#sorry this is me writing a long post about a tweet I saw months ago but
wienners · 5 months
"is gooseworx upset about digital circus becoming a cocomelon ass thing id be so angry lol" I cannot express to you how much they have achieved the DREAM for an online indie animator. they got millions of views with A PILOT ALONE! the original characters are already being cosplayed and the models are being thrown into random ass meme videos as if its a massively famous IP! all that with an indie 3D studio! AND the cg actually looks incredible!!! think they're gonna be okay if some content farms use their models for some brainrot finger family video.
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tewwor · 20 days
 🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒 
send🍒 for nice words >:) ( accepting ) — whoever sent this, ilu
anon, you're so goated 4 this. gotta crack my hand knuckles and brain knuckles for this because WHEW....... i do have that many folks i'd love to yap about in no particular order. also, this is so long — that's my only warning ❤️️
🍒 @desalvar idc if we've only written 1 thing together. i don't care if we haven't chatted an exuberant amount. i'm here to say i love nik sm and i love how passionate you are about him. those hcs i see floating around? eat them up instantly. i cannot wait to yap and explore more no matter how long it takes!!!!!!
🍒 @interxstitial YAINT SLICK. I SAW THAT OTHER ASK SO I MUST PUT YOU ON BLAST about how much i've come to cherish you. fr fr i haven't hehe'd haha'd with a relatively newish mutual this fast in a Long time. but you take the cake. the entire bakery, even. the way you just... okay, look, i said it literally when i first imed you, but your verses are so CHEFS KISS GOOD. THE WAY YOU WRITE IS SO INCREDIBLY GOOD. JIWON AS A ENTIRE CHARACTER IS SO SENSATIONAL.
you're so silly, he's so silly, we're all so silly together. the marked literally became a whole ass community because of your enthusiasm. it genuinely encouraged me to not hold back and continue to yap about all of their stupid nuanced dynamics. and the way we have soooooo many threads together, but they all feel different? juniper's just babey!!!! he's the marked's babey!!!!! don't even get me started on ravi.... i did not think anyone would pick him up by the scruff and hang onto that bro frat man bro. hes so ridiculous but you RAN WITH IT AND WE KEPT SPRINTING. you're amazing, i'm so so happy i followed you all those months ago ❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️
🍒 @gollldrush okay, not going to lie. you're currently an inspiration for my writing. there, i said it. you're so well-rounded with so many genres — like how can you write the most visceral angst, fluff, action, and eerily atmospheric threads? hello? i'm knocking on your blog door, teach me?????? i absolutely adore leo and ellory both SO much. but the way you write rilen specifically has me fascinated.
also, not to mention, it's a field day to chat with you in the best way possible. you're SO nice and you, too, have contributed greatly to the inner dynamics of the marked. i can't wait to see what other shenanigans we come up in the future ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
🍒 @justsurvival KEVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh. DARN. sorry if this comes across as too much, but i was so incredibly excited to see you back. would also like to thank the stars for aligning, because i literally got flashbacks to hatsune miku ORYN THE OTHER DAY OUT OF NOWHERE? the picture... haunts me....... anyways. you're a phenomenal writer across the board. you're so fun to chat with and your creativity's off the fucking charts. when i said i couldn't pick who to write a starter for, i meant it. the concepts are all so GOOD it amkes me ( wails on the floor )
🍒 @cordoliae vic, this is my official appreciate blog post tweet story. i cannot for the life of me... even begin to explain / do justice to how wonderful you are. like, as a person AND a writer — i am bowing down at the steepest degree. your writing is TOP TIER and it has influenced my writing so, so much. a lot of the prosier things i type has 10000% been from our earlier threads where mister no-good chanyeol plonked himself in baby jail to bother THE love his life 💗
also, idk if i've ever told you this but i got into botw because of you. like off to the sidelines, i got that game to relive some nostalgia and try to understand that world more and got dunked into getting lost in everything for an eternity. i would also like to POINT OUT that your understanding of ANY canon you write floors me. vincenzo? that's quite literally him pulled from the kdrama itself. BONGGIL? THAT'S HIM DIRECTLY FROM THE SCREEN ITSELF — ACTUALLY? I would like to also point out how ecstatic i was when you reached out about mutually loving exh.uma. i quite literally haven't tunneled that fast before, and while my focus is severally scattered right now — the best shamans are still in my brain. also, you're one of the 3 people that got me into op, so thank you sm for that ♡♡
🍒 @huntershowl ( kicks thru the wall big bird style ). raine... you.. i cannot describe everything i adore about you, but i sure can try. let's get the obvious out of the way, alright? seph, the creature that you are........ fantastic.. feral..... so for real with the cards you've been dealt............. i want to dub you and seph as THE ones that got me to progress jie so much. also litho HELLO? NOT TO DRAG THAT BEATEN HORSE BACK IN but i'm so serious when i say this, he's like so close to being a single ship with seph. highkey the reason why he only crawls out of his stupid cave when seph's around. it still might end up happening, but either way — the influence and sheer devotion and love he has for seph clocks me over the head every single time.
NOW FOR THE NEWERISH DEVELOPMENT. i might not be immersed in jj.k and only have a pinky toe dipped into wb / bn.ha BUT i know you're taking everything and everyone by storm. anytime i see one of your posts about anxiety ( which is so totally understandable ), i'd like to try and reassure you that there's an entire group of folks that love and adore your version of canons and ocs. and if anyone else tries to muck around like a fucking buffoon, i'll send a mathematical plague upon them i s2g
🍒 @xinxiins this is my confession.... not featuring usher, hi, it's just me. i'm clearing out the entire room to say that you have reconnected jie with his culture and i am so forever grateful for that. his slice of life verse version is currently hibernating, but i Did Not Forget about our yapping and immersion in a community he so desperately wanted to be a part of. and as someone that's also struggled with that connection, i thank you so so so SO much from the bottom of my heart. it's truly so incredibly special to have experienced that, and i hope to continue that in the future!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO, YOUR WRITING IS BREATHTAKING. I FEEL LIKE THAT'S A GIVEN BUT I HAVE TO SAY IT ANYWAYS. AND YOU'RE A GEM TO TALK TO ❣❣❣❣❣❣❣
🍒 @fangmother don't mind me scooting on by, but hi, yes, hello. i know we recently started to interact, but a) love the way you write b) love the lore you have surrounding rainer b.1) i was so immersed reading up on her bio / verses — like, truly, thank you for the meal c) cannot wait to explore more dynamics because already, i'm buckled up for more replies and will eventually reach out just to yap yap yap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
🍒 @miidnighters brodie.... 100 golden stars for you. just.. gosh..... i can say with full confidence, i will never tire of your characters ever. i don't care if we have a million dynamics with the x amount of characters i have. i still want more!!!!!!!!! you're so talented. honestly very inspirational. idr if i told you this before, but you are also 100000% part of the reason why i got so involved with the marked. OH? ALSO? LETS NOT FORGET HARBORVIEW TOO? before the marked consumed me BUT HELLO???? FLYNN IS HARBORVIEW'S COLLECTIVE GROWN MAN BUT ALSO BABEY. ahem, anyways, i've learned so many new things about my own characters because of our interactions. and i always, always wish the best for you / am so grateful we're pals.
🍒 @catfcng going to be so fr, idk most of the fandoms you run with but i want to ( eventually )!!!!!!!!!! there's just something so captivating with the way you write and bring attention to your characters in the best way possible. also? your blog's entire aesthetic is So Good. i hope to write more with you and will always cheer loudly from the sidelines !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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morganas-pendragons · 4 years
It’s A Long Way Down | D.D.
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gif by @bestintheparsec
I was never planning on posting something on Tumblr during No Content November, but this idea has been stuck in my head since I saw Mando 2x03 and on top of that, people kept tweeting ideas on Twitter and now this thing is born... be gentle. I’ve been hesitant to write for him since I started the show last year. I played a little bit with what we know of Din’s past for the sake of this plot. 
Without further ado, hurt/comfort galore! 2x03 spoilers!
Please let me know what you think!
tag: @earthtokace​ / @dindjarindiaries​ / @kyber-queen​ 
  “What’s the last thing you remember?” 
  “Drowning.” He replies, soft and quiet as he processes the last three days in the midst of the silence. “Almost drowning.. and thinking about how you’d cope when I was gone.” 
If I was gone. 
Maybe the world would be better off. That’s what Din thinks. That thought lingers for a split second in his mind until he sees the desperation in your aspect and how you need him to understand that this world is a better place with him in it. 
The Watch didn’t allow him attachments. They didn’t allow him to feel. He was a warrior. 
He was a warrior, and the entrance of you and The Child made his hardened heart soft. 
Din has never liked the water.
When he’d been taken in by the Mandalorians and had sworn his Creed, the one thing they had drilled into his mind for his entire childhood was that he was a warrior. Warriors knew how to fight, how to survive, how to endure. 
A Warrior who did not dare show his face. This was The Way, and the way kept him safe. 
The one thing he could never quite master as a Foundling was enduring the water. To stop the way his lungs seized, how panic overtook him, how he just stopped. 
Din didn’t like the water, and Din had never really learned how to breathe.
Then he’d met you. You - the one person he could admit to loving, to admiring from a distance because he has his Creed and you have some kind of Code you live by - and your devotion to both him and The Child has slowly eased the ache in his chest, cracked open his ribs, and taught him a different way of breathing. 
Slow, steady, easy. He’s never known life to be that way. 
There is no Light without the Dark. 
Through passion, I gain focus. 
You had run across Mando just after the end of the Empire. You’d seen that Death Star explode with your very own eyes and had declared that your final mission with The Rebellion, in which you bid a tearful farewell to Luke and Leia and made your way into the galaxy. 
A vast galaxy.. alone. 
You and Luke had very differing views on the Jedi Order as a whole and in that difference, you’d taken two different paths. You had followed the Code of the Grey Jedi, and Luke had taken to the Jedi Code. 
That Code had carried you through alot of darkness. 
Through knowledge, I gain power 
Through serenity, I gain strength 
The Clone War had introduced you to the concept of Mandalorians. You’d never really had the pleasure to meet one as you’d always been on different fronts a distance from the Dream Team, but you knew of them. You knew they carried a Creed the same way you did. 
What you didn’t expect was the extent in which The Mandalorian did. The two of you had met in a cantina only days after he’d taken on The Child, and his claim for knowing where to find you on Sorgan was whispers of a rogue Jedi who’d left the Rebellion to seek peace.
Peace was what you found, contrary to popular belief. Compared to being a part of the Jedi Order, being with The Mandalorian was the most peaceful thing you’d done in over a decade. 
Through victory, I gain harmony
You’d been raised around Yoda, so you were familiar with the species, but past that.. You were as clueless as Din was. 
You stowed your lightsabers away and that part of your life with it. You left behind the title of Jedi and put all of your efforts into taking care of The Child. Into taking care of Din. 
That was easier said then done. 
There is only The Force. 
I wasn’t supposed to fall in love. 
That’s all he is thinking as he stands examining the vast waters of the ocean the two of you sail on with the Quarren crew. Your fingers are curled in the direction of The Child’s pram, and he’s giggling as he tries to maintain control of his body while you spin him. 
It’s the first time he’s seen you smile in weeks. It’s always small ones too. He looks forward to the first time he’s granted the opportunity to see a real smile. 
It had taken you a while to open up to him about your time with the Jedi. You’d barely been a padawan when The Order’s genocide had been in effect, and the greater majority of your life had been lived in fear. Your Code and your Lightsaber were your only guide until Leia had found you and recruited you into The Rebellion. 
All your life you’d been looking for a purpose, and she’d given you one. 
Being here with The Child - caring for him, teaching him, had given you a new purpose - and being with The Mandalorian had taught you a newfound sense of compassion for people raised as he had been. 
Your compassion and heart had won him out in the end. He’d admitted to being in love with you months ago, but he had yet to vocalize it. He would. He will. 
It happens so fast. One minute the two of you are smiling - even though you cannot see his own - about The Child’s reaction to the Mamacore, and the next minute you’re roaring with rage as his pram is shoved into the center of the cage and he’s forced to retreat inside for fear of being killed. 
He’s a child. A child who’s been too involved in death, in seeing death, in flirting with death.. and Din has had enough of it. 
Din Djarin doesn’t like the water. He doesn’t like how it weighs him down, how it threatens to suffocate him, to fill his lungs with something cruel and cold that replaces the warm fire that floods his veins that has been placed there by you. 
  “You’re-You’re a Jedi?” 
  “Push him down! Harder!” 
His world is illuminated in a flurry of blue light as the Quarren’s keep pushing him down under, down down down and his first thought is ner jeti.. i’m sorry. He’s sorry that he’s again put you in this position where you’ve had to reveal yourself, reveal who you are, and all to protect him and The Child. 
He’s a failure. 
Between you and the trio of Mandalorians that arrive shortly after, the Quarren’s are dealt with in a matter of moments and then he’s being lifted - his lungs are reactivating, are expanding and contracting to remind him that he is alive - and he collapses in the midst of wheezing his concern for the child. 
  “The Child! Help-Help The Child!” 
The Mandalorian on the left dives into the water to rescue The Child from the creature. You turn your attention away from the bodies and sheath your sabers  before kneeling in front of Din to assess him. 
  “The Child-” He rasps, because his thoughts are never on himself, only you and The Child. His life doesn’t matter if it means the two of you are safe. “Jeti, ner ad-” 
Jedi, my son. 
Your gentle hand on his knee is enough to capture his thoughts. Your way of evaluating Din’s state has never been through the physical sense, but the mental. He doesn’t know how to shield because The Jedi was a foreign concept to him until he met you, and he’s always been receptive to your gentle nature. You don’t need to talk. You never have. 
You look. 
His mind is a flurry of panic and fear as you gently soothe it into a peace that makes his whole body go lax as Koska breaks the pram shell in half and gently scoops out the baby. “Here you go, Brother.” Koska murmurs, watching from beneath her helmet as you stand to your feet and allow Din to reunite with The Child he claims not to have an attachment to. 
Yeah... okay. 
Din and Bo-Katan converse - in which he is given an inexplicable truth about himself that he's not quite sure how to process - and he shuts down the idea of them even being real Mandalorians because their way is not his way. It’s a whole new reality he’s never had to face before. 
  “You are a Child of The Watch.” 
And as you stand there, you take in the distress in which the man you love - and have yet to tell - is trying so desperately to hide. 
His panic bursts through the surface when you unsheathe your sabers in the hall that connects and run right into the line of fire, deflecting blaster bolts left and right so Din can run right past you and blow the door to the bridge right open. 
The fight about it comes later, long after the two of you have returned to The Crest for the coordinates to Coravus where Ahsoka Tano is supposedly located. She is a Jedi - or was, once - and might be the only connection you have left to the person you used to be despite how young you had been at the time. 
Your first clue to his apparent agitation is the way he hasn’t unclenched his fists and has yet to look at you from where he sits in the cockpit. Your anger is growing steadily at his silence, which has never happened before.. not until you put your life into the line of fire. 
  “Say it.” Your voice echoes from behind the captain’s seat as you cross your arms over your chest. “Mando-please, stop giving me the kriffing silent treatment and just let me have it.” 
  “Ner jeti...” He stops short and stands to his feet, practically towering over you in a way that would intimidate most people. He has never once made you feel afraid... but he constantly makes you ache. With want, with pain, with desire. He makes you feel things you haven’t felt since before Order 66. “You cannot do that.” 
  “Do what?? Save your life? Mando, I’m-” 
  “Din.” Your rant is cut off halfway as he exhales lowly, a rumble through the modulator, and lifts a helmeted head to meet your gaze. “My name is Din Djarin. I thought it was time you know that.” 
Your entire body freezes. You have been a partner, an ally, since the day he’d found you on recruited you to help return The Child to his kind. You have been careful in ensuring that it’s strictly a professional relationship, you never had anticipated this- The intimacy that comes with divulging such a secret as his real name. 
  “Din?” You rasp, eyes glassy with tears as the air is knocked from your lungs. It rolls off your tongue easily. The sound of his name, his real name, is beautiful. “Wow. It’s... beautiful.” 
His response to your affirmation is like watching a galaxy of stars be born in front of your very eyes. He’s so receptive to it.. starved of it. 
  “I used to forget everything.” Din says. “The people who trained me.. they wanted me to be the best of our clan. There was so much we had to learn. Gun training, hand to hand, the significance of beskar and how important our Beskar’gam was to our safety. I was so good at it. I excelled.. but the one thing I could not shake? The water. 
They trained me in the water, jeti. They trained me in the water, to become part of the water... all I could think about was how much it suffocated me. I’m af-” He stops himself short because admitting to a fear is not something he was taught to do, it was bottle it up and compartmentalize in order to get the mission finished. “Afraid of the water because I can’t fight it like I do with a bounty. I can just..” 
  “Succumb. Sink. Let go.” You murmur. “And that’s not something you know how to do.” 
You’re oddly intrigued by the fact that this utterly fearless person, this man, was afraid. He’d always struck you as the opposite. 
  “What’s the last thing you remember?” You ask.  
  “Nearly drowning.” He replies. “And wondering how you and the ad would cope when I was gone. That’s why I need to tell you.” Din takes another step to close the gap that stands between you both. You’re practically trembling with anticipation. “Thinking about how...” 
Din stops. You rest a hand against the exposed skin of his neck and tilt your head as his mind thrums - resonates with the truth of his affection for you - and your lips part in wonder as you realize what he’s trying to tell you. 
  “Me too.” You whisper. “For a while.. probably since the start. Din, you are a good man. You’ve always been a good man, and I think it’s time that someone puts your needs before themselves instead of the other way around. Please.” Din is slightly taken aback at the pleading tone of your voice as you meet his gaze. “Please let someone take care of you.” 
That’s all you can muster before he’s collapsing at your feet. 
  ‘’Take it off.” He begs. 
  “No, no- Your Creed-” 
  “Sarad, I want to learn how to breathe again.” He interjects. “This is how I do that. It’s just a faster way of being able to be married to you for the rest of my life.” The man you love is kneeling at your feet and totally willing to abandon part of his livelihood because of you. “There’s nothing I’d want more. Go ahead. Take it off. Please.” 
Part of you had always been okay with the anonymity, but as this choice lays just within your fingertips, you find yourself desperate to look upon the face of the man who’d destroy entire galaxies for you and his son. 
The Beskar’gam hisses as you remove his helmet and find yourself staring into vulnerable onyx eyes that are wide enough to envelop whole star systems in their splendor. 
  “Din Djarin.” You whisper, smiling tearfully as trembling hands lift to cup a stubbled jaw. “What a beautiful face to put with an equally beautiful name.” 
He exhales his breath on a shuddered sigh and leans into your touch as you begin mapping his face with your fingertips. Din doesn’t dare move, too drunk on the feeling of touch ghosting across his skin in a intimate way that he’s not experienced since his parents left him in that cellar. His face grows warm at how needy he must seem, but you don’t seem bothered by it. 
In fact, the way his skin blooms red under your kiss makes your heart swell and your smile widen at the reaction it elicits. 
  “You know Din, if you wanted me to kiss you.. all you had to do was ask.” You muse. You can read his mind and his body in the same way you read the feel of your lightsaber and the air of a room of hostiles. “Now I don’t know about you, but The Child is asleep and I find myself tired after having to deal with Bo-Katan all day.. can we go to bed?” 
  “Yes.” He nods once, then twice, allowing you to take his gloves off and lead him in the direction of the tiny cot that somehow manages to house you both. The Beskar’gam comes off one piece at a time until Din is now standing in his usual underclothes which you have not been able to grace yourself with the image of until now as he lays each piece on the floor. 
You’re laying flat on your back when he’s finished, arms extended towards the ceiling as you beckon him forward. Din realizes that as he stares at your willingness to be there for him in his most vulnerable moment that he may sleep tonight with no night terrors. 
No thoughts of drowning. 
  “Din Djarin, cyare..” You coo, beaming as he crawls into the bed and allows himself to curl into your body and rest his head on your chest. “I think you should hear it now.” Gentle fingers card through dark curls as he focuses on his breathing - in and out in and out - and listens to the sound of your voice to lull himself to sleep. “I love you.” 
