#but the overall effect is one of a Beast growling over a fresh kill to remind other Beasts to wait their damn turn
dipping a large body of bread into hot stew and tearing off a chunk with your bared teeth is respectful and good. it shows the Earth we want to be here, and will fight to remain. our ancestors understood
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reddogf13 · 4 years
Crossing fates web ch 3
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Pennywise x Beverly
summery: Beverly's life had drastically changed since childhood. claws, sharp teeth, the urge to devour human meat. a aggressive clan of vampires trying to claim her forcing her to flee from LA back to Derry for a save haven. where something else has awakened to the sensation that a female deadlight had arrived. a web of coincidences from their pasts have the two questioning fate.
status: In progress
rated: M - fowl language and gore
previous chap: Crossing fates web ch 2
next chap: Crossing fates web ch 4
~ch:3 Comfort foods~
Pennywise had returned to the wagon with a torn apart rib cage in his arms. Something small and easier for her to eat around then dragging a whole corpse to eat in bed. Concerned by the den looking disturbed and the blankets hanging loosely from the bedding. Setting the meal aside he carefully folded the covers back to check on Beverly.
Surprised that she was no longer there with a twinge of pain hitting his chest. “why'd she leave? Was the den not good enough?” examining the den for any slip ups he didn't notice, however it all looked good to him. In his look over he caught the change in her scent across the bedding. It was much sweeter then before as perfectly ripened fruit in a way.
“Shes going into heat.” this making the steaks higher now in his goal to court. Beverly would be catching the attention of every male and there would be competition in courting her. He had a better chance of showing off when maybe one or two others tried courting in the down time. Without her attention torn in so many directions of a gathered crowd of suitors.
He'd have to step up his game, be more confident in what he presented to her. He also had to buckle down on his territory after the vampire incident. That's why the parasite was prowling outside his territory and first thing he did after entering was hunt down Beverly. penny wise wasn't letting any more parasites pass through his town to make more competition. After securing his borders his next step would be to get a dance with Beverly. It would jump him ahead against the rest of the competition even if it was only a little. He had to get her someplace with enough open space and no distractions to ruin it. With her not here any longer he sat at a vanity mirror desk to eat the little meal he brought. Planning where best to start the dance.
The next day Beverly got up for her class with her alarm clock blaring at her. Another cold shower followed by breakfast of pancakes. Her hunger not as aggressive as it was before. Hoping it was due to the pancakes and maybe after all these years her body realized it couldn't keep eating people to survive. In the back of her mind she knew better then to lean on that hope. Heading out the door to walk back to campus. Her car having been left in the parking lot after the fight incident. Arriving just in time to not be late when she reached the classroom door. Sitting through the boring lectures she heard before, with only a slight change to the project due to the upcoming seasons.
The lecturer showing off examples of last years designs paired with matching masks for a masquerade show. What was done best and what not to do. “your next project will be to make a dress you will present in at the schools upcoming masquerade ball. It can be fall, Halloween, or day of the dead themed. You have one week to make both dress and mask. You cannot make a cheap mask from those blank foam pieces at the craft store!” the professor warned before dismissing the class. Handing out packets summering the project on their way out.
Beverly drove straight to the craft store with her student money card for supplies. Looking over various fabrics that caught her eye. Overall making the dress a dark purple that would fade to orange with various colored autumn leaves decorating the bottom hem of the dress. Black sleeves and a black mask to stand out against her pale skin and bright red hair. Snagging new sewing equipment to replace the ones she abandoned in LA.
Driving home to start on clearing her design on paper. Fabrics trimmed to various measurements she took of her self. Getting most of the top half done and the mask completely ready. A simple design to not over shadow the dress as she wanted that to catch peoples eyes the most. Ignoring her hunger she worked for hours into the rising night. Stopping after she started attaching the longer flowing fabric of the dress to its upper half. Satisfied by how much work she had gotten through on the first day. The foundation set and then onto all the heavy detail work.
Groaning out of her chair from having been in the same position for hours. Cracking her back with a stretch of her limbs. Wanting to take a short walk before trying to eat a dinner not involving another person. Stretching further out on her nightly walk around her apartment parking lot. Taking in the cool fresh night air in their small courtyard with slim trees dotted around the grass field. Stomach disturbing the peace with a loud growl. Being out in the night reminded her too much of her hunts in LA.
