#if they’ve changed and grown as a person there’s no need to hold their past against them
pwurrz · 1 year
some of y’all should. go outside. touch some grass maybe.
#one of the joys of being a human is being able to go be stupid in our youth#we say and do stupid shit as kids or teenagers because we don’t know any better#and what’s a better way of finding out that our words or actions were wrong than experiencing backlash for it firsthand??#how are we supposed to learn from our mistakes if we never make them??#that’s what our childhoods are for. being stupid#and then we grow up and we take all that stupidness we had as children and learn from it#but some extremely chronically online people don’t believe in making mistakes?? like ever??#not even as a child#which is baffling to me#because we’re all stupid as kids. all of us. especially the people who pretend they’re better than everyone else#so if someone made an honest mistake in their past#literally what right do you have to criticize them for it#if they’ve changed and grown as a person there’s no need to hold their past against them#and i’m talking about actual mistakes not shit like bullying people or saying slurs repeatedly bc you think it’s funny#i’m talking about shit like saying offensive jokes because you were taught the humour of them but not the harm#and saying ignorant shit because you literally didn’t know any better#anyways people who try to cancel people for harmless shit they did 10+ years ago go outside#delete your twitter account while you’re at it#you’re currently choosing to be judgemental and overly critical of people’s pasts in an attempt to ruin their lives#and i think that says more about you than it does about them
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Day 6: Halcyon no warnings. spoilers for endwalker a bit. word count 905
“Do you believe one can still dream if they no longer need sleep, Watcher?” 
The Watcher with his faded white robed form looks up from his latest crystal of recordings. “I don’t think I understand, Shepherd?”
Anthea runs a hand through their near colorless hair, its length near the middle of their back, something that it hadn’t been since trying to fit in at secondary school in Amaurot, frowning at the last remaining dark teal on the ends that would vanish should they give in to comfort and cut it short once more. “I fear that having no physical form anymore will mean I no longer dream, only the physical body needs sleep after all.”
“You have many of your memories recorded though. It will be no trouble to recall any of your halcyon days.”
It is true they have many of their memories recorded, many of Elidibus’, and the musical memories of Emet-Selch, there should be no need to worry and yet….
It would be so much easier if they did not still have vivid dreams of their beloved. Dreams where they can feel his skin once more, hear his laughter, and see his violet eyes sparkle when he smiles. Dreams that made their chest ache when they awoke to this constant night and no longer themselves. In their dreams they could once again be Anthea, their beloved could be Hythlodaeus once more, Emet-Selch would be Hades, and they would know where Deimos is. Their family would be whole and happy….
“You are right, forgive me for disturbing you.” 
The Watcher looks back down at their work with falling shoulders, the only indication he feels sympathy and wants to help with his lack of facial features, before walking to the shelf of trinkets Anthea’s made over the years. He pulls down the radio, shuffling to hand it to them, “Here. Listening to it among the stars always seems to lighten your mood, Shepherd.” They can hear the change in pitch he’s developed to say he’s giving some kind of smile, If only I had known you more before all this Watcher, you wouldn’t have to indicate a smile, I would just know.
Anthea knows it won’t help this time, still they take the radio with a simple thanks and small smile, opting to walk among the fields of white. A ghost among the living dead, they find their favorite cliff to sit and look down at the remaining world of old and the new world that they will never know in this lifetime. Fresh footprints help in pretending that one of their old friends sits with them as they contemplate if it is worth it to finally give up this form. 
This body hadn’t been Anthea since Emet-Selch asked them to take up the seat of Halmarut, hundreds of lifetimes ago. They’ve only grown out their hair this long thinking that so long as the teal remained they could still be that person they were, but there was no going back.
Time only moved forward
Their grey hair was proof of that. 
The loss of Themis’ memories was proof of that. 
Their old friend’s sagging shoulders proof of that.
Changes among stasis, forever proof that time only ever moved forward.
So maybe it was time to move forward. To acknowledge that the past will be staying in the past. To accept that they were no longer Anthea, the former Creationist of Elpis who tended a garden and never once thought about golden days ending. 
They hold the image of scissors and bring them forth out of thin air. Sharp and gleaming in the borrowed sunlight. 
They would never again be Anthea
They collect their long hair in one hand, taking a deep breath as they position the scissors.
they would move forward and embrace the new title. They will find peace among the sorrow
Three closures of the scissors against their hair and for a moment they are weightless.
and help those that were still stuck in stasis find the strength to move onward. 
They let the scissors vanish and bring their chopped off hair in front of them, letting a few tears fall. Tears of mourning and tears of revelation. “Is this who you were hoping I would find beloved? Were you always able to see the person I am now?” They feel the start of a small breeze that begins to loosen their grip. “This person that no longer fears moving outside of what they once knew, even if it will still take some time to fully relinquish dreams of escapism. To let them turn into memories that will bring joys and reminders on the days I give in to the stasis.” Their hand opens fully, letting the breeze take the strands of hair and scatter them among the moon. “But I promise you I will get there. And in the meantime I will help others learn how to move onward in life, like you once did for me.” They look up at the stars, bringing their knees to their chest, listening to the wind, “Believe and walk in faith. Let the light of your soul shine for all to see. Let it guide others as you have guided me.”, his final wish for them. 
“I am the Shepherd of lost and wandering souls, and I hope that when the time is right, beloved, you will see the person you helped create.”
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rocketturtle4 · 8 months
Last Twilight, Growth, Change, Hope and most of all, Trust 
because I adored this show, without reservation.
(I wrote this before realising quite how many people were unhappy with the ending but my thoughts stand)
My friend, @plantsarepeopletoo wrote in their post about ep 12 that
The story is saying hope is something worth chasing after.
This is something I emphatically agree with, and I want to add one more core premise that the show felt like it built on throughout
No matter how big change is, growth comes from the little moments when we trust.
This was a show *full* of big, the accident, the lost dreams of national competition, a year in jail, a sister’s death, a parent’s death, a parent’s divorce, an unplanned pregnancy and of course, blindness.
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And yet,
This was a show full of tiny moments of growth, hard earned and barely celebrated, of what it was like to see clearly for just 10 seconds of a day. Of how to eat a plate of food without sight, of what it feels like to hold out your hand and trust someone to take it. What forgiveness feels like, voiced in small certain words.
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We climbed mountains, and bought slippers, We ran away from home and we learnt to eat cake.
Big Moments
Small Moments
But most of all
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And that was what we lost in episode 11 and that is what episode 12 had to rebuild.
Day thought that Mhok was the one person who trusted him to be okay by himself, even if just for a little while, Day saw him as an equal, a faen. That’s what he chose when he stepped over the marathon finish line. But Mhok wasn’t there with him, not completely. He wanted to carry all of Day’s needs as well as his own.
He didn’t share the nightmare
He didn’t share the job offer
He didn’t share his fear over the car accident
He didn’t trust Day.
And so Day ended things, firmly and with false certainty because he never wanted to be anyone’s burden. He wanted to be Mhok’s equal, and as things stood, Mhok couldn’t give him that.
Episode 12 (again as @plantsarepeopletoo points out) shows that even though the two have grown so much over the past 3 years, they still lack the trust because they’ve done the work separately and not together.
You see it in the way Mhok doesn’t speak until Day is already in the car.
Doesn’t speak until Day recognises his scent.
But once Day recognises him by scent alone, Mhok gives in and trusts enough to lean in and flirt, to show up and cook him food, to take him for suit fittings and cake tastings, to ask him to dance and then finally, to ask for a second chance.
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Day’s trust is a more fragile thing. How can he know Mhok sees him as a whole person, trusts him, when Mhok picks up right where they left off, when he continues to pull out his chair and catch his arm to walk him, when he helps him with his jacket, and his food.
What if nothing has changed?
How can he know?
And he needs a push here, more than Mhok does, because of how his trust was broken, but Mum tells Day.
To be uncertain in love is the most normal thing of all, to step forward we must take a risk
To love, is to trust, and so, Day chooses to trust.
And for me, this was the most beautiful moment of all, and the most fulfilling ending I could have gotten.
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For me this show held up, from start to finish.
It’s a show about learning to trust your family, your friends and most importantly yourself, no matter what life throws your way.
For those of you who feel that this doesn’t address what you perceive as the biggest flaws in the show, maybe it was Day’s Mum, or Day getting his Vision back, or the show choosing not to explicitly address Mhok’s trauma and abandonment issues, I am not saying you are wrong at all. For me, an explicit unpacking of those things wasn’t needed. They weren’t the threads I was holding onto.
Day’s mum learnt to see him as a whole person.
Mhok learnt to live independently, without someone relying on him.
Day’s vision was returned, an afterthought of the show, after he was already a whole, happy person.
None of these things were less for me.
Because every moment of this show was filled with so much more.
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cloveroctobers · 9 months
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A/N: honestly did not expect the Seth Stan’s to show out the way you guys did on that poll?!! Caught me off guard for sure! since back then I never found my Seth lovers anywhere but this is a good thing! All I imagine is warm fuzzies looking at not only Seth but Boo as well so you can definitely expect this to be some fluff! Also have a safe and thrilling new year, hope the best is coming for us all 💚
PROMPTS ARE FROM HERE & HERE + I’m using: 25.) Home for the holidays (“thought you couldn’t make it!”, running hug) + DIALOGUES — 35.) “Did you make me a tinsel crown?”
WARNINGS: as sweet as can be + probably too short for any of our likings! & Seth and reader are (aged up) about 25 :) + a quick write—if you couldn’t tell 😬
<- read my previous December anthology prompt here.
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you’re at your parents, it’s early (to you) around ten am and you’re outside in the backyard. It’s the night after the annual Christmas party your parents threw, you crashed here at their residence that they’ve owned for around three years now and it still didn’t quite feel like home. You could say California never did, it didn’t give you the feeling of sunny superstar dreams and wonder—it turned out to be just another mile you can simply tick off from your odometer.
it’s funny how you never had the desire to be in this state in the first place and here you are living here for the past six months. You’ve been a few places since La Push,(Oregon, Minnesota, Maine, and finally residing in British Columbia prior) spending a good twenty years there before deciding to look elsewhere. You left before your family did and it wasn’t ever a competition but they can honestly say you’re the influence that pushed them to see more.
Everything of course was not all fun and games outside of the world you once knew but you wouldn’t completely rewind and start over. Some things needed to be done to figure out where you truly had to be. Which was your answer for it all but that came with tears you couldn’t hold back as you finished off a cupcake.
The end of the year was so near and yes you were thankful to be closer to your family again and the sprinkle of success this year brought to your table but there always seemed to be something still missing that you couldn’t shake. You’ve grown accustomed to everlasting change in your life—I mean the supernatural world can get pretty wild no matter where you went but you knew how to get adjusted after some time. Yet you couldn’t explain the puffiness on your face to yourself although those deemed it as good sleep. Waking up in tears was not what you expected the day after spreading joy but the cool plunge from the winter air soothed you just fine.
Wrapped in a blanket, staring out into the pale yellow sun behind the haze of blue, you’re chewing the last of the soft cupcake, lost in your own feelings that you don’t even register your name being called. Standing in the middle of the slightly messy backyard, you take your time glancing over your shoulder at the mention of your name and feel your breathing hitch.
Behind your father is a face that you’re all too familiar with. Then it all starts to make sense as a once cautious glance turns into a famous grin that always meets his dark eyes. You’re supposed to be cleaning up the backyard but instead you’re running full speed into the tender arms of a person dear to your heart.
Seth Clearwater.
Your eldest friend who you had the best time getting in touch with over the last year. How ironic is it that he’s been living in California all these years? Information that your parents left out although your dad talked to Charlie and Sue often. Perhaps that was their way of protecting your heart? That Seth was once upon a time a brushed off subject that most refrained from bringing him up. He was disappointed that you were leaving five years ago and you tried your hardest for him to go along with you but Seth wasn’t ready to leave La Push behind for good like you were.
You were both on opposite ends. You finished community college and you were accepted into another school in a different state but those two years felt like enough for you. You had savings for traveling and that’s what you did, to find a better sense of yourself outside of what you’ve always known.
Unfortunately that included Seth.
You tried to keep up with postcards, phone calls, emails, and texts but that just became a reminder that life went on without each other in it. Something you both had to accept although the sadness was hard to beat until you both learned to stop thinking as much.
Perhaps you never really did.
“Thought you couldn’t make it!” Your head is buried into his shoulder as you squeeze him tightly.
You haven’t seen each other since you were both twenty, reconnecting through social media after Seth decided to hop back on and it was shocking to hear that he and Leah were both making an attendance to your parents home, flying and driving in that Friday. The dejection was evident on your face when Leah was at the door alone and she made blunt attempts (in Leah fashion) to soothe over the sting. She was very vague and so was Sue—which was not like her now looking back on it.
Seth was expecting a text from you, questioning about his whereabouts but was met with radio silence which said enough. He was quick to question everyone else in the family group chat but sue was more reassuring than his step-dad Charlie and big sister were.
He chuckles as he wraps an arm around you, “Fooled ya, didn’t I? There’s no way I’d bail out completely. Just got wrapped up in some last minute things on the holidays, which sucked but I’m here now to see you.”
Lifting your head you stare up at Seth, scanning over his features which were still there, just defined as he stood in his adulthood, with his hair much longer and free on his terms.
“I’m glad.” You offer a smile, which felt tight against your slightly swollen face, “and also can’t believe it! When Leah told me something came up, I actually wanted to head back home.”
“Aw well…I’m glad you didn’t.” Seth informs, “I hear you have a strange roommate according to your dad.”
You glance at the space where your dad once stood and scoff. “Melvin just…loves his reptiles. He works at a pet store and I told him that as long as he has a good watch on them and I don’t get bit by any of them to the point I’m unalived then…it’s cool with me.”
Seth raises his brows, “Wow…I’m impressed.”
“What? Why?”
“If I remember correctly you were afraid of the simplest of things like: crickets, dragonflies, and butterflies. Now you’re telling me you live with reptiles?” Seth quizzes with a smirk.
You shrug, “you can’t hold the past against me! I’m experienced such growth and we have time talk about everything right?”
Seth briefly cups your cheek, before slipping it to rest against your blanket covered shoulder, “as much time as we need.”
One thing about Seth Clearwater, he’s always been sincere and that hasn’t changed in the last five years.
“I have something for you,” you say disappearing into the house, ignoring the stares from your dads’ to grab the item before heading out back once more, “here we are.”
Seth lowers his head a bit as you get the item settled and he peeks up with a grin, “Did you make me a tinsel crown?”
“You may have missed out on the shenanigans last night but I saved you one just in case,” you tell as Seth models the shiny crown in the backyard while you clap in approval.
Seth sighs, “thanks for thinking of me…care to take a stroll and tell me everything?”
He holds his hand out, awaiting for your grasp and you don’t hesitate because you know that Seth will share the same as you make laps in the backyard together. Arm now looped with his, head resting against his shoulder as you take turns telling each other just how much you missed being side by side.
The looks of longing passed between the two of you, which answers the questions the final month of the year brings: you’ll always be the best part of each others lives no matter what the distance may bring.
Seth’s warmth and compassion reminds you that, the blues—you didn’t realize that you even had—don’t deserve a place here.
He does.
❅✧˖°・:*:。・:*:・゚.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ❅✧˖°・:*:。・:*:・゚.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ❅✧˖°・:
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thethistlegirlwrites · 8 months
Lost and Found
John Stoker hasn’t set foot in the Amarillo hunter agency since he walked out of it twenty-four years ago with his brother’s death a fresh, bleeding wound in his heart.
