#but that can be chalked up to the difficulty of hiring child actors
the-breath-in-air · 2 years
Me: You gotta make peace with the fact that you'll never find out the Truth in this series. The point of the show is that memory is unreliable and all stories are necessarily told with an agenda.
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mlqcconfessions · 4 years
What if the MLQC boys had turned into kids? How will MC take care of them or how they will act towards her?
Spoilers? I used the R karmas that are not released in the English server (Shaw’s was from a different event)
MLQC Headcanon - Who’s the Baby Now?
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You thought Goldman was kidding when he said Victor became a child
It’s a little too late for April Fool’s, isn’t it?
Well, he was being quite literal
As soon as you walked into LFG, you could sense a change in the atmosphere (all the employees were whispering)
When you arrive at Victor’s office, you hesitantly knock
You figured he would open the door right away (like how he usually does)
But a few moments passed, and still no reply
“Victor? I’m coming in, okay?”
You gently open the door to see a mini-Victor in front of you, holding a stool in his tiny arms
“Oh. My. GOD!” (he’s so adorable!)
You’re about to scream those words, but he notices this and promptly grabs your sleeve
“Don’t you dare”
“Okay..!” (you don’t even care that he just glared at you)
A few minutes have passed, giving you time to collect yourself
You glance over at mini-Victor, who is looking over some documents to sign
Your eyes fall to the pile of blankets he’s sitting on (which Goldman had to bring over)
The desk was too high for him now, so he needed some elevation (you nearly died of uwu)
But that reminded you about the stool he was carrying
“What is it (he doesn’t even look up from the papers)”
“What were you gonna do with that stool from earlier?”
He slightly freezes, then quickly resumes work like nothing happened
“I was...(you can see his eyes rolling for answers) rearranging furniture”
“At 9 AM?”
“Were you trying to reach the door handle?”
Because of Victor’s tall stature, the door to his office was higher than the others in the building
Naturally, that meant the handle was much higher
You’re having such a hard time trying to contain yourself (does he even know how cute he’s being?)
The rest of the day goes by without much difficulties
Because you had to go back to your company, the caring for Victor was in Goldman’s hands
He had to press the elevator button for him (his office was in the top floor, after all)
Once in a while, Goldman would text you updates of how Victor’s doing
He just finished today’s meeting. Everyone was distracted.
Complained about the coat rack being too high
He has to hold his phone with two hands now (you receive a photo of mini-Victor struggling to call using his huge phone). Later made use of speakerphone
It’s the end of the day, and time to go home
Usually, Victor would pick you up on his car (he can’t drive if he looks 12 let alone even reach the wheel)
As you’re headed for the subway, you see a familiar black sedan pulling up to the front of your company
“Victor?” (you look at the driver’s seat, but it’s his chauffeur instead)
The window to the rear seat of the passenger’s side rolls down, and there he is in all his miniature glory
“Pfft...evening, Victor” (you can feel his glare on you, but that just makes him even more adorable)
You get in the car next to him, smiling all the way home
“If you’re tired, you can rest on my shoulder” (he’s still looking at some documents)
....you would have to turn your head 90 degrees if you want to rest on his shoulder
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When you first saw the commercial on TV, you thought BS Entertainment just hired a child actor
He looks just like Kiro!
Boy, were you wrong BIG TIME
Little did you know that it was Kiro, who turned into a child for unknown reasons
So when Savin asked begged you to come over and help, you thought he was overreacting (how much of a hassle would he be?)
You enter his dressing room to find mini-Kiro running around, with Savin on his tails
“Eat my dust, Sav!”
Kiro was carrying a bowl of sweets, trying to avoid them being caught in the hands of his manager
Poor Savin was having such a hard time catching up to this mouse (seriously, are all kids this fast?)
Kiro spots you at the door, and his eyes lighten up
He hurls himself towards you (surprisingly, it doesn’t hurt at all)
Savin notices you too, and with a sigh of relief, hides the bowl of candy, and promptly sinks back in the sofa
“MC, look! Aren’t I adorable?” (he does a tiny turn to show you his full figure)
Indeed, he was more charming (not that he wasn’t before)
“Yep! You’re so cute, Kiro!” 
