#but sometimes I see posts meant to bash him and I just go ''lmao yeah you get it'' (very sad it's the only part you get)
br0ken-writes · 5 years
Ask: Hey😄 Can you write something with Jae but Vampire Au?
A/N: This has been in my ask box for fucking ever so I’m hoping whoever requested it, is still looking for this and sorry lmao. I finally got an idea for it and then like an idiot, forget it and didn’t write it down so here I am with a different (?) idea.
Word count: 2389 (Part 1)
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His smile was just, so alluring. Jae liked to goof around a lot which meant he was always laughing a smiling. This wasn’t the first time his smile caught your eye but it was the first time you had noticed it looked different from anyone’s normal smile. The two of you were having just another normal day at work at the local hospital where you were both RN’s; you came to your assigned front desk in the wing of the hospital you worked at and checked your clipboard once more before handing it to the nurse working the desk, who was also your best friend when you heard him laugh. You looked up at him and your eyes landed on his smile as he threw his head back “Y/n,” Your best friend called out to you “Y/n,” She called out to you again, this time louder and even getting Jae’s attention turned towards the two of you, you quickly looked away and at her now “Yeah?” You asked and kept your eyes on her as you notice Jae took his attention off the two of you now.
“Do you like Jae or something?” She presses as she leans forward over her desk and towards you “What?” You exclaim “No,” You continue and try to awkwardly laugh it off “Well get in line sweetheart because the whole nursing team has a crush on him, even some of the doctors,” She tells you in a sassy voice, making you laugh “Oh yeah? Well, he better get in line for me because I have the same issue” You say and flip your hair over your shoulder and your friend laughs hard at you “As if” She says as she wipes a fake tear from her eye and you smack her shoulder “What so funny over here?” You hear Jae ask from behind you, making you jump in your spot and almost punch him in the face “Nothing” You say, trying to cooly play off what just happened and leans against the front desk when you phone rang, you look at the caller ID and wave you phone at Jae and your friend “Sorry, duty calls” You say simply before walking away to answer the phone.
You’re able to go almost your entire shift without running into Jae again but get trapped when you go for a quick break in the break room before your shift ends. You enter the room with a big huff and close the door behind you before dragging your feet over to the couch and plop down face-first onto it “Tired?” You suddenly hear which makes you quickly raise your head in the direction of the voice and find Jae sitting at one of the small desks eating a cup of ramen. You jump off the couch and flatten out your scrubs while clearing your throat “No, I’m fine” You say and make your way quickly towards the door when his voice stops you again “Why do I feel like you’re avoiding me?” He asks, setting down his food and folding his hands in his lap where his legs are crossed “I’m not avoiding you, I just have work to do” You turn to him and say in a monotone voice “But isn’t your shift over soon?” He asks and you look at him confused “What? The schedule is posted for everyone to see right in front of you” He nods his head towards the door and you look at it quickly before turning back to him “Yeah but you knowing that off the top of your head must mean you were paying attention to my shifts” You tell him and cross your arms.
He shrugs “I simply have a photographic memory,” He says before picking up his noodles again and taking a mouth full before asking “So, why are you avoiding me?” “It’s not polite to talk with your mouth full” You change the subject and he swallows before smirking and laughing “You know,” He laughs and sets down what sounds like a now empty cup of ramen “I don’t bite,” He says and smiles teasingly and you notice his teeth again making you approach him quickly and grab the bottom of his jaw making his cheeks puff out “Open,” You tell him in a demanding tone and he removes your hand from his face “What for? And that hurt you know” He complains and rubs where you grabbed him “Let me see your teeth, they look weird” You tell him and encourage him to open his mouth “What, are you a dentist now? My teeth are fine! I take good care of them” He says, now standing and clearing his food and cleaning the desk off “If you don’t bite then why won’t you let me see your teeth?” You press, following him around the breakroom “I just ate spicy ramen and I haven’t brushed my teeth yet, do you really want to get in my mouth now?” He teases you and you take a step away from him, now realizing how close you were following him around and how tall he actually was.
Your phone rings again and the look at the caller ID again and in this little amount of time, Jae gets a chance to get away from you “Hey, I-” You call out to him and he simply waves and leaves the room without another word. You answer your phone and do your last set of checks on your assigned patients before clocking out and heading towards the locker room to change before going home. You make sure you have everything before closing your locker and leaving the locker room only to run into Jae in the hallway “Woah there sleepy head, heading out?” Jae joked as he held your shoulder to help steady you after the collision “Yeah, I’m beat” You yawn and rub one of your eyes before looking up at him and see him softly smiling “Why are you looking at me like that? How can you be so awake this late into the night anyways” You ask him with eyebrows furrowed and rubbing your eyes again “Ah, my days just started” He says and rubs the top of your head “But you’ve been here just as long as me” You say, frustrated and push his hand away and fix your hair “They’re not overworking you, are they?” You ask him and stare him in the eyes, he takes a step away from you and just smiles “No, I’m just a nightcrawler” He whispers the last part in your ear before walking past you with another little wave, like before.
