#but thank you so much for this lovely message. and hopefully you'll see the twins soon enough!
Noo I was so looking forward seeing the twins again for the Berlermo Blockbuster I thought they would win 😭 😭 😭 But they will return another time, right? No pressure, I just miss them and happy for every opportunity to read about them even if just as cameos like the toy aliens in Roccinan's fic 😆
The twins sadly couldn't hold up against the allure of period drama gay quiet tragedies with three lines of dialogue total.
But yes! They absolutely will. I was working on the sequel and the Swan's Symphony just came up and pushed it aside to no fault of my own haha but the sequel, whenever it'll appear, is certainly one of my main WIPs and will see the light one day. The Swan's Symphony just greedily stole all my attention, and because both of them happen to occur through the framework of heists, it's difficult for me to write two heists without wanting to die LMFAO.
But I miss the twins just the same (and so, so happy to know that you still like and want more of them! Truly!) and since the Swan's Symphony will probably not be over soon, I might collect the small scenes and write more of them that I have in mind, that occur between the twins being 10-11 in the original and 17 in the sequel. The 7 years in between leave me some good space to write little fun stories of their everyday lives, holidays, small heists, and general shenanigans haha.
The Toy Story cameos were incredible. It killed me the moment they appeared and imprinted on Martín. That's exactly what he deserved!
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mochikeiji · 3 years
Stories From Before
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Request: "Can i get prompt 2 and 49 for geto suguru?"
2. "Even in this life, it's still you"
49. "Mine." "I know but can you let me go?"
↠ Pairing: Getou Suguru x F!Reader
↠ Warning: domestic timeline, mentions of reincarnation, pregnancy, angst to fluff
↬ Word Count: 2.3k
↳ from Go! Go! Gogatsu Event
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Nothing says summer vacation than lounging on the couch with the amount of time to spend on that series Shoko recommended you to watch. How does a full time doctor manage to finish an entire 9 seasons of How I Met Your Mother? You've taken a hint to her now visible dark circles underneath her eyes— one of these days you'll definitely drop by to make sure she's taking care of her health, especially on a hectic time where she's much needed in the field thanks to the world wide pandemic. The motherly instincts inside of you kicking in like the pair of twins inside of your bulging stomach, an endearment your husband has been gushing on, much to his best friend's demise because it's him who's often getting scolded whenever he drops by to visit (another to add to Suguru's grins).
Shoko had recommended you to stay home and relax yourself. Carrying not only one baby but two can be quite challenging. Suguru was on board with the idea immediately, wanting nothing more than to assure yours and his children's safety are at the finest with no kind of strain or stress placed on to your body. Thus leads to him working most of the time in the same university as Satoru was teaching (who surprisingly fits the education log) in his home office.
Now that summer has commenced, all that was left was recording his student's activities so far and acknowledgments for their final grades. Then it's vacation for him as well. It had been about since 7 in the morning he's camped in his office without coming out, but at least you've made the time to pass him up his lunch quietly, hopefully he's eaten some thanks so Satoru's comment about him losing weight. Suguru wanted to finish all that was left and send his class one final meeting so he'd have more time for you— wanting to make dinner as well since you both craved a little bit of spice for thr menu. It was already 6 pm by the time another episode had ended. None of your other friends were online for a short call which made you sigh of boredom knowing everyone's currently a work from home employee.
Scrolling through all green lit status icons, mentally snorting when you see a certain goofy pink haired profile and Satoru's online. This is why they both get called often during the sessions. Both your husband's and his best friend's student's were in your class on their first years, growing attached to a loving professor like you meant a strong, comfortable bond that didn't need to be so formal. Heck, the girls were like little siblings to you upon the numbers of rant messages they've sent over the years and your gushes about how handsome your husband is. Safe to say the faculty doesn't know of you and the chill group of teachers who vibes amusingly to the class.
Snickering, you searched for the group chat you shared with the trio and Satoru that had been lost in the ocean of messages. Typing a quick, "I see u, Yuuji :))" and a "Satoru ure a dumb ass I'm telling on u." the chat was revived with your friend's pleas and sad faces along with Yuuji sending multiple pictures that connected to Satoru's strings of apologies and not to tell them on Suguru.
Satoru: "I swear, my last class is done and I attended this time."
Yuuji: "Geto sensei was just saying his goodbyes! It's not like I'm not gonna see him again on my third year ;(("
Nobara: "He's technically saying sensei's time for today was lame."
Megumi: "^^ (2)"
Arms wrapped themselves around your shoulders from behind, following with a pressed up kiss on your now puffed cheek from the weight gain he so loves to pinch and hold. "I was wondering why he wasn't listening." looking down at your screen that was flooded with his student's messages, "You noticed?" smiling as you shut your phone off to hold onto his arms with a light squeeze.
"His eyes kept looking down from the screen. Satoru was in the same meeting as I was and he did the same."
The hint of annoyance over the years never left Suguru when it came to Satoru, like brother's who always were at each other's throats, you laughed at his statement, humming shortly while nuzzling his cheek with yours like a cat that made him relax and reciprocate your actions. "He was not slick, I tell you that." before sliding his arms off from you, walking around the couch he sits himself in between your legs. His pierced ear finding it's usual spot on your stomach; a way of releasing the tension from the day was hearing and feeling the little ones movements in you. He jokingly claimed once that it was his way of recharging his empty battery, but deep inside he really meant it.