He’s come home to Amarillo itself since, for Dia de los Muertos at the ranch and visiting extended family in town, but he’s never once gone back inside the agency. Too many memories haunt its halls. Ones he doesn’t care to relive.
The memories at the ranch are the good ones.
He wishes he’d never seen Gabe in these halls.
Halls that, despite nearly a quarter-century, have barely changed.
The track lighting has been replaced with something that buzzes less and is probably more energy-efficient, the godawful 70s pinky-beige paint is now a more natural desert tan, and the floor tiles are now a faux-slate instead of a Jackson Pollock freckling. 
But the same awards cases line the walls, just with a few sections added on in a slightly paler wood framing. The names on the dark-burgundy-painted metal doors with their chicken-wire glass windows are still almost word for word the ones John recalls, although he’s pretty sure this is a new generation. He can only see a few where the white block letters of a different last name are visible under a layer of the burgundy. 
And the wall of the fallen is still visible down the side hall. Unfortunately, that has changed. Plenty. 
He walks past it, brushing his fingers against the plaque that has his brother’s name and date of death. A small replica of his Bowie knife is attached to the top of it, and his Saint Marcellus medal has been wound around it by its chain. A photo of him is set into the corner, probably his graduation because his hair is still just pushing the limits of regulation length. He’d grown it out as soon as he was allowed to on active duty. John rubs the worn medal between his fingers, then walks to the door at the end of the hall, that leads to the training room. 
He thinks there was some logic in putting the wall of the fallen on the way there. Reminds new recruits exactly what they’ve signed on for, and why they need to be at their very best in training.
For decades, he’d thought the last piece of Gabe he was ever going to get was going to be that plaque. 
And then Carmen called him from Amarillo’s holding station and informed him he has a niece he’d never met.
She’s done some sketchy things, apparently, and it was a while before he technically got permission to visit her, since she’d been in the middle of Amarillo’s takedown of the Morris Avengers, but the minute he was told it was possible, he’d packed a bag and hopped the first flight he could catch. 
The gym is still very much the same. Battered bleachers with a few more layers of flaking paint, worn mats, and the smell of sweat that’s probably permanently soaked into the cinderblock walls. Chanted steps of basic moves from an incoming class. And then the sparring ring, blocked off by sagging ropes, where students get one-on-one experience with seasoned instructors.
Judging by the tagboard on the wall, with name badges hung up under time slots, the person he’s here for is in that ring right now.
John moves past a row of students practicing a curved under-the-arm stake strike, to get a better view of the practice ring. He’s just in time to see one of the people in it take the other down with a smooth leg sweep.
The smaller of the two women pushes herself up off the mat, short dark braid swinging, a few strands escaping and falling around her face. She raises her fists again and steps back into the circle outlined in peeling tape.
This time, the instructor takes advantage of her student’s newfound focus on her feet and lunges for her less-guarded face. The blow staggers her back, but the student doesn’t go down. She stumbles, then catches herself, still inside the lines, and comes back with a one-two punch to the arm and shoulder that even John is impressed with. The instructor takes a couple steps back, and apparently it’s the lead her student was waiting for. She moves in with a striking blow, headed for the ribs, but overshoots it. The instructor whirls her around, pinning the student’s back to her chest, and leans her head toward the student’s neck. A fake bite, reminding her of the price of failure.
And then the student's head snaps back, hard, slamming bone into bone. The instructor loses her grip and stumbles back, out of the circle, catching herself on the ropes. The student turns to her with a feral grin, more hair tumbling into her eyes, face flushed.
“Not bad, Aguirre.” The instructor rubs her forehead above her eye. “Mistakes are inevitable. How you recover from them is what matters.” She looks up at the clock on the wall. “Okay, you’re out. Masterson, you’re up. Show me what you got.”
Sierra Aguirre steps out of the ring, pulling her stretched-out Amarillo Academy t-shirt up over the back of her head and grabbing a blue water bottle off a stool next to the ropes. She pops the top open with her teeth and takes a long drink.
The move is so Gabe it hurts. Momma was always scolding him about using his teeth to open anything and everything. 
“What are you looking at?” Sierra snaps suddenly. John hadn’t realized he was probably doing the creepy stare. “That was a fluke. I’ve been acing practicals when it matters.”
“I…uh…I wasn’t here to talk to you about your performance. I’m John Stoker. I’m your uncle.”
Her face changes, not to anything resembling open friendship, but at least to something that makes him feel a little less likely to be the next victim of her aggressive streak. “Carmen said to expect you at the house at breakfast. I got an off campus pass for the morning.” 
“Didn’t want to wait.” John shrugs. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“You too.” There’s a formal detachment in her voice, but that’s to be expected. The only family member she’s had much contact with is Carmen, and that’s because Carmen has been brokering the deal that kept her out of an off the books black site for vigilantes.
“Well, I gotta get back to class. I’ll see you when they let us out.” Sierra turns toward the mat with the group practice session, and John backs out of the room. 
He’s learned to be patient with people. Give them the time they need to open up to him. It would have been nice to have learned that before Maira dropped Robin on him, but better late than never.
He’s waiting with his car at the front gates when Sierra walks out, her hair now out of the braid, wet, and hanging down her back, and a loose academy sweatshirt having replaced the abused tee. She must have a nervous habit of twisting her hands into the front of her shirts. 
“Sweet ride. 67 Fastback with the performance mod package and dual exhausts.” She slides a hand over the paint as she steps in. “Cherry metal flake was a good choice.” 
“Nice to have someone in here who appreciates her finer qualities,” John says with a chuckle.
“Didn’t they tell you I was street racing before I was a vigilante?” Sierra asks. “I’ve been working on cars like this since I was old enough to hold wrenches. Learned from my mom.”
That would explain how Gabe met her. He’d worked a lot of contacts in the underground racing scene, gathering intel on vampire infiltration of it. 
At least cars gives them something non-volatile to talk about on the way to the ranch. John’s still trying to gauge how Sierra feels about hunters. Kira was perfectly happy to fold into an existing structure when her actions put her on Chimera’s radar, but she’d become a vigilante before there was much information, if any, about hunters existing as an organized force. These days, and especially in hunter towns like Amarillo, becoming a vigilante is more likely to be a deliberate rejection of hunter values and ideals. Vigilantes used to be a more mixed bag. Some were just out to kill as many vamps as possible, but a lot were people who’d been hurt or had family members who had been impacted by vampires, and were looking for justice the only way they knew how.
But Sierra had Gabe’s journals. She had to have known there was a legal way to fight the things that killed him. And chose not to take it until she was backed into a corner with nowhere left to run. 
It’s not like John can judge too harshly. He’d been so fixated on blaming the fae for what happened that night he almost got Robin killed. He’s made mistakes there’s no undoing too. But he can’t be sure if Sierra’s all in with this, or just going along with the training and recruitment because it’s better than the alternative. 
Hopefully, getting to know her family will help with that. 
John parks outside the ranch house. Carmen’s car is already here, the Barracuda’s blue paint gleaming in the first hints of morning light. She’s waiting on the porch with Momma and Dad, the three of them leaning on the railing.
Sierra steps out of the car without any apparent hesitation or nervousness. John is getting the feeling she’s not the sort to second-guess much, or to spend a lot of time on the what-ifs. He was always that person in their family, which is why he has the record for bones broken, but Gabe was always the people person. The kid who wandered off in supermarkets because he was saying hi to a total stranger. 
Sierra walks up the steps and leans against a porch post herself. “So you guys are my grandparents, huh?”
Momma and Dad both look a little misty-eyed, but they’re also clearly reading the coolness in the situation that has nothing to do with the desert morning. “Yes. I’m Sonora Morgan-Stoker, and this is my husband Stephen,” Momma says, holding out a hand the way should would to any new cadet she was meeting. Technically, both she and Dad are retired, but Dad still works with the communications staff in an advisory role, and Momma speaks at graduations and teaches some of the advanced undercover classes. 
“It’s nice to meet you both.” Sierra takes the offered hand. Dad clearly wants to hug her, but is holding back. 
It’s odd, seeing her here, with their family. John used to think about what it would have been like if Gabe had had kids, but he’d always pictured some curly-headed big-eyed boy like his little brother, scooting around with toy cars in the sandbox, pounding herbs in Abuela Rosa’s pestle, sitting on Momma’s lap and watching with rapt attention while Dad read Dracula every October. 
The truth was, he’d wished Gabe had a kid because he’d wanted to get a piece of his brother back. To make up for the mistakes he’d made the last time around.
Sierra isn’t his brother. Not even close. 
But she is family. 
“I’m starving, are we going to eat?” Carmen asks, breaking the awkward tension. She’s always been good at that. The diplomatic one. 
“First things first,” Momma says, stepping off the porch. “Sierra, there’s something in the barn I think you need to see.”
John’s heart hits his shoes and then soars right back up.
The car.
The black-tarp-covered hulk that’s been in the back of the barn for almost twenty-five years. 
No one has touched it since Gabe died. 
He follows the rest of his family to the barn, helping Dad pull open the big doors, walking past the listing hayrake and the old corn sheller to the corner.
Momma pulls the light string hanging overhead, and a single bare bulb clicks on, picking out the dust-coated tarped outline.
“I’ve heard you’re a pretty good mechanic and driver,” Momma says. “I think your dad would have wanted you to have this.” 
Carmen grabs a corner of the tarp with her good hand and pulls it down to the floor.
The car’s in rough shape. The barn cats have kept mice out of the wires, but all four tires are flat and dry-rotted, the paint is dusty despite the tarp cover, and one of the windows is cracked from where someone backing some equipment in forgot the auger was still sticking out.
Sierra freezes.
“How did a 1967 Yenko Camaro get all the way out here?”
Momma smiles, a genuine, unforced one this time. “Your dad found it in a wrecker’s lot. Someone from the east coast took his fancy new car for a Route 66 road trip and then got in a pileup. He junked the car rather than fix it, and Gabe got it for a song.”
“Holy shit. This is Tony Romano’s dream car but he said he’d need to win the lottery to even think about affording one.” She wipes dust off the headlights and runs a finger gently over the silver paint. “You hung onto it all this time?”
John remembers spending hours with Gabe out here, spraying body panels over the cardboard box their new refrigerator had come in that year. The car had come to them bright white, but Gabe had opted for something a little less, in his words, ‘totally boring’. 
“Wasn’t ours to sell,” Carmen says. 
Sierra looks up, and just for a moment, the warm light in her eyes is pure Gabe.
“You guys really are one close family, aren’t you?”
“Yes. And we want you to be part of it,” Stephen says. “I’m sorry we didn’t get to know you a lot sooner. But we’d all love to make up for lost time.”
“You know I’m not him, right? I’m never going to be him.” John wonders how often Sierra’s gotten hit with the whole family legacy thing at Amarillo. It’s kind of inevitable. She’s probably already tired of being expected to live up to her dad’s name, and assumed his family would have the same mindset. She wasn’t wrong about me at least. And it might take some time to separate the real her from what I always imagined Gabe’s kids would be. But we’ll get there.
“Oh honey, if any family knows what it means to be held to expectations based on who you’re related to, it’s us,” Momma says. “We’re not asking you to be.”
“I think I can live with that.” Sierra crouches down and inspects the lugnuts. “I do wish I could have met him. He had a hell of a taste in cars.”
Just for a second, John could swear there’s an electric crackle in the barn, like the air before a storm, and the ghost of a hand resting on his shoulder.
Maybe Gabe has never been so far away, after all. 
(You can read this story and more from this universe on my WorldAnvil here!)
@catwingsathena @nade2308 @the-one-and-only-valkyrie @telltaleclerk @ettawritesnstudies  @writeouswriter @whump-place
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angelpuns · 1 year
Just to let you know, your comic you just posted is really relatable, you aren’t the only one, I’m a person that tends to not have a reaction when people die, yes they’ve died but it’s just a way of life, and going to funerals as a kid wasnt all that shocking to me
The only deaths that truely got me choked up and mourning were past pets and a miscarriage in the family (the only actual person I mourned, and it was because they never even got a chance to try)
I know that you probably are feeling guilty that you aren’t sad, I feel the same way a lot of the time when it comes to situations like this, but just so you know
You aren’t the only one
You aren’t alone
Just because you aren’t mourning the proper way, or mourning at all does not make you broken
You are still a valued and cared member of you family, if your friend group, of your community, and the notion of not mourning properly will not change that
I dunno if you needed to hear this, but anytime I’ve had to deal with a passing family member that my brain just, didn’t want to mourn over them in any way, I always wanted someone to tell me these things
Hope you feel better soon, and hope this helps in any way!
-Sincerely, a fan
PS- you don’t have to reply in any way at all, you can delete this ask if you want, or keep it in you ask box to look at as many times as you need <3
Now that the funeral is over I can sit down and answer this <3
I always thought as a kid that ' when I grew up I would understand' or if it was someone closer to me ' I would understand' and now that I am grown up and it was someone...well, somewhat closer to me, I can say that I still don't understand. But that's okay!
It took me like three whole days to realize that other people experienced this ( From this ask and from some really lovely comments on the comic ) and that hey, I'm not a horrible person for it after all!
And also it took the funeral for me to realize my siblings are the same exact way and its not fair to them for me to think I'm horrible :/ cause I don't think THEY or anyone else are horrible for it, y'know?
I will probably feel guilty about it again in the future, but for now I'm glad I made that comic because otherwise I would have felt a whole lot worse :)
Ty random citizen! /ref
This was a v nice ask and I'm gonna hold it close to my heart ;-;
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untofinality · 1 year
various lyrics pulled from konami’s  𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥 series. some lyrics have been altered for better sentence structure.  there will be uncomfortable themes,  such as blaspheme and themes of a zealous religious figure,  obsession,  and so forth. feel free to alter pronouns and referenced persons,  ex.  father  changed to mother or some other person.
        ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴛ ʜɪʟʟ 3 ❝ It would be a much better sight with you with me.❞ ❝ If you hadn’t met me,  I’d be fine on my own.❞ ❝ I never felt so lonely,  then you came along.  So now,  what should I do? ❞ ❝ So now,  what should I do? ❞ ❝ You gladly gave me everything you had and more.  You craved my happiness. ❞ ❝ When you made me feel joy,  it made you smile,  but now,  I feel your stress. ❞ ❝ Love was never meant to be such a crazy affair. ❞ ❝ And has time for tears? ❞ ❝ Never thought I’d sit around and cry for your love ‘til now. ❞ ❝ They’ve come to witness the beginning,  the rebirth of paradise despoiled by mankind. ❞ ❝ Remember me,  and your true self as well,  and also that which you must become. ❞ ❝ You must become the one who will lead us to paradise with blood-stained hands. ❞ ❝ There is another reason to fill your heart with hatred. ❞ ❝ It must be this way;  one day you will understand why. ❞ ❝ You will birth a god and build an eternal paradise. ❞ ❝ The time when all will be forgive their sins,  when the paradise we have long dreamed for will arrive after the judgement and atonement.❞ ❝ The world you wanted is nearly here. ❞ ❝ I wish only for the salvation of mankind;  but for that to happen,  the world must first be remade.❞ ❝ Am I still happy?  Have I grown more pretty,  is Daddy still a good man? ❞ ❝ If you forget how to smile,  I have this to tell you,  remember it once in a while :  ten years ago,  your past self prayed for your happiness. ❞ ❝ Please don’t lose hope. ❞ ❝ Soon we will know if it’s for real what we both feel. ❞ ❝ You have to realize we weren’t put on this earth to suffer and cry,  we were made for being happy.  So,  be happy,  for me,  for you ...  please. ❞ ❝ The world is teeming with unnecessary people. ❞ ❝ It’s god’s decision that I fight. ❞ ❝ I sacrifice myself to the blood of criminals. ❞ ❝ It’s too late for me now,  this town will win. ❞ ❝ The rest of the bar laughed at him,  but only I felt my hope grow dim. ❞ ❝ They found him dead the very next day. ❞ ❝ We blamed bad luck for his fate. ❞ ❝ Someday,  all things will end. ❞ ❝ I want a cup that overflows with love,  although,  it’s not enough to fill my heart. ❞ ❝ I want a barrel full of love,  although,  I know it’s not enough to fill my heart. ❞ ❝ I want a river full of love,  but then,  I know the holes will still remain. ❞ ❝ I need an ocean full of love. ❞ ❝ I’d love to dry my tears as the pain disappears. ❞ ❝ I need a miracle and not someone’s charity. ❞ ❝ One drop of love from him and my heart’s in ecstasy. ❞ ❝ This high that is sending me is most likely ending me. ❞ ❝ You’d be amazed at how little I need from him to feel complete. ❞ ❝ Stirring within me are these feelings I can’t ignore. ❞ ❝ I need a miracle and that’s what I’m hoping for. ❞ ❝ Anybody’s love but his will never fill this space within me. ❞ ❝ Doctor,  give me what I need to free my heart from misery. ❞ ❝ I stole something precious.❞ ❝ I hold truth like a torch. ❞
       ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴛ ʜɪʟʟ 4 ❝ All these nightmares I once had as a child, it made it feel like the morning always came too late. ❞ ❝ What did my mind forget to hide? ❞ ❝ Could this be a waking nightmare? I don’t know. ❞ ❝ I’ll never know if it’s an illusion. ❞ ❝ Not again, not again, not again - this dream I can’t wake up from. ❞ ❝ What is real? ❞ ❝ It’s getting hard for me to take. ❞ ❝ What I need? I need a little somethin’ I can rely on. ❞ ❝ I’m breaking down. I need it now! ❞ ❝ Mother’s sugar always loves me. ❞ ❝ Oh the sweet sugar saves me,  it’s this room that confines me. ❞ ❝ What are they looking for? ❞ ❝ Their song is starting to make some sense,  only if you’re listening. ❞ ❝ What I heard is hard to explain. ❞ ❝ Does the scent of soil and beasts breathe life into the animalistic side you hide? ❞ ❝ It’s a great illusion. ❞ ❝ When you think you’re really alone,  do you feel the eyes of someone looking in on you? ❞ ❝ Only the scent of you remains to dance with me. ❞ ❝ Nobody showed me how to return the love you gave to me. ❞ ❝ Mom never holds me.  Dad loves a stranger more than me. ❞ ❝ I never wanted to ever bring you down. ❞ ❝ All that I need are some simple loving words. ❞ ❝ You touched my body, once.  It still burns me softly. ❞ ❝ I will never forget,  and I know it will never be again. ❞ ❝ I’m out of my head,  and I don’t know what I found. ❞ ❝ I can feel it break me down. ❞ ❝ Your tears,  they mean nothing to me. ❞ ❝ The love you never gave,  I’ll give to you. ❞ ❝ You really don’t deserve it. ❞ ❝ But now,  there’s nothing you can do. ❞ ❝ So sleep in your only memory of me, my dearest. ❞ ❝ Are you hiding away? ❞ ❝ Perhaps you’re happy without me. ❞ ❝ I would never have felt sad. ❞ ❝ You will not hear me say I’m sorry. ❞ ❝ Where is the light? ❞ ❝ Here’s a lullaby to close your eyes. ❞ ❝ It was always you that I despised. ❞ ❝ I hear your gentle voice;  your words echo inside of me. ❞ ❝ You said you long for me.  That you love me. ❞ ❝ And I want to see you, too. ❞ ❝ It feels just like I’m falling. ❞ ❝ Is there nothing I can do? ❞ ❝ I had wondered if you heard my calling. ❞ ❝ I’m here and waiting for you.  Where are you?  I can’t find you. ❞ ❝ I’ll wait forever for you. ❞ ❝ Mom’s gone to Heaven now. ❞ ❝ Does she have someone she loves more than me? ❞ ❝ I thought I could love you better. ❞ ❝ We were always together.  If we took some time apart,  I think you would finally know my heart. ❞ ❝ I fell in love with you,  and now you’re gone. ❞
ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴛ ʜɪʟʟ : ᴢᴇʀᴏ ❝ They make fun of me. ❞ ❝ Is it you again? ❞ ❝ Can this be the end,  forever? ❞ ❝ Say it again,  like you said,  does it sound like you? ❞ ❝ Where are you now? ❞ ❝ Does the young one know you’re hear? ❞ ❝ Can you hide who you are? ❞ ❝ That a look at yourself,  can you stop what will be? ❞ ❝ You think running will help? ❞ ❝ You can’t give up on the past when the past never ends. ❞ ❝ What have you done? You’re insane. ❞ ❝ Can you bring God down? ❞ ❝ Those plans that you made don’t include me. ❞ ❝ Your sacrifice wasn’t wanted,  still you try. ❞ ❝ Is it lonely where you are in there,  dad? ❞ ❝ Does the darkness know your name?  Does mom? ❞ ❝ What’s it like?  Can you feel? ❞ ❝ Dad,  do you know what you’ve done this time to me? ❞ ❝ Did you have that dream again? ❞ ❝ Release,  breathe. ❞ ❝ I can see through the fear,  nice try. ❞ ❝ Just a matter of time?  It’s another lie. ❞ ❝ It sure looks like it’s me. ❞ ❝ It’s closer to the source of my pain. ❞ ❝ I’m not myself. ❞ ❝ My God,  what have you done? ❞ ❝ And the nightmares are good,  so good. ❞ ❝ Will I ever wake up?  Am I here right now? ❞ ❝ Was the question too hard? ❞ ❝ [ Dad ] was right. ❞ ❝ [ Mommy ],  am I dead now? ❞ ❝ Tell me,  why do we ... ❞ ❝ Oh yeah,  I’ve been here before.  I can see it with eyes closed. ❞ ❝ Why won’t you let me out? ❞ ❝ Does the evil excite you? ❞ ❝ Haven’t you had enough? ❞ ❝ Does the feeling control you? ❞ ❝ Just when I think I’m okay,  shadows surround me. ❞ ❝ Let me out! ❞ ❝ No more,  I’m through. ❞ ❝ You win,  I’m dead. ❞ ❝ You’re sorry,  sorry?  No,  you’re a liar! ❞ ❝ It’s over.  There’s nothing here left alive. ❞
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readyandnot · 1 year
ready rambles~
cruel vampire ex/quinn’s aftermath
spoilers under the cut
NEVER THOUGHT ID SEE THE DAY SO SOON: well where do i begin, let’s start with the first audio-
* so, we got a cute little call with sam and we really see the relationship between sam and will, it’s so sweet to see and how he talks to darlin about it; i’d love to see a will and darlin interaction soon!
* also, we GOTTA learn that nickname because you know damn well vincent teases sam for it constantly
* i LOVE the sudden shift of casual banter with sam to this serious nature of david and what’s happening now: i saw another post say this but i’m gonna reiterate it- DARLINS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IN HOW TO HANDLE THINGS IS AMAZING- if darlin in the early days heard this, they wouldn’t have waited for david; and they definitely wouldn’t hold back like we’ve seen them do in the next audio- it’s so amazing to see their development and how they have regained trust in the pack and how they trust them completely
* WE LOVE A DEFENSIVE SUPPORTIVE DAVID CALLING OUT THE DEPARTMENT’S BS; i just KNOW that darlin was saying in their head, “yeah i can see angel’s appeal to him,” just so funny to me
* also i love that we got a last name from quinn, it makes so much sense given he’s sneaky like a fox. ugh.
* sam’s entrance was utter perfection. chef’s kiss especially with that time skip to him talking one on one with darlin
* sam being so protective over darlin is so beautiful. i love their relationship so much and how it’s blossomed. he wants them to have their justice and he wants to give it to them, but with darlin also evolved and saying it’s okay to save a life, GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH; they both have such beautiful caring hearts, they’re perfect for each other and have grown so much together.
* straight to the point sam as it should be, i love him for that.
* SO WE GOT A VOICE CHANGE IN THE BUILDING THANK YOU GBA FOR PROVIDING A WONDERFUL PERFORMANCE 👏🏻 and for making me despise quinn even more- also darlin’s got a thing for accents… i don’t blame them.
* quinn is such a piece of shit, the way he casually talks about frederick and what happened and the aftermath like it’s nothing, and how he talks about darlin’s intimate past with him (WHICH I KNEW HE WOULD DO) just proves how awful he is as a person and how low he’s willing to go just to fulfill his ego. i knew he’d talk about biting darlin’ and god it pissed me off because I KNOW that darlin felt so embarrassed and emotional having to hear that again and having sam, THEIR MATE, hear it from quinn.
* but i will say i love that frederick took sam’s last name because that is so fucking precious. i just wish we heard a little more about bright because they were effected too ya know?
* “sloppy seconds” is a term jealous people use, so quinn is definitely jealous of sam and darlin’s relationship, GET HIS ASS SAM
* quinn is so disrespectful, calling darlin a thrall and “his precious” like ew. stop it. and the fact that sam has to sit through the whole night and darlin just listening to his bullshit is so unfair to both of them.
* HE GOT THE ADDRESS BUT AT WHAT COST; god i just love that sam immediately hugs darlin because god damn they both needed it.
* DAVID HUGGING DARLIN AND REASSURING SAM HAS ME SO EMOTIONAL; it just shows how far they’ve all come and it makes me so happy to see the never ending support
* “let’s go home.” y’all that hits so hard.
* i really hope that new symbol doesn’t stay because quinn doesn’t get to stay any longer than he had to on both sam and darlin’s lives. it is really cool looking i will say.
* the cold hatred part makes so much sense, the pure rage has passed for darlin, it’s now just cold pure hatred that’s even more effective and lasts longer than rage.
* sam is not okay, he deserves comfort too and i’m glad darlin is giving it to him even when they’re falling apart.
* THE FACT THAT SAM SAW THROUGH QUINN SO EASILY- makes me love him even more, he’s not the type to fall for stuff easily, especially with him knowing how quinn was already, like he said, nothing that quinn could have said would have torn them apart, they’re too strong together for that.
* “you are my absolute priority.” do you hear me sobbing-
* IM SORRY HOURS??? i would be fucked up and i imagine they both are cause that is fucked up.
* this speaks for itself: “What I heard in all his rambling was the story of a good, kind person with an open heart trusting a man who promised to care about them, and him using that trust to hurt them. That is not a story that could ever make me think less of you. Just the opposite."
* sam’s comfort hits so differently, he just knows the right words to say and his presence oozes ease and comfort, he’s such a beautiful soul and matches with darlin so well. even when he is hurting he still finds a way to show darlin his love and support, i’m so emotional.
* the whole talking about biting, is so fucking beautiful. we finally have it confirmed why he hasn’t done it yet and it’s so valid. we also see him telling darlin why he hasn’t done it even when they asked BUT THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT FROM EITHER SIDE. THAT IS THE BEST WAY TO HANDLE SOMETHING. they both have a way of understanding each other, darlin supportive of sam not ready to bite them, and sam not judging darlin for asking and for liking the feeling of it, it’s so fucking bittersweet yet beautiful to see this.
* “you’re my heart darlin.” WHY DOES SAM HAVE THE BEST LINES-
* he’s so protective over darlin, he wants justice for them so bad, and he will do anything to give it to them.
* ANOTHER CALL FROM DAVID??? i was so scared when i first listened to this i was like “oh god what now?”
* but luckily it was just an update- a horribly sad one but an update nonetheless. it’s so terrible to know that the girl suffered and died for quinn’s sick fantasy, we all know from adam and lovely how horrific that type of situation is. and that darlin and sam went through all of those hours just for that girl to be already dead. but like david said, that family has closure now, and we can take any good that we can get, even if it’s at the cost of trauma.
* of course quinn’s gone quiet after this, because he feels he’s won, but he hasn’t, i know david and will are going to see to that.
* I LOVE HOW WILL AND DAVID ARE WORKING TOGETHER TO SEE THIS BASTARD DEAD. just like david said there’s no doubt he’s guilty for everything, and i cant wait to see the justice carried out. just like sam said lol
* i am so so happy to see this chapter come to an end, we’ll get darlin getting their revenge at the end of the month most likely, and it’s going to be so satisfying.
* darlin’s evolution as a character has been such a delight to see. the fact that they are still so strong against everything quinn has done, and now has a solid support system to fall back on, it’s so beautiful. knowing that they can be themselves and fall apart just for sam and the pack to help put them back together. darlin is a strong beautiful person and character, and i know that they’ll only become stronger after this.
* sam is just amazing all around. the way his comfort is so easeful even when he needs it too, and that darlin can provide it to him as well is such a wonderful balance to see. his protective, defensive nature was awesome to see and i loved how his relationship with david has evolved alongside his with darlin’s. their relationship is so beautiful and so strong, it makes me so happy to see how far they’ve come as people together. i love sam so much and he’s definitely risen to be one of my top favorites over the last couple of months.
* david was awesome as always! we truly got to see a balance of him being david with sam and darlin, but then being the alpha when he was with the department and henry. his protective nature of darlin in this was wonderful to see, and i’m so glad we see how far their relationship has come as well. the hugs, the support, the love. gabe would be so proud of him right now, and i know darlin is so happy to be close with david again. same with sam because it’s nice to see the trust in these two men as they become more like family instead of acquaintances, it’s wonderful.
* quinn fox. ugh GOD I HATE THAT HES A GREAT VILLAIN. gba played him so well and it was nice to see a change in his voice, because it was perfect. his tone, his words and his all around personality was awesome to see. he’s such a great villain and probably my favorite villain; and i’ll be so happy to see his head on a spike. :)
* overall, this push was needed, and like it said “overdue” lmao but better late than never! i’m so excited for what’s next for darlin and their recovery over quinn and same with sam. i know that after he’s dead, that sam and darlin will be stronger people and in a stronger relationship because of it. they’re such a beautiful couple and can overcome anything together. what a wonderful three audio push. worthy of the wait, well done again redacted.👏🏻
i think guy is next??? because of that poll :( i hope huxley will be after guy because y’all know he’s my fav AND WE DONT GET HIM ENOUGH ANYMORE. at least with fl.
also- HOT BOI SUMMER IS COMING SOON FOLKS, for those of you who know the line up, i’m so excited and can’t wait to see who’ll get the ba. i have my predictions, but we’ll get there and i’ll make a post about that too.
if you’re still reading this, thanks for reading all of this shit lol i love talking about this and i love seeing people comment about it as well. love y’all so much and thank you redacted for another well done upload <3
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Hi! I noticed requests were open and was wondering if you could possibly do Ciel / Alois with a s/o who can shapeshift ( They can turn into animals/people they’ve seen before only - I’m not massively bothered in what format you do this whatever you want to! - of course you don’t have to do this if you don’t want too I just think it’s a cool idea)
I hope you have and amazing day/night!💕
aaaaaa it's definitely a cool idea!