The next day, you show up for your shift and enter the breakroom to clock in before changing into your scrubs. You head straight for the sign in clock and before you punch in your number, you hear a loud snore behind you. You furrow your eyebrows and turn around to see Jae face down at his desk and drooling as he slept, you laughed a little to yourself before signing in and tiptoeing your way over to him “Jaehyung!” You yell and grab him by the shoulders, startling him awake. He sits up quickly while bearing his teeth and what sounds like hissing at you, you jump away from him and it takes him a moment to see you and release the tension in his jaw “Did you hiss at me?” You ask him, slightly amused and a little concerned, he chuckles and runs a hand through his hair while sitting back in his chair and smiling “What? No, you know how people suck in the air sometimes when they wake up? That’s what I did” He explains and you take a step towards him again, getting a chance to see his teeth before he drops the smile “Did you sharpen your K9′s?” You ask more concern in your voice than before thinking Jae had some insane fantasy “No, they’re just naturally pointy, it’s genetics” He says, standing from his seat and heading towards the fridge for a drink.
“Shouldn’t you go get dressed?” Jae said, throwing a lazy arm towards the direction of the door “Did you go home at all yesterday?” You asked and walked towards him “No, I guess I just fell asleep here, after clocking out” Jae says and scratches the back of his head as he yawns and takes a big drink of the red bull he grabbed out of the fridge “You should go home and get some sleep on a real bed instead of drinking an energy drink” You tell him and cross your hands as you stand in front of him now “Maybe take a shower too” You tell him after getting a whiff of him and taking a step back “I’m fine sweetheart, my shift starts in a couple of hours anyways” He says and leans against the fridge “At least shower and change, you stink” You tell him before leaving to change yourself.
Today was busier than normal and you finally got a short break when you were eight hours into your shift. You repeat what you did yesterday and enter the break room with a loud grunt and plop down face-first onto the couch “You’re gonna fall wrong one of these days and break your nose” You hear Jae laugh from his desk, you turn your head sideways and get more comfortable on the couch “This is my first break on my entire shift, shut up” You groan and close your eyes “Why does it seem like you’re never busy too? You always sitting around when I see you” You ask him with your eyes closed “I’m just quick with my work” He responds which makes you look at him to see him with a smug smile. You rolled your eyes at him and tried to take a quick nap before you were called out again. After a couple moments of silence in the room and you almost falling asleep, Jae spoke up “You don’t work for the next two days, right?” He asks “No, why?” You groan out as he kept you from falling asleep “Well, I’m having a party tomorrow night and was wondering if you wanted to come?” He asks which makes you now sit up and looked at him confused.
“You’re inviting me to a party at your house?” You ask for clarification and he nods “Yeah, it starts at eight” He stands, now standing and walking towards you and he sits next to you “Why are you asking me? What about all the other nurses that have crushes on you?” You ask him and he looks bashful as he laughs at your comment “Come on, aren’t we friends?” He asks, getting close to you and you move away from him “I don’t know where you got that idea?” You tell him and stand to leave the room “I’ll text you my address!” He calls after you as you leave the room. You walk up to the front desk where you friend is stationed again and she stands to quickly fix your bed head “Have a good nap?” She asks when she sits back down “I wasn’t able to get any sleep because Jae kept talking to me” You groan and lay your head on the desk “Did he ask you to a party?” You ask her but she shakes her head “No, did he ask you?” She responds “Yeah, I wonder if he’s going to ask anyone else or if he has already” You ponder, resting your hand on your hand.
Your shift finally ends another four hours later and you get off at two in the morning. You get home and do your nightly routine before heading to bed and sleeping in well into tomorrow. You finally wake up around noon the next day and make yourself some food before turning on the news “Hayden Kim, age 17 discovered missing from his home last night. This happening after the disappearance of Jihu Ra, age 10 and Insu Oh, age 15 who were also found missing from their homes-” The news anchor announced and three photos of young boys showed up on the screen with their names written under the photos; you sighed and turned off the TV, not wanting to hear the heart-wrenching story of the missing boys in your town when your phone goes off. You grab your phone and check your messages and find a new one from Jae “Parties at 8, it’s formal so wear something nice ;)” His text reads followed with another that has his address in it “What makes him think I’m gonna attend his party?” You ask yourself before setting down your phone and finishing your food.
You laze around your house and do some self-care and it gets dark before you know it. You clean your face and your phone goes off making you dry your face quickly, you answer the phone without looking at who it is “Hello?” You ask and continue to pat your face dry “Hey, I just wanted to let you know not to eat anything cause there’ll be food at the party. I’m also looking forward to seeing you” You hear Jae voice on the other line and you sigh deeply “What makes you think I’m coming? Did I ever agree?” You tell him and check the time, it was an hour till the party would start “Oh come on, don’t you want to see my house and how I live?” He eggs you on but you shake your head “Sorry to disappoint you, Jae, but I’m not one of your fangirls but I will say your smile has caught my eye and now I know why” You tell him and sit on your bed to talk with him “Oh, and what’s so special about my smile that it’s the only thing you like?” He asks “You’ve got freaky sharp K9′s!” You exclaim and you can hear him laugh on the other line “Well, come to my party and find out the real reason why they’re like this” He says and you get a confused look on your face, you’re about to respond when he adds “And wear something pretty but not too revealing” Before hanging up.
Part 2
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porkchop-ao3 · 5 years
A Thrill I’ve Never Known (Chapter 15)
We’re 15 chapters in; here’s a sprinkling of action... a very fine, stingy sprinkling. I did say this story was going to be slow burn lmao :’) 
(All chapters tagged with #ATINK and also posted on Ao3, username PorkChop)
Arthur and I had sat ourselves down underneath a tree, he was leaning up against it and had taken his hat off to give me a good view of his face. I sat a few feet away in front of him, holding the paper he'd given me from his journal and a book about wildflowers and herbs that he'd given me to lean on. I observed him for a while as he settled, getting comfortable. He looked a little shy all of a sudden with my eyes on him, but he didn't say anything and just looked out towards where Rayna and Jet were grazing. 
