#but that's too bad bc i'm taking sundays out of my availability when i get back
shoutsofmybones · 1 year
ok, i gotta confess this to someone so i'm leaving it on catholic tumblr, which is close enough to an actual confession i guess. anyways basically i've been pretending to be catholic for about 4 years now. for context, i didn't get baptized as a baby because my godparents got divorced a bit before i was born, and it took me until i was 16 to start the whole process bc a lot of shit came up. i stopped believing the whole thing when i was like 13 but i agreed to go through with it bc it would be way more trouble than it's worth to break it to my mom i'm not a christian and she was really looking forward to it so i was like whatever, why not. so i went through the classes you have to take to prep for it for about half a year, it was boring as hell, basically just hearing some lady go on a two hour jesus monologue and pretending you were taking notes about it every sunday. so i went through the whole process, had a retreat, had my first and last confession where the priest and i could barely understand eachother so to this day i have no idea what he thinks i confessed to, went through the pre-baptism ceremony where i slipped and fell on my ass in front of the bishop (ironically only thing i think god had anything to do with in the whole story), got baptized in front of my parents and godparents with a completely blank mind and fully calculated facial expressions and reactions and there you go, i'm schrodinger's catholic.
later on i ended up joining the church choir because it was the only structured social activity available in this godforsaken neighborhood, did the only two things i kinda regret where i sang at a seventh-day mass and a priest's ordenation ceremony, which is kinda like a marriage if you think about it, but no harm done i guess. i left it last month because the whole enviroment was getting kinda toxic. i still participate in the community when i'm called and regularly go to mass because it makes my parents happy and the priest is nice enough, i like hearing out what he has to say during the homily. yes i do take communion, i don't feel bad about it, i pretend to pray after i take it but i'm probably thinking about what i'm gonna do after i get home.
i've considered actually confessing this and getting excommunicated in the funniest way possible after my parents die, but i'll cross that bridge when i get to it. if god's real i know i'm gonna go straight to satan's lap for this, but i don't worry too much about it since i know he made his mind up long ago.
it kinda sounds like you're a practicing catholic
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seiwas · 11 months
SEL!!!!! HOW ARE YOU HOW WAS YOUR WEEK <333333 I'm... yeah. Yeah 🧍🏻‍♀️the first half of my midterms are done which means I'll conk out HARD on saturday and cram again on sunday *sobs* but aside from that I'm surviving (I think, I'm still alive so that's good I guess???) Also my sleep and eating schedule has been a mess since like I take a nap right after my exams and then wake up at ass o clock, make food, and then study until sunrise and go straight to my exam. Rinse and repeat 💀💀 this ain't good but I can't rly do anything about it 😭 uni life is legit how much rest can I squeeze out of the 24 available hours. It's not a question of when but a question of how much 😭, as long as I sleep and eat something that's good enough (for exam week at least I swear It's not this bad on usual days 💀)
I have some free time rn and I'm working on another doodle to take a break from studying. Will probs post on saturday 🏃‍♀️ hopefully you have a great rest of your week filled with the best vibes and your favorite things and people 💗💗💗
midi!! hello 🥺 my week was good!! spent the past few days w my bf and his family & i also got a haircut yesterday hihi (i've been wanting to get one for so long bc my hair just wasn't it anymore jshbjsa)
you deserve a break!! a saturday off sounds like a good idea 🥺 i hope u sleep in and make up for how wonky your body clock's gotten 😭😭
and another doodle omg best believe am running to it when u drop it !!! 🏃‍♀️ pls drink lots of water... and eat good food... and get plenty of sleep 😭 am wishing you the best for ur exams next week, you can do it!!! & i hope your weekend is filled with the best vibes and best people too 🥺
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woozisnoots · 4 years
Hello alex! Maybe I'm to early for having a emergency request but I haven't really going anywhere outside my house beside buy groceries and I haven't socialize properly in months (maybe there is a bunch of people can relate). It's stressing and make me mentally exhausted for months 😭😭😭 can I request something like joshua fluff or wonwoo fluff that can comfort us? And I get it if you can't do it since I think I'm to early for asking. Anyway hope you have a nice day ❣️
no ofc it’s not too early! pls, i want to do this for you guys 🥺💓 these are meant to be small so i ended up doing both. i hope you enjoy and if you ever need someone to talk to, my inbox and dms are always open!
