#but that ship has long sailed and good luck convincing someone otherwise
viric-dreams · 7 months
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A quick little thing set off by all the dancing going around that got away from me. Lt Roberts absolutely loves to dance. It's one of those few times that he's able to let loose and blow off some energy, and one of the few times he can acceptably be physically close to people. In earlier days, before many of the promotions and before his dreaded reputation had fully set in, he'd loved going for a spin on the deck on a festive evening. This had largely tapered off over the years.
I'm not sure under what circumstances Nite rediscovered this skill, but the morning after was one of the few in which Roberts woke up still exhausted, but for once feeling better.
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sailundertheblack · 3 years
You can’t answer all of them? Lol
(In response to your pirate OC post)
Of course I can answer all of them! Why not? It will be fun!
If any of you want to know anything else about my oc, feel free to ask!!
And sorry for taking such time for answer it.
So, here it goes some facts about Ayleen Seaworthy, my pirate oc!
1. Do they have any weapons? On their ship or carried with them?
Se has two swords that she carries with her at all times. Since she is the only woman among the crew, she like to have ways to defend herself. Even though she is well respected by all the crew for being a very good sword fighter and sailor, she prefer to be prepared! Other than these two swords, she sometimes carries a pistol and a dagger.
2. Do they use violence or are they friendly?
She is mostly friendly, but that doesn't mean that she can't use violence if she wants to, so let's just say that you wouldn't want to be ate the wrong point of the sword if she chooses to use violence.
3. Have they ever encountered a sea monster and survived?
Never encountered one. Not that she doesn't believe in them, but never had the luck to see one.
4. Any scars?
Countless since she is a pirate, but none that are important or remarkable.
5. Do they have treasure? Where do they keep it?
Not exactly. She lives the life of a pirate but she was kind of forced into it (even if she chose to stay on it later), but she is not that much found of taking treasure for herself or to keeping it. Sometimes she takes one thing or another if she likes it or to trade it for something she wants or needs.
6. Favorite crew member?
The captain, since she was mostly raised by him.
7. Favorite shanty?
She doesn't have a favorite one, but likes to hear the crew while they work.
8. What is their cabin like?
Well, it's the captain's cabin so it's big, full of maps and also personal stuff. She is an artist and an avid reader so you can find a lot of books and drawings. She also like to collect seashells and usually leaves them all around the cabin!
9. Strangest monster they ever saw?
Since she never encountered a monster, then none?
10. Are their family members pirates?
Technically yes. Her biological parents where not pirates or even sailors in any way. They were merchants who used to travel all around to trade. But they were killed when she was around 8, and since then she was raised by a pirate captain.
11. Are people scared of them?
I wouldn't say scared, but her name precedes her, since she is one of the best sword fighters around. Her name is usually related with the name of her captain, that is a very well known, respected and sometimes feared pirate.
12. Do they ever get discriminated against even if they are friendly?
For sure! I mean, I don't need to explain too much besides the fact that she is a woman, and women are not that much welcomed amongst ship crews.
13. Can they swim?
Absolutely! She has a special connection with the sea and her parents taught her how to swim when she was very young.
14. Has their ship ever sunk?
Unfortunately yes. Once.
15. Whose in charge of the sails?
It depends. The sails of the ship or her life? If we are talking about the ship's sails, then I have to say that it varies from time to time. But in her life, she is totally in charge if the sails! She is very resolved and never let anyone tell her what to do. Since she and the captain have a relationship of complicityaa and are allies on everything they do, she is always by his side on his decisions, but she always says that she does these things because she thinks it's right or because she believes in the cause. But in the moment she decides she doesn't want it to do it anymore, no one will tell or convince her otherwise.
16. First treasure?
She is in the life for too long, so she was too young to really remember.
17. Most dangerous treasure hunt?
A Spanish ship full of gold.
18. Favorite treasure?
It is not a whole treasure or a specific hunt, but instead is a remarkable object she found among a plunder. It as a necklace she choose to give as a gift of thanks for a friend she made during a hard time among rich man.
19. A monster encounter that scared them the most?
If you count a person here, then is the pirate who killed her parents. By the time this happened she was around 8. It was the typical 'wrong place ate the wrong time'. Her parents were killed simply because they are having business ate the attacked village. The pirate captain who killed then did it just for fun, and then decided to take her to the ship and keep her locked at the lower decks. She spend several months locked there before she was rescued by another pirate captain.
20. Are they good at swashbuckling?
Not that she does it a lot, but have her moments.
