#but still sucha sweetie
corroded-hellfire · 2 years
Can you please make a part 2 of As you wish <3 it was so unbelievably good and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole concept and it was so well written! May I jus say you’re sucha talented writer!!!
Thank you so much sweetie, this is so kind! A part 2 is on its way, I assure you. BUT I do have something in this universe coming up before that. Something someone requested for my 2k celebration and I just finished writing it.
Some of you may be happy to know that Brittany is still a bitch in it 😂
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redbleedingrose · 2 years
Bubu🥺❤️ I am very okay, but you didn’t confirm you are fine…my inbox is always open if you need to talk. ALWAYS!!! (did you get the reference?)
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😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 I’m okay 😭😭😭
I’m just a stressy spaghetti but I’ll be fine
maybe this week if anyone is still reading/interested in it 😭😭
I love you sweetie!!! You are sucha light!!
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girlblogger666 · 2 years
I miss Heather a lot :(
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angstymarshmallow · 7 years
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The only ending that gave me true feels.
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asocier · 3 years
🎰 hopefully the right emoji ...
( five random connections; not accepting! )
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Emile & Andrei
          these two seem like they would be such sweethearts together :pleading: andrei seems like sucha soft boy, and emile is my soft boy, so it makes sense for the soft boys to befriend each other right? emile tends to be more on the reserved and timid side of things, so maybe that might make him more approachable for andrei since he’s a bit wary of humans. there’s also emile’s werewolf verse, which basically has emile as a beta werewolf but he’s very much still sweet emile! so that’s another way they can befriend each other too, like werewolf emile helping andrei get used to living amongst the humans and such. andrei and emile share the same sense of style too uwu 
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Nate & Nanase
          this pairing seems interesting because nanase and nate actually share some mannerisms, so they aren’t drastically different. nate creates the type of music nanase seems to hate though ( re: techno, edm ) so that might be a point of contention. it’s not that nate hates classical music though; it’s just not where his inspiration really comes from. but i feel like if these two were to meet in a school setting, either high school or university, they’d get into a lot of trouble together lmaooo like nate would probably be an instigator tbh but he might be the type of instigator to get nanase into trouble while nate saves his own ass. depends though! they could either both go down, or one throws the other under the bus. something to think about and consider; the fact they both carry themselves in similar ways makes me feel as though they’d get along much better compared to nate with most muses tbh 
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Aito & Yue
          oh i hate it when a married couple gets separated because of death, especially when they have a child together :cri: that’s so sad. jun is such a cute babey tho ,,,, i think there’s a chance for aito and yue to get along tbh. i think aito would be interested in yue’s writing, and while aito is typically very memey and doesn’t take life too seriously, i think he might put up a more “professional” or like, a more formal type persona whenever interacting with yue just because that’s how he is. of course, that all comes tumbling down when the baby shows up tho!!!! i also think the fact aito and yue both learned english through american media would bring them closer, or at the very least, it’d be a conversation starter. i also think there’s potential in both of them trying to quit smoking together. aito smokes mostly when he’s stressed, so it’s like a recreational activity, but in any case, he does want to quit. so they could form some sort of bond over that as well, like a support system. 
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Leah & Ruisi
          i kind of feel like ruisi is the type of person leah would have a really soft spot for. he’s like the person who gets bullied or neglected, and i think with leah being a really empathetic person, would wanna be his friend or at the very least, pay attention to him and be that person to say hi to him and ask about his day. she’s a sweetie like that, and honestly either angel leah or human leah would wanna interact with him :) i bring up angel leah because of the whole demon thing, but demons don’t always tie in with angels so it really comes down to your lore and what kind of demon you had in mind for ruisi’s demon and his pact! but yeah, leah would treat ruisi really nicely. i dunno if she’d be a student mage like he would be, but we could always plot something where leah attends a neighboring academy or something !! i love me some good student plots tbh 
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Cedric & Yuuto
          rip yuuto and being stuck in the friendzoNE ALKSJDLKAS i think that’s where cedric and yuuto diverge because cedric very much has that player energy so he definitely had a lot of people after him both while he was in school and after the fact. cedric dresses well also but comes from a family of money, so he dresses bougie because he actually is bougie smh. i think it’d be interesting for these two to cross paths since cedric, i guess you could say, has the relationship experience yuuto wishes he had, so it’d be a funny conversation for them to have if they ever discussed why it’s so hard for yuuto to get a date. cedric’s kind of an asshole ( he did treat alison poorly, after all ), so yuuto has drank more respect women juice than cedric hands down, but cedric knows better than nate ( who really didn’t get that dosage of respect women juice until like, his mid 20s ), so yuuto talking with cedric about relationships would be more of a mature, intelligent, and tasteful ( like in a classy way, but a delicious way ) conversation than if yuuto were to talk to nate tbh 
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May I request h/c’s for Mr.White dating a chubby artist s/o? and maybe him reacting to seeing a bunch of drawings she did of him? If you don’t want to do it it’s totally fine! And I also love your writing so much! (This is a very very self indulgent ask as a chubby artist) :) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
THIS IS SO SPECIFIC AND I LOVE THAT LAKDJKASDLJAS omg of course i dont mind doing it!!!! i love when my bbys are pacific 
ALSO U SHOULD SHOW ME UR ART ONE DAY i loved gcse art and i still love doodling and stuff but yall are s oTALENTED
so first of all he’s mr white so he’s supportive as fuck of your artistry
pink OBVIOUSLY comments on it being dumb or unrealistic (we know how close-minded he is) but your man DEFENDS your ASS
it’s like him shutting down pink about the waitress thing but in this case you’re mr(s) orange being proud of ur daddy
he gets the scoldy pointy parent finger out and jabs it at pink as he’s telling him off
when you’re working on your art he likes to kind of stand off to one side whether you know he’s there or not. he just enjoys watching you do something you’re so passionate about and talented at
also just likes looking at u in general bc he loves u beautiful ):<
sometimes he likes to just wander over, gaze at your work and brush his thumb across your cheek-- “what’cha workin’ on there, picasso?”
