#but the only one im sure i didnt watch was monaco
probayern · 7 months
tagged by clara @userhamilton my beloved to do f1 wrapped <3
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considered only putting lewis on the drivers but ill give up spots 4 and 5. vb for being a lesbian icon all year and lando bc. i feel like we all know im a lando girlie at this point
i have no idea who has/hasnt done this and also i feel like im blanking on who watches f1 but. i guess ill tag @mrcusarmstrong @44prop @fabioquartararhoe and @leclerrari
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lolexjpg · 4 months
dts s5 e6-8
e6: -having flashbacks of having to defend oscar to my mom for this why does the show try to lean into otmar's perspective so heavily GROSS -nah im full tinhatting i do not remember this whole bit where everyone hypes up oscar in interview before he has his lil chat with mark netflix u slimey lil bitches -oh if i was here when this news broke summer break 2022. i would've been inconsolable. i'm sure it was nuts, ballistic. maybe it was good i wasnt there. idk if i could've handled it akldkfjadslkfjasdkfj -lando saying "i already am (leading the team)" was not that rude it was just the TRUTH sorry -daniel speaking italian is so important actually -"ive been in this sport for 25 years i know what im doing" king that only makes the fumble THAT much more embarrassing COME ON -otmar talking abt how well oscar took all the shit we offered aren't we owed a contract? reminds me of timeshare schemes like actually just u paid for xyz if you dont have a contract in place he doesnt owe u anything maybe do contracts better next time :) -unfortunately zak brown is right!! its a pr disaster is the 5 million worth it!!! and they didnt even get the 5 mil!!! how do lose ur job speedrun masterclass here!! -i do wonder how much netflix inflated daniel's chances for the alpine seat, bc from what i've heard it wasnt really in the conversation. idk i wasnt there but it would make sense for netflix to lean heavily into this narrative -did not realize liam was sitting Right There when pierre was askin abt the gossip aldfjaslkfjaksjdf -the way how in season 1 its like NO DANIEL DON"T LEAVE RED BULL i feel the same way abt pierre going to alpine. like ofc it made perfect sense at the time and you cant fault him for it but like no babygirl its bouta implode PLEASE -rip all the tiktok edits that were muted in the umg purge that paired "good luck to oscar" with "if a man talks shit then i owe him nothing." thank u taylor couldn't have said it better myself -"do you regret anything that's happened?" "um. no :)" U TELL EM BABY
e7: -i'm sorry but geri seemingly getting boiling water from a tap to make tea is so fucking insane rich person cursed -was originally gonna include this funny shot of christian standing looking out a balcony like sharpay evans in high school musical in my s5 gifset but due to recent events i will not :) -i just think. that including this whole bit abt how much checo loves his family in the same episode as the monaco gp where he allegedly cheated on his wife was a CHOICE. interesting. -lewis's monaco 2022 outfit is one of his best outfits ever. its so iconic 2 me -HI ALEX -so many cinematic parallels to discuss. s1 max putting it in the wall in practice and ruining his race to prove he was faster than daniel. known parallels to brocedes ALLEGEDLY trying to sabotage eachother by crashing in that corner in monaco. hmm hmm hmm. much to think -im sorry the sainz collision is just so goofy. i remember watching the replay of this quali and being bamboozled. befuddled. deeply amused. what a stupid fucking sport -'for fucks sa-........okay this is typical monaco isnt it" MAX GETS IT -i honestly dont mind wet monaco races just bc by nature of the track its on average slower therefore less dangerous. i'll take a wet monaco over a wet spa any damn day -ferrari's double pit fuck up is PEAK embarassing ferrari strats. like to do a bad strat is one thing but to just mess up the strat ur trying to do. peak biblically cursed charles leclerc moment
e8: -god i wish i got more into yukierre. i see the appeal. unfortunately they just dont give me brain worms -many thoughts. um i think focusing on yuki's temper is just. unfair. like sure he should work on it but thats an issue with many young drivers its not a unique failure on his part -i have given thoughts on japan '22 before i'm not rly gonna rehash but i really wish the didn't gloss over it on dts. i think it was an important moment in the sport to have a big conversation abt rain safety. -oh this nyck supercut is gonna be painful knowing where it goes :/ -god remember when ppl thought nyck was gonna lead the team? leave yuki in the dust? even /i/ had him above yuki in my preseason predictions isnt that insane? -"im happy, i'll take that, that you'll miss me at least 2 or 3 minutes" god forgot the most romcom ass shit since sebchals we'll start by holding hands -nando n lance having this crazy crash and now a year later they're fucking on the reg. happy 4 them
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nightwhite13 · 5 years
oh i've not gotten my attunement yet, but yours sounds cool! it looks like you've played way more stories than I have, so i appreciate your advice! one other question, please: would you say becca is your fave female RO? Not played the freshman yet. i'm trying to find a series where there's more balance of the guys with the gals--or at least a fem option that is given a decent amount of scenes, so it holds my attention better, lol. thanks for ur help and time. i wish u well.
