#but the act of trying to explain shit like the twin and time loop theories is evil
haganez · 1 year
i think its more like samsara since apparently one of the theories is that the world is a loop? idk genshin lore is so complicated
don’t get me started on the loop shit in genshin im not joking but also samsara literally means cycle of death and rebirth
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I’m so excited for the throuple fic Eddie and Shannon need to both get their man 🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼
Buck you can figure this time loop thing out i believe in you ➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰
Bedsharing buddie they need to get their head out their pillows and realize how unhinged they are 🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️
45 for 🔼:
“I know we need to actually talk about it, but I really love it,” Shannon explains, talking sort of rapidly. “And… I mean, I am the one making her. I let you consult on the first name, so-”
“I love it,” Eddie interjects. 
Shannon stills. “You do?”
He nods. “I do.”
“Oh,” she exhales.
“Christopher and Jane,” Eddie tests the sound of it on his tongue. “Yep. Love it.”
Shannon smiles, wet-eyed. “See? He named our kid.”
Eddie takes her hand and squeezes it. “He won’t hold it against you, Shannon. I don’t think so, anyway.”
“Thanks,” she sighs. “Uh, for everything.”
“You, too,” he smiles weakly. 
“Is this the weirdest conversation we’ve ever had?” She asks.
Eddie considers. 
“Nah. The second.”
“Nothing beats the argument you had with my mom over circumcision with our two day-old baby in the room.”
Shannon snorts. “Oh god, I forgot.”
“Yeah, and I never will.” 
“I was right, though,” Shannon says adamantly.
“Yeah,” Eddie says quietly. “You were right.”
It takes Eddie a little under an hour after that to get home. Shannon lets him take a quick shower, and then he drives back to the house. When he does, he finds the Jeep parked on the street, and Buck sitting on his porch steps, red-eyed.
Oh, jeez. Did Buck come here to confess? To a crime that doesn’t belong to him? 
“Hey,” Eddie says as he climbs out of the truck. “What are you doing here?”
He knows. But he’s trying to play it cool. 
48 for ➰:
That’s certainly not the name of their hotel.
Buck mounts the clock and searches the name on his phone. Adventist Health Twin Cities is a nearby hospital in Templeton, California. With an ER and a neurology department. 
Again, interesting.
He supposes it’s possible that the hospital sold things like clocks and other basic decor to the hotel… But it’s unlikely, right? Especially if this clock is connected to their time problem, it seems like something else must be afoot here. 
Buck only has this one theory, and he has to trust it. 
Half an hour later, they’re sitting on a big patio eating a complimentary hotel breakfast. Chris looks mildly zombified. Nevermind the fact he wakes up way earlier than this for school. Eddie is indulging in a very big breakfast. He’s practically dumping sugar in his coffee. Buck has the urge to remind him he won’t sleep, but doesn’t follow it. 
Buck eats his waffles, trying to be content with this final breakfast. He’s glad they didn’t do a drive-thru. It’s really a shame he won’t be able to taste the sea bass tonight. That shit is delicious when you don’t have a brain bleed. 
He looks out at the serenely gorgeous view of the ocean. The early morning light only makes it all the more fantastic. Their slice of heaven in purgatory. 
Buck remembers what he said the first time. 
“We should come back here again.”
Eddie looks at him for a long time. There’s a rueful quality to the glint in his eyes. 
“Anytime you want,” he says, voice a little shaky.  
He’s still trying to figure Buck out. 
Buck hopes he won’t. 
They go on the guided kayaking tour of the estuary. Thankfully, Buck has practice in knowing what’s going to happen, and allowing it anyway. 
He doesn’t tease Brittany this time. Doesn’t play any games or act like a smart ass. He just enjoys the day. 
“If you’re really lucky, we’ll see sea slugs!” Brittany exclaims as they get into their kayaks. “We have opalescent nudibranch slugs all over and the colors they come in are amazing. They’re beautiful!”
“I think it’s really cool that you’re so passionate,” Buck tells her. 
They help Chris into his kayak, and then Eddie calmly and expertly explains the best way to paddle. Buck doesn’t comment on it. Doesn’t make any quips. Seems cruel now, in hindsight. Eddie probably fucking hates kayaking. Buck sure does. 
The tour goes as well as always. They see the seals, sea lions, and otters. They spot some of those famous sea slugs. 
Sweet talk is posted for 48 for anything else????
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mcmuscs · 5 years
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(why does katie love too much scene setting? why does katie sit down to do a short starter and word vomit all over the fucking internet? fuck off that’s why)
He’d woken up completely alone. Calling out both around the area and over comms, but the only thing he could think of was that he was out of range to anyone that’d be able to hear him. Had something gone wrong? Peter knew he had to act, and fast. Titan was barren, nothing around but remnants of a long gone civilization and it was a desperate idea but he didn’t see another alternative, not if he couldn’t reach out to anyone under conventional means.
He had theories of course. None of which would do him much good to focus on. He had to use the one thing that had almost never failed him, his brain and aptitude for building from things he’d found in dumpsters. Or, in this case... A dead civilization and wreckage from a space ship he’d helped Mr. Stark crash land on the surface.