He hums thoughtfully and burrows himself deeper into your neck, smiling against the curve of your neck as you lightly graze his temple with your lips. Before Din can properly fall asleep, he rolls himself on top of you and settles himself comfortably against your body. It’s not too heavy, just enough to envelop you in the warmth he radiates. 
He’s safe.
You wrap your arms and legs around his form and nuzzle his temple. 
Darkness falls upon both of you as Din whispers, “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.” before promptly falling asleep in your capable hands. He’s safe. 
Tonight.. he’s not drowning. 
Tonight, he breathes. 
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only-kiwi · 4 years
part two to this fic
this is long overdue i’m so sorry. how are u? love u.
Harry was miserable. He’d never felt like this in his life. He was so unsure of where your relationship would end up and that was so much harder than any breakup. The first few days after you stormed out, he tried calling and texting you but you didn’t answer - he was pretty sure you blocked his number. You hadn’t posted on social media either, which was odd for you. No matter what, you’d always have a story up or a tweet sent. Harry knew he fucked up.
He was so angry at himself, he didn’t know what to do anymore. Usually, he would write a song, or play his guitar... or call you. But he couldn’t do any of that.
As much as he really didn’t want to, Harry went on Twitter. He never did this unless it was completely necessary but he was curious as to what people were saying. That’s when it hit him. You were right. No one was saying anything bad about him or your ex - only you. He knew that would be the case but he didn’t know how bad it would be. They all felt sorry for your ex, claiming how badly he was treated by you. And Harry’s fans were protective of him, saying you didn’t deserve to be with someone as amazing as him. Bullshit, he thought. The things they were saying about you were just awful, and completely untrue.
Harry wondered if you had read all of this. He knew you preferred not to, but with you being on social media all the time it was hard to miss certain things. God, he wanted to call you so bad. His phone broke him out of his thoughts as he got an Instagram notification. You had posted on your story.
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Harry didn’t know what he was feeling in that moment. He was sad because you didn’t deserve any of this and he was angry at himself for not being there for you. But ultimately, he was relieved to know that you were okay. Maybe I should try calling her again, he thought. And so he did.
“Hello?” You answered after three rings, your voice was tired.
He was left breathless, “you answered?”
“Yeah,” you sighed, “sorry for ignoring you.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, you had every right to ignore me. I should be the one apologising.” Harry could tell you didn’t know what to say. “This is probably a stupid question but how have you been?”
“Honestly, H, I don’t know. I went on Twitter and it was pretty brutal... it’s never been this bad before.”
“I saw, too. I’m sorry.”
“It was expected.”
“What did you mean when you said you ‘think’ we’re still together. We’re fine, right?” Harry hares having to ask, but i needed to be done.
You sighed, taking a moment to figure out what to say. “I want us to be, but are we? I know you feel bad or whatever but I didn’t expect that from you, H.”
“You’re sorry, I know.”
“Do you think I could come over, maybe? We can talk properly.”
Your apartment was a state. You’d barely left your bed in two weeks, all you did was get up to shower and pee. You barely even ate, Harry would probably notice. It was only the last few days where you realised that you couldn’t go on like this. Why would you let your shitty ex have this much control over your feelings when you had a new relationship to fix?
It was just so hard, you couldn’t go on your phone without hearing about it. Not even just social media but messages from your friends asking if things were true. You hated it. You wanted to smash your phone into pieces and never think of it again.
You took a quick shower and tried to clean the apartment as best you could before Harry arrived, you didn’t want to worry him. Even though you said you were fine, you didn’t know if you fully could be until you spoke about it all with him. He really upset you.
Harry walked in while you were cleaning the kitchen, there wasn’t much mess since you hadn’t really been in there much but you were sure the milk was gone off. And it most definitely was. “Gross,” you almost gagged as you sniffed the half empty carton, pouring the rest down the sink.
“You ok?”
You jumped at his voice. “Fuck, Harry. Don’t do that! There’s a bell for a reason.”
“I also have a key for a reason.”
“Right... I was just-“
“Getting rid of your gone off milk?”
“Yeah, and my gone off yoghurt, and my gone off hummus and my-“
“I get it.” Harry chuckled.
“Stop cutting me off!”
“Sorry, you just... you never let your food go bad.”
“I haven’t really been focused on the contents of my fridge recently, Harry.” You rolled you eyes.
You made some black coffee for the both of you, which you hated but you didn’t have a choice. You both sat on the couch, not really sure what to say.
Harry was the first to speak. “You’re not gonna break up with me, are you?”
“I will if I have to.” You sighed as his face fell, he was really worried. “I really love you, Harry, but you can’t be like this. I know you haven’t really had a proper relationship before but I’ve already gone through this and I don’t want to deal with it again.”
“I think I was just jealous. Which I know is so stupid, and there’s no excuse. I shouldn’t have handled it like that, I don’t really have a decent explanation. I’m just so sorry, please know that.”
“I know you are, and I know that’s not you. I get how you must have felt hearing that but at the end of the day, H, I don’t deserve that. Any other situation and I would’ve been able to understand you but this... you really fucking hurt me.” Your eyes begun to sting. You really didn’t want to cry anymore. So you blinked back the tears, closed your eyes, and took a deep breath. “He’s probably going to speak about this in interviews, and when he does, I’m gonna need you to be there for me.”
“And I will be, I promise.”
“How do I know you won’t just get jealous and angry again?”
“You don’t.”
“It’s inevitable to feel uncomfortable hearing someone say all that stuff about the person you love. I’m sure you feel the same way when you listen to Taylor’s songs. But it’s not about me, is it? This is your situation and I’m gonna be there for you because I hate seeing you like this. I will apologise as many times as I need to until you know how much I regret they way I acted.”
“Well, I accept your apology.” You said after thinking about it for a moment.
“Really?” Harry looked up, smiling widely.
“Yes, but if this shit happens again, I swear to God-“
“I know. I’m gonna make it up to you.”
“Ok... well, you can start by giving me a kiss.” You smirked, making Harry chuckled at shake his head at you. “And then... you can go grocery shopping for me.”
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Liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 2,103,792 others
yourinstagram good morning☀️
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ynfan1 you’re back !!!
ynfan2 how are you doing? how’s harry? are you eating / sleeping enough???
yourinstagram @/ynfan2 i’m good, harry’s good. i wasn’t taking care of myself properly at the beginning but i promise i am now!! thanks for checking in, you’re the sweetest.
harryfan1 he’s so cute
harrystyles It was a good morning indeed.
yourinstagram @/harrystyles ;)
gemmastyles ❤️
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Liked by yourinstagram, gemmastyles and 2,827,017 others
harrystyles Can I have my guitar back?
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harryfan2 love this
harryfan3 i’m so happy you’re both doing well
yourinstagram no❤️
harrystyles @/yourinstagram ....oh
ynfan3 saving this for interior design inspo
ynfan4 i want what they have ugh they’re perfect
yourinstagram @/ynfan4 we’re not perfect at all trust me
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Liked by arianagrande, harrystyles and 2,291,062 others
yourinstagram wow i look good when i stop giving a fuck x
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ynfan6 periodt
harrystyles Missed that smile x
yourinstagram @/harrystyles me too
harryfan5 love to see it
yourex So u break my heart, move on after a few months and then play the victim when I share my story? Wow.
yourinstagram @/yourex are you forgetting the part where you manipulated me into staying with you for years because you were scared to be alone? get the fuck over yourself. we broke up ages ago, please let it go. i’m finally happy, and i would like to continue being that way. leave me alone. get off my page. it’s embarrassing.
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Sorry, This one's gonna be a long one cause nobody I know in real life cares about kpop.you don't have to answer, it's just a rant😅. But the way my heart dropped while reading all the debunking evidence in the link you sent.
I only got into kpop like a few months ago but of course past scandals pop up and like getting into stray kids obviously you discover the woojin scandal. For some reason that case and soojin's case are just haunting (maybe I'm too emotional).
And honestly it's frightening and sickening any random person can ruin some else's career simply because they have decided they don't like this person, or were bored. And they delete their accusations online and even say they were bored which is just psychotic behaviour.
What's even worse than that is it actually works! They do manage to hurt an idols reputation forever. Like yeah others say SM might be working behind the scenes and will eventually take action, but while they silently "work behind the scenes" an idol's carefully crafted reputation gets publicly destroyed. Idk if the situation will be resolved this year but the blatantly racist remarks, cyberbullying and "jokes" will follow lucas for a long time and it's just so frustrating to watch.
Why is it so easy to screw over an idol. As if idols don't go through enough from their own companies, fans, general public(being overworked, or ignored completely, extreme dieting not allowed to date or behave like a human with a personalitysometimes)...like the least they can do is publicly protect their idols who make them money. Writing an apology letter and disappearing cannot work every single time. "If it isn't broke don't fix it" well this method is horribly broken, find a new formula. Why hire lawyers for a company and not publicly make statements about investigations and taking action whether it's true or false?? Isn't that the normal thing to do?💀💀
It's just such a 180 for an international fan because cheating and bullying, while absolutely bad are not incentives to cancel someone over.
And hate the fact that fake r*pe and SA allegations get the spotlight and get heard whole real victims are attacked, made fun of or simply ignored. These topics are serious yet are dismissed and someone lying about it just makes them into a bigger joke and harder for victims to get some justice. Really just hate how warped it all is in general, not just in the music industry.
It's also weird because now that I hear it's common for someone to come out with someone when nct plans to release something, I'm more anxious than excited for nct 127's comeback but I hope it successfully happens. And I feel like wayv will still exist because of the SM schedule you also posted (bless you for continously having links and posts and giving us hope it might publiclyand drastically change by Decemberor even next year).
It's just overall frustrating I guess? Because liking SM foreign kpop idols seems to be more of an emotional rollercoaster ride than anything (e.g💀they seem to be locked up in the dungeon , looking at you winwin and shotaro). Like SM is terrible at promoting their idols but wow it's even worse for second gen idols and foreign idols. That's why we love the SM artists not the whole company itself because music companies all over the world are just....wow to say the least.
In conclusion, I just hope lucas is okay and that when things get publicly cleared he'll still be the loud, chaotic talented guy he is. And that when he comes back he isn't bullied or attacked for still being in nct, wayv and superm. Too many antis are enjoying being on the bandwagon when it comes to nct.
Aww, anon, I want to give you a hug...
I agree with every single thing you said.
I'm glad the links and stuff I post make you feel better, I spend a lot of time on Twitter and reddit looking for stuff and checking for updates.
The thing about those antis that are saying those things about Lucas (and will keep saying them regardless of what is proven) is that they were never really fans. They were the people who claimed to be fans and then made colorist "jokes" and insulted him and when they were called out for it, deleted their tweets and just retweeted those things on priv...
From now on regardless of what happens the truth is that most of these people will keep believing that he did these things. I saw a Woojin TikTok today (it showed up on my fyp) and half the comments were questioning why he could continue his career, completely ignoring (or just bring new fans and going by what they hear from other fans) that he has been proven innocent by the Seoul police department....
I hope Lucas's is ok, and that things can go back to normal soon.
(sorry if I sound weird I just got my 2nd shot of the vaccine and it gave me a killer headache)
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4stars-uswnt · 4 years
This is the End [Tobin Heath x Reader]
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requested by anon: honestly anything tobin or christen would be great (angst!!?)
A/N: i wrote this at like midnight bc that’s just when inspiration hit. also this was my first time writing angst so lemme know how it is
warnings: angst, hints at/mention of cheating
You groan, as you hang up the phone, tossing it across your bed. You had just gotten off the phone with your girlfriend of one year, Tobin Heath. Usually, you loved talking to your girlfriend, as you’d share the events of your days with each other. But lately, it seemed like all you two were doing was fighting and bickering over the smallest of things. The latest topic of discussion was Tobin’s best friend, Christen Press.
Although you trusted your girlfriend, you couldn’t help feel insecure about and jealous of their relationship. It certainly didn’t help that you were currently stuck quarantining in Seattle for training with the Reign, and that Christen was currently living with Tobin in Portland.
When you found out the curly haired forward would be staying with your girlfriend, you were livid, starting one of your many fights.
“What do you mean she’s gonna be living with you?!” You yell, exasperatedly.
“(Y/N/N), it’s not like she can go anywhere. The whole country is basically shut down, and they cancelled all the flights.” Tobin tries to calm you.
“Well, why was she even visiting you?” The jealousy in your voice was now evident.
“She was dropping off some stuff for re-inc and the new launch.” She explains.
“How long do you think she’ll be staying?” You sigh.
“I’m sure it won’t be for that long, babe. I promise she won’t stay any longer than she has to.” She tries to reassure you, knowing you weren’t the most comfortable with the situation.
You rolled your eyes, thinking back to that conversation. ‘Not that long’ had turned into almost four months.
You had always been a little weary of Tobin and Christen’s relationship, or ‘preath’ as the fandom had coined them. It was obvious to any person that Christen had heart-eyes for the other woman, and that Tobin absolutely adored the speedy forward, whether that be as more than a friend, you didn’t know.
While you were confident in your relationship, there was always a small part of you that couldn’t help but second guess yourself and question if those ‘preath’ shippers had a point. Your current situation only increased your deprecating thoughts.
Reaching for your phone again, you open the Twitter app, hoping to take your mind off the fight you had just had with your girlfriend. After going through a couple of posts, you passed one from a few minutes ago, mentioning both Tobin and Christen. Scrolling back up, you scanned the tweet. Your eyes widen, and you drop your phone.
“Hearing Tobin Heath and Christen Press are close to signing deals to play with Manchester United.”
Your heart stopped. Though there was more to the post, you didn’t bother continuing, as you had all the information you needed.
Normally, you would wait a couple of hours after an argument to call your girlfriend back, giving you both some time to cool off, but after seeing what you just saw, you furiously FaceTimed her.
After a couple of rings, you hear her voice.
“Hi.” You can hear the hesitancy in your girlfriend’s voice.
“Hey. Look, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that, and I trust you, I do, and I’m sorry I get insecure sometimes.” You truly did mean your apology, but at the same time, you just wanted to ask Tobin about the rumors floating around.
“I’m sorry, too, (Y/N/N). I shouldn’t have yelled either, and I know you trust me. This whole situation just sucks, doesn’t it?”
You huff out a ‘yes’, and Tobin chuckles a little.
“So, we good?” You sheepishly ask.
Tobin practically smiles through the phone. “Yeah, we’re good.”
The two of you make small talk for a while, discussing the weather and what you have planned for the rest of the evening, until you decide you can’t wait any longer to hint at the tweet that’s been plaguing your mind.
“Anyways, when do the Thorns start training again?”
“Ummm. I dunno. In like the next week or so.” Tobin says it so nonchalantly that you can’t tell if she’s purposely avoiding the topic or she’s just chill about it, like everything else in her life.
“Well, have you been taking with Mark?” You try again, hoping she’ll tell you about the Man United loan.
“Yeah, a little.” She hums. “Why? When do you start? You meet your new coach yet?”
You let out a small sigh of defeat, before answering her and continuing the conversation. Not receiving any information from your girlfriend, you decide to drive down to Portland the next morning, not only to surprise Tobin, but hopefully to get some answers.    
After about three hours of driving, and a stop for coffee, you reach the doorstep of Tobin’s apartment at around noon. Knocking on the door, you hear Christen’s voice.
“Oh! That must be our Sweetgreen order.”
You roll your eyes. Of course they would order Sweetgreen for lunch.
The door opens, and you stumble back at the sight in front of you. There, in the door frame stands Christen, wearing only one of Tobin’s oversized Jordan t-shirts. The two of you are just staring at each other, her with a look of guilt and shame written across her face, and you, you’re trying to conceal the pain and heartbreak you are currently feeling.
As if to confirm it all, you hear Tobin’s voice approaching from within the apartment.
“Chris! What’s the hold up? Who’s at the door?” Your girlfriend comes up behind Christen, dressed only in a sports bra and a pair of sweat paints. Her eyes widen upon seeing you standing outside her apartment.  
By now, tears are streaming down your face, as you’ve put the pieces together.
You take off running, down the hallway and out of the building, trying to go anywhere, as far away from your girlfri—— ex-girlfriend as possible.
You hear Tobin chasing after you. “Wait! (Y/N)! Let me explain.”
Catching up to you, she grabs your wrist. You turn around, pulling yourself out of her grasp.
“What?! What could you possibly say?” Your voice cracks. Tobin looks down at her feet, obviously ashamed.
“Babe—" She tries.
“NO!” You hold up your hand. “You do not get to call me that.” You sob.
“I’m sorry.” Tears begin to pool in her eyes.
You shut your eyes, willing your own tears away. “I thought you’d at least have the decency to break up with me before jumping into bed with someone else!” You yell frustratedly, taking a deep breath to calm yourself. “I know we’ve been going through a rough patch recently, but I thought we’d be able to work it out. I thought we were worth fighting for. I thought I was worth fighting for.” You whisper the last part, sounding defeated.
Tobin’s heart breaks at the sound of your words. Running her hands through her hair, she inwardly curses, frustrated with herself. Falling in love with two women was never easy, especially when it was with (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and Christen Press, two of the purest people on the planet.
“I never meant for this to happen, (Y/N).” Tobin sighs.
You scoff under your breath at the woman’s cliché and weak defense.
“How long? How long has this been going on?” You hold your breath, not really wanting to hear the answer, knowing it’ll only shatter your heart even more.
“I knew I started to have feelings for her after last year’s SheBelieves Cup. But we only started…ya know… about two months ago.” She reveals.
You feel like you’re gonna throw up. You want to cry, scream, laugh, yell, all at the same time. Instead, you distance yourself from the other woman, asking her one final question.
“So I guess it’s true?”
Tobin continues to blankly stare at you.
“You’re gonna move to England with her? Play for Manchester United?”
She gives you a look, and you can’t tell if it’s one of sympathy or of guilt, and honestly, at this point, you don’t even care.  
“Yeah. Yeah, I am.” She mutters.
“Well,” You clear your throat, pushing down the impending breakdown. “This is it then. This is the end.”
Tobin nods, admitting defeat. “Yeah, I guess it is.”
A new wave of tears gather in your eyes, realizing she won’t even fight for your relationship, or fight for you.
“Goodbye, Tobin.” You turn around and rush back to your car, not giving her the chance to respond.
Shutting the door, you rest your forehead against the steering wheel and let out a sob, now letting the tears fall freely. After a couple of minutes of bawling, you go to drive away, but as you’re leaving, you see Tobin still standing outside the building, staring at you with tear tracks down her cheeks.
Ignoring your broken heart, you glance at the woman one final time and press your foot on the gas, leaving her and your relationship behind.
This truly was the end.
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stablersolivia · 3 years
Some EO Ramblings
I've been in a fandom funk for the last several months.
It really shouldn't be that way but it has been that way for me. I mean, we have EO. It seems to be on its way to canon when it never seemed possible in all the years I've been in the SVU/EO fandom (dating back to the ancient times of 2011 el oh el.) The fandom is alive and well, probably the most active since 2011, and Chris and Mariska are so good to us fans. I feel like I should send a special virtual hug to them for all they have done and given us when they don't have to. There's also been an influx of fanfiction, video edits, tweets, gif sets, etc and a myriad of other things that have kept up our spirits in between seasons and hiatuses.
However, I still, personally, feel in a funk. Not sure why. I haven't been able to read fanfiction in ages. At least not any long fics. I've been in a bit of a battle with t*mblr because they deleted eofanfiction which I created back in 2016 to place all the seemingly lost classic svufanfiction.com fics. It had been an archive haven for 5 years. Then poof, not anymore.
I've also felt a bit displaced on twitter since starting my new account. I'd been on my old one since 2012, and just wanted a fresh start. But, all my old tweets and memories are gone and nothing to show for all the years I've spent keeping my own memory of EO alive all these years.
I've not felt like creating much. I've dabbled in fan-fiction, video editing, and most often, graphics. I've a BA in graphic design, guess you can say it's my passion, *wink wink*. But it seems nothing inspires me anymore. I feel like my mind is saying, "well it's happening now, no need to do any of that," which makes no sense. There are dozens upon dozens of people writing, editing, etc. because it's all happening and it should be celebrated after all the years we suffered abuse from anti EO'ers, haha.
