#but thank u skso much for the askl !!!!! ^_^
yael-things · 1 year
17 for the ask game?
omgomg tnank u !!!
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
hmmm i think there should be more art like @/daisanfar jojo art . because their art is very pretty and also very sillt and i love it a lot. dont really know how to answer this one sorry ...
hmmm and for fics ? i havent read any fics in a while but there was a fic that i read a while ago i think it was called your name is a triangle? and i loved it sososo much and it evoked this feeling of comfort thag i have been happy ever since. so those kind of fics r my favorites and there should be more hurt/comfort that really makes me feel like everything will be ok !
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