I did reactions... Alois' makes me cry XD
you have an amazing day/night too!!! <3
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… Oh, oh, could they turn into a chicken?? Haha, the visual of them strutting around the parlor and making silly chicken noises and pecking at things is too much to resist, he has to ask! That’s only his first reaction, of course. If they actually do it, he’ll be standing there laughing so hard he’ll have trouble breathing, and trying to get a chuckle out of Claude as well. (Alois, sweetie, it’s never going to happen.) He’s endlessly amused by it, and genuinely thinks it could be useful for his work. However… his emotions also run the gamut of almost wanting to abuse his S/O’s power. Could they turn into… no. No, they won’t have ever seen Luka, so that isn’t possible. He almost asks, but he manages to hold himself back from that. Maybe because that part of himself isn’t something he wants them to know yet, maybe because he feels stupid for even wanting to ask. He does, during a moment of particular weakness, ask if they could… perhaps… turn into Claude. To… to prove to him that he wants them, that they’re better than Claude. That kind of thing is absolutely not what he needs, so upon having that idea rejected, he just… cries in their arms for a bit, and apologizes, and asks if… maybe they’d turn into the chicken again. To make him laugh? It’s complicated; they should just know that he loves them, very much, and as much as he has his baggage, he thinks this unique power of theirs is so much more impressive than anything else in the whole big, wide world. He’ll even say that word for word if they want!
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Oh, for the love… does he not have enough supernatural creatures and/or strange abilities around him? Is there some kind of oddness magnet which has been infused into his clothing or something? Somehow, whilst it doesn’t surprise him, it does aggravate him a bit… at first, anyway. He loves them a great deal, but he has enough to contend with and keep in line without a shapeshifter for a beloved. That being said, he can’t change it, nor can he control their actions; all he can do is set clear boundaries. No shapeshifting in the estate, especially. Limited shapeshifting in public. Past that, as long as they don’t cause trouble, well, they’re a grown person, they can do whatever they want. He does hope they’ll help him out, since the power to turn into other things or people would serve him incredibly well. It would take out a lot of danger in many situations, meaning they’d be helping to keep him safe. If that’s alright with them, he truly wishes they’ll consider it. In return, obviously he’ll keep them safe as well. At the end of the day, he’s just interested in surviving alongside them and building a life that’s better for both of them. Although he may not say it in so many words out loud, he wants them by his side the whole time.
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I’ve had a feeling this was coming. The combination of Matty repeatedly making a point to tell us they aren’t going anywhere, Jamie stressing that this is the last set of shows for a while, and Adams ATPOAIM episode is what did it for me. I couldn’t imagine them jumping right back into another album cycle after the year they’ve had, either. I didn’t even expect this second leg on tour.
It’s heartbreaking to hear confirmation, but besides COVID, they’ve been going nonstop for a decade. Longer breaks just seem inevitable as they get older.
He says a lot of stuff that doesn’t come to pass (he also said they’d take a long break after Notes which didn’t pan out), but he also speaks very deliberately. He seemed nervous when he said it, and the vibe shifted majorly, he knows the weight those words hold. Maybe they’ll make a return in 2025 or 2026 instead of the usual two year cycle.
Anyways, I’m hoping this means his solo project sees the light of day.
Yeah I think you’re right. It’s been a wild ride, the album cycle, right? With everything that’s happened, coming back from Covid and all.
I was talking to @abiiors about this, and, we were saying how this might be a similar thing to what ended up happening with the Arctic Monkeys. There were a few years when they paused. As their families and personal lives grew. And we got TLSP in the meantime. You know?
And, like, let me make a disclaim rn cuz some of y’all in my asks and dms need to fuckin chill. Im NOT saying I don’t want the boys to rest. They SHOULD. It made sense for them to operate the way that they’ve been operating for the past decade because they were establishing a career. They were practically children. From Drive Like I do, to The EPs. By the time ST was a thing they were like 23. They’re grown men in their mid 30s now. Mentally, socially, physically, their lives look very different. They’ve been in serious relationships now. Baby boy Hann is growing up and Hann has been on the road for most of these big important milestones as a father.
It just doesn’t make sense for them to keep going the way that they have been. Ross is now a producer. George has produced a bunch of other records. Matty’s broadened out and made friends with Phoebe and Jack Antonoff (who may or may not be his solo project producer). The boys are growing up. (That’s was going to be the subject of my ‘essay’ on BFIAFL btw. That’s why I’d called it ‘boys to men’ like as a pun on Boys II Men.) that means that their art and their jobs are going to grow and change as well. Slowing down is essential.
And while we’re on the subject, I don’t think that the way they’ve been going for the past 10 years is sustainable. It’s not right. Not healthy. You guys know how Matty always says “we create in the same way that we consume”? It’s true. Because of streaming, post-modernity, etc (especially post-Covid), our consumption of art and entertainment has changed. We have shorter cultural attention spans. A song that came out 6 months ago is already old news today. So, with Notes, Matty has talked about wanting to keep putting out records as long as he has something meaningful to say and as long as culture is hungry for more. And while that might sound like great news for us as fans cuz it just means that we’ll always have new content around the corner. But let’s step back from that for a moment, yes?
That’s not healthy for him. He has already worked himself to the bone over the past ten years. Even at his worst and darkest moments he was making music. And he’s a bit of a workaholic. Sure, he doesn’t have a family just yet, but that doesn’t mean he should do this to himself. Obviously, it’s his world and his life and if he feels okay to keep doing things a certain way, that’s his business. I’m just saying that as fans, our investment in the boys doesn’t begin and end with consumption and creation. I’m interested (as I’m sure many, if not all of us) in his health and sanity. I can cite endless examples of great artists from the past few decades who burnt out hard and crashed because they didn’t want to “waste the moment” or tried to capitalize on their fame when it hit peak levels. I’m personally really proud of Matty for doing this past year clean / off the drugs, and in tip top physical health. What I wish for him, whether he chooses to pursue it or not, is that he would give himself time to be bored. Stop and learn how to deal with the quietness of mundane everyday life. Cuz, that can fuck a person up. Sometimes, when you’re so used to the lifestyle that the boys have lived for the last 10 years, just going home and being with the people that you love feels like torture. And people easily start self-destructive habits to cope with that. I want him to learn all that on his own terms, you know?
My sincerest wish for him is that he will continue the tremendous growth that he’s shown over the last few years. By leaning even harder into the healthy habits that he seems to have established for himself mentally and physically. Not backtrack and fall on the old nonsense. But in order to be able to do one or the other he needs to actually HAVE TIME. We all know this is a real issue for him. That’s what fuckin RoadKill is about. “When I think I won’t die from stopping.” “Not really how babies get made,” etc. it would genuinely be healthy for him to feel like he’s gonna die from stopping and then learn that he won’t actually die.
So that he can come back and be creating from a place of security and mortal dread. To pick up a guitar/ pen/ whatever he uses to write because he wants to and he has something to say, not cuz if he doesn’t, he might go insane.
This is true for all of the boys, Ross is the other ostensibly single one whose immediate private life might feel quiet too. (For all we know. Like he might be in a serious relationship that’s not our business.) really this is true for all 4 of them. And of all the people who have loved and supported them over the past 10 years. This isn’t easy on family and loved ones and their live musicians and crew either.
If they have to miss and album cycle or two, then so be it. Maybe we will get Matty’s solo record. Maybe we’ll get DLID, maybe that weird feature film that he’s been writing for as long as I can remember, maybe, maybe, maybe….. all that would be great but not necessary.
HAVING SAID ALL OF THATTTTT. Let’s not fuck around. For many of us, the 1975 has been the constant, comfort, strength, love, meaning etc. and it going away for however long that will be, is LEGITIMATELY A SAD THING. There is absolutely no reason to minimize or trivialize that pain. Or feel that you are selfish or don’t care about the boys, or any less of a fan, just because you find that having to imagine a future when SATVB isn’t on tomorrow or the day after, and we aren’t hyperfixating on or analyzing Matty’s cryptic speeches or thirsting after his torso extremely sad/ difficult/ bittersweet/ lonely/ scary. C’mon. Some people have been in this fandom since ST (not me), that’s their whole fuckin life, man!!!!! It IS sad. You SHOULD cry. ITS OKAY TO BE UPSET. and frankly anyone who makes people feel bad for that is a piece of shit.
Saying things like “oh they’ll be back.” “They’re not going anywhere.” “Matty will be chronically online” are all true BUT THEY DONT CHANGE THE FACT THAT THINGS ARE CHANGING. FOR GOOD. ITS OKAY TO FEEL HOWEVER YOU FEEL.
The boys are still around for the next few months. Let’s cherish them (and each other) while we still can. But imo this is not a silly subject and it’s okay to be upset.
Love y’all. The 1975 forever 🩷
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multifandomlvr · 6 months
Chapter 1
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“I don’t like this one bit!” Kai exclaimed, slamming his fists on the table. David sat there unfazed. Lewis was sitting across from David munching on some chips and Julia to David’s right.
“Kai, for the last time. You have no say so in this decision. It’s up to Joel and the red shield. They tell us what to do and we follow. We plan on moving at the end of the week whether you are with us or not.” David explained once again. Not understanding what Kai wasn’t getting.
“That’s not my issue and you know it! My problem is with Saya sharing a room grown man. How is that appropriate!” Kai thundered. Julia was the one to speak up.
“Saya and Diva are over five hundred years old. Haji is her chevalier. He has been by her side for many years. Their relationship and what they do. Is none of our business. Saya woke up early and we’re trying to figure out why. She isn’t back to her normal self. She needs rest.” Julia said.
“So that means stay away from her for now. She does not need you bothering her.” David grunted. He said it in a tone that what he said was final and there would be no more talk about it.
Kai scoffed and stormed off. He re-routed his way to his room so he would pass by Saya’s room. The door was open and Saya was sleeping on the bed. Haji was no where to be found. He contemplated going in there, but he definitely didn’t want to get scolded by David. Didn’t want to hear his voice. So, he walked away and went to his room.
Once kai got to his room, he threw open the door and slammed it. He threw himself on the bed and just laid there. Everything that was happening was bogus. He wasn’t comfortable with Saya sharing a room with Haji. No matter how long they’ve been together.
He was caught up in thoughts that he didn’t hear a knock at the door.
“Kai? Are you in there?” A vice called out on the other side of the door.
It was then Kai heard it. The voice belonged to Mao. The last person he wanted to deal with.
He stayed quiet, maybe she would go away. Of course, she didn’t and then the door opened and shut.
“I knew you were in here, what the hell are you doing just laying around?” Mao sneered. Kai rolled his eyes and sat up facing her.
“What do you want Mao?” Kai asked in a bored tone.
“Lewis gave me a shopping list and I want you to come with me to hold the bags.” Mao demanded; it wasn’t a question. She was telling him what to do.
He sat there and thought for a second before he gave her an answer. Maybe it would do him some good to get out of the house. Clear his mind and such.
“Alright, lets go.” Kai said. Standing up walking towards the door. Once again he walked past Saya’s room. She was still in bed sleeping. Still no sign of Haji.
Where the hell is he? Shouldn’t he be by her side all the time? What if something were to happen to her?
He shook those angry thoughts out of his mind.
“What’s on the list?” Kai asked, taking it from Mao’s hand.
It was ingredients for some kind of soup. He handed it back.
“Let’s hurry and get this over with.” Kai huffed out.
Saya tried her hardest to wake up, to open her eyes. But she was just so tired, her body felt heavy. Although she was awake just early this morning with Julia in the make-shift office of hers until they move later in the week. She could sense someone around her. She was sure it was Haji. At times she would feel a hand caress her forehead, or her hair being moved from her eyes.
She wished with everything she had to look at him. To be awake when he did these things.
Saya and Haji expressed their feelings for one another and even shared a kiss. She wanted to talk about their feelings some more, to know what Haji wanted, not what she wanted him to do.
Soon she was slipping back into that inky darkness.
She was just so tired…
Haji had just come back after going out and getting a single rose for Saya. He had a little garden, nothing too big, just a few flowers and such. He needed to do something to keep him occupied.
After the theater and Saya went to sleep, he changed. He worked on being a little more assertive and expressive. Although when it comes to his queen, he was afraid she wouldn’t like him that way. So, he waited on her hand and foot. But how he would love to show her what he had been doing.
Would she like it? A thought that came to his mind numerous times a day.
Haji knew that they were moving to a bigger place soon so he had been repotting everything he could to take with them. He had already packed most of his and Saya’s belongings so it was easier when the day would come.
When he walked into the room he and Saya shared, he seen she was still sleeping, well he could sense it as long as he was close enough to her. He placed the rose on the table inside of a little vase.
He walked over to Saya and moved her hair. It had grown so long in the past few years.
It was unexplainable as to why Saya had woken up as early as she did. Julia was watching over Saya and doing tests. Nothing abnormal about what she’s found so far. But Saya did still get blood transfusions as she didn’t want to take any blood from Haji.
She said it was something they needed to talk about, she often blushed when Julia would bring it up. Julia laughed every time. Haji sat in the chair across from the bed, watching her. He still didn’t need to sleep, it wasn’t often he did this. He would leave in the middle of the night and just wander around to pass the time until the early morning in case Saya woke up. He was elated to have his queen back.
Mao and Kai came back from the store after being gone for some time. They brought everything in and went straight to the kitchen. Lewis was already in the kitchen setting everything up.
“OH! Thank goodness you’re back. You two can help me cook. Let’s go.” Lewis said. Mao was excited and Kai groaned. He just wanted to lay in his bed until dinner time.
Kai actually enjoyed cooking, not that he would tell anyone. But dinner was done. It was creamy chicken soup with vegetables and rolls. They had water and some kind of juice and wine of course. Everything was set up on the table.
“Alright! Let’s sit and eat!” Lewis announced. David, Julia, Kai, Mao, and Akihiro came out of whatever shadow he slithered from.
“Wow, it looks so good Lewis!” Mao exclaimed. Everyone started eating and making conversation between themselves.
Saya was coming again. She was able to move her hand then her arm, she rubbed her eyes trying to adjust to the light coming from the corner of the room. Suddenly it was turned off.
She let a sigh of relief out and tried to sit up. She felt as though her was full of lead, how long was she asleep for? She wondered.
Haji was right by her side helping her sit up.
“Thank you, Haji.” Saya said softly. He nodded his head.
“Where is everyone?” Saya asked. Haji looked towards the door.
“They seem to be all downstairs. Would you care to join them?” Haji asked. Saya smiled and nodded. Haji helped her out of bed and decided to give Saya some privacy to get changed.
Saya was feeling ok, she still felt a little tired, but she was done sleeping. She wanted to interact with everyone and get her life back to the way it was. She then started to think about her dad… and Riku… and even Diva. Oh, how things could have been different.
She shook those thoughts. She knew that both her dad and Riku would have wanted her to be happy.
So Saya opened her closet and looked through some clothes that Mao had got her. Some of them weren’t her style but she would try, nonetheless.
She grabbed a crème-colored sweater dress with matching thigh high socks with some slippers. When she was done, she opened the door and called haji in.
Would you mind helping me with my hair?” She asked. Haji often did this back in the day.
“Anything for you.” Haji said.
Saya looked through all the accessories that Mao insisted Saya purchase. Saya tried to tell her no, but Mao wasn’t taking that for an answer.
Saya found a crème colored ribbon and handed it to Haji. He tied it perfectly and made a little bow at the top.
“Wow… It looks so good. Thank you, Haji.” Saya beamed. Haji gave a small smile. He held out his hand so he could help her downstairs. Saya took it gracefully.
Everyone was laughing and joking and talking about random things. Many things, the new place came up a few times.
Then everyone stopped when Saya and Haji entered the dining room. They just stared at her.
