#but that just makes them look overcrowded... woe :-(
skymantle · 1 year
trying to make an actual sona for artfigbt after all these years but it's so hard... character designs never been my strong suit how do people do this regularly<//3
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willow-salix · 4 years
Fluffember prompt: Feathers (vaguely, and with a dash of Rainbow)
Day 13 of Isolation on Tracy Island 2.0
“OK, who threw that pencil at me?” Scott demanded to know. No one owned up. Honestly I didn’t even see where it had come from let alone who threw it. 
“No clue,” I answered.
“I’m gonna find out,” he growled. “I could have been badly hurt!”
I sniggered to myself, for a real life action hero Scott could be so dramatic sometimes, and didn’t bother looking up from the latest copy of ‘Better Gnomes and Gardens: Witches Weekly’ that I was flicking through.
“Seriously, that could have taken my eye out, it’s like a miniature stake,” he continued to grumble.
“Talking of stakes,” I started, trying to distract him so that he didn’t go off on a ranting tangent about the danger of flying pencil projectiles, “there’s been a development with the Highgate Vampire, he’s been spotted again. Seriously, what more can this crazy year throw at us? Don’t answer that,” I warned John before he could even utter a word. I know my boy and I know that he was about to throw out some highly logical statistic or another that would make complete sense but would make me want to cry.
“Highgate Vampire?” Scott asked, distracted as I'd hoped he would be. My evil plan had worked. I turned my magazine to show him the article. “You remember, when we tried out that new ka- pub,” I corrected myself, aware of just how many of his brothers were crowded around. “We walked past the cemetery and I told you all about the legend of the Highgate Vampire.”
Scott looked blank, which is a look I’m used to seeing on him, I gotta be honest, he barely ever listens to me. “You know, I told you the story of how, back in the 1970’s a group of ghost hunters decided to try to find a vampire that supposedly lived there?”
He shook his head. 
“Self appointed bishop vampire hunter dude?” I tried again.
“Oh, yes! I remember him. He’s back?”
"The Bishop."
"No, he's dead, the vampire."
"The vampire killed him?"
"The Bishop is dead of natural causes, and the vampire has been seen again," John supplied. 
“Yes," I agreed." Apparently so, and they’re blaming him for this virus outbreak.”
Everyone went quiet for a second, not sure what to say to that. John reached out a hand and I passed over the magazine so he could read it for himself. 
“Why do you read this rubbish?” he asked after perusing the rest of its offerings.
“Why wouldn’t I want to know that blue aliens brought Elvis into that lady’s garden?” I asked, genuinely perplexed.
“I don’t know how to answer that,” he told me honestly, handing the magazine back to me.
“Do you remember that time that Virgil thought he was a vampire?” Scott suddenly asked him.
“Oh, God, yes. I hadn’t thought of that in years,” John laughed.
“Wait? He what now? There were vampires involved? Why was I never told about this? This is my one area of expertise and you've been holding out on me?”
“I did not think I was a vampire,” Virgil corrected them. “Our high school math teacher did.”
I tossed the magazine aside, this was far more entertaining than anything I’d find in there.
“Spill,” I demanded.
“It’s really not that interesting a story,” Virgil insisted, trying valiantly to deflect us.
“He was a sophomore, so about fifteen years old,” Scott started, dodging out of the way when Virgil threw a pen at him this time. Scott narrowed his eyes, like he wasn’t sure if that was proof that he had been the perpetrator of the pencil or not. Virgil, for his part, looked innocent. Pen, what pen? I saw no pen? What even is a pen? Isn’t that something you put pigs in?
“And he had to have two of his back teeth out due to overcrowding,” John continued, grabbing me and yanking me onto his lap, using me as a human shield when Virgil lifted his sketch pad threateningly.
“I’m so glad I married such a brave rescuer,” I deadpanned as John continued to hide behind me. "My hero."
“I was driving him back from the dentist and he was still a little out of it from the sedation they had given him,” Scott took up the tale.
“I’m just not a big fan of the dentist, OK?” Virgil defended himself. "They have to sedate me."
“His gums were still bleeding and he’d spat the gauze out within a minute of getting out of there,” John continued, ducking back behind me when Virgil glared at him.
“They’re going to tell it anyway,” I told him, “so why don’t you do it instead?”
Virgil nodded, seeing the wiseness in my words.
“My gums were bleeding but I didn’t know what to do with it all, I didn’t want to swallow it and to be honest, I was still pretty woozy, so I just kinda let the blood collect in my mouth.”
“Aww, that must have sucked, babe, I’m sorry.”
He nodded at me in thanks for my sympathy, something he was NOT getting from his brothers.
“We stopped at some lights and by that point my mouth was getting pretty full-”
“He was drooling like Alan at nap time,” Scott butted in.
“Did you not give him a tissue or something?”
“No, he was evil.”
“I was driving and I don’t carry things like that on me as standard,” Scott argued.
“I’ll pick you up if anything like that happens again,” I promised the big guy. “For girls our cars are like an extension of our house or our handbags, there's tissues, lip balms, snacks, bottles of water, everything.”
“Thank you,” Virgil sniffed, casting Scott a smug look, knowing I was firmly on his side.
“So, how is this vampire related?” I had to ask, I mean, I was sympathetic but I was also nosey as hell.
“I wound down the window as we stopped at the light,” Virgil continued. “And I...well, I was still a bit muddled…”
“He opened his mouth and all this blood came oozing out, it just dribbled everywhere,” Scott  practically yelled, bursting out laughing.
“Why are you laughing, you evil thing?”
“Because,” John piped up from behind the shelter of my person, “the car next to Scott’s was Mrs Beddleman’s. Virgil, recognising her, breaks out into this wide, goofy and completely bloody, smile.”
“She looked absolutely horrified and even though she wasn’t going that direction she turned right to get away from us. She was a very religious lady and she took to wearing a cross to school for the rest of the year until I left her class.”
“And she moved his seat to one beside the window,” Scott howled, doubled over laughing.
I bit my lip, trying very hard not to laugh.
“It’s OK,” Virgil sighed, “you can laugh.”
“I don’t want to,” I told him as seriously as I could. “But I really don’t think I can help it.”
I made the fatal mistake then, I glanced at Scott who was at the point of silently laughing, his body shaking and I cracked.
“It’s not like I’m the only one that had bad anesthesia reactions,” Virgil said slyly and I snapped to attention.
“Are you not?” 
“Nope,” he shook his head, grinning now. “We’ve all had broken bones and hospital stays over the years.”
“Oh, oh, tell me a Scott one!”
“He had an appendectomy when he was twenty. He was taken in for day surgery and when he woke up he was completely coherent,” Virgil started.
“He was?” Knocked out Scott had to be different to sedated Scott, because sedated Scott was hilarious and very snuggly. 
“What can I say, I have a strong constitution,” Scott preened.
“He’s lying,” Virgil continued. “He was talking normally, answering questions and the doctor said he was doing great and could go. He was starving, hadn't eaten since the night before and he insisted that the only thing he would eat was Chinese food, and it had to be a buffet, nothing else would do."
"I mean, he's not wrong, there is nothing like a good Chinese," I agreed. 
"Well, it appeared that he hadn't been as recovered as we thought he was."
"What happened?" 
"I came round from the anesthesia sitting in the restaurant and as far as I knew I'd just gone under in the operating room and I'd woken up with a plate of chicken teriyaki on a stick in front of me."
John sniggered, muffling his laughter against my shoulder.
“I don’t know why you’re laughing,” Scott huffed. “Have you forgotten about when you had your tonsillectomy?” 
“That was not my fault,” John mumbled, clearly regretting his previous amusement.
“Oh gods, what did you do?” I asked him, turning my head to look at him over my shoulder.
“Nothing! I was just talking to the anesthesiologist.”
“The anesthesiologist was new to the hospital so hadn’t met any of us before,” Virgil started.
“Do I take it that you all had frequent user passes? Like buy ten ops and get the eleventh free?” 
“Pretty much,” Scott shrugged, unashamed of just how bad that sounded. “So John’s there, being himself, talking to the surgeon and anesthesiologist about the operation and what they were planning, how long it would take, telling them what they needed to do, that sort of thing-”
“I like to know what to expect,” John defended himself.
“Swot,” Gordon teased, coming in at the tail end of John’s mini rant, Alan trailing along behind him.
“It’s not a bad thing to want to go into a situation with full knowledge of it. Research and a game plan are only sensible. How do you expect to get good at something if you don’t know the mechanics behind it?” He glanced around at his brothers who looked less than convinced. “You know you’ve all been grateful for my expertise more than once.”
“I know I have,” I agreed, ignoring the raised eyebrows that came my way. Let them think dirty things, that was their problem. I received a small kiss to the side of my neck thanks for my support so I’m not going to complain.
“So, what were you guys talking about?” Gordon asked, flopping down on the couch beside Virgil.
“They were sharing with me their tales of woe under the effects of anesthesia and sedation,” I informed him.
“Oh, yes, we’ve all got those,” Gordon agreed. “Which one was John telling?”
“The time when he had his tonsils removed,” Scott helpfully supplied.
“I don’t remember it,” Gordon frowned.
“Neither do I,” Alan added.
“He was talking to the anesthetist, we got that far,” I said.
“He was talking to him as they were asking him to count down from a hundred,” Virgil continued.
“I only remember getting to ninety-one,” John told me.
“We were outside in the relatives room, waiting for him to be taken to recovery,” Scott took up the tale. “We had only been in there about fifteen minutes when the anesthesiologist and a nurse came out looking like they had seen a ghost.”
“Dad stepped up and demanded to know what the problem was and if John was OK,” Virgil said. “It turned out that John had been far more coherent than he remembered and hadn’t stopped counting at ninety-one.”
“He’d gotten to sixty-two but when he reached eighty-nine he’d apparently switched to fluent Japanese, and then started talking about a wakizashi, that and asking them about their day.”
“A what now?” 
“A small, fourteenth century Japanese sword,” John supplied.
“The anesthesiologist was actually Japanese and he had apparently called three of his peers in the ten minutes that John had been under to ask how it was possible that this Caucasian, american teenager was suddenly speaking in fluent Japanese under the influence or anesthesia.”
“It took Dad a good five minutes of solid laughter to finally tell them that they hadn’t broken John or damaged his brain in any way, he was actually fluent already,” Scott laughed.
“Apparently he gave them the biggest scare they had ever had in more than twenty years,” Virgil finished.
“I was obviously being considerate and had thought that it was more polite to talk to him in his own language rather than English,” John sniffed, crossing his arms around my waist. “I don’t see what the big deal was.”
“I’m just impressed that you were speaking it fluently at all,” I said, earning a gentle finger flick as punishment for ever doubting him. “I meant that I can only speak three languages fluently, English, bad English and Sarcasm, so anyone that can do anything else is just amazing to me,” I quickly defended myself.
“Sarcasm is your native tongue,” John mumbled. I ignored him.
“He’s mostly self taught too,” Scott added, showing that, despite how much time they all spend teasing each other, they are always proud of their siblings.
“I used to watch a lot of foreign films and TV shows to pick up the pronunciation and read a lot of graphic novels and translated books to learn how to read and write,” John elaborated. “It’s a very effective way to learn and I apparently have a gift for languages.”
“As well as many other things,” I added to be nice. “Any other stories I need to know?”
“When Gordon was having one of his back surgeries they told him that they had to strap him down and when he asked why they told him it was so he wouldn’t fall off the table and he said ‘It’s OK, five second rule’,” Scott told me.
“‘Cause I'm a snacc,” Gordon added with a grin. “Apparently I also woke up with a violent jolt and when I was asked if I was OK I apologised to the nurse and told her that I thought I was a shark.”
“You also started a joke with the nurse as you went under and finished it the moment you woke up with no prompting,” Virgil laughed.
I clapped enthusiastically for that one and Gordon bowed modestly.
“What about me?” Alan asked, finding the whole thing highly amusing.
“You’ve only been under once but you were hilarious in both the things you said,” John answered. “You apparently woke up screaming ‘Where are my wings?  I want my wings? You stole my feathers you jerk! You were only supposed to take my tonsils!’ and then passed right out again.”
Gordon cracked up laughing, as did everyone else including Alan.
“You then woke up again and asked how long until the anesthetic kicked in, and when the nurse told you it was all done and had actually been two hours you yelled in her face ‘WOAH, DID I JUST TIME TRAVEL?’” John finished.
“That’s so precious,” I cooed, because Alan is adorable in everything he does regardless of what it is.
“We have a lot of stories like that,” Virgil said, “we sometimes have to give pain relief or sedate someone who is freaking out and they do the weirdest stuff.” 
“They do? Is there some kind of hippocratic oath that you guys have to swear or can you tell me some?”
“No oath,”  they assured me. 
“One woman grabbed Virgil’s hand, stuck her fingers up in his sleeve, stroked his arm and said ‘You’d make a great carpet’,” Gordon told me.
“It’s not uncommon for people to feel stressed and unsure of where they are,” Scott continued, “they often wake up screaming or panicking, but we delivered one guy to the hospital who’d had a pretty nasty bang to the head and broken an arm. We were unable to calm him down so we had to sedate him so he wouldn’t do any more damage. He woke up as we were transferring him to the hospital gurney and he hopped off before we could catch him, pulled his pants down with his good arm and started to helicopter right there outside the hospital.”
That broke me, I’m sorry to say. I might proclaim to be far more mature than these idiots and not find fart jokes and the like amusing, but the mental image of this guy, standing there, twirling...I just couldn’t stop.
“One girl asked us if we were single and we didn’t answer and deflected by asking her if she had a boyfriend or girlfriend and she started crying that she just wanted a dog.”
“Remember that young boy who meowed the entire way to the hospital?” 
“And that one lady that was really nervous so we told her to think of something nice and she started singing ‘I wish you a merry Christmas,’ but it was July!”
“And the one that said she wanted us to drop her off at the top of a rainbow so she could slide down it?”
“And the guy that woke up when we landed, looked right at Kayo and said as loudly as he could ‘Look! The love of my life! Don’t leave me, I can change!’”
“And that one guy who knocked out a few teeth and spat out the gauze we packed his mouth with and started freaking out crying ‘was that my liver? Nooo, my liver! I need that! Get back in you!’”
“A woman lost a couple of teeth too and was crying about being ugly. We gave her some pain relief and she was so hazy that, when we handed her over to the doctor and gave him her teeth she started screaming at him... what was it she said, John? You heard it over the comms and were laughing so hard.”
“She yelled, ‘Charlatan! I demand you return my teeth! They are mine and I will choose how they are to be spent!’”
I cracked up at that, mostly the way John told it, which I assume was the same way she had, like a plummy Victorian aristocrat that had just been insulted.
“And that teen who said ‘hey, mister, my ass itches and I’m too high to scratch it.”
“Oh, that’s pure gold,” I laughed, wiping my eyes because I was laughing so hard.
“What about you?” Alan asked me. “Have you ever done anything weird?”
“Only every day of my life.”
“I meant under sedation.”
“Oh, yeah, not really,” I shrugged. “I know that when I had teeth out once, after napping on the couch for a few hours I suddenly sat up and announced that I needed to make Mum a cup of tea. She told me I didn’t need to but I said she was my guest and I had to be polite or she’d leave me alone to die. There was no arguing with me so I got up, went to the kitchen and came back and gave her a mug of cold water with a spoon in it. I apparently said ‘drink up, luv,’ like a really bad impression of Parker and face planted the couch and passed out again. Mum made her own tea after that.”
That got a fair few sniggers and Scott threatening to take away my British card for screwing up tea so badly.
“I have to ask,” I said conspiratorially once everyone had calmed down, “has Kayo ever done anything like this?”
They all looked around, as if scared that she might be listening, then eventually Virgil nodded.
“She came round from her knee surgery after she dislocated it and insisted on trying to get out of bed. The nurse told her she had to stay put as they had just fixed her knee and it needed time to heal. She answered in the most confident, how dare you try to stop me way and informed the nurse that she was a ninja and that they heal three times faster than normal people. The nurse let her try and she dropped face first.”
Honestly, out of all the stories I’ve heard today, that one was the best. It’s nice to know that even the most capable and sometimes terrifying of us isn’t always perfect.
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emperorsfoot · 5 years
I had hoped to finish in the chapter, but it was already running too long and there’s still so much that needs to get done, so I have to break it up. But the end is nye! (Of this installment of the series. The series itself is barely just begun.)
Adora and her party arrive in the Crimson Wastes. 
Catra and Hordak face off. 
We get another flashback and Hordak sees Hode one last time (you won’t like it), and Hordak also meets another very important person in the Master of the Universe canon. 
Adora’s party reaches Mara’s ship just as Catra is coming out from her fight with Hordak and... Entrapta does not react well...
It was evening by the time they reached the mainland. The Glow Moon dipping down low over the waters behind them.
Everyone was ready to get of the overcrowded ship. They didn’t even wait for Sea Hawk to tie off the boat. The moment the Dragon’s Daughter Five pulled close enough to the dock for her passengers to jump off, they did.
With everyone already disembarked, the pirate stopped mid-knot and re-cast off instead. “Whelp, guess Micah and I will just be off the Brightmoon then.”
The long lost King looked impatient and excited. He wanted to get home to his daughter.
For half a second, Sea Hawk looked like he was about to offer to go with Adora and Bow. But Micah flashed him a look that made the sailor pause. The King wanted to get home, and it wasn’t like Sea Hawk would be particularly useful in a dessert where there was no ocean, or on a ship that did not sail on seas. Besides, there were so many going already. Adora, Bow, Entrapta, Entrapta’s strange Hordak-clone baby, Scorpia, and all of their animal/robot companions; Swift Wind, Emily, and Imp. The combination of powers and talents wasn’t quite as balanced as the Princess Alliance team, but there was enough raw power and competence there to make up for it –also, She-Ra.
So, Sea Hawk concluded he was not needed. He would take Micah home, as was the original plan.
Adora and her party pressed on to the Crimson Waists, traveling across the landscape in the dark as the Glow Moon dipped lower behind them and night gathered. The bioluminescent glow of Dak’s eyes grew brighter as the evening grew darker.
It was full-dark by the time they reached the desert’s edge, and a little bit longer after that before they reached the cantina when Adora and Bow first met Huntara.
To spite the late hour, the bar was still crowded and roaring with noise. A few patrons looked up with the party entered, but they recognized Adora, Bow, and Scorpia, and very quickly went back to their drinks. Nobody wanted to get on the wrong side of any of them.
Adora marched right up to the bartender. “Has Catra been back here?”
“The small angry cat-girl I came with last time.” Scorpia clarified when the bartender looked momentarily confused.
There was another moment’s pause as the woman managed to process what these two frantic outsiders were trying to ask her. “Everyone in the Crimson Waste knows who Boss Catra is.” She informed Scorpia. “She passed through here earlier in the month.”
“Was she heading to Mara’s ship!?” Adora pressed.
“I don’t know what that is.” The bartender admitted. “Now, either buy a drink, tell me what happened to Huntara, or get out.”
While this conversation was going on, Dak had been eyes some of the drinks the patrons already had. They all smelled so interesting, and the people drinking them seemed to be enjoying themselves. “Can I try one of the ones with the froth on top?”
“No.” Both Scorpia and Bow choired with one voice.
“You’re too young for beer.” Scorpia informed them.
“I tried wine for the first time a couple weeks ago.” Bow added. “Wine is supposed to be one of the better tasting alcoholic drinks ‘cause it’s made from fruit. It still tasted bad. Trust me, kiddo, you don’t want to drink alcohol.”
Imp gave a squawk of agreement. Wine and other alcoholic beverages were for older Horde clones whom were non-hybrids and knew their limits. The little deamon helped Bow and Scorpia usher the child outside. They waited with Swift Wind and Emily for Adora. She finally came out, having to drag Entrapta by the elbow.
“…but I just thought she should know the alcohol percentages she was advertising were inaccurate.” The scientist was saying. “Watering down the drinks is fine, and probably healthier for her patrons in the long run, but that alters the ratios within the drink. She’s displaying inaccurate data!”
“We’re going to see a First Ones ship.” Adora reminded her. “Won’t that be much more interesting than watered down beer?”
That was the whole reason Entrapta came with them to the Crimson Waste after all.
They pressed on.
They reached Mara’s ship just as the Glow Moon was peeking out over the horizon. They traveled until the end of the night.
“Hey, Hordak.”
He was prepared for her return, but it still made his skin crawl when she said that.
He was standing. At a military rest. Arms clasped behind his back. A pose he assumed often, so it did not seem out of the ordinary now. There was no reason for Catra to assume he might be hiding makeshift weapons behind his back.
“It’s moonrise outside.” She announced. “End of the night, your time’s up.”
That statement required no response. Hordak did not give one, and Catra was not interested in one.
“Have you managed to retrieve the rest of the other She-Ra’s message?” Catra asked this already knowing the answer. If he couldn’t do it in a month, there was no reason to think he could magically pull out results in twenty-four hours. He hadn’t done it. Which meant that Hordak spent this time doing something else. Catra was many things, but foolish was not one of them. She was expecting some kind of a double cross.
“I have not.” Hordak stated flatly.
Loath though he was to admit it –even to himself- Hordak could be foolish from time to time. He was a fool to let Entrapta get so close, he was a fool to trust the natives of this world –even as nothing more than subordinates, and he was a fool to underestimate Catra. He would not make that last mistake twice. The Force Captain had proven herself equal parts capable, devious, and wildly intelligent more than once. Hordak knew, that she would know, that he had done something else with the time she gave him and expect a retaliation of some kind. His fingers curled around the bat-wing shaped throwing rangs held behind his back.
It had been years since he practiced with them, and these weren’t even real rangs. The shape was the same, so their aerodynamics should be similar. But the weight and balance was different. His throws might still be off. But they were the only weapons he had since there were no spears or pikes on this ship, and an arm-mounted canon was not something easily cobbled together from alien parts.
Hordak straightened. “So, what shall it be then?” He asked. “A public execution in front of the rabble you’ve collected into a following here in the Wastes? Or just a private killing? Quick and simple.”
Catra snorted at the sheer casualness he took to the idea of his immanent death –not that she was yet sure if death was the punishment she wanted for Hordak. At the moment, some kind of discipline for failure was necessary –just like he did to her when their roles were reversed- but said disciplinary action need not be as final as a death sentence.
“You’re in a hurry.” She commented with a bit of a chuckle. “What, is there someone you need to meet on the other side?”
Opening his mouth, Hordak was about to respond that there was no one –dead or alive- that he particularly cared to see again. Except, the image of Entrapta flash through his mind. While he did not believe she was dead, he did still very much want to see her again. For revenge, obviously. And if he were rendered too infirm by whatever Catra did to him to exact said revenge, then at the very least, to demand an explanation for her betrayal. So, there was someone –alive, not dead- that he cared very much to see again.
Right on the heels of the image of Entrapta, was the memory of Hode. Dark cape sweeping in dramatic folds, hood pulled up over his head, partially turned so that all Hordak could see was the lower half of the older clone’s face. ‘Yes, Zero-Zero-Three, I am.’ Hode’s retreating back after he demoted and abandoned him on a random world within a larger Empire. That was the last time Hordak ever saw his mentor. He never got the chance to ask the old man ‘why?’ either. To demand an explanation from him.
In a glittering moment of horrifying clarity, Hordak realized, there was someone on the other side he wanted to meet again. Almost as much as he wanted to meet Entrapta again.
And for the same reason, too.
Why? Why did you do that to me!? I thought I was special to you!
Hordak stood there. Frozen.
Catra raised an eyebrow at him. Tilting her head to the side, her lips stretched into a taunting smile. “Aw… did I hit a nerve? Is there someone you wanna see on the other side? Some little Horde Mommy you never met, or maby Daddy that never loved you.”
“Horde clones have no parents.” Hordak informed her, suddenly being reminded that he never actually took the time to read her in on Horde Prime or what he was actually trying to do with the portal. She thought he was trying to reconnect with his separated unit and bring more Horde forces to Etheria. Catra didn’t realize that, originally, Hordak just wanted to go home. She didn’t know his history like Entrapta did. She didn’t know he was a clone, and she certainly didn’t know about Emperor Prime.
Her expression turned suddenly sharp. “Neither do Etherian Horde soldiers.”
Neither of them had moved, but Hordak felt a shift in the mood of the room. Like he was suddenly no longer standing on stable ground. One misstep and he would fall at her mercy.
“Spare me your ‘oh woe is me’ speech, Force Captain.” He began. “Civilian casualties happen in war just as often as soldier deaths. Do not try and lay your anonymous parents’ lives at my feet, as your precious Adora tried to. I have never known any of the parents of the orphans raised in the Fright Zone.” He left out the part that he never cared either, that was definitely a misstep. “You may direct your complaints for your troubled childhood to Shadow Weaver.”
