#but the show as a whole idrc to finish
backwzzds · 7 months
dont come for me or nun cuz i know how u girls like to tussle but i do not care to finish aot 🧍🏾‍♀️ yall ruined it for me as soon as that ugly ass discourse started & i grew bored of writing & watching it 🧍🏾‍♀️not only that but people were not letting up w the spoilers and the whole shit just got ruined for me 😭 i’ll prob finish it with time but im really not in a rush to even finish s3
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minimoefoe · 4 months
finished my morganville vampires reread so here’s some rankings and misc thoughts
I didn’t really note anything down as I was reading so this is just misc thoughts off the top of my head for the most part. next time I reread I’m defo gonna keep note of as many thoughts as possible and figure out definitive rankings and stuff and ramble on and on to the three ppl who also post about this series
book ranking
two separate lists bc I reread books 1-5 back in mid 2022 and that’s way too long ago for me to remember how I feel about them in comparison to the books I’ve read over the last month
feast of fools (4)
lord of misrule (5)
the dead girls’ dance (2)
midnight alley (3)
glass houses (1)
carpe corpus (6) / last breath (11)
ghost town (9) / black dawn (12)
fade out (7) / daylighters (15)
bite club (10) / fall of night (14)
kiss of death (8) / bitter blood (13)
top four
myrnin - literally obsessed with him I don’t even know how to explain it, I wouldn’t say I read the series JUST for him but if he wasn’t in it I would like it significantly less and would’ve reread a lot less times
amelie / oliver - both soooo interesting, love moments where they show the less big bad vamp sides of themselves, makes me crazy
sam - gone too soon I’m crying
glass house gang
claire / eve - queens
michael - mild annoy moments but I love him
shane - I do really like him but also he’s so annoying sometimes and it gets old quickly
miranda - claire mentioning how miranda starts to blossom towards the end of the series and seems finally happy is very sweet but overall I find most of her appearances annoying like I dread seeing her name pop up and it’s a big reason why bitter blood isn’t my fave
monica - has interesting moments for sure and gets better throughout the series but overall idrc
jason - flip flops between good and evil so much idek what’s going on, love him in kiss of death
morley - what I’d give for a small series set in blacke
naomi - coulda been so interesting, gay rights
hannah - we love her
theo- kinda makes me uncomfortable but it’s fine
jesse - actually love her
richard - okay
frank - evil but has interesting moments
ada - very annoying but it’s not all her fault and I like the drama
claire & myrnin - truly no other duo matters, as friends, as more than friends, idc, I love whatever they have going on
claire & amelie - love the idea that amelie kinda sees claire as her daughter and goes on her etc sometimes, actually kills me
amelie & sam - I’m crying
amelie & oliver - the ultimate enemies to lovers kinda
michael & eve - very cute, love them
claire & shane - very cute, love them even tho shane is a bit of a prat sometimes
myrnin & jesse - the thing of jesse being around making myrnin not be as into claire makes my clyrnin obsessed brain sad but it makes my myrninxjesse brain very happy bc I love them, I wish there was so much more of them. the midnight bites stories fed me a little and it was great
misc series thoughts
monica is kinda comically evil in book one and it’s a bit weird like girl calm down. same with whichever of her friends is evil too like can we relax idfk
the ‘mime fangs’ thing is a lil cringe
the series is SO obsessed with claire being 16 and it drives me crazy like eve michael and shane act like they’re a decade older than her and it’s like omg stio being so dramatic
I do not care about captain obvious
what happened to the two officers that claire is friendly with early in the series i feel like they basically are replaced by hannah like where tf do they go
I do not care about claire’s parents like please go away. god bless her dad’s heart condition or whatever is wrong with him get those twats out of that town. also the whole being protective over claire about shane thing does my head in like idc idc IDC
the stuff with bishop is absolutely some of the best stuff in the series (minus every single myrnin scene) like yeahhhhhh
oliver being forced to hang around with everyone in kiss of death is 10/10
oliver running a coffee shop kills me like omfg I love him he does not need to be doing that
I would sell my soul for any information on morley and the librarian who’s name I can’t remember’s relationship like AHHHHH
I don’t dislike the pov changes later in the series, I think they work pretty well for the most part tbh
shane following claire to college is INSANE behaviour like genuinely what the actual fuck is that
I love sam so much he makes me so sad
fuck the ghost hunters I do not care
shane’s reluctance to get used to michael being a vampire is annoying sorry like I get it, he grew up hating them blah blah blah. grow up idc
I think I like that michael ends the series as a human. him having a moment when he was out in the sun nearly made me cry
the fact oliver is hinted to be oliver cromwell lives in my mind rent free and idk why bc I didnt even know who oliver cromwell was til I read these books. I also saw a thing earlier today that said jesse is meant to be lady jane grey which is fun
idk why these children are so determined to marry each other like omg. I do think the whole vampires and humans marrying each other is drama thing is interesting so I’m like okay it makes sense for michael and eve to be determined to get married purely to show that part of things to us but ultimately I’m like.. why does it matter if you can’t get married. like first of all, it’s paper, second of all you’re 12. and shane and claire getting married in the final book is like okay good for you I guess idk
I genuinely could read another 15 books of morganville fuckery liike I love these books an insane amount it’s not even funny
I defo had more thoughts and I’ll probs think of more stuff to add to this once I post it but it’s fine I’ll just save them all for whenever I reread next which might be near the end of this year or might be early next year or might be even longer depending on how well I’m able to distract myself with other things, bc as much as I love this series more than I love myself and wanna spend all my life engrossed in it, it also makes me feel a lil sad and takes over my brain and the lack of fandom is genuinely painful. so the more distance I can make the better I fear
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ranking the tdi challenges best to worst:
paintball deer hunter: I ACTUALLY LOVE THIS CHALLENGE SO MUCH like wouldn't that be so fun??? sorry but I LOVE this challenge
horror challenge: I think this one is universally loved like. what isn't fun about a little horror? it's also PERFECT for me because I LOVE the concept of horror but HATE actual gore. like the stick-together, classic tropes, ect. but I hate gore. so this was so fun for me!
