#but that was different because the creator of that wasn't really ready for the characters to be fandomized vs an animated pilot
wienners · 5 months
"is gooseworx upset about digital circus becoming a cocomelon ass thing id be so angry lol" I cannot express to you how much they have achieved the DREAM for an online indie animator. they got millions of views with A PILOT ALONE! the original characters are already being cosplayed and the models are being thrown into random ass meme videos as if its a massively famous IP! all that with an indie 3D studio! AND the cg actually looks incredible!!! think they're gonna be okay if some content farms use their models for some brainrot finger family video.
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newroseanna · 1 year
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Golden blood trickled from your open wound. You immediately whipped around. Not wanting anyone to see. Zhongli who was intently staring at you from afar caught a glimpse at the blood. His eyes widen. He always thought something was odd about you. How you knew more then you should. I mean your just a commoner. But now his suspicion is all cleared up. He cannot be mistaken. You are the creator. You are his grace. Your his one and only.
He must tell everybody of his founding. He can't keep to himself. Everybody must know that your here. And so he did. Before you knew it you were in a large castle like house. Dead right smack in the middle of
Liyue. Venti, Ei, Nahida and zhongli were at your feet. Ready to fulfill any of your request.
This wasn't a kingdom. It was a big cult. And you were the cult leader. You had someone around you every waking hour. In case something happened to you. It was nice at first. But it soon became suffocating. You never had time for your self. And now your starting to miss your real home. Your miss your friends, your family, your coworkers. You miss everyone.
How did you even get here. One minute you were reading theories about how your genshin characters are self aware. And consider you as God. And then the other minute your being sucked through your screen.
Your loyal followers have been killing innocent people because they look like you. Or even because they have the same eye color. Those tiny little details get them killed. You have tried telling them to stop killing. But they insist that it's necessary.
Sometimes if they can't kill the person they will send someone else to do. For Nahida it's Cyno. Ei it's Miko or Sara. Zhongli it's Xiao or childe. I mean they couldn't refuse if it's for you.
People are dying because of you. But you have turned a blind eye to this all. You couldn't do anything really. You have no special powers. Your still your normal self. The only thing different is blood. So really your powerless against them. The only thing you can really do is share you knowledge from reading theories, quests, the lore and voice lines.
But for them it's more then enough. They love you. They are obsessed with you. If anything happened to you. You can't even imagine what will happen to the world.
You're here forever.
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krowlovesinazuma · 5 months
How do I do the special anon thing do I ask for emoji identification here or in messages or... and can I choose my emoji? Bird🪶?
Also, can I ask for Kujou Sara with a Kujou Sara Main!Reader? I'm talking C6, max friendship, would basically follow her around as she does her Army General stuff, triple crowned, and takes her pretty much everywhere in Teyvat? I'm sorry my bird girl's so underrated if I can't have a hangout event with her I'll have to request content for her from blogs. I don't know if maining a specific character is allowed or not because of the "altering traits" rule but if so, thank you for taking the time to read this request!
Thanks for the enthusiasm! Also, you only needed to ask, welcome 🪶 anon!
Scenario: How it is to be your favorite
Character: Kujou Sara
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Being taken out on so many adventures before you appeared in Teyvat was... Certainly an interesting experience! At first she was really unsure about this being a proper way to use her time, but she couldn't help but warm up eventually.
At first, exploring foreign lands with your lead made her uncomfortable and unsure, and she definitely questioned it heavily once she realized what was happening. Seeing other Inazuman people alongside her did help with this, but overall it takes time to get comfortable.
Seeing so many diverse parts of the world helped her appreciate it more, and how to be more efficient with whatever jobs she had to do by herself, so it was a win/win for her. She also noticed how much stronger she was becoming, which was surprising!
She started to long for your attention when she made the connection to the creator myths, and couldn't help but be glad that you showed her just as much attention as she began to show you. Definitely helped her divide her attention between you and the Shogun!
Speaking about her though, sometimes Sara felt conflicted about following two divine beings by separate, but knowing you also favored Inazuma made her slightly more relaxed about this. Slightly.
When it's finally time to see you in physical shape she's far from ready, although she was eager to meet you. When you come to her however, she tries to show herself as she always is, which fails when you show her fascination. She wasn't ready.
It's going to take a while for her to be fully prepared to accept your compliments, as they were so different from what she usually experienced. Everything you do for her is so different, it takes some time to get used to! Just give her time, and start slow.
She tries to offer you her service to make up for it, but it's hard when she's still active in the Tenryou commission. She'll appreciate it if you accompany her during work instead, and try to convince her that you only need her company. It'll help a ton.
While at first she's overwhelmed by what you throw at her, she'll get used to it over time, and you can tell just how much more relaxed she is in her daily life with your presence to energize her. The others in the commission notice it as well, and they appreciate her better state!
The Shogun will also notice, and before long, she does try to know more about it. Sara does feel guilty about showing you so much attention, even though she was solely devoted to the shogun. You should help her out with speaking with Ei directly for this!
All in all, your presence in her life is such a change of pace that it takes her some getting used to, but once she does, it helps her get through life much more relaxed, stronger and better, and she can't thank you enough for it. She just wishes she had more time to show you her thankfulness!
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ria-writes-stories · 6 months
Ship: Vuzin Genre: Cotton description: Love, what a futile thing, don't you think? Note: Poly ships scare the ever loving hell outta me, why? I have to focus on multiple characters and I have to do it equally because it feels unfair for someone to get more love than the other and it's a really fragile balance that you need to pay attention to. I hope I managed to do ok tho.
(No one's pov)
Drones were a complicated system, a complex meant to mimic the efficiency of human nature, so there was no surprise that these machines, programmed to act like humans did the most 'humane' thing of them all. Exterminating an entire race simply because they do not share the same blood or better said oil, as them. How many species have humans determined to case to exist? How many humans have tormented and ended the lives of others like them for the same reasons? And that gets us to the part where drones as well found themselves feasting on each other for survival. It was just like humans. Wasn't it perfect? Wasn't this what their creators tried to achieve with the making of their beloved puppets?
There was a fault on their system however. Emotions. They were coding wasn't as accurate. Emotions in general were a literal mess and no one understood them and yet somehow drones struggled even more with them, one of the imperfections that they could never in truth mirror in the shape of their creators.
A massacre, a feast, nothing more but a sweet beast. She was hungry, she felt no remorse, she saw nothing more than just a quick snack. Drones have reached their peek and after being left neglected for so long they were ready to compensate their fatigue with the new refreshing taste of the very flesh that made them.
V and N both suffered crimes beyond their understanding, beyond their realisation so upon seeing the very same crimes be unfolded before them by a Drone just like them left them speechless.
Uzi was a wreck, one beyond anyone's understanding, one beyond her own understanding. She made no sense to herself or anyone else but she knew she had to fight, always. She didn't know why, but it was deeply encoded into her. No matter what was to happen, she had to fight, for herself, for others, not that she had any others before meeting N and V, but the point still stands.
Love was not something Drones were programmed to feel and yet they had friends, families. They still lacked in ration and whatnot but still, this emotion was possible and anything else that comes with it such as misery, pain and torment.
V the forever loyal soldier. The knight in shinning armour ready to slay the beast, only to realise that was not the case.
N the foolish prince thinking that he had to save the princess regardless of what state she was in.
Uzi, the beast or the princess, perhaps both depending on how you look at it, fragile yet strong, sturdy on her feet yet easily shaken. She was an anomaly but that made her even the more beautiful.
There was one thing that tied these three together, endless hunger to satisfy a pit that has been dug into their core without their knowledge.
He was so foolish, and idiot at best, but he was so lovable too. Pure and kind regardless of the hostile nature forced into him, V found herself suffering from love for a dumbass. So really it begs the question, who was the more foolish one? How could she not? He was kind, he was brave in his own strange way, and he was good ate the very core of his heart, which is what made him so vulnerable to begin with. Perhaps she couldn't help that he simply had a charm that had her besotted.
Uzi was a different story all together. She was more intelligent to a certain extent. Perhaps it was her rebellious behaviour that kept her from making the kind of mistakes N would do. Perhaps it was the angsty teen behaviour that left her no other choice but to fight when placed into a tight spot as she wouldn't win in a fight where one would use emotions as their primary source. Whatever it was, V found herself mumbling and annoying her whenever she could, provoking her as if daring her to show her the same heated passion and hatred, or perhaps what she was seeking was another type of attention, but this was the closest she could get to it.
N felt love before. He knew what it felt like for his system to overheat.
To have cold bullets of sweat run down his forehead. Hew knew what it felt like for his heart to flutter from seeing her face.
V has changed but the reason he fell for her to begin with never left. Her laugh. Her beautiful hypnotising laugh, it didn't matter that it was psychotic or sweet, it reminded him of the pure girl he once knew. It reminded him how she was always true to herself and her motives without bending or budging them for anyone not even herself. Once she has taken a decision she followed through with it. That must be one of the main reasons he found himself mesmerised.