She had to face it, she needed to hunt a meal at some point. “regular food doesn't cut it. Stop wasting money on something that doesn't work!” arguing to herself in thought. “i don't want to kill people for the rest of my life! Even if they do deserve it.” sighing out to mumble under her breath. “get it over with tonight and I can work without hunger.” enjoying the thought of working on a full stomach. “where to look?” thinking of checking under the bridges where drug dealers hanged out regularly.
Into the night she began her hunt without any rushing. Either she found someone or they made the mistake of finding her. Sometimes if she walked slow enough through alleys the problem would solve itself and she preferred it that way. It felt better taking those actively hunting others then one sitting around waiting. Steps approaching her from the trees catching her attention. Body locking up for the 2nd time in a row.
Pennywise had not expected Beverly to be out walking in the night. He was hunting for himself when he caught a glimpse of her under the street lights. His approach was meant to start a conversation, but instead triggered a dance to start. Caught off guard, but nothing he couldn't handle, soon as he realized. He took a step, then she did, excitement filling him as the courting dance started. He hadn't done one in ages, but had done so many long ago he knew the best tricks. There were no signals to direct a good guess to the male on where to go.
He figured out however that it was more of proper positioning then direction. Females didn't like being approached too head on. It was aggressive to them and they preferred a males approach from the side, almost out of view, but not quite. Younger males gambled on doing a zig zagging pattern in front that was 50/50 of females liking or not. He found his method worked 90% of the time. He was helped by the female not minding him, the ones that did would stare him down directly. Causing any attempts to crash and burn quickly.
Beverly started out the same, but he took his steps slow and avoided staring as he usual did. His stare having prey grow nervous around him, not wanting that effect here. Her aggressive stare back turning away to watch him from the corner of her eye. Steps between them drawing them both closer to the middle. A mere 5 steps away before he could embrace her and complete the dance. If he had a heart it would be thudding in his chest. Warmth building from his lights shaking at the excitement. Reaching out his hand to touch hers she was startled back.
The dance ruined by a loud gun shot echoing through the air. Beverly fled into the darkness like she did the first day she saw him. His chances crushed by some idiot shooting out in the dark woods. He roared at the air in defeated anger. What was he to do now? His chances of courting dropping to be last pick if he was still on her list at all. He already had a major disadvantage due to their past, he couldn't afford mistakes like this.
“what moron?!” pennywise's heartbroken fury locking onto the shooter in the woods. Twisting down into some wolf like beast running on all fours across the forest leaf litter. Snarling hot air out of his mouth glowing a fiery red. Skidding to a halt at the sight of a pack of idiots hooting and hollering over a killed deer. “red neck poachers ruined it for me?!” all the more insulted at knowing who was the cause.
He roared down the steep hill to them, charging down with paws loudly thudding against the dirt. The poachers didn't make out what was coming until it was too late. One tackled to the floor for his face to swiftly be mauled off. The others taking a few shots that didn't do anything to the beast hunting them. Ripping off limbs to eat away the meat right in front of the fallen friends. Their turns coming soon after one another leaving a gory display of mutilated corpses.
“you ruined my dance with her. Makes sense for you to help me make it up!” ripping out each of their hearts and chunks of good meat he didn't turn to shreds. Vowing to himself he'd get another chance to dance with her, somehow. Starting with all this meat to be turned into a wonderful gift shed love to wake up to the next morning. Preparing it as the sun was rising he quickly left it in her apartment. He shouldn't have invaded her space, but this gift he couldn't leave on her outside door mat.
Beverly woke to the strong scent of something that made her mouth drool. Rising up before her alarm went off to find the delicious source. Stopping in the kitchen door way at the sight of a pie strangely sitting on her small dining table. A perfectly round golden crispy pie in a golden pan to serve it in. the top middle having slits to allow the tasty steam freely flow out its top. Exposing its insides to be at least some part meat. A little crust formed to make a small decorative bow atop its over all covering. The closer she got to the pie appearing from no where the harder it was to resist.