cooking: I do really like cooking myself so this sounds so fun. team bonding and all that really.
tri-armed-triathlon: this is like one of the best episodes ever and the challenge is so cool. yeah.
trust challenge: also really fun I love mini-challenges like this. makes for fun dynamics as well.
cliff diving: it was definitely fun and a great intro to the show. the jumps characterized everyone, and the first two episodes are def some of my favorite.
boney island canoe thing: I really liked this one there was a lot of team bonding and just a fun challenge honestly.
phobia factor: facing your greatest fears? the challenge of all time.
camping in the woods: genuinely just sounds like fun. the scary stories were cool too. fun episode and challenge.
x-treme challenges: I love the mini-challenges they're so fun. this one isn't my favorite bc I think only the skiing one was actually fun the other two were meh.
talent show: obviously it's basic but it's a classic. you can't go wrong with a talent show. plus, you get to see what certain characters are good at and that's really fun.
awake-a-thon: had some of my favorite moments of the whole show, and also a great challenge for characterization. also just a fun challenge idea.
wheel of dares: def fun espec for final 3 like. yeah.
hide & seek: a classic game. basic but fun.
finale: it was good but I feel like the finales of every season were just. underwhelming. except for world tour.
animal hunt: I don't care about it that much.
chef's whole thing: idk it was good ig but like. idrc. the episode was really good but the challenge was meh.
dodgeball: really basic I don't really care about it.
the weird episode with the flood and the coconut: idk I feel like I forgot everything about it. like it wasn't the best wasn't the worst.
the one where duncan got eliminated: whatever I'm out of here.
scavenger hunt: also just okay idrc.
brunch: I get it but ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew
10 second wheel of fortune: this one was actually so boring. only mini challenge episode that bores me like what.
bike challenge: OMG I saw this episode and was like "bike challenge! sounds so fun!" it was not fun. It was so poorly written. genuinely sucks. WHY WERE THE RULES LIKE THAT like there were so many other ways to make the challenge actually work I could go on for days. why did they care about passing the finish on each others' bikes? why does immunity matter when the last person is auto-eliminated? like OH MY GOD
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justaz · 2 years
seeing so many posts on tumblr that make so much sense, whatever happened after BOO? no it didn’t. (also i changed a lot of previous canon in my head el oh el)
this is all over the place. it’s technically just like a compilation of headcanons that i’ve accepted as canon from all over tumblr LMAO
leo and calypso are not together. he related to her whole heartbreak thing and they’re really good friends and he helped her get off the island but after that they kinda went their separate ways and calypso explored the modern world, joining the hunters later on.
piper and jason may have broken up but jason did not die (while yes i know it makes sense canonically, i don’t care. i’m not letting thalia lose her brother again.) and they remained friends. reyna may have resigned from praetor but she did not join the hunters, she stayed in new rome and maybe eventually she and piper may have some…kissing to do.
percy and annabeth do not go to new rome for college, annabeth starts to build new athens (or whatever you wanna call it) for camp halfblood and percy stays in new york to remain close to his family and to see his little sister be born and be there for her growing up.
