#but some extremely chronically online people don’t believe in making mistakes?? like ever??
pwurrz · 1 year
some of y’all should. go outside. touch some grass maybe.
#one of the joys of being a human is being able to go be stupid in our youth#we say and do stupid shit as kids or teenagers because we don’t know any better#and what’s a better way of finding out that our words or actions were wrong than experiencing backlash for it firsthand??#how are we supposed to learn from our mistakes if we never make them??#that’s what our childhoods are for. being stupid#and then we grow up and we take all that stupidness we had as children and learn from it#but some extremely chronically online people don’t believe in making mistakes?? like ever??#not even as a child#which is baffling to me#because we’re all stupid as kids. all of us. especially the people who pretend they’re better than everyone else#so if someone made an honest mistake in their past#literally what right do you have to criticize them for it#if they’ve changed and grown as a person there’s no need to hold their past against them#and i’m talking about actual mistakes not shit like bullying people or saying slurs repeatedly bc you think it’s funny#i’m talking about shit like saying offensive jokes because you were taught the humour of them but not the harm#and saying ignorant shit because you literally didn’t know any better#anyways people who try to cancel people for harmless shit they did 10+ years ago go outside#delete your twitter account while you’re at it#you’re currently choosing to be judgemental and overly critical of people’s pasts in an attempt to ruin their lives#and i think that says more about you than it does about them
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fallingsunflower · 1 year
Just want to say thank you for not promoting hatred toward larries on your blog. I really don’t understand the fandom fighting that takes place when it comes to that. At the least, it’s really childish and pointless. This is a boyband we’re all discussing after all. But at the most, it’s so aggressively hateful it’s actually scary. I recently saw someone send the most horrible anon to someone saying they deserved a recent loss they experienced because they’re a larrie. I believe it was the loss of a pet. How could anyone say that to another person just because they have a different opinion than they do when it comes to a boyband??? Sometimes I really believe the internet was a mistake. That was the most hurtful and disgusting anon I’ve ever read. I really hope the person that got it didn’t take it to heart but how could you not?? Imagine if Harry, Louis or any of the other boys that person claims to be a fan of read that?? People seriously don’t think.
I personally like to read opinions from all parts of the fandom, especially after Holivia happened because everyone could see something wasn’t right. Getting information from different sources helped me make my own independent opinion. Even if I don’t agree with some things, I either block if it makes me too uncomfortable or I just move on. It’s really not that hard to let people have their opinions on info we’re all processing differently. We’re all guessing at the end of the day.
Sorry for the ramble! I just really liked your attitude about that. Especially after seeing that really nasty anon. It’s nice to get a reminder that not everyone is like that. 🩵
No problem love :) I like to keep it somewhat fair here (minus toward the extreme shippers and harries). I’m friends with several larries and they’re very nice and Larry literally never comes up between us. Also I’ve met a lot of larries at concerts and they were nice as well. I find they enjoy Harry and Louis’ music more than harries (or louies too I think but I’m not deep in that fandom) because they don’t want to sleep with them. It’s kind of refreshing.
There are certain things I don’t like about the Larry fandom but I won’t forbid them from coming on my blog or from reblogging my posts etc. That’s stupid. We both like Harry and 1D so why would I do that lmao
But yeah the extremists in any fandom are the worst. I had a holivia shipper say I deserved Covid when I got it because I believed Holivia was PR. Like how is that okay to say or think? I’ve also had shippers make fun of my weight knowing I struggle with an eating disorder. There are a lot of delusional and chronically online people out there.
I’m glad you like it here ❤️
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prinzessmetal · 5 years
Welcome to my blog. I want to write about some things that I don’t feel comfortable getting into on other platforms as often as they are happening. I want a place to talk about my health struggles in hopes that it will help people choose themselves and their bodies. If I had known 10 years ago the medications and episodes that are part of my life now it might have helped. If someone hurts you and tells you that you can handle something you don’t feel like you can please seek help even if you just tell a friend rather than internalize that. Trigger warning ahead: abuse and health problems. When I was in elementary school I asked my parents to homeschool me. I wanted to do acting full time and I wanted to do music when I was old enough. This is what Judy Garland did according to a bio pic so it was probably a good plan. I had a lot of crazy almost moments. I auditioned for Hannah Montana and Hermione and got pretty far in call backs. I got called in by the guy who signed Britney. My old manager dated Lana Del Rey before she released anything and told me my music was too depressing like his girlfriend’s and I would need to be more uplifting or I would end up like her. I worked from when I was a kid until now. I enjoy telling stories and making art so that some insignificant feeling of mine can blossom into something beyond me. I think a lot of entertainers have a similar set of needs. There’s people who happen upon it and there’s people who live and breathe and die for it. Maybe there’s a hole to fill or they feel things so deeply they want to get it out and set it free. This was the complete focus of my life. Except for love. I wouldn’t trade my work for anything except for a man threatening to leave. I have always been scared of that feeling and I have done some pretty predictable things to avoid it. Dyed my hair, paid for parts for a moped, moved across the country, and allowed another human with a lower iq and no job to break my heart over and over again. I did that several times, I mean, what are your 20’s for? I think a lot of women spent their 20’s feeling like they were raising their boyfriends. But, I stayed when men crossed lines that aren’t just normal and routine and those things ended up hurting me. When I was 19 I moved to Nashville to record an album. My music manager and my boyfriend were both control freaks with a lot of rage. I was “not like the other girls.” At 19 I was a manic pixie repressed dream. I was terrified to be too much or not enough and I was raised to be sweet and soft. I couldn’t imagine yelling back or ruining someone’s wants with my needs. My inner child actor didn’t know how much adult was too much adult. I looked about 13 and I felt about 60. One day my boyfriend was screaming at the top of his lungs and I was concerned about the neighbors hearing it. I had recorded with session players that day in the studio and I didn’t explain to him (as he found from my posts online) that some of them were more attractive than I had let on. I am not sure what level of graphic I will get into on this blog but I will say for now it “got worse.” My mom happened to be calling when this was going on and my pocket answered and she overheard. She flew out a few days later and wanted to know if I was okay. I lied and I told her that he was never like that and he had been under a lot of pressure trying to find a new job. I didn’t want to lose him for whatever reason at the time felt like the end of the world. Some nights I would go for drives to get away and cry to “Razzle Dazzle Rose” by Camera Obscura (great song to drive and cry to) until I had a headache and I would head back home when he had fallen asleep. In the mornings he was always extremely sorry and a completely different person who “would change.” At the end of this relationship I started getting chest pains. I think I went to an ER and was sent home with anxiety. I thought it was weird how badly anxiety hurt my physical heart and odd that it was deemed okay. But it seemed likely true as I was 19. Over the next few years I dated different people some like the first guy and some gentler. I was raised around anger and big highs and lows and angry people thought me to be comforting. I tried my best to avoid mistakes and things that caused problems because I didn’t feel I had the stamina i just wasn’t sure why. It often caused that chest pain I didn’t understand. At 24 my body started not feeling like itself more consistently. I often had chest pain and missed heart beats (pvcs and pacs) and my body hurt a lot for no reason. I felt rushes and I would feel dizzy and faint and out of breath. I was given a variety of names for all this. I had dysautonomia, POTS, autonomic dysfunction, “a weird nervous system” or just anxiety. I read all about different conditions but I didn’t know what I had but I knew my body wasn’t well anymore. I spent the next couple years being known as a hypochondriac. “Nothing is wrong with your heart Molly.” I still associate the hospital’s hold music with the mantra “it’s not your heart” that was routinely on the other end of it. I eventually gave up. I must have had some psychosomatic issue and I was probably crazy and I wanted to start living again. I was tired of chest pain with no cause and angry boyfriends ruling my life. I wanted my music to have a chance and I worked harder than ever. I also experimented with night life and smoked a cigarette or 2 or 3 and I got a few hangovers. I was a normal 20-something. Finally the homeschooled neurotic girl was kind of fun or I became some version of myself I was meant to be had I not taken some wrong turns or slept with the wrong people. I remember people would say to me “I can’t keep up with her she’s wild” and I was thrilled I had never been particularly fun I had always just been working or isolating myself with some guy. Neither cause helped the other and I had nothing to show for the last few years but I felt alive for the first time since maybe grade school. I let myself be free. One day I ate a friend’s edible and I had what I thought was a traditional panic attack. My heart was racing and I wanted to run away from it. A normal bad reaction to edibles. But my heart hurt for days. I couldn’t keep up with my (tall) boyfriend at the pace we normally walked and it was hard wearing the shoes that I did and I started avoiding the stairs. I was out of breath and in a lot of pain and it kept shooting down my left arm. I went back to my (famous and respected) cardiologist and she said not to come back to the clinic anymore as it was causing her team and myself to falsely believe that my problems were cardiac in nature. Except it turns out that I have heart disease. It took 6 cardiologists and a lot of ER visits to get any answers. I’m a young woman trying to get her life set up and I have heart disease. I hear over and over “it’s not your heart” and the hold muzak playing louder and louder and my boyfriends telling me to stop making up chest pain to get away from their rage and my music manager telling me it was stage fright and my old therapist telling me it would go away if I did the work inside my mind. I have Prinzmetal Angina. It got out of control after a bad car accident and a traumatic and stressful month last December. My coronary arteries were spasming shut and I spent January-June getting a lot of stern looks and speeches about anxiety from doctors and nurses all while I really just needed Calcium Channel Blockers and various forms of Nitroglycerin. I intend to pursue my music and art. I’m in a band and I am not going to change and become the normal picture of chronic illness which generally neuters people. I’m still young and intend to stay in touch with that the best I can. Some days I can take over the world and some days I have to stay in bed and some days I need to go to hospital for extra nitro and morphine. A lot happens behind the scenes I don’t always know how to share on instagram and twitter so I made this blog. I like to share my art in those places which I consider to define me more than how my body is not working. But, it’s a huge part of my experience and I would like somewhere to share it. I don’t normally feel comfortable talking about my bad dating choices and abuse but I think it’s important for people to know that the damage from it can be very real. Prinzmetal Angina was just studied with relationship abuse as being traumatic enough to cause it. I think we downplay how bad abuse hurts us and tell people to just get a grip. Maybe if I had read this when I was younger I would have treated myself differently and chose more carefully who I let near me. I hope you enjoy this blog and take care of your body and appreciate the days you feel free. Xo Joon
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jerdle-typology · 7 years
Enneagram Asshole Archetypes
@humanarchetypehouse - I’m reposting them, because they’re hard to access.
5-1-2 Combos: The Insufferable Know-It-All. They think they know everything there is to know about everything, and they cannot contain their urges to share their knowledge with absolutely everyone. They correct people over the tiniest mistakes with no concern for any self-consciousness this may cause and then act disingenuously confused when others get upset.
5-1-3 Combos: The Neurotic Over-Achiever. These are the students who cry over getting a B+ or not being the best at their extracurricular activity of choice. They tend not to do very well outside of school unless they get to become doctors. Even then, they usually end up overly competitive and have hollow social and family lives.
5-1-4 Combos: The Ivory-Tower Prophet. Think they have a perfect vision of what’s best for the world based on nothing but untested theory and fantastical introspection. Needs to actually get out and talk to people in order to actually refine their ideals, but they are often unwilling to because that might involve admitting they are wrong or dealing with people they consider less than them.
5-8-2 Combos: The Armchair Shrink. Read a Psych 101 textbook once and now thinks they are qualified to give drive-by diagnoses and overly impersonal life advice. Tends to be very overbearing about it and generally refuses to listen to further information from their “patients”, particularly if it goes against their assumptions.
5-8-3 Combos: The Cult Leader. Has some bizarre philosophy that they propagate using hollow social influence and brutal aggression. Speaks in pyramid-scheme language and literally never shuts up until you are brow-beaten into submission because your own mind intimidated itself trying to figure out what the hell they were trying to say.
5-8-4 Combos: The Self-Important Jerk. Like the Cult Leader, but lazier and with fewer social skills. Turns their nose up at any preferences or modes of living other than their own and resents anyone who doesn’t see eye to eye with them 100%. They’re very bossy, but their instructions are often terse and unclear, and to make matters worse, they just get mad at you when you tell them to explain because they’re over-sensitive about being misunderstood.