You now notice the sailor outfit he was wearing (honestly, this outfit was made for him)
“Oh, this (he tugs at the collars)? My stylist has a nephew, so I borrowed some of his clothes”
He takes you to the basket where his old clothes are
“My clothes are here!” (of course, none of them are folded neatly)
You sit down on the sofa, and start folding his clothes
Savin is still out cold
Now Kiro still had some filming left to do, and he wasn’t going to let his mini-self get in the way
He executed the shoots so professionally, you would’ve thought he was just a genius child star
Because Kiro debuted at a young age, it was like seeing his first moments all over again
If anything, he was shining so brilliantly now (because he has you in his life)
He constantly comes over to you after each take for compliments
“MC, how was I?”
“Do you think I should hold this higher?”
“MC, what do you think about this pose?”
You felt like a proud mother
You had to help him carry the bags of snacks and candy to his house
You lost count of the people who kept giving him stuff
It made you wonder how long this mini-thing will last
Not that you were complaining, or anything
It’s just that Kiro would have a hard time with work if he was so small like this
“I’ll just take a break from work, then!”
Kiro, sweetie, you can’t just say things like that (you’ll give Savin a heart attack)
“But that means I’ll get to spend more time with you, MC!”
He gives you a baby bear hug (you instinctively hug him back)
Yeah...what Savin doesn’t know won’t hurt him
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You were one of the many students waiting for Lucien’s class
But he was a little late, which was quite a shock (he’s never been late to his lectures ever)
Did something happen?
You were about to call Lucien’s number when you heard familiar footsteps (they seemed a bit light, though)
Soon after, the hall doors creaked open and your worries were put to rest
At least, they were for like 2 seconds
Everyone in the entire room gasped, as a young child casually walked in
“Is...is that”
“I..I think so....but”
“What do we do....”
Lucien, as if he’s completely unaware of the fact that he’s TINY, nonchalantly sets down his belongings and grabbed some chalk
“Apologies for being late, class. Something minor had come up this morning”
It didn’t look like something minor (was on everybody’s mind)
Nevertheless, class began like usual
Soon everyone was getting used to a mini-Lucien teaching the class
But some completely lost it when he had to use a step-stool to write on the higher parts of the blackboard
They had to be dragged out of the room for excessive UWUs
Some were already in the nurse’s office (because they saw Lucien with his lab coat dragging on the floor)
You were still in the hall, but could NOT pay attention to anything he was saying
Your mind must’ve been playing tricks on you (because of how disorienting everything was)
Maybe he’s not Lucien, and is just a distant relative
As you were zoning out, Lucien catches this and shows a playful smile
“Miss MC, I assume you are understanding this material very well?”
The entire room (or those that are left, anyway) glances at you
“No...no professor....” (you hide your face in your arms)
Oh he’s Lucien, alright
He asked you to stay behind for a bit after the lecture
Everyone gave you a pitiful look (some even pat you on the back)
Lucien was busy gathering his materials, neatly organizing them into his briefcase
You helped by erasing the blackboard for him (your knees nearly gave out when you saw the little step-stool)
“Are you not curious?”
“Huh, what? (you were zoning out again) About what?”
“About why I’ve become younger like this”
It certainly has crossed your mind, but you figured there was a mishap with one of his experiments
“Hmm...yes, but....”
He looks at you inquisitively
“As long as you’re not having any difficulties, I don’t mind”
He’s a little surprised after hearing this, but immediately goes back to his usual smile
He grabs the step-stool to get just below your eye level, noses nearly touching
“What if I say that I am?”
Please, it’s only 11 AM right now
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You heard a thud coming from upstairs, where Gavin should be resting after returning from a mission late last night
You don’t hear anything, so you go upstairs to check
“Gavin, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”
After a pause, you hear his voice on the other side of the door
“Y-yeah, I’m fine”
He didn’t really sound fine (was his voice usually this high?)
“I’m opening the door, Gavin”
“No! Wai-”
Too late, you already opened the door and found him slumped on the ground
“Ga...Gavin...? (you couldn’t believe your eyes at the sight in front of you) Is that you?”
Clothes barely hanging onto his now-shrunken figure, Gavin stares at you awkwardly
“You...you’re small”
“And you don’t know why?”