hazel is 15, frank is 16. idrc if they’re in a relationship or not like they’d be cute friends while also being a cute couple so idk but they did become praetors, same as in canon (i think LMAO i haven’t read TOA in a while and i haven’t finished). but yeah. closer in age. there was no reason for hazel to be like what was it, 13? idk. there was no reason for that. (don’t come at me w that “it shows demigods are usually children and danger and death and blah blah blah” idc they didn’t need to be in a relationship then. its weird)
leo and percy are good friends. leo and annabeth are good friends. leo and piper are BEST friends. leo and jason are best friends too but leo and piper are closer. leo and nico grow closer and are good friends (maybe some romance? but hey that’s neither here nor there) i really just want leo to be friends with everyone bc it just Makes Sense but whatever-
clarisse and piper are good friends too. clarisse can sometimes see glimpses of silena in her which hurt but also makes her all the more protective of her. piper gets a lot of stories of silena from her too.
piper and leo get stories from their siblings from annabeth and percy but i already have a post on that teehee but anyways yeah those four are close friends
drew isn’t actually a bitch. she and percy were friends and she was worried for her friend and maybe went about it the wrong way. she was just stressed and worried and i mean. her sister just died and she was hailed a hero but apparently word got around that she was a traitor. of course she’s a lil miffed. but she’s not a bitch. i refuse. (okay like yeah she’s mean but she’s not the raging bitch portrayed in canon)
frank didn’t go through the whole “woosh. now ur built like a tank” thing. he’s still just. frank. beginning of son frank. just more comfortable in his body so less clumsy but still don’t let him hold glass for too long.
sally is a close descendent of venus. i will not be elaborating. maybe. idk. possibly. (i did it)
HAZELS EYES GLOW GOLD WHEN SHE USES HER POWERS !!! other than that they’re a dark brown !!
idk maybe i’ll add more later but that’s all i can think of rn. this is all canon in my head btw :]
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
you keep talking about rose with scorn, about future regenerations having outdone her completely & acting like they are somehow disgusted by the romance with her. but what are you basing your opinion on? in those books or comics that no one really cares about? which weren’t even written by showrunners?! moffat NEVER made twelve disrespect rose’s memory. that comic of him picking on ten was written by a bloke who doesn't even like rose, which indicates that the stories reflect more on the writers' opinions than the character. and while in the comics thirteen is somehow unbothered by rose’s presence, in the podcast narrated by jodie, she mentions rose in a fond, wistful voice. bc, guess what, the author is doctor/rose stan and said that she believes that the doctor loves rose in ALL incarnations and that jodie understood at the same moment what a mention of rose meant. ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯ matt and jodie also talked about working with billie piper, about bringing rose back. and do you really believe rtd will write his doctors making light of the romance with rose??? he clearly still has a lot of affection for the character and it's no wonder he decided to name donna's daughter after her (when it would have been easier to name her 'martha' seeing as donna properly met her). so… yeah keep talking shit about rose and even tenrose all you want, it won't change that rose was immensely loved by the doctor, by TEN. ten loved rose so intensely he gave himself to her. david said that rose defined his doctor, and i say she defined the entire rtd1 era. and you can accept that or stay mad idrc
"And you can accept that or stay mad, i dont really care"
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no lemme be serious hold on.
"by TEN"
yo yall see this? just completely ignore mr. fuck the monarchy, queen killer, the lovely, the irreplaceable the impeccable ninth doctor himself christopher eccleston?? oh no i know why. its because nine flirted with black girl princess of the forest of cheem herself miss jabe? but you dont really care.
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im sorryyy im trying real hard but you are fumbling your own argument.
what makes you think rtd2 era is gonna be rose centric? if it was rose centric - we wouldnt need ruby sunday. but because shes yt and has blonde hair - of course YOU would think that. i mean with 14 its gonna be rose templenoble centric but you dont care. it would be easy to name ANOTHER BLACK CHARACTER WITH THE ONLY OTHER BLACK COMPANION NAME THAT DONNA KNEW?? other than what?? LANCELOT?? MINNIE?? YOU KNOW IN REFERENCE FOR LANCE HER NOW DEAD EX OR MICKEY??? but you dont really care.
anon. i can't stop laughing. you wrote all of that just to out yourself as a racist doctor who fan. you had very key things to strengthen your argument and prove your case and you fumbled. but you dont really care.
"jodie understood what a rose mention meant" and she understood what a river mention meant as well and YET jack mentions rose but 13 mentions river. she dont mention any of her previous companions vocally. she actively avoids it. tegan even noticed that. now rtd has a lot of affection for the rose character because it revived the show he used to watch as a child. but you dont really care.
"loved her so intensely he gave herself to her" - yeah he gave his human alias to her now 12 has to go by doctor funkenstein and doctor disco and doctor caretaker and 13 got to go by jane smith in honor of sarah jane smith big oof - like damn that sucks. but you dont really care.
But also, the 12 whole entire era was built off of donna. like that was clear. cut. dry. print. but you dont really care.
"jodie believes that the doctor loves rose in ALL incarnations in a podcast she narrates" and yet, we see from big finish productions that the doctor loves river in all his incarnations too. but you dont really care.