21. Most exciting treasure?
22. Least exciting treasure?
I'm gonna put together both 21 and 22 to answer! I'm going to have to trace back to her life story to answer these two. For her, to take treasures are never that much exiting. She is not born a pirate and, in a lot of ways, didn't choose the life at first. She had a very different life and the way everything was taken from her and the way she was rescued later, witnessing so much violence and cruelty, made her grown to be someone who, first and foremost, doesn't like to kill or see death happeningup close. Don't foll yourself thinking that she is not capable of doing it or is not good with weapons to do so. She is very much deadly if she chooses to be. So, plundering most of time includes a bunch of violence and people getting killed, so not much her thing. She prefers to be part of it in other ways than going into action. For those wondering, she is very well trained to use a sword and to be in a battle, so when she gets into one or get caught in a fight, she knows how to hit to hurt but not kill, so she can disable the opponent. If it dies later because of the wound or lack of care towards it, the there is nothing she can do about it. 🤷🏼‍♀️
23. Have they ever witnessed death? Seen a dead body?
For sure. Her parents were the first, but a great bunch came after, including people that she came to care about. She also had her share of dead bodies that came from the point of her sword or the aim of her guns.
24. How would they react to seeing their crew in danger?
She does everything she can to protect a crew member in danger. They are her family and are respected and treated as friend for mostly all of them.
25. Do they have a soft side?
Actually she has a really big soft side! For the ones she care and specially for the ones she loves, she doesn't care to show affection. But when we came about emotion, she is not an open book for everyone. She usually is open about showing emotion towards the ones she is very close, and the ones who really gets to know her are the ones really capable of knowing what she is thinking or feeling just with a look.
26. Do they ever get sea sick?
Absolutely not! 😆
27. How did they meet their crew?
When her captain rescued her from the lower decks that she was being kept locked, he decided to take her into the ship while sailing back home. She intended to found someone who could take care of her and be free of the burden. But he saw something in her that made him decide to take care of her himself (not alone, but with the help of the woman he take as partner). After a few years, she asked him to take her along to the ship, so she became part of the crew. The ship turned into her home and the crew her family.
28. Are they intimidating?
I wouldn't say so. But it's not necessary a bad thing. She likes to be underestimate. This way she conquers so much more either because people usually think she is no danger or risk and when she acts, it hits as twice as hard!
29. What do they do if they encounter a rival crew?
She is the kind that tries to resolve things with a conversation first. So when there is room for it, this is the road she takes. But it all comes with the circumstances. If ther is no room for conversation, than she is always ready for the battle.
30. What was their first day as a pirate like?
As a 8 years old girl, she was both relieved to being freed from one pirate ship, and also scared to have been taken to another one.
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coolcattime · 4 years
Still in the Night [Mianite Fanfiction]
Characters: Captain Capsize, Skipper Redbeard, Sonja Reid
Additional Tags: Shipwreck, Insomnia
Description: During a long night of insomnia, Captain Capsize is alerted of a shipwreck with a survivor in the water. 
Archive of our Own link
I lean back, listening as the waves crash against the ship. I should be trying to sleep, the more I avoid it, the worse tomorrow will be whenever exhaustion actually sets in. Maybe Skipper’s right that I need to talk to someone about my insomnia but I can’t exactly do that until we’re back to shore. There’s a possibility I won’t have slept by that point. Maybe that’s a good thing, a captain who doesn’t rest is supposed to be a good thing, especially given the times we’re in. I need to be ready for a fight at a moment’s notice, getting attacked at late hours is becoming troubling more common. Of course, Skipper sees through this as a coincidental excuse rather than a legitimately pressing worrying but it seems to convince the crew. After all, I can’t let on to them that there’s something wrong with me. It’ll lead to far too much trouble if I start showing weaknesses. The Captain needs to be okay or else the whole ship is in trouble.
I close my eyes, waiting for my brain to turn off, which doesn’t happen. Of course, it doesn’t. I’ve never had too much luck with sleeping, all the gods being at war hasn’t helped. It’s so much more dangerous now whenever we sail through non-Ianitee waters. It was never safe but now I just feel constantly on edge. Luckily, I don’t currently have any important cargo but simply being me has put a target on my back. Ianite’s Captain Capsize, people seem to take that seriously these days. I’d complain about the unfairness of it but that won’t help me rest. It’s not as if people are actively bounty hunting me, it’s just annoying when the occasional opportunistic bastard comes along.
