to put it simply. your parents wake you up and give you your favorite breakfast foods which is always nice. the stiles picks you up from school while he and scott are acting completely suspicious about a surprise they have for you.
you find out what it is when you get to school and see a giant banner at the front of the school that reads "happy birthday y/n!". it's almost enough to make you cry.
once the school day is over you have to head home for the ceremony, but not before your best friends beg you to tag along, not knowing that you haven't exactly told your parents that you told them your secret.
its safe to say they were pissed off when you got home, but we're more understanding (and slightly shocked and scared) when you told them that scott was a werewolf. but the more supernatural the better!
the ceremony goes off without a problem, and by the end you already feel stronger. the new power surging through your veins gives you a boost of confidence.
you drive with stiles as he drops scott off, before he takes you up to your favorite spot overlooking the city. its one of your favorite ways to end a night, looking out at your home and talking to your favorite person in the world. with your newfound confidence, you admire stiles as he rants about something before grabbing his face and bringing him in for a kiss.
you pull away after a few seconds, looking at his dazed face to see if he reciprocates your feelings or not. when he gives you that signature dopy smile of his and kisses you, its more magical than you could've hoped for.
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Dave Strider, Dirk Strider
Act 6, page 7748-7756
DAVE: ok actually maybe i will get into it
DAVE: i dunno why my friends got to have adults around who cared about them
DAVE: they complained bitterly about stuff so i guess i convinced myself they were all in the same boat as me
DAVE: but thats not how it was
DAVE: their complaints were trumped up nonsense and i bought it cause... i dunno
DAVE: i didnt have any frame of reference
DAVE: but his dad and her mom no matter what they said it was so obvious they cared about them deeply
DAVE: even jades weird fuckin grandpa who died when she was young obviously would have done anything for her
DAVE: why did i get such a raw cut of the asshole deck
DAVE: and why did it take me so long to figure that out
DAVE: and like hes dead now so thats that
DAVE: so all thats left to do is look back and try to put the pieces together of my first 13 years
DAVE: and all i can think is what the fuck WAS that?!
DAVE: i dont come away with the impression i used to try convincing myself of, that he was like "mysterious" or "stern" or "aloof"
DAVE: the only feeling left is this insane impression that i was raised by somebody who fuckin HATED me
DAVE: and the whole act of even "raising a child" was some totally fucked up game to him
DAVE: like parenthood was one of the highest tiers of irony in his solemn bullshit bro-ninja code
DAVE: so he went through those motions and did whatever he thought was "funny" or "badass"
DAVE: but under that weird stylistic and totally sociopathic approach to parenting i cant even IMAGINE there was any emotion toward me other than some sort of loathing
DIRK: What...
DIRK: Did he do?
DAVE: i dont want to get out the laundry list
DAVE: but for reference laundry wasnt one of those things
DAVE: that was just one of the many little domestic things i just had to sort of FIGURE OUT
DAVE: sorta like i eventually had to learn what the REAL purpose of a refridgerator was from movies
DIRK: Wait.
DIRK: What??
DAVE: i dunno theres too much to even get into
DAVE: just
DAVE: i dont remember the atmosphere ever not being nerve wracking
DAVE: all havin to sneak around and...
DAVE: ugh my shitty childhood spider senses are tinglin just thinking about it
DAVE: it was "training" you know
DAVE: but you know what it really was it was some vicious shit that was bad and sucked and i hated it
DAVE: it didnt make me stronger
DAVE: it did the opposite
DAVE: it made me never want to fight
DAVE: it made me never want to see blood or be near danger or hear metal sounds
DAVE: it made me hate the idea of being a hero cause he was a hero and he ruined the idea of heroism
DAVE: i dont even want to be fighting this shitty version of jack but hey nobody else has secret welsh powers so i guess i have to
DIRK: ...
DAVE: what gets me is how long it took me to put all this together
DAVE: to stop seeing it as some kinda roughhousey and eccentric life i had but was otherwise normal
DAVE: it took years to deconstruct it all and put it back together to understand how fuckin mad i should be
DAVE: and in particular how stone cold deeply uncared for i was my whole life
DAVE: like... being merely "monitored" by a violent robot
DAVE: i only started getting it after spending a lot of time in person with a bunch of people who actually did care about me
DAVE: and i could start feeling like
DAVE: actually somewhat human for the first time
DAVE: instead of...
DAVE: some sort of runty afterthought to a household cabal of smutty puppets
DIRK: ... Puppets?
DAVE: the fuckin puppets!!!
DAVE: i know how it sounds but i am NOT joking and there is NO shred of doubt in my mind that he loved all those puppets more than me
DAVE: honestly it is very possible that he was just insane and thats that
DAVE: i guess it didnt help either that we lived with what we have come to understand may theoretically be the most evil doll to exist in any universe ever
DAVE: in fact its my tenuous understanding that he came down to earth with that thing and like actually grew up with it
DAVE: maybe...
DAVE: maybe spending 30 some years being unseparable from that hell puppet had some effect on him??
DAVE: maybe if it hadnt been casting a pall over our apartment 24/7 since he took me in...
DAVE: grinning...
DAVE: glaring...
DAVE: laughing in my sleep...
DAVE: maybe our lives wouldnt have been quite so...
DAVE: maybe we would have...
DAVE: ugh
DIRK: What?
DIRK: You ok there?
DAVE: .....
DAVE: .....
DAVE: yeah
DIRK: That doll.
DIRK: That was Cal, right?
DAVE: yeah
DIRK: Right.
DIRK: My version is "empty", apparently.
DIRK: Whatever that means.
DAVE: huh
DAVE: how do you know that
DIRK: A source.
DIRK: One supposedly knowledgeable in jujus.
DIRK: I never quite knew what that meant, though.
DAVE: well
DAVE: whatever his was
DAVE: "empty" is never how i would have described it
DIRK: Hmm.
DAVE: man
DAVE: i dunno if i figured something out here
DAVE: like um "explained" something or
DAVE: if im just driving myself crazy with this talk and nothing even needs explaining
DAVE: it doesnt change my past or how i feel about him
DAVE: he was still pretty much awful no matter what the reason
DAVE: and im sure thats the only feeling ill ever have about him
DAVE: so who cares why it was like that
DIRK: Yeah...
DIRK: That...
DIRK: All sounds really bad.
DIRK: I don't know what to say though.
DIRK: Maybe I shouldn't say anything.
DIRK: Since I just remind you so much of him, for, uh. Obvious reasons.
DIRK: I don't want to make you feel worse, or make it sound like I'm offering a defense.
DIRK: For him, or me.
DIRK: Because I don't have one.
DIRK: For either of us.
DAVE: come on man
DAVE: YOU didnt do anything
DAVE: this was just some douche bag with your exact dna, who happened to grow up to be my bro
DAVE: you had a completely different life full of like
DAVE: different choices and actions and stuff
DAVE: and even if you were gonna turn out like him youve barely cleared the half way mark on actually chronologically gettin there
DAVE: in some way ranting about all this is probably just uncool of me because...
DAVE: you arent him
DAVE: youre not resposible for any of this shit but im sorta implicitly tacking it on you anyway
DAVE: so
DAVE: sorry about that
DIRK: I'm not sure it's true though.
DIRK: At least, I don't feel that way.
DAVE: what way
DIRK: That I'm not him.
DIRK: The fact is, I am.
DIRK: It's something I've come to understand about myself.
DIRK: All splinters of me are basically me, no matter how much I want to resist that truth.
DIRK: Or pretend they aren't reflecting my own qualities back at me.
DIRK: I bear a certain responsibility for all of them.
DAVE: splinters...?
DIRK: Yeah.
DIRK: I guess the concept isn't that unique to me.
DIRK: We've all got other versions of ourselves running around here and there, throughout the various compartments of this messed up cosmos.
DAVE: right
DIRK: I just happen to be particularly connected to mine.
DIRK: I've felt...
DIRK: Haunted by them.
DIRK: And what that really means is, I'm perpetually haunted by my own bad qualities.
DIRK: So, when I hear about stuff I did in another reality,
DIRK: I'm not sure what my adult self might have ever tried to do to atone for that stuff, if anything...
DAVE: pretty much dick squat
DIRK: Yeah. But in any case,
DIRK: I'm sure I was completely in the wrong, and I'm sorry I messed up your life.
DAVE: ...
DAVE: thanks
DAVE: but
DAVE: it still feels a little odd accepting an apology from somebody who i just met and technically had nothing to do with my life
DAVE: even if you do feel guilty splinterways or whatever
DAVE: it is just a messed up situation
DAVE: and i guess i had to vent
DAVE: and there was never anyone i wanted to say all that to
DAVE: and the only thing that was gonna drag it out of me i guess was like a teen stand-in phantom of my dead bro
DAVE: just some perfectly innocent dude havin to take the brunt of this shit
DIRK: I'm not particularly innocent though.
DIRK: I've messed a lot of things up.
DIRK: With my friends.
DIRK: Honestly, that's why I wasn't that bent on sticking around, when I showed up.
DIRK: And pretty much jumped at the offer of flying here to get ready for some yet to be explained battle.
DIRK: Battles are easy. Just you, a sword, some bad guys... it's a lot simpler than having to answer for things you did.
DIRK: For the most part, I feel pretty bad about the role I played in my friends' lives.
DIRK: Especially Jake.
DAVE: what happened there
DIRK: I don't even know.
DIRK: An unmitigated disaster for which I'm entirely to blame.
DIRK: It's not any one thing. I think I was just a completely toxic element in his life from day one.
DIRK: I don't know what he's doing now.
DIRK: I wouldn't be surprised if he was trying to avoid me as much as possible.
DIRK: I'm sure that's for the best.
DIRK: I think I need to stay out of his business for a good while, so I don't risk poisoning another innocent kid's life.
DIRK: Like I did with you, apparently.
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: i mean
DAVE: maybe its a little different cause relations between peers is a whole other thing
DAVE: its tricky shit and youre both figuring stuff out on a relatively equal footing and youre both at the same point in your lives
DAVE: its not like when one person is older and supposed to be a lot more...
DAVE: never mind this is a fucked up thing to think about
DAVE: but the bottom line is yeah laying low while you sort out your stuff cant hurt
DIRK: Right.
DIRK: The thing with that, with my adult self's...
DIRK: Ways.
DIRK: The sad thing is,
DIRK: I can really see it.
DIRK: How someone like me can go unchecked in life, and turn out to become a much worse person than I already am.
DIRK: I guess I'm just relieved I still have some time to make sure that doesn't happen.
DAVE: you dont actually seem like a bad person to me though
DAVE: nah
DIRK: Why not?
DIRK: We did just meet, after all.
DAVE: because
DAVE: i dunno if truly bad people wrestle so much with whether theyre good or bad
DAVE: i think if i ever sensed my bro like
DAVE: struggled at all with what he was doing or who he was
DAVE: or showed any sort of doubt
DAVE: that might have changed everything
DAVE: but there was never a crack in it
DAVE: or the slightest hint of introspection behind the aggressive cooldude facade
DAVE: if there was i sure never noticed
DAVE: i mean personally
DAVE: i think about it all the time now
DAVE: what it actually means to be good or bad
DAVE: or if not something that starkly moral
DAVE: at least just trying to examine the difference between being decent and being a douche
DAVE: maybe its because of him i worry about that now
DAVE: but for me i think that internal struggle is kind of mild
DAVE: for him...
DAVE: or you i mean
DAVE: it sounds like some pretty dark shit
DAVE: like grappling with...
DAVE: becoming evil vs simply trying not to
DIRK: Yeah.
DIRK: That's not too far off.
DAVE: but the point is
DAVE: even just talkin to you a little bit
DAVE: its obvious youve been fighting with that
DAVE: which means that you care enough to put in some effort
DAVE: i think that counts for something
DIRK: Maybe.
DIRK: Not sure if I'm ready to accept a pat on the back for recognizing I have some problems, and worrying about whether they'll destroy me and fuck up the people I care about.
DIRK: That might be setting the bar kind of low.