"which weren't even written by showrunners" girl neither was human nature/family of blood the doctor's wife, vincent and the doctor, and the lodger THE LODGER IS A MICKEY X TEN COMIC BEFORE IT BECAME AN EPISODE WHA--PFFT. but you dont really care.
anyway seems to me you dont really care about ten or rose or tenrose, you just using that as an excuse to be antiblack and silence anyone that dare point that out. just like series 3 does to martha. hm. interesting.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
From :- 🥀
Ok dude I'm finally done with exams *a deep sigh of relief*...idrc about the results 😃
Anyways , im currently in my rom-com phase like you would not believe i watched straight 3 movies a day , it's big for me cuz i don't even sometimes hv the courage to watch a youtube video. But hey , 27 dresses , Business proposal and Legally blonde are just some other breeds.
Also , i finished watching modern family and I feel like I have no motive in my life 🕴️. It was legit the best show ever , istg.
And why is it that during my exam month the whole kpop industry had to go feral? ATEEZ member's hair colour changed , blackpink had a comeback after an eternity planned on my exam month (oh how lovely) , Nmixx and twice had a comeback , itzy's Japanese comeback , xiumin decided to come back LIKE WHAT GIVE ME A BREAK-
I have been obsessed over hard to love. Trust me rosé deserves a whole ass solo discography, like puhhleaseeee YG . Her voice legit heals me *runs away to listen to the song for 501736th time*
Your views on "dice" 🎙️
Oh also I've been writing a ff , ofc it's based on hwa 🌝. I usually wrote lots of stories before the whole miss Rona thing as well. But like i used to write on papers which was very tiring so during online school, i got a laptop and it has been pretty much my life. I never really had much interest in ffs until I read yours , that is . Because u fit my style so well , we must be soulmates 😖. (Is it weird to say i simp for the way u write?) One of my friends also started to write one of these ffs on Wattpad related to BTS and i was like wait why not i try and write one as well? It is one of the ideas that has been in my mind forevuhh and i had to be the one to implement it as well.
Id love to share it once it's finished. I mean it's always nice to hear constructive criticism.
Hmmmmmm what elsee??
Oh right , i shuffled through some of your asks cuz i was tryna find something and i realised you probably hv to go to aus. CUZ BESTIE SAME imma continue studies there , I'll go next year after finishing off this semester HOPEFULLY WE CAN MEET!!!
Now let's talk about a certain man called Park Seonghwa ,
He's too hot for this planet , i had no idea my wish of seeing him platinum would be taken seriously by the universe cuz i was on the verge of dying when i heard the news. BUT CAN WE APPRECIATE RED HAIRED WOO PLEASE???
*suddenly wondering why they're changing hair colours*
Wait- is it a comeback??? BUT THEY JUST RELEASED GUERRILLA - maybe a Japanese comeback hmmmmmm
I read this the other day if ily wasn't a word yeosang would say "you're my little happiness" 😭 *don't touch me I'm hypersensitive*
Also , Winona is joongie's crush huh???? Make this a kdrama pls!
Ok I've run out of things , remember to tc of yourselves, you got this bestie and keep on slaying.
Buh-bye 👋
Ok dude I'm finally done with exams *a deep sigh of relief*...idrc about the results 😃 ///// Anyways , im currently in my rom-com phase like you would not believe i watched straight 3 movies a day , it's big for me cuz i don't even sometimes hv the courage to watch a youtube video. But hey , 27 dresses , Business proposal and Legally blonde are just some other breeds.
Also , i finished watching modern family and I feel like I have no motive in my life 🕴️. It was legit the best show ever , istg.
omg that show goes on for forever
And why is it that during my exam month the whole kpop industry had to go feral? ATEEZ member's hair colour changed , blackpink had a comeback after an eternity planned on my exam month (oh how lovely) , Nmixx and twice had a comeback , itzy's Japanese comeback , xiumin decided to come back LIKE WHAT GIVE ME A BREAK-
LMFAOOOO I ASK THE SAME QUESTIONS,, like u idols dont got exams??? midterms to do why u on stage dancing like ur rent due??? ok bu tlike the second half of the comebacks always be slapping
I have been obsessed over hard to love. Trust me rosé deserves a whole ass solo discography, like puhhleaseeee YG . Her voice legit heals me *runs away to listen to the song for 501736th time*
omg i agree, its so nostalgic 2000's taylor type vibes and her voice >>> but yeah yeah yeah is absoulty amazing !!! need rose to drop her album with all the collabs i think u will like this 
Your views on "dice" 🎙️
none, absolutely nothing nice to say <3
Oh also I've been writing a ff , ofc it's based on hwa 🌝. I usually wrote lots of stories before the whole miss Rona thing as well. But like i used to write on papers which was very tiring so during online school, i got a laptop and it has been pretty much my life. I never really had much interest in ffs until I read yours , that is . Because u fit my style so well , we must be soulmates 😖. (Is it weird to say i simp for the way u write?) One of my friends also started to write one of these ffs on Wattpad related to BTS and i was like wait why not i try and write one as well? It is one of the ideas that has been in my mind forevuhh and i had to be the one to implement it as well.