When he was ready and seemed to have relaxed, I started sketching out some guidelines. I started with a light oval shape and a few lines to place his eyes, nose and mouth, then worked lightly as I started mapping out his features. I went over the same place a few times until I got the shapes as close as I could, slowly warming my wrist up and getting my artist's eyes back. When I drew for a while I would start to see things differently. Back when I'd draw myself the image in the mirror would turn into a collection of lines and shapes that could be more easily replicated than a face, but when I was drawing Arthur I could not lose his image. I was constantly reminded of who I was drawing; it required a little more effort and focus, but it was good practice. 
It certainly threw me back into the water when it came to drawing again. 
It was an interesting experience being able to really stare at him in a context where it was entirely appropriate to do so. I noticed things about him that I hadn't before; the scar on his chin, the dimple on the tip of his nose, the slight signs of his age in the form of creases around his eyes. All it served to do was make him even more attractive to me, and my hand would shake a little each time he met my eyes. 
My drawing certainly wasn't anything to write home about. I supposed you could tell that it was him but things were a little off; his eyes were definitely too big, his chin was too small, he was certainly better looking in the flesh, but it wasn't a terrible drawing. I worked on the shading, darkening the side of his face furthest from me where it was in shadow and put a little more detail into his eyes. Gosh, his eyes. I'd never be able to do them justice with a stick of graphite but I sure did enjoy trying. The longer I drew for, the more relaxed Arthur seemed to become and he kept his eyes on me more often than not. 
If felt strangely intimate, just sitting and drawing him, sharing eye contact as a breeze rolled through the grass. It was peaceful, too, with the sounds of tree branches rustling and songbirds flying overhead. It was lovely, really, and I found myself threatening to overwork my drawing simply so I could drag it out for longer. With a soft sigh I looked between Arthur and his graphite impression, pursing my lips. 
"I think I've worked on this all I can," I told him. "I guess it's okay, though it's not going to hang on anyone's wall."
"Did you enjoy making it?" He asked me and I nodded without hesitation.
"I really did," I grinned. 
"If you enjoyed it, that's all that matters," he said, putting his hat back on. 
"Thank you for sitting for me, you're an excellent model," I told him, resulting in a bashful chuckle. 
"If you say so."
I paused for a moment, looking down at my drawing and thinking about my next words. 
"Do you wanna see it?" I finally asked, nervous to see his reaction but wanting to share it all the same. 
"Really? I'd love to. Only if you're happy to share," he said. I turned the drawing around and tilted it towards him. Arthur looked at it, then moved away from the tree to scoot closer to me. 
Arthur studied the drawing for a moment, an unreadable expression on his face. 
"Wow, I ain't never seen a drawing of myself before," he noted, leaning in closer. With how I was holding the drawing it meant his head was above my lap, so close to me. "You did a good job, looks like me!"
"You think? I reckon I did you a little injustice," I snorted, flushing a little. 
"What'chu mean? Looks fine to me."
"You're better looking than that," I assured him and he glanced up at me. He only leaned back just a little when he noticed how close he was. He looked a little stunned, like he didn't know how to respond; so I saved him the trouble. "You got any tips for me?"
"Oh, I don't think it's my place. I'm hardly an expert," he said, looking back down at the drawing. 
"You're more skilled than I am, I'd say that makes you qualified enough. I'd appreciate the advice, since I'd like to draw more often," I said, watching Arthur run his thumb along his bottom lip. "Please?”
"Alright. I'm not really sure what to say, you've clearly got skill already but I guess if I was gonna give you some advice…” he trailed off and paused for just a moment. 
"I noticed as you were drawing, you tend to go over the same place over and over, I see what you're doing, I do it myself. You're feeling out the line," he pointed out the edge of his nose in the drawing as an example. "But you do it real quick every time, trying to get the line right in one quick stroke. Sometimes you gotta slow down a little, guide the pencil down slow as you look at what you're trying to draw. Either that or you do a series of shorter strokes, go in stages. Take a little pressure off yourself, take your time."
"Oh, I see what you mean," I nodded, turning the drawing to have a look at it myself. "That's definitely something I tend to do, the quick lines. It's sort of like I'm taking a stab in the dark and hoping it looks right," I laughed. 
"There's nothing wrong with it, it just might save you some hassle if you slow it down."
"Right," I agreed, absorbing his words. "Thank you, Arthur. Anything else?"
"Just keep at it," he shrugged his shoulders and looked up at me. "I'll keep my eye out for a sketchbook for you. Then maybe we can do this more often; come out and do some drawing together.”
"I'd really like that," I told him, failing to keep the grin from spreading across my face. Arthur was still so close, his eyes studied my face for a while, a certain warmth appearing in them.
"Yeah, me too," his voice was quiet and smooth, and he wasn't moving away. He was close enough for me to hear his breath and feel it too, and I was a little embarrassed to realise that must mean he'd notice my own breath pick up. 
Arthur licked his lips, glanced down at my mouth and a spike of hot, bright anticipation lit up my body. I was frozen still and yet he tilted his head and edged forwards. Something was about to happen, something that'd never happened to me and all I could do was sit there and panic on the inside. From my lips, his eyes moved back up to my eyes and he seemed to see something in them – probably the panic – because just like that, his head tilted back down to my drawing. He let out a breath, sort of like an awkward laugh mixed with a sigh, then he sat back to give me some space. 
What? No! No, no, no!
Had I imagined all of that? Was he actually just looking at a chunk of something stuck in my teeth? Probably. 