DAVE: well when it comes to the subject of him
DAVE: the bars already pretty low dude
DIRK: The weird thing, honestly,
DIRK: Is that it's actually kind of refeshing to hear a sincerely leveled critique of all my negative qualities, coming from another person invested in a relationship with me, rather than from a fucked up iteration of myself as some bizarre "trollish" form of self abuse.
DIRK: The only thing I've ever been exposed to are either various forms of self loathing either from me or my auto-responder, or attitudes completely oblivious to my real issues, as expressed through my friends.
DIRK: My friends always seemed to cut me so much slack, or were just never aware of the kind of person I really was.
DIRK: Well, Jake probably is, by now at least.
DIRK: But he's also the sort of guy who's just as likely to blame himself for stuff I did, as he is to blame me.
DIRK: Jane and Roxy, though.
DIRK: Never seemed to see anything wrong with me.
DIRK: If anything, just the contrary.
DIRK: Roxy in particular had a certain... fixation.
DIRK: She meant well, but was so enamored of me, and seemingly everything I did.
DIRK: Which I think was the last thing I needed.
DIRK: To be idolized in some form by other people I respected.
DIRK: I had enough of that feeling coming from within, particularly when I was younger.
DIRK: And since then, I've been plagued by the insane ego of my youth in the form of an artificial intelligence I designed which essentially trapped that state of mind in a sort of horrid suspended animation.
DIRK: Until... recent developments, of course.
DAVE: so
DAVE: was that stuff true
DAVE: when you said you idolized the other version of me
DIRK: Yeah.
DAVE: and not just some bullshit like how i used to say the same thing about my bro when i didnt know any better
DIRK: It's definitely not like that.
DIRK: I never lived with him, or met him, so couldn't have anything like the contentious relationship you had with my older self.
DIRK: He was a historical figure from centuries ago.
DIRK: There was a lot to admire, and think about fondly.
DIRK: Especially since I was alone, and never had any direct contact with another person, or any concept of civilization.
DIRK: So even though I'm sure I romanticized what his life was like, and the early 21st century in general,
DIRK: It was nice to think about you.
DIRK: I passed a lot of time that way.
DAVE: you say there was a lot to admire
DAVE: like what
DIRK: Well...
DIRK: He was pretty famous.
DIRK: Made some successful movies.
DIRK: At least under a somewhat expansive definition of "success".
DIRK: And an even more expansive definition of "movie".
DIRK: His work accumulated a lot of subversive political influence, which got him in trouble later.
DIRK: He made like a million bullshit Statues of Liberty, scummed them up with jpeg artifacts, and littered them all over the planet.
DAVE: holy shit
DIRK: He was also a pretty badass swordsman, and an active member of the resistance movement.
DIRK: He slaughtered the clown presidents on the roof of the White House, and flew away on a shitty skateboard.
DIRK: Then it seems he gave the Batterwitch a pretty good run for her money.
DIRK: It wasn't enough, but at least he went down fighting.
DAVE: that
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: ima need to hear more details on this some time
DIRK: Sure.
DIRK: But as you can tell, clearly there was a lot to look up to.
DIRK: I thought about the examples you set constantly. The creative ideals, the advanced theories on irony and humor, the tales of courage and martial prowess.
DIRK: Really, I modeled everything about myself after you. Or at least everything good that I was trying to become.
DIRK: And I probably spent an embarrassing amount of time imagining what it would be like to live during his time, and to be able to have something resembling a sibling relationship, or be in some sort of master-apprentice situation.
DIRK: When I finally learned you existed, and started to understand who he really was in relation to me, that put a lot into context.
DIRK: I realized he was a version of you who got a chance to live up to his full potential.
DIRK: And when I understood there was a young version of you, in a situation sorta like mine, whose time on Earth got cut short when you were thrown into all this,
DIRK: I was at least happy to think there was some reality where you got the chance to do everything you wanted to do, be successful, and fight for all the right things.
DIRK: Even if ultimately it didn't lead to a great outcome for humanity, you had an opportunity to live a full life and show what you were made of.
DIRK: While I guess I had... the same opportunity on your world, somewhat less fortunately.
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: but then for all my bitching i guess i still never grasped your full reality
DAVE: just like you probably didnt grasp mine, but just reading into the mindset of a historical figure as best you could
DAVE: what if i wasnt as heroic as it seemed?
DAVE: what if adult me was kinda douchey too in a way you couldnt observe
DIRK: Perhaps.
DIRK: But beyond a certain point, I think accomplishments speak for themselves.
DIRK: I dunno if you can just completely shred every person who ever did great things because they had some flaws.
DIRK: All I can say is, it was important to me to see him the way I did.
DIRK: As a good person who inspired me, and set the standard for what I wanted to be.
DIRK: It kept me going.
DIRK: That said, I'm also glad there's this version of you who got to go through all the things you've been through.
DIRK: Like, yeah, you didn't get to be the cool celebrity who cuts down juggalos on badly defaced government property.
DIRK: And the idea of a "normal life" was rudely taken from you, and it's something you'll never get to experience.
DIRK: But this is so much more challenging, and uncertain.
DIRK: You get to apply all that potential you showed in one reality to something much bigger and more existentially critical.
DIRK: Whatever strength you showed in trying to save a dying planet, the fact is, I think we need that more here.
DIRK: And the trials inherent in being a part of something like this, I think they bring more out of you than a relatively pedestrian life on Earth would. Make you face more things about yourself. At least, that's been true for me.
DIRK: But it sounds like it's been true for you too.
DIRK: It sounds to me like the experiences you've had changed you a lot, for the better.
DIRK: You mentioned the experiences with him that were designed to make you stronger have actually made you weaker, but really, I doubt that's true.
DIRK: I bet you've become stronger than you realize, not because of anything he did, but because of what you've done, and the ways you've changed yourself through your own effort.
DIRK: I hope it doesn't come off as overly sentimental garbage, but it seems to me like you turned out to be a really good dude.
DIRK: Like, really, a better sort of dude I ever imagined talking to when I pictured meeting the legendary guy I idolized.
DIRK: I pictured him as probably being "too cool" to be the type of guy you are.
DIRK: But you know what, fuck being too cool for that.
DAVE: ...
DAVE: you
DAVE: ...
DAVE: ...
DAVE: ...
DAVE: you dont think im cool?
DIRK: Nah.
DIRK: I mean, in the right way, yes. I think you are.
DIRK: But, in the way that doesn't mean anything and doesn't matter,
DIRK: Not particularly.
DAVE: ...
DIRK: Anyway, that's...
DIRK: All my "stuff", with respect to your other self.
DIRK: Again, there's a lot more I could say about him.
DIRK: Maybe stuff you should know, or maybe it's all irrelevant to the path you're on now.
DIRK: Regardless, I'd be more than willing to answer any questions you have about him.
DIRK: Or, anything really.
DIRK: Feel free to ask me whatever, ok?
DAVE: ...
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: ill have to think
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bikwin5 · 1 year
pikmin 4 thouts
i haven't actually posted that much about pikmin 4 now that i think about it but i finished it a while ago. as close to 100% as i think it can be. i don't have the drive to make a complete review so i just wrote down a list of things i liked and didn't like. there are no huge spoilers in this until the very end
THINGS I LIKED -adding a marketable dog is usually a sign of getting desperate. the simpsons did a whole episode about it. even in the ask the devs interview they were like yeah we added a dog to create appeal. but despite all that i ended up warming up to oatchi not just as a character but his gameplay as well. letting him swim, carry, attack, and act as a second leader all works very natural in pikmin's world and he basically acts like a very big and powerful pikmin. it takes a bit of getting used to learning the new mechanics but i think it was a good idea overall. still kind of wish they went with the playable bulborb idea instead. -the biodiversity is kind of ridiculous in this one. pikmin 4 has 100+ different creatures and a piklopedia to interact with them all, making for endless hours of fun without even playing the game. in fact there are so many creatures it felt like some had a pikmin 3 problem where they weren't used enough even though this is a big ass game!! i also like the return of pikmin 2 styled bosses in contrast to 3's where most of them felt very scripted. -the selection of things to collect is no doubt the best in this one. i like that completing a set of treasures lets you look at everything at once. -i like the hub area. its nice to walk around a bit. -having 8 pikmin types is a bold move but they pulled it off pretty well. the 3 types limit on the surface actually works well. i like that each area has "recommended" types but allows you to swap out others regardless. it makes it so advanced players can do more tag barrel switching if they want to. -the level design feels a bit of a departure from past games with how expansive each area is but i do like it, it keeps things fresh. there's still a lot of depth to clearing out each area and cave efficiently. -it was at least harder than pikmin 3!!!! yippee!!!!!! -the gwafics are goregous in this one. pikmin is one of those series that only looks better with visual fidelity. -i like the equipment upgrading system. i enjoy how it allows certain equipment to be optional even after you already make it. this lets me get rid of the power whistle because i don't like it.
THINGS I DIDNT LIKE -my #1 complaint is the auto-lockon feature. i desperately wish i could turn it off. i think they intend you to have motion controls on for more precise aiming but i don't want that. i just want to aim with the stick. the lockon makes some things trivial and some unnecessarily frustrating. there's a FUN to be had in trying to get perfect aim with pikmin! it's a BALANCE!!!!!!!!! but maybe nintendo doesn't realize that… nintendo if you patch this game to give me an option to turn off auto lockon i'll be a good kid and buy your new mario. -pikmin 4 has the best pikmin AI in the series but there some small changes are so frustrating. in particular they REALLY hate the idea of using more than the minimum number of pikmin to carry something. they physically stop you from throwing for a bit and then pikmin that are already idle don't even bother. it's a small thing but it's persistent and it drives me insane. -balancing 8 types of pikmin is not easy. that being said i think pikmin 3's types in particular got shafted a bit. rock pikmin have a weird nerf where they can die from crushing but only on hard surfaces? i guess it's to prevent trivializing certain bosses. winged pikmin don't act much different but they feel like what blue pikmin were to 3 in that they barely get a chance to shine. it's fucked because all the earlier areas probably have winged pikmin paths programmed in that most people will never see… it breaks my heart just thinking about it -ALSO the white pikmin damage nerf was totally unneccessary. as a result all the poison themed enemies are so weak and oatchi can dispatch them easily with the poison upgrade so its like why are these guys still candypop bud exclusive -the controls might be almost TOO tight. particularly the oatchi bunchup is really OP when it comes to fights. i think this game throws a lot of tough situations at you but jumping on oatchi trivializes them a lot of the time. -enemies not respawning is really weird. particularly on the surface where they NEVER respawn. it kind of strips the organic feeling of pikmin away. -everyone says this but too much tutorial. please stop making the characters talk to me every time a pikmin dies on screen. i'd say it feels like nintendo is regressing to the skyward sword era but not quite, if they did then then there would be a cutscene every time you break down a wall.
looking back at this section i sure did CAPITALIZE a bunch of arbitrary words. i think shepherd was right when she said bernard's speaking style rubs off on you.
VERY MINOR NITPICKS -i wish my man hajime wakai was still doing the soundtrack cause you can tell he didnt. pikmin 4's soundtrack isn't bad it's still pretty "pikminlike" but i think you can tell its not the same as it was -for having a "dandori" theme pikmin 4 doesn't feel nearly as incentivized to be efficient as much as 3 or even 1. the fact that night expeditions take up full days bothers me and i can't help but wonder how much replays will be affected with how much stuff they crammed in the main game.
BIG SPOILERS AFTER THIS POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-i think olimar and louie got a lot of fun exposition but the new characters not so much. it feels like they got disregarded later in the story. -final boss was the easiest in the whole series. yes even more than hey! to me. i lost like maybe 5 pikmin total. i think what makes it so easy is that there is very little risk in engaging, you throw 2 purple pikmin on the tail and when it falls over you rush with oatchi and that's it. the one scary thing about it is the final phase where it can do the roar that scatters pikmin into death pits but i didn't get hit by it because i'm epic and awesome like that. even then having one difficult thing at the end of an otherwise easy final boss just feels kind of cheap. -i wish the lineup trumpet wasn't a secret late game upgrade because i would have liked to play the rest of the game with it.