I shoot up when I hear footsteps rapidly approaching the room, being on my feet before anyone enters the room.  The door slams open, Skipper entering out of breath. He stops for a moment upon seeing me but it doesn’t last long, I doubt he really thought I was going to be asleep.
“There’s been a ship wrecked, Captain, we found a woman in the water,” He speaks with a direct tone, like he would speak in front of the crew. But it at least seems to be because of the seriousness of the situation. There hasn’t been a storm so a wreck means an attack and given that we’re in enemy waters that could mean trouble for us. But if there’s a survivor that’s the important thing for now.
“I’ll be on deck in a minute, make sure none of the crew drown,” Skipper nods before quickly headed back up top. I sit on the bed, grabbing my boots as they are the only piece of clothing I’ve actually removed, apart from my coat that hangs on the back of the door. It’s good, I don’t have time to waste. If I had managed to get to sleep this would take longer. Also, I have the feeling Skipper might’ve decided to just let me sleep if I hadn’t been awake. No, this is the better situation.
I grab my coat before leaving the room, getting it on before the cold wind that blows across the deck. The few crew members awake and on deck are panicked. Most of them are holding a pully system, I assume to get both the woman and whoever’s gone in after her. Otherwise people are looking over the deck into the water, presumably looking for any other survivors as I won’t be letting them jump in for anything else. If they see any treasure, they can fish for it. I walk over to Skipper, who’s supervising the rescue.
“Any signs of other survivors?”
“No, just her. She must’ve just got lucky,” He speaks in a low voice, as to not be heard over the crews’ yelling. I take a look towards the person currently being pulled out the water and wonder if lucky is really the word. She isn’t the only person to survive, she’s the only person in the water at all. The amount of broken ship parts in the water would seem to imply a ship as big as ours but there doesn’t seem to be any crew in the water but this one woman. It’s wrong, like a bad omen. “Captain?”
“Keep looking for any others, though I doubt there’ll be anyone else. Make sure anyone who swims are sent to dry off and rest, we can’t get to shore earlier if anyone gets sick.”
“And the woman?” It isn’t meant to be a pointed question but it certainly feels like one. I have no reason to suspect anything, she’s just a lucky survivor of a terrible situation. But I can’t scratch the itch that something is very wrong. Of course, I can’t just assume anything, it isn’t right, but I can’t be taking risks.
“Take her to a bed, get someone to check over her and be there when she wakes up. And give her a blessing.”
“Why would she need a—”
“I’m not hosting spirits aboard this ship, Skipper. I’m not having a haunting, so unless you want the type you like banned, get someone to give her a blessing.”
“Of course, Captain,” I know he isn’t as superstitious of me but he’ll listen, even if mostly because he knows I’m serious about the alcohol. I know it’s completely unlikely but times are strange and I’m not taking any chances. It’s much more likely that she’s from an enemy ship but that’ll become clear when she wakes up and we can deal with that then.
I watch as the woman is pulled onto deck. She looks odd to say the least, other than just being soaked. A fox tail and ears are apart of her body, which even in all my travels is something I’ve never seen before. Maybe I’m onto something with the ghost thing? Her clothes are bright, notably an orange hooded jacket, stuck close to her body from the amount of water it’s absorbed.
The odd thing is though, despite how I’m sure I’ve never seen her before, she seems almost familiar. I push away that feeling, even if that was true, it’s not important right now.
“Get her dry and into a bed and someone keep an eye on her. Skipper keep a lookout for other survivors,” There’s a short chorus of ‘Yes Captain’ as I turn away. It’s odd but I suddenly feel tired. Hopefully tonight isn’t anymore eventful as, even if I don’t manage to get to sleep, I have a lot to think about. Maybe I’ll just be able to figure out why the woman feels so familiar.
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pumpkinmutual · 5 years
To the Stars [Hongjoong]
for the anon who suggested a Treasure Planet!AU with Hongjoong, and it’s finally finished @chasingatinydream lkajdf
warnings; brief mention of blood, mild violence
pronouns; gender-neutral; no name used
word count; 2,595
setting; sci-fi!au
For as long as you can remember in your friendship with him, Hongjoong has been in love with the stars.
 "Look at them," he says the first time you spend the night outside with him, "aren't they beautiful?"
 You can't agree more. Vast and bright, they glitter down from above, a shimmering blanket of endless beauty and mystery.
 "Here," you scoot closer to him, pressing a few buttons on your holodeck band and producing a miniature scale of the heaven above, cast in translucent blue. "Which is your favorite?"
