#but the warrior was being an *sshole
py-dreamer · 4 months
Rant about shadowpeach (WARNING! Mac slander)
I'm sure you've all heard this time and time again but you know what screw it I'm tossing my 2 cents into the ring
I think my bias for Wukong definitely has a part in this but I will try to be as neutral as possible which is impossible. My personal opinions will absolutely shine through but it is just that: a personal opinion
I love my trio of gay monkeys, I really do.
Is Macaque a good character? Yes
I do think he's a genuinely interesting character, with cool mystery ,interesting backstory, cool powers, he's fun to watch, has a kickass theme song and aesthetic and I can see why a lot of fans attach themselves to them.
Do I love seeing him with Wukong? Yes
Their banter is fun, past shadowpeach can be sweet as sugar (or spicy, I don't judge) and their angst is real yummy.
What I don't like is when the angst is all Wukong's fault. And everyone and their grandma will harp on the Monkey king and just ignore all of Mac's bullsh!t. Especially in fanfics.
Like don't get me wrong, keep writing that good stuff! But like...jeez
The amount of smack that the golden monkey goes through in this fandom is like...yikes.
Look, I know we're all hung up about the bloody murder thing.
(Personally I'm on the theory that Wukong didn't actually kill Mac, if they were really that close he wouldn't have acted so casual upon their battle after he murdered him, but I digress)
And Wukong should be called out on that BUT.
Mac also isn't blameless here.
(If you like toxic shadowpeach, fine. But this is for peeps who think that Wukong is the only toxic one and Mac was just a victim.)
Take it from this perspective:
The two were really close during the brotherhood era. Wukong kept doing stupid things to gain power and getting them in trouble and in the final battle did something astronomically stupid and they all lost.
Then they all ditch him...leading to his imprisonment (five phases mountain) and torture (furnace and also being fed iron pellets and hot mercury)
Fair, Mac probably shouldn't have been trapped too but he visited once out of 500 years, had a fight and never came back by the looks of it.
He assigns himself the role of the warrior who always stood by his king's side.
And then ditched him in his time of need.
Mans really failed at his own self proclaimed job.
Fine, he probably should've taken a break, none of them were in the right state of mind and Wukong was being very bratty.
IF HE TRULY VALUED THEIR RELATIONSHIP (from the looks of his lil gay play, he did) HE WOULD'VE Y'KNOW. COME BACK AND TALK?!?!
If he really valued their relationship, outside of calling him a coward and LEAVING, never to visit again. Would that not be a perfect opportunity to communicate?
Like, my dude. He's stuck in the rock. He can't run. Could you not find the roots of the problem and solved it?
But lets say "He was too busy taking care of flower fruit mountain"
(despite him literally EATING one of the monkeys in JTTW, but that was JTTW and I don't think its canon in Lmk. But still, interesting to note.)
I'm sure his subjects were worried about their king? Did he never answer them? If he really valued their bond, could he not have I dunno, shadow portaled some monkeys to see their king or like put time aside to communicate and update the monkeys?
But lets say "He was too traumatized from the burning of his home and was too angry"
500 gosh dang years seems like a long time to take a break.
I feel like at that point, he should've let go of Wukong
We establish that their relationship is kinda wrecked.
They don't communicate.
He ditched Wukong for 500 years.
But when he see's the pilgrims decides that Wukong ditched him and the brotherhood..?
So by his logic, Wukong has abandoned ffm the brotherhood and him, after they ditched him under a mountain for 500 years, never visited, never talked, never tried to rebuild their relationship.
Sees the circlet being used, sees the pilgrims not trusting him, sees him go on this journey unwillingly, not allowed to leave the monk unprotected, and comes to the conclusion that Wukong is a traitor...?
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But plans to free him because he's being abused and forced to do it?
Pick a lane my dude. Did he abandon you or not?
He impersonates him, destroys what little trust the group had
hurts Wukong multiple times, till he gets banished. And tries to kill Tripitaka as he still had the bloody circlet?!
This isn't sad lover getting revenge at being abandoned.
This is bitter jealous ex getting petty revenge and still expecting to get back together like this.
Also he says he watched as the pilgrims tortured him with the fillet. If he watched them, he'd know that Wukong is also obligated to fight and most of the time he does kill them, despite the pacifist monk.
So tell me...
He does realize that like this was mandated by heaven right? And there'd be huge consequences to killing the monk right?
So basically:
Mac: yea so my plan is to impersonate you and commit crimes you didn't do, get you in trouble and inadvertently hurt you severely, traumatize you even more then kill the monk so we can go back to flower fruit mountain like we wanted to right?
Even though there will probably be astronomical consequences for you, me probably the rest of the monkeys for letting me kill this monk on the trip mandated by heaven. By failing to protect him, redeeming yourself and also losing a close friend heaven might probably put you under another mountain again probably forever this time, and I will probably use my powers to get out scotch free and we'd all blame you even though I killed him.