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anxiousdemifaemess · 1 year
Fun Fact About My Dad
He is the reason why cross-tree builds were removed in World of Warcraft back in 2008. He had a hunter called Doog. Doog was a character he built, and mained as a hunter. obviously.
Another fun fact about my dad: he likes to break things to learn how they work. at this point, it was 2007, and unknown to wee little babby demi, my dad was starting shit and doing very well at not getting hit.
He was using this hunter with a level 10 pet as a tank- which, yknow, shouldnt be possible. he had so many players submitting complaints, saying he broke their ret-pali builds, that he HAD to be cheating- he wasnt, btw, he just exploited the HELL out of the cross tree build mechanic. but enough complaints were submitted that blizzard locked his account, investigated everything he'd done, and had to say "nothing is WRONG with what youve done but you did break the class." and then cleared out EVERYTHING he'd done. including his macros.
This Did Not Deter Him From Doing The Same Exact Thing In 2009. Because in 2008, after he'd spent a year on Doog and had everything reset, the Burning Crusade update arrived with a new character class: the Death Knight.
Death knights, he explained, were low aggro, low damage, and low heal. They were not an overly strong class. And again, my dad looked at the skill trees, looked at the possibilities, and decided that he didnt need an ultimate skill when he could multiclass his skill tree enough to take over when any party member (dps, tank, healer, etc) tried to cause a party wipe. he was able to out-heal, out-damage, and out-aggro any party member no matter their class.
and again, he started getting complaints made against him. he started getting private messages just cussing him out because HOW DARE HE make their healer/paladin/whatever IRRELEVANT with a damn DEATH KNIGHT?!
and again, blizzard mods and developers locked his account and went over EVERYTHING. He gave them access to his personal computer. they tried to decide, again, if he was using any hacks, cheats, or mods. And again, he wasn't. He was told "You've done nothing WRONG but this is unhinged as hell and why would you play it like this?!" They reset the character- again, including macros- and a month or two before the Cataclysm update, a patch was released that removed cross-tree builds in the game.
My dad, understandably, went "fuck this" and stopped playing for a LONG time, until my brother wanted to play with him and my mom a couple years ago. and he still didnt get near as invested as he was when i was a kid.
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dykeyote · 1 year
for the chnt 'choose violence' ask game :-)
YIPPEE i love games like this
7: character i hate not bc of canon but bc of how the fandom treats them ..... UP AND ADAM . i actually really liked adam i thought his aesthetic was really fun and i was excited for him but the way he overshadows other characters who are way more promiinent despite having no speaking lines and no personality yet and not having had literally anything to go off annoyed me . give me salem content!!!!!!!! no more of him!!!!!!!!!! ive seen enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (no hate to my adam loving mutuals i dont shut up abt jedidiah and he takes up a lot of space too its just a certain kind of adam fans that grate on me)
8: common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about . taptap . usually how people kind of take away elijahs agency in his own actions? people tend to favor a portrayal of elijah that suggests that while his Actions were bad, his Intent was not bad . that he didnt know what he was doing somehow and was trying to do the right thing . which i think is pretty blatantly disproven by the fact that he was still weird towards sydney before the ritual ever happened and by how malicious his manipulation of sydneys disabilities is but eh . i also find people dont tend to understand what jedidiahs arc as a privileged individual .... Means? (this isnt gonna be femidiah discourse i swear pls pls) which is on two sides of the spectrum theres the spectrum that just decides hes a completely bad person without any rigorous analysis of his character that treat privilege as an unnuanced thing . OR people who refuse to analyze that many Many interactions jedidiah and sydney have automatically have an underlying of ableism to them and that most plot poitns in their arc you can look at and say this is about disability bc they like jedidiah and again, cant see privilege as nuanced, and feel like they hvae to avoid the everpresent fact of his ableism and privilege to be able to like him . both of which come from a lack of understanding of how privilege like . works . ppl struggle to be nuanced about jedidiah i find . and as a whole like to take the characters and decide if theyre good or bad based on how much they like them
9: "worst part of canon ..... oh thats hard i really like chnt its hard to pick out a Worst Part . most of the things i dont like are characters i want to see more of or things that are really well written but that *I* dont like cough cough elijah . hmmmmmm . this is hard . uhhhh . what do i DISLIKE in chnt thats not fanon . like id say i dislike that so far the main antags appear to be both young attractive sexymanny types and i hope they vary that later on? but thats like HEAVILY influenced by how annoyed i am with the treatment of adam and elijah in the fandom so idk how fair of a critique that is and we've also seem so little of adam and the show as a whole that it seems in poor faith to judge him absed on what is about 80% fanon . so my only gripe that i can think of immediately isnt really good media criticism .... maybe ill have more complaints as the show goes on" answer from another post (:(:
10: "worst part of fanon . may be predictable based on the above response but oh my god i hate fanon elijah so much . i HAATEEEE him more than i hate canon elijah and i HATE canon elijah . i hate him!!!!!! i hate him when hes sexyified i hate him when hes goofy and silly i hate him when hes just a little guy i hate him i hate him i hate him!!!!!!!!!!! it takes an incredibly interesting villain who is absolutely vile and it makes him boring as hell!!!!!!!!!!! add that to the fact that fanon elijah overwhelms literally any content for just abt any character you might actually care about especially the women and i am frothing at the mouth" also from another post >:)
21: part i think is overhyped . LET ME CLARIFY THAT I DONT MEAN THAT ITS BAD . i can think something is overrated and still like it . but VERY easily rowaniper..... i love rowaniper i think theyre very cute and all but people seem to forget that they interact in like ..... one episode ......... and its a cute episode!! but people act like theyr The Main Romance or something and its like can we calm down . and i wouldnt even mind so much but people tend to ignore like ...... everything interesting about their relationship? bc to ME . the sweetest thing about rowaniper is how juniper Tries for rowan how he acknowledges his own flaws and how he harms rowan and tries his best to improve tings . but people like to pretend that junipers done nothing wrong ever so you dont even get that most interesting part of their relationsihp </3
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bumblebaubles · 4 months
I dont think hybe is going to win any of their cases against min hee jin.(maybe belift will and thats only because defamation in korea can apply even if a statement is true, so theyd basically be admitting to plagiarizing mhj but suing her because it made them look bad) even though the court of public opinion and the literal court of law are two different ballgames I think my opinion can be traced back to the way hybe handled the garam scandal. They were heavy handed, overconfident, and showed their hand too late. When you are actively sitting on evidence that could easily clear everything up,,, why play all these games.(on one hand i understand once things are in a cout of law, releasing it to the public isnt plausible,,, but there are so many things they did not have to hide that makes this a real head scrather) min hee jin is an unlikeable coke rant prone art snob but hybe jumped the gun quite a few times during this whole fiasco.
they basically said that they sent people to her place to audit her before they sent the email to reply to her plagiarism allegations. saying that hybe was at her house by 10am then sending the plagiarism complaint response at 10:01am did not make them look any better. then that same day they run to the media to announce the audit before mhj even opened all their emails. the timestamps on the articles announcing the audit are literally at the same time they claim min hee jin read the email saying that she was being audited. how are you announcing to the media that youre auditing someone when you havent even found them yet??? thats just sloppy.
they most definitely audited as a response to her plagiarism complaint. of the last minute response to her complaint wasnt enough the court is now saying that the evidence they turned in was not sufficient enough to fire her. a lot off people think that it was the clause that saved mhj's ass but the court said that she didnt take any sufficient actions to divorce hybe and ador.To add insult to injury, adors vp said that the proof hybe has mentions using the arabian and singaporean wealth funds to vuy out ador... hybe could have the best lawyers in the country present that as a hostile takeover but there is no way any court would take that seriously. and now that hte person who told hybe that mhj was meeting with outside investors was revealed,,, it old gives more questions than answers. the whistleblower says he received an offer, but i havent seen him say who he received the offer from... the netflix documentary better SLAP damnit!
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igreu-simmons · 1 year
im so f**king tired of everything
the self help shit on social media is bullshit if you cant even utilize that stuff in your day to day life. Im so done with staying at home and doing absolutely nothing. I'm use to making new friends every year but the friends that I made last year were truly bad for me so I cut them off but now I am alone. I havent spoken to anyone in so long and I am literally losing it. Even writing a post like this feels like shouting in silence but atleast I get to publicly yell about it (stepping outside of my door and trying to yell will just get people to make weird looks at me).
My friend said one of the worst things you can do is introducing your friend group to a different friend group. I don't know how legitimately the friend who told me this was since I only met him online. I dont know if I am currently living in a day and age where making online friends should be normal but to me it is not. Anyways i heard him out cause he seemed like he was speaking with experience and expertise regarding this topic and he said that.... well honestly I dont remember what he said. I dont think he elaborated anymore on that but my imagination and overthinking skills kicked in to try to figure out why mixing friend groups would be so shit.
So, I looked at my specific circumstances. One friend group was this group of friends I met online during the covid online schooling year. Some of the guys I met from one of my classes introduced me to their old neighborhood friends a few months after and I started talking more and more to them. With the online
Explaining all of that was important because that is why I am alone today. Does a part of this state of being "alone" come with loneliness, yes, but I would like to thing that this is something that I am familiar with and something I just havent seen in a while. What the problem is is that I am feeling the most experimental and rebellious right now and I can't do anything about it. Yes I have been known to be kinda extroverted and loud, possibly even confident online when talking to random people, but whether that was a product of the lack of consequences of my actions and possibly tying the words I was saying to me as a person, its very possible and possibly true. I want to run and I want to fall. I want to do the things that I feel like I have been training my whole life to do and have mentally trained myself for to "slay". I dont even care if I have a childhood or teenagehood, me running will always be my teenagehood.
But again, I feel trapped. At this point its a waiting game where I just have to sit and suffer. Then, you might be asking, what is the point of sitting down and writing your complaints if they are going to go away soon? Its the fact that I have to sit and suffer through the wait in the first place. I have waited for many things in my life. Results to exams which I had studied for, results to exams which I hadn't studied for, the consequences to my mistakes whether it could've been fixed by eraser or by having better friends that I didnt feel peer pressured by. I have waited for so many things that were to be revealed in the next following hours or things that were in the distance future. But right now is the first time that I had felt like I was wasting my own time. My own time anxiety was compounded with the fact that my suffering was not just me learning to experience a different emotion for the sake of getting out of my comfort zone. My suffering was the bad choice that was presented to me when the good choice was also there right along. It was this summer when I started to feel like my life was truly in the my own hands and I could make something of it myself, and yet I was still stuck at home.
This could be a blessing. As much as I love being organized, maybe I was not to be trusted. Instead allowing myself to learn like how I wanted to, learning about life would cause there to be irreversable problems to my perfect suburban life. Really I had many things that the other kids had but I just wanted to do something on my own.