But, I've just lost my own inspiration. While I have completely stopped video editing (I absolutely have no patience) and reading fic, I have tried to keep myself writing, hoping that it gets me in the mood to read again. In a way, it almost feels like I don't know these characters on screen right now like I used to. So, in order to read or write them, I need to figure it out for myself. There are so many interpretations, variations, of these two characters right now, that finding something that feels right for them in your own mind is important yet a bit of a struggle.
I used to spend hours, days, weeks, months reading fanfics. I used to read them in between studying for tests in college not so long ago, I used to binge read one after the other and didn't worry about storylines blending.
EO potentially happening is freaking me the fuck out creatively! In all those years of writing, editing, graphic-ing, tweeting, tumbling, there was a bit of longing in hoping they would finally come into fruition. It was a collective fan effort manifesting what we all agreed as a once in a lifetime pairing finally getting together on screen. (I mean we all saw that OC promo for next week, they want us dead, dead. I can't stop watching it).
So, if anybody else feels this way, or understands what I'm saying in any way, I'm glad there's someone else. However menial, it's a good funk to be in but also a bit intriguing, confusing, exciting and all around terrifying.
For anyone else who doesn't, I'm sorry for this long rambling post, I'm just in my feels.
EO could be endgame by the end of Season 23/OC 2... or pretty damn close.
What happens after that - after all of our dreams come true after 22 years?
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The Maribat AU by @ozmav and @maribat-archive is all I can think about atm, so enjoy more of this
Summary- After Grayson posts a video on the wrong twitter, Damian feels like he should lose his social media privileges, and possibly his hand.
Part 1
Part 4
Part 5 (HERE)
This was a impusle write as I was trapped in a car for over 50 hours in three days. Please do not ask for another chapter. 
Wayne’s Angel @FashionInGotham
Why is it weird that I’ve never met a Bat before? It’s not like Damian or the Waynes have ever seen Ladybug or Chat Noir or the Miraculous Team in Paris, and they’ve been in Paris a lot more than I’ve been in Gotham #confusion #AMERICAEXPLAIN
Jason Todd Lives @BestTodd
@FashionInGotham Whomst the Fuck is Ladybug and Chat Noir?? Also, Miraculous Team Sounds like some magical girl anime Cass watches
Call me Cass @CainYouBelieve
@FashionInGotham @BestTodd 🖕🏼
Wayne’s Angel @FashionInGotham
@FashionInGotham @BestTodd @CainYouBelieve They’re the Paris superheroes, they showed up almost five years ago to fight the little bitch of a villain, Hawkmoth and his stupid peacock assistant, Mayra.
Dick Grayson @AFlyingGrayson
@FashionInGotham @BestTodd @CainYouBelieve @ FashionInGotham WHAT?! Paris has heroes??
Wayne’s Angel @FasionInGotham
@FashionInGotham @BestTodd @CainYouBelieve @ FashionInGotham @AFlyingGrayson Oh yeah, I forgot that the mayor was trying to keep it a secret from the rest of the world #MyB But yeah Ladybug and Chat Noir have been there the longest but there’s also Abeille, Viperion, Ryuko, Pegasus, King Monkey, Bunnyx, and Badulf
Chloe raised an eyebrow at her friend as she saw the tweet thread that was quickly going viral, “You realize my dad is going to flip about this.”
“He deserves it,” Adrian pipped up from where he was painstakingly painting Kagami’s nails a deep burgundy.
The other teen heroes hummed in agreement as Chloe huffed.
“Well Yeah, but I was hoping to do it with a little extra flair than a twitter thread.”
Alix snorted as she finished up Kim’s banana yellow toes, drawing a crude smiley face on his big toe with bright blue, “She’s dating the youngest kid of the most influential family in the world and has like 100 million followers. Plus she called Hawkmoth a little bitch and it already has 90k likes. I call that flair.”
It was a surprise when Nathanial had had his freak out during his second battle,  against a Crimson Peacock event no less, and had called her Lady Marinette in front of the other temporary heroes, but had lead to many nights like the one they were having now. Onesies of each other’s heroes’ identities donned as they lounged around Chloe’s room, simply enjoying each other’s company after a long patrol. Chloe and Adrian had demanded they have a spa night, which is why everyone was either giving or receiving mani-pedis while they waited for their face masks to finish. It was nice, to have so much support outside of the masks, especially as they entered their final year in Lychee.  
Marinette rolled her eyes, “It’s only 98 million, Alix, and plus I figured four months after I made this account was long enough to make the slip up seem genuine. We need to catch Hawkmoth soon, or else this entire mess will get a lot more complex.”
They all frowned as they realized the truth behind her words. They were all facing hard decisions if they couldn’t pin the man down, not like they hadn’t already sacrificed so much to continue the battle. Max had already turned down graduating early and a full ride to MIT, citing his desire to graduate with his friends before moving across the globe. Luka had been invited to tour with Jagged, only to politely decline, telling the pouting rockstar that he wanted to do some soul finding first. Kim had given up a summer training camp with the French Olympic team. Alix had given up going on an expedition with her dad and brother, missing out on the chance to explore the dunes of Egypt. Marinette had turned down three internships at this point, one from Audrey Bourgeois, One from Raven Baxter, and lastly and most devastatingly, one from Edna Mode.
They needed to end this, before the overwhelming feeling of their futures slipping right between their fingers got them akumatized.
Tim Drake Offical @TJDrake
Seeing the demon spawn panic when he realized @FasionInGotham isn’t any safer from maniacs in Paris then she is in Gotham is strangely endearing and vaguely terrifying #whyismyfamilylikethis
Duke of Hazard @DoneWithTheRich
@TJDrake Like you and Barb aren’t frantically searching for anything you can find on the Miraculous Team and these weird-ass butterfly dude.
Call me Cass @CainYouBelieve
@TJDrake @DoneWithTheRich Bugout.com, It’s in French but informative.
Tim Drake Offical @TJDrake
@TJDrake @DoneWithTheRich @CainYouBelieve How did you find this before Barbs and me????
Call me Cass @CainYouBelieve
@TJDrake @DoneWithTheRich @CainYouBelieve @TJDrake Alfred.
The news swept up the story in an instant and suddenly the whole world was demanding to know what the Parisian Mayor had been thinking and why the Justice League hadn’t been involved.
It wasn’t long until the entire Miraculous Team was seated in front of the Louvre. Countless new agencies from around the world were present, eager to hear the story of the sickeningly young-looking heroes, but the one video that received the most views was the shaky camera videos that were uploaded to Marinette’s Twitter, as they shortened the two-hour-long Press conference into manageable clips that highlighted the most important points.
Wayne’s Angel @FasionInGotham
Full Lineup, Damn. Haven’t seen that since the last time we had a Scarlet Moth incident. For those who need context, this is like seeing the entire founding Justice League together to us Parisians.
The clip attached showed A panning shot as they introduced all of the heroes. Ladybug and Chat Noir sat in the center of the long table flanked by Vipirion, plucking his lyre absentmindedly, Abeille, glaring down her nose at the reporters, a beaming King Monkey waving excitedly, and an eerie serious Bunnyx sitting as still as a statue to their right, on their left was fierce-looking Ryuko looking ready to slice anyone who got too close, the calculating Pegasus, mumbling under his breath, and lastly the timid Badulf, struggling to keep his red bangs out of his eyes.
Wayne’s Angel @FasionInGotham
Don’t question Paris’ Heroes like that, they’re feisty.
The clip showed a British reporter demanding to know why the heroes hadn’t contacted the Justice League previously to gain their assistance in taking down the dangerous threat that was Hawkmoth.
You could Ladybug’s eye twitch at the condescending question, but before she could answer Ryuko leaned forward to the mic situated in front of her with a glint in her eyes.
“I apologize for my English,” She started, “I am not as versed in the language as some of my teammates. To answer your question on why we haven’t had the League’s help is because Green Lantern is a fuck.”
Silence filled the gathering before Chat, King Money and Bunnyx burst into giggles, the rest of the heroes struggling to keep a straight face. The media was staring at them dumbfounded until Ladybug finally leaned forward.
“I’m sorry for the outburst,” She started, lips still trying to twitch upwards, “But as Ryuko said we did ask for help. About five months into our heroship Chat and I received an answer from the League after trying for three months to contact them. The ‘help’ came in the form of Green Lantern coming and assessing the situation. Unfortunately for us, Hawkmoth is smart and when the neon green monstrosity of a hero flew in he laid low instead of attacking when a Leaguer was present. Without an attack and no physical damage present as one of my powers allows me to restore all damage done to Paris or its citizens, He decided we were powered children that were trying to get in the spotlight.”
“Getting lectured on wasting the League’s time and resources before he flew off really put a damper on us asking again,” Chat added in, toxic green eyes narrowed and laser-focused on the reporter, “So we handled it ourselves, gaining our own allies as we needed them. But please continue telling us how the League could have helped sooner if only we had asked for help.”
Clip after clip, ten of them total were uploaded into the thread. Explaining the worst battle the heroes had ever faced, the strength of their enemy, what the villain and his assistance could and would do, the worst attacks, the easiest wins, the ways that Ladybug and Chat chose their allies, but the last two clips seemed to get the largest reaction out of the audience, both at the press conference and the internet.
Wayne’s Angel @FashionInGotham
Not gonna lie, seeing my tormentors get put on blast by all of the Heroes is very vindictive #IsthatMean? #MaybeSo
“You’ve seemed to have shifted your support away from one local blog, to another over any official news agency,” One of the nicer reporters at the events said, “Is there a particular reason? And why the sudden shift two years ago?”
Chat’s face was strangely pinched, “Oh you mean why we switched from giving exclusives to the LadyBlog to BugOut? It’s quite simple. We go to the news sources we trust to take the information we are willing to give without worrying about ratings as their top priority. We tried going to Nadja Chamack at first, the local news anchor that we all hold a great deal of respect for, but the producers threatened her to get a ‘highly-rated’ interview. It led to her asking questions Ladybug and I thought were counterproductive to the reason we were invited to the interview and was trying to turn us into celebrities instead of allowing us to do the jobs we needed to. It was a similar reason we stopped going to Alya Cesaire, the Ladyblog editor.”
Ladybug took over here, “Miss Cesaire has the ability to be a very good journalist, but as her blog grew in popularity, so did her need for highly viewed content, this caused her to not only start posting more rumors and speculation than anything we’ve ever said but also to stop fact-checking with us things she heard. Even after talking to her about removing the content that was blatantly untrue and was told no due to the high ratings it had received we realized that we simply couldn’t work with her anymore.”
Abeille piped up in a low regal voice that was dripping with venom, “It really didn’t help that when we started interviewing with Aurora Beaureal from BugOut, shortly after my introduction, Miss Cesaire began a smear campaign against her, claiming she was faking her sources and videos publicly on her blog. Luckily we were able to shut that down quickly enough but it didn’t stop Miss. Cesaire from running into battle to distract us, and frankly, harass us for answers even after we told her no. It’s lead to more than one incident where she, other civilians, and even ourselves have been hurt.”
“Either way,” Chat took over again, “We want to support local news sources but only when they are willing to listen to our boundaries and work with us instead of trying to push issues.”
“Does that mean that info we found on the Ladyblog is not to be believed?” Another reporter called out.
“I would take anything after the first post about Lila Rossi with a grain of salt,” Ladybug said, only for King Monkey to snort and lean towards the mic.
“Yeah and if Lila Rossi is mentioned at all in the post just assume everything in that post is fake. Miss. Rossi is a known liar and problem for us.”
“Can you give us an example?”
Ladybug sighed before explaining, “The first time I heard of Miss. Rossi was an interview on the Ladyblog of her claiming to be my best friend. Now I very much value the secrecy I and my team have created for ourselves because it protects our friends and families, but even a lie about knowing me in such a public setting is dangerous because Hawkmoth and Mayra have proven that they aren’t above underhanded tactics to try and get the upper hand in our fights. I went looking for the girl to explain why she can’t say such things for her own safety, only to find her telling a boy that she possessed the Fox Miraculous in a public park. I will admit I called her out in a way that wasn’t very nice but either claim was enough to put her in danger, but both were painting a target on her back and it scared me that someone would do something to impress a boy. After that, she was akumatized for the first time and since then it has gotten even worse despite me apologizing the second I cured the Akuma. Some of her lies are enough to count as Slander if any of the celebrities she lied about knowing saw the posts, but no amount of persuasion seems to get her to stop.”  
Wayne’s Angel @FasioninGotham
Watching their powers without the looming threat of an Akuma/Amok is a blessing. They look so cool! #Love #Miraculous
The clip started with the heroes standing in front of the table, grouped differently than before. Off to one side King Monkey, Viperion and Bunnyx stood, Viperion holding a microphone.
“While we would love to an demonstrate our powers as requested,” He explained, “Our powers are not really good for demonstrations. Mine is known as Second Chance.”
He raised his hand and pulled the slider across his bracelet as he named it, a flash of pale teal light admitting from it, “When activated like I just did, it allows me to return to the point of activation at any time before I detransform in fifteen minutes as many times as I wish with only myself remembering the previous changes I have made.”
Without even acknowledging the startled whispers from the crowd, he handed the microphone to King Monkey, who offered a cheeky smile.
“So my power is called Uproar. It allows me to create a toy-like object that when it comes into contact with someone causes all of their abilities to malfunction.”
He goes to pull his staff from where it was strapped to his back only for Vipirion to stop him. A silent exchange passed between the pair before the taller hero nodded and handed the microphone off to Bunnyx.
“Viperion and I have a similar reason for our powers being hard to show off, only his is a little more versatile,” She started in a voice devoid of any emotion, swinging her pocket watch slightly, “I have the power Burrow. It allows me, and anyone I chose to take with me, access to a pocket dimension where I can travel to any point in time or space that I chose, past, present, or future. While you might see me fight during any battle I can make it to, my power is a last-ditch effort, as I would have to travel back in time to change the past if I do this assume the future is unsavable.”
The hush that falls over the crowd was quickly broken by Ryuko tapping her group’s microphone to draw attention to the opposite side of the stage where she stood with Abeille, Badulf, Pegasus, Chat, and Ladybug.
“I believe it’s best to not dwell on any one of our powers,” She told them, “Our powers are scary and knowing that they can be taken from us at any time and used for nefarious purposes keep all of us up at night, but we ask you to trust us to use them only for good.”
She waited a moment for the crowd o calm down before giving her own explanation, “My ability is known as the Three Dragons, the Water Dragon, the Wind Dragon, and the Lightning Dragon.”
She handed off the microphone to Pegasus, before calling forth the Wind Dragon and bursting into a group of clouds that swiftly blew around the stage before traveling over to the Louvre Pyramid and watching as the heroine reformed at the top, offering a small wave before the call for Water Dragon could be heard and a large dome of water formed over the entire courtyard.
Before she could call for her last form the snake hero grabbed the microphone, “Lightning Dragon is a bad idea, Ryuko.”
The heroine didn’t even question him, instead, vaulting off of the pyramid, the crowed gasped only for her to effortlessly land next to Bunnyx in a crouch, brushing herself off as she rose and turned her gaze to the horse miraculous user, who quickly explained his power before calling forth Voyage.
His cry caused blue light to circle his arm and he sent it towards the top of the still-present water dome, with a controlled flick of his arm.
The heroes didn’t even blink as the crowd filled with cries as the Eiffel Tower fell through the portal, Ladybug’s yoyo whipping out to direct it’s decent, the entire courtyard shaking as the 10k ton structure landed.  
“I’m up next!” Chat called out with a large grin, while the reporters didn’t seem to know if they should pay attention to the moved monument or the hero. His explanation was short since they were many videos of him using it but that didn’t stop the international reporters from screaming as Cataclysm swirled around his hand eating away at the Eiffel Tower, leaving a pile of rust in the crater
“Is-Is this much property damage necessary?”
Abeille shrugged, “No, but once we get to Ladybug, it’ll make more sense. Either way my turn.”
An unpleasant chill went up the world’s spine as she demonstrated how she could freeze all voluntary movement of her target on Chat Noir, who was still as a statue the second her stinger touched him.
Ladybug quickly took the mic and began explaining her powers. The world watched in amazement at her pulling a red and black spotted camera from thin air before she launched it into the air with a cheer of “Miraculous Ladybug!”
Suddenly a glowing swarm of ladybugs formed and tore through the air, covering Chat Noir, releasing from Venom, before healing the crater and rust from nearby, dissolving the water dome in the same instance.
If there hadn’t been so many people present the world wouldn’t have believed that so much damage was just repaired in the span of ten seconds, but staring at the unimpressed Parisians around them the world finally seemed to grasp the reality of the situation.
These children were past what one would even expect from metas, from aliens and superhumans like they had seen around the world already. These were heroes that were harnessing the very forces that made up the universe and fighting them at the same time. Bunnyx wasn’t exaggerating when she mentioned that sometimes there would be apocalyptic endings to their fights.
Instead of letting the knowledge stew Badulf step forwarded, twisting the microphone as he explained his power of illusions for the reporters.
With a short tune on his flute suddenly the group of heroes was gone, All that remained was a Sign thanking them all for coming.  Even after the illusion faded the heroes were nowhere to be found, having used the final demonstration as the perfect cover to sneak away so that no one could follow them.  
Wayne’s Angel @FasionInGotham
I must say I was not expecting such an outpour of love for all of Our heroes but damn am I pleased by it. Ladybug is our big name but the others are honestly way underloved in Paris, especially Chat who’s been there since the beginning. #MiraculousTeam
Quick Poll Who’s your favorite, everyone? Mine’s Chat Noir
Ryuko (19%)
Abeille (12%)
Ladybug (14%)
Bunnyx (8%)
Viperion (12%)
Chat Noir (15%)
Pegasus (5%)
King Monkey (5%)
Badulf (10%)
Call me Cass @CainYouBelieve
@FashionInGotham I like Badulf, he’s the newest correct?
Wayne’s Angel @FashionInGotham
@FashionInGotham @CainYouBelieve Yup! He’s only been around for four months, but he’s a pretty great fox!
Tim Drake Official @TJDrake
Fun Fact: I just heard Alfred swear for the first time while watching the press conference and it was to call Hawkmoth and Mayra an arsehole FLOB and his fucking Slag.
Never been more terrified,
Based on the faces around me neither has any of the other Waynes #AlfredisTerrifying
Wayne’s Angel @FashionInGotham
Why am I the go to person for everything Mircualous Team? BugOut.com is a great source if you want more info.
Still Queen Bee @BuzzBuzz
@FashionInGotham Probably cause you're most famous Parsian? Or cause you were a miraculous user once?
Jason Todd Lives@BestTodd
Wayne's Angel @FasionInGotham
@FashionInGotham @BuzzBuzz @BestTodd That didn't come up in the conference did it? A few of the old users of miraculous got outed as heros so LB doesn't call on them anymore, but keeps tabs on them since HM and Mayra will try and emotionally malipulate them into getting akumatized. A few of us bonded over it.
Still Queen Bee @BuzzBuzz
@FashionInGotham @BuzzBuzz @BestTodd @FashionInGotham Its common knowledge in Paris, Mari, me and our other friend @NotaModel all had miraculous at one point, but HawkBitch found out so we can't ever use a miraculous again sadly. I had the Bee, Mari had the Mouse and Ari had the Snake
Dick Grayson @AFlyingGrayson
Why is Damian staring at a wall and not responding? What broke him? #Help???
Dick Grayson @AFlyingGrayson
@AFlyingGrayson Nevermind #HecouldnthaveanormalGF? #HolyShitMari
Wayne's Angel @FasionInGotham
So I can no longer say I've never seen a Bat before, just saw Signal and Red Robin, I think???
Gonna be real tho, I was expecting to see them in Gotham, NOT PARIS #wtf #Whyaretheyhere????
Marinette had barely sent the tweet before her phone was ringing.
"Are you being serious?" Adrian asked, in lieu of a greeting, "At least two of the Batfam is here?"
"Yeah," She whispered a bit numbly, eyes still focused on the roof she had watched them disappear from mere moments ago. It was far enough away that if she had been a normal human she wouldn't have heard them, but she wasn't a normal human, "Hey Adrian, Don't tell the team what I'm about to say, okay?"
"Are you okay, bugaboo?"  