Just a mere sight of you waddling around the house is enough to make his heart squeeze tightly he forgets to breathe. "You finished with th series?" stifling back a yawn after to be sat down comfortably, "Only at season 5. It's getting pretty good, kind of makes me imagine your own story of meeting me." Jutting his lower lips out slightly, he flips your dress up hastily, "Suguru!" you shrieked in embarrassment when he caught the tiny ribbon, white cotton underwear you were wearing. "What? It's cute. It's not like I haven't seen it before." winking at you with the old amorous gaze and lopsided smirks. Mentally screaming at the fact that you're officially tied down to this man for the rest of your life, the quiet gentleman who hid his own cheekiness and power amongst both men and women. Much more likable than his best friend was. You could not believe that that was the same man who was now littering kisses and coos all over the your stomach while running his palm all over the skin from your thighs and belly.
"Mine." he chirps, the happiness overwrites the fatigued and tensed muscles of his face  smiling ear to ear as if there were suddenly small hearts in his surroundings when he felt soft kicks on his cheek resting on the spot, "My pretty babies—" he kisses the left side of your stomach, "Mimiko," then onto the right, "and Nanako." using both of his hands to rub your stomach. He just couldn't get enough of touching you, and he was so excited to see the twins in less than a month by now!
"And my other pretty baby." he teases as he grabs a finger full of your cheek to tug gently and to squish. Suguru was dubbed to be quite an intimidating person thanks to his looks. His voice was far from what people imagined yet the lighthearted tone still sent shivers down to anyone's bones like they were cold, clawing fangs about to bite their heads off. How can they be scared of this man? He was nothing but the definition of adorable!
"I know but can you let me go? My cheek is starting to feel numb, Guru." you pouted playfully, only for him to laugh and pat your now reddened cheek. "You're pretty excited to meet them, huh?" rubbing the side of your belly, gazing in amazement that you managed to pull of the pregnancy changes, "I just know you'll be an amazing daddy for these two angels." moving your hand to cup the side of his face, to which he happily melts to and watches you dream on about the soon to be family that's about to come true, "Just like how you're an amazing hubby for me."
It felt like cloud nine to be able to witness and have all of these happen to him. To be able to kneel before the only person he'd bet his entire being on to do anything. The smile you wore still fresh from his memories that felt like the longest dream he's had during those nights of reminiscing— reminiscing memories he hadn't witnessed but had gain a familiar idea and shared the same vision when Satoru ran up to him a cried on that day. A breath of relief and teary, longing eyes, the words uttered out sent chills to his body before he finds himself crying out of joy and remorse.
"Curse at me a little, you idiot."
Still like old times, you look at him as if he was the most precious thing ever given to you. The bitterness that was now brought back to his current reality haunts him. How the world changed so much after those events of whatever timeline that had been— how he's left you rather than to treasure you like you deserved. The being he's burnt into ashes and sought out to end became his own reincarnation. Perhaps Suguru did deserve a chance to relive his life once more— who knows. Like Satoru, maybe a couple of the people that held all exact looks and personalities would remember their previous lives and bond.
Do you remember all of it like he did?
Part of him wishes you don't. If you did you'd probably lash out on him. Well, he did deserve that as well. He can already picture the tears that would run down your face and the punches you'd throw on his chest screaming all the horrible things he's committed and damaged not only to you, but a whole lot more. Instead all he's ever gotten was the same old (Y/n)— his (Y/n). Still the ever loving sweetheart that has the power to still bring him down effortlessly. And still the same person who's only ever loved him from the beginning.
Whatever the reason may be for him to earn the rightful chance to live once again as a different person, he's made it a vow to make you the happiest and continue the chapter he's left on hiatus over the decade— the book no one would've imagine to be written once again by the same man who lost the inspiration to continue on. To create newly cleaned pages and fresh ink to jot down every adventures he's had when you came back to his life. Flashes of the vintage love story would often replay on his dreams and lingering thoughts.
"Even in this life, it's still you."
You who is the first and last love of his life. You who will always find their way in a special spot in his heart. You, the strong willed person who's battled through the midst of evil and sorrow that made his eyes sparkle the same shimmer as the first time he's witness that sweet smile when you saves him from a curse— the first time smile in this life where you saved him from being suspended from work. All of it was still the same you as the story before.
"Hm? Suguru! Are you okay?!" panicking at the sudden burst of tears from your husband, you began to hush around him as if he was some child wounded. Suguru only limited his movements as to raising a single hand to wipe away a tear he didn't notice he's produced nor how deep in thought he was. Had it been minutes already?
You were still baffled. It wasn't always the man cried, only at your wedding of course. It left you on babbling on what happened or if you said something. He snaps out of his daze and shakes his head, leaning forward to shut your worries out with a kiss.
"It's nothing, my love. I'm just really sleepy."  wiping away the wetness from his eyes, coming up with the coincidental excuse.  Luckily it wasn't a full out sob and just a few drops. "Don't worry. Why don't we go lay down for a minute? I'll cook dinner in a few." standing up from his position, he then helps you out of the couch. Even when leading you to the bedroom he loves to hold your hand while the other rests on your belly.
His back feels more light now that it was relaxed on the soft mattress. You removed the tied bun over his head before laying down next to him, hearing the appreciative groan finally freeing his long hair. Turning over to his side, you traced a finger on his jaw, drawing his attention further to yours as he nips on the finger playfully.
"I'm really okay, sweetheart." tapping onto your nose lightly, "I'm thinking of how wonderful it would be to tell our little angels the story of how we met. Like you said."
"You are a sap, good sir." slapping his arm with a bit of force, he whines and buries his face on the strands of your hair. Inhaling the fragrant scent of your shampoo, finding a complete serenity on the nostalgic scent and moment.
Like the night he last laid with you on bed before walking out with heavy steps from the apartment he's shares many memories with you.
