#but still doable on ps4 as far as i know
robo-dino-puppy · 1 year
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seekers of lost knowledge
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jones7thavenue · 8 months
I've just about had it with losing, but, then again, it's just life, y'know? Just put on the coffee for Pops in a bad mood, after losing to a very good Catwoman, and, right now, I just am not in the greatest or best of emotions to push it at this point, so I'm listening to classical organ on the local public radio station, as I cool my head. I'm not supposed to be using my family friend's phone like this, but an opportune time to do so won't happen again, so scrat it, y'know?
Anyway, I'm just going to find a show to watch, focus on it, forget I was fussy as heck over such a hard play on Injustice 2, via PS4, × I hope Jackie, this phone's owner, doesn't mind, though. She may get upset, but it's okay, anyway, because I promised to not break the thing. Caring for another's property is like watching a nest of rooster's eggs. You're responsible for not letting anything bad happen to neither you nor the little chickies, so it's a big one.
I decided to not add a title to this update, but, once shit dies down, I will.
I hope that, once I get my phone replaced, I won't have it fall victim to another unfortunate accident then recycled for money to replace movies, shows, games, books, and music I had at the last residence with my parents, which brings me a flood of memories, good × bad. More good than bad, really. But!moving on...
If I don't update tomorrow, then it's because the phone is back with the owner, and I'm back to using my mom's phone again by tomorrow afternoon. I hope.
I already replaced a number of movies at the Media Exchange, and added some others, after cashing my allowance check at the PLS. I'll post pictures of them all once my mom gets home from the hospital. She had been admitted yesterday, so I had to make sure Pops doesn't fuck up anything. So far, I have done pretty good. Way better than my own mom. If he's okay, then we are all okay, come to think of it. Getting myself to be on top of things is hard, but very doable still. Listening to the organ cover of Like a Motherless Child on the local public radio station, and, boy, does it cut into me, even at top volume. Just like Martin Gore's cover, man. Fuck, it slaps like a mug, especially with the orchestra. Fucking slaps, man!
Having fun with the weekend at home is like nothing else in this life. Living in the moment is a time to be grateful to be alive! I'm so happy to be in a dimension that is me right now: Music is involving me with reawakening my happiness, the happiness that was dormant for almost five years. Now that I'm solo, with a few shared responsibilities, I can be finally happen again. I'm either the stupidest person I know, or the smartest person I know! I'm going deep, but, it's just mindful meditation, from the heart.
Anyway, as I go and post this, with tags below, I just need to have us fight the better fight. And, overall, I just need to let you know that I love you all, especially my mutuals.
The Universe Matters. Jonesy.
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thessalian · 3 years
Thess vs Sticker Shock
So I’m having The Debate right now. You know the one - the “I may end up spending money” debate.
See, thing is ... Horizon: Forbidden West is out. And it’s Playstation-only. Like so many other games I’ve wanted. Now, it may come out as a PC port eventually, but that’ll be years if ever - Sony’s got really weird about that. And I really do want to play it now. Now, my usual thing is to let my executive dysfunction fight it out with my impulsivity to keep me from buying anything I don’t need on a whim while logic decides it. So I have my list of reasons I can’t have the game yet, and logic keeps pulling them down, one by one.
PROBLEM: I cannot get a PS5. Even if I could afford a brand new next-gen console (and yes, I consider it next gen until it has an actual decent-sized list of games worth a shit), availability here is worse than it is in the US, given the whole thing where Brexit is fucking with our trade agreements and customs paperwork with literally everyone.
SOLUTION: Get a PS4. The game is on the PS4. The PS4 is still a perfectly good console. Plus I can get it second-hand. The second-hand place in Peckham have several for under £200 and they even deliver. Plus I could have all manner of games that I’ve never been able to play because of console exclusivity.
PROBLEM: Controllers are an issue. No, seriously, I haven’t been comfortable with a controller since the original Nintendo Entertainment System. They’re too heavy, they have too many buttons, and they hurt to hold up for extended periods, particularly with the whole fibromyalgia thing. I am currently hardwired to keyboard-and-mouse in that regard. So owning a console is probably a waste of godsdamned money.
SOLUTION: Use a keyboard and mouse on the PS4. Yes, that is possible. It will involve tweaking some key bindings, but it’s definitely doable. Just get a cheap wireless keyboard and mouse and get the hell on with it.
PROBLEM: Reviews have been iffy. Metacritic score aside, there have been some concerning things in the reviews. Not so much the story parts - I mean, those have been iffy too but the reviews for the last one were about the same because people seem to just want to get on with the shooting instead of having to actually think all that much. Also ignoring the “SJW CUCK” screaming and the fact that people are pissed that they rendered the peach fuzz on Aloy’s face when they were perfectly happy with Rockstar rendering every individual hair on a horse’s tail and coming up with algorithms for the dropping of horse manure. Apparently there were some issues with the climbing controls, and the graphics on the PS4 were apparently a whole lot worse.
