#but teh Moment food is in my mouth !!!! starving
hyunrun · 8 months
feeling hungry between 5pm and 5am feels so delicious but i feel like I'm dying if I'm hungry between 5am and 5pm T-T
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emerald-dragonflame · 3 years
Evergreen's Leit First Draft (Ch 1-5)
HEY! Y’all wanna see the first 5 chapters of Evergreen’s Leit? No? WELL TOO BAD, here they are anyways!
(note: this is very much a first draft, and things are liable to change drastically from the final product. Any constructive criticism is always welcome~)
(Also it's a lot shorter than it looks, sorry in advance)
Chapter 1
Scene One: The Village
(Start with a panning shot of The Village, see young Centaurs playing, women making clothing, tanning hide, and using a large mortar and pestle (the ones usually pulled by mules) being pulled by one of the larger Centaurs.
Cut to the Angakkuq’s (Shaman’s) Hut, we see Tali checking his arrow tips, Taqtu, his father and Angakkuq, pats him on the shoulder. )
(tiredness in his voice)
Taliriktug, don't tell me you’re going out. We still have work to do.
Yes, father, I am. (Gives a small smile) Is it too much to ask for you to call me by my nickname, instead?
A “nickname” isn’t your name. Besides, yours is a strong one. (Gives a shit eating grin) It should get a strong woman for you to marry. (*Taliriktug means strong armed man)
Centaurian women do not marry a man for his name, father. (Gives Taqtu a deadpan stare) Otherwise, mother would have never married you.
(looking offended)
Taqtu is a perfect name for me! She knew exactly what she was getting into! (*Taqtu means Kidney)
(Tali begins picking up his gear. His father stops him again. Placing a hand on Tali’s shoulder once more. )
I’m serious, though. Help me with these herbs first and then you can go hunting. The sun’s still out.
(mildly exasperated)
Can you not smell that, father? There is a storm coming, and we are in need of more food before winter comes. (Pushes father’s hand off) I can learn more medicine later, but for now, we should worry about not starving to death.
(Taqtu sighs, then nods.)
Alright, Taliriktug. I can’t keep you it seems. Just, please come back before dark. The Gods are angrier than usual.
Will do. I am sure the Gods will not refuse us food because they're (ahem) pissy.
Keep speaking like that and they just might. (Waves his hand) Just go.
(Tali nods and leaves the hut. He inhales and exhales with a smile, looking around his Village. The same children from the beginning run in front of Tali, almost tripping him and making him exclaim in surprise.
He chuckles, watching the little ones play without a care in the world.)
(He carries on into the woods.)
Scene 2: The Woods
(Tali walks alone in a mildly dense forest. He notices deer tracks and begins to follow them. Raising his head to see if he could smell it. )
(Grunts) Too far away… for now…
(He continues to follow the path of the deer. The “camera” showing him in different places in the woods. He raises his nose to the sky once more to finally catch a scent.)
(Gives a toothy grin) I have you now.
(Tali begins to trot a little faster. Bringing him closer and closer to the coast. There is a wide shot from above showing the woods and coast. “Pan” to said coast.)
Scene 3: The Coast
(Meara sits alone on a large rock facing towards the ocean [*Make her look to the right, not left, the coast is to the East here, not the West] , her eyes are obscured by her hair. She looks melancholic as she hums to herself.)
Scene 4: The Woods
(Tali is seen kneeling next to a recently killed doe. The arrow he shot her with still stuck in her side. He is tying the deer’s hooves together, but stops for a moment.
Tali leans closer to its ear. )
Thank you, your sacrifice is not in vain.
(He finishes tying the doe up when he hears Meara’s singing. Confused, Tali listens intently. It’s in Celtic making him not understand, but he’s drawn to it.
Throwing the deer over his back, and he follows the sound. Through the tree brush, he sees Meara, and instantly is intrigued.)
Who… are you?
End of Chapter
Chapter 2
(Losing focus for a second, he steps on a stick, making a resounding SNAP. Meara turns, spear in hand.)