"I'm sorry, I–” he started, pausing to take out the pocket watch I'd gifted him. "I should be heading towards Valentine, I reckon." 
"Oh, of course. I'm sorry to have kept you," I said, clearing my throat and holding out his pencil and book. He took them from me very carefully, like he was conscious of avoiding contact with my skin.
"Nonsense, this was nice," he told me, then rose to his feet. I stood up too, quickly, so that he wouldn't feel obligated to offer his hand to help me up. "I'm sorry we never got to find that oleander."
"It's okay, I'll probably stick around here and look for some, since I'm already here." 
"You sure? And you'll be okay on your own?" He queried and I gave him a look. He remembered he was speaking to little miss lone wolf and chuckled. "That was dumb, I'm sorry."
I dismissed his concerns with a shake of my head. "Thank you for riding out with me, and for the paper and the art lesson."
"The pleasure's all mine, my lady," he dipped his head a little.
We stood facing each other for a few moments, not quite meeting each other's eyes. Something hung in the air and I was starting to think that perhaps I wasn't just imagining things; in which case, how disappointing that things hadn't unfolded in the way they seemed to have been going. He and I could've been rolling around in the grass together, his lips on mine, by now. 
"Uhh, anyway. I best be getting back to it. I'll see you back at camp," he eventually said, reaching out to give my upper arm a gentle squeeze and caress. I certainly didn't mind those little touches of his.
"Sure, see you later," I replied, my voice sounding much sadder than intended.
"You look after yourself, alright?"
"Will do. You too," I nodded. He gave me a little smile before slowly making his way over to the horses. He walked oddly, like he wasn't certain he was going in the direction he wanted; each foot being placed awkwardly and hesitantly. He turned and looked back at me as he went, and for lack of knowing what to do I gave him a silly wave, which he returned. 
He mounted Jet, giving me a final nod before setting off, leaving me to stand there watching him go… feeling like I wanted to punch something; preferably my own face. How could something have come so close and yet crumbled to dust so easily? Maybe if I had looked a little less terrified, maybe if I had leaned in too, maybe if I had said something when he looked back at me just then, maybe, maybe, maybe. 
With a quiet whine I stomped over to Rayna, putting my drawing of Arthur away in the saddlebag before mounting up. 
"How awkward did that look from over here, girl?" I whispered to her, patting her neck. She shook out her mane, and I wasn't sure what to make of that. 
With a wistful sigh I headed back to the trail, going in the opposite direction to Arthur to head towards Bayou Nwa, on a quest to find some oleander. 
When I rode back into camp that evening, saddlebags stocked with Charles' oleander, I noticed things looked sparse. Bedrolls were packed up, fires were out, some tents were already gone and others in the process of being pulled down. I dismounted my horse and jogged over to Dutch who was in his tent, speaking with Hosea. 
"What's happening, Dutch? Where's Arthur?" I asked him, worry creeping into my tone. Dutch looked up at me and sighed like I was an inconvenience, though perhaps that's all I was.
"Arthur has gone with Charles to scout out our new camp. We're moving."
"Why? Did something happen?"
"Of course something happened, now, I ain't got time for this so you can either clear off on your nag, or stick around and help us! It's time for you to choose your loyalties, I don't care either way," he snapped at me, clearly extremely stressed out, before getting up and stomping past me. 
I watched him go with widened eyes before turning back to Hosea who had a sad look about him.
"Don't take it personally, my dear, he's had a lot on his plate as of late," he told me wearily. I glanced in Dutch's direction before meeting Hosea's eyes again. "Though, he has a point. If you're going to leave us, now's the time to do it. No one'll be counting heads."
"And no one'll miss me, huh?" I chuckled, not taking it to heart. Hosea gave me a look, one that said that wasn't what he meant and I knew it.
"You're more than welcome to come with us. You've been a hard worker, but it's entirely up to you. I won't try to convince you either way," he continued, speaking through a sigh before rising to his feet and moving past me.
"Thanks, Hosea," I spoke after him. He paused to look over his shoulder at me and we shared a look for a few moments, a comforting smile passed between us before he left. 
I took a deep breath and turned, marching towards Susan. 
"Miss Grimshaw? Point me towards someone who needs my help."
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sunshinedevotee · 6 years
yet another very necessary taehyung rant
i’m back! before i start i’d like to say i appreciate you all so much for the comments and such, even the ones who claim that tae isn’t underrated (begone thots), you motivate my procrastinating ass. you guys don’t need to thank me though i’m just doing the lord’s work. now i have things to talk about so let’s get started! 
if you’re new to these posts then this part 3 of what has kind of become a series (?), where i go on rants defending taehyung and explain why he’s kind of underrated. contrary to popular belief; as you’re about to see, boi needs it.
now i’m sorry, but before everything i really want to talk about this man and his precious dog!!
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RIGHT MY DUDE TAEHYUNG DIDN’T JUST GET ANY DOG, HE GOT A FOSTER. LET’S PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE THAT. he even asked the guy how to be a good dog owner, the same guy went on to say he didn’t believe he and tae were the same species lmao.
moving on to the sad shit
i will never shut up about this. the popular members get hate too. honestly everyone will go on about how the hyung line members get hate (totally fair), but nobody wants to talk about the shit the maknaes have to deal with cause they’re popular. i’ve never seen someone as grossly sexualised as jimin is, i’ve seen many a horror. jk gets so much hate for having a lot of lines, as if it isn’t tiring and stressful for him. and honestly tae just can’t fucking breathe without getting berated for it. here’s a list of things he’s gotten hate for:
-suggesting a movie with a sex scene (which made him stop his film reccs)
-suggesting a song with sexual lyrics
-posting work from his favourite photography which contained nudity
fun fact; taehyung is an a d u l t, what a concept.