“Um… Hello.” Saya said after a bit of silence.
Julia was the first one to say something.
“It’s good to see you up and walking around. How are you feeling?” She asked.
Haji pulled out a chair for Saya and sat in the one next to her.
“I feel a little tired, but I feel good. I don’t want to sleep anymore right now. I feel good.” Saya explained.
“Wow Saya! You look amazing. I’m so glad you agreed to let me go shopping with you.” Mao commented.
“Yes, thank you.” Saya said. Just then a bowl was set in front of her. She looked up and it was Lewis. She gave him a smile and thanked him before digging in.
Saya thought the soup tasted so good. Nice and warm and just what she needed.
She finished her bowl and helped herself to another one. Meanwhile Haji got up and poured her a small glass of wine and a glass of water.
The whole time Haji was waiting on Saya, Kai couldn’t help but look away. He was blatantly staring at Saya not trying to hide it in the slightest. David seemed to be the only one who noticed. He cleared his throat and Kai looked at him before he went back to eating.
He didn’t care what David thought.
“Saya, if you’re feeling up to it, would you mind coming to see me when you’re done eating?” Julia asked.
Saya replied with a mouth full of soup.
“Yes, I’m feeling ok.” Saya replied with a mouth full of soup.
“Good.” She said before going back to her food.
Saya finished her wine. She only drank it because Julia insisted. But she hated the taste of it, so she always drank a whole glass of water.
She wanted another bowl but her stomach was full already. She couldn’t eat like she used to anymore, maybe her apatite would change as time went on.
Kai quietly finished his dinner before excusing himself from the table and went straight to his room. He was so done and wanted this week to be over so they could be at the new place.
Saya watched as Kai walked away but didn’t think much of it. When everyone was done, Saya decided she wanted to move around a little bit before having to lie down. She helped Lewis clear the table and wash the dishes.
When she was done, she went to the little space that was Julia’s office and knocked on the door.
“Come in.” Julia announced.
Saya walked in and sat down at the table.
“Is Haji not joining this time?” Julia asked and she started to prep the transfusion for Saya.
“No, he said he had something to show me and was going to set it up. So, it’s just me.” Saya explained.
“Ahh, I see. So how are you two getting along?” Julia asked, as she poked Saya with the needle and the transfusion started. Saya’s face suddenly felt hot. She was blushing.
“Um… I think we’re doing ok. We didn’t have much time to talk anymore, but he did my hair. I liked that. It was something he did a long time ago.” Saya explained. Julia smiled and nodded.
The two of them talked some more until Saya was finished. She was unhooked and Julia did a quick check up and she sent Saya on her way.
Julia wasn’t exactly sure what it was she was looking for; everything had been normal. Maybe she would find something soon.
Haji was excited to show Saya the garden he had made of his own. He was hoping she would like it. He wasn’t sure what he would do if she didn’t.
Haji heard the door open and close, and he knew it was his queen.
“Haji?” Saya called out. He moved a little so she could see him. Saya gave him a smile and walked over to him.
“What was it you wanted to show me? She asked when she was close enough. Haji was a little nervous to show Saya. She made him nervous quite a bit lately.
“I made this garden.” Haji said, straight to the point. There was no beating around the bush when it came to Haji. He was so straightforward, but that was one of the many things she loved about him.
Saya peaked around him and seen a few plants in big boxes and then she saw the roses. They were beautiful.
“You planted all of these?” Saya asked. Haji nodded.
“They’re beautiful! You made all of this? That’s amazing Haji.” Saya complimented.
“I wonder if next time you need help, if you wouldn’t mind that I join you?” Saya asked.
Haji was too stunned to speak, all he could do was nod his head. He would love to teach Saya all about his garden. Maybe she could find a flower and she could take care of it. He wondered if she would like that.
“Thank you for showing me this Haji, it makes me happy that you found something to occupy your time, while I’ve been sleeping. Thank you for taking good care of me.” Saya added that last little bit. Haji nodded.
Saya looked up at the sky and it was clear.
“Would you like to look at the stars with me?” Saya asked. Haji gave a small smile and walked over to Saya holding her by the waist before jumping in the air to the roof, where the two of them sat comfortably and looked at the stars.
The two of them stayed out there until Saya fell asleep with her head on Haji’s shoulder.
He carefully picked her up and jumped down, going back inside to the bedroom.
Kai was fuming, his whole body was shaking and he couldn’t explain why. He walked out of his bedroom; he needed some fresh air.
When he walked out. He saw Haji carrying a sleeping Saya to what he knew was their bedroom. He didn’t even look at them as he stormed down the stairs and out the door.
He needed to stay out for a while. If he stayed in that house any longer, he was going to explode.
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The Alibi of All Time | AIRika/Adrik | Trial 3.2 | Re: Erik A, Erisu, Erik Azr, Arakiel, Eureka, Byrne
Oh, god damn. It looks like their actions have been brought up a lot. Burned food, speedwalking- what’s next? They decide now is a better time than ever to share what they’ve been up to in the past few hours.
“Jesus, this looks bad. Okay. I should probably break down a few things since a lot of things being brought up are just because of me and unrelated to any of this shit.”
They sigh. They’re going to look so, so stupid. 
Soo, I was in the eatery this afternoon. Why? I wanted to get rid of my stupid fucking rubber chicken. I hated it. I just had it in my room, and I almost burned it, but then realized that’s probably a horrible idea! So today, I took it to the eatery and stabbed it repeatedly. Erik was there. He saw me do that, and he didn’t judge for some reason.
After that? I was hungry, and I wanted to prove myself. Erik always cooks for me, but I’m a grown ass adult. I could take care of myself. I then fucked everything up. Holy shit, you all should’ve been there. I made the worst fucking grilled cheese. It was so awful. I forgot to take the plastic off the cheese again. I forgot. Fuck me. The eatery was covered in smoke. I was coughing. But that was my fucking creation, so I was going to eat it. I forced myself to eat half of it. It tasted like shit. I chugged water, but the fucking taste wouldn’t go away. I was desperate.“
Where the hell is this story going? It’s already insane, but Adrik continues on as if this is all perfectly normal.
”So I left the eatery at about 5:10PM. Erik left a little before, I’d say around 5. I wanted this awful fucking taste out of my mouth, but the water glasses weren’t doing it. That’s when I got an idea.
Hoses are strong. Hoses have water. I was going to hose my mouth down.
I saw Erik and Erik A in the garden on my way to the greenhouse, but I didn’t care. No. I needed this stupid taste gone. I spent ten minutes just looking for a hose, and when I found one? Okay, so I didn’t know how to use a hose. I sprayed myself all over. It did nothing. It was sad, and pathetic, and thank God nobody was there. I left at 5:35PM to see stupid fucking rain. So now, I was double wet! Yay! I went back to my room, but accidentally tracked some mud on the way in. I didn’t even notice until the investigation, but the prints match my feet. I went back to feed the fishies, change, and dry off.
I think I finally left at 6PM to go to the laundry room to try to clean and dry my outfit off before the next motive event. Yeah, I saw Erisu leaving her room, going somewhere north on the map. I was holding my damp clothes, like she said. I then spent the next two hours trying to clean and dry my outfit off. Getting the mud off wasn’t that difficult, but nothing I did would dry the cape. I was too nervous to put it in the dryer for shrinkage, so I was doing everything else. It was still damp when I left. I didn’t notice Erik A on my way to the next motive thing, but it makes sense if he went to the eatery.“
Jesus Christ. Adrik almost seems out of breath by the time they’re done sharing. 
"So, to summarize? The eatery smoke, the cut-up rubber chicken, the mess in the greenhouse and the footprints going into the dormitory hall are all my fault. Unrelated to the case. The murders are not my fault.”
It’s all sheer insanity, but when has Adrik been known to make good decisions or behave in a normal way? With their alibi now out in the open, they huff, moving on to actual theorizing and evidence discussion.
“…So let me get this straight, again. Repeating what’s been said. Eureka saw Ae-ra at the dog house, where the toys were taken to make a noose. Byrne said that Ae-ra seemed very unstable during the motive. We found a note with Arakiel’s handwriting inviting Erika C to the crime scene, and Ae-ra is the only person who has seen his handwriting. The letter was written in a style not like Arakiel, and he has an alibi for 5:30PM. Also, remember last trial? Ae-ra openly was terrified of Erika Chen and even spent tokens to trade spots to get away from her.”
They won’t point the finger. Not their place! However, they have to add on to the situation. This was either one hell of a coincidence, or something else. Besides, it’s too early. There’s more to consider here.
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
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— DUMMY DADDY + tobio kageyama.
↳ warnings: fluff, parent!au, reader is a mother, i just wanted to write tobi as a daddy !!! pls he’s so cute i love him so so much. your baby boy says his first word and it’s not what either of you expect.
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“it’s going to be mama,” you tell kageyama matter of factly. “his first word is going to be mama.”
you don’t need to look at the setter to know that he’s glaring daggers into your back while you prepare a fruitsnack for your baby boy. “how do you know that?” the glares only continue when you turn, holding out a bowl of mushed apples and peach to your son as he gargles happy sounds towards his parents.
“mother’s intuition, tobio.”
your husband scoffs, snatching the bowl from you so you have both your hands to take a seat at the table— sitting on the other side of your baby’s high chair. “well,” he starts. “you’re wrong, s’gonna be papa. ain’t that right lil’ man.” the man coos, hand becoming an aeroplane and garnering the interest of his carbon copy as he spoons the crude baby food mix past tiny lips and into a slobbering mouth. he claps chubby hands down on his high chair, kicking socked feet out when tobio spoon feeds him again. “see? daddy’s his favourite.”
“whatever,” you huff, but you don’t fight the smile that tugs on your lips watching the two of them interact. if tobio is your sun; then your little thirteen month old is your husband’s stars moon and night sky. he’s been kageyama’s favourite person since he was just a twinkle in either of your eyes— since you held up three pregnancy tests over a shitty facetime call when your husband was abroad, playing for his Italian team.
they’ve been inseparable since his birth, as soon as your boy was able to leave the house tobio had his baby carrier court side during practices for the Olympic team. your baby would laugh loud and proud whenever his daddy made super high jumps and sets for uncle hinata, whenever he and uncle tsumu got into little squabbles on the court. your baby smiles just like tobio does when you take him to italy for his first birthday— they’re the spitting image of each other, you’d find that with a quick swipe through your camera roll.
two sets of sapphire blue eyes and mops of black fluffy hair— it’s almost unfair how identical they are, he’s just barely got the slope of your nose and your lopsided smile and somehow the beauty mark you have dotting your left cheek, but still. he’s yours, and tobio’s a product of your love that your husband had cried over when he came into the world silent and not screaming like you’d hoped. only for a minute though, you’d later discover through sleepless nights that your son had a set of pipes on him.
oh how little kageyama had grown, how he’d changed your life as well as his daddy’s… so to you, it didn’t matter what his first word was— not really. it was just another moment for you to treasure and admire your boys.
“tell mama that i’m your favourite,” tobio grins, tickling your chubby little baby till you’re sure his cheeks are sore and you hum in content, resting your own cheek on the seat of your palm.
“not gonna happen, tobi, he’s a mama’s boy,” you interject and reach up, twirling a black strand of baby hair between your fingers. “say mama f’me honey,” it’s your turn to coo, lifting yourself from your seat to press kisses all over the right side of your son’s face.
kageyama mimics you, taking over the left side so that no area of your son’s face goes untouched. “nuh uh, we’ll see about that—!” neither of you expect the baby hand to slap down into his bowl of mush causing it to fly up and everywhere— smacking the father of your child in the face and ruining your counter tops. your baby squeals in amusement, slapping his dirty hands everywhere at the sight of his messy parents.
“no baby, don’t do that,” you whine, already reaching for the paper towels to clean both of your boys up. “so silly, huh baby?”
big blue eyes look up at you with unadulterated innocence— as if he hasn’t just destroyed your kitchen and ruined kageyama’s favourite shirt but you can’t stay mad at him, letting your pro volleyball player husband wipe the mush from his hands and face.
“you’re lucky your mum loves you bud, not even i could get away with this.”
“d-du!” your baby squeals back, making both you and kageyama freeze in your place— slowly looking back to him as he sweetly stumbles over his first word. “du-! duuu!”
you whip out your phone faster than you can say your son’s name— smiling at him encouragingly while he looks between his unsuspecting parents. “go on baby!! say mama, ma-ma!”
“nuh uh, daddy…da-da!”
your son blinks slow and then says. “dum’ass!”
tobio kageyana has never been more in fear of his life than he had right now— your gaze burning a hole in his shoulder while your baby gets his hands dirty in the moosh on his baby chair. “it was nice knowing you, baby.” the setter says solemnly, pinching his son’s cheeks.
kageyama squishes your baby’s face together in desperation, as you put away your phone to finish cleaning up. “c’mon sweetheart, you wanna grow up with your dad in your life don’cha?” he pulls your baby into his lap, making him wave to you on behalf your husband who’s matching blue gem eyes are begging for your forgiveness. “‘m sorry mama!” tobio coos in a baby voice.
“you’re really hitting the nail on daddy’s coffin baby,” you can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the pair, ruffling two sets of beautiful black locks and pressing kisses to their faces— an extra long, sloppy lingering one under tobio’s ears. “but i’ll deal with that later, sweetheart. you really need to stop calling uncle hinata names when you take our baby to practice.” you scold him.
but you’re hardly serious, not when your boys look at you with mischievous and loving blue eyes.
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multifandomfix · 3 years
Regina Mills Angst Alphabet
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A = Anger (what are they like when they’re angry?)
Regina can either be screaming at you when she’s mad or dead silent. Silent is far worse. If she’s yelling, it’s something that’s annoyed her and she just needs to get it out of her system, but silence means that it’ll be harder to forgive.
B = Break Up (if they had to, how would they break up with you?)
She’d do it in person, but she wouldn’t let you try to argue with her. She’ll be convinced it’s in your best interest and if she lets you stop her, she won’t be able to go through with it.
C = Cry (how often do they cry? do they cry over little things?)
Regina cries more than she cares to admit, and while she doesn’t really cry over little things, it’s those little things that set off her tears she’s been holding back because of the big things.
D = Debt (how do they make it up to you when they’ve done something wrong?)
Regina will show up at your door and apologize as many times as it takes you to forgive her. And she’ll usually bake you some sort of apple treat to sweeten the deal.
E = Entrapment (how would they react to you being kidnapped?)
Regina would form a search party right away and no matter if her plan was rash, nothing would stop her from rescuing you.
F = Fear (how badly do they fear losing you? do they fear for you somehow losing them?)
Regina is terrified of losing you. She’s lost too many other people she’s loved before you and she always thinks you’ll be next.
G = Grief (if you were to die, how would they react?)
She’d have the people of Storybrooke to comfort her during her grief, but she’d likely close off her heart to love again.
H = Heartbreak (what would it take to break their heart?)
Honestly, it wouldn’t take much because she’s been burned so many times before, but her heart can always be mended. She just has to work on her trust, and her faith in you.
I = Insensitive (how do they act when they know they’ve said something that upset you?)
Regina apologizes immediately and kicks herself all day for having said something so stupid to you. You’ll forgive her before she forgives herself.
J = Jerk (when can they tell you’re mad at them? do either of you resort to name calling?)
When you distance yourself from her, that’s when she knows you’re mad. Neither of you resort to name calling, but she does give you your space until you’re ready to make up.
K = Knife (how do they feel about hurting others? physically or emotionally?)