"I love you." wincing out to block all of the bitter past that came to haunt him. "I love you so much— you have no idea, angel." adjusting his position to hold you. The dire need to feel you more and more just so he can prove his point he knows your past self wouldn't believe. Afraid to make you go through all of that again. Never again, he spits on the horrid images of your pained face and shattered heart. Never again will he allow those to repeat on this second life. The life he should've lived before along with his friends and shared the same goal that was now completed after the fall of evil.
Little does he know of how purposely you walked into that office he's about to get into trouble that day. Little does he know you've done the exact same actions that led him to fall in love with you as the day he's snuck you around the campus of jujutsu tech. Little does he know the day you cried after his love spilled confession for you came back— your Suguru was back. The cliffhanger has finally been written.
"I know loud and clear, my love. You'll always be the same Geto Suguru I'll find and love in many lives as possible."
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© all content belongs to mochikeiji. Please do not repost or copy, ありがとうございました!! (=^・^=)
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miellekingsleigh · 5 years
Sarah @taylovessarah
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About Me:
I'm Sarah. I'm 17 and currently stuck in the teen-almost adult stage right now. I'm from India, I was born in the beautiful state of Kerala aka God's Own Country and now I'm currently in Mumbai for my studies. I'm a pre-med student who's gonna be writing her medical entrance exam next year, looking forward to a career in the medical field where I could dedicate myself into helping people, both physically and emotionally which I've always wished to. I'm a Cat lady who loves cats so much. And also my guilty pleasure is to watch endless episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I love to write, I'm an old-fashioned girl who still writes in her journals/diaries about my life. Also did I mention I love reading books, a good book is my best friend. I have a thing for 7 just like Taylor has for 13. I'm a Christian and I deeply believe that he can mould me into a tool which he can use to heal people and bring them closer to God.
My Era :
I became a fan in the Debut Era and became a Swiftie later in the End of Debut Era and Start of Fearless Era.
So in 2006 I was 4 years old when I got introduced to Taylor, yes, I was so young. My parents used to go to work so my grandparents were there to take care of me, it's a daily routine for them to listen to local radio to hear the news, it was so monotonous, I felt it so boring, so I changed the radio station, and the next moment I never changed it... Because I loved the sound of the guitar and the angelic voice which I was listening, later I came to know I was listening to Tim McGraw and when they announced her name, all I could grasp was Tay...So at a tender age, whatever I could grasp at that age, listening to the radio I drew pictures, like for Teardrops on my Guitar, I drew a guitar and drew tears like rain, the lyrics which had simple words I learnt the songs.. especially the chorus of A Place In This World, I'll still Remember singing it with my childish voice, I never understood a word but now this song still resonates with me.
And yes, I never saw Taylor because all I knew was her voice, I imagined her as a Angel and I always thought how she would be looking. But that didn't take long because one day my Grandma was switching channels on the TV and I kind of recognised her voice and I asked my grandma not to change the channel, that's the first time I saw her in a Lavender Dress looking like a Princess, yes, I saw you for the first time in Our Song, she was Everything that I imagined.. and that's the first time I read the name Taylor Swift, but the child-like me Screamed it's Tay not Taylor, that's when my grandma made me understand that her Name is Taylor and I call her Tay.. and I still do haha.
So yes, I listened to her songs on the Radio and watched the MVs on TV and one day on September 10, 2008 ( I remember that because of my scribbled papers) I decided to make Taylor my best friend, infact she are my first friend, because I was a lonely soul who never had friends and you were always there to comfort me, and I promised myself I'll stand by her forever and I'll love her so much because back then for a young 6 year old me, the relationship with a best friend was valued the most...and with that I became a Swiftie ...So that's when I became a Swiftie...
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The first ever album I've ever owned of Taylor and also me and Taylor twinning
Rep Era was the Era when I decided to stop hiding behind and watching everytime silently, and made my place as a Swiftie on Social Media. At first, I thought I would be left out and no one would care, but later I've made so many amazing friends. And, through Taylor I have found my best and real friends, who love me as who I am, I'm so blessed to be a part of this Swiftie Family and I wish to meet all of them for real one day.
Lover Era, ah the whole era is so special because as I said earlier, 7 is my lucky number and this is Taylor's 7th Album. Ever since Rep Tour ended I made myself believe that TS7 is my Era and Taylor will finally know that I exist. I got to know that on 16th July 2019, when Taylornation DMed me on Tumblr ( I'm still surprised because I've never understood how to use Tumblr, and I still keep wondering how did Taylor find Me among so many Swifties, I guess only Taylor knows) with a CONFIDENTIAL MESSAGE, and the feeling was just so magical. I was invited to Lover Secret Sessions in London and I felt that things were finally going to Change but due to many unfortunate circumstances, I couldn't go to London. I felt very sad and brokenhearted that day but I still believe that someday I'll meet Taylor and tell her everything in my heart and that moment would be just beautiful and perfect. Then on 14th October here, Taylor liked my post and she officially gave me my first ever Taylor Notice. Also I truly believe she officially recognised my name as "Miss INDIAna and The Desi Princess" and since then, life has never been the same.
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My First Ever Taylor Notice
Song that Inspired Me ( aka my Stan Song) :
So one day Change played on my TV and I loved it so much, and since I was 10, I could understand the lyrics and quite the past few years, it was strengthened me and made me so optimistic in life even if there were hard times and actually saved my life, when I thought to end it all because I was so hopeless, the last thing I did was play my playlist and Change was the first song that came in, and I cried my heart out, believed in every single word Tay sang, and I decided not to end my life and to live with optimism and confidence, Fearlessly no matter what. For me that's the song which saved my life and made me rethink about my decision of ending it all, it was like a new beginning of life for me..It means more than the world to me.