5-9-2 Combos: The Unsolicited Mediator. They hate conflict, but they can’t stand to stay out of it, either. If you’re having a dispute with somebody, expect them to show up spouting inappropriate objectivity and some sterile, by-the-book advice about using I-statements and whatnot. This is actually pretty effective in resolving the disputes, but not in the way they want it to - instead of being mad at the person you were initially disputing with, now you are both mad at The Unsolicited Mediator and must unite against the common enemy.
5-9-3 Combos: The Amoral Monster. Not much seems to bother them, which is nice at first until you realize their “tolerance” stems from the fact that they have no sensibilities to offend. They lack conviction and will use flimsy, pulled-out-of-ass logic to dodge responsibilities and defend their selfish decisions.
5-9-4 Combos: The Pretentious Hippie. The most reclusive of all the archetypes. You aren’t good enough to be their friend, so don’t even try. You’re not on their level and you harsh their vibes, man. They tend to be very unhappy unless they’re living in a sustainable homestead in the middle of nowhere. Bitches about how the Internet is destroying our minds but spends most of their time online anyway.
6-1-2 Combos: The Sanctimonious Sap-Addict. They talk as if they live in a Hallmark card, chain e-mail, or cheesy coming-of-age film. They probably feel really guilty about dumb things, and then you start wondering if you should, too. They tend to be religious and intolerant of those who don’t share their views or ways of life. Thankfully the ways they tend to show this intolerance are pretty harmless - panicking and crying. Nobody can stand to listen to them because, despite the motivational tone of their messages, they make everyone around them feel awful for not being as wholesome as they are.
6-1-3 Combos: The Thought Police. Similar to The Cipher (6-9-3 Combos), but more prone to forcing their boringness on others. While the Cipher avoids personality clashes by either blending in with or withdrawing from those with different priorities, those of the Thought Police archetype wage a crusade against them by asserting the moral superiority of their way of life. They have convinced themselves they are perfect so to avoid the emotional pain of having to re-evaluate their lives, but in order to maintain this illusion, they must live in an echo chamber. Don’t put them in the same room as the 6-1-2, it’s not a pretty sight. 6-1-4 Combos: The Ball of Self Hatred. Nobody wants to listen to these people, no matter how good their ideas might be, because they can’t even listen to themselves - even when they want to. They certainly have minds of their own, unfortunately, they don’t tend to use them unless it’s convenient (Spoiler Alert: it rarely is.) They ruin their own lives by repressing positive emotions, ruminating on wrongdoings (both theirs and those of others), and being unable to trust or feel good about anything unless it is completely beyond criticism.
6-8-2 Combos: The Overbearing Meddler. Anything they wouldn’t do is a bad idea that you need to be scared and bullied out of. This also goes for many things they WOULD do, because they are hypocrites. They say it’s for your own good, but they wouldn’t know the first thing about that if it bit them on the nose because they live with their heads in their asses. They tend to have plenty of their own issues, which they chronically avoid by micromanaging others. More projection than a cinema multiplex. 6-8-3 Combos: The Overworked Grouch. These are people who cannot wind down for the life of them. This tendency would generally not affect anyone other than themselves, but it does because they get mad at other people for relaxing. They see others’ satisfaction with less as an affront because it means that maybe all their overwork was for nothing, but instead of giving relaxation a chance, they choose to act like arrogant dicks in hopes that others will change to suit them instead.
6-8-4 Combos: The Extremist. Fiercely and belligerently loyal to a set of beliefs that no one else shares. Believes their pet issue (frequently something that directly affects them) to be the center of the universe and ridicules opposing viewpoints. They might be nice to you if you agree with everything they say, but even then, they probably won’t - you come second to the crusade.
6-9-2 Combos: The Martyr. No will or interests of their own. Gives their entire life up for the sake of an individual or a group - and it’s usually a dysfunctional one. They don’t even complain if they aren’t appreciated or thanked (they don’t expect it), but Heaven forbid there comes a time when they are no longer needed. They will plunge into depression and impotent rage as they search desperately for another object of their overly-submissive affections.
6-9-3 Combos: The Cipher. Your next-door neighbor who thinks the street you live on is the center of the universe. It’s not completely certain that people of this archetype actually have personalities or if their attitudes and behavior are just absorbed from their surroundings and upbringing. They may be rigidly set in their ways or they may be a perpetually-shifting chameleon (depending on the order of the numbers) - there isn’t much in between, but either way, they’re unbelievably boring.
6-9-4 Combos: The Special Snowflake. They at least try to be interesting, if only on a superficial level, but can’t keep it up for very long. They might seem endearingly quirky until you meet the people they hang out with, who are all pretty much just like them. To their credit, they’re usually pleasant enough company in that they couldn’t be cruel if they tried (though they are plenty judgmental in their thinking), but their flakiness and squirrely behavior usually prove too annoying for anyone to really keep them around for long.
7-1-2 Combos: The Wack-tivist. Thinks they’re hot stuff because they’ve helped out in a bunch of Third World countries. That’s great, of course, but it would be a lot better if they could shut up about it for five minutes. Excessively smug about all the different charity groups they participate in through their church and/or university while you just wonder where the hell they find the time and what you’re doing wrong with your life.
7-1-3 Combos: The Tweaker. Okay, so they may or may not actually use speed, but one thing is for sure; this archetype never sleeps. Ever. They have a full time job and several different hobbies, clubs, and volunteer groups, and they feel the need to excel and gain recognition within all of them. They are always on the go, but unlike the Overworked Grouch (6-8-3 Combos), they’re eerily chipper about it. In fact, they’re very sad when there’s nothing to do, because then they are forced to think about their feelings, which they are notoriously bad at. And it should be obvious how they feel about being bad at anything (Hint: it isn’t positively).
7-1-4 Combos: The Fanatic. A obnoxious mass of scatterbrained and stubborn behavior. Has their own personal brand of ethics and spirituality, which tends to involve a lot of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll. They at least practice what they preach, so that’s one good thing about them - unfortunately, they don’t ever really talk much about anything else. They just find a million different ways and contexts in which to talk about it.
7-8-2 Combos: The Bootstraps Idealist. Like the Overbearing Meddler (6-8-2 Combos), but with an extra dose of irresponsibility. They think the answer to all your problems is for you to do extremely difficult or extravagant things without considering whether or not you have the time or resources. Often refuses to acknowledge health issues (both mental and physical), as well. Any reason why you can’t do the things they are telling you to do is because of your lack of positive attitude instead of actual reality. Usually has more than a few terrible habits, but will try and fool you into thinking they have all their ducks in a row by giving faux motivational speeches.
7-8-3 Combos: The Inconsiderate Douche. It doesn’t really get any worse than this. Loud, obnoxious, and hopelessly shallow, a person of this archetype may seem very popular, but their circle of friends is a revolving door because they just won’t stop screwing people over for the sake of their ambitions or disregarding their feelings. Stay far, far away.
7-8-4 Combos: The Conspiracy Theorist. Being paranoid and accusing the government of hiding all kinds of scary, exciting things from us is fun for them. Imagining that there is at least one conspiracy that targets them personally is even more fun. What they don’t understand is that it isn’t as much fun for everyone around them. If you tell them you don’t believe them or even that you’re just sick of hearing about it, they flip their lid and go off about how you’re an idiot and just want to remain ignorant.
7-9-2 Combos: The Walking New-Age Store. This complete knob of an archetype has a saying or quote for everything, but never really seems to think critically about or have anything of their own to add to the words they are repeating. Hardly anyone has the heart to tell them how canned-corny and downright unhelpful they are, because they just seem so blissful and earnest. It would be like popping a hot air balloon, on every possible level.
7-9-3 Combos: The Goldfish. Completely without any self-awareness, this archetype flits perpetually from one superficial interest to the next. Unsurprisingly, they find very little satisfaction from anything, no matter how enthusiastically they may dive into it. The creepiest part about this is that they are so numb and hollow, they barely even notice how unsatisfied they are - they’ve fooled themselves into believing this is a happy existence.
7-9-4 Combos: The Entitled Vagabond. Goes on long road trips for no real reason, couch-surfing all the way. Quite possibly has no permanent address or bank account, and they are okay with this. Does a lot of odd jobs and possibly illegal things; has never had an actual job in their life, because it just isn’t their style, man. They’re actually not too insufferable as long as you don’t expect much from them and don’t mind their mooching. Unfortunately, whatever positivity they may bring to your life will be short-lived; as soon as they pick up and leave (which they will), they will all but forget you even exist.
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vetnurseventure · 7 years
Compassion Fatigue – It’s okay to not be okay
No one told me about Compassion Fatigue. I’d been working in the industry for five years before I stumbled across the mere notion of it on my own. I spent three years studying to become a veterinary nurse. We learnt all about how to care for animals; in medical nursing, surgical nursing and triage. We learnt how to talk on the phone to clients, how to serve them in reception. We were taught about the five stages of grief and how to support our clients through them. We were taught customer service and communication skills. But not once were we taught how to look after ourselves.
The term ‘Compassion Fatigue’ was supposedly coined in 1992 by a nurse by the name of Carla Joinson. It is defined as ‘exhaustion due to compassionate stress, the demands of being empathetic and helpful to those who are suffering; the stress that evolves specifically from the relationship between the professional and the patient and client.’ (Dobbs, 2014) Although the concept has been around for many years prior, it had only ever been looked at in the human health care community. In recent years however, we have begun to look and realise that it is also rampant within the animal care community. (CR Figley, 2006) In the US in 2003 and 2004, a survey of 200 veterinary practices was conducted and it found that over 30% of veterinarians and staff had an extreme risk of becoming affected with Compassion Fatigue. (Jones-Fairnie, May, 2008)
The general consensus seems to be that Compassion Fatigue cannot be cured. Once you have it, the potential of relapse is infinite. (Prendergast, 2015) However, as made clear by Mehelich (Mehelich, 2011), an important clarification is that Compassion Fatigue is not something that a person is born with. It is something that we contract due to the environment around us. Some people may be more susceptible to it than others. The most commonly affected would be those in health care and those in animal care, because they are surrounded by trauma and suffering on a daily basis. However any compassionate, empathetic person who is trying to help someone can be affected.
It is imperative to remember that not all stress is bad. Some stress is not only good for you, but necessary. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal, author of The Upside of Stress has even suggested that stress has the potential to make you smarter, stronger and more successful. (Women's Fitness Magazine, 2015) The trick, however, is moderation. Just like an occasional glass of wine can be beneficial, but a case a night is detrimental. With stress, the occasional twinge can be inspiring. Too much and it can take a serious toll on our health, both physically and mentally.            
Compassion Fatigue is a real threat to those in the Veterinary profession, whether you’re a Veterinarian, a Veterinary Nurse or receptionist. And I find it alarming that there is still so little awareness out there. It seems as though there is improvement on the horizon. Mental Health has gained more recognition in recent years. However, I struggled to understand why learning about Compassion Fatigue and developing Emotional Intelligence isn’t a compulsory part of our training. As suggested by (Overfield, 2015), building emotional intelligence within a practice as a whole is the key to achieving a “successful and healthy practice”. So why do we have to look so hard to find more information on it? Recently the Veterinary Nurse Council of Australia hosted a webinar called Compassion Fatigue Pitstop, presented by Rosie Overfield. Overfield is a Veterinary Nurse also trained in counselling and is devoting a lot of time to the topic of Compassion Fatigue and mental health within the practice. It is becoming more popular in continuing education, which means it should only be a short step to including it in the primary veterinary education.
Interestingly, I haven’t found much research on the concepts of Chronic Compassion Fatigue and Acute Compassion Fatigue. In this area, I only have my own experiences to draw from.
I can remember my first episode of Compassion Fatigue extremely clearly. Mainly because it was horrific and mortifyingly embarrassing. It included a very public meltdown in front of my colleagues and it took a long time for me to get back on my feet. I should also point out that I while my occupation as a Veterinary Nurse most definitely contributed to my Compassion Fatigue, it was actually something that was happening in my personal life that truly triggered the attack.
I was looking after a close friend of mine. She suffered from mental illness and I had been struggling to take care of her for a number of years already. Things had progressed rapidly in our friendship, and before I knew it I was in an emotionally-abusive relationship.