 Hongjoong stares at the hologram for a long moment before he sighs and leans back, head tipping so that he can gaze skyward. "I can't choose," he says quietly. "There's so much out there. I wantㅡI want to explore it."
 "You can," you say, "the Navy will be recruiting in a few yearsㅡ"
 You blink, and Hongjoong turns to look at you, expression serious. "Not like that," he says, "I want to do it on my own. I want to go where I want, when I want."
 You can't help the little giggle that bubbles up. "That sounds more like you want to be a pirate."
 Hongjoong doesn't laugh. "Not a pirate," he murmurs, attention back on the stars. "Just free. Like them."
 "Excuse me?"
"You heard me," Hongjoong says, running a hand through his hair. It's getting long, you note, framing his face in a way that's rather handsome.
"I did, I justㅡHongjoong, are you serious?"
The luggage ㅡ two hardshell suitcases ㅡ says that he is, and something in your heart twists and plummets at the thought of him not being around. He's your best friend, after all.
"I told you," he says, bringing your attention back to him, "that I was going to get out of here. And I meant it."
You know better than to try to convince him to stay. You know he's longed for more than this simple space port, yearned for more than the day to day.
Some part of you had selfishly wished he'd change his mind and stay because of you. But here he is, years of his life tucked away, ready to leave.
"Come with me," he repeats. "I want you to come with me." He watches you, eyes hopeful, upturn of his lips giving you a peek of that wonderful smile of his.
Your favorite smile, the smile you know better than anyone else's ㅡ a smile you're going to miss.
"I can't," you say, and you regret it when his hopeful expressuon melts into confusion and hurt.
"But it's supposed to be me and you," he presses, "we can do anything together, remember?"
"And we can. Just...not this. I can't leave." You rub your arm and Hongjoong notes the downward slump of your shoulders, taking in how tiny and lost it makes you look. "I'm sorry, Hongjoong."
He swallows. "It's okay," he murmurs, stepping forward to brace his hands on your shoulders. "At least see me off?"
You give him a small smile. "That I can do."
The docks aren't near as crowded at this hour, a handful of semi-familiar faces watching as you pass with Hongjoong towards a waiting ship. Large sails flutter in the artificial breeze, and you have to admit, The Treasure has a certain splendor with the name emblazened on the side in sparkling gold.
"This is it," Hongjoong says. He sets his luggage down and faces you, staring for a moment before he lurches forward to hug you tightly. "I'm going to miss you."
You hug back just as fiercely, blinking hard against the sudden heat of tears in your eyes. "I'm going to miss you too. Come back to visit some time? So I don't think you're dead. Or you've forgotten me."
 "I could never forget you." Hongjoong pulls away, hesitating for a moment before he kisses your forehead. "Be safe, don't get into too much trouble without me."
 "I should be telling you that," you laugh and Hongjoong smiles. "You're the troublemaker."
"So you think." He picks up his luggage, stepping around you towards the ship.
"Hongjoong!" You call and he stops, turning towards you. "See you soon?"
He smiles, but it's a softer one. "Of course," he says. "See you soon."
Barely a week after the departure of The Treasure, you watch holofilm of the ship being attacked by space pirates on the holonet news.
"No known survivors," comes the report, and you spend days locked away, grieving the loss of your friend. Your best friend, the boy with a dream full of stars and a near constant smile. A boy who, you admit to yourself one of those days, you'd been a little in love with.
There isn't a funeral. There's nothing to bury, nothing to mourn ㅡ but you manage to find a photo of him and you, and you pay to have it made into a holojewl, set into a necklace that you swear to never remove.
You join the Navy a week later.
 You rise through the ranks quickly, gaining attention and reputation in your almost ruthless pursuit of space pirates ㅡ and whether your name is spoken in awe or in fear, you really don't care. You have one focus, and one focus only.
 Not much is known about the ship that attacked The Treasure, but you know that you haven't ran into it yet ㅡ none of the ships you've captured and destroyed have looked anything like the one you'd seen on the holonet.
Whether your crew knows of your motives or not, you're not sure ㅡ if they do, they say nothing about it. They do as you ask, when you ask ㅡ they're a good crew.
 You turn, nodding at the salute the crewman gives you before he continues, "We've spotted a ship just a few clicks from our current location."
 Your lips curl. "Good. Set the course and tell the men to prepare for battle."
This can't be happening. You're losing.