Her hands balled into fists at her sides. She thought this was just gonna be a little light intimidation and a reminder of who was in charge of this new power dynamic of thiers. But he pushed both the Adora button, and the Shadow Weaver button at the same time. He shouldn’t have done that. Catra’s eyes went wide as her pupils went smalls. Glaring up at him. How dare he try and tell her who she should and should not be upset at for her bad life. Everyone in her life contributed to her suffering. Not just Adora leaving her, and Shadow Weaver using and manipulating her. Scorpia siding with Entrapta over her. Entrapta changing sides again and refusing got open the portal. Kyle for his constant incompetence, and Lonnie and Rogelio for always covering for him. And Hordak, for just existing in the first place. For bringing the Horde to Etheria. For creating the world she lived in. The world that shaped her and made her what she was. Most of all Hordak.
How dare he.
“You’re right.” She informed him. Voice calm and even. Deceptively so. On the inside, Catra was anything but calm. “You probably didn’t know my parents. You probably never even saw their faces, never mind learned their names. You weren’t the one who orphaned me, or brought me to the Fright Zone to be raised. You probably don’t even care.”
He didn’t.
She reached a hand up. Instinctively Hordak shied away, stepping back from the touch. Catra’s claws traced the outline of the crystal on his exo-suit without actually touching it. She couldn’t read the First Ones letters that were inscribed on it, but she understood its significance. Entrapta loved her first Ones tech. She would not give it away to just anyone.
“But there is a person on Etheria you do care about.” She announced.
Shifting the rangs he still held behind his back, Hordak freed one of his hands to place it protectively over the crystal. “You are mistaken Force Captain. Princess Entrapta was a useful tool at one time. Since her betrayal, my only desire for her, is to see that she is adequately punished.”
Catra laughed at that. A mirthless, rueful laugh. One full of malice and scorn. “Wow, you really are so gullible.”
“What?” He blinked glowing ruby eyes at her, not understanding.
She grinned a wicked grin at him, a smile without humor. “I told you Entrapta betrayed you, and you believed me. You didn’t even question it.”
“What!?” His glowing eyes went wide at that statement.
“I guess you must not think much of her.” Continued Catra, crossing her arms over her chest. The action was casual. As if this were just an easy conversation between friends. Her tone was matter-of-fact when she spoke. “To just accept that she would stab you in the back, after all those months you spent holed-up in the Sanctum together. I guess you two weren’t all that close after all, and this new armor doesn’t really mean anything either. It’s only Entrapta’s precious First Ones tech she had us drag all the way from her mines in Dryl.”
Hand still resting on the crystal, Hordak’s fingers clenched, his talons scraping the hard shell of the exo-suit. “What- what are you saying?” His hands were shaking. Not just the one over the crystal, the one behind his back too. It threatened to drop the makeshift rangs we was holding. “If Entrapta did not betray me, then how did the Princesses get in?” He shook his head. “It does not make sense!”
Catra laughed again. “You may direct your complaints for Princesses in the Fright Zone to Shadow Weaver.” She flashed sharp feline teeth. “She and Sparkled teamed up, made each other stronger somehow –more powerful- that was how the Princesses got in.”
All this time… he’d been hating her… for something she didn’t do.
“If Entrapta was innocent in this, then where was she?” Hordak demanded. “Where is she now? Where is Entrapta!?”
Before he was even aware that he was moving, Hordak surged forward to try and grab Catra. The hand that had been covering the crystal reaching out, fingers spread, talons extended. He snarled a wordless snarl.
Catra seemed unconcerned. She jumped into the air, doing an unnecessary summersault mid-air, and landing on the console behind Hordak.
“Probably dead by now.” Admitted the cat-girl, there was the slightest hint of regret in her voice. Entrapta had been very useful to her in the beginning. But while there was regret, Catra did not betray even a hint of remorse. She felt no guilt for what she did. Entrapta always frustrated her to her wits’ end. They were not friends. That was fine. Catra didn’t need friends. “I sent her to Beast Island.”
“You- What-!?”
Hordak’s vision blanked for a half a moment. His breathing hard, as if he’d just run the endurance course, but all he’d done was stand there talking to Catra. His nasal cavity flared as his senses sharpened, narrowing in on Catra. His hindbrain no longer reading her as ‘subordinate’ or ‘ally’ and seeing only ‘enemy’. He experienced a feeling Hordak previously only thought could be felt in the thick of battle, when the air was filled with the sound of screams and the spray of shit and blood.
The killing edge.
In the space of a second. With only a single statement, Catra had driven him to the killing edge.
He wasn’t even aware he’d thrown the rangs in his hand until Catra was jumping off the console to dodge them. The wing shaped blades impaled themselves in the crystal keys of the panel, causing the machine to spark and wine in protest.
The already dimly lit bridge of the First Ones ship blinked warning lights before going even darker.
His eyes glowed even bright in the darkness. Two smoldering coals of crimson, searching the shadows, seeking the enemy he needed to destroy.
He sniffed the air, primal instincts buried by programming pushing their way to the surface.
But Catra could also see in the dark, and her primal instincts had never been suppressed or buried like his. With a deep and throaty growl, she pounced on the taller being. Claws slashing at his face and his throat. Blood trickled from the gashes in his face and trickled into his eyes.
The clone struggled to shake her off him. His own talons finding her sides where her kidneys should be. But Catra was wearing a Horde issued unitard, over thick fur. While his sharp talons did succeed in breaking the fabric, and cutting through the fur, he only succeeded in making shallow, superficial scratches on the skin underneath. Curling his hand into a fist, the clone punched the spot instead. Hitting Catra hard in the side, just above her kidney.
Gasping, one arm curling around her mid-section, Catra half-jumped, half-fell off of the alien. She got her feet under her quickly. Turning to face her opponent.
In all her years with the Evil Horde –in all her life- Catra had never seen Lord Hordak look so… wild.
Eyes that always did glow an unnerving shade of red were wide, and blazing brighter. So bright, that they cast a hellish red shine on the dark purple blood that dripped from his face and neck. He was breathing hard, filling the otherwise quiet bridge with the sound of deep panting. He snarled a wordless snarl of his own, showing sharp teeth and even sharper fangs that were as red as his eyes. Thick saliva mingled with his own purple blood dripped from his mouth.
“Catra…!” She more felt, rather than heard her name escape that monstrous, dripping, red hole of a mouth.
Unconsciously, Catra took a step back. He looked almost mindless.
“You took her from me…” He growled. Voice, barely above a whisper. Issuing from the depths of that red throat and drifting through the dark between them. “She was my- my…” He struggled with the vocabulary. None of the 47 languages he was programmed with in the crèche included a term that felt appropriate. “She was mine!”
But he wasn’t completely mindless. Obviously. Just, half-insane with rage –and other emotions he never received any programming in how to process.
“She was going to shut down the portal!” Catra shouted back, trying to regain some measure of control of the situation. “She might not have betrayed you yet, but she was going to!”
Surging forward with only talons and teeth, Hordak closed the space between them. He had been warrior trained since before he gained conscious thought. Programmed with all the knowledge and information a being needed to be an expert in hand-to-hand combat. Then given the physical conditioning and training a being needed to execute that knowledge.
But in his enraged, almost feral state, all that knowledge and training went out the airlock. The clone over extended himself. Stance too wide and unbalanced, arms outstretched too far, movements slowed by the pull of his own body.
Catra was able to dodge him easily.
Hordak stumbled and almost fell. Having to brace his hands against the bridge’s command console to keep from falling. Purple blood dripped on the crystal keys, but he ignored it. His defect prevented him from healing. The cuts would never close. Even if he did manage to defeat Catra now, he would still die. If not from blood loss, then from infection of the open wounds.
Eyes shifting to the rangs that were still impaled in the console, Hordak pulled one out. Taking more time and care when he threw it this time.
His aim was still bad, but it connected with it’s target this time. Sort of.
He had been aiming for Catra’s head, right between her eyes. The blade just barely nicked her ear and a few strands of coarse brown hair.
With a snarl, Catra put one hand to her hear. It came away with blood. He might not have done much damage, but he did open a wound.
The scent of fresh blood –that was not his own- bolstered his confidence. Took him back to the days when he was a competent soldier. When he could run through a battle field, vault across buildings, take out three opponents in close quarters by himself, and still complete the mission. The scent of blood, and adrenaline, and anxiety. The scent of prey. His hindbrain readjusting his mental balance to better stand on the killing edge.
“Setting off the portal destroyed my Sanctum!” He shouted. “Destroyed the empire I built here! The only one who betrayed me is you!”
That statement cut Catra deeper than she thought it would. Deeper than the mention of Shadow Weaver, or even Adora. ‘The problem is you!’
Now it was Catra’s turn to go almost half-mad with rage. How dare he!? He didn’t know her. Or her life. Or what she’d been through. What his empire put her through. What he put her through. He did not get to call her traitor! He did not get to say she was the problem!
Jumping high in the air, Catra leapt over Hordak’s head to land on the console. She plucked the second rang from between the crystal keys and stabbed it into the back of his exo-suit, getting the wing-shaped blade in the joint between two armored plates. Right where his arm met the shoulder.
The whole limb sparked. Sending pins and needles pain through out that whole side of Hordak’s body. He snarled at the sensation. The first rational fear crawling into his brain since Catra confessed his- his Lab Partner had been sent to Beast Island. He was weak without this armor –armor that Entrapta made for him- and Catra knew that. She knew how to kill him, and she very well could.
Trying to move his arm, Hordak was horrified to realize that the armor had locked up on that side. He could not move the arm. Just the tips of his fingers a little bit. He stared at Catra. His instincts for self-preservation overriding his rage at the loss of Entrapta. His hindbrain giving way to rational thought. Hordak stepped back from the killing edge.
Catra did not hesitate. Taking advantage of his fear, and the hesitation that came from it, she jumped on the alien clone again. This time, instead of madly clawing at where his skin was exposed, she had a target and a purpose. She had already ripped his heart out metaphorically, it was time to rip his heart out literally.
Or, at least, literally-adjacent.
She closed her hand over the pink First Ones crystal on his collar. Hand etched with a word neither of them can read, and placed there by Entrapta. It wasn’t just the power source for his exo-suit. It meant something to her. It meant something about them.
Getting her claws in the seem between crystal and setting, Catra pulled hard and- -ripped it out.
The setting sparked.
The whole suit sparked.
Even Catra felt a little jolt of electricity when she ripped out the power crystal.
They both fell to the ground. Catra holding the gem, Hordak sparking and twitching –almost like he were having a seizure.
Catra blinked, staring at him. Watching his body shake and seize. Only looking away when the armor finally shut down and locked up.
She looked at the crystal in her hand. She knew it was the power source for his armor. She knew Entrapta built the armor for Hordak and that it was glitch and didn’t always work right. Hell. Just a bit of sand in it made the thing go into a tizzy. She also knew that Hordak was a lot frailer and weaker than he let on. She knew he visited the First Ones’ med bay regularly and had wide marks and discolorations all over his body. He was sick. Somehow.
But, she didn’t think just shutting down his armor would defeat him.
So easily.
Adora wasn’t even this easy to beat.
Pushing herself to her feet, Catra prodded at Hordak’s prone body with her toe. He groaned, but did not move. He was alive, just not conscious. Kicking him, maybe a bit harder than was necessary, Catra rolled his body over. His eyes were closed, lips slightly parted, breathing uneven and labored. The scratches she dealt to his face and neck were deep and still bleeding. The neck wound in particular was almost a fountain. Spurting fresh bursts of dark purple blood out in time to the uneven beating of his heart.
Hordak wasn’t dead yet, but he would be dead soon. He would bleed out on the floor.
Catra stood there, staring at him. One arm curved back around her mid-section where he had punched her in the kidney earlier in the fight. She was at a bit of a loss as to what to do. She won. But there was no satisfaction in it.
There was no satisfaction in any victory.
She didn’t feel happy.
She just felt… tired.
Not knowing what else to do, still holding the First One’s crystal in her hand, Catra exited the ship’s bridge.
She would deal with Hordak’s body later.
To the vast majority of races in the known universe, it was called ‘Horde World’, but to the Horde themselves, the clone troopers, their commanders, their Captains, the cabinet Lords, and –of course, Horde Prime himself, it was Capital Core. The center of the Empire. The seat from which the Emperor ruled, and the birthing place for his brood of clone soldiers.
A gas giant orbiting a single yellow star. There was no terrestrial surface on Capital Core. The cities and settlements, more importantly, the cloning crèches floated on the layers of the planets gasses. The largest of which was Kurgrad, what could be considered the ‘capital city’ of Capital Core –although, Horde Prime did not rule from it. He ruled from his flagship, the Velvet Glove.
Docking with Kurgrad –or any of the floating settlements of Capital Core- was an experience unto itself. It wasn’t like two ships docking in space. In a zero-gravity environment, without outside forces pulling upon the ships, without particles or corrosive gasses threatening the integrity of the clamps and locks. In space, all anyone had to worry around was maneuvering and making sure not to collide.
But in addition to being a gas giant and having a strong pull that fought with capital ships’ propulsion, the atmospheric layers of Capital Core were also highly acidic and corrosive. The Horde employed various static fields and distortion fields to keep the corrosion at bay. But those fields had to be lowered to allow clamps to lock into place so that ships could dock and an airlock could be established. Docking in Capital Core was an adrenaline pumping ballet of split-second timing between pilot and docking bay engineer.
Once the Leather Vest did dock, however, one could disembark same as any other time a capital ship connected with another vessel.
Zero-Zero-Three stepped off the ship and navigated his way through the narrow corridors of Kurgrad towards the central hub.
The central hub was a wide, circular chamber. With a dome celling of laminated transparasteel and glass so that if one looked up, they could see the ‘sky’ of Capital Core. During cycles of clear weather, the view was that of stars, or maybe some of the planets many moons. On cycles of poor weather, the view would be clouded by swirls and trails of yellow, orange, and cream.
Today seemed to be a cycle of bad weather, Zero-Zero-Three noted. The view outside the dome was a deep caramel orange with a dark streak of scarlet and crimson cutting through on a south-westerly path –a direction the winds did not usually travel.
So preoccupied was Zero-Zero-Three at studying the sky, that he almost didn’t notice the Display.
The central hub was also were Horde Prime staged his examples of what happened to those who betrayed the Empire. Nothing squashed dissent faster than gruesome Displays. Usually, the bodies erected in the center of the hub were those of aliens. Scientists that tended the cloning crèches, engineers that maintained the static fields, mechanics that serviced the ships, and any other variety of imperial subject that served in a menial labor job. Every now and again, one of them would grow malcontent and have to be put down. Their body then put up on Display as a warning to any others who might try and use their job to sabotage Horde Prime’s mighty Empire.
Today, however, the Display was not an alien.
Zero-Zero-Three stared at the body. Not quite sure what he was supposed to think.
Tall, like himself. With long legs, a narrow waist and wide ribcage. Hands that ended in talons just like his own. A pike was driven up their cloaca, the point of it coming up out of the stump where their head used to be. Even without the head, Zero-Zero-Three would recognize the body. It was his own body –minus the discoloration caused by his defects, of course. It was a clone body.
The traitor on display was a Horde clone.
He stood there, staring at the body of one of his brothers. Faceless, numberless, anonymous. And tried to imagine why and how a Horde clone could ever even think to betray their Brother. Zero-Zero-Three didn’t think it was possible. Horde Prime was the Empire, to betray the Empire was to betray Horde Prime and vice-versa. What defect in programing could lead to such… heresy –for lack of a better word.
Zero-Zero-Three stood there for so long, in fact, that Red Hord had to pull him by the arm. “C’mon, let’s get some gray rations.”
He allowed the other clone to pull him through the hub to the canteen district. A corridor lined with kiosks and stalls dispensing food. Alien dishes for those that lived in Capital Core to serve the Empire. Creatures that took advantage of the fact that it was the Core of the Empire, and bartered for foodstuffs from cargo freighters. Grilled vegetables, freeze-dried meats, powdered grains, and boiled roots. Red Hord pulled Zero-Zero-Three past all of this, uninterested. Horde clones had no taste for non-processed foods and preferred the flavorless ration bars provided to them by the Imperial canteen.
The Imperial canteen was decidedly absent of alien dinners. Anyone who was eating from the Imperial canteen was a clone.
The moment their brothers noted that it was a cabinet Lord striding through, they immediately moved out of the way, some of them even humbling themselves with a polite bow. Zero-Zero-Three used to do the same thing until just recently. Until just recently, he was the same as all their other brothers. But this was not an entirely new experience for him. In fact, walking with Red Hord and watching their other brothers bow out of the way, reminded Zero-Zero-Three of his time serving under Lord Hode and the comparison suddenly made him miss the old clone.
Clones died all the time. In droves. The loss of a brother should not have been a big deal for him. Zero-Zero-Three should have felt nothing. But, when he was reminded of Hode, he felt an uncomfortable sensation of… something missing. Something that he’d assumed would always be there and took for granted but was now inexplicably gone. Zero-Zero-Three didn’t know what word to call this feeling. The appropriate vocabulary hadn’t been programmed into him for this kind of sensation. None of the 47 languages the clones of Horde Prime were programmed with seemed to include something to describe what he felt. ‘Loss’ didn’t quite seem to cover it. ‘Bereft’ maybe, but it still felt off.
Then movement out the corner of his eye caught his attention and Zero-Zero-Three looked up, forgetting thoughts of his incomplete language programming.
He looked up, eyes scanning the corridor they’d just stepped through, sure he must have been mistaken. Sure his defects were manifesting again and his eyes were playing tricks on him.
A figure weaving between the aliens of the canteen district. A figure wearing a dark cape and a hood. The hood throwing their face into shadow so that no expression –or even identity- could be seen.
Without even making the conscious decision to, Zero-Zero-Three left Red Hord’s side to follow the hooded figure. It couldn’t be. Academically, Zero-Zero-Three knew he must have been mistaken. But his feet still led him to follow.
Red Hord looked up when the younger clone dashed away, sprinting after someone in the crowd. Maybe it was true what he’d heard about his brother. The man was not smart. Red Hord took a bite of gray ration bar and watched Zero-Zero-Three sprint through the crowd, terrifying every alien he passed, and irritating every clone brother.
Zero-Zero-Three followed that dark cloak to an almost deserted part of the station. Pipes and boiler tanks, rust and steam. Dim lights, low hanging cables, poor visibility.
“Wait!” Zero-Zero-Three was almost on top of the hooded figure by the time he realized that, no, this was not Hode.
The figure paused, finally turning around.
He still couldn’t see their face, but they were much too short to be a clone of Horde Prime. All of Zero-Zero-Three’s brothers were the same height. His height. But this hooded figure only came up to about the clone’s collarbone. Too short to be Hode.
Their face was hidden, but the cape parted enough for Zero-Zero-Three to catch a glimpse of the body underneath it.
Steel toed boots with mean-looking horns that might have been decorative, except they could do some serious damage if a being were kicked with them. Metal grieves that went up to the knee, but no combat stockings or other such armor. Bare skin exposed to the air, blue, but not clone blue. Horde clones’ skin was more of a gray-blue, while this was closer to azure or jewel-blue. An alien blue. A leather, studded, and armored loincloth hung from narrow hips. The chest was just as bare and exposed as the thighs. Displaying more azure blue skin, pulled tight over toned and sculpted muscles. Hard abdominals and chiseled pectorals. A pair of crossed belts, like bandoliers, but without weapons crossed over that impossibly muscular chest, with a motif of bones for decoration.
That was all Zero-Zero-Three could see. Everything else was concealed by the hood and cape.
This wasn’t Hode.
But it was an alien that was standing in what definitely looked like what should be a restricted area of Kurgrad.
“Who are you?” Demanded the clone.
The hooded figure did not answer immediately. The head tilted up, the folds of the hood pulling back just enough to expose a square, bone colored chin.
Then Zero-Zero-Three heard a familiar squawk and all thoughts of the mysterious alien he mistook for Hode vanished from his mind.
Hode’s deamon fluttered down from the pipes and cabling above their heads. The tiny android landed on the hooded figure’s shoulder. If Hode’s deamon trusted this alien then perhaps they were not an intruder. The alien nodded at the deamon, as if telling him ‘it’s okay, go ahead’, before the android flapped its wings again and fluttered over to Zero-Zero-Three. Unconsciously, the clone reached a talon up to scratch under the deamon’s chin as if it were an organic being.
“Hode wished him to be given to you.” Said the hooded figure. Voice high in pitch, almost screechy, and very very nasal. The voice did not entirely seem to fit the body it issued from.
Zero-Zero-Three looked back at the alien. “You knew Lord Hode?”
“Intimately.” Confessed the figure.
But Zero-Zero-Three had never heard his Lord mention any alien allies he might have. Certainly none that he would know intimately enough to entrust his deamon to. Unless…
Unless this hooded figure who would not show their face was lying. Red Hord did say that Hode’s deamon disappeared upon Hode’s death. What if Hode did not entrust his deamon to this alien, what if he stole it from the Empire. Lord Hode did store countless files of information inside the small android. Even added extra memory to him to accommodate it all.
But the deamon did not seem like a hostage being released.
In any event, Lord Hode’s deamon had been found. Even if Zero-Zero-Three wasn’t already about to be promoted to the cabinet, this would be a feat worthy or earning favor from the Emperor. “Horde Prime will be relieved you’ve been found.”
At that statement, the deamon did look concerned. He gave a squawk of disagreement and hopped off Zero-Zero-Three’s shoulder to flutter back to the hooded alien.
The alien only sighed. The sound issuing from the shadows of the hood carrying nothing but disappointment, and for some reason, Zero-Zero-Three was reminded of Hode’s ear-droop when he asked the younger clone ‘what is the Empire’.
“Hode was right, you are a slow learner.” He said. “Imp will stay with me until you’re ready for him.”
“Imp?” Echoed the clone. Androids can’t choose their own names.
“When you’re ready, come to Eternia.” Continued the hooded figure. “Imp will be waiting for you on Snake Mountain.”
A strand of course, messy brown hair had fallen over the front of Catra’s headdress and she had to brush it out of the way with a sigh. Her heart was still pounding and her side still hurt from her fight with Hordak. But she won. She was still Boss Catra of the Crimson Wastes. She was still on top.
Now she just had to figure out what she was going to do now.
The previous She-Ra’s mysterious First Ones weapon was a bust. With Hordak gone, and Entrapta probably already dead on Beast Island, the only other people on Etheria capable of working with First Ones tech were with the Rebellion. They wouldn’t help her. Not even if she asked nicely. So, what was she going to do now…? What came next? What did she… want…?
What was that running across the sand towards the ship?
“Catra~a!” Adora came from out of literally nowhere! “For the Honor of Grayskull!”
And punched her in the face with a golden, glowing fist.
But Adora wasn’t alone. Fast behind her were Bow and Scorpia. So, she decided the betray Catra after what happened in Entrapta’s old lab. Fine. That was fine. Catra didn’t need Scorpia. Just like she didn’t need Shadow Weaver, or Hordak. She didn’t need Adora either. Catra didn’t need anyone!
Entrapta’s bot, Emily, came up next, being helped up the dune by Adora’s talking horse. Of course, the robot would side with the Princesses after what she did to the tech Princess. Emily probably wanted revenge for what was done to her creator.
Behind Emily was some kind of creature. Catra had to rub her eyes. There must be sand in them or something. Or maybe She-Ra’s punch gave her a concussion. It looked like Hordak. A child-Hordak, running up to her. Imp flapping next to them. But that couldn’t be right. Hordak was dead –or, would be dead very soon, she had no idea how long it took a creature like him to bleed out- and Hordak had no children of his own before they left the Fright Zone. What was this thing?
All thoughts of the mysterious and inexplicable child-Hordak went out of Catra’s head, however, when she saw the final member of their part run up. “Entrapta!? But- you’re dead-!”
“Catra! Hey!” Entrapta paused, unsure how she was supposed to act now. She thought Catra was her best friend. According to her Interpersonal Relationship Algorithm, Catra was her best friend. But then, Catra tazed her in the back and shipped her to Beast Island, so… maybe the data was wrong. Entrapta didn’t know what to do. “Did you come to see the First Ones ship too?”
Frozen for a moment, Catra just stared at the other woman. If she had arrived just a little bit sooner, just a little bit, that whole fight with Hordak could have been avoided. She would have had two frustrating nerd to fix her ship for her and it probably would have gotten done in a day with Entrapta. Now… with Entrapta’s precious ‘lab partner’ bleeding out and probably already dead by now, there was no way the tech Princess was going to help her.
That didn’t even cover all the others that came with her. All of whom looked like they were out for Catra’s blood –Adora included.
Catra locked eyes with Adora –with She-ra. She hated that glowing aura, that long golden hair, that all white uniform that never seemed to get dirty no matter what kind of fight she was in. Princess. Ugh! Catra hated it. If Adora had never become She-Ra, none of this would have ever happened! Catra felt more than heard a hiss escape her throat. How dare Adora do this to her!