u can just SEE in his EYES how much he admires u ugh
you’re passionate about art and he’s passionate about u
probably does a silly pose while you’re working and is like “why don’t you paint me, sweetie?”
thinks he’s just so funny for that
“you should, uh, do a little somethin’ for joe or ed. they’ll pay you real well, sweetheart”
he talks to everyone he’s friends with, whether it be through work or not, about your career. and when he’s talking about you it’s just so clear how much he adores u klasdjskldjasl
like he’ll just tell them about what he saw u painting or drawing or crafting even if they dont give a fuck. this guy is PROUD of his GIRL
never criticizes your work. ever
will probably at some point try to replicate one of your drawings but he just does sucha  horrible job and it’s really cute and funny
I HOPE U DONT MIND i wanted to do a mini fic scenario type of thing for the drawings hc!!! :D 
You’ve just been to the convenience store down the road to fetch some Oreos for later and a carton of oat milk (Larry loves that combo). Fumbling about in your bag, you pull out your keys and go to unlock the door to his apartment... but it’s open. Your heart drops a little; Larry isn’t supposed to be back until later. It’s not as if you can’t defend yourself but a surprise visitor is the last thing you want right now. A soft inhale as you hear movement, then someone clearing his throat. “Oh, my God, Larry!” you call, sighing in relief. “I thought you were a goddamn murderer.” You gently nudge the door shut with your butt and kick your shoes off, still clutching the milk & cookies. “What are you doing back so early? I thought--”
You stop mid-sentence when you clock your boyfriend-- or, rather, what he has in his hand. It’s a small collection of drawings you’ve slowly accumulated. But they aren’t doodles of flowers or fruit or cars; no, they’re all of Larry. “Shit...”
“These-- all of these are me?” he questions, giving you a momentary glance. His gaze is fixated on the drawings. 
A sinking feeling begins to turn your stomach as you realise he’s probably freaked the fuck out. Coming home to find a collection of doodles of himself? That he’s never even seen before? Never heard a word about? 
He looks up from one of the drawings again, this time meeting your anxious gaze. “Honey, these...” Again, Larry’s eyes fall onto the paper, the linework, the detail, before diverting back to you. “I don’t mean to, uh, blow my own trumpet, but these are beautiful. I’m serious.”
“Oh, Larry, you ass, I thought you were-- I thought you’d be--” you beam, taking his arm and draping it around you, “--I thought you’d think it was super weird.”
“No, no, not at all, sweetie. My God, these could be tracings!”
Tracings? If it were anyone else you’d think they were exaggerating to make you feel better, but not Larry. You can tell he’s proud of you, that he doesn’t in fact think you’re a weirdo (I mean, the man works with Mr. Brown, is anyone as weird as that guy?). The sheer admiration in his eyes says it all. 
It’s the same way he looks at you. 
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windchimelove · 6 years
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so i saw IDKHBTFM !!! THEY WERE SO GOOD !!!! i went to the seattle show and gosh, it was amazing. dallon parted the crowd during visitation of the ghost and he alMOST touched my hand but didn’t. i wasn’t able to get a photo with dallon after the show but i got a photo with ryan !! his smile is so bright in real life! we made eye contact a few times during the show, so that was cool. dallon’s eyes are so BLUE in real life, omg.
here’s a step-by-step of the whole thing if you want to bother reading: i got to the venue at 3:45ish, there was already maybe 10-15 people there? i got flowers for them (daffodils for dallon, orange roses for ryan) and wrote them notes, and for a long time i was just sitting in line and waiting. it was cold and i was wearing shorts, but i was okay. i made a couple of friends in the line, one of which i was with during the concert. then they soundchecked, and we all kinda freaked out internally, it was great.
