#but still of the kind of mechanical depth and scope that I couldn't do it alone
coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
I don't know what's better or worse
The projects I can't really do anything with because the base concept and scope simply lie outside of my field of skill (Citadel Of Splinters or Re-Pioneer, which are games; and Black Lotus or [Minigun Angel Project], which are meant to be manga)
Or the projects I can work on easily but just haven't gotten as far with as I should due to procrastination and lack of focus (Metroid Silence, Magical Girl Parallel Inversion, retooling Magical Girl Diurnal Retribution away from its original badly-considered format, The Forbidden Lands, etc.)
Or the one that legitimately straddles the line between, it's doable but is gonna take a lot of effort and branching out: [Yuri Otome Project]
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newagegs · 3 years
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character details: 
name: roy william harper, jr
age:  33
date of birth: october 14th, 1993
fandom: dc
 faceclaim: cameron monaghan
height: 6'
pronouns/gender identity/sexual+romantic identity: he/him - cis male - bisexual & biromantic
moral alignment: neutral good
dusted in the snap or not: not dusted
if they were dusted, how did they feel about it and how have they adjusted since returning: n/a
if they weren’t dusted, what did they get up to in those five years, be as in depth as you want, the more the better: it would be foolish of roy to not acknowledge his own tendency to self destructive behavior, and how hard that inclination was to avoid after half of the population dispersed into the air like a mirage; without bodies to mourn... as if they'd never existed at all. though of course, part of him had selfishly wished that jason had been among those dusted, rather than meeting the end that he had. there was a common saying, about the absence of sound being louder than noise, and roy felt as if that was at least a little closer to accuracy in describing how the world felt after thanos snapped his fingers. he knew without looking too hard into it that a spiral back into the things that had numbed him would have been all too easy, and roy would have been a liar if he didn't cop to how overwhelmingly tempting that was; how it had reached reached up and choked him of his breath with how badly he wanted it. it had been a daily struggle, and maybe that was how roy had found himself behaving recklessly in other directions... which was how he found himself becoming a father with half the world empty. no one was more surprised than roy when jade decided to keep the pregnancy, but he think it's kind of wildly amazing, seeing lian with his freckles and crooked smile. when he became her full time parent at seven months old, roy couldn't be anything besides happy... it felt like maybe with the way the world was in those days, maybe this was his new purpose.
are they aligned to any specific team/groups/etc and if so, how did they join and why if not, are they looking to join a team and if so, why: where do they currently live/been living since the return snap: a founding member of the titans as he started to strive for independence from oliver mcqueen while still under the speedy mantel, these days he's more often found teamed up with jason todd, who he's spent a fair amount of time working alongside after being rescued by him in quarac, eventually being a part of the current outlaws configuration. roy's not exactly chomping at the bit to be apart of any other teams in a serious or consistent basis besides the outlaws, but he's no stranger to being back up or an extra pair of hands as needed, or when the world's falling apart... and when isn't it lately, you know?
what have they been doing personally and/or professionally since the return snap: with the return of those that were dusted back to earth, roy is honestly surprised by the amount of adjustment he's needed. the world was loud again; and it was delightful and amazing but also... frankly overwhelming at times. privately, he'd spent those years coming to terms with losing everyone permanently and having them back, having jason back, well, it was a lot even with how ecstatic he was. roy's been walking the line of healthy coping mechanisms and integrating the smaller, steadier private family life he'd built with lian into the life that included being a Hero with a capital H plus being a part of a team that frequently included the option of getting shot at, blown up, or monologued at by megalomaniacs. roy can't lie.... he kinda lives for finding that balance. he hadn't realized how much he'd missed the thrill of it until the full scope was offered to him again.
ramble a bit about them, their past, what their current motivations are, go as in depth as you like. again, the more the better: looking back to his childhood, his teenage years, roy is honestly surprised by how grounded he's become. when he first left arizona, roy had the tendency to run at the mouth (particularly when nervous, or even just to talk himself through a thought that was knotted in his head) and his sense of humor was definitely stuck at 13. even so, roy was often pretty aware of how he came off to others, and learned that sometimes it was easier to let them think he was childish or an idiot; he was happy to let them underestimate him while he rigged together a solution from a broken atari console, some old tent poles and wiring he'd 'liberated' from the dashboard of a '93 honda. of course, unless being underestimated stemmed from assumptions about his addiction; which he can't pretend isn't still an easy button to press to hurt him now. it was and still is painful, being told he was selfish or weak or self absorbed for an illness he had; that for all he knew had the genetic factors that addiction often did. he'd thought getting sober had done a lot to help him find that balance and tap into the will power inside him, but becoming a father definitely uncovered whole new grounds of adulthood he hadn't been aware of before.
one plot idea, big or small, you’d like to do with them or connection/dynamic to explore: i would *love* to explore the dynamic with oliver or with dinah as a familial bond especially in terms of the struggles he went through and the potential rough areas of their connections, and also if anyone was ever interested in picking up jade/cheshire, i would love to explore their co-parenting connection and the way they approach parenthood as both a "hero" and "anti-hero/villain".
mun details:
name/alias: jesse
age: 28
pronouns: he/him
timezone:  cst
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