Who’s there! Show ye-self, and I might not shank ye teh death!
(Amused, Taliriktug steps forward. Lifting his hands in submission.)
Calm down, miss. I am not going to harm you. Please, put the spear down.
(Meara is reluctant, but obliges. Looking Tali up and down as she does.)
(trying to sound threatening)
Who are ye? I thought there weren’t any Mystics living anywhere near here, much less Centaurian Mystics.
I could say the same for you, not many people wear things like that here (motions towards her dress) or have such a strange accent.
(Meara harrumphs, almost like a laugh)
The name is Taliriktug, by the way, but I would prefer it if you simply called me Tali.
Well then… Tali… what possessed you to come over to the shore?
I heard you singing, I believe. I was out hunting, as you can see (points to his kill), it wasn’t anything like I’ve heard before, so I was curious. I would say, it was a smart decision.
Ah, I see.
Forgive me, M’lady, but you have yet to tell me your name.
Ye call me “m’lady” ever again and I’ll shove this spear straight up your ass.
(slightly worried)
Eh, heh… my apologies…
Teh name’s Meara, Meara O’Sullivan
Well, Miss O’Sullivan, might I ask where you might be from?
Give me one good reason why I should tell ye anyt’ing?
(Tali lays down on the snow, using his hand to convince Meara to sit as well. She obliges.)
It is pretty obvious you are not local, my apologies if you were trying to hide that fact--
I wasn’t.
(nods to her)
Good to know, because people out here are less than kind to outsiders. You were honestly quite lucky.
Because ye found me first, dear Hunter?
Do not take this the wrong way, Miss O’Sullivan, but you do seem like an easy target. Those clothes that you wear would fetch quite a pretty penny. Not only that, but if you have not noticed, there is a mighty storm brewing.
Aye, I know of teh storm. (Sigh) look, I’m waitin’ for my family t’ come get me. (Quickly stands up) “Easy target” or not, I should be leaving soon anyways, thank ye for your concern.
And I would not doubt that. However, if I might be so bold, if your family was smart, they would wait until the storm passes.
(Look to Meara, she is obviously a bit uncomfortable.)
A-and I cannot, in good conscience, leave someone to weather a storm, when I, and my family, have room to help you.
(Tali gets up and reaches out his hand, a gentle smile appearing on his face.)
I know that you have no reason to really trust me, as we just met, but I have nothing to give you, other than my word.
(Meara looks down at his hand for a moment, not knowing what to do)
(sly smile on her face)
Ye know that just makes me worried about your intentions… big hunter of a man coming out of teh woods, makes a lady worry for her safety~
(Meep) Ah, that was not what I was--
I know, I know, relax. It’d be really silly to try and do something like that when we’re already alone.
Y-yes… (thoughts: Though, I could do this just to gain your trust, but best not bring that up…)
Ah (ahem) does that mean you will come to my village? Or must I make a grand gesture?
(Meara sighs)
Will ye force me if I say no?
No, but I would be very worried for you
(Meara takes a moment to think it over)
Fine. But I’m takin’ me spear if ye try anyt’in’ stupid.
Fair enough.
End of Chapter
Chapter 3
Scene 1: the Woods
(Tali and Meara begin to walk towards the Village. They are silent for a few panels then Meara comments on the deer on Tali’s back.)
Is that for your family?
Mostly. We share the meat and other things we might not need with the rest of the Village, but most of it is me and my family’s.
Ah, I see
I am curious, Miss O'Sullivan--
Please, just “Meara”. Ye already talk formal enough, no need to lay it on so thick…
(Is quiet for a moment)
I am sorry, but I do not feel comfortable calling you that yet… I hope you do not take offense.
… Says he wishes to be called by a nickname, and yet is uncomfortable calling me by my given name? A strange man you are, Tali.
While that may be true, I can understand how my name can be a mouthful. As I was about to ask, however, might I ask where you are from? Your accent, it is something I have never heard before.
I’m from Ireland. It’s a small country ‘cross the pond. I was dropped off here a little while ago.