She’s hurt people in the past with little care, but she’s changed a lot since then. She’ll hurt only if she has to, now. Though she’d much rather not if she’s able.
L = Liar (are they a good liar? how often do they lie to you?)
She doesn’t lie to you a lot, she hates it when she has to, but it’s usually for your protection when she does. She is quite skilled at it though, when it comes down to it.
M = Maudlin (how do you cheer them up when they’re feeling sad?)
Spending time with her, even if it’s just quiet time with her in your arms always seems to cheer her up. Or doing some activity together to help take her mind off of it.
N = Never (what would they do if they knew they could never be with you?)
Regina would sadly accept it. She might move on, she might not, and just let herself wallow in what could have been forever.
O = Oath (what happens when you break a promise? how do they take it?)
Regina hates broken promises. Even small ones. She always thinks that if you can’t follow through on a little thing, then what are you going to do when making a bigger promise?
P = Pressure (how do they handle stress? how do you help them relax?)
Regina has grown accustomed to handling a fair amount of stress. It still gets too much for her sometimes and she may break down and cry in your arms. Baking together is one thing that can help her relax.
Q = Quiet (do they ever give you the silent treatment? how do they react when you give it to them?)
She does give you the silent treatment, but it’s not too often, only when things are really bad. And if you give it to her, she knows to give you some space.
R = Rejection (how would they take it if you were to reject them?)
She’d accept it, but it would break her heart. She’d wish you the best, and spend her days wishing it had been her that was the best for you.
S = Self Doubt (what are they insecure about?)
Herself and her image. She’s always concerned that people are always going to see her as the evil queen no matter how much good she does.
T = Triangle (what would they do if they were caught in a love triangle with you? would they fight for you or give you up?)
If she thought she was the better choice for you, she’d fight like hell, but if she thought the other person could make you happier than she could, she’d give you up for your sake.
U = Unloved (what would you do to make sure they felt loved?)
It’s the little things really, helping her tend to her apple tree, giving her a kiss on the cheek as you pass by. Those things mean the world to her.
V = Vault (do they keep their emotions sealed tight, or do they let them out openly?)
She seals her emotions up pretty tight, until they all come bursting out at once. It’s something she’s working on in trying to be better, but old habits die hard.
W = Wound (how do they react when you’ve been injured?)
She’s very concerned when you turn up injured in any way. She hates seeing you hurt and if it wasn’t just some accident, then she will definitely seek revenge on whoever dared to hurt you.
X = X Lovers (what happens when they’re confronted with an ex of yours?)
Regina immediately gets insecure. Maybe mixed with a bit of jealousy as well. She’ll want the interaction to be as short as possible and to forget that you ever crossed paths.
Y = Yell (how often do fights occur? how bad do they get?)
As regularly as any couple, really. They don’t usually get too bad. You both just need some time to cool off and talk it over calmly.
Z = Zestless (what happens if you lose that initial spark with them?)
Regina will talk it out with you, see if there’s still anything worth fighting for, and if you give her hope that there is, she’ll fight to keep you.
For anon
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Regina Mills: @dancingwith-sunflowers, @riveranddoctorsong123, @the-disorderly-writer, @ladysc, @reginassecretlover, @zennyloves, @sarah-paulsons-bottom-lip, @ejcoolgirl, @xscarlettxbelovax, @jona-lea
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tbyfandoms · 2 years
Rapunzel | Dramione
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Pairing: draco malfoy x hermione granger
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: stuck with the inability to meet with her boyfriend face to face on her own, hermione enlists the help of her best friend to get her there. meanwhile, stuck in a meeting of star-crossed lovers and nothing better to do, harry has a few quips for draco up his sleeve
Warnings: mild swearing
Masterlist | Ask/Tell/Request
A/N: my first work for dramione! i’ve loved this pair for so long and i'm so happy to have finally sat down and written a short fic for them. i would’ve never had the idea for this story without seeing this amazing artwork (shown in the header) by @fghartwork ! i saw it on my recommended and the idea immediately came to mind. please check out their page and the original art work here. they’re very talented and also very kind for letting me use their work in my header <3 i hope you all enjoy the story and lmk what you think! :)
“Harry be careful!” Hermione shrieks as she clings to the back of her best friend, her heart rate spiking every time he makes a sudden turn in the air.
She never did like flying.
“Hermione you’re fine, just hold on!” Harry replies with a chuckle. He can tell how frightened she is by the way her arms clutch tightly around his stomach each time he dips the broom.
“Oh trust me, I’m holding on,” she mumbles, squeezing her eyes shut as they swoop past one of the pillars on the castle. “This is so unbelievably terrifying and dangerous, I don’t get why you like it so much.”
“It’s thrilling! The wind in your hair and on your face. The way you can speed through the air and feel just like a bird, it’s brilliant!” He muses. There are few things Harry Potter finds absolute, indescribable joy in and flying is most definitely one of them. In a teasing tone he adds; “Need I remind you, you’re the one who wanted to do this.”
“Come on, Harry! You know I wouldn’t if it wasn’t my absolute last option. This is the only way I can see Draco before we leave for break. After tonight who knows how long until I’ll be able to see him again face to face.”
It was just their luck that the final day Hermione and Draco would be able to see each other, the Malfoy boy would land himself in detention. There wasn’t any way around it and no time to meet in the morning before everyone leaves. If the couple wanted to see each other one last time, this is the only way it could be done.
The only downside to the plan was that Hermione would have to travel by broom to get to Draco. There wasn’t a chance she’d be let in the room, so meeting in secret by the window was the best bet. Too bad Draco’s serving his detention in a classroom way at the top of the castle, which is how Hermione has found herself holding on to Harry for dear life as he takes her to see him.
“The two of you really can’t meet up during the break? This is honestly the last chance you’ve got to spend time with him before we leave?” Harry questions.
“Sadly, yes. With the way our personal schedules line up, there doesn’t seem to be a day we can have to ourselves. Any day I’m free he’ll be busy and any day he’s free I’ll be busy. We could always try to floo or apparate to each other during spare time, but considering how on edge everyone still is regarding our relationship, it doesn’t seem possible,” Hermione sighs. No matter how hard she tries to show everyone how much Draco has changed and grown, it doesn’t seem to change anything. Harry truly seems to be one of the only people who has somewhat accepted their relationship, besides Ginny.
Although Harry can’t see her face, he can tell Hermione is frowning behind him, wishing things could be different and still struggling with the heartache of the people she loves most not accepting the boy she’s fallen for. It took a long time for Harry to grasp the idea of their relationship, but of course with help from Ginny, he was able to come to terms with it and focus on the fact Hermione is happier than ever before. After the past few years they’ve had that’s truly all he could hope for, his best friend’s happiness.
Harry still doesn’t get how it even happened, but he guesses all of them coming back for an eighth year allowed unexpected relationships to form between people. It was weird at first, but he sees how much good it’s actually done and he’s glad he came back along with so many of his other classmates. In a way it’s been healing for him even if these walls have witnessed so much loss and destruction, and if Hermione finding comfort and love in being with Malfoy is part of her healing, then who’s he to judge her?
“Don’t worry, Hermione, I’m sure the two of you will figure it out. I can tell you both care for each other a lot and not being able to see each other in person for a while isn’t going to change that. There’s ways around your obstacles and if anyone will figure it out it’ll be you. Besides, I’m here for you if and when you need me again. I mean look at us now! If you would’ve told me a year ago I’d be helping you meet up with Malfoy I would’ve said you’re mad! Yet here we are.” The two Gryffindors laugh and Hermione fights the tears prickling in her eyes over Harry’s words. She truly doesn’t know where she’d be without him and she’s so incredibly grateful to have him in her life.
“Thank you, Harry,” she says softly as the raven-haired boy takes them around a pillar and begins to slow down as their destination comes into view.
“You’re welcome, Hermione,” he replies, lining his broom up against the side of the castle and slowly lifting the both of them up under a window that’s wide open. "Okay, now that we're here, climb up on my shoulders and I'll keep you steady while you 'talk' to Malfoy."
Hermione nearly falls off the broom over the statement alone. "What!? Why in the world would I do that when I can keep my little stability by just staying where I am, sat behind you!"
"No offense, Hermione, but I really don't wanna be sitting right next to you while you make out with your boyfriend." Hermione's face flushes fiercely and she does her best to try and gather herself before replying.
"Well, alright then. If you really want me to, I will." With a firm nod, even though Harry can't see her, Hermione decides the task won't be so bad. She's a witch for God's sake! She could handle a little challenge.
Grabbing onto Harry's shoulders, Hermione begins to lift herself up off the broom. With shaky hands, she grabs the edge of the window above her, using it to balance as she lifts one leg over Harry's shoulder, and then the other. Harry grabs onto Hermione's shins and allows her time to adjust.
"See, not so bad, right?" Harry grunts out. Hermione isn't heavy by any means, but he didn't think through all the added extra weight. Harry may be one of Hogwart's best seekers, but he's sure never flown a broom with someone sitting on his shoulders before. He'd get used to the feeling in a minute though, he's sure...hopefully.
"Right! This is fine, I'm steady, it's good!" Hermione doesn't know who she's trying to convince, Harry or herself, but it definitely seems more like the latter.
Looking up, Hermione realizes she's still a little under the window, not exactly head level with it. "Harry, can you fly us up a little bit? I can't quite see through the window."
In an instant, Hermione finds herself rising upwards. The sudden movement, although expected, startles her and causes her to let out a tiny yelp.
"Granger? Is that you?" Looking into the open window, Hermione smiles when she sees her boyfriend standing there.
"Draco!" She exclaims, leaning in closer to the windowsill and resting her arms on the ledge.
"What in the bloody hell are you doing!?" Rushing to the window, Draco leans out of it slightly, looking down to see how exactly his girlfriend has found her way up here. "Is that Potter?"
"Evening, Malfoy!" Harry grins while looking up and throwing Draco a peace sign. The blonde can't help the bemused smile that makes it's way onto his face. Of course it would be Potter to help with something like this.
"I knew we wouldn't be able to see each other before we left tomorrow, so this is the best plan I could come up with. It's probably not the best one I've ever thought of, but so be it, I'm here and now we can be together for a moment!"
Draco smiles at the girl before him. He doesn't understand how in the world he got so lucky to be with someone like her. If you would've told him when he first came to Hogwarts that he'd end up with the bushy haired girl from Gryffindor, he would've laughed in your face. But now, here he is, completely and utterly in love with her.
"Granger, you're brilliant! If anything this is your best plan yet, love." Draco reaches over and grabs one of Hermione's hands, rubbing his fingers over her knuckles and looking at her with those big grey eyes she's come to love.
A thought pops into Hermione's head, instantly sending her heart racing. "Wait, McGonagall isn't in there is she? I would hate to get you into more trouble!" The brunette tries to look through the window, but Draco immediately shakes his head, trying to calm her nerves.
"No, she stepped out for a moment. I'm not sure when she'll be back, though. We might not have much time, I-"
"You're both fine, don't worry. McGonagall's in her office talking to Flitwick. You've probably got loads of time," Harry says, leading to Draco and Hermione to look down at him questioningly.
"And how do you know that, Potter?" Draco questions, raising a brow at Harry's supposed fact.
Without speaking a word, the boy holds up a piece of folded paper he had in his pocket. Hermione hums and smirks when she realizes what it is. "Marauder's map. You've still got that thing, Harry?"
"Of course I do, it's useful, you know that." Harry goes back to looking at the map, definitely not keeping his eye on the spot of a certain red head girl.
Turning back to the blonde, Hermione leans her head on her fist, staring at Draco with nothing but adoration. "So, tell me about your day of solitude."
Laughing, Draco settles himself on the windowsill, ready to spend every possible moment he can with the girl who stole his heart and taught him what real love is all about.
"You're lying!" Hermione can't help the laugh that escapes her lips. "There's no way she made you do that!"
"Granger, I swear she did! This detention is by far the worst I've ever received."
Hermione just shakes her head at her boyfriend's words. She loves how at ease she feels with him. That sounds ridiculous considering who it is she's talking about, but it's true. Draco makes her feel a sense of comfort she's never felt before. It took a long time for them to get to this point, but she wouldn't take any of it back. She's glad after all these years they found their way to each other, found healing and love within each other. It took everyone by surprise, even them, but it's perfectly imperfect, and that's enough for them.
"I'm going to miss you so much, Draco," Hermione says, barely above a whisper. She tries to give him a smile but it's weak. Hermione never was very good with trying to hide her emotions.
"I'm going to miss you too, Hermione." Draco reaches out and cups the girl's cheeks with his palms, swiping this thumbs lightly back and forth. "We're going to figure this out, don't worry. I won't allow anyone to keep you away from me. I mean c'mon, even detention couldn't stop us from seeing each other."
The Gryffindor girl lights up at the Slytherin's words, letting out a small giggle.
"There's that smile and laugh I love so much," Draco beams, loving the way Hermione gets shy at his words. Closing the distance, the Malfoy heir connects his lips with hers, and she wastes no time in reciprocating the action.
Almost instantly Hermione finds herself lost in Draco's soft lips and warm aura. She's reaching up and dragging one hand through his hair while the other grasps onto the front of his shirt, wanting him as close as possible.
It's when Draco softly bites down on Hermione's bottom lip that she really loses it. Her thighs move to rub together, wanting to create any sort of friction, but the action is immediately halted, rapid taps on her knees breaking her from the spell that is Draco Malfoy.
"Hermione!" Harry squeaks from below and Hermione's eyes go wide as she realizes what's happening.
"Sorry, Harry!" The girl rushes out, heat rushing up her neck and face as she quickly releases the death grip her thighs have around Harry's neck.
"It's fine," the raven haired boy coughs out. After rubbing his neck as best he can to soothe the dull pain, while simultaneously holding onto Hermione and trying to keep the broom upright, he says, "I hate to break this up but either tell Rapunzel to let down his hair and have you climb up, or we've got to go. McGonagall's coming."
Hermione laughs at the boy's joke, but covers it with her hand as she turns and notices Draco's confusion and hard stare.
"What did you just call me, Scarhead?" Draco's eyebrows are furrowed and even though he and Harry have long since settled their 'rivalry', the nicknames still pop up here and there, and Draco is quick to revert back to them when feeling intimidated, as is Harry.
Before her two favorite boys can begin bickering, Hermione interjects. "It's just from a fairy tale, Draco. It's Rapunzel, have you ever heard of it?"
Malfoy shakes his head and Hermione's left surprised. She knew the Wizarding world was different than that of the Muggles, but she figured at least the fairy tales would've been prominent in both.
"Basically it's a story about a girl trapped in a tower and she has incredibly long hair that she lets down for her lover to climb in order to reach her. I'm shocked you don't know it."
Draco shakes his head and relaxes at the fact it wasn't anything too insulting. "Never heard of it."
"Basically, it's a joke, Malfoy. You should learn to take one!" Harry teases from below and Hermione gasps before lightly smacking the side of his head.
"Harry! Be nice!" Hermione starts to make her way off her friend's shoulders, slowly settling back on the broom. Harry rubs the spot on his head, but continues to chuckle as he flies the broom up a bit higher, allowing Hermione to be able to say goodbye.
"Very funny, Potter. We'll see who's the one laughing when I beat your ass in the next quidditch match," Draco smirks and Harry rolls his eyes in return.
"We'll see about that one, Malfoy"
"If you two are done trying to one up each other, I'd like to say goodbye to my boyfriend before we get caught," Hermione says, side-eyeing the both of them. Boys.
