#but the system in mhs avoids that in a really compelling way
kariachi · 8 months
I have to say, a little thing I enjoy in Monster Hunter Stories 2, that I can't remember if it was in the first one, is the quick finish option for battles once you reach a certain power scale in comparison to what's in front of you.
Like, something I've been enjoying- and I don't know if it's just because I might be underleveled? I haven't been grinding so much so...- is that every fight feels like something you're having to put some work into. I feel like they way they do it, with your opponents changing tactics back and forth and not being able to see the health of new encounters or bosses, really keeps a good sense of tension and effort that can kind of be lacking in some fights in other critter collection games I've played. And part of the problem with the other ones, I think, is that you just keep having to put in the time and effort when you run into things you're really stronger than.
Just, if I'm playing pokemon and I return to an early route for something, then if I run into an opponent I either have to run away- which makes the encounter just a pointless waste of my time- or I have to fight them- which gives me a bit of experience, but there's only so many times you can go to the fight menu, hit a move, take out the pidgey, before it just is boring. Overall the game just slows down without any sort of tension or even points of interest. It's a little better when you go to areas where you can't oneshot something, but if it's something that can't stand up to you then you're just doing the same 'hit them hard and wait for the fight to end' that you were before, but for longer.
But MHS2's quick finish option solves that problem but giving you a simple key combo to press that immediately ends the fight with you victorious. If you've got enough of a power advantage in an area you've already cleared, the game just gives it to you- you both know you're going to win the fight, so rather than waste time and health you just quick finish and move on. And already I've gotten use out of it- getting a bit of grinding in while doing quests because hey, I can get some exp and only need to take five seconds per encounter rather than closer to a minute, avoiding the boredom factor caused by your opponent not being an actual threat. Or by being able to blaze through opponents that are hard to avoid while on the way to a quest battle.
It lessens the time you spend on fights that would just be needlessly drawn out and allows you to more quickly get through quests that are likely more interesting, or get to the real intense 'go down you bastard or so help me' fights that are where the game has really been shining for me.
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Okay. So I saw a post* recently-ish, but didn’t really know whether to add this stuff to it or make my own (out of worry about derailing anything or being too redundant).
I’m a-okay with either flip of ace/aro for the Creativitwins as headcanons.
But I do admit, ace!Remus is hella compelling. Specifically given that me and co-conspirator be on the ace-spec... and we make absolutely no bones about getting hella crass and being candid about talking about the sex stuff. Definitely not conversationally/conceptually repulsed.
(Also hell, I’m a huge advocate for better sex ed. Because holy shit, the system fails at that real hard. One other reason I’m pretty candid, but that’s neither here nor there.)
I guess there’s a certain absurdity to that realm of existence from the ace perspective. Nature is weird as shit. Humans are weird. Brains are weird. Grab some popcorn.
I’ll mostly speak for myself. But generally, I like engaging with... spicy material as the observer, not imagining myself being an active participant majority of the time. At that point, I generally get excitable for sensory/aesthetic/thematic/symbolic features of a character/scenario than connect any of it to primary sexual desire/attraction.
I also consider myself aro. I think it’s mostly d/t MH stuff in that front for myself (obviously, not a requisite for that ID; you can easily be aro, like ace, WITHOUT any MH/neurodivergence baggage involved). Healthy boundaries are hard/confusing/scary. Esp when romantic stuff is involved (navigating the Goldilocks Zone between being too avoidant and too dependent isn’t easy for me).
Romance as a genre tends to be very hit or miss, for me. Depends on a lot of factors whether the book or silver screen will get me to care. Some Rom-Com formulae feels stale/boring as hell.
I guess I also have more of an appreciation for fictional romance is if: I think the characters are compelling, how it’s all framed, and how it might play with audience expectations.
If all boxes are checked, I like that shit as an observer (or writer) as well.
I could see aro!Roman liking to explore that in storytelling for a creative exercise. One of many ways people relate with each other. One of the many ways to paint character arcs/dynamics/plot. One of the many ways to employ that good ole drama.
As both, I think that’s one reason I adore asymmetrical ships?
I like the idea that despite having different proclivities and different wants/needs from each other - the partners still appreciate/accept what they do have together. Heck, that can be part of what having secondary attraction can be - you might not feel sexually attracted to your partner but still would be down for it if it makes your partner happy (obviously w/ caveat of healthy communication > coercion).
To say nothing of shit like love languages (what we like to give and receive) and the many other forms of love that exists... storge/familial, philia, platonic...
*In case anyone was wondering, this was the post I was referring to, for context.
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growlighteco · 4 years
LED vs HPS Grow light – Which is best for you? | ECO Farm
There are so many different lights on the market and so many different customers with unique needs.
Farmers, horticulturists, gardeners and medical marijuana growers all need different features and they have a very broad selection of options to choose from.
The first big decision is between LED grow lights and HID lights, which include HPS and MH bulbs.
LED Grow Lights
Light emitting diodes, (LED) are relatively new in the horticultural and many people are not yet familiar with their benefits and drawbacks. HID lighting has been used in the industry for decades and has been the system of choice for indoor gardeners.
There are many compelling reasons why growers are making the switch to LED technology, including:
Energy savings – LEDs use up to 40 per cent less energy than traditional HPS systems to deliver the same light levels.
Optical design freedom – LED optics offer exceptional design flexibility in terms of light level, colour spectrum and distribution pattern.
Spectral tuning – LED fixtures offer multiple colour spectral variations – each specifically designed to elicit the desired plant response – including leaf size and stem elongation, chlorophyll concentration, pigment concentration, branching and early/late flowering. Plant response times are also often faster with LEDs.