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𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧!
° pairing: joshua x reader, wonwoo x reader ° genre: fluff! ° word count: 1214 ° warnings: none! ° tagging: @jaeyoonurl bc she has a thing for j*shua hong
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— joshua
in the scenario that you and joshua are living together in a small apartment complex, he does the slightest bit to annoy you whether it be intentional or not
like he’ll either make you stay in bed with him  longer than usual so you’d be late to a zoom class / meeting
or he’d purposefully flick you behind the ear while you’re cooking which causes you to accidentally pour more than just a pinch of salt on your eggs 
since josh owns that little projector that has slides of all the different constellations, he would turn it on right before you guys go to sleep as you lay next to each other on the bed and just stare at the stars from your ceiling
he loves making jewelry to pass the time while you guys watch netflix together. and wants nothing more than receiving an accessory that you made yourself
“joshua hong, please!” you fling your arms up to reach for the object now in joshua’s hands, much to your avail. “it’s literally so ugly. i beg you, please don’t wear it!” the little jump you add doing nothing but exhaust your energy. 
you knew it was bad idea, you should have trusted your gut the minute joshua left to get the groceries. forty-five minutes was just not enough time for you to possibly make a small thank you gift for you boyfriend. a token to say, ‘this is what three years has gotten us.’
“but you gave it to me!” joshua refutes back. you let your guard down, breathing rapidly in order to catch your breath from the unnecessary movement of having to keep up with him. he, on the other hand, took this as an opportunity to run, sprint away from your wrath and make a clean line for the bathroom before shutting the door to securely lock it in place. 
joshua hears your wallowed out screams coming from the other side and softly chuckles under his breath, wondering when you’ll ever get used to his childish antics at times. he safely unravels his hands to reveal the tiny object. and he can’t help but smile wide, ear to ear, and think, ‘so that’s why i felt something pointy.’ 
you’ve given up at this point. by now, he’s probably already seen your gift and for all you know, everything is doomed. your hand laid flat on top of the door, deciding whether to shrivel in front of him now or wait until he confronts you first. yet, he’s able to make that decision for you as he abruptly opens the door causing you to fall forward straight into his arms. 
“why, hello gorgeous,” you watch from underneath him, the corner of his lip rising up to form a cheeky smirk. you squint your eyes menacing at the thought that he could possibly be wearing the horrid gift you made. tilting your head to the side, you open one eye to catch a glimpse of green hanging from joshua’s left ear. he turns his head just slighty so you could get a better look. “you’ve really out done yourself, if i had anything to say about it. though i have to say, i didn’t think you’d go for the cute food aesthetic. i thought you hated avocados.”
blood immediately rushes towards your cheeks and hide your face from joshua’s vision but he was too quick. using his brute strength, he pulls your weight so you’re standing in front of the mirror, back facing him. your mind spirals as you feel joshua tuck strands of your hair behind your ear. “awe lookie, i knew you’d be wearing the other one,” he says before deliverying a small peck to your cheek, leaving you a scrambled mess. “what a perfect anniversary gift.”
— wonwoo
spending time with wonwoo during quarantine would be rather quiet and simple, but that doesn’t mean your time spent together is boring
having little to nothing to do all day makes you realize how much renovations you guys can do around your home
your morning conversations over breakfast would be about different home décor that you found on amazon and you would end up having such a fun time talking about it because you guys turn them into little debates over if the items are actually necessary 
that being said, wonwoo would be so willing to buy anything that would fill your guys’ boredom. and yes, that would include getting two separate desks, possibly four computer screens, two headsets, two light up keyboards for the heck of it, and of course: two very comfortable gamer chairs
no, he would not let you win at any games for freebies — you gotta earn that shit
out of all the days of the week, nothing was ever reserved for sundays. truly, every day was a free day — lounging around, doing chores, testing new cooking hacks to see if they actually worked. but sundays especially were just extra... boring. the very end of the week with absurd nothing to do. which has led you to spend this sunday morning in front of your dual computer screens with your boyfriend joining you on the other side of the desk.