You and your family… took a boat across the ocean to here…? And left you?
They didn’t leave me. I stayed here on my own volition!
But why?
(Meara doesn’t answer, leaving Tali hanging. He sighs and drops the subject.)
My Village is just over that hill.
(He walks a little faster to get to the top of the hill. Waiting for Meara to show the big reveal. Meara catches up)
I promise, you’ll feel right at home
(Tali uses his hand to push away some evergreen leaves to show off his home. Meara looks down, and her eyes sparkle at the lovely little village near the sea.)
Welcome to my home!
Scene 2: The Village
(In the Village, Meara and Tali walk through its pathways. Meara is almost mesmerized by this little town. Tali, almost as mesmerized by her as she is of the town. He gently smiles down at her as her head is on a swivel.)
Wow, everything is so close and small!
(Raising an eyebrow)
And that surprises you?
I’ve lived in a large city for most of me life, so this is new to me.
Waterford… I bet you can only guess where that is, hehe
(Raises an eyebrow)
… I see
(From behind the “camera”, Tali’s mother, Alasie, can be heard. )
Tali-baby? Are you back from hunting already?
(Both Tali and Meara turn to see the polar bear centaur. Harpoon in one hand, and ringed seal in the other.)
(A big smile appears on his face)
Mother! Seems you are as well, I’m glad to see you-
(Alasie grabs him in a sudden bear hug) Oof!
Wonderful dear, I keep forgetting how much you’ve grown
(Completely embarrassed)
(She stops, noticing Meara giggling at the two of them)
(Confused, gently pushes Tali away)
Tali-baby, who’s this?
(Completely deadpanned)
Teh name’s Meara O’Sullivan, miss. Ye son just happened to have kidnapped me and is holding me here against me will…
(Wide smile)
I’m kiddin’, I’m kiddin’, calm down, ah haha
(Is quiet for a moment, but starts Boisterous laughter)
I like this girl, Tali! She’s got spunk (smacks Tali on the back)
(Tali let’s himself laugh and relax a bit)
Honestly, I was worried you really thought that. (Gestures at Alasie) this is my mother, and the wife of our village’s Angakkuq, Alasie
A pleasure, my dear, eh heh. Not very many people are able to make me laugh like that
(Meara gestures to shake Alasie’s hand, but she gives her a confused look, so she puts it down)
Mm… I think the English word is Shaman… a medicine man and spiritual teacher, among other things
Oh, that’s… actually really interesting
So, Meara, you’re not from here, I’m pretty sure, so what’s brought you to our quaint little village?
Short version? I’m just here for teh view. Was waitin’ fer my family te come pick me up, till this lad (points with thumb at Tali) showed up, tellin’ me there’s a big storm brewin’ and wanted te be all chivalrous and shit.
(Meara shrugs and shakes her head)
It’d just be rude of me at that point te say “no”. I’m just glad ye lad didn’t lead me to my death or what have ye (she looks back at him and smiles) I’d say he’s quite disarming, eh?
(Tali blushes as she said that. Placing a hand behind his head. Alasie smiles, placing a hand on her mouth, she realizes what’s going on.)
Disarming? Well, I would not say that…
Meara, dear
(Turns to Alasie)
Where on Earth is your coat? It’s almost below freezing out here, I’m certain humans aren’t built for such weather
(Looks down at her arms) ah, well, teh cold’s never really bothered me. Don’t worry ‘bout it
Well, I must insist you come with me
(Alasie grabs Meara’s arm and pulls her away. Meara tries to protest, but is pulled towards a hut.)
End of Chapter
Chapter 4
Scene 1: The Hut
(In the hut, we see Alasie shifting through her drawers, trying to find clothing more suited to winter weather)
So, Meara, I don’t have to many things that would fit humans, but I might have something that you can wear for a little bit
(Meara lifts her hands, as if to try and stop her)
N-no, I promise, ye don’t have te worry ‘bout me
Hush, (pulls out a pastel pink coat) here we go, I have a little “niece” farther down south. She comes up here on occasion, and this was supposed to be a gift to her the next time she came around.