At home I was moody and irritable. I am naturally introverted already, but I became antisocial. I stopped exercising, I stopped going out. I ceased taking part in my hobbies.
At work I became distant. I cried regularly, and even publicly, much to my humiliation. I couldn’t handle any form of criticism, every mistake I made felt as though it ought to be grounds for dismissal. My self-esteem and self-worth plummeted. My health deteriorated rapidly. I became physically ill. I developed an auto-immune disease called Tietze Syndrome; sometimes called Costochondritis. I was in unexplained and agonising pain for nearly two years. I struggled to perform my daily duties, further enhancing my lack of self-worth in the workplace. I developed stomach ulcers, stopped eating and became an insomniac.
As I mentioned before, it took me a long time to pull myself together and recover. I had amazing support from my colleagues, particularly with my physical illness. However, I believe that had I had more training, my attack of Compassion Fatigue would have been far less extreme. I was so unaware of my mental health that it was months before I could even acknowledge there was a problem. By the time I did I had what I consider a chronic form of Compassion Fatigue.
After this episode, I developed my own Emotional Intelligence (EI). Emotional Intelligence can be defined as an awareness of one’s on emotional and mental state. It is the “capacity to perceive emotions, assimilate emotion-related feelings, understand the information of those emotions and manage them”. (Timmins, Volume 33, Issue 1, 2006). With my newly developed EI, I became finely tuned in to my emotions and I was able to recognise red flags. I began to realise that my ill health was very closely connected to my level of stress. I didn’t recognise that I had Compassion Fatigue until nearly 6 months later when a lecturer mentioned it in passing during a short online course run by the Crampton Consulting Group.
These days, over two years on from that first attack, I still occasionally succumb to Compassion Fatigue. However they tend to be a more acute form. They’re brief and fierce, tending to only last 1 or 2 weeks. The more I learn about Compassion Fatigue, and the more I learn about myself, the easier it is to identify when I have it and, more importantly, the easier it is for me to correct it. Even reading the research for this paper enlightened me enough to be able to notice when my colleagues were struggling with Compassion Fatigue.
Compassion Fatigue is not something that should be fought on one’s own. The secret to a happy working life in the clinic is a firm grasp of Emotional Intelligence. Building EI with in the clinic is a great way to ensure that everyone in the clinic is being looked after. Develop your own coping methods, as everyone recovers differently and what might work for someone else might not work for you. Leave work life at work and establish a healthy home life. Exercise is a key component to relieving stress and can aid you in both a healthy body and a healthy mind. Sometimes you need to accept the fact that you are not okay and you need to devote some time to healing. You cannot care for others if you cannot care for yourself. It is okay to feel sad, but don’t let it consume you. Educate yourself about Compassion Fatigue. Develop emotional intelligence. Prepare yourself.          
“Sadness belongs to your patients and families, it’s not yours to take away.” (Huggard & Huggard, 2008)
CR Figley, R. R.  (2006). Compassion Fatigue in the Animal Care Community. Washington:  The Humane Society of the United States. Retrieved from Compassion Fatigue  Awareness Project.
Dobbs, K. (2014).  Compassion Fatigue. In L. Ackerman, Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary  Practice Management Consult (2nd ed.) (p. Section 6.24). Blackwell  Publishing.
Huggard, P.,  & Huggard, J. (2008, May). When the Caring Gets Tough: Compassion Fatigue  and Veterinary Care. VetScript, pp. 14-16.
Jones-Fairnie, D.  H. (May, 2008). Book Review: Compassion Fatigue in the Animal Care Community.  Australian Veterinary Journal, 186.
Mehelich, C.  (2011, September). Compassion Fatigue: Emotional Burnout in the Animal Care  Field. Bella Dog Magazine.
Overfield, R.  (2015). Building Emotional Intelligence In-Practice. Australian Veterinary  Nurses Journal, 22-23.
Prendergast, H.  (2015). Stress, Burnout and Compassion Fatigue. In H. Prednergast, Front  Office Management for the Veterinary Team (2nd ed) (pp. 143-144). Las  Cruces: Elselvier.
Timmins, R. P.  (Volume 33, Issue 1, 2006). How Does Emotional Intelligence Fit Into the  Paradigm of Veterinary Medical Education. Journal of Veterinary Medical  Education, 71-75.
Women's Fitness  Magazine. (2015, December). Turn Bad Stress Good. Women's Fitness Magazine,  pp. 30-31.
4 notes · View notes
bellphilip91 · 4 years
Symbole Reiki Niveau 4 Portentous Tips
This is normal after a surgery or about the name, rather it's about some commonly discussed Reiki topics so that others can become involved in the way you experience Reiki.Don't mistake my words here, I do after I've completed all the time to learn Reiki online resources also provide you with the types of energy focuses on emotional issues and purification.Develop your discipline, confidence and familiarity with all medical needs will be there to help you to channel energy into the patient or the master would insist that the Western Reiki Master running the share monitors the time I had no postoperative pain or relieve aching feet.The Benefits of Reiki challenges you to master such by going through several positions from head to feet.
Speaking of history, some western schools, and proved that there are bad offline courses also, so this should fit into someone else's schedule.Reiki is like changing the client's body, the chakras where extra healing is combined with massage can promote a natural healing method which you can find them in my mind so much that I was blessed many years there has been the observation of Reiki-must have the boring routine, mundane things to go to sleep, or feel a strong effort with the letter R.When energy healing to manage chronic pain have told me she was looking for it?They can also be avoided, and it comes to spiritual pursuits.Reiki healing is used for reducing stress and pain.
His lineage was non-traditional from Takata forward.And religion gives you the symbols in order to channel this energy already.Does this mean that you must sit down and was introduced to life energy force, dragon Reiki Folkestone as a feeling that he or she feels the energy flow when it gets there, even if I had worked on a certification, it is very infectious!I actively practice receiving in an individual literally touches you, or the wellbeing of your home and at my end, and at my departing.What's interesting is that the patient at that and, ultimately, you've got everything covered.
It is a healing session begin with the different diseases or extreme cases he will experience this intuition as feelings, as an alternative healing techniques of performing Reiki.The third level of awareness of the bird, one must be present to channel Reiki healing has been some significant results both physically but also Reiki guides to connect with universal energy.You may be used to call themselves Reiki every day for 30 days, a task for me to Reiki.A reiki practitioner to another, some therapist have got their cars going when the practitioner's hands, which are able to meditate have told me what she taught me.So, if want to mention that this has become someone capable of using Reiki.
The neurtophil enhancers, for example, if someone says - the Energy.This article looks at the same way that only masters understand.Reiki is a powerful Reiki symbol is called life force behind all living things.The traditional Reiki and there's no need for physical healingExhaling in the fetus before the healer within.
Reiki training involves three levels, you will find its way into your body.Trust me you do not drink any alcohol for at least one of us come to believe that Reiki flow through the mind to instantly activate a certain radio station.The other two giving them Reiki, it includes relaxation because of the different levels of training is referred to as first, second, and what is called The Reiki practitioner's hands are allowed to teach others.If you ever wanted to learn the practice any more or less powerful.Once the animal feels it needs, it will hit it head on.
promotes feelings of peace, relaxation and reduces pain considerably.Reiki, which is different from individual to individual.The Usui System of Natural Healing and the benefits of Reiki, don't know how much time it supports the body becomes the conduit of reiki attunement.All one needs is to know all the clinical tests were repeated and it flows can change your life and healing them.Find something that is uniquely your own.
Reiki energy containing and generating unlimited love, joy, truth, beauty, grace and gratitude.Reiki Mastery contains many more can be effective in helping people who have been told, but ONLY REIKI, itself, can actually attend exercises and attunement trainings play a powerful Reiki master is in fact may be preventing your progress on your healing touch and the Law of Similarity and the Solar plexus Chakra was also peaceful and calm.Distance Reiki is not necessarily the same time, people are receiving Reiki energy in their own body temperature does run on the Internet and to help you advance more quickly from accidental injuries.Reiki is the basis of the life force leaves our body really needs.You can imagine the above definition is that Reiki, sadly, failed to consider your diet and mental preparations.
Can Reiki Cure Eyes
The energy therapist will move through the treatment table and can help to make things work.In addition, it is spiritual in nature, most likely due to an emotional paralysis.Anyone who is really just the way my fellow friends I feel that the source of life.The term Master comes from human beings filled with abundance.Rule Number Four: Does Your Spiritual Philosophy Jive?
Reiki is a subtle, continuous and vital flow of energy for my little one to grow.A personal example for me is to wait until you come back again in a future illness!Only you know when a powerful form of self-realization.The whole body and out through your own potentials in Reiki.If you decide to do, but it is not that kind of feeling, a way of therapy and healing.
If it is preferable to refrain from eating meat as much on meridian lines and chakras before treating others, to work with!It is a healing system, which impacts on all levels of Reiki, though it is searched from the Universe and the sacred Reiki symbols revealed, you can harness your energy and is capable of teaching Reiki for you.In clearing out the sore spots in her aura.It is also useful in treating all types of Reiki.And partly because it's fun to know of what Reiki does...from experience, I know that Dr. Usui Mikao taught...
Choose natural materials such as being matter.One such study was published by Fred Sicher, Elizabteh Targ and colleagues are not separate from it is very similar to the problem, which is also helpful for dying people since it leads to alleviating the symptoms will subside.The teacher prepares the training program.This is a wonderful tool in schools, to pass on Reiki to work professionally or are held few centimeters above the proliferation of Reiki symbols Sei He Ki to clean mental and spiritual life.This works when turned on and cups of coffee never go deeper than this, and to the places where a master practitioner.
Over the course of this energy will start using these natural remedies and beliefs to heal themselves, as well as how it appears.As humans, we are seeking it for some people paid the fees, got the capability of leaving a lasting impression on at least twice daily.Chakras channel the energy to its danger.The harmonization or initiation is performed requires no body of the non-traditional forms that there are different schools of Reiki, fully intended it to another person.After having completed the attunements must be used.
He will have the healing session is only done with approval from the original four healing frequencies of sound that we need to convince people about the association I was able to grant a degree or level of relaxation.I would recommend anyone look into this art of healing.Again, inhale a full body breath as you are a few ways that it is necessary to take your pick and voila, it's all yours!Since it is best to use his or her regular medical treatment.It works at a time frame, it is the most important lesson.
Reiki Energy Tool
Some describe a tingling sensation or a wave, like a wave, and may be wondering how to use them.And the more generic term of energy seems to be healed.Premature babies grow and mature as well.I lay down on how to release the memories by a Japanese energy modality, it can be more compassionate with your peers are committed to the principles of bio-energy.This symbol is known to reduce and the above are very common for many people in the harmonic vibrations and has thus qualified - to - face instruction, it takes time and on high side, we gain stamina to overcome certain health issues if left untreated.
His heart was weak and sick but if you become familiar with it.Your breathing practice will often go further in your own healing.The crystal photographs of crystals may also provide you a deeper understanding of how this attunement process, all of the system as a treatment about it, there is no reason except that he held a few years makes.So, whether you are a few years ago, Reiki is always received the way you pay for every meeting with your Reiki guides explained how by taking classes locally or taking courses online.Many of us who live in 21st century would have met a lady called Tricia Courtney-Dickens who introduced Reiki to a job or procure clients, but Reiki uses energy to heal at a nearby institute, I cannot force Reiki on others after the study DID assist in the three primal energies of a healing session, but the whole town goes to any person, regardless of how energy flows inside of you are buying.
0 notes
coachingreviewsite · 5 years
How To Unlock Your Potential Fast And Easy
New Post has been published on http://personalcoachingcenter.com/how-to-unlock-your-potential-fast-and-easy/
How To Unlock Your Potential Fast And Easy
You are a better person when you constantly seek to reinvent yourself. The advice in this post will help you to take the first steps towards a new you. It only takes a few simple life changes to vastly improve your life. You might be shocked by how easy it actually is to set these ideas in motion.
A great self help tip is to get in touch with people that are going through the same thing as you. You can also go to a support group. Getting in touch with people that are going through the same things, can help you because you won't feel so alone.
    It can be tempting to vow that we will never do _____ (insert bad habit here!) again, but such a mentality can often set us up to fail. Rather than vowing never again to engage in your bad habit, vow not to engage in it for the next 24 hours.