Uzi was a whole different love story and what they had was just as unique. N didn't fall for Uzi because there was something in her that reminded him of V. Uzi didn't fall for N because he was kind to her like Thad was. Uzi was strong, confident, despite her insecurities, despite being an emotional wreck, despite everything she went through she was still so incredibly strong. N couldn't help but love her even more as she thought about it, as she stood in her presence. She was an emotional wreck no doubt, but that didn't stop her from yet being the strongest person he has ever met.
Uzi had reasons after reasons to take a liking to N. He was 'cool' in his own goofball manner. He was just like those dogs he so dearly loved. He was loyal, he was always down to do anything, he was always willing to help out and give a hand. He may not be always efficient in what he was trying to help your with but one thing for sure he would first have to die in order to stop being himself.
V was so much more complicated. She was always menacing, there was something psychotic about her. There was something that repulsed her and yet pulled her in like a magnet. Uzi was always in some sort of fight with her. What for? She didn't know either. You could call it instinct, but only if it were that simple, they are drones, they don't have such an excuse. Yet regardless of the best wishes when they were away from the other they never managed to end it. But maybe that's simply how loved worked for them.
They were all monsters, terrible awful beasts who knew nothing but the cravings of the flesh much to their demise.
Their hearts would flutter their cheeks will bloom with colour. Crimson red, like the endless pools of blood they have scattered around wherever they went. Rusty red like the components of their victims left to rot, a symbolism of their torment and agony.
The three were peacefully sleeping with each other's grasp. N's arm was warped around Uzi's waist, while Uzi was holding with one had N and the other V, while V had her tail coiled around Uzi while her head rested on N's. They fell asleep on the chair, with V on N's back and Uzi on his lap. One would dare say that it may be uncomfortable but for those three that was the best sleep that they have gotten in a long time. Forgotten by the world in their tiny corner in a space pod hidden inside a tower of corpses. They felt at most ease right there because they knew they did not need to worry about what tomorrow will hold for them in their peaceful quiet paradise in hell. Their cheeks flushed. Scarlet red, like the blood on their hands.
The end
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ehh-is-the-name · 17 days
Pulling all this from me notes app yesterday:
Cobs and Mephone4 really are one in the same and I hate that ii16 ep proves it. Mephone uses the show as a form as escapism and Cobs ended up doing the same. They were always in cahoots. Like father like son and all but this is a lot to take in. The fact that MePhone slightly did what Cobs did to him. He created sentient beings with his purposes in mind, sure not to colonize a place, but still with a purpose in mind. He shaped the contestants into what he wanted them to be to have fun but still. Just because the method and purposes were different both Cobs and Mephone made sentient beings for their own purposes, and now they use them both for entertainment. This makes Mephone even worse than he already is- and as a Mephone apologist it's already pretty fuckin' hard. Like this just makes things so much fucking worse. Damn... Guess him and Airy are more alike than I first thought. Ahhh it's like ONE all over again but the opposite. Instead of context making him better it's making him worse- step the fuck back augh.... I might just pull a post-ONE 18 fan move and just ignore the finale. Every single fanfic that tried to be as canon accurate as they could is now fiery fanon. Which is still good, but Maaannn. Can't have shit in the OSC these days. Twists at every corner and not the good kind. I say that but I probably wouldn't be mad if I wasn't drowning in "fanon I consider canon" juice. Wait is that why the contestants could see the gemories? Since they weren't real to begin with?
Hope y'all know that I cried like twice between writing that on the 7th and now, and now I'm fucking sick because my immune system can't handle my waterworks-
"Drowning in 'fanon I consider canon' juice" is an understatement. To all ii fic writers our there, keep your headcanons please- I'm begging! Don't let the canon kill you, you're right to me </3 And man, this whole thing has me dying for real. To pull lines from Taco Tirade, I've lost more than I've gained, but I also know that feeling double crossed is part of dealing with a loss. When they said we weren't ready, they could never prepared me for that bombshell.
I've got so many questions.... Does Mepad know? I mean from the way he begins to care about the contestants and Toilet makes me think not and other scenes, but I can't be sure of anything anymore. Is Mephone kinda a dad but not? Are the contestants fully controlled by Mephone or is it a situation like Cobs and Mephone, where the creator gives free will only for things to go awry? I think it's the second one (I'm groveling to the OSC overlords that it's the second one.)
Once Mephone got his memory back he knew just how behind everything Cobs was because he himself knew the extent of the show... Side tangent, Mephone is a great actor then, grade A top of the line. Probably gets it from his dad, given the theatrical performance we saw- But no really, Mephone IS smart, a lot smarter than he gives himself credit for honestly. Even if I don't believe he was puppeteering the contestants, he still made a diverse cast of characters and subtlely brought them together and tore them apart all without him hinting to the audience that he knew he made them. Sure the hints came along the way, but not directly from Mephone. Or at least I don't think so, please feel free to prove me wrong about that- I seriously don't know anything about this show anymore.
acutally going through the stages of grief because of a parody iphone- wtf is living. Am I even real?
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elizmanderson · 1 year
queerness in The Remarkable Retirement of Edna Fisher
book description
when you’re an old woman armed with nothing but gumption and knitting needles, stopping a sorcerer from wiping out an entire dragon-fighting organization is a tall order. no one understands why 83-year-old Edna Fisher is the Chosen One, destined to save the Knights from a dragon-riding sorcerer bent on their destruction. after all, Edna has never handled a magical weapon, faced down a dragon, or cast a spell. and everyone knows the Council of Wizards always chooses a teenager—like the vengeful girl ready to snatch Edna’s destiny from under her nose.
still, Edna leaps at the chance to leave the nursing home. with a son long dead in the Knights’ service, she’s determined to save dragon-fighters like him & ensure other mothers don’t suffer the same loss she did. but as Edna learns about the abuse in the ranks & the sorcerer’s history, she questions if it’s really the sorcerer that needs stopping—or the Knights she’s trying to save.
find it here
okay let's talk about queerness in this book
did a thread on twitter in which I said "cishet" five hundred thousand times so will probably get banned lmao but anyway I wanted to share it here too
especially since it's late in Pride Month and I have yet to post anything anywhere about it BEING Pride Month and me being queer and my books being queer, bc I've been burnt out af. so what energy I've had has gone toward planning and writing
I say "queerness in" rather than "queer characters in" because I want to talk about queerness in the book more broadly, not least bc I'm a queer creator & this is a queer book, but I've had a lot of impostor syndrome about both those things.
I figured out I was queer later in life & am a woman-presenting person w/a male-presenting partner. I've questioned my gender & sexuality repeatedly & ID'd differently over time, which is why I like "queer." I don't have to re-explain myself a dozen times. I'm queer. that's that.
but having figured out my queerness later, and having a relationship that presents as cishet, it took a long time for me to overcome feelings of ~not being queer enough~ (and sometimes I still struggle with them).
similarly, my MC is an apparently* cishet woman, unlike the MCs of many books that appear on queer book lists at this time of year. just like I took a long time to start really engaging with my community bc I worried I wasn't ~queer enough,~ for a long time, I didn't call this a queer book bc I worried it wasn't ~queer enough~. if people asked if the book was queer, I'd reply with a laundry list of explicitly queer characters rather than saying yes
fuck that though lmao. this is a queer book. let me count the ways
1. found family
as found family is so important to many queer people - by connecting us to our community, by welcoming us when bio family casts us off - found family is central to REMARKABLE RETIREMENT. while there are queer romantic arcs, the found family is the most important relationship in the book.
2. queer labels
some characters get explicit labels. Benjamin is gay. Clem is ace. queer labels are important bc they give us the ability to describe our identities and experiences! however...
3. undefined queerness
while labels are important, queerness isn't about fitting into new boxes. it's about smashing the boxes apart.
even if characters don't have specific labels applied on-page, they're queer. they don't need to claim a specific label for that to be true.*
*caveat that some media avoids using labels to pander to queer audiences w/implied queerness without ~alienating~ cishets by stating "this character is Not Cishet"**
that's not what I mean
I mean e.g. in OFMD queerness is inherent even if WORDS like queer/ace/etc aren't used. OMitB is another example (specifically Mabel) and Good Omens is yet another.
**caveat to my caveat that some media is queer-coded & avoids queer labels rather than being explicitly queer because network execs or whoever won't allow explicit queerness.
this is not the fault of the creators. sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference.
but anyway.
in REMARKABLE RETIREMENT, several queer characters are queer without using specific labels.
in some cases this is bc it doesn't come up or isn't important to them to express in the moment. like Clem is bi, but she's not worried about being bi. she's worried about being ace, because she's still kind of questioning that about herself, and she's worried it might cause problems down the road if her crush is >:[ about her not wanting to have sex. so she uses the word "ace" to describe herself in this scene but not "bi," even though she's both.
in other cases it's bc they don't have the language. Kiernan's sense of attraction and desire is described in a way that seems graysexual or demisexual (or both), and Red's sense of desire is described in a way that seems ace-spec, but neither of them use those terms, because neither of them know those terms. despite the lack of terminology, many ace readers have identified multiple ace characters based on description or experience. the lack of a specific label doesn't make those characters less queer.
similarly, some characters have not yet had this realization about themselves. which leads us to...