I would like to say that all of this is just in my head but in the same way that I feel the need to be shouting this in an online post and making a mark in physical space, this has been taking a physical toll on my body. I havent been able to eat properly and some days sleep properly in the past few days and plates of dinner I had tried to convince myself I would finish are laying in the room next to mine because they have officially started to smell. When your brain can't find a way to directly fight the thing it hates, it compensates by ruining something else that was doing fine in your life. I wish I could say that I am going to try to eat better by whats the point of fixing something if nothing is gonna change anyways?
this post is incomplete and shares the surface level of the thoughts that linger through my mind during this year's summer months. I will be doing my best to finish the thoughts that I have started in the near future
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phoenixfangs · 1 year
>:3c fandom askies for aa, depending on your Mood
Salty: 1, 8, 10, 25
Neutral: 16
Posi: 17, 18
JAJAJAJAJAJAJA pepper coming in clutch as always, and u KNOW im gonna do all of them, mood be damned. going under a readmore because i rambled!!
the character everyone gets wrong
maybe its a boring answer but phoenix. good god do people just Not understand him. i think the fact weve seen him in so many forms (feenie, trilogy, 7yg, aa5/6) makes it hard for people to get a pin on him, but thats the thing: u cant really get a pin on someone like that. too often i see stuff where, well into his thirties and having gotten his badge back, people portray him as just as outwardly emotional (and sometimes emotionally volatile...) as he was when he was dating dahlia, and Thats Simply Not The Case, especially after how guarded and jaded he became during aa4. hes SUCH a complicated character i cant even go into specifics and try to give other examples, because they each require paragraphs of their own explaining context and nuance in what goes through his head. i dont know how else to go on, just know that i am the only person who is correct about phoenix wright, and if anyone requires consultations for fic or art, my fee is steep but fair
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
all of them. no im kidding, uhhhhh hm. i guess that klavier and apollo Immediately knew they liked each other/were attracted to each other and spent any time pining for the others affection during aa4. i like klapollo as a ship, i just dont think klav teasing apollo with flirtation when they first meet means he was Seriously Flirting with apollo, i think its possible there was a base physical attraction but he was mostly just trying to get apollos goat for fun since he was a rookie attorney. and because of that, what reason does apollo have to be drawn to klavier? apollo isnt some stock tsundere, i think he probably was really annoyed by klavier and Didnt Like Him All That Much at first. plus, with aa4s story being what it is, i just dont think any romantic feelings are on either of their minds until well after the last case. with their ship, i like to imagine they start as professional adversaries (not rivals in the sense phoenix and miles are rivals, its a different vibe), then become friends, THEN graduate to exploring other feelings
10. worst part of fanon
all of it. no im kidding, the worst part of fanon is how rigidly people expect u to obey it. if u dont portray miles as a gay trans man, people look at u weird, for example. which isnt to say that its Bad to follow that fanon, obviously i also think hes gay (i dont personally headcanon him as trans though) but just that it is fanon. until we get concrete proof in a game or anime or what have u of miles demonstrating or naming his sexuality/gender expression, it is just as perfectly valid to portray him as a cishet man as it is to portray him as a gay trans man, even if i personally think its weird and impossible to imagine him with a girlfriend or something. its fine to have different interpretations of whatever; its Not fine to get mad at somebody because theyre not following fanon that u personally ascribe to
25. common fandom complaint that ur sick of hearing
'i dont read wlw content because its all the same :( why are all the mean lesbians getting so mad that my mlm ship is just better :( its not my fault those stupid broads arent written as well as my spicy yaoi :( what do u mean one half of my mlm ship is a lamp ur just being mean to a mlm because ur bitter that ur stupid bitches arent written as well as my mlm gay disaster babies :( stop bullying me for no reason u crazy psycho cunt this is why nobody gives a shit enough about ur dumbass wlw ship to make anything for it :('
obviously nothing wrong with mlm ships, i have been known to enjoy many mlm ships! but when a wlw (particularly a lesbian...) complains about the disproportionate amount of mlm fan content between characters who literally never spoke, stood next to each other once, or where one of them is literally Not A Character (clay terran is a prop i am not wrong about that), its SO FRUSTRATING to see the response be someone taking it as a personal attack and throwing the blame back out at wlw for not just shutting up and dealing with it. that post that showed among us had significantly more mlm fics over wlw fics on ao3 when Those Stupid Creatures Dont Even Have Gender/Character applies to like literally every other fandom
16. u cant understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc.)
any situation in which phoenix depends on miles for money during 7yg. similarly, royalty/medieval au where phoenix is some kind of servant to prince miles, and yes being a knight counts as being a servant in my mind. these two things feel wayyyyy imbalanced to me but in fanworks theyre portrayed as like necessary and appreciated by phoenix (in the money situation) or really romantic (in the royalty/medieval situation). idk, to me, phoenix would rather saw off his own arm and eat it than accept money, especially from miles, during 7yg, and if he did accept it it would only be because miles says 'let me do this for trucy then if ur gonna be so stubborn about it' and he Begrudgingly Agrees; with phoenix being miless knight, it just feels too much like people seeing phoenixs one-sided devotion to miles in aa1 and going 'this is normal and desirable behavior', and idk how to tell people this but phoenixs savior complex over miles is Not Good fjkdsjlfslak like it worked out for them but i dont think phoenixs behavior towards miles in aa1 especially is indicative of a well adjusted, emotionally stable person, and that hardly ever gets talked about its just 'wee wah hes soooo in luuuuurve isnt that romantic'
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
siblingsssss there are so many good sibling pairs/groups in aa. also wlw ship stuff In General because there is never enough in any fandom. also also (because i love to kick the hornets nest) more fic where the intention is to Tell An Actual Story With The Characters instead of projecting the authors trauma and/or kinks and/or personality onto the characters where it doesnt fit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
18. its absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
idk if krisnix counts as slept on because ive only been in the fandom for a couple years, i know things were different like 10-15 years ago and maybe it was more popular then, but. krisnix. jfkdsjfls. there is soooooooo much narrative drama u can cook up with these two, so many scenarios and angles, and uve got 7 whole years to fill!! and u can be as serious and somber as u want, going into mental health and toxic relationships and what it means to spend so much of ur life with someone who is so bad for u but letting go isnt easy because thats years of ur life with that person ur being asked to let go of, OR u can be silly and say that kristoph is christian grays lawyersona, because come on i dare anyone to try and tell me kristoph Isnt Also the worlds worst dom
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shoot-the-oneshot · 2 years
Aux Cord
Rooster x Reader BRAT TAMMER BRADLEY IS BACK!! Requested by anon for the tiktok single ladies trend! loving the Tiktok theme i have going on now if you liked All fun and games then you’ll like this one.
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Your eyes blinked open when you woke up, digging your face deeper into the fluffy pillow under your head as you struggled to get used to the bright sun shining through the window, Roosters chuckle made you shift peaking one eye open seeing him walk out of the bathroom a towel wrapped low on his hips as steam escaped out of the open door, your eyes slowly scanning his body following a water droplet trail down his abs so intently you didnt notice him smirking at you.
“Go ahead get it out now.” He spoke moving past the bed, and you, to his dresser, pushing yourself up on one elbow, resting your head on your palm shamelessly staring at the scratches on his back with a smirk.
“Why do i have to get it out now?” You questioned. Rooster shot you a look over his shoulder, and made the short walk to lean over you trapping you between his braced arms pressing into the bed “Because i expect you to be a good girl for me on this road trip.” His breath hitting your face looking down his nose at you, your wide innocent eyes not fooling him.
You almost forgot about that, the upper brass wanted the top gun pilots to do a test flight out of a different base, and there was no way you’d get them on a commercial flight so the aviators decided to take a road trip. “And if I’m not?” You boldly asked.
Bradley smirked huffing out a laugh, biting his bottom lip as you saw something change in his eyes, that switch flipping in his head. His hand sat heavily on the middle of your chest pushing you down flat on your back as he followed closely. Hand sliding up to your neck his thumb pushing your jaw up to meet his sharp eyes, voice dropping a few octaves.
“I know you won’t be you’re always bad around our friends,  thinking i wont do anything, act up on this trip Y/n i might just surprise you, huh maybe show them just how good you can be for me.” He brushed a stray hair out of your face, brushing his lips against your as he spoke. “Remember how good you were for me after that night at the bar.”
“Please.” He smirked at your whimper, you didnt know what you were begging for but Rooster always knew what you needed, instead of giving in he pulled away man handling you to flip over, delivering a harsh slap to your butt before he pushed off the bed. ‘Hey!” You yelped after him as he disappeared back into the bathroom you could still hear his laughs through the door. Throwing yourself back onto the bed with a groan, this is going to be a long drive.
You and Phoenix were waiting for your fellow aviators to load up their cars it had been decided that Phoenix and Hangman would be riding with you and Rooster much to his dismay. He could already see your brattiness start to come out just as he expected. With a sigh he announced it was time to head out, interrupting your conversation with Phoenix to get into his Bronco, he held the passenger door open, grabbing your hand as you passed.
“Remember good girls get rewarded.” He whispered pressing a kiss to your engagement ring, “But I always behave Roos,” he let out a loud laugh at your admission shutting the door and rounding the car. Plugging your phone into the aux before he could flood the car with his 70s hits. He playfully groaned when he noticed, he really didnt mind but he liked your little victorious smile as you bested him you give him the same look when you beat him in one of Mavericks dogfighting test.
As the hours went by many stops later and hangman’s complaints of gas stations only having junk food as if he’d expected to find salmon at any of them, and Phoenix pointing out things as you passed occasionally and feeding Bradley snacks while he drove acting like he couldn’t take a hand of the wheel to do it himself, instead begging you to feed him, mustache brushing your fingers as you did. Making the two pilots in the back pretend to vomit every time.
You and Phoenix met eyes as the opening notes played out through the car smiles widening, she squeezed between the front seats as you leaned into her, heads knocking together as you both passionately sang along, “All the single ladies, all the single ladies!” dancing in your seats, hangman no doubtedly recording you two on his phone for blackmail to use later on, rooster had a soft smile on his face seeing you having fun. Until the next line that is.
“All the single ladies put your hands up!” Simultaneously you both threw your hands in the air, the wind from the open sunroof tickled your finger tips.
Rooster immediately reached over and pulled your hands down, looking between you and the road. “Put your hands down!” He yelped shocked you’d do it in the first place. Holding your hands in his on your lap. You looked at him in astonishment. “What?”
“The song said single ladies put your hands up, you are not so keep them down,” he explained like it was common knowledge and he wasn’t just over reacting. Even Hangman let out a laugh, “Come on man it’s a song let them have fun.”
Rooster balked as you agreed with the other man, “Yeah it’s just a song Roos,’ then the part came up again and you confidently threw your hands up again staring right at him, luckily for everyone in the car he had stopped at a red light because he lunged to pull your arms down while shouting and glaring back at Hangman. “Stay out of it.”
“It’s a song Bradley!”
“And you’re not not Beyoncé! You’re Y/N Bradshaw” You rolled your eyes trying to hide your smile.
“She was married when she wrote the song you know.” You giggled genuinely finding his behavior amusing. You couldn’t wait to marry this fool. He dramatically nodded his eyebrows practically in his hairline. “And that sounds like a Jay Z problem”
Unbeknownst to the two in the front seat Hangman had subtly grabbed the aux cord plugging in his phone, Phoenix who noticed slapped his arm. Jake shushed her smirking at the back of Roosters head, he liked messing with the pilot on a normal bases but he loved doing it when you were there because he knew he wouldn’t retaliate in front of you the most he would do is glare.
“Well if you liked it you should’ve put a ring on it Bradshaw.” Emphasizing his point by pressing play the song once again blaring through the speakers, the three of you now singing along, Rooster slumped in his seat growling to himself, “I did.”
And he did the proposal was perfect he had switched his Hawaiian shirt for a white button down, and had a romantic picnic on the beach waiting for you at sunset where he got down on one knee, Maverick even flew over in a F-18 letting off flairs like fireworks as you said yes. He knew your head went to the same place when you grabbed his hand off the wheel to hold. Then the opening to Bye Bye Bye started and you took a deep breath.
It was late you both just dropped of your two passengers at the base Bradley having rented a Air B&B close by so you could have your own space together. He had already brought the bags inside by the time you walked through the door, gasping as you’re pinned to the wall next to it. Bradleys chest pressed tightly against yours.
“Ready to talk about that car ride.”
I hope you guys likes if you liked Brat tammer Bradley check out all fun and games
let me know what you thought in the comments likes and reblogs are always appreciated!! Topgun request are open!!
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sweetiejunie · 5 years
Don’t mind me
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Summary: annoyed, you wanted to get back at him
Genre: smut
Yeonjun x reader
There he went again, screaming and laughing into the mic at some of his friend while they played, what you now know to be labeled as, an fps game. Sometimes you felt bad for his mic, having no escape from the torture, but at the same time, neither did you.