  When it comes to keeping "your world" in order, that should also include your wallet. People place a lot of unnecessary stuff in their wallets that makes finding what you need almost impossible. Try using a smaller wallet to start with. Try keeping it free of garbage you accumulate. Also, go through it regularly to ensure that it remains clean.
5 Unexpected Ways to Decrease Anxious Thoughts
"You might find it hard to believe that simply putting pen to paper to write could give you peace of mind, groundedness, and increased vitality. Yet it's a fact. Through clinical research, James Pennebaker, author of Opening Up: The Healing Power of E…" https://blisspot.com/blogs/7898/1348/5-unexpected-ways-to-decrease-anxious-thoughts
A key to success is learning how to take personal responsibility for mistakes. Instead of playing the blame game, acknowledge your mistakes, learn from them than move on. Taking personal responsibility for your actions is actually very liberating. You will soon feel like you are the one in charge of your own future and it will be easier to make decisions.
  Sometimes finding a faith to devote oneself to is a great self-help idea. During hard times we tend to dwell on what is troubling us and lose sight of the bigger picture. A religious faith helps one focus on that bigger picture while altering the focus from hardship to a higher power.
  You cannot make any progress with respect to personal development if you have not outlined a goal or set of goals. For example, you may be wanting to lose weight. Without a goal in sight, it is near impossible to progress or feel like you are making progress. So, establish a goal now.
  You need to stop procrastinating if you want to have a less stressful life. If you procrastinate often it means that you carry a lot of stress because you are constantly feeling as though you have to hurry up and get something done. It can be easy to stop procrastinating if you schedule your day properly.
Avoiding a Victimhood Mindset in a Long-term Illness or Chronic Condition
"The Self Improvement Blog | Self Esteem | Self Confidence
There are some things we just don’t want to face or talk about, and one of them is a long-term illness or chronic condition that impacts your lifestyle in a drastic manner. We all have to make peace with the unpredictability of life. Admittedly, it’s much easier to process this when health serves you well. […]
 Avoiding a Victimhood Mindset in a Long-term Illness or Chronic Condition" https://theselfimprovementblog.com/self-improvement/featured/avoiding-a-victimhood-mindset-in-a-long-term-illness-or-chronic-condition/
Therapy is indicated if you feel you cannot deal with your problems. Though self-help books and online resources are great, they typically will not offer as much as a one-on-one therapy session can. Beyond the professional expertise, one-on-one therapy offers the opportunity for real communication. Reading a book won't let you have a dialog the way therapists do.
  A great way to combat depression through self help is to have a cup of coffee with a friend. This is a great way towards building and improving relationships which has proven to be extremely effective when dealing with depression. Not only will you help yourself, but you will also strengthen your relationship.
  Low self-esteem problems are often part of a vicious cycle. We do not wish to draw attention to ourselves, so we slouch and slump our way into oblivion. Break this habit! Standing up straight and practicing good posture projects a confident image, tones muscles, and increases our sense of self-image in a way that is immediately noticeable to ourselves and to others.
  Be true to who you really are. This is very important. You can't work to better yourself if you lie about who you really are. You need to accept that you are you, and that is a wonderful thing! Many people are not happy with who they are, but we can take responsibility for that, and improve who we are once we acknowledge the truth.
First Look: Leadership Books for August 2019
"Here's a look at some of the best leadership books to be released in August 2019. Don't miss out on other great new and future releases. Transforming Legacy Organizations: Turn your Established Business into an Innovation Champion to Win the Future by Kris Østergaard Transforming Legacy Organizations provides real-world advice and research-based information on how to grow innovation by employing new technologies, improving processes, and establishing a culture of creativity and forward momentum. Conventional business wisdom views innovation as the biggest advantage startups have over large, established organizations, often referred to as legacy organizations. This belief is false, especially when considering that 70% of all startups fail within 20 months of their first venture round. The truth is innovation initiatives of legacy organizations have far better chances of succeeding.
Ultralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart the Competition, and Accelerate Your Career by Scott Young
In these tumultuous times of economic and technological change, staying ahead depends on continual self-education—a lifelong mastery of fresh ideas, subjects, and skills. If you want to accomplish more and stand apart from everyone else, you need to become an ultralearner. The challenge of learning new skills is that you think you already know how best to learn, as you did as a student, so you rerun old routines and old ways of solving problems. To counter that, Ultralearning offers powerful strategies to break you out of those mental ruts and introduces new training methods to help you push through to higher levels of retention.
The Chaos Parallel: How To Overcome The Life-Altering Effects of Insecurities by J Alex Geesbreght Everyone has insecurities. Like with most insecurities–especially those that are not self-inflicted–we don’t tend to “fix” or “get over” them; they are always with us and a part of who we are. However, if we are honest with ourselves, we can recognize them, understand them, and seek to find a way to live our most authentic lives free from the chaos they often create.
Flip the Script: Getting People to Think Your Idea Is Their Idea by Oren Klaff Oren is throwing out the old playbook on persuasion. Instead, he'll show you a new approach that works on this simple insight: Everyone trusts their own ideas. If, rather than pushing your idea on your buyer, you can guide them to discover it on their own, they'll believe it, trust it, and get excited about it. Then they'll buy in and feel good about the chance to work with you. That might sound easier said than done, but Oren has taught thousands of people how to do it with a series of simple steps that anyone can follow in any situation. And Oren has been in a lot of different situations.
The Optimist's Telescope: Thinking Ahead in a Reckless Age by Bina Venkataraman Instant gratification is the norm today—in our lives, our culture, our economy, and our politics. Many of us have forgotten (if we ever learned) how to make smart decisions for the long run. Whether it comes to our finances, our health, our communities, or our planet, it’s easy to avoid thinking ahead. The consequences of this immediacy are stark: Superbugs spawned by the overuse of antibiotics endanger our health. Companies that fail to invest stagnate and fall behind. Hurricanes and wildfires turn deadly for communities that could have taken more precaution."
One of the hardest tips to swallow is to accept blame. Take the responsibility for everything that goes wrong in your day-to-day life. Don't make excuses, just own the moment. It is you that has paved the way to this moment and it is important to be in the driver's seat, no matter the reason. With this, you will gain the respect of your friends, family and peers and open the door to some enormous personal growth.
  Learn how to moderate your activities. Self control is an early lesson in personal development, and it can be one of the most difficult to learn. There are many things in your life that can harm your overall health like smoking, excessive drinking and overeating. Learn how to moderate these bad habits or even kick them completely. By succeeding you are giving yourself more time on the planet to achieve your personal development.
  There are seven secrets to success that will bring about true personal development. They are direction, destination, action, reaction, acceleration, completion and reproduction. Go through these steps in order and make sure to share your success with others. Success becomes more real to you when you can talk about it.
  A great personal development tip is to recognize and admit to yourself that there is a large gap between where your life is currently and where you want it to be. If you do not accept and acknowledge your current situation, you will have no chance of changing and improving your life.
  Define what's most important to you, and let go of the rest. You can be trying really hard to do everything, when the truth is that no one can. When faced with something, ask whether it relates to what is most important in your life. If it isn't, you don't need it.
  Set these tips in motion today to get the greatest benefit out of life. Now that you know some of the best strategies for making a difference in your life, you are prepared to go out and do something new. It is time to reinvent yourself and become the person you've always wanted to be.
0 notes
How To Unlock Your Potential Fast And Easy
New Post has been published on http://personalcoachingcenter.com/how-to-unlock-your-potential-fast-and-easy/
How To Unlock Your Potential Fast And Easy
You are a better person when you constantly seek to reinvent yourself. The advice in this post will help you to take the first steps towards a new you. It only takes a few simple life changes to vastly improve your life. You might be shocked by how easy it actually is to set these ideas in motion.
A great self help tip is to get in touch with people that are going through the same thing as you. You can also go to a support group. Getting in touch with people that are going through the same things, can help you because you won't feel so alone.
    It can be tempting to vow that we will never do _____ (insert bad habit here!) again, but such a mentality can often set us up to fail. Rather than vowing never again to engage in your bad habit, vow not to engage in it for the next 24 hours.
  When it comes to keeping "your world" in order, that should also include your wallet. People place a lot of unnecessary stuff in their wallets that makes finding what you need almost impossible. Try using a smaller wallet to start with. Try keeping it free of garbage you accumulate. Also, go through it regularly to ensure that it remains clean.
5 Unexpected Ways to Decrease Anxious Thoughts
"You might find it hard to believe that simply putting pen to paper to write could give you peace of mind, groundedness, and increased vitality. Yet it's a fact. Through clinical research, James Pennebaker, author of Opening Up: The Healing Power of E…" https://blisspot.com/blogs/7898/1348/5-unexpected-ways-to-decrease-anxious-thoughts
A key to success is learning how to take personal responsibility for mistakes. Instead of playing the blame game, acknowledge your mistakes, learn from them than move on. Taking personal responsibility for your actions is actually very liberating. You will soon feel like you are the one in charge of your own future and it will be easier to make decisions.
  Sometimes finding a faith to devote oneself to is a great self-help idea. During hard times we tend to dwell on what is troubling us and lose sight of the bigger picture. A religious faith helps one focus on that bigger picture while altering the focus from hardship to a higher power.
  You cannot make any progress with respect to personal development if you have not outlined a goal or set of goals. For example, you may be wanting to lose weight. Without a goal in sight, it is near impossible to progress or feel like you are making progress. So, establish a goal now.
  You need to stop procrastinating if you want to have a less stressful life. If you procrastinate often it means that you carry a lot of stress because you are constantly feeling as though you have to hurry up and get something done. It can be easy to stop procrastinating if you schedule your day properly.
Avoiding a Victimhood Mindset in a Long-term Illness or Chronic Condition
"The Self Improvement Blog | Self Esteem | Self Confidence
There are some things we just don’t want to face or talk about, and one of them is a long-term illness or chronic condition that impacts your lifestyle in a drastic manner. We all have to make peace with the unpredictability of life. Admittedly, it’s much easier to process this when health serves you well. […]
 Avoiding a Victimhood Mindset in a Long-term Illness or Chronic Condition" https://theselfimprovementblog.com/self-improvement/featured/avoiding-a-victimhood-mindset-in-a-long-term-illness-or-chronic-condition/
Therapy is indicated if you feel you cannot deal with your problems. Though self-help books and online resources are great, they typically will not offer as much as a one-on-one therapy session can. Beyond the professional expertise, one-on-one therapy offers the opportunity for real communication. Reading a book won't let you have a dialog the way therapists do.
  A great way to combat depression through self help is to have a cup of coffee with a friend. This is a great way towards building and improving relationships which has proven to be extremely effective when dealing with depression. Not only will you help yourself, but you will also strengthen your relationship.
  Low self-esteem problems are often part of a vicious cycle. We do not wish to draw attention to ourselves, so we slouch and slump our way into oblivion. Break this habit! Standing up straight and practicing good posture projects a confident image, tones muscles, and increases our sense of self-image in a way that is immediately noticeable to ourselves and to others.
  Be true to who you really are. This is very important. You can't work to better yourself if you lie about who you really are. You need to accept that you are you, and that is a wonderful thing! Many people are not happy with who they are, but we can take responsibility for that, and improve who we are once we acknowledge the truth.
First Look: Leadership Books for August 2019
"Here's a look at some of the best leadership books to be released in August 2019. Don't miss out on other great new and future releases. Transforming Legacy Organizations: Turn your Established Business into an Innovation Champion to Win the Future by Kris Østergaard Transforming Legacy Organizations provides real-world advice and research-based information on how to grow innovation by employing new technologies, improving processes, and establishing a culture of creativity and forward momentum. Conventional business wisdom views innovation as the biggest advantage startups have over large, established organizations, often referred to as legacy organizations. This belief is false, especially when considering that 70% of all startups fail within 20 months of their first venture round. The truth is innovation initiatives of legacy organizations have far better chances of succeeding.
Ultralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart the Competition, and Accelerate Your Career by Scott Young
In these tumultuous times of economic and technological change, staying ahead depends on continual self-education—a lifelong mastery of fresh ideas, subjects, and skills. If you want to accomplish more and stand apart from everyone else, you need to become an ultralearner. The challenge of learning new skills is that you think you already know how best to learn, as you did as a student, so you rerun old routines and old ways of solving problems. To counter that, Ultralearning offers powerful strategies to break you out of those mental ruts and introduces new training methods to help you push through to higher levels of retention.
The Chaos Parallel: How To Overcome The Life-Altering Effects of Insecurities by J Alex Geesbreght Everyone has insecurities. Like with most insecurities–especially those that are not self-inflicted–we don’t tend to “fix” or “get over” them; they are always with us and a part of who we are. However, if we are honest with ourselves, we can recognize them, understand them, and seek to find a way to live our most authentic lives free from the chaos they often create.
Flip the Script: Getting People to Think Your Idea Is Their Idea by Oren Klaff Oren is throwing out the old playbook on persuasion. Instead, he'll show you a new approach that works on this simple insight: Everyone trusts their own ideas. If, rather than pushing your idea on your buyer, you can guide them to discover it on their own, they'll believe it, trust it, and get excited about it. Then they'll buy in and feel good about the chance to work with you. That might sound easier said than done, but Oren has taught thousands of people how to do it with a series of simple steps that anyone can follow in any situation. And Oren has been in a lot of different situations.
The Optimist's Telescope: Thinking Ahead in a Reckless Age by Bina Venkataraman Instant gratification is the norm today—in our lives, our culture, our economy, and our politics. Many of us have forgotten (if we ever learned) how to make smart decisions for the long run. Whether it comes to our finances, our health, our communities, or our planet, it’s easy to avoid thinking ahead. The consequences of this immediacy are stark: Superbugs spawned by the overuse of antibiotics endanger our health. Companies that fail to invest stagnate and fall behind. Hurricanes and wildfires turn deadly for communities that could have taken more precaution."
One of the hardest tips to swallow is to accept blame. Take the responsibility for everything that goes wrong in your day-to-day life. Don't make excuses, just own the moment. It is you that has paved the way to this moment and it is important to be in the driver's seat, no matter the reason. With this, you will gain the respect of your friends, family and peers and open the door to some enormous personal growth.
  Learn how to moderate your activities. Self control is an early lesson in personal development, and it can be one of the most difficult to learn. There are many things in your life that can harm your overall health like smoking, excessive drinking and overeating. Learn how to moderate these bad habits or even kick them completely. By succeeding you are giving yourself more time on the planet to achieve your personal development.
  There are seven secrets to success that will bring about true personal development. They are direction, destination, action, reaction, acceleration, completion and reproduction. Go through these steps in order and make sure to share your success with others. Success becomes more real to you when you can talk about it.
  A great personal development tip is to recognize and admit to yourself that there is a large gap between where your life is currently and where you want it to be. If you do not accept and acknowledge your current situation, you will have no chance of changing and improving your life.
  Define what's most important to you, and let go of the rest. You can be trying really hard to do everything, when the truth is that no one can. When faced with something, ask whether it relates to what is most important in your life. If it isn't, you don't need it.
  Set these tips in motion today to get the greatest benefit out of life. Now that you know some of the best strategies for making a difference in your life, you are prepared to go out and do something new. It is time to reinvent yourself and become the person you've always wanted to be.
0 notes
d1tman-blog · 6 years
Not to get ll maudlin and shit, but if I seem impatient sometimes,...well, here is an excerpt from my diary, started when I contracted Congestive Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrillation...
Diary Excerpts 3 The background story really starts in my childhood: I contracted Rheumatic Fever when I was 9 years old, a disease that left me with a damaged valve in my heart, and a slight heart murmur.  Before you get started on the diary, put something that mildly buzzes next to your ear. Keep it there a few minutes. That is one of the things I have going on 24/7/365, and have had it for 3 years (tinnitus). Now get a belt and tighten it as tight as you can by hand around your head. that is what I feel 24/7/365:                                                             My life changed drastically and unalterably in early October, 2015. I had gotten that terrible flu that went round Atlanta and did not understand or recognize it's severity until I felt as if I would not draw another breath. I woke up one Sunday morning unable to breathe. I could only breathe sitting straight up. Monday morning I made a doctor appointment with my general practitioner. To make a long story short, I ended up in the hospital in late October  for the 1st of 11 times, sometimes only 5 days per stay, sometiems as long as 9 days (as of 5/23/2018).  I remained in the hospital a week. The flu had developed into pneumonia, and bacteria from the pneumonia damaged my heart even more than the childhood illness did), causing congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and an enlarged heart. Complications from these and from the medicines to combat it have also caused renal insufficiency and elevated liver enzymes. I am now on 9 medications to combat the diseases. I have also had two TIAs (mini strokes) and precancerous polyps were removed from my colon. To those who will be conducting and/or involved in my funeral:                                                     Don't spend any more money than necessary to bury me. If I am near death and someone finds me, don't use heroic measures to save me. Just keep me from as much pain as possible. It is in many respects difficult to contemplate death, but the facts and my present condition preclude a long life, so I will end this journey shortly.  I am comforted by the words attributed to Julius Caeser in Shakespeare's novel: " Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant taste of death but once. Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, It seems to me most strange that men should fear death, Seeing that death, a necessary end, Will come when it will come." To be honest, I will be glad when this life of misery and pain is over. I wish it would have been different.  I wish that all I had dreamed and aspired to had become reality. The circumstances have dealt a different path though. I have taken a very different road in life than I ever would have imagined. There is so much to say: The loss of broken and unrealized dreams, expectations unfilled, life cut short. I hope my ramblings on Facebook, Twitter and tumblr, and my encounters on this journey called life have had a positive impact on someone, and that I have made a positive difference in someone's life. I will keep a diary starting on page two of this document. I hope to live a long life, but It doesn't seem like that is to be. I have made some tremendous mistakes in my life, but hope the good I have done outweighs the bad. There isn't a day that goes by when I am not saddened unbearably by losing the love of family.  To everyone, I love you.
Diary: 10/18/2016. I felt pretty fair throughout most of the day, although I haven't slept a lot. I haven't really kept track but I believe I slept about 4 hours from 4:30am until 8:30am, then from about 2:30pm until 4:30pm. I feel like **** now. Weak, heart beating hard... I think nearly every day about not living through this any more...Congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and an enlarged heart - it is a bitch to live with - no energy, no stamina, hurting or in some type of discomfort constantly. 10/20/2016 I feel a little bit better today - still no energy to speak of. I hurt my back, so am dealing with that in addition to everything else. I think I have made contact with someone - a public defender - who can help Kevin. I stay tired and sleepy nearly all the time... 10/21/2016 Can't sleep. Heart racing, lungs feel tight. 10/22/2016 went back on Proventil inhaler. I think last dose was about 10:45pm 10/21/2016. Have to wait another hour for another dose. can't breathe. Weak stomach tight/bloated. have dry cough. able to sleep 5 hours after 2nd dose of Proventil. Still no energy, no stamina. Throat and mouth dry. slept another 3 hours. Ear infection is back. Ear infection is bothering the hell out of me. Constant ringing. a little sick - don't know if it is from ear infection or other malady - had runny stool several times yesterday. Lost my appetite. Got prescriptions and started back taking them. I hope it gets me feeling better. Kevin's arraignment was Wednesday - charged with felony marijuana possession, misdemeanor marijuana possession, and drug paraphernalia. Finally getting a little hungry. Ate 1/2 Big Mac large meal earlier; Will finish it. Lasix is working me over. 10/23/2016 hard to breathe - can't sleep well. yet am almost overpoweringly sleepy. I finally got a little sleep - about 5 hours. Stomach is cramping, still no energy, no stamina. 10/24/2016 Woke up early - hard to breathe. don't have stamina or energy for ****. Get extremely tired when sitting in a chair and need to lie down and rest, but it takes a long time to sleep - if I am able to - because it is hard to breathe lying down.  made a doctor's appointment for Thursday at 3:30pm. 10/25/2016 same as yesterday. may be getting a little worse. 10/26/2016 my worst day yet. same as the days above, but can't get relief even for a moment. Constant pain and discomfort, tightening band around my head - helluva headache 11/8/2016 Still feel nauseous about 3/4 of the day each day. Doctors think it is the medicine that makes me sick: Indications for some of the meds say will make you sick. Kevin still has shitty attitude. He doesn't get it that he will need to impress the hell out of the jailers to get conditional release program. 11/11/2016 Sick as ****. I hope that is what is causing me to be so confrontational with people rather than me turning into an a**hole. I went off on Jecca. Got jealous because she contacted an old boyfriend of hers. Turns out he called her because he has some type of injury to  his hand and foot and wanted some sympathy. I told her if she continues contact with him I would start hanging with sluts and send her pictures. I told him I would stomp his ass if he kept contacting her. I got pretty nasty with her before we finally made up and resolved it. 11/12/2016 I have been off the diary except sporadically for a while. I thought I was getting better: No such luck. Started driving to class today and threw up all over myself and my car. I am extremely nauseous, and have a tremendous headache.  I get hungry as hell, but then get full after only two or three bites of food. Death would be a blessing. No energy, listless, no ambition, no drive. Headaches are the norm for me, and the ear infection is chronic with constant tinnitus. 11/13/2016 pretty much the same as yesterday. a general feeling of malaise, nauseated. 12/4/2016 I was invited to Christmas dinner. I hope I can have the energy to go. It is getting to the point I don’t even want to be around anyone. I just want to be in the comfort of my own home. Becoming even more of a recluse than normal. New medication regimen seems to be working a little better. Still feel weak and sleepy most of the time. I guess tinnitus will be permanent. 12/12/2016 Was invited to a show free of charge to sell my jewelry. I don’t have the stamina to set up my display, much less be there several hours. Headaches are normal, and tinnitus is constant. 4 days now with no sleep. Period. Zilch. Nada. Bupkiss. 12/24/2016 I can’t make it to the Christmas dinner I was invited to. I don’t have the energy to go. Staying home and cooking chicken with vegetables. 11/14/2017 It has been a long time since the last entry, but what's the point? At least by reading it I discover again the pain and shitty feeling all the time are not new. I don't know what the merit is in that, but it makes me feel like maybe I am not getting worse: I just get the unparralled joy of feeling like total **** all the time: Nausea - constant; headache - constant; tinitus - constant. It is all 24/7/ 365 until I manage to sleep for a little while - 3 or if I'm lucky, 4 hours at a time.  YIPPEE!!! On a different note, Jecca and I are no longer together. When I incurred tremendous financial burdens because of the CHF, she no longer wanted to stick around. It has really done a number on me emotionally, but on the other hand, it wouldn't be fair to want her to stick around and watch me die, becoming a widow in the prime of her life.   I would like at my funeral, Crossing the Bar read during the service: Crossing the Bar   BY ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON Sunset and evening star,    And one clear call for me!   And may there be no moaning of the bar,    When I put out to sea,  
But such a tide as moving seems asleep,    Too full for sound and foam,   When that which drew from out the boundless deep    Turns again home.  