-showing yeontan in jin’s vlive 
-saying older brothers should care for their little sisters (they said he’s sexist)
-landing an acting role before jin
-winning face of 2017
some jk stans were mad cause jk got more likes on instagram (if you didn’t know the nominees’ pictures were posted on an insta account and people thought they were meant to vote for who they wanted to win.) jk had gotten more votes on his picture so people were mad that tae won, but apparently it’s not the case.
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tldr; despite him being the most beautiful creature on this sad earth, it’s not just about visuals and it’s a big deal that he got chosen
general sadness
i’ll say this again. even though everyone thinks tae stans showing concern is twelve year olds trying to stir up drama, we have good reason to do so.
let’s take a moment to talk about stigma, the lyrics are already ambiguous and seemingly sad. this is what he said about it:
"stigma is about hurting. when i started creating it i wanted it to be about being cut over and over again. i wanted army to feel my hurting? in mvs I’m shown as a person who’s hurt, but it hurts so much that i become someone who enjoys that pain.”
and even that one time taehyung started crying when reading his letter to jimin on bon voyage S2, he started crying and talking about jimin being there for him when he was “crying in the bathroom”  uhh c h i l d
remember when the members jumped on tae to open up to them? the way they spoke...you can tell he had gone through something and it breaks my heart honestly, but it seems the members are caring for him. 
his visuals have gotten him far and this is just a fact. he must feel like his only significance in the group is being a visual. honestly when members are being acknowledged for things and it comes to him they’ll always say something like ‘thx for not being ugli lol’. 
i know this is a thing in kpop i guess but it’s as if he’s just there to look pretty and...growl? and what else? oh yes! be lol so random xd. this really pisses me off cause even in old interviews namjoon would introduce him as ‘the member responsible for 4d charms’ and you’d just see his expression drop immediately.
don’t get me wrong, it’s just a fact that he’s a popular bias cause of his looks, that’s just the way it is and i know it. we as people sub-consciously show bias towards people we find attractive in everyday situations. i’m pretty sure if he weren’t so stunning some people would probably bash him for his ‘alien behaviour’ rather than be like ‘oh ahaha tae-oppa is so cute l o l xd’ or some other cringy shit. 
anyway, he has a lot of fans because of his appearance, who probably think they’re the biggest stan just cause they’ve heard stigma like four times. maybe they watch some ‘taehyung extra compilations’ now and then, but they don’t actually know shit about him andng;sd’#;l#fdfd 
for those that don’t know, he had originally accompanied a friend to the auditions and had no plans to audition himself. he was spotted by an employee who told him he had to audition because he was so good-looking. his looks definitely got him where he is, i imagine it makes him feel like his only significant feature is the fact that he’s pretty. a lot of people have nothing good to say about him not regarding his looks/behavior. 
if you get really deep into it, i think he feels like his visuals are the only reason he’s loved by fans at all. although he doesn’t do it anymore, i’m pretty sure he used to exaggerate his attitude so that people would like him. i know this feeling all too well myself and while i obviously can’t pin point what’s going on in that pretty lil head of his, i think i’ve got an idea. you’re really just ‘weird’ and you try to pass it off as quirky then you’re like ‘oh you like this?’ so you keep acting that way, afraid you’ll stop being interesting. it was brought to my attention that people are actually dropping him cause he’s become more quiet recently :(. 
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can i ask why? when taehyung is so beautiful inside and out, he’s definitely got flaws we all do, but while he isn’t perfect there’s just something so unique about him. he’s so clever sometimes yet he can have those dumb moments like forgetting what year it is, he seems like he’s just a cutie yet he’s so mysterious and vague. he’s this beautiful mess of self-contradictions and i love him for it, my favourite art hoe. i found a tae personality-analysis here on tumblr and it was an enjoyable read, op says they had a hard time with his mysterious ass haha
now let’s talk about tae being a golden maknae (hear me out!)
i got this comment
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hmm i didn’t know that he auditioned as a rapper. [some of the members really came in with little to no experience in their field though, isn’t that impressive?] yeah that’s true, like i’ve said this before but tae is a golden maknae, he can rap okay? it only sounds weird cause we’re not used to it. even in the table room skit they did that freestyle rap and tae was really good, i’ve read that yoongi himself was really impressed with him!!
and he can dance pretty well too um why isn’t he dance line ???
tae’s been underrated since the start, he was even hidden at the start as he was a ‘secret weapon’, for what? surprise surprise; his looks :o i’m pretty sure he knows this, and it all must add more to the probable mixed feelings he has regarding his role in the group. 
please talk about his beautiful deep voice, i didn’t even like deep voices until he came around. also let’s appreciate the fact that he came in with no experience and apparently originally auditioned as a rapper? 
C R Y S T A L S N O W though I mean oh my god.
my friend once said; ‘i cry every night at taehyung’s wasted potential’ ( @n-uee what’s good?) which is too accurate. i’ve said pretty much all i needed to say on this subject in the previous part. still though acknowledging his high note in stigma isn’t enough, please he is finally not being wasted on growling anymore talk about it
yeah uh finally finished i’ve been dragging this on and editing it for months lmao i’m such a procrastinator. anyway as i said he’s not just a pretty face and there is so much more underneath the surface. i wish tae well and await his next cover!
part 1 , part 2
ofcourse  none of these posts are complete without some pictures, so have taehyung with dogs aka my favourite concept in the world:
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anyway he’s one of the only good things in my life in this god awful world and i purple him bye. 