Stomach aching to have a chunk of it, her mind skimmed over that earthly smell attached she would hate. Focusing solely on the juicy savory meat scent filling her small apartment. She grabbed a nearby knife to slice up the pie without grabbing a plate or napkin. At this point not even caring how hot the pie could be as she picked up a slice with her hand. Devouring half the slice immediately to start chewing through the meal. It was the best meat pie she had ever tasted before. Taking a quick glance at what it contained only to see finely grounded meat dripping a thick red gravy. Licking the gravy drippings from her hand before shoving down the rest of the lone slice.
She couldn't help but take a slice soon after swallowing down the last bite of the first. It was so filling unlike everything else disappearing to the void in her stomach. Everything got fuzzy before coming to on her remaining last slice. Passing through a blacked out feeding frenzy as she did after digging into a fresh kill. Pausing halfway through her last slice in questioning what was in the pie to make it so irresistible. Stomach satisfied enough that her mind ran clear again she caught that earthy scent. Stomach knotting over what that meant, yet her hunger refused to let her throw out the remaining pie. She had already eaten most of it without any ill effects or seeing anything out of the ordinary. Cautiously eating the last of it before heading back to bed. Catching her remaining few hours of sleep before the alarm officially woke her for the day.
Back to work on her dress as soon as she was up. Pushing all worry to the back of her mind was helped off the burst of energy she got. Due to that she was sure of the meat from that pie didn't come from any animal. Praying that it wasn't a child, with the only clue to it not being that was Pennywise's lack of immediate mocking. He wouldn't resist gloating that she ate children just like him. Shaking her head of the idea to keep on working without ruining the threading out of anger.
It was quiet for the whole week, at least for Beverly. Keeping her self mainly indoors to only leave for more supplies. While Pennywise was heavily patrolling his town for those leeches scrambling around his boarders. They weren't leaving despite him having killed their leader. “what are they waiting for? Still after Beverly?” he snorted toward the air with a laugh. “they wont have a chance.”
watching out for Beverly between his territorial inspections. Tempted to get her more food, but he couldn't keep invading her space to deliver it. He had to wait until she was out for longer then 10 minutes to personally give it. Sighing at when ever that would be. “what is she doing inside all day? Nesting? Nesting wouldn't take that long and not with those crummy fabrics for bedding.” he watched and waited until one day she left her apartment in the night. wearing a lovely flowing fall themed dress for something that must be important.
“was she going to a date?” worrying that some male had slipped by to court her. He forgot that she had a phone and could have been talking with someone this entire time. He followed the short drive to her collage where he figured out why such fancy dress up. The campus having a large “masquerade fall ball” banner hanging over the building entree way. Seeing her put on a mask gave him a grand idea on how to get close. Sneaking in with his own special disguise of dark dress ware far more old fashion and in tune to when balls were held in the olden days. Not his normal Victorian silver clown costume, nor even his clown face. One more human covered by a mask that he found a bit funny in layering on top.
Beverly and her class were called onto the stage for judging. Giving mini report cards afterwards with ratings and judge comments. She beamed at the high remarks under a large A+ on her card. Free to party the ball went on to start dances on the floor or group conversations. Hooked into a small group of classmates talking about their grades and dresses. A few girls she was getting close with to being friends. Talking over hanging out after the ball to do things around Derry for some fun. At one point Beverly wanted to grab another bottle of cola. Separating off from her new friend group in passing through the crowd. Annoyed the place was treated more like a rave with darkness aside from bright lights forming various patterns all over the place.
The corner of her eyes catching a small orange light that stood out from all the cold colors swirling around. A glance paying more attention catching them as a pair of bright golden eyes locking onto her through the dark crowd. She froze and so did he. Surprised she readied for a dance at all in such a cramped area full of distractions. She was certainly a strange one for their species, but her creation wasn't exactly normal in comparison. You were either born as dead lights, or like him, you were one of the originals first created by the other. A cluster of star dust and ever changing energy's crushed together to build a intelligent form.
He was more cautious this round between all the distractions winding between them. Heading toward her more aggressively to keep her focus on him at all times. Reaching a mere few feet away his lights shook in fearful excitement it'd be ruined all over again. When his hand touched her arm he went for the full grab to pull her into him. Hugging her close against him in a gentle warm embrace. Sensing her tense at first then relax into him. Beverly wasn't sure why she did all that, yet something felt right about it.