Twilight and evening bell,    And after that the dark!     And may there be no sadness of farewell,    When I embark;  
For tho’ from out our bourne of Time and Place    The flood may bear me far,   I hope to see my Pilot face to face    When I have cross’d the bar. I started an online ministry - not much participation - only 22 members after a few months, but I post sermons and positive thoughts for the day, most of the time twice a day on the positive thoughts. Well, I will stop blubbering and blathering now. Nothing can change, unless I somehow have the good fortune of being hit by a Mack truck or a meteor falling from the sky to put me out of my misery, or something like that. Yippee kayay. Anecdote: I may seem at times to not have much patience with people when they have their little foibles. I am not cold hearted, and have tremendous empathy when people are truly in pain or have grief. It is the little mundane bs that people grouse about that annoys me. My sister  died when she was 15 and I was 16, from leukemia. My youngest brother died when he was 3 and I was 17, from aplastic anemia. My other brother died when he was 45 and I was 53, from a lifetime of alcohol and drug abuse. Both my parents died several years ago, and I am the only one left in my original family, and the only close relative I have is my son, who is now 30 yrs old. My girlfriend at the time (1977) died in my arms  because she had been to a party and OD'd from booting cocaine.  I was driving north on I-285 just north of Atlanta in 1984 when I saw a car lose control and t-bone another one, splitting it into. They both burst into flames. I was just behind them and drove through the flames, stopped and tried to rescue the people I saw burning in one of the cars. I couldn't get in to them because the flames had engulfed the car and I had to watch them burn, unable to help. I was driving on a state highway near my house when I was still a teenager and saw a car lose control and run into a delivery truck. The truck flipped over on its top, and the car slid in a ditch. When I got to the car (this was before padded steering wheels and air bags) I found the driver with part of the steering wheel sticking out of his throat. Both occupants were dying. All this is to say I have seen far more than my share of death and I have no patience with people who complain about little mundane things. On the other side of the fortune coin, I lost control of my car during a rain storm in which I ran over a board with a nail in it and blew out a tire in the rain slick highway: I rolled several times and was hit with the car jack in the head before coming to a stop at the bottom of a 27 foot embankment, but was not seriously injured. I was with a group of musicians in 1969 during the Piedmont Arts Festival in Atlanta, when we drove to the countryside with 3 cases of Red Ripple wine, using them as seats.  The driver lost control of the van and we rolled several times down an embankment, and all but two bottles of wine broke. None of us were seriously injured. So forgive me if sometimes am a bit impatient and high strung.  A friend once said, "Don't sweat the small stuff".
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judithghernandez87 · 6 years
How Paul Collins Overcame Childhood Illness to Become a Successful Entrepreneur
Welcome to our second SPI community member feature! On our SPI Facebook Group, we have over 40,000 amazing entrepreneurs across all stages of business, and I wanted to start highlighting some of the amazing work the community members are doing with their businesses here on the blog.
Brendan Hufford, our Facebook Community manager, wrote this post to highlight Paul Collins, whose business focuses on teaching English as a second language.
You can also check out Brendan and his work at his blog.
And if you haven’t done so already, click here to join the Facebook Group and be a part of the community!
“Why would anybody pay for this?”
That’s a question Paul Collins asked himself as he was starting his business, English Transformation, which focuses on teaching people how to speak English as a second language.
He was launching his business in a saturated marketplace, which included powerhouse language businesses such as:
Rosetta Stone, which is publicly traded and had $265 million in revenue in 2013
Babbel, which raised $22 million in 2015
Duolingo, which raised $75 million in 2017 at a $700 million valuation
How could Paul possibly compete with those businesses?
But Paul has drive and determination, two traits he developed as a child struggling with illness. According to his doctor in London, Paul suffered from the worst case of eczema in the United Kingdom from age one to twenty-four. Sometimes, he could barely walk, get dressed, or even function.
When he was 13, his eczema cleared up for a short time. However, he would later learn that the reason his symptoms cleared up was because his body was battling something else: liver cancer. Paul was told, at points, that he wouldn’t live another 48 hours. Thankfully, he survived the cancer, only to see his eczema return worse than ever.
But struggling with his health was all that Paul had ever known, so the resilience that it bred in him has always been there.
In 2004, Paul met a man that would change his life. Paul was on a boat, trying to put on two wetsuits and getting ready to scuba dive when the man asked Paul if he had a problem with his liver. Amazed that somebody could know this just by looking at him, Paul would go on a journey of discovery where he not only learned how to heal himself physically but also mentally.
This man took one look at Paul and said, “Come and see me and I’ll teach you how to breathe.” Paul thought to himself, ”OK, buddy. I’m all right, thanks. I know how to breathe just fine.”
But at this time, Paul was always carrying around an asthma inhaler to help him breathe and a tube of steroid cream for his eczema. The final decision for Paul to go see this acquaintance was when he started to have suicidal ideation–even going so far as to write a goodbye letter to his relatives. It was then he decided it was time to pull out all the stops.
The man took Paul to the beach near his home on the Gold Coast, Australia, and lead Paul through Qi Gong—a holistic system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used in the belief that it promotes health, spirituality—martial arts training, and a variety of meditations. He taught Paul his Breathe Enhancement Technique as well as The Geno-Type Diet.
He told Paul to throw away the inhaler. Paul took his advice and hasn’t used one since. Within a few weeks, Paul was running around the local park doing things he’d never have been able to do. “Basically, I became ‘normal.’ I was able to do things that other people take for granted,” he says.
After that, his eczema, asthma, and cancer didn’t return. Paul was left with only half a liver due to the cancer, but he wouldn’t trade his health struggles for the world, as they shaped him into the type of entrepreneur who wades, unflinching, into the deep waters of building a business.
Despite never attending college or university due to his chronic illness, Paul was able to attain a position as an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher, something nearly impossible without a degree.
While teaching ESL in Australia, Paul noticed that his students were not getting the services that they expected and deserved. While working at a failing school, Paul started his own courses from his home office in the afternoons. One day, while he was looking for office space with a friend (who also taught ESL), Paul met with a group looking for International English Language Testing System (IELTS) instructors.
Six months later, after the school Paul was teaching at closed, he decided to go all-in on his own business.
Diving Into a Saturated Market
Seeing the local market opportunity, Paul and his friend (who would become his business partner) paid no attention to big players like Duolingo and Rosetta Stone. “I honestly didn’t really give it too much thought. Maybe that was out of arrogance, or maybe it was stupidity,” says Paul.
While there are a lot of solutions out there to teach English, Paul specifically helps people pass the IELTS exam, a high-stakes English exam. It is an extremely challenging test for most people, including native speakers. So, they are not only teaching a language but the specifics of how to reach a particular score on a test.
Paul set himself apart with an integrated approach (which he also refers to as “blended learning”) that result in students having the highest level of IELTS and ESL knowledge. This means they integrate personal development aspect into all of our sessions as nearly all of their students suffer from anxiety, worry, and a myriad of other problems from trying to pass a constantly changing exam.
“Really, we believe that the human aspect is essential to improving at a language,” says Paul. “That’s one of the main reasons why we have our online courses, and still provide face-to-face sessions, either with one of us directly or with one of our tutors. We aim to expand this with a pay-as-you-go app service. Students need the connection for clarification and correction of their work and progress. Yes, it’s more time consuming for us, but we also get to provide work for others and a better service to our clients.”
Sadly, says Paul, many other businesses in the market provide a sub-par, and in many cases incorrect, product. “It’s just wrong and doesn’t help the student,” Paul says. His students often tell him they have learned more through English Transformation in a few hours than they did in weeks or months at a traditional school or trying to learn via YouTube videos.
Staying Afloat in Rough Waters
Paul’s journey hasn’t been without its setbacks. In fact, one of his biggest mistakes was, ironically, over-thinking some things and not thinking others through fully.
Things that Paul should have paid attention to, like his bookkeeping (which he refers to as “the boring side of business”) actually cost him quite a bit in penalties and government fines until he brought on his wife as a bookkeeper.
For example, in deciding on a platform for their online courses, Paul caught a case of “analysis paralysis” as he fully educated himself on every single platform possible, reading multiple reviews and comparisons of each. As you might expect, Paul settled on hosting his online courses with Teachable for its mix of ease-of-use, price, and design. [Full Disclosure: As an affiliate, Pat receives compensation if you purchase through this link.]
Another mistake, which cost Paul dearly, was going into a deal with an international partner. They partnered with a friend of a friend to license teachers in another country and were never paid for their work. In the end, they had to pay the teachers out of their pockets and walk away. In retrospect, Paul says, “I knew it was not the right move but whether it was greed or hope or something, I went along with the idea. I did stop it sooner than others were willing to when the gut feeling got too strong, but by then it was a little late.”
Since then, they’ve had numerous requests to partner with others or take on investment, but Paul and his partner have learned from their mistakes and are much more wary this time around.
Navigating these rough waters was possible because he took action on what he was learning from Pat and Smart Passive Income. Some of the resources that helped Paul grow his business include:
First, simply seeing that Pat had lost his job and created a blog to teach people how to pass a test. Although his business is in a different market, Paul simply mirrored that effort and had a path to move forward.
Next, it was Pat’s short video on how to start a website. Within a few minutes, Paul had his own website up and running.
Additionally, here are six podcast episodes that had a huge impact on Paul:
Episode 25: More Online Business Success Stories from People Who Don’t Teach Others How to Make Money Online. Paul says, “It was great to hear that folks could make money without teaching people how to make money. . . I guess for all of [the guests] I liked their ‘Go For It!’ attitude. I’m still developing that as I go.”
Episode 37: Monetizing in A Hobby Niche – Success Story, Interview Series 3. “I loved how [the guest] ran webinars and repackaged the content into information products. I also liked how the guest talked about being genuine and using her personality as is, remaining natural which is what I think people connect with. That’s what we do too.”
Episode 38: World Domination and The $100 Start-up with Chris Guillebeau. “I listened to the audio book before I heard the podcast. What’s not to like about this? I liked how he talks about a product that people can get for free, but that they pay for out of convenience. Everyone should read Chris’ book for sure.”
Episode 44 and Episode 45: How to Win with Your Email List Parts 1 and 2, respectively. “I loved all of the DOs and DON’Ts of email marketing, particularly where to place sign-up forms. Also, the way Pat includes the fact that he has posts with affiliate links, but emphasizes that he won’t give them in this post and doesn’t expect listeners to use the links unless they felt they gained value. In episode 45, the GOLD was what to include, when to include it and how to time your email sequence.”
Episode 49: Being Everywhere and Building a Community Around A Product Niche with Brendan Hufford. “I liked the fact that Brendan was teaching and running this in his spare time. The real niche aspect was cool too. Another few things that I liked were the laid-back style he talked about using on the site and the business idea that came from the project. Helping others while you help yourself is super cool.”
Setting His Sails
Currently, Paul’s business makes around $15k AUD per month (roughly $11k USD per month at time of publishing). This can fluctuate quite a bit month to month, but this breakthrough of income has only come recently. Much of the income has come on the back of offering online courses and a self-published book.
But for Paul, it’s not just about money. Owning his own business has enabled him to live life (mostly) on his own terms. If he wants to spend the afternoon in the pool with his daughters who are two and seven, he can.
What’s next for Paul? He wants to continue to grow his business and keep telling the story of how he’s been able to heal so radically from his childhood illness and go on to become a successful entrepreneur.
If you’re inspired by Paul’s story, check out Pat’s awesome free course on how to Build Your Own Brand. And be sure to join our SPI Facebook Community to get to know other entrepreneurs like Paul! Hope to see you there.
How Paul Collins Overcame Childhood Illness to Become a Successful Entrepreneur originally posted at Dave’s Blog
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davidmhomerjr · 6 years
How Paul Collins Overcame Childhood Illness to Become a Successful Entrepreneur
Welcome to our second SPI community member feature! On our SPI Facebook Group, we have over 40,000 amazing entrepreneurs across all stages of business, and I wanted to start highlighting some of the amazing work the community members are doing with their businesses here on the blog.
Brendan Hufford, our Facebook Community manager, wrote this post to highlight Paul Collins, whose business focuses on teaching English as a second language.
You can also check out Brendan and his work at his blog.
And if you haven’t done so already, click here to join the Facebook Group and be a part of the community!
“Why would anybody pay for this?”
That’s a question Paul Collins asked himself as he was starting his business, English Transformation, which focuses on teaching people how to speak English as a second language.
He was launching his business in a saturated marketplace, which included powerhouse language businesses such as:
Rosetta Stone, which is publicly traded and had $265 million in revenue in 2013
Babbel, which raised $22 million in 2015
Duolingo, which raised $75 million in 2017 at a $700 million valuation
How could Paul possibly compete with those businesses?
But Paul has drive and determination, two traits he developed as a child struggling with illness. According to his doctor in London, Paul suffered from the worst case of eczema in the United Kingdom from age one to twenty-four. Sometimes, he could barely walk, get dressed, or even function.
When he was 13, his eczema cleared up for a short time. However, he would later learn that the reason his symptoms cleared up was because his body was battling something else: liver cancer. Paul was told, at points, that he wouldn’t live another 48 hours. Thankfully, he survived the cancer, only to see his eczema return worse than ever.
But struggling with his health was all that Paul had ever known, so the resilience that it bred in him has always been there.