SOLUTION: Do more research. Thing is, not all of the reviews complained about that kind of thing on the PS4. Also, most of them have talked about those things getting fixed in the first big patch. Guerilla have been pretty damn good about that kind of thing; keep an eye out patch notes and other more considered reviews. I’m not going to do the thing for a few more days anyway. A lot happens in this industry in a few days. Also, people may be blowing up their expectations because hype does that to people. Reviews are quite often things to ignore because they’re subjective as fuck. As to the climbing controls - using a keyboard. I can switch to whatever key combination is best for me.
PROBLEM: My living room set-up won’t be good for gaming forever. My current situation is temporary. Or it’s supposed to be. It’s complicated. Point is that at last check, I’m only staying in this flat until the necessary renovations are done on the other flat down the hall, which was mine until we finally moved me to someplace I could live until the renovations were done. The sitting room of that flat is arranged in a wonky sort of way and the TV connection point is far away from anywhere reasonable to put a sofa. And even if I do get to keep this one, I’ll still have to move out of this one for awhile because this place also needs serious renovations to be properly liveable. Again, it’s complicated.
SOLUTION: Procrastination. No, not mine. I moved into this place over the May bank holiday last year. In those nine months or so, my stepfather, who is responsible for seeing to the renovations, has not so much as touched the other flat. At all. Even a little. Not the tiniest shred of work. Or at least so says my mother. And in all fairness, that’s not even the time the whole thing actually started. We’ve known for years that the other flat needed a new boiler and the floor redone and probably the windows replaced and a whole bunch of other stuff, but the solution to where I was going to live in the meantime kept changing and the date it was all going to happen was pushed back for about three years before the move in May. Summary: at the present rate of progress, I’m not moving out of this place for at least another year. I can figure something out about the position of the sitting room furniture for gaming when the time comes; in the meantime, if I have to live in a flat with a leaky kitchen faucet, minimal bathroom sink water pressure, no shower and a decor on the theme of “1970s grandmother seriously into peach”, I may as well make best use of the little perks, such as “being able to sit close enough to the TV to play video games”.
PROBLEM: Frugality. That amount of money could go on useful things! Like, I dunno, clothes! And it’s not like I lack for video games!
SOLUTION: Perspective. My working from home is imminent. As in, they’re setting up my laptop as we speak. So I don’t need as many work clothes and I’ve got enough T-shirts and jeans. My commute costs have not entirely gone (because I will have to go in a couple of days a week) but they have reduced immensely. Food costs will also go down as a result, as I can have an actual lunch at home. As to the other, why even have a living room if I barely use the damn thing? I’m not going to stop buying video games; this just gives a change of venue. Yes, the buying a new game at new game prices is ... unfortunate, but think of all the other games I can buy at that same second-hand shop in Peckham! A little bit of enjoying myself is not the end of the world, and is actually worth money.
This is the kind of thing that happens in my head all the time, in case you were ever curious. I still haven’t made the decision yet; at the end of the day it’s all down to whether the sticker shock overwhelms the overall advantages, and whether I really want it or not. Not just the game - I know I want the game - but the choice is whether to gamble on it being ported to PC sometime before I turn 50, wait until I can actually reliably get a PS5 (where it’s apparently better in terms of graphical fidelity), or get a PS4 and get to play games I never had a chance to, like Until Dawn or The Last of Us. Though apparently that’s getting a 2023 remake? So I don’t even know.
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Okay, stupid question BUT. What are 4 games you would recommend someone to play in a heartbeat?
Let me preface this with: I am Sony all the way, at least up to now. If they keep on keepin’ on with the next generation, I’ll stay that way. For me, I primarily play story-focused games. So for me, Sony and Playstation have managed to secure the exclusives that appeal to me. 
Okay. So, I’m (MOSTLY) going to stick with the current generation as it’s most accessible and available. Which honestly is pretty easy given the advances in storytelling we’ve witnessed this generation alone.
And here we go!
1. The Last of Us
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This is a given with me. If you’ve listened to me talk about games at all, this one almost always comes up. Yes, it was first released on PS3. So whether you have a PS3 or PS4, this title should be pretty inexpensive at this point. 
This isn’t on this list because of the gameplay. It’s fine, it’s functional, it takes some getting used to, lots of waiting because: stealth. It’s here because this is, in my opinion, one of the best told stories in video games. It’s a good story in general, but the use of environmental storytelling, the quality of the banter and moments that are easily missed, the slow growth of the relationship over time through your time with the game... It’s done masterfully well. Neil Druckmann is a genius. Whatever formula he has for writing, it’s working, with this and with Uncharted 4, Uncharted The Lost Legacy, and soon with The Last of Us Part II. I still haven’t seen anything like it.
Okay, as for the next, I’m going to go with...
2. God of War (2018)
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I’ve played all the prior God of War titles. Ascension, the psp games, all of them. God of War 3 felt like the best we could possibly get with the character that was Kratos.
I’m so relieved Cory Barlog proved me wrong. 
As a female gamer, I treasure those moments where I feel powerful. It’s not too often, at least in terms of games that appeal to me (shout out to Aloy and Lara Croft!). I didn’t expect to bond with Atreus and Kratos and even Mimir as much as I did. I never felt excluded or never thought that the story was unrelatable. In fact, as with the Last of Us, my lack of a father figure growing up only made this more meaningful for me. 