Something inside telling her to relax around him. Wrapping her arms around him to start into a bit more of a slow dance together. Taking in the large man gracefully dancing with her for what felt like the first time. Picking up that she blanked out again on how the two of them started dancing. Alarm bells going off in her mind she looked over him more though roughly. He was very tall, almost 7 feet with wide shoulders on a muscular build. Bright red hair like hers, pale smooth skin, grey silver eyes … but that wasn't right. His eyes weren't grey the entire time, they were bright like- taking a deep inhale she caught the scent of IT.
The glare he received from her told him he had done something wrong.
Shoved back by her, she bared her teeth at him. “get away from me!” running away again out of the large party room.
He didn't know what he did, however he couldn't let her run away again. They needed to come face to face at some point in order to communicate on anything. It wasn't best to chase her, yet he did through the crowded halls. Shedding his human form to track her easier without restraint. One mistake on her part cornering herself in a large coat closet she thought would be a stair case. Claws out and teeth bared at him shutting the door behind for privacy. He stood back in giving her all the space of the small coat room.
She snapped first. “what do you want?!”
“to speak with you.” he answered boldly. Spotting her condition still not doing well even after that small pie he gave. Did she eat anything at all? “do you want food?”
“not from you.” his answer making her angrier.
“are you having trouble hunting? I could feed you.”
he adjusted his posture to be very lax under her anger. He didn't want to fight her, unfortunately her anger was increasing. “you have to hunt someone. Your deadlights are dim, they'll starve and you'll die at this rate.”
mentioning that she had deadlights catching her attention. Enough to put her claws away that he mistook it a sign he could get closer to speak. “nothing else is working, correct? You have to-” stepping far too close for her liking.
“I AM NOT EATING CHILDREN LIKE YOU!” fully bearing her sharpened teeth in a snarl as she clawed into him for a fight. He bared his teeth right back out of reflex. Not wanting to hurt her he submitted under her aggression. Putting his teeth away as she slammed him into the ground. Pinning him by straddling him while her hands held his head down. Her growling at him dying down as he laid limply under her control. Losing the want to fight against one laying so submissively. She watched him as she stayed where she was in confusion. Tired after all the anger drained from her and unknowing how to proceed in getting off him to run away again.
Thoughts passing through her mind. “Why isn't he doing anything? He said I had deadlights, why, how? Did he do all of this?” starting to shiver off all the Adrenalin draining from her starved body. “no! I cant do this right now! I have to run.” panicking that she had no more energy to fight with.
Her glance toward the door had him bolting up to grab her. Holding her in another tight gentle hug she struggled against before giving in to the comforting surroundings he was providing. He didn't want her fleeing so soon on such negative terms. Soft rubbings along her arms calming her down enough to stop shaking. He moved to show minor amounts of affection. kissing her face to down along her neck to lightly lick across her delicate skin.
The feeling of what he was doing not as gross as she first thought. Giving into the long warm licks leaving behind a trail of heat. His scent sticking to her the longer she was kept in his embrace. That warmth across her skin pooling down to settle at her hips. Relaxing back onto his hips to feel something hard rub her back. That burning ache wanting to feel more of what was beyond the fabric. She shut her eyes in wincing at the need to slam herself down onto something. Mind pushing her to let him taking control. He could do exactly what she needed to cure this wanting ache between her legs. Even that long tongue wrapping around her would do. Imagining that twisting around inside to rub at her walls.
Even the clown under her was tempted to push somewhere more intimate. The scent of her heat churning a fire from his lungs down to his hips. Instead he kept himself under control with all his attention kept to her neck. The more he cared for her the more likely she was to accept his presence being around all the time. His attention giving shut down by her panicking in the shifting mood. Her claws scratching his face having him back down for her to freely be let go. Her attack not as aggressive this time, more flustered by the over attention. Leaving light markings that would heal in seconds.
He didn't chase her this time, being satisfied. He got to complete his dance with her, had her calm in his grasp long enough to not feel threatened. as well as seeing first hand he could arouse her in such a way. He was still a possibility on her list of selections to allow all of that. Tomorrow he would collect more food to present to her. Since she didn't like hunting, he'd hunt for her and prove he would be the best provider.