4. questioning
okay, back to my first asterisk of the post.
Edna is by all appearances an old cishet woman.
for most of the story, that's how she seems. that's what SHE thinks, even. she's a cishet old grandma adopting every queer young person she can find.
Clem explains aceness to her
and Edna has a brief crisis bc wait a minute this sounds like her??
ultimately, Edna has too much to worry about right now to spend time questioning whether, at the age of 83, she might be somewhere on the ace spectrum
so it doesn't come up again
but that moment of crisis is THERE, & that too is queer
5. queernormativity*
I write queernorm worlds, largely bc I viscerally hate coming out lmao
it doesn't mean everyone's a queer scholar
like Clem has to explain "ace" to Edna, bc Edna thinks blankly of a deck of cards & doesn't understand what that has to do with sex
but it DOES mean queer folks get to just be and do
*caveat that this is not remotely to imply that a story is less queer if its world ISN'T queernorm
it's just a way in which MY story is queer
6. all the queer characters
not gonna do a list (even though my original idea for Pride Month when I was young and optimistic and thought I'd have energy to do it way back when was a list of queer characters), but virtually every character in this book is queer in one way or another
on twitter this is where I ended because 6 seemed like a good number for Pride since June is the sixth month, but tumblr gets a bonus
7. the author is queer
happy pride, buy my queer book
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amethystina · 5 months
You mentioned in your notes at the end of the chapter for 'Each Touch (Brings Us One Step Closer)' about how Yo Han had some reason for wanting some distance between him and Ga On at the end of the show and not wanting to explain your thoughts there and go on the tangent. Can you go into it here then? I love your tangents and explanations.
Also just want to say thank you so much for that chapter, it's incredible! It always amazes me how you can write the characters so accurately. It's definitely something to keep us going after the slow burn of Who Holds the Devil
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I feel like I may have accidentally blue-balled some of you with that throwaway comment and I promise that wasn't my intention x'D But sure, I can elaborate :)
So! The thing with the final scene of the drama is that it's clearly shaped by the choices of the scriptwriter and/or the director. As in, certain aspects of it had less to do with the characters and more to do with production. They wanted to give Yo Han and Ga On one final scene together, to give the viewer hope and a nice, proper ending, but their options were... limited, I guess we could say?
And there are a couple of reasons for that. One is that there are still a lot of unspoken things between Yo Han and Ga On. Like lingering hurt from the betrayal, the fact that Yo Han faked his death a second time despite probably knowing how upset that would make Ga On, Ga On's somewhat concerning readiness to die (twice in one day, no less), the whole thing with the fire that they never actually got to discuss etc.
In short, there's a lot they should talk about. But there's no time — the drama is over. So while showing them having a conversation and actually reconciling would be nice, it's just not possible. They'll have to gloss over that bit and just rely on the emotional catharsis of seeing those two idiots stare longingly at each other for a couple of seconds (or surprisingly many seconds, in this case).
Which, to their credit, works really well. I was very satisfied once that scene was over. But it's not like it actually fixes anything, you know? Like, the trauma is still there. Just because Yo Han smiles at Ga On, does that mean he's forgiven the almost-murder?
I've actually gotten questions (bordering on accusations), asking why I ruined that lovely ending scene by making it so that they haven't reconciled at the beginning of Who Holds the Devil. But, like, they didn't reconcile. That scene was lovely, make no mistake, but they didn't actually solve anything. I agree that they showed their deep connection and fondness for each other, but you can have that and also still be mad about that one time your sugar baby tried to stab you in the heart. They're not mutually exclusive.
Since they don't talk, I'm going to have to assume they haven't fully reconciled.
(I don't actually mind that the drama didn't have time to solve this, I want to point out, since that just made me more eager to write Who Holds the Devil and do it for myself. So don't think I'm dissatisfied or anything — quite the opposite. I was amazed by how much we got, in a drama that's supposedly straight. It was so much more than I would ever have dared to hope for.)
The second reason the creators' choices were limited was the fact that, should they actually give Yo Han and Ga On time to talk — or touch — it might just turn out to be too gay. Or, alternatively, they'd have to make it so obviously not gay (to avoid censoring) that it would have ruined all their hard work and subtle build-up. Sometimes, not saying anything is better than saying too much. Sometimes, the easiest way to keep everyone happy is to just leave it as open for interpretation as possible and claim plausible deniability in both directions.
But it can't be denied that outside forces influenced that ending. @a-very-fond-farewell said it very aptly in their comment on Each Touch, by pointing out that had Ga On been a woman, that final scene would have looked very different. It would have been somewhere where Yo Han and Ga On could actually speak to each other, maybe hug, or perhaps go even further depending on the story/dynamic. And I'm in absolute agreement, which is why I wrote the ending to Each Touch the way I did.
That scene is, if you ask me, closer to what should have happened, if they'd been able to follow through on the tone and dynamic they'd set for this drama.
But, again, they couldn't. Partly due to time restrictions and, secondly, due to censoring issues. So we end up with a scene that takes place in a public space, so they can't really talk, can't really touch, but still, somehow, convey their love and longing for each other. Which, all things considered, still left me feeling pretty damn happy.
NOW. Even if we know that the setting for that scene (i.e. in a public place) has more to do with production reasons, there still has to be a reason for it in-universe. As in, to make it make sense in the canon of the story, we have to pretend that the choice was actually made by a character (Yo Han, in this case, since he's the one choosing when to approach Ga On) and not by the scriptwriter and/or director. And this sort of ties back a bit to that long rant I did about intent, because here we have a situation where the intent of the scene is to give closure, but outside factors mean that the presentation and execution of said closure might not actually be in harmony with the characters.
Like, let's make a thought experiment here. Imagine that there were no censoring issues. Imagine that there were no time restrictions. Everything in the drama still happens the way it does, right up until the hearing.
Do you really think that Yo Han, as you know him, would have chosen to approach Ga On in the way he did during that final scene? In a public place, where he can't actually talk to him?
Because I don't.
At least not with the information the drama gives me. Yo Han is a Dramatic Bitch, I know, and he's not always willing to talk about his trauma. But a month has passed. He's had time to think. He's had time to miss Ga On. And then he travels all the way to South Korea, just for that? Just to stare at Ga On? Without talking to him? When Yo Han is known for meeting every obstacle head-on? When he's clearly still very attached to Ga On? And, quite frankly, a very possessive person? Would he truly just leave like that? Without a word?
It just doesn't make sense.
So, as much as I like that ending scene and understand that it had to be the way it is due to various outside factors, it's also pretty out of character for Yo Han (she says boldly, as if she has any claim to say what's reasonable or not for a character she hasn't created).
Now, this still doesn't make the scene bad, but it does put us fans in the hilarious position of having to come up with a reason for why Yo Han might have done what he did, when the act itself kind of feels out of character. We have to find a motivation for something that doesn't actually make all that much sense. What reason could he possibly have had to act that way?
And me being the little shit that I am, will of course take this as an opportunity to come up with whatever batshit theory I please. Since, in the long run, it probably won't make much sense anyway since I'm basing it on actions that, in my opinion, are out of character to begin with.
I think Yo Han was scared.
I think Kang "The Abyss" Yo Han was too scared to talk to Ga On.
Because, as I mentioned in another ask I got about when Yo Han fell in love with Ga On, I think he realised it during that month between the explosion and the hearing. Because he got some distance, some time to calm down, some time to miss Ga On etc. And so I think Yo Han went back to Korea and maybe he actually planned to talk to Ga On (or hadn't decided) but then just... chickened out. Because he now knows he's in love and has no idea how to deal with that fact. Especially since he's still a little hurt over the betrayal and doesn't know what Ga On feels about the whole thing. Is Ga On still mourning Soo Hyun? Is Ga On even interested in men? Or, perhaps worst of all:
What if this month away from Yo Han's influence has made Ga On realise he was being manipulated and gaslit and now he doesn't want anything to do with Yo Han?
So, in short, I think Yo Han simply wasn't ready. He went there too soon, realised what a bad idea it was, but still wanted to at least see Ga On and maybe give them both some kind of closure (and maybe also try to figure out if Ga On hates him now). And hence the meeting being in a public place, so that Yo Han wouldn't have to have a conversation he wasn't ready for, because he wasn't sure how to talk to Ga On with all the lingering trauma and this new knowledge about his own feelings.
It was a choice Yo Han made to protect himself.