okay, sorry it took me this long cause i need to answers this on my laptop. And there is time when I was jobless so the only thing that keeping me going is choices, like no kiddin the first thing i did when i woke up is to play the game
you’ll get your attunement on 2nd chapter, and the explanation about the attunement on 3rd chapter and honestly i felt so attack because it was true.
If you want a balance LIs, i recommended two books, Perfect Match and The Heist: Monaco.
Technically Perfect Match have 2;2 ration on both genders of the LIs, and the main Li, Hayden Young is gender-costume, and another character is kinda gray, meaning in a sense he is a LI but at the same time, he’s not. That’s all i can say
While in THM you can have more female LIs than the male. There are 2 default female Lis and 1 male LI. By default it means they will show up in the story no matter what.  1 for both male and female LIs are optional, meaning you can pick one of them as part of your team. And the other 2 both for male and female, im not so sure if you can romance them.
ALSO MY FAVE RO??? ANON THAT IS A HARD QUESTION!!! No, I’m joking, although I love Becca so much, but my perfect wife is none other than Hayden Young from Perfect Match. even tho you didnt ask me, but im just gonna tell you my others fave Lis, lol sorry i just want to gush over my wives
Hayden Young are hands down the best LI ever written in this app, hell even if you didn’t romance them, they are still one of the best character ever written. I want to personally thank whoever wrote Hayden Young. Also my faceclaim for white Hayden Young is mackenzie davis, so everytime I read her part I was more in love with her because of Mackenzie’s voice, like damn son
And the most amazing thing about Hayden, they have their own personalities which you can get by answering the questions at the beginning. And if i remember correctly, there’s like 16 types of Hayden. Mine is Artistic. And man, I really, really, really in love with this idiot charmer
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Becca is my number 2, I was shocked as well because the freshman series was a big mess. word of advice, if you want to play this series, just begin from book 2, seriously, you’re not missing anything if you didn’t play book one. you wanna know the story? watch it on youtubebecause this book is one of the earliest book, so ho boi, the male LIs are fucking annoying and they keep forcing us with them. seriously, book 1 is soooo not worth it. My fave were the sophomore book, i mean yah that books are garbage but at least WE CAN HAVE A SECRET RELATIONSHIP WITH OUR ENEMY OF THREE BOOKS THAT IS NONE OTHER THIS QUEEN BITCH
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I love her so much because we can see her character growth and i feel so proud of her progress and how she made MC so happy and everything in between
Next is the vampire queen Miss Kamilah Sayeed from Bloodbound. Man, I can’t believe I had a vampire phase at this age, lol. It was a shame because she didnt gets much screentime so we don’t know much about her while shes one of the most interesting characters in choices universe. I love her deadpan jokes so much. like pls miss sayeed, suck me dry
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next is miss parsons from desire and decorum. like pls pb i just want to marry her or enjoy our life as a forever roommate or whatever it is. i am so soft for her
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and the last is Jen from American’s Most Eligible: Season 10 and All Stars. At this point, i dont give a damn about the reality show anymore and i just want to smooch jen in every chance i get
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Lol, im so sorry i took time to answer this and basically just gushing about my faves. hope this helps anon
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