But you're still to blame for abandoning me, the brotherhood and your subjects even though I never visited you after our fight, calling you a coward, immediately leaving never to come back and update you on what happened. Its your fault the mountain is like this even though I never asked you for help or advice or even contacted you to let you know our home was destroyed.
Meanwhile I'm the victim and you never valued our friendship.
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This idiot-
In summary, he abandons his king, accused him for ditching them all comes back claiming to help him by antagonizing him, hurting him and puts himself in a position where he kinda has to do something?
Because Mac was set on killing the monk.
Everyone acts like he just visited, said something mean and Wukong played the stab game bit too hard.
But he tried to kill him and wouldn't back off?
Seriously what did he expect Wukong to do?
The fandom acts like he was given a pass to not die when he's already broken off the relationship and put Wukong in an impossible situation where Mac wouldn't freaking leave or let go about killing the monk.
I'm not saying that Wukong should've killed Mac on the spot. But I just wish that everyone stops acting like he was being such an asshole and killing him out of nowhere.
(for someone with six ears and is meant to be all hearing he sure is bad at listening)
Then he gets revived by the lady bone demon and let me check:
steals all of Mk's powers
tries to kill the kid despite having no bad blood with him
antagonizes Tang, ridiculing him and calling Wukong a coward despite ditching him under a mountain
makes a copy of the TEA van to kidnap and traumatize Mk even more
Traumatizes Mk AGAIN in the shadow play and steals his friends souls
Hold Mei and Sandy hostage for the rings and tries to squeeze the life out of them
Shooting the airship down (OOOHHHH WUUUKOOOONG this ape is down bad.)
Chokes Mei and uses her as a hostage again for the samadhi fire ritual
Immediately leaves after Mei's firey outburst
Wants to leave possessed Wukong to the clutches of LBD
never gives Mk the full story in the ink scroll that he tried to kill Sanzang or how he never came back.
I don't even think Macaque has apologized for any of his bullsh!t.
Some of his acts were necessary but he just makes it uneccessarily cruel and revels in their pain
And the fandom makes them all buddy buddy at the end, excuse all his actions and collectively hate Wukong?
Yes he does help Mk in fighting possessed Wukong but like LBD's reign would end the world as he knew it. What else could he do? DBK would probably do it in his position.
But he never apologizes to any of the cast.
I've seen fics where he does apologize which is good.
But he also never apologizes to monkey king?
But that will be in pt2. Yes there will be a goddamn pt2 cause I've not even scratched the surface when it comes to fanfics.
But I will take this chance to share a fic that does tackle this issue really well:
Fractured Pieces make a mosaic by @furornocturna
Cause this fic is genuinely so good I am vibrating at the seams, its one of my favs (also furornoctura's writing is good in general)
One of the only fics I've seen where the characters all call out Mac being a jackass and in an interesting way.
One day I will make some fanart for this but till then this will do
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Their writing is so yummy go check it out
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Museums and Abstract Paintings, a Quinnby fic, Chapter Five
“I’m sorry sirs, but there really is only one free room. I can always call you back when another opens up?”
“You’re kidding. You have to be kidding me.” Trilby was less than enthused to share a room with Chris on this mission. Especially since they’d be here for days.
Chris let out a small sigh, pulling out his wallet, “How much to book it for the week?” He asked, “Actually it doesn’t matter, we’ll take it, do you take debit?”
“Yes sir.”
Trilby watched the demon slayer purchase the room, silently deciding to pay Chris back half later, it’d be unfair to make Chris take the total of the bill when they’d both be staying there.
They were given their key and told how to find their room, only to discover... a small hotel room with one bed in the middle.
“This day just keeps getting better.” Trilby groaned.
“Hey, a bird didn’t sh^t on your favorite shoes this morning.” Chris pointed out, leaving his rolling suitcase next to the door, “I can sleep out in the car.”
“No, no, it’s fine, you take the bed.” Trilby said, “Tomorrow we can look for a better place to stay. I’ll take the floor tonight.”
“Mate, I’m not letting you sleep on the floor.” Chris scoffed.
“Well I’m not letting you sleep in the car.” Trilby countered, “So it’s either that or we share the bed.”
“Oh. Yeah that works.”
“It’s a big bed, you’re practically a toothpick, I doubt we’d even notice each other.” Chris sounded so nonchalant, “And I don’t snore, so you don’t gotta worry about that.”
“... you’re serious?” Chris was actually just fine with sleeping in the same bed?
“Well yeah. Why? Would you rather I sleep in the car?” Chris asked.
“... okay, fine.” Trilby just wanted to get to sleep. They’d been driving all day and he was exhausted. He could worry about whatever the 80s thought about two men sleeping in the same bed tomorrow.