Unaware, to Pennywise and Beverly, outside of Derry was infested with the vampire clan fighting over who would rule next. One coming out on top after slaughtering all his challengers. A ruthless male lining up his new followers under his fresh position of clan leader. Grinning proudly to himself in satisfaction as he addressed the crowd.
“i told you that old fool would get himself killed. Now I am in charge and unlike him I'll get that female hiding in the beasts territory.” gesturing a hand toward the Derry border. “she'll be mine and we'll be the most powerful pair. All our future children will rule above all the clans! My dear marauders we will grow in ranks from my lead! Go out and hunt freely until we can make the next step.” sending the gathering clan to infest the woods like a plague. No visitors were going to make it into Derry now nor could anyone leave.
The safety of the new morning sun being the only mercy the small town would get from now on. Yet even that now had two predators searching for food. All the stress left Beverly feeling starved in class. Fidgeting uncomfortably in her seat, caused by that burning cycle rising to make her on edge. It was a miracle she was able to get notes down for her class, even if it took some deciphering of her shaky chicken scratch. Heading off campus during lunch break to take in the fresh air of the surrounding pine tree forest. Standing under the shade of one tall pine by the slow flowing river. The sounds of running water and its refreshing scent covering the approach of a stranger.
Beverly's attention snagged by the male speaking. A thuggish looking dude with a white wife beater, sleeveless denim jacket. Ripped black pants a greasy mullet and a toothpick hanging out of his mouth. “didn't expect such a lovely girl hiding in the forest.”
Beverly subtly let her anger slip through a deep growl. Not in the mood to deal with some creep when she clearly wanted to be alone. “i am trying to get some fresh air. Leave before I decide to fill your shoes with barf.” lightly threatening him, although she wasn't sure if she had anything to throw up.
“your probably sick from hanging out in these woods. Getting attacked from mosquitoes and all the creepy crawlies out here. Ain't safe for a little girl to be in the dark woods. We can go to my place and hang out their with a couple of drinks.” stepping too close for comfort.
“not interested.” Beverly growled again, feeling her teeth shifting to a sharper threat.
“come on.” its not far, grabbing her hand.
Beverly snarled as she lashed out with her claws. God, she hated when morons thought it was perfectly fine to touch her. She could be the rudest person on earth and they still wouldn't take the hint she wouldn't just stand there passively as they felt her up. All of them before him learned their lesson quick, and now was his turn. The memorable feeling of her claws shredding through meat so easily. Like waving a hand through the water, easy with minor push back. Coated in liquid that dripped from the tips of her fingers. The powerful smell most would explain as bitter copper, but not her. For her it was something mouth watering as a juicy hunk of meat finely grilling, covered in rich spices for flavor.
The man, still on his feet with bleeding gashes across his chest let out multiple curses. His words a blur to Beverly as she pounced on him. Ripping a chunk free of his neck to quickly swallow down. Her vision twisting red to a desperate hunger with a single goal, to feed.
Disturbed by a sharp pain to her stomach forcing her to back up. Looking down at a knife wound the man caused before fleeing away between the trees. This was a little surprise for Beverly that wasn't going to slow her hunt in the long run. Chasing after him for another aggressive bite leading into a viscous mauling. Ripping chunk after chunk of meat of the screaming man. Taking even more after he fell silent from the severe wounds he suffered.
Blood dripping from her jaws to stain the collar of her shirt. Sleeves suffering the same fate as her hands dug into her fresh kill. Chewing one mouthful the red vision left her to calm down on a full stomach. Stuck chewing a bit of her meal while not feeling to great. She hated when this happened and rather have full control of her self when doing this. Swallowing down the bite as she looked over the corpse before her. Wanting to take more of her meal, but having her appetite lost. Taking another moment of the surrounding fresh air she caught wind of a scent almost similar to the pines. That underlying brewed coffee snapping her attention toward the source. That clown crouching, similar to her, in the nearby brush. Giving her space around her fresh kill.
“why don't you finish it?” he asked curiously with his usual smile. Receiving aggressively bared teeth in return from her. “you took him down a lot quicker then I expected. How long have you been hunting?” further questions building her agitation.
“go away.” she snapped, about ready to maul him the same as the meal below her claws.