"Questionable," She didn't even bother rebuking the nickname, "I think I might be dating a Bat."
Taglist: @kceedraws @northernbluetongue @starry-bi-sky @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @lexysama @vincentvangoose @theatreandcomicfreak @vinerlover @calvin1394 @interobanginyourmom @imanerddealwith @aarushi-03 @rikku052 @fantasticfourintraining @clumsy-owl-4178 @two-faced-biatch @celestiacq @vgirl-10123 @peculiarlylostdreamer @tinybrie @treebrosha @sam-spectra @zalladane @teresarosiadeviluke2112 @7-sage-7 @blue-peach14 @nataladriana9 @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @xxmadamjinxx @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @i-identify-as-a-mango @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay @vixen-uchiha @face-of-lazyness @lunar-wolf-warrior @derpingrainbow @drama-queen-supreme @vivilakitty @mystery-5-5 @synnesstra @ijustwannabecanadian @sharksharkbb @lysslovsanime @zazzlejazzle @corabeth11 @ur-average-reader @virgil-is-a-cutie @paradoxal-occurance @dur55 @this-is-vander @cowardlygaydinosaur @phantomneow12 @numbuh-7-knd @slytherinhquinn @celerystick045 @silvergold-swirl @dzcile @lordsmeldingtonthethird @asabella1224 @miraculous-simmer7 @god-is-dead-and-so-am-i @kuhakuanon @st0rmy-w1th1n @littleredrobinhoodlum @todaylillypads @screechingflapbiscuitpeach @a-complete-fool @urbanpineapplefarmer @woodland-queer @miraculousl4dybug @teresarosiadeviluke2112 @imanerddealwith @seraphichana @literalfantrash @zebrabaker @captainmac6 
269 notes · View notes
e-king-court · 4 years
It’s that time of year again...
...and by that I mean it's my birthday.
 I don't generally celebrate my birthday. It became A Thing after my parents divorce, and since then, it is definitely a cursed day (last year I got a whole pandemic, so...)
This year, however, I decided I wanted to write me a story. Some months back, while scrolling through Facebook (I know, I know) I came across a post of a post that was a plot bunny. It was a tweet from user @JohannesEvans that read:
Hot goth in the woods that keeps answering the door and sighing and going "no, I'm not the witch, he lives over there" and points across the street to a dazzling pretty boy wearing a gold waistcoat who's waving excitedly at them
I immediately wanted to write it. So I did.
 Now, to no one's surprise, I didn't start this story until roughly a week ago, so... well, it's almost done. So, for now, just to say I've properly celebrated my birthday, please allow me to share with you the first half or so of this silly story. It's rough, really rough, and doesn't have a title. I'm not thrilled with it, but... guilty pleasures, etc. Enjoy!
Quiet. That’s what the little alternative community in the woods had offered. Peace, acceptance, solitude. Quiet.
So Locke bit back a curse when someone knocked on his door for the hundredth time that day. Poppy seeds scattered across his work bench when he jumped because of course he hadn’t used a measuring spoon. Why would he use a measuring spoon for the smallest ingredient? Obviously, pouring straight from the bottle is the best way to measure poppy seeds.
The knocking persisted. Locke sighed and set the bottle down with a thud and rattle of chains. He stomped his way up front and tugged the door open, startling the pair of young women standing on his doorstep. Their eyes widened and the three of them stared at each other for longer than Locke thought was polite.
“Can I help you?” He didn’t growl. This was good communication skills.
The two seemed to shake themselves. “Are you Mr. Devereux?”
Locke sighed. “Which Mr. Devereux?”
They blinked and exchanged a confused glance. “We, um… we’re looking for a spell.”
“Then you want the witch.” He pointed a long arm over their heads toward the obnoxious display across the street. “That Mr. Devereux.” As one, they turned and Locke followed their gaze.
Sebastian was lounging in a pool chair, a cheap thing with neon yellow piping and no pool in sight. He was surrounded by colorful plants, flowers, and enough suncatchers to make any light fairy jealous. Locke was dismayed to see that he was sunning. Long legs, waxed and bronzed, stretched up to the hem of a pair of nautical striped boyshorts. A too small gold waistcoat revealed a pierced belly button and parted with sequined lapels and a collection of charms and pendants against his chest and the hollow of his throat. Golden blond hair was classically cut, cropped close to the sides and left almost strategically messy on top. Locke was not surprised to see the flash of glitter, either put there intentionally, or polluted from the obnoxious, glittery, sun-shaped sunglasses taking over most of his heart-shaped face.
His smile was almost blinding as he waved. “Hey, gorgeous!”
Locke frowned as his face went hot and wished for the hundredth time since moving in that he was the kind of goth that wore full face makeup. “That’s the witch.”
The women gawked at Sebastian, turned and gawked at Locke glowering in the doorway, and then looked at each other.
“Umm… sorry,” the apparent speaker of the duo said, and they turned and fled across the street, whispering to each other as they went. Sebastian stood and stretched, that waistcoat riding higher and those boyshorts hugging… well, everything. Locke sighed and shut the door with a snap.
Newlight Falls was advertised as a quiet town with a village-like atmosphere, tucked away in the old growth forest and home to those who didn’t fit in elsewhere. It was home to all sorts of paranormals, which included an uncommon amount of witches, plenty of fairies, and the obligatory pack of werewolves. Being that it was only an hour away from three major cities, it had become a bit of a tourist attraction, replete with warm-weather festivals that the fairies almost exclusively coordinated. Locke wasn’t a fan, but they were good for the town and good for business.
Even with all that, Locke fell in love with the place almost as soon as he saw it. He’d found the listing on Will’o, trying to find something close to the doctors he needed, but not directly in the city. Not only was his dark little cabin perfectly suited to him, but being back in the woods meant plenty of shade and long trails that he could disappear into if the festivities got to be too much.
It was also supposed to be haunted, which, perfect, but so far he hadn’t experienced much more than a few things being moved and a book or two knocked to the floor. No great shakes, really.
With the image of Sebastian’s sparkling navel piercing embedded in his mind, Locke sulked back to his work room to clean up the poppy seeds and see if the tea could be saved.
“Locke!” Benji’s happy voice boomed, big arms open and face nearly split by his smile.
Locke returned his smile but stayed sequestered on the front stoop out of the sunlight. Benji came to him without question, wrapping him up in the kind of bear hug only large goblins could give. He grunted and gave Benji’s back a pat as the air was squeezed out of him. “Hey, Benj.”
“Good to see you, you look good. This place looks great,” he said, stepping back to appraise the front of the house. To most, it needed some work, but Locke was partial to the busted exterior shutters and chipping grey paint.
“Thanks, the web is real, orb weaver, real beauty,” he said, motioning to the port window overhead.
Benji’s smile went tight and strained. “Love it,” he grunted like it hurt. He cautiously turned his attention away from the spider. “Thanks for letting me come.”
“Of course! Make my favorite sibling miss Fairy Fest after listening to him whine about it for ten years? Fat chance. C’mon, I’ll show you your room,” he said, motioning Benji in.
Benji grabbed his suitcase and thundered up the steps. “This place has a guest bedroom?”
“Eh….” Locke whined and didn’t answer further. It did, but the guest bedroom was where he’d put his workroom and it would have been too small for his hulking brother anyway. Instead, Locke had cleaned up his own bedroom and got a cot for his workroom. It wouldn’t be the most comfortable, but he could deal with it for the week that Benji was visiting. It wasn’t often they got to spend time together one on one.
They wandered in. Locke waved over the small living room, through the doorway to the small kitchen and dining nook, the water closet under the stairs, and then brought him up to the attic that made his bedroom and the full bathroom for his use during his stay. Benji caught on quick, but didn’t say anything, no doubt having considered how small the house was.
“We’ll have to share the shower, but otherwise, this room is yours for the week. I, uh… can’t say I’d be real thrilled if you picked someone up at the Fest, but, I’ll be the best wingman I can be,” Locke said, drawing the curtains back from the port window to let some light into the room.
Benji chuckled. “I wouldn’t do that to you. Thanks, man, this place is great. Mostly,” he said, eyeing the spider visible through the window.
Locke smirked. “Ghost isn’t too rowdy, either.”
“Ahha, of course you’d have a ghost,” Benji said with a self-deprecating laugh. Locke’s grin went cocky and he thumped his way back down the stairs.
“I gotta make a product run when dusk rolls around if you want to see the town proper tonight. There’s not a lot except some kitschy shops, but you might like one of the little restaurants for dinner,” he said, wandering into the kitchen.
Benji hummed and sniffed the air, eyes landing unerringly on the box that took up most of the little dining table. It was full of Locke’s teas, creative little blends in labeled linen baggies waiting to be delivered to the shops in town he was contracted with. “Sure, I’d love to see the place.”
“Cool, you can carry the box,” Locke said, wandering back to his workshop. Benji’s laugh made the windows rattle.
A few hours later, with the sun set enough that it didn’t irritate Locke’s eyes and skin overly much, he was leading an easily distracted Benji through town. The whole town was decked out for Fairy Fest, covered in lights and flowers and full to bursting with fairies. They flitted about in showers of sparkling color, some already celebrating by tossing petals or handful of pixie dust over the myriad of tourists also steadily filling the streets. Locke would have felt out of place in all his black and chains, but there were plenty of darker fae around, too. If anyone stood out, it was his rather large foster brother, his impressive figure causing people to practically dive out of the way, even as poor Benji apologized.
“Stop apologizing, Benj, you’re only walking,” Locke said with a smirk.
Benji was all tight frowns. “I feel bad, though.”
“Don’t, you’re fine. This is us, though,” he said, veering for a shop door. Benji followed, uttering a few more unnecessary apologies as they went.
The dark little mystic shop was one of Locke’s favorites. It was an evening shop and sold pretty much the same stuff that the rest of the kitschy shops sold, but it was themed dark. Spangled black and purple curtains and tapestries kept most of the natural light out, the shelves all made of cast iron and mahogany. The goods skewed toward occultish, but nothing available to the general public could cause any trouble. Even the obsidian athames were blunter than a letter opener. There were more exotic wares in the back, but the owner, Ms. Gloushire, was highly selective when it came to those sales. Even Locke, who was a resident, didn’t have her convinced, but he was getting there. Not that there was anything fancy he needed for his teas.
Benji, of course, veered right for the collection of polished stones and crystals. Locke grinned and teasingly hissed for him not to touch all of them. Benji glared at him but didn’t put down the peacock ore he’d already snatched from the display.
“Ms. Gloushire?” he called when he saw the front end empty.
“Is that you, Locke!?” a muffled shout echoed from the back.
“Yes, ma’am,” he said, sliding his sunglasses onto the top of his head.
A moment later Ms. Gloushire was whacking her beaded curtain out of the way and she smiled warmly at Locke before her eyes settled on Benji. “Oh, you have a friend today.”
“Yep. My brother, Benji,” he said. “I have the tea for you for the Fest. The Starry Night, Full Moon, and Crossroads.” He set his box down on her counter beside the register and pulled back the flaps.
Her face lit up and she rubbed her hands together. “Ooh, excellent. Everything work out all right with your last check?”
“Yes, ma’am, not problems at all,” he said, smiling softly.
“Good. All this newfangled equipment. I know it’s more convenient for the Norms, but electronics and magic don’t always mix well. But if everything’s fine, then it’s fine,” she said, casting her new POS system a distrustful glare as she dug into the box of teas. Locke just chuckled and waited patiently for her to finish her counting and inventorying. Satisfied, she marked it all down and set the box aside.
“All right, dear, everything looks to be in order. If I need anything else, I’ll call you,” she said.
“Yep, you know where to find me. I gotta stop at Coriander’s. You have a good night,” he said, flicking down his sunglasses.
“You too, Locke. Pleasure to meet you, Benji,” she said with a suspiciously sharp smile. Benji tittered nervously, thanked her, and they were off.
The stop at Coriander’s was brief and uneventful. Locke handed over the second box of teas, things packaged in lighter bags with more spritely names, while Benji was one again glued to the shiniest objects the shop had to offer. Even with Coriander chatting at top speed about a new topic every few seconds, they were done relatively quickly. He said his farewells to the bubbly sprite, flicked his sunglasses down, and turned toward the door, only to be blinded anyway.
Sebastian was in the doorway, pushing his outrageous sunglasses onto the top of his head as he meandered into the shop. As soon as he saw Locke he smiled and Locke frowned at the butterflies in his stomach.
“Hey beautiful,” Sebastian said, smooth and a little high. His eyes instantly flicked to Benji and his expression went briefly blank, before he smiled again and got a little swagger. “Well, well, who is this delightful new face?”
Locke glanced over his shoulder and wasn’t surprised to see Benji’s face dark with blush. His greenish skin and purplish blood made him look a little brown, but it was definitely a blush. Locke didn’t blame him.
“Sebastian,” he said. “My brother, Benji. Here for the Fest.” He cleared his throat before his voice broke and ignored the look Benji gave him.
Another expression briefly flickered across Sebastian’s face, this time more surprised than blank, and quickly settled into a coy grin. “Brother? Well, welcome to Newlight Falls, Mr. Benji. I’m Sebastian Devereux, Locke’s neighbor,” he said, sauntering forward and offering his hand. He was a head shorter than Locke, which had Benji nearly towering, but as usual Sebastian’s confidence was unwavering. Locke figured it would have to be with a neon pink sequin sarong over those...shorts.
“Good to meet you, Mr. Devereux,” Benji said. “Which neighbor would you be?”
“The one across the street, handsome. Incase you ever need to borrow a cup of sugar,” he said with a wink. Benji grinned stupidly and Locke nervously fussed with his lip ring. “If you’ll excuse me, gentlemen, I have some tea to stock up on.” He winked at Locke, who barely resisted watching as Sebastian sauntered past. He huffed, tugging his hood closer to his face, and hurried out of the shop, leaving Benji to scurry after him. Maybe the hood and sunglasses disguised his blush enough? He certainly hoped so.
“So how are the infusions going?”
Locke looked up from pushing around his caprese. “Hmm? Oh, they’re fine. They’re infusions.” He cut a bite of cheese and tomato. “I had one last week and I think I’m scheduled for the week after next. Mostly vitamin D right now.”
Benji nodded, obliterating a half-pound cheeseburger and fries. “I remember summers are harder.”
Locke shrugged. “Yeah, but being here has been really great. The woods are so dense that I don’t always get a rash, so I can be outside more during the day.”
Benji’s face lit up. “Oh! That’s really cool! Mom and dad will be happy to hear it. See? I told them this was a good move for you.”
Locke huffed. “What, me telling them how great it is wasn’t enough?”
Benji waved him off. “You know how they are, they always worry about you.”
It wasn’t unwarranted. Locke had been a sick kid with all kinds of health issues and sensitivities, not the least of which was chronic anemia. At the time, being in and out of foster homes like he was, it had been difficult to narrow down his symptoms. Until Dan and Lori snagged him, the pale, scrawny, constantly exhausted thing that he was, and gave him a solid foster home to grow up in. Within the first year they’d discovered he had vampire heritage, which explained the majority of his weird symptoms. It wasn’t enough that he had to have transfusions, but it still meant he was anemic and allergic to too much direct sunlight. After that, with the support of his new foster family, Locke improved enough that he was able to finish school, and even got a degree.
Now, with a healthy lifestyle, he could live pretty normally, even if he still needed to be monitored monthly. Newlight, on top of being paranormally inclusive, also happened to be an hour away from the office that handled his case, which was still better than the two and a half hours he’d been traveling while still living near Dan and Lori. They might not have adopted him, but they still considered themselves his parents, and made quite the fuss when he moved so far away from them.
“Well, I really am doing great. You can tell them that I'm happy and healthy and even the ghost doesn’t bother me too much,” he said.
Benji snorted. “Lori would flip her lid if she knew you had a ghost.”
Locke grinned and didn’t think Lori would honestly be too surprised.
Other than the caprese salad, the choice of restaurant had been deliberate. It sat across from a stretch of woods with a marked path, and that path just so happened to let out a few yards from Locke’s house. The dark fae of Newlight loved to fill it with all sorts of mischief, some of which was quite pretty depending on the mood. With it being tourist season, and the endless woodland trails a huge attraction, Newlight had strict ordinances for what was and wasn’t allowed on the public paths. Benji was hesitant to take the woods home, but Locke assured him it was quite safe so long as they stayed on the path.
True to form, the woods were full of eerie giggles and mysterious lights, shrubs shaking and twigs snapping in the shadows along the lit path. The usual lamps that ran along the ground had been replaced with overhead string lights, zigzagging back and forth  like a trail of will-o-the-wisps. Since the sun had finally set, Locke was able to shuck his hoodie and take off his sunglasses. Extreme temperatures had never really bothered him, but the summers could be pretty oppressive. It was nice to feel cool night air on his skin.
Half way home, a fairy appeared, a curvy woman in a diaphanous lavender dress and long, curling black hair. She hovered her way across the path, watching them with a wicked grin and shining black eyes.
“Evening, Iris,” Locke said casually. Benji made some choking noises behind him and Locke suppressed a grin, imagining his brother was blushing so hard he was almost purple.
“Hello, Locke. Who’s your friend?” she asked, moving a little closer.
“This is my brother, Ben.”
Her grin got even more mischievous. “Nice to meet you, Ben,” and she was off again, disappearing into the trees on the opposite side of the path. A symphony of chittering laughs hit them and Locke snorted.
“Wow,” Benji huffed as they kept moving, eyes nearly glued to the spot.
“She works in Mrs. Gloushire’s sometimes,” Locke said with a shrug.
“Oh yeah?” Benji mumbled absently, still searching through the darkness. Locke wanted to tease him, but it was his turn to blush when another fairy appeared.
“Hello, Galena,” he nearly deadpanned, glad it was so dark.
Galena was tall and willowy, built lean like a swimmer and burnished like bronze. He was dressed in what Locke could only call a poison green loincloth with a braided rope of poison ivy draped across him like a sash and pinning back half of his long, curling brown hair.
“Hello, Locke.” He did a little spin, purple wings beating wildly. “What do you think of my Absinthe costume?”
Locke blinked. “Isn’t that the same costume from last year?”
Galena scoffed. “You’re no fun!” he snarked, but blew Locke a kiss anyway and darted off again. Locke sighed and picked up the pace.
“Are the woods always like this here?” Benji nearly whispered to a chorus of laughter.
Locke shrugged. “No, they’re just excited for the Fest. It’s pretty quiet outside of tourist season.” Benji just hummed softly and got a little closer when something shrieked nearby.
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kerikaaria · 4 years
If I Never Met You: Chapter 36
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(??? X Reader) Idol!AU, Manager!Reader
Genre: (PG13) Angst and fluff
WC: 3.4k
Warnings: None
Series Masterlist
Chapter 35 | Chapter 36 | Chapter 37
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K-pop group BTS is currently celebrating their first ever music show win tonight with their captivating performance of ‘I Need U.’ But while the idols are basking in the joy of their first win, one of their managers who has been with them since the beginning is not in quite so good of shape.
An anonymous source has provided us with an exclusive behind the scenes look at some of the chaos which occurred during the shooting for the music video for the track ‘I Need U.’ We have photo proof of the incident, captured from a video which our anonymous source provided for us.
In the music video, each member has their own stories to portray. One such story is portrayed by the member V, whose character appears to live in an abusive household. The video shows him having a scuffle with who we assume to be the character’s father. This is where things didn’t go exactly according to plan during filming, according to the source.
“The scene was originally supposed to have some back and forth between V and the actor,” our source explained. “In the music video, you can see that next to where the fight happens there is a piece of furniture, like a shelving unit. During the first filming attempts when the actor pushed V away from him, he had accidentally pushed him into the furniture a few times.
[Picture of the set described above]
“I honestly have no idea how she even saw it. It happened so quickly that no one else could react, but she reacted so fast. The last time V had bumped into the furniture, it had rocked it enough that it started to tip over. Before anyone even knew what was happening, the manager had pulled V out of the way, but the furniture ended up falling on her instead.”
[Picture of the scene, furniture mid-fall]
“It was so shocking and happened so suddenly. After I was able to process what had happened, I couldn’t help but feel amazed that she was able to act so quickly.”