Neither of you say anything as a slight breeze enters the room, as if it’s trying to fill the void of silence
Your eyes go to the oversized clothes he was wearing
It was cute, but definitely not efficient
“Well, let me go to the store and buy some clothes for you”
“I’ll go with you” (honey, in that state?)
“No, it’s just around the block. I’ll be fine, Gavin”
He looks a little let down (his hair is covering his amber eyes, which are brighter than usual)
“Why don’t you retrace your steps while I’m gone? Maybe you can figure why this happened to you”
“And Gavin?” (he looks up at you)
“You look adorable, by the way” (his face gets so red)
As expected, you had a great sense in style
He looks so cute in that jersey you bought for him
It’s a little big on him, but still much more manageable than his old clothes
He had to wait until you were done taking pictures of him
He felt embarrassed, but still cooperated with you (you’ve never been so ecstatic lately, and he didn’t want to ruin that for you)
As you were saving the photos to your hard drive, he glances at the window
“Yeah? (you were too busy looking at the photos)”
“How about we spend some time outside today?”
You’re surprised at his suggestion (I thought he would prefer staying inside)
“Are you sure? It’s your only rest day for this month”
As if to reassure you, he gives you a beautiful smile while grabbing your hand
“I’m positive”
He tries to help you get up, but ends up falling into your embrace instead
You laugh while his face gets red again (you wrap your arms around him, not letting him escape)
“You’re so adorable”
“......(he’s hiding his face) please stop”
You can feel the wind rustling up outside
The balcony windows were open, so the leaves were carried into the apartment
You ended up canceling your date outside to clean up the mess 
You never let him forget this day
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Alleyway. Now.
This was all you saw on a pleasant Saturday morning, and you were a bit annoyed that your precious rest was disturbed (work was pretty tiring these last few days)
But you knew that if you didn’t go, that would be more tiring to deal with
You quickly get ready and head to the alleyway
He didn’t even need to mention which one, because there was only 1 alleyway that mattered to you both
You expected to see him there, back pressed against the brick wall like usual
Instead, you find a group of people huddled together in a group
“Are you okay? Are you lost?”
“Do you need any help?”
“Did you get separated from your parents?”
To your surprise, you see a little boy in the middle of the circle, arms crossed over (he looks irritated)
You want to go over and see what was happening, but your view is blocked (if only you were a bit taller...)
But you’re here for Shaw anyways, so you hurriedly try to look for him
You take out your phone to call him, but as you turn your body, your eyes lock with the boy from before
?? He looks a little familiar....
His expression becomes even more irritated as he pushes his way out (he’s walking towards you?!)
He grabs your hand and drags you out of the alleyway, sighing in annoyance
“Ah! Wai-”
“You’re late”
You can recognize this voice quite easily
After all, it was drilled into your head for these many years
So neither of you could figure out why he suddenly turned in to a mini-Shaw
But he wasn’t complaining
Not. One. Bit.
He made you carry him on your back as punishment for making him wait today
Only when he was satisfied, you could let him down
You’re sitting at a park bench while waiting for him to come back with food
He told you to sit tight and not run off (you’re the child in this relationship, smh)
Shaw comes running back with loads of delicious snacks in his arms, his hair rummaging past in the wind
He was younger than you anyways, but now he just looks the part
Actually, it was pretty adorable (but if you say this to him he would just give a smug smirk)
“Guess what I have?” (he places everything on the bench, with little room left over)
“How did you pay for all this?”
“I didn’t (he looks so proud right now). Luckily for you, your boyfriend is irresistible at all ages”
“So you’re telling me that you charmed the street vendors to give you food for free?” (you can’t believe you’re actually saying this)
“And you think that’s a problem? Didn’t you hear me?”
He’s standing on the bench with his chest pulled out, arms crossed
“Listen, I didn’t steal. They GAVE it to me. MC, you really need to learn how to do business around here”
You smack your forehead as your headache starts coming back again
You decide that your words have no effect on this guy, and plop back on the bench (he’s begun to chow down on some snacks)
You casually wipe his lips as he gets food on it, not thinking too much about the situation
His face goes red as he pulls back, covering his mouth with the back of his hand
He sat a little further away from you after that
This was so much to write (but so worth it)
Thank you so much to @snipersiniora​ for requesting this prompt!
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