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lmao netflix knows exactly what's going on
who runs the account anyways? i love them sm
21 notes • Posted 2021-07-11 18:52:21 GMT
Would You Say Yes? (If I Asked You)
A Willex prom short drabble
JATP Prom Day 2: Ask
Summary: Alex wants to ask his crush to prom, but he’s too much of an overthinker.
Warnings: none
Notes: So this is just a short drabble I wrote two days ago at 2am because I wanted to do something for @the-jatp-prom. It's also my first fic... ever. A big thank you to @toomanyfandomshelp for giving me the confidence I needed to try writing a one-shot and not only WIPs saved in my notes :)
The school year was coming to an end, which only meant one thing: prom.
Everyone was choosing their dates and Alex knew exactly who he wanted to go with. He was planning to ask him, really. He just wasn’t sure how.
He and Willie had had this ‘thing’ going on for the last month. They’d hung out a lot, used any excuse to hold hands, and stared at each other for a bit too long. Sometimes, it felt like they were even flirting.
Alex wasn’t stupid. He knew that meant something.
But the date of the party was too close, it was approaching too fast. He didn’t know what to do. Should he keep it small and intimate? Should he prepare something big and ostentatious instead or would that be too much? Should he bring the conversation casually, make it simple?
Nothing about this felt simple.
And what if he said no?
Because maybe he had been reading it all wrong. Maybe they considered him just a good friend. Willie was very friendly, after all. Maybe he didn’t like dances, or he already had a date.
Maybe he’d just make a fool of himself. Maybe…
Deep down, he knew this was his anxiety talking. But he couldn’t push these thoughts away and before he knew it, there was just one week left and he still hadn’t asked him.
“Alex, you have to ask Willie. They’ll definitely say yes.”
“Luke’s right, you know? He’s head over heels for you, dude,” Reggie chimed in.
Alex didn’t answer, instead focusing on his tray. The sight of food didn’t look as appetizing as before, the nerves settling in his stomach once again.
He noticed Willie entering the cafeteria, and all hopes of finishing the vegetables and chicken in front of him vanished.
The lock of hair that escaped from his bun momentarily distracted Alex, but the voice of his two friends saying hello snapped him out of it. “Hi.”
“So, uhm… I wanted to ask you something.” They sounded almost nervous, which was… new.
It made Alex nervous, too, already fearing the worse. It didn’t help that Luke and Reggie had not so subtly moved to the other side of the table.
“What is it?”
“You know prom, right?” The question took him by surprise. He nodded. “Do you maybe want to come with me?”
If Alex had been drinking water, he probably would have spilt it right in his gorgeous face.
He had just asked him to go with them? It wasn’t a dream; he was sure of it. He was tempted to pinch his arm for confirmation but decided against it.
“I mean, you don’t have to say yes, I was just asking.”
Only then he realized he’d been quiet for a little too long. He spoke before they could get the wrong idea.
“I- Yes. Uhm… yeah, I’d love to.”
Willie’s bashful smile quickly turned into a full grin, and Alex felt the whole world brighten.
“Rad! I have to go, but see ya later, hotdog.”
“I still don’t like the nickname!” he shouted back. But he couldn’t keep the smile from his face.
And if his two bandmates had teased him about it for the whole week until the dance, well, he really didn’t care.
Because Willie had asked him to go to prom. As his date.
23 notes • Posted 2021-08-10 12:01:33 GMT
Julie is 100% the type of person that would constantly say inspirational things without realising it
25 notes • Posted 2021-09-01 20:20:38 GMT
"Don't come too close. Anyone I seem to care about disappears."
I can't get this sentence out of my mind. I just feel like no one pays attention to it. But the pain behind it? The trauma? It's actually so sad to think about.
34 notes • Posted 2021-07-18 01:01:17 GMT
My new headcanon is that one day Reggie poofs in the studio and hears Carlos or Julie talking to the plants while they're watering them, so he asks Julie and he learns that talking nicely to plants help them grow.
Now whenever he has free time he talks to the plants in the studio and tells them nice things or just explains them his day.
89 notes • Posted 2021-09-05 10:47:58 GMT
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s3venpounds · 7 years
1 - 40
jesus buddy, if you wanted to know more about me just friend me somewhere and talk to me facebook,discord,overwatch,psn, snapchat w.e! haha i dont bite!
also this is gonna be really feckin long
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.
How to train your dragon (1 and 2 i can’t decide) I fucking LOVE dragons. the idea to fucking ride one in the sky?!?! fucking DOPE. the idea that theyre also SCALY DOGS?!?!? MOTHER.FUCKING.DOPE. i just associate the idea of freedom with flying through the sky and that feeling was conveyed really well in that movie so i really loved it!
2: Talk about your first kiss.
honestly? kinda dumb now that i look back on it. it was a peck, i wasn’t even like mentally prepared and it happened way faster than i thought. If i knew it was going to happen i would have really like milked that fucker. i woulda went romance movie on that shit with all the extra shit like groping and weird inhaling noises and kissing so hard your teeth almost clink together. but yknow coulda woulda shoulda
3: Talk about the person you’ve had the most intense romantic feelings for.
theyre not a part of my life anymore which admittedly fucking sucks but i think its for the better at least for them. do i wish it worked out and we were together? i mean yeah duh, the reasons i fell for them don’t fucking disintegrate/ i just have more information than i had when i first met that person. will i actually actively pursuit them in the chance to be with them again? hell no. i’m tired. and i’ve seen enough “ self confidence” posts on here to think “ hey if someone really wanted me in their life they would go out of their way to do so and seeing as they haven’t even messaged me in god knows how long then its safe to say theyre off being happy
4: Talk about the thing you regret most so far.
man i haven’t seen this person is literally almost 20 years. I need to apologize. or at the very fucking least, see how theyre been doing. its driving me mad just trying to picture how theyre living and just coming up with a giant question mark.