The manager in question is L/n Y/n, who has been working with the group since 2012. She was taken to the hospital, where she was treated for two broken legs. She left the facility a few days later in a wheelchair and we assume she will be unable to work until she can walk on her own again.
To long-time fans of BTS, her name may sound familiar. Not too long after the group debuted in 2013, pictures of her with the idols had been leaked online.
[Picture of Y/n with Seokjin and Namjoon in 2013]
Fans’ immediate reactions to the pictures were very critical, wondering who this mystery woman was and why she seemed so close to the group. It didn’t take long for their company, BigHit Entertainment, to post an official statement saying another employee of the company had gotten into her phone and released the pictures. That employee was promptly fired, and after a post on the group’s twitter introducing her, fans relented on their criticisms.
[Namjoon’s tweet from that day]
“It is really obvious, seeing her interactions with the group that they are rather close,” our anonymous source confirmed. “They seem to be as close as family.”
Not much is known about where she is right now, but we expect she’s probably resting at home, recovering from the injury. Depending on how bad the injury was, she could take anywhere from two to six months to recover…
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Bang PD was sitting in your living room, making you feel incredibly anxious. He didn’t want you to come down to the company since there was not really any discreet way for you to enter the building. After the article from yesterday, there were reporters waiting outside, hoping to run into someone they could squeeze information out of.
You really appreciated his thoughtfulness, but at the same time him being in your house was somewhat intimidating.
“I swear, I didn’t have anything to do with that article, PD-nim,” you said.
“Don’t worry, Y/n,” he responded. “I know it wasn’t you. You couldn’t have had access to the video footage they were supplied with. You’re not in trouble. I’m merely here to discuss with you how we are going to proceed from here.”
You nodded, waiting for him to continue.
“So far, there’s a very positive reaction to the article,” Bang said. “Fans are praising you for being so quick and attentive, and for keeping Taehyung from getting hurt. I really don’t see this article causing us any trouble so I don’t think we’ll need to do damage control.”
You felt a lot of the nervous tension you had building up leave you at that. You had seen a lot of comments left on the article yourself and it did appear to be positive, but you were scared to check Twitter or anywhere else so you weren’t sure if the response was similar elsewhere.
“As for what we are going to do, we have a few options,” PD-nim continued. “Now, you are not one of our celebrities. You didn’t sign up to be in the spotlight at all. So I can’t force you to do this, but I think it would be good if you would be willing to provide some kind of statement for the fans. We could do it internally, just have some basic questions written up which you can respond to and then we could then publish in an official statement from us, or send it to different news outlets to write articles about. What do you think, Y/n?”
You took a moment to think about it, but felt really unsure of yourself. “What would you want me to say?” you asked.
“Basically just whatever you want about the incident, as long as PR and I approve it. We’d come up with a list of questions to guide it, and see if there’s anything the fans are curious about that you could answer as well.”
That didn’t sound too bad, to be honest. Especially if it would just be done internally, rather than having to speak to some random reporter or interviewer. “I think I could do that,” you decided. “So you’re doing this to help promote the album even more I’m assuming? Since it’s something getting good PR.”
Bang spluttered for a moment before clearing his throat. “Well, when you put it bluntly like that…”
You laughed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it as something bad. I just clarified more so that I just understood why you were hoping for me to do this. And if you need me to talk about the album or anything like that.”
“Oh, that you don’t need to do. It’ll be a little too straightforward that way. Just mentioning the music video, which will be easy to do when you’re talking about the fact that it happened on the set, and saying the name of the track is good enough. Only what you’d need to in order to tell the story. Any more than that and it’ll be a bit too much.”
You nodded in understanding. “Okay. Can I just write my answers to the questions though? I think that will be easier for me than talking to someone.”
“No problem. I’ll have PR come up with questions to cover all of our bases, and then if there would be anything else you want to add outside of those answers, feel free. I’ll try to get those sent to you either today or tomorrow, and if you could answer and send them back as quickly as you can, but without rushing it?”
“Sounds like a plan,” you smiled.
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It was a lot easier than you expected to talk about the accident, and once your statement was finalized and sent out to the various news outlets, the articles were written surprisingly fast.
It had even gone viral to an extent. Even though BTS was still working their way up, stories like this in the K-pop world weren’t very common. The one thing that you weren’t prepared for was how supportive Army suddenly was of you.
You weren’t unknown to them—of course you were frequently seen with the boys, plus the pictures of you that had been leaked two years ago still circulated every now and then. And there were those who would say nice things about you here and there. But this was a whole new level you had never seen before, at least not for yourself.
They were sending so much support to BTS' Twitter, saying how thankful they were that the boys had you with them and praising you for protecting Taehyung. You felt that some things that they said were a little over the top, though. Some of them were idolizing you, making it sound like you were some kind of hero and that other managers needed to strive to be you. Those things were maybe just a little too much.
No, they were definitely way too much. And it was a surprise to you that the positive reactions weren’t really helping you feel better at all. In fact, they only did when you were actively reading comments. Otherwise, the realization of being further in the spotlight than ever weighed on you so much more than you could have ever expected.
And of course, the promotions for BTS’ album continued to go well, their fanbase seeming to increase faster than ever before. Needless to say, with the increase of promotional activities the boys were busier than ever.
It felt silly that being separate from them so often lately bothered you as much as it did. It was selfish, really, wanting to always be around them. You knew that was unrealistic, not even because of your current situation, but because they had their own lives. You couldn’t expect them to always spend time with you, and probably sooner rather than later they would find friends who they’d rather spend their free time with.
Which wouldn’t be a bad thing, not at all. It was natural. Being stuck here while they were off working and too busy to see you most days now made you realize that you’d gotten unhealthily attached to BTS. You should really have been thinking of a way to fix that, but all it did right now was make you feel worse.
They were currently in Malaysia, and even for a few days before that only one of them was barely able to trudge into your apartment at night to help you into bed. You wished you could just spend all day in bed and not get up, but the nurse would never allow you to. You remembered one morning when you told her you just wanted to stay in bed, but she gave you a mini lecture on why that was really unhealthy and that she highly encouraged you to get into your chair.
You spent too long just staring at your phone screen, which was currently showing the group chat. You had gotten a few texts from one or two of them when they first arrived in Malaysia, a few pretty pictures and a “Wish you were here with us.” But they’d been too busy since to text.
So many times you hovered your fingers over the keyboard, itching to talk to them. But you couldn’t. You knew they were busy. And when they weren’t busy, they were tired and needed to rest. And these were things that you constantly reminded yourself of, things that you repeatedly told yourself to get these stupid incessant thoughts in your head to just shut up.
But logic didn’t work with anxiety. It didn’t matter that you knew that. This thing in your head would still whisper in your ear.
‘But they could find time to text you if they wanted. It only takes a moment to send it. If they really wanted to talk to you, they’d be trying. But they’re not. They don’t care about you as much as they say they do.’
Anxiety was pure evil.
And unfortunately for you right now, you were falling deep into its grimy clutches. Trying to think about Army’s support just made you feel so much pressure and added weight onto your shoulders you didn’t need. Thinking about the boys made your anxiety’s claws dig in even further into your skin.  But maybe, if you just focused on just him that would be okay, right? It had helped you many times before.
As you felt your breath starting to become shallower, you closed your eyes and tried to fill your mind with just thoughts of him. But images of memories that usually warmed your heart were soon overpowered by that voice in your head.
‘You know he doesn’t feel the same. You’re just plain old Y/n. His manager, his friend. He’s an artist, a celebrity. He has both girls and boys falling at his feet every day. Why would he ever want you?’
You shook your head as the tears started to fall from your eyes. You couldn’t even begin to try to reason with it on this one. It was right. You should have figured out a way to put a stop to the way you were feeling when you first realized it. But instead you let it grow and fester and now you were in way too deep to just push it aside. You were such an idiot.
With nothing to stop it, you let the dam break. All the emotions you’d been trying so hard to keep under control just flowed out through your tears. At least when you stopped fighting it, the anxiety seemed to shut up and let you just feel everything in peace.
Your mind gone blank, you lost track of time while you sat there, glad you were at home and alone so no one could see you looking like an emotional wreck. As your tears were slowing down, your phone began to ring.
It was the ringtone you had set for him.
And he was requesting a video call. You cleared your throat and warmed your voice up for a moment, hoping it was enough to hide the fact that you had just been crying for who knows how long and answered with voice only.
Yoongi and Taehyung must have been sharing a room since both of them were on the screen, sitting on a hotel bed.
“Noona!” Tae greeted excitedly, but his expression quickly mellowed almost into a frown. “Why do you have your video off?”
“Ah, sorry,” you replied, clearing your throat again when your voice came out a little too nasally, and to buy you a moment to think up a lie. “I haven’t gotten to shower today so I look gross.”
“We’ve seen it before,” Yoongi said. “Nothing new there.”
“But, you can’t look gross, noona,” Tae said, throwing his hyung a look. “We don’t care, we just want to see you! We miss you.”
“Sorry,” you repeated, sniffling a little. “Maybe next time.”
Yoongi’s brows furrowed, and he exchanged a glance with Taehyung who was beginning to look concerned as well.
“Are you okay?” Yoongi asked. “You sound…”
“Like you’ve been crying,” Taehyung finished.
Darn, you were hoping they wouldn’t have noticed. “I’m fine,” you tried, smiling in hopes that would make your tone sound lighter. “Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
“Would you turn on your camera then?” Yoongi asked. “So we can see that you’re fine?”
Curse Yoongi and his deceivingly high EQ. You sighed, not able to come up with a response quickly enough to cover yourself. When they didn’t say anything more and just continued to look concerned, you caved in and turned on the camera.
“I actually do probably look really gross right now, sorry,” you said.
“Oh my-. Noona, what happened?” Taehyung asked.
“Fans weren’t being jerks again were they?” Yoongi checked. “Last I saw, they were saying nice thing about you.”
“No, it’s not that,” you said. “I just… my anxiety has been getting to me a lot lately and I guess it just got to be too much today.”
The two on the phone exchanged another look. “Why didn’t you say anything?” Taehyung gently asked. “You were doing well, weren’t you? At least last you mentioned it to us, you were.”
“I was,” you confirmed. “I don’t really quite understand what’s causing it sometimes lately. Sometimes I do, but… it’s something I need to handle on my own.”
“What do you mean you need to handle it on your own?” Yoongi asked. “We promised to be here for you whenever you need us, and we stick by that. We want to help. If it’s this bad then, not to sound rude but maybe it’s something too tough for you to handle on your own right now. And that’s okay, that’s what we’re here for.”
You really had no idea how you could possibly tell them the root of the problem without making them feel bad. It wasn’t their fault they were busy and you were hurt. Not to mention, if you told Taehyung of all people, he would only feel infinitely worse since he never stopped blaming himself for you being hurt.
You must have taken too long to reply since Taehyung offered in a quiet voice, “Is it because you’re alone? That you’re sitting at home by yourself most of the time with no one there to keep you company?”
You were so shocked he hit the nail straight on the head that you just stared at the screen with your mouth open, not able to reply.
“That’s what it is, isn’t it?” Taehyung looked at you through the phone, gaze imploring.
“I-,” you really needed to work on your lying capabilities. With that earnest look in his eyes, how could you dare lie to him? You nodded carefully. “But, I don’t blame you guys,” you quickly clarified. “You guys are busy, it’s your job. I absolutely do not think you guys are ignoring me or that you don’t care. I know that you just don’t have the time, and my only other friends are singers too. I don’t or can’t expect any of you to just drop your jobs for me.”
“No, we can’t,” Yoongi said. “But we could definitely put more effort into contacting you.”
Taehyung vigorously nodded. “Yes! Would that help? If we texted and called more often? Remind you that you’re important to us no matter what? And make sure you know we are always missing you and thinking about you? Because I do. I miss you like crazy without you with us. Even when we’re still in Seoul.”
Taehyung spoke really fast, making you take a second to absorb everything that he said before you could reply. “I think that would help, yes,” you admitted. “If I’m honest, I’m always wanting to text the group chat. But I don’t want to bother you when you’re so busy, and-”
“You could never be a bother to us, noona,” Yoongi firmly responded. “If you want to text the group chat, do it. It doesn’t matter if it’s just one text, or if the next time we have time to look you’ve written us an entire novel. We’ve been curious why you’ve seemed so quiet recently, actually.”
Taehyung nodded. “Yeah, we’d love to get texts from you whenever. Even if we can’t read them right when you send them, I’m sure everyone would feel happy to see them. We all really miss you, especially right now while we’re so far away. Getting done with work just to see you’ve texted us? It’ll be like a birthday present.” His smile was so sweet, you could feel his honesty through the screen.
And it made you smile in return. It was amazing how easily these boys were able to dispel your worries and make you feel worlds better.
“Okay,” you said. “I’ll start texting you guys whenever I feel like it.”
“Promise?” Yoongi asked.
“You know all of us love you, right?” Taehyung asked.
“Of course I do,” you said.
“Good,” Yoongi replied. “Wasn’t there something you wanted to tell her about, Tae?”
“Oh yeah!” Taehyung bounced a little in excitement.
It wasn’t lost on you how Yoongi had suddenly changed the topic to make sure your mind was no longer on what was bothering you. As you listened to Taehyung animatedly tell a story about something that happened today, the smile sitting on your face was genuine.
You’ve wondered before, but you didn’t know if you’d ever get an answer as to how you were so lucky to get such amazing friends in your life.
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Series Masterlist
Chapter 35 | Chapter 36 | Chapter 37
Tags: @calling-dips-on-j-hope @misohime @netflix-batman-sleep @smallbaby-cat @leitholdwithlove @ramyagovindraj @rjsmochii​ @overtherainbow35​ @leesalts​
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32 notes · View notes
raleighcarrera · 4 years
catch up
platinum | raleigh carrera x mc (cadence dorian)
it’s been eight months since the breakup. they have a lot to catch up on.
~6k words, M (18+ only)
songs mentioned are gorgeous | no more sad songs | touch (acoustic)
he’d been wondering who would get around to dropping their album first. from the looks of the current trending topics on twitter, cadence had won. it looked like she’d even chosen to jack his style -- dropping her album in full with no announcement, no promotion, no warning... nothing.
color him impressed.
no more sad songs was number one on trending. just below it was the word touch. related topics: cadence dorian, raleigh carrera. 
he told himself it was just his own narcissism that made him click. that, and morbid curiosity. it’d been so long since he’d last tortured himself, after all. 
a long list of tweets stared innocently back at him. GOD touch is the sexiest song anyone has EVER WRITTEN I’M SCREAMING, said the first one. make it a single queen!!!! you deserve the hottie they will cast for that music video and more!!!!!
he scrolled down. sooooooooo are we going to talk about how touch is obviously about raleigh carrera giving that good dick or nah
his eyebrows shot up. well, now he had to listen to it. 
he pulled up spotify; of course she was on the home page. with just a few taps, the song started to play. an impressive piano melody filled the room. she must have beep practicing. as her voice filtered in, he turned up the volume.
cadence sounded... soft and sad, and, the masses on twitter were right: sexy. god did her breathless, yearning voice sound sexy. despite himself, he could actually feel his face flush as he listened to the words. so won't you take it, i feel like for the first time i am not faking... fingers on my buttons and now you're playing. master of anticipation, don't you keep it all to yourself.
it took everything in him not to be consumed by the memories that were threatening, but the last thing he needed was to fall down that rabbit hole. he’d gone so long without thinking about her, after all. it was almost up to a full two days at this point, before something would inevitably remind him of her and he would spiral again.
the rest of her album stared back at him from his laptop screen. he studied the cover art as her voice filled the empty room. it was a photo of cadence, of course, a wide full-body shot against a brick wall. she looked powerful, in the sharp black outfit she was wearing, her skirt just short enough to make her legs look a few hundred miles long. 
inhaling sharply, raleigh forcibly redirected his gaze to the track list, scanning the rest of the titles. his lips curved up into a smirk as he read them off, one by one. motorcycle boy. hollywood. tattoos and bad news. subtlety was never her strong point.
then again, he mused, as he considered his own journal and the songs inside it -- kaleidoscope dress. ferris wheel. lady liberty. sex at the moda. -- he really wasn’t one to talk. not that his label would ever let him get away with that last one. it was just a working title, anyway. 
he navigated back to twitter and tapped the moment about her album, no more sad songs. the first tweet he saw said omgggg i love the energy of cadence building raleigh up in ‘gorgeous’ and then tearing him down in ‘shout out to my ex’ so much kdhfgksjfhdg HER MIND this album is everything
it looked like he had some listening to do. but first... 
he strolled over to the far wall of his bedroom and pulled off his shirt, sidling up to the floor length mirror by the window to take a selfie. his free hand pushed his hair back from his face, and he stuck his tongue out at his reflection as he snapped the picture. 
it was just trolling, he told himself as he uploaded the photo to his pictagram, already laughing at his own joke while he typed out the caption. it wasn’t like he was trying to get anyone’s attention -- he just couldn’t resist giving the fans and the internet something to talk about.
raleigh smirked at his phone as the photo finished uploading and stared back at him from his feed. photograph with no t-shirt on. well, there was no taking it back now. if cadence was allowed to write about him, he was allowed to enjoy it, right?
five minutes later, his phone rang. it was avery. he took care to pause cadence’s album before he picked up the phone. “helloooooooo?”
“you know you broke the internet, right?” she asked, aprops of a greeting. 
a shit-eating grin appeared on his face. “i have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“you’re such a dick,” she laughed, “you just couldn’t let her have one day, could you? you could congratulate her, you know. she worked really hard on that thing.”
“um, i basically gave her a number one album,” he remarked, his bravado a mask as always. “without me she would’ve had, like, one track on that thing. or she wouldda had to write about you. so you’re welcome, too.”
raleigh pulled his phone away from his face to squint down at his pictagram notifications. stream no more sad songs!! said the last ten comments. omg shout out to my ex is right
“besides, i’m getting trolled. like, a lot. i doubt she cares what i post.”
“i wouldn’t be so sure about that,” avery remarked cryptically. before he had a chance to wonder what that meant, she said, “hey, she’s playing a surprise show tonight at webster hall before the album release party. you should stop by.”
“i think if she wanted me to come to her party she would’ve invited me.” it might’ve been nice to hear from her -- especially given the intimate details about their relationship he was now being forced to listen to, along with millions of other people. 
you’re not being fair, he reminded himself, thinking again of sex at the moda. he hardly intended to give her a heads-up about that one. though he doubted she would care.
not that he cared. she could write about whatever she wanted. she could turn her life into art -- if that was what she wanted. she could tell... whoever, about what had happened between them. about what he’d made her feel.
she never told him, but, whatever. that was fine. that was her prerogative.
“earth to raleigh,” avery said on the line, snapping him out of his thoughts. “i said, she didn’t tell anyone about the party. the album was a secret, yeah? you should at least come to the show. i think your support would mean a lot to her.”
“well, i guess you’ll just have to support her enough for the both of us,” he said, meaner than he felt. raleigh shut his eyes, sighing as he rubbed at his forehead. “sorry. i’m not trying to be an asshole.”
“don’t sweat it.” avery always let him off the hook so easily, “i know it just comes naturally to you. seriously, the show starts at 7. think about it, okay? if you do decide to come, text me when you get there and i’ll let you in the back.”
he put the album back on as soon as they hung up. without a distraction, there was nothing to stop him from looking at cadence’s twitter account. she’d last posted just a few minutes ago:
surprise! i’ll be playing no more sad songs in its entirety tonight at webster hall’s marlin room. doors open at 6 for the first 600 in line. see you there? you never know who might drop by...
fuck it. he turned the volume up on her album and headed towards the shower. he’d avoided her for long enough, and tonight was as good a night for him to get over himself as any. maybe after this he could stop looking over his shoulder at every party he went to, terrified he’d have to see her. 
that didn’t mean that it didn’t feel like a mistake, to get dressed and make his way to the village. it felt like a bad decision every step of the way, even as he ducked around the back of the venue at 7:05 to see avery’s smiling face, holding the backstage door wide open. it was too late to go home, now. 
“took you long enough,” she grinned, squealing as she jumped into his arms. “i almost thought you weren’t going to show.”