In 2004, Paul met a man that would change his life. Paul was on a boat, trying to put on two wetsuits and getting ready to scuba dive when the man asked Paul if he had a problem with his liver. Amazed that somebody could know this just by looking at him, Paul would go on a journey of discovery where he not only learned how to heal himself physically but also mentally.
This man took one look at Paul and said, “Come and see me and I’ll teach you how to breathe.” Paul thought to himself, ”OK, buddy. I’m all right, thanks. I know how to breathe just fine.”
But at this time, Paul was always carrying around an asthma inhaler to help him breathe and a tube of steroid cream for his eczema. The final decision for Paul to go see this acquaintance was when he started to have suicidal ideation–even going so far as to write a goodbye letter to his relatives. It was then he decided it was time to pull out all the stops.
The man took Paul to the beach near his home on the Gold Coast, Australia, and lead Paul through Qi Gong—a holistic system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used in the belief that it promotes health, spirituality—martial arts training, and a variety of meditations. He taught Paul his Breathe Enhancement Technique as well as The Geno-Type Diet.
He told Paul to throw away the inhaler. Paul took his advice and hasn’t used one since. Within a few weeks, Paul was running around the local park doing things he’d never have been able to do. “Basically, I became ‘normal.’ I was able to do things that other people take for granted,” he says.
After that, his eczema, asthma, and cancer didn’t return. Paul was left with only half a liver due to the cancer, but he wouldn’t trade his health struggles for the world, as they shaped him into the type of entrepreneur who wades, unflinching, into the deep waters of building a business.
Despite never attending college or university due to his chronic illness, Paul was able to attain a position as an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher, something nearly impossible without a degree.
While teaching ESL in Australia, Paul noticed that his students were not getting the services that they expected and deserved. While working at a failing school, Paul started his own courses from his home office in the afternoons. One day, while he was looking for office space with a friend (who also taught ESL), Paul met with a group looking for International English Language Testing System (IELTS) instructors.
Six months later, after the school Paul was teaching at closed, he decided to go all-in on his own business.
Diving Into a Saturated Market
Seeing the local market opportunity, Paul and his friend (who would become his business partner) paid no attention to big players like Duolingo and Rosetta Stone. “I honestly didn’t really give it too much thought. Maybe that was out of arrogance, or maybe it was stupidity,” says Paul.
While there are a lot of solutions out there to teach English, Paul specifically helps people pass the IELTS exam, a high-stakes English exam. It is an extremely challenging test for most people, including native speakers. So, they are not only teaching a language but the specifics of how to reach a particular score on a test.
Paul set himself apart with an integrated approach (which he also refers to as “blended learning”) that result in students having the highest level of IELTS and ESL knowledge. This means they integrate personal development aspect into all of our sessions as nearly all of their students suffer from anxiety, worry, and a myriad of other problems from trying to pass a constantly changing exam.
“Really, we believe that the human aspect is essential to improving at a language,” says Paul. “That’s one of the main reasons why we have our online courses, and still provide face-to-face sessions, either with one of us directly or with one of our tutors. We aim to expand this with a pay-as-you-go app service. Students need the connection for clarification and correction of their work and progress. Yes, it’s more time consuming for us, but we also get to provide work for others and a better service to our clients.”
Sadly, says Paul, many other businesses in the market provide a sub-par, and in many cases incorrect, product. “It’s just wrong and doesn’t help the student,” Paul says. His students often tell him they have learned more through English Transformation in a few hours than they did in weeks or months at a traditional school or trying to learn via YouTube videos.
Staying Afloat in Rough Waters
Paul’s journey hasn’t been without its setbacks. In fact, one of his biggest mistakes was, ironically, over-thinking some things and not thinking others through fully.
Things that Paul should have paid attention to, like his bookkeeping (which he refers to as “the boring side of business”) actually cost him quite a bit in penalties and government fines until he brought on his wife as a bookkeeper.
For example, in deciding on a platform for their online courses, Paul caught a case of “analysis paralysis” as he fully educated himself on every single platform possible, reading multiple reviews and comparisons of each. As you might expect, Paul settled on hosting his online courses with Teachable for its mix of ease-of-use, price, and design. [Full Disclosure: As an affiliate, Pat receives compensation if you purchase through this link.]
Another mistake, which cost Paul dearly, was going into a deal with an international partner. They partnered with a friend of a friend to license teachers in another country and were never paid for their work. In the end, they had to pay the teachers out of their pockets and walk away. In retrospect, Paul says, “I knew it was not the right move but whether it was greed or hope or something, I went along with the idea. I did stop it sooner than others were willing to when the gut feeling got too strong, but by then it was a little late.”
Since then, they’ve had numerous requests to partner with others or take on investment, but Paul and his partner have learned from their mistakes and are much more wary this time around.
Navigating these rough waters was possible because he took action on what he was learning from Pat and Smart Passive Income. Some of the resources that helped Paul grow his business include:
First, simply seeing that Pat had lost his job and created a blog to teach people how to pass a test. Although his business is in a different market, Paul simply mirrored that effort and had a path to move forward.
Next, it was Pat’s short video on how to start a website. Within a few minutes, Paul had his own website up and running.
Additionally, here are six podcast episodes that had a huge impact on Paul:
Episode 25: More Online Business Success Stories from People Who Don’t Teach Others How to Make Money Online. Paul says, “It was great to hear that folks could make money without teaching people how to make money. . . I guess for all of [the guests] I liked their ‘Go For It!’ attitude. I’m still developing that as I go.”
Episode 37: Monetizing in A Hobby Niche – Success Story, Interview Series 3. “I loved how [the guest] ran webinars and repackaged the content into information products. I also liked how the guest talked about being genuine and using her personality as is, remaining natural which is what I think people connect with. That’s what we do too.”
Episode 38: World Domination and The $100 Start-up with Chris Guillebeau. “I listened to the audio book before I heard the podcast. What’s not to like about this? I liked how he talks about a product that people can get for free, but that they pay for out of convenience. Everyone should read Chris’ book for sure.”
Episode 44 and Episode 45: How to Win with Your Email List Parts 1 and 2, respectively. “I loved all of the DOs and DON’Ts of email marketing, particularly where to place sign-up forms. Also, the way Pat includes the fact that he has posts with affiliate links, but emphasizes that he won’t give them in this post and doesn’t expect listeners to use the links unless they felt they gained value. In episode 45, the GOLD was what to include, when to include it and how to time your email sequence.”
Episode 49: Being Everywhere and Building a Community Around A Product Niche with Brendan Hufford. “I liked the fact that Brendan was teaching and running this in his spare time. The real niche aspect was cool too. Another few things that I liked were the laid-back style he talked about using on the site and the business idea that came from the project. Helping others while you help yourself is super cool.”
Setting His Sails
Currently, Paul’s business makes around $15k AUD per month (roughly $11k USD per month at time of publishing). This can fluctuate quite a bit month to month, but this breakthrough of income has only come recently. Much of the income has come on the back of offering online courses and a self-published book.
But for Paul, it’s not just about money. Owning his own business has enabled him to live life (mostly) on his own terms. If he wants to spend the afternoon in the pool with his daughters who are two and seven, he can.
What’s next for Paul? He wants to continue to grow his business and keep telling the story of how he’s been able to heal so radically from his childhood illness and go on to become a successful entrepreneur.
If you’re inspired by Paul’s story, check out Pat’s awesome free course on how to Build Your Own Brand. And be sure to join our SPI Facebook Community to get to know other entrepreneurs like Paul! Hope to see you there.
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How To Unlock Your Potential Fast And Easy
New Post has been published on https://personalcoachingcenter.com/how-to-unlock-your-potential-fast-and-easy/
How To Unlock Your Potential Fast And Easy
You are a better person when you constantly seek to reinvent yourself. The advice in this post will help you to take the first steps towards a new you. It only takes a few simple life changes to vastly improve your life. You might be shocked by how easy it actually is to set these ideas in motion.
A great self help tip is to get in touch with people that are going through the same thing as you. You can also go to a support group. Getting in touch with people that are going through the same things, can help you because you won't feel so alone.
    It can be tempting to vow that we will never do _____ (insert bad habit here!) again, but such a mentality can often set us up to fail. Rather than vowing never again to engage in your bad habit, vow not to engage in it for the next 24 hours.
  When it comes to keeping "your world" in order, that should also include your wallet. People place a lot of unnecessary stuff in their wallets that makes finding what you need almost impossible. Try using a smaller wallet to start with. Try keeping it free of garbage you accumulate. Also, go through it regularly to ensure that it remains clean.
5 Unexpected Ways to Decrease Anxious Thoughts
"You might find it hard to believe that simply putting pen to paper to write could give you peace of mind, groundedness, and increased vitality. Yet it's a fact. Through clinical research, James Pennebaker, author of Opening Up: The Healing Power of E…" https://blisspot.com/blogs/7898/1348/5-unexpected-ways-to-decrease-anxious-thoughts
A key to success is learning how to take personal responsibility for mistakes. Instead of playing the blame game, acknowledge your mistakes, learn from them than move on. Taking personal responsibility for your actions is actually very liberating. You will soon feel like you are the one in charge of your own future and it will be easier to make decisions.
  Sometimes finding a faith to devote oneself to is a great self-help idea. During hard times we tend to dwell on what is troubling us and lose sight of the bigger picture. A religious faith helps one focus on that bigger picture while altering the focus from hardship to a higher power.
  You cannot make any progress with respect to personal development if you have not outlined a goal or set of goals. For example, you may be wanting to lose weight. Without a goal in sight, it is near impossible to progress or feel like you are making progress. So, establish a goal now.
  You need to stop procrastinating if you want to have a less stressful life. If you procrastinate often it means that you carry a lot of stress because you are constantly feeling as though you have to hurry up and get something done. It can be easy to stop procrastinating if you schedule your day properly.
Avoiding a Victimhood Mindset in a Long-term Illness or Chronic Condition
"The Self Improvement Blog | Self Esteem | Self Confidence
There are some things we just don’t want to face or talk about, and one of them is a long-term illness or chronic condition that impacts your lifestyle in a drastic manner. We all have to make peace with the unpredictability of life. Admittedly, it’s much easier to process this when health serves you well. […]
 Avoiding a Victimhood Mindset in a Long-term Illness or Chronic Condition" https://theselfimprovementblog.com/self-improvement/featured/avoiding-a-victimhood-mindset-in-a-long-term-illness-or-chronic-condition/
Therapy is indicated if you feel you cannot deal with your problems. Though self-help books and online resources are great, they typically will not offer as much as a one-on-one therapy session can. Beyond the professional expertise, one-on-one therapy offers the opportunity for real communication. Reading a book won't let you have a dialog the way therapists do.
  A great way to combat depression through self help is to have a cup of coffee with a friend. This is a great way towards building and improving relationships which has proven to be extremely effective when dealing with depression. Not only will you help yourself, but you will also strengthen your relationship.
  Low self-esteem problems are often part of a vicious cycle. We do not wish to draw attention to ourselves, so we slouch and slump our way into oblivion. Break this habit! Standing up straight and practicing good posture projects a confident image, tones muscles, and increases our sense of self-image in a way that is immediately noticeable to ourselves and to others.
  Be true to who you really are. This is very important. You can't work to better yourself if you lie about who you really are. You need to accept that you are you, and that is a wonderful thing! Many people are not happy with who they are, but we can take responsibility for that, and improve who we are once we acknowledge the truth.
First Look: Leadership Books for August 2019
"Here's a look at some of the best leadership books to be released in August 2019. Don't miss out on other great new and future releases. Transforming Legacy Organizations: Turn your Established Business into an Innovation Champion to Win the Future by Kris Østergaard Transforming Legacy Organizations provides real-world advice and research-based information on how to grow innovation by employing new technologies, improving processes, and establishing a culture of creativity and forward momentum. Conventional business wisdom views innovation as the biggest advantage startups have over large, established organizations, often referred to as legacy organizations. This belief is false, especially when considering that 70% of all startups fail within 20 months of their first venture round. The truth is innovation initiatives of legacy organizations have far better chances of succeeding.
Ultralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart the Competition, and Accelerate Your Career by Scott Young
In these tumultuous times of economic and technological change, staying ahead depends on continual self-education—a lifelong mastery of fresh ideas, subjects, and skills. If you want to accomplish more and stand apart from everyone else, you need to become an ultralearner. The challenge of learning new skills is that you think you already know how best to learn, as you did as a student, so you rerun old routines and old ways of solving problems. To counter that, Ultralearning offers powerful strategies to break you out of those mental ruts and introduces new training methods to help you push through to higher levels of retention.