Turning back to face Draco, Hermione smiles and leans in one final time for a kiss, this time not letting it get too out of hand.
After pulling away, Draco is the first to speak. "I promise to write to you as much as possible, even if it's about something boring. I'll write about it just so you know I'm still thinking of you."
The brunette girl laughs and nods her head. "I'll love every second of reading them, I'm sure. I love you, Draco."
The blonde's usual steel grey eyes soften as they take in every inch of the girl before them. Airily, Draco replies, "I love you too, Hermione."
A moment passes between them before suddenly the door to the classroom is being opened and the Headmistress' voice can be heard.
"Mr. Malfoy, what are you doing by the window?" The couple's eyes go wide. Draco immediately steps back and Hermione lightly urges Harry to take off.
"Nothing, Headmistress," Draco says, watching as his girlfriend begins to descend back to the ground. He winks at her and then says, "Just thought I heard something."
Hermione's stomach fills with butterflies at his action, she grins and waves at him before holding on to Harry for dear life once more.
"Thank you for doing this, Harry. It really means so much to me," the witch says, lightly squeezing Harry a bit extra for a moment in appreciation.
"You're welcome, Hermione. Anything for you and your Rapunzel." The boy laughs and Hermione gasps but can't help to do the same.
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beccascribbles · 4 years
Can i ask for a suna x reader request where the reader is the team’s manager and swear she wouldn’t date another volleyball player after her ex, but suna changes her mind? 👀👀
a/n - this ended up way longer than i intended. whoops. honestly as i wrote this, i forgot all about the original plot. he does still change her mind though! it just became more of a best friends to lovers au (which i’m a big fat lover of). anyway, hope you enjoy :)
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You swore off dating volleyball players the night you turned up at his house, tears rolling down your cheeks and red eyes. Your voice was hoarse when you told him, when you told Suna you would never date another volleyball player. The tears dampened his shirt as he held you, as he listened to you rant.
Suna hated to admit it, but a part of him was glad when he saw you on his doorstep that night. It meant you had finally realised what a piece of shit you had been dating and also opened up an avenue that had been previously shut for him. However, none of that mattered when you were in front of him. Any part of him that rejoiced at your broken expression disgusted him.
"All volleyball players are shit," you sobbed, pressing your face into his chest, choosing to forget that you were currently seeking comfort in the arms of one. "Can you believe he cheated on me?"
"I always told you he was a piece of shit," drawled Suna, rubbing soothing circles into your back. You bit back another sob, landing a light smack to his shoulder.
"And you're suddenly Mr Perfect?"
"I wouldn't cheat on you."
"Well, it doesn't really matter anyway," you sighed, curling into the warmth Suna provided, arms wrapping around his waist. "A volleyball player and me will never be a thing again. Fuck that. I'm not going through that pain again."
That whole night Suna was there to offer you comfort. He let you wash in his bathroom, giving you one of his favourite t-shirts and a pair of boxers to wear to bed. He even gave you his bed to sleep in, saying he would sleep on the floor. You couldn't let him do that, grabbing him by the wrist and pulling him into the bed beside you. Suna was also the one who called your mother, explaining that you were staying at his house tonight.
And, the next morning, you were awoken to the smell of breakfast wafting through the house, walking down the stairs to be greeted by Suna on a video call with Osamu. It was clear Osamu was instructing him on how to cook, something that Suna struggled with.
"Morning, Rin, Samu," you greeted, waving at the phone screen as you stepped into view. Osamu eyes widened slightly at the sight of your clothing. You were still dressed in Suna's clothes, and, if you didn't know why, you would admit your reaction likely would have been the same.
"Ooh, y/n," sang Atsumu's voice, his head appearing at the top of the frame as Osamu pushed him away. "What have ya -"
He was cut off by Suna's barked 'shut up'. In a quiet voice, you stated simply, "My boyfriend, ex now I suppose, cheated on me."
"Did Suna make ya forget all about that loser?" asked Atsumu, his head now back in frame and pushing against Osamu's as he tried to claim the centre of the screen.
"Sumu!" snapped Osamu, shooting him a glare as he gave him a hard slap to the back of the head.
"If letting me cry and rant to him counts, then yes," you sighed, turning away from them and heading to the cupboard to grab a glass.
"Samu," called Suna, looking up from the pan helplessly, "what do I do now?"
He held up the food to show that it was burnt, charred to the point that it was disintegrating. Osamu let out a sigh. "I can come over and cook for ya if you want."
You nodded enthusiastically in the background, letting out an enthused shout. "Yes please!"
"Okay," he nodded, standing up from where he rested on his bed. "I'll be there in a bit."
"Don't bring Atsumu," pleaded Suna.
"I'm comin’," said Atsumu, poking his tongue out at the camera before Osamu hung up. Suna let out a sigh, looking over at you apologetically. His plan for a quiet morning with you to let you recuperate and prepare to face the world again was coming to an end. Instead, you would be thrust back into it with the presence of the twins, especially Atsumu.
You stepped towards him, resting a hand on his shoulder. Wordlessly, he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you against him. Head pressed against his chest, you mumbled, "I really don't mind you know. I love hanging out with the twins. You know that."
"I just wanted everything to be good for you, you know?" he admitted, resting his cheek on the top of your head. "Are you feeling better this morning?"
"Like you said, he was a piece of shit. I supposed it was about time I realised that."
"Yeah," he sighed, brushing a kiss to the top of your head. "It would've been better if you hadn't been hurt in the process."
"Well hey," you said, looking up at him with a small smile playing on your lips, "at least I know who not to date so don't worry. I won't go running into the arms of anyone on the team to make me feel better."
"You can come to me though," he murmured, voice low. You looked up at him, eyebrows raising in confusion.
"What did you say?" you asked, pulling away and moving across the kitchen to grab a glass from the cupboard.
"Um...," he hesitated, running a hand through his sleep mussed hair. He refused to meet your gaze, focusing instead on a point above your head. "Just that you can run to the twins if you need, preferably Osamu but I suppose Atsumu is good for a hookup. I guess it depends on whose hair you prefer. You've always had a thing for blondes..."
"Rin, I'm going to stop you there," you laughed, holding up a hand and cutting off his tangent. "You don't need to worry. Also, where'd you get the idea that I'm into blondes?"
"Well, your last few boyfriends..."
"Personally, I've always preferred brunettes," you shrugged, heading over to the sink to fill up your glass. You let out a light giggle. "Now that I think about it, it is weird that I always end up dating blondes."
“Evidence of your horrible taste,” he teased, forever thankful that you could take any awkward comment in your stride and put him at ease. It was something so natural to you. In fact, you had grown used to his occasional odd remarks, brushing them under the rug. There were times when you would tease Suna for it, but, most of the time, you let it slide. It was a part of your best friend.
You let out a gasp, holding a hand to your heart in fake shock. But then, you shook your head, face splitting into a grin. “You’re not wrong. Maybe you’ll have to teach me how to find a nice guy.”
“I don’t know if I’m the best choice for that.”
“You don’t know that. You’re always right about how horrible anyone I show an interest in is.”
Suna might always be right, but he was always searching for the bad points of those you dated. Jealousy drove him to overlook any of the good things, like how happy they usually made you the first few weeks you were together.
“Yeah, well,” he admitted, “I’m not necessarily looking for the good things when I judge your boyfriends.”
“You’re so overprotective,” you snorted, dancing around him to take a seat at the kitchen table. He didn’t reply to that, and you glanced upwards, taking note of his furrowed brow. You decided to change the topic of conversation, taking a sip of your water. Before you could, there was a furious knocking at the front door. Suna rolled his eyes as you stated, “The twins.”
“Well done, Captain Obvious,” he teased, ruffling your hair as he walked past you and headed towards the front door. He glanced back over at you. “Are you going to change?”
“Nah, it’s fine. They’ve seen me in worse states.”
That was true, and the fact annoyed Suna whenever he dwelled on it. 
Atsumu, thinking he was being funny, had snuck into the bathroom while you were showering and stole your clothing, leaving your underwear. To be fair to Atsumu, he hadn’t attempted to peek at you in your naked state. It would’ve been difficult if he had tired considering the shower curtain was drawn. If he had attempted to look, he would have been subject to Suna’s wrath, and he had a number of photos of Atsumu in compromising positions that he could release. Suna wished you had just walked to his room and taken some of his clothes. Instead, you had strode downstairs in your underwear, ignoring the looks from the team that Suna had invited over and stood over Atsumu.
“Clothes, now,” you commanded, hands resting on your hips. Suna had been quick to leap up from his position on the sofa, pulling his sweatshirt over his head and tugging it over your own, moving you like a doll as he shoved your arms into the sleeves and pulled it down to cover your lower half. Then, Suna had also fixed a glare on Atsumu.
“You’d better fucking hurry,” he said, the set of his face threatening some kind of consequence. Atsumu hadn’t wanted to find out, getting up from his seat and jogging towards the kitchen, where he thought it would be wise to hide your clothes in a cupboard.
“You’re so irritating,” you grumbled, pulling on the leggings and then removing Suna’s sweatshirt, and throwing your t-shirt on. You held the sweatshirt out to Suna. “Thanks for the cover up.”
“Did you really need to strip again?” he spluttered, blushing furiously as he took his sweatshirt back from you.
“So dramatic,” you sighed, rolling your eyes at Suna’s embarrassment. Atsumu, meanwhile, had looked like a child in a candy store.
“I always knew ya were hot, but damn,” said Atsumu, letting out a low whistle. Though you appreciated the compliment, you didn’t hesitate to give him a hard slap to the back of the head.
“Don’t steal my clothes,” you said, before your lips tugged upwards in a teasing smirk. You leant in. “If you wanted to see, all you had to do was ask.”
It was Atsumu’s turn to blush then, looking away and avoiding your gaze. Both of you were aware your statement was a lie, but he couldn’t help his reaction. Suna watched with his arms crossed, quietly seething. His chest felt tight. Then, you had looked over at him with a bright smile and asked, “You picked out the film yet?”
Suna was jerked from the memory by an increase in the knocking and a loud shout through the door. “Open the fuck up, ya idiot. I’m hungry too.”
“Shut up, Sumu,” he grumbled, swinging open the door. He nodded towards Osamu. “There should be enough food in the fridge but, if you need more, just give me a list and I’ll nip to the shop.”
“I’ll go, too,” you piped up, appearing in the corridor behind him. Atsumu sprinted forward, pulling you into a tight hug which you returned. “Okay, you big oaf. You can let go of me now.”
“If you cry, he’ll let go of ya in an instant,” said Osamu, giving your head a pat as he walked past you and into the kitchen.
“It was one time, Samu,” whined Atsumu, releasing you and following his brother into the kitchen. “I’m great at comforting girls, better than you.”
“I can cook.”
“Yeah, well,” spluttered Atsumu, “I’m hotter than you.”
“We’re identical.”
“Still hotter.”
“Identical. Twins.”
“Just like normal,” you said, grinning over at Suna as he held his head in his hands. Any plans for a quiet morning went down the drain, but, when he glanced over at you to see your smile, he couldn’t deny that he was glad the twins had come over.
That happiness dissipated when Atsumu had been kicked out of the kitchen by Osamu and sent out with you to get the rest of the ingredients. Osamu had insisted that only Suna could be trusted in the kitchen, despite burning what he tried to make earlier. Ultimately, though, Osamu wasn’t going to trust him with cooking. He had simply wanted to talk to his friend, find out what was going through his head.
“So,” Osamu said, taking a sip from the cup of tea Suna had made before continuing, “how is y/n after last night? How are you?”
“I think she’ll be fine,” Suna said, trying to decide how much he was comfortable with sharing. Letting out an exhale, he decided he might as well take the chance to explain how he was feeling. Nothing good came from bottling it up, something that had become all too clear to him when he had almost taken advantage of the alcohol to finally kiss you.
It had been on your eighteenth birthday. Using the excuse that you only turn eighteen once, you had downed drink after drink, slowly growing steadily more drunk, evidenced by the way you had zero inhibitions to jumping up onto a table and swaying your hips enticingly for all to see. Suna had frozen at the sight, the alcohol he had also drunk making him feel slightly braver. He had walked over to you, offering you his hand as he helped you jump down from the table. He leaned in, yelling to be heard over the music.
“You want to go somewhere else?”
You looked at him in confusion, your drunken mind not being able to fully process his request. All you could really concentrate on was the party, the happy buzz lighting your nerves. “Why?”
Suna had drawn in a breath, steeling himself. “I have something to give you. In private.”
The promise of a gift had caused you to loop your arm through his, letting him guide you somewhere else. It barely even registered that he had already given you his present, a beautiful necklace, an ornate and delicate star as the one charm on it. He had pressed a kiss to your cheek after being the one to place it around your neck. In fact, you were wearing it at that moment, the lights glinting off the silver.
“So, what did you want to give me?” you asked under the light of the moon. He reached forward, tracing a finger along the curve of your face. Suna’s hand stopped its movement, cupping your cheek. “Suna?”
He let out a breath that tickled your face. Slowly, carefully, he leaned in, his lips a whisper away before a shout broke through the relative peace of the garden.
Your head turned in the direction, pulling out of Suna’s grip in the process. Atsumu stumbled towards you, slinging his arm over your shoulder. “Come on. I convinced Kita to play ‘Never Have I Ever’ and he’s usually no fun at parties. You too, Suna.”
That moment between the two of you in the garden had been forgotten by you, but it replayed regularly in Suna’s mind. He buried his face into his hands, Osamu’s quiet support enough to prompt him to continue with what he was saying. “I don’t know if I will be though.”
When he looked up, his eyes were unusually vulnerable. There was a hesitation in his gaze, and Osamu waited a moment before prompting, “Why?”
As Osamu began to chop up some of the ingredients, Suna began to speak again. “She swore off dating volleyball players, and I think that extends to me. To be honest, she’s probably only ever seen me as a friend. Pathetic, right? I invest all this time into our relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I love her friendship. I’ll never take it for granted. It’s just frustrating. Do I act too friendly with her? Am I not flirty enough? Why was I friend-zoned?”
Osamu continued cutting, choosing his next words carefully. “She’s probably never thought to look at you in another way. It would make sense she doesn’t want to risk your friendship, Rin.”
“I understand that,” he sighed, “but, what can I do?”
“All you can do is try to show her how you feel and hope she realises you’re the one for her,” advised Osamu. Suna made note of this, though a part of him wondered if it was the best option. In his opinion, Suna was already showing that he had feelings for you. How could he make that more known? Seeing the uncertainty on his face, Osamu continued. “You could always ask Sumu for advice but I doubt it would be more useful than mine.”
It was some time before Suna was able to broach the topic with Atsumu, though this time with more hypotheticals than outright admissions. Your head was resting in his lap, your breathing steady as one of his hands rubbed absentminded circles into your back. You would be the first to admit you hadn’t had the best of sleep that night, falling asleep as soon as the film Osamu had chosen was playing.
“It must have been really boring if y/n’s already asleep,” teased Atsumu, giving his brother a playful shove which Osamu ignored. “She usually stays up out of pity.”
“Whatever, Sumu,” sighed Osamu, hugging a cushion to his chest as he became fully engrossed in what was unfolding on screen. It was hard to rile Osamu up when he was in his element, and, frankly, this film was one of his favourites. It made him dream of running his own chain of restaurants, though without the mafia using it as a front for drug trades.
“Hey, Atsumu,” began Suna awkwardly, immediately getting the other twin’s attention. Osamu was too focused on the film to care what was being talked about around him, something he would regret when Atsumu bragged about Suna confiding in him the whole way home. “Say you liked this girl, but she was your best friend, and swore off dating volleyball players. How would you change her mind and show her how you feel?”