The task was far from easy. He hadn’t eaten since he’d been on the trip with Ned and MJ , and he’d been doing a lot of activity so he was definitely in need of a snack at the very least. He didn’t have tools at first, he’d spent what felt like forever just scavenging the materials he’d need and had been lucky enough to find a maintenance area of the ship with tools. For once the good old Parker Luck was on his side instead of trying to fuck him over.
Once it was built he had no idea if his math was right in saying this was work, about half way through part of his brain had been playing songs on a loop which hadn’t really helped him keep his focus. 
“H-hello?” Yeah, that was exactly what would get him out of this. A sheepish hello. Come on Parker, let’s try this again. He forced some deep breaths to help himself focus and think about the things he’d heard in movies.
“My name is Peter Parker, I’m in need of immediate assistance.” 
He’d said that introduction what felt like a million times. Explaining who he was, where he was, what little resources he had, where he needed to go.
Peter was exhausted. His stomach was screaming at him and his throat was dry and voice hoarse. He had maybe two repetitions left before his voice was gone and after that...
He saw the lights. The craft landed and a hatch opened. God, Peter could’ve fallen to the ground and kissed their boots. As it was he’d felt his eyes water when he saw them; and he’d staggered to his feet from where he’d been sitting with his makeshift communication hub ,only to feel the world slide out from under him and a set of hands that had a few too many fingers grabbing his arm and side.
The next thing he’d been aware of was hearing something that Peter didn’t recognize as language for a long enough time period that he felt ashamed to have taken so long. One of them (how did genders even work for aliens? did it depend on the planet?) was holding something that looked like a hearing aid. They (it? did other planets even have a concept of gender the way earth did?) tapped a spot on its head and then held the device to him with a series of strange clicking noises that Peter had realized was its language and a gesture that looked like they wanted him to put it on like a hearing aid.
He slid the device over his ear and while it didn’t quite come through he was able to understand more of what they were saying. Something about needing to rest and eat, and that they were looking forward to coming back to see what they could sell for scrap. He could understand enough to have a basic idea of what was saying, and understand they were protesting when he started to get up.
The one thing he was able to completely make out? They thought his hub was “cute”. 
Most of the communication between them went well, even though by the time they’d dropped him off in New Jersey (a good six and a half hours away from the NJ-NY border, they tried.) he still had no idea if the one who had been helping him not die was male or female or even what their name was. “Thank you, so much.” Why was this not the weirdest thing he’d ever done?
Peter had stolen some clothes from a clothesline, with a note left behind of apology, and started the almost eight trek from Holmdel, NJ to Queens. He had to get home, back to his phone so he could call Mr. Stark and ask what was going on. At least part of it was via ferry, that way he could just stick to the side of the boat and rest his exhausted legs.
When he got back to New York, he only had more questions. On a newspaper it was almost six years after the fight on Titan. Thumbing through the paper he found an article about Mr. Stark’s legacy... his legacy? His legs almost fell out from under him again at the article talking about his passing, but he’d managed to keep himself upright. And he’d needed to lean against the wall at another article, talking about some video that’d come out with some guy saying Spider-Man was attacking him. That he, Peter Benjamin Parker, was Spider-Man.
Then his journey became about answers. Trying to hunt down Fury to figure out just what was going on, he was the spy guy, right? He had to have all the intelligence he needed to figure this all out.
And, as it turned out, getting up with Fury had been the easy part. He’d been following a lead when he heard the voice, turned, and... After that things got a bit fuzzy.
Not in a “body too weak from constant strain to stay conscious” way, although that certainly played a role. More like there was just a lot going on. Questions, Peter telling his story only to be told that he was full of shit (albeit not in those exact words), exams, nobody answering Peter’s questions and instead asking him more questions that he couldn’t answer.
By the time the door opened and a friendlier face appeared, Peter was sitting on the floor mentally and physically exhausted.
He just didn’t expect the face to be his own, or at least similar enough that they could pass for one of those sets of twins that everyone thought were identical only to find out they were fraternal. (like the olsen twins, peter told himself)
His hair was curlier than the Peter that came into the room, though that could just be that they didn’t let him straighten his hair. Something about the chemicals and heat tools potentially being being used as weapons? There were a few other differences but that was the one that stood out the most.
Peter rose to his feet in a hurry, eyes wide and hesitantly he approached. A state of disbelief on his face.
“Holy shit. They... They weren’t kidding, there already is a Peter here.” God, he had so many questions that nobody else had been willing to answer. But top on the list...
“I-Is Mr. Stark...” He couldn’t bring himself to finish it, the words strangled and voice still somewhat hoarse from all those repetitions of his distress call on Titan and the times adamantly trying to tell his story only to be met with suspicion and even anger.
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7x19: FArewell my lovely
"I'll convince her" ok yea Caleb cause y'all are secret agent friends we all know it just admit it already    
Ezra talking like he knows AD personally or something, like he's been the one getting texts or something. I see u Ezra u can't fool me.