A choice he doesn't make in Each Touch because, in that story, he's been given enough proof of Ga On's interest to not have to worry as much. Interest Ga On showed before Soo Hyun died, which means it wasn't just a weird grief response, and so Yo Han doesn't feel as threatened by her. He's confident enough about his own and Ga On's feelings that he's actually willing to meet and talk with him.
And that's my theory! :D
Thank you so much to you both for asking 💜 Though I also feel a need to point out that this is, as always, mere speculation on my part — even more so than usual in this case, for the reasons stated above. And while I am thrilled (and proud) to hear that so many of you think that my opinions are accurate and very close to canon, always remember that it's okay to disagree with me. I don't have all the answers, even if I might make it sound like I do. I'm genuinely just guessing x'D
Anyhow! Thank you again! I'm so happy that you both enjoyed my fic and were curious enough to ask about this. You're both wonderful 💜
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yandere-fics · 1 year
9 and 10 for Kassien?
(p.s. you are literally my favorite creator on this app!)
9. “Do you want me to break your legs or lock you in a cage to prevent you from running away?”
10. “Tell me how much you love me.”
(Thank you so much! Sorry this took so long to get to! As usual sentences are reformatted to fit character personality.)
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Kassien was a bit quick to anger, but it never turned on you. You were always her sweet mate so her violence never turned on you. Sure her grip was tight in public, and sometimes her claws would dig in if you pulled your hand away. That wasn't her trying to hurt you on purpose, she was just unaware of her own strength. So you never worried much about anything you did. You didn't need to worry because she was always going to be patient no matter how many times you turned down her requests to move in with her.
She was different from other demons, she asked you, other demons would just force their mate into their apartment since it was legal to do so. You could push back furthering your relationship for as long as you wanted. Or so you thought.
Tonight was the third time this week she had tried to get you to move in with her. It was frustrating how she was increasing the frequency of her attempts, as if you hadn't made it extremely clear you wanted to wait at least a year before you two lived together. You had to put your foot down, your gentle Kassien would surely understand right?
"Kass, I really hate you pushing my boundaries like this. I'm not ready to move in yet and if you can't understand then maybe we need a bit of time apart." You didn't use the word breakup, you knew better, no matter how patient a mate was, they would all freak out at the mere implication of it. Yes a break, time apart would be good. You needed your time, maybe when it was over you'd be more than happy to consider moving in.
Kassien on the other hand did not see it that way. It seems you were taking her patience for granted, she'd have to change that. Once you were in her apartment you would begin to understand why she was so desperate to get you there too. You'd be much happier there, even if she had to intimidate you into doing it.
"Sweetness." She crooned, beckoning you to come closer, to give her next words your full attention. You only hummed in response, walking towards her and standing in front of where she sat on the couch. She grabbed your hands gently in hers and while you felt uncomfortable, you knew better than to pull away when she was saying something important.
"Do you want me to hurt you? You don't want me to lock you in a cage with broken legs so you can't run, right?" It felt like your throat had gone dry, Kassien had always been so protective of you anytime you got even a minor injury.
"W-wait what? Kass, that's not funny." You try to pry your hands from hers but her claws dig you and tears prick your eyes from the slight pain. This was not how you expected things to go. What happened? She was always so supposed to be patient with you, why was she doing this now?
"Shhhh, it's okay sweetness, I know you don't understand. I should have done a better job at making things clear. You don't have a choice when it comes to moving in with me. It's my fault for not making it clear."
You felt unable to respond, simply looking down, hoping that Kassien would just start laughing and reveal this was all a massive joke. Any moment now it was going to happen, you were sure of it.
"Tell me how much you love me. Aren't I doing such a good job as your loving patient mate? I think I need a reward for my patience." What she considered patience was absolute bullshit. If she was more patient you wouldn't be where you are right now. But the priority when it came to mates was always soothing them, and as it turns out Kassien was no different than any of the other aggressive supernaturals in this godforsaken city. Should have left the city the moment you discovered a demon wanted you. If only you'd seen through her.
"I l-love you, Kass." You merely smiled and hugged her. Maybe if you were good then she would go back to pretending to be your patient lover again, though something told you that you'd used up all her patience.
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yurunivo · 52 minutes
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Synopsis: continuation of this idea (and also subtracting and adding a few of my own)
TW: yandere behavior, cult ish behavior, mentions of blood, injuries, torture, SAGAU, inaccurate personalities, bad grammar, english is not my first language, very short
Characters: Natlan cast x Creator!gn!reader (slight yandere Archons too)
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You hated this.
All you were doing was playing genshin and then you suddenly got sucked into the game! At first, it was a dream come true, but now you wanted to be out of here as fast as possible. All this suffering just because you looked like someone?
Mondstadt was a no no. The acting grand master found out so quickly, and the knights of favonious were on your tail. Liyue was also a no, the millelith and adepti was also there. Heck, Zhongli came out of retirement just to catch you! Inazuma? Raiden was enough. Fontaine wasn't any better either. You got put on trial, it's only because of plot armour that you managed to survive.
Sumeru was a bit better. The dendro archon found out about your status quickly, due to Irminsul. But, her people were out of her control, so you got hunted down anyway.
The abyss was even worse. Once they sensed that the creator came back, they were ecstatic to kill you. The abyss weren't known for their fondness of the gods after all. Right now, with the amount of times you fought the abyss and the people of teyvat, your entire body was like a piece of paper ready to be blown away.
You were walking to Natlan, as fast as your legs would take you. Your arm was filled with abyssal energy, and you had open wounds all over you. The sand got into your injuries, which really stung. It was hell trying to walk, but the tiny sliver of hope that Natlan would be different would be enough to keep you going. Usually, your wounds healed instantly every time you were injured, but the attacks from the abyss slowed down your healing. You would show your golden blood, but the injuries healed too fast and the people would be too consumed by anger to even notice your golden blood.
How long has it been since the chase started? Like one or two years? You couldn't really tell. Your mind was foggy, and your body was trembling and shivering. Just the thought that you'll eventually heal and get hunted down again, without anyone knowing about what was truly going on was enough to consider dying. You coughed your way through to Natlan, and as the sandy desert came to a halt for the beginning of Natlan, you could only hope that Natlan would be different.
It wasn't long till you passed out, but you got a tiny glimpse of a Saurian watching you...
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Your head hurt, everything did. You woke up to your injuries healed, as you thought what happened. Your body probably managed to heal itself, so that was already explained. What was not so good and definitely needed explaining was that the environment you were in was certainly different, even if you remember not seeing much.
You saw a little girl coming towards you. She looked familiar, but you began to panic. Were you really going to get hunted this time too? If that was the case then dying seemed like a better option than anything.
"Are you okay?! You really looked like you weren't going to survive!" Huh? Why wasn't she attacking you? Was this really a dream? Thank god! You felt like crying at the kindness you were shown after so long!
The girl introduced herself as Kachina. You thought that's why she looked familiar. Perhaps you were not thinking straight from the suffering that you were inflicted on. You introduced yourself too, but you used (fake name) instead of who you really were.
"What happened? You looked so pale and your entire arm was covered with abyssal energy! Did you get attacked on your way here?" She asked so innocently, which made you realize that you had to create a fake story, and fast. You contemplated for a moment, creating a fake story within seconds was hard, but the sheer thought of being hunted again left a bad image on your brain.
"Ah well, I was a runaway from my home in Sumeru. I encountered some enemies and that's what happened to my arm. Is there any place in Natlan where I can get a job and a cheap house and a job? I don't have any Mora on me," you lied through your teeth. You had Mora from the treasure chests you saw in the wild, but it would be weird that a runaway who left everything behind has Mora on them. You felt bad lying to Kachina. But, for your survival, everything was necessary. She seemed to believe you, so you internally sighed in exhaustion. Children were so naive.
She felt so sorry for you, even though your story was fake. She took a cherry flavoured candy from her large bag and gave it to you. Finally, tears started to slip through your eyes. It's truly been so long since you had seen kindness being shown to you. A tear fell from your eyes as you cried. Kachina began to panic, but realized that it was best to stay quiet. You sobbed and sniffled as Kachina continued to comfort you. You again passed out from crying so much.
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"There is a bar nearby that you can work in! And for the place to stay in, they have a space above the bar where you can be at!" You walked together as she continued talking. She was nice to talk too, and didn't really pressure you and ask any more questions which might have made you uncomfortable. You changed your clothes too, wearing gloves to hide your injuries from the abyss. You looked at the bar she led you to and thanked her profusely. She was so kind, certainly a gift from the gods!
You got the job and a place to stay. All you had was cleaning duty, and, compared to the injuries and (sometimes) vomiting you had to deal with by yourself, this was a piece of cake. You just cleaned the counters, the glasses and the floor and also throw out the rowdy people in the bar. The room you live in now was cramped, but it was at least better than having to sleep in defeated hillichurl camps with no protection whatsoever.
