#but the recent mcu movies mostly objectively sucked
mcu fans can be so wild theyll be like "lord of the rings is boring" and then watch like. spider-man far from home for the fifth time
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fortysevenswrites · 5 years
11/11 Writing Tag
Tagged by one of my fav Rogue One writers, @theputterer, and I’m glad I came across it on my dash because I didn’t get the email about the @, so…thanks Tumblr…
I was also tagged a couple weeks ago by @incognitajones, so I’m going to answer their all 22 questions in one long post, so—be aware of that.
Rules: Answer the 11 questions of the person who tagged you; make up 11 questions; tag 11 people to answer them.
@theputterer’s questions:
What is your favorite fandom to write for?
I think my favorite fandom to write for would have to be whatever fandom is in the forefront of my mind. I’m not exactly one to hop from fandom to fandom. It’s more - here’s the current fixation, watch how it takes over my life. It’s how it’s been since…as far as I can remember.
So, I guess for an actual answer, it would mean The Punisher, which—I’m not going to lie—I started about thinking about writing for before I watched anything from either Daredevil or The Punisher. And I thought to myself, I have to be good and start from the beginning, but I didn’t feel like slogging through DDS1 (still don’t), so I said fuck it and started season two. Best. Decision. ever.
Remember - do whatever the hell you want.
What is your most “hot take” of a headcanon?
Hmmmmmm. That’s a good question.
For Star Wars, I’d say that Padme is definitely force sensitive as fuck (which also probably explains why I bring her in as a Force Ghost in all my Sequel Trilogy fic. Also, Leia Fucking Badass Organa is more force sensitive than Luke.
For Daredevil/The Punisher, I head canon that Karen doesn’t actually think of Matt as her ex-boyfriend. I really don’t. They went on a date and a half, and made out once. (I will give them credit for having a nice make-out scene, even though I definitely do not ship them and Matt’s not high in my hierarchy of favorite Netflix-MCU characters).
Is there a trope you just can’t stand?
I’d have to say a tie between ABO and Poly, but now that I’m typing it, ABO definitely comes out ahead. I just can’t. For poly ships, it has to be written REALLY well for me to be about it.
But mostly just, no.
In what writing area or style would you most like to improve?
I’d love to get better at action scenes. I’m great at exposition and dialogue, and dropping epic plot-twist bombs, but fight scenes are hard, yo.
What’s an AU you’d like to write but haven’t, and why haven’t you written it?
Since binging Star Trek Discovery this year, I really want to do a Kastle/Star Trek Disco AU, and that’s if I have to pick an AU. I’m really best served in the canon-divergence side of fandom, but if there’s one I’d like to try to tackle eventually (like after The Big Indulgence), it would be that one. Especially after how ST:D pulled off the season 2 finale, because holy shit.
Describe an OC you created for a fic in five sentences or less.
From my stilllllll unfinished MCU AU, Just Fake It (And No One Will Know You’re In Over Your Head) Charlotte Lewis:
1. Darcy Lewis’ younger sister.
2. Adorable genius.
3. Insomniac.
4. Badgers Bucky until he agrees to teach her Russian.
5. Is very, very, very (SPOILERS).
I promise, I’ll finish it someday.
What is your best writing tip?
Just write. Inspiration isn’t going to hit every single day, but if you want to be a consistent writer and churn out fic at whatever pace you want (or even your own original fiction work), then you have to just write. It doesn’t matter if it’s shit, as long as you get words on the page, you can go back and make them suck less.
Name a writer who has influenced your writing style, and how.
That woman who wrote Harry Potter (whose name I do not like using anymore, because reasons) inspired me to be interested in fantasy, and open the door to my love of reading and creating stories (including stories that are, you know, better).
Which character do you wish you wrote more about, and why don’t you?
I want to write more Mitchell Ellison, specifically Ellison interacting with Frank. The stories I read where they meet are some of my favorites. The only thing stopping me is that I haven’t had the chance to fit him into any of my current plots…yet.
How do you deal with writer’s block?
I have 2 favorite things to do. One is to just talk out the overall plot of the fic or story with a friend (that usually helps me fill and plot holes and get around blocks), or I go on a walk and run through the story in my head. That’s a great way to go about it.
If you wrote a story that was a fusion of two separate fandoms, which would they be?
Well, I’d also like to write a Kastle/Veronica Mars fusion, and damnit now I have another potential plot bunny to throw into my ALREADY FULL HUTCH DAMMIT.
@incognitajones’ questions:
What was the last book you read, and what did you think of it?
Fiction-wise, I recently re-read my one of my favorite easy reads, The Givenchy Code by Julie Kenner. It’s The DaVinci Code, but with fashion.
Are you a multishipper or an OTP type of fan?
It really depends on the fandom, but I tend to lean more toward OTP.
What’s a song you always sing along to?
Throwing it back to 2006: Call Me When You’re Sober by Evanescence since
If you could be adopted by a Star Wars character, who would it be?
None of the men.
But probably Padme or Sabe (#HandmaidensForLife)
A movie you can’t help but stop and watch when it’s on TV
Battleship. It has its problem, but it also has Taylor Kitsch.
What city/country would you really like to visit?
Japan and Australia. I’ve committed myself to traveling more now that I’ve left my job and started my own online business that lets me work from wherever I want.
If you had to live in a historical era (i.e. more than 50 years in the past), which would you choose?
Oh god, I don’t know if I could live without my laptop.
Would you rather be rich or have amazing talent in your chosen field?
You can have both.
That one little pet peeve you know is irrational but still bugs you
We don’t have time to list them all, but probably people who are bad at reading aloud. That’s been a big one since I was in school.
What’s a favourite small indulgence when you want to treat yourself?
Since cookie dough shops (like, places that are just like ice cream shops, but they sell edible cookie dough instead) are super in right now, there’s a shop around the corner from my place, and it’s super dangerous. I try to go only when I have something big to celebrate.
As a child, did you have a favourite toy or stuffed animal?
I had (and still have) a yellow blanket that’s super worn and threadbare and soft. It still lives with me in my bed. I’ve also had a stuffed cow since. Was 17 that’s traveled with me wherever I’ve lived. Including 10 months in Alabama.
And now, I’m going to tag for my 11 questions: @ck90, @the-restless-brook, @nxbodygoesafterher, @arms-and-arrows, @tuntematonkorppi, @heidiamalia, @ninzied, @thevampirecat, @ejunkiet, @kteague, and @jynirso (and anyone else who wants to answer.
Are you more of a Crowley or more Aziraphale?
What is your favorite fic you’ve ever read? (Give me recs, people!)
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve ever written?
If you had 8 million dollars to spend on your dream home, where would it be?
What is your Oh-Hell-No-est of NoTPs?
If money was no object, what would your career be?
What is a fandom you’ve never written for, but would like to?
One shots or series?
If you walked into a library and could not find a new book to read that tickles your fancy, what would your default be?
Are you afraid of clowns?
Do you prefer writing short-fic or long-fic?
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