#but the con rumor mill works harder
witchofthesouls · 5 months
The Decepticon rumor mill is a propaganda machine of its own kind. Tarn of the Mill: insatiable fuck monster😈, Tarn in reality with his nurse: saddest wet cat for cuddles 🥺
It's hilarious because it's true! Tarn gets results as a head of the DJD, and that division is a league of skilled cruelty of their own.
Mechs extend Tarn's eloquence to his berth, and if they witnessed the reality of Tarn as a wet noodle, then they would get secondhand embarrassment over his lack... of everything but his spike.
The Camien, in some ways, is very lucky that it's the constantly traveling Peaceful Tyranny that picked them up. Otherwise, they’ll see another part of gladiatorial influence: Challenges.
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the-pale-goddess · 2 years
If the roles were reversed, Tiffany is the 36 yo attending and Ethan is the 27 yo intern, would they still be into each other? Would things still work out between them? Would she have the same concerns Ethan had in book 1?
Anon, dear, you reminded me of my what if AU project I started long time ago 🥲 I don’t plan on finishing this particular idea anytime soon, so I’ll drop a chaotic word vomit overview to answer your lovely ask—thank you for sending it! ❤️
Fresh out of med school, post-heartbreak Ethan was in his major asshole era: he tried to cover all his issues with overwhelming confidence and attitude that prevented him from gaining friends during the internship. He shut off completely to avoid further emotional damage, focusing solely on his mission to become the absolute best doctor in the field. His frustratingly huge ambition and perfectionist tendencies pushed him to work harder than the rest. Above all that, he was well aware of the advantage he had—exceptional intelligence and drive. Still mending his wounds after the Beatrice & Tobias fiasco, he didn’t seek human connection as he found it pointless, distracting and disappointing. He was past his ONS phase by that time, though didn’t rule out casual dating. Like the emotionally constipated Capricorn he is.
He met Doctor Addams at a very content stage of her life. She was a well-renowned diagnostician—the kind of doctor he aspired to be. He was fascinated by her work and aura from the start. At first, he just wanted to impress her. Wanted her to notice him. And she did, obviously. His impeccable performance stood out, making other interns boil from jealousy mixed with awe. He was excited for the opportunity to work with such an incredible doctor. She humbled him, challenged him, inspired him to be better, kinder, hopeful. He did everything he could to spend more time with her. It was good for his career, he thought.
He actively ignored the fact that she was engaged to Mass Kenmore’s Chief. Her personal life was none of his business. But his occasional dates became a rarity. Every person seemed too boring, too vain, too random. There was nothing that kept his interest in the world outside Edenbrook.
Tiffany found bonding with an intern purely innocent at first. Ethan was so brilliant, so able, so annoyingly sure of himself, she had no choice but to teach him a lesson. And, much to her surprise, he was eager to learn. She enjoyed his company, sharp tongue and dry humor immensely. There was nothing inappropriate about their relationship—there was no relationship.
But when Ethan—the most promising intern—was chosen to attend the National Medical Symposium in Miami alongside Doctor Addams, the rumor mill ran wild and Tiffany began to ponder on the hidden duality of her motives. Began to notice hints and patterns in Ethan’s behavior that only seemed to be courting disaster.
All that didn’t stop her from inviting him to a dinner after the lectures. Medical topics smoothly blended with personal, proving how two seemingly different people could connect on a deeper level. But he was still just a lost boy, desperate to prove himself and find his place, while she has already found hers and had to protect it.
The dinner extended to a glass of whiskey on the balcony in her room. The ocean had to admit defeat; they were too absorbed in the conversation, in each other, to break the gaze and admire the breathtaking views.
Inspired by the treacherous, alcohol-induced adrenaline rush and her life-ruining smile, Ethan made a move, and Tiffany didn’t resist. Her lips captured his as if she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. As if this devastating kiss was meant to happen.
When their curious hands began to wander, reality sobered them in a flash; Tiffany broke the kiss, accepting Ethan’s profuse apology.
Neither of them was ready to face their feelings, so they promised to never talk about that moment of weakness again. They managed to remain strictly professional and continued to work together flawlessly. It was fairly easy due to the completely opposite emotional levels they were on: Ethan was terrified of commitment, and Tiffany needed stability. Though they cared for each other deeply, the timing buried the forbidden fantasy slowly forming in their heads. The age gap in this case proved to be a huge gap in emotional maturity. He couldn’t be the man that she needed. She wasn’t some weapon he should choose to fight with his demons.
After the residency, Ethan left Edenbrook. Made a name for himself. Wrote a book. Became the second best diagnostician in the country.
Tiffany broke the engagement soon after Ethan left. Took over the diagnostics team. Put most of her energy in research.
A few years later, Doctor Addams and Doctor Ramsey bump into each other at a medical conference. They hug like old friends in greeting, feeling the heavy smell of the past reminding them of the blossoming bond they had to destroy before it had a chance to ruin everything. The lost boy she once knew is an imposing man now, but she was never fooled by his rough exterior. She’s just as spectacular as he remembered.
They agree to meet up for a drink in the evening. He never stopped thinking of her lips.
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