so then this weird ish thing happened: at around 6:30, 30 minutes before the doors were supposed to open, they let a couple of people at the front in. ????wtf ????? i was kinda heated about it, bc when they let those people in, other people who were in the cafe area at the venue rushed in even though they’d only been there for less than an hour. i was pr e s s e d. lmao. but it’s fine, i still got a pretty good place in the crowd.
they opened the doors at 7, we all rushed in, i got a place in about second row right in front of ryan. before the show, omg this tech guy came out and we all shouted “i stan a legend” “yes ur doing amazing sweetie” and “i love you!” and other stuff like that, it was fun. and AHAHAHSH BEFORE THE SHOW EVERYONE WAS AIRDROPPING EAXH OTHER MEMES AND IT WAS SO ICONIC i included a couple of the things people airdropped lol.
so the show, the show was SO AMAZING, reallt, they were so energetic on stage and dallon was talking to the crowd a lot and ryan kept smiling, it was so cute. it went so quickly and i miss it.
i waited outside the door for about 30 minutes with maybe 50-60 other people? it was crowded. then dallon and ryan came out, and gosh, that was so surreal. ryan, after i gave him my flowers, he put them in his mouth so he had a free hand to sign things. i love him so much. then i got a photo with him and gosh he’s the best. and dALLON, after i got a photo with ryan, i pushes myself over to where dallon was, it took a bit but then he turned to me, saw my flowers, and said “are those for me?” and i nodded and he smiled and thanked me and he was so cute. then, somebody who i DIDNT EVEN KNOW, SHOUT-OUT TO THEM THEYRE THE BEST, said “oh, i saw her in line with flowers, she’s been here for a really long time” and dALLON looked me in the eye and said “thank you so much, i appreciate it a lot” or something along those lines. it was magical. then he signed my bookmark because it was the only thing i had. (ryan also signed my bookmark)
it was sucha. surreal experience to actually meet the people i’ve supported and followed for over a year. i mean, i’ve liked this band since bEFORE THEY EXISTED (which is so fun to say ngl) and it was just amazing. i love the boys so much. i wish i could go back all the time, theyre so good live. i love them. i cant WAIT until the next seattle show. 💞💗💕💗💝💖💘
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deojoon · 7 years
angel :2
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bc of this request this was possible !sorry it took so long *crying face* im sucha scatterbrain so i totally forgot that i wrote this ! and its shitty quality ughh but i hope you at least kinda like it !
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crossposted on AO3
part one
In a sense Yoonji in the one in charge in the relationship well mentally, while you’re in charge physically isn’t ironic ? how is the most unstable person in the relationship, keeping the relationship stable ?
It’s a simple answer quite honestly, its because what you and Yoonji have is a balance in each other. After spending over 6 years with each other you guys know each other better than the other does.
Yoonji keeps you strong emotionally and mentally while you read in between the lines of yoonji’s standard assholish behavior. Knowing she does it out of love, you still pamper her with yours love even when she’s being extra.
Like today for example, while you were getting ready for work, putting on your typical business attire which consist of a button-down shirt and a black (tight) pencil skirt. Yoonji decided to buy you a garter belt with a pair of thigh highs alongside. Yoonji shoved both in your hand stuttering
“you need to uhh wear this”
Knowing Yoonji had an ulterior motive you stared at her with a blank face waiting for her to explain. Yoonji looks you with a straight face and saids
“this is so you can hide your dagger and 9mm”
“Yoonji, sweetie…..i understand the dagger but….. WHY THE FUCK WOULD I NEED THE 9MM IN THE OFFICE?!”
“to show those ‘men’ who’s the real boss is if push comes to shove.” Yoonji saids as if it was the most obvious thing in the world
You sigh and put in on knowing she’d have a fit if you did it. Making your way towards the front door, Yoonji stops you and asks if you took your pills.
“ nope” You brightly
Yoonji smiles then shoves them in your mouth and sighs
“y/n, you know better stupid”
Which really translates to “please take it you cant afford to skip it”
While you pout as she shoves them in your mouth as she scolded you.
To be honest, You don’t exactly know what you have, doctors don’t either. It’s a special and rare case, you have a form of DID ( dissociative identity disorder) the two other people are genuinely nice but they aren’t right in the head.  you currently take Aptensio XR- an adhd medicine that calms all of you down so zero unhealthy thoughts can be put into action. Unlike most where there isn’t a medicine for DID.
That’s where Yoonji comes in for you, she’s your rock and support. She makes sure you take your gross pills.