Her hands balled into fists at her sides and the Frist Ones crystal she ripped out of Hordak’s armor slipped from her fingers.
Entrapta was the only one to notice it when it fell in the sand.
“What’s that?” Before anyone else could move, she had slithered over with her hair and scooped the item up out of the sand.
Then she froze.
Recognizing it instantly.
“This- this is-“ A tendril of hair slithered up to try and lower her welding mask over her face, but it was trembling and did not connect. Her mask stayed up, allowing everyone to see her expression as her brain tried desperately to process information and emotions she did not know how to process. “I gave this to Hordak.”
But Scorpia told her he died.
If Hordak died in the Fright Zone, what was his crystal doing here?
She looked up at the scorpion woman. “Where’s Hordak?”
“I’m Hordak.” Dak tried to remind her.
But she wasn’t listening to them. Her gaze shifted from Scorpia to Catra. Eyes wide, but pupils small, brows down at a sharp angle. Her hair lashed out, intertwining around Catra’s body. Holding the other woman immobile and lifting her up off the sand. Entrapta slammed the younger woman against the exterior plating of the First Ones ship. “Where’s Hordak!?”
Catra groaned, gritting her teeth. She’d never seen Entrapta act this way before and she had no idea what to do. How did one talk one’s way out of being strangled by the magical hair of a Princess that couldn’t tell the difference between a forbidden Sanctum belonging to an evil overlord, and fun workplace where she hung out with a gloomy goth cyborg?
“Pro-probably dead by now.” Catra managed to squeeze out, Entrapta’s hair really was holding her tightly. Like, really tightly. Like, getting hard to breath, shadows behind the eyes, tightly.
“But he was alive!” Entrapta pressed. She needed accurate data. She needed to know. People had a tendency to make vague statements and just assume that she would understand. She did not understand. She was missing whatever it was that everyone else had that allowed them to understand and communicate with each other. She needed explicitly clear statements. “How recently was he alive?”
Catra gasped for air. Entrapta was holding her so tight. It was supposed to be morning. The Glow Moon was high in the sky. Why was everything so dark?
“Entrapta!” That was Adora’s voice. Why did Adora sound so far away? Why did Adora sound scared?
“Entrapta, let her go! Please!” That was Scorpia.
Why did all of them sound so far away?
Then the pressure constricting her was gone and Catra fell to the sand.
She lay on her back, breathing hard. Filling her lungs with oxygen as long snake-like bruises formed on her skin where Entrapta’s hair had constricted her. Her vision began to clear and she was inexplicably reminded of the way Hordak had choked her by sucking all the oxygen out of the room. Entrapta almost killed her, she realized. Catra didn’t think Entrapta could be capable of something like that. She was a Princess, after all.
She and Hordak were suited for each other.
Catra laid in the warm sand. She was alive. But still so inexplicably tired.
“Inside.” She finally answered. “Hordak’s bleeding out inside.”
Catra’s eyes were already closed, she passed out before Entrapta had time to jerk her way out of Scorpia’s arms and dash inside the ship.
As Catra said, he was inside. A long, thin body playing prone on the floor. A wide pool of dark purple blood had pooled around his head and shoulders, leaking from deep gashes in his neck. Catra must have cut his species’ equivalent of the jugular vein with her claws.
Putting most of her weight on her hair, not caring that she got the sensitive strands soaked in blood, Entrapta hovered over him. She hesitated for a moment. But, it was Hordak, her Lab Partner. Her… she didn’t know the appropriate term. Scorpia was her Best Friend, but the way she felt about Hordak… he was also very special to her, just in a different way. He was her ‘Extra Friend’? She shook her head. Terminology and classifications could come later, she had to assess his condition right now.
Setting her misgivings aside, Entrapta peeled one of her gloves off.
She pressed two fingers to the side of his neck that was not open and leaking vital fluids.
At first, she thought Catra was right. That she was too late. That he had bled out. That Hordak was dead.
But just as she was about to pull her hand away, she felt the slightest of pulses. One small ‘ba…bump’. It was faint. Perhaps just the last impotent beat. It wasn’t like there was much left in him to pump. But it gave Entrapta hope. If she could just get some fresh blood in him from a compatible donor…
Entrapta looked up.
Dak, the clone she made of Hordak, had followed her into the ship.
16 notes · View notes
readfelice-blog · 6 years
moominland chronicles Sechszehn: bloody tale of woe continued
Sunday, Monday, Happy Days,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days,
Thursday, Friday, Happy Days,
The weekend comes, my cycle hums
Ready to race to you
These days are ours
Happy and free. (Oh Happy Days)
These days are ours
Share them with me.(Oh baby)
Goodbye grey sky, hello blue,
there's nothing can hold me when I hold you.
feels so right you can't be wrong,
rockin' and rollin' all week long.
Saturday, what a day
Groovin' all week with you
It’s Wednesday // now its Sunday (I couldn’t finish this on Wednesday, it was still to close).
First off I’m asking for money, I will go into more depth next week because I’m facing the crisis of what the value of my work really is, for now this is my Crowdfunding campaign:
Please support if you can.
Just listen to these, they’re both little slices of genius that deserve your time:
LYDIA LUNCH Queen of Siam
NICOLAS JAAR Hardcore Ambient Mix
https://soundcloud.com/otherpeoplerecords/nicolas-jaar-harcore-ambient …
Here’s the recap and then what happened next on my fine romp through the German Health service…
MONDAY 1/10/18
First clot plops out, come into contact with rude receptionists, no one will give me an appointment
TUESDAY 2/10/18
Horrible morning cleaning, go to TK and sort my insurance, go to emergency doctor who tells me to go to a gynaecologist
Home all day making work, have a little singsong at night. (national holiday - no doctors open)
THURSDAY 4/10/18
Go to job, go to gynaecologist who's not there / will be going on holiday, ring more rude receptionists, fall into the office of a gynaecologists pleading for help, take my pants off, get ultrasound spy dildo inserted up me, bleed all over the doctor. Am told I am pregnant, am told I am not pregnant, am told to go to hospital and go to my insurance. Go to my insurance, get my letter, wander round seemingly abandoned hospital, go home broken.
Oh, ask for help- email my boss / mentor and tell her what’s going on. Email all my clients and cancel all my jobs for the next week.
FRIDAY 5/10/18
Wake up and get a taxi to hospital.
Beg to be seen by someone.
Female gynaecologist sees me this time - take my pants off, get ultrasound spy dildo inserted up me and am roughly routed around in with alarming metal objects and no warning that it will hurt or being asked whether I am in pain. Am told it’s not a baby its a polyp, am scheduled for surgery, spend 2 hours filling in forms, waiting, am given appointment for 9.30am Monday morning and turfed out. Leave, realise I can’t get the note from my doctor (they’re all closed) I need before the weekend, go back, cry at admin assistant, have minor breakdown, am settled and sent away.
Sit shakily on bench in small square by U Bahn on the grounds of the hospital, talk to Moon, go home, tuck myself in and bleed.
My mentor says she’ll come to see me at the hospital, what do I like to eat (I have to stay overnight).
SATURDAY 6/10/18
Move very little, bleed very much, buy some food.
SUNDAY 7/10/18
Much like Saturday but I write and publish my blog.
My mentor asks me what time to come see me.
First wave of friends that read blog get in contact,
“Felice ….. now im sneakily reading your bloody ( literally bloody this time) blog to find out whats actually happening with you. I hope you´re okay!, and if you ever do ask for help I will do my best to help you.”
MONDAY 8/10/18
Get up 6AM, have shower very slowly, am in a lot of pain (its worst in the morning), sit outside my house and wait for Taxi, get taxi, tell the driver I miss free healthcare, he tells me he misses his family in Istanbul. Am deposited outside doctors (to ask for note), wait for 20 mins to get slip of paper and give the receptionist a hug.
Get another uber to Hospital, he leaves me at the gates and I walk to the Frauen Klinik, not sure of where to go I wait at registration then am directed up to my ward and power off with 45 minutes till my surgery, the admin assistant tells me “alles gut”.
Up at station 35, the nurses are friendly, I go to another registration office, back to wait in overcrowded little patient room, fill in a tome of forms in German using the camera on Google Translate to try make sense of them, hand back the forms and slyly observe the small Russian family to my right, the son talks expansively, the mother is softly spread from middle age and fairly tethered to the father, she beckons him to join her but he’s brittle and stands by the window instead, I don’t know what's wrong with her.
30 minutes after my scheduled surgery, 10am, then 45, I am called in to a nurses office where she tell’s me, as if I should know, I’ve been rescheduled for 12:50, she's nice and she tries to speak English, she asks what becomes some kind of pass code,
“Have you eaten on drunk anything today? Do you have any allergies?”
The nurse will take you to your room now, but go back and wait first.
I encounter a gorgeous young elfin nurse and ask if I can go a cigarette on my way to the patient room, where more people are piled in now, she says yes 5 minutes, I promise thats what I’ll do.
Inhale cigarette run back upstairs.
She’s there again, she didn’t know I was scheduled for surgery! Tell them when they take you to your room, just in case.
I stand in the corridor for 20 mins, there is nowhere to sit in the patient room.
A nurse comes and deposits me in my room, it's like places I’ve stayed in generic expansive hotels, a Holiday Inn perhaps, charge my phone, hug my pig because of course I brought him. A nurse enters roughly 30 mins later and tells me to change, its the young elfin nurse, I bundle my things in the cupboard and lock the door, give her the key. Then I change and wait.
In comes another nurse, high cheekbones and a wide smile, I climb into bed but manage to get her to listen to me when I say I’ve had a cigarette, a gasp, she calls down to surgery, a moment where I’m not sure if they’ll operate, but its ok and off we go. I am wheeled to the lift, she touches my shoulder often, she's forgotten all her notes and runs back to the room leaving me lying by the lift, she comes back, still no notes, they’re under my pillow. We continue.
It's like a hospital drama from first person perspective, I’m scared, I’ve never been wheeled around in a bed before, the viewpoint is totally new and robs you of all your independence, I am just a body, unable to move, looking up at the people that flash in and out on my journey down to surgery.
“Have you eaten anything today? Do you have any allergies?” Repeated over and over again, I tell my surgeon I’m not sure sure how much I love Berlin after the last week, I tell the man that doesn’t introduce himself to me and has a strange smile on his face that makes me feel uncomfortable, that I’ve lived here for 6 months, I repeat “No I’ve not eaten anything, No I don’t have any allergies, I’m wheeled next to the operating table, my clothes are removed, a drip is stuck inside me and I’m given a mask, I precariously climb onto the table and then nothing….
I wake up blearily, to be told there was no polyp, its low estrogen, blinking, moments of consciousness, they explain what’s wrong me, or not in this case because they don’t know, there was a lot of blood, I feel like it’s my fault. I ask for the blood clots they’re removed, because I want to see them, but they’re never brought to me.
My nurse takes me back to my room, there’s another woman there now, I’m so frustrated that after an hour or so of sleep I stubbornly dress and go for a smoke, despite the head nurse on the ward saying “if you pass out, I’m not coming down to collect you.”
Then back up, more sleep, my rose quartz angel (mentor, but this is her true form) comes to visit, she brings lilies and salted chocolate, I tell her they didn’t find anything, I am still bleeding, now in my hospital pants rather than my own knickers. She leaves when the nurses bring in dinner, 2 slices of stale bread, 2 slices of plastic cheese, 4 patties of butter, cheese, to be honest I’m not sure. I eat them but am glad I have the chocolate to.
I’m still high on the drugs they’ve given me, I buzz up and down for cigarettes and feel strangely lucid, I text and read the books the rose quartz angel brought me, I try and pretend to myself that it’s all ok now.
My roommate is Russian, she speaks in German or Russian on her phone constantly, but she does not understand English, so we don’t talk. At 21:30 the head nurse administers pain killers and offers to freshen my back “no thanks” then my roommate turns off her light, so I do the same.
But I can’t sleep, so I just toss and turn, 2 hours or so later I wake and patter off to the kitchen to look for food, I’m starving, I find a container of muesli and some milk, I sneakily pour it in a cup alongside a cup of soup, then I craftily return to my room feeling like I’ve subverted the system somehow. The water isn’t hot enough for the cup of soup to melt so there’s fatty globs of it still in the cup, I eat everything anyway, in the dark, then I try to sleep. Another few hours and I manage some shut eye, my body is craving touch from another though, it’s desperately shouting at me.
Good Omens is funny isn’t it?
Eartheater has played and is now probably at some hedonistic afterparty.
TUESDAY 8/10/18
My roommate wakes before me, but I’m half awake, people come in and out (nurses to attend to her requests), she talks on the phone, at 9:00 they wheel in breakfast, 2 slices of stale bread, a piece of plastic cheese and more patties of butter, plus some questionable conserves.
This bread is tough.
A doctor comes in whilst breakfast is still at my side table,
“So you can go whenever you want, we told you what's wrong with you right?”
“When I was high on the drugs you’d given me yes.”
“It’s a hormonal imbalance, you need to go see your gynaecologist so they can give you the IUD.”
There was no polyp, or alien baby, but I wasn’t conscious so how do I know.
I pack up and exit like a rockstar, but maybe the kind of rockstar your dad becomes at a disco after a few beers rather than Iggy Pop. Before I exit the hospital completely I go see the admin team about my insurance one last time, to ask if I have to call my insurance, because apparently this little hospital holiday will likely cost up to 30k, the woman tells me its ok and I give her a big hug, lilies still in hand, then I dance down to the street, I must still be high on drugs.
i sidestep to the office of the woman I cried at on Friday, because it wasn't her fault so I drew her my lilies to say sorry, she doesn’t have her flowery crocs on today but she's still oddly special and her eyes are crystalline as I run off.
But I’m still bleeding.
I go home on the U Bahn, via the gynaecologists I’ve now crashed into 3 times this week, but my welcome isn’t so warm this time. I need to see the doctor, maybe not today but this week, I hand them my referral note and my operation notes, she goes to talk to him. I get the impression I’m becoming an annoyance now, as if this is all my fault.
“He can see you in 10 days”
“I haven’t stopped bleeding, I need it to be sooner than that.”
She is still kind faced as she ponders this, “ok Thursday morning 8:30?”
“Thats my birthday but yes.”
I finally get home after making some heady announcements via email and facebook that all is right with the world again (drugs still? Who knows).
My rose quartz angel brings me a ton of leafy greens, soups, nuts, tea, yoghurt, chocolate, the care package from heaven and she sits in my little yellow kitchen briefly not drinking her tea.
“So did they take hormonal tests if they think its hormones?
Are you not scared?
I don’t think you should go back to this doctor, I think you need a second opinion and I think he’s a tool, get some more contacts and I’ll do a call round for you tomorrow, see what I can find.”
She had botched surgery before she moved to Berlin, there’s a hole in her mouth now, she called and emailed surgeons all over the world to consult with. She sat opposite a friend of the surgeons, another surgeon, who told her that her investigation could ruin his friends reputation, he didn’t give his opinion.
Doctors are humans to.
After she leaves I’m thrown back in to a land of exasperated worry, I trawl the internet to find more English speaking gynaecologists, I phone the doctor that discharged me, who is not happy to hear from me and through gritted teeth tells me there are no hormone tests, any medical professional would just know that it was an imbalance.
I go to bed worried, the bleeding is getting heavier again.
WEDNESDAY 10/10/18
After a very goog nights rest I receive a call from my rose quartz angel, shes got me an appointment way out at templehof in 2 hours. I dress and get ready slowly, all the connections are seamless, I feel like my angel is with me, I get to the doctors in good time.
Walking through the leafy grounds of the hospital with crisp autumn sun shimmering through the leaves that are a spectrum of warm colours. Not in a panic because my rose quartz angel has sent me a map as well. I walk in exactly on time, have a little tussle with the receptionist about my insurance card, am seated, wait on a white wicker chair reading Alan Watts. The waiting room is airy and feminine, the staff wear pink t-shirts and German pop echoes out from the speaker just to my right above me, I pour myself water and have a little cup of tea.
When my doctor comes out I look at her for 5 minutes before registering she's asking for my name.
Then I repeat my bloody tale of woe to her.
She doesn’t want to just bung me up with an IUD, it will cost me 300euros to do so (or there around) and it won’t solve the problem. She wants to have a look in my uterus as well, so I climb on to her chair and have the spy dildo inserted up me for the 3rd time in the last 7 days, but shes gentle, she tells me it might hurt and to let her know if I’m in pain.
“Well they did a good job of cleaning you out at least because there’s nothing in there now.”
Clothes back on, my ovaries look fine, she’s going to check with her senior doctor to see what he thinks.
I’m back in the waiting room, then in her office.
“So, pills to clot the blood and stop you bleeding. You don’t have to go on the pill, what do you think?”
“I think I want to cover all my bases.”
“Great, me to. Once the bleeding has stopped call us, then we can do a smear test and try to find out whats going on.”
I walk out to a really beautiful autumn day, the kind that framed your first weeks back at school or college, when everything was so fresh and exciting. Whilst I wait for my pills I have coffee and cake at a small cafe that serves the passion cake my mum makes, its the only place I’ve ever found that does so and I’ll be back there again next week.
THURSDAY 11/10/18
Bleeding (getting less)
It’s my birthday.
The bear messages me that the doctor agree’s he's showing symptoms of chlamydia, he's been given antibiotics and I should go ASAP (but no test results as of yet).
“I’ll talk to my gyno next week, its my birthday today and I’m sick of clinics and hospitals this week.”
STI tests are not covered on my insurance.
Ok, no more days need to be charted now, the bleeding is nearly stopped I’ll be back to leafy Templehof at the earliest convenient time next week.
If it is an STI after all this let me just quickly cite what would of happened had I been in the UK with the NHS:
I would of gone to the sex health centre at Homerton Hospital, the same time I went to the emergency doctors on my first visit, around 3 months ago. But I would have had the whole spectrum of tests, rather than just doing 3, because I couldn’t afford the chlamydia test and it would cost 300euro if it came back positive anyway.
A week later I would of received an automated message telling me if I had chlamydia, I would of gone to collect my antibiotics and nothing more would of come of this.
It would of cost the NHS at least a 10th of what its costing my health insurance provider in Germany, because it would of been solved, no carousel of ultrasound spy dildos. No being wheeled down to surgery.
I’m not saying it is Chlamydia, it could be hormones, it could be cancer (but lets brush that one aside), but if it is Chlamydia then this glaring discrepancy of costs and stress is almost mind boggling, all because I would of had access to free testing and treatment.
Anyway I’m done for now, though will update again next week, hopefully in less detail as I’m hoping now I have a diligent and thoughtful doctor I’ll be able to start getting better, and as I say the bleeding has nearly stopped.
My birthday was fantastic, I got to lie on the floor of Saal 1 at Funkhaus and let sound wash over me, bless the folk at Monom, I’m off to Treptower now to see friends I haven’t seen in a while then to a dance studio I’m renting, to sing my heart out in peace. It’s another beautiful day and I’m really looking forward to seeing these friends, I’ve missed them.
But just before I round out this tale of madness for now, I want to say that during the course of the week so many people have been in touch from Berlin and from home to offer support and anything else they can do, it’s really a beautiful thing, there are so many fantastic people in this world and I’m so grateful, thank you. I put all my dirty laundry on display, I don’t really know why, but I get so much from doing it and I don’t think I’ll be stopping anytime soon.
Happy Sunday all.
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pluckyredhead · 8 years
Daredevil 101: Gay Panic Roadtrip to Albany/Hell
That title sounds like the world’s most amazing concept album.
CONTENT WARNING: Homophobia, transphobia, animal abuse.
Anyway! When last we left our hero, his entire life had been ruined yet again: he had cheated on Karen with Typhoid Mary, lost his home and place of employment, and had the shit kicked out of him by basically all of his rogues. He’s still floundering around at rock bottom when he decides to drink his woes away at a bar (not Josie’s, but very Josie’s-esque), and is joined by a Mysterious Stranger:
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Though Matt doesn’t notice anything odd about the stranger, everyone else in the bar very clearly gets a bad vibe off of her. They also all seem to perceive her differently.
As the stranger speaks cryptically about the nature of good and evil and the terrible things she’s witnessed, tensions in the bar rise. Two brothers who were having a friendly conversation at a back table start fighting. As the fight escalates, Matt is inexorably drawn to the stranger:
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Matt sort of dazedly realizes that something has gone terribly wrong, but it’s too late - a man is dead. “You could have stopped it if you weren’t busy making out with that guy!” some rando accuses.
“A guy???” Matt asks.
Well, yes and no:
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This is Mephisto, who is basically Satan in the Marvel universe. Mephisto generally presents as male (so I’ll be using male pronouns from here on out) but doesn’t really have a gender per se, being the embodiment of evil rather than a living being. That said, there is definitely a strong element of homophobia/transphobia in this encounter. Like. “You hook up with a hot chick at the bar but she turns out to be a dude and also the actual devil???” That is vile transphobia. (This comic is 27 years old, but still. There’s using dated terminology, and there’s playing out harmful tropes that get people killed.)
This also picks up on a lot of the themes we’ve seen with Typhoid Mary, with Matt as a relatively passive figure who is deceived and violated by a gender-bending/gender role-flouting woman. This is his rock bottom, though: from here on out, conventional gender roles start to reassert themselves.
Anyway, this is the last straw for Matt. He burns all of his and Karen’s remaining belongings (excuse you, Matthew, not all of those are yours) and hits the road, traveling upstate towards Albany. Along the way, he witnesses a private plane crashing, and springs into action to rescue its pilot. However the pilot, a wealthy farmer named Skip Ash, turns out to be hella shady:
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Curious about Skip’s strange behavior and illegal cargo, Matt decides to abandon his aimless northward wandering in favor of looking into this guy a bit more.
Meanwhile, Mephisto has created a demon “son” named Blackheart to torment the people of upstate New York. As if they don’t have enough to deal with already. #newyorkjoke
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Blackheart attacks Matt (and randomly appearing guest star Spider-Man) for an issue but it’s boring so I’m skipping it.
Meanwhile Skip Ash has returned to his factory farm, run on ill-gotten drug money and dedicated to getting the most profit possible out of his stock, no matter the cost to the animals:
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This is Skip telling his scientist to bioengineer legless pigs so that they can just sit in their overcrowded cages to be force-fed until they’re slaughtered. Skip is a fucking monster.
But that’s just the tip of his monster iceberg, because Skip is also experimenting on humans. Specially, young women and girls who have been made insecure by the beauty-industrial complex and come to his farm/lab to be “perfected” - and he’s selected his favorite to be his future wife:
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One person in complete agreement with me on that is his daughter, Brandy. When she realized what kind of man her father was, she stormed out, but still lives on the money he sends her. She’s also become an animal rights activist, and Matt - who has been following Skip around - catches her planning to set off some (harmless to humans and animals) explosions at Skip’s farm to draw media attention to his inhumane practices:
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Matt is sooo smug here, which is especially rich considering that his whole attitude during this arc is “ugh it’s hard to care about people and things, why won’t everyone with problems leave me alone?” Yeah, Brandy’s activism is more about anger at her dad and there’s no follow-through that actually helps the animals, and yes, she’s arguably a hypocrite for living off her father’s drug money. But one could just as easily say that Matt’s heroism is more about thrillseeking and there’s no follow-through that actually reduces crime, and that he’s a hypocrite (and in violation of his own professional oaths) for getting paid to try cases in which he has a conflict of interest as Daredevil. So.
Brandy is something of a straw activist (and later, we’ll see, a straw feminist) - shrill and angry but not actually effective, and with very selfish and personal motives. It’s notable that she shows up around 1990, on the cusp of the capitalist 80s and disaffected 90s - her character would’ve been treated very differently in the 70s.
(It’s also interesting that Nocenti's run is fiercely environmentalist, between Kelco’s pollution and Skip’s factory farm, and yet actual environmentalists are consistently portrayed as ineffectual idiots. Not totally sure what her point was there besides nihilism.)
Anyway, Matt rides along with Brandy as she sets off her explosions, which have the unintended effect of freeing the human experiment we saw earlier, Number Nine. However, Skip’s scientists and guards have no intention of letting their prize go that easily:
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Luckily, Number Nine has a healing factor, so she’s okay. Matt and Brandy take her back to Brandy’s house to recuperate, where they discover that she’s...well, very odd. She’s been programmed to cook, clean, primp, and fawn over men, to the point of being manic about it, and also keeps having flashbacks to the traumatic things she witnessed while being experimented on.
Brandy, of course, has no patience with Number Nine’s “perfect woman” behavior:
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“Haven’t you ever heard of feminism?” “No, but it sounds awful.” Woof. I mean, Number Nine isn’t exactly a reliable narrator either, but she’s certainly more pleasant than abrasive Brandy. (Who I fucking love, I WILL FIGHT YOU.) Matt certainly enjoys Number Nine’s fawning. What a relief after Typhoid Mary, huh, tough guy?