This game is stunning. The combat is SO SATISFYING! It’s a grand tale of an adventure with the background of a stunted relationship between father and son. The constant over the shoulder camera, not broken at all throughout the game, gives you the sense that you are there with them. It’s such a refreshing thing, seeing game directors choose to go out of the box with certain things. This is a must play as an all-around good game. The Leviathan Axe is amazing on its own.
3. Divinity: Original Sin 2
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This is not a console-exclusive game. In fact, for the longest time it was inaccessible to me as I don’t have a gaming PC, until they released the Definitive Editions for consoles. Still, it was a good while (a year about) before it was released on consoles. It’s now also available on Nintendo Switch!
CRPGs are definitely not for everyone. They weren’t for me when I first tried it. Too complicated, multiple systems running in the background, and at that point with no knowledge on the rules of D&D and how it would apply to a game like this, stats, usefulness of certain things over others, the freedom of the game, etc, it was honestly far too complex for me.
Thanks to watching some of Critical Role as well as going back and watching CohhCarnage’s playthrough of the game (some, not all, his playthrough on youtube is easily over 100+ hours) I felt like it was doable.
So I jumped back in. With a better understanding of how things worked, I spent over 120 hours on my own playthrough. The story and characters are wonderful, the grand scale of the game felt insane to me! The absolute freedom to create your character in terms of what their expertise would be, how you want them to talk to other characters, etc, it was just giving me everything I wanted from a game like Dragon Age (I will say, companion interactions and romances are obviously top notch over there, but the gameplay leaves something to be desired). It clicked so much for me primarily because I don’t have real friends to play D&D with, so this was the next best thing. It’s an amazing game. Can’t wait to see what Larian does with Baldur’s Gate III.
Finally...and narrowing this one down was difficult, let me tell you...
4. Final Fantasy X
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An oldie but a goodie. This game is available on basically all consoles at this point. It’ll be on Xbox GamePass soon with all the other Square Enix titles like Kingdom Hearts, etc, so if you have an Xbox, prepare yourself.
This was one of the first games I played fully on my own.It came out in 2001. I would’ve been about 9 years old. I don’t know exactly when I played it, but I didn’t finish it the first time around. It wasn’t until high school that I went back and actually completed it all the way through. Before that I’d relied upon my step-dad’s gamesaves to experience the ending of both X and X-2. But doing it for myself still felt fresh and new. And heartbreaking.
This is the sort of gaming convention (turn-based combat) that I wish would make a real comeback. Everything about it in this title is smooth and smart. We’ll see how Yakuza 7 does! Who knows, maybe the FFVII remake in Classic mode will scratch that itch (though the new battle system looks insanely good too). 
This entry in the extensive Final Fantasy franchise stands out to me personally (next to Final Fantasy IX) as one of the best stories offered. I still cry even though I know what happens and exactly when. And I still haven’t explored the game’s depths (screw you celestial weapons!). The fact that it’s still in the back of my mind to return to this tells me it’s quality. Try it if you haven’t. Enjoy it.
Honorable mentions: Tomb Raider reboot franchise, Mass Effect 2, Batman Arkham franchise, Uncharted franchise (specifically 4 and TLL), Detroit: Become Human, Dishonored franchise, Prey, Resident Evil 7 (PLAY IT IN VR IF POSSIBLE!), Bioshock franchise.
Thanks for listening, and asking!
Go enjoy video games!
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gamestreamingsetup · 5 years
Guide To Twitch Streaming
Who wants to sit and watch people play video games all day? Millions of people, it turns out. Live-streaming website Twitch is one of the biggest things in games, with 15 million daily viewers who come to watch the wealth of professional tournaments, gaming talk shows and casual solo sessions that the site's 2-million-plus broadcasters offer.
Twitch's biggest streamers are a new breed of Internet celebrity, with legions of dedicated fans who tune in daily to watch them dominate Fortnite matches or hilariously scream their way through horror games. Many of these personalities have a litany of sponsors and hundreds of thousands of social media followers — two traits more typical of a pro athlete than someone who plays video games for a living.
But while only a lucky few make it to the NBA or the NFL, anyone with a decent gaming PC or modern game console can be a Twitch streamer. If you want to take a shot at Twitch stardom, here's everything you need to know about how to become a Twitch streamer, from basic hardware requirements to tips from the pros on keeping viewers happy.
What You Need to Become a Twitch Streamer A Good Computer
Although there are a few exceptions I'll outline below, you'll likely be doing most of your streaming from a gaming laptop or gaming desktop PC. As far as specs go, Twitch recommends having at least an Intel Core i5-4670 processor (or its AMD equivalent), 8GB of RAM and Windows 7 or newer. (Don't worry; you can stream from a Mac, too.)
If you're streaming PC games, you'll need a graphics card strong enough to support whatever you're playing and, ideally, one that supports DirectX 10 and up. The faster your Internet connection, the better — you should probably aim to have an upload speed of at least 3MB per second, which should be attainable on most home Internet connections or even via mobile.
While we recommend streaming from a desktop if possible, going live from a laptop is totally doable with the right specs. If you want to go the mobile route, be sure to check out our guide to streaming to Twitch from a laptop.
One PC or two?