But he was right about everyone in the room making mistakes & the look on everyone's face when he said it HA I loved it
Ooooo looks like AD stole the game back "time for pie"??? Is that not screaming EzrA to anyone??? especially the crows.
Mary really does seem like she's the nice twin but I can't help but think she's still more involved than we think
"It took me so long to finally get here w/ you, I'm not gonna loose it now." MY EMISON HEART UGH EMILY YOU DESERVE THE WORLD ALI BETTER GIVE IT TO YOU
 AD PUT A GAS LEAK (But nothing ended up happening so i’m confused wtf marlene)
Did anyone else notice how when the video of ali kept playing on a loop she wanted emily to quickly turn it off, almost like she didnt want anymore questions raised about ‘That night’
Hanna the only one who ever gives Mona the benefit of the doubt now that's a somewhat real friend lmao
"You two are fighting like a married couple.." AWKWARD we are. Spaleb who??
Lmao Caleb annoys me a lot now but I am not gonna lie dude has BALLS idk if that's a good or bad thing tho.
But like I said before him and Mona are too comfortable around each other. Look how easy she's talking to him and how calm he is with her. They have to be working together they just have to be!! (Not like as AD but idk as investigators to track AD or something, they know each other tea choices THERE AIN’T NO COINCIDENCES IN ROSEWOOD)
"There's always been someone watching, manipulating." Girl yes I been saying this since day one!!! Bethany young, twincer, wren, ezrA you may make your appearance now.
Lol I knew that waiter left a note from AD, like u said Mona, they be watching
 By the looks of Mona running they had to have said meet me in the back or something, Mona READY to see who keeps jacking her games lol
Come on though I knew that body was gone the minute I realized they left it in the car
I'm not mad that they reshot the classroom scene or that it ended up being a dream but I would've much rather the dream be Ali's than Emily's dream the "emma thornwald" name would be a lot more relevant b/c how in the fucking world would emily know that. & why put that scene as the cliffhanger?? That's so anticlimactic! They could've put the liars burying Rollins but not showing who it was, or charlotte clutching the rose, or fuck even the fucking girls sipping mimosas w/ Mona would've been more climatic than that shit. 
"AD doesn't get notes they give them." Finally someone has a clue, go Caleb I get points. 
Btw idk if I really enjoyed that spaleb moment or if I just really love Troian & her amazing acting, her whole part in that scene was just perfect!
Was it a little weird to anyone else that Alison was the one who apologized to aria first?? I think it's because she knows she still has her own secrets/mistakes that haven't come to light. 
Ooooo I bet this tunnel that spaleb is in is going to lead to the church and radley. 
So Mona must have a split personality disorder or something cause the way she's telling on herself to Hanna and how she's dressed just give off a total old school Mona vibe like radley Mona vibe. Hanna really fucked up by letting her fuck with that game she should've just killed charlotte and GOT GONE GIRL. lol Ali 2.0 forreal this time.
I also figured she had some altercation w/ charlotte that was the only person I could see her saying "am I supposed to be scared of you?" Too lol I love ceces sass.
I love how Mona knew everything & I also think it's funny but slightly choosy how charlotte said "you always were the smart one Mona, not spencer."
I think this charlotte flashback is the FUCKING BEST THING EVER
Ceces such a bitch it almost doesn't seem like she's the charles she explained in her story. Like literally she’s not charles.
So I guess Mona does have a personality disorder and she's even convinced one said that the liars are actually her friends wow I'm sad. I love her :(
& I think it's now clear cece was planning to start the game right back up again but this time bigger and better it seems "not only did u lose the game you lost the story, its mine, everything's mine... god I hate this town I guess I'm supposed to do something about that too."
Fuck janels performance is EVERYTHING I am loving this flashback!!!!!
But did anyone else notice how we never actually SAW mona push the body off and fake the suicide. She could’ve ran and someone else came and covered it up. Like mona said to hanna she didnt mean to mess it up but what exactly did she mess up?? she didnt cover up the murder someone else did.
I think Hanna spoke for everyone when she said "not really an answer"
I told y'all Mary was gonna take the fall
Wow andrea Parker did so well at playing both Mary & Jessica
In the end im still confused and my brain hurts
OKAY SO, obvi alot of my predictions were a miss but I did get a few, I knew mary was gonna take the fall, I did see a few ali clues not a ton though maybe ill find more in the rewatch, I was right about mona getting into a fight with charlotte and somehow being involved in her murder & the episode did feel like a lame finale so I guess thats pretty good! This episode was amazing from start to finish they really kicked it into high gear for these last few episodes i’m finally seeing a picture in this crazy ass puzzle we call PLL. I’m trying not to expect alot from the finale but I just really hope it is as satisfying as all the cast say it’s going to be.
After this i’m really starting to hop on board with twincer, ezrA, or even Toby after seeing the finale promo. I’m going out of town for the next week so tomorrow i’ll post my finale PLL theory & then ill be off til the finale! It’s been real guys and although i’m ready for closure i’m also going to miss reading everyones amazing theories and all the possibilities this show could have gone with.
Tell me all you last minute theories!!! I wanna know what everyones thinking before the finale and how we all see this shit tying together!
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