Skip, meanwhile, wants his property back, so he hires this guy, who is a precursor to literally everything about 90s comics:
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Look at that ridiculous gun! Look at those shades! Look at those spiked gloves! This is so silly. Also this character is called “Shotgun” even though that is DEFINITELY NOT A SHOTGUN.
Anyway, a couple dangerous skirmishes with Shotgun ensue, but Matt manages to keep Number Nine safe, though he can’t keep her and Brandy from fighting:
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As annoyed as I am by The Reasonable Man rubbing his temples and soothingly saying “Girls, girls!” as Those Crazy Women scream at each other, I am genuinely amused by “GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN!”
Anyway my best guess is that the Brandy/Number Nine conflict is some sort of embodiment of the conflict that women still have between being independent/feminist/liberated and performing femininity to an acceptable level, but which was especially difficult to navigate at a time when more and more women were getting divorced and/or working outside of the home and/or keeping their maiden names, etc. Like. I do think that Nocenti was trying to tell a feminist story here, especially since Number Nine was driven to subject herself to Skip’s experiments because of unreasonable beauty standards in the media, just like I think she was trying to subvert gender roles with Typhoid Mary. But it gets muddy.
After a few battles with Skip and Shotgun, Matt and Brandy basically tell Skip they have access to his various stockpiles of contraband and will turn him in if he doesn’t leave them - and most importantly, Number Nine - alone:
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Skip gives up and sort of wanders out of the story at this point...but here’s where it takes a trippy turn:
So some of Skip’s illegal contraband is from Attilan, a city on the moon. Attilan is the home of the Inhumans, who, if you don’t watch Agents of SHIELD or read the comics, are very similar to mutants - a genetic variation from humans who each have their own superpower and sometimes a very visible mutation. Ms. Marvel/Kamala Khan is probably the best known Inhuman these days.
The Inhumans are ruled by King Black Bolt and Queen Medusa, who at this point in continuity had recently had a son, who was taken away from them and sent to Earth because of his potentially dangerous powers. Two cousins of the royal family, Gorgon and Karnak, decide to go to Earth and look for the child so that they can return him to his parents.
So Gorgon and Karnak turn up basically out of nowhere, and Matt, Brandy, and Number Nine are like “Sure, superpowered strangers, we’d love to go on a road trip with you in this pickup truck to find a missing space prince.” It’s bizarre.
It’s on this road trip that they encounter Blackheart (remember Blackheart?), who has taken human form so as to fuck with humans more subtly. He’s hitchhiking, so they give him a ride, and he immediately starts playing up the tension between Gorgon and Karnak and their mutual interest in Number Nine:
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That’s Gorgon driving the truck and Karnak in the weird hat in the backseat. Gorgon, by the way, has goat legs and the power of stomping, which is 100% not what the gorgons of mythology were. Karnak has the ability to see - and hit - the weakness in anything. They are some of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s more ridiculous creations.
Anyway, Blackheart - the balding dude in the turtleneck - spurs them into a fight that wrecks the truck. Matt, who can’t see Blackheart’s disguise, picks up on the fact that there is something seriously wrong with this dude, and attacks:
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Blackheart, you creepy.
The humans - and Inhumans - manage to calm themselves down and make up, and Blackheart, frustrated, moves on to fuck with some other people. Specifically, the people in the small town that our missing Inhuman prince - currently going by the name “Pope,” though his real name is Ahura - has landed in. Pope, as we’ll see, is kind of an odd and creepy kid:
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Yeah, Pope’s power is the Evil Eye. He didn’t mean to kill the sheep, but...shit happens, I guess?
The town, somewhat understandably, decides he’s a demon and they need to kill him, but Matt shows up OUT OF FREAKING NOWHERE - seriously, I have no idea how he found Pope - and stops them:
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Blackheart, frustrated by his failure to corrupt anyone, turns to Mephisto for help, and Mephisto pulls all of our major players at this point - Matt, Brandy, Number Nine, Gorgon, Karnak, and Pope - down into Hell.
Yes, actual Hell.
They’re separated into groups by the fall. Brandy and Pope find themselves trying to climb out of a vast canyon, and they meet an angel:
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The angel wakes up and is lovely and wonderful and kind, but Brandy is so shrill that eventually just peaces the fuck out of there, leaving Brandy and Pope to make the climb alone.
Number Nine, meanwhile, finds herself in a “Heaven” that is actually her version of Hell:
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She winds up being dazzled by hunky angels but befriending a nerdy one named Lucifer? The metaphors are all over the place here.
Gorgon and Karnak are boring, so I’m skipping them...and Matt? Well, he finds himself in a snowy wasteland with nothing in it but a confessional. He breaks off the cross on top and uses it to start a fire:
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Only Mephisto is permitted to make fire in Hell, so Mephisto LOSES HIS SHIT. He attacks Matt with demons, and for a while Matt fights off wave after wave of them before realizing that the only way to win is to stop fighting. Sure enough, this stops the attack on him and his friends, and he makes plans to walk out - but an enraged Mephisto proves that he still has power:
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That’s Brandy in the last panel, and yes, she’s dead. :(
Then the Silver Surfer shows up out of nowhere to fight Mephisto??? SURE, JAN. Whatever, it gives Matt & Co. the necessary cover they need to get out of there and they return to the mortal world, shaken and grieving but alive.
And Brandy?
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I...guess that’s a happy ending for her? I’m still pretty troubled by how the straw feminist doesn’t get to be loved by an angel because of how shrill she is until she ACTUALLY DIES, but again, the metaphors are so incoherent that it’s tough to suss out exactly what the message here is. (Also, Gorgon and Karnak take Pope home, and we never see Number Nine again.)
Anyway, that’s the end of Romita’s run on the main Daredevil book, though Nocenti’s got one last arc to go. Tune in next time when Matt returns to New York, confronts Bullseye, and finally reunites with Foggy!
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Digital Transformation in Healthcare – II [Updated 2020]
In the previous article on Digital Transformation In Healthcare, we’d discussed how when the right level of technology is incorporated in healthcare; it helps in gathering the data in one place, making the data accessible anytime and anywhere. Every industry benefits from digitization and the same apply to healthcare.
Here, we continue to discuss the various modules integrated into a digital healthcare system to help the needs of the hospital, its doctors, and administrators:
Table of Contents
Modules in Healthcare and Digital Transformation
Digital Healthcare Trends 2020
Final Words
Appointment manager
Communication platform to connect, collaborate and care
Staff tracker and timesheet
Medical equipment tracker
Wearable Medical Devices
On-demand healthcare to Patients
Rise of Online Pharmacies
Modules in Healthcare and Digital Transformation
Appointment manager
Talk about managing a healthcare business; managing the appointments is one of the most crucial parts. Online appointment management is not a new concept owing to the adoption of the digital healthcare system. There are various healthcare institutions that allow patients to check the availability of the doctor and then book an appointment online. The appointment manager module in the smart healthcare management system takes this process one step ahead.
The appointment manager would begin with collating information about the daily charts, the availability of the doctors and the other medical staff. Last-minute cancellations or cases where the doctor’s arrival is delayed, if there is an emergency to tend to and other such real-time updates are integrated. It puts together valuable information for the patients as well as for the hospital administration to take care of emergency situations.
The appointment fixing would also be based on the prioritizing of the consultations of in-patients and out-patients scheduled for the day. Managing the appointments would avoid commotion at the help desk. This would also ensure that the facilities are available by reducing the chances of overcrowding the clinics and consultation areas. If there are no-shows or if the patients turn up late, the appointments could also be adjusted based on the list.
On the whole, when the implementation of such healthcare innovation trends takes place the hospital administration staff would be free from a lot of confusion. And a major workload would be lifted off their shoulder. So they would be able to focus on other important tasks while the appointment manager takes care of the appointments in real-time. For the patients, there would be reduced wait times, and this enhances the overall experience a great deal.
Communication platform to connect, collaborate and care
Efficient collaboration and convenient ways to connect would make it easy for healthcare businesses to offer quality care for the patients.
There are several places where communication happens even before the diagnosis and treatment begin. To begin with, the patient would look for quality healthcare solution providers and then hunt for the best doctors. Or if the patient already has a doctor, then there might be the need to find the hospitals and the availability of the doctor to fix an appointment, where the appointment manager would help. For surgeries and treatment plans for chronic illnesses, there might be even more frequent communication happening.
The patient might have to keep a check on the medications taken before and after the treatment. So the doctors would be able to get in touch with the patients for follow up. Along with this communication, there would also be the need for recording all the interactions that happen between the doctor and the patient.
Patient records would have to be maintained and accessed even if the patient comes back for a consultation after a long gap and even if the doctor whom the patient was previously consulting is not with the hospital anymore.
On the whole, this digital technology in the healthcare module would ensure that every piece of information relayed among doctors, patients, medical staff, management teams, administration teams and other non-medical staff can all be documented. So there would be no gaps, and even in the absence of the concerned people there would be no delays created. And finally, this information is also valuable in medical inventory planning.
Staff tracker and timesheet
Maintaining timesheets is known to improve productivity in the workplace and is another place where healthcare transformation solutions play a major role. It helps the hospitals in knowing how the staff spend their time. So it helps the administration teams and the management teams understand how to plan the daily tasks for the various staff members. It makes the assignment of duties simpler.
Read More : “Impact of Digital Transformation in shaping future Healthcare“
And for the staff, maintenance of the timesheets would help them understand how much time is spent on each activity. It helps them work on improving their time management plans and in turn, improves their output. The data can easily be reviewed on a periodic basis, either every week or month in order to manage the resources better.
Medical equipment tracker
There are situations where, in spite of the availability of the concerned doctors’ treatments are delayed due to the non-availability of essential medical equipment. Sometimes the delays or even cancellations of appointments might also be caused due to the repairs or breakdowns in the hospital equipment.
The medical equipment tracker is one of the best examples of digital transformation in healthcare that puts an end to all these woes and avoids all sorts of inconvenience caused to patients and to the hospital staff due to the non-availability or increased demand of a piece of equipment. With respect to the labs, the samples collected for testing could be accurately maintained, and the process of analyzing the samples and updating the patients and the doctors could be automated by including easy RFID tags for the samples.
Similar RFID tags would also make it easy to evaluate the health of the machinery and schedule repairs if required. Regular maintenance activities scheduling could also be automated. It would ensure that the medical equipment is in its best condition, and this would result in better quality healthcare for the patients, which also strengthens the patients’ trust in the hospital. Medicine availability and planning of inventory could also be improved with this module.
Digital Healthcare Trends 2020
What is digital transformation in healthcare? As we are currently witnessing, the healthcare industry has been developing rapidly and moving towards the world of digitalization. For providing patients with quality and cost-effective care by heavily relying on modern methods, there are several reforms made already.
It is already predicted that digital transformation in this sector will steadily increase in the coming years and revolutionize the healthcare sector at a whole new level. Having said that, listed below are some of the most promising future trends in the healthcare industry that will contribute to its major growth.
Wearable Medical Devices
The increasing popularity of wearable medical devices has led most of the patients to focus more on the preventive measures rather than the cure. A major reason for this is that these devices help in tracking the possible symptoms in the patient’s body.
This data can then be easily shared with doctors so that they can further investigate for an underlying disease or the possibility of acquiring one in the future. Typical examples of such devices include oximeters, heart monitor and sweat meters.
On-demand healthcare to Patients
Lives of people are constantly getting busier so much so that their entire schedule is packed with activities. Healthcare is no different from this. People no longer find the patience to wait in queues in order to get examined by the doctor. Instead, they now look for an on-demand healthcare approach whenever they are free and require it.
And with this, healthcare digital transformation trends have now given rise to telemedicine services that are getting popular day by day. Many hospitals are now looking forward to upgrading their organizations and offer these services to help attend and treat more patients in a short span of time. It is predicted that in the coming years, telemedicine is going to become one of the major healthcare innovation trends.
Rise of Online Pharmacies
Just as discussed above, most of the people are now looking forward to on-demand healthcare services that do not intervene in their daily schedule. And in line with this, it is evident people will no longer go to visit multiple pharmacies because of the lack of availability of a particular medicine.
Online pharmacies are one of the top healthcare trends 2020 that will be of great help to people, to avail their medicine without any delay. Ordering their medicine, they will have their purchase delivered to their homes without having to step out of their space. This particular trend definitely has a bright future since many people are now shifting towards buying medicines online.
So how to transform healthcare? It is strategies like these that play a crucial role in bringing about the much needed digital transformation in the healthcare sector.
Final Words
On the whole, one thing that we know for sure is that incorporating the right amount of digital transformation healthcare would help hospitals save time and money and would help patients receive reliable treatments on time. It thus enhances the healthcare industry from every dimension. And for this to happen, organizations need to opt for digital transformation consulting providers who will guide them through the various strategies that are required to incorporate for delivering quality and cost-effective healthcare services. Ultimately, the right digital transformation company solution will be the one that will focus more on patient care rather than giving more importance to technology.
Suggested Links: Digital Transformation Development Company Digital Transformation in Healthcare DevOps Development Company Chatbot in Retail
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ibilenews · 4 years
Life after death row: The pastor praying for Nigeria's prisoners
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Enugu, Nigeria - Each morning, 56-year-old Clinton Kanu wakes up on a thin mattress laid on the tiled floor of his tiny flat.
He lives on the third floor of a modest apartment building in the southeastern Nigerian city of Enugu, in a flat not much bigger than a walk-in closet.
He takes a moment to look around the room. There is not much to see. A battered, rust-coloured armchair sags in the corner beside a barred window that overlooks the neighbourhood's red dirt roads. Sunlight filters through a lace curtain, exposing the dirt caked into the textured pattern painted on the pale yellow and grey walls.
Kanu is not quite six feet (1.83 metres) tall, but when he stands, his head almost scrapes the ceiling.
He goes through his plans for the day, trying to figure out where he will get something to eat. On this particular Saturday, he decides to go down the road to the home of his sister, Victoria Okoroji.
There, she dishes out scrambled eggs and shares a loaf of bread. Kanu, his sister and her husband eat together at the dining table. After that, she brings out a family photo album.
Kanu smiles at the old pictures of his nieces and nephews. Pictures taken of them when Kanu was not around. Pictures taken during the 27 years Kanu spent in prison for a murder he did not commit.
He has been trying to make up for lost time since he was released last April and trying to get his life back - but neither are easy to do.
Back at his apartment, Kanu brings out a Bible and flips through the pages to one of his favourite passages.
"And the Lord said, 'I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt,'" he recites in a gentle voice, eyes moving over the words. In the room's stuffy heat, beads of sweat settle in the dip above his lip. "'I have heard their cry.'"
A mild, easy-going man, Kanu says his faith saved him in prison and continues to inspire him, despite his present struggles.
"Look at me, just look at me," he says. "I have nothing."
Kanu was an ambitious, charismatic 27-year-old who owned two residential buildings and had a good job and government connections when he was arrested. Today, he has no job, no car, not even a refrigerator. He has no wife, no children. He does not have many friends. There is no land, no valuable jewellery, no retirement account, no stocks or bonds in his name.
Although he is no longer behind the bars of a maximum-security prison, he is without a job in a country where poverty is rapidly rising and finding employment often depends on who you know. His frustrations are mounting.
'The height of wickedness'
Born in the Nigerian oil hub of Port Harcourt, Kanu was raised in a middle-class family with a high regard for education. His father grew up poor but educated; he built himself up professionally and managed to earn a good income from a stable government job as a director at the national postal service. He made sure his children got the best schooling his money could buy. Kanu's mother, a teacher, also pushed her children to focus on academics.
Kanu worked hard in school. He was studious and liked to read. He collected young-adult crime novels and went on to study law and criminology at a nearby university. He became a consultant criminologist and an aide to government officials.
His problems began when he tried to help solve a case involving theft and a dispute over family land. When a man connected to the dispute died, someone accused Kanu of murdering him, even though he was more than 100km from the scene of the crime.
In 1992, he was arrested. He maintains that his arrest was politically motivated; that he was framed by people who were envious of his connections to government officials.
He was detained in a small prison in the southeastern city of Owerri to await trial. He waited for several years.
Looking back at it all, he believes he was a victim of the corruption in Nigeria's criminal justice system.
"The height of wickedness," he says, his face twisted into a scowl. "The height of crudeness, the height of treachery, the height of judicial murder."
Sentenced to death
Nigeria's criminal justice system is rife with corruption. In the past, judges have been suspended for misconduct and caught accepting bribes.
Excessive delays compound the problems, with enormous backlogs of stagnant legal cases. Nearly 70 percent of the country's approximately 74,000 prison inmates are awaiting trial. The long waits contribute to overcrowded prisons.
The maximum-security prison in Port Harcourt where Kanu was transferred after he was sentenced in 2005, held more than 4,000 inmates last year, although it was built for 804, according to figures from the federal government.
"Certainly overcrowding is the biggest problem caused by over-arrest, indiscriminate and unlawful arrest of citizens, some of whom are innocent," explains Sylvester Uhaa, director of International Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE), a Nigerian prison reform organisation.
"This has caused a lot of congestion in the courts and results in congestion in the prison system. That is the biggest problem - the visible problem that we see. The invisible ones are the corruption, abuse of power, disregard for the rule of law and human rights."
Kanu was sentenced to death by hanging or by firing squad, a common sentence in the country.
Nigeria has the highest death row population - 2,000 people - in sub-Saharan Africa, according to Amnesty International.
The 621 death sentences the country imposed in 2017 accounted for 71 percent of all confirmed death sentences ordered in sub-Saharan Africa that year.
In 2016, Nigerian courts carried out three executions and handed out 527 death sentences - three times more than in 2015. Death sentences are typically given for armed robbery, murder and involvement with militia groups.
'Like a thorn in my flesh'
The confinement and death sentence took a heavy toll on Kanu. He suffered physically, as well as emotionally, having to receive treatment in the prison's health ward for high blood pressure, insomnia, complications arising from diabetes, depression and stress.
"I was frustrated, and I was tired," he recalls.
In 2008, he tried to commit suicide, swallowing 10 tablets of diazepam he had managed to get smuggled into the prison to help with his insomnia. But it did not kill him.
Kanu missed his relatives and spent hours thinking about his siblings - Kingsley, Uzoamaka, Chikezie, Ginika and Victoria. Although they would visit him in prison, seeing them leave was hard.
His family suffered, too.
"It was like a thorn in my flesh," Victoria explains. "Anytime I woke up, I remembered my brother is in the prison. That would be a sad day to me."
She waves her hand in the air, as though pushing the memories from her mind. She avoids talking and even thinking about those years now, she says.
While he was incarcerated, Kanu's father, his brother Kingsley, his uncle and several of his cousins died. But it was his mother's death in 2014 that hurt most deeply.
"It's painful," he says.
People told him his mother died of a broken heart.
"I loved my mother so much. I'm the first [child]. My mother loved me so; it's painful. I don't know how to express it … a lot of times we [sons] live for our mothers."
His mother's death pushed him over the edge. He tried, again, to end his life, this time overdosing on dialine - a medication used to treat diabetes. But a prison nurse rushed him to the medical unit where he was stabilised. He was closely monitored but, the following year, managed to get hold of a sharp tool from the prison workshop. He used it to stab himself but stopped when another inmate pleaded with him.
"I realised God wanted me alive," Kanu explains.
He decided to try to make something of his time in prison.
He turned to counselling other inmates, helping them to cope with the woes of confinement and, having persuaded the African College of Christian Education and Seminary to run classes in the prison, he enrolled to study theology along with 50 other inmates.
Each week, he looked forward to his classes in philosophy, religion, interfaith studies, world conflict and psychology. His studies gave him solace, and he earned a bachelor's degree in guidance counselling in 2009 and went on to get a master's in education management and another in guidance counselling. But Kanu did not stop there. After seven years of studying in the prison's college, he was awarded, in 2014, two doctorate degrees in missions ministry and counselling.
That same year, he was ordained as a nondenominational reverend.
"It was one of the best things that ever happened to me," he reflects. "I've always wanted to be a reverend."
Ten other inmates were also ordained as reverends, but they all referred to him, affectionately, as "The Bishop".
He would hold prayer sessions with the inmates, encouraging them to stay calm and manage their anger. He spoke passionately about religious tolerance.
As the years passed, he waited for word on his appeal - a process he began shortly after the 2005 pronouncement of his death sentence.
"2005 was when the battle was set," he says. He ended up selling his four cars, the two residential buildings he owned, his stereo system, air conditioners, beds, and his refrigerator to pay the legal fees. He had nothing left.
Then, in 2015, his case went to Nigeria's supreme court, which reviewed the scant details of the original trial. It had been a skeletal case: only one witness - the brother of the complainant - claimed he saw Kanu at the scene of the crime, whereas two witnesses were called to testify that Kanu had not been there.
In April 2019, the supreme court ruled that there was no evidence against Kanu. He was discharged and acquitted. About two weeks later, he walked out of prison carrying his educational certificates in a bag packed with clothes donated by Christian organisations.
"I didn't know I was going to walk into unemployment and hunger," he recalls. "I was thrown into the cold wind."
Praying for a miracle
On a Saturday evening in November, the sound of people singing and clapping drifts from a church on the upper level of an industrial-looking commercial building along a bustling thoroughfare in Enugu.
Inside, a young woman grasps a microphone and leads about 40 people - mostly women and some restless children - in devotional songs as they sway with their eyes closed. Their voices fill the small space.
As Kanu walks in, she says: "Hello, we've missed you."
He takes a seat in the front row.
The church is makeshift, the room packed with plastic lawn chairs. Ceiling fans circulate stale air while purple, green and pink lights flash from tiny bulbs hung high on the walls. The back wall is covered in a colourful banner with the church's name printed on it: Days of His Awesome Power Ministries.
Tonight, Kanu is a guest speaker. He has led services here in the past, but cannot attend as often as he would like because the church is nearly 30 minutes from his home and he has to beg to put together the bus fare. Still, the head pastor at the church, Mike Okey Agu, refers to him as "Pastor Clinton".
The church is the only place, Kanu says, where he actually feels wanted. People there value and respect him.
Pastor Agu is an energetic man, shouting into the microphone as he paces up and down the aisle, laying his hands on people's heads while repeating, "take it, take it, take the anointing", and "blood of Jesus".
When he sees Kanu, he smiles. He believes Kanu's spirituality helped him gain his freedom.
Up at the podium, Agu leads the church in prayer. Kanu bows his head. Like everyone else in the dimly lit space, he believes he has a lot to pray for. The yearly rent on his apartment is due in January - N200,000 ($550) and he has no idea how he is going to find the money. He is leaning on his faith to take care of it.
Dreaming of prison reform
Kanu knows exactly what he wants to do with his life now that he is out of prison: He wants to advocate for prison reform and be what he calls "a voice for the people".
The nearly three decades he spent behind bars gave him insights into the country's prison system, where he says he witnessed corruption, torture and extortion.
Money allocated to prisons and detention centres is sometimes siphoned off elsewhere. "Prison officials routinely stole money provided for prisoners' food," a 2015 United States government report read.
Many facilities lack basic amenities like clean toilets and a constant supply of drinking water. Prisoners are dying from treatable illnesses like malaria and tuberculosis. Cells, sometimes rat-infested, are cramped, with little to no ventilation.
"I was boxed up in a cell that could have killed me," Kanu says.
He would like to see inmates have opportunities to study and learn trades that could help them when they are released.
Back in his apartment, he sits in his armchair, thinking aloud. The more he thinks, the more frustrated he grows.
"Nothing is happening in the prisons," he says, slamming his hand down and leaning forward in his chair. "You dump people there and ... [they] develop ideas about how to come back and get revenge."
Kanu wants to change that. He has big dreams. He wants to sit down with Nigerian officials to devise policies that would improve life for inmates, to establish a nonprofit organisation that will help people to transition to life on the outside after incarceration and to visit correctional facilities in other countries to see how they are run there.
He is full of ideas, but with no money, no connections and no job, he does not know how to get started. He has knocked on doors, visited government agency offices and filled out job applications. He has made phone calls and pleaded for help. But he has been away for so long and cannot trace any of his old contacts and friends.
"Everyone has moved on with their lives, as they should. It's been 27 years," he says, looking pensively up at the ceiling.
He believes he has marketable skills and a solid education, but he has become a beggar, living off handouts and free food.
It has been about four months since the church service.
March is coming to an end, and he still has not paid the rent. It is a quiet Wednesday night in Enugu and in his apartment, Kanu is holding in his hand a notice from the landlord. It reads: "Your rent has expired since the end of January and you have been instructed to evacuate the premises."