And yes, the day Taylor sang Change at Rep Tour Foxborough 27.07.18, I felt like she sang it for me, because ever since I have joined Tumblr I have been literally requesting her to sing Change, sending her messages (which I thought she'll never see) and you did...I DIED. I literally dreamed about you singing Change at Rep Tour Foxborough because Foxborough holds a special place in my heart because Fearless Tour Foxborough was the first tour I have ever attended Virtually.
My Concert Experience :
Well since Taylor has never come to India, I've never seen her perform for real, but I really hope Lover is the Era for us Indian Swifties and she does come to India so that me and my Indian Swiftie friends could see her for the first time and experience the magic and cherish the memories (fingers crossed)
Even though I've never attended a concert for real, I've been attending her Tours ever since Fearless Tour Foxborough, Virtually, because of my cousin who Skyped it for me to experience it... and I lived every single moment of the two hours and when it ended I cried... because it was her last Fearless Tour and my first... and that started my journey of attending tours virtually via Skype, YouTube and reading updates on my mom's Twitter, now it's my own Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram which still continues my virtual attendance for almost all of them since then.
Message To Taylor :
Thank you so much for just being YOU, thank you so much for everything you've given me so precious and beautiful...Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, for the past 13 years and Forevermore. Thank you for believing in me when no one else did. Even in my worst times, you saw the best in me and helped me to believe in myself. Thank you for being the Angel who CHANGED my Life Completely.
Wishing your 30th year is full of love, happiness, growth, success, strength, comfort and a lot of beautiful moments, memories and precious bonds to Cherish. You inspire infinite people like me to change the world one small step at a time with Kindness and Love..I'm just so proud of you and your incredible achievements Tay and I'm so happy that you're better than you ever was. Have the best year ever. You make me believe in the dreams that are impossible and hopefully I could make them all come true. Hoping that one day you could follow me back here and share with you more about me and my life.
Thank you so much for being my best friend and believing in me. Thank you for letting me know that you know me after 13 years ( I never thought in my wildest dreams that you'll ever know that I exist, a girl only dreamed about it) and you wished to meet me, but hopefully one day we will and that would be just BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT. I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you. And I know these things will CHANGE and I feel it will happen with all my heart. You're my whole world and I hope you know that.
I love you so much Tay and I'll stand by you Forevermore. And most of all, thank you so much for being my best friend. I'm so blessed to have you in my life and I thank God for bringing this beautiful and loving Angel into my life.
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My Socials : Twitter : taylovessarah13
Instagram : taylovessarah
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gretavanfleetlife · 6 years
Only Time Will Tell:
Chapter 8
AN: Hey guys, it’s sooo good to be back!😊Sorry for such a long wait for this chapter, I was on vacation. Anyway y’all are gonna need to pace yourself with this one, it’s double the usual chapter length and so much is happening!!! Love you all, thank you so much for your support, enjoy!💛🌻
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 4,700 words (lol oops)
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Officially, it's been exactly one month since your best friends left Frankenmuth. You steadily raise a thick black pen up to your calendar and mark an 'X' through today's date. Your eyes skim through the rest of the month, landing on a date with a large red circle around it. You stare at it for a moment before gazing back at today's date and lifting your finger to count the number of days between today and the circled date. 12. You count again, hoping you counted one more than you should have. Still 12.
You toss the pen onto your desk and turn to skim through your record collection. Your fingers land on Bob Dylan, and you give a loose smile at the esteemed man on the album cover, who smiles back. Placing the needle carefully onto the record, you then cross your bedroom and collapse into a comfy, blue beanbag chair. You close your eyes and listen to the record spin. You remain perfectly still throughout the entire record, humming along to the dreamlike tune. You only open your eyes when you hear the record stop, the needle lifting itself upwards and returning to its resting place. You let out a heavy sigh.
"God bless Bob Dylan, a true legend," you smile, repeating Josh's timeless saying. You miss him terribly. You begin to wonder if he's been thinking about you as much as you've been thinking about him.
You lean your head back and stare mindlessly out the window. You consider sending Sam a text but quickly decide against it. Since he's left, you've been texting Sam almost every day, earning a harsh wave of guilt every time that you did.
The only other person you wanted to talk to more than Sam was Josh, but that wasn't going very smoothly either. You've tried calling Josh multiple times throughout the month, but each time the phone would loudly ring until you were eventually sent to voicemail.
You shift uncomfortably on the beanbag chair beneath you, feeling complete boredom rain over you. You've been bored all month without them, you just didn't know what to do. Only two weeks to go, less than that even. You know you'll survive for 12 more days, but their arrival seems to be taking an eternity.
You decide to try and call Josh again, dialing his number effortlessly. You listen eagerly to the phone ring against your ear. With each ring, your hope of an answer increasingly fades. The last ring chimes brightly as the phone gives a final effort to reach Josh before you're sent to his voicemail. You listen to you and Josh recite his voicemail that you recorded together years ago. A faint smile tugs at your lips, hearing Josh's joyful voice as well as your own encouraging you to leave a message at the tone. You sink further back into the chair with a sigh. He probably just doesn't have his phone with him again, as usual. Josh never likes to carry his phone with him, you recall optimistically.
You decide to try calling again in a few days, tossing your phone lazily onto the bed across your room. You try to remember a time before now that you've gone this long without talking to Josh, but you can't seem to think of one.
You miss him terribly. You miss watching the adorable pair of dimples appear on his face when you make him smile, how his eyebrows furrow when he concentrates on something, and how he always looks after you and puts you before himself.
