#but thats how my family acts with me haha *bash head again wall* loving it~
the-100th-witch · 8 months
Vent post~
I try so hard to make shit work for other ppl and i'm kinda getting sick of it.
And I'm tired of hearing from my mother that "it's silly" to do something when really I'm doing it so I don't piss ppl off.
Im currently house/pet sitting for my uncle and they get back thursday night. So I now have to run over to my sister's place to watch her house/pets from thursday night to Saturday afternoon. They are suppose to come back Sunday morning (or like early early in the AM like 3-4 am whatever) but it's not clear so someone needs to feed the dogs.
I have to come back and house/sit again for my uncle for the weekend until Monday bc they got a wedding. So I'm like "ok well...if my sister ends up coming home later I can just go over in the morning and feed the dogs and check things out and go back to my uncle's.
My mom says that's silly and i'm like "what the fuck do you want me to do??"
I have three other house/sitting jobs (2 small ones and 1 long one) but I think I'm pretty much just done. I'm gonna have to refocus on my own shit regardless but this running around and trying not to piss ppl off is driving me up the wall.
One of my new year's resolutions for 2024 is to not be as available for others. If they absolutely need me (and I need the money) than I'll consider it but I really just need to be more protective/selfish of my time and energy.
My mom says you can do your stuff while house/pet sitting but not really. I got to worry about plants/pets/mail/etc and maybe if it was just the house sitting part I would be fine but idk...something about watching pets on top of it throws me off so much.
I think i'm okay if it's just ONE job but I'm juggling both my uncle's place and my sister's. They are paying me but I'm so stressed out. Working an actual job is one thing bc that's just one thing. I prefer that stress than whatever the shit this type of stress is. Maybe it's because it's for family? I always get weird with family because i'm scared of letting them down while I don't care about strangers (or bosses bc yea i want to succeed in my job and be a good worker but in the end I can peace out and never see that boss/co-workers ever again lol)
I think in 2024 I'm just gonna distance myself in a polite manner like "Sorry, I'm currently dealing with my own stuff right now and cannot dedicate my time to house/pet sit for a while. Thank you for understanding." and that's it. No excuses and shit, they dont need to know what im doing.
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