“damn it!” you exclaim, lightly slamming the keys on your keyboard due to this endless frustration boiling inside of you since you’ve started playing. “how do i keep losing... it’s club penguin for fucks sake!”
your hands collect your face with pure dread and exhaustion, wondering how your supreme logic failed you during card jitsu. you hear a hearty chuckle coming from wonwoo sitting across from you. “the cards are just in my favor, sweetheart.”  he eyes you as he takes the warm cup of coffee to his lips to take a sip. “how about, best two out of three to see who has to make breakfast?” the huskiness of his voice growing deeper with each word, leaving you in trace for just a moment. 
you ponder at the bet, looking back between the screen showcasing your pink penguin and your beautiful barefaced boyfriend, ultimately coming to a decision. “what about. i watch you wipe out your penguin foes for the next few rounds and then we can make breakfast together,” you suggest instead, your mind thinking far beyond your apparently lousy deck of cards. 
“fine by me,” wonwoo shrugged, adjusting himself comfortably to his seat. you silently admire him from where you are, noticing how notably meticulous he was being when he’s focused. wonwoo’s eyes captures yours but gives you a puzzled look. “are you not gonna come over here?” he quietly asks. 
the simple question makes your head drop, feeling embarrassed as you try hard not to show him how flustered he made you. regardless, your legs move without you having to think it over. and instead of sitting on the small space that he left for you on his chair, you move his arm aside to face him before straddling your legs and sitting on his lap. 
wonwoo, completely unfazed, takes his free arm not holding his mouse and tugs you in closer to his chest so you can lay your head on his shoulder. for the remainder of your morning, your eyes slowly start to droop to the sound of penguin screams and victory. 
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arosebyan0thername · 2 years
Work related rant under the cut
My coworker is pissed that we have a new store manager who doesnt give her as much authority as our old one, so now shes throwing a fit and practically refusing to work. My SM and I found a bunch of price tags in the trash which were supposed to go up on my coworker's weekend, and then we wonder why none of the price changes are getting done accurately. She doesn't do anything even remotely physically strenuous, including just literally taking the fucking trash out. She cites her knee problems, but my SM literally was transferred to our store the week she came back from knee surgery, and with EDS I've had bad knees since middle school. Not everyone's pain is the same and you can't compare experiences with disability, but it's not fair to the two of us that we have to work through our pain every single time because she never ever does. And today, she left literally as soon as I clocked in, and my cashier leaves at 6. So I get 5 hours today to do a whole list of things, most of which were supposed to be done in the back room, which I can't do when I'm alone. She got her covid booster and flu shot at the same time yesterday, and I know for a fact the pharmacist told her that could make her extra sick bc she got it where we work and he's required to say that to everyone. I'm not mad that she went home early because she was feeling sick. I'm mad that she made a decision which she was very very well aware could lead to her being too sick to work. I'm mad that she consciously and fully informed made a choice to put me in the position I'm in today. She decided to get her covid booster and flu shot at the same time in the middle of the week instead of last week when she knew she would have Saturday and Sunday off work to recuperate. I've been wanting to get mine since the updated booster came out, but I've been waiting because I haven't had a time when I could do it and then take time off yet. I was going to wait and do it the Friday before her weekend, because I fucking know I don't want to be at work with that. And it's not like she just wanted to get it the moment it was available to her, because we've had it for a week or so already. She could have done it this past Friday!!!! And now im stuck doing all of the work that she should have been doing for her last two and a half hours plus all the work I was supposed to be doing while i had her and could work uninterrupted, plus everything else I was already gonna do today. I'm just really fucking tired of her but my SM refuses to actually fucking do anything about it
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