(Alasie turns towards Meara, a big smile on her face)
But I’m sure she won’t mind you using it while you’re here
(Big sigh)
Ye’re not gonna stop till I take teh coat, are ye?
(Suddenly very serious)
I don’t care how insulated you think your body is. You can’t take chances like that up here. Honestly, I’m surprised you haven’t started suffering from hypothermia yet…
I’m just full of mysteries, ain’t I? (She grabs the coat, and puts it on. She doesn’t seem too pleased. It’s too tight, and small) I hope ye don’t take offense from me stayin’ here for a night.
If you’re asking if I trust you, then yes, I do mind
(Meara looks at her stunned, but tilts her head in confusion)
I’m not sure what ye-
The only reason you’re alive right now is because my son brought you to our home. If you couldn’t tell, it was quite hidden, wasn’t it?
(Thinking, worried look on her face)
Honestly, I’ve been here for almost a month, and had no idea there were even people here. But I think I’ll keep that to me self*
The fact that Tali trusts you means something to us. He’s quite sceptical of outsiders, and it’s a bit unusual for him to blatantly just let you in here. So why?
Why? Fuck, I don’t know! I didn’t ask him if that’s what’cha implyin’. He just came up t’ me while I was waitin’ fer me family near teh ocean
So why were you near the coast? Why are you so far up north? Why did you go with my son, not knowing what his intentions were? There are a lot of things here not adding up, Miss O’Sullivan.
(Meara looks floored for a moment, but then composes herself)
Those first two questions I am not comfortable answerin’, Miss Alasie. But I can give you me word that they are not nefarious. As for me trustin’ your son…
(She stands a little bit taller)
It would be stupid for him to lure me away from an already unpopulated area te hurt me. That coast is pretty out of the way, he could have just left me body there and let teh birds eat me. But honestly, I could just tell he wasn’t like that
So you just trusted a man you didn’t know? The woods would have been better to dispose of a body. There’s something you aren’t telling me…
Things that are completely inconsequential. I’m here, I’m not dead, and I’m not plannin’ on hurtin’ anyone, or tellin’ anyone about this place. If you’re that worried, I can just leave. This was all you’re son’s idea, and ye can ask him
(Sigh) No, Tali is the type to start to worry. Especially since it seems he’s started to fancy you-
(A little too quickly)
I have no interest in your son, so ye have nothin’ te worry about there.
(There is a moment of silence…)
(Sigh) I want to believe my son is a good judge of character…
pray you don’t disappoint me.
(Meara Gulps and nods, worry spread on her face)
Good. (She gets up) The Village trusts both me and Tali. So they’ll be kind to you. You’ll be expected to work for your food, but nothing you can’t handle I’m sure. (Passes Meara and turns to her) I’m assuming you can sew.
(Shakes from her daze, looking determined)
Aye! I can, I’m also a good cook and storyteller if ye need any of those.
(Smile returning to her face)
We’ll make an Inuit out of you yet
Scene 2:The Village
(Outside of the hut, Meara breathes in a sigh of relief. She watches Alasie walk away)
*Ooookayyy, don’t piss off momma bear, she’ll tear your head off…*
(Meara’s contemplation is interrupted by the sound of what seemed like brotherly arguing from behind another hut)
Wait, what!? You brought a girl here? Is she hot?
(A loud smack is heard, while we only see Meara’s reaction, wide-eyed and shocked. She finally goes around the hut to see Oki (Tali’s older brother) and Tali talking to each other. Oki rubbing the back of his head)
(Groaning, a comically large bump placed on the back of his head)
What was that for?!
You do not ask that about women, you cretin… (he face palms) I honestly cannot believe we’re related sometimes…
(Rolling his eyes)
Like you have room to talk
(Tali and Oki jump at her voice, they turn to face her)
Miss O’Sullivan! I did not hear you leave the hut
That’s cause I didn’t want ye t’. And ye don’t answer my question
(Oki elbows Tali hard in the stomach, making him groan and then growl at Oki. Tali’s older brother give Meara a sly smile, bowing deeply)
My deepest apologies, our honored guest, seems Tali forgot to tell you of me, (his smile becomes more malicious) my little brother is quite the uncouth bastard once you get to know him
(That’s for calling me a cretin, bitch boy)
Little? Brother? Wait, what? But… (she looks at both they’re animal half’s, completely dumbfounded) How?