You grit your teeth as you adjust your grip on your gun, ignoring the burning ache of your arms as you try to focus past the ringing of your ears. You lift a hand to wipe at your forehead, and your fingers come back wet with blood -- yours or someone else’s, you’re not entirely certain.
All you know is that you refuse to lose.
You’ve lost count of how many men you’ve lost, and you push back the thought of the stack of condolence letters you’ll have to write later tonight -- that’s if you survive. But of course you will. You’ve yet to lose a fight, and you’re not about to start now.
The press of cold metal to the back of your head halts your movement, and you grit your teeth at the laugh that comes from behind you. “Drop your weapon, Commander.”
 It takes you a long moment to obey, weapon skittering across the floor. There’s a beat of silence before something hits the back of your head hard, hard enough to send stars exploding across your vision as you crumple to the ground, the sting of defeat following you into unconsciousness.
 When you wake next, it’s in an unfamiliar cabin and to an aching head and the cold clamp of iron around your wrists and ankles, keeping you from moving much, if at all. You can hear footsteps on the deck above you, unfamiliar voices and snippets of laughter and bark of various orders.
 It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what’s happened to you. You’ve been captured. By pirates, no less.
 You wonder if anyone’s noticed that you aren’t among the dead on your own ship -- if there are any survivors, and if it still exists at all. You shift on the worn cot, trying to assess your own injuries.
 The blood on your forehead, as it turns out, is your own, and you hiss as you probe the split in your skin.
 “You’re going to reopen it.” An unfamiliar voice speaks from your left and you turn to find a blonde man standing in the doorway of the cabin, a medkit in one hand and a gun in the other.
 “Are you going to shoot me?” 
A snort. “Hardly, I’m here to patch you up.” He steps closer, shutting the door behind him. “This is just in case you try to kill me.”
You hold up your shackled wrists. “I don’t think I can.” He kneels before you and pops open the medkit, giving you a look of warning as he picks up a syringe.
“This may sting.”
“Thanks for the warning,” you murmur as he leans up, and your fingers twitch at the bite of the needle in your skin, and when he pulls away, the syringe is empty. “What was that?”
“Simple anesthetic,” he says, small half-smile appearing. “We aren’t so cruel as to poison you either.”
There’s a knock on the cabin door by the time he’s placing a medi-strip in place over your wound, and you both turn as the door opens. Another man steps in, broad strips of red accenting his otherwise dark hair. “Seonghwa.”
“San,” the blonde man greets, tone pleasant. “I’m just about done.”
“Perfect,” San responds, “because Captain wants to see her.”
“Right now?” San nods and Seonghwa turns back towards you before he pulls away, packing up the medkit as San steps forward and unlocks the shackles around your wrists and ankles, the metal clanking as it tumbles to the ground. He isn’t rough as he pulls you to your feet, but he isn’t gentle either as he guides you to the door.
“Prisoner,” Seonghwa calls, and you manage to glance back at him. “Good luck.”
“Captain isn’t all bad,” San tells you, “so you can stop looking like I’m going to throw you overboard into the abyss.”
“I think I’d prefer the abyss,” you respond and San shakes his head as the two of you make your way past various crewmen who ignore you, save for a few greetings aimed San’s way.
“Trust me, we’re friendlier than that.”
“I don’t make a habit of trusting pirates,” you hiss and San looks unaffected by the dark look that you give him. He doesn’t look much like a pirate – or at least, he doesn’t look much like the kinds of pirates you’ve dealt with before. Were you not aware of what he does for a living, you’d almost think him rather handsome.
“Captain,” he calls, and your attention shifts from your scrutiny of him to the man standing with his back to you a couple feet away. “I retrieved the prisoner like you asked me to.”
Despite yourself, your heart hammers in your chest as you stare at the other man’s silhouette, trying to guess what he’ll look like. After all, he, just like the rest of his crew, does not appear to fit the image of a pirate – he isn’t nearly as intimidating as the seven foot Sargak you’d encountered last week, or the Nyloth the week before that.
“Thank-you San,” he says, and his voice stirs something in the back of your head, something that nags you and insists there’s something familiar about him. “I’ll take it from here.”
San nods and steps away from you, offering you a small wave before he departs before your attention returns to the Captain as he pulls away from the railing of the ship and turns around. It takes a moment to take in his features before it hits you on why his voice was familiar, his own eyes widening as he stares back at you.
You know that face anywhere, a face that you’d missed the moment he left, a face you’d cried over for weeks, a face immortalized in the holojewel around your neck. The face of your best friend, your partner in crime, the only boy you’ve ever come anywhere close to loving.