“yeah, yeah. did she go on yet?”
avery led him inside, closing the door firmly behind them both. she nodded as they stepped up to the side of the stage. the screams from the crowd were deafening. “she just went out there. i think she’s about to start --”
raleigh heard the strum of a guitar and peeked around to see cadence standing center stage. “this is a really good looking crowd,” she said, grinning when the sound of the cheers rose exponentially. “thanks so much for coming out. are you guys cool if i play some tunes? yeah? okay, then. this first one is about a guy i used to date, it’s called ‘gorgeous.’”
he folded his arms over his chest, leaning back against the wall behind them. he was shameless in the way he looked her up and down, staring as she strutted across the stage. he was proud of her -- she’d come a long way since the first time he saw her perform, so long ago. cadence had real stage presence, now -- she’d come into her own. she acted like a woman, sang like a woman, dressed like a woman. she was confident. 
“whiskey on ice, sunset and vine. you’ve ruined my life by not being mine.” an elbow in his side made raleigh tear his eyes from her. he looked over at avery, rubbing at his ribs. “ow. what was that for?”
“you know everyone thinks this one is about you, right?” she asked, smirking. 
“you make me so happy it turns back to sad, there’s nothing i hate more than what i can’t have.” 
“aren’t they all about me?” raleigh asked, still hiding behind his attitude. avery only rolled her eyes, and eventually the crowd’s screams drowned out anything else they might’ve wanted to say. 
she played a few more songs before finally sitting down at the piano off to the side of the stage. now that she was closer, raleigh could see her better, and he stared as she brushed her hand across her forehead, pushing her hair off her face. she drank deeply from a water bottle and then set it on the piano’s ledge. raleigh was close enough to watch her swallow, but she still didn’t see him. it was probably the stage lights -- a single spotlight illuminated her at the piano as she adjusted the mic to pull it closer to her lips.
“we’re gonna slow it down for just one song,” cadence said, “i hope you don’t mind.” the cheers from the crowd proved that they didn’t. “i saw ya’ll talking about this one on twitter earlier.” he could see her grin perfectly from where he was standing; it was blinding. “i’m glad you like it. even if you don’t post thirst traps to it.”
the crowd went wild. even raleigh barked out a laugh; he hardly thought she had it in her. okay. point one, cadence.
“put your flashlights in the air for this one, okay? you and i and nobody else... feeling feelings i never felt...”
she was beautiful, of course -- always, every day, but never more than in this moment, with her eyes closed and her expression haunted, her hands moving along the piano keys. it probably said something dangerous about his ego that he found her the most stunning when she was singing about him. 
as the last few notes died, he sighed, digging his fingernails into the fabric of his jacket over his arms where they were folded on his chest. suddenly, it felt like he shouldn’t be there. or maybe he was the only one who should be there. either way, he hardly wanted to think about it. 
her moment of silent reflection as the song ended was gone in a flash. he watched her take a breath to steady herself, and then cadence was back in her stage persona, hopping off the piano bench to grab her guitar again. “thank you so much, new york city. you’ve been amazing. i’m so glad i could share this album with you -- it’s one of the most personal things i’ve ever written, and it means so much to me to play it for you all like this.” 
“this is the last song i have for you tonight -- it’s the title track, no more sad songs. it’s the last song i wrote for the album. this song is about trying to get over someone you can’t help but think about by any means necessary. it’s about the point in a breakup where you’re tired of wallowing and you’ll do anything you can to make yourself feel better -- i like to think it’s about the acceptance stage of grief. anyway, it felt right to keep it last... to name the album after it. i’m finally at a place in my life where i can put this chapter behind me. and it took a lot to get there, and i’m so proud of that. so, with that being said...” 
the crowd cheered as she strummed the first few notes. “thank you guys again so fucking much. sing along if you know the words already, okay?”
it was the second time that day he’d heard the song. it still made him feel the same way he’d felt when he first heard it -- angry and surprised and unsettled... and guilty. why hadn’t she ever told him she felt that way? why hadn’t she called him, and more importantly, why had he never called her, again?
his gaze hardened as she stopped at the front of the stage for the bridge. the same single spotlight illuminated her again. 
“uh, why do you have that murdery look?” avery asked from beside him. he said nothing, watching the melody build around cadence as she approached the crowd.
“still got you on my mind, starting to realize... no matter what i do, i will only harm myself tryn’a hurt you, and if i turn the music loud just to drown you out --”
her head tipped back with the powerful crescendo. she looked like an angel under the spotlight, more beautiful than he even knew how to explain. his chest seized painfully. 
abruptly, he turned around and headed back towards the backstage door. he knew he only had moments until the last song ended and cadence rushed backstage, and he needed to get out of there before that happened.
“raleigh!” avery called after him, but he didn’t stop, throwing open the back door and stepping out onto the sidewalk... immediately into a crowd of waiting fans and paparazzi.
a cacophony of screams started from the street. “ohmygod, it’s raleigh carrera!”
fuck. venue security glared at him as he shoved sunglasses on -- fuck the fact that it was nine o’clock at night -- and rushed off down the sidewalk. so much for getting in and out before cadence saw him. there’d be pictures of his exit all over social media in moments. paparazzi called after him as he rushed to the intersection, eyes scanning the street desperately for a working cab.
he stuck his hand out just as one with its lights on slid to a stop at the corner, jumping inside and slamming the door closed. camera flashes still shone behind his eyes even as he shoved the palms of his hands into them, drawing in a deep breath. sighing shakily, he met the driver’s eyes in the rearview mirror. “88th and park. please.”
once he was alone in his apartment he felt like he wanted to put his fist through a wall. the urge to destroy something, anything was too strong -- because that was what he was supposed to do, wasn’t it? that’s what raleigh carrera would do.
she deserved so much better than him. the last thing she needed was to see him at her show and get sucked back into his bullshit. he paced around his living room, convincing himself he’d done the right thing. she’d moved on, after all -- she was happy, thriving. she didn’t need him around messing up her life. she’d practically said so herself. 
his phone vibrated where he’d dumped it on the coffee table, sliding onto the carpeted floor. raleigh couldn’t think of anyone he wanted to talk to, but he bent down and picked it up anyway.
he almost jumped out of his skin when he saw the caller id. cadence dorian. tongue out emoji. winking emoji. music note. 
“oh, so your phone isn’t down a well somewhere. okay, just checking. good to know.”
she hung up. 
he glared down at the phone in his hand. what the fuck? raleigh called her back before he even knew what he was doing.
“what?” she answered, though she sounded annoyed. like... really annoyed. 
“what is your problem?” he demanded.
“my problem?” she laughed. he could barely hear her over the commotion on the other end of the line -- someone was calling her name repeatedly in a way that sounded urgent -- and then a door slammed, and there was quiet. “my problem, okay. i don’t have a problem. i’m not the one out here subtweeting and sneaking in and out of your show without calling, am i?”
“no, you’re just writing and releasing an entire sixteen-song album about me and all the ways i ruined your life without calling,” he snapped, his patience finally wearing thin enough to crumble. “don’t you think it might’ve been nice for you to give me a heads-up?”
“oh, please,” cadence scoffed, and he could feel that she was getting angry now, too. it felt good, in an awful sort of way. at least it was something. “i should have to clear it with you every time i write a song?”
“not a heads-up about the album,” he grit out, the fingers of his free hand flexing with the urge to throw something, “a heads-up about the way you fucking felt. you never say a goddamn word about any of that to me and i have to find out about it for the first time with -- everyone else? that’s really fucking special, cadence. that means a lot to me.”
there was silence on the other end of the line, giving him a moment to try to calm himself down. cadence was only ever quiet when she’d been surprised, meaning she wasn’t expecting him to say that. but she was certainly silent, then; if he couldn’t still hear her breathing raggedly, he might’ve assumed that she hung up on him again.
finally, she spoke, her voice small and unsure. “raleigh...”
but he wasn’t done fighting with her yet. “what’s the matter? you never thought that it might actually hurt my feelings? i guess that’s on me for giving a shit.”
“raleigh,” cadence said again, more insistently this time, “i didn’t know how to --”
“how to what, cadence? not break up with me? not ignore me for eight months afterwards? not pretend like it didn’t mean anything to you? it’s not that difficult.”
“well, obviously it was too difficult for you to do, too. you didn’t call me, either. so i’m supposed to believe -- what, exactly? that you missed me? that’s convincing, when you’re never out without a model on your arm.” 
she sounded hurt. why did she sound hurt? she was the one who’d stomped on his heart, she was the one who’d wanted this. 
“get over yourself,” he bit out, his hand curling into a fist at his side. he was never going to get his security deposit back after what he was about to do to his penthouse. “you knew i was in love with you and you didn’t care. which is fine. you don’t have to... just own it. stop acting like i did something to you.”
suddenly, the commotion on the other end of the line was back. “i have to go,” she said softly, her voice barely a whisper. 
he hung up without saying goodbye, throwing his phone onto the couch. okay. that was fine. everything was fine.
except that he couldn’t possibly stand to be in his apartment for another moment -- not without doing something stupid. 
he grabbed his keys and his phone and left, slamming the door behind him. his fingers drummed restlessly on his thighs as he rode the elevator down to the lobby. there were paparazzi waiting outside the front door of his building -- raleigh could see them through the glass as soon as he stepped out of the elevator. with a grimace, he headed for the back door.
there was already a car waiting for him. “let’s go to kismet,” he directed, rapidly firing off text messages to anyone he knew who might be available to distract him. 
within minutes, he was inside the club at a vip table. there was a bottle of vodka sitting in a bucket of ice at the center of the booth, calling out to him. he lifted it straight to his lips, drinking as much as he could in one go without coughing. she’d always used to joke about his self-destructive tendencies. if only she could see him now.
“hey, raleigh.” belle tamblyn stood before him, smiling in the low light of the club. she must’ve just gotten back from paris fashion week. two of her friends had already sat down at the booth, talking among themselves. 
he leaned back into the booth with a charming smile. “hey, belle. i knew you missed me.”
she laughed, taking his words as an invitation to sit down in his lap. he didn’t push her off, wrapping an arm around her narrow shoulders. she was taller and thinner than cadence in a way that wasn’t unfamiliar to him, but wasn’t exactly welcome, either. you’re never out without a model on your arm.
“so,” she started, looking down at him from up close, “what’ve you --”
he leaned up and kissed her, sliding a hand into her hair. her lips parted in surprise, sticky with lip gloss. raleigh bit her bottom lip and she sighed breathlessly, and that was -- good. that was almost... close enough.
his free hand slid over her backside, pulling her in closer. she was breathing hard when she pulled away, her face flushed.
raleigh laughed, pushing his fingertips under the hem of her dress. she reached down and swatted playfully at his chest.
“you’re an asshole,” she said primly, but she was rubbing her hand over the muscles in his chest. “do you want to get out of here?”
the last thing he wanted was to bring her back to his apartment, or to be there at all. “i don’t think i can wait that long,” he said charmingly, “bathroom?”
her nose scrunched up as she considered it, staring down at him. then, she said, “fine,” and slid up off his lap. he grinned, grabbing her hand and tugging her off toward the back of the club. 
it was a single person bathroom, and blessedly empty when they arrived. no one paid them any attention as he pulled her inside and flipped the lock. 
raleigh lifted her onto the sink and leaned in to kiss her again. she moaned as he pushed her legs apart and stepped between them, sliding his hands up her thighs.
this was fine. this was what he wanted.
so why couldn’t he force himself to do what he knew he was supposed to? his hands didn’t seem to want to move from where he’d anchored them on her legs, his lips kissing her methodically but not doing much else.
she wants to have sex with you! his brain screamed at him, she is a supermodel. a supermodel who wants to have sex with you. 
impatiently, her hands slid to the waistband of his jeans. he didn’t stop her as she pulled the zipper down and slipped her hand under the waistband of his briefs. 
it’s not a big deal. you’ve done this a million times. never after an argument like that with cadence, though... only when she was busy pretending he didn’t exist... 
the bass of the music playing in the club vibrated through the closed door. the song sounded painfully familiar -- he strained to make out what it was...
of course it was a dance remix of ‘gorgeous.’ why wouldn’t it be?
panting, he pulled his mouth off of belle’s, tipping their foreheads together. “hey,” he started hoarsely, licking his lips as he glanced down towards where her hand was wrapped around him, “i’m sorry, but i don’t... have anything. i don’t think we should...”
have unprotected sex in a nightclub bathroom. her teeth dug into her bottom lip as she weighed her options. on any other night, that might have actually been flattering, but tonight...
pounding on the bathroom door made their minds up for them. he stepped back, adjusting himself in his jeans. “come on.”
he helped her down off the sink and opened the door, ready to lead her back out into the club. the line of people waiting to use the bathroom stared open-mouthed at them both as they walked off toward the booth. raleigh grinned at them as he walked past -- that was what he was supposed to do, right?
belle’s friends barely arched an eyebrow at her as they sat down again. immediately, he started pouring drinks and passing them out -- anything to be as drunk as possible before the song ended.
by the time he stumbled home, alone, it was late -- later than he’d wanted to be out. he used the front door -- not because he wanted any paparazzi to get photos of him going home alone or anything, but because he felt like it -- and waited until he was in the elevator to sigh frustratedly, decidedly not checking his phone. he knew there was no way she’d texted him.
cadence was sitting on the floor outside of his apartment door when he stepped out into the hallway.
he stared at her like she was a hallucination, lifting one hand to his eyes to rub at them. maybe he had more to drink than he’d thought. she looked up at him, still dressed in what she must’ve worn to her album release party.
he felt like he was going to throw up. god, that would be uncool.
“hi,” she said quietly, from the floor. wordlessly, he stepped closer to her and held out his hand. she took it, letting him pull her up. “can i talk to you?”
that wasn’t going to be easy, considering he had absolutely no idea what to say, but raleigh nodded, unlocking his front door and motioning for her to step inside.
he didn’t turn the lights on, letting the floor-to-ceiling windows illuminate the space. the lights from the city and the glow of the moon made cadence look almost ethereal as she slowly wandered over towards the far wall, hesitating for a moment before kicking her high-heeled shoes off. despite himself, his lips twitched up into a smile as he watched her.
“want a drink?” he asked, because he certainly did.
she nodded, and he moved to the bar cart to pour them both a half-full glass of vodka. he dropped an ice cube into his and poured orange juice over hers. 
raleigh forced his feet to join her at the windows, silently holding her glass out to her. she took it with a mumble of thanks, lifting it to her lips. her eyes were trained on the view. what the fuck was she doing here?
the silence stretched between them. finally, he said, “congratulations on the album. it’s really good.”
that seemed to snap her out of it. she snuck a glance at him out of the corner of her eye. “you listened to it?”
he nodded. no point in lying about it, now. “i’m a narcissist,” he joked, “it’s what i do.”
she laughed. raleigh stuffed his free hand into his pocket so that he wouldn’t reach out for her. god, he’d missed her laugh. 
he drained what was left in his glass in one go. “what’re you doing here?”
cadence was still staring out at the city. “i wanted to talk to you.”
“and yet, here you are. not talking.”
“i didn’t get that far when i planned this in my head,” she admitted, in an annoyingly endearing way. god damnit.
“how far did you get?”
she turned to look at him, then, leaning her shoulder against the window. “i thought maybe i would just kiss you when you got here and that would say everything i wanted to say. but then i chickened out.”
it felt like she’d just elbowed him in the stomach. “that doesn’t sound like you.”
“the kissing? i don’t know, i thought about it kind of a lot...”
he swallowed hard. “the chickening out.”
“oh.” she nodded, looking away. raleigh watched her stare down at the glass in her hands. “i guess i just felt like i already messed up so much. i didn’t want to... do the wrong thing again.”
raleigh couldn’t quite decide if he was too drunk for this conversation or not drunk enough. “how was your party?”
“it was fine. i think the last one i had -- for the odyssey -- was better.”
there was a night he didn’t want to relive. “look,” he sighed finally, turning back towards the windows and the city skyline, “i didn’t mean to put you in an uncomfortable position. if you’re only here because you think i’m upset... you don’t have to be. i’ll be fine.”
he could see her shifting out of his peripheral vision. she seemed to be considering what she wanted to say. finally, she spoke up. “that’s not why i’m here.” he turned towards her and watched as her shoulders squared. “i’m here because i missed you. a lot. and i wanted to apologize, for what happened between us... for shutting you out. for not telling you how i felt -- that i was in love with you, too. for letting you go.”
raleigh’s grip tightened on his glass so that he wouldn’t drop it on the floor. he stared at her like he was seeing her for the first time. 
cadence drew in a deep breath and continued, “getting over you was the hardest thing i ever had to do. and when i saw the pictures of you leaving the show tonight i realized... i failed miserably at it. i can’t get over you. i couldn’t. i won’t.”
he had to be imagining this, right? he was drunk and asleep in his limo, he had to be. he was dreaming.
but she felt very, very real when she reached out and twined her fingers in the fabric of his shirt.
“please say something,” she begged. she was undeniable.
“cadence...” he sighed, “you know how i feel.”
she nodded, once. “i do, but i want to hear you say it.”
“i want you to be my fucking girlfriend,” he admitted immediately, his voice hoarse. now that he’d given in, his free hand reached out and cupped her cheek. “for real. all the time. in front of everyone. i want you to move in, i never want us to go another day without talking. i don’t want anyone else to touch you. ever again.”
her lips parted. he couldn’t stop his thumb from pressing into her invitingly full bottom lip, watching in fascination as her eyelids fluttered. “raleigh,” she breathed, beautifully enough to do his head in. 
he stepped forward swiftly, pressing her back against the windows, and kissed her. she moaned, scrambling to set her glass on the side table next to her. he knew her hands were free when they shoved into his hair. 
fuck, if he hadn’t been wanting this for so long. his lips broke off of her to trail kisses across her jaw, down towards her neck. he couldn’t stop his fingers from tugging at her dress insistently. “do you want that?” he demanded. raleigh felt her nod against him. his teeth scraped across her pulse point. “say it.”
“raleigh!” she exclaimed. it was the most amazing sound in the world. his hips pushed forward insistently, grinding between her thighs. the force of it pushed her back into the windows. “i want it, i want you. i want all of it -- everything.”
the urgency to fuck her through the window was balancing precariously against his desire to do things right -- to give her what she deserved. with a huff, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up, walking them both off towards his bedroom.
she laughed again as he dumped her on the mattress, hard enough to make her bounce. raleigh grinned back at her as he whipped his shirt off of his head, tossing it to the floor. she was scrambling up the mattress, and he chased her towards the headboard, kneeling on top of her when she finally laid back.
he crowded her in close for another kiss, his hands everywhere at once. she whined into his lips, kissing him so urgently, like they didn’t have all the time in the world, now. “i missed you,” she breathed, her hands clutching at his shoulders desperately.
“i missed you too, beautiful,” he returned, pushing her dress up her thighs, “now lie back and let me make you feel good.”
his head was spinning by the time they’d finished, and not because of the drinks he’d had. cadence was tucked up under his arm, her head pillowed on his chest. she was still catching her breath as she dragged her fingertips along the tattoo spanning the expanse of his ribs.
the sun was starting to come up outside, filtering light into his bedroom. he stared at her face, illuminated by the dawning daylight. “you know, if anyone here is gorgeous, it’s you.”
“oh my god,” she mumbled, pressing her face into his skin, “you’re never going to let this go, are you?”
he smirked up at the ceiling as he pulled her in closer. “would you say it makes you so mad?”
“i’m going home,” she threatened, pinching his side. he laughed, squirming away from her hand. “this is over. you ruined it.”
“well, what if i want to come along?”
“raleigh,” she groaned finally, kicking him under the covers, “stop it.”
he snickered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “what, you’re allowed to write about me, but i’m not allowed to enjoy it?”
“please,” she sighed, settling in against his chest again, “like you don’t write about me.”
“i never said that,” he hummed, already imagining the things her face would do when she finally got to listen to his album, if he ever finished it. “i’m really hoping the label doesn’t make me change the name of sex at the moda.”
“okay, you did not write a song called ‘sex at the moda.’ tell me you didn’t.”
“i’d hate to lie.”
she lifted her head to look at him, her face flushing. “will you play it for me?”
he eyed the guitar in the corner of his bedroom. like he could ever say no to her. still...