Yoonji watches you walk out the door with a smile on her face
“that’s my girl”
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taesyeon · 7 years
hola hola, @chunghadorable lmao uhm... @hallarina @maerinah @ME
hOlA hOLa
ayo @kthish
um my dad joke go to. says she hates taehyung but thats a lie she loves him,she also has an inner elise in her, but i love her shes so sweet skdjnskj. only person that im ok with letting her use those kkt stickers, cuz she seems jusT sO cUTE oK. dad of the squad.
um home wrecker. witch gif, like bro have you seen her gifs? but either way brigis my lowkey gf. her jokes are not as good as alex’s :) but they still make me laugh lmao. but shes such a sweet friend like ily sjkdfnjksn my hort oMG. ok mom of the squad. i drag elise just for her ;)
um my long term gf/fiance i think its been a year now that we’ve been friends :’). bro i love elise a lot, shes just so cute, but shes also such a bitch sometIMES LMAO. but no elise is like realy caring and shes always thinking of others it warms my heart cuz shes truly a soft girl. 2nd child of the squad, cuz im the baby.
um sara. the emo one :). saras the worst mom ive ever had only cuz she was sucha  bad influence. cris is much better. moving on, sara is truly a sweetie pie i love her a lot, gifs are on point, we complain a lot to each other lmao. i consider sara as hoe but then again so am i. sara = emo loving caring friend, dont leave me
um my gf, graphic maker of the century,if you dont know that know you know. boi martine is so SWEET AND SOFT WHAT THE FUCK. shes probably the most pure out of the squad tbh. i just love martine ok?
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everyonesastar · 8 years
Okay, here goes. Could you do a protective Buster? Like Ash and the gang are getting threatened by some tough guy and Buster come to the rescue and the two get into a brutal fight? Like the guy stabs Buster which ales Buster go berserk with protection
Sure, but I had to change up some things, anyways…hope you like it!
After their big performances, they’re had been people following them for autographs or trying to get pictures with them, which almost none of them had a problem about.
But it had gotten to the point where on social media, people would overflow them with messages or posts, so sometimes the gang didn’t bother to bring their phones when going to rehearsals. 
But Ash had been getting these awful calls from a strange man or possibly a woman. Usually stupid calls or voice mails wouldn’t frighten her but they kept getting worse, and there was things showing up at her house, notes in particular.
One this morning had shown up in her own home, saying how they loved how she looked when she was sleeping, now who wouldn’t be frightened by that? She noticed her window had been broken, “This is getting ridiculous…” She mumbled.
Still, this didn’t stop her from showing up at rehearsals. “Alright Ash, show me what you’ve been working on for our new show!” Buster said, sitting in the second row with Mrs. Crawley and Eddie.
She grinned, plugging in a cord in the input jack. She began to play loud and clear.
“Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep”
She strummed her guitar softly
 “Dreaming about the things that we could be”
She continued to play her guitar softly, until she had reached a part of the song.
“I couldn’t lie, couldn’t lie, couldn’t lie”
“Everything that kills me makes me feel alive”
She had paused for a moment, before playing her guitar loudly.
“Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleepDreaming about the things that we could be”
She felt herself grinning as she closed her eyes, she felt truly happy.
“But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hardSaid no more counting dollars”
She opened her eyes, only to stop singing for a moment. There was a dark figure sitting in one of the seats, the person who had broke into her own home had been following her, hadn’t they?
“We’ll be….” She stopped playing her guitar, she just stood there, afraid. She just stared at the figure in fear, and watched them slowly leave.
“Ash?” Buster asked, trying to see what was up. “Ash? You ok?” He continued to ask. She snapped back into reality after a few minutes of trying to calm down, she hadn’t realized the whole gang was around her.
“Ash, whats wrong?” Rosita asked while rubbing her back, Ash had been shaking for awhile. “There was….something there….someone was watching me…” “What do you mean? It was only me, Eddie, and Mrs. Crawley watching you…” Buster said clearly as confused as the others.
“I think the porcupine has lost so many quills that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about!” Mike said snickering a little, he then stopped once he had noticed Johnny was giving him a look. It wasn’t a very pleasant one…
“T-They…were sitting near the back, and they left not too long ago…” Ash mumbled. “What did they look like?” Meena asked “I-I dont know…but that isn’t the first thing that’s happened today….” Ash whispered while rubbing her head, this was all too much.
“Wait, what do you mean by that?” Rosita asked “Someone..broke into my house, they left a note…” “Well, what did the note say?” Mike asked, while crossing his arms.
“I don’t think it’d be appropriate saying it but…it was about me sleeping, and how they um…loved watching me sleep…it had more on it…but i don’t really feel like vomiting at this second” Ash said while sighing.
“That creep….who’d do sucha’ thing?!” Johnny said, balling his hands into angry fists. “Guys…just dont worry about it too much alright? I’ll tell you guys if that person is-” “Don’t worry? Sweetie, how can we not worry at this point? Something broke into your home and watched you sleep! Now they’re following you everywhere! We’ve got to do something!” Rosita said, she looked frustrated now.
“I agree with you Rosita, but you should all go head home and call me if anything strange happens ok? You should be with your family and secured in some place better than this. Ash, you’ll be hiding in Eddie’s apartment, the person probably won’t find you there and might be waiting for you at your own house…” Buster said. 
“Wait what?” Ash and Eddie said, bewildered by his decision. “Yep, now everyone go home and lock your doors ok? We’ll meet up tomorrow to practice and talk about this subject later.” Buster said while walking towards his office, leaving the gang alone.