After getting a stable income, you started giving Kachina a lot of gifts. After all, she helped you so much when you literally had no will to live. She always tried declining them, but you always insisted, saying that she deserved it. She really did though, you needed to pay back her kindness from the beginning anyway. You also started visiting her much often, exploring or just talking with her.
You do meet her friends eventually enough.
"(Fake name)! These are my friends, Kinich and Mualani! I hope you get along with them well!" You were shaking, what if they weren't as kind as Kachina? What if they find out? What if, what if-
But, they were much more easy going than what you expected. Mualani was very cheerful, and Kinich was also very kind! Something was weird though. Ajaw was much quieter than usual. Sure, he still had those narcissistic comments, but it was like he toned down on them a bit. That was very confusing, but if the others didn't notice then you didn't need to bother.
You sometimes visit Mualani in the hot springs, just keeping your arms out of the water for the abyssal energy not to spread. You also sometimes visit Kinich in the Scions of Canopy. He does his extreme sports like bungee jumping, you just watch. Again, it was really unnerving on how much quieter Ajaw was..
But, this happiness wouldn't really last for long.
You were cleaning in your bar, secretly listening into some drama in one of the tables. A woman came into the bar. She was clad in a dark cloak, so you couldn't really see her. But, upon taking a closer look, you realized it was... Mavuika?!
You were sweating like your life depended on it. How did she even figure out that you worked here? Did you have to move again, when you we're just getting settled? Was this perfectly calm life just going to stay for false hope? Seriously, you were scared. You went to go clean another station instead of your own, but not until she managed to give you a message.
"I've been meaning to meet you for a long time, how about we just talk outside later?" She smiled warmly, but you just felt a chill down your spine. You were terrified. But, considering how powerless you were, you agreed. You never know what she might do after all.
Your shift was done, and you gulped as you walked outside. Mavuika was there, waiting for you. She waved, and you nervously waved back. You looked down at yourself. Your hands were trembling, and your entire body was shaking. The sweaty feeling in your palms never went away, it was uncomfortable, but not nearly as uncomfortable as having to talk with an archon.
"I already know that you are our creator, please rest assured," huh?! She already knew? But how? You never revealed your identity,what was going on?! But, all you did was nod your head, still nervous on what she could do.
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"I've heard of the chase that you have been through in other nations, but please be assured that I will not do the same. I will protect you from the other nations, and you can continue living your life as it is. I will do my best to help you lead a normal life," you were shocked. Absolutely shocked. Since when did an archon treat you so nicely?
Venti chased you with his bow and arrow, and you got nearly got sucked into the black hole that he had in his burst. Moral was leading the adepti and Liyue Qixing to find and hunt you. You just completely avoided Inazuma. It would be terrible that the Shogun would find you, since she's not as "nice" as Ei. You thought you could start a new in Fontaine, but you got put on to a death sentence by the Oratrice. At least Neuvillette had some kind of pity for you. The eremites, grand bazaar and the scholars of Sumeru were also in the hunt. You started reflecting on how much suffering you had to deal with, as tears welled up in your eyes again. You went to hug Mavuika and just sobbed in her shoulder. She looked surprised but didn't question it as you cried. She patted your back over and over again, letting you cry all your frustrations out.
Of course, it's not like people won't find out eventually.
Kinich was the first to find out. He offered you to bungee jump with him, and you stupidly agreed.
"It won't be that bad, I promise," oh how you shouldn't have believed him. You were screaming the entire time that he held you. Ajaw was fuming at Kinich, which, again, was very weird. He never cared for anyone before, so what was going on?
Though he was holding onto you, it didn't really stop you from getting injuries by nature itself. You had a cut on your cheek, as blood began to seep out. You landed, and it was only when Kinich was recovering from the adrenaline rush, did he notice your cut. He was speechless. He was just staring as you realized the cut you had on your skin. Your eyes widened at the revelation.
"W-wait, I-I can explain!" You didn't even know what you were panicking for. Wasn't it a good thing that they found out? If so, then why did it feel like your heart has been shattered into a million pieces when he found out? Ajaw then screamed at Kinich, like he was reprimanding him.
"You filthy servant! How can you not realize that the creator was with us all this time?! Honestly, what went on in your head when you took them in such a dangerous activity?!" He spewed out to Kinich, while the boy was still in a state of shock. Finally, as if he got to his senses, he muttered out:
"You're the creator?..." He mumbled under his breath. He looked extremely shocked, and also extremely guilty. He ran out of words so quickly. This is how he treated his creator the whole time?
He was about to apologize, but you interrupted him. There was no way that you would let him even say sorry, not when you want to live your life as a human instead of some divine being.
"If you want a more detailed explanation for this... predicament, meet me at the outskirts of the Children of echoes, you'll get all your answers there."
Mualani was second to find out. You two were walking through her tribe, talking about getting swimsuits for the hot spring. The area was very humid, and the floor was very slippery.
Suddenly, you tripped on your steps and fell on the ground. A scratch was on your knee, as you realised that the blood would show. You tried to hide the injury from Mualani, but she took a glance anyway. Her expression was very surprised, but all she did was wrap a piece of cloth around your knee. It really stung, but you really hoped she wouldn't ask any questions about it.
She took you to a secluded area with no people. Just you and her. She was staring for a long time, and you gulped in nervousness. You were enjoying your life without being chased or worshipped, why did this peace have to end now?!
"Well, (fake name), actually it might not even be your real name.. But anyway, I know it might make you uncomfortable, but please explained what happened a bit ago," she asked and all you did was mumble an incoherent sentence with a bitter tone.
Kachina was last to find out. You were exploring some ruins that you found along with her.
It was just supposed to be a little expedition outside in Natlan, but you got way too many cuts from the rocks inside. It didn't really hurt, so you brushed it off, forgetting that Kachina didn't know you were the creator. When she lit up a fire to check in on everything, that's when you realised this. You tried to stay out of the light as much as possible, but she found out very easily.
"What's wrong (fake name)? Why aren't you coming near the fire?" She innocently asked. You cursed at your self for not realizing that she didn't know sooner. But before you could respond, she dragged your wrist into the light in an attempt to see if you had any injuries or not. When she saw the golden blood however, she turned quiet.
"Y-you're the creator?" She asked, almost terrified. Oh what had she done! Treating the holy creator so casually like a friend! You only looked down at her, feeling guilty at putting so much terror to her mind. You patted her head, unsure of how to respond to her.
"Yes I am, but I am your friend still, am I not?"
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Spies can exist anywhere and everywhere. After all, it's such a common phrase in Liyue, the walls have ears.
However, the spies that were there to find you and excecute you, were certainly incompetent in their job, letting their emotions get in the way of things.
Seeing the golden blood for their own eyes, the blood of the "imposter" that they were hunting down, was not really easy to swallow. Instead of kidnapping you, they just took a picture with their kamera and ran like the wind, doing anything to inform their leader.
When the Archons found out, they were nothing less than shocked. They have been hunting their creator the entire time? No, this couldn't be! They trembles at the photo in hand, realising how bad they fucked up. Now they were more determined to find you than ever, not to kill you, but to welcome you into their arms. They will get you back, no matter what it takes. Oh and the actual imposter? They're as dead as they can be. Nothing matters except you now.
Nothing else matters.
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This is so short Lmaooo hope you like it tho!
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uhuhuh how has sprites design changed and developed over the course of his story? same with beedrill and mari
Ohhhh thank you so much for this RAHH!!
So- sprite is actually two concepts (with two different designs) who got reversed mitosised into one guy, one was a self insert oc from my first full playthrough of pokemon crystal and one was a gym leader oc.
I'm not sharing old art of sprite because honestly looking at anything I've done more than a month ago makes me cringe however- I did an approxmation of "sprites" first design with some fun facts.
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Also yes his '!' shirt used to look like that. I actually changed sprites colour scheme because I showed my friend some art and they were like "omg like mcdonalds sprite. is that why hes in the mcdonalds colours." . mortifying. changed immedaitly after.
I dont think I got it across in this version at all but gym leader sprite was supposed to be a punk and had a full patch jacket and stuff.
A lot of sprites design was really open to change when I first started the account, his hair would vary from being over one eye to being over both- his scars would move around since i forgot to make a ref. A lot of stuff just solidified over time the more I drew him the more I figured him out <3. The more I rp'ed as him, the more he became his own character and I got a sense for his likes and dislikes and it impacted his design.
Now drawing him is super duper ingrained into my head and whenever I open a new canvas there is always one of these guys
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He also used to have upturned ears, not much to say on those, other than i liked the downturned look more, and changed it in november of last year.
He also kept the blue in his hair after him running away and attempting to dye his hair blue in an effort to disguse himself. He's kept it in the tips since for reasons that he can't explain .