OH?>? HWA FIC??? AYOO,, simp for my writing??i wish u saw my draft for yunho you'd wanna unFOLLOW DELETE BLOCK !!!! but tysm for saying that 😭😭😭😭 just hoping the new one doesn't disappoint <3 AAA U SHOULD DEF WRITE FICS SOMETIMES ITS A THERAPY OF SORTS! i hope we get to see some one day!
Id love to share it once it's finished. I mean it's always nice to hear constructive criticism.
ofc omg pls share new fics always
Oh right , i shuffled through some of your asks cuz i was tryna find something and i realised you probably hv to go to aus. CUZ BESTIE SAME imma continue studies there , I'll go next year after finishing off this semester HOPEFULLY WE CAN MEET!!!
aOH NO WAY UR STUDYING THERE??? as a biased canadian i think u should come here <3 AAA, HOPEFULLY WE DO!!!
Now let's talk about a certain man called Park Seonghwa ,
He's too hot for this planet , i had no idea my wish of seeing him platinum would be taken seriously by the universe cuz i was on the verge of dying when i heard the news. BUT CAN WE APPRECIATE RED HAIRED WOO PLEASE???
i agree everything u said here, infact i ghost wrote this YES RED HAIRED MR WOOYOUNG HES A DIFF BREED ATM AND ID LIKE TO ADOPT
*suddenly wondering why they're changing hair colours* Wait- is it a comeback??? BUT THEY JUST RELEASED GUERRILLA - maybe a Japanese comeback hmmmmmm
apparently?? hongjoong said there is one??? but maybe just for concerts but they are being sus
I read this the other day if ily wasn't a word yeosang would say "you're my little happiness" 😭 *don't touch me I'm hypersensitive* ///// Also , Winona is joongie's crush huh???? Make this a kdrama pls!
Ok I've run out of things , remember to tc of yourselves, you got this bestie and keep on slaying.
you tooo!!!!! keep slaying miss slay <3
0 notes
miyacreampie · 3 years
Something that (probably) only sensei would laugh at. :D
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synopsis 💭;; Exposing the owl boi
note 🖋️;; This made me exhale air through my nose. Y'know like 😤, but more like 🐽💨. Y'know? Anyway, I thought I'd post it because why tf not? :D also, ignore any mistakes jabsnsbsjwbws
Male pronouns used idrc who reads it tho
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“Okay, but Bokuto has the IQ of a literal elementary schooler.”
Kuroo gave (Y/n) a strange look. “He isn't dumb. Well- he knows a lot of big words, but–”
Kenma butted in (for no reason). “But what?”
“If you use too many complex words at a time, his brain switches off.” Akaashi and (Y/n) both said in perfect unison, looking at each other in surprised and confusion when they finished.
Kuroo and Kenma looked at each other before looking at the other two men.
“For real though. I'll show you. Tarou-kun! Come here!”
Within a few seconds, Bokuto ran up to his four friends, squeezing himself between Akaashi and (Y/n).
He looked around at everyone, smiling like an idiot. “What's up? What're we talkin' about? Hm? Hm?”
“Is it true that we enacted a reproduction ritual for about two continuous hours, all the while your boisterous cries; loud enough to shatter the windows, echoed throughout the room?” (Y/n) asked, nudging his boyfriend's side. Bokuto's smile went from a happy one, to a forced and confused one. (Y/n) continued. “Half the time you were pleading for your release because of the many times I brought you towards that point, but stopped just before you could let it out.”
“What?” Koutarou, Kozume and Tetsurou asked in perfect unison as (Y/n) and Akaashi had done before. They all were lost.
“Hubby rapping on that dictionary type beat–” Bokuto
“I didn't understand a word of that.” Kenma
“Could you..like- dumb that down for me?” Kuroo
Just as (Y/n) was about to explain, Akaashi put a finger to his lips. “I'll tell them.” He chuckled, a smirk appearing on his face, but quickly going away as he spoke. “What (Y/n)-kun was saying is that he railed Bokuto-san for almost two hours straight, and the whole time, he was moaning loud enough that (Y/n) thought the windows would break. Y'know, cartoon-style.”
“Half of said three hours was Bokuto-san begging to cum because (Y/n)-kun had edged him so many times.”
All eyes were now on Bokuto, whose face was as red as Tendou's hair. He wanted to just crawl in a hole and stay there for the rest of forever. The embarrassment was overwhelming. (I mean, he was just indirectly called a loud bottom by his best friend.)
Kuroo opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again. Kenma knew what Kuroo wanted to say, so he said it for him. “Is it true though?”