His computer was located a mere wall away from your shared bedroom, in the echoey living room of your home. On nights where he wanted to stay up playing games, you would head to bed first, neither of you seemed to mind really. Eventually, someways throught the night, you would hear the door creak open and a pair of arms would wrap around you.
It was currently 4am when you had once again woke up to the noise of your boyfriend hysterically laughing and swearing at his teammates when ‘did something stupid’ as he would put it. You never understood what could possible get him so riled up about a game.
This wasn’t the first time yeonjun has woken you up with one of his antics. It’s happened many nights before but every time you tried to talk to him about it, he would apologise and immediately forget what you had just agreed on.
Tonight, however, you weren’t having it anymore. You decided to do something about it, something more than just using words or having a chat with him. You wanted to mess with him... i guess you could say you wanted to fuck with him, both literally and metaphorically.
Wearing an oversized tshirt that belonged to yeonjun, you stepped out of the bedroom. The moment you opened the door, his voice was even more amplified, the only barrier left between you and him now removed. As much as you loved him, you hated him for interrupting your sleep.
Entering the dark living room, you spotted him at his usual corner, next to the TV, facing the windows. You walked up behind him and placed your hands on his, so very broad, shoulders gently massaging them as you wanted to first make your presence known.
He was only dressed in a simple tank top and sweatpants, yet he still managed to pull it off, looking absolutely amazing.
“Oh hey love. Sorry, did i wake you?” He asked, muting his mic and removing his headphone. He tilted his head up to look at you.
His skin glowed a tint of blue as mixture of moonlight and light emulating from the monitor screen reflected off him. As ethereal as he may have looked at that moment, you had to remind yourself you supposed to be mad at him.
“No it’s alright. Dont mind me, continue your game, i just wanted to watch you play for a while,” you said, in a sort of passive agressive manner.
You didn’t want to tell yeonjun your actual motive for coming out here, and you highly doubted he wanted to know either.
Turning back to his game, he unmuted himself and spoke with his teammates again. You took this opportunity to begin placing kisses along his neck.
“Y/n what are you-”
“Shh,” you placed a finger on his lips. Holding back a smirk, you continued, “like i said, dont mind me and continue your game. I’d like to play a game of my own, and the only rule is that you’re not allowed to mute yourself anymore.”
He looked at you in confusion. ‘Yeonjun where are you?’ You heard one of his teammates ask through his headsets.
“Your friends are looking for you babe, it’s rude to keep them waiting,” you said with a pout, showing yeonjun you were ‘innocent’.
Having no choice, he put on his headphones and returned his attention to the game. “Yeah I’m here, sorry. I just got a little distracted by something.”
You continued your actions, littering kisses along his neck, jawline and anywhere else you could reach from that angle. You smirked as you heard yeonjun try to swallow a lump that had formed in his throat.
Moving one side of his headset to the back of his ear, you leaned in. “Gosh babe, you look so hot in tank tops, you should wear them more often,” you said breathily, just loud enough for him to hear, making sure his mic couldn’t.
Running your hands up and down his bare biceps, you laughed as yeonjun pressed his lips together, afraid of replying you, afraid of what the mic would pick up.
Grabbing one of his hands, you lifted his arm up and slid between him and the table, straddling him. You placed his hand back where you picked it up and rested your arms on his shoulders. You watched as his actions froze, both in real life and in game.
“You better keep playing before they start getting suspicious,” you warned, looking at him with your doe eyes.
Unable to process what was going on, yeonjun didnt dare move.
“I said keep playing babe, don’t pay any attention to me.”
‘Yeonjun! Quick we need back up! Where are you!’ Hearing his teammates voice, immediately, yeonjun woke up from his dazed stated.
“I’m- I’m on my way!” He hesitantly replied them.
You gave him a look of approval as he tried his hardest not to be bothered by your actions. Seeing him struggle to keep his composure amused you. He continued talking to his teammates, attempting to sound like his normal self. I would tell you what he was saying but honestly, you didn’t really care about that.
You continued placing kisses on his neck, gently sucking on the skin, leaving subtle marks as you made your way down. Arms tighly wrapped around the back of his neck, you felt as he started to poke your inner tigh. You took this as an indication to start grinding on him.
Not wanting to block his view of the screen, you lifted your head just enough to see his expression. Pleased when you noticed how hard he was fighting back a groan as he grew harder underneath you.
You stripped yourself of his shirt. And lucky for him, or maybe not so lucky in this case, that left you in a pair of lace lingerie you had put on, knowing it was his favourite.
“You know, you don’t have to hold back. You could always just let your dear friends know how you’re getting laid right now,” you whispered into his ear.
Yeonjun swallowed hard, keeping his mouth shut as he felt your breath tickling his ear. He wanted to touch you so badly, but he could take his hands off the keyboard, not wanting to get killed.
Determined to get that groan out of him, you hands wondered down to your own core as you touched yourself through your panties. You continued, “fuck babe, i just want you in me so badly.”
You played with your clit and let out a whine. You knew how much yeonjun hated you touching yourself. You didn’t need to now that you had him. Yeonjun’s pupils were blown up with lust as he watched your little act.
“I’m so wet for you, i just want to ride you right now. You’ll be quiet for me right? Unless, of couse, you want them to hear,” grinning, head resting on his shoulder as your hands moved underneath his shirt. You pushed yourself down against him harder, adding the preasure you both so desired.
He chocked on nothing, contemplating his choices, hesistant to make a decision. Of couse, he did want to fuck you, but he didn’t want his teammates to know what was going on either.
You noticed his hesitation and decided to answer for him. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. As long as you dont make too much noise, you won’t embarasse youself in front if your teammates.”
You pulled his pants and boxer down, just enough for his member spring free from its confines. You pumped him a few times, loving the sight as precum leaked from the tip. Spreading it down his shaft, using it as lubrication, you stood up slightly, pushing your panties to the side as you slowly sat down on him.
You let out a content sigh as he filled you to the brim, and yeonjun only wished he could do the same. You laughed slightly as you noticed how he started to respond his teammates with one word answers instead, his mind probably a mess of thoughts.
“You feel so good, you fill me up so good yeonjun,” you said as you started to move your hips on his cock. Using him however you pleased.
You threw your head back, letting out a moan, feeling him twitched inside you as he bite his lip so hard he could almost draw blood.
“Fuck junnie, I’m cumming,” you said, hands on his shoulder for support as you rode out your high.
By this point, yeonjun was in so much ecstasy he didn’t care about the game anymore, the screen just became one big blur to him as he ignored all the complaints he was hearing through the voice chat. Just as he was about to reach his own high, you stopped.
You stood up, getting off him and retrieving his tshirt off the ground. Giving him a wink as you made your way back to the bedroom, closing the door behind you. Leaving a very confused, and frustrated, yeonjun behind, wondering what on earth just happened.
You knew what was going to happen afterwards. Yeonjun hated being teased, and even more so, being left with blue balls. Most people would be a little more worried in this situation, but not you, you loved a rough and frustrated yeonjun.
You sat on your bed, legs crossed as you heard footsteps approach the bedroom. And well, you can guess what happened next.
Am not turning into a smut blog but ill just write whatever i feel like writing at the time. And a little smut never hurt anyone right 😉 still not good at writing these sorts of things but I’m working on it!
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ironclawpoint · 3 years
i blazed through the last half of the game and yelled at fyghm server folks about it instead of posting here because i just Had to talk about it, but anyway: i beat the game and i want to get my thoughts out before my impressions are influenced LOL
this is the strongest nmh combat/gameplay has ever been. wow. it was really really good, for a nmh game that was POLISHED. i was like, glued to the game, the pace was spot on the fighting felt GOOD i loved the new mechanics!!!
the sushi theme fucking slaps and is the best song in the whole game i love you abo/okumura - but i think the soundtrack suffered a bit from being all kind of evenly pretty good with a few VERY strong standouts? kind of like how tsa’s soundtrack was good but i dont like the boss themes stand out more than the overworld music / that rank battle sting
holy shit it was so campy and so fanservicey and i am ok with it if it’s the last nmh game ever, and also THAT KAMUI AND NOTORIOUS LIVED. i was catered to in every way except for inio asano’s kamui looking 12, evil henry, and badman dying, but i think i’m satisfied with how he was mourned.
could you guys just not afford steve blum :|aaaaa
the whole game i was scared it was gonna be like a simulation / all a dream and i am SO GLAD IT WASN’T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ASSASSINS YOU SENT TO KILL ME ARE MY FOUND FAMILY NOW. i feel like someone might even see this as a corny ending but? again, if this is the end, im actually grateful, and the touchdown crew gets to live on and be buddies and have movie nights ;_______;
also i can’t believe i just told someone “you don’t have to play tsa” when so many of the best parts of this game were tsa callbacks straight up lmfaooooo
the post-credits jeane and hunter thing is so ?!?!?! LOL. it wouldn’t be nmh if suda didnt leave a bunch of loose ends, but i like that it’s open? like, we get so much room to think about what it Could be, and maybe suda will change his mind and make another, but if we end here then phew.
my only complaints are:
overworld was fun but Why Is Half Not Accessible, and why is Neo Brazil like.... nothing.... lol. i get that it’s supposed to be the star but ???
i wish we knew more about sylvia’s motives and stuff ;( i loved to see her be so mysterious but please, suda, a crumb
if you’re here you know my asano kamui complaints lmao but at least he’s cute. how cute he was makes that almost 100% forgivable. like 80% forgivable
i wish we got to see more of badgirl and shinobu outside of end game T_T
model notorious’ beautiful face and kissable lips cowards
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authorofdanger · 5 years
Genre:Angst with slight fluff at the end
Poly/Hybrid Skz AU
Humans: Chan, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Changbin
Dog Hybrids Felix and Y/N, cat hybrid Minho, Fennic Fox hybrid Jeongin, and Chipmunk hybrid Jisung.
(I'm sorry but Woojin has a few mentions and a small appearance)
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It started slow, his typical sweet and gentle nature shifting into a violent and destructive one. The warm glow in his eyes dulling and his smile transforming into a scowl. His open and inviting hands became fists that would swing without second thought.
I was the first to notice these changes after he stopped playing with me and shoved me away when I came up for cuddles by the fireplace and hugs in the kitchen when he was trying to help cook. The other hybrids noticed soon after I did, one by one as they lost their friend. The humans on the other hand wanted to push it off as his upcoming heat or his grief after Woojin left, maybe even both. Inside I just knew it couldnt be the case, there has to be more.
These shifts would continue for nearly three weeks until one day the worst would happen. It was early on a Tuesday morning, a quiet day for the most part for us hybrids. Chan and Changbin were at the gym they owned, Hyunjin at his dance studio, and Seungmin at his cafe, leaving the rest of us to do as we will in our new house we just recently got.
I was bundled under the blankets in the living room with Minho as cartoons flashed across the screen but not holding either one of our attention. He was more occupied with his phone while I kept an ear out on Jisung and Jeongin, who decided to try and play video games with Felix to cheer him up. All seemed well until I heard a loud thud and an ear piercing shriek that followed with pure chaos.
Chunking the blankets off of me and leaping off the couch, I raced down the hall and nearly tripped over Jeongin whom was balled up in the floor. Minho checked on the younger for injury as I burst into the demolished bedroom to find Felix hovering over Jisung, snapping his teeth at his upper arm. Jisung's face was bruised and he was crying out in pain and fear since he was powerless in the dog hybrid's trap.
"Felix stop," I cried before going to pry him off and yanked him to the ground with his back against my chest, getting harshly in the wrist as a result. He fought hard against me, clawing at my arms and thighs while trying to bite me more. "Minho! Call for help," I begged as I bared the pain Felix was forcing on me. My eyes never left Jisung as he writhed in pain and grabbed at his now bleeding side that I didnt notice earlier.
"Felix please! STOP," I barked as the pain was starting to be too much for me but I still held on. I had to protect my pack, I was the only one who could! With Felix and I being the only two dog breeds we could both easily kill the other hybrids and from the way Felix was fighting me I could tell it was a possibility if I were to let go.