Onto Beedrill! (did some doodles of his old design)
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His design changes are really recent because at the start he just wasn't- interesting y'know. just some blonde dude.
But also BD was also first known for sending people meme shirts via pelipper mail so he didnt really need to be more than that. I think the googles and staff helped a little (speaking of which, looking at maybe giving him his staff back sometime)
As his storys become more relevant, I've needed to spice up his design, which I'm happy I did with the funky pokemon esque hair. The fox mask also helps him seem more interesting, but him wearing it isn't common enough to count.
I'm currently doing a redesign of his prosethic finger and another part of his design which i'm excited to share once i'm done.
Now mari!
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Not much to say with her old design, her clothes and such were picked out my maris creator and cowriter, and she was supposed to look put together yet ready to fall apart at any moment. She was a real villian, but I've never been unhappy with her design and how it's reflected her personality.
I did like how in maris first apperance, lucians (her bayleefs) leaf was completely seared off along with having severe burns on its body, but by the time she got her blog it was full again as mari has saved up to get a coleus plant implant to regrow the leaf, along with the scars on him fading from her use of burn cream she was sent.
Thank you so much for asking, sorry for rambling haha !!
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storiesbyjes2g · 1 year
@therichantsim tagged me for this
1. What’s your favorite sims death? I haven't really had many other deaths besides old age. Even if I did I don't think I could choose a favorite way for them to go. I'm gonna steal @mysimsloveaffair's answer lol. She said her favorite death is old age because it means they lived a full life.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis Mix
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? For gameplay, not at all. But for stories I might if it makes sense for the character. For example, Kameron is a very fit character. But in real life, he doesn't workout as much as he used to so he often loses muscle mass. Lean Kam just don't look right, so I used MCCC to freeze his body frame so he doesn't gain or lose weight/muscle.
4. Do you use move objects? Absolutely
5. Favorite mod? MC Command Center closely followed by Relationships and Pregnancy Overhaul by lumpinou. These two keep me on my toes and give you guys all the drama you love lol.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I got the first one when it came out.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? ALIVE!! I will die on this hill lol. Don't get me started!
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Either Kameron or Amina Pope. I've been with Kameron the longest, and he is my dude forever. Amina was special to me even in CAS, and when I finally found the right story for her, she made it so easy. The story wrote itself!
9. Have you made a simself? I've been making simselves since TS2
10. What sim traits did you give yourself? I think she is creative, music lover, loner?
11. What is your favorite EA hair color? I use the neutral black the most, but I really love that new ashy brown. I think it's the 3rd one? It's Tori's hair dye color.
12. Favorite EA hair? Ehhhh...I tend to ignore EA hairs lol
13. Favorite life stage? Young Adult
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Building is not my ministry lol
15. Are you a CC creator? No, but I have recolored some things before.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Sure do! (Hey y'all!)
17. What’s your favorite game? That's tough to say. Gameplay-wise, I think I'm still partial to Sims 2. But seeing as I'm addicted to Create-a-Sim, I'd have to say Sims 4 because the other games can't hold a candle to the current genetics and options!
18. Do you have any Sims merch? Yep. I used to have this ginormous mouse pad with that Sims mouse. I also got those notebooks from the shop that came out a few years ago. Now I want to burn them all LOL.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Sure do! My list of videos to make keeps growing. I just need to make the time to do them...and my hair LOL.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I'm not sure if this question is referring to play style or CAS style so I'll do both. My play style has not changed. I've always enjoyed family play even though that's not all I do. People say I have a sim style and they know a sim is mine when they see them, but I can't see it. I just like making unique sims. Not sure if I've changed or not.
21. What’s your Origin ID? Jes2G
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? No way I can pick just one...or even 5 lol. Just to name a few... peacemaker, simstrouble, severinka, mclaynesims, jius, wisteriasims, crypticsim, pralinesims, sifix...
23. How long have you had a simblr? I technically joined in 2014 but I wasn't active. I decided to give it a real shot in 2017 and decided to go all in in 2019.
24. How do you edit your pictures? I have a set of actions I created in Photoshop that I run. I used to make different actions for all my stories to give them unique looks. Now I create ReShade presets and let it do the heavy lifting.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? GROWING TOGETHER! It's all I really wanted.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I don't want or need anything else EXCEPT for all the bugs to be fixed! I'm ready for this version of the game to be over so the modders can make the game great in peace!
Tagging @shunohoney626 @bridgeportbritt @digital-deluxe @nilonne @maladi777 @wannabecatwriter @ladytee918 @saps-sims
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x-authorship-x · 2 years
2022 Creators Self-Love Extravaganza!
It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works (fics, art, edits, etc.) you’ve created this year and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2022. If you don’t have five published works, that’s fine! Include ideas/drafts/whatever you like that you’ve worked on/thought about, and talk a little about them instead! Remember, this is all about self-love and positive enthusiasm, so fuck the rules if you need to. Have fun, and tag as many fellow creators as you like so they can share the love!
This post is inspired by @bubblesthemonsterartist - thanks for bringing it across my dash! ✨
I love feel-good found-family fluff fics and this one served a side of comedy to boot. Writing this was really therapeutic at a stressful time in my life and I was feeling really guilty for not keeping up with my longstanding Shisui Series (HOPE AU, including completed work 'No Tomorrow' (NoT) and ongoing sequel 'Until Dawn Breaks' (UDB)). Writing Shisui is always my favourite thing to do, he's such a comfort character to me even if I'm making him hurtle through life and death situations or wacky AUs. This fic kind of encapsulated that, the joy I find in him as a character, and making sure he's loved and supported too. The fic started when I asked myself all the possible points in time for Shisui to transform what happened in canon; one of them was 'Itachi is under crazy pressure... How can Shisui protect him?' and 'legal guardian the shit out of his baby cousins' was the immediate answer.
Summary: Shisui didn't know why Raidou was giving him disappointed looks. It wasn't like Shisui had much of a track record for letting things go, for going with the Status-Quo and ignoring what was happening around him. Or that this was the first, er, child acquisition - for any of them! - either.
Honestly, at this rate, they were going to be renamed Squad Toddler instead of Two.
It was Kakashi who grabbed this one, anyway!
2) Until Dawn Breaks
This is the sequel to my favourite shisui fic I've ever written. I planned the whole story out, multiple arcs, before I had even written a word for the fic itself. I spent days getting together a brand new timeline for the Narutoverse, I figured out a whole cast, their abilities and motivations and relationships, and it felt like the whole thing was hovering above the page, waiting to be written. Writing No Tomorrow (NoT) was literally the best thing I've ever done and I'm so proud of that fic, even if I would edit it differently looking back on it now. For Until Dawn Breaks (UDB), I was really conflicted on the plotline because of that phrase, 'no plan survives contact with the enemy'. I'm at a cross roads with the fic, part of me wishes I'd skipped this arc entirely, but I don't want to abandon anything so I'm forced to soldier through. I have to make a lot of big plot decisions and that takes a lot of time, which I don't have, and knowledge, which has faded over the past year or so. I used to only update when I had at least three more chapters finished ahead of time and now I publish as soon as it's ready, and I'm sad to have lost that routine. Writing is hard and it's supposed to be fun. I hope my readers understand that breaks are inevitable and they still come read updates whenever they arrive. The fact I updated this fic this year is a huge thing for me and I'm really proud that I could keep going through this rough patch with the fic and IRL.
Summary: Shisui had succeeded, destroying the man who was responsible for his death, in every way possible. Who had caused so much suffering... more than anyone could have foreseen.
(He gasped for air, throat parched and lips chapped and-)
But now came the hardest part; learning to live again.
(The ground felt as distant as the dim twinkle of stars scattered across the night sky.)
All was still.
(The air, the only thing surrounding him, felt stretched in his lungs, whipped his clothes and hair taunt from his skin, and streamed tears from his eyes.)
And then it wasn't.
3) The Red Istari
I submitted my thesis at midnight and planned this fic before I went to sleep. The first chapter was completed and posted within a day of that. This fic was a watershed moment for me, I had made a promise that I wouldn't write any fanfic whilst working on my thesis drafts until it had been completed and I stuck to that. I did some brainstorming, I have a lot of WIP ideas saved up, but I didn't write and I didn't allow my focus to shift. This fic was like a dam exploding and I feel like I'm still recovering for the enforced sabbatical. I'd attempted LotR/Naruto crossovers before but it always felt like there wasn't much of an audience for it and, whilst I like to think I write for myself, I do weigh up reader engagement too because I find it discouraging to post and get nothing nice back for my hard work. This time I didn't care, tbh. I watched the extended edition on loop in the final days of my thesis work and it felt like i had to write this fic or explode. I think it worked out nicely haha
Summary: The sky was aglow, deepest crimson washing over the land and undimmed by the bruise-purple clouds that clutched at the edges of the horizon.
The sands shifted beneath him, deep and perfect as only a desert that has consumed everything within it can be.