They both changed into pajamas, Trilby with a full shirt and pants, and Chris with some sweats. Trilby’s eyes traced over the scars that littered the other, resting on what seemed to be the result of a bullet wound, it was on his chest and had a matching one on the back. Chris didn’t seem to notice. Or maybe he just didn’t care. Trilby couldn’t help but think, despite all the scars, Chris was more than a little attractive. He shook those thoughts from his head, it was outrageously inappropriate to be thinking of his work partner in such a way.
Chris was right about the bed being big enough for them both. It was shockingly easy to forget the frankly huge demon hunter was less than an arm’s length away and drift off to sleep.
Chris glanced at the time as he woke up. 3:24 am. Geez that’s early. He wondered if any coffee or candy shops were open at this time. He was cut from his thoughts by a scared whimper next to him. He sat up and looked over at Trilby, in the dim moonlight he could see the other’s face was scrunched up, he was mumbling, and seemed in a cold sweat, having a nightmare maybe?
“Hey, Trilbs?” He nudged the ex thief, “Trilby.”
The other awoke with a start, staring at Chris wide eyed for a split second before realizing he’d been dreaming, he seemed to be trying to calm him breathing, glancing around as if the room held some secret that would allow him to play off how scared he currently was.
“Are you okay? Whatever dream you were having it Uh-It didn’t seem like a good one.” Chris kept his voice quiet and calm, not wanting to frighten the agent any more.
Trilby sat up, fidgeting with his hands, staring at the window, then the corners, then the door, then repeating, as if he expected to find someone waiting to jump out at him. “It uh... I’m fine.” His voice was tense, shaking some.
Chris prepared himself for the possibility of Trilby punching him for this, but he hated seeing the other so frightened. He wrapped an arm around the ex thief, pulling him to his chest, “Yeah, it was just a dream.” He kept his act casual, as if he wasn’t now cradling his work partner.
Trilby didn’t punch him, or react badly at all. He actually leaned into the embrace, “Just a dream.. you’re right. It wasn’t real.” He didn’t looked at Chris, likely trying to keep at least some of his dignity.
They sat like that for a while, Chris watching over Trilby as he calmed down, and Trilby pretending that he wasn’t snuggled up to Chris’ chest. Finally, at nearly 4 am Trilby spoke again. “Normally when I can’t sleep, or when I wake up and.. don’t want to, I’ll go outside and look at the sky until I’m tired.” He sounded calmer, closer to the usual snarky ^sshole Chris knew.
“I mean that’d do it, stargazing *is* just about the most boring thing out there.” Chris chuckled to himself, he couldn’t believe people actually went out and stared at some burning balls of gas light years away for *fun*. It was always the same when you looked up. Little white dots cutting through the dark, sometimes different white dots, but anything that wasn’t a white dot was so rare it made the news.
“Is that a joke?” Trilby stared at him as if he had two heads, “How is stargazing *boring*?! Have you ever even *looked* at the night sky?”
Chris was caught off guard by Trilby’s shock, “Well I-“
“No. No no no no, no way. I won’t stand for this. Get a shirt on we’re going outside.”
“Right now?”
“*Get a shirt on Quinn!*”
“Okay okay!”
It wasn’t more than a few minutes before they were both outside, sitting on the lawn outside of the hotel, Trilby looking like a man on a mission, and Chris so confused why Trilby took his disinterest in some stars so personal.
“How is *this* boring?” Trilby demanded staring at him.
“Oh I dunno, hey look, a white dot! Wow, another dot, hey there’s the moon, a bigger dot. Not my idea of fun.” Chris shrugged, “I don’t get what you see up there.”
“Do you know any constellations? Or the name of the stars?”
“Well sure. There’s Orion’s Belt right there, so uh, that star should be... Zeta.”
“And that isn’t cool to you at all? There’s so much up there! It’s all so far away but we can see it so clearly, we even find shapes and stories in the sky! It’s amazing!”
“... it’s okay.” Chris shrugged, “Look I’m not trying to offend you or anything. It just ain’t my cup of tea.”
Trilby paused, he was clearly invested in making Chris see what he did, he pointed to a star, “See that one?”
“Yeah..?” Chris pointed to the same one, Trilby grinned.
“Okay great, follow my finger.” He began to draw a picture of some sort of vehicle, it wasn’t any constellation Chris had ever heard of, but Trilby seemed so happy to show it that well... Chris had to admit that he was happy to see it. “That’s the chariot.”
“I’ve never heard of it.”
“It’s not a real constellation, as a kid Uh, my dad promised he’d teach me about them but, I got bored of waiting, but I didn’t want to learn without him. So I made my own.”
“... that’s actually really cool.” Chris said, “Are there any others?”