While Twitch's core system requirements are pretty forgiving, streaming and playing graphically intense games at the same time can put quite the load on your computer. Some popular streamers remedy this by using two PCs at once — one for gaming, and another for broadcasting. If that sounds too complicated, you can check out desktops such as CyberPower's Pro Streamer, which houses two complete PCs in a single body.
Fortunately, thanks to to recent strides made by Nvidia, creating a high-quality stream from a single PC is becoming more feasible. If you own a gaming desktop or laptop with one of Nvidia's new RTX graphics cards, you'll be able to take advantage of Nvidia's dedicated hardware encoder that's built into each card. This essentially relieves your CPU of having to do too much of the heavy lifting.
Open Broadcaster Software, which we'll touch on below, is optimized for the new Nvidia cards, meaning that it's quite easy to get a smooth single-PC stream going so long as you've got OBS as well as a system with an RTX 2060, 2070, 2080 or 2080 GPU.
A Twitch account
You can visit Twitch.tv to join for free, and you should probably add a custom avatar, banner and description so that viewers can learn a little bit about you. If you want to make sure that all of your broadcasts are temporarily archived for later viewing, you can head to Settings > Channel & Videos > Archive Broadcasts.
Streaming Software
The most essential part of any streamer's tool kit, broadcasting software lets you show your gameplay to the world. The two most commonly used streaming programs are Open Broadcasting Software (OBS), which is completely free, and XSplit, which has a highly intuitive interface but requires a paid subscription in order to use its key features.
Regardless of your choice of software, setting up your stream consists of the same general steps: picking your sources (such as your computer monitor, gameplay feed or webcam), laying out how they'll all appear for the viewer, and finally, syncing up your Twitch account and going live.
Microphone and Camera
While you can technically get by with a gaming headset, you'll want a dedicated microphone so that your viewers can hear you clearly. The $129 Blue Yeti is our favorite USB mic thanks to its crisp audio quality and adjustable pickup modes. If you're on a tight budget, consider the $36 Samson Go Mic; for something more portable, check out the $99 Blue Yeti Nano. For more on microphones, be sure to also check out our podcasting guide.
If you don't already have a webcam and want to show your face, the $49 Logitech HD Pro C920 is our top overall pick thanks to its sharp 1080p capture quality and wide field of view. The $99 Logitech C922 offers the same quality but with automatic background removal, which allows you to superimpose yourself onto your game without the need for a green screen. There's also the $99 Razer Kiyo, which is similarly sharp and offers a built-in ring light for illuminating your face.
Streaming from Consoles
If you're wondering how to become a Twitch streamer without any fancy PC hardware, both the Xbox One and PS4 let you stream directly from your console, without any extra devices or software. On Xbox One, you'll just need the free Twitch app; on PS4, you can go live right from the system's Share menu. Folks on Xbox can also stream directly to Microsoft's Mixer platform, which is just as easy to set up. While you won't get to customize your stream the way you would from your PC, console streaming is still a great way to get your feet wet.
If you want to stream from your Nintendo Switch or any other console (or just want more control over your broadcast), you'll need a capture card that records your console gameplay to your PC.
The most popular capture card option out there is the $129 Elgato Game Capture HD, which seamlessly records 1080p video from Xbox One/360, PS4/PS3, Wii U and just about any other system with an HDMI output. It also has a Component adapter, in case you want to stream from one of your dusty retro consoles. If you want smoother, 60-frame-per-second streams, you can step up to the $151 Elgato HD60.
Twitch is home to a growing stable of bona fide gaming celebrities who make their living broadcasting — but not just because they play the latest games or have a fancy stream setup. The top Twitch streamers are true entertainers; some are known for their incredible Call of Duty headshots, while others are famous for blowing through entire Zelda games in 20 minutes. But more than that, they're just great personalities.
"[Our top streamers] are humble, friendly, highly interactive and treat the people in their chat as if they are the stars of the show," said Chase (yep, just Chase), Twitch’s director of public relations.
If you're looking to get into the finer points of growing an audience, popular Hearthstone player Jeffrey "Trump" Shih's "Streaming 101" video is an excellent place to start. Shih neatly breaks down the core components of streaming into an acronym he calls OPTICS (Opportunity, Presence, Technology, Interaction, Consistency and Skill), noting that focusing on any number of these factors could help you make a name for yourself.
Grow big enough on Twitch, and you just might be offered a partnership, which allows you to get a cut of broadcast revenue and offer your viewers exclusive perks in exchange for a monthly subscription fee. No matter what level of Twitch stardom you're shooting for, here are tips from some of the streamers who do it best.
Find Your Niche / Games You Enjoy Playing
How do you stand out among Twitch's 2 million streamers? For Burke Black, all it took was a pirate hat and lots of patience. After two years of steady streaming, Black is now a partnered broadcaster with more than 23,000 followers that tune in to catch his late-night, swashbuckling-themed antics.
Fire up any of Black's broadcasts, and you'll see him in full brown-and-beige pirate garb, complete with a skull-and-crossbones bandana and an epic beard to match. The 36-year-old is the farthest thing from imposing, though, as he giggles and cheers his way through anything from Grand Theft Auto V to Pirates! (naturally) while enthusiastically chatting with his viewers.