It took Changbin and Chan nearly ten agonizing minutes before they arrived to me nearly having to give up and the others locking themselves in the bathroom as Minho tried to patch Jisung to the best of his abilities. Blood was all over my body from all the scratches and bites Felix had been inflicting and my face was stained with tears. Changbin yanked Felix away from me and Chan scooped up my body to be cleaned and examined. His face held so many emotions but I could see anger was seething through the most. Setting me in the bathtub next to Jisung I screamed in pain as the soapy water stung my wounds.
"Holy shit," Seungmin gasped as he ran in, "what happened?" Minho shook his head but continued to clean Jisung as he shakily said "I dont know. Y/N and I were on the couch when it started! It's never been this bad!" I laid my head onto Jisung's shoulder while Chan lathered my skin and examined every bite and scratch, trying to calm my nerves with his scent. "They need to go to the vet. There isnt much we can do here and the injuries are deep. Look at her thigh," Chan groaned as he stood up and asked Jeongin to go get towels and clean clothes for us.
The bathwater was tinted a dark pink from our mixed blood but the towels Jeongin retrieved would be stained just as bad as Seungmin and Chan helped dry us off. "Shit he got her pretty bad," Seungmin whispered to Chan. The towel only added to the pain and I tried to shove Chan off of me put his grip was just tight enough to hold me in place. "Look what you did," Changbin boomed as he pulled Felix in by his ear. Jisung immediately curled into Seungmin and I fought to get in front of the three of them to keep Felix away. Minho stepped in front of Jeongin and slowly made them back away protectively but his ears pinned down in fear.
My body immediatly tensed up and a low but loud growl ruptured through my chest with my teeth bared, stopping everyone in the room. I never growl at them, hell Chan has never heard me growl at all! Even when first meeting the other hybrids I only showed pure joy and love. "Y/N what the hell," Chan asked while reaching out for me. "Get him out," I barked as my growls grew louder and more threatening. Felix's eyes skimmed my body and his initial anger quickly shifted into guilt and saddness, tail hanging low and limp. "Lock him in the guest room until I get back. Seungmin help me get them dressed so Changbin and I can get them to the vet," Chan ordered, "I need everyone to stay away from Felix until I say otherwise.
"Thank you," Jisung stammered as we pulled into our street, "for helping me. I didnt stand a chance against him and you got hurt and-" I placed my hand on his cheek and hushed him quietly before sighing "Its okay Sungie. I'd do it again if I had to. You guys are my pack and I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, even if it hurts a little."
"You guys shouldn't be fighting at all," Chan grunted, "now I need to know what happened." Jisung shook his head and placed his head in his hands, body trembling from oncoming anxiety. "I dont even know! We were just playing Just Dance and he lost the round and then got aggressive. He was about to go after Jeongin for winning but I got in the way and he lashed out!" I gently rubbed his back as a few sobs escaped his lips and turned to look at Chan as he parked in the driveway. "I kept saying something was wrong but you guys wouldn't listen. He needs help Channie." Chan was eerily quiet as he got out of the car while Changbin stayed close to us while we limped towards the house. My legs were both insanely sore and Jisung's side hurt with every step but we refused to be weak and lean on eachother, knowing to keep the house as calm as we could, we had to keep our composure.
"Are they okay," I heard Jeongin cry as the front door opened. "I'm fine," I called out. "Alive," Jisung added. I was nearly tackled to the floor by the youngest as soon as I entered the living room and Minho was close behind but more careful with our injuries. I could hear the humans talking about something but for once chose not to eavesdrop, deciding if it was so important to keep quiet then maybe it should stay that way.
"Yeah when I got here Felix was locked in the guest bedroom and there was blood all over your room! What the hell happened," Hyunjin asked, "cause frankly it seems the rest of us dont know shit!" "I dont know okay," Chan snapped, "he has never been like this! Even when I first found him he was never fucking aggressive, just scared! On his heats he can be a bit temperamental but nothing at this rate. The closest he has ever been to this was when I first got Y/N but never to the point of fighting! Hell he was fine that same night!"
"Chan could this be a dominance thing," Changbin asked, "I mean Woojin just left and our dynamic in the house had altered because of it you know? Maybe he is trying to assert more dominance on himself." I eyed the other hybrids carefully as we all thought about it. It really could be what's going on. I've noticed between the hybrids in the house we have had to alter duties in the home and other various romantic situations but dominance hasn't changed! I've always been head of the hybrids while Chan was big man of the humans and never had there been a single complaint! Even Minho was fine with me having charge and the man radiates dominance.
"Maybe I should talk to him," Chan groaned. "No," I said lowly, "if he were to lash out at one of you guys like he did Jisung and I you would get mauled! Atleast by the time Binnie got to him I had been dealing with him for atleast ten minutes. Let me go in, he isnt likely to injure me more right now." The room erupted with arguments but I did notice something extremely odd, there was not a single sound coming from the guest bedroom he was locked in. Creeping my way down the hall I felt a breeze from under the doorframe and could smell the outside air and only a faint one of Felix.
"Guys," I called out, "Felix jumped out the window again. He got out." "Fuck again," Minho growled. Recently Felix has had a knack for escaping through windows, a detail the others probably forgot about while I was gone. "Okay Changbin you go check the parks, Seungmin and Jeongin check the neighborhood, Minho and Hyunjin go check the cafe's and our shops, I'll go check the pounds. You two stay here and call if he comes home before we do," Chan ordered while fiddling with his keys.
One by one the others arrived home between eleven and midnight, not a sign of Felix anywhere. My heart was racing, what if he was taken or attacked? What if he just ran away? Why would he leave us? Doesnt he love us? "Y/N why dont you come on to bed? He'll show up," Chan suggested. The others were already in bed and asleep but Chan wanted to wait for me. "Just a bit longer. You go on ahead though, I wont be long." Placing a kiss to my forehead and hugging me for a couple of minutes he slipped on to bed, leaving me waiting all alone.
Sitting in silence gave me time to think back on recent events and little warning signs of Felix's personality change. Felix seemed to challenge my authority more now that I think about it. As Chan would take on both of Woojin's positions, momma and cook of the house, and taking on an extra job at a local daycare I noticed that during Chan's absence Felix tried to take control. When I would remind him that I was in charge when he was gone Felix would argue that he was in Chan's life first and is the strongest in the house. He would also mention how dominant he was in most relationships in the house despite his hybrid features and it was ridiculous that a switch as sub oriented as I was had such a dominant role over all of the hybrids and some of the humans. "Felix it's just how it ended up and you arent stable enough to be in Chan or I's spots." "Technically Chan took over Woojin's spot and you took over his! How is that fair that you get all this power?"
I guess in a way he was right, maybe I should have listened to him and stepped down a bit. "Felix if you dont quit your yelling-" "You'll what Chan? Punish me? Funny how you punish us for things Y/N gets away with," Felix boomed. "Y/N only yells when she has to," Chan argued, "and I do punish Y/N when she does something wrong let me remind you." "But we cant! Because she is head over us like you are! You both get to take alpha roles and for what? Why does Y/N get any power over us and not just you?"
Just then the door creaked open and Felix was dragged in by Woojin, whom had a dissapointed scowl on his face. "He came to my house. Tell Chan to call me in the morning," he sighed before leaving as quick as he came. Felix stood there for a moment, analyzing my body and every bandage. "I'm sorry," we both said at the same time before looking at eachother in confusion. "I'll let Chan be the only one in control. I'm pretty sure that's why you've been upset right?"
Nodding his head and looking to the floor I could see a flood of emotions on his face. "You remember when you spent your first night with us in my bed? How you curled against me and acted so small with us? What changed when we moved here? What made you act so dominant over me, taking what little control I had?" "I dont know," I admitted, "Felix I never tried to hurt you. I just felt like I had to be so strong when we moved and got in this massive relationship. I had to learn a new language from scratch, I had to be so strong! Maybe it changed me but I honestly dont know."
Tears rolled down my cheeks and i buried my face in my hands. "I didnt want to seem as weak as i was when you guys found me." I felt a strong grip around my shoulders and his cheek against my head. "I'll stop trying to be so tuff if you stop being so aggressive." "Okay," he whispered, "can we just lay down in here? I know if I wake up Chan I'm going to be bent over the bed and end up with a bruised ass and I dont want to deal with that just yet."
"If anyone deserves a bruised ass its me," I chuckled through my sobs. "That can be arranged later. Let's just sleep."
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kareofbears · 4 years
persona 5 royal: my thoughts after finishing it five minutes ago
disclaimer: the only reason im writing this is because 1) i have a lot of thoughts and feelings that i need to write down and if i dont ill explode and 2) i want to be able to find this when p5s eventually drops so i can compare my thought processes. if you do not agree with what i’m going to say, that’s cool! just block me or ignore this post. 
now for the sake of sanity, i’m going to try and narrow down this entire list into chunks because this’ll probably be very very long and very much about me just screaming about stuff that i liked, loved, and don’t like. i will be spoiling both the original persona 5 and persona 5 royal, obviously, so i hope you finished both!
1) Akechi
so yes. Goro Akechi. Everyone’s favorite murderer. I’m going to by spewing a lot of hot takes, and this is probably going to be the spiciest: i am in the most intense love-hate relationship with this brown haired antagonist because jesus christ is he a complicated son of a bitch. I know i’ve complained in the past about how much Atlus often struggles with utilizing a character well, but that does not at all relate to Akechi in any way, shape, or form. 
I’ll say this now: He is a character I genuinely, truly hate, yet he is the one I want to hear from the most. He is someone who is a bad person (yes, he is a bad person) but whenever he comes on screen he makes me sit up, he makes me pay attention to him because that’s just the aura he exudes. He is a character who i would never, ever waste my time defending or justifying his actions, but every minute joker spends with him is a minute i want to stretch out as long as possible because he is just that good of a character. He is interesting, he is well defined, he is smart, he is clever, he is sassy, he’s a motherfucking asshole who’s never had a vibe check in my life and i still hate him. Goro Akechi is what Star Wars wanted Kylo Ren to be, and that allegory may not make sense to many people but it works for me so i’m saying it. It’s to the point where writing akechi in a fanfic makes me sweat because in my opinon capturing the essence of akechi is near impossible unless you know what you are talking about (i do not mean that in anyway to discourage people from writing him, im just saying that I am a coward because i will never be able to write a good akechi). Anyway, bottom line is: i despise him but my eyes are always glued to him at all times.
back to the main point-- Atlus absolutely nailed this character and every single addition they put in for Akechi. I’m so damn thrilled that you actually have confidant hangouts with him because every single time you talk to him, it services not only the plot, but it perfectly does what it is supposed to do: it makes you like him, but also leaves the player slightly unnerved. they do it so casually that I might have trouble explaining it, but bear with me: everytime you hangout with him, he always does or say something that unhinges you just a little bit, it leaves you asking ‘wait why?’ or ‘but how did you know that’ or ‘why are you saying that?’. akechi is constantly playing mind games with you. and not only that, adding backstory to akechi (moreso than in the original) is just fucking fantastic. he’s always been a fully fleshed out character but after playing royal, goro akechi actually exists in my mind, and i still hate him (but also i dont. but also i do. anyway)
2) the ending
just finished the game and this is the point where i am at odds with p5r for the first time. the ending to p5, in my opinion, was flawless; everything was perfect and had meaning. from the shot of akira being shown to not wearing glasses anymore because he no longer feels the need to wear a mask (character development: he was very unhappy at the beginning of the game and now he’s happy with his friends--i love it), to his friends being the one to drive him home (amazing, he left his home town and came to shibuya alone via transit, and one year later he’s now leaving with all of his best friends in a van they rented just so they could stay with him as long as they can--it’s perfect, i love it), and also all of them seeing how large and infinite the ocean is (because now there’s unlimited options for them because they all have a new perspective on life). 
But....none of that is there in p5r. it feels impersonal. no one drops him off at his hometown, he was still wearing glasses, and there’s no grand metaphor about what they all achieved. 