He didn’t think he’d ever seen Trilby so happy, it made his heart flutter, he could’ve sat there and listened to him talk forever, as the other painted pictures in the night sky it lit up in a way Chris had never seen, going from a bland canvas full of little holes to a painting worth everything in the world and more. A light that shone on Trilby’s face to make the most gorgeous sight the demon slayer had ever seen.
“Oh-this one, he’s the warrior. My little brother made him up!”
“You have a brother?” Chris asked, a bit surprised. Trilby had always seemed such a loner, Chris hadn’t been able to imagine the man with any siblings.
Trilby clearly hadn’t meant to mention him, he paused, probably collecting his thoughts before speaking, “Yeah. Haven’t seen him in years. He was a good kid.” He looked away, “I hope he’s doing good, wherever he is.”
“.. have you ever thought about visiting?”
“If I was going to come back it should’ve been when he was still 16. It’s too late to fix what I did now.”
Chris couldn’t imagine what that must have felt like. Part of not having most of his memories meant he didn’t really have any regrets. Maybe going to the mental hospital but, that was it. Whatever Trilby had done had clearly stuck with him.. he paused, “Hey uh. Do you think I could make one?” He asked, hoping to take Trilby’s mind off whatever memories it was going back to.
Trilby smiled again, “Go ahead!”
“Uhh, it starts there.” Chris lead Trilby through a crude image of someone wearing a crown, “I’ll call it the emperor.” He grinned, “Pretty cool if I do say so myself.”
Trilby laughed, smiling, “I love it.” He leaned against Chris, “Thanks for letting me drag you out here.”
“Honestly? I’m glad you did.” Chris said, “I think I’m gonna have to stargaze more often.”
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py-dreamer · 2 months
I can't believe this is the first goddamn video I post.
But times are funny like that aren't they?
Ok so as the thumbnail says, this is specifically for the first lmk fic I've written:
"When the sun sets forever."
Yes it's shadowpeach, how on earth did you guess. And if you've floated around my dreamscape for a while, you'll know my...
...very enthusiastic opinions of Macaque...
(I promise I do still like him, he's a great character, it's just I get pretty peeved by how the majority of the fandom portrays their relationship a lot of peeps bashing Wukong and saying Mac did nothing wrong-
I have a whole other post about this and the fic, I'm tired man, here're the links:
But regardless, if you enjoy some Macaca slander, hop on board!
If you don't , good for you! Please don't harass anyone who thinks otherwise.
But to sum up:
In this fic we explore a scenario where Macaque finds a time alterating artifact after a huge spat on the mountain (that resulted in the clip above), uses that artifact to make it so he killed Tripitaka during JTTW. Then we see his pov in this universe where things have certainly changed drastically
...and not necessarily for the better.
People change. Friends or foes found dead or alive. Cities fall and some thrive.
But one thing I can assure you?
Neither of our mystic monkeys are having any fun until the end.
But yeah! Formal announcement post for my fic!
Yes this is a big reason why I've been absent for like a month
No I won't stop posting art. I'm taking a short break rn to get into the rhythm of drawing again
No there isn't a formal posting schedule, but I do have it in mind
No this isn't the big BIG project I've been working on for a few weeks
(Forgive me if I missed anything from s5, this was planned and written before that and I haven't watched it yet)
But enough about me!
I want to thank anyone who's already seen the fic and/or left kudos or comments
And I want to give an especially huge shoutout to @furornocturna for beta reading this thing!
Their work is great! And is one of the most enjoyable reads I've read in a long while
And since I haven't seen an official post for it yet...
SHABAM!!! Another great fic! She recently updated it too! It's about amnesiac Wukong who thinks Macaque is still his mate and MK is their child!
Wham bam, pajama sam's christmas ham: hijinks ensue
Very entertaining, good ol Macaque bashing
(she and I like to stand around him in a circle and give him a good whack with the consequences stick sometimes. It builds character.)
And parental Shadowpeach is always appreciated here. 10/10
I have not linked it but also check out:
Fractured pieces make a mosaic
Also written by her! Another great fic that delves into more of the sins of Macaque against EVERYONE not just Wukong
But about the video, yea just heard the audio and thought it'd be funny
I feel like Chang'e would definitely comfort a friend after some harsh words like what happens in the 1st chapter
Or at least she'd hear what Macaque did from Wukong and give massive side eye
(Especially since I figured she'd have a damn well knowledge of bad men *cough* *cough8 the reason Zhu Bajie got kicked out of heaven in the first place *cough* *cough*
I know they've rarely interacted in canon but hey, they've at least met on screen and we know Wukong can build a rocket to visit. Plus both being lonely immortals with cute animal subjects being theri only companions for centuries...
I have a feeling they'd get along somehow
They remind me of friends who exchange pics of their cute pet, only it's more like children for Wukong since they're literally his Sun family
And anyway the fandom pairs Mac and Chang'e just because they have a moon motif so let me have this goddamit.
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