"I consider it a show, not just some dude streaming games," Black said. "People come in because they like the atmosphere … [it's a] nice friendly environment where they can come and have a good time with some cheesy pirate stuff going on."
Becoming a pirate isn't the only way to stand out on Twitch. Perhaps you're exceptionally skilled at the world's most obscure platformer, or you have a really cute dog you can put in front of the camera while you blast through Counter-Strike matches. Find your specialty, and run with it.
Be Consistent
Consistency is crucial — just as people tune in to their favorite TV shows at the same time every night, they should know exactly when you'll be live on Twitch. Whether you broadcast in the afternoon or the wee hours of the morning, stick to your schedule, and make sure it's prominently displayed across both your Twitch page and social media sites.
"You will never get the same viewers if you stream at random times when you are just starting out," said That's Cat, a 26-year-old streamer that specializes in survival games and has almost 30,000 followers.
Make Some Friends
Sonja "OMGitsfirefoxx" Reid is one of Twitch's biggest stars, with more than 631,000 followers and her own merchandise store. While much of her success can be attributed to her unfiltered sense of humor and constant interaction with her viewers, one of her biggest breaks came from working with others.
"We started a daily Minecraft stream, with the idea of just playing some Minecraft with friends and hanging out," said Reid of "Mianite," a series in which she and other popular Twitch stars broadcast their daily hijinks in the popular crafting game. "It blew up, and turned into a huge series, which is going into its third season."
That's Cat also made a name for herself by playing with other broadcasters. In fact, the streamer had 500 Twitch followers before she even went live on her own channel, simply because she made plenty of friends beforehand.
"I ended up having over 80 viewers [on] my first stream, because of my presence in the community prior to streaming," said Cat, who got offered a partnership after just three months of broadcasting.
Be Very Interactive w/ Your Audience
What sets Twitch streams apart from other forms of entertainment is that the audience is almost always a key part of the experience. All Twitch broadcasts are accompanied by a chat room, which allows streamers to interact directly with the people who support them. The more you make your viewers feel like they're sitting on the couch with you while you play, the better chance you have at building a loyal following.
Reid affectionately refers to her fans as her "foxx family." Even with hundreds of thousands of followers, she makes sure to keep things personal.
"I get to know a lot of my [viewers], and remember what's going on in their lives and chat with them about it in stream," she said. "Having a community that really feels like a family is really important to me."
Audience interaction is a top priority for Black, who has a monitor dedicated solely to viewing his Twitch chat. Black also does frequent giveaways, which, according to the streamer, helps encourage fans to come back every night.
That's Cat's following has grown so loyal that she can count on having viewers no matter how obscure the game she's playing.
"I literally played Barbie's Dream house and still had my entire community cheering me on," she said.
Don't Stress About Your Gear (At First)
Just because your favorite streamer has a super-sharp webcam and a fancy green screen and streams from two high-end PCs at once doesn't mean you have to — at least at first. Twitch's system requirements are quite lenient, which means you should focus on growing an audience before you spend thousands turning your bedroom into an all-out studio.
MORE: The Best Gaming Keyboard You Can Buy
"I started streaming on an old HP laptop that overheated to the point of burning my hand, and an old foldout chair from Walmart," said Reid, who's been able to upgrade to a decidedly better setup as her channel grew.
Be Patient, and Have Fun!
As with any type of success, "making it" on Twitch takes lots of patience and hard work.
"If you're doing [this] just to make money, you'll usually fizzle out in the first three or so months," Black said. "For the first six months, it was just awful because I didn't know what I was doing. Try not to get discouraged, because everyone's been that way."
Black's patience is now paying off; the streamer is closing in on 24,000 followers, and his Twitter feed is full of pictures of loyal fans wearing T-shirts with his name on them. Black, who currently works in photography, is considering becoming a full-time streamer once he hits 500 paid subscribers.
Reid stressed the importance of relishing every viewer, no matter how few there are in the beginning.
"Even if you have three viewers, or 30 or 300, there are people that are choosing to hang out and watch you," Reid noted.
In the end, it's important to remember that we're all still playing video games. Whether it's a hobby or something you hope to make into a career, streaming should be fun — the more you enjoy yourself, the more everyone watching you probably will, too.
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soysaucevictim · 5 years
Week 2 of the new program... and other things...
Jan. 11
I woke up proper a bit after noon. Tried to get up a bit earlier - but weird dreams and feeling kind of groggy made that a bit too hard.
Started on some of my exercise pretty much right away.
First, today’s DD. 50 balance back kick with EC. I love kicks and always appreciate balance-work! It takes more focus, but is so satisfying! Like many skills, I'm happy that I'm much more sure in my footing and centering than when I started out! :D
Second, Day 7 of the BLP Level 3, one superset. All upperbody stuff, this time. It certainly got tough to keep the arms up after a few sets without much recovery time. The wide shoulder rotations actually seem to serve that role, during such a challenge, though!
(After far too much distraction... and doing this later than intended.)
Third, 5′ warmup. I just did some march steps for the duration.
Last, Day 13 of the KCP. I somehow managed to get this done in less than an hour and a half. I don’t think I dropped exercises/sets anywhere. Regardless, it was reasonably tough. I rested about 30″ in between sets, much less between exercises or side switching. But I did make some modifications.
