#and even under the mind flayer she was still caring towards Billy LMAO
girlblogger666 · 2 years
I miss Heather a lot :(
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lesbianrobin · 4 years
What do you think of steve and robin and Jonathan amd nancy sharing a storyline together? I dont think its actually gonna happen, but hypothetically how do you think it would go?
God, I wish the four of them would have a storyline together! I think that it would be incredibly fun to see them investigating some sort of mystery, especially if it had something to do with the Russian plot from S3. I think that a Steve/Robin/Nancy/Jonathan team would be SO full of interesting relationship dynamics that I’ll try and explore really quick.
Robin and Nancy: Nancy’s canonically a little hostile to Robin during their brief interaction in the mall, Robin canonically thinks Nancy is a bit of a priss, and they’re both rather headstrong, so I think there’s a good chance that they’d clash pretty spectacularly if they were working together and disagreed on something. There’s also the fact that Robin is canonically rather protective of Steve, and Nancy “broke his heart.” If he’s told her about what happened in S2, then I could see her vague “hm she’s a priss” feelings about Nancy growing into genuine dislike. Then again, Robin was being pretty friendly to Nancy when they met in the mall, and she saw Nancy staying in place and firing at Billy before Steve rammed the car, so she might actually respect her! Nancy didn’t recognize Robin at the mall even though they’re in the same grade at school and likely have classes together. This might contribute to some potential issues, as Robin’s clearly a little upset about Steve overlooking her in high school and she’s insecure about being “invisible.” There are a lot of unknowns between the two of them, and I personally like to write them as being pretty passive-aggressive with each other and sharing a mutual dislike because I think it’s funny, but in canon they could go in a lot of different directions! 
Robin and Jonathan: God, I just know these two would be GOLD together. There’s honestly a good chance that they already know each other, considering that they’re the same age, go to the same school, and are both sorta social outcasts. Maybe they’ve worked on group projects together before, or sat at the same lunch table. They’re almost certainly aware of each other, which provides the potential for some interesting messing around with perceptions vs reality. Like, all Robin probably knows about Jonathan before S3 is that he’s the weird kid, he’s poor, his little brother went missing for a while and miraculously turned up alive when they thought he had died, and one time he beat Steve Harrington’s ass. She probably liked him after that lmao. After S3, she knows that Jonathan is all of the above, PLUS he “stole” Steve’s girlfriend, he’s fought monsters before, and he cut into a girl’s leg on a moment’s notice without any real hesitation. She probably thinks he’s some kind of stone-cold badass! It would be super fun to watch them get to know each other beyond those surface-level impressions, and I think they’d probably have a lot to talk about, seeing as they’re both canonically pretty into “alternative” music and obscure/cult films! I think that they’d probably end up getting into some intense debates about shit that Nancy and Steve don’t understand and it would be fun. Nancy and Steve might end up getting a little offended or jealous that their respective People are getting along so well, and that dynamic could be fun to see. I like writing Robin and Jonathan as having a pretty antagonistic friendship, where they rip on each other’s taste in music, movies, literature, etc, and toss around casual insults, but genuinely enjoy spending time together, but since they haven’t interacted really at all, canon could take them in any direction. Also, they’re both gay.
Robin and Steve: y’all know... y’all know!!! Steve and Robin would be in full best friend mode, working perfectly in tandem, and Nancy and Jonathan might even be intimidated by how “on the same page” they are. They’d also likely assume Steve and Robin were dating, which could lead to some funny interactions. Steve and Robin would provide a sturdy base of friendship and cooperation, allowing the rest of the group to have all the arguments and interpersonal drama that they want.
Steve and Nancy: GOD, I want to see how Steve and Nancy interact post-breakup! I think they’d be so awkward and funny. More than that, though, I think it would be fun to see how Robin and Jonathan factor into things. For example, Robin absolutely functions better with Steve than Nancy ever did, and it could be interesting for Nancy to watch the two of them together and see how Steve has changed since they dated. I also think that it would be interesting to see whether they fall back into familiar patterns or whether they’ve grown totally apart from each other. Do they casually touch each other and then pull back self-consciously when they remember? Do they avoid speaking to each other unless they have to, or do they play it cool? Does Steve recognize things from his own past while watching Nancy and Jonathan interact? They tend to approach things rather differently, so might they get into an argument about how to proceed with the mission? How would it escalate if they did? Would one of them bring up past transgressions? There’s SO MUCH left unsaid between the two of them, and Robin and Jonathan are the perfect people to have around to drive them to confront and discuss these things.
Steve and Jonathan: So, I ship Stonathan. Let’s just get that out of the way. I would love to see them bond and fall in love. Beyond that, though, speaking in terms of canon, I think that they would be a little awkward at first, but ultimately end up working really well together. Unlike Nancy and Robin who both tend to run headfirst into danger for fun, they both like to mind their own business until some shit comes up, and then they’ll do what they have to do to keep themselves and the people they care about safe. If they were united behind a common goal, I think they’d focus on that goal. There also isn’t really much for them to butt heads over, at this point, when you consider that their plans of action in emergency situations both tend to prioritize safety above all else and they’d probably not disagree over anything mission-related. Jonathan let out his frustrations over Steve’s S1 behavior, Steve apologized and saved Jonathan’s life, so that’s all cool between them. Steve doesn’t seem to harbor any hard feelings towards Jonathan after S2, even encouraging Nancy to go with Jonathan and support him when he and Joyce are headed to the cabin to burn the Mind Flayer out of Will, and he’s over Nancy now, so I don’t think that would really be an issue. Their interactions would be free of malice, and I think it could be fun to watch them bond and progress from awkward acquaintances to true friends!
Jonathan and Nancy: We already know that their relationship doesn’t fare too well under pressure, as evidenced by S3. Steve and Robin being in the mix would absolutely add to the pressure of whatever serious Russian/Upside-Down situation was at hand, so I think there’s a good chance they’d end up arguing again, and it would be INCREDIBLY uncomfortable for Steve and Robin! They would probably try to limit their romantic interactions in front of Steve, because that shit’s awkward, Jonathan is shy, and he and Nancy probably both still feel a little guilty about how things went down in S2. This would, of course, be weird, and Steve would be like “guys, seriously, I’m over it, you can kiss or whatever and I don’t care,” which would make things SO much more uncomfortable. It would be a mess! A fun one! 
So, TL;DR, I think there would be a lot of drama, a lot of discomfort, but also a lot of opportunity for characters who haven’t interacted yet much to bond! There would definitely be a blowout argument or two, most likely between Robin/Nancy or Nancy/Jonathan, with Steve attempting to mediate or break it up so they can focus on their mission. Robin and Jonathan would more or less get along. Steve would be extremely stressed the entire time, and it would be extremely fun (for us, not him). Overall, they would all have unique relationships with each other, and despite any drama they would certainly all risk their lives to keep the others safe, which I think would make for an incredibly dynamic and interesting group!
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