Kanu sighs and sets the paper aside. Then, he closes his eyes. As he does several times a day, he bows his head in prayer, hoping his faith will lead the way.
0 notes
itsfinancethings · 5 years
October 02, 2019 at 07:57PM
CHICAGO — A Chicago teachers strike could be weeks away if there isn’t a last-minute deal between the union and nation’s third-largest school district.
The Chicago Teachers Union on Wednesday set a strike date of Oct. 17 as contract talks continue over issues including pay and benefits, class size and staffing shortages. Negotiations resumed with fresh urgency this week as the vote loomed.
Without a deal, a walkout could mean major headaches for the district’s nearly 400,000 students and their families.
A closer look at the issues:
The Chicago Teachers Union, which represents about 25,000 educators, maintains the school district’s years of budget woes has led to cutbacks of critical staff members, including nurses and librarians, which makes conditions worse for teachers.
The union wants a nurse and librarian at every school, more social workers, class size limits that are strictly enforced and movement on what they call “social justice” issues, like further sanctuary protections for immigrant students.
As for pay, the union wants a three-year contract with annual raises of 5% and a rollback of employee health care contributions increased in a previous contract.
“This is on more than just money,” said CTU President Jesse Sharkey. “We are making clear to the other side and the public that the issues we care about have to do with our teaching and learning conditions in the schools.”
Chicago Public Schools officials say their “historic” offer includes a 16% raise over a five-year contract. By the district’s calculations, a second-year teacher earning $53,000 could have a salary of $72,000 by the fifth year, considering other raises based on years of work. A new teacher would start at nearly $55,000.
CPS officials acknowledge staffing cuts and have announced plans to add 200 social workers and 250 nurses over five years. They’ve also promised not to privatize certain support staff.
On health care, the district says a rollback isn’t possible with rising costs and proposed increased contributions the last two years of the contract.
“Our offers represent fair deals that can be reached quickly,” CPS officials and Mayor Lori Lightfoot said in an open letter this week. “No one wants a strike, and with these comprehensive offers on the table, we are hopeful that one will be averted.”
Negotiations resumed with fresh urgency this week after over 90% of the union’s voting members last week authorized a walkout.
The union says the raises don’t benefit all educators equally. Both sides say they have made progress on sanctuary policies but are far apart on others.
While both agree there should be more nurses, social workers and librarians, the union wants it guaranteed in writing. The district says that promise doesn’t belong in the contract because schools should have local control.
The district has said it doesn’t have money to lower class sizes further and argues that it has made progress. State data show class sizes remain, on average, below district targets. But there have been instances of overcrowding.
Because of a 1995 state law, teachers technically can’t strike over many issues outside compensation, like class size. But they’re allowed to negotiate them at the bargaining table. The district and union are negotiating four days a week.
The dispute with teachers is one of Lightfoot’s first major hurdles after taking office this year.
The former federal prosecutor campaigned on a progressive platform, including school reform. The outcome of the labor fight sets the stage for her first term in public office and comes as two other unions connected to schools _ for park district employees and support staff like custodians _ have also inched closer to strikes.
The teachers union says strikes elsewhere nationwide, in which teachers generally fared well, show the public is on their side. There have been recent strikes over similar issues in West Virginia, Denver, Los Angeles and Oakland, California. Also, CTU has also boosted its social media, added a teacher podcast and revamped its website to focus on negotiations.
CPS has also tried to win public backing, including launching its own website this week on the status of negotiations.
The contract fight comes amid district financial problems.
School officials recently approved a $7.7 billion budget and the borrowing of billions more for facility upgrades. The district’s finances are better than previous years, due in part to revenue from a property tax hike approved in 2015 and Illinois’ new school funding formula. But financial experts say systemic issues remain as CPS still has a junk status credit rating.
While there was a one-day work stoppage in 2016 over unfair labor practices, the last major strike was in 2012.
It lasted seven school days as teachers demanded higher pay and job security, and argued that proposed teacher evaluations were punitive. The strike was Chicago’s first in a quarter century and came amid a tense public feud between then-Mayor Rahm Emanuel and former CTU President Karen Lewis. The district also faced a $700 million budget hole.
The first Chicago teachers strike was in 1969, with a series of walkouts over pay in the 1980s.
0 notes
newstechreviews · 5 years
CHICAGO — A Chicago teachers strike could be weeks away if there isn’t a last-minute deal between the union and nation’s third-largest school district.
The Chicago Teachers Union on Wednesday set a strike date of Oct. 17 as contract talks continue over issues including pay and benefits, class size and staffing shortages. Negotiations resumed with fresh urgency this week as the vote loomed.
Without a deal, a walkout could mean major headaches for the district’s nearly 400,000 students and their families.
A closer look at the issues:
The Chicago Teachers Union, which represents about 25,000 educators, maintains the school district’s years of budget woes has led to cutbacks of critical staff members, including nurses and librarians, which makes conditions worse for teachers.
The union wants a nurse and librarian at every school, more social workers, class size limits that are strictly enforced and movement on what they call “social justice” issues, like further sanctuary protections for immigrant students.
As for pay, the union wants a three-year contract with annual raises of 5% and a rollback of employee health care contributions increased in a previous contract.
“This is on more than just money,” said CTU President Jesse Sharkey. “We are making clear to the other side and the public that the issues we care about have to do with our teaching and learning conditions in the schools.”
Chicago Public Schools officials say their “historic” offer includes a 16% raise over a five-year contract. By the district’s calculations, a second-year teacher earning $53,000 could have a salary of $72,000 by the fifth year, considering other raises based on years of work. A new teacher would start at nearly $55,000.
CPS officials acknowledge staffing cuts and have announced plans to add 200 social workers and 250 nurses over five years. They’ve also promised not to privatize certain support staff.
On health care, the district says a rollback isn’t possible with rising costs and proposed increased contributions the last two years of the contract.
“Our offers represent fair deals that can be reached quickly,” CPS officials and Mayor Lori Lightfoot said in an open letter this week. “No one wants a strike, and with these comprehensive offers on the table, we are hopeful that one will be averted.”
Negotiations resumed with fresh urgency this week after over 90% of the union’s voting members last week authorized a walkout.
The union says the raises don’t benefit all educators equally. Both sides say they have made progress on sanctuary policies but are far apart on others.
While both agree there should be more nurses, social workers and librarians, the union wants it guaranteed in writing. The district says that promise doesn’t belong in the contract because schools should have local control.
The district has said it doesn’t have money to lower class sizes further and argues that it has made progress. State data show class sizes remain, on average, below district targets. But there have been instances of overcrowding.
Because of a 1995 state law, teachers technically can’t strike over many issues outside compensation, like class size. But they’re allowed to negotiate them at the bargaining table. The district and union are negotiating four days a week.
The dispute with teachers is one of Lightfoot’s first major hurdles after taking office this year.
The former federal prosecutor campaigned on a progressive platform, including school reform. The outcome of the labor fight sets the stage for her first term in public office and comes as two other unions connected to schools _ for park district employees and support staff like custodians _ have also inched closer to strikes.
The teachers union says strikes elsewhere nationwide, in which teachers generally fared well, show the public is on their side. There have been recent strikes over similar issues in West Virginia, Denver, Los Angeles and Oakland, California. Also, CTU has also boosted its social media, added a teacher podcast and revamped its website to focus on negotiations.
CPS has also tried to win public backing, including launching its own website this week on the status of negotiations.
The contract fight comes amid district financial problems.
School officials recently approved a $7.7 billion budget and the borrowing of billions more for facility upgrades. The district’s finances are better than previous years, due in part to revenue from a property tax hike approved in 2015 and Illinois’ new school funding formula. But financial experts say systemic issues remain as CPS still has a junk status credit rating.
While there was a one-day work stoppage in 2016 over unfair labor practices, the last major strike was in 2012.
It lasted seven school days as teachers demanded higher pay and job security, and argued that proposed teacher evaluations were punitive. The strike was Chicago’s first in a quarter century and came amid a tense public feud between then-Mayor Rahm Emanuel and former CTU President Karen Lewis. The district also faced a $700 million budget hole.
The first Chicago teachers strike was in 1969, with a series of walkouts over pay in the 1980s.
0 notes
kristinsimmons · 5 years
Braces: Types, What to Expect, How They Work & Care (Kids + Adults)
If you’ve noticed shifting in your teeth, having bite issues, or wondering if braces are a good decision, you may have questions about braces. 
Whether you have dental braces now or they’re an option you’re considering, here’s a comprehensive guide on what kinds of braces are available, what to expect, and how to care for them.
Ask the Dentist is supported by readers. If you use one of the links below and buy something, Ask the Dentist makes a little bit of money at no additional cost to you. I rigorously research, test, and use thousands of products every year, but recommend only a small fraction of these. I only promote products that I truly feel will be valuable to you in improving your oral health.
What are braces for teeth?
Braces for teeth come from a special field of dentistry called orthodontics. This area of dental work was developed to treat problems with the positioning of the teeth and jaw. Even though each mouth is different, several bite issues necessitate orthodontic treatment. 
The first type of problem we encounter is malocclusion, or bite misalignment. The most obvious forms of this issue is what we know as an underbite or overbite. However, many other forms of malocclusion can occur.
Overcrowding, spacing issues, missing or crooked teeth, an overjet, or even an open bite can also occur as teeth grow in. Unfortunately, these conditions can cause patients to be self-conscious. Worse, these problems can affect eating, smiling, and even speaking. 
Good news—while there are many forms of bite issues, there’s always a solution to these misalignments.
Braces were developed to bring the teeth and jaw into proper alignment, so there’s hope for your malocclusion woes. In fact, this treatment has an overall high satisfaction rate and effective results. 
You may notice a bite problem on your own, or a dentist may point it out during a visit. Once a malocclusion has been diagnosed, you have many options in the world of braces.
Types of Braces
Today, there are more types of braces available than ever before. These options leave many patients wondering, “Which braces are right for me?” That answer and resulting treatment plan can depend on everything from cost to appearance. The pros and cons of each type of braces can help you decide which variety suits you best. 
1. Traditional Metal Braces
These are the classic variety of braces that most people think of when they hear the term. This option shifts alignment using metal brackets attached to the front of the teeth. The teeth are guided by an archwire that slowly repositions the bite.
Some braces utilize elastic ties to support the movement of teeth, while self-ligating braces have a custom-made clip that replaces elastic ties.
For patients allergic to nickel, the metal used in traditional braces might cause concern. Not to worry! Alternative options are available, such as gold-plated stainless steel or titanium. Be sure to discuss any metal allergies with your dental care provider before taking the plunge.
Pros: fun color choices for kids, usually have the lowest price point, fast-acting
Cons: most conspicuous choice, white calcifications can develop around brackets
2. Ceramic Braces
Ceramic braces are similar in appearance to traditional metal braces. However, there’s one major exception—the brackets are clear or match the individual’s teeth. This provides similar treatment to metal braces, but without a metallic mouth look that might deter some patients.
Pros: less obvious than traditional metal braces, act much faster than other clear options like Invisalign.
Cons: staining is very possible due to the light color, higher cost than the metal option, calcifications are possible
3. Lingual Braces
Dental professionals refer to the inner side of your teeth as the “lingual” surface. These braces are located on the back of the tooth, against the tongue. Lingual braces are made of metal, like traditional models.
Pros: not visible in everyday wear
Cons: tough to clean thoroughly, higher cost than regular metal braces, can hurt teeth and tongue in early months, not an option for severe malocclusions, adjustments are more frequent and complex
4. Damon Braces
These are a newer option for braces that don’t use the elastic or metal ties of traditional braces. Damon claims to reduce pain and require fewer adjustment visits than a classic model. This option comes in both a metal bracket and clear version.
Pros: Damon claims faster treatment times, less conspicuous than traditional metal braces, and less pain than braces that need to be tightened
Cons: relatively new method, not all orthodontists offer this option, higher price point
5. Clear Aligners (Invisalign)
Clear aligners are potentially the mildest option out of the types of braces. However, don’t be fooled by these clear braces: they can accomplish great results over time. 
Each aligner you’re given is choreographed for just 1-2 weeks at a time, gently moving your teeth to the desired position. 
Patients with interproximal reduction or severely rotated teeth will not be good candidates for at-home treatment (like SmileDirect or Candid), but they can almost always get their desired results when using Invisalign under the care of a dentist or orthodontist.
Pros: almost invisible, easily removable, no calcifications, and use safe and patented plastic (free of BPAs and carcinogens)
Cons: higher price, process may take longer, easier to lose with costly replacement fees
At what age should you get braces?
One downside of beginning treatment in your adult years is that it will likely take about twice as long to get results. 
That’s why I advise parents to consider orthropics, a school of orthodontic thought that seeks to correct growth issues starting as early as two years of age. 
Orthropics has an emphasis on prevention and also strongly avoids extracting teeth.
Professionals separate orthodontics into Phase 1 and Phase 2 treatments. In an ideal scenario, a child would receive an orthodontic and orthotropic consultation between the ages of two and five, in Phase 1. From there, they would receive monitoring and any necessary adjustments between ages 4-10 to optimize jaw and palate growth.
Phase 2 treatment refers to orthodontic treatment stated during or after early adolescence. If Phase 1 treatment has been completed, it can reduce or eliminate the need for orthodontics in this stage. However, if you missed out on early intervention, don’t worry. Age should never prevent you from getting the treatment you need.
While it’s clear from the data that earlier orthodontic intervention yields better results, it’s never too late. Though your bite may not have the same flexibility and responsiveness as you age, change is still possible.
Living with a malocclusion can increase your chances of bruxism, make brushing and flossing harder, and impact your confidence. Even if early treatment is no longer an option for you, there’s hope.
How Dental Braces Straighten Teeth
Not all braces straighten teeth the same way, but all are working toward the same goal of aligning the teeth and jaw. The type of braces you choose determines the way your teeth are straightened. It will also establish the frequency of adjustments needed throughout the process.
Though some components can be changed to suit individual needs, the basic mechanisms are the same. Here’s how the many parts of braces work together to straighten teeth.
Brackets are cemented to each tooth and may be metal, tooth-colored, or ceramic. These can attach to the front or back of the tooth, depending on if the braces are traditional or lingual. Bands that wrap around the tooth are put on the back molars in some cases, while self-ligating braces don’t require rubber bands.
Wires, Tubes, and Ties
Archwires are attached to the brackets and will guide the teeth as they move. This wire applies steady pressure to the jawline and teeth, slowly moving their position. The archwire is adjusted to continue to realign the teeth and jaw throughout the treatment period.
The orthodontist will fasten archwire to the brackets using small rubber or metal ties, which they will change periodically. A small tube holds the wire in place at the last tooth on each side. In more serious cases, rubber bands, elastics, or springs may be necessary.
These pieces all work together to move the teeth into alignment, and to shift the bite into its proper placement. As the teeth move, guided by the arch wire, the brackets act like little handles to assist in pulling the teeth along. As the braces are tightened during regular adjustments, the teeth and jaw continue on this path.
Damon Braces
This method is similar in some ways to traditional braces, but with a few modern changes. Damon braces do not use metal or elastic ties, and treat alignment issues without needing to be tightened. Instead, their shape-memory wires create movement, and they are self-ligating.
Clear Aligners (like Invisalign)
These models work a little differently. Unlike other forms of braces, a clear aligner is removable and provides a gentler adjustment. Instead of regular visits to tighten the archwire and ligatures, a new aligner is used every two weeks to continue moving the teeth.
In more severe cases, headgear may be needed. This removable gear typically attaches to the upper back molars in order to correct jaw alignment and create more space in the teeth. While this one of the largest orthodontic appliances, it’s rarely necessary and can typically be worn at home to prevent self-consciousness.
Getting Braces: What to Expect
Getting braces isn’t a mysterious process, and knowing what to expect can calm your nerves. Here’s what’s in store before, during, and after getting braces for your teeth. 
Before you get braces, there are some important preparation steps to take. 
I never advise braces until all decay and gum issues, like cavities or gingivitis, have been addressed. 
If left untreated, these can cause major problems down the road that could undo the progress your smile has made through braces. 
In some cases, surgery may be required for braces. Orthognathic, or jaw, surgery is occasionally needed for more serious alignment issues. Your dentist or orthodontist will let you know if you need this step to correct TMJ, jaw closure problems, facial imbalances, or other concerns.
Palatal expansion or serial extraction may also be necessary if teeth are overcrowded. This measure works best in Phase 1 because the growth plates in the mouth are still developing at this age.
This process may look different for adults or adolescents since their palate is formed. These patients may need teeth pulled to make space for proper alignment, or spacers put in between teeth to make room for bands before braces. Spacers and expanders may cause some soreness, but it’s not long-lasting.
Once the mouth is ready for treatment, your orthodontist will take x-rays and photos of the teeth. These images will guide them in designing braces to fit your individual needs. They will also take an impression (or mold) of your mouth to ensure a good fit when the braces are put on. 
So now that you’ve cleared up any tooth decay or gum issues, pulled teeth or expanded the palate if needed, and prepared with your orthodontist, it’s time to finally put on those braces! The good news is that this typically only takes as long as a movie—1 to 2 hours. Having your braces put on can take one or two visits, depending on the type you’ve chosen.
Braces are made to fit you individually, so no two cases of putting on braces will be exactly the same. However, the procedure for traditional metal or ceramic braces typically follows these steps:
Cleaning: a proper cleaning and drying will occur before any braces are put on.
Brackets: each tooth will need a bracket placed in the center, which will be held in place by glue. Your orthodontist will place the glue on the tooth, dry it with a blue light, and then apply the bracket. Don’t worry if the glue tastes a little unpleasant; the taste is only temporary.
Bands: these help to secure the braces in your mouth. These bands will be slipped around the back molars on both the upper teeth and lower teeth. The bands are secured with glue and chosen based on your impression, and you may feel some pressure as they are secured firmly. Let your orthodontist know if you feel any significant pinching, as they may want to readjust the band to a more comfortable position for you.
Archwires: you’re in the home stretch! These are the last step in putting on your new braces. The orthodontist will attach these metal wires to your brackets using a rubber band. If you are using traditional metal braces, you can choose the rubber band color, but ceramic braces will use ligatures that are clear or tooth-colored.
Lingual braces are applied in an extremely similar way, but to the inner side of the teeth. This requires more time and a specially trained orthodontist to ensure proper care. 
Invisalign and other clear retainers are a very different form of braces. For more information about how they are put on and what treatment might look like, check out my guide to Invisalign.
While each mouth is an individual case with individual needs, there are a few things I always recommend doing during your dental braces treatment:
Try remineralizing toothpaste. While most people are familiar with fluoride toothpaste, I recommend the road less traveled: hydroxyapatite (Ha or NHa) toothpaste. This can help remineralize teeth, which means rebuilds enamel and reversing tooth decay. Fluoride can have some undesirable side effects, but remineralizing toothpaste doesn’t share those same potential drawbacks. (I love this toothpaste; use code ASKTHEDDS for 10% off.)
Avoid alcohol-based mouthwash. Traditional mouthwash can kill the good bacteria in your mouth, lead to overgrowth of bacteria that can damage your teeth, and pave the way for inflammation and decay. On the other hand, an oil pulling mouthwash like this one can do more good than harm.
Mouth tape for nighttime protection. Many people breathe through their mouths at night, and it can wreak havoc on your oral health. Mouth taping prevents the growth of harmful bacteria, improves your sleep and gut health, and boosts immune response.
Brush and floss intentionally. Brush your teeth in the morning, before bed, and 30-45 minutes after any meal that contains decay-promoting foods. Braces can act like a magnet to food and bad bacteria.
As we’ve discussed, braces work by guiding the teeth along the wires into their healthy new position. With traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, or lingual braces, you will need to see your dentist every 3-6 weeks for an adjustment to keep moving your teeth along their journey.
This will involve tightening the wires, springs, or elastic bands on your braces to increase the tension and continue to shift the teeth and jaw into correct alignment. After these visits, you may experience some soreness as the teeth move into their new position.
Removing your braces is much less painful and time consuming than putting them on. 
Your orthodontist will remove the brackets and bands, and snip the archwire. It’s common to need the glue removed, and your dentist may polish it off with a special tool. This process is relatively quick and you should only feel a little pressure. 
S/he will also take new photos and x-rays to see how the mouth has changed. This will help them in future treatment and show you how your teeth are aligned. At this stage, you’ll probably want to show off your beautiful smile and malocclusion-free mouth. 
You’ll also be given a new retainer. Be sure to wear your new retainer consistently to keep the results you worked so hard for. If your teeth aren’t quite ready for a retainer, a pre-finisher may be advised first.
Rarely, surgery will be needed after braces for optimal results. Some patients need headgear after braces. Others will need a fiberotomy to prevent their teeth relapsing and rotating, or a gum lift to ensure the teeth are uniform after being moved.
Pain with Braces: What’s Normal, What’s Not
Braces may not always be comfortable, but they should never be seriously painful. The most common times to experience soreness are after an adjustment and the first several days after braces are put on. 
Over the counter pain relievers can help, but my favorite recommendations are CBD oil, coconut water, or clove oil. Their anti-inflammatory properties may help control these symptoms, and the pain should lessen as time passes.
If you are experiencing severe pain, contact your orthodontist. It’s possible for a wire to be pushing into your gums, a bracket to be loose, or other concerns. Also, if you are consistently experiencing high levels of pain after an adjustment, be sure to communicate that as well. Your orthodontist may be able to alter the way s/he adjusts your teeth to put you at ease.
Braces Cost (by Type)
The pricing of braces is determined by the length, amount, and type of orthodontic treatment needed. Also, braces can cost less depending on what part of the country the orthodontist is located in, and if they’re based in a rural or urban area.
Traditional metal braces: $3,000-$7,000
Ceramic braces: $4,000-$8,000 
Lingual braces: $8,000-$10,000
Clear aligners: $4,000-$7,000
At-home clear aligners: $1,500-$3,000
Some costs happen up front. X-rays range from $50-$250, while an initial consultation with the orthodontist can commonly run up to $200. After treatment, a retainer can cost anywhere between $150 and $1,000, depending on the type you get.
Does insurance cover braces?
It depends—some types of medical insurance cover braces only if they are medically necessary, such as for restoration after a major incident. It’s common for some dental insurance plans (if orthodontics is included) to pay for 50% of braces and cap at $1,500 total per child. Most plans won’t pay for braces for adults over 18-21 except in special circumstances.
However, all plans are different, so be sure to speak to your provider.
If you’re reeling from sticker shock, there’s good news. Braces can typically be broken down into installments at most orthodontist’s office. Also, if the braces are medically necessary, they should be tax deductible.
Look for more tips on saving on dental care in my article on living with no dental insurance.
How to Care for Your Braces
Eating with Braces
What you eat can make or break your braces…sometimes literally. 
Popcorn, sticky candy, and gum can pull a bracket or wire free from their carefully placed alignment. Furthermore, don’t eat foods that will promote decay while your have braces, especially since the teeth will be harder to clean. 
This includes sugar rushes such as sweets and soda, and carb-loaded treats like bread and pasta.
You should also eat foods that promote your oral health. Diets like Paleo and keto are full of foods that your teeth and gums will love. This eating plan can help remineralize your teeth and reduce gum inflammation from the inside out.
Problems with Wires or Brackets
If you encounter any orthodontic problems with wires or brackets, let your dentist know right away. They can give you an adjustment to fix any wires of brackets that have detached or shifted. 
In the meantime, try dental wax, which is made to put on protruding wires or brackets in a pinch. 
For immediate relief, be sure to wash your hands and pinch off a pea-sized portion, then apply the wax to the fixture that’s prodding you.
Wearing Retainers After Braces
Once the braces are removed, you’ll need to wear a retainer to ensure your teeth stay where they are. It’s crucial to wear your retainer at least 22 hours a day for the first year, then nightly for the rest of your life. 
Otherwise, your teeth may shift back to their original position, causing you to lose your hard-earned results! 
Sometimes, an orthodontist may recommend a bonded retainer, which is a metal retainer permanently bonded to the backside of the teeth. I generally advise against these for most patients, as they collect tartar and calculus and make flossing harder. 
Pro tip: check out my handy guide on how to clean retainers to get the longest life out of yours.
How to Brush and Floss with Braces
It’s not surprising that braces can make brushing and flossing more difficult; braces can add a lot to navigate around while practicing oral hygiene. Taking special care to keep your teeth pristine during the process can save you from developing decay and gum inflammation. 
I recommend a sonic toothbrush as my toothbrush of choice for patients with braces. 
My favorites are the Philips Sonicare DiamondClean and Boka Brush.
When brushing, take special care to brush around brackets, wires, and bands. These can harbor plaque, tartar, and food particles, and need particular attention.
Flossing is a bit trickier with braces. Here’s how to do it:
Thread a piece of waxed floss under the archwire before gently and gently move it up and down. Once finished, pull it back out through the wire and move on to the next tooth. 
