#but the albatross idiom is one of the references that's stuck around most
incomingalbatross · 2 years
Just popping by to share my ignorance - your explanation of your url just prompted me to google the metaphorical meaning of albatross because so far I've always just assumed you meant literal bird, for some reason. XD Yay, non-native English speaker! Always something new to learn. XD
Oh fun, thank you for sharing that! (And sorry I took a couple days to answer this--I was in the Midst of Final Deadlines for school, which are now mercifully past.)
I mean, it's not not about the literal bird, because it was kind of a random choice. So you really weren't wrong. :P But yeah, I also always think of the metaphorical meaning due to the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner. Which I... have never actually read, but I have read about through English Lit Osmosis. So I'm happy to share that association! English is endlessly full of references, it seems like.
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