A staff of inscribed steel stood proud where it was stabbed into the sand, radiating heat against the side of his neck.
Somehow, he knew in his bones that there was nothing out there but him, the staff, and the golden desert.
He was alive, bare, and unwounded despite the blood he could feel stuck to his flesh.
This was not death.
This was… something new.
I once wrote a Bnha self insert and the whole experience of trying to make sense of the fandom and the canon verse was so bewildering that I never wrote for my hero academia again. Until now. I've read a lot of Bnha (seriously, my total ao3 bookmarks are in the 6000s now) and I have a lot of characters I adore but i never felt the urge to write for them like i did for this Tokoyami fic. Quirk science confuses me, I'm not one of those accounts who can theorise legitimately on the topic, but quirk Shenanigans and fuckery is something I can weigh in on a little more confidently. I'm ending 2022 by trying out a fandom i thought I'd never post about again. It's a nice bit of self character development, yeah?
Summary: “The shadow is the greatest teacher for how to come to the light.”
Others don't understand that a 'quirk' is not always a tool and that, sometimes, a family is two birds in the darkness of the night.
Fumikage is going to be a hero.
And so is Dark Shadow.
What if Tokoyami was the top hero student in his class?
This last celebration is for my WIPs! There are a stupid amount of them, most will never see the light of day, but i love them all ❤️ they're wacky, heart breaking, ridiculous, fluffy, healing and badass! I'll spotlight a few of my favs from this year, since I pick out a snappy title, dramatic summary and aesthetic line divider before almost anything else haha
“The hunger of a dragon is slow to wake, but hard to sate." ― Ursula K. Le Guin
Mikoto had been born into a Clan that, whilst not so foolish as to disregard its girls, preferred for them to stay at home, providing future heirs and fighters, than risking themselves in the field. Peace had only esasperated the expectations that a pretty girl made a prettier wife.
Mikoto, thankfully, was the daughter of Uzushio Ambassador Uchiha Kagami and Shiho the Silvertongue.
Her inner spark was tended, never stifled. 
The Will of Fire would burn brightly once more.
Mikoto had been born in a plum grove, nearly a month premature, exactly half way between Konoha and Uzushio. Her mother predicted that she would have an indomitable will. Her father declared that she was born between two worlds.
They were both right.
The Sarutobi Clan had long been in the service of the Daimyo. The Uchiha and Senju were Noble Shinobi. The Nara were Wild Healers, coaxed out of obscurity by their connection to the Yamanaka and Akimichi.
The Hatake had been Samurai, set apart by their own moral code and Clan culture.
They'd sworn themsleves to Konoha, allies with the Senju for centuries. They were Kin to the Nidaime, who was born of Senju Butsuma's second wife, and an integral part of the village founding. Their loyalty and skill had put them in the first line of defense and had proven their Clan's downfall.
Sakumo was the Head of a Clan of two. His wife, ambushed on a solo courier mission. His son and heir, strongarmed onto the battlefield far too young for all of his genius. The Hatake were in danger and Sakumo was their only hope.
The White Fang had played the loyal watchdog for too long. Konoha had forgotten the bite of white chakra and the savagery of a desperate father.
Konoha needed to remember why the rest of the known world rightly feared wolves.
"We, who wield power, adorn ourselves with flowers to hide the sting of our thorns." - L. Bardugo
They saw her ebony curls, eyes like cranberries, and the strength of her Genjutsu.
'Uchiha,' they whispered, fearful, wrong.
'Pretender', the Clan-born dismissed, sneering, ignorant.
'Clan', the trees seemed to murmur, a song precious few could hear these days, and swayed towards her presence. A leaf caressed her cheek, the soil humming underfoot, and branches curved to cradle her descent.
Kurenai had grown up in a civilian family and, whenever anyone looked at her, that was all they saw. The Yuuhi family were small, wide-spread, but had done well for themselves. Kurenai was their only child, the lone Shinobi in generations, and the secrets in her blood seemed to pound just beneath her skin. 
She wove roses into reality and warped the mind in her grasp until nothing was believable and the flourishing greenery was waved away as a trick of the light.
'Yuuhi,' they called her.
'Senju', the forest breathed.
And Kurenai smiled.
Kurenai wasn't supposed to reach Jounin until she was 25, and even that might have garnered too much attention. However, when she notices familiar chakra - like her, like her, like her - lingering around her friend, Kakashi, Kurenai stumbles across a conspiracy that spans decades.
Truth will out. And Blood runs true.
Kurenai has her Grandfather's eyes and her Great Uncle's chakra.
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I'll tag: @looks-like-starlight @katlou303 @thekatthatbarks @ellorypurebloodculture @raendown anyone else who wants to play!
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aotopmha · 1 year
So, I got in an Attack on Titan mood again.
It's been a while.
I think I might actually be ready to redo my favourite character list I thought I would do when the story ended, but that got delayed because I wanted to get my thoughts on the story as a whole cleared up and ended up getting into other stuff, as well (read: FF14's story).
But first I did a little catch-up on what people think about the story now that almost two and a half years have passed since the ending of it.
And it's kind of the same, but much more chill.
With the exception of some of the more extreme people, which at this point is pretty concerning. (Which is how the extremes of tribalism usually go.)
But I also reread the ending again and once again gained more perspective on it, which I am much more satisfied by.
And right now I think the ending was just really insecure. It tried to address so many elements that so many of them just ended up as a couple of lines, but at the same time, those couple of lines were important and none of the elements really could breathe.
I think it is important Eren wasn't completely condemned, but because that got so little time, you can read it as the story not following through with the framing the entire final arc built around him.
His friends condemning him for the bad, but remembering him by the person he used to be for themselves should've been the much stronger focus point because I think that's what the spirit behind all of the awkwardness seems to be – especially in context with 138.
But instead the criticism (which in my eyes was some of the strongest writing of the final arc) the story gives Eren prior to the ending almost disappears, kept to nuances or a couple of panels, when it should be center stage.
I don't need another lecture on how morally wrong his actions were. The entire arc was about that.
But for a story that so far so strongly cared about the suffering of the weak – for OG Ymir and Ramzi and everyone stuck in Liberio, for the faceless soldiers who are a focus of an entire opening sequence in the anime – it's so strange to see almost none of that.
For a story that so values freedom to basically push Historia in a box and not even address the biggest parts of her character arc even in passing, it feels strange for this ending to not be the same as the ending of other arcs, which always give voice to all of the perspectives.
I'm a massive proponent of creator freedom, but something tells me as much as Isayama loved Eren, he did not wish to excuse him or free him from any responsibility. I think he can relate to Eren and he cares deeply about him, it's just that the final chapter was 40 pages, not 100.
Again, chapter 131 and 138 exist.
And if it did, and the desire to cast Eren in a more positive light came from a desire to be non-conformist and he related to him more than you'd think, then why not go all in with that?
I really think he wanted a middle ground – be it because of his own perspective or a desire to make it satisfying for the fans, which the story is usually really good with, too.
But for some reason it ended up being so insecure. And maybe it really were nerves and expectations catching up with him because I think in terms of sentiment 137 and 138 were really, really confident.
I love most of the material with Eren in the final arc because it did his motivations with such good balance. You understand why he does what he does while he is doing awful shit. And it's all presented in a super confident way, too.
Another thing I learned after the break is that I think in recent interviews Isayama actually has said as much as I speculate/get the sense of, too.
More pages and a context without massive expectations might've actually been the true elements chapter 139 might've needed.
And I think this has enabled me to finally truly breathe easier about this story as a whole.
The negatives and positives sort of slowly clicked in place for me in a different way every time I've reread this ending and this was always something I couldn't put into words even after I thought I had my take figured out.
It really is super insecure, down to Eren's 'I don't know', isn't it?
And I think that's a new one for me. So many bad endings are super confident. There are so many endings that are non-endings and so many endings made from corporations meddling in creative decisions or from similar reasons. I think so few truly falter because of human insecurity.
And suddenly it became so much more of an 'interesting' ending.
You can talk about how art is made by human beings.
You can talk about fan pressure and expectations.
You can talk about 'true' authorial intention vs just wanting to make a good product and making fans happy.
I hope Isayama will still revisit the story at some point in some way now since we know he wanted to do more based on interviews.
The very tail end of the anime is still also coming. Maybe that'll be a chance to do more on Isayama's part.
But, huh, now that I reread it again, that really is the vibe I got because it never had a malicious/hateful tinge to me, as much of an issue I took with Historia's fate, for example. I've consumed deeply, truly hateful art and this isn't it.