Heat management – LED fixtures produce less heat and can be placed closer to plants, enabling higher light intensities without excessive heat. Reduced heat also translates into reduced water consumption.
Long life, low maintenance – LEDs last much longer than HPS lamps, and require far less maintenance.
HPS Grow Lights
HPS, or High Pressure Sodium lights are capable of producing a huge quantity of light. In fact, a lot of farmers preferred HPS lights for years because of this. Light is crucial during the flowering stage and has been known to increase yield at harvest. The high intensity of HPS grow lights can create an ideal environment for cannabis flowering. HPS lights are also comparatively cheap to set up. However, on the flipside, the high intensity output of High Pressure Sodium lights generates a lot of heat. In many cases, using HPS grow lights requires additional ventilation for sufficient airflow. This can increase costs significantly. In addition, the high intensity light consumes a huge amount of energy, driving up costs while also causing more environmental damage.
Which Option is Better?
Should you be using HPS or LED grow lights? Both options have merit. There are pros and cons of each. However, unless you are growing in frigid temperatures, you’re better off using LED lights. There are simply more advantages. LED lights offer long-term savings, energy efficiency, and do not require extra equipment. While the upfront cost of LED lights does tend to be higher than HPS lights – you may be shocked by just how affordable high quality options have become. The market has expanded enough that you’ll find a wide variety of options available. With the long-term savings, investing in a quality LED lighting system is the way to go. Whether you need LED lights for a large-scale grow or small operation, we have something to fit your needs!
Advantages of HPS Grow Lights
HPS grow lights are capable of producing an intense amount of light, which can increase cannabis flowering.
There are a wide variety of HPS grow lights available, so options have become more standardized.
The initial start-up costs are lower with HPS grow lights than LED lights.
Drawbacks of HPS Grow Lights
HPS grow lights require more power and are less energy efficient than LED lights.
HPS grow lights have a shorter shelf life in comparison to LED lights.
The intense lighting of HPS makes adequate airflow and ventilation essential.
Setting the optimal temperature can be challenging, particularly in confined spaces.
HPS grow lights increase costs substantially in the long-term
Advantages of LED Grow Lights
LED grow lights are more energy efficient. They produce the same amount of light as HPS lights but consume substantially less energy.
LED grow lights do not produce as much heat as HPS lights, avoiding the need for additional ventilation or airflow systems.
LED grow lights are smaller than HPS lights, maximizing grow space.
LED grow lights feature an impressive shelf life.
Drawbacks of LED Grow Lights
LED grow lights require a higher upfront investment. However, they can reduce costs in the long run due to their extensive shelf life.
LED grow lights may not produce enough heat as HPS lights for colder climates
LED lights lack standardization, which makes comparing options more challenging.
However, there is a  top quality and best priced LED grow lights for you!
Spider Farmer SF-4000 LED Grow Light
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LOWER RUNNING COSTS & HIGHER-QUALITY YIELDS: SPIDER FARMER LED Grow Lights utilize the latest in high yielding LEDs technology today-Samsung LM301B diodes, high Energy Efficiency with 2.7 umol/J, delivers powerful light output and uniform canopy penetration to resulting maximum higher yields. Only consumes 100w, running 50% less power than the other SMD LEDs or Blurple lamps or HPS. Veg footprint is 3 x 3 ft, Flowering footprint is 2 x 2 ft.
CUSTOMIZED DIMMING DESIGN: Upgraded SF series growing lights have a dimming knob and light switch. A single light can be adjusted the light intensity at liberty. Multi-light Connection with unified dimming especially beneficial for large area of indoor growing and commercial planting.
IDEAL FOR ALL GROWTH STAGES: Excellent full spectrum- white, blue, red and IR (3000K, 5000K, 660nm and IR 760nm). 3000K diodes providing more reddish light and the 5000K providing more blueish. The 660nm red and IR light is especially useful during bloom, where it speeds up flowering time and boost yields. Turn your seeds into your own supply. And the light looks fairly natural , so it's good for accurately monitoring plant health.
WELL MADE & SOLID CONSTRUCTION: No Fan Noise Free. High Safety performance MEAN WELL Driver, Fair Waterproofing. Update aluminum board is thick and sturdy, doesn't put out a tremendous amount of heat, high-quality protective covers for cables; User-Friendly Packaging. Quality components mean the light lasts longer, but they also save you money.
VALUE FOR THE MONEY: SPIDER FARMER LED Plant Lights are often copied but will never have our quality or commitment, we provides 3 years of after-service of local maintenance center(US/CA/UK/DE). Make sure you purchase authentic Spider Farmer grow lights, really can give you need from a high-quality grow lights – at a price that is affordable. For any questions, feel free to e-mail us and we will help you resolve it. Quality backed by our ironclad!!!
If you want to purchase a full spectrum LED grow light, this one will be your good choice.
Both LED grow lights and HPS grow lights are equally capable of producing great yields, and both have advantages over the other. If initial cost is not an issue, the answer to which one is better really comes down to other main factors contributing to your grow such as the growing method you plan to practice as well as the ambient conditions and size of the grow area.
In summary, whether or not an LED grow light is better than an HPS one involves a lot of factors. The debate will likely rage on for years to come, with LED growers offering up math that shows they are right, and HPS growers offering up math that says they are right, and both sides claiming that the other one is fudging the numbers. With cannabis strains and environmental factors being varied across the world, it makes matters that much harder to pin down.
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