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Pls laugh 💀 being horny is fine too- (fr like who wouldn't get horny thinking about railing Bokuto? 😩💖)
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planetbass · 3 years
just finished animaniacs new season. i enjoyed it a lot!!!! :D 
there were only a few shorts that felt like a miss - mostly really enjoyable and funny episodes. the episodes about modern technology were really funny and relatable too, rather than cringey (except for the hulu awareness jokes idrc for those). lots of REALLY good animation, and i mean a lot. many different styles seamlessly put together and it’s visually stunning.
compared to the first season it really feels like they got a grip on the show - jokes and references aren’t always as overt as they were in s1, feels a bit more natural. for example, the trump-cyclops bit in season 1 compared to king nero in s2. it’s exactly the sort of thing you’d see in the original show- an obvious parody of a relevant political figure that might be missed if you don’t know the historical context. other political jokes such as the stuff with the dictators i found very funny as well.
there was a lot more focus on pinky and the brain this season, too. their episodes were really engaging and put a big focus on their dynamic. and those rats sure are homo!!!!!!!! it was very very good. there were multiple times where i had to pause because i was just like. where am i. is this real. i was also very happy to see some of the new bits like starbox & cindy and the incredible gnome. there’s only one of each, but i still find em very fun! i also appreciate all the new nora content; she really needed it and i enjoyed all of it. she’s such a fun character. and i’m glad there was more scratchansniff too. at first i was hesitant about him becoming a “villain” role but i think in the end he’s still their father figure in some regards.
i also love how explicitly they called out current problems, too. except for the anti-capitalism/corporation stuff; while i get the sentiment, it still doesn’t feel right when the show’s hosted by hulu. but issues of workers’ rights, child exploitation, the entire christopher columbus bit?? that was really good imo. was super entertained by the columbus bit because they really came for his ass and did NOT hold back. and like i said, the plots about the warners + modern technology were more relatable than cringey. the popup and spam email episode? as someone who Hates emails i really felt that one, and visually it was super cool, too. the loading game bit, while drawn out longer than needed imo, was still relatable. 23&me parody? golden. the youtuber apology video parody almost made me CRY because it caught me SO off guard.
oh yeah. most importantly, all the songs were very good. yakko got to live out his dreams and infodump almost as much as he wanted and im so happy for him. also love the little sibs terrorizing yakko. sic him, kids.
to be completely honest, from the promos they released leading up to the season and the episode they chose for the twitter watch along (which is the weakest ep imo), i wasn’t expecting all that much from the new season. but wow i was impressed. maybe my bar was low, but it felt like they got a grip on what they were trying to achieve. basically im impressed enough to write a whole essay post bc my face still hurts from smiling and laughing after binging it
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rogue-durin-16 · 2 years
I'm usually she/her but to be fair idrc, and bi! I'm 5'7, red hair and got a decent bit of curves on me. I speak 3 languages (swedish (I'm from sweden), english and french + learning spanish and arabic) and I'm studying peacemaking and peacekeeping to eventually go into diplomacy! I overwork myself ALOT which is both my biggest strenght and fatal flaw lmao, and I can also have the tendency to be a bit socially avoidant and dismissive. But on the positive side I'm quite clever and I'm good and handling conflicts. Since I'm usually so serious and put together, when I do let loose I really let lose and bc of this I usually hang out with people who do the same. My number one hobby is nerdy stuff like cosplay and dnd, and I really love taking walks and hiking! I'm an intj, a slytherin, a Sagittarius and my biggest pet peeve is when people walk too slowly. I'm insecure about a LOT lmao but I'm really good at hiding it so unless someone is real close to me they wouldn't know.
From Band Of Brothers I Ship You With:
Lewis "Nix" Nixon III
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Ship dynamic:
(aka Workaholic x Free Spirit™)
«Love seeks a complement, not an opposite. My dear, you and I don't clash; we become whole.»
My, oh my, would you look at that? we had a Nixon coming in already; now we have a Winters.
It's only fitting to pair you with the one and only king of deadpan sarcasm, chaotic mess, Lewis Nixon.
Let's start with the fact that INTJs and ENTPs have a history of clicking, so I'm getting instant chemistry from the two of you.
Same thing goes for Libras and Sagittarius.
You give me high up the ranks vibes, so an officer + probably S-2/S-3. When Nixon is transferred and promoted to intelligence officer, he sees you and automatically knows he'll get along with you.
He's not wrong, he just doesn't know how much you two will get along ;).
He hopes for it though, because he thinks you're the sexiest person he's ever met and it'd be lovely to be more than friends.
Muttering things in french to each other whenever you want to avoid eavesdropping.
Learning languages together.
You keep this easygoing bitch focused on his job; Nix pulls you out of your workaholic nature in return.