  A few hours later you find yourself in Hongjoong’s personal quarters, nursing the drink that he’d handed you a while ago. There’s a heaviness to the air between the two of you, full of questions and thoughts neither of you seem eager to give voice to.
You’re the first to break the silence. “How did you survive?” Your voice is quiet, but Hongjoong still flinches. “The news said there were no survivors.”
“None that they found,” Hongjoong answers, rubbing at the back of his neck. “I was…kidnapped, if you want to put it that way.”
“But they let you live.” You look down at your lap, one hand reaching for your necklace. “And you couldn’t find a way to let me know? I thought you were dead, Hongjoong. I cried for weeks. I even—” Your fingers curl around the holojewel.
“I’m sorry,” Hongjoong murmurs, “I’m so sorry. I would have told you if I could, but I didn’t know where I was half the time – they kept me under close supervision.”  He pauses. “I see you joined the Navy.”
“It was because I thought you’d been killed by pirates, and I wanted revenge.” Your reasons for joining the Navy had not been born out of a sense of pride or duty, nor had it been something you were aiming for since childhood – no, your sole reason for joining the Navy had been revenge for a fallen friend. A friend who’s less than two feet from you, very much alive.
“So…” You run a hand through your hair and heave a soft sigh. “What now? Are you going to kill me?”
Hongjoong stops his pacing at your words and gives you an incredulous look. “Why would I kill you?” You gesture to your uniform and offer a small shrug, and Hongjoong shakes his head. “That’s only a uniform, that isn’t who you are. Who you are is my best friend, and why would I kill you when I just got you back?”
“You got me back?” you echo and a small smile plays around your mouth. “That makes it sound like I’m the one who was missing for years.”
“To me you were,” Hongjoong answers, his voice soft again as he stares at you. “I kept thinking about when I left, and how I asked you to leave with me – I know you didn’t want to make a decision like that with so little time to think about it but…sometimes I wished you had come with me. And then other times I was glad you didn’t, that you were still safe back home. Hopefully.”
You’re silent for several long moments, playing with your necklace before you finally speak. “I wish…I wish that I’d gone with you too.”
“You still could, you know.” You blink, staring at Hongjoong, who averts his gaze. “On this ship, I mean. I understand if you want to go back—”
“Yes.” Your answer is quick as you stand, approaching him. “My reason for joining the Navy was because of you, remember? And now that I know you’re alive, there’s no reason for me to go back.” You pause, giving him a lopsided smile. “Does that mean I have to call you Captain?”
His head tilts. “Only in front of the others,” he says thoughtfully. “I have a reputation, after all.” He reaches for your hand, fingers intertwining with yours. “But even after all this time, there’s no one else I’d rather explore the stars with.”
You squeeze back and smile, and this time it’s soft and genuine.
“Me too.”
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tacticiansquill · 7 years
Tides Unknown - Chapter 1: it begins
A reincarnation AU that comes after Birthright canon. Xander is a sailor of Nohr that meets Corrin who longs for adventure, and is headstrong despite the situation. Together they'll embark on the seas, meet both old and new allies, face their inner turmoils, and discover the link that binds them both.
Note: there are certain quirks that may be different from the original Fates verse, due to the Birthright having a lingering effect that will be explored in time.
Fluffy white clouds filled the sky, and the sun took mercy on the town below, and yet the Corrin mourned as she watched strangers throw her rent money away without a care in the world.
She strolled in the nicer area of town that drew the merchants in and stimulated the economy. The walls were always painted in fresh coats, and the pillars stood strong in contrast to the dirtier sector in which most residents made their homes. The shops and restaurants made it a good area to sell flowers, but intense wanderlust struck her as she watched them come and go, even as she stood out in her plainer dresses than the noble folk. Sometimes those that took a liking to her brought her back trinkets from abroad that she stashed away with great care. She went so far as to create elaborate security measures for her precious treasures. She couldn't fault the people for playing a small game, as they did take kindness on her (she assumed her looks played a part in this).
For that reason she eyed the large, gaudy wishing fountain in the square with disdain. It held a small fortune that would actually solve her problems, yet it would all just rot away uselessly.
Corrin didn't put much stock into superstition, for fun or otherwise. She certainly didn’t have lady luck on her side in her years. But even before her luck took a darker child, as a child, she never bothered with eyelash wishes or blowing dandelions. Birthday wishes were a waste of time, and she didn’t spare shooting stars a second glance.