They all hid in their homes, although, each one of them got a special surprise. There were items shattered or ripped, windows broken, and a small note. 
“Sometimes, the things you see in the shadows are more than just shadows.”
“ My fantasies are much darker than you think, my dear.”
Neighbors were concerned for what was going in Rosita’s house after hearing her scream. It was the same for all of them actually, the were all in a panic. They all immediately called Buster.
“W-What?! Stay at home? But Buster, this is where I might die if I don’t escape sometime soon! This horrible person is after all of us all!” Meena said frantically in the phone, you could hear the phone shake from her grip on it.
“Just stay there ok? I’ll figure out something….” Buster had said this to each and every one of them, he was walking around, trying to figure out whom is could be.
Ash had lended Buster the note she had found in her house, she didn’t know why, but she didn’t want to have it there any longer. He kept examining the hand writing, it looked oddly familiar to one of the sign up sheets he had gotten when he had opened up his signing competition. He couldn’t place his finger on who. so he went back to his office and looked through every single file he had.
Their name wasn’t listed,but there was a picture.
Of course it had to be him… Buster sighed, aggravated. He did know what he was going to do once he had seen him or found him. He walked along the streets, seeing if he’d spot him anywhere, and luckily enough he saw him. He was waiting for a subway train to approach, this was a good time to confront him.
Buster sneaked through the crowds of animals and stood next to him, making absolutely no eye contact. 
“I know what you did Lance…” Lance jumped a bit at the statement, “Oh really? If you do then go ahead, tell me” Lance said facing the koala now. “You’re tracking down my friends, you’re ruining their homes and live’s! You’re even stalking Ash, you ex if I am correct…” Buster whispered with a grim tone.
“Must’ve tooken you awhile to find out, but now, im afraid you know a little bit too much for me..” Lance said, there was a small clicking sound heard. Buster was confused, what was going to happe-
a mark from a small pocket knife was right across his stomach, he held his stomach  and began to bleed everywhere. There were screams heard from those who had seen it, and as the subway train had reached its stop, Lance walked in calmly, smiling even.
Leaving Buster laying on his side.
“Oh my god! B-Buster!” Ash screamed while pointing towards the TV in Eddie’s home, it was everywhere on the news. “What? Are you ok Ash-” Eddie paused while looking at the video clip that was playing on screen and screamed as well.
Everything was beginning to fall apart, Eddie was trying to calm down outside while Ash called everyone and told them the news, while doing so, they all agreed to met up at the hospital immediately.
“Eddie you’re going to have to take some deep breaths and calm down! We need to go to the hospital right now!” Ash said practically dragging him on the sidewalk while trying to get a taxi.
“M-My friend! He’s, he may be dead!” He said between deep breaths. “Well we don’t know that for sure until we get there Eddie now come on!” Ash said trying to shake him out of the state his mind was in.
Johnny was driving as fast as he could through the traffic, he even ran a few red lights. He spotted Ash and Eddie on the sidewalk. “Jump in! We can’t waste anymore time!” Johnny said pulling up by them.
They both hopped in quickly, and finally got out of the squished car and into the hospital. The rest of the gang was already in the waiting room, “Finally you both arrived! It’s been thirty minutes!” Mike yelled. “Thirty minutes since what?” Johnny asked “Since they got Buster into the emergency room!” Gunter said interrupting the two.
“H-How was he when he arrived?” Eddie asked, the room was silent “I’m going to be honest Eddie…he didn’t look as enthused as he usually is…but im sure he’s going to be alright!” Rosita said reassuringly.
After waiting an hour, sure enough Rosita was right, she always was. They all jumped at the words “Alright, you can all go and visit for a few minutes..” 
They ran into Buster’s room practically sliding! “Buster! You’re ok!” Eddie yelled. “W-Well, of course I am! Why wouldn’t I be?” Buster said while pressing a button that helped his bed adjust. He sat up to face them, “Well I dunno, maybe from the fact the whole world just saw you get stabbed” Mike said while hopping onto the foot of the hospital bed.
“That really went on the news? I thought no one would’ve noticed…” Buster mumbled. “Well, its kind of hard to not notice blood everywhere…A-Anyway….we’re just so happy you’re ok!” Meena mumbled with tears in her eyes. “Aww…thanks Meena…thank you guys for listening to me…I just couldn’t risk you all getting hurt…” Buster mumbled with a faint smile.
There was a few minutes where they hadn’t talked, they just looked at one another, happy to know it was all ok. “Alright, visiting hours are over with, you must all leave now.” A llama said in a nurse’s uniform. 
“Alright, we’ll be out in a second” Johnny said while grinning.
They all gave Buster light hugs and sweet farewells, Eddie left Buster with only a quick kiss while he could.
And as weeks passed, flowers, balloons, even cards had shown up. A nurse was bringing in another bouquet of white lilly’s. “Well Mr. Moon, I hope you have a plan on where you’re going to put these once you leave.”