You close your eyes, hoping with your entire heart that he's not ignoring you on purpose as you drift slowly out of consciousness.
-Sam's POV-
It's been a month since the last time I saw y/n, the last time I talked to her in person, and the last time I touched her. I'm certain that I would have gone crazy by now if it hadn't have been for our consistent texting. The one thing that keeps me from wanting to give up on the tour entirely and go back home is the promise she made me. She said she's gonna wait for me, and as long as that's true I'm willing to wait a little longer. I've been waiting for her for years, and although it still hurts, another couple weeks won't kill me.
I raise the bottle to my lips and take another long sip of beer, gazing up at my brother seated across from me. I need to know what's going on with Josh. The way he speaks to me is different now, although I can barely even explain it. He doesn't look me in the eyes as much when he talks to me, and our conversations are often much shorter than normal. When we're not recording or performing, he makes up excuses to be away from me, and they're fairly easy to see through. I've brought it up to Jake, and he seems to know much more about what's going on with Josh than I do. It's possible that Josh may have told him all about whatever's got him in this mood, although I have a pretty strong gut feeling it's just their twin telepathy thing. Either way, Jake hasn't told me why Josh is acting so weird, he's only told me not to bother him about it.
The four of us sit in our new trailer in peaceful silence. Josh and Danny share one couch while Jake and I lounge on the one opposite them. Josh is seemingly very busy writing music, scribbling down lyrics while he concentrates on the notebook gripped tightly in his hands. Jake downs the last of his beer with one swift raise of his arm. He stands up rather unsteadily from his seat beside me and announces that he's going to bed. Danny seconds Jake's actions, saying a quick goodnight and following him to the bedroom in the back of the cramped trailer. Calling it a bedroom is a stretch by any means, though, since its really only four pullout couches divided from the rest of the trailer by a thin curtain. Danny slides the curtain closed behind him and soon you hear both boys flop heavily onto their beds.
I steal a glance at my brother. Josh doesn't seem to notice that he's alone with me, or if he does he doesn't care. His focus doesn't break as he thoughtfully pours lyrics onto the busy page, his eyebrows furrowed in deep concentration. I relax backward into the soft couch, quietly taking another long sip of my beverage.
Another ten minutes go by and there hasn't been a single word exchanged between Josh and I. Normally, this is a scenario I have only ever dreamed of, causing me to feel slightly uneasy in the somewhat tense silence. I decide to let him finish writing without interruption, not wanting to distract him from writing a potential masterpiece.
Gentle snoring cuts through the silence of the trailer, coming from behind the far curtain. I can tell with complete certainty that the noise is coming from both Danny and Jake.
Looking up at Josh, I watch as he gently closes his notebook and places it on the coffee table along with his dull pencil. He leans back and sinks into the couch, lifting a hand to his mouth and softly tracing his lips in a steady contemplation. Josh's phone suddenly begins to vibrate on the small wooden table in front of him. His face falls into a frown as he leans forward to read the name of who is calling him this late at night. I watch his face fall as he reaches out, grabbing the phone and staring at it. Josh hesitates for a moment, and then slowly taps the screen. The vibrating stops and he shoves the phone quickly into his pocket. He leans further back into the couch and crosses his arms.
"Who was that?" I ask quietly, breaking through his dazed thoughts as he raises his head in attention.
"Mm?” he grunts, keeping his arms crossed while his fingers continue to gently trace over his lips.
"Who was that calling you," I repeat. Josh shakes his head and looks downwards.
"Oh just y/n, I'll call her back later," he says unconvincingly. He begins to stand up but I cut him off.
"Josh, can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask hopefully. Josh slowly descends back into his seat.
"Uh, sure I guess. What about?" he shrugs. I place my beer bottle on the coffee table next to the tattered notebook and lean forward, resting my arms on my knees.
"Well, first I wanted to know why you've been ignoring all of y/n's calls," I wonder, noticing Josh's shoulders tense in anticipation, "It's been, what, a month now? Have you talked to her once since we left home?" Josh stares steadily into my eyes, seemingly hesitant on how to answer.
"N-no, I haven't," Josh stumbles, glancing at the floor. His eyebrows furrow as his gaze returns to meet mine, "but that's really not any of your business, Sam. I strongly advise you to leave this alone." I give a small laugh, unable to prevent it from escaping my lips.
"Oh, I'm pretty sure whatever's going on is my business too. Listen, Josh, I just want to help you get over whatever this is," I say, motioning to him, "that's all."
"Get over what?" he prods, crossing his arms and leaning back.
"Well for starters, you're ignoring your best friend, avoiding your brothers, including Danny, and for a month you haven't held a conversation with me that's lasted more than five minutes. Should I keep going? Or do you have an idea of what's going on now," I ask sarcastically, frustrated at how difficult Josh is being. He knows damn well how different he's been acting. God, Josh can be so fucking annoying sometimes.
"You have no fucking clue what you're talking about Sam," Josh spits, pointing at me angrily.
"Oh yeah? Enlighten me," I respond crossing my arms and trying my best to appear relaxed. Growing up with Josh has taught me exactly how to get under his skin just enough to make him confess anything.
"Alright fine Sam, if this is what you want, then here it is," he begins, his eyes narrowing and the muscles in his jaw clenching. My tactics seem to have worked, as I notice Josh speaking faster, concentrating less on what is actually coming out of his mouth. However, what I hear next disrupts my relaxed facade.
"Before we left, y/n told me all about how she feels towards you. Obviously, she's had a rough past dating experience so I didn't want her to get hurt again. Especially by some ignorant prick who's about to leave on tour for a month and a half," Josh says firmly, his voice raising the more he proceeds. I sit unable to move, shocked at the words that come flying out his mouth. "So I told her," Josh pauses dramatically. The way Josh edges me on makes me furious, but I manage to hold back my raging emotions.