Now, i am not a (complete) moron. I know why they had to change it: it’s because of persona 5 scramble (i think). they wanted to set up a plot for the next game and i feel like thats the reason why persona 5 royal’s ending suffered for it: they were too focused on the next plot that they forgot to focus on the sentimental ending for p5r. don’t get me wrong, seeing akechi in the train station absolutely made me lose my shit and made me scream at one in the morning, but i think they lost the core meaning in doing the other stuff. i did not like the focus on maruki and kasumi (will be talking about them later), cause i feel like it took away from the ending, and i also didn’t like the fact that the whole joker outfit in the reflection thing (but i will be letting it slide since it was during the after credits anyway). So while i do love one (1) new aspect of the final cut scene, i still adore and stan the one from persona 5. 
3) the entire last semester 
i’ll be quick: the final palace? the best palace. fight me. it’s fantastic, it’s innovative, it’s interesting, and most of all, the palace ruler is actually the best one in the entire game and i know i wont be the only one to say this. maruki is not a villain: i know for a godamn fact that im not the only one to say that i almost agreed with his deal of allowing the reality (damn i almost agreed twice) because why wouldnt you?? it’s literally a perfect reality! the only reason i didnt agree is because i knew the game wouldnt want me to agree and would force me to have the bad ending! anyway, i love the last section so much. the palace design is interesting, the antagonist is brilliant (who doesn’t love a morally gray antagonist?), and finally, the payoff of kasumi happened and it made me silent for ten minutes. the entire reveal of her being sumire and kasumi being dead is just so genuinely shocking to me that it nearly broke my neck.
what actually broke my neck was the initial incident for the third semester. seeing everyone in this wild alternate reality made me so unsettled that i literally got a stomach ache. i saw morgana as a human and nearly passed out. shiho in the underground? wig. ryuji saying he’s on the national pedastal for running? literally my eyebrows just popped off my head. fucking WAKABA? FLATLINED. brilliantly executed and i love the initial akechi and akira buddy cop movie vibes in the beginning it was just so fun. 
one huge part of the third semester for me though, was of course, akechi. seeing him completely throw away his ‘charming ace detective’ speil was the most refreshing and interesting and not to mention, hilarious part of the game. he does not give a fuck about anyone and he is not afraid to let you know. he is the biggest savage and the most insane person on the phantom thieves group. he’ll roast you, he’ll roast your boyfriend, he’ll roast fuckin anyone and it’s fantastic. not to mention his dialogue is killer: he says the most bat shit insults ever and my favorite example is when you go up to him near the end of the game, you know, to hangout with him and be a nice guy, he just does not hesitate to say ‘what, you came just to see me? just the sort of brainless sentimentality i’d expect from you.’ i LOVE IT because why the hell would he try to be nice? the jig is up, he’s got nothing to hide. and he owns it. atlus seriously nailed akechi in this last semester and it’s brilliant and i love it.
4) everything else 
- one small thing that pissed me off in both games (but especially this one) is how many godamn fake out deaths there are. Morgana has one, Akira has one, Ryuji has one, Sojiro has one, Maruki has one, motherfucking Akechi has two. it just hurts me!
- sumire is an amazing character who has depth and she is lovely and my biggest complaint is that it feels like atlus shoved her in. like, she feels like a new addition to the game, you know what  i mean? maybe its because ive played the original p5 first, but you know, it’s not a big deal. but i love her so much
- on the topic of sumire, i cant say that im completely super duper happy with how different she felt from the other thieves? im sure that’ll be explained in p5s but she just got so much screen time that it just truly made me confused?? maybe im just a horrible person, or that’s just a really hot take. but anyway, yeah maybe im bitter because i really wanted to see extra hangouts/school trips during royal, but didn’t really.
-baton pass? literally orgasmic. it made turn base battles so damn fun and the addition of darts and billiards made me foam at the mouth it was SO SMART AND INNOVATIVE AND I LOVE IT ATLUS I LOVE YOU ATLUS YOURE SO SMART SWEETIE
-small thing, but making spells like ‘dormina’ actually useful just made the game so much more fun and dungeon crawling became something i truly, genuinely looked forward to
-being able to give gifts to my bros? absolutely incredible. thank you. side note: seeing akechi happy from giving him a multi vitamin cracked me up. side side note: giving ryuji a fuck ton of weights and him just smiling made my heart so happy i love that boy so much
- ah this game just looked so GOOD! i thought the original looked good but they really went all out. im not kidding, the smallest details in everyday life or even just normal cut scenes were out of this world. especially stuff from the third semester its just OOF good JOB atlus i love you buddy
-ahhh thieves den! how can i forget? i love it. at first i was a bit iffy with it since it really felt like persona 5 (undoubtedly the biggest game atlus has created) was just jacking itself off. but as time goes on, it became a huge addition to the game and seeing characters’ insights and extra lines of dialogue became super duper interesting and a highlight of the game for me. and don’t even get me started on how much i love love love the photos they added of them hanging out! so lovely, a bunch of them made me tear up
- i know it’s literally impossible, but i feel like the game just forgot that akechi is a person who can wield multiple persona and i just wish that could’ve been messed around with during Palaces
- showtimes are so, so crazy and i get so embarassed whenever they play on my tv because they are just outlandish and unashamed but i love them so so much it just defines persona’s personality 
-because i love ryuji: i prefer the final conversation you have with him aka ‘whaddya mean? you’re there’ but there’s still a lot of really tender and sweet moments like akira genuinely telling him that he’ll miss him, and also the fact that ryuji wants you both to send each other your times through the exercise watch so you can still race ahhhh i love him so much yall
so, overall, this game is better than the original p5 because of the extra content we get. if persona 5 was the perfect dinner, persona 5 royal is that same dinner and you get to enter the dessert buffet. it’s brilliant, it’s smart, it’s hilarious, it’s heartwarming, and it’s undoubtedly my favorite game of all time without exaggeration. while i do prefer the final cut scene (and final dialogues with some characters) in the original persona 5, in the overall experience, persona 5 royal is superior in my mind. i would willingly get amnesia to play this game again. 
I didn’t get to cover everything, but this is definitely most of what i wanted to say. if you actually get to reading all the way to the end, thanks! it means a lot. i hope we can all enjoy persona and look forward to persona 5 scramble together :-)
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obscureoperations · 4 years
So, Im just gonna dump this here before I have to head out. Mind you I didnt edit any of this... let me liveee. It probably needs a part two b/c I didnt really get to the exact point. "Strapping Martin Prompt" *yikes face* Nsfw ahead
For the most part it was all just a waiting game, you were perfectly content with biding your time. It had been almost a week since you caught him red handed, sitting indian style in the corner of your room. Your box of “documents” laid open in front of him, the various contents tossed about. An untouched magazine with some greased up cowboy on the cover-- a pair of handcuffs, an unopened bottle of lube. He held the piece up in front of his face, inspecting it as it continued to furiously vibrate between his fingers.  A small caught from the doorway alerts him of your presence, he nearly drops the toy, before quickly tossing it back into the box, he begins scrambling to retrieve the rest of your items. “What’s ah… whats goin on here?” You ask, unable to hide your smirk. At times he truly was adorable. 
“Sorry.. I.. I was just looking for your walkie talkies..I--”
There in the same place they always are, love.” You offer, gesturing over to your dresser. 
He wanted to die, truly he wanted to die. He didn’t always go through your things. No, that would be totally invasive. He just wanted to know what was in that shiny black box. 
You were going to hate him. Why couldn’t he just mind his business? He knew this all was too good to be true. He failed to notice that you came to sit beside him, helping to collect your things. 
“ Martin, you know I don’t care right… I don’t really have any secrets, what's mine is yours..” You shrug.
He could practically feel the relief wash over him, but still you had to understand.
“Y/n.. I really didn’t mean to pry… I just saw the box a-and--”
“Now you think I’m a total perv…”
His eyes widen, he lets out something between a cough and a laugh, if anything he was utterly fascinated. “Did you actually use these things… before him?” 
“Most of em have been gag gifts, stuff from birthdays and the like. To be honest, you didn’t really use any of that stuff. You just kept it all as a laugh.“My friends from college were....they were assholes, I’ll leave it at that.” You shrugged
He was watching you with a curious expression before glancing back over to the open box. The black vibrating device rested next to what looked to be a harness, a realistic flesh colored device right next to it. What on earth
“ Yeah, they decided it would become a thing after a drunken game of truth or dare.”
“What happened?” He asked as he casually reached for the harness, inspecting the various buckles.
“Ohh god..” you sigh, looking up towards the ceiling “Look, I'm not going to do into details, they asked what's the wildest things you’ve done in the bedroom. Stuff was said-- and ever since they started calling me “rodeo” .
His eyebrows nearly shot up to his forehead, unable to hide his amused smirk. “Rodeo?” What was the best they could come up with.. He still don't completely understand. He figured that at least explained the magazine.
You glance over noting his amused expression. ‘’ Hey, laugh all you want pal, but I’ve never gotten any complaints…” You shrug closing the box, swiftly sliding it under your bed.
“I’m sorry… I’m still just sort of confused… did-- did you have a thing for cowboys or?” 
Your hands shoot up to cover your mouth, stifling a cackle. “Something about the innocence in his tone, you should just agree and leave it at that. But still you wondered---it was something that you never dreamed of bringing up to Martin. Rather you had, but had no idea where to even begin. He was honestly perfect for you, so innocent. You had no idea how he would react. 
“No.. Martin, you laughed. It’s nothing, you wouldn’t understand.”   
“Tell me.”
“Drop it…” 
You knew you shouldn’t have said it, you were already scrambling across the bed. In an instant one leg locks around your waist as his fingers scramble over your ribs. “That little shit!” 
“M-martinn-- Sto--pp” You wheeze.
“Tell me y/n!” he laughs all the while his fingers ghost over your lower stomach, You could feel your knee involuntarily reach up but for the most part you were still pinned to the bed. All it took was a few more seconds and he relents after you finally say okay…
“God…” You sigh, as you straighten your shirt, absentmindedly wiping at your eyes. “Fine, but don’t act like I didn’t warn you…
The two of you sat awkwardly at the edge of the bed, your hands fiddled with a stray yarn on the bed spread. “ Oh…” was his simple response. Really, after all the badgering all he could give you was “Oh..”
Well it was better than you should have expected, he was always so shy, so easily flustered, you were surprised he hadn't already mumbled some sort of excuse to leave.
“How many times?” He asks quietly.
“I don’t know really… we were already together. I dont keep track.”
“Was there anyone before him?”
“Well yeah, I had a couple boyfriends back in highschool…” 
His eyes widened a bit…”In highschool?!” 
You could feel yourself turning bright red. He was literally going to think you were some kind of fiend. “Look, it's not like that--”
He nods his head. He really didn’t know what to say. He could already feel that he messed up. He wasn’t truly shocked or upset, just surprised.. You had never bought anything like that up to him. It seemed to be a recurring thing in your relationships-- did his and yours not count?
You were rambling now, but what you were actually saying he wasn’t sure. He had so many questions. Various thoughts and images swirled through his mind. It all shouldn't be a total surprise. It wasn’t like you hadn't shown interest in a certain part of his anatomy, that he really couldn’t understand your fascination for.  It didn’t happen all the time, just once in a while, in the midst of a blow job. It was always good-- too good. He couldn’t fathom how someone could be that good with their mouth. He wanted more, he needed to prolong it, but with every stroke of your tongue he was careening towards the edge. He would beg you to slow down, and you’d reluctantly oblige, placing lingering kisses along his inner thighs. Tongue delving lower, in gentle circles… He blushed at the memory.
He finds himself inching closer, you were still rambling, much like you always did when you were nervous. Why were you nervous? You could tell him anything. Tentatively he raises a hand to your face, lightly cupping your chin. You seemed almost startled for a moment, he leans in kissing you sweetly. He could feel you visibly relax. “It’s almost seven, I need to be getting back”
Over the next few days you could feel a shift in his demeanor, he was always affectionate but there was something else. He would move to rest his head on your shoulder or on your lap when you sat together on the couch. He followed you around like a lost puppy, when you could ask him what was up, he’d simply shrug. He would watch as you busied yourself at the sink, soon enough he would stand behind you holding you close. Lingering kisses along the column of your neck as his hands flitter beneath your shirt. Just ask me.