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suenitos · 1 year
its rlly interesting hearing everyones canon events for what got them here the diversity in peoples reactions to dream or dnf or dteam and parasocialism etc is actually breathtaking. anyway here's mine (with most of the journey as a bonus) that no one asked for. WARNING IT'S LONG:
i was more of a slow burn in that i first became aware of who the hell dream (i think george too?) was during summer 2020 when the maia thing was happening (i think it was trending or something and EVERYONE knew her from prom dress so i was like hey i know her!), though i dont remember all of the details i just remember thinking "ok!" then closing the twitter app. didn't pay it any mind.
later i started to get dteam content on my tiktok fyp from compilations and thought why the hell not and started to watch them on youtube. i found the mc tag video and was HOOKED with the solo dnf challenge videos. fell out of it for a while because online school then came back officially on november 16 when unus annus ended and lmanberg exploded and i needed something else to obsess over to cope with isolation. i dont quite remember when quackity came into the equation but he was THE reason i got into cdnf (and lore too i guess) because he gave us the only pov of the dethronement and that was the first lore stream i watched live. i remember recognizing him from the raids and discords got talent videos and got more into him and dteam at the same time especially as 5/5 became a thing (so you can see why i was hurt really bad when april happened lol)
another part of it was heat waves.. i was pretty opposed to it at first because after dan howell's coming out i thought rpf was inherently invasive to content creators. and to be fair there was a lot of freaknasty shit written about phan that made them uncomfortable! but since i have no morals i caved and read it anyway under the justification that everyone kept saying this is really good characterization and writing so why not! (up until chapter 3 was released at this time) i finally decided to register for an ao3 account along with thousands of other people (before the waiting list got really long lol) and read it and well. here we are
the parasocial drontroversy was happening around this time too and i sort of talked about it but that indirectly caused me to lurk for the entirety of 2021 mostly on tiktok and twitter and twitch (i knowwww. it was pretty bad). part of that too was because of the drontoversies so i avoided engaging directly until i knew for sure that dream wasn't the evilest man ever. i was really cautious about him because i had this assumption of his character (white cis het (lol) man raised republican) but after seeing his growth and learning a bit about him i grew out of my initial timidity and embraced the stan label (in secret). i was also a big youtube viewer too i loved the animations people made and still do! a xanyleaves manhunt animation also convinced me to watch manhunt and dteam (any object show fans here lol?) i got sick of doing that and not dumping everything in my brain somewhere my irls wouldn't see so i lurked here for a while and officially joined in january 2022. it was pretty fun! but then after a while you could tell the wheels were falling off the wagon!
i left for probably a month following the drituation drop (still lurking for updates etc) but then decided to come back with a different account because 1. i decided for myself that it was ultimately a nothing burger after seeking out evidence when i was ready 2. i was sick of using that blog as a sideblog and this is all i blog about anyway 3. i was lonely :( i missed the few mutuals i had and seeing life on the dash. i also just wanted to help build something healthier from before. i think the christmas streams were the first time i felt READY and sure to actively come back and my time here here has been really wonderful for the most part. this is MY toxic radioactive echo chamber dumpster and i love being a bacteria living in it.
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gabapple · 2 years
Woahh, first of all thank you for answering so honestly and sharing a bit of your personal experiences, I am completely glad that you are now where you feel good and in a place that you can call home and your safe place 💖 Speaking of history and real world comparisons, I think that's why we end up with some people or other, the choices we make and the struggles each of us has. I think something I love about viktuuri is the answer to "why yuuri?" or "why viktor, why with viktor and not with other people?", and I think it's something precious. In other scenarios, as I've seen in another of your stories (or even in the NLA itself), I share the thought I had; otherwise chris might have had a real chance with viktor, he was patient, protective, he really cared for him, he really loved vitya and he saw and accepted him for who he was so why yuuri? and I think that's something that happens in the real world, Vitya wasn't ready at the time and the only one who managed to awaken all those feelings in him and help him heal was Yuuri, because they were what the other needed and that's beautiful. , because neither of them was perfect but as you say they complemented each other and it worked because they were compatible and because they WANTED to work for the good of the other when one of them was not perfect. Life just happened that way and that's where it felt right, we all have flaws and virtues.
As you say, no one is just bad or just good, and I believe that sometimes one can be good for someone and bad for someone, in the sense that we are experiencing different things that are sometimes not compatible with what the other person is experiencing , especially when you're not ready to make a change or improve or work on it, and it causes "isn't here"... things to happen in life.
That's what I love so much about NLA, that it's so simple and at the same time so wonderful, because that's life, it's not always fair, not always everything is joy or sadness, and sometimes love is not always where you thought or where "it is easier" to get to, the decisions we make and how we fight our own problems and traumas are ultimately what also builds love, and the support and compatibility that someone has with you to grow together.
I'm happy that that was the essence of what you wanted to show and that it's not just "he's bad and good by nature" or "he's better" "he's worse" (for example with characters like chris, as possible romantic interest of viktor, AND I love victuuri with all I mean..but amazing guy and totally worth it, of course! ). And I love that the victuuri is about that. Love in pure essence and the decisions we make.
I'm very happy to be able to comment more in depth on all this that I thought and of your process as a writer and co-creator of NLA.
(maybe l'll bother mamo too with the yuuri's part hahah )
Many things like that and the panic attacks helped me a lot for personal development. Tsm for sharing this
Can't wait for Mafia AU and send more
See you on twitter^^🍵🍵✨🦄🦄🦄🦄👑👑🩰🩰🩰
I'm mainly "answering" this so everyone can see your response; I REALLY appreciate your feedback, and am so grateful that you've let us know how our writing has impacted you... It's so gratifying to know; we worked really hard, and I'm!!! SO HAPPY!!!! that it came through!!!
Sometimes I look at the way I met my partner and my good friends, and how the circumstances of us all coming together were so precarious and crazy... It ended up being meant to be because we made it so with our own choices and experiences.
Like Viktor said in the 1st stage drama (the Chihoko affair): "It's because of his past that Yuuri is who he is now."
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I absolutely agree with everything you said here. @mamodewberry -- make sure to read the above for good fuzzy feelings. :)
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browzerhistory · 1 year
Whomst is this yanny and also 🍀
OKAY so i had to wait until i got home from school to respond to this because hoo boy. hot dog.
so in order to properly explain who yanny is i need to go back a couple months when I started hyperfixating on a semi-popular video game... except i hated it. hated the concept, the creators, the fandom, everything (i won't say what game it is bc that would be swinging a bat at a hornet's nest). but my brain kept going back to it because one can't control the hyperfix. i ended up making a couple of characters in the universe of the game, one of whom was yanny (though the others got abandoned rip).
at first they just sort of existed and i didn't really do much with them besides doodle them on homework on occasion. they were sort of like a punching bag because the video game wasn't very well written and a lot of the effects of some in-universe events were either downplayed or ignored completely and i was like "well i could totally do better here's what would actually happen to a person going through this". and as it goes, i ended up liking their design more than i meant to (since they were sort of just made on a whim). however, by the time i realized the potential they had, the hyperfix was finally fading and i was more than ready to abandon all memory of that game existing. i was kind of sad to let yanny go but i really didn't want to continue interacting with the game or its fandom because it had an actual affect on my mental health.
then i realized "hey! i don't have to forget about them, i can just shove them into my oc universe!" and oh boy that's where it got out of hand.
removed from the context of the game, yanny lost a lot of their character and at first i was worried it wasn't worth keeping them if they were just going to be an entirely different person. but i tried reverse-engineering my way through a backstory and ended up making them more well-developed and interesting than they had been before. in turn, i also ended up fleshing out a huge chunk of my ocverse! there's a lot of world building there that would just not have existed if i wasn't so determined to put this poor guy through the Horrors.
that's the backstory out of the way. I'll tell you about who they actually are now (christ on a bike this post is long)
so yanny was originally a placeholder name, but it ended up sticking, and eventually evolved into their current full name, which is yanahel owens. they're a demon/fallen angel getting used to life outside of heaven (which is more like a hive mind in my ocverse and is currently referred to just as THE HIVE or THE SINGULARITY). they were roped into joining THE HIVE when they were very young and ended up spending seven or eight years as a drone (18 to roughly 25 or 26). once they break free, they're basically lost since they remember very little of their life before or during their time in THE HIVE. through sheer dumb luck, they meet up with someone they knew before, stella, and she offers to help them get back on their feet. she lets them move in with her and gets them a job at a café near her apartment. there, they make two more friends: tea and hanna, coworkers who are generally worried about their well-being but enjoy their company. they also meet up with more old friends there, vivienne and adam, who are currently in college.
their story overall is going to be about them making a place for themself in the world and recovering from the debilitating paranoia that comes with escaping a situation like that. THE HIVE is like a high-control group on steroids, so healing is going to be difficult and painful, but yanny perseveres because they want to find joy in life again and they want, above all, to live. it's more than a little bit of vent writing for me, but in a good way, because in the end, they're able to carve a place in the world for themself while making peace with what they went through and eventually finding joy in life again.
good lord this got long. can you tell they're my favorite oc right about now? have a drawing of them as a treat for reading this lengthy ass post. thanks so much for the ask!
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