Went through #1-4 & 10-11 with just body weight. For #5-9, I wore ankle weights, 3.5 lbs per ankle. And for #12, I increased the resistance band from 3.0->3.7 lbs. That was an interesting experience! Did wobble a bit for the curls and calf raises with the new weight - but they were pretty doable. Keeping the new band - I think I’ll strap on the wrist ankle weights for just #4, & 10-11. And I may alternate for the next couple weeks just for variation in intensity. :Ic
Blah. I failed to get to bed on time again. No cutting it close this time.
Jan. 12
I got up a bit after 11 AM.
Did some shopping and watching YouTube before getting down my exercise for the day.
First, today’s DD. 40 bridges with EC. Just a pretty fun and manageable one! :D
Second, Day 8 of the BLP Level 3, one superset. I’ll treat this one also as a warm-up for some of the lower body work here.
Third, Day 14 of the KCP. Similar situation to yesterday... got it under 1 hour and 20 minutes, somehow. I did swap out weights for the exercises I mentioned yesterday. Things are getting notably easier. But maybe, that’s because I’m getting through the exercises in more of a rush... orz
After distractions and frustration - I decided I would stay up late to work on art.
Jan. 13
I got up proper a bit before noon.
Did some dishes and watched some YouTube, before getting in some exercise.
First, today’s DD.40 heel taps with EC. Needed to tweak positioning to get into the rhythm, but this was a pretty fun exercise. :D
Second, Day 9 of the BLP. Level 3, one superset. Keeping the arms up throughout was pretty tough, this time. Only really opportunities to drop was ticking the sets - resting for less that 10″ or so. I also decided to double the balance counts to go 20 per side per set, that helped get the shoulders fatigued. Pffft! :,D
Third, 5′ warmup. I did 1′ of each: march steps, step jacks, march steps, seal step jacks, and more march steps. It was mildly tougher given having to keep my arms up a lot, in the BLP. :,D
Last, Day 15 of the KCP. Approached the same way as Day 13, I think that was a pretty good choice. Not much to really note. I didn’t clock how long it took exactly - but it was definitely a bit under 2 hours. Did take a bit longer between #9 & #10 - to switch the video I was watching as background noise.
I took a shower and spent some time working on art, before getting to bed. Not on time again - but I’ll cut myself some slack here.
Jan. 14
I woke up a bit after 8AM.
Got to the facility attended Seeking Safety Group, a therapy appointment, socialized, and worked on some art.
Got home and set up the PS4 I bought a few days ago. Then after some more of the usual, my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 2′ extended [leg] swings with EC. I counted 201 reps in total. I'm happy I could keep it pretty even in terms of pace! :P
Second, Day 10 of the BLP. Level 3, one superset. This did get pretty challenging to hold the arms up the whole time - but the hip rotations served as minibreaks to make it more doable. Otherwise, pretty breezy work for me!
Third, 5′ warmup. I kind of forget what I did. I want to say it was that normal march steps + step jacks combo. Neglected to jot that one down - I just know I spent that much time doing it.
Fourth, Day 16 of the KCP. Rest day. Broken record, but man. I’m glad I scheduled these where I did. I was pretty beat after everything,
Last, Day 5 of the G2BC.Though I did contemplate on getting more work done, I was tired enough to get to bed at a reasonable time. Was in the yellow zone.
Jan. 15
I got up proper a bit before 1PM.
I made some phone calls, spent a good chunk of time collating sleep data, doing dishes, and making dinner, before getting into today’s exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 plank rotations with EC. Had a close call with my balance - but I could get control of it for all 40. ;P
Second, Day 11 of the BLP. Level 3, one superset. Pretty breezy and I think it had enough legwork to count as a warmup for the KCP.
Third, Day 17 of the KCP. Active day. I approached this like Day 14. Pretty doable in a bit under 1 hour & 40 minutes. Did note eyes watering a bit - but that’s tendon strengthening stuff for you.
Last, Day 6 of the G2BC. I did manage to get to bed in the yellow zone, today.
Jan. 16
I woke up a bit after 8AM, today.
Got to the facility, worked on some art, attended WRAP Group, and socialized.
Got home and set up the new 2DS, gamed a bit and got roped into going to the grandparents’ place. We ate dinner and played some cards - I noted I was going extremely overboard with the sugar/snacking (because sleep deprivation).
Got home, only had the energy to do today’s DD. 1′ side leg raises with EC. (I counted 56 reps by the end - very close to 1/sec. But today took a lot of energy out of me - so that was an acceptable but still fun pace.
Despite being extremely tired, I still went to bed late.
Jan. 17
I woke up a bit after noon, today.
First, today’s DD. 1′ elbow plank without EC (EC condition was 2′). I thought about trying for that 2', but decided I wasn't really up for it today. :P
(Then after many regretful hours playing DS games...)
Second, Day 12 of the BLP. Level 3, one superset. This was doable if extremely late and a bit redundant with the KCP, today. I did approach the calf stretches as 30 ct per side per set.
Third, Day 18 of the KCP. Rest day. Given the time, I’m happy it was a shorter rest day.