He thought about it relentlessly, in his mind he was completely yours. He wanted to be yours completely, but you had still failed to ask. He always liked when you took control even he was the one pleasing you. The way your fingers would enwrine in his hair, tugging, causing something inside to ignite. The way your hands would always find his neck when you rode him, squeezing with just the right amount of pressure. How would you want him-- face to face? Or on all fours with your fingers digging into his hips. These were the questions that he needed answers to, he had to find out. It was important.
It was about four thirty the following saturday when he showed up at your door. You seemed almost surprised to see him. “ Martin! I didn’t think you were coming by until after dinner.”  “He let me off early… do you mind?” “No, of course not…” You offer letting him in, as you take in his appearance. “Well you look nice… were you wanting to go out?” “No, not really.” He was dressed in all black, hair perfectly combed. His sweater clung to his lithe form almost too perfectly. He looked… good. The two of you chatted idly as you sat on the couch in front of the tv. He watched as your nimble fingers flipped through the pages of the tv guide before you carelessly toss it to the side. “God for a saturday, the selection is shit.” “That’s fine.” He shrugs inching closer. “I really don't feel like watching anything.” You regard him with a curious expression as he almost cautiously eases in. Fingers lightly cupping your chin before kissing you just briefly. You couldn’t get over his scent, something almost citrusy along with fresh cut grass. You could feel his hair brush against his cheek as his lips move to your neck. Oh he was good. Seconds pass and you find yourself pulling him close as his teeth scrape over your racing pulse. Peppering kisses along your hairline, forehead and eyelids before his lips finally meet yours. The barely audible moan that escapes his throat had your hands reaching for the him of his shirt. Teeth digging into his bottom lip caused him to moan that much louder. Fuck…
He moves to rest on top of you as his hands flitter beneath your shirt, you can feel him already hard pressing against your thigh, you  take the opportunity to shift it against him. In an instant his lips are on yours again, the kiss was sloppy, all teeth over tongue. Needy whimpers dying in his throat,you could feel him grow impossibly heated as he ruts himself against your thigh. You begin to smooth your fingers in his hair, grasping gently just at the nape of his neck, tugging, causing him to gasp. You crain his head up to meet his gaze. His cheeks were tinted bright pink, eyes hooded, he looked like he was in a daze. His lips form into a slight pout as his hands dig into the flesh of your hip. “What’s gotten into you?” you whisper, gently kissing the tip of his nose.  His lips curl into an almost impish grin. “Nothing yet…” Your eyebrows shoot up towards your hairline. He was already kicking himself, the line was something from a bad porno. If anything he could get you to laugh, he was already laughing at the absurdity of the words himself. He places a lingering kiss at the curve of your jaw, before resting his head against your chest. Out of instinct, your hands continue to weave through his hair. “What do you need? Huh?”  This was it, he could already tell by your tone that you knew he needed you to take control. He sighs nuzzling that much closer. “Just ask me…” 
He felt like he was on fire, this indiscernible itch touched the deepest recesses of his bones. He needed to get closer, but you were only testing the waters-- fingers curling inside of him with ease.  A quiet moan falls from his lips as you bite down against his shoulder, fingers spreading apart, in a scissoring motion. His right leg curls around your own, drawing you close as he shivers against you. He can feel the piece pressing against his stomach, larger than he had actually imagined it being. It wasn't like you hadn’t throurally prepped him, with both your fingers and your mouth. If anything the use of only two fingers now left him feeling empty-- but there was still the flicker of panic. It only intensified when you climbed off of him, the lack of warmth caused him to shiver. He watched as you reached  for the bottle of lube applying a liberal amount to the palm of your hand. Nothing could have prepared him for the sight of you stroking your hand over the fairly realistic shaped piece. The sight alone turned him on in ways that he would never actually admit. Heat rises to his face as you regard him with an almost predatory gaze. It makes him remember his completely exposed state, legs lewdly spayed in front of you. Another drop of precum leaks back onto his stomach,his fingers bunch absentmindedly at the sheets. Why were you looking at him like that..”Y/n” he calls, worrying at his bottom lip. “What is it baby?” you ask sweetly, shifting between his legs. You place a hand on his knee urging him to prop it up. The gentleness of the action caused his heart to ache. You began leisurely smoothing your hands over his thighs, mesmerised at how open and beautiful he looked before you. Mouth sized bruises all along his collar bone venturing down across his chest. You can see the faint muscles of his abdomen contract. “P--please touch me..” His voice was no more than a whisper, you oblige, running your hands across his chest. Fingernails scrape over a hardened nipple, teasing it to a peak causing him to gasp. “I am...” 
“N-no not like that.. I need.. ahh--” His moan, a response to you repeating the same action on the other, pinching down hard enough to bruise. You move your hand to lightly cup his jaw, noting how he leans his cheek against your hand “so pretty..”You whisper, moreso to yourself. At this point you had no idea what you did to deserve him. Especially when he was looking up at you with those eyes. You didn’t really want to wait any longer you move to position yourself between his legs. “Here, put your leg up... “ you whisper as you move to press his leg against his chest, he blushes profusely at the familiar position. The embarrassment was short lived as you push forward slightly. “Ohh.. W-wait..” He can feel the blunt head of the phallus pushing lightly at his well prepped entrance… You still instantly… “You okay?” He sits forward on his elbow, moving some of the hair out of his eyes. He looked so anxious in that moment. “Martin… we don't have to do this… or we can ease into it more if you’re not ready.” “No.. It’s okay..just--” You lean in tracing your lips over his forehead, moving them to the tip of his nose. “What is it?” You ask as you begin peppering kisses along his jaw, he was already starting to lean into your touch. He can feel himself drawing you close, pressing himself against the silicone piece. “Slow...okay?” he asks quietly. “Promise..”
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bileshroom · 5 years
how do you feel about the new sally face chapter?
Im glad you asked! under a read more for spoilers for chapter 5
Myself and Fox are giving our opinions in this post so it will be very long
There were things i really liked and things i really didnt like
for example, the swapping dimensions and the changing art styles were very neat! i liked some more than others, like the rubber hose style for sal could of been a bit different in my opinion, @shinysnek did an edit/drawing and tweeked the tiniest thing and made the design alot more palatable 
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and the minigames were… really repetitive and sometimes very confusing ? esp todds door, the plus’s were almost impossible to notice! slightly darker grey against light grey just makes it look like part of the door :/ and the 3d bits were a bit hard to control during the later part of the game
and the writing,, it felt super rushed as if he just wanted to saddle alot of the damage onto native americans??? that completely came out of the blue, like he couldnt come up with some sort of cop out for why the cult is doing what they do
and still with the weird queer baiting with larry? like he made them brothers but is still pushing it, if steve wanted sal’s love interest to be ash why not have moments like ‘that’ with her instead?? it feels very uncomfortable in my opinion especially with him saying he was still,,comfortable with the ship which REALLY rubs me the wrong way
and the ending,,, dont even,, TALK to me about the ending, it honestly made me so upset?? like, and the epilogue to go with it,,, like okay cool the worlds still fucked over and todds still corrupt and larrys just gone??? for no real reason???????? hes just gone :| okay 
gnome larry was funny tho, didnt really explain why Larry got super old while megan stayed a 7 year old, i suppose you can explain it with like when ghosts arent bound to a place they can wither and age? i dunno whatever chapter 5 sucked and it felt like steve just didnt want to do it anymore
my turn! alright im going to be typing my opinion from a fellow writer and programmer’s POV.
the beginning of the game kinda drops you in which was a little surprising, considering the other chapters were very rich with exposition which is one of the things i loved about SF. 
It had this way of bringing you in even though you didnt know what the heck was going on. It made you want to learn more and it felt like you were THERE with sal. 
But this opening with just… ash tossed in fell a little… flat. yeah… graveyard… lets toss in some epitaphs as a reminder of who died, ok… cool. 
next lets talk a little about the general story. im not going to lie, this felt like a TOTALLY different game to me and I played them all in succession again to remind myself of the other chapters. 
It was so… plain. It didnt have the eerie-ness of the bologna incident, it didnt have the intriguing mystery of the first chapter where it started you off in the hospital as a little boy with your face hidden, it didnt have that heart wrenching storyline of the 4th chapter.
it was just…. “i need to end this game quick”. 
there was just a unique feeling to the other chapters, something that made you feel gritty and floaty, like you were a dirty teenager hunting for ghosts.
Saddling the natives on the unexplained reason as well… BIG YIKES, steve. the silent hill movies pulled this crap too, and we can all see how flat that fell in comparison to the actual silent hill 3 game. 
There are so so many things you could do instead of that tired (and lets face it) racist stereotype. 
I thought it was going to have a deeper meaning, like… people have had cults for decades that didnt have to do with the natives. hell, he could have even kept with the weird alien theme he was going for. calling an ancient alien creature? that would be pretty badass.
The ending… fell disappointingly flat. ok… everyones dead? so you tortured sal and his pals for literally no reason? granted i didnt press the c4 button so im not sure how that path goes, but i doubt its any more satisfying. 
not to mention the constant queerbaiting that, at this point, makes me so uncomfortable.
yes we get it, steve. you think adopted brothers can fuck, and yeah, theres nothing TECHNICALLY wrong with it (and im using technically by definition, its still wrong in my eyes), but come on. can any of you tell me that wouldnt make you intensely uncomfortable? Its not ok what he did imo and i know its his characters, but steve? either dont make them brothers or stop fucking pushing their romantic interactions.
oh and lets talk about the only other canonly gay couple with any screen time! he killed the black one.
yep… just… let that sink in for a second. did he need to? absolutely not. at least not in such a pointless way.
didnt even give neil any character development tbh, just… token black gay man that needed to be there to be the motivator to search for todd. ok thanks, steve.
and travis (another not white character. no do not argue that hes “blonde”, sal has fucking blue hair and i WILL color pick travis if i have to). he was the other gay character who… yep, lemme look at my notes… died.
he didnt even get much of a redemption tbh, yeah he was secretly helping them, but… wow. toss him in the hole! we dont want to write gays!!! (unless we’re taunting people to get them to play under the guise of “lgbt representation”)
also larrys a gnome and is just… gone forever. just say you hate larry, steve. you didnt have to do him so dirty man.
now then, lets talk about the gameplay.
i was playing with an xbox controller so im going to be from that POV.
the controls were… ok for the most part. the 3d part was a bit hard to see and i got stuck trying to walk past the trees a lot. 
to be honest, the 3d is my only complaint with controls. the mini game later on where youre 3d and shooting tentacles was very hard to control, half the time it wouldnt move fast enough and the other half it would zip past the diagonals. i DID beat it, but i am a very good gamer. to other people who might not play games constantly, might have a bit more trouble and get frustrated.
the puzzles were bland and repetitive. im a horror puzzle game writer and i would NEVER do something this blasphemous in a horror style game. it removes you from the game to think “wow…. THIS puzzle AGAIN?”. it makes you feel like its insulting your intelligence, like “oh here you go you fucking baby, move the shape to match the other shape”
and one of the only other puzzles was that fucking door number puzzle. he made the pluses almost impossible to see for starts, and i KNOW other people had trouble with this. Wanna know how to fix this? make the pluses easier to see and make it so the input pad can only except the number of numbers that the code it. dont make me sit there like a jackass, typing in every conceivable way to order the numbers given.
all in all though, the gameplay was plain, the storyline was bland, the puzzles were mediocre and the only reason to play the chapter is to close up the story and to find out what happened to sal and his mom (which tbh was the only good part because i was actually surprised and excited that it was that that injured him)
i hope in steves next projects he actually figures out how to write an ending and doesnt rush it (and please keep in mind this was rushed even though he had multiple people helping him)
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