“maybe later,” he grinned, rolling over to pin her beneath him, the sheets tangling around their legs. “i can think of a better use of our time. we have a lot to catch up on.”
her arms wound around his neck. “tell me about it.”
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yikesharringrove · 5 years
the fic you wrote for my last prompt was amazing, ty 😭 can you do 50 + 56 this time please? and if you want to work in dyslexic!steve too that would be awesome! 🥰
You are speaking my fuckin’ language, dyslexic Steve is my ABSOLUTE jam. Honestly, whenever I write Steve, he’s dyslexic, although sometimes it’s not mentioned because it’s not important to Harry’s journey @ jk rowling
Thank you for your request! I’m really glad you liked the other one I wrote! You’re anonymous so I don’t know which one that is but I really enjoyed writing them all! Sorry for my manic energy rn.
Something a little different, it’s modern au! This is probably nothing like what you were thinking so I’m sorry, but I kinda love it ngl.
50: Secret Admirer
56: “I don’t know if I should be flattered or offended.”
Prompt list!
Billy spent three and a half hours reading through every single tweet on the account.
There were so fucking many of them. The earliest one was timestamped from four days ago, so obviously, this person had no life outside of tweeting.
Tweeting about Billy.
He had a few personal favorites. He had retweeted them to his account, figuring may as well play it up, make a joke outta everything.
@ImHardForHargrove: sorry WHOMST gave you the RIGHT to have eyes that fuckin blue im YELLING
@ImHardForHargrove: watchin u play basketball is a religious experience y are ur arms so BIG hhnnnng
And Billy’s absolute favorite, which he pinned right at the top of his account
@ImHardForHargrove: ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass
Billy knew he looked good. Knew he turned heads wherever he went. He did that on purpose. But realizing someone at Hawkins High had set up a thirst account for him, well.
“I don’t know if I should be flattered or offended.” Billy had explained the situation to Robin, letting her go through the account on his phone. “Like, It’s kinda nice, whoever this guy is, he’s got a crush. But also like, It’s kinda creepy. Plus he’s objectifying me,” Billy was talking through his sandwich.
Robin made a face of disgust. “Why do you keep saying ‘he’? All of the girls in this fucking school are practically drooling for you.”
“Hard for Hargrove, Robin. I know you’re like, revolted by the peen and whatever but that does not excuse a lack of basic sexual education and anatomy.” She gagged at him. Honest to God, gagged. He thought she was gonna spew all over the table.
“If I ever hear you call it a peen ever again, it’s on sight Hargrove.” Heather plopped herself down next to Robin, kissing her cheek before zeroing in on Billy’s phone, still in Robin’s hand.
“Have you guys worked out who it could be yet?” Her eyes were wide at Billy.
“Billy says he thinks its a guy even though people with penises aren’t necessarily men.” Robin gave him a pointed look.
“Yeah Robin, I know that, but, I don’t know I just think it’s a guy penis-having person.”
Heather narrowed her eyes at him. “Do you actually think that, or are you just hoping in that goblin little brain of yours that this account is Steve Harrington’s.” Billy could feel the heat spread down his neck.
“Billy, I know Steve is like, the only out guy in this whole fucking town, but you can do way better than him.  PLUS, I feel like it makes more sense if the person running this account wasn’t out and had to channel their gay yearning through social media.”
“First of all Robin, you have this vendetta against Steve that I don’t get. He’s a nice guy. He’s kinda dopey, kinda dumb, but he’s like, sweet and shit. Second, I’m not out, so it still could be him because he doesn’t think I would, like, accept his advances or whatever. Hence, gay internet yearning.” The chime of the bell sent them packing their lunches, Billy’s phone vibrated in Robin’s hand. She rolled her eyes when he realized he turned on notifications for the account
“Get a fucking life you loser.” She slapped the phone into his hand. He opened the new tweet with embarrassing zeal.
@ImHardForHargrove: i saw u talking with ur mouth full and it was yucky but i was still  🥺🥺
His head shot up, trying to see who would have been facing him during lunch, but the cafeteria was almost empty.
The rest of the week Billy took deliberate care of every interaction he had with anyone. Observing who was in his surroundings, and making note of everything he did and said. He took extra caution around Steve, wanting to spot any minute detail that could give away who ran the account.
The account started blowing up. People were retweeting like fucking crazy. Everywhere he went, he was being asked if he’s seen it, like he doesn’t regularly retweet the good ones. The search for the owner of the account had spread throughout the whole school. A few girls even tried to claim the account was theirs, but every time that happened the account would tweet out something to discredit whoever made the claim, proving them a liar.
Billy was starting to lose hope it was Harrington. The tweets were coming at all different times, posted whenever the person thought about it, so Billy was losing track of who was near when he said or did something. And the tweets were always about stupid stuff Billy didn’t register doing. On Wednesday night the account said
@ImHardForHargrove: hi when you chew on your pencil and it makes me 🥴 that is all thx for comin to my ted talk
Friday afternoon gave them all:
@ImHardForHargrove: walked past ur classroom and u were asleep ive never wanted to CUDDLE someone so bad in my LIFE
But Saturday, Saturday renewed all hope for Harrington Billy could possibly have. Lauren Kranz was throwing a party. It was the first real rager in a while, so everyone was there, and everyone was sloshed. Everyone but Billy, who’d agreed to be designated driver for Robin and Heather like some kinda idiot.
He was brooding on the back porch when his phone went off. The account was active, and the owner was drunk.
@ImHardForHargrove: I can seeeeee u oyt the windw I wan u 2 FUC ME. RAW DOG.
@ImHardForHargrove: srry ur so beauitiful nd THICCC
@ImHardForHargrove: I wana shoot my shot but idk if u lik bois
@ImHardForHargrove: (ys i am boi)
@ImHardForHargrove: nd i dont wana get my heart broken agin 😥
He was right about it being a guy. He was right about him being too nervous to approach him outright. His brain was screaming stevestevesteve at him. Hawkins was shook when Steve came out as bisexual in his sophomore year. He was the golden boy, a real jock. He was NOT the kind of guy people would assume queer in a small midwestern town.
He was kind of a douchebag, dumping one girl for another, sleeping with her and never calling again. But then he settled down with this guy from the University of Indianapolis for a few months until Steve caught him cheating. Apparently, he had slashed the guy’s tires. Billy was impressed.
The next year came Wheeler, who only stuck around long enough to make sure Steve was nice and whipped before she fucked off on him too. So Steve retreated. Spent more time with middle schoolers than anybody else. Didn’t want to put his heart on the line anymore until he knew it wouldn’t be stomped on.  Billy could respect that.
Billy couldn’t risk being out in a town like Hawkins. Word always had a way of getting right back to his dad, and in a tiny hick town with nothing better to do than gossip, it was usually only a matter of hours before Neil heard something he didn’t like.
@ImHardForHargrove: srry 4 bad typing rn. drunk nd dysl exic ren’t a happy combo
Billy’s heart stopped. The drunken idiot was giving himself away. Maybe if he sat here staring at the account long enough, enough would be revealed he could figure it all out like a shitty drunk episode of Blue’s Clues.
He was so focused on Twitter, refreshing his feed, again and again, he didn’t notice a very drunk, and very unsteady Steve Harrington stumbling out the back door towards him. Until he crashed into his back.
“Sorry, Bill!” Billy had Steve by the shoulders trying to keep him upright. “Heyy I have a question for you.” Steve grabbed one of Billy’s hands and veered over to the table and chairs arranged neatly on the small patio. When they were sitting, Steve kept ahold of Billy’s hand.
“Hi.” Steve was smiling like a little kid. Billy was in fucking love.
“hey, Harrington. What was your question.”
“So-oo. I have this friend. A very good friend. Super close. And he has a big ol’ crush on you but he’s too scared to ask you himself because he keeps getting his heart fuckin’ broken so he wanted me to ask. Are you into guys?” It’s a miracle Billy understood any of that, every word blending into the next.
“That depends.” Billy leaned in, running his tongue along his bottom lip. He saw Steve take in a sharp breath, following the movement with his glazed eyes. He knew Steve was talking about himself, he just wanted to rile him up a little. Make him blush first. “This friend you’re talkin’ about. He’s our age? Like you’re not trying to set me up with one a’ your kids, right?” Steve physically recoiled.
“NO, you fuckin’ pedo. I’m NOT trying to set you up with a fuckin’, fuckin’ middle schooler. My friend is, uh eighteen. He’s a senior.” Unless Tommy fuckin’ H. suddenly had a penchant for dick Billy didn’t know about, Steve was 100% talking about himself.
“Well, if he’s as pretty as you are, I’d love to go out with him sometime.” Billy winked. Steve went red.
“Okay, but like, does that mean you’d go out with me? Like I’m as pretty as me, right? Because I was talking about me. Not ‘a friend’ I was talking about me. Steve.”
“Yeah, I kinda figured that out. You know, I was hoping it was you running that Twitter. Any time you’d tweet out something you wanted to do with me, I was always picturin’ doing it with you, Baby.” Billy was practically purring. “Especially all the shit you wanted me to do TO you.” Steve gave something between a whine and a groan and flopped himself onto Billy’s lap, straddling him with very little grace.
“Thank God. ‘Cause you’re so fucking hot I’d let you do anything to me. Anything, Bill.” Billy smiled softly at him.
“Then let me take you home. Let me put you in bed to sleep off all this. And let me take you to breakfast tomorrow. Something nice and greasy for your hangover tummy.” Steve was a puddle in Billy’s lap. “C’mon, Drunky, git your ass up.” Steve just giggled and muttered Drunky Skunky under his breath.
Billy sighed and stood up, hefting Steve up with him.
“Bil-ly,” Steve whined. “You’re so strong, this is so fucking hot. I gotta tweet about this.”
“Tweet it later, Sweet Thing.”
It took Billy for-fucking-ever to find Robin and Heather (they were making out in the basement with the stoners). But Steve chirped and cooed into his ear, so happy Billy could lift him and hold him like it was nothing.
The last tweet from the account was timestamped from Sunday evening.
@ImHardForHargrove: Hi this is Steve. Billy’s my boyfriend now 🥰#ThirstWorks
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tenglows · 5 years
in the name of the old days
summary: it’s the last day of the year and you’re feeling nostalgic. you come across the twitter of the boy who used to be your best friend a few years ago, and decide to message him.
category: fluff, a bit of angst? maybe??, internet friend!mark
Tumblr media
it was currently december 31, at half past one am, and you were scrolling on twitter
some chuckles here and there while reading your friend’s posts about timothee chalamet
you were about to close the app to go brush your teeth and prepare for bed
when your eyes wandered off and focused on another tweet
“almost 2020 and still no flying cars” read the tweet
from @/markly_
this made you sit straight in your mattress
you clicked on his profile
you two still followed each other
there weren’t a lot of recents tweets, so that’s why you figured you hadn’t come across the boy’s twitter sooner
plus; lately you weren’t the type to be so active on social media either
you mentally counted the years since you first met mark lee
it was 2019 (almost 2020) now and you guys had met in 2015
you had gotten involved in a drama with a one direction stan, you being part of 5sos stan twitter
and mark, little mix stan, had defended you
it was in the middle of the zayn and perrie scandal, so he assured both of your teams had to stick together to defeat one direction’s fans
you became mutuals after that
and you soon realized that mark had the tendency to initiate lots of twitter fights
often with the people that would bash perrie and her group
your friendship rose as the two of you took turns defending the other one on those enfrentations
you don’t know how but all of the sudden there was no day you wouldn’t talk to mark
you were both 16 at the time, you being older just by a few months
you guys would talk about everything and anything
and basically grew up together
you were there for him when school got hard and future scared him
he was there for you when you faced a pretty bad relationship
and you honestly considered him your best friend
sleepless nights with him on facetime were one of the things you looked forward to the most
hearing him talk about his day
him showing you a new song he learned on the guitar, or him playing some melodies and lyrics he composed himself every now and then
watching the same movie or show at the same time on your respective screens
struggling to press play together to match the exact second
“i totally knew he was gonna die”
“shut up you’re way ahead!!!!”
you had other friends at school, too
but mark was just mark
and you two had such a loving bond, you were so close you took him with you to everywhere you went
you just wished you had him closer
at least you were both from canada
him being from vancouver and you from quebec
you had made lots of plans about meeting in real life, and you genuinely believed they would come about
but it is true that time passes and people drift apart
you were about to begin college and made new friends
mark moved out to toronto
and gradually, the responses took longer
and the calls had kinda been left aside
until one of you just stopped replying
you honestly don’t remember who it was
but there isn’t really a reason, either
you just parted ways
and it’s fine, it’s human and natural and normal
but now looking at his profile picture: a polaroid of him hugging another boy
you felt as if a bucket of cold and frostbound nostalgia had been dumped over your head
you recognized his moles, and how he had the same smile
his header picture was a guitar
and it wasn’t the same he used to have, but something about him still liking music made you feel warm
it’s always astonishing to see how the life of a person who is no longer in yours just,,,
goes on
and you aren’t aware of a thing about their existence
or even think about them
so it’s almost as they don’t exist
but now you know mark still exists
and it’s so weird to think about how your lives had been so overlapped, so united
and now you didn’t know anything about him
the mix of reminiscence about this and the year ending
resulted in your impulsive fingers pressing the envelope icon in mark’s profile
you stayed like that for a few minutes, writing and deleting messages. the sentences you thought about never feeling enough
you sighed as you told yourself this would be the last attempt
“hi mark, i’m not sure if you remember me but i saw you on my tl and it made me want to check on you! maybe this message will disappear into thin air but i just wanted to try. i hope you’re doing well <3”
you stared at the blue bubble of text almost without blinking for a moment
maybe he didn’t want to talk to you, and it was okay. you stopped talking in 2017, almost three years had passed
you thought looking at yourself in the mirror while you brushed your teeth
you came back to your room and turned off your lights, ready to go to sleep
but when you grabbed your phone with the intention to charge it, you saw you had a twitter notification
“y/n! how could i forget about you? haha it’s been so long two years without talking. how are you? how’s life? tell me something”
an instant smile started growing upon your face
the way he texted was the same as before
and you missed his haha
two and a half hours into the night you felt as if you were stuck in 2015 all over again
you had always had this fluidity at the time of talking with mark
the conversation just,, bloomed
he told you he still lived in new york, but he was actually gonna move back to toronto in a couple of months
he was majoring in music and owned a soundcloud rap account, and he had gotten quite popular as well
you mentioned how you had changed majors
what started as you being a marketing management major ended up on you leaning towards philosophy
something that no one had seen coming
so you expected the same reaction from mark
“i can totally see it, you always liked to think and question everything a little too much”
and that comment made you feel thrilled in your stomach, to say the least
even after all these years
mark was probably the person who knew you the most
days passed
weeks, even
and what you thought was just a conversation remembering the old days and filling the other in on your life
just,,, never stopped
mark and you went back to talking every day
everything felt the same as it did before
because after all, it was the same mark. it was always mark
still, the day you had agreed on facetiming for the first time again you felt kinda nervous
what if you ran out of what to talk about? what if it was suddenly weird?
and when you picked up the call and found yourself face to face with a flustered mark you knew he felt the same
you both hesitated as to who would speak first
him being the one to break the ice
“hey y/n” he giggled
“wow, your voice has gotten deeper”
he laughed loudly at your honesty, making you laugh back
“your hair is shorter”
“i know right? it was so long, i just got fed up of it reaching my waist”
“i like it, it looks pretty” he paused “you look pretty”
and in that moment you wondered how your heart could be beating this hard at a blurry screen with poor connection
comments like that kept making an appearance as time went by, sometimes from mark and eventually from your part
and that was the only thing that differed from the relationship you used to have with the one you had now
was it flirting? you didn’t know
but you had never thought of mark the way you think about him now
“so? what do you think?”
you set the phone on your desk as you walked away and showed mark your white dress. you were on your way to a costume party one of your friend’s brother was throwing, and even though it was cliché, you couldn’t be bothered to think of a more ingenious costume than a traditional angel
mark took his time fixing his gaze on you, his eyes getting closer to concentrate on what the vague wifi let him
“i can’t recognize the costume”
“what do you mean? i’m literally wearing wings and a halo”
“could it be because you always look like an angel?”
“ayee mark that was cheesy”
“i know, i’m sorry” you both laughed
“but really, you look amazing. go and have fun babe”
then pet names came into play
you weren’t sure what you were doing, but flirting with mark was sweet and fun and innocent
you always found yourself wanting for more
you were yearning for mark, you wanted to see him, listen to him, touch him
and you didn’t know what to do with yourself
until one day he called you out of the blue, which startled you, since he always asked before calling
“hey! were you busy?”
“no no i’m just doing the dishes, what’s up?”
“okay, so you know how i’m moving to toronto in two weeks, right?” you nodded “well, i just managed to change my flight so i would go to quebec for some days before properly settling in toronto, you know since it’s not that far”
“you’re kidding”
“i’m going to visit you!!!!!!!”
he squealed in your ear and you squealed back, scaring your poor cat who was sleeping soundly
after some more yelling, the excitement died out a bit and you stayed in silence for just a few seconds
“i don’t really have a place to stay though” he snorted, embarrassed
“you can always stay with me, mark”
after some long and never-ending hours and days (you had seriously convinced yourself some wrinkles had appeared on your forehead from all the waiting)
it was finally the day you would see mark
it was currently 11 am, mark’s flight was at 1 pm and he would arrive at quebec at approximately a bit less than 3 pm
now, he was at new york’s airport taking care of all the travelling procedures
and you were cleaning up the same spots in your aparment for the fourth time in a row
to say you were nervous was an understanding
you felt like you were going insane
you barely had gotten any sleep the night before, not being able to defeat the crowding thoughts about finally meeting your long-time friend
(who now you wanted to be more than a friend and seeing him physically could totally help with that)
you arranged some lunch for you and your cat (magnus) and sat in front of the tv, wanting to find literally anything that would keep your mind occupied
luckily, it worked, and you let yourself lose track of time
until your phone beeped, indicating you had received a text
“i’m boarding now!! i’ll text you when i get there, can’t wait to see you”
“have a safe flight love”
you sighed dramatically and rested your arm against your forehead
magnus stared at you in confusion and boredom
“magnus, i think i’m going to die”
as promised, mark texted you as soon as the plane landed
you offered to go pick him up at the airport, but he denied, saying he had already scheduled a taxi
so now you were ready and dressed, going all over your apartment non stop
mark was texting you through all the taxi drive and updating you on his location, you growing more and more anxious as you knew he was getting closer
you went to the bathroom and as soon as you stepped out, a knock was heard on your door
it was soft and steady, and you opened your eyes widely when the realization of who the owner of the hand was hit you
you panicked, one last time
you even eyed your room window to check if you had any chance of jumping out and running away
but you took a deep breath and walked decidedly towards your door
you just had to remind yourself it was the same mark as always, and nothing could go wrong if there was him
thus, you opened the door
and the facetime pixels and instagram pictures could have never prepared you for how dreamy mark looked
you two stayed like that for a bit
just watching the other with shy eyes and smiles
you eventually snapped out of your trance and helped mark get his luggage inside
"it's a bit small but i hope you can make yourself comfortable"
"oh please it's perfect, don't worry" he gave you a reassuring smile before getting totally distracted by the fluffy ball of hair in your couch
"oh my god is that magnus!!!!"
after letting mark get comfortable and installed, you guys decided to take a walk and go over your apartment zone, showing mark all your favorite places and memories you had there
it was a bit cold and you were both tightened around your coats
eventually, it was getting late and more chilly
so you opted for going back to your place
as you walked there in a bit of silence, you could feel mark's body getting more close in proximity
you looked at him, his gaze fixed upon the path with a small grin on his lips
you got closer too
and you liked it
it was cold outside but when mark brushed against your body
canada has never felt more like summer
you guys were really close now
as you took step after step, your jackets made static sounds, rubbing against the other
you looked at mark and delicately touched one of his fingers with your pinky, as if asking for permission
he finally looked up from the way and focused on your eyes instead, breaking into a smile once again
he took a peek at your close hands and softly intertwined your fingers
both of your faces reddening, from the low temperature and the feelings that were growing in your stomach
when you got to your apartment you guys were still holding hands, but you realized you had to open the door with that one, and couldn't find the keys in your pocket
"y/n, you will have to let go of my hand to get the keys"
"that's the point. i don't want to"
"y/n, i'm freezing. please open the door i can still hold your hand when we're inside"
and yeah,,
he did
you changed into comfortable and warm clothes and prepared some hot chocolate while mark chose a movie in your laptop
when you entered the room, two mugs in hand
mark was lying on his stomach on your bed, his hand on his chin with his mouth a bit open while concentrating on the variation of movies netflix offered
you felt a shiver down your spine
he really was here
after taking a while to decide on a movie, or at least its genre, you just selected a random title
you turned off the lights and went back to your bed, getting under the covers
and you just felt warm
and whole
maybe more because of mark than the actual sheets that were meant to keep you heated
(he also held your hand the entire time, rubbing his thumb against your palm and drawing invisible figures on it)
your head rested on his shoulder and you went up as the same time his chest did with every breath he took
in some moment you stopped paying attention to the movie
your mind wandered off to thoughts about the boy, about how you have never felt this close to him. you felt like you were really inside his ribcage
still from his shoulder, you moved a bit so you could look at him
his face was glowing
yeah, the images and lights of the computer were reflecting on him
but you meant this boy glowed in the dark
he just had something in him
it was either rays of sunshine or neon paint
but he, in this frosty and amusing night within your bedroom walls, glowed on his own
he turned his gaze towards you too, and tightened the grip on your hand
you felt mark’s arm on your waist and he rearranged the position so you would be on his chest
hearing his heartbeat, it was music
mark always did music. and he himself was music too, his heart creating your new favorite beat
“i’m falling asleep” you confessed with a drowsy voice, making him laugh
“let’s turn off the movie, shall we? we can continue it tomorrow”
he shut the laptop closed and placed it on your desk, quickly making his way back to the bed so he would hold you
you had prepared him another bed next to you, a mattress already covered
but he was showing no intentions of moving a muscle
“are you going to sleep here?”