Didn’t get to bed on time, today, either.
A bit late, but I’m going to go ahead and post this and draft the next one.
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Download Gta 5 Iso File For Android
Cheats For GTA San Andreas Mobile?
How well can you run Grand Theft Auto V on a GTX 1050-Ti (Mobile) @ 720p, 1080p or 1440p on low, medium, higher or max settings? All that detail, all those textures and models, add up to a huge installation size - 65GB on Computer sans DLC. While anything would be downsized drastically for a mobile port, current technologies probably can not accommodate a game of this scale on mobile devices. Even prior to speaking about a prospective mobile port of GTA 5, we have to have to get over GTA 4 very first which also is not possible at present - but not for long.
And that is all for now, goto your app menu and launch GTA 5 for Android to start out playing aka GTA V this beautiful game by Rockstar. Verify the in-game screenshot under to have a feel of what it is like to play GTA five Android Watch installation video below to see how it performs. GTA five may possibly under no circumstances be release for android but its unofficial mod is released which you can play in your mobile.
To your surprise, the game is currently available to download and we do have the link. But let's speak extra about the gameplay initial, speaking about game for the android version, it has marvellous graphics as like Computer, Playstation and Xbox. A lot of of the gamers have currently seasoned this game on these consoles so they already know the wonders of this game. But the drawback is, the graphics depends on your device, for example- if your device has got excellent processor, storage, memory and additional updated stuffs, the game is set to give you the greatest expertise ever. Even so,if your device does not have the greatest options,it's probably to give you less original knowledge. But oh well, it is a Gta game and these smaller flaws doesn't count.
GTA V for Android is a game changer for all GTA gamers, Very good thing is that you can continue the game from other version devices. 1 of the very best functions about this game is that you will be in a position to use your saved file from other consoles and continue from there. There are new features obtainable just for mobile platforms. You will be able to play online by connecting by way of Bluetooth or WiFi. This game can also be played on offline mode but you will want to get online to save your game.
A related trend may perhaps operate out for GTA six as properly as the publishers are looking forward to releasing it on both the Xbox One X and the PlayStation four Pro console. These consoles are more effective than their counterparts and it would increase sales specially two years later when they are far more very affordable for the general crowd. Even so, it is not achievable to bring such futuristic graphics to the Xbox One particular S or the PS4 since of their limited hardware specifications.
Grand Theft Auto V Mobile Beta testing. This is the new GTA V on Android Mobile platform. There are far more than sufficient absolutely free resources out there that will enable you to play the GTA 5 Android version of this game that you don't have to get suckered into paying for files that would have otherwise been cost-free anyways. I don't play GTAs on mobile but I'd like the final 5th game from III era to be ported as nicely.
In gta 5 android - five Mobile you obtain the opportunity to slide into three a single of a sort characters - absolutely and fully unquestionable characters with stories that weaved with a single yet another - and encounter a champion amongst the most excellent records the basic population at Rockstar have ever collected. Satire is still on complete introduction (like each and every other GTA game), and remembering that men and women really feel that the in game radio stations are to some degree much more pleasant than what they had been in the previous Grand Theft Auto game regardless of all that they add a massive amount of flavor to this title would not have been there some thing unique.
As for GTA: Liberty City Stories , the game recycled a lot of the assets of GTA 3 from the PS2 and follows a prequel story to the events of GTA 3 involving gangster Tony Cipriani. The mobile port runs new HD assets, and certain devices strong enough will run the game at 60fps. You can choose up a digital copy of the game correct now for iOS compatible devices from the iTunes App Retailer, and you can look for the game to arrive on Amazon and the Google Play Shop soon.
While the hardware capabilities of mobile devices are growing swiftly and the boundaries of what can be achieved in mobile games in terms of visuals, detail, size and scope enhance with them, the most thriving mobile games nevertheless opt for a basic, cartoony art direction and do not invest in flashy graphics for the sake of reaching the broadest audience doable.
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terryblount · 6 years
Anthem Demo First Impressions
Bioware used to be a revered name when it comes to Western RPGs. But lately, they seemed a bit off. Mass Effect Andromeda was an unfortunate mess (though it has some strong points). Can Bioware’s latest IP, the 3rd-person looter shooter RPG Anthem, succeed?
I come from a perspective of someone disappointed in the state of the developers currently, and also someone who’s still scratching his head to understand the long appeal of these looter-shooters. I’m okay with Warframe and Borderlands, but Destiny and The Division just didn’t grab me as much despite spending a significant amount of hours into them.
I’ve played through the Anthem public demo, both on PC and PS4. Outside of some bugs and glitches, I can say that Anthem’s going to be an okay game, thank god.
Familiar Setup
The world of Anthem has a simple to explain setup. The world itself is in an unfinished state, where the ‘gods’, abandoning it. As a result, it’s unstable and filled with dangerous fauna. Remnants of the tech to create the world is still out there, including the titular Anthem Of Creation, but there’s also a faction of baddies that want to control it. You are a Freelancer, and you do tasks like exploring the world and protecting the remnants of humanity housed in Fort Tarsis.
It’s pretty cliche, honestly. Destiny is also doing the whole sci-fi but without nerdy jargons angle. And I have an inkling a lot of the plotline ticks the same boxes as Andromeda did.