"Told her what?" I ask, knowing it's what he wanted to hear, but feeling too eager to refrain from asking.
"I told her not go after you," he admits. I feel my face turn hot with anger, "in fact I asked her to promise me that she wouldn't go near y-"
"And what did she say?" I cut him off. His face visibly saddens.
"She agreed to the promise," he remembers quietly, as my heart sinks low into my chest. Everything makes so much more sense now, but Josh isn't finished. "And she broke that promise, but you already knew that," he says, shaking his head as I lower my gaze to the floor. Josh was talking much more quietly now, the former anger replaced by sadness as he recalled what had happened. "And that isn't even the worst part," he continues, seemingly lost in the memory to care whether he was telling me too much, "what hurt the most was when she told me nothing happened with you, again, and again, and again, right to my face. It hurt me. It really did," he stares across the room at me, "is that what you wanted to hear?" I swallow hard, not wanting to meet his gaze. He runs his hands across his face with a heavy sigh. Josh attempts to stand up but I cut him off again.
"Josh wait, hear me out," he pauses briefly before returning to his seat across from me. I meet his sad eyes with my own, "listen, you know me, better than most people. Do you really think that I would treat y/n like shit?" I ask, silently hoping that he'll say no. Josh opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. He quietly shakes his head, and I know that I've gotten through to him.
"Look, I'm sorry that had to happen. You can hate us both for being together, or try and break us apart," I continue, "but I love her, and that's all I'm really concerned about."
-Time skip: 12 days later-
-Y/N's POV-
You wake up with a start, excitedly checking your phone for the time and reading 10:53 a.m. glare brightly back. You went to bed extremely late last night, unable to fall asleep due to the anticipation of your friends coming home the next day. You throw your comforter off of you and swing your legs around to sit up on the side of your bed. You stretch happily and let out a loud yawn. You decide to make a trip to the record store to buy some 'welcome home' presents for the boys. You change quickly and hurry outside toward the black pickup truck parked in your driveway. You hop in the vehicle and back out of the driveway, turning on the radio to your favorite rock and roll station. You hear the ending of 'Sympathy for the Devil' fill the silence of your car. Once the song finishes, the upbeat voice of the radio announcer fills the car.
"Alright, Frankenmuth, up next is a new song by a local and upcoming rock and roll band, Greta Van Fleet!" You gasp loudly as a familiar guitar riff fills the air. You crank up the volume as loud as the speakers will allow, singing along loudly to 'Highway Tune' as you speed down the gravel road and enter the town. A huge smile graces your face as you pull into the driveway of Siren Records. You park the car but remain seated until the song finishes, giving an excited squeal as the song fades to silence and the radio announcer returns.
You happily hop out of your car and enter the record store with a new skip in your step. Your mind feels extremely crowded with everything that's going on, but you still know exactly what you want to get for each of the boys. You're as familiar with their individual music tastes as you are with the back of your hand. Searching through the endless bins of records, you find your gift for Josh with ease, proudly picking up Nashville Skyline by Bob Dylan and tucking it under your armpit. As you continue to skim through the dusty records, you feel a vibration in your pocket. You reach for your phone and see who's calling you.
"Oh my god," you mumble, your eyes wide with anticipation. You fumble with your phone, almost dropping it as you accept the call and raise it quickly to your ear, "hello?"
"Hey y/n, it's me," Josh answers, his voice sounding deep and raspy through the phone. You've missed the sound of his voice the most, his greeting bringing a genuine smile to your face.
"Hey, Josh-" you begin before abruptly cutting yourself off. By habit, you almost called him 'Joshie', which you know would not have gone well judging by the last conversation the two of you had. He clears his throat into the phone, pausing for a moment. You grip the phone tightly as you hear muffled mumbling in the background.
"So I just wanted to ask how it's going, uh, back home," he wonders aloud.
Placing down your record momentarily, you make your way outside of the record store so as not to bother anyone inside with your private conversation.
"Well, it was incredibly boring without you," you smile, "Frankenmuth has never been so quiet." Josh laughs into the phone, and you feel your heart begin to beat faster. The sound is like music to your ears, you've missed making him laugh. You picture familiar dimples gracing his cheeks as his mouth tugs into a wide grin.
"That sounds dreadful," he chuckles.
"It was," you agree, "so when do you think you'll be home?"
"Around another half hour or so, I'd say," he estimates, making your heart flutter at the thought of their arrival.
"Oh that's fantastic, see you then!" you smile, feeling exhilarated and over the moon with joy, "bye Joshie!" You clap a hand over your mouth as you realize what you just called him. You close your eyes, bracing yourself for his response.
"Bye y/n, see you soon," he laughs before hanging up. You let out a huge sigh of relief as you shove your phone back into your pocket, thankful that he didn't scold you for using his nickname again.
A hand taps you on the shoulder, breaking you out of your daze as you turn around to see who it is. Your eyes gaze upward to meet Ethan's, as you force a smile onto your face. You were hoping to avoid him until school started up again, not wanting to interact with him after watching him make out with another girl at Josh's party.
"Hey! It's good to see you," you lie. Being friendly seems to be the quickest way through this conversation.
"Yeah, you look great," he says, visibly checking you out as you cross your arms in front of yourself in a weak attempt to stop his wandering eyes.
"Thanks," you say, a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. You go on to talk about what you both have been doing this summer for a while longer, as you patiently wait for your conversation to end.