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calcipher763 · 6 years
Special Brownies
The events leading up to the demise of Salem and the defense of Remnant were nothing short of challenging. Over the course of two to three years the combined teams of RWBY and JNPR along with various friends and allies collaborated to bring Salem and her minions to their knees. While many fell in the battles that came, victory was ultimately achieved and with the aid of the four relics Salem was vanquished for good. With nothing anchoring him to Remnant anymore, Ozpin’s spirit faded from Oscar body and mind, the wise old wizard finally knowing peace after so many years.
Many changes had come over the teams as time wore on. The budding relationship between Ren and Nora finally broke through to something deeper, the two becoming inseparable, though this seemed like it wasn’t much of a change aside from their more intimate moments. On top of that, the blond brawler and the knight began dating as well. Much to everyone’s surprise, including their own, Jaune and Yang found their own trials had pushed them closer together, the two blondes finding companionship and solace in one another. Their feelings grew and remained strong long into the war and with the defeat of Salem they settled into a life of comfort as they relaxed, grateful to have their journey at it’s end.
Eager to celebrate their new found victory, the teams decided to have a party. With Weiss hosting them all at her home, the teenagers relished the chance to use her massive indoor pool and enjoy themselves after years of hard work and pain. No one could say they didn’t deserve this time to relax and recuperate. In time life would require more of them but for now they would relax and take in as much of life as they could.
“Charge!” Nora yelled. She was dressed in a two piece bright pink bikini with white polka-dots. Beneath her was Ren, holding his girlfriend atop his shoulders as he maneuvered his way through the pool. He was dressed in a mossy green swimsuit with black and pink contrasting trim. His hair was tied back in a ponytail, ensuring it wouldn’t get in his way even when he got wet which Nora had ensured he inevitably did.
“Let’s take her down!” Yang bellowed in response. She wore a yellow and orange bikini, the top half containing a bright orange flame over her left breast. He hair, which was usually hanging down close to her waist, was tied up in a lose bun. Beneath her Jaune charged forward or least attempted to despite the resistance offered by the water. His swimsuit was a simple white with gold trim which suited him perfectly. In all honesty Yang seldom looked to admire his apparel and more his abs and toned arms which had only improved the more they fought Salem and her disciples.
The two couples clashed, Yang and Nora locked in combat as they struggled to overpower one another. Neither girl was a joke when it came to physical strength, a fact which remained true as Yang struggled to gain the upper hand on Nora despite her robotic arm. Thankfully she had an ace up her sleeve, one she was fully prepared to deploy.
“Looks like we’re evenly matched,” Nora grunted.
“You’d think but you’ll have to forgive us when we send you two toppling back into the pool,” Yang chided with a devilish grin.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just this: now Jaune!”
As soon as Yang gave him the signal Jaune activated his semblance. With his hands gripped firmly on her legs he was able to amplify her aura and, as a bonus, her overall physical strength. Yang’s own aura flared, her eyes turning a light shade of red as her body began to glow with a yellow haze. Nora’s smile fell as she felt her own arms being pushed back against her, her balance being offset by her opponent’s sudden burst of strength.
“That’s not fair, you’re cheating.”
“I disagree. We agreed not to use our own semblances but we said nothing about having our mounts use theirs,” Yang pointed out. “Should have thought about that one before you challenged me.”
Nora growled, irritated that she hadn’t considered that little loophole. Regardless she still attempted to press Yang back, pushing against her opponent with all her might. Beneath her Ren struggled as well. The amplifying of aura wasn’t helping him to keep his balance and, with Nora being pushed back, it was only a matter of time before he lost his footing and sent them both into the water. It seemed almost inevitable that Yang and Jaune would come out victorious.
“Ready?” Ruby whispered to her partner in crime.
“Let’s do this,” Sun whispered back.
The two of them swam silently up from behind her sister and Jaune. Head’s half hidden beneath the water, their eyes flashed with the gleam of purpose as they closed in on their targets. Sitting off to the side, wearing a black and purple bikini with a matching wrap around her waist and a book in front of her face, Blake’s eyes trailed along as she watched her boyfriend skirt across the water. While she knew Sun was a fun loving guy by nature, her instincts told her something was amiss. Normally she would have stepped in to stop him but she decided that it was best to trust him not to do anything outrageous. That and she really didn’t like the water.
“Now!” Ruby yelled.