Still having issues? Try a water flosser like Waterpik, dental tape, or a floss threader.
While this process may feel tedious, it will save you from major dental work down the road if your braces lead to decay.
Braces Before and After
Want some examples of what results you might expect with braces? Check out these success stories.
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Congratulations Patrick on your smile transformation! Patrick came to us after having multiple other orthodontic consultations where he was told he would need jaw surgery to correct his bite and smile. Thankfully, the team at Lenz Orthodontics was able to treat Patrick with braces alone and no jaw surgery. . . . . . . . #lenzorthodontics #lenzortho #braces #damonbraces #dentistry #straightteeth #orthodontics #smile #smiletransformation #invisalign #teeth #waterfordwisconsin #racinewisconsin
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Risks of Dental Braces
While metal braces can transform a malocclusion into a beautiful smile, there are still risks associated. Traditional metal braces have a list of hazards, which many orthodontists don’t mention. 
Here are some of the often unforeseen risks of dental braces, namely, traditional metal or ceramic braces. 
Gum Problems
Unfortunately, traditional braces come with an increased risk for gingivitis and gum disease.  This comes with inflammation of the gums, and gum recession. 
While braces may help your teeth, they may not do the same for your gum line. It’s imperative to take good care of your gums while you have braces and watch for developing issues.
Teeth Concerns
The teeth are also a concern in traditional braces treatment. There is a danger of root resorption, where bone structures or a tooth’s roots begin to break down. 
You may also notice white calcifications on teeth after your braces are removed—unfortunately, those can’t be corrected with teeth whitening. 
Finally, braces can make brushing and flossing more difficult, which can lead to excessive plaque buildup and potential cavities. 
Other Issues
Due to shifting of the upper and lower jaw, you are more likely to develop TMJ disorders if you have traditional braces. Heavy metal toxicity is also possible due to the metallic contents of braces.
Also, archwires may be coated in Teflon. This contains many chemicals that have been traced to hormonal imbalances and an increased risk of cancer. Long exposure to this material in braces can harm your endocrine and immune systems.
Dentists vs. Orthodontists for Braces
While general dentists are able to provide most types of orthodontic treatment, it’s usually better to go to an orthodontist. Orthodontists have completed 2-3 years of additional training to become specialists in treating malocclusions.
Also, if you can, begin bringing your child as young as two to a dentist and orthodontist who practices orthotropics. This will help guide the development of the child’s mouth and bite and prevent the need for serious malocclusion treatment. 
An orthodontist will likely be more expensive than your general dentist, so that’s a factor to consider as you choose.
FAQs on Braces
Q: How long does it take to move teeth with braces?
A: The length of your braces treatment depends on several factors: age, type of braces worn, whether expansion is needed, and any potential problems that may occur with the braces. Also, the severity of the malocclusion can determine how long treatment is needed to see lasting results. 
Q: Can I play sports with braces?
A: Yes, you can. Just be sure to wear a mouthguard, which I always suggest. 
Q: What happens if my wisdom teeth come in during or after my braces?
A: It’s important to communicate to your orthodontist about wisdom teeth coming in during your braces treatment. They can create a plan that doesn’t interrupt your care. If your braces are off and you notice your wisdom teeth coming in, keep wearing your retainer and book an appointment to see your dentist right away to avoid shifting teeth or decay.
Q: Can I get braces for free?
A: While free braces are hard to find, there are a variety of discounted orthodontic programs accredited by the American Association of Orthodontists. Their list of approved schools can give you braces at a fraction of the cost—though the treatment may take longer as they learn.
Q: When were braces invented?
A: Many ancient societies dreamed of ways to straighten teeth. In the 18th century, Pierre Fauchard made an early version of a palate expander, and soon another French dentist named Etienne Bourdet began removing teeth to fix overcrowding. Eventually, in 1880, J.N. Farrar pioneered the idea of using mild force in timed intervals to move teeth.
Key Takeaways: Dental Braces
Dental braces are an excellent solution for bite problems, overcrowding, and other common issues. The type of braces you choose can determine many factors, from length of treatment and risks to cost. After choosing your variety of braces, there are many foods to eat, brushing and flossing methods, and preventative measures that will help you to take care of them. 
Be sure to consistently wear your retainer and to keep your dentist updated on any changes like shifting or wisdom teeth, even after your braces are off. Don’t forget to enjoy smiling, biting, and living malocclusion-free on the other side of orthodontic braces.
18 References
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rolandfontana · 5 years
How to Fix Alabama’s Adult Prisons: Stop Incarcerating Young People
Many folks picture a Sunday in the South to include a Baptist church choir, lemonade on the front porch, and hot, hazy humidity that will hug a person in warm southern hospitality.
It’s an image bordering on the divine, but one that’s a far cry from how the Department of Justice  (DOJ) portrayed a particular Sunday in Alabama’s prisons.
In a letter and report addressed to Gov. Kay Ivey, the DOJ spelled out in breathtaking detail the abhorrent conditions in the state’s prisons. Investigators specifically described the violence that occurred one Sunday in September: One incarcerated person beat another with a sock filled with metal locks; another person was punched with such force he was taken off-site for treatment; yet another prisoner was sexually assaulted, and stabbed by homemade knives.
Almost immediately, the report roused the attention of Alabama’s legislators, causing Sen. Cam Ward, R-Alabaster, to proclaim “every single thing is on the table” to fix these problems.
Sen. Ward’s open-minded approach is both refreshing and necessary. But if the Legislature is serious about leaving no stone unturned to address the crisis in Alabama’s adult prisons, it should include reforms to a somewhat paradoxical place: the state juvenile justice system.
The heart of Alabama’s prison problem is overcrowding. The simplest way to reduce overcrowding is, of course, to have fewer prisoners. While letting people out of prison earlier is the most immediate pathway — not to mention a politically fraught one — it’s hardly the only way to make a dent in the issue.
Another solution is to look at how many of these folks ended up in prison in the first place.
Each story of how an individual wound up in prison is unique, but one of the more common threads is prior incarceration as a juvenile. Indeed nationwide, roughly one in three incarcerated youth will find themselves incarcerated again within only a handful of years. Similarly, one study found that juvenile detention results in higher adult incarceration rates and substantially lower high-school completion rates — this latter factor itself a driver of adult incarceration.
The health of Alabama’s adult system is thus inextricably interwoven with that of the state’s juvenile system.
So how is it doing? The short answer — not well — probably will not come as a surprise in light of Alabama’s adult correctional woes. In 2017, the Alabama Juvenile Justice Task Force revealed that despite a 27 percent drop in juvenile crime over the previous five years, Alabama nevertheless managed to increase the number of youth held in detention facilities, largely through the detention of juveniles for low-level crimes like shoplifting, fighting in school and truancy.
Such unnecessary detentions only serve to widen Alabama’s school-to-prison pipeline.
Jesse Kelley
Juvenile reforms are not just about trying to prevent today’s youth from becoming tomorrow’s prisoners. Alabama’s juveniles are already some of those “adult” prisoners. That’s because Alabama law allows children as young as 14 to be tried, sentenced and incarcerated as adults for certain offenses.
Adult corrections officials end up either isolating these juveniles and thereby deny them meaningful human contact and educational programming, or exposing these especially vulnerable inmates to the exact kind of violence and sexual assault at issue in the Department of Justice report.
What’s more, the impact of juvenile justice policies ripple beyond a prison’s walls. The public safety benefits of stopping juvenile offenders from becoming adult offenders is straightforward: less crime and fewer victims. Beyond that, keeping young people out of prison means keeping children in school and in the workforce, further increasing their ability to serve as responsible family members and productive members of society.
Lars Trautman
Thankfully, the way forward on juvenile justice reform is clear. About two years ago, the Alabama Juvenile Justice Task Force determined where juvenile justice reforms would have the most impact. Legislative inaction since then has ensured those policy prescriptions remain relevant today.
The need to address the unconstitutional cruelty rampant in Alabama’s adult prisons is undeniably urgent. The immediacy of these issues, however, should not deter the legislature from taking the long view by considering juvenile justice reforms in addition to other measures.
After all, one of the most surefire ways to help the adults of tomorrow is to aid the youth of today.
Jesse Kelley is the Government Affairs and Criminal Justice and Civil Liberties Manager at the R Street Institute. She is a member of the Alabama State Bar and practiced criminal defense law there. Lars Trautman is a Senior Fellow of Criminal Justice and Civil Liberties at the R Street Institute and a former assistant district attorney. They welcome readers’ comments.
How to Fix Alabama’s Adult Prisons: Stop Incarcerating Young People syndicated from https://immigrationattorneyto.wordpress.com/
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The Price of Help.
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Right now, I am a newly 26 year old full-time Master’s student, that is 5 months pregnant with my first child. It’s a really exciting time. I’m on the verge of accomplishing some of my greatest goals in life: earning a Master’s degree, creating a family, and with a lot of optimism and luck, hopefully starting a great career as well. Yet no one has it all. As a pregnant, full-time student, I have had to make difficult decisions and compromises, mainly not being able to work. Spending my time studying instead of working has enabled me to do really well this past semester, as well as to have a perfectly healthy pregnancy so far; but it has also left me without the health benefits that my job was providing. As an expectant mother, to not have provided healthcare is obviously scary, but there are options for me and others like me. In my home state of California the government can provide medical assistance, unemployment insurance, supplemental nutrition and education towards pregnant women, and monthly benefits for food, among other programs. Otherwise, or formerly known as welfare. Our state has shied away from the term “welfare,” and has changed the names of programs like Food Stamps, to CalFresh, in an attempt to re-establish government benefits as friendly instead of disconcerting. The change to do so says a lot about how many of us feel about these programs. Before I even began the process of applying for medical assistance, something I need and contribute to as a tax paying citizen, I felt a hesitancy and guilt towards doing so. When visiting websites like https://www.benefits.gov/, certain words become marked and repetitive: low-income, poverty, needy. When seeking advice on the process of applying for benefits, I was told to beware of dressing “classy,” during trips to Social Services. Case workers are apparently known to deny certain applicants depending on their appearance and approach. If a person seems like they can afford healthcare, than an application may be thrown out. It is advised to condescend to workers, who hold the state of their health and wellness within their power. Not surprisingly, I found this objectionable - and true. During trips to the Social Services offices, I remember being addressed as a “good girl,” for properly filling out my paperwork. Even though I’m an educated adult and soon-to-be mother, because I needed government assistance I was seen as simple and pitiful. I’m sure that pity is what finally resulted in the acceptance of my application after three different tries. On my third visit I came in with puffy eyes because I was stressed and crying, not in an attempt to conjure sympathy, but because I was truly frustrated and concerned with the fate of my health coverage. I also conceded to the advice that I exaggerate the woes of my personal life to my case worker, so that I would be a more likely candidate for government assistance. During my not-so-sob-story I told the case worker of the day, that I was currently in between residences, which led to the magic word of approval: homeless. Which, I guess I am in a way (I’m somewhere in between living with my boyfriend at his apartment, moving out of my own home, and us finding a new one to live in together, without roommates or parents), which is fine. But having to grovel for charity affirmed all of my negative opinions. Any attempts to make government assistance normalized and acceptable suddenly became moot. Instead of feeling responsible for taking the steps to simultaneously progress my education, my future, and my personal life, I was left with an aftertaste. It’s funny, everyone loves free things, but no one likes to feel like things have been handed to them- especially out of pity. Earning a scholarship, or not alerting the cashier or waitress that they left something off of my bill, seems like a win, but receiving assistance from my government, for programs I pay for with my income, made me feel needy. And yes, I do need help, as does everyone; so where does the shame come from?
Considering all the complaining that I, and anyone else I have ever known to pay taxes, has done about paying taxes; it’s nice to knowingly be on the receiving end of them every once in a while. So often we give up portions of our hard earned incomes and don’t know what happens to all of that money, which is supposedly meant to enhance the quality of life for ourselves, our neighbors, and our communities. I’m from the San Francisco Bay Area, which according to TIME magazine, has 3 out of the top 5 most expensive cities in the U.S to live in: 1. San Francisco, 4. Oakland, 5. San Jose. In these cities we pay a fortune towards government spending, while homelessness becomes abundant, our public schools go underfunded, and our transportation systems lag. The discrepancy between costs of living and the quality of life for everyone that lives here, makes me think twice about my opinions on government assistance. Instead of focusing on justifications for why I would have to associate with welfare, I should be more concerned with how the welfare of our state can and should be expanded and improved. To me this begins with the divisions between citizens and government, and “haves” and “have-nots.” In reality, there are no such divisions. Those in government are citizens like the rest of us, and it is their sole job to be representative of that and us. Everyone “has,” and there are times and aspects where everyone “has not.” If our state wanted to be more progressive, and inclusive it would be best to abstain from such classifications, and to just offer help because its beneficial not just to those who are looking for it, but for all of us who give it. If there was a way to improve the education of our young people, to eradicate the housing crisis and homelessness, to create a smarter, more confident, and able-bodied populace, wouldn’t you be supportive of it? Especially if the programs and the funding were already in place? To do so would put the pride and authenticity back into the term local, instead of making it a quaint or marketable slogan. When immigration, outsourcing, gentrification, and overcrowding are at a high, everything local -people, places, and products- should be an obvious endorsement. That can be just as easily done, as said.
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There’s no need to be scared of helping others, especially if it means that the place you love and live in will be all the better for it. Caring for our community and those within in it, isn’t a strain or a handout, but a part of being civilized. I care about others, and I care about myself and the life of my future son, so I take pride in lending, receiving, and being vocal about the support that is required of me. People should not have to degrade themselves for compassion, but should be able to receive aid as advertised, and not under false or intimidating circumstances. There should be no hesitancy to ask our government for assistance, because that is what it is in place for. For some reason, social wellness and inclusion are just not top priorities or attractions in our country. Americans take pleasure in a “can do” attitude, where anyone can strike it rich, become successful, or work their way to the top. But that is just not a reality for everyone, at least not currently. Sexism, racism, classism, and a whole bunch of other “isms” are still issues, as we are witness to every day when we scroll through our various timelines and news sources. The same opportunities are not available to all of us. In order to make that “can do” spirit possible for people born of every sex, color, creed, or background, there needs to be less stigma surrounding their struggle to approach it. Fighting, growing, and learning, is not easy. If we chose to do so, we should do so without shame, reproach, or loneliness. It should not be so hard, to be a part of one’s own country.
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Speaking Roses  Gardening Woes? Read This Useful Advice For Help!
Speaking Roses Specialized tips provider.The best time of year to start an herb garden is fall. This is because some of the tastiest and most interesting herbs thrive in the fall. The reason for this is that the lower temperatures and higher level of humidity makes it very easy to start and maintain an herb crop throughout the autumn months. Planting herbs makes a fun way to continue enjoying your garden after summer is over. You are sure to be pleased with the great herb harvest you will reap by planting an herb garden in the fall.
Plant a new and different edible each week. Eating tomatoes or corn every day can get old real quick, but if a variety is planted, this problem will never happen. The garden can offer a wide variety of different edible plants and if they come to maturity at the same time the variety will make the garden more enjoyable and more fun.
Test your soil before purchasing fertilizer. Fertilizers provide essential nutrients to plants, such as phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. However, fertilizers can be very expensive. By testing your garden soil to see which nutrients it is lacking, you can avoid spending extra money on a complex fertilizer, and instead purchase a fertilizer containing only the nutrients that your soil requires.
To cut down on the time you spend pruning and pulling weeds, make sure that all the tools you use are sharpened and cleaned. A dull or dirty tool will make basic gardening tasks much more challenging, and can significantly increase the work you have to put into your garden. Caring for your tools regularly is more than worth the effort it takes.
Plant with the colors of autumn in mind. But, that does not have to be the case! The brightest season of the year when it comes to foliage is fall. Maple, beech trees or dogwood take on some amazing colors. When selecting shrubs that will be colorful during the fall, consider hydrangea, barberry, or cotoneaster.
Speaking Roses Skilled tips provider.Tend to a garden as a way to relax. You can relax and be at peace in many different ways. Many find that gardening is a great method for achieving this. You do not need to spend a lot of money and you can reap tangible benefits. Knowing that you have grown these plants yourself can give you a great feeling of joy and inner peace.
Choose certain plants for shady areas. All plants need light to survive, but not all of them require bright sunshine. Woodland natives, for example, are happiest when given a little protection from the sun's rays. Be generous when enriching the soil if the plants are under a canopy of trees, as they are competing for the food supply with the big guys! Ajuga, anemone, foxglove, cyclamen, hosta, viola and allium all enjoy a shady area.
Plant for fall color. A lot of gardeners see fall as the time to wind things down in the garden, but with some plants the opposite is true. Certain trees and shrubs really 'come alive' in the fall, offering vivid displays of color through their foliage. Trees and shrubs for fall color include maple, cornus, gingko, dogwood, sumac and viburnum.
Abandon mass plantings to make your flower garden more personal. Mass plantings in every flowerbed have a tendency to make a landscape look like it belongs to a hotel or a corporate office building. Border plants and pockets of similar plants will give the same effect of a mass planting without being impersonal.
Be sure that you have earthworms in your soil. Earthworms are vital to good organic gardening, because they aerate the soil. Also, the by-products of earthworm digestion are actually great plant food. Earthworms encourage soil bacteria that provide needed nutrients to your plants while competing with harmful insect pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides and fertilizers.
Reduce the need for pesticides in your garden by planting native crops. Native plants will have a better resistance against the bugs and bacteria of your area, and will be better equipped to compete with native weeds. Native plants will attract beneficial native insects, such as ladybugs, which can naturally control pest problems without the need for chemicals.
Speaking Roses Most excellent service provider.Hang shiny silver objects throughout your garden. These can act as natural pest deterrents; no need for chemicals. The reflections can disorient flying pests such as aphids that require the sun to direct their flight, and may frighten off larger pests such as birds, and even rabbits or deer.
It is important to rotate your organic plants regularly when you are attempting to grow an indoor garden. Plants bend toward wherever a light source is. If you do not rotate your plants there is a good chance that they will all bend toward one side which will limit the amount of vegetables that grow on the plants.
Do not plant your seeds in a rush. The first thing you should do is moisturize the soil. Space the seeds at regular intervals to ensure that they won't be overcrowded as they grow. The seeds should be planted at least 3 times deeper than the seed's depth. Read the seed pack as some varieties shouldn't be covered with soil because they require light to sprout.
If your backyard soil isn't conducive to an organic garden, try installing a raised bed. Within the raised bed, you can create your own mix of soil and compost to achieve the ideal soil for raising your crops. Just be sure the bed is at least 16 inches high so that roots have room to flourish.
At the end of autumn, get your herbs ready to go dormant for the winter. Cut back herbs with woody stems, such as Rosemary, and bring plants that will not survive the winter indoors or into your greenhouse. Add some fresh soil or compost to your garden and then mulch your plants to protect them from freezing. Now you can enjoy your wonderful, fresh autumn herbs throughout the cold winter months ahead.Speaking Roses Greatest service provider.
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brendagilliam2 · 8 years
30 brilliantly creative resumés
We all know finding work in the creative industry is extremely competitive, even if you do have a killer design portfolio. With so many talented people in the world, just getting noticed is a job in itself. So creatives all over the world have been coming up with unusual strategies for job resumés to gain an edge in the hunt for employment. Here are 30 brilliant examples of creative resumés to help you reinvent your CV.
01. Portfolio mail package
You’d be all over this if it turned up in the post
This portfolio mail package created by Robynne Redgrave, a Canadian graphic designer based in Helsinki, is a real attention-grabber. It contains not only her CV but a whole load of stuff including a hand-bound portfolio book, a letter of intent, application form and certificates.
02. Animated Curriculum Vitae
An animated CV is a bit of a risky proposition, but Livia Natalie’s effort really pays off. It’s beautifully animated, covers all the salient points that prospective employers need to know about her, and it’s done and dusted in just over a minute, which makes it a lot more likely that people will sit through the whole thing.
03. SkateRésumé
What happens if the recipient uses it and breaks their neck?
We’ve seen all manner of CVs printed on unlikely objects (and featured some of them here), but this is definitely the first time we’ve seen a resumé printed on a skateboard. Well played, Jairo Alzate. It can’t be particularly cost-effective, but still, well played.
04. Curriculum 3D
Benjamin Benhaim’s 3D CV really stands out
Inspired by this great-looking flat CV from Jimmy Raheriarisoa, Paris-based art director and motion designer Benjamin Benhaim set to work and made this stunning 3D rendered resumé. Created using Cinema 4D, Octane and After Effects, it covers all the bases and features plenty of playful touches, and each image took around seven minutes to render. Time well spent!
05. Hire the Donald
What are the chances, eh?
Turns out that even if your CV shows you to be racist, sexist, arrogant, exploitative and fraudulent, not to mention woefully inexperienced and utterly unqualified, you can still get the job. Go figure.
06. The whole package
Although this one isn’t on an actual packaging – but it displays Sid Santos‘ expertise perfectly – conceptual design, illustration and package design (all seen in the text) are skills demonstrated, along with an obvious proficiency with numerous digital art softwares. His previous CV was no less impressive – prospective clients could print it off and create their very own 3D helpbox, courtesey of some innovative design.
07. The Flowchart
Craig Baute created a helpful flowchart as part of his resumé, so that his potential employer could easily decipher why he was the man for the job. The technique was so successful he landed an interview with Apple. Although he never worked at there, he has built a successful career for himself, so perhaps some crafty arrogance is a-okay when it comes to a CV!
08. Facebook Feed
Sabrina Saccoccio took a new, yet undeniably familiar approach to her curriculum vitae. We are all told Facebook is the new resumé and like it or not employers will find yours – but what if you just fed it to them straight off? Sabrina’s approach definitely captures the imagination while being easy to read in a format we are all more than familiar with – and she even added a quirky comments section!
09. Illustrated book
Lucia Paul has used her resumé as a showcase for her illustration skills by creating an intricately doodled book. The freelancer created the entire thing from scratch, from the simple but effective frontcover and spine to the detailed illustrations within. Lucia has landed jobs with Smart (as in the cars), Lycra and Staples to name but a few, so she must be doing something right!
10. Gameboy
Robby Leonardi is a multidisciplinary designer based in New York City. Specialising in illustration, graphic design, animation, and front-end development, he has worked with the likes of Fox, Speed TV, FX Networks, myNetworkTV, and G4. His incredibly fun interactive design resumé will have you scrolling for hours!
11. Box of chocolates
Life is like a box of chocolates for designer Rob Jervis
“I handed out and emailed way more conventional CVs than I can remember, and got a response from about two or three of those,” recalls designer Rob Jervis. “So I redesigned my CV and turned it into a box, learning how to make the chocolates inside as well (Oreo truffles, peanut butter cups, amaretto ganaches, etc).” LFH called Jervis up an hour after receiving his chocolate-themed resume and offered him a paid internship, which led to a full time job.
12. Personal portfolio
Scott Duffey wanted to leave a lasting impression, placing this at the back of his portfolio
Designer Scott Duffey created this desktop scene to use in the back of his portfolios as his resume. “I wanted to end my portfolio in a way that would leave an impression,” explains . “I wanted to be remembered by my interviewer, so I needed to deliver key information whilst also giving a feel of my personality.”
13. Branding box
We love the little touches with this adorable branding box
“Rather than sending a covering email and a CV, I posted multiple self promotional mailers to companies I would like to work with,” explains designer Emma Hopkins. Packed full of adorable badges and an entire catalogue featuring her work and skills, this is a package any agency or client would be lucky to receive.
14. Medication
Relieve your creative pain with this fake medication CV
Designed by Cai Griffith of She Was Only, this fake medication résumé design for copywriter Jon Ryder is pure genius. The leaflet inside explained that the medicine could be used for the ‘short-term treatment of acute, moderate creative pain’, detailing how to store it, all known interactions, side-effects and whether or not it can be used while operating heavy machinery.
“The active ingredients in Jon Ryder are creativity, originality and typing. Together, they form a powerful painkiller (analgesic) that works by eradicating stress that naturally occurs in agencies during busy times. it works by increasing the flow of ideas through the system.”
The leaflet adds: “Drinking alcohol with Jon Ryder will not cause any adverse effects. Mixing Jon Ryder with moderate alcohol consumption after the end of the working day may improve effectiveness.”
15. Carton of milk
Potential employers are offered up a creative lunch box with a milk carton CV
“I decided to create a Milk BOX with my CV on it, so I could send it to the agencies inside a ‘Creative Lunch Box’,” explains designer Miguel Rato. Using the ingredients to showcase his skills, such as ‘High Calories for Photoshop’ and ‘Medium Calories for HTML and CSS’, it’s a truly innovative way of getting the right kind of attention.
Next page: 15 more brilliantly creative resumes to inspire you…
16. The Game of Design
Will a potential employer play the game of design?