5: Talk about the best birthday you’ve had.
lets be real bro most of my birthdays have been shit so i gave up on tryna make them memorable or fun, ‘s just another day to me. i mean the best one would have to be this one time i got a gameboy advance but thats pretty much it
6: Talk about the worst birthday you’ve had.
yknow how everyone says “ OH MY GOD WE SHOULD KEEP IN TOUCH” once you move? yeah thats bullshit. honest to god bullshit. i kept tabs on everyone when i moved to a different city and when i came down to visit for my birthday inviting all those people who supposed “wanted to keep in touch with me” literally 1 person showed up. and i think they only showed up because our parents were friends too. so yeah. fuck people sometimes.
7: Talk about your biggest insecurity.
hygiene. breath, hair, clothes, eating habits, manners, anything that might make me come off as unclean to people im trying to impress drives me off the fucking wall. specially at formal events. if im wearing snazzy clothing at like a suite 16 or a debut or a wedding bet you $100 that im adjusting little aspects of my appearance every like 15 seconds. eating mints the second one is finished, trying not to be too close to someones face when talking, even when i fucking fart i always take note of which way the wind is blowing, or im sitting down on something that can absorb the stench, how much pressure is in my gut and how much of it can i let out in small bursts to avoid sound. that or asian dick syndrome. yknow. haha asians got a small dick? that kinda shit bugs me a bit. not a ton but more than i thought it would
8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of.(i am literally only 8 questions in and my fingers are a little sore from typing)
my singing and impressions? i once scared some friends when i imitated a party blower kazoo thingy since the ones they bought from the dollarstore didnt make any sound. same as my singing, i tend to get high scores and i impressed my cousins once with a perfect score on a backstreet boys song HEH
9: Talk about little things on your body that you like the most.
my biceps? theyre not like chris hemsworth level of meaty but like when i worked at this physically demanding job my coworkers are like “ woah dude ur arms are different from mine, if you worked out theyd look so ripped” that kinda stuck with me for a while specially knowing they were a football jock and they had their own special diet and fitness instructor or something. i also like my smile/ jaw shape? my hair can look pretty good too sometimes
10: Talk about the biggest fight you’ve ever had.
my family is very passive aggressive oh and racist
11: Talk about the best dream you’ve ever had.
i once had this dream where i had reallllly passionate sex and it felt real and i could feel like every little detail down to like hairs brushing my skin on my arms and shit. i swear to this day it was a modern day succubus or something
12: Talk about the worst dream you’ve ever had.
that dream where i was a bird and flying away from”something” just all my instincts telling me to RUN. or that dream where i got shot in the hand, chest then the head and before i blacked out i said “Ch*****” who incidentally i was going to see later that day which made things very awkward at least for me
13: Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time.
it was pretty good. looking back i was probably shit in bed hahaha first time so of course theres shit to work out. 
14: Talk about a vacation.
hit on by a cousin AND their gay friend. to which the cousin threatened me with self harm but the gay friend took the rejection very easily it was almost baffling in comparison (although the second the settled down they started to bash on me for rejecting their friend) also ate some REALLLLLY garlic covered crab the smell took 5 washes to get out… also got to ride in the back of a truck as its driving at like 120 mph and flying off all these little hills and tracking mud everywhere it was great
15: Talk about the time you were most content in life.
she was in my arms fast asleep and i took a photo. she didnt like that but let me keep the pic so that was nice.
16: Talk about the best party you’ve ever been to.
i can’t really remember any that stand out they were all equally fun. dont get me wrong some were super fun its just that it was also followed by a lot of bad choices that kinda take it down a notch. i will say this one party a friend hosted where i got to meet a BUNCH of new people. i also snorted some fundip powder as a dare. they refuse to let it go so i figure might as well own it. i also landed some sweet shots in beerpong
17: Talk about someone you want to be friends with.
ellen paige would be dope to be friends with. same with zendaya. and gal gadot just so i can like sit in her presence and be in awe for extended periods of time
18: Talk about something that happened in elementary school.
i was cheating on a test and my so called friend ratted me out never talked to him again that white privilege lookin hoe
19: Talk about something that happened in middle school.
i stopped talking to a friend that id thought i would be friends with for my whole life. i also became friends with my current best friend
20: Talk about something that happened in high school.
people are dumb. drama is dumb. people who seek out this kinda shit needa leave me the hell alone. and if youre going to challenge me to a fight, tell me about said fight so i can show up. dont march around telling people ur gonna fight me and not tell me so i dont show up and make it look like i pussied out. like for real?