Though story-wise, Anthem won’t be delivering the same hooks as Mass Effect or Dragon Age did. There’s no decision that matters (though you do make binary dialogue choices). But at least the banter and conversation between characters in the hub world feel geniune and believeable, so there’s still that Bioware touch.
Suit Up
You pilot Javelins, these Iron Man-esque exosuits that comes in four classes. The demo defaults you to the all-rounder Ranger but you can progress and unlock an additional suit for the demo.
Essentially these are your different classes with unique traits that make for different playstyles. Aside from the Ranger you get the big boy Colossus that acts as the tank. The Interceptor moves fast, has melee combos and made for hit-and-run playstyles while the Storm has elemental powers, floats and wears capes.
On that note, gear are not tied to cosmetics. And there’s a lot of freedom in painting your suits with the right colour on the right material. Yes, you could even pick the different texture of each part of the suit to make it shiner/grimier/rubbery. Anthem took pages from Warframe in this department and it shows, you can make some pretty cool or some godawful colour schemes for your robo-dolls.
As such, the gear you have is all about the numbers and the properties it has. The Ranger has the ability to shoot an assault launcher mounted on its arm. By default, it shoots a direct rocket out of his assault launcher. But you can have it spew flames, cryo rays or even shoot poison darts by equipping different gear.
Mass Effect With Iron Man Suits
As for the combat, it’s terrific. Though I might be biased because I liked Mass Effect Andromeda’s combat which was its saving grace. It’s a third-person shooter and you have jump jets to dodge and jump with. And you can also float mid-air. You can setup combos by pairing one ability to another complementing one for bigger damage.
Weapons feel weighty and punchy and the abilities are a feast of beautiful particle explosions. Enemies have either health bars (red), shields (blue), armour (yellow) or a combination of the two. Aside from the cover system being removed (because why would you be in cover when you wear a big, beautiful exosuit), all of the combat feels right out of Mass Effect Andromeda. And that’s a good thing.
Many of the combat area encourages you to use your mobility, but it’s definitely fine to drop down and just lay down bullets like a regular shooter game sometimes. But when the Ranger can deploy a bubble shield mid-air and will remain floating there, you are definitely encouraged to leave the ground. The enemy AI, however, is not that smart. Most of them are just fodders but they do have abilities designed to flush you out from sitting in one place.
It goes without saying that flying around in the Javelins is a sublime experience. The way the afterburners kick in when you hit sprint after a jump to go flying is super satisfying. On PC, it’s a bit finicky to control with the mouse though. But if you use a controller, it’s a joy traversing the fractured, but beautiful open world.
Also, it’s interesting to see Anthem incorporates elemental properties. You can get overheated for prolonged use of the flying jets, but skimming near water ( you know you get it when the elemental “cooled” is displayed on the top left), you can fly longer. Being set on fire will also stops you from flying so having enemies close to you is dangerous.
These are small details, but it’s intuitive and helps make the combat feel a bit different than the other looter-shooters.
Bugs, Loading, And Other Worrisome Points
Anthem has matchmaking for all the missions. In fact, if you want to do them on your own you will get a warning if you really want to do it all alone. Granted, I tried one of the missions solo and is completely doable. But playing with random folks, I have no issues bar one- the are transitions.
The open world has several areas in caves that you can traverse to that requires a lengthy loading screen to go through. It’s nice that if you are far off from the group you’ll be teleported to them. But those loading screens really took me out of the experience.
Oh, remember the cool part in the E3 reveal where you go to dive underwater? The underwater sections found in the demo were too dark and disorienting and I hated them.
The demo gave us a three mission arc as well as a Stronghold mission, which serves as the endgame. Each mission (expeditions) play out very similarly. Go here. Attack. Interact. Go there. Attack. There are some variations, like defend an area or collect items and place it somewhere else, but nothing too complicated. Nor is it interesting.
Folks who played the VIP demo a week before got the shorthand of the stick as the game had connection issues. While that is solved for the public demo, there are other known bugs that EA and Bioware already know and has fixed for the launch, but are left in this demo.
The sound design is terrific but many sound cues are missing or don’t work. Freeplay, a mode where you can just free roam the open world and join public events, has issues to get in. And it also has issues where you cannot exit Freeplay via the menu. I mashed buttons, including the options button, to find something to do when downed in a non-respawn zone and ended up HUD-less when revived until the end of the mission.
It’s a frustrating experience and I hope they really did fix these issues already.
Final Thoughts
Overall, given my low expectations to begin with, Anthem could be a decent looter shooter RPG. Maybe now EA gets their live service cash cow they needed. The core gameplay is great and the Javelin customisation is immense.
Though there the story isn’t as intriguing or interesting. The gameplay loop could wear down quick. And then there’s the lingering fear on how the servers hold up and how pricy the cosmetics will be. All are fair worrying points.
But at least, I can see that fans of the online RPG looter shooters will be happy. Now there’s another possibly decent game tackling the genre. Though I will stay clear of it on day one.
Anthem will be out for everyone to purchase normally on February 22nd for the PS4, PC (Origin) and Xbox One.
Anthem Demo First Impressions published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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