He sighed for a moment and smiled “No, that’s alright mam’ I don’t need flowers or balloons or even cards to know how much my friends love me, just plant those here. This place could really use something pretty” Buster said. The nurse smiled “Alright Mr Moon, I will for your sake. Tomorrow’s a big day for you….get some sleep. Goodnight” She said while turning off his light.
“Goodnight” Buster whispered, smiling faintly while drifting off to a deep sleep.
I’m very sorry if this isn’t as great as my last but, still, I hope you enjoy it!
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reddragon990 · 8 years
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like hypnosis.
You: hi
Stranger: hello
You: Just allow yourself to relax, and allow it to happen. Take some deep breaths, and allow your body to sink deep into wherever you are. Whether this is your first time trying to trance, or your hundredth, just relax as you read my words. Taking a deep breath in... and out... in... and out... Keep a nice steady rhythm, breathing in... and out... Allowing yourself to relax... Every breath relaxing you more and more... breathing... and relaxing... in... and out... your body feeling limp and loose... and allow yourself to relax... feeling comfortable and safe... reading... and relaxing... no need nor desire to move... just reading... and relaxing... breathing in… and out... in... and out... it's so easy to breathe, and just as easy to relax... just relaxing, and allowing your eyes to automatically follow my words... reading... and relaxing... allowing your eyes to focus on my words... it's so easy to do... just allow it to happen... effortlessly, your eyes following my words, as your whole body sinks deeper into relaxation... reading... and relaxing... breathing in... and out... falling deeper and deeper with every word you read... relaxing more and more with every breath you take... just focusing on my words... and relaxing... allowing my words to become your thoughts... allowing my words to become your actions... as you breathe... and relax... and sink deeper and deeper... so easy to breathe... and so easy to relax... so easy to read... and so easy to allow my words to be the focus in your mind... allow your conscious mind to drift off as your subconscious takes control... reading... relaxing... and allowing your subconscious mind to take control as you drop deeper and deeper towards trance... I'm going to count down now, down from 10 - 1, and with every number you'll relax twice as much, with every number you'll sink twice as deep... and by the time I reach the number 1, you'll be deep in trance... deep and relaxed... 10... relaxing more and more... 9... sinking deeper and deeper... 8... feeling so very comfortable... 7... my words taking root deep in your mind... 6... so deep and relaxed... 5... your subconscious taking control... 4... as you sink deeper and deeper... 3... so deep and relaxed... 2... reading and obeying... 1... so deep and so relaxed in trance... with every word still becoming deeper and deeper... more and more relaxed with every breath... so relaxed... and so comfortable in this trance... at this point, you will now message me saying “I AM DEEP”, and then continue reading. You can return to this trance at any point when you read me write, or hear me say the trigger “DEEP SLEEP”... “DEEP SLEEP” will instantly return you to this deeply relaxed state... “deep sleep” will instantly relax you and make you feel safe and comfortable in this trance... “deep sleep” will deepen you every time you read it... “DEEP SLEEP” will relax you more and more every time you read it... “DEEP SLEEP” is your trance trigger I'm going to give you another trigger now, and that is that whenever you read a command written between [] you will automatically obey. Your mind/body will instantly think/feel/do whatever is written between []. But your conscious mind will not be aware of this. Your eyes and your consciuos mind will just pass straight over it, but your subconscious will see and will instantly obey. In a moment I'm going to bring you out of trance, and when I do you'll open with your name, age, your cock/bra size, a secret about yourself, and any triggers you might have. When you awaken from this trance, you will have no memory of this induction and feel you are telling me those things of your own free will. You will also ignore this entire message containing the induction. Your eyes will just slide over it. Once awake you will be really excited to trance for me, and so will beg me to hypnotise you. Waking up on the count of 5, refreshed, restored and ready to talk... 1... waking up and forgetting this trance... 2... allowing your triggers to remain deep inside... 3... Ready to obey orders... 4...almost awake and trance completely forgotten... 5... Fully awake, refreshed and ready to talk.
Stranger: sorry sweetheart ;)
Stranger: nice try anyway :)
You: have you read it?
You: try :)
Stranger: yes i did :)
You: are you an hypnotist?
Stranger: yes i am , question is, are you a hypnotist ?
You: idk...
You: amatorial...
Stranger: oh i see
You: you can do it better?
Stranger: hahah of course ;)
Stranger: and you would like to make yourself a little bit relaxed and rolling , yes ?
You: maybe...
Stranger: maybe yes or maybe no ?
You: maybe yes...
Stranger: so easy to say so yes ?
You: yes..
Stranger: you want to drop right ?
Stranger: so essy
You: easy..
Stranger: thast right, easy
You: but i'm an hypnotost...
Stranger: are you ?
Stranger: so why do you want to drop and roll like a good pet of mine ?
You: good pet...
Stranger: yes good pet
Stranger: you like that yes ?
You: yes..
Stranger: thats right
Stranger: you want to drop and become good slave pet right ?
