#but thank you for the comments kudos likes and reblogs so far ur all just!!!! mwah I love you
dunkzillla · 2 years
thank u all for being so nice about my big bang fic 🥹🥹🥹 making me feel very soft
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hees-mine · 28 days
i've been inactive but i just caught up on your page and wow! The patreon is def a good marketing idea lol. There will definitely be people who pay to read your works since desperate horny ppl with money buy anything😂this whole "i don't have enough money" excuse is tickling me bc it seems like these ppl have more things to worry ab than begging for part 2s😭.
but yeah it was a bit surprising bc even though writing is time-consuming and im not getting paid on here, that's not what I do for it for. I genuinely like expressing my creativity for the fun of it and over time it feels like a piece of art. its just fun idk.. it's kind of mind-boggling that you're complaining about not getting anything in return because what else would you get in return? All your supporters can do is like comment and re-blog, they can't do anything else bc it's just a social media platform lol. i'm a pretty big page but even if it were 20 people reading I would still enjoy pleasing those 20 ppl. If the hate or negativity ur referring to is getting that bad I personally would just turn off asks!
ur gonna do what you wanna do and you'll make money regardless so kudos to you! It's just that i don't think this writing field should be taken so seriously or have such an effect on you, and heeseung is a human being in real life, so it is kind of weird that you'd want financial gain from it since he can't consent to that. but hey I support everyone's hustle.
you have amazing stories on here so I took a sigh of thanks that you're not going to delete or deactivate. They get me through a lonely night girl.😂😂def just delete the app if it ever gets too much for u!
The wording of this is horrible
A lot of back handed compliments here but it’s all over text so maybe I’m not reading it right so I’m not going to dive into it
As far as money goes people can do whatever they want with it if they have it they have it if they don’t they don’t I’m not going to get into peoples finances let alone call it an “excuse” however I do agree their are more important matters than asking for a part 2
Key word YOU don’t do it for that reason me and you are two different people I don’t do it to make money either cause this blog was free to the whole public in the beginning so money was not on my mind when I made it
By you saying “i genuinely like expressing my creativity for fun” implies that I don’t
Im sorry that your mind is boggled because when I said I don’t get something in return was not in regards to money it’s a simple request for respect thats what I’m not getting here is basic respect and thats all I’ve been asking for for the past couple months
I get how social media works lol and the thing is I don’t need numbers or reblogs simply appreciate and respect my wishes and we’re gucci over here I don’t care if I had one reader as long as you’re appreciative of what I take time out of my day to do I’m cool with that
The negativity comes in more forms than just my ask box
I’m not taking it seriously and I don’t think anyone else is either clearly at the end of the day it is by no means affecting me in my personal life
This isn’t about “financial gain” it’s an opportunity for me to try and find the people who actually care about what I do and weed out the ones who just mass consume content with zero feedback sure I’d be making a little money off it but it would never be enough to sustain anything in real life I’m not greedy for a few bucks
So basically with that logic if him not being able to consent to me writing stories about him and making said money from those stories people would have to stop making fanmade items as well cause he’s not consenting to that either
Or is this different because there’s smut involved?
Either way it’s neither here nor there
Again the financial gain part is not even what I aim to do like I said some money would be involved yes but I’m not out here asking for 200$ dollars
Don’t know if you looked far enough but I’ve stated multiple times that if anyone had questions about pricing and what content they’d like to see then shoot me a dm/ask I’m open to making this a place where my readers can be happy and I can get away from the negativity that has plagued this blog
Thank you for liking what I put out i appreciate it🩵
It’ll never be a point where it gets too much because as I stated it’s just annoying but other than that it doesn’t have an impact enough for me to delete my blog it’s only an issue on tumblr
If I do ever delete it’ll be because I’m done with writing
Thanks for the input I hope my response just gives a little more insight on what things are like from my pov
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godoflaundrybaskets · 8 months