This would certainly catch a potential employer’s eye. Created by a designer with work woes, ‘The Game of Design‘ includes instructions and dice as well as research, client, visual communication and composition cards.
We know it is said that employers only look at résumés for a matter of seconds but we hope that they would take some time with this one. Working in a creative industry, you would assume that they would relish a résumé such as this. We certainly do!
17. The infographic
A simple and inventive approach to the résumé design
Singapore-based student Chen Zhi Liang was set a task by his graphic design tutor to create an inventive résumé that would make him stand out from the crowd. The semester-end assignment was to create an infographic résumé and we think he’s come up trumps with this design.
Showcasing the all-important qualifications and skills, the résumé is eye-catching without being overwhelming. Liang’s minimal approach is perfect for an overcrowded job market. We’d definitely hire him!
18. Sewn fabric
Showcasing her sewing abilities, Melissa produces a truly unique offering
What a way to show off your design skills! Here, Melissa wanted to showcase her sewing abilities to potential employers, so decided to create this beautiful sewn résumé. Crafted during her senior year in college, she wanted to represent her affection for sewing and including handmade elements in her design work for a more intimate feel.
It was such a hit that Melissa did infact, get the first job she applied for out of college. We certainly wouldn’t toss this offering in the trash!
19. Billboard
Féilim received a huge response from employers willing to give tips and advice
In response to mass unemployment and the prospect of having to emigrate, Féilim Mac An Iomaire spent his entire life savings on this billboard. Placing the ad on a busy road in South Dublin, the billboard sees the marketing graduate staring at a number of instantly recognisable landmarks with the tag line ‘save me from emigration’.
20. The Creative Relocation Program
Matt Stafford was in a bind. Already employed at a well-known agency, he was looking for a new challenge, and wanted to create a web-based campaign that would showcase his talent to creative directors at leading shops, hopefully getting him hired. But how to do it without his current employer finding out, and giving him the HR equivalent of a Chinese burn?
Here’s how. Matt created an alter ego, Miguel Jackson, who – via The Creative Relocation Program – contacted creative directors via anonymous video messages, where he gave them one chance to contact him via Skype (Matt would remain disguised behind a balaclava at all times, inlcuding ‘face to face’ meetings, until he was offered a job). Seven out of nine creative directors responded, one of whom hired him on the spot. And Matt may have inspired others to follow suit …
21. The Creative Ransom
This stunt comes to us courtesy of creative team Andrew Grinter and Lee Spencer-Michaelsen. The duo decided against a traditional approach to job applications and instead opted to send mysterious notes, using letters cut out of a magazine, to top creative directors in Melbourne.
The notes directed each to a URL that held a digital ransom note. Their demands? Simple. Arrange an interview or the site gets it. And it worked! The idea landed the duo an interview with no less than seven directors, each of which they met wearing traditional kidnapper balaclavas. The pair are now working at digital marketing firm DT Digital/Ogilvy. Pure genius.
22. Vintage Pixar resumé
We bet the guys at Pixar had never seen a job application like this before!
Getting your foot in the door at animation giant Pixar is a tough job, so in order to get his resumé noticed among the thousands of others, creative artist Brian Moose created this gorgeous vintage package to house his application.
Inside, the Pixar hiring team would have been delighted to find a old-school film case, which housed a notebook featuring gorgeous illustrations and notes detailing Moose’s skills and previous employment history. We don’t know if it worked but it’s a brilliantly presented and genius idea.
Also read: How to get a job at Pixar Studios
23. Google job experiment
Copywriter Alec Brownstein‘s goal was to secure a position working for a top creative director in New York. While Googling his favourite creatives, Brownstein noticed they had no sponsored links attached to their names.
Seeing an opportunity, he purchased five directors’ names on Google AdWords, meaning whenever someone ran a search for one, the following message appeared at the top of the results page: “Hey, [creative director’s name]: Goooogling [sic] yourself is a lot of fun.”
He recieved calls from all but one of the creative directors whose names he purchased, and was offered a job by two. He now works for Young & Rubicam New York. And it cost him a total of $6.
24. QR code resumé
When applying for internships at communications agencies, French creative Victor Petit quickly realised that the hardest part of the process was getting an interview. So he decided to spice up his paper resumé with the inclusion of a QR code.
One side of his application features a pretty standard resumé design. The other is a close-up of Petit’s face, with a QR code in place of his mouth. Prospective employers scan the code, which then plays a YouTube video, featuring Petit’s mouth and transforming his paper application into a talking resumé.
25. Lego resumé
Writer Kendra Wiig created this brilliant model of a company’s mascot and sent it, together with her resumé
Okay, so this idea didn’t get Kendra Wiig the job she was after, but it’s still a cracking idea. After finding an opening for a company working on a Lego-themed game, she built a model of its mascot in the famous little bricks and put her resumé in the fish’s jaws.
Despite not being successful, the idea still attracted Wiig a lot of attention, with the hiring manager sending her back a personal email thanking her for the model. She was also sent details of positions they expected to open up in the near future. Bet she had a great time building it, too!
26. Twitter job hustle
Knowing that many creatives spend a lot of time seeing what others are up to on Twitter, freelance creative team Bas Van de Poel and Daan van Dam decided to use this to their advantage. Their brief was to ‘land a job at an awesome agency’.
The duo created five new Twitter accounts and uploaded different letters as profile pics that would spell out ‘HIRE US’. They then followed creative directors from AKQA, BBH, Sid Lee and Boondoggle so the message appeared on their Twitter pages. Each letter linked to the team’s portfolio on their Twitter timeline. The nifty idea did the trick too, with the duo landing themselves a job with Boondoggle.
27. ‘Vick’ cereal box
Designer Victor Rodriguez came up with this quirky concept while eating his breakfast, unsurprisingly
When Canada-based web and graphic designer Victor Rodriguez was looking for work, his design for a resumé was reached by thinking outside of the box. Literally.
Inspired by his morning meal, Rodrigues based his concept on a cereal box, featuring a bright, eye-catching design on the front and his personal information down the side. His skills were awarded percentages, much like the nutritional information listed on traditional cereal packets.
28. Google Map CV
Ed Hamilton’s Google Map resumé uses personalised placemarkers to highlight his skills and experience
When London-based copywriter Ed Hamilton was out of work, he decided to put his time to good use and develop a creative way to stand out to prospective employers.
Using Google Maps’ My Maps feature, Hamilton mapped his resumé, using different coloured pins to create personalised placemarkers, each accompanied by explanatory text. The brilliant design includes pins for where Hamilton lives, his interests and his previous employment.
29. Resumé in lights
HR specialist Liz Hickok used the festive season to her advantage in her search for employment
Now this is the kind of resumé Clark Griswold would be proud of! And with Christmas just around the corner, we just had to include this resumé in festive lights. Known for her Christmas light show, HR specialist Liz Hickok decided to modify her display slightly by adding a sign to employers that she was on hunt for a HR job.
The resumé, lit up on the front of her house, read ‘My wish, HR job, Liz Hickok, Linked In’. In addition to many appreciation messages on LinkedIn, Hickok also landed four interviews as a result of the lights.
30. This is Erika
The 90-second video by Miguel Durao showcases his model girlfriend Erika, whom, he explains, is not just a pretty face but also does charity work, is caring, sensitive and has been dating Durao for six years. There’s a brilliant pay off at the end, in which the whole scenario becomes clear.
Off the back of it, Miguel had several interviews and job offers from big name agencies, a series of freelance jobs, and a permanent position which he’s had for a year now. Well done that man!
Contributions: Jim McCauley
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This post comes from the RSS feed of CreativeBlog, you can find more here!
The post 30 brilliantly creative resumés appeared first on Brenda Gilliam.
from Brenda Gilliam http://brendagilliam.com/30-brilliantly-creative-resumes/
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kristinsimmons · 5 years
Braces: Types, What to Expect, How They Work & Care (Kids + Adults)
If you’ve noticed shifting in your teeth, having bite issues, or wondering if braces are a good decision, you may have questions about braces. 
Whether you have dental braces now or they’re an option you’re considering, here’s a comprehensive guide on what kinds of braces are available, what to expect, and how to care for them.
Ask the Dentist is supported by readers. If you use one of the links below and buy something, Ask the Dentist makes a little bit of money at no additional cost to you. I rigorously research, test, and use thousands of products every year, but recommend only a small fraction of these. I only promote products that I truly feel will be valuable to you in improving your oral health.
What are braces for teeth?
Braces for teeth come from a special field of dentistry called orthodontics. This area of dental work was developed to treat problems with the positioning of the teeth and jaw. Even though each mouth is different, several bite issues necessitate orthodontic treatment. 
The first type of problem we encounter is malocclusion, or bite misalignment. The most obvious forms of this issue is what we know as an underbite or overbite. However, many other forms of malocclusion can occur.
Overcrowding, spacing issues, missing or crooked teeth, an overjet, or even an open bite can also occur as teeth grow in. Unfortunately, these conditions can cause patients to be self-conscious. Worse, these problems can affect eating, smiling, and even speaking. 
Good news—while there are many forms of bite issues, there’s always a solution to these misalignments.
Braces were developed to bring the teeth and jaw into proper alignment, so there’s hope for your malocclusion woes. In fact, this treatment has an overall high satisfaction rate and effective results. 
You may notice a bite problem on your own, or a dentist may point it out during a visit. Once a malocclusion has been diagnosed, you have many options in the world of braces.
Types of Braces
Today, there are more types of braces available than ever before. These options leave many patients wondering, “Which braces are right for me?” That answer and resulting treatment plan can depend on everything from cost to appearance. The pros and cons of each type of braces can help you decide which variety suits you best. 
1. Traditional Metal Braces
These are the classic variety of braces that most people think of when they hear the term. This option shifts alignment using metal brackets attached to the front of the teeth. The teeth are guided by an archwire that slowly repositions the bite.
Some braces utilize elastic ties to support the movement of teeth, while self-ligating braces have a custom-made clip that replaces elastic ties.
For patients allergic to nickel, the metal used in traditional braces might cause concern. Not to worry! Alternative options are available, such as gold-plated stainless steel or titanium. Be sure to discuss any metal allergies with your dental care provider before taking the plunge.
Pros: fun color choices for kids, usually have the lowest price point, fast-acting
Cons: most conspicuous choice, white calcifications can develop around brackets
2. Ceramic Braces
Ceramic braces are similar in appearance to traditional metal braces. However, there’s one major exception—the brackets are clear or match the individual’s teeth. This provides similar treatment to metal braces, but without a metallic mouth look that might deter some patients.
Pros: less obvious than traditional metal braces, act much faster than other clear options like Invisalign.
Cons: staining is very possible due to the light color, higher cost than the metal option, calcifications are possible
3. Lingual Braces
Dental professionals refer to the inner side of your teeth as the “lingual” surface. These braces are located on the back of the tooth, against the tongue. Lingual braces are made of metal, like traditional models.
Pros: not visible in everyday wear
Cons: tough to clean thoroughly, higher cost than regular metal braces, can hurt teeth and tongue in early months, not an option for severe malocclusions, adjustments are more frequent and complex
4. Damon Braces
These are a newer option for braces that don’t use the elastic or metal ties of traditional braces. Damon claims to reduce pain and require fewer adjustment visits than a classic model. This option comes in both a metal bracket and clear version.
Pros: Damon claims faster treatment times, less conspicuous than traditional metal braces, and less pain than braces that need to be tightened
Cons: relatively new method, not all orthodontists offer this option, higher price point
5. Clear Aligners (Invisalign)
Clear aligners are potentially the mildest option out of the types of braces. However, don’t be fooled by these clear braces: they can accomplish great results over time. 
Each aligner you’re given is choreographed for just 1-2 weeks at a time, gently moving your teeth to the desired position. 
Patients with interproximal reduction or severely rotated teeth will not be good candidates for at-home treatment (like SmileDirect or Candid), but they can almost always get their desired results when using Invisalign under the care of a dentist or orthodontist.
Pros: almost invisible, easily removable, no calcifications, and use safe and patented plastic (free of BPAs and carcinogens)
Cons: higher price, process may take longer, easier to lose with costly replacement fees
At what age should you get braces?
One downside of beginning treatment in your adult years is that it will likely take about twice as long to get results. 
That’s why I advise parents to consider orthropics, a school of orthodontic thought that seeks to correct growth issues starting as early as two years of age. 
Orthropics has an emphasis on prevention and also strongly avoids extracting teeth.
Professionals separate orthodontics into Phase 1 and Phase 2 treatments. In an ideal scenario, a child would receive an orthodontic and orthotropic consultation between the ages of two and five, in Phase 1. From there, they would receive monitoring and any necessary adjustments between ages 4-10 to optimize jaw and palate growth.
Phase 2 treatment refers to orthodontic treatment stated during or after early adolescence. If Phase 1 treatment has been completed, it can reduce or eliminate the need for orthodontics in this stage. However, if you missed out on early intervention, don’t worry. Age should never prevent you from getting the treatment you need.
While it’s clear from the data that earlier orthodontic intervention yields better results, it’s never too late. Though your bite may not have the same flexibility and responsiveness as you age, change is still possible.
Living with a malocclusion can increase your chances of bruxism, make brushing and flossing harder, and impact your confidence. Even if early treatment is no longer an option for you, there’s hope.
How Dental Braces Straighten Teeth
Not all braces straighten teeth the same way, but all are working toward the same goal of aligning the teeth and jaw. The type of braces you choose determines the way your teeth are straightened. It will also establish the frequency of adjustments needed throughout the process.
Though some components can be changed to suit individual needs, the basic mechanisms are the same. Here’s how the many parts of braces work together to straighten teeth.
Brackets are cemented to each tooth and may be metal, tooth-colored, or ceramic. These can attach to the front or back of the tooth, depending on if the braces are traditional or lingual. Bands that wrap around the tooth are put on the back molars in some cases, while self-ligating braces don’t require rubber bands.
Wires, Tubes, and Ties
Archwires are attached to the brackets and will guide the teeth as they move. This wire applies steady pressure to the jawline and teeth, slowly moving their position. The archwire is adjusted to continue to realign the teeth and jaw throughout the treatment period.
The orthodontist will fasten archwire to the brackets using small rubber or metal ties, which they will change periodically. A small tube holds the wire in place at the last tooth on each side. In more serious cases, rubber bands, elastics, or springs may be necessary.
These pieces all work together to move the teeth into alignment, and to shift the bite into its proper placement. As the teeth move, guided by the arch wire, the brackets act like little handles to assist in pulling the teeth along. As the braces are tightened during regular adjustments, the teeth and jaw continue on this path.
Damon Braces
This method is similar in some ways to traditional braces, but with a few modern changes. Damon braces do not use metal or elastic ties, and treat alignment issues without needing to be tightened. Instead, their shape-memory wires create movement, and they are self-ligating.
Clear Aligners (like Invisalign)
These models work a little differently. Unlike other forms of braces, a clear aligner is removable and provides a gentler adjustment. Instead of regular visits to tighten the archwire and ligatures, a new aligner is used every two weeks to continue moving the teeth.
In more severe cases, headgear may be needed. This removable gear typically attaches to the upper back molars in order to correct jaw alignment and create more space in the teeth. While this one of the largest orthodontic appliances, it’s rarely necessary and can typically be worn at home to prevent self-consciousness.
Getting Braces: What to Expect
Getting braces isn’t a mysterious process, and knowing what to expect can calm your nerves. Here’s what’s in store before, during, and after getting braces for your teeth. 
Before you get braces, there are some important preparation steps to take. 
I never advise braces until all decay and gum issues, like cavities or gingivitis, have been addressed. 
If left untreated, these can cause major problems down the road that could undo the progress your smile has made through braces. 
In some cases, surgery may be required for braces. Orthognathic, or jaw, surgery is occasionally needed for more serious alignment issues. Your dentist or orthodontist will let you know if you need this step to correct TMJ, jaw closure problems, facial imbalances, or other concerns.
Palatal expansion or serial extraction may also be necessary if teeth are overcrowded. This measure works best in Phase 1 because the growth plates in the mouth are still developing at this age.
This process may look different for adults or adolescents since their palate is formed. These patients may need teeth pulled to make space for proper alignment, or spacers put in between teeth to make room for bands before braces. Spacers and expanders may cause some soreness, but it’s not long-lasting.
Once the mouth is ready for treatment, your orthodontist will take x-rays and photos of the teeth. These images will guide them in designing braces to fit your individual needs. They will also take an impression (or mold) of your mouth to ensure a good fit when the braces are put on. 
So now that you’ve cleared up any tooth decay or gum issues, pulled teeth or expanded the palate if needed, and prepared with your orthodontist, it’s time to finally put on those braces! The good news is that this typically only takes as long as a movie—1 to 2 hours. Having your braces put on can take one or two visits, depending on the type you’ve chosen.
Braces are made to fit you individually, so no two cases of putting on braces will be exactly the same. However, the procedure for traditional metal or ceramic braces typically follows these steps:
Cleaning: a proper cleaning and drying will occur before any braces are put on.
Brackets: each tooth will need a bracket placed in the center, which will be held in place by glue. Your orthodontist will place the glue on the tooth, dry it with a blue light, and then apply the bracket. Don’t worry if the glue tastes a little unpleasant; the taste is only temporary.
Bands: these help to secure the braces in your mouth. These bands will be slipped around the back molars on both the upper teeth and lower teeth. The bands are secured with glue and chosen based on your impression, and you may feel some pressure as they are secured firmly. Let your orthodontist know if you feel any significant pinching, as they may want to readjust the band to a more comfortable position for you.
Archwires: you’re in the home stretch! These are the last step in putting on your new braces. The orthodontist will attach these metal wires to your brackets using a rubber band. If you are using traditional metal braces, you can choose the rubber band color, but ceramic braces will use ligatures that are clear or tooth-colored.
Lingual braces are applied in an extremely similar way, but to the inner side of the teeth. This requires more time and a specially trained orthodontist to ensure proper care. 
Invisalign and other clear retainers are a very different form of braces. For more information about how they are put on and what treatment might look like, check out my guide to Invisalign.
While each mouth is an individual case with individual needs, there are a few things I always recommend doing during your dental braces treatment:
Try remineralizing toothpaste. While most people are familiar with fluoride toothpaste, I recommend the road less traveled: hydroxyapatite (Ha or NHa) toothpaste. This can help remineralize teeth, which means rebuilds enamel and reversing tooth decay. Fluoride can have some undesirable side effects, but remineralizing toothpaste doesn’t share those same potential drawbacks. (I love this toothpaste; use code ASKTHEDDS for 10% off.)
Avoid alcohol-based mouthwash. Traditional mouthwash can kill the good bacteria in your mouth, lead to overgrowth of bacteria that can damage your teeth, and pave the way for inflammation and decay. On the other hand, an oil pulling mouthwash like this one can do more good than harm.
Mouth tape for nighttime protection. Many people breathe through their mouths at night, and it can wreak havoc on your oral health. Mouth taping prevents the growth of harmful bacteria, improves your sleep and gut health, and boosts immune response.
Brush and floss intentionally. Brush your teeth in the morning, before bed, and 30-45 minutes after any meal that contains decay-promoting foods. Braces can act like a magnet to food and bad bacteria.
As we’ve discussed, braces work by guiding the teeth along the wires into their healthy new position. With traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, or lingual braces, you will need to see your dentist every 3-6 weeks for an adjustment to keep moving your teeth along their journey.
This will involve tightening the wires, springs, or elastic bands on your braces to increase the tension and continue to shift the teeth and jaw into correct alignment. After these visits, you may experience some soreness as the teeth move into their new position.
Removing your braces is much less painful and time consuming than putting them on. 
Your orthodontist will remove the brackets and bands, and snip the archwire. It’s common to need the glue removed, and your dentist may polish it off with a special tool. This process is relatively quick and you should only feel a little pressure. 
S/he will also take new photos and x-rays to see how the mouth has changed. This will help them in future treatment and show you how your teeth are aligned. At this stage, you’ll probably want to show off your beautiful smile and malocclusion-free mouth. 
You’ll also be given a new retainer. Be sure to wear your new retainer consistently to keep the results you worked so hard for. If your teeth aren’t quite ready for a retainer, a pre-finisher may be advised first.
Rarely, surgery will be needed after braces for optimal results. Some patients need headgear after braces. Others will need a fiberotomy to prevent their teeth relapsing and rotating, or a gum lift to ensure the teeth are uniform after being moved.
Pain with Braces: What’s Normal, What’s Not
Braces may not always be comfortable, but they should never be seriously painful. The most common times to experience soreness are after an adjustment and the first several days after braces are put on. 
Over the counter pain relievers can help, but my favorite recommendations are CBD oil, coconut water, or clove oil. Their anti-inflammatory properties may help control these symptoms, and the pain should lessen as time passes.
If you are experiencing severe pain, contact your orthodontist. It’s possible for a wire to be pushing into your gums, a bracket to be loose, or other concerns. Also, if you are consistently experiencing high levels of pain after an adjustment, be sure to communicate that as well. Your orthodontist may be able to alter the way s/he adjusts your teeth to put you at ease.
Braces Cost (by Type)
The pricing of braces is determined by the length, amount, and type of orthodontic treatment needed. Also, braces can cost less depending on what part of the country the orthodontist is located in, and if they’re based in a rural or urban area.
Traditional metal braces: $3,000-$7,000
Ceramic braces: $4,000-$8,000 
Lingual braces: $8,000-$10,000
Clear aligners: $4,000-$7,000
At-home clear aligners: $1,500-$3,000
Some costs happen up front. X-rays range from $50-$250, while an initial consultation with the orthodontist can commonly run up to $200. After treatment, a retainer can cost anywhere between $150 and $1,000, depending on the type you get.
Does insurance cover braces?
It depends—some types of medical insurance cover braces only if they are medically necessary, such as for restoration after a major incident. It’s common for some dental insurance plans (if orthodontics is included) to pay for 50% of braces and cap at $1,500 total per child. Most plans won’t pay for braces for adults over 18-21 except in special circumstances.
However, all plans are different, so be sure to speak to your provider.
If you’re reeling from sticker shock, there’s good news. Braces can typically be broken down into installments at most orthodontist’s office. Also, if the braces are medically necessary, they should be tax deductible.
Look for more tips on saving on dental care in my article on living with no dental insurance.
How to Care for Your Braces
Eating with Braces
What you eat can make or break your braces…sometimes literally. 
Popcorn, sticky candy, and gum can pull a bracket or wire free from their carefully placed alignment. Furthermore, don’t eat foods that will promote decay while your have braces, especially since the teeth will be harder to clean. 
This includes sugar rushes such as sweets and soda, and carb-loaded treats like bread and pasta.
You should also eat foods that promote your oral health. Diets like Paleo and keto are full of foods that your teeth and gums will love. This eating plan can help remineralize your teeth and reduce gum inflammation from the inside out.
Problems with Wires or Brackets
If you encounter any orthodontic problems with wires or brackets, let your dentist know right away. They can give you an adjustment to fix any wires of brackets that have detached or shifted. 
In the meantime, try dental wax, which is made to put on protruding wires or brackets in a pinch. 
For immediate relief, be sure to wash your hands and pinch off a pea-sized portion, then apply the wax to the fixture that’s prodding you.
Wearing Retainers After Braces
Once the braces are removed, you’ll need to wear a retainer to ensure your teeth stay where they are. It’s crucial to wear your retainer at least 22 hours a day for the first year, then nightly for the rest of your life. 
Otherwise, your teeth may shift back to their original position, causing you to lose your hard-earned results! 
Sometimes, an orthodontist may recommend a bonded retainer, which is a metal retainer permanently bonded to the backside of the teeth. I generally advise against these for most patients, as they collect tartar and calculus and make flossing harder. 
Pro tip: check out my handy guide on how to clean retainers to get the longest life out of yours.
How to Brush and Floss with Braces
It’s not surprising that braces can make brushing and flossing more difficult; braces can add a lot to navigate around while practicing oral hygiene. Taking special care to keep your teeth pristine during the process can save you from developing decay and gum inflammation. 
I recommend a sonic toothbrush as my toothbrush of choice for patients with braces. 
My favorites are the Philips Sonicare DiamondClean and Boka Brush.
When brushing, take special care to brush around brackets, wires, and bands. These can harbor plaque, tartar, and food particles, and need particular attention.
Flossing is a bit trickier with braces. Here’s how to do it:
Thread a piece of waxed floss under the archwire before gently and gently move it up and down. Once finished, pull it back out through the wire and move on to the next tooth. 
Still having issues? Try a water flosser like Waterpik, dental tape, or a floss threader.
While this process may feel tedious, it will save you from major dental work down the road if your braces lead to decay.
Braces Before and After
Want some examples of what results you might expect with braces? Check out these success stories.