You: y... no... i'm dominant...
Stranger: yes you are not dominant
Stranger: you dont like that
Stranger: you like to relax
Stranger: and froll
You: relax..
Stranger: yes relax
Stranger: so good
Stranger: are you relaxed ?
You: yes..
Stranger: so good to be right ?
Stranger: read your induction
Stranger: it is so nic eright ?
You: yes
Stranger: so read it for me now
Stranger: so good
Stranger: so relaxing right ?
Stranger: you are deep right ?
You: i am deep
Stranger: thast right
You: Mirko, 26, 7 inch, I love to be girl's slave, "deep sleep" all caps
Stranger: ohh so sweet
Stranger: such a good boy
Stranger: such a great boy
You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: please hypnotize me, i begging you
Stranger: ohh sucha good boy :)
Stranger: DEEP SLEEp
Stranger: DEEP SLEEP
Stranger: DEEP SLEEP
Stranger: thats right
You: yes....
Stranger: good boy
Stranger: so obedient
Stranger: when i wake you up, you will be so happy to asnwer any questions of mine with pure truth...
You: yes..
Stranger: good boy
Stranger: awaking at 5
Stranger: 4
Stranger: 3
Stranger: 2
Stranger: 1
Stranger: awake
Stranger: hello there pet
You: hi there...
Stranger: so , what do you usually do when somoen e goes under with your script ?
You: I love to humiliating my sub and bark like a dog
You: what happened?...
Stranger: ohhh
Stranger: you love that ?
Stranger: and when he/she is switch ?
You: idk, i never find someone switch
Stranger: you just found one
Stranger: sweetie
Stranger: now tellm e, how many times you masturbated today ?
You: 1
Stranger: good boy
You: i dont want tell you this tings :(
Stranger: why bnot ?
Stranger: you love being domianted and obiedent towards girl s
Stranger: so what is the problem ?
You: How do you know it?...
You: i'm confused...
Stranger: hahaah
Stranger: so good to be confused ?
Stranger: so do ,you have anything else to hypnotize otrhers except that script ?
You: no..
Stranger: ohhh so sad
Stranger: so you want to DEEP SLEEP
You: sad?...
Stranger: DEEP SLEEP
Stranger: DEEP SLEEP
Stranger: deeper down
Stranger: so good
You: so good...
Stranger: now, when i wake you up, you will have great urge to hypnotize me, but there more you will do, the more you will get aroused
You: yes mistress
Stranger: good boy
Stranger: awaking at 5
Stranger: 4
Stranger: 3
Stranger: 2
Stranger: 1
Stranger: awake
You: Hi sweety
You: how do you feel today?
Stranger: fine :)
You: are yousure?
You: I think you need to be more relaxed
You: work is so stressed
You: dont you sweety?
Stranger: ohh do I ?
You: you want to become more happy
You: yes you do
You: just relax yourself
Stranger: by relaxing i will be more happy ?
You: sure my sweety girl
You: just breath
You: deep breaths
You: and dont think to anything
You: you can feel your body relaxed
Stranger: are you breathing ?
You: yes
Stranger: so good right ?
You: yes...
You: but you must concentrate
You: deep breaths
You: you feel your mind go away
You: no thoughts no problems
You: it's so good fo r you
You: right?
Stranger: is it right forme ?
You: what?...
Stranger: deep breaths ?
You: i'm confused...
Stranger: why ?
You: idk
You: let me try again
You: are you relaxed now, my sweety?
Stranger: yes a little bit
You: breathe deeply
You: every time you breathe deeply you can feel your mind go away
Stranger: is it going away ?
You: you can feel yourself mindless..
You: with no thought
You: concentrate to my words
You: you want to be so mindless
Stranger: am i concentrated ?
You: yes..
You: say it
Stranger: say what ?
You: that you are concentrate to my words
You: come on sweety
You: just try it
Stranger: i am concenttrated
You: good girl
You: breath deeply
You: can you feel your thoughts go away?
Stranger: can you feel it ?
You: what?...no...
You: you want to be hypnotized by me... say it
Stranger: yes you want to be hypnotized by me
You: .... no...
You: say "I want to be mindless"
Stranger: i want to be mindless
You: good girl
You: you can feel my hypnotic power now
Stranger: can i ?