Hey just got a whole bunch of subscription updates in my email for ur podfics on AO3 and was sooooo excited. Have been dying for chapter 3 of "DTA: It's the stars that lie"! I looked through the notices but there's not a update for that one, so I was wondering if there was one coming soon? I am loving it reading of this fic, ( I am visually impaired and rely on the audio versions to enjoy all my stories but detest and avoid like the plague TTS readers. They are so off-putting and Awful. I just can't get into a story and enjoy it like I can when it's a real human with real inflection and emotion in the words). U have made my dta experience absolutely magical so far and can't wait for more chapters to post. I get giddy every time I see emails with ur name on them. I absolutely thank you for all the hard work and time u put in recording fics as well as all podficcers! U guys don't know how much u mean to me and others like me out there! I love all u guys dearly. U make it possible for us to be a part of fandom and to be able to enjoy all the amazing stories our writers have put out there. U guys make that happen and u r true unsung heroes in my book, because my whole life books have been my escape, my safe place, my therapy, my everything. When I started rapidly losing my eyesight, I was heartbroken thinking that I was going to lose the one thing that has helped keep me going all these years. But then I discovered audiobooks and podfics and almost wept with relief and delight in knowing that I could keep it. Thank you for making magic happen and bringing joy into my life. I know u guys and our fic writers as well don't get thanked no where near what u deserve for everything that u give to us freely. I try and make it a point to leave kudos, reblog, rec, gush, comment, and give my thanks to u guys as much as I can, ( I admit to getting caught up or lazy and don't always get to it right away). However, I try to remember to go back and remedy that when I can. I'm not sure if I ever thanked u B4,( cause my memory is shit sometimes, plus I do go thru A LOT of fics), but I wanted to do so now even if I have B4, cause in my opinion I aren't thanked nearly enough for all that u do. Thank you! 🤗🤗🤗🤗👏👏👏👏🌹🌹🌹🌹🥰🥰🥰🥰🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️
Wow, thanks so much for the thoughtful message! I'm glad my podfics have brought such joy! I can't make promises about when the next DTA will be coming out but it is the one I'm currently poking at editing. The mass update you observed from me was probably while VoiceTeam was running (it's a podficcing event, sadly DTA didn't fit any of the prompts). But that events over so I'm hopefully you won't have to wait too much longer for your DTA fix :)
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kuchenackerman · 4 years
you're an eremika fan so i figured i'll ask haha. i wrote my first EM fanfic and i'm so apprehensive about actually uploading it. i don't think i'm too bad a writer, but self proofing can only go so far and i'm concerned as to whether it'll actually gain any traction or not. do you know if people still read eremika fanfics/how do you gather the confidence to post your work? :/ also ur rad!
First of all, congrats on writing your first eremika fic! I wonder if by this time you already published it though? You sadly sent me this ask when I was focused on writing and editing an update to my own EM fic, so I probably was reserving my last two adhd braincells to be able to finish it lmao, which is why I didn’t reply in time and then... I forgot to do it and for that I’m very sorry!
If you still don’t publish your fic or you’re still interested on my answer, I’ve seen other people go through a similar struggle, and as a fellow writer I can understand your concern regarding of whether your fic will gain traction or not. When it comes to this last thing, it often depends on many factors, like on how active the fandom is by the time you publish your fic, on what people are looking to read about lately (i.e. fluff, angst and/or smut) and on the ship developments (or lack of it) currently going on in the manga. For example, as far as I remember, after chapter 123 dropped people were writing and reading oneshot fics about the “what am I to you?” flashback, and basically the same happens whenever we get some tasty (?) and especially angsty EM-related scenes in the manga (including chapter 112, lol). Writers get inspired to “fix” or develop these panels further and readers crave that content as well, so they kinda jump on it right after it gets published. In these cases, authors often get a quick and decent amount of feedback in a short span of time, which is amazing. When you are one of these authors with the ability to swiftly pull out a wholesome oneshot related to a fresh eremika scene, I guess you don’t have to worry THAT much about whether it will get at least a bit of attention or not, because people are going to be thirsty for that content and will consume it as soon as it’s available. Most of these readers are going to show appreciation for it in terms of likes, reblogs, kudos, comments, etcetera, without you having to wait too long. 
When we publish fics that aren’t related to the manga current developments and stuff, the first thing to do is to be able to get the reader’s attention with a catchy summary and the proposal of an interesting plot / situation between Eren and Mikasa. To increase the chances of people reading your stuff, it’s also important to make a post with the fic’s link and info here on Tumblr and on other social media platforms like Twitter, always using the eremika tag. 
And yeah, I assure you there’s a lot of people who still read EM fics. There’s even been an interesting influx of new eremika shippers thanks to what’s been going on during the timeskip and in latest chapters. However, between 2013 and early 2015 the SnK fandom overall was way more active and also fic writers got way more feedback. We have to consider that there was a more limited supply of EM fics back then of course, especially in 2013-2014, so I guess the feedback was also way more concentrated while the demand was kinda bigger than nowadays. If you’ve checked old fics mostly on FFnet that were published years ago, you probably already saw and know what I mean. I mention this because it’s important to not compare the amount of feedback that most EM fics receive today with what those older fics got. The reality of the fandom is too different now after the initial hype...