(Tali tilts his head in confusion)
Do you not know about Centaurian biology?
(Meara shakes her head, staring intently at both of them, as if they both grew two heads)
I guess it is not very well known, very well, I shall tell you. It--
The spirits choose which animal we’re gonna be, not our parents.
(Glaring at Oki)
Yes… while our “human” faces and bodies are pulled from our parents (he looks back to Meara) our “animal” bodies rarely, if ever, follow what our parents are.
Then how come ye mum is a polar bear like ye?
(Oki tries to begin to speak, but is shot down by Tali’s intense glare)
I am… a rarity, so to speak. While not normal, it is still possible for a Centaur to gain one of their parents' spirits. I believe most think it is personality based, among other things…
So what ye sayin’ is; ye haven’t a clue why it happens
(Tali is completely caught off guard by that statement, but Oki smiles happily)
I like this girl! She’s got quite the sense of humor, for a human.
(Meara smiles uncomfortably, Tali notices, but decides not to say anything)
Ah… so… where am I stayin’?
End of Chapter
Chapter 5
(Meara is led to another small home, larger than the others, she looks up at Tali and he smiles)
I thought that little hut back there was ye’re home?
(gentle laughing)
No, no Ms. O’Sullivan, that was our storage hut, it would be perfect for a single person to live, but not a family of four. That would be quite cramped.
(Meara nods in understanding)
Oh… yeah… I didn’t see a bed in there either, so I guess it makes sense, silly me
Though, I hope ya don’t mind helping us with taking care of Tali (and maybe mom’s) kill?
Sure, what do I have t’ do?
Then this might get a little messy…
(Cut to behind Tali and Oki’s home, where we see a tanning rack, a bloody table, and several different types of knives hanging off the house’s wall.
Meara looks a little distraught, both Oki and Tali putting on already bloody aprons, and handing her one. Meara gives a worried look)
Are you alright, Miss O’Sullivan? Have you never gutted a deer before?
(Meara shakes her head)
It’s not as bad as it looks, Hot Stu--
(A knife comes flying at Oki’s head, cutting him off and forcing him to dodge the flying cutlery. He looks back to see Tali giving him a look that could kill)
You speak like a low-life degenerate, Oki…
(Meara’s eyes bulge out of her head)
Are ye mad?! Ye could‘ave killed ‘im!
Worry not. While my brother is a low-life, the knife was not going fast enough for him not to notice.
Yeah… if he wanted to kill me, he wouldn’t have made it so obvious, heh.
*Thinking: I’m startin’ t’ think this was a bad idea… these lads are crazier than me grandaddy during teh war…*
… While that… may be teh case, please refrain from trying to kill each other while I’m here. It makes me worry…
As you wish, you need not worry about that.
(sneaks up to Tali’s ear to whisper)
(while promising to refrain from trying to kill him, Tali still doesn’t hesitate to try and bite Oki’s face. Oki, of course, dodges again, and begins to work on a different animal on another table. Leaving Meara and Tali to deal with the deer.
Tali respectfully clears his throat while Meara finishes putting on the apron)
Please do not hesitate to tell me if you become uncomfortable.
Don’t worry about it, I’ve been guttin’ fish for teh past month… It’s just a big fish, right?
Sure, we can go with that…
(for the next couple of panels we see Meara and Tali take care of his deer. One showing them having a little fun, and another of Meara puking in a bush, presumably due to the guts hanging off the table, Tali’s hand placed on her back trying to make her feel better.
After a minute, there is nothing, but clean cut venison on the table, and both Meara and Tali looking pleased with themselves. The sun’s set in the last panel)
Well, that wasn’t too bad, heh…
End of Chapter
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