"So, uh," Ethan proceeds warily, "did you happen to get my text? I sent it to you a while ago, like, a couple of days after Josh's party or something like that." You frown and shake your head.
"No, I must not have seen it. Sorry about that, I'm just never really on my phone that much," you reply apologetically. That was a total lie as well, as you had definitely noticed that you had received a few texts from him a while back, but decided not to answer.
"No worries, I just wanted to tell you that I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," Ethan continues, taking a step towards you. He's standing so close to you now that you can almost feel his breath. You look down at your feet to refrain from rolling your eyes at his comment. You feel his hand lightly lift your chin up, forcing you to meet his gaze. He quickly closes the gap between you and leans in to kiss you. Before his lips can meet yours, you swiftly take a step away from him, stumbling backward. You weren't about to break another promise, the last one was bad enough. You look up at him with a look of insincere apology.
"I-I'm in a relationship," you hear yourself say. It seems like the easiest way out of the situation. His eyebrows furrow as he glares at you with confusion.
"Oh," Ethan sighs, "with who?" Your eyes widen and your heart begins to beat faster.
"Sam Kiszka," you blurt, feeling a familiar blush creep onto your cheeks as you realize what you just said out loud. You watch Ethan roll his eyes.
"Come on, really?" You frown and furrow your eyebrows as he shakes his head, "I'm way better looking than that guy." A sharp laugh escapes your lips as you smile up at him.
"Yeah right, have you seen Sam?" you say as Ethan's face falls, "you wish you even came close," you scoff, turning on your heel and walking back towards the record store. You swing open the door with a smirk plastered onto your face, finding where you left your Bob Dylan record and resuming your search.
After a few more minutes of skimming through the dusty bins, you settle on The Beatles' Revolver for Danny, Hot Rocks by the Rolling Stones for Jake, and none other than Van Morrison's Moondance for Sam.
After you pay, you hop back into your truck and check the time. The boys should arrive home any minute now, so you begin to drive back towards the Kiszka house. You want to see them as soon as you can, so you don't waste any time as you quickly speed down the dusty dirt road.
Pulling into their driveway, you park your car and wait for their van to drive in beside you.
Another ten minutes pass, feeling like an eternity before you see their van roll up to the house and park beside you. You jump out of your truck and run over to theirs just as Josh steps out of the passenger seat. In the moment, you forget all about your fight, immersed only in feeling ecstatic that Josh is home. You rush towards him and throw your arms around his neck. He doesn't hesitate to hug you tightly against himself in return.
"I missed you so fucking much," you say into his shirt as he grasps you tighter.
"I missed you too," he replies, pulling back while keeping his hands on your shoulders, "but don't think I'm not still pissed," he says with a smirk.
"I know, talk later, okay?" you ask hopefully. Josh smiles and nods.
"Okay," he agrees.
"What are we, chopped liver?" Jake says, causing you to tear your eyes away from Josh and walk towards him with your arms outstretched. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you in for a hug, rubbing your back gently.
"You didn't forget about me, did you?" he whispers in your ear, hugging you close to him.
"Of course not, are you kidding?" you grin. Suddenly, your hug is disrupted by Danny pushing Jake away from you.
"What the fuck," Jake chuckles, as Danny wraps his muscular arms around you tightly, forcing you into a soft hug.
"Shut up, it's my turn," he answers loudly as you laugh against his chest.
"It's good to see you, y/n," Danny beams as you hug him tighter in response.
He lets go of you and you turn towards Sam. Your heart flutters as you stare at him, admiring his seemingly flawless features. He looks even better than you remember as he closes the distance between you.
"Hey," he says awkwardly as you wrap your arms around his torso. He hugs you back, enveloping his arms around you and nuzzling his face into your neck. You close your eyes and smile into his chest in a state of total serenity.
"I missed this," he mutters quietly into your neck, too muffled for anyone but you to hear it, "I missed you." You feel butterflies swarm in your stomach and your heart skip a beat.
"I missed you too," letting out a content sigh and pulling out of the hug. You gaze at each other for a moment, both of you admiring the other. You hear Jake clear his throat, causing you to tear your eyes away from Sam and look towards the abrupt noise. The three boys were standing a few feet away, smiling at you and Sam. You blush, trying to think of a way to divert their focus from you two.
"Oh, I almost forgot, I have presents!" you say enthusiastically, heading to your car to hide your rosy cheeks. The boys exchange low murmurs of excitement in anticipation of receiving their gifts. You grab the records from your car and skip back to the group. You hand them out and smile as you watch each of their faces light up.
"No way!" Danny says as you hand him his. "Alright I've gotta hear this," he says as he gives you a quick hug and rushes inside to find a record player.
"Me too," Jake and Sam say in unison, hurrying to catch up with Danny.
"Thanks, y/n!" Sam calls while he runs into the house with Jake. You laugh at their reactions as you realize you're left alone Josh. You glance over at him, watching him study the album cover of his new record.
"You like it?" you ask as he quickly looks up at you with a wide grin, soft dimples appearing on his cheeks.
"You know I love it, thank you y/n," he says, but his smile soon fades, "can we go somewhere to talk?" You nervously scratch the back of your head.
"Of course," you reply. You follow him as he leads you to the backyard, each of you taking a seat on the porch steps overlooking the forest beyond their property. At first, neither of you speak, both of you gazing thoughtfully at each other not seeming to know where to begin. You both decide to break the silence and begin to speak at the same time. You apologize and Josh gives a small laugh.
“You can go first,” he speaks gently. You suck in a sharp breath and begin to explain yourself to him, apologizing every now and then. You tell him that although you may not deserve his trust, you are going to be nothing but honest with him from now on. Fiddling with your hands, you go on to say that you still like Sam, but you’re unsure what that would mean for everyone else.