“I’d just tell y/n how I feel,” he replied. “It is y/n we’re talkin’ about, yeah?”
Suna nodded, though the slight frown that twisted his face told Atsumu he wasn’t happy that he had figured it out. Atsumu simply shrugged, giving his friend’s shoulder a squeeze.
“It’s kind of obvious,” Atsumu said, glancing down at the way Suna gently brushed your hair away from your face, his other hands resting against the curve of your waist. “Anyway, she’d appreciate the honesty. No need to show her. You show her how much ya care everyday anyway. It might not change her mind straight away but havin’ it out in the open might help her come around to the idea.”
“Thanks, Sumu,” said Suna, genuinely meaning the words.
“They don’t call me the Love Maestro for nothin’,” he bragged.
“No one calls you that,” shot Osamu, tuning in for that part of the conversation. Atsumu turned to him, scandalised.
“Do too.”
“Name one person.”
Later that day, Suna walked you home, slinging an arm around your shoulder and leaning a bit of his weight on you as you walked. Your own arm wrapped around his waist instinctively to keep your balance. It felt so natural to walk along with him like this, something you genuinely missed when you were dating someone. It just felt disrespectful to the other person to act as you did with Suna while with them. A part of you recognised that the way you acted around each other could be construed as a relationship, but you had never thought to entertain the idea. He was just Suna, your best friend.
You came to a stop in front of your front door, and he released your shoulder in favour of wrapping both of his arms around your waist to pull you into a hug. Instantly, you relaxed against him, arms winding around his neck. When he pulled away, your hands still rested on his shoulders and you smiled up at him.
“Call me if you need anything,” he said, eyes unusually soft as he stared at you. His eyes landed on the necklace around your neck, the star shining up at him from where it rested just above the neckline of your top. “I’ll see you tomorrow but if you need anything, if you just want to chat, call me, okay?”
You nodded, giving his shoulder a pat before releasing him. However, you made no move to step away and open your front door. Suna leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your cheek. At that, he stepped off your porch, turning away from you. “Goodnight.” I love you.
“Night, Rin.”
When his phone rang at two in the morning, he couldn’t say he hadn’t been expecting it. He was. It was normal for you to call him at random times of the night, particularly when you couldn’t get to sleep or had been awoken by a nightmare.
“Rin?” you breathed, voice quiet to avoid waking anyone up in your house. “Um, hi.”
“Morning, y/n,” he mumbled, switching you onto speaker and placing the phone down beside his head. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I was just having trouble sleeping. Um, can you tell me a story?”
“Don’t you think we’re too old for bedtime stories?” he chuckled, though he was already shifting through his brain for a tale he could tell you that had not already been shared.
“We’re still in high school,” you protested, and he could hear the pout in your voice. “We’re not adults yet.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Are you ready?”
He heard the sound of movement through the speaker, the sound of you getting into bed and placing the phone on the pillow beside you.
So, Suna began, telling the story of a foolish knight who had fallen for the beautiful princess, a princess who was at home when she was sparring with the knights, when she could forget about all the eligible bachelors from other kingdoms. She was a princess who ate with the Royal Guard, prepared the roster for their training sessions, and offered her support whenever she was needed.
His voice lulled you to sleep, and, before you could question what had inspired such a tale, your eyes had slipped shut and sleep had pulled you under. Suna heard your change in breathing, your soft inhales and exhales slowing until they reached a steady rhythm. He trailed off, reaching for his phone, finger hovering over the button that would end the call. He pulled his finger away, letting his hand fall back down onto the mattress. Suna fell asleep to the sound of your breathing. He could almost pretend that you were beside him.
Your phone was flat when you woke up, and you cursed, hurriedly plugging yours into the charger. You hated being late, hated not knowing what the time was as soon as you woke up. You jogged down the stairs, reading the time on the clock in the kitchen and releasing the tension in one exhale. There was plenty of time. At a more relaxed pace, you continued to prepare for the day.
It was a busy day for you as manager of the volleyball club, something that you were thankful for as it meant you couldn’t dwell on your break up. Even if you weren’t busy with your club duties, the team would provide a distraction. Atsumu and Osamu argued more as third years, the influences of Kita, Aran and the others no longer there to calm them down. Suna was no help, urging them on whenever he could and then documenting the whole affair on his phone to send photos and videos to Kita and Aran later. To be fair, you did little to break it up either, preferring to let them work out their anger. It worked, though Kita insisted there was a better way. If he wanted to come back to Inarizaki and deal with them, he could.
The sound of your phone ringing sent you running back up the stairs, dodging out of the way of a parent that had just emerged from the bathroom. Suna’s name flashed on the screen, and you accepted the call, perching on the edge of the bed.
“I guess we fell asleep on call,” he laughed, his voice rough from having just woken up. “Your phone died, didn’t it?”
“Of course it did, idiot,” you sighed. “Why didn’t you hang up once I’d fallen asleep? You usually do.”
“You sounded cute,” he admitted, glad you could not see the flush that dusted his cheeks. “Plus, I figured you would be smart enough to have it plugged in if I was.”
“Not a valid excuse,” you quipped, resting your head in the palm of your hand. With a laugh, you said, “I panicked this morning thinking I would be late. The coaches wanted me to meet with them before class. You don’t know how pleased I was when I walked down the stairs to see I still had a while before I had to leave the house.”
“Sorry about that,” he muttered sheepishly before clearing his throat. “Is it charged now?”
You glanced down at your phone screen. “It’s at about 20% so it’s probably not going to last the whole day.”
“You can use mine if you need to. It is kind of my fault after all.”
“Kind of?” you questioned, humour in your tone. “Don’t worry though. It should be fine if I leave it off until I need to use it.”
“Just let me know if you need to borrow it, okay?” he insisted. “We have late practice.”
“Yeah, I know, got to make sure you lot are prepared for nationals. No losing to Karasuno this year.”
“Mmhm,” he hummed. “I’ll walk you home, alright?”
“Don’t worry about it, Rin,” you said. “My phone will last till then. Plus, you’ll be tired after practice. I’d be a bad manager if I didn’t make you go straight home to eat.”
“No, you wouldn’t,” he argued. “Besides, I can just eat at your house. Your parents say that I’m always welcome.”
“But then you’ll be going home too late. Won’t your mum be worried?”
“She’ll be fine. I usually stay out late, or are you forgetting the nights I’ve snuck over to yours and we’ve gone on midnight walks?”
“Fine,” you sighed, letting him win this time. “Don’t complain to me if you’re tired at school tomorrow.”
“When am I not half-asleep?”
“I’ll see you at school, Rin.”
“See you.”
There was no arguing with Suna over things like this. He was stubborn to a fault when it came to your safety. You might have been able to convince him to head straight home if your phone was fully charged. When that was the case, he insisted on staying on the phone with you the whole way, not feeling comfortable at the thought of you walking home alone in the dark. Suna wasn’t overbearing. If you honestly didn’t want him walking you home or calling you, he wouldn’t so long as you messaged him when you got home. But, you liked talking to him. That was the simple truth. You enjoyed spending time with Suna, and enjoyed talking to him. It was only Suna who wanted something more.
“So,” asked Atsumu, slinging an arm over Suna’s shoulder yanking him closer, “when are ya goin' to tell her?”
“Tell who?” asked Osamu. The look Suna shot him made him nod his head in realisation. “Ah, y/n… Wait, tell her? What happened to just showin’ her how you feel?”
“If that was going to work, it would’ve already,” said Atsumu, puffing out his chest proudly. “As Suna and I discussed, comin' clean and confessing is the best way forward.”
“I hate to say it, but he had a point Samu,” agreed Suna, sliding out from under Atsumu’s arm. “Anyway, I’m not going to tell her anytime soon. She’s had enough to deal with. She doesn’t need her best friend confessing to her straight after a rough break up. It’s almost nationals time as well. Confessing might throw off the team dynamic and I don’t want to ruin that.”
“I think you’re just being a pussy,” declared Atsumu, lips quirking upwards in a teasing smirk.
“I think you’re being smart,” said Osamu. “Wait until the best time.”
All Suna had done, was continuing to do, was wait. However, he made a concerted effort to be there for you more often, being the shoulder you would lean on for support. Unknown to you consciously, a part of you had begun to reciprocate Suna’s feelings. On occasion, it would be you who would reach out for him, locking your pinkies together and sharing a secret smile across the lunch table.
Over the course of the next few months, there were many late night phone calls, which quickly transformed into video chats. He listened to you, helped you work through the residual feelings from your break up. Being cheated on had left you feeling inferior, and Suna had been there to build you back up.
One day, you turned to face your friend Reo, hardly believing the words that fell from your lips. “Tell me honestly. Do you think I’m falling for another volleyball player?”
“Another one?” she questioned, raising an eyebrow. Then, the realisation finally seemed to hit her and she let out a gasp. “Suna?”
“I don’t know,” you sighed, resting your chin on top of your open palm. “Am I just projecting? Do I really have feelings for him or am I just craving that kind of emotional connection with someone? Plus, it’s Suna. He’s my best friend.”
“Is that all he is to you, though?” she questioned, studying you. “I know he’s your best friend, but I am too. Who did you seek comfort from after your break up? Who do you fall asleep with over the phone every night? Did you ever act the same with people you were in a relationship with that you do with Suna? I mean, I know you haven’t kissed him or anything but you are more physically affectionate and open with him than people you’ve been in a relationship with. I know you’re going to be stubborn about this, say that’s just how you’ve always been, but I want you to think about how you treat each other. If you want my honest opinion, I’d say the feelings have always been there, especially on Suna’s part.”
You blinked at Reo, taking in what she was saying. It made you contemplate, think back on specific moments in your friendship with Suna where it was possible you had crossed some invisible line that you weren’t supposed to. But every moment with Suna felt so natural you couldn’t pinpoint where the line would be, let alone when you would have crossed it. It became clear to you then. You had feelings for Suna Rintaro. There went your vow to never date another volleyball player again.
If only Suna had realised you had made this realisation already. He could have stopped planning out how to confess to you with Osamu and Atsumu, their idea involving him reducing his contact with you until everything was prepared. That fact itself was easier said than done, and they couldn’t control what he did in the quiet of his home (which was find any excuse to phone you and talk to you).
That night, he asked you, “Can you be ready for one in the afternoon tomorrow? I have something planned that I hope you’ll like.”
“Sure,” you agreed. “I have something I want to say to you as well.”
He felt anxiety grip him at your statement, fearing the worst. His fingers tightened around the phone, his breath catching in his throat. You could hear his struggle through the phone and reassured, “Don’t worry. It’s nothing bad, at least I hope you don’t think it is. I’ve just finally realised something and want to tell you in person.”
"Okay," he breathed, though the knot of anxiety in his chest didn't loosen. "I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good sleep. Love you."
"Night, Rin," you replied, feeling your heart flutter slightly at his words. The words had been said before in passing, but always with Suna firmly placed as a friend. "Love you too."
At one the next day, you were sat waiting for him on your front step, fiddling with your phone in your hands. You had just spoken to Reo for advice, her words soothing your nerves. She had told you it was clear that Suna wanted to admit something too, and, for some reason, having that knowledge outlined for you by another put you at ease.
Seeing him approaching, you rose from your seated position, gesturing for him to wait for you on the pavement. Suna came to a stop, holding out his arms for a hug. You were quick to relax into his hold, arms giving his own waist a squeeze before letting go. Smiling up at him with unusual silence, you asked, “Can I tell you something before we go? I just think you deserve to know.”
He hesitated. A part of him was curious, wanted to know, but the rest of him feared that your news would ruin what he had planned. Suna wanted to confess to you before you revealed whatever you had realised. “Um, can I show you what I planned first? It’s kind of important.”
You raised an eyebrow, wondering how it could be so important that he didn’t want to hear what you said. At the nervous look in his eyes, you took his hand, giving it an affectionate squeeze. “Okay. Let’s go.”
Still holding his hand, you pulled him after you, moving with confidence though you had no idea what direction Suna wanted to take you in. He pulled you to a stop, shooting you a smirk. “Wrong way, idiot.”
“It’s not like I can read your mind,” you sighed, throwing your arms up in exasperation. You gave him a grin. “Want to take the lead?”
“With pleasure,” he said, choosing to release his hold on your hand and drape his arm over your shoulder. In response, your own wrapped around his waist and you fell into step beside him.
The sight that greeted you was unexpected and took your breath away. It was oddly beautiful in a simple way, something no one had ever thought to put together for you before, despite its relative simplicity. You looked up at him, mouth dropping open in shock and disbelief. “You really went through the trouble of setting up a picnic for me?”
“Well, yeah,” he replied. “You said you always wanted to go on a picnic with someone you love. I figured I counted at least a little bit.”
“You definitely count,” you said, giving him a slight nudge with your elbow. “I’d probably rather do this with you anyway. On another note, who made the food? Because you can’t cook for shit.”
“Osamu might have helped a little bit.”
“Just a little bit?” you teased, smirking up at him.
“Maybe more than a little bit, but that doesn’t matter.”
“Whatever you say, Rin,” you grinned, wandering over to sit on the blanket. He sank onto the floor beside you, leaning his side against your own. You relaxed against his warmth, letting your head drop against his shoulder. His own head dropped to rest against yours, his hand reaching out to hold yours, tangling your fingers together.
For a moment, you sat in silence, cherishing just being together. Suna cleared his throat, breaking the silence. “Before we eat, I have something to say to you. Can you promise whatever I say to you won’t change what we have right now?”
You looked up at him with concern. “I promise.”
Suna drew in a deep breath, releasing your hand and moving to sit in front of you. You let yourself miss the warmth of his body pressed against you, knotting your fingers together as you allowed your eyes to meet his. The hesitation in his face was clear, and you reached forward, resting a hand on his knee.
“Just tell me,” you reassured, smiling at him softly. “Nothing can change how I feel about you.”
“Okay,” he sighed, reaching forward, and clasping the hand you had rested on your knee. In that moment, he went for the bluntest approach. “I have feelings for you.”
You blinked over at him in shock, your grip on his hand tightening. That hadn’t been what you were expecting to hear, but hearing the words made your heart flutter. It made it so much easier to admit what you had finally realised. “I have feelings for you too.”
“Wait, you do?” said Suna, eyes widening in shock. This was far more than he could have hoped for. You nodded slowly, unable to help the own smile that pulled at your lips in response to his own.
Suna moved closer to you, letting his hand come up to rest against your face. He cupped it carefully, his thumb brushing against your cheek. Slowly, giving you the option to pull away he leaned in, only to let out a small gasp in shock when your hands gripped his top and pulled him towards you, pressing your lips against his. His hands slipped into your hair, holding you in place as he deepened the kiss, letting out a low groan of satisfaction at the feel of your hands slipping under the material of his top and rest against his bare skin.
“Fuck,” he breathed, pulling away to rest his forehead against your own. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that for.”
“Hope it was worth it,” you giggled, leaning forward to brush your lips against his. He captured your lips once again, kissing you softly, delicately.
“More than worth it,” he sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his lap. You fell into his chest, ear pressed against his beating heart. It was still racing now, even though you had accepted his advances. You lifted your head up, pressing a kiss to his jaw.
“Want to eat the food Samu made now?” you questioned, turning in his hold and resting your back against his chest. His stomach let out a low grumble. You leaned forward, grabbing a plate of food and letting out a giggle. “I suppose I’ll take that as an answer then.”
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