In a swift motion the girl clamored onto Sun’s shoulder’s the two of them rising out of the water like a great beast rising from the ocean depths. Attempting to seize the moment, Sun and Ruby charged forward, intent to knock Yang into the pool and claim victory for themselves. Unfortunately for them Yang and Jaune were too quick and instinctively dodged out of the way. Their dodge, coupled with Ruby’s momentum, caused the young girl to topple forward, reaching out instinctively. Her hands gripped onto fabric and, with her full weight behind it, the strings holding it in place gave way leaving their benefactor exposed.
There was a loud splash as Ruby fell into the water before all was silent. Well, it was silent because all eyes were on Yang and her “assets” hanging out for all to see. It didn’t last very long, however, as the blonde brawler immediately covered herself and screamed.
“That brat!” Yang fumed, pacing back and forth in their guest room. “When I get my hands on her I’m going to wring her scrawny neck!”
Shortly after the “incident” at the pool, Jaune had retrieved her bikini top from the water. Yang had snatched it up and quickly fled the scene with Jaune in tow. While most of the on lookers had been too stunned to say anything (it was Yang, after all) Ruby was very embarrassed about the whole situation. Jaune had been stunned like the rest of them at the sight of her girls. While he’d seen them on more than a few occasions, their sudden appearance was still more than capable of causing his brain to lapse into a stall.
At the moment they were covered up, hidden beneath the dark fabric of his signature hoodie. The fact that Yang was wearing his cloths should have made him happy, if not a little excited. However, Jaune was smart enough to recognize the current situation as being extremely volatile. Any excuse for Yang to turn her ire on a fresh target would not go ignored and thus he would have to choose his words carefully if he was to remain clear of her sights.
“Yang, I think you need to calm down,” he said, attempting to sooth her.
“Calm? Calm? I am calm, Jaune. I am the epidemy of calm!” she snarled.
“W-without a doubt,” he said, sinking further into his chair.
Yang’s eyes were a deep crimson and her hair was frizzed and flaming. While it had been drenched after her dunk in the pool, her temper soon solved that problem as it was dried in record time. Honestly, she looked like a bat out of Hell at the moment and would no doubt scare anyone, even a Grimm, half to death should they become her next target. He swallowed audibly, reaching deep within himself to try and find another solution to their problem.
“I just think there are better ways of teaching your sister a lesson without resorting to nearly killing her.”
“Well, do you have any bright idea’s?” she asked, folding her arms across her chest.
“Actually I do. I was considering baking her and Sun a special batch of brownies,” he said with obvious pride.
“Brownies? Ruby wrenches off my bikini top, exposing the girls to everyone in sight, and you want to bake them brownies!?!”
“Not just brownies,” Jaune said, reaching into his pocket to pull out a small packet, “specialbrownies.”
As soon as Yang’s eyes fell on the packet the effect was immediate. The crimson faded away to reveal the lilac orbs that typically greeted him in the morning. Her hair stopped glowing as well and in their place a devious smile spread across Yang’s face. Jaune’s face split into one of his own, the two lovers obviously operating on the same wavelength now.
“I’ll go get the brownie mix,” she said.
“We are so dead,” Ruby moaned, her face buried in her hands.
“Technically, you’re dead. I wasn’t the one that pulled off her bikini top,” Sun pointed out.
“Technically, you were involved in the incident as well and I highly doubt Yang is going to care just how large a part you had to play in it regardless,” Blake pointed out, turning a page in her book, her eyes never wavering from it.
“Thanks for the encouragement, babe. I feel so much better now,” Sun said with obvious sarcasm.
“Hey guys,” Jaune said as he walked into the room. Ruby didn’t look up but the smell of freshly baked brownies permeated the air, grabbing her attention immediately.
“Oh, brownies,” Nora said with a wicked gleam in her eyes.
“They’re not for you,” Jaune chided.
“Hey man, about what happened,” Sun began.
“Don’t worry about it. Accidents happen. I know you and Ruby didn’t mean to cause so much trouble,” he said, interrupting Sun. “As way of a peace offering I made some brownies, if you’re interested.”
“Wow, thanks man,” Sun said, digging in. “So, how’s Yang doing?”
“Ehh, I think it’s best we not broach that subject for a while.”
