#but tbh this is the autism webbed site
lavenderjiang · 1 year
i love nie bros
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oceanlandworld · 2 years
there’s a post going around urging autistic people who lose the ability to speak when overwhelmed/overstimulated/otherwise go into states of “shutting down” to call ourselves “selectively mute” instead of nonverbal/semiverbal, based on the fact that there are differences in the stigma faced by and material needs of autistic people who cant speak at all or who have restricted speech regardless of context, and like, i get that fully and agree that differences in support needs and capabilities need to be discussed
but god. dont fucking call me “selectively mute”
there’s a *reason* arfid isnt called “selective eating disorder” anymore. there is a reason why most people don’t like self-describing with terms that imply a level of choice that does not exist
a friend suggested “situationally nonverbal” as a term which i really dont see a problem with; i do think there are different underlying mechanisms between not being able to speak or having restricted speech for neurological/developmental reasons vs not being able to speak during episodes of dissociation, and i think a lot of what people online describe as “going nonverbal” is the latter, but like. im not calling myself “selectively mute” no matter how hard you beg me on tumblr dot com
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cowvboyenema · 10 months
"wow dave shits getting kind of grim on this webbed site" yeah sorry i ran out of weed three days ago and tbh im not feeling my autism powers activating to make up the difference
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anubisystem · 2 years
My praxis has withered specifically re: image descriptions, I need to get back to doing those and prioritizing reblogs with them and ALSO I should start tagging the undescribed ones on my own webbed site page. Primarily note to self. Also practice moment - I wanna know if this is grammable . Regardless of if it is I’m still pending my decision about whether to use instagram ever again but LOOK at me posting my visage on the internet. So brave, so unprecedented.
ID: medium length blue haired white guy (transgender variety) in a darker blue hoodie does a bathroom mirror selfie with an iPhone. His eye line is off because he is making a TBH/autism creature expression.
Tumblr media
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myvirtuesuncounted · 2 years
Insane anon back okay so basically- I grew up in a VERY Christian household (as I'm sure you can imagine from the pig incident yes we're calling it that now) my grandparents are extremely Christian and nearly all of my aunts and uncles are too, and the ones who aren't still do stuff like "don't say oh my god it's disrespectful" and go to church if asked and whatever. My town is generally like this too so everywhere I go I'm most likely going to see or hear something to do with religion. So I didn't really pay much mind to religion considering I'm really little and too busy collecting Pokemon cards ponder the possibilities of heaven or hell, much less moral philosophy and ethics which we're led to believe is what gets us our sentences in the first place. So my school taught us religion, but we had to have our parents say if we could attend or not. Take a wild fucking guess what my parents then condemned me to. So then I had to show up to a religion class like every day to learn about God and such. Now, because my school had only labelled the subject "religion" and not "Christianity" (which is the only religion they even taught us, dickheads) my small child brain registered that religion = Christianity and they're just two interchangeable words for each other. Which is, to say the least, not correct. But I didn't know that I was 8 and so I went on like this for admittedly longer than I should have qeygdjoaudgjldugas but anyway- I learnt all about Jesus and Mary and God and everything there was to know. Well when I say learnt I really mean "picked up as much information as I could" cuz let's face it teaching a religion class to a herd of 8 year olds who have had next to no prior experience to religion is pretty much just "yeah tbh I would murder my brother too I get it" "I wonder if Jesus played bass I feel like he would" "mr religion teacher what's a virgin and why is Mary one?" So yeah fun. But then eventually religion class ended for the term. Except. I was friends with a few other kids who were Muslim and Buddhist and Hindu and other religions that weren't Christian. And keep in mind I still don't know there's more than one religion I think it's just another word for Christianity. So while they're sharing their experiences with their gods and traditions and such, I'm registering it all as one big thing. And so my small child brain is like "oh I guess there must be just a bunch of different gods in religion huh cool I wonder when lunch will end." So all this time I'm walking around with the idea of like every god to ever exist (yes even the what 500 I think Egyptian gods they had) just existing at the same time and this made complete sense to me. And Diya my friend I am going to be completely honest with you I didn't realise religion didn't just mean only Christianity until I was like 11 it's embarassing but true 😭 I also thought Islam was a country. I'm so glad no one on this webbed site knows my irl identity I don't know how I'd cope with you people having a name to put to this 😭😭😭 but yeah point is don't be a dumb shit like me and teach your kids what religion actually means please I can't stand the thought of there being more of this nonsense. Also my religion teacher didn't believe in evolution and thought David Attenborough was manipulating us all. Idk how he got that job. But yeah. Bonus story: I asked my religion teacher "wouldn't Jesus have been black because of the place where he was born, why am I seeing a bunch of skinny white people" and he told me to ask Jesus myself and gave me a colouring sheet and walked away and I'm 8 I don't know how to commune with all-knowing immortal beings so I just wrote yes and no on my eraser and flipped it a bunch of times. So yeah if you guys were wondering Jesus is a black trans man and he loves abortion and autism and hates billionaires this is a fact because I said so okay peace ✌️
this is why we hate religion classes that only teach christianity, and that last bit about jesus, preach 🙏
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