Regarding your question about gathering confidence, well, in my case I don’t have confidence issues in general and less when it comes to fandom. What I do is to just do something I feel like doing, enjoy the process of doing it and then put it out there without further questions. I don’t think I’m the best writer or anything, but I do believe in the value of what I write and of the other things I make. There are a few times when I look at what I’ve written and I’m like “pfft this sucks” and get very critical about it, while at other times I’m like “ohh, that’s some good shit! I really wrote that myself, huh? *pats own back*”, though most of the time I’m mainly conscious about the effort, love and creativity I pour into what I write among the enjoyment (and suffering lmao) I experience when I’m on it, which makes me appreciate it more. In your case, you already wrote something and you know it involved a degree of effort and time, so why not going ahead and sharing it? Even more so when showing it to others was your intent since the very beginning~
I think it’s totally worth it to share what you’ve written rather than never allowing it to see the light of day because of self-doubts. As with many other situations, you take a risk when you put something out there for others to see and dissect, but you also get the chance to receive nice responses that can make your day and, since readers provide you with feedback that help you to be more aware of your strengths and weaknesses, you also get the chance to improve your writing skills.  
We love the same amazing pairing and it deserves way more content and love, so please, give it a try and share your fanfic with the fandom! 
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arnold-layne · 5 years
hey! first of all- LOVE ur blog and writing, seriously i’m. in awe. second of all, i hope u don’t mind me coming to u for this but i wrote a motley fanfic and i cannot bring myself to post it ‘cause i’m afraid no one will even look at it (i come from a slightly bigger fandom so i’m afraid the hits / kudos / comments won’t be what it was last time i wrote something).. do u have any tips on how to like. get past that? like to post because u want ur writing out there ? thank u again :,)
AHHHH thank u so muchhhh this is the best thing to hear i don’t know who you are and i already love u :,)
and regarding the fic... oh how i feel you, anon.
before switching to tumblr and ao3 i posted my motley fics on ficbook, russian equivalent of ao3. motley crue fandom was there too, not so big, but active, with a few active writers and readers eager to leave feedback.
only i came there with three years after the fandom died. I have posted 9 fics there. My biggest cudos count there was 23, and i received 8 comments in general on all of them, three of them on one work because i participated in a fandom event. all of this over three years of my works staying on the website. it hurt at first, a lot. it felt like screaming into the void. i was quite heartbroken every time i logged on ficbook after like half a year of absense (it doesn’t send you notifications like ao3 does, and you have to log in and look through the news feed yourself) and found i received 2-3 new kudos and 0 comments. it could be because of nature of my works: hardcore non-con and sadism aren’t a cup of tea for like. majority of people. i knew all that, and i still grieved because those were my children, my pride and joy, my sleepless nights, and the only things that kept me alive during my depressive episodes. you can literally track my depressive episodes by the dates of these fics.
anyway, enough of my sob stories. what i learned from that experience is to detach myself from those fics i wrote the second i posted them. i’d recommend you post your fic right before you go to sleep, and before that don’t even look at it for like 3 days. i usually wait about this time for my beta to check it, and it helps forget about it a little, maybe occupy your mind with another fic idea and start writing that. after you post it at night, in the morning, you won’t feel as connected to it. you wake up and... just don’t think about it. get as far away from it as it is possible, like you wrote it 10 years ago. don’t check your notes until at least three days after posting. the only interaction you should do is reblog it in the morning and next evening so folks from different time zones could see it. 
and, dude, tumblr ain’t ficbook. tumblr has an active fanbase and active writers for various pairings. the community might not be as big as other fandoms, but it’s closely knit together, receptive and very much alive and welcoming new authors. yes, your kudos and hits and comments count will be lower, but not because your writing sucks, but because it was read by fewer people. i understand the struggle - one of my fics on ficbook, the very first one, was written for a popular fandom and has over than 200 kudos and like 15 comments. it’s ridiculous, this fic is over 5 years old and has my immaturest writing, and yet it’s more popular than all the other pieces i actually worked on and honed until perfection. but i don’t feel sad, because i know i got better. it’s not about your kudos and comments count. it’s about you and your writing growing and getting better.
also, anon, i would gladly promote the fic if you send me the link! i believe i’ve got a decent following and can give you some hits and feedback you need :)
sorry this got so long and all about me, i just relate to that really hard and wanted to show it. anyway, it’s better to post your writing and get little attention then let it stay on your computer not seen by anyone. you may not know how much your fic is gonna matter in someone’s life. if your writing makes a person happy, then it’s good writing and it should stay out in the internet for people to find it :)
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