He loves to get you to loosen up, mind you. Honey, you two are wild, I'm not even getting into it, just know that everyone would want to hang out with the two of you, even if just for the show.
Bitterly bitching about slow walkers to Nixon, and him being so amused by it and matching your energy because if he can talk shit, he will.
Cue an excerpt from a conversation that I know had place between the two of you several times:
Lew: [spares you a look] my God, you're late.
You: [violently slams paperwork on the desk] YOU KNOW WHY I'M LATE?
Lew: [smirks without looking up from his own paperwork] Some slow walking bitch?
Lew: [feigns indignation] you're not even that fast!
You: [plops down on the chair] RIGHT? I'M NOT EVEN THAT FAST!
Lew: slow motherfuckers need to pick up the pace.
You being the Official Diplomat™ of the Regiment and Lew being always in the background ready to step in as an extra hand if the boys start to go a bit too crazy.
Big Tired Wine Aunt And Uncle energy.
I can easily picture you working in your desk, pulling an all nighter, and Nix coming into your office, throwing himself on a chair and keeping your company all night long.
He's definitely drinking.
He's definitely distracting you from time to time.
And he's definitely falling asleep like 30 minutes before you finish.
Lew making sure you don't become socially avoidant and making you leave the workplace more than you'd like to. It's for your own good.
Fun dates and classy dates. Sometimes the both of them combined.
You drag Nixon out for hiking and he'll put up with it because he loves you but don't push it or he'll throw you off a cliff.
Lew laughs at the cosplay thing at first— until you dare him to do one with you.
He ends up liking it but will never admit it. He's unironically into dnd, I said what I said. You two have the best time with this.
Winters being eternally grateful that Nix found you because damn do you keep the boy grounded but like, just the right amount.
But babe this goes both ways (like you and probably Nixon too tbh), Lew takes care of you in all the right ways. He sees through you and KNOWS you're insecure, but instead of pointing it out he just reassures you and reminds you how capable you are in the most nonchalant way possible.
Also, may I add that you two are my literal parents? Like, I'm an odd mixture of the two of you which can be very funny or awfully bad.
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str4wberrybongw4ter · 2 years
let’s break down the liars from my most to least favourite based on what they went through and fun storylines
Emily Fields
- homophobic family era
- gf was murdered
- was attempted drowned in a hate crime
- victim of bully -> gf gay arc
- forced to murder her gfs murderer in self defence
- gaslit and queerbaited by ali
- the dollhouse
- literally had her eggs stolen (i haven’t finished the last season idk what they’re doing with her eggs but even the fear alone is wtf)
Spencer Hastings
- groomed by adult men from a young age
- gaslit by her family (for like her whole life ? there are so many instances of her own family straight up lying to her and making her believe she’s crazy)
- sent crazy by people making her believe that she killed her best friend (INCLUDING HER OWN FAMILY)
- addiction problems (+ horrible friends who ridicule her and refuse to believe her just bc she struggles with addiction)
- the dollhouse
Aria Montgomery
- groomed by her crusty weird ass freak of a teacher who KNEW she was underage FROM THE BEGINNING and GASLIT her the WHOLE TIME
- killed shana too ig idrc though bc the show didn’t focus on emily’s trauma from murdering someone (way more intimately btw) like they did arias lol
- the dollhouse
Hanna Marin
- was fat and bullied for it (eating disorder too ig i wish the show expanded on that more though bc that’s mostly fan interpretation)
- got her mum arrested and implicated in murder by hiding a murder weapon that otherwise wouldn’t have implicated anyone bc she refused to stop and think and listen to spencer or caleb
- got herself arrested and implicated in murder bc she went to the storage unit herself to “check things out” when if she didn’t then no one would have been implicated but she didn’t stop and think and listen to spencer and caleb
- the dollhouse
- implicating everyone in murder once a fucking gain bc she deletes the footage at the hotel despite everyone telling her not to bc it will look bad for them bc she doesn’t stop to think and listen to spencer and caleb !
and let’s not forget that hanna literally constantly gets special treatment, after the dollhouse she says “we have to go back to school together i can’t do it alone” but the rest of the liars aren’t ready bc they’ve just experienced HUGE trauma and when they don’t show i’m supposed to feel BAD for hanna ? bc they abandoned her ? like babes why don’t u go be a good friend and check that your mates are ready to do something so huge ……….. anyway
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droidmom · 7 years
im going back to my wash/elisabeth projects rn and i cant believe the whole sequence i planned for them before forgetting they existed.
the first was about wash being in love w elisabeth but never saying anything bc she’s married and wash doesnt think it would be reciprocated etc. then wash dies lmao. 
the second was going to be the vid where wash comes back but i already uploaded it and didnt have time to make it shippy bc the song i chose was almost too short for the basic storyline of it. but it’s an implied event between the first and the next. 