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Congratulations Patrick on your smile transformation! Patrick came to us after having multiple other orthodontic consultations where he was told he would need jaw surgery to correct his bite and smile. Thankfully, the team at Lenz Orthodontics was able to treat Patrick with braces alone and no jaw surgery. . . . . . . . #lenzorthodontics #lenzortho #braces #damonbraces #dentistry #straightteeth #orthodontics #smile #smiletransformation #invisalign #teeth #waterfordwisconsin #racinewisconsin
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Risks of Dental Braces
While metal braces can transform a malocclusion into a beautiful smile, there are still risks associated. Traditional metal braces have a list of hazards, which many orthodontists don’t mention. 
Here are some of the often unforeseen risks of dental braces, namely, traditional metal or ceramic braces. 
Gum Problems
Unfortunately, traditional braces come with an increased risk for gingivitis and gum disease.  This comes with inflammation of the gums, and gum recession. 
While braces may help your teeth, they may not do the same for your gum line. It’s imperative to take good care of your gums while you have braces and watch for developing issues.
Teeth Concerns
The teeth are also a concern in traditional braces treatment. There is a danger of root resorption, where bone structures or a tooth’s roots begin to break down. 
You may also notice white calcifications on teeth after your braces are removed—unfortunately, those can’t be corrected with teeth whitening. 
Finally, braces can make brushing and flossing more difficult, which can lead to excessive plaque buildup and potential cavities. 
Other Issues
Due to shifting of the upper and lower jaw, you are more likely to develop TMJ disorders if you have traditional braces. Heavy metal toxicity is also possible due to the metallic contents of braces.
Also, archwires may be coated in Teflon. This contains many chemicals that have been traced to hormonal imbalances and an increased risk of cancer. Long exposure to this material in braces can harm your endocrine and immune systems.
Dentists vs. Orthodontists for Braces
While general dentists are able to provide most types of orthodontic treatment, it’s usually better to go to an orthodontist. Orthodontists have completed 2-3 years of additional training to become specialists in treating malocclusions.
Also, if you can, begin bringing your child as young as two to a dentist and orthodontist who practices orthotropics. This will help guide the development of the child’s mouth and bite and prevent the need for serious malocclusion treatment. 
An orthodontist will likely be more expensive than your general dentist, so that’s a factor to consider as you choose.
FAQs on Braces
Q: How long does it take to move teeth with braces?
A: The length of your braces treatment depends on several factors: age, type of braces worn, whether expansion is needed, and any potential problems that may occur with the braces. Also, the severity of the malocclusion can determine how long treatment is needed to see lasting results. 
Q: Can I play sports with braces?
A: Yes, you can. Just be sure to wear a mouthguard, which I always suggest. 
Q: What happens if my wisdom teeth come in during or after my braces?
A: It’s important to communicate to your orthodontist about wisdom teeth coming in during your braces treatment. They can create a plan that doesn’t interrupt your care. If your braces are off and you notice your wisdom teeth coming in, keep wearing your retainer and book an appointment to see your dentist right away to avoid shifting teeth or decay.
Q: Can I get braces for free?
A: While free braces are hard to find, there are a variety of discounted orthodontic programs accredited by the American Association of Orthodontists. Their list of approved schools can give you braces at a fraction of the cost—though the treatment may take longer as they learn.
Q: When were braces invented?
A: Many ancient societies dreamed of ways to straighten teeth. In the 18th century, Pierre Fauchard made an early version of a palate expander, and soon another French dentist named Etienne Bourdet began removing teeth to fix overcrowding. Eventually, in 1880, J.N. Farrar pioneered the idea of using mild force in timed intervals to move teeth.
Key Takeaways: Dental Braces
Dental braces are an excellent solution for bite problems, overcrowding, and other common issues. The type of braces you choose can determine many factors, from length of treatment and risks to cost. After choosing your variety of braces, there are many foods to eat, brushing and flossing methods, and preventative measures that will help you to take care of them. 
Be sure to consistently wear your retainer and to keep your dentist updated on any changes like shifting or wisdom teeth, even after your braces are off. Don’t forget to enjoy smiling, biting, and living malocclusion-free on the other side of orthodontic braces.
18 References
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kristinsimmons · 5 years
Braces: Types, What to Expect, How They Work & Care (Kids + Adults)
If you’ve noticed shifting in your teeth, having bite issues, or wondering if braces are a good decision, you may have questions about braces. 
Whether you have dental braces now or they’re an option you’re considering, here’s a comprehensive guide on what kinds of braces are available, what to expect, and how to care for them.
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What are braces for teeth?
Braces for teeth come from a special field of dentistry called orthodontics. This area of dental work was developed to treat problems with the positioning of the teeth and jaw. Even though each mouth is different, several bite issues necessitate orthodontic treatment. 
The first type of problem we encounter is malocclusion, or bite misalignment. The most obvious forms of this issue is what we know as an underbite or overbite. However, many other forms of malocclusion can occur.
Overcrowding, spacing issues, missing or crooked teeth, an overjet, or even an open bite can also occur as teeth grow in. Unfortunately, these conditions can cause patients to be self-conscious. Worse, these problems can affect eating, smiling, and even speaking. 
Good news—while there are many forms of bite issues, there’s always a solution to these misalignments.
Braces were developed to bring the teeth and jaw into proper alignment, so there’s hope for your malocclusion woes. In fact, this treatment has an overall high satisfaction rate and effective results. 
You may notice a bite problem on your own, or a dentist may point it out during a visit. Once a malocclusion has been diagnosed, you have many options in the world of braces.
Types of Braces
Today, there are more types of braces available than ever before. These options leave many patients wondering, “Which braces are right for me?” That answer and resulting treatment plan can depend on everything from cost to appearance. The pros and cons of each type of braces can help you decide which variety suits you best. 
1. Traditional Metal Braces
These are the classic variety of braces that most people think of when they hear the term. This option shifts alignment using metal brackets attached to the front of the teeth. The teeth are guided by an archwire that slowly repositions the bite.
Some braces utilize elastic ties to support the movement of teeth, while self-ligating braces have a custom-made clip that replaces elastic ties.
For patients allergic to nickel, the metal used in traditional braces might cause concern. Not to worry! Alternative options are available, such as gold-plated stainless steel or titanium. Be sure to discuss any metal allergies with your dental care provider before taking the plunge.
Pros: fun color choices for kids, usually have the lowest price point, fast-acting
Cons: most conspicuous choice, white calcifications can develop around brackets
2. Ceramic Braces
Ceramic braces are similar in appearance to traditional metal braces. However, there’s one major exception—the brackets are clear or match the individual’s teeth. This provides similar treatment to metal braces, but without a metallic mouth look that might deter some patients.
Pros: less obvious than traditional metal braces, act much faster than other clear options like Invisalign.
Cons: staining is very possible due to the light color, higher cost than the metal option, calcifications are possible
3. Lingual Braces
Dental professionals refer to the inner side of your teeth as the “lingual” surface. These braces are located on the back of the tooth, against the tongue. Lingual braces are made of metal, like traditional models.
Pros: not visible in everyday wear
Cons: tough to clean thoroughly, higher cost than regular metal braces, can hurt teeth and tongue in early months, not an option for severe malocclusions, adjustments are more frequent and complex
4. Damon Braces
These are a newer option for braces that don’t use the elastic or metal ties of traditional braces. Damon claims to reduce pain and require fewer adjustment visits than a classic model. This option comes in both a metal bracket and clear version.
Pros: Damon claims faster treatment times, less conspicuous than traditional metal braces, and less pain than braces that need to be tightened
Cons: relatively new method, not all orthodontists offer this option, higher price point
5. Clear Aligners (Invisalign)
Clear aligners are potentially the mildest option out of the types of braces. However, don’t be fooled by these clear braces: they can accomplish great results over time. 
Each aligner you’re given is choreographed for just 1-2 weeks at a time, gently moving your teeth to the desired position. 
Patients with interproximal reduction or severely rotated teeth will not be good candidates for at-home treatment (like SmileDirect or Candid), but they can almost always get their desired results when using Invisalign under the care of a dentist or orthodontist.
Pros: almost invisible, easily removable, no calcifications, and use safe and patented plastic (free of BPAs and carcinogens)
Cons: higher price, process may take longer, easier to lose with costly replacement fees
At what age should you get braces?
One downside of beginning treatment in your adult years is that it will likely take about twice as long to get results. 
That’s why I advise parents to consider orthropics, a school of orthodontic thought that seeks to correct growth issues starting as early as two years of age. 
Orthropics has an emphasis on prevention and also strongly avoids extracting teeth.
Professionals separate orthodontics into Phase 1 and Phase 2 treatments. In an ideal scenario, a child would receive an orthodontic and orthotropic consultation between the ages of two and five, in Phase 1. From there, they would receive monitoring and any necessary adjustments between ages 4-10 to optimize jaw and palate growth.
Phase 2 treatment refers to orthodontic treatment stated during or after early adolescence. If Phase 1 treatment has been completed, it can reduce or eliminate the need for orthodontics in this stage. However, if you missed out on early intervention, don’t worry. Age should never prevent you from getting the treatment you need.
While it’s clear from the data that earlier orthodontic intervention yields better results, it’s never too late. Though your bite may not have the same flexibility and responsiveness as you age, change is still possible.
Living with a malocclusion can increase your chances of bruxism, make brushing and flossing harder, and impact your confidence. Even if early treatment is no longer an option for you, there’s hope.
How Dental Braces Straighten Teeth
Not all braces straighten teeth the same way, but all are working toward the same goal of aligning the teeth and jaw. The type of braces you choose determines the way your teeth are straightened. It will also establish the frequency of adjustments needed throughout the process.
Though some components can be changed to suit individual needs, the basic mechanisms are the same. Here’s how the many parts of braces work together to straighten teeth.
Brackets are cemented to each tooth and may be metal, tooth-colored, or ceramic. These can attach to the front or back of the tooth, depending on if the braces are traditional or lingual. Bands that wrap around the tooth are put on the back molars in some cases, while self-ligating braces don’t require rubber bands.
Wires, Tubes, and Ties
Archwires are attached to the brackets and will guide the teeth as they move. This wire applies steady pressure to the jawline and teeth, slowly moving their position. The archwire is adjusted to continue to realign the teeth and jaw throughout the treatment period.
The orthodontist will fasten archwire to the brackets using small rubber or metal ties, which they will change periodically. A small tube holds the wire in place at the last tooth on each side. In more serious cases, rubber bands, elastics, or springs may be necessary.
These pieces all work together to move the teeth into alignment, and to shift the bite into its proper placement. As the teeth move, guided by the arch wire, the brackets act like little handles to assist in pulling the teeth along. As the braces are tightened during regular adjustments, the teeth and jaw continue on this path.
Damon Braces
This method is similar in some ways to traditional braces, but with a few modern changes. Damon braces do not use metal or elastic ties, and treat alignment issues without needing to be tightened. Instead, their shape-memory wires create movement, and they are self-ligating.
Clear Aligners (like Invisalign)
These models work a little differently. Unlike other forms of braces, a clear aligner is removable and provides a gentler adjustment. Instead of regular visits to tighten the archwire and ligatures, a new aligner is used every two weeks to continue moving the teeth.
In more severe cases, headgear may be needed. This removable gear typically attaches to the upper back molars in order to correct jaw alignment and create more space in the teeth. While this one of the largest orthodontic appliances, it’s rarely necessary and can typically be worn at home to prevent self-consciousness.
Getting Braces: What to Expect
Getting braces isn’t a mysterious process, and knowing what to expect can calm your nerves. Here’s what’s in store before, during, and after getting braces for your teeth. 
Before you get braces, there are some important preparation steps to take. 
I never advise braces until all decay and gum issues, like cavities or gingivitis, have been addressed. 
If left untreated, these can cause major problems down the road that could undo the progress your smile has made through braces. 
In some cases, surgery may be required for braces. Orthognathic, or jaw, surgery is occasionally needed for more serious alignment issues. Your dentist or orthodontist will let you know if you need this step to correct TMJ, jaw closure problems, facial imbalances, or other concerns.
Palatal expansion or serial extraction may also be necessary if teeth are overcrowded. This measure works best in Phase 1 because the growth plates in the mouth are still developing at this age.
This process may look different for adults or adolescents since their palate is formed. These patients may need teeth pulled to make space for proper alignment, or spacers put in between teeth to make room for bands before braces. Spacers and expanders may cause some soreness, but it’s not long-lasting.
Once the mouth is ready for treatment, your orthodontist will take x-rays and photos of the teeth. These images will guide them in designing braces to fit your individual needs. They will also take an impression (or mold) of your mouth to ensure a good fit when the braces are put on. 
So now that you’ve cleared up any tooth decay or gum issues, pulled teeth or expanded the palate if needed, and prepared with your orthodontist, it’s time to finally put on those braces! The good news is that this typically only takes as long as a movie—1 to 2 hours. Having your braces put on can take one or two visits, depending on the type you’ve chosen.
Braces are made to fit you individually, so no two cases of putting on braces will be exactly the same. However, the procedure for traditional metal or ceramic braces typically follows these steps:
Cleaning: a proper cleaning and drying will occur before any braces are put on.
Brackets: each tooth will need a bracket placed in the center, which will be held in place by glue. Your orthodontist will place the glue on the tooth, dry it with a blue light, and then apply the bracket. Don’t worry if the glue tastes a little unpleasant; the taste is only temporary.
Bands: these help to secure the braces in your mouth. These bands will be slipped around the back molars on both the upper teeth and lower teeth. The bands are secured with glue and chosen based on your impression, and you may feel some pressure as they are secured firmly. Let your orthodontist know if you feel any significant pinching, as they may want to readjust the band to a more comfortable position for you.
Archwires: you’re in the home stretch! These are the last step in putting on your new braces. The orthodontist will attach these metal wires to your brackets using a rubber band. If you are using traditional metal braces, you can choose the rubber band color, but ceramic braces will use ligatures that are clear or tooth-colored.
Lingual braces are applied in an extremely similar way, but to the inner side of the teeth. This requires more time and a specially trained orthodontist to ensure proper care. 
Invisalign and other clear retainers are a very different form of braces. For more information about how they are put on and what treatment might look like, check out my guide to Invisalign.
While each mouth is an individual case with individual needs, there are a few things I always recommend doing during your dental braces treatment:
Try remineralizing toothpaste. While most people are familiar with fluoride toothpaste, I recommend the road less traveled: hydroxyapatite (Ha or NHa) toothpaste. This can help remineralize teeth, which means rebuilds enamel and reversing tooth decay. Fluoride can have some undesirable side effects, but remineralizing toothpaste doesn’t share those same potential drawbacks. (I love this toothpaste; use code ASKTHEDDS for 10% off.)
Avoid alcohol-based mouthwash. Traditional mouthwash can kill the good bacteria in your mouth, lead to overgrowth of bacteria that can damage your teeth, and pave the way for inflammation and decay. On the other hand, an oil pulling mouthwash like this one can do more good than harm.
Mouth tape for nighttime protection. Many people breathe through their mouths at night, and it can wreak havoc on your oral health. Mouth taping prevents the growth of harmful bacteria, improves your sleep and gut health, and boosts immune response.
Brush and floss intentionally. Brush your teeth in the morning, before bed, and 30-45 minutes after any meal that contains decay-promoting foods. Braces can act like a magnet to food and bad bacteria.
As we’ve discussed, braces work by guiding the teeth along the wires into their healthy new position. With traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, or lingual braces, you will need to see your dentist every 3-6 weeks for an adjustment to keep moving your teeth along their journey.
This will involve tightening the wires, springs, or elastic bands on your braces to increase the tension and continue to shift the teeth and jaw into correct alignment. After these visits, you may experience some soreness as the teeth move into their new position.
Removing your braces is much less painful and time consuming than putting them on. 
Your orthodontist will remove the brackets and bands, and snip the archwire. It’s common to need the glue removed, and your dentist may polish it off with a special tool. This process is relatively quick and you should only feel a little pressure. 
S/he will also take new photos and x-rays to see how the mouth has changed. This will help them in future treatment and show you how your teeth are aligned. At this stage, you’ll probably want to show off your beautiful smile and malocclusion-free mouth. 
You’ll also be given a new retainer. Be sure to wear your new retainer consistently to keep the results you worked so hard for. If your teeth aren’t quite ready for a retainer, a pre-finisher may be advised first.
Rarely, surgery will be needed after braces for optimal results. Some patients need headgear after braces. Others will need a fiberotomy to prevent their teeth relapsing and rotating, or a gum lift to ensure the teeth are uniform after being moved.
Pain with Braces: What’s Normal, What’s Not
Braces may not always be comfortable, but they should never be seriously painful. The most common times to experience soreness are after an adjustment and the first several days after braces are put on. 
Over the counter pain relievers can help, but my favorite recommendations are CBD oil, coconut water, or clove oil. Their anti-inflammatory properties may help control these symptoms, and the pain should lessen as time passes.
If you are experiencing severe pain, contact your orthodontist. It’s possible for a wire to be pushing into your gums, a bracket to be loose, or other concerns. Also, if you are consistently experiencing high levels of pain after an adjustment, be sure to communicate that as well. Your orthodontist may be able to alter the way s/he adjusts your teeth to put you at ease.
Braces Cost (by Type)
The pricing of braces is determined by the length, amount, and type of orthodontic treatment needed. Also, braces can cost less depending on what part of the country the orthodontist is located in, and if they’re based in a rural or urban area.
Traditional metal braces: $3,000-$7,000
Ceramic braces: $4,000-$8,000 
Lingual braces: $8,000-$10,000
Clear aligners: $4,000-$7,000
At-home clear aligners: $1,500-$3,000
Some costs happen up front. X-rays range from $50-$250, while an initial consultation with the orthodontist can commonly run up to $200. After treatment, a retainer can cost anywhere between $150 and $1,000, depending on the type you get.
Does insurance cover braces?
It depends—some types of medical insurance cover braces only if they are medically necessary, such as for restoration after a major incident. It’s common for some dental insurance plans (if orthodontics is included) to pay for 50% of braces and cap at $1,500 total per child. Most plans won’t pay for braces for adults over 18-21 except in special circumstances.
However, all plans are different, so be sure to speak to your provider.
If you’re reeling from sticker shock, there’s good news. Braces can typically be broken down into installments at most orthodontist’s office. Also, if the braces are medically necessary, they should be tax deductible.
Look for more tips on saving on dental care in my article on living with no dental insurance.
How to Care for Your Braces
Eating with Braces
What you eat can make or break your braces…sometimes literally. 
Popcorn, sticky candy, and gum can pull a bracket or wire free from their carefully placed alignment. Furthermore, don’t eat foods that will promote decay while your have braces, especially since the teeth will be harder to clean. 
This includes sugar rushes such as sweets and soda, and carb-loaded treats like bread and pasta.
You should also eat foods that promote your oral health. Diets like Paleo and keto are full of foods that your teeth and gums will love. This eating plan can help remineralize your teeth and reduce gum inflammation from the inside out.
Problems with Wires or Brackets
If you encounter any orthodontic problems with wires or brackets, let your dentist know right away. They can give you an adjustment to fix any wires of brackets that have detached or shifted. 
In the meantime, try dental wax, which is made to put on protruding wires or brackets in a pinch. 
For immediate relief, be sure to wash your hands and pinch off a pea-sized portion, then apply the wax to the fixture that’s prodding you.
Wearing Retainers After Braces
Once the braces are removed, you’ll need to wear a retainer to ensure your teeth stay where they are. It’s crucial to wear your retainer at least 22 hours a day for the first year, then nightly for the rest of your life. 
Otherwise, your teeth may shift back to their original position, causing you to lose your hard-earned results! 
Sometimes, an orthodontist may recommend a bonded retainer, which is a metal retainer permanently bonded to the backside of the teeth. I generally advise against these for most patients, as they collect tartar and calculus and make flossing harder. 
Pro tip: check out my handy guide on how to clean retainers to get the longest life out of yours.
How to Brush and Floss with Braces
It’s not surprising that braces can make brushing and flossing more difficult; braces can add a lot to navigate around while practicing oral hygiene. Taking special care to keep your teeth pristine during the process can save you from developing decay and gum inflammation. 
I recommend a sonic toothbrush as my toothbrush of choice for patients with braces. 
My favorites are the Philips Sonicare DiamondClean and Boka Brush.
When brushing, take special care to brush around brackets, wires, and bands. These can harbor plaque, tartar, and food particles, and need particular attention.
Flossing is a bit trickier with braces. Here’s how to do it:
Thread a piece of waxed floss under the archwire before gently and gently move it up and down. Once finished, pull it back out through the wire and move on to the next tooth. 
Still having issues? Try a water flosser like Waterpik, dental tape, or a floss threader.
While this process may feel tedious, it will save you from major dental work down the road if your braces lead to decay.
Braces Before and After
Want some examples of what results you might expect with braces? Check out these success stories.
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Congratulations Patrick on your smile transformation! Patrick came to us after having multiple other orthodontic consultations where he was told he would need jaw surgery to correct his bite and smile. Thankfully, the team at Lenz Orthodontics was able to treat Patrick with braces alone and no jaw surgery. . . . . . . . #lenzorthodontics #lenzortho #braces #damonbraces #dentistry #straightteeth #orthodontics #smile #smiletransformation #invisalign #teeth #waterfordwisconsin #racinewisconsin
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Risks of Dental Braces
While metal braces can transform a malocclusion into a beautiful smile, there are still risks associated. Traditional metal braces have a list of hazards, which many orthodontists don’t mention. 
Here are some of the often unforeseen risks of dental braces, namely, traditional metal or ceramic braces. 
Gum Problems
Unfortunately, traditional braces come with an increased risk for gingivitis and gum disease.  This comes with inflammation of the gums, and gum recession. 
While braces may help your teeth, they may not do the same for your gum line. It’s imperative to take good care of your gums while you have braces and watch for developing issues.
Teeth Concerns
The teeth are also a concern in traditional braces treatment. There is a danger of root resorption, where bone structures or a tooth’s roots begin to break down. 
You may also notice white calcifications on teeth after your braces are removed—unfortunately, those can’t be corrected with teeth whitening. 
Finally, braces can make brushing and flossing more difficult, which can lead to excessive plaque buildup and potential cavities. 
Other Issues
Due to shifting of the upper and lower jaw, you are more likely to develop TMJ disorders if you have traditional braces. Heavy metal toxicity is also possible due to the metallic contents of braces.
Also, archwires may be coated in Teflon. This contains many chemicals that have been traced to hormonal imbalances and an increased risk of cancer. Long exposure to this material in braces can harm your endocrine and immune systems.
Dentists vs. Orthodontists for Braces
While general dentists are able to provide most types of orthodontic treatment, it’s usually better to go to an orthodontist. Orthodontists have completed 2-3 years of additional training to become specialists in treating malocclusions.
Also, if you can, begin bringing your child as young as two to a dentist and orthodontist who practices orthotropics. This will help guide the development of the child’s mouth and bite and prevent the need for serious malocclusion treatment. 
An orthodontist will likely be more expensive than your general dentist, so that’s a factor to consider as you choose.
FAQs on Braces
Q: How long does it take to move teeth with braces?
A: The length of your braces treatment depends on several factors: age, type of braces worn, whether expansion is needed, and any potential problems that may occur with the braces. Also, the severity of the malocclusion can determine how long treatment is needed to see lasting results. 
Q: Can I play sports with braces?
A: Yes, you can. Just be sure to wear a mouthguard, which I always suggest. 
Q: What happens if my wisdom teeth come in during or after my braces?
A: It’s important to communicate to your orthodontist about wisdom teeth coming in during your braces treatment. They can create a plan that doesn’t interrupt your care. If your braces are off and you notice your wisdom teeth coming in, keep wearing your retainer and book an appointment to see your dentist right away to avoid shifting teeth or decay.
Q: Can I get braces for free?
A: While free braces are hard to find, there are a variety of discounted orthodontic programs accredited by the American Association of Orthodontists. Their list of approved schools can give you braces at a fraction of the cost—though the treatment may take longer as they learn.
Q: When were braces invented?
A: Many ancient societies dreamed of ways to straighten teeth. In the 18th century, Pierre Fauchard made an early version of a palate expander, and soon another French dentist named Etienne Bourdet began removing teeth to fix overcrowding. Eventually, in 1880, J.N. Farrar pioneered the idea of using mild force in timed intervals to move teeth.
Key Takeaways: Dental Braces
Dental braces are an excellent solution for bite problems, overcrowding, and other common issues. The type of braces you choose can determine many factors, from length of treatment and risks to cost. After choosing your variety of braces, there are many foods to eat, brushing and flossing methods, and preventative measures that will help you to take care of them. 
Be sure to consistently wear your retainer and to keep your dentist updated on any changes like shifting or wisdom teeth, even after your braces are off. Don’t forget to enjoy smiling, biting, and living malocclusion-free on the other side of orthodontic braces.
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