You speak for a long time, words that you longed to say while Josh was gone pouring out of you without restraint. Josh stares attentively at you the whole time, listening to everything you have to say without interrupting. You finish speaking with a sigh and look up at him nervously. He smirks at you.
“Are you done?” he asks gently. You nod, swallowing sharply as he raises a hand to his face, tracing over his lips with his fingers softly. He gives a small sigh and looks to the ground, seemingly deciding where to begin.
“While we were gone, I talked to Sam,” he says steadily. Your heartbeat quickens and you anxiously bite your lip. “I gave it a lot of thought, and I realized that I haven’t been completely fair. I didn’t realize how much you mean to him,” he continues, your heart fluttering in your chest, “and come to think of it, if I loved someone as much as Sam loves you, I might have done the same thing.” He pauses, looking up at you with a small smile.
“And although I don’t think I’ll ever understand how you can find that freak appealing,” he says, causing both of you to laugh, “I do know that he’ll treat you right,” he smiles. You stand and move towards him, reaching down to him and hugging him tightly.
“I love you so much, thank you, Josh,” you grin, your eyes shut tightly as he accepts your embrace. He stands with you as you pull away, turning to walk with him back to the house.
“As long as you’re happy,” he grins at you, throwing his arm loosely over your shoulder. “But if you ever lie to me again-" he laughs, wagging a finger at you as you cut him off.
“I promise I won’t, under one condition,” you smirk, causing him to stop walking and look down at you with confusion.
“And what’s that?” he asks.
“I get to call you Joshie,” you say as he laughs loudly, mimicking your wide smile.
Taglist: @aliensforleaders @kiszkaboi @greta-gvf @rogers-wristbands @obetrol-and-cocktails @strawberry-fieldsssss @gretavanqueen @spngvf @goodoldfashionedqueen @mutantpanda54 @allons-ytomyworld @diggrycedric @sammysgirll @rogerinascigarette @thaliamessi @pazmonkey @yesmynameisbelle @a-queen-and-her-throne @grapesarepurple @cherrrywitch @edgeofdrkness @livcappolella @ohsososophisticatedd @lunautica13 @oddolive @daydreamqueenjaycee @jenjenhill @neonslushies @fruityfreddie @izmo16 @gwilsbri @safarimama @thicchardy @mr-stank-i-dont-feel-so-dank @brian-mays-curls @literally-allidoislistentomusic 💕love you all💕
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pynkrp · 5 years
[this will be comming in at least 2 messages so that was pt1... sorry for that] Hey, so I've seen this board around now a few times and am really just wondering why the RP world needs a wlw world? I've been RPing for a while and for most of the time all RP boards seemed LBGT+ friendly to me, so I don't see the point of it? In all honesty, it even seems a bit heterophobic to me? Yes, I'm looking at the part of the rules where you say you'll ban hetero couples.
[pt 2 of 2] While the board is a beautiful idea, it just gives me the vibe of well... starting hate against hetero people. And yes, even while being hetero is not a reason to be bullied/have issues in life, I feel like the LGBT+ community should be a better example. Simply out of what is known how much others might suffer from being LGBT+ [Btw, I'm saying this as a bi woman, not a het-white-cis-male.]
Hello and thanks for writing!
While it’s great that you have had positive experiences on standard roleplaying forums, that hasn’t been the case at all for us. Most forums anymore claim to be LGBT+ friendly, but that tends to mean we are “allowed” to play sapphic characters there-- just no one else will write with or interact with us on an IC level. Gay men have always been the next preference to het ships. And this isn’t an isolated incident, both of us have been writing in this community for years.
In that time, I myself have seen at least a good dozen+ mslash sites and never one geared towards wlw. So I decided to make one.
Just think of it this way: Are other LGBT+ spaces “heterophobic” for existing? Because they offer ONE place out of a hundred for just LGBT+ people? I can guarantee you that this one little site for WLW isn’t going to start a trend of “straight hating” within the community at large. A) There simply aren’t enough of us for that, as indicated by the difficulty in finding people to ship F/F to begin with, and B) We don’t actually hate straight people. The rule you are referring to says exactly this:
ALL CHARACTERS DO NOT HAVE TO BE SAPPHIC/WLW. While we absolutely want the emphasis to be on wlw and their stories, we also understand the importance of allowing other types of characters into this world; the husband she hasn’t left yet, the straight best friend she needs for moral support, her painfully cishet parents, etc. plus bi/pan/ace/poly relationships, and connections that defy all binaries and social norms. Please be respectful of our leniency with this (and don’t make us “ban” an “unrealistic” amount of "het" ships lol).
The last part about “banning” het ships is mostly a joke about the RP community-- a play on how other standard sites will ban things like pregnancies and twins arbitrarily for “realism.” (Or, if you’re old enough to remember, it once was totally normal to ban making female characters entirely literally to balance out the het capacity I’m not even joking). Basically it was tacked on there for a little humor in the reminder to not go wild with the straight cishet ships because that simply isn’t the point of this site.
Cishet content dominates all media. MLM content dominates fandom. Can you name anywhere that F/F content reigns supreme? Except maybe porn, but even then...
Pynk is one-of-a-kind (at least to our knowledge). One. If people think we are too exclusive, too rude, too negative, too this, or too that, they are in luck because literally every other site is available to them.
We just want one that is available to us. Suited to us. Celebratory of women and our love for them.
If the cishet community suffers because of that, I’ll stream a video of me eating my own fist.
Hopefully that answers your question and offers some clarity!xoxo Newo
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