21: Talk about a time you had to turn someone down.
oh yeah like the vacation one said : shit got really weird. and to have that sorta conversation on spotty wifi in an airport in south korea meaning jet lag is also disorienting af
22: Talk about your worst fear.
death. nuff said
23: Talk about a time someone turned you down.
it sucked but it happens so like.? lmao i dont really know waht to say but it sucked
24: Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot.
i have a horrible memory and on top of that my mind moves at like 32754895274 miles a second so i dont keep stuff in mind a lot in the first place. i can’t really think of anything that had so much impact that i’ve remembered it. well i mean there was this one song a friend told me about in a letter and to this day i’ve kept remembering the same verse “ maybe if we met each other under a different sky maybe things would be much better between you and i”
25: Talk about an ex-best friend.
we just….grew apart. and if we tried to be friends now im sure there would be tension and unease. hes just in a different friend circle. i dont hate him for it i just feel like hes living in a world of white and im living in a world of black like its just plain and simple
26: Talk about things you do when you’re sick.
on the computer. i can’t rest when im sick. i just keep trudging along. school, work, hangouts, i still go. i just take precautions to not spread it
27: Talk about your favorite part of someone else’s body.
neck? shoulder? hands? face? hair? idk dood i don’t really like specific places more of how WELL those parts can mesh together to make this beautiful being.
28: Talk about your fetishes.
y’all about to learn some shit because im gonna teach you a thing about me. pov’s, deepthroat/gagging, emo/goth, anal, massage, ropes and power trips, asians, tentacles if im feeling kinky, hentai /cartoon shit, glory holes, dirty talk and asmr (who woulda thought theres porn for that huh?), ahegao(being fucked silly or till your mind breaks into being nothing but a cumdump), swallowing, threesomes, double penetration, latex is pretty cool too, cosplays are nice if the characters are ones i recognize, tittyfucks, source film maker porn of like video game characters are getting pretty professional nowadays, lesbian, orgys, teenage girls and old ass guys, horse dicks and girls who try to take em, i got turned on by a girl fucking a dog once so i guess bestiality is a thing, oh i saw this scene in a movie im not sure if it was real it seems kinda hazy but it involved necrophilia but im not sure if it turned me on or it was so weird i’ve memorized it because of how weird it was. chicks with dicks fucking other chicks. and a plethora of other weird shit. i dont know what fetishes count and what doesn’t so i just listed whatever came to mind as i wrote have fun with that shit
29: Talk about what turns you on. 
short hair, asian heritage, playful and lighthearted but can be lustful as all hell, shorter than me, big boobs is a plus, mid driffs, underboob, small frame or face, scent( god if you smell good thats instant brownie points with me), likes anime, high pitch voices are cute as hell, very physically intimate, loves PDA’s, yeah i can’t really think of much
30: Talk about what turns you off.
uhh smells bad?, when their personality is bland/boring, or just shit. over timidness i get being shy but like if you can’t trust that the person youre interested in then like what am i supposed to do. i literally dated a girl who was so sheepish all i could do was ask her yes or no questions. and honestly that got old really fucking fast. i get she was trying but like i can only finesse so much of a relationship man. bad hygiene holy fuck. if you got like ear wax showin our ur ears, or like a bleeding pimple in plain view and refuse to at least dab it with a wet cloth or tissue then pls its not gonna work out. dandruff oh my gOD. dandruff would drive me nuts. like if i get close enough to see individual fucking flakes im gonna tear my whole scalp off
31: Talk about what you think death is like.
i feel like our bodies stop responding but our “souls” are still present there trapped screaming and trying to move our body but can’t. and thats why burials and shit sound so terrifying
32: Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.
dont need to. im a couple blocks away i can visit it any time. (my elementary and middle school the neighbourhood surrounding it was also where i used to live so that was dope)
33: Talk about what you do when you are sad.
i force myself to get MORE sad so i can get it all out in one go and much faster. like how the human mind can only get so angry that the brain gives up and just tries to find another way to spend its time. 
34: Talk about the worst physical pain you’ve endured.
when i was a kid me and bunch of other kids decided to clog a slide with just a shit ton of people and one of my friends who came after me kept pushing me to the point i was hanging on for dear life using only my knee down that was wedged between a fat kid and my friend who went after me. i fell off eventually knocking skulls with another kid near the end of the slide(this slide was shaped like a spring so that explains why there were kids under me) my arm bend backwards for a sec after hitting another kid’s legs, and then i fell chest and fast first on the asphalt winding myself. kids are rugged as all hell man they can really take a hit. i walked it off but god damn if i didnt get bruises and shit afterwards. or that time i got beaten so bad by father dearest because work was stressful and i ended up blacking out. wasn’t even allowed to go to the hospital. just kinda laid down in my room with bruises all over.
35: Talk about things you wish you could stop doing.
relying on people for happiness. distracting myself from sadness and responsibilities. procrastinating in general
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures.
i dont really feel guilt save for some specific circumstances. ask any of my friends. does that mean im a sociopath or whatever? 
37: Talk about someone you thought you were in love with.
they just got out of a relationship with someone and was avoiding them profusely and i just started to get to know them. we got to the point that when she was ready we could date. little did i know that later, she would end up dating a friend of mine. to which i promptly had the appropriate reaction of crying myself to sleep, sending that friend a text message with all the things he should know to keep that girl happy and ultimately smashing a lot of things (some bottles actually because we were gonna build a sculpture or something together with em. man middle school was a fucking RIDE)
38: Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.
mmmmmm i would prefer to keep those underwraps.
39: Talk about things you wish you’d known earlier.
family will be there for you in the end. (not because they want to but because the world teaches them that they have to meaning they will help just in their own way and to their own ends.) friends come and go. they always have always will. anyone who says forever is a fuckin idiot. lovers come and go thats just a natural part of growing up. and lets be real all the people that said they would self harm ultimately never did so dont stress it so much god damn(but dont let it slide either)
40: Talk about the end of something in your life.
how about the end of my interest in anime and video games. nothing seems to really interest me anymore. everything is just kinda “meh”
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