Sun winced, realizing all too well what he meant.
“Ruby, you want some?”
“No thanks, I don’t deserve any after what happened,” she whined.
“I know you feel terrible but what happened was an accident. Besides, I’ll act as a mediator between you and Yang to help calm her down.”
“Promise?” she asked, peeking out from between her fingers.
“Promise,” Jaune said with a warm smile. “Now, how about a brownie?”
“You should have some,” Sun piped in with a full mouth, “they’re really good.”
“Well, I guess I’ll try just one,” she said.
Several Minutes Later…
“Hey guys, what’s up?” Yang said as she strode into the room.
“Yang, uh,” Ruby froze, brownie in hand with crumbs flaking off her face.
“We wanted to apologize for what happened,” Sun quickly interjected.
“Yea, we didn’t mean to. We were honestly just trying to knock you into the pool,” Ruby said, becoming visibly smaller under the watchful gaze of her elder sister.
“Oh, I know,” Yang said with a wicked smile. “Just so you know, I’m not mad anymore. In fact, I’ve already gotten even with you two.”
“What? How?” Sun asked.
Blake and Weiss exchanged looks, the former considerably confused while the latter had a sneaking suspicion of what was going on.
“Nothing much,” she said, “just a little something I added to the brownies. A special ingredient.”
“What special ingredient,” Ruby asked, her stomach making a displeased noise as she spoke.
“Oh, you’ll figure it out in a second but first I brought you two a little present.”
From behind her back Yang pulled out two rolls of toilet paper which she promptly threw to Sun and Ruby. Weiss’ confused stare became more apparent but Blake’s hand came up over her mouth, her suspicions having been correct and about to bare fruit.
“Uge, Yang, seriously, what did you put in these brownies?” Sun asked, his face twisted in discomfort as he clutched his stomach.
“You know, now that you ask, I can’t quite recall what all we put in them. Jaune?” she asked, turning to glance at her boyfriend who now wore a sinister and pleased smile of his own.
“Oh just some eggs, flour, milk, and chocolate, of course,” he said, reaching into his pocket to pull out a small packet.
As Ruby and Sun’s eyes glanced at the object their eyes widened in horror as they read the title on the box. Their stomachs roared in contempt as everyone glanced between them when they saw the words “Chocolate Laxatives” written in bold lettering.
“You two had better start running. With how many brownies you ate you’re going to be preoccupied for a while,” Yang said with a devilish smirk.
Neither needed to be told twice as they bolted from the room. Their cries of agony echoing down the halls before being replaced with the duel sound of doors slamming shut.
“That has to be the single most terrifying thing I’ve witnessed to date and that’s saying a lot,” Weiss said.
“What frightens me more is how well Jaune played the innocent act. I had no idea he was in on it the whole time,” Blake pointed out.
“Sort of makes me glad he wouldn’t let me have a brownie,” Nora chimed in.
“Let that be a lesson to you all. When you cross Yang Xio Long I don’t just get revenge, I get even,” she said, sitting down next to Jaune.
“Noted,” Weiss commented.
“For crying out load, just how much noise can a handful of teenagers make,” Qrow said, entering the room with a visible scowl.
“Sorry Uncle Qrow. We’ll try to keep it down,” Yang said.
“Yea, whatever. Oh, hey, brownies,” he said, his eyes lighting up as he caught sight of the half eaten batch.
“Oh, Uncle Qrow, I wouldn’t- “
“Help yourself,” Jaune interrupted, throwing his hand over Yang’s mouth to silence her. “Sun and Ruby already had first crack at them but you’re welcome to have a few.”
“Don’t mind if I do,” Qrow said, grabbing a brownie before taking a large bit out of it. “You got any napkins?”
“Here,” Jaune said, tossing him a roll of toilet paper.
“Is this some kind of a joke, kid?” Qrow asked, cocking an eyebrow as his stomach growled irritably.
“No, not really,” Jaune said with a devilish smirk, “you’ll understand its significance in a moment.”
I was actually inspired to wright this earlier in the week. I don’t write a whole lot of short stories or one-shots but this one was just too funny and too good to pass up. I’m currently working of the next installment of Archangel and decided to write this little quickie as a way of tiding my readers over for a bit. I’m half-way done so you should see an update in a week or so.
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