the third was like. wash is alive so now she and elisabeth admit they’re gay for each other but even though it was never a cheating thing, jim finds out before they can come up with a way to explain it to him so he’s super pissed and it’s angsty.
the fourth was that elisabeth gets taken by the sixers bc they need a medic or whatever with them when they go to the badlands so wash and jim have to work together despite the aforementioned issues they have with one another lmao. ((now that i ship wash/mira pre-sixers though, having mira capture elisabeth has a whole new layer of gay omfg?? like. she probs doesnt even know about wash and elisabeth but? “im just gonna capture someone from the colony my ex lives in knowing fully well that my ex might show up to try and get her back lmao hey wash”)) 
lowkey the fifth was going to be just multiship hell? like after they get elisabeth back everyone is like “might as well be gay” so while jim/elisabeth are still a thing and while taylor/wash are still a secret-but-not-really thing (i actually do rly like their ship idk why?) it gives the opportunity for wash/elisabeth to explore their relationship AND for jim/taylor to do the same bc you cant fucking tell me that the scene where jim is shirtless on the colony fence and taylor’s looking at him thru binoculars could possibly have ANY heterosexual explanation at all? or their fishing trip? or anything at all????? but yeah it was going to just be exploring that whole polyamorous thing. idk if i would have used any other ships in it bc it was mainly for the storyline revolving those 4 characters tho.
i was also going to do just a “terra nova appreciation” type of thing but idrc enough to do that. if i rewatch i’ll get inspired tbh but idk if i can put the effort into it. 
i also wanted to do a vid exploring everyone’s pasts pre-terra nova but that might be better achieved through aesthetic posts and gifsets? 
anyway i need to go finish a drawing i need to have done by tomorrow for wash’s actress’s birthday at the off-chance she’ll see it in her notifs lmao bye 
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jjungdork-blog · 7 years
RULES: once you’ve been tagged you’re supposed to write a post with eighty-two truths and then tag twenty-five people.
tagged by: @soonshimnim (thanks yo i love these)
name: ray blood type: idk nickname(s): none r/s: i got a whole boyfriend yall.... its lit zodiac sign: aries pronouns: she/her favorite tv shows: ahs, oitnb, ancient aliens, mash, stranger things, degrassi, and as much as i make fun of it, i’ll always love 7th heaven
long or short hair: it’s a bit past my shoulders height: 5′3 do you have a crush on someone: um does j*ngk**k count?? what do you like about yourself: my sense of humor right or left handed: right list of three favourite colors: black, lavender, sky blue

eating: an ice cream bar 
drinking: nothing i’m about to: finish my presentation notes 
listening to: konstantine by something comporate this song is amazing pls go listen to it 
kids: no and hopefully never
get married: maybe
career: i want to be an author but there’s no guarantee that’ll work soooo. teacher
drink: vitamin water phone call: my mom song you listened to: some song by tyler the creator idk what its called
dated someone twice: no been cheated on: no kissed someone and regretted it: no 
lost someone special: yeah :/ 
been depressed: eh been drunk and thrown up: yeah and i embarrassed tf out of myself 
kissed a stranger: no had glasses or contacts: i’ve worn glasses since 4th grade had sex on the first date: no 
broken someone’s heart: probably my mom’s at some point 
turned someone down: that would imply that someone asked me out lmao cried when someone died: no i laughed 
fallen for a friend: no my friends are actually the worst lol
made a new friend: yup thanks college Fallen out of Love: no 
laughed until you cried: probably met someone who changed you: nope found out who your true friends were: yeaaaah when high school ends you find out who's actually your friend and who was your “friend” because you saw them 5 days a week found out someone was talk about you: yup 
kissed someone on your fb list: yeah man
lips or eyes: eyes hugs or kisses: hugs shorter or taller: idrc about height all that much tbh romantic or spontaneous: how bout both sensitive or loud: sensitive hookup or relationship: relationship troublemaker or hesitant: eh
best friend: a girl named renae surgery: i think a root canal is considered a surgery? sport i joined: none lmfao vacation: universal studios
yourself: usually 
miracles: not really love at first sight: no heaven: no
how many people from your fb list do you know irl: 99% of them i’ve met at some point and then there’s a few people who’ve sent me a request bc i replied to their post in a group page or something? and they were cool so i never deleted them but we don’t talk lol do you have any pets: not anymore :(
do you want to change your name: i think about it often but i’d probably never do it what did you do for your last birthday: i had a “surprise” party  
what time did you wake up today: i think 11-ish what were you doing last night at midnight: getting wendy’s :D
something you can’t wait for: for the semester to end already
last time you saw your mom: yesterday 
what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i want to be more stable, in every sense of the word have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah. he’s a douche what’s getting on your nerves: currently.... wypipo excusing ******** for that dread hat and getting mad at black fans for not agreeing with their opinion :)
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