If she wanted something, she would get it herself. That was that. Yet, her stash all held items she’d sourced from others. Clips and books, toys and spices, things she yearned to see with her own eyes in markets she’d never been able to go to herself. 
To see so many tourists having their merry time throwing coins into the fountain always had her envious. How frivolous, to be able to travel the world and wish for what one already had! To spend at her leisure, and not have to rely on someone else to get a taste of the world. Just as she felt another pang of envy, a most delightful sound reached her ears. A stray coin that rolled away from the fountain, and towards her feet. Well, no one seemed to be missing it greatly--
 She snatched it up between her fingers and grinned at it’s glimmer. How generous of its owner. She did feel bad about robbing a wish… she turned her head from coin to the fountain that so irked her, when someone bumped into her and sent the coin flying in the air.
The loss of her prize made her mind up, and she took quick strides over the hot cobblestone to retrieve the gold coin. “Butterfingers!” she scolded herself as she fumbled with it, and just as it flew into the crowd, another hand grabbed it with ease. And as soon as she felt ease, she felt loss once more.
The man who was her temporary savior deposited the coin into the fountain with ease, and his golden locks shined brilliantly as he looked at her. “Well now, it certainly would have been unfortunate should you have lost your wish. You offered a handsome amount there.”
“My wish ,” she pouted, “was to keep that. I’m no noble, to be able to spare such wealth for a tourist attraction. Oh,” she added when the man’s smile froze in place as he realized what he had done. “I’ve spoken rudely haven't I? I suppose I should thank you for at least trying to help me.”
“''Twas my mistake to assume your intentions. May I rectify my error? I've incurred you a great loss, I imagine.” He extended his arm to her, and she looked over him to judge his character.
His brow was not furrowed, yet appeared stern all the same. He had strong features and looked older than she, and he was handsome for certain. He looked like a man that kept a level head, yet his actions showed some form of ineptitude that she couldn't analyze from a short glance. His loose clothing and kerchief gave away that he was a sailor of sorts, and the scent of the sea clung to him to confirm so. Even if there was the likely risk of him being a flirt, she was intrigued. After all, how could she have any adventure if she never tried anything.
Said all those who died stupidly , she thought dryly.  
“And how are you making it up to me?” she inquired.
 “What do you wish for?” 
“To travel the world.” Her eyes lit up as she said so, and her annoyed countenance melted away just a little.
He gave a loud laugh that prickled at her. Was it so silly for a man like him to hear. At her frown, he quickly sobered and explained himself. “Please do not misunderstand...I don't laugh at you. It's just pleasant to hear something so pure and naive.” 
“It's not pure, nor naive. What, will you buy me some necklace that I can pawn off later. Or simply spare me the trouble and pay me back?” She held out her palm with an expectant look. 
“You know,” He scratched his chin, “I don't think that coin was of your possession to begin with. A hefty sum wouldn't be something you would play with so carelessly, after all.”
Her ears pinked. Damnation, the man was more observant than she gave him credit for. Perhaps he knew so, and devised this entire plot so they would chat. “Then why do we still converse?”
“Because you have piqued my interest.”
“Ah,” she said with mock remorse. “A flirt after all.” She turned on her heel when his next words had her pause.
“So you wish to travel the world?” 
“What is it of your concern?”
“None, perhaps. It is a pure wish. However, the world has great evils.”
She gave an impatient exhale and glanced to the side. “It's not exactly sunshine and daisies here either. At least you get to escape to a boat at night, with only the sea to stop you.”
“I do not wish to turn the conversation heavy--”
 “Do not stop for my sake.”
“Very well. It is as you say. You can escape trouble by sailing away….but burdens are never easy to stop bearing.”
“Then teach me. Take me with you,” she challenged him, and the man sighed.
“You don't even know my name, yet you decide to embark to god knows where with a strange man. What if I were to sell you off and rid my hands of you.”
“I can handle myself in a scuffle,” she muttered, her pride taking a dull blow. After a short while
of silence, her curiosity got the better of her. “Where would you take me anyways?”
“Would you like to see?”
“Yes,” she said and stepped ahead of him. “Let me see where my unfortunate fate will take place. I do think I’d fetch good coin.”
He didn't offer his arm again, but he took a leisurely pace beside her as he guided her to his ship. The docks were situated nearby, as they wanted to draw all the sailors and travellers to the bazaar they were in. “Are you trying to convince me to put you on the market?”
 “Well you won't hire me. Do you not take women in your crew?”