“that was the plan, yeah” he giggled on your neck. you shuddered
“i made the bed just in case”
“i can go there if you prefer”
“no” pause “i want you here”
and he smiled proudly as he hid his face in the crook of your neck
you smelled nice, like coconut and vainilla and all his sweetest dreams combined
and with his arms around your waist he felt strong, like he could defeat anything that the world aimed at him
“do you think it was meant to be that we’re here after all this years? would you consider it destiny?” he thought out loud, gazing at you
“i can’t give you an answer right now”
“fine, philosophy major” he mocked, making you both laugh
“as a philosophy major, i don’t know. destiny is always a tricky thing to discuss”
“but as y/n, yeah, i believe it was meant to be”
he stared at you in awe
“i really want to kiss you right now”
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thefools-journey · 5 years
To the Developers of The Arcana Game:
Warning, this isn’t going to be very nice. I will keep the swearing and personal attacks off this post but this is not going to be nice. Sorry, not sorry. I am a Portia fan first, a Devorak fan second, and ‘good storytelling’ fan all around. And I am not happy.
It has come to my attention that the lead writer of Portia’s route has released a tweet begging people to play her route, saying that it isn’t breaking even and that its completion is being threaten due to low fan interest.
It pains me as a Portia fan to say that but it is exactly how I feel. Good. I hope it doesn’t get finished, if what we have gotten the last two books is indicative of the final product.
Also, how dare you.
How. Dare. You.
I don’t even know where to begin at this point. Let’s start with this letter. You, Arcana devs, you are the reason that Portia’s route is failing, not the fans. Before the secondaries started, Portia was just as popular and just as anticipated as the boys, if not more so. You were the ones who squandered that enthusiasm. It has been obvious for books now that her route is generating less attention. That’s months and months of real time feedback. Yes, not all routes are going to appeal to all people. But. You saw she was struggling and rather than put a tenth of the attention, effort, and advertising into her that you put into Lucio or Muriel, you let the situation continue. You had options for dealing with the situation. Remember how you ignored her recent birthday? Remember how you just delayed her book in favor of Lucio’s without explanation? Remember how many posts on your twitter and BtS stuff go to Muriel and Lucio, not her? Remember how her brother is one of the most popular characters period and how you didn’t use that to her route’s advantage, either in advertising or story line? Remember how you decided to create all these extra backgrounds and new sprites when you knew she was struggling to “bring in revenue” and that she “wasn’t breaking even”?
No, wait, I take that back. 
Instead of letting the situation continue, you actively sabotaged her route for the few fans who were reading and enjoying it. Remember what you guys did with the Death book? Remember that big huge twist you spoiled in random newspaper clippings less than two days before you released the book? Remember that? Let me tell you, I still do. I remember being insulted that this route, alone of all the others, was spoiled so heavily in a bid for attention. The last two books in particular have been a mess.
No, seriously, let’s talk about them. It’s very, very clear from the decline in writing quality, which went from a very thoughtful, tightly focused story on Portia and the mundane, common folk of Vesuvia to an LSD trip less coherent than Alice in Wonderland, that major portions of her story were changed or just dropped in a bid for fan attention. Don’t believe me? I have an entire 3000 word meta-analysis on Portia’s route, character, and themes up through Book 13 over here. You’re welcome.
The most obvious and egregious example of changes forced into the route for attention is the masquerade dress introduced in Book 14. Why in the Star’s name would you add that dress in that manner in that context? Why would Portia, of all people, care about a pretty dress when the palace just got blown up and her brother was still missing? Why would Nadia care about said dress when her entire family has vanished? Why is Portia actively changing into a dress she acknowledges in text is beautiful and bulky and not made for running around in when she’s going to be running around the city? And to top it all off, if you had to have her in the dress, why in the High Priestess’ realm would you not give it to her after her bath scene where it makes sense? No, seriously, think about it. Portia wearing her new fancy dress to her aunt’s pre-masquerade party makes sense, not finding it on the cottage stoop. It’s a nice contrast and parallel to the outfit she was wearing for Tasya’s bribery dinner. Portia not changing out of the dress makes more sense than Portia changing into the dress.
That is only one example. I can pick out any number of out of character moments or pacing issues from this last book especially, and oh boy I will have a huge post on that, but here, have a few little things I noticed. Why was the cliffhanger from 14 not resolved at the beginning of 15? Why did we waste a quarter of the book finding Muriel for no reason? No, seriously, I love Muriel but he has no bearing on Portia’s story, much like Portia barely features in his or Lucio’s books. Why did Lucio reappear off screen? Why did Asra’s characterization and reactions flip flop from line to line? One moment he’s worried about Muriel, the next he wants to chase butterflies? What? Why was there no sense of urgency to anything the characters did or said since Temperance started? 
Also, perhaps most importantly, Book 15 is The Devil. Where was the Devil? Where? Where was Tasya? This is the rising action to the climax, writers. You know better than this. Everyone knows you know better and are better than this. We know you know better than this because Muriel’s route has a very similar scenario with damage to the palace and caring for refugees and it does miles better than Portia’s. We know you know better because this decline in quality has only appeared here, in the least popular route’s desperate search for attention, and has largely remained out of the more popular routes.
Here’s the gist of the situation, Arcana devs.
Once upon a time, not too long ago, I defended Portia’s route and explained how wonderful it was. I was so invested in her and where her story was headed. I defended it against complaints that it was boring or too similar to the primary routes or that nothing was happening in it. I didn’t care about the other routes because I was getting everything I ever wanted out of the game from her route alone. I even held off writing about my disappointments with Book 14 just in case that was a one time bump in the road. It was not. So now I speak.
I am glad that your mad scramble changes failed to generate any new interest in her story line. 
I’m glad because you stripped all the character arcs, themes, and meanings from the first half in exchange for fan service and attention in a last ditch gamble which thus far has failed.
I’m glad because now, maybe, you’ll look at this situation and realize exactly where you went wrong.
After all, the Star is a card of clarity and truth. 
-Mod Telos
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jihyosforehead · 4 years
Some dayeon fluff pls your writing is phenomenal
IM SO SORRY ive sat on this for months 🥴😬💞 pls 4give 💖 based on this one tiktok i saw on my timeline one time and cant find bc i accidentally refreshed 😢😞
“Ask your partner if they have anything they want to talk about.”
Nayeon’s spent the last hour or so scrolling through her twitter feed, there’s a few cute puppy videos here and there, a few new memes she found funny enough to blow air out her nose and her personal favourite, “Ask your partner if they have anything they want to confess.” 
Nayeon can’t help herself. This quarantine has kept her inside for longer than she’d imagined. So. She’s bored and she’s bothered her friends enough with her need to be entertained. And Dahyun was due to walk in at any moment from picking up the mail from the downstairs lobby. 
It seemed relatively simple. Ask your partner if they have anything they want to talk about. A forced confession. 
Dahyun was hardly on social media and gets most, if not all, her memes from Nayeon and then occasionally Chaeyoung. (“How have you not heard of grumpy cat? Or the doge meme at least?”) Dahyun lived under a rock, basically. Nayeon was fairly certain Dahyun wouldn’t know about this. 
The door made a tiny beeping noise, and was then followed by a soft click. 
“Do you have anything you want to tell me?” Nayeon blurts out, catching Dahyun just as she’s about to slip her feet into fluffy pink slippers. Nayeon watches her girlfriend expectantly, she narrows her eyes trying to school her expression to something serious. Dahyun slowly lowers one foot into her slippers and then straightens up to tilt her head curiously at Nayeon’s question. 
“Is there anything you want to talk about?” Nayeon tries again. This time more firm, but she manages to successfully bite back a smile. 
Dahyun shuffles her feet into her slippers as if regaining her footing. She opens her mouth and closes it. Opens once more and lets out a long “uHHhhh-” Dahyun searches for words that don’t seem to come and then looks at the small pile of letters in her hand, then at Nayeon again. 
Nayeon studies Dahyun carefully; she was shuffling back and forth and on both feet and had rearranged the post in her hands for the third time. She was momentarily distracted by a mustard yellow envelope that looked interesting.
“Is there something you want to tell me?” 
“So, uh -” Dahyun sighs, deeply embarrassed, “so, you- I, - uh, I guess you found the cutlery?” She rubs the back of her neck sheepishly, Nayeon watches her cheeks pink under the fluorescent lighting. 
“The-the cutlery? You found it?”
It’s Nayeon’s turn to flounder now. What had Dahyun done to the cutlery? Had she broken it? Thrown it away? What was so monumental about the cutlery, that had her girlfriend looking like she was about to run out the door she had just come in from? Nayeon’s eyes snap back to Dahyun again.
“Y-yes. The cutlery. I found it.” 
Nayeon rubs her temple. Why had she said that? Technically, no, it’s not a lie. As far as she knew, the cutlery was in the left hand drawer next to the sink. She pictured their kitchen in her head and mentally tried to recall the last time she’d opened it. At lunch? No. She had a snack about two hours ago and needed a spoon but couldn’t find any, so she’d had to wash a new one. And that’s all her knowledge about any kitchen-related utensils they owned. 
“I’m really sorry, baby,” Dahyun steps closer and huffs a loud sigh. She runs a hand through her already mussed hair, “I just, I just- you- look,” she raises her hand in a placating gesture. “I’ll be better. I promise. I’ll put them away. I just really hated doing that part.”
“Dahyun, angel, what are you talking about?”
Dahyun visibly perks up at the pet name.
“Nayeonnie, I just really hate putting the cutlery away.” Nayeon just stares dumbly, clearly confused. “Like, I know the drawer is right next to the- ” Dahyun sighs, resigned. 
Nayeon allows herself to be pulled up by the wrist and guided into the kitchen. She watches Dahyun gently tug the dishwasher door open with a sheepish smile and- 
“Ohhhhh my godddd.” 
Nayeon rubs the spot between her eyebrows exasperatedly. Huh. So she wasn’t imagining things after all. She wasn’t insane - okay - that part was debatable (sometimes), but she knew she wasn’t losing it. It, being her marbles, she notes while staring at a wide-eyed Dahyun. Dahyun, who was, at the very least, two full shades pinker than usual. Nayeon stares in disbelief. 
“-look I’m really sorry! I’ll-I’ll put them away now. Right now! I’ll wash up and I’ll put them away next time, I promise!” Dahyun says, voice frantic. She then turns around to hurriedly yank four spoons, two forks and a butterknife from the cutlery basket and waves them in Nayeon’s face. Nayeon’s unable to control the disgusted expression she makes at the visibly dirty utensils. “I-I”ll-I’ll wash these now! I’ll wash these now so we’ll have a few for the rest of the week and tomorrow when we turn the dishwasher on I’ll put them all away,” Dahyun manages to say in one breath. She sniffs.
Her cheeks are flushed red, and her voice has begun to waver, giving away her nerves. And she’s looking at Nayeon with her big, doe-like, guilty brown eyes. All honey. There’s a tiny crinkle between furrowed eyebrows. Nayeon can’t help but feel deeply fond exasperation creep up her spine and rush all the way down to the ends of her fingertips. Her heart squeezes tightly. Uncomfortably. Feels Dahyun wriggle her into yet another spot she didn’t know she had. God. This girl. This idiot. This Idiot! Making her feel things all the time! How was it possible to love such a monumental, wholesome dumbass? How?  
“Is your-” Nayeon clears her throat. “Is your ‘thing’ you needed to tell me-” she does air quotes to emphasise  her point, “-that you don’t put the cutlery away?” 
Dahyun doesn’t meet her eyes and instead chooses to find the floorboards interesting. She pointedly avoids Nayeon’s gaze. Nayeon struggles to bite back a laugh. 
Then, very quietly, in the tiniest voice:
Nayeon brings her hands to her cheeks to quell the urge to scream. This girl. This GIRL!!! Was so cute! How could one person be THIS cute! Nayeon chooses to sigh very deeply and bite her lip. She thinks she manages to look stern. 
“I thought I was imagining things,” Nayeon tells her, “no wonder there’s never any cutlery in the drawers!” 
Dahyun rubs the back of her neck sheepishly. “I’m really sorry, babe. I’ll put them away next time.” 
Nayeon watches pink flush Dahyun’s face again and trail down her neck. She finds her hand on the spot where Dahyun’s neck meets her shoulders and gently tugs. 
“I’m not upset, I promise,” she murmurs into dark hair. She feels Dahyun huff a relieved sigh and shuffle herself closer. 
“You sure?” 
“Baby. It’s just cutlery.” Nayeon pulls back, her hand still resting on the nape of Dahyun’s neck. She rubs the skin there, feels Dahyun shiver slightly. “I’m not mad at you,” Nayeon says again. “And anyway. If you had told me you hated that part, the easiest part,” she teases, and draws Dahyun back to her body naturally, “I would have done it instead.”
She punctuates her words with a kiss on the crown of Dahyun’s head. She feels Dahyun smile into her shoulder with how hard she’s grinning. She drops another kiss for good measure. 
“You are so dumb,” Dahyun whines, and slaps Nayeon’s shoulder with their heavy throw pillow.
“Look, it’s not my fault you’re an idiot.” My idiot, Nayeon thinks, happily.
Dahyun buries her face in Nayeon’s side and whines again. “I can’t believe you put that on Twitter.” 
“You let me post it!” 
“Only because no one looks at your tweets but me!” 
“I have over five thousand followers.” 
“They’re bots.”
Nayeon might’ve posted a voice-recording of Dahyun’s Confession. On Twitter. And it might have gone viral. And this is why Dahyun is smacking Nayeon's shoulder repeatedly with a pillow on a Tuesday night. Nayeon supposes this is her reward for fame. 
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Not Necessarily a Headcanon but Something Interesting to Think About Whether or Not it may be True it’s too Early to be Sure but Still a Fun Thought to Play With-
((Title says all. This is a Vaggie centered post, provoked by this post by @zatyrlucy​ , [if you feel weird being randomly mentioned in a post by an rp blog, I’m sorry, I’ll fix that if you tell me it’s not okay.]
Specifically this segment;
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Also, to clarify, no, I’m not trying to debunk anything, I just wanted to explore this idea more for fun, and I felt it dishonest to not proper credit the one that thought of it in the first place.
Anyways, more under the read more-
Alright, so to those of you that didn’t go to the linked post and only saw the question might be thinking ‘well duh, it’s been established she died in 2014!’
But as they pointed out with one of Vivzie’s tweets last year [And yes I am stealing the screenshot from that post];
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This was about four months before the pilot came out. The year confirmation came from a profile thing back in 2017. Now we don’t know if this is her retconning the profile, if this is just an idea she was playing with, or if she was trying to imply some mystery to her, but we’re not going to be thinking too hard on this.
Instead, we’re going to be focusing on the high school years bit.
Now, we don’t know how long ago she started or graduated high school, and we don’t know how long she went to high school, as demons like Charlie do seem to age slowly. But we do know from Faustisse that there’s going to be a flashback to high school in Charlie’s comic that happened 200 years prior to the events of said comic. So, if that’s when Charlie and Vaggie met, then that means that Vaggie might have died somewhere in the 1800′s, perhaps before, perhaps after, depending on those other factors and how long after she died she met Charlie in the first place.
Yet she tells Angel that he’s been in Hell longer than she has in the pilot episode, four months after Viv made that tweet. It didn’t sound like she was trying to reaffirm that he was older than her or anything, it was in the context that she was generally surprised he hadn’t heard of Alastor. In a way that’s like “How haven’t you heard of him when even someone as new as me has”.
Yet, why would she note that as if she didn’t precede Alastor himself. Furthermore, why would she lie about how long she’s been in Hell?
What if it wasn’t a lie? At least, not an outright lie?
We all are by now familiar with the fallen angel!Vaggie theory going around. Hell, it was mentioned in the very post that inspired this.
If Vaggie was an exterminator specifically, then there are chances they could have met. Namely the cleansing days. Telling from the shadow puppet part of Chasing Rainbows, Charlie seemed to have tried to talk to them before, to little success.
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Vaggie could have stayed behind after the purging was done too. Maybe after having gotten to know Charlie, she could have snuck to Hell to hang out writh her. Hell, if we want to go with a sorta Romeo and Juliet kinda storyline, they could have started dating in secret sometime after Charlie broke up with Seviathan [which seems to be sometime after graduating high school, as they were still dating during prom, which, if I remember right, is the last dance of high school.], and would have only started dating openly when Vaggie eventually fell.
How or why did she fall? Who knows. It could either be because her relationship with a demon was discovered if we want to keep up with the Romeo and Juliet thing, or simply because her temper, as Wrath is considered a sin.
Either way, her being dead way before most of the characters in the show and her being an angel most of her afterlife could explain a couple of things. While she seems to know more about humans than Charlie, she still seems to think that cold turkey is the way to go, not keeping in mind withdrawal symptoms, something more modern people would have been aware of and despite her being the logical one. For example, rather than reluctantly admit that the bar is a good idea to wane off the sinners, she immediately denounces it, shouting that the hotel is suppose to discourage sin. It also sounds like her being an angel for so long has made her feel sin is sin, no matter the reason. I don’t think angels, especially older angels, would understand that they may need to be waned off of addictions or may need therapy. Rather, they may see it as weak of will to partake in vices.
Why say she died in 2014, though?
Simple; that could be the year she fell. It wouldn’t be a lie to say she arrived in Hell in 2014, not her fault that they interpreted it as the year of her death. Even if it was an intentional lie, it makes for a good cover story for those that might be suspicious of her saying when she died if they haven’t seen her before the year she got down there. And telling from a certain bit of graffiti;
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We can tell that Heaven and members of it are understandably not well liked down in Hell. Formerly or not, things might be a bit dodgy if it came out she was an angel. Much less an exterminator.
As for her behaving more modernly with her lingo and stuff, remember that Charlie is much older than most people in Hell, and yet her way of dress and mannerisms and lexicon are pretty modern. We also saw that portrait of her and her parents in the 1800′s. So it does seem like shes good at keeping up with the times. That could possibly apply to Vaggie too.. Angel and Nifty seem to be a bit good about that too with Angel knowing how to use a smartphone and Nifty knowing about and writing fanfiction.
I think that’s about it maybe. Sorry if this is a mess, I tried to keep it organized. ^^;
idk if this is headcanon for me personally, but this was pretty fun to explore. It might be a verse, but probably not like a blog canon thing. Hope you guys enjoyed. ^^))
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