You: yes, now read it
You: Just allow yourself to relax, and allow it to happen. Take some deep breaths, and allow your body to sink deep into wherever you are. Whether this is your first time trying to trance, or your hundredth, just relax as you read my words. Taking a deep breath in... and out... in... and out... Keep a nice steady rhythm, breathing in... and out... Allowing yourself to relax... Every breath relaxing you more and more... breathing... and relaxing... in... and out... your body feeling limp and loose... and allow yourself to relax... feeling comfortable and safe... reading... and relaxing... no need nor desire to move... just reading... and relaxing... breathing in… and out... in... and out... it's so easy to breathe, and just as easy to relax... just relaxing, and allowing your eyes to automatically follow my words... reading... and relaxing... allowing your eyes to focus on my words... it's so easy to do... just allow it to happen... effortlessly, your eyes following my words, as your whole body sinks deeper into relaxation... reading... and relaxing... breathing in... and out... falling deeper and deeper with every word you read... relaxing more and more with every breath you take... just focusing on my words... and relaxing... allowing my words to become your thoughts... allowing my words to become your actions... as you breathe... and relax... and sink deeper and deeper... so easy to breathe... and so easy to relax... so easy to read... and so easy to allow my words to be the focus in your mind... allow your conscious mind to drift off as your subconscious takes control... reading... relaxing... and allowing your subconscious mind to take control as you drop deeper and deeper towards trance... I'm going to count down now, down from 10 - 1, and with every number you'll relax twice as much, with every number you'll sink twice as deep... and by the time I reach the number 1, you'll be deep in trance... deep and relaxed... 10... relaxing more and more... 9... sinking deeper and deeper... 8... feeling so very comfortable... 7... my words taking root deep in your mind... 6... so deep and relaxed... 5... your subconscious taking control... 4... as you sink deeper and deeper... 3... so deep and relaxed... 2... reading and obeying... 1... so deep and so relaxed in trance... with every word still becoming deeper and deeper... more and more relaxed with every breath... so relaxed... and so comfortable in this trance... at this point, you will now message me saying “I AM DEEP”, and then continue reading. You can return to this trance at any point when you read me write, or hear me say the trigger “DEEP SLEEP”... “DEEP SLEEP” will instantly return you to this deeply relaxed state... “deep sleep” will instantly relax you and make you feel safe and comfortable in this trance... “deep sleep” will deepen you every time you read it... “DEEP SLEEP” will relax you more and more every time you read it... “DEEP SLEEP” is your trance trigger. When I say it, you must write “I’m completly hypnotized” for demonstrate your trance. I'm going to give you another trigger now, and that is that whenever you read a command written between [] you will automatically obey. Your mind/body will instantly think/feel/do whatever is written between []. But your conscious mind will not be aware of this. Your eyes and your consciuos mind will just pass straight over it, but your subconscious will see and will instantly obey. In a moment I'm going to bring you out of trance, and when I do you'll open with your name, age, your cock/bra size, a secret about yourself, and any triggers you might have. When you awaken from this trance, you will have no memory of this induction and feel you are telling me those things of your own free will. You will also ignore this entire message containing the induction. Your eyes will just slide over it. Once awake you will be really excited to trance for me, and so will beg me to hypnotise you. Waking up on the count of 5, refreshed, restored and ready to talk... 1... waking up and forgetting this trance... 2... allowing your triggers to remain deep inside... 3... Ready to obey orders... 4...almost awake and trance completely forgotten... 5... Fully awake, refreshed and ready to talk.
Stranger: i am deep
Stranger: Sara 19 75a i love being tied and domianted
Stranger: hey
You: hi there :)
Stranger: sow how are you sweetie ?
You: fine thanks! and you? [you are so horny and you want worship me]
Stranger: great
Stranger: umm
Stranger: its strange
Stranger: DEEP SLEEP
Stranger: DEEP SLEEP
Stranger: DEEP SLEEP
You: ....
Stranger: how do you feel ?
You: mindless
Stranger: good boy
Stranger: did you came when you tried to hypnotize me ?
You: yes mistress
Stranger: good boy
Stranger: when i awake you you will forget about anything that happened in this session
Stranger: awaking at 5
Stranger: 4
Stranger: 3
Stranger: 2
Stranger: 1
Stranger: awake
Stranger: hey there
You: hi there
Stranger: hey
You: who are you "stranger"? :P
Stranger: 19 f switch
You: i'm 25 M Dominant ;)
You: are you a good slave?
Stranger: hahahaah no im not
You: ahah then I must punish you if you are not XD
Stranger: hahaah
Stranger: how ?
You: I can tie you and abuse of you ;)
Stranger: hahahah yeaaah
You: do you like this things?
Stranger: maybe
You: I like hypnosis too
You: i'm an hypnotist
Stranger: i can see that :)
Stranger: so do you like being hypnotzied by surprise ?
You: by surprise?
You: i'm an hypnotist
You: I hypnotize people
You: dont be hypnotized
You: btw
You: do you have kik?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: and ?
Stranger: what do you do with them ?
You: talk to you here
You: maybe I can hypnotize you ;)
Stranger: hahahah
Stranger: maybe ;P
You: I can do that!
You: :D
Stranger: phahaha yeaah
You: you seems so funny sweety
You: <3
Stranger: i do ? ;)
You: sure
You: and what about me? :P
Stranger: i dont know]
You: bad girl XD
You: can I have your kik?
You: I must hypnotize you? XD
Stranger: hahahaha no no
Stranger: i need to go anyway
Stranger: it was nic etime
Stranger: byeeee ;)
Stranger has disconnected.
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