 “On the contrary. I have formidable women that have saved me in many a fight. You, however, seem to be a worrisome hire. To put it kindly, naive.”
 “A fool,” he laughed, and she pouted at him once more. “I jest. You eye me with much  skepticism, yet you follow me easily. Truly, you’re an odd character.”
 “I am very skeptical,” she said as they reached the docks. They walked to a rather handsome ship, and she wondered just what fortune it cost to buy it. He dressed much shabbier than his boat-- ‘twould make a fine vessel to travel in. “I told you, I'm very capable. I beat up some boys the other day.” She climbed up and on to his dock, and admired it. She had never stepped foot on a boat before, especially not one as fine as this.
He smirked. “Had their voices cracked yet?”
She scowled for a moment, then returned to gawking around. “Hey, are you the captain?” She narrowed her eyes as she judged his attire again.
“Indeed I am. Care to see my quarters?”
“A risky proposition. But I’ll take your bait.” She dashed in front of him and asked to see every part she’s ever read about in books. Maps, and compasses, navigation devices and ship tools… everything was so fascinating to her, it already felt as though she were in another world. “Where is your hat?”
“Pardon?” he paused as he was in the midst of moving aside some barrels so she could look in the storage.
 “Don’t captains wear hats?”
“I… am not that sort of captain.” He spoke honestly.
“Then, are you a pirate?” That too, sounded true. 
“Not that either. I simply make deliveries and run errands,” he spoke as though it were the truth, yet deep down Corrin knew he was hiding his true occupation. She didn’t think of him shady… but she was dying to know the truth.
 “Then there should be no problem if I tag along then? You don't do anything dangerous, right?”
 “If that is what you think. You should be going home now.”
 “Are you… leaving today?” She spoke with reluctance. Though she knew him not long, nor had much reason to be attached, deep inside she wanted to get to know him better.
 “In the morning. So I’ll be taking your leave once I see you off.” With a nod he indicated that they should make their exit, yet they both dragged their feet as they left the boat and went their way back into town.
 They walked together in mostly silence. She stood at his side closer than before, and pointed out places of interest to him. He listened with genuine attention, and just as they went back to a cheerful banter, they arrived at the shabby little neighborhood she called home. Dilapidated and dusty, it wasn't somewhere she was proud to show him.
 “Ah….well, don't get into any more trouble,” she kicked away a pebble as she stood away from him to wave him goodbye.
 “Don't wander on to any strange ships.” He hesitated, then gently patted her shoulder before he turned away. The sight of his retreating back wasn’t pleasant to see… but it wouldn’t be long until she saw him again. She couldn't just ignore the niggling feeling that she couldn't let him leave. Like she would be left behind if he were to go. And beyond that… this was her chance to explore. Even if they dumped her at the next port, it would be a hell of a lot better than being stranded in the same place forever.
 Luckily for Corrin, he gave her a time frame to make her move, intentional or not. Until morning. That was the time she had to sneak onto his ship and stay hidden.
 She gathered her clothes, necessities, life savings, and her beloved souvenirs into a bundle. With some rope in hand and a candle, she slipped into the night and said goodbye to the home she lived in for so long. She didn't hold much attachment to it. She had grown up with her family somewhere else after all. This place did nothing but remind her that she just had herself.
 Though it was a risky move to abandon all and stow away on a ship that didn't want her, she didn't hesitate. She felt an unreasonable amount of trust towards the captain… yet she didn’t even know his name yet. A voice murmured in her head as she thought that. It was fuzzy, and annoying. She bit her lip and stood still to focus. Her head cleared, yet she felt as though she had just lost something. “Ah… I must be tired.” Corrin ignored all else and retraced her steps back to his ship.
 What luck! They were hauling merchandise onto the ship. She could sneak in easily! She crept around some crates, and knelt into a box of cheeses. “Stinky… Do they really eat this?” Even as she wrinkled her nose she nibbled on a variety to pass the time. Finally, she felt the crate lift and hoisted into the ship. This was it--now or never to make a run for it. She felt more excitement than trepidation, and the adrenaline of it all had her running on a high. After a while she was set down, and all was quiet.
 Now she would just have to wait out the ni--The lid was being slid off and light filled her little hiding spot. Oh no no no! She didn't think they would indulge in dairy so late in the evening! She peeked up very, very slowly and saw a familiar wooden room, and an even more familiar face.
 “Ah, there you are,” the man held out a hand to her. “Having a feast are we?”
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