The Chaos Parallel: How To Overcome The Life-Altering Effects of Insecurities by J Alex Geesbreght Everyone has insecurities. Like with most insecurities–especially those that are not self-inflicted–we don’t tend to “fix” or “get over” them; they are always with us and a part of who we are. However, if we are honest with ourselves, we can recognize them, understand them, and seek to find a way to live our most authentic lives free from the chaos they often create.
Flip the Script: Getting People to Think Your Idea Is Their Idea by Oren Klaff Oren is throwing out the old playbook on persuasion. Instead, he'll show you a new approach that works on this simple insight: Everyone trusts their own ideas. If, rather than pushing your idea on your buyer, you can guide them to discover it on their own, they'll believe it, trust it, and get excited about it. Then they'll buy in and feel good about the chance to work with you. That might sound easier said than done, but Oren has taught thousands of people how to do it with a series of simple steps that anyone can follow in any situation. And Oren has been in a lot of different situations.
The Optimist's Telescope: Thinking Ahead in a Reckless Age by Bina Venkataraman Instant gratification is the norm today—in our lives, our culture, our economy, and our politics. Many of us have forgotten (if we ever learned) how to make smart decisions for the long run. Whether it comes to our finances, our health, our communities, or our planet, it’s easy to avoid thinking ahead. The consequences of this immediacy are stark: Superbugs spawned by the overuse of antibiotics endanger our health. Companies that fail to invest stagnate and fall behind. Hurricanes and wildfires turn deadly for communities that could have taken more precaution."
One of the hardest tips to swallow is to accept blame. Take the responsibility for everything that goes wrong in your day-to-day life. Don't make excuses, just own the moment. It is you that has paved the way to this moment and it is important to be in the driver's seat, no matter the reason. With this, you will gain the respect of your friends, family and peers and open the door to some enormous personal growth.
  Learn how to moderate your activities. Self control is an early lesson in personal development, and it can be one of the most difficult to learn. There are many things in your life that can harm your overall health like smoking, excessive drinking and overeating. Learn how to moderate these bad habits or even kick them completely. By succeeding you are giving yourself more time on the planet to achieve your personal development.
  There are seven secrets to success that will bring about true personal development. They are direction, destination, action, reaction, acceleration, completion and reproduction. Go through these steps in order and make sure to share your success with others. Success becomes more real to you when you can talk about it.
  A great personal development tip is to recognize and admit to yourself that there is a large gap between where your life is currently and where you want it to be. If you do not accept and acknowledge your current situation, you will have no chance of changing and improving your life.
  Define what's most important to you, and let go of the rest. You can be trying really hard to do everything, when the truth is that no one can. When faced with something, ask whether it relates to what is most important in your life. If it isn't, you don't need it.
  Set these tips in motion today to get the greatest benefit out of life. Now that you know some of the best strategies for making a difference in your life, you are prepared to go out and do something new. It is time to reinvent yourself and become the person you've always wanted to be.
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davidmhomerjr · 6 years
How Paul Collins Overcame Childhood Illness to Become a Successful Entrepreneur
Welcome to our second SPI community member feature! On our SPI Facebook Group, we have over 40,000 amazing entrepreneurs across all stages of business, and I wanted to start highlighting some of the amazing work the community members are doing with their businesses here on the blog.
Brendan Hufford, our Facebook Community manager, wrote this post to highlight Paul Collins, whose business focuses on teaching English as a second language.
You can also check out Brendan and his work at his blog.
And if you haven’t done so already, click here to join the Facebook Group and be a part of the community!
“Why would anybody pay for this?”
That’s a question Paul Collins asked himself as he was starting his business, English Transformation, which focuses on teaching people how to speak English as a second language.
He was launching his business in a saturated marketplace, which included powerhouse language businesses such as:
Rosetta Stone, which is publicly traded and had $265 million in revenue in 2013
Babbel, which raised $22 million in 2015
Duolingo, which raised $75 million in 2017 at a $700 million valuation
How could Paul possibly compete with those businesses?
But Paul has drive and determination, two traits he developed as a child struggling with illness. According to his doctor in London, Paul suffered from the worst case of eczema in the United Kingdom from age one to twenty-four. Sometimes, he could barely walk, get dressed, or even function.
When he was 13, his eczema cleared up for a short time. However, he would later learn that the reason his symptoms cleared up was because his body was battling something else: liver cancer. Paul was told, at points, that he wouldn’t live another 48 hours. Thankfully, he survived the cancer, only to see his eczema return worse than ever.
But struggling with his health was all that Paul had ever known, so the resilience that it bred in him has always been there.
In 2004, Paul met a man that would change his life. Paul was on a boat, trying to put on two wetsuits and getting ready to scuba dive when the man asked Paul if he had a problem with his liver. Amazed that somebody could know this just by looking at him, Paul would go on a journey of discovery where he not only learned how to heal himself physically but also mentally.
This man took one look at Paul and said, “Come and see me and I’ll teach you how to breathe.” Paul thought to himself, ”OK, buddy. I’m all right, thanks. I know how to breathe just fine.”
But at this time, Paul was always carrying around an asthma inhaler to help him breathe and a tube of steroid cream for his eczema. The final decision for Paul to go see this acquaintance was when he started to have suicidal ideation–even going so far as to write a goodbye letter to his relatives. It was then he decided it was time to pull out all the stops.
The man took Paul to the beach near his home on the Gold Coast, Australia, and lead Paul through Qi Gong—a holistic system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used in the belief that it promotes health, spirituality—martial arts training, and a variety of meditations. He taught Paul his Breathe Enhancement Technique as well as The Geno-Type Diet.
He told Paul to throw away the inhaler. Paul took his advice and hasn’t used one since. Within a few weeks, Paul was running around the local park doing things he’d never have been able to do. “Basically, I became ‘normal.’ I was able to do things that other people take for granted,” he says.
After that, his eczema, asthma, and cancer didn’t return. Paul was left with only half a liver due to the cancer, but he wouldn’t trade his health struggles for the world, as they shaped him into the type of entrepreneur who wades, unflinching, into the deep waters of building a business.
Despite never attending college or university due to his chronic illness, Paul was able to attain a position as an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher, something nearly impossible without a degree.
While teaching ESL in Australia, Paul noticed that his students were not getting the services that they expected and deserved. While working at a failing school, Paul started his own courses from his home office in the afternoons. One day, while he was looking for office space with a friend (who also taught ESL), Paul met with a group looking for International English Language Testing System (IELTS) instructors.
Six months later, after the school Paul was teaching at closed, he decided to go all-in on his own business.
Diving Into a Saturated Market
Seeing the local market opportunity, Paul and his friend (who would become his business partner) paid no attention to big players like Duolingo and Rosetta Stone. “I honestly didn’t really give it too much thought. Maybe that was out of arrogance, or maybe it was stupidity,” says Paul.
While there are a lot of solutions out there to teach English, Paul specifically helps people pass the IELTS exam, a high-stakes English exam. It is an extremely challenging test for most people, including native speakers. So, they are not only teaching a language but the specifics of how to reach a particular score on a test.
Paul set himself apart with an integrated approach (which he also refers to as “blended learning”) that result in students having the highest level of IELTS and ESL knowledge. This means they integrate personal development aspect into all of our sessions as nearly all of their students suffer from anxiety, worry, and a myriad of other problems from trying to pass a constantly changing exam.
“Really, we believe that the human aspect is essential to improving at a language,” says Paul. “That’s one of the main reasons why we have our online courses, and still provide face-to-face sessions, either with one of us directly or with one of our tutors. We aim to expand this with a pay-as-you-go app service. Students need the connection for clarification and correction of their work and progress. Yes, it’s more time consuming for us, but we also get to provide work for others and a better service to our clients.”
Sadly, says Paul, many other businesses in the market provide a sub-par, and in many cases incorrect, product. “It’s just wrong and doesn’t help the student,” Paul says. His students often tell him they have learned more through English Transformation in a few hours than they did in weeks or months at a traditional school or trying to learn via YouTube videos.
Staying Afloat in Rough Waters
Paul’s journey hasn’t been without its setbacks. In fact, one of his biggest mistakes was, ironically, over-thinking some things and not thinking others through fully.
Things that Paul should have paid attention to, like his bookkeeping (which he refers to as “the boring side of business”) actually cost him quite a bit in penalties and government fines until he brought on his wife as a bookkeeper.
For example, in deciding on a platform for their online courses, Paul caught a case of “analysis paralysis” as he fully educated himself on every single platform possible, reading multiple reviews and comparisons of each. As you might expect, Paul settled on hosting his online courses with Teachable for its mix of ease-of-use, price, and design. [Full Disclosure: As an affiliate, Pat receives compensation if you purchase through this link.]
Another mistake, which cost Paul dearly, was going into a deal with an international partner. They partnered with a friend of a friend to license teachers in another country and were never paid for their work. In the end, they had to pay the teachers out of their pockets and walk away. In retrospect, Paul says, “I knew it was not the right move but whether it was greed or hope or something, I went along with the idea. I did stop it sooner than others were willing to when the gut feeling got too strong, but by then it was a little late.”
Since then, they’ve had numerous requests to partner with others or take on investment, but Paul and his partner have learned from their mistakes and are much more wary this time around.
Navigating these rough waters was possible because he took action on what he was learning from Pat and Smart Passive Income. Some of the resources that helped Paul grow his business include:
First, simply seeing that Pat had lost his job and created a blog to teach people how to pass a test. Although his business is in a different market, Paul simply mirrored that effort and had a path to move forward.
Next, it was Pat’s short video on how to start a website. Within a few minutes, Paul had his own website up and running.
Additionally, here are six podcast episodes that had a huge impact on Paul:
Episode 25: More Online Business Success Stories from People Who Don’t Teach Others How to Make Money Online. Paul says, “It was great to hear that folks could make money without teaching people how to make money. . . I guess for all of [the guests] I liked their ‘Go For It!’ attitude. I’m still developing that as I go.”
Episode 37: Monetizing in A Hobby Niche – Success Story, Interview Series 3. “I loved how [the guest] ran webinars and repackaged the content into information products. I also liked how the guest talked about being genuine and using her personality as is, remaining natural which is what I think people connect with. That’s what we do too.”
Episode 38: World Domination and The $100 Start-up with Chris Guillebeau. “I listened to the audio book before I heard the podcast. What’s not to like about this? I liked how he talks about a product that people can get for free, but that they pay for out of convenience. Everyone should read Chris’ book for sure.”
Episode 44 and Episode 45: How to Win with Your Email List Parts 1 and 2, respectively. “I loved all of the DOs and DON’Ts of email marketing, particularly where to place sign-up forms. Also, the way Pat includes the fact that he has posts with affiliate links, but emphasizes that he won’t give them in this post and doesn’t expect listeners to use the links unless they felt they gained value. In episode 45, the GOLD was what to include, when to include it and how to time your email sequence.”
Episode 49: Being Everywhere and Building a Community Around A Product Niche with Brendan Hufford. “I liked the fact that Brendan was teaching and running this in his spare time. The real niche aspect was cool too. Another few things that I liked were the laid-back style he talked about using on the site and the business idea that came from the project. Helping others while you help yourself is super cool.”
Setting His Sails
Currently, Paul’s business makes around $15k AUD per month (roughly $11k USD per month at time of publishing). This can fluctuate quite a bit month to month, but this breakthrough of income has only come recently. Much of the income has come on the back of offering online courses and a self-published book.
But for Paul, it’s not just about money. Owning his own business has enabled him to live life (mostly) on his own terms. If he wants to spend the afternoon in the pool with his daughters who are two and seven, he can.
What’s next for Paul? He wants to continue to grow his business and keep telling the story of how he’s been able to heal so radically from his childhood illness and go on to become a successful entrepreneur.
If you’re inspired by Paul’s story, check out Pat’s awesome free course on how to Build Your Own Brand. And be sure to join our SPI Facebook Community